
Because we're grown ups now, and its our turn to decide what that means.

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243.1 Alicia and the Liath-Flail

Started by Corwin, April 02, 2012, 02:12:07 PM

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[21:39] <Kotono> --
[21:39] <Kotono> Thus Alicia and Marie gather. Jessica and others are busy with Hugo, while Antenora's nowhere to be found. The two have artifacts in front of them, ready to cast...OOC: Go for your castings?
[21:42] <Alicia> Manipulating the raw forces of magic to divine the truth of the artifacts they carry, Alicia invokes her spell to finally find out about the secretive ring of eternal celerity. Marie mostly just learns about the third resort for the hell of it.
[21:42] <Alicia> roll 1d4*10 minutes Alicia
06[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d4*10 minutes Alicia and gets 10." [1d4=1]
[21:42] <Alicia> roll 1d4*10 minutes Marie
06[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d4*10 minutes Marie and gets 10." [1d4=1]
[21:48] <Kotono> Alicia learns the following: Long ago a ring was forged out of human potential, the greatest research of a long-lost wizard. It is said to be able to be worn by no living man, yet it has been worn by the strongest. (More)
[21:52] <Kotono> Old legends long forgotten say the ring was tossed far away in a cataclysmic battle. Forgotten tools of a long gone war, ready for the strongest and to cull the weakest. (More)
[21:53] <Kotono> It was said that the ring has no set powers. It's magic draws out the strength in whomever is mighty enough to wear it. The ring itself is disagreeable, seeking to break the user or strengthen them trying. It strives constantly for potential, and it is said those that survive wearing it will reach heights never imagined. (More)
[21:55] <Kotono> Marie finds out: In ancient times, a star fell from the heavens. This Fairest Star was claimed by a gnome, who forged part of it into legendary weapons. (More)
[21:57] <Kotono> This dagger is said to be a key to an ancient mystery. Six keys, but be wary of six, for six is a number of catastrophy and misfortune...but three is a number of truth. Perhaps it is some of both? (More)
[22:00] <Kotono> Long ago, a vision was had by a mad priest. He claimed that the six will inspire a new world: Bow, sword, dagger, ring, shield, star.
[22:01] <Alicia> Marie and Alicia share their findings with each other, which admittedly wasn't very helpful in either case. But, curiousity sated, they go to spend some quality time with Jessica and Hugo to kill the rest of the evening before bedtime.
[22:02] <Kotono> That evening, just before Alicia settles down to pass into sleep, there is a knock on her door.
06[22:03] * Alicia sits up, drawing her nightgown about her. "Come in?"
[22:03] <Kotono> Antenora enters in. She is without her weapon and wearing a simple gown of pure white. "Evening," she says quietly to Alicia, closing the door behind her.
[22:05] <Alicia> "Hello. Wanted to talk?" Alicia surmises, adjusting her wings so she can sit up with her back against the headboard.
[22:06] <Kotono> "Yeah." Wrapping her wings around her, Antenora smiles as she looks down. "I always thought it was august and magnificent went Pit Fiends did this with their wings. It looks like a royal red cloak for them." After a moment of studying her feathers, "I wanted to apologize for what I said to to you today."
[22:08] <Alicia> "You've got nothing to apologise for," Alicia asserts, shaking her head.
[22:09] <Kotono> "I think I do." Antenora goes to sit next to Alicia. "I felt out of balance after being in the Abyss. You were right and it wasn't my place to make the remarks about sniveling to Baator and Malcanthet that I did."
[22:11] <Alicia> "Antenora... for me to be offended by that I'd have to have actually considered either," Alicia points out. "Unless... you didn't actually think I would, did you?" she's compelled to ask.
[22:12] <Kotono> "At the moment it made sense. Now I know it was just foolishness." Antenora turns to Alicia, smiling a little bit.
06[22:14] * Alicia is a bit disappointed that Antenora could think that of her, really. "It was," she nods. "Right from the start, when Seira's father first suggested it, I've been against involving Malcanthet. And the thought of asking devils for help, after all they've put us through? Not a chance," she shakes her head firmly.
[22:17] <Kotono> Antenora sighs, going to lean against Alicia. She rests her head against Alicia's shoulder, closing her eyes. "I know. But that Abyss...I kept thinking those...things...were my unborn children. I couldn't get the thought out of my mind, and my stomach kept churning. I barely remember anything until Lsyscrea was on me, nearly ripping me apart. Then...I just don't know. I needed some time."
[22:19] <Alicia> Suddenly feeling guilty as she recalls Antenora's horrible experience being poisoned in that passage, Alicia puts a comforting arm around her. "I'm sorry, it must have been horrible... we didn't give you much time after that, did we?"
[22:20] <Kotono> "It wouldn't have gotten better there." Antenora just rests there, "I knew that in my heart and soul. We had to keep going. But...I kept remembering that...and the story of the Neverborn. Those could have been my babies and..."
[22:22] <Alicia> "They weren't," Alicia asserts firmly. "They were mindless parasites that would have eaten you alive from the inside given any chance. You know how Kytons like to demoralise their foes by changing their faces? It's exactly like that, nothing more."
[22:22] <Kotono> "I pray it was." Antenora nuzzles into Alicia's shoulder, "I prayed to Mystra it was. But the Abyss has a way of hurting you like you never thought you could be hurt."
[22:25] <Alicia> "I know," Alicia agrees to that wearily. "You have to be strong, that's all you can do."
[22:25] <Kotono> "I will be. How are you and Marie? I tried to cheer Marie up...but I didn't do a very good job. All my squawking about filthy chaos can't have helped, either." Antenora says.
06[22:30] * Alicia sighs softly. "We'll live. That reminds me we need to see what we can do for Oraga... I'll look into those bracers tomorrow. Anyway, all we can do is ensure nothing like that ever happens again. Now that I know what's possible, I won't make the same mistake... small comfort though it is."
[22:32] <Kotono> "Thanks." Antenora opens her eyes, smiling to Alicia. "When you hurt in Hell, yo uwere alone and you ignored the feelings until you could suppress them. Being able to talk to someone and rest on their shoulder...thank you, Alicia. Let me comfort you, too."
[22:35] <Alicia> "You do," Alicia reassures her. "It's nice to know you're looking out for me. Marie appreciates it as well."
[22:39] <Kotono> Antenora sniffles. "What are you going to do tomorrow, Alicia?"
[22:41] <Alicia> "We need to go report to Lady Honeydip, but it won't be till mid afternoon that Latha can actually return there. I suppose I'll have a look at those bracers first thing... I should have divined them instead of the third resort when I had the chance earlier," Alicia replies thoughtfully.
[22:44] <Kotono> "Mmmm." Antenora listens to that, "We need to try at least. We may not succeed, but we have to try. Did the divinations turn up anything?"
[22:46] <Alicia> "Nothing we didn't know before, in respect of the ring of eternal celerity," Alicia shakes her head. "As for the resort? Hmm... it hinted that there was something seperating it from the other resorts, but nothing particularly clear or helpful."
[22:47] <Kotono> "Mmmm." Antenora half sighs, though it's light and restful. "It's..mmmm." She closes her eyes, "I should get up before I fall asleep here...shouldn't I?"
[22:49] <Alicia> "Still half a week till you can go back to your shortened sleep pattern?" Alicia teases. "Go to bed, Antenora. You deserve a rest."
[22:50] <Kotono> "I know." Antenora smiles, "It's just warm're soft...and you smell nice." She sits up nonetheless, "It would give Marie all the wrong ideas if I fell asleep here, though."
07[22:50] * Ginrai is on IRC (Ginrai)
[22:51] <Alicia> "Good night, Antenora," Alicia doesn't rise to the bait. "Sweet dreams."
[22:52] <Kotono> With her own easy smile, "Sleep well, Alicia." OOC: It's nearly work so let's pause here.

[22:59] <Kotono_Ibis> -----
03[22:59] * Ebiris is now known as Alicia
[22:59] <Kotono_Ibis> Alicia, refresh me on your agenda here?
[23:00] <Alicia> Most important thing is to visit Honeydip, but Latha's travel embargo means I have most of the day to kill, so the first thing I'll do in the morning will be to cast a Limited Wish-ed Legend Lore on Lyscrea's bracers.
[23:02] <Kotono_Ibis> Okay. Going to back to Celestia and ask to see 'em?
[23:03] <Alicia> Oh, we didn't take them with us? If Romiel held onto them I don't care enough to go back and get them, so scratch that.
[23:03] <Kotono_Ibis> Okay.
[23:04] <Kotono_Ibis> Yeah, they were left, no one took them or anything.
[23:05] <Kotono_Ibis> Then what's on your agenda?
[23:05] <Alicia> Okay. Instead I'll use Limited Wish to cast See Invis on Marie. Then an hour later I'll use Limited Wish to cast Permanency and make it stick.
[23:06] <Kotono_Ibis> Okay, that'll go without incident.
[23:07] <Kotono_Ibis> Add it to her sheet.
[23:08] <Kotono_Ibis> Then what?
[23:09] <Alicia> Done.
[23:11] <Alicia> Next... I'll go to Kelara and see how things are over there, and if any progress has been made on brewing regeneration potions.
[23:12] <Kotono_Ibis> Go ahead and roll TP for it.
[23:12] <Kotono_Ibis> Going alone by th eway or?
[23:12] <Alicia> I'll bring along Marie so I can make a sidetrip, and anyone else who wants to come along. I'll be disguised in aasimar-form myself.
[23:13] <Alicia> roll 1d100 road outside of Kelara
06[23:13] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d100 road outside of Kelara and gets 56." [1d100=56]
[23:16] <Kotono_Ibis> Jessica'll tag along. Antenora will stay with Latha for th emoment.
[23:16] <Kotono_Ibis> OOC: Outside of the city or close to your parents house, 'licia?
[23:17] <Alicia> OOC: Closer to the city, want to visit the church first
[23:18] <Kotono_Ibis> Woosh! Alicia appears close to Kelara! The city gates are wide open, travelers and country-carts coming and going freely. A soft drizzle falls, the ground squishy and muddy. It's quite chilly, on the border of everything freezing over. There's not a drip-drop of sunlight to be found.
[23:19] <Alicia> Honestly, it's rather refreshing compared to the ever-present corpse-stench Balmuria has developed of late, so Alicia refrains from her customary complaints about the weather and starts heading to the gates.
[23:21] <Kotono_Ibis> Jessica shivers and draws her cloak tighter, "Is Kelara truly always like this," she asks, as the sisters head into the city. A few guards give yo ua very cursory glance but let you by without a challenge.
[23:23] <Alicia> "Mostly. It gets really hot in the for two weeks in the Summer but that's about it," Alicia replies as they head for the temple of Mystra. "I don't really understand, considering how close it is to the desert."
[23:24] <Alicia> "You probably steal all their rain," Marie remarks, resting on Jessica's shoulder rather than flying in this drizzly weather.
[23:25] <Kotono_Ibis> "Magic?" Jessica shrugs, "History gets fuzzy very quickly. Maybe the God-King did it or someone before him?"
[23:27] <Alicia> "Could be. It's certainly more livable than any of the areas surrounding it, so perhaps it was blessed by Chauntaea?" Alicia wonders idly.
[23:29] <Kotono_Ibis> "After a couple of hundred years, all the human histories get remote and diluted. The elven histories are better, but even a few thousand years turns things to bardtale and fancy." Jessica pulls her cloak tighter as you approach the Mystra's sacred temple. "You know, I had an idea about that. I've been reading a lot...I wonder if it's intentional? The world lost so much before, maybe it's heritage and memory are a part of that?"
[23:29] <Kotono_Ibis> The world lost so much before, maybe it's heritage and memory are a part of that?"
[23:32] <Alicia> "That honestly bothers me a little, about the elves," Alicia frowns. "Take the war with the gnomes, two thousand years ago. For humans that's an immensely long time - something like thirty full human lifetimes. It's no wonder all our stories of them were distorted or forgotten. But for elves it's what? Three, four lifetimes? They have to have made a deliberate effort to hide things."
[23:34] <Kotono_Ibis> "Yeah, that didn't seem right." Jessica pauses just at the door of the temple, shaking her hair dry. "From what I've heard mentioned from you and what I've inferred, I think the elves felt guilty for it. Maybe some of it is intentionally forgetting?"
[23:34] <Kotono_Ibis> Biting her lip, "It's not much different than what you said, but...there is a difference, I think."
[23:37] <Alicia> "It's a reasonable explanation," Alicia agrees, wiping her feet and pushing her hood off before they enter Mystra's home. "It's just surprising that they were so successful at it - by their standards it really hasn't been that long at all."
[23:39] <Kotono_Ibis> "That's why I don't think it's all their fault." Jessica stamps her feet dry after Alicia, "If it is what I think it may be, only the Gods could know, but..."
[23:40] <Alicia> "How do you mean?" Alicia asks curiously. "You think their... racial memory, was tampered with?"
[23:42] <Kotono_Ibis> "I think..." Jessica pauses, "I don't think it was natural. I don't know if it was magic or could be magic, if it was divine intervention of the acts of beings we can't hope to understand..." With a long shrug, "But I don't believe it's natural."
[23:43] <Alicia> "You should ask Latha sometime," Marie suggests. "Isn't she three thousand years old? So she was already ancient even when Daa-vid was stomping around. I bet she could tell you all about the march of history."
[23:44] <Kotono_Ibis> "That's a good idea," Jessica snaps her fingers together, "I'll do that later today."
[23:44] <Alicia> "Could be interesting to hear her perspective on it," Alicia agrees, looking around for any sign of the elven dweomerkeeper.
[23:46] <Kotono_Ibis> No sign of her about, just a few priests working and a few worshippers about. Looks quiet this morning, with the scent of incense in the air.
06[23:47] * Alicia has no qualms about asking one of the clergy as to her whereabouts. If she's busy it's no problem to wait.
[23:50] <Kotono_Ibis> The priest smiles at Alicia, bowing deep. "Honored one, she performing spiritual rites of healing now. If you would wait here for a time she will return soon, in Mystra's time and wisdom."
[23:51] <Alicia> "There's no rush," Alicia demurs, choosing to kill time by finding a comfortable spot to continue discussing history with Jessica while they wait.
[23:53] <Kotono_Ibis> Settling into a few pews near the altar, Jessica sits down. "The current dating system is just shy of four hudred years...but we're talking about events in the thousands of years." Jessica dusts off the pew before sitting, "What do you think?"
06[23:54] * Alicia tries to recall what happened four hundred years ago to kick off the new calendar...
[23:54] <Kotono_Ibis> OOC: K:H check.
[23:55] <Alicia> OOC: I'll take 10 for 12, since without ranks I can't know anything above DC 10 anyway
[23:56] <Kotono_Ibis> It has something to do with...Malmuth, Alicia thinks. She thinks. It's been a long time since her history tutor taught her lessons!
[23:57] <Alicia> "Wasn't it set by the formation of the Malmuth Empire?" Alicia hazards. "Probably some warlord will set up their own huge empire within the next few centuries and start a new calendar to reaffirm their greatness. What did we base our calendar on before that?"
[23:58] <Kotono_Ibis> "I...don't know offhand," Jessica bites down on her lip, "I think it was the Malmuthian Empire, yes, for the currenrt one."
Session Time: Tue Nov 17 00:00:00 2009
06[00:02] * Alicia smiles dryly. "I admit I've been so focused on learning obscure planar esoterica these last few years I've neglected the history of our own world. But even four hundred years is an immensely long time to contemplate... and yet we live with two people who were already old when some bright-eyed king decided to make himself an emperor."
[00:03] <Kotono_Ibis> "It puts it all into perspective." Jessica settles back into her seat, shifting every few moments against the wooden pew. "Six hundred is old for an elf, and Antenora claims she's newly born. Latha...3,000 years is an amazingly long time."
[00:08] <Alicia> "Even Taldeer here is in her mid two hundreds. It's just on a completely different scale than we deal with," Alicia nods. "You can't expect Latha or Antenora to know much about what was happening here while they had other concerns over their long lifetimes, but there must still be thousands of elves still alive who were around when Malmuth became an Empire. It's not history for them."
[00:14] <Kotono_Ibis> "You can..." Jessica begins, then thoughtfully stops. "What if she doesn't remember, too?"
[00:17] <Alicia> "That's a fair point," Alicia admits, considerate of her sister's limited frame of reference for memory deterioration over a scale of decades. "There's a lot I can't remember from twenty years ago, myself. I mean, the generalities are there, the big events, but a lot of specifics..." she shrugs, smiling. "Maybe I should have kept a diary?"
[00:19] <Kotono_Ibis> "These days, couldn't you just wiggle your fingers and..." Jessica smiles slightly, "I know that wouldn't be easy magic, but surely you could conjure up a way to refresh your memories of childhood?"
06[00:22] * Alicia is silent for a moment as she gives the suggestion some serious thought, and after a moment she nods happily. "You're right, actually, I could. Memory manipulation isn't something I've ever been able to learn before, but I could easily emulate it with the Limited Wish spell."
[00:24] <Kotono_Ibis> "What could you remember? Your best day of your life? The first time you had a crush on someone? Being a happy toddler? Could you even remember before you were born?" On that, Jessica thinks, "Say Marie, what's the first thing you remember?"
[00:30] <Alicia> "Oh, I can remember the moment I was born," Marie replies proudly. "I was in this big flower in one of the gardens in Dweomerheart, and the petals unfolded as I opened my eyes for the first time - and I could see lots of people clustered around."
[00:30] <Alicia> "They were all happy to see me, and I knew in my heart that they were my friends. I took off and joined in a game of Dodgespell straight away - I won, too! Although I think they let me win, because that's what I always do when I see a new arrival."
[00:31] <Kotono_Ibis> "You were born in a flower?" Scratching her head, "I always imagined you were a pea sized baby held by a mother courre. Though that's a really strange image now that I think about it..." Jessica frowns as she thinks, "So new outsiders just appear in the gardens there?"
[00:33] <Alicia> "That's how we courre normally appear, anyway," Marie nods her head up and down. "After, y'know, shuffling off the mortal coil. Others can manifest in different ways, but whatever the method you always arrive to a sea of friendly faces!"
[00:36] <Kotono_Ibis> "You know," Going to look at her hand and arm, "Am I going to wake up one morning in a flower now? Or is Alicia going to pop out of a tree in Dweomerheart? How does it work when it's not the normal process?"
[00:40] <Alicia> "I dunno how it'll work for Alicia, I've never met an exalted chosen one like her before," Marie waves blithely in the direction of said exalted being. "But for most people it's really happy and pleasant. I may have died in tremendous agony while screaming my head off, but I don't remember any of that!" she grins inanely,
[00:40] <Alicia> "I think the arrival tends to be a bit more dramatic for true outsiders as opposed to petitioners - not even mentioning expressly created divine servants, but everyone generally slots right in easily. The point is for you to end up where you're supposed to be, after all."
[00:43] <Kotono_Ibis> "It makes cases like Latha and Antenora more interesting. Even the divine isn't perfect." Thoughtfully starting to think, "I've read some on outsiders, what books we have and the various more explicit books you've brought home, sister."
[00:49] <Alicia> "It's really just a continuation of life as we know it, taking myriad new forms," Alicia surmises.
[00:49] <Alicia> "We've got Marielle here, a typical example of a devoted worshipper who earns a place serving her goddess in the hereafter. Latha's an example of one created whole-cloth by her god to fulfill a specific role. And Antenora's one who was born from a mother and father much as any mortal might be. It just shows how far the possibilities range."
[00:50] <Kotono_Ibis> "Endless possibilities, save until oblivion." Jessica looks to Marie now, "If an outsider is slain on their home world, they die forever, or so the legends say? No afterlife for them? How do you deal with that?"
[00:53] <Alicia> "Your essence gets absorbed by your home," Marie replies philosophically. "It's not glamourous, and I prefer to be active and thinking, but there's a small comfort to know that if worst comes to worst then a little piece of Dweomerheart will be all me."
[00:55] <Kotono_Ibis> "I..." Jessica shakes her head, "I like thinking too much to ever want that to happen. Thinking, living, feeling, doing, touching, tasting, breathing, loving...all of it's too much to give up to join with some plane."
[00:58] <Alicia> "It's not as good as my current existence, no," Marie agrees. "But some people just get tired, and it offers them a release... of course, being immortal, there's nothing to stop you just hibernating for a few centuries if you're really tired. You might find something fun when you poke your head back up again!"
[00:59] <Kotono_Ibis> "What a fascinating conversation," Dweomerkeeper Taldeer's voice carries over, "Marielle, Iw asn't aware courre could hibernate."
[01:03] <Alicia> "I heard another story," Alicia volunteers. "That- ah, Taldeer!" she stops, turning to greet her mentor.
[01:03] <Alicia> "Well, I've never met any who actually did," Marie admits. "But we could! And we wouldn't even need to stock up on nuts, first!"
[01:04] <Kotono_Ibis> "Story, what is-" Jessica stops as well, "Ah, Dweomerkeeper!"
[01:04] <Kotono_Ibis> "You are a creature of many hidden talents." With a thin, small smile, "What can I do for you today, Alicia?"
[01:06] <Alicia> "I'll tell you later," Alicia promises Jessica, rising to her feet. "Two reasons, really," she then answers the cleric, "I was curious how things were progressing on duplicating those potions I gave you, and also I felt you could stand to know what's happening in the world - it's been chaos to the East."
[01:07] <Kotono_Ibis> "I received sendings on the matter, but a more indepth view would be welcomed," Taldeer escorts th ewomen back to her quarters. Once there, seated in comfortable chairs and warmed cider poured, "So go on, Alicia. Tell me of the east first"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:07] <Kotono> > "What a fascinating conversation," Dweomerkeeper Taldeer's voice carries over, "Marielle, Iw asn't aware courre could hibernate."
[20:07] <Kotono> <Alicia> "I heard another story," Alicia volunteers. "That- ah, Taldeer!" she stops, turning to greet her mentor.
[20:07] <Kotono> <Alicia> "Well, I've never met any who actually did," Marie admits. "But we could! And we wouldn't even need to stock up on nuts, first!"
[20:07] <Kotono> > "Story, what is-" Jessica stops as well, "Ah, Dweomerkeeper!"
[20:07] <Kotono> > "You are a creature of many hidden talents." With a thin, small smile, "What can I do for you today, Alicia?"
[20:07] <Kotono> <Alicia> "I'll tell you later," Alicia promises Jessica, rising to her feet. "Two reasons, really," she then answers the cleric, "I was curious how things were progressing on duplicating those potions I gave you, and also I felt you could stand to know what's happening in the world - it's been chaos to the East."
[20:08] <Kotono> > "I received sendings on the matter, but a more indepth view would be welcomed," Taldeer escorts th ewomen back to her quarters. Once there, seated in comfortable chairs and warmed cider poured, "So go on, Alicia. Tell me of the east first"
03[20:12] * Ebiris is now known as Alicia
[20:14] <Alicia> "The twenty five word limit makes meaningful discourse difficult," Alicia agrees as she takes a seat. "It began in Malmuth a few days ago, when the city was attacked by a dozen remorhaz that abruptly teleported within its walls."
[20:14] <Alicia> "I've heard of such beasts, and while fierce they shouldn't pose much threat to a well armed and disciplined group of warriors. These were different, though - any one would rival the fabled sand worms of the desert fiefdoms. With a dozen raging throughout the city, you can well imagine the devastation."
[20:21] <Kotono> "Mystra above," Taldeer gasps, "How badly was Malmuth devastated? That force could lay low an entire army."
[20:26] <Alicia> "The city was ravaged, with thousands killed and many more displaced by the resulting evacuation. All the temples, regardless of which deity they venerated, were completely razed to the ground," Alicia nods grimly. "What's worse is that all those killed in the city, their bodies vanished... only to be seen scant hours later as a horde of undead attacked the Citadel of Light in Pallanth."
[20:28] <Kotono> Taldeer's color turns waxen at that, "No...such a blasphemous act is impossible!"
[20:29] <Alicia> "I wish it was... unfortunately things get worse," Alicia sighs. "Do you need a moment before I continue?"
[20:30] <Kotono> "No. Tell me." Taldeer shakes her head, "Tell me all of this woeful tale onw."
06[20:35] * Alicia nods. "The attack in Pallanth was repulsed more easily than the one in Malmuth, although their temples were similarly ruined, and Lord Celebrimbor Drake was abducted. Again, any who fell in the chaos had their bodies disappear. Balmuria was targetted next, with the dead of Pallanth joining the dead of Malmuth in the assault."
[20:35] <Alicia> "It seems there had been enough time to understand what was happening, however, for servants of all the deities represented in Balmuria's churches were dispatched to aid us in fighting off the assault. Although the fighting was fierce, and many fell, the temples remained intact, and the dead remained where they fell."
[20:35] <Alicia> "Attacks in Valandia and Arad ended similarly, although my knowledge of what happened in those two places is less."
[20:35] <Kotono> "Nothing here...thank Mystra. How is the temple in Balmuria? How is Shankar and the others?"
[20:39] <Alicia> "Most are well, including Shankar," Alicia nods. "The temples saw the greatest fighting but were also the most fiercely defended, and the consecrated ground lent an edge to the defenders." She breathes out, concluding merely the introduction to recent events. "As you can well imagine, we found ourselves reeling from the attacks, at a loss as to who was attacking us or even why."
[20:40] <Kotono> "It was a nightmare." Jessica nods, "I helped defend the temple, and if Alicia had not reutnred when she did, it would have been far worse."
[20:43] <Kotono> "Who then?" Watching then, "Keep going if you know more," Taldeer bids.
06[20:46] * Alicia nods, recalling the vicious duel she had with the shadow that had been attacking her sister. "Shortly afterwards, though, Seira and I were contacted by a Titan who wished to negotiate the return of Lord Drake and a priest of Lathander similarly abducted during the fighting in Valandia, for the artifact weapons of the gnomes - their resorts."
[20:46] <Alicia> "Negotiations unfortunately broke down, and shortly afterwards Lord Drake was delivered to Seira... his body was, at least. Something had sucked his soul out, leaving only an empty husk. Nonetheless we were able to learn a bit from it, which was coupled with a vision I received from Umberlee of all things."
[20:46] <Alicia> "From these we learned that our foes are the Dark Six, a cabal of ancient liches who dwell in Bleak Rendor, on the negative energy plane, and serve a being called a Neverborn - the offspring of Talos and Malcanthet that was cursed to unlife by Ao before it was even born. Umberlee also showed me the location of a hidden fortress on the Prime Material used by them."
[20:48] <Kotono> With wide and wider eyes as she listens, "Mercy...these words...are more fantastical than the boldest bard. You challenged this fortress?"
[20:53] <Alicia> "We did. First we slew the Titan, Melancton - once a champion of Arborea, he had vanished six thousand years ago while fighting to save the eladrin children trapped in Androlynne. We first discounted the connection, assuming he had merely found a new set of masters after losing his way and that was that - but I'll come to that later."
[20:53] <Alicia> "In any case, we were challenged by the lich Glaciante Devarim to meet him at his throne - after a portal had stripped us nude and deposited us in a force-wall bound cell. Fortunately Mystra's gifts allowed me to free us and find our equipment - as well as thousands of corpses in a hall nearly a mile long."
[20:53] <Alicia> "Nonetheless, we defeated the lich and brought peace to the souls trapped in his redoubt. It was one of those spirits who told us that an immensely powerful magical orb we had taken from Glaciante was the key to the captivity of Androlynne's eladrin children, showing that Melancton's one-time quest wasn't mere coincidence."
[20:55] <Kotono> "The story becomes more and more entangled. Androlynne...the Abyss, yes? The pit of vile darkness where demons come from?" Frowning deeply, "Then what?"
[21:00] <Alicia> "It's horribly complicated, yes," Alicia agrees. "So naturally we went to the Abyss to see what we could learn firsthand on Androlynne. We still lack the complete picture, but what we've gathered thus far is that the Dark Six are working together with Pale Night, and a great slaughter of the remaining children is planned in two months,"
[21:00] <Alicia> "that will herald the rise of a new demon lord. We *think* this involves the Neverborn somehow gaining the power that was its birthright, though what Pale Night or the Dark Six gains from it - other than the favour of a nascant Power - we don't know. Nor are we certain how the orbs might be used to free the children."
[21:00] <Alicia> "All we know so far is that one of the Dark Six used the orb to safely traverse Pale Night's private sanctuary on the layer. Perhaps our answer lies there, but we don't know for sure..." she trails off and breathes. "And now you're as up to date on things as I am."
[21:01] <Kotono> "Mercies above." Bowing her head into prayer, "Mystra's work for you is truly unimaginable. Such dreadful events of destiny going on..."
[21:02] <Kotono> "I've only seen a few of them, Dweomerkeeper, and they're sweeping in scope and range. Things of truly incredible magic and sorcery are happening. Even I, just from being close to Alicia and the others, am feeling the impact of them." Jessica smiles a little fondly, "Kelara is lucky that it's not involved."
[21:03] <Alicia> "There's always something," Alicia agrees. "Right now we're scrambling to prepare ourselves as best we can before time runs out, either to penetrate Pale Night's sanctuary or to hold off the attack when it comes. Which brings me back to the potions I entrusted to you a few months ago..."
[21:06] <Kotono> "We have had some successes." Taldeer rises, "Stay here. I'll return momentarily." With that Taldeer walks out.
[21:08] <Alicia> "One of those potions kept me alive when facing Agares... long enough for you to save me, at least," Alicia tells Jessica, a bittersweet smile at the memory. "A few of them could help immensely in the days ahead."
[21:09] <Kotono> "Yeah..." Matching Alicia's smile with her own, "...Alicia. Are you confident you'll win?"
[21:11] <Alicia> "Against the Dark Six?" Alicia qualifies, taking a moment before nodding, "Yes. They're skilled and powerful, but overconfident and fragile. Against the Neverborn?" she hesitates a bit longer, "Maybe. It's unknown, but we have the tools we need. Against Pale Night?" here her expression dips and she shakes her head. "Not a chance."
[21:13] <Kotono> "Then...if you have to face Pale Night in the Abyss, how will yo uwin?" Jessica looks down at her feet, "How?"
[21:20] <Alicia> "By denying her victory," is the best Alicia can offer. "The gulf in power is too great to defeat her in a straight fight. So I'll do everything I can to take away all her pawns - she wants to use the Neverborn for her own ends? We kill it and win by default."
[21:24] <Kotono> To that Jessica can only sigh. "What if you have to face her then? If I were them, I'd make sure that you couldn't get to them without facing Pale Night. As I understand it, you can only reach Bleak Rendor if you free the eladrin children Pale Night has contained?"
[21:26] <Alicia> "That's what we've been led to believe," Alicia nods. "There's nothing I can really tell you, though, sister. I'm a match for balors and pit fiends, but you don't get to be a demon lord by being weak enough to be killed by such. All I can do is try to avoid such a suicidal confrontation."
[21:28] <Kotono> "Here we go," Taldeer returns, carrying a few carved porcelin vials and containers. "It's hard work, but all the tools and money you provided helped, sa well as prayer to Mystra. The process isn't quite perfect yet, but we're working on it."
[21:30] <Alicia> "Regeneration, yes?" Alicia confirms, making sure none of them are species changing or fertility/lust potions.
[21:31] <Kotono> "Of course." Smiling a little, "I doubt lust or a change of body would be too useful here, hm?"
[21:36] <Alicia> "If you could get the lost one to work as a gas you could throw it then run away really fast in the confusion!" Marie suggests brightly, earning a swat on the head from Alicia.
[21:36] <Alicia> "Thank you, Taldeer. I don't have as much money as they're worth at the moment, but we recovered a lot of valuables from Glaciante's fortress that we haven't had time to sort through. I'll give you some gems and gold to cover ten thousand gold's worth for now?"
[21:36] <Kotono> Jessica snickers but holds her tongue.
[21:38] <Kotono> "They're half price, since they're only about half effectiveness. See, we've worked out that one of the components is the flesh and blood of a regenerating creature. I suppose devils use...themselves or others for this, I'd rather not linger on it. We've substitued troll parts for it. The solution is inelegant, but it works."
[21:40] <Alicia> "Well, it's a self replenishing resource..." Alicia is compelled to admit. "Does this mean the regenerative effect can be broken by acid or fire in this case?"
[21:41] <Kotono> "Yes." A nod to this, "We haven't figured out how the devils negated a way to have good or silver negate the regeneration the original gave. The potion works, but it's very much a bastardization."
[21:43] <Alicia> "Just have to avoid any balors while using them, I suppose," Alicia muses, opening up the portable hole and fishing out some appropriate currency for Taldeer, stacking a small treasure trove on her table before she claims the potions. "I'll pay you back the rest once we've sorted out what to do with proceeds from our recent excursions," she promises.
[21:44] <Kotono> Three are passed over in total. "You're doing Mystra's work. I have every confidence you'll reinburse us."
[21:47] <Alicia> "I will," Alicia agrees as she folds up the portable hole once done. "That over with, how have things been around here lately?"
[21:49] <Kotono> "Peaceful. The nobles are making some progress and it's winter. Everyone's waiting for spring, preferably with a warm body next to them." With a slight, patient smile, "Alicia, have you found anyone over in the Baronies? I know Jessica has."
[21:52] <Alicia> Oh, this conversation suddenly took a vexing turn. Still, she can't help but fondly recall a pleasurable evening in Ysgard recently... "Not as such, no," she replies honestly. "I'm not really looking, though."
[21:53] <Kotono> With a small chuckle, "That's fair. I only tease...Mystra knows the mood needs ot be lightened a little after your story. How long are you going to be in Kelara?"
[21:55] <Alicia> "Not too long," Alicia admits. "I'll be going back to the Abyss later today to update the general of the celestial forces - a Lady Honeydip, if you can believe it - on our recent findings. We'll be stopping by to visit our parents before we leave, though."
[21:56] <Kotono> "Then go." Taldeer steps aside, "I won't detain you; come back when it's over and we'll spend an evening in front of the fire talking about all this."
[21:57] <Alicia> "I'll look forward to it," Alicia smiles as she stands up. "Until then, Taldeer," she offers a small wave as they depart.
[21:59] <Kotono> Thus you head outside, into the same misty drizzle and chill wind. Jessica shivers once outsider, "Say, sister." Jessica asks, "Do you mind if I ask you a question about your family?"
[21:59] <Alicia> "They're your family, too," Alicia reminds gently. "But go on."
[22:00] <Kotono> "I mean about your husband and child," Jessica's own tones are gentle and soft. " you still miss them?"
[22:01] <Alicia> roll 1d20+19
05[22:01] Alicia invited Hatbot into the channel.
03[22:01] * Hatbot (~Hatbot@ has joined #dunes
03[22:01] * Kotono sets mode: +v Hatbot
[22:01] <Alicia> roll 1d20+19
06[22:01] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+19 and gets 27." [1d20=8]
[22:03] <Alicia> "I do," Alicia confirms without hesitation. "It's not as hard as it once was, but... I do."
[22:04] <Kotono> "Mmm." Jessica walks down the cobblestone roads, past a few people out. The streets aren't too busy, most people seeming to eschwe the miserabl eweather.
[22:04] <Kotono> "Just thinking about it, that's all. The Dark Six seem hellbent on hurting people...on hurting us."
[22:04] <Alicia> roll 1d20+6 spot/listen the same for Marie
06[22:04] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+6 spot/listen the same for Marie and gets 19." [1d20=13]
[22:05] <Kotono> roll 1d20+16 Jessica
06[22:05] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+16 Jessica and gets 36." [1d20=20]
[22:06] <Kotono> "I..." Jessica stops abruptly, leaping back, "DUCK!"
[22:06] <Alicia> "You're worried a-" Alicia abruptly shuts up and ducks as told, while Marie flies down to ground level in a hurry as well!
[22:07] <Kotono> Woosh! A swift buffet of air passes by Alicia's head, a few strands of air cut away from Alicia's head, falling down in a rain of black! Alicia feels an unearthly, disquieting aura around her! OOC: Init.
[22:08] <Alicia> roll 1d20+7 Alicia
06[22:08] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+7 Alicia and gets 8." [1d20=1]
[22:08] <Alicia> roll 1d20+8 Marie
06[22:08] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+8 Marie and gets 11." [1d20=3]
[22:09] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
06[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 25." [1d20=15]
[22:09] <Kotono> roll 1d20+14 ????
06[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+14 ???? and gets 34." [1d20=20]
03[22:09] * Kotono changes topic to '????>Jessica>Marie>Alicia'
[22:09] <Kotono> Alicia feels a breeze whirl by her side, then...
[22:09] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
06[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 32." [1d20=2]
[22:09] <Kotono> roll 1d20+25 flatfooted AC?
06[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+25 flatfooted AC? and gets 41." [1d20=16]
[22:10] <Alicia> OOC: 25 (+2 vs evil)
[22:10] <Kotono> roll 1d6+17+6d6 DR applies
[22:10] <Kotono> roll 1d6+17+6d6 DR applies
06[22:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6+17+6d6 DR applies and gets 43." [1d6=4][6d6=4, 4, 3, 5, 3, 3]
06[22:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6+17+6d6 DR applies and gets 43." [1d6=4][6d6=6, 2, 5, 5, 3, 1]
[22:10] <Kotono> OOC: Two fort saves.
[22:10] <Alicia> roll 1d20+22 +2vs evil
06[22:10] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+22 +2vs evil and gets 25." [1d20=3]
[22:10] <Alicia> roll 1d20+22 +2vs evil
06[22:10] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+22 +2vs evil and gets 40." [1d20=18]
[22:15] <Kotono> Alicia's back is mauled! Her side is torn open twice! As it happens, the blood leaking out turns to white alabaster! AS her face twists in pain, her body flashes! Alabaster climbs her body, her flesh turning to porcelin! She is frozen in place, weapons and armor intact on her transformed body, frozen in place! In the air, the outline of an axe can be seen! It flies in the air, swirling upwards before it lands twenty feet away, standing in plac
[22:15] <Kotono> It flies in the air, swirling upwards before it lands twenty feet away, standing in place in the drizzle! By it, rain ever so slightly rolls down a body, unseen! OOC: Jessica's up.
[22:19] <Kotono> Jessica darts in front of Alicia, drawing her rapier. "Alicia?!?" She calls to her porcelin sister, "Alicia! Stay away from her!" Jessica snaps! OOC: Jessica's trying to shield Alicia for the moment. Go ahead and go, Marie.
[22:21] <Alicia> Marie gapes at the sudden attack. Alicia seems insensate but she hasn't felt a sudden weakening so she must not be dead... though that'll change if they don't do something soon. Since Alicia can't defend herself at all, though, Marie hovers protectively over Jessica and tries to telekinetically grab the axe!
[22:21] <Alicia> roll 1d20+27 disarm if an invis dude is wielding it, grapple if it's an animated axe I guess
06[22:21] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+27 disarm if an invis dude is wielding it, grapple if it's an animated axe I guess and gets 43." [1d20=16]
[22:21] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
06[22:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 48." [1d20=18]
[22:25] <Kotono> The axe almost breaks free, but whatever has it has a deathgrip on it, not quite able to lose it! Then, the axe whirls in the air again, landing close before the bloody outline hacks at Marie!
[22:25] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
06[22:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 31." [1d20=1]
[22:25] <Kotono> roll 1d20+25snerk
06[22:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+25snerk and gets Error: Numeric values only." [1d20=12]
[22:25] <Kotono> OOC: AC?
[22:25] <Alicia> OOC: 29, +2 vs evil
[22:25] <Kotono> roll 1d6+17+6d6 isn't Marie immune to petrification as a good outsider?
06[22:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6+17+6d6 isn't Marie immune to petrification as a good outsider? and gets 41." [1d6=5][6d6=5, 5, 1, 3, 3, 2]
[22:26] <Alicia> OOC: she is
[22:28] <Kotono> The axe misses the flying eladrin by an inch, then Marie gets her leg grazed, blood coming out quickly! Then the axe flies ten feet back, hovering in the air! As the few people about gasp at stare, "!" Then in a low voice, "I have an idea! My bracelet..." she hisses to her, then louder, G"et out of here!"
[22:28] <Kotono> Jessica promptly turns tail and retreats into an alleyway at full speed! OOC: Marie.
[22:32] <Alicia> Marie has an idea of what Jessica's up to, but she doubts it'll work. This thing tracked them here somehow, and given the protection Alicia is supposedly afforded by the ring of eternal celerity, it wasn't Alicia it followed. Maybe she can offer some sort of distraction to buy time, however.
[22:32] <Alicia> "Come get me!" she taunts, flying over the oddly visible axe and conjuring up a wall of force between it and Alicia so it can't just run over and shatter her into so many shards of junk.
[22:33] <Kotono> There ia  moment, then a white porcelin bottle shatters on the ground. The axe ascents a few feet into the air! OOC: Marie, you're up. Jessica's busy running like hell.
[22:35] <Alicia> Marie would like to see what she's dealing with and hopefully weaken it with a few enervations before she tries the telekinesis trick again - assuming it's not undead - and so she paints the area around the axe with faerie fire!
[22:35] <Alicia> roll 1d20+19 inevitable sr
06[22:35] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+19 inevitable sr and gets 22." [1d20=3]
[22:35] <Kotono> OOC: No SR, actually.
[22:36] <Kotono> The image is of -roughly- what looks to be a female woman. She wears a tight fitting dress and has long hair. An oddly shaped axe is on one hand. OOC: Anything else or are you done for the round?
[22:36] <Alicia> OOC: that's it
[22:42] <Kotono> The figure rises in the air, flying up as it's axe manages to swipe at Marie!
[22:42] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
06[22:42] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 38." [1d20=8]
[22:42] <Kotono> roll 1d20+25
06[22:42] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+25 and gets 30." [1d20=5]
[22:44] <Kotono> roll 1d6+17+6d6
06[22:44] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6+17+6d6  and gets 39." [1d6=2][6d6=2, 1, 1, 6, 5, 5]
[22:44] <Kotono> roll 1d6+17+6d6
06[22:44] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6+17+6d6  and gets 48." [1d6=5][6d6=6, 6, 5, 1, 6, 2]
[22:47] <Kotono> The axe blows cut into Marie deeply, greviously wounding the poor, brave courre! A momment later, Alicia vanishes! OOC: Go Marie.
[22:48] <Alicia> She's probably doomed, but there's a chance incorporeality might protect her where nimbleness failed, so Marie transforms into a glowing ball of light, her clothes, bow, and arrows all dropping to the ground beneath her before she flies sixty feet straight up, her maneuvrability another potential saviour.
[22:49] <Kotono> The figure advances up 30 feet, but not in range of Marie's lightbulb body! OOC: Go Marie.
[22:50] <Alicia> Marie punishes it with some negative energy before flying another sixty feet up!
[22:50] <Alicia> roll 1d20+25 ranged touch
06[22:50] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+25 ranged touch and gets 27." [1d20=2]
[22:50] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[22:50] <Alicia> roll 1d4 negative levels
06[22:50] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d4 negative levels and gets 3." [1d4=3]
[22:51] <Kotono> The beam strikes the outlined woman! She makes nary a sound, but what little you can see vanishes away, blurring into two and then gone. OOC: Free act.
[22:51] <Alicia> Crap, she hopes the bitch hasn't already went after Jessica. Forgetting all about her easily replacable gear, Marie flies off in the direction Jessica fled, looking down the alleys to try and spot her irreplacable mistress.
[22:52] <Kotono> The allies are empty. Marie flies about a few of them, until she a door left ajar, a bit of light spilling out.
[22:54] <Alicia> Jessica's a smart roguely type. She surely wouldn't be stupid enough to leave a door open behind her while fleeing? On the other hand she's not seeing much of anything else helpful, so she flies down to have a look.
[22:55] <Kotono> The door inside leads to a kitchen. A few women are cooking here, a few kegs of ale stacked up. It's warm and pleasant enough, but no sign of Jessica offhand.
[22:57] <Alicia> Leaving that, Marie continues searching. Jessica both carries a few distinctive magical items, so hopefully she'll spot their auras even if she can't see the woman herself.
[22:58] <Kotono> OOC: Any particular place/pattern or just searching randomly?
[22:58] <Alicia> OOC: pretty randomly
[22:59] <Kotono> Marie flies about here and there. There is no success, until a voice sounds in her head. "Marielle." A man's voice, unknown to her, calls, "Return to the Temple of Mystra at the Dweomerkeeper's request."
[23:01] <Alicia> Maybe Jessica went there? She knows Alicia isn't dead at least, so flies off in that direction, stopping by where the fight was on the off chance her belongings haven't yet been stolen.
[23:01] <Kotono> A few guards are kneeling down, examining the gear. A few civilians watch, while another babble sto another guard, "A  fairy and a statue and I just don't understand!"
[23:02] <Alicia> Marie floats down to the group. "Um, hi. Those are mine," she announces, bobbing around above her things.
[23:03] <Kotono> The ball of light gets stares, "What in the name of Kelara?!" One gapes, while another says, "The light! It's aw ill o' the wisp!" He cries!
[23:04] <Alicia> "No, I'm a courre eladrin!" Marie retorts. "Anyway, could you turn your backs real quick? I need to get my clothes back on."
[23:05] <Kotono> OOC: Make a diplo check, since this entire thing is so out there for them.
[23:05] <Alicia> roll 1d20+29
06[23:05] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+29 and gets 33." [1d20=4]
[23:07] <Kotono> After a pause, the guards turn and shrug, "O-okay," one stammers, turning around, the other following suit.
[23:08] <Alicia> "Thanks," Marie lands and turns corporeal, quickly throwing her now slimy and muddy silk dress on and shuddering, before clasping her bracelet to her wrist and grabbing her bow and quiver, taking flight as she refixes them and makes haste to the temple.
[23:09] <Kotono> Marie races to the temple! She finds Taldeer, Jessica and Alicia in Taldeer's quarters, priests standing outside. Alicia is still porcelin, Taldeer examining her all over. Rapping a finger against Alicia's cheek, "...not fatal. However, it's likely permanent until a counterspell is cast. This isn't impossible, I'm  having acolytes search our vaults for such a spell. It's quite advanced, but we may have a copy."
[23:10] <Kotono> Jessica sits down, sneezing and looking up with a sniffle. "It's so creepy. I was just talking to her about...and then...If I hadn't been quick...would it have mattered? The first strike missed, buut it attacked like lightning!"
[23:12] <Alicia> The blood mingling with mud and rainwater on Marie's clothing agrees with Jessica's assessment, Marie in quite a bit more pain and discomfort now that she's corporeal. "Alicia put a spell on me just this morning to see invisible things, because she was afraid of something like this," the eladrin adds morosely. "It didn't do any good at all, though!"
[23:13] <Kotono> "Come here," Turning to Marie as she speaks, "You look like death! I'll have your wounds healed immediately, Marielle."
[23:13] <Kotono> Jessica turns, "You made it! I was worried...All I could think of is using the bracelet Alicia gave me and retreating to safety."
[23:14] <Alicia> "Thanks..." Marie flutters limpidly over to Taldeer. "Even with the spells Alicia gave me to cast, I couldn't do anything useful... the only one here with the magic to undo this is the one who needs it," she looks at Alicia's porcelain form before shuddering and looking away, immensely creeped out by the sight.
[23:15] <Kotono> Marie's wounds are healed!
[23:15] <Kotono> roll 4d8+12
[23:15] <Kotono> roll 4d8+12
[23:15] <Kotono> roll 4d8+12
06[23:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4d8+12 and gets 24." [4d8=1, 1, 5, 5]
06[23:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4d8+12 and gets 26." [4d8=4, 1, 4, 5]
06[23:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4d8+12 and gets 33." [4d8=7, 3, 3, 8]
[23:15] <Kotono> Once Taldeer finishes with her spells, "If not I'll arrainge transportation back to Balmuria for the three of you. Alternately, perhaps another plane?"
[23:17] <Alicia> "I could find someone in Dweomerheart to fix this easily enough... she's not dead, at least," Marie nods. "I think she still has her plane-shift ring, actually, and it's before midday..." Flying over, Marie roots around in Alicia's belt pouches before retrieving the odd ring of various strange metals and materials twined about each other.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[21:16] <Kotono> <Alicia> "Thanks..." Marie flutters limpidly over to Taldeer. "Even with the spells Alicia gave me to cast, I couldn't do anything useful... the only one here with the magic to undo this is the one who needs it," she looks at Alicia's porcelain form before shuddering and looking away, immensely creeped out by the sight.
[21:16] <Kotono> > Marie's wounds are healed!
[21:16] <Kotono> > roll 4d8+12
[21:16] <Kotono> > roll 4d8+12
[21:16] <Kotono> > roll 4d8+12
[21:16] <Kotono> * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4d8+12 and gets 24." [4d8=1, 1, 5, 5]
[21:16] <Kotono> * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4d8+12 and gets 26." [4d8=4, 1, 4, 5]
[21:16] <Kotono> * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4d8+12 and gets 33." [4d8=7, 3, 3, 8]
[21:16] <Kotono> > Once Taldeer finishes with her spells, "If not I'll arrainge transportation back to Balmuria for the three of you. Alternately, perhaps another plane?"
[21:16] <Kotono> <Alicia> "I could find someone in Dweomerheart to fix this easily enough... she's not dead, at least," Marie nods. "I think she still has her plane-shift ring, actually, and it's before midday..." Flying over, Marie roots around in Alicia's belt pouches before retrieving the odd ring of various strange metals and materials twined about each other.
[21:17] <Kotono> "We'll be safer there too. We don't know if the assassin is going to attack again,"  Jessica sits up, "Let's go then and get Alicia fixed, Marie?"
[21:19] <Alicia> "Depends where we end up," Marie replies cautiously. "Only Latha and Antenora knew where we were going, and even if they got captured they wouldn't break so quickly. I think one of us is being scried on..." she trails off as she realises something fundamentally obvious and proceeds to look around for any nearby magic. The scrying sensor would be plainly visible if present.
[21:20] <Kotono> Marie doesn't detect any unusual magic around. "Scrying? If Alicia's warded, then it was me or you?" Jessica frowns now, "...was Alicia even the main target?"
[21:23] <Alicia> "Her warding doesn't work so well against the sort of things we face nowadays. Anyway, I can't sense anything, but honestly I don't even trust that after what just happened..."
[21:23] <Alicia> "I'll just have to hope we don't arrive in the middle of nowhere," Marie explains, slipping the ring on which works more as an armband on her, before she gingerly curls her hand around Alicia's frozen one, shuddering at the cold lifelessness she feels. "Take her other hand?" she asks Jessica, holding out her free one to complete the circle.
[21:29] <Kotono> Jessica does so, looking at Alicia. In a small voice, "It's okay, sis. You looked after me, I'll look after you now."
[21:32] <Alicia> "We'll let you know once everything's okay, Taldeer," Marie reassures the priestess, before she takes them to Dweomerheart. Knowing the inherent inability to land precisely with this thing, she simply aims dead centre on Mystra's realm and hopes things sort themselves out from there.
[21:32] <Alicia> roll 5d100
06[21:32] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 5d100 and gets 295." [5d100=55, 86, 68, 41, 45]
[21:38] <Kotono> The three of you appear in a bright room. You stand within a glowing magic circle, symbols whirling and spinning about. Ahead of you is a vast statue, hundreds of feet tall. It is of Mystra, filled throughout with bookshelves. Above light comes, glorious warm light that you can't see the end of. Approaching the circle is an old, weathered man. He has a long gray beard and wears soft, tassled robes of royal blue. Distinctive on his otherwise hu
[21:38] <Kotono> tassled robes of royal blue. Distinctive on his otherwise human body are a pair of angelic wings. He walks with a gold tipped staff, "Marielle?" He asks, the voice of a quiet student.
[21:38] <Alicia> Marie tries to place the angel. She knows lots of people back here, after all, and he clearly knows her.
[21:40] <Kotono> He's vaguely familiar - he's likely an honored petitioner of some sort, given his body and allowed to keep his mortal memories. Marie can't pin down a name offhand.
[21:42] <Alicia> Darn, she'll have to be rude. "Oh, hi!" the bedraggled and bloody eladrin graces him with a smile. "Uh, sorry if you have me at a disadvantage, but you wouldn't happen to know where to find some stone salve around here? Or someone who can cast stone to flesh?" Alicia's sorry state should speak for itself.
[21:43] <Kotono> "I can cast those spells. Come to me first," He extends a finger out, "I'm Naeys, favored of Mystra. I'll explain more once I take care of you and Alicia."
[21:43] <Alicia> roll 1d20+23 planes, ring any bells?
06[21:43] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+23 planes, ring any bells? and gets 42." [1d20=19]
[21:46] <Alicia> "I've already been mostly healed, it looks a lot worse than it is," Marie smiles as she flies into reach. "I guess Mystra must have made sure we ended up here, if you can help. Alicia would be able to break that sort of spell herself, but... she'd need to talk and move her arms, which as you can see she can't!"
[21:46] <Kotono> Healing energies run through Marielle as her wounds mend!
[21:46] <Kotono> roll 10d4+10
06[21:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 10d4+10 and gets 32." [10d4=3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 2]
[21:47] <Kotono> "Yes, that's essentially correct." Once Marie's wounds are salved further, he approaches over to Alicia. "My apologies, full introductions can wait until your sister is restored."
[21:48] <Kotono> Jessica steps away with a smile, "Please. I want Alicia back.
[21:48] <Kotono> "
[21:48] <Alicia> "She's gonna be so annoyed at getting caught out so easily," Marie remarks as she flies over to Jessica, bracing herself for the impending emotional assault once Alicia's faculties return.
[21:50] <Kotono> Murmuring a few words and running hs hands over Alicia's porcelin shoulders nad arms, "Magic, relent! IN the name of She who watches the Weave, repeal your changes of stone!"With that, Alicia's stone fades back to flesh tones! Her eyes open, awareness returning! OOC: Alicia, the last thing you remember is the pain of the wound and a momentary stiffening, then you're here.
[21:52] <Alicia> Instinctively Alicia's hands move to her sword's hilt, intending to draw it and bisect the miscreant who attacked her! Luckily she doesn't get as far as unsheathing the blade before reality registers. She quickly notices Jessica and Marie are present, but there's also a stranger and she has no idea... wait, the soothing aura of Dweomerheart is felt readily enough. "What happened?"
[21:53] <Kotono> "Alicia!" Jessica sighs in deep relief, "There was an assassin. When it wounded you, you were transformed into...I'm not sure what it was. Like a fancy doll. We had to take you here to have the magic undone.
[21:53] <Kotono> "
[21:54] <Kotono> Naeys steps back, "The magic that transformed you was not unlike petrification magic. The same words of power undid it. I am Naeys, favored of Mystra. You are in Dweomerheart."
[21:54] <Alicia> "It must have been someone working for Alabaster," Marie suggests, the doll-thing too much to be a coincidence. "They vanished after I hit them with an enervation, then we came here since there wasn't anyone in Kelara who could fix you."
[21:56] <Alicia> "Then I'm in your debit, Naeys," Alicia bows her head to him, shock registering at just how effortlessly she had been defeated. Perhaps she shouldn't have talked up her chances quite so solidly to Jessica when they were chatting earlier...
03[21:57] * Cidward is now known as Sierra_DEAD
[21:57] <Kotono> "I did not think we would meet quite so soon, but such are the vagaries of chance." He bows his head slightly, "Mystra has instructed me to prepare to meet you and guide you for your coming transitions, and to act as liason to Her. Restoring you was Her will."
[21:58] <Alicia> "I can't really do much as a statue," Alicia agrees in an unsettled tone with her benefactor. "What would you have of me, then?"
[22:00] <Kotono> "We shall break bread together before you return to the realities of the living. Come with me." Naeys leads the three women along. Away from this statue you go, into grand halls. Chandeliers hang here, made of pure light and mystic energy, fires of silver burning in endless candles. Through these halls you come to a feast table, a great spread laid out. Outside, one can see the radiant glow of Dweomerheart, the vast city of magic stretching ou
[22:00] <Kotono> the radiant glow of Dweomerheart, the vast city of magic stretching out below.
06[22:01] * Alicia heals her now bleeding wound as they go and casts prestidigitation so she can clean and dry poor Marie, somewhat focused on necessities before she can take in the splendour of the afterlife.
[22:01] <Alicia> roll 18d4+18
06[22:01] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 18d4+18 and gets 59." [18d4=1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2]
[22:06] <Kotono> Alicia's wounds heal and Marie's sorry state is mended. Naeys nods to this and goes to sit near the window, taking in the view for a moment before his attention returns to Alicia. "I've heard the stories about you. - you faced down a horror from beyond the Veil of Madness? But please, sit and rest."
[22:09] <Alicia> "I wasn't out long, was I?" Alicia asks Marie as she takes a seat.
[22:09] <Alicia> "It's been less than half an hour," Marie assures her as she lands on the table.
[22:09] <Alicia> Accepting that, Alicia goes back to Naes, "You'd think such a thing would be the worst anyone could face in a lifetime, wouldn't you?" she asks in a melancholy tone.
[22:11] <Kotono> With his own solemn pause and nod, "Yes. Those that come from beyond reality are mind and world rending, but the horrors that are of reality can be even worse. The spirit isn't meant to endure the torture that facing those abominations is, and yet subsist on the bread and water that the Prime Material is to the soul."
[22:11] <Kotono> Jessica sits, taking a few cuts of meat and some strange purple fruits, sniffing them before taking a bite. Her eyes widen before she takes another, happily eating away.
06[22:14] * Alicia follows Jessica's example and helps herself to some of the food, Marie likewise grabbing a few small nibbles. "It's where all the action is, for better or worse," Alicia muses.
[22:17] <Kotono> The food is very good - better than anything Alicia's had recently. The tastes are strong and full, each bite fresh. "It is your fate for the time. Just don't neglect what fills your soul with light." Naeys abstains from the food. "Marielle and Antenora have served you well?"
[22:19] <Alicia> "They're both very helpful, and good friends," Alicia emphasises. She knows she is in effect their superior but she's not inclined to lord it over them.
[22:21] <Kotono> "Mystra understands your path is a hard one. I walked it long ago." With a moment to look out over Dweomerheart, "It is not a path you should walk alone. Should it become too difficult for you to walk alone, do not hesitate to ask for help."
06[22:24] * Alicia interprets that as a hint and is happy to follow up on it. "Given my dismal performance today, I'd be lying if I said I was doing fine on my own," she admits. "So, what help can I find here?"
[22:25] <Kotono> "The assassin overtook us before we could do anything. Despite all our awareness and defenses, it nearly killed us." With a very long shake of her head, Jessica sighs. "I couldn't have hoped to stop it."
[22:27] <Alicia> "Pretty sad, too, since she was invisible. How many precautions against that do we have now? Four? For all the good they did us," Marie shakes her head.
[22:27] <Alicia> "Some of them aren't practical to maintain all the time, although I'd thought the spell I cast on you this morning would solve that..." Alicia looks at Marie, trying not to show her disappointment.
[22:29] <Kotono> "For the moment, simply eat and put your worries aside. Rest your spirits and restore yourselves in Dweomerheart's happiness. As for you Jessica?" Naeys turns to her, "You could help your sister more, if you are willing to take on the burden of doing so."
[22:30] <Kotono> "Nondetection, I've studied enough magic ot know that was almost certainly involved. That or Mind Blank...but if Mind Blank was...there was no helping it at all. Hm?" Stopping her quiet thoughts to Naeys,
[22:30] <Kotono> OOC: Gah.
06[22:30] * Alicia looks conflicted. Jessica's been happy living peacefully and only doing a modicum of training with her and Antenora... but anything that would let Jessica help her would naturally also let her defend herself if the need arose. But then she'd be more likely to seek out trouble...
[22:30] <Kotono> "Nondetection, I've studied enough magic ot know that was almost certainly involved. That or Mind Blank...but if Mind Blank was...there was no helping it at all. Hm?" Stopping her quiet thoughts to Naeys, "Of course I want to help Alicia!" Picking up her voice, "I can't imagine to think of what I'd be if she hadn't nearly died to save me."
[22:31] <Alicia> "You saved me, we can call it even," Alicia assures her sister with a wry smile.
[22:31] <Kotono> "You want to. But if you do," Going to shake his head back and forth, "Alicia lost her love and her child. It is a life lived for others, subsuming the pains in her heart so that others can live what she is denied."
[22:32] <Kotono> Jessica's eyes widen, "Roald?" She says in a tiny, tiny whisper. "Are you saying...?"
[22:34] <Alicia> "That doesn't have to happen," Alicia says firmly, suddenly disliking where this is going. "In fact, it's a terrible example. Hans and Felix died because I stopped helping others, because I stopped practicing my skills."
[22:35] <Kotono> "No. As far as I know, his destiny is to live long and prosper in his mortal life. But, the sacrifices you would make would distance you from him as you life your live for others." With a pause to nod to Alicia, "Do not think of it that way. There is no shame in living for others, to becoming a wife and a mother. Are not some of your happiest memories of those bygone days? They died because of the greed in the hearts of desperate, dark men."
[22:35] <Kotono> They died because of the greed in the hearts of desperate, dark men."
[22:37] <Alicia> "Well... you know how often I'm away from home," Alicia concedes, nodding to Jessica.
[22:40] <Kotono> "I can cause what has begun in you to reach it's apothesis and apex." Naeys looks Jessica in the eyes, "Your life as Jessica Reynes, human being, would conclude. You would find glories greater than any mortal kind can offer, and take up the burdens we carry out of the noble emotions within our souls. But for Jessica Reynes, spirit of light, hearth and home may be an impossible dream for quite some time."
[22:43] <Kotono> "I...don't know." Jessica starts to speak before blurting that out, "You mean...I...Mystra..." Softing uttering those words, "I have no idea how to respond to that."
[22:43] <Alicia> "This isn't something that should be decided quickly," Alicia interjects. Or at all, she thinks. "Think very carefully about what you want, Jessica."
[22:44] <Kotono> "I...I love Roald...but I love Alicia, too." Shaking her head back and forth, "I'd become a celestial like Alicia and the others?"
[22:46] <Alicia> Doesn't Naeys understand how cruel this is, Alicia wonders in horror. "You don't have to do anything, Jessica. Don't think of this as a choice between Roald and me, it's not. It's a fundamental change to *you*. Think about what you want, that's all that matters."
[22:47] <Kotono> "Yes. You would begin a third life - Beth Reynes, human and Jessica Reynes, human would be both at rest. You would take holy orders to serve Mystra's will and aid Alicia. But be warned - the path of the light is a terribly hard path. Evil is an easy path, luring you into it's embrace with promises and pleasure. Our path is one of stones, blood and tears. We live in glory and face the worst of existance, so that all that are innocent and unblem
[22:47] <Kotono> worst of existance, so that all that are innocent and unblemished can live in peace."
[22:48] <Kotono> "I don't know WHAT I want," Jessica shakes her head back and forth again. "I'd do anything for Alicia...but to give up Roald and the life we have ahead? Why such a difficult choice? Why? Why would you seperate me from what I love?"
[22:50] <Alicia> "It's a cruel choice to force on someone," Alicia agrees, regarding Naeys sternly. She may be indebted to him, but this is too much.
[22:52] <Kotono> "It's horrible!" Jessica now look sup, anger in her eyes. "Alicia has Antenora and Latha ilving with her, happy as can be! They have Hugo and Marie with her! We're a family...but for me, you'd cut what I care about the most away? Have I sinned against Mystra? Am I unworthy of happiness with Her?!"
[22:54] <Alicia> Marie remains silent but she privately hopes this is one of those obscure moral tests that the high ups like to indulge in from time to time, rather than a venerated servant of Mystra really being so clueless.
[22:57] <Kotono> Naeys begins to smile, "No, you have done nothing to displease Her. Mystra preaches that the Her power is best used with wisdom, not with greed and recklessness. I cry your pardons," He bows his head deeply to them, "One who would toss away love and loved ones for the promise of power is not worthy to serve her."
[23:00] <Alicia> Marie nods in vindication, but Alicia is still rather nonplussed - for all that she's tested Antenora similarly in the past. "It's not my place to forgive," she inclines her head to her sister. "But I do not feel causing such upset was necessary."
[23:09] <Kotono> "You are an asshole." Jessica crosses her arms, sourly glaring. "Do you think I wouldn't read Mystra's scripture? I've spent days just reading and talking with the head priest of the Balmurian temple! Not to mention I've see our house grow livier and livier, fuller with more souls." Jessica bites down on her lip fierce, a few drops of blood running down to her chin. "You're forgiven. I understand the point of what you were getting at. What's t
[23:09] <Kotono> "You're forgiven. I understand the point of what you were getting at. What's the bit of scripture, 'True wisdom is knowing when not to use magic?'"
[23:10] <Alicia> "Alicia's terrible at that part, anyway," Marie interjects, hoping to lighten the mood.
06[23:10] * Alicia just shrugs, not even going to try and deny that one.
[23:12] <Kotono> Chuckling to this, "I apologize again." With another deep bow, "My offer is not a false one. I could make you into a celestial. My words also have a grain of truth in them; for these duties would often take you from your love and family. Do not choose between Alicia and Roald, but choose what you wish to be. Do you wish to be a housewife and mother first, or a protector first?"
[23:14] <Kotono> Jessica bites down again, wincing. She goes to her lip, rubbing away the little bit of blood there. "I really don't know. I've been wrestling with this recent change. Can I talk to my siste rand Marie privately?"
[23:15] <Kotono> Naeys stands up, "Have as much time as you need. I will be just outside." With that he leaves the room, the three women having themselves and no others to talk to.
06[23:16] * Alicia reaches over to brush a finger across Jessica's lip and heal the self-inflicted cut, waiting for her to gather her thoughts.
[23:16] <Alicia> OOC: 1hp lay on hands
[23:17] <Kotono> Exhaling hard enough to make a small gust of wind over Alicia's finger, "Hells." She buries her hands in her face, rubbing them back and forth. "You know, I read stories where an angel or a spirit gave the hero a test of virtue. I always thought it looked so easy!"
[23:20] <Alicia> "I did things like that to Antenora from time to time... Jezebel, too, although she failed the first one," Alicia admits. "Hard to feel sympathy for a devil, though."
[23:20] <Alicia> "It is if you think it through as an observer. It's harder to do that when you're put on the spot yourself, though," Marie chimes in.
[23:23] <Kotono> With another, far softer exhale, "Another lesson learned. Alicia...what's it like to be what you are now?" Turning ot her, eyes wide and curious, "Tell me."
06[23:32] * Alicia belatedly dispels her alter self spell to let her wings loose, adjusting her seating to give them room. "Compared to how I was right before the change?" Alicia asks, thinking back to her initial impressions. "I don't feel different in the same sense Antenora did after her baatezu nature was shorn away - my sense of morals and ethics seems the same as always, near as I can tell."
[23:32] <Alicia> "The wings are frequently annoying, although I've learned to work around them where I can, and flying is very much worth it. Antenora says I'm smarter than I was, although I haven't noticed a great difference... clearly the change was a subtle one. I still need to sleep and eat, although from what Naeys said that might not be the case for you."
[23:32] <Alicia> "I can see in the dark, but you already know all about that... I've got a few magical abilities that come to me more easily than my spells do, but they're less powerful, so it evens out, and I picked up similar abilities long before I got the wings. Likewise my toughened skin."
[23:32] <Alicia> "I suppose for me it's been more of a gradual accumulation of things, even if the wings were the most visibly dramatic. It creeps up too slowly to ever really be a shock to the system. I mean, I've had magic in my veins since I was little more than a girl.
02[23:34] * Sierra_DEAD ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:36] <Kotono> "It's always been natural to you." Jessica looks at her own hands, "I've learned some of Mystra's Arts, but each step is a rigorous test of the mind." She is quiet after that, staring down at her hands. They open and close, clenching. "You're still Alicia. That's what I thought. I wondered...was Beth scared? Did she realize she was going to forgot who she was as the Styx closed in around her? I want to be ME, not another person. I don't want B
[23:36] <Kotono> around her? I want to be ME, not another person. I don't want Beth's memories or to lose what I am now." (More)
[23:38] <Kotono> "But I don't know. I won't lose myself, but...I don't know. Before I choose, I need to know what the two people dearest to me think. Alicia...should I?" Going to reach her hands, "Tell me what you feel. I beg of you, hold nothing back."
[23:38] <Kotono> After a moment more, "And if you tell me that it's my choice, I'll drag us both into the Styx and pray to Mystra we aren't reborn nearly as stubborn as we were.'
[23:42] <Alicia> "Deprive me of my easy out, why don't you," Alicia grumbles, looking away briefly. "I don't think you should do it," she concludes fairly readily, nonetheless. "If you really want to fight as I do, you can learn like I did as well. Train more often with me and Antenora, even Latha and Marie."
[23:42] <Alicia> "That way you can come into power at a steady pace, building on what you know and able to stop at any time instead of having it all dumped on you and finding it more than you're prepared to handle. And if you don't want to fight? That's perfectly fine too - you haven't had to up till now, and it hasn't come between us"
[23:44] <Kotono> Jessica smiles to that, "No easy outs here." After the rest of it, "There is one more thing. Alicia, honestly, everything else aside - do you want my help?"
[23:49] <Alicia> "You already help - it was as much you as Marie that saved me today," Alicia points out, before sighing and shaking her head. "But that's dodging the question, isn't it? Honestly, Jessica, I'm not even sure."
[23:49] <Alicia> "We can work well together, I know it - when we raided the Halls of the Vanquished together it was tense and lots of things went wrong, but we adapted and would have come out flawlessly if not for a damned Duke of Hell stopping by."
[23:49] <Alicia> "On the other hand, it makes me really happy to see you living a peaceful and normal life, and being perfectly happy with it. I don't think they have to be mutually exclusive, but it would be an additional strain that could close some doors even as others open."
[23:51] <Kotono> "I think you slew the dragon there. A big door is opening on the side of my path. The path I'm on now will fade farther away if I choose to go through it, taking me off the course my life has chosen." Jessica looks skyward, "I wonder what Mystra thinks...but She's not in the habit of telling us the answer to our problems. But still...before I make any choice, I need to talk to Roald. I'm going to ask Naeys if we go, and if you'res till needed,
[23:51] <Kotono>  I need to talk to Roald. I'm going to ask Naeys if we go, and if you'res till needed, to be transported back to Balmuria ahead of you."
[23:52] <Kotono> *if we can go
[23:53] <Alicia> "If you decide to accept then doing so without consulting him could cause a rift," Alicia agrees. "I know you two have made lots of plans together, and those shouldn't be discarded lightly."
[23:54] <Kotono> "Yeah." Jessica says, "I'll be back if you're free to go too." With that Jessica gets up and goes, heading out of the the room with the forgotten feast.
[23:54] <Kotono> "Wait." Jessica stops and turns back around. "Marie?"
[23:55] <Alicia> "Yes?" the eladrin looks over with a smile.
[23:56] <Kotono> "What do you think, too?" With a critical look at Marie, "You've been quiet throughout this entire discussion."
Session Time: Thu Nov 19 00:00:00 2009
[00:02] <Alicia> "You never asked," Marie points out. "Anyway, I'm pretty suspicious of the whole thing. It sounds like he's planning to make you into some sort of high tier celestial, and that just isn't done. I've been a courre for twenty years and I've paid my dues, but I'll still be one for a lot longer. Latha's been an astral deva for three thousand years and she's only just creeping up on promotion."
[00:02] <Alicia> "Everything has a price, Jessica. I don't mean that in a sinister 'bad things happen to balance out good' way, but in a 'hard work gets you places' way. You'd be skipping out on all the intermediate stages, though. It's just weird and not done. It could be things are more desperate than we realise, though..."
[00:04] <Kotono> Jessica grimaces, "That's a disquieting thought. Thanks, Marie." With a nod, Jessica leaves out of the room. She's gone a few minutes, before Naeys returns. He goes back and sits, "Jessica asked to return to Balmuria to talk to her fiancee."
06[00:04] * Alicia nods. "So you need us to stay," she fills in the obvious blank.
03[00:05] * Merc-zzz is now known as Merc
[00:07] <Kotono> "I wanted to talk." With a slight nod, "Jessica asked me this, but..." Naeys simply nods his head. "The situation is not good, no. I'm aware of what you've learned of the Dark Six and I know of one of them. This is not idle threats, I believe every word that they intend to triumph completely and beyond our most terrible nightmares.
[00:07] <Kotono> "
[00:11] <Alicia> "Glaciante was a blunt instrument, vicious and immensely destructive, but entirely lacking in subtlety. Alabaster seems more cunning, and more successful given what happened to me earlier. And there's still four more unaccounted for?" Alicia nods heavily.
[00:11] <Alicia> "If they had been barred from our world by the seals until those with sufficient power to match them could arise naturally... but such wishes are futile fancy."
03[00:12] * Sierra_DEAD ( has joined #dunes
[00:14] <Kotono> "They have circumvented the seals on your world. How I can only speculate, but it changes not the fact that what is happening has happened. Glaciante seems to be nothing more than an attack dog for them. A relatively minor threat. But the one I know?" (More)
[00:15] <Kotono> A nod, "I know of Adammal. His name now seems to be Sylian; I knew of him over five thousand years ago when he had just taken the name Adammal, leaving the name of Perith behind. Even then he was old beyond my reckoning and an archmage."
[00:16] <Alicia> "That would have been after Melancton vanished," Alicia comments. "I wonder if he was loaned to them by Pale Night? Anyway, go on?" she dismisses her meanderings.
[00:18] <Kotono> "We did battle over the heart of a mortal wizard, half slaad. Adammal desired the chaos within the wizard's heart for his own, but Mystra had designs on him as well. I was empowered as her proxy to deal with the matter. In the battle that followed neither of us could gain an advantage."
[00:19] <Alicia> Obsessed with chaos even then... "What happened?"
[00:20] <Kotono> "The half slaad joined the battle. He always loved a good spellfight," With a quirky smile, "He tried to take us out at once and got right in the middle. Powerful wizard or not, the consequences of his action was a foregone conclusion."
[00:21] <Alicia> "Killed in the crossfire?" Alicia assumes.
[00:24] <Kotono> "Yes. With our battle meaningless, we both withdrew. But the lesson is a grim one. As an archmage with Mystra's power within me, I could only match Adammal." Naeys now frowns deeper, "With Pale Night's aid, I shiver to consider the might he has at his command. The situation...Mystra has decreed that you are her sword in this matter, but the situation is not an easy one."
03[00:24] * Sierra_DEAD is now known as Cidward
[00:26] <Alicia> "No, it's really not," Alicia is forced to agree. "The Neverborn is potentially even more powerful, although likely more limited in capabilities. As for Pale Night should she take a personal hand... really, I'd consider myself lucky to just die and have my soul end up here."
[00:28] <Kotono> "Jessica's offer isn't one we'd make under normal conditions. But the truth is you need the help...but it's not a choice to force on Jessica. If she is worthy, we'll offer the chance to her."
[00:28] <Kotono> OOC: Gah.
[00:30] <Kotono> "Jessica's offer isn't one we'd make under normal conditions. But the truth is you need the help...but it's not a choice to force on Jessica. If she is worthy, we'll offer the chance to her." Taking this moment to look out to Dweomerheart, "If the Neverborn is born...none of us know exactly what will happen. Ao's judgment has never been trumped before. Let alone whatever the Arbiter is and his role in your world."
[00:33] <Alicia> "Clearly they don't care," Alicia folds her arms angrily. "They are capricious and whimsical beings who enact and ignore edicts at will, beholden to no one for their actions. But," she exhales slowly, "Would it really matter what Jessica did? Even if she were granted the power of a solar, would it be enough to match this group?"
[00:36] <Kotono> "Perhaps, perhaps not." Naeys relents there, "It is her choice to make in the end. I believe the Dark Six can be defeated, as can the Neverborn...but Pale Night is the masterstroke. That is what I believe the key to this entire affair is. Set Pale Night and her machinations aside and victory i s within reach."
[00:40] <Alicia> "A pity we weren't able to quickly follow up on our victory over Glaciante to hit the others. He'll likely have reformed himself by the time we face them, and be wiser for the experience," Alicia notes. "Do you have any idea how those magical orbs of theirs tie into the eladrin children of Androlynne?" she changes the subject.
[00:40] <Alicia> "We originally had it implied they were key to freeing them, but from what Lyscrea's said it sounds more like they're a way into Pale Night's sanctuary. Certainly killing her would likely do the trick, but I was hoping for something more direct and less suicidal."
[00:42] <Kotono> "I don't. I suspect any way to reverse this is within her sanctuary, so in a way they are likely th ekey to freeing them."
[00:43] <Alicia> "Hopefully something that doesn't involve directly facing her, although why she wouldn't confront us if we threatened such I can't imagine," Alicia sighs.
[00:44] <Kotono> "Perhaps a diversion?" Questioning with a thought, "Pale Night has a citadel elseare in the Abyss. If she's busy with a great threat there, then perhaps...?"
[00:48] <Alicia> "It would be suicide for anyone who went," Alicia notes morosely. "Which doesn't mean it's not the best option I've heard, mind you."
[00:49] <Kotono> "Mmmm." Naeys nods solemnly to that, "That means it's a damned hard choice. Who wants to die in the Abyss?"
[00:51] <Alicia> "I honestly doubt there'd be any shortage of volunteers to make the sacrifice if it meant saving the children of Androlynne," Alicia admits. "Doesn't make the call any easier, though."
03[00:55] * Alicia is now known as Ebiris
02[01:33] * Ebiris ( Quit (bedtime -=SysReset 2.55=-)
03[04:36] * Kotono is now known as Ko-MeepleisaRandomShieldBreak
03[06:58] * Cidward is now known as HighwayStarSierra
03[08:20] * Ko-MeepleisaRandomShieldBreak is now known as Ko-IndarknessNitoridwells
02[09:09] * HighwayStarSierra ( Quit (Ping timeout)
02[15:37] * Merc ( Quit (-=SysReset =-)
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03[17:33] * Ko-IndarknessNitoridwells ( has joined #dunes
03[17:41] * HighwayStarSierra ( has joined #dunes
03[17:55] * Merc ( has joined #dunes
03[18:41] * HighwayStarSierra is now known as Cidward
03[19:39] * Ko-IndarknessNitoridwells is now known as Kotono
03[19:39] * ChanServ sets mode: +qo Kotono Kotono
03[20:34] * Ebiris ( has joined #dunes
03[20:35] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao Ebiris Ebiris
03[20:35] * Cidward is now known as Sierra_Naptime
03[20:38] * Ebiris is now known as Alicia
[20:38] <Kotono> > "Perhaps, perhaps not." Naeys relents there, "It is her choice to make in the end. I believe the Dark Six can be defeated, as can the Neverborn...but Pale Night is the masterstroke. That is what I believe the key to this entire affair is. Set Pale Night and her machinations aside and victory i s within reach."
[20:38] <Kotono> <Alicia> "A pity we weren't able to quickly follow up on our victory over Glaciante to hit the others. He'll likely have reformed himself by the time we face them, and be wiser for the experience," Alicia notes. "Do you have any idea how those magical orbs of theirs tie into the eladrin children of Androlynne?" she changes the subject.
[20:38] <Kotono> <Alicia> "We originally had it implied they were key to freeing them, but from what Lyscrea's said it sounds more like they're a way into Pale Night's sanctuary. Certainly killing her would likely do the trick, but I was hoping for something more direct and less suicidal."
[20:38] <Kotono> > "I don't. I suspect any way to reverse this is within her sanctuary, so in a way they are likely th ekey to freeing them."
[20:38] <Kotono> <Alicia> "Hopefully something that doesn't involve directly facing her, although why she wouldn't confront us if we threatened such I can't imagine," Alicia sighs.
[20:38] <Kotono> > "Perhaps a diversion?" Questioning with a thought, "Pale Night has a citadel elseare in the Abyss. If she's busy with a great threat there, then perhaps...?"
[20:38] <Kotono> <Alicia> "It would be suicide for anyone who went," Alicia notes morosely. "Which doesn't mean it's not the best option I've heard, mind you."
[20:38] <Kotono> > "Mmmm." Naeys nods solemnly to that, "That means it's a damned hard choice. Who wants to die in the Abyss?"
[20:38] <Kotono> <Alicia> "I honestly doubt there'd be any shortage of volunteers to make the sacrifice if it meant saving the children of Androlynne," Alicia admits. "Doesn't make the call any easier, though."
[20:39] <Kotono> "There are many who would do so to ensure the freedom of the oppressed." Naeys agrees, steepling his hands together, "Yet the loss of life to attempt so is staggering to consider. The Bone Citadel lies within the Endless Maze, which alone will be difficult to tranverse."
[20:41] <Alicia> roll 1d20+24 planes, bone citadel and/or any important places of Pale Night's that she couldn't ignore a determined attack on
06[20:41] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+24 planes, bone citadel and/or any important places of Pale Night's that she couldn't ignore a determined attack on and gets 43." [1d20=19]
[20:44] <Kotono> The Bone Citadel is Pale Night's fortress in the Endless Maze. Most of the layer is ruled by Baphomet, though it used to be ruled by Pale Night long ago. The Bone Citadel is said to be all that's left of that ancient, long forgotten time. If Pale Night has anything of importance known to all but the rarest few, it's that.
[20:50] <Alicia> As if Alicia hasn't had enough of Abyssal mazes for one lifetime. "It would probably require a Gate spell to bypass the maze and move any sort of meaningful force into position for an assault on the fortress," Alicia ponders as she mulls over the suggestion.
[20:53] <Kotono> Naeys nods solemnly, "A gate into the Bone Citadel itself is foolhardy. Further, if Baphomet cares to intervene, he could stop a gate before it gets much traction. This is not insurmountable, but if Baphomet chooses to intervene, the battle will grow tha tmuch more difficult."
[20:55] <Alicia> "Then what way is there? I can't imagine an army could successfully navigate the maze and arrive in sufficient strength to challenge the defences of the citadel." Given how disastrously her plan to use the Endless Staircase to circumvent Gurlan's defences went, she's not even going to bother thinking of portals.
02[20:56] * Alicia ( Quit (
02[20:56] * Hatbot (~Hatbot@ Quit (
03[20:56] * Ebiris ( has joined #dunes
03[20:56] * Ebiris is now known as Alicia
03[20:56] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao Alicia Alicia
[20:56] <Alicia> "Then what way is there? I can't imagine an army could successfully navigate the maze and arrive in sufficient strength to challenge the defences of the citadel." Given how disastrously her plan to use the Endless Staircase to circumvent Gurlan's defences went, she's not even going to bother thinking of portals.
[20:58] <Kotono> "Mmmm." After some moments of thought, "As loathe as I am to consider it due to the risks, perhaps this is th etime to turn evil against evil." Naeys speaks slowly, looking to Alicia. "If we face the Abyss as a monolithic whole, we will only crumble into the dust of history."
[20:59] <Alicia> "You mean ask devils or rival demons to help us?" Alicia can't quite believe what she's hearing. "That sounds like an invitation to be betrayed and lose everything."
[21:03] <Kotono> "We would need to have it be in a demon's interest...but the Abyss is nothing but divided. Demons lords contest against each other and the rest of the cosmos for all eternity. We oppose Pale Night, who brings Baphomet to her side. Who opposes them? Who might be tempted into a timely attack into them? For with every demon opposes other demons, it is one less celestial that will pay dearly for less gain."
[21:08] <Alicia> "Or our supposed ally could turn on us at the most critical moment, or betray our plans to Pale Night," Alicia counters. Still, it's pretty obvious where he's going with this, so she calls him on it rather than continue dancing.
[21:08] <Alicia> "I could easily ask the Queen of Succubi for her help, but given her interest in subverting me into her own service I can't possibly see such an arrangement being beneficial for us."
[21:12] <Kotono> With a darkening face, "I am aware of your dealings with the spawns of Malcanthet. I am..." He considers, face darkening, "If you are willing I would not say no. However, my thoughts were to manipulating other demon lords instead. Yeenoghu has an ancient fued with Baphomet that could be exploited. Perhaps another demon lord could be lured with promises of victory and power."
[21:15] <Alicia> roll 1d20+24 planes, abyssal politics, who in particular dislikes Pale Night or Baphomet and is inclined to get violent about it
03[21:15] * Kobot ( has joined #dunes
03[21:16] * Rei-chan ( has joined #dunes
03[21:16] * Alicia sets mode: +v Rei-chan
[21:16] <Alicia> roll 1d20+24 planes, abyssal politics, who in particular dislikes Pale Night or Baphomet and is inclined to get violent about it
[21:16] <Rei-chan> Alicia rolled : 1d20+24 planes, abyssal politics, who in particular dislikes Pale Night or Baphomet and is inclined to get violent about it --> [ 1d20=18 ]{42}
[21:16] <Kobot> Alicia rolled 1d20+24 planes, abyssal politics, who in particular dislikes Pale Night or Baphomet and is inclined to get violent about it --> [ 1d20=3 ]{27}
03[21:16] * Kobot ( has left #dunes
[21:16] <Kotono> OOC: Ignore Kobot's roll.
[21:19] <Kotono> Baphomet is loathed by Yeenoghu, an ancient rivalry said to be so long and so bitter that both demons have forgotten what started it.  Malcanthet has a longstanding, low intensity dislike of Pale Night as you've heard already. By extension, Demogorgon and other loose allies of Pale Night may or may not support Malcanthet in her disdain. For Yeenoghu, he has the support of a lesser demon lord, Doresain, formerly a servant of Orcus.
[21:19] <Kotono> For Yeenoghu, he has the support of a lesser demon lord, Doresain, formerly a servant of Orcus.
[21:21] <Alicia> Having thought over what she knows, Alicia then regards Naeys once more. "So how would you propose to contact Yeenoghu and entice him to distract Baphomet in a manner that does not hinder us?"
[21:29] <Kotono> "An artifact in Mystra's possession will allow us to contact him. I plan to arrainge a meeting between a servant of Mystra and a servant of Yeenoghu on a neutral ground, where the bartering shall take place. That's the plan I have, if you have a suggestion or a better one, by Mystra's mercy I am happy to listen."
06[21:32] * Alicia shakes her head bitterly. "I hate the idea of involving demons at all, but if it is to be done I've no better way of doing it."
[21:34] <Kotono> Naeys takes a glass and raises it, before drinking deep. "Desperate circumstances call for desperate measures. Two thousand years ago, the Abyss stood with us while Baator schemed. It is a deplorable business, but the strategy of the Dark Six is too strong."
06[21:37] * Alicia can't bring herself to drink to this. She feels filthy already. "Is there anything else?"
[21:39] <Kotono> "Let me bless you before you go." Naeys stands up, putting her drink to the side with a soft clink of glass. "I ask that you do the same for me after. The disgust on your face..." Naeys sighs, "I feel it too well myself."
06[21:41] * Alicia isn't really much for the ceremony but she can probably just copy whatever he does to bless her. "Any victory we earn this way will be just as tarnished as the victory over Daa-vid was," she notes as she gets up.
[21:44] <Kotono> "We couldn't let Daa-vid win, either." Naeys says with a heavy voice. "Nor can we allow the Dark Six to triumph."
[21:47] <Alicia> "No... no we can't," Alicia agrees wearily. But Daa-vid's defeat came with the genocide of an entire race, and the sundering of a world from the cosmos, crippling it for the future and leaving it easy prey for the likes of the Dark Six. And Daa-vid even still lives, after a fashion. It would not be termed a good victory in her estimation.
[21:50] <Kotono> Naeys forms a seven pointed star over Alicia's body, each time momentarily glowing with silver fire. "Mystra, Lady of the Weave, I ask that you grant us your wisdom in the coming trials. Bless us, oh Weave!"
06[21:53] * Alicia watches carefully what he's doing, her eyes glowing blue to perceive the flows of magic so she can trying and figure out if she can copy it.
03[21:57] * Alicia is now known as Ebiris
02[21:57] * Rei-chan ( Quit
03[22:01] * Ebiris is now known as Alicia
03[22:01] * Rei-chan ( has joined #dunes
[22:01] <Kotono> OOC: spellcraft.
[22:03] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26
[22:03] <Rei-chan> Alicia rolled : 1d20+26 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{39}
[22:07] <Alicia> Since he asked for a reciprocal blessing, Alicia grants it by conjuring her own spellfire star above him. "Mother of all Magic, help us see the correct path in the days ahead, that we be not misled."
[22:07] <Kotono> ""Amen." Naeys says, "Do you require transport back to your world?"
[22:07] <Kotono> OOC: Gah.
[22:08] <Kotono> ""Amen." Naeys says, "Do you require transport back to your world? I shall be in contact come the next day, once the artifact if used and a meeting is set up.:
[22:10] <Alicia> Since the plane shift ring hasn't recharged yet, Alicia accepts the offer. "Please. If you can send us to Kelara, I should let Taldeer know I'm well again."
[22:12] <Kotono> With a few murmurs of magic, Alicia finds herself stnading in Kelara once more! She is where she left, Taldeer and two priests within. They are talking in low tones.
[22:16] <Alicia> Hopefully Marie is here too, even if she has been rather quiet of late. "Hello, Taldeer," she waves, not recalling when she was here last on account of being petrified at the time. "Just popping back to let you know I've recovered."
[22:16] <Alicia> She can't help but sound embarrassed, still horrified at the ease of her defeat. It wasn't like when Esthan toyed with her and ground her nose in her weakness, but she honestly can't decide if that actually makes it better.
[22:18] <Kotono> Marie is here as well. "Alicia!" Taldeer stands up ,coming over to her. "Ah, you've recovered quickly."
[22:21] <Alicia> "We found someone in Dweomerheart who countered it easily enough, I'm good as new," Alicia confirms, flexing her fingers. "Sorry about worrying you. I really didn't expect to get attacked here."
[22:21] <Kotono> "It's deplorable!" Taldeer shakes her head back and forth, "Where's Jessica?"
[22:26] <Alicia> "She went home ahead so she could be with her betrothed," Alicia replies, not wanting to say anything about Jessica's offer until everything is settled. "I really should be used to things like this."
[22:26] <Alicia> "A couple of years ago I had to worry about invisible assassin devils coming after me - it's why I got this blindfold that grants blindsight," she taps the black band running through her hair. "I'd wear it all the time but not being able to 'see' anything past thirty feet carries its own problems."
[22:28] <Kotono> "Mystra above they seem to hate you." With a warm smile now, "There hasn't been any sign of the assassin. I had a priest go over to your parent's manor, just in case, and nothing's turned up."
[22:30] <Alicia> "Marie says she chased it off, hopefully we'll be safer in Balmuria - I'd better head back there now, anyway. I'll let you know how things turn out?"
[22:31] <Kotono> "Be careful," Taldeer bids. OOC: Go ahead and make TP rolls back then if you're returning?
[22:32] <Alicia> roll 1d100 home
[22:32] <Rei-chan> Alicia rolled : 1d100 home --> [ 1d100=39 ]{39}
[22:33] <Kotono> OOC: Going to do anything at home immediately or bide your time?
[22:35] <Alicia> OOC: I'll put in an order with Elle for a dose of stone salve then I'll wait for Latha's timer to expire so we can go back to Androlynne.
[22:36] <Kotono> Thus noon comes and goes, time trickling by. Latha and Antenora are resting on the couch as the minutes pass. Hugo is asleep in a chair, curled up. "It should be time," Latha rises up, "Who is going to Androlynne?"
[22:38] <Alicia> "How about just us two?" Alicia suggests to Latha. "Marie and Antenora should be able to keep things safe here, right?" she checks with those two.
[22:38] <Alicia> "You bet!" Marie happily agrees, glomping onto the back of Antenora's head.
[22:40] <Kotono> Antenora reaches up and pets Marie's head, "We won't burn the house down. Maybe Marie and I can even fix dinner for yo utonight, Alicia. Jessica said she might not be back until late."
[22:42] <Alicia> "We should be back by mid afternoon, unless we get sidetracked," Alicia affirms, going to Latha. "Shall we?"
[22:45] <Kotono> Latha comes forward, "Until then," she says, and thus the duo leave for Androlynne! You appear in the forest once more, Latha looking about before walking. As they pass through the forest, "Alicia, what happened today? Jessica was acting unusual."
[22:50] <Alicia> "Well, you know about us being attacked and having to go to Dweomerheart to fix me," Alicia begins, looking for a nearby dryad to enlist for directions to Pascorel. "While we were in Dweomerheart the conversation turned to Jessica's own fate, since her nature has already changed from living with us."
[22:50] <Alicia> "It's not really my place to say any more, though. She'll probably want to talk with you about it herself after she gets back from Roald's."
[22:51] <Kotono> A dryad does come as Alicia looks. "Hi? Pascorel? Thatway!" Pointing along, "Good luck! You keep coming back here!"
[22:52] <Kotono> Latha doesn't reply, only a curt nod. "Let us not worry about it then. To Lady Honeydip?"
[22:54] <Alicia> "Thanks," Alicia gives the tree spirit a little wave, heading off towards the bastion of light in the Abyss. "Keep an eye out for anything invisible as we go? It didn't work for Marie earlier, but it might not be infallible, and I'd rather not get blindsided like that again."
[22:55] <Kotono> "As you wish," With this, you head ot Pascorel! It is a peaceable trip, coming to meet Lady Honeydip in a room of spun gingerbred and pink glass, the fairy commander working away on a slice of apple, eating it with a tiny crystalline fork and knife on a plate. "You return! How did your efforts go?"
[22:57] <Alicia> "Successful," Alicia affirms. "Lyscrea was captured and is being held in Celestia now - we interrogated him as to what's happening between the Dark Six and Pale Night, and I can tell you what we learned, but it would be a good idea for one of your commanders to speak with him as well - they'd know best what questions to ask about things here in Androlynne."
[22:58] <Kotono> "Oh, absolutely!" Her fork and knife go down with a tiny tinkle, "Good on you! Lsyscrea's long been a thorn in our side."
06[23:01] * Alicia takes a seat. "Okay. First and foremost, they're planning a final attack in two months - the demons are gathering their forces and Lyscrea was confident all opposition was accounted for."
[23:01] <Alicia> "They plan to slaughter all the children as part of some sacrifice or ritual that will see the birth of a new Demon Lord. We suspect Pale Night will bear the Neverborn or something like that to attempt this apotheosis."
[23:06] <Alicia> "As to the magical orbs of the Dark Six, they seem to allow free passage to Mother's Mountain. Our best guess is that something there acts as the focus for binding the children here, so if we can breach the mountain to find and destroy it, that would set them free."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:05] <Kotono> <Alicia> "Thanks," Alicia gives the tree spirit a little wave, heading off towards the bastion of light in the Abyss. "Keep an eye out for anything invisible as we go? It didn't work for Marie earlier, but it might not be infallible, and I'd rather not get blindsided like that again."
[20:05] <Kotono> > "As you wish," With this, you head ot Pascorel! It is a peaceable trip, coming to meet Lady Honeydip in a room of spun gingerbred and pink glass, the fairy commander working away on a slice of apple, eating it with a tiny crystalline fork and knife on a plate. "You return! How did your efforts go?"
[20:05] <Kotono> <Alicia> "Successful," Alicia affirms. "Lyscrea was captured and is being held in Celestia now - we interrogated him as to what's happening between the Dark Six and Pale Night, and I can tell you what we learned, but it would be a good idea for one of your commanders to speak with him as well - they'd know best what questions to ask about things here in Androlynne."
[20:05] <Kotono> > "Oh, absolutely!" Her fork and knife go down with a tiny tinkle, "Good on you! Lsyscrea's long been a thorn in our side."
[20:05] <Kotono> * Alicia takes a seat. "Okay. First and foremost, they're planning a final attack in two months - the demons are gathering their forces and Lyscrea was confident all opposition was accounted for."
[20:05] <Kotono> <Alicia> "They plan to slaughter all the children as part of some sacrifice or ritual that will see the birth of a new Demon Lord. We suspect Pale Night will bear the Neverborn or something like that to attempt this apotheosis."
03[20:05] * Ebiris is now known as Alicia
[20:05] <Kotono> <Alicia> "As to the magical orbs of the Dark Six, they seem to allow free passage to Mother's Mountain. Our best guess is that something there acts as the focus for binding the children here, so if we can breach the mountain to find and destroy it, that would set them free."
05[20:05] Alicia invited Hatbot into the channel.
03[20:05] * Hatbot (~Hatbot@ has joined #dunes
03[20:05] * Alicia sets mode: +v Hatbot
[20:06] <Kotono> "A way to end this misery ta last?" Honeydip's eyes alight, "But it seems that it's coming to an end soon no matter what. WHat are you going to do to this?"
[20:09] <Alicia> "We think our best bet would be to ascend Mother's Mountain and hope we can find whatever's responsible for the binding and destroy it."
[20:09] <Alicia> "The problem of course would be if Pale Night were present to personally stop us, I doubt we could muster any force capable of overcoming her," Alicia begins, seeing if Honeydip happens to have any ideas herself besides a suicidal diversionary attack backed up by demonic double-dealing.
[20:10] <Kotono> "Our options are limited," Latha does consider this, with a long sigh. "To face Pale Night would be apocalyptic. Even if we triumphed over her, the battle would perhaps destroy Androlynne."
[20:12] <Kotono> "Hmmm." Honeydip is silent for a time, "A grand war council is absolutely vital now. But...there may be one other option, too."
[20:14] <Alicia> "Go on?" Alicia asks interestedly. He might be an honoured servant of Mystra, and it might even make some rational sense, but she can't help hating Naeys idea of working with Yeenoghu and making a suicidal attack on the Bone Citadel.
[20:16] <Kotono> "Long ago, our forces came in possession of an artifact. It's power was exhausted, but if it were restored, it is said to be able to weaken and repulse chaos tinged evil." Now looking to Alicia, "It's not something many of us can use properly, it's an artifact of Celestia. Further, it lies dormant, having lost most of it's power. Worse, it's damaged - were it to be repowered, it may not survive long intact."
[20:19] <Alicia> "Well, we wouldn't need it for long. Assuming it were repowered, would it be strong enough to repulse Pale Night, though?" Alicia asks, latching onto this idea.
[20:20] <Kotono> "It is known as the Liath-Flail," Honeydip says, "I beileve it would be, at least for a time."
[20:21] <Kotono> Latha emits a startled little noise, "The legend was that demons destroyed it," her eyes are hard, "Why was it not returned to Celestia?"
06[20:22] * Alicia is sure Honeydip has a good reason and maintains a more pleasant expression than Latha as she waits on the explanation.
[20:26] <Kotono> Honeydip turns to Latha, and with grace and humility, sticks her tongue out at her. Once that's done, "We made a choice that we needed it more as a possible trump card come disaster. Celestia can go hang itself as long as the children are safe."
[20:27] <Alicia> Well. Perhaps not that good a reason. "But you said it doesn't work - I think the first thing we're going to do is go to Celestia to see about repairing it, so you could have saved time by doing that in the first place," she can't help but observe.
[20:28] <Kotono> "Celestia would want it back if there isn't a pressing reason not to immediately return it," Honeydip and Latha glare at each other, Latha crossing her arms. "It's important to them."
[20:29] <Alicia> "Ladies," Alicia tries to play peacemaker, "We can return it to Celestia for good after its served its function here, for it won't be needed after that anyway."
[20:29] <Kotono> "It is. The hand of Zaphkiel turned the light of Chronias into a weapon to give to Xerona, guardian of the Bridge of al-Sihal. It's proper place is in her hands." Latha's voice is chilly.
[20:33] <Alicia> Well. That certainly does sound like a weapon to be reckoned with. "I hope we don't have to go to Chronias to regenerate it - I've never heard of any returning," Alicia muses, trying to move along from recriminations. "Regardless, we can investigate when we go to Celestia to take one of your staff along to see Lyscrea."
[20:34] <Kotono> "Exactly." Honeydip says, "The way we understand to recharge it would make getting it back except in an emergency impossible. It has to be taken to al-Sihal and bathed in the light of Chronias a step before entering the Seventh Heaven."
[20:36] <Alicia> "This constitutes an emergency, so hopefully we'll be allowed to borrow it... what do you think, Latha?" Alicia asks the native deva.
[20:39] <Kotono> "Probably. We have no desire to see Pale Night triumph, and we all hav esympathy for the eladrin trapped." Yet still Honeydip and Latha exchange chill glares. "But it is not a simple matter. Reaching the Bridge of al-Sihal is a spiritual trial even to the purest; to pass Xerona is to pass into the true enlightenment that awaits all. Who could turn away from perfection when you stand but a step away from it?"
[20:42] <Alicia> "Let us hope that sympathy for the plight of the children ranks higher than achieving enlightenment on our list of priorities?" Alicia suggests. "Besides, my destiny is in Dweomerheart." For all that the talk of dealing with Yeenoghu continues to gnaw bitterly at her.
[20:43] <Kotono> "We'll need to make our councils and consult with Lsyscrea," A faint smile here, a vengeful one, "Before we commit to this. Give us a day's time and return. I doubt little that we'll grant you the Liath-Flail, but we swore a pact that we would only allow it to be freed by our combined agreement, so it could not be spirited away if the Abyss corrupted one of us"
[20:43] <Kotono> .
[20:45] <Alicia> "Alright," Alicia smiles, standing up. "Until tomorrow, then."
[20:47] <Kotono> Standing as well, "Our emnity aside, I hope the children are saved." Latha turns away, "My words are harsh, but you have done Celestia a disservice, no matter what your reasoning. But let us not pursue it, unless we fall to the same malices that consume devils and demons."
[20:49] <Kotono> Honeydip stands silence. As you head out of the gingerbread house, Latha sighs. "Damnations and light. Let us not focus on this and give the Abyss a chance to gnaw on our souls. Shall we return to Balmuria?"
[20:49] <Alicia> "Oh, before we go," Alicia suddenly remembers something to ask the eladrin general. "Have you ever heard of a fallen solar once of the Court of Stars named Oraga?"
[20:49] <Kotono> OOC: Strike my line.
[20:50] <Kotono> "Oraga? The name's familiar," Thinking a few moments, "Ah yes. I heard he came to Androlynne, but that's the last I heard of him. Apparently he had a grudge against the eladrin. Fortunately, nothing came of it...or has it?"
[20:51] <Alicia> "Apparently he ran afoul of Lyscrea first," Alicia doesn't quite laugh at the irony. "His soul was bound into the balor's bracers."
[20:52] <Kotono> "Irony," With a disgusted look, "What of him now?"
[20:54] <Alicia> "We'll see if we can free him from his confinement and if there's any hope of him mending his ways. What happens to him ultimately depends on him," Alicia responds resolutely.
[20:55] <Kotono> "Good fortune with that," Honeydip says.
[20:56] <Alicia> "Thanks. We'll see you tomorrow, then," Alicia nods, heading out with Latha before they plane shift home.
[20:56] <Kotono> roll 5d100
06[20:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d100 and gets 199." [5d100=22, 22, 94, 43, 18]
[20:56] <Kotono> roll 1d9
06[20:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d9 and gets 4." [1d9=4]
[20:57] <Kotono> You appear in rolling, nearly flat hills and fields. It's sunny here,  Latha basking in the sunlight before, "Let's return?"
[21:00] <Alicia> "I expected we'd arrive at sea, to be honest," Alicia remarks, taking a brief look around before preparing to teleport home. "You raised an interesting point about the flail, though," she comments before doing so. "I wonder if Hell Striker has any former owners still extant who would like him back?"
[21:08] <Kotono> "Hmm. Ask him?" Latha considers, "Magical items tend to be plunder or liberated...oftentimes it's easy to forget others may wish them back."
[21:10] <Alicia> Even if it were the case, the former owner would be expecting a two-bladed sword. Still, "Well, Hell Striker?" she rests her hand on the hilt, knowing he'll have heard her musings.
[21:13] <Alicia> "He doesn't seem to care," Alicia admits to Latha after the consultation. "I suppose he has a choice in the matter, though, unlike other artifacts. Anyway, I'll take us the rest of the way home, now."
[21:13] <Alicia> roll 1d100 home
06[21:13] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d100 home and gets 49." [1d100=49]
[21:14] <Kotono> OOC: Doing anything at home or just biding your time now?
[21:18] <Alicia> OOC: lets wait till tomorrow.
[21:20] <Kotono> The evening is quiet. Jessica returns, quietly taking Antenora and then Latha aside and talking to them. As dinner passes, it's serene. Latha and Antenora sit on the couch, Antenora dozing, her head resting on Latha's shoulder. Latha merely reads a book of Celestian scripture in peace. Hugo and Marie are playing with an old dwarven stone puzzle. Amid all this, Jessica comes to Alicia. "Hey." She says, hands behind her back, "We need to talk ag
[21:20] <Kotono> Jessica comes to Alicia. "Hey." She says, hands behind her back, "We need to talk again."
[21:22] <Alicia> "Lets go into the kitchen?" Alicia returns, putting down her own book of spell theory and getting up so they can talk in private.
[21:26] <Kotono> Once in there, Jessica gets a bottle of wine out. Reynes family special, pouring a glass for herself. She takes a few sips, looking into the winecup. "Well, I talked to Roald. He didn't believe it at first. Ah, I don't blame him. When I insisted, well...we fought. It turned into a screaming fight, so stupid. I was so mad I slammed the door in his face and slumped against it, sobbing. Then...he came in the window. Climbed right up and looked me
[21:26] <Kotono> his face and slumped against it, sobbing. Then...he came in the window. Climbed right up and looked me in the eye. "Jessica, I love you. I don't want to lose you to the Heavens or the Hells." He dried my tears with his hand and held me.""
[21:34] <Alicia> Awww, young love. "It's nice to inspire that sort of devotion," Alicia smiles sappily.
[21:36] <Kotono> Jessica blushes, "We...we, ahem, made up after that." Taking a drink of wine and swiftly moving on, "After, we just talked and talked and talked. I ended up babbling everything to him. How worried I was, how conflicted I was, how afraid that I was going to be torn, about people I love being hurt...and he said that as long as I'm with him, he'll be happy." With a half smile, "Asshole. He just had to give me an answer like that. At the time it s
[21:36] <Kotono> With a half smile, "Asshole. He just had to give me an answer like that. At the time it seemed like the nicest thing he'd ever said."
[21:39] <Alicia> "Most women would go weak at the knees for that sort of thing," Alicia smiles indulgently. "He's a nice young man."
[21:41] <Kotono> "I really do love him...but what I need is firmness. I still didn't want to make this choice myself." Jessica drains her glass of wine, pouring another. "I talked to Latha. She said that she'd support me if I chose to take this and she felt it was my choice, that no one else could make it. Antenora said she thought that I'd have a chance to reach happiness unimagined if I took it." Swirling her refilled glass about, "You notice how no one real
[21:41] <Kotono> if I took it." Swirling her refilled glass about, "You notice how no one really wants to make this choice? Hells, I don't want to. It's a huge one."
06[21:44] * Alicia nods. "It's like Marie said, it's not the sort of thing anyone is ever given a choice about. It's something built up to over potentially thousands of years of experience. Even I wasn't given a choice - not that I disapprove, since it's something of a natural step on the path I walk, but I was never explicitly asked to choose it," Alicia reasons.
[21:44] <Alicia> "It's so far outside the norm that everyone's thrown off, I think."
[21:45] <Kotono> "I'm no saint, either." Jessica drains her second glass in one long swallow, eyeing the bottle of wine. "Bleh. It's no fun ot get tipsy alone." She gets up and puts the bottle away, recorking it. "Why me, then? Is it because this is inevitable because of my friends and family? Are the rest of you going to drag me along to Dweomerheart?"
[21:49] <Alicia> "Sorry," Alicia's eyes look mirthful as Jessica puts away the booze. "I wouldn't say we'd drag you there - you seem happy venerating Mystra in your own way, so you'd likely end up there on your own one day. Although Latha would surely prefer if you went to Celestia. I've honestly never heard of a situation quite like this before, though."
[21:49] <Alicia> Taking a breath, "I think Marie's right. They're desperate. And unlike the Dark Six, it looks like Mystra is still bound by the rules of the Arbiter, otherwise she'd just send one of the Stars of Mystra out to back me up. I'm guessing there's no rule against empowering you, and that's Her loophole."
[21:56] <Kotono> "Mystra's loophole..." Jessica cracks a smile at that, "If The Lady of Mysteries had ever called me, I would think it would be something more sacred than a loophole. Hi, I'm Jessica, loophole of Mys..." At this Jessica cracks up laughing, doubling over. Her speech is lost, laughing long and loud. "Oh Mystra...forgive me for the blasphemy...but..." she wheezes, before breaking into mirth once more! Long does she go, recollecting herself, wiping
[21:56] <Kotono> she wheezes, before breaking into mirth once more! Long does she go, recollecting herself, wiping away tears. "That just...the entire situation put like is funny."
06[21:58] * Alicia can't help but laugh a little as well at her sister's infectious mirth, for all that the situation is near enough the exact opposite of funny as near as she can tell. "It's not really the divine majesty one would expect, no," she has to agree as she calms herself.
[22:01] <Kotono> Jessica cleans her face off, lost in it as she slows her breathing. "I know. The situation is that bad...if that's what Mystra thinks is proper...Alicia, you're right, I do appreciate Mystra. I..." Jessica stands up, pacing about. "Do you really think it's Mystra's will that I take this on?"
[22:06] <Alicia> "The offer couldn't have been made otherwise. Naeys is acting as Mystra's representative, but the power that's required to effect this sort of transformation could only come from Her," Alicia nods. "Pray before you go to bed, maybe you'll get a sign?"
[22:07] <Kotono> Jessica rises at that, "I'll do that. Come the morning I'll make my choice. Good night, Alicia."
[22:09] <Alicia> "Good night, sister," Alicia gives her sister a smile, seeing her off to the stairs and then going back to the living room to settle in with the other inhabitants of the house for another hour or two before her own bedtime.
[22:09] <Kotono> roll 1d1000
06[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d1000 and gets 118." [1d1000=118]
[22:09] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1
06[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 and gets 18." [1d20=17]
[22:12] <Kotono> Dawn. Alicia has awakened, beginning her morning prayers and refreshments. Her door opens without knocking, Jessica entering. "Good morning, sister."
[22:16] <Alicia> "Morning," Alicia returns, standing up to greet her sister. "Sleep well?"
[22:19] <Kotono> "I dreamt of Dweomerheart." Jessica goes to the window, basking in the sunrise. "I dreamt of it and kept thinking about those I love. Yet I couldn't reconcile it...I kept thinking of Roald. He's just a normal person compared to us. Then..." Jessica looks skyward, "Amid all the wonders, there was a simple building amid them. A glass window for a front wall, a perfect bakery. Roald was there with me..." Blushing now, "Roald and I will be togethe
[22:20] <Kotono> Roald was there with me..." Blushing now, "Roald and I will be together, no matter which path I choose."
[22:21] <Alicia> Awww even more. "Sounds like you get the storybook ending," Alicia remarks, shaking her head and smiling warmly.
[22:23] <Kotono> "Alicia..." Smiling now, "Let's go. Me, you, Antenora, Marie, Latha, Roald. Let's go to Dweomerheart. I'm going to give him the best dowry anyone could dream of."
[22:26] <Alicia> "Do you want to go after breakfast?" Alicia asks, happy enough with Jessica's decision if she's happy with it. "Latha and I will need to go back to Androlynne this afternoon, and then we'll likely have to go to Celestia for a little while, so I'm not sure when we'll all be free after today."
[22:27] <Kotono> "Yeah." Smiling now, "I need to go visit Roald and then Seira if she's in town. She offered to help fund Roald opening a second shop. We imagined Valandia, not Dweomerheart."
[22:31] <Alicia> Whoops. Looks like Alicia needs to think of a new wedding gift in that case. Although she's horrified that Jessica's thinking of moving to Valandia, given how little she'd like to go back there herself. Oh, well, one thing at a time. "Ask Donald at her inn, she normally leaves him with details if she's away," she suggests. "I'll have breakfast ready in an hour if you want to go get Roald now?"
03[22:32] * Ciddead ( has joined #dunes
[22:32] <Kotono> OOC: Ready to move on a bit then?
[22:34] <Alicia> OOC: sure
[22:36] <Kotono> Breakfast passes. Everyone gathers together in a circle, Jessica dressed in her armor and her finest clothes. Roald wears the fancy clothes he wore in Kelara. "I'm ready," Jessica says aloud, the two lovebirds holding hands. "Shall we go?"
[22:38] <Alicia> With Hugo now under the dubious care of Dawnhope and the less dubious watchful eye of Shankar at the temple of Mystra, Alicia hands Marie the plane shift ring so she can repeat her attempt of yesterday to take Jessica and her guests to Dweomerheart.
[22:38] <Alicia> roll 5d100 if it matters
06[22:38] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 5d100 if it matters and gets 357." [5d100=26, 97, 64, 74, 96]
[22:39] <Kotono> Thus you appear in the white circle as before. What you hear first is Roald's gasp, looking about and up at the vast statue of Mystra. "Beautiful..." he breathes in a voice of utter reverence, "Everything is so beautiful here."
[22:40] <Kotono> Naeys approaches, staff in hand. "I understand your choice," he says, offering a hand to Jessica. "Are you ready?"
[22:40] <Alicia> "Mystra takes care of those who serve her, and they create beautiful works in turn," Alicia agrees, sidling up alongside Roald.
[22:41] <Kotono> "I will be." Jessica doesn't take the hand, "First...It's Mystra's will that we're together. Once this is done, you'll help Roald here with a bakery?"
[22:41] <Kotono> Antenora is hanging back, looking around and taking it all in.
[22:42] <Kotono> "Magic is our gift to command from the Lady of Magic. We will weave a good home for you and Roald." Naeys agrees, "As Alicia said, we will create a beautiful work here."
[22:43] <Kotono> Roald's eyes are wide, "Is this what perfection is? Oh Jessica, I never IMAGINED it was like this!"
[22:43] <Kotono> "Your soul is drawn to Dweomerheart and Elysium. It is a sublime joy." Latha smiles widely to Roald, "It is the end of suffering and the beginning of love and mercy."
06[22:44] * Alicia smiles, wishing she wasn't quite so jaded. Much as she loves it here, she can't muster the same sort of wide-eyed wonder as Roald's showing, and part of her regrets it.
[22:44] <Kotono> "Then," Jessica takes Naeys' hand in her own, "I accept."
[22:46] <Kotono> "You must be purified first. This will take about an hour; when it is done, you will be taken to the chamber where the ceremony is to be done. Until then, if the rest of you would like to rest?" Naeys says, leading Jessica along. OOC: We can skip along if you like or yo ucan chat or whatever else strikes your fancy.
[22:46] <Alicia> OOC: Unless anyone has anything vital to say we can skip along
[22:47] <Kotono> An hour of bliss and peace passes. You are brought to a room full of light and fire. Here spell fire and silver fire dance, everything centered around a body sized altar to Mystra. "Stand no less than twenty feet away from the altar," Naeys instructs, "Jessica will be arriving shortly and the ceremony will begin then."
06[22:49] * Alicia takes a spot facing the altar at the requisite distance, Marie settling onto her head as they wait. She wonders exactly what will be changed in her sister from all this.
[22:50] <Kotono> As the resident celestials do so, Roald stays close to Alicia. "It's so beautiful here..." he repeats himself again, "Isn't it?"
[22:51] <Alicia> "This is a reward for the faithful," Alicia whispers back. "There are many heavens, each wondrous in their own way, but for me this is the best."
[22:52] <Kotono> Entering the room is Jessica. She wears fine robes of silken white, covering her body loosely. Her face is annointed with glowing lights, eyes closed as Naeys leads her by the hand ahead. Motes of spellfire surround her like ioun stones in orbit, each enscribed with words of Celestial. She is lead to the altar, Naeys helping her lie there. He folds her heands over her chest, dabbing clear water onto her forehead.
[22:53] <Kotono> "For this I would serve Mystra forever..." Roald says with spellbound emotion, "How could one not?"
[22:53] <Kotono> "Shhh," Antenora murmurs, eyes on Jessica.
[22:53] <Kotono> Roald turns his attention to his fiancee, watching with rapt attention.
06[22:54] * Alicia peers at the motes, trying to read what they're saying as Jessica is positioned. It's a lot more ceremonial than what happened to her... but the Goddess can get away with dispensing any formalities She pleases. She forgoes replying to Roald so as not to upset Antenora.
[22:55] <Kotono> They are words of creation, of purification, of love, of transcendance over the dust of mortality. Each one is a powerful sigil, if unbound, they would release energies of such a pure nature that anything impure would be burned away in righteous light.
[22:58] <Alicia> Well, depending on your standard of purity its probably best if they remain bound, then. Keeping quiet, Alicia is content to observe, although to satisfy curiousity her eyes glow blue so she can take in the flows of magic and appreciate all aspects of the transformation. This is likely a once in a lifetime event.
[22:58] <Kotono> In Celestial, in words of creation and words of power that turn the light and spellfire in the room into a blinding glow that yet does not disturb your vision, Naeys begins to pray. "In your name, in your love, in your compassion, in your wisdom, in your guidance, in your power, in your magnificence...I call on the Sacred Lady of Magic. Weave, take my call to Her ears!  Let her will be done through me!" OOC: Make spellcraft.
[22:58] <Kotono>  Let her will be done through me!" OOC: Make spellcraft.
[22:59] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26
06[22:59] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 and gets 33." [1d20=7]
[23:01] <Kotono> The motes of fire glide over the robes Jessica wears. The white silk catches aflame, burning with silver! Her body becomes wreathed in Silver Fire, Naeys placing his hands on her stomach. "From toes to temple, spread. Spread Mystra's will...let the third life begin. Let it live to it's number, be a life of truth and power!"
[23:03] <Kotono> The silver fire reaches a pitch, and in an instant, consumes Jessica! The mass of fire rises, only leaving a pile of dust in it's wake. The dust blows away on a breeze, scattering into nothingness. "Now, be born in Her image!"Naeys calls to the heavens above! The silver fire flashes hot, blinding! (More)
[23:06] <Kotono> A beam of light appears in front of Roald. It reaches high and higher. From it out steps a beautiful woman. Her features are unscarred, perfect. Jessica wears her armor and clothes, annointed with silver. Dove's wings flap on her back, feathers falling away and sizzling into silvery flames. Jessica reaches out to Roald, the two staring into each other's eyes. For long they do this, until gliding into embrace. They kiss, losing themselves in ea
[23:07] <Kotono> until gliding into embrace. They kiss, losing themselves in each other.
06[23:08] * Alicia tactfully averts her eyes, much as she'd like to get a good look at Jessica's new look. Marie shamelessly does not.
[23:09] <Kotono> As they kiss, Roald's flesh glows. Slowly it begins to change, from flesh tones to shiny gold. So long do they kiss, lost in each other. When they do seperate, they speak at the same time. "You kept your promise," They both say at once. Then Jessica, "I did..." she whispers to him. Roald looks to her, "And I always will."
[23:12] <Kotono> Antenora finds herself smiling as she looks on, "Love, eh..." she murmurs softly.
[23:13] <Alicia> Well, looks like Roald's a petitioner, now. Of course, this being Elysium he'd surely become one within a few weeks if he stayed anyway. "Do you two want to spend some time alone?" she offers tactfully.
[23:14] <Kotono> Slowly they let the embrace go, "No. Not right now." Jessica comes to Alicia, taking her hands into hers. "I heard Mystra's voice there."
[23:14] <Alicia> "And?" Alicia asks as her hands are taken.
[23:16] <Kotono> "The choices ahead will be hard ones. But no matter which you choose, she trusts you to do Her will. Go ahead without sorrow, because you do Mystra's biddings. For as long as magic and the Weave exist, tomorrow will be a little brighter."
[23:19] <Alicia> That's nice and comforting. She got a similar reassurance after Esthan beat her up and things turned out okay there, too. "I'm glad to hear that. What about you, though?" she presses on her sister's condition. "How do you feel? What's changed?"
[23:20] <Kotono> "Such light is within me now. How could I have hated, lied, cheated...but yet, there is a responsibility on me. I know there are things I must do now."
[23:23] <Alicia> "And what are you going to do now, then?" Alicia asks, assuming it's an initial rush. If Latha can still have questionable feelings she's sure Jessica isn't beyond them either.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[19:18] <Kotono> <Alicia> Well, looks like Roald's a petitioner, now. Of course, this being Elysium he'd surely become one within a few weeks if he stayed anyway. "Do you two want to spend some time alone?" she offers tactfully.
[19:18] <Kotono> > Slowly they let the embrace go, "No. Not right now." Jessica comes to Alicia, taking her hands into hers. "I heard Mystra's voice there."
[19:18] <Kotono> <Alicia> "And?" Alicia asks as her hands are taken.
[19:18] <Kotono> > "The choices ahead will be hard ones. But no matter which you choose, she trusts you to do Her will. Go ahead without sorrow, because you do Mystra's biddings. For as long as magic and the Weave exist, tomorrow will be a little brighter."
[19:18] <Kotono> <Alicia> That's nice and comforting. She got a similar reassurance after Esthan beat her up and things turned out okay there, too. "I'm glad to hear that. What about you, though?" she presses on her sister's condition. "How do you feel? What's changed?"
[19:18] <Kotono> > "Such light is within me now. How could I have hated, lied, cheated...but yet, there is a responsibility on me. I know there are things I must do now."
[19:18] <Kotono> <Alicia> "And what are you going to do now, then?" Alicia asks, assuming it's an initial rush. If Latha can still have questionable feelings she's sure Jessica isn't beyond them either.
03[19:18] * Ebiris is now known as Alicia
[19:20] <Kotono> "There are so many people suffering. Those who use the Weave for greed and evil, those who use Her gifts as a perversion. They must not stand!" Jessica takes Alicia's shoulders, "They cannot stand!"
[19:24] <Alicia> Especially the ones that are actually better at magic than she is. Alicia really hates that. Still, she'd been hoping for something a bit more specific from her sister. "Well, for now why don't we do some sparring and see how you shape up, then Marie can help you and Roald get settled here while Latha, Antenora, and I go to Celestia to recharge the Liath-Flail?"
[19:24] <Kotono> "Let's," Jessica agrees to this, as...OOC: Do yo uwant to skip ahead here?
[19:25] <Alicia> OOC: sure
[19:25] <Alicia> OOC: I'll tell Naeys to put a hold on the Yeenoghu negotiations since Honeydip had a better idea
[19:26] <Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[19:27] <Kotono> Thus Alicia, Antenora and Latha gather together. Antenora looks on at Jessica as she and MArie head off, a half smile lingering on her face. "To think, from damned assassin to this."
[19:29] <Alicia> "If Beth had a grave she'd be spinning in it," Alicia deadpans. "Or maybe not. She seemed to like the idea of becoming an angel of hell when it was on the table. Anyway, shall we return to Androlynne?"
[19:39] <Kotono> Latha steps forward, "Let us go." With that, she invokes the words of power to return to Androlynne! Fortune is with you again - you reach Androlynne without incident, appearing in the woods and reaching Lady Honeydip without problem. Lady Honeydip is there, dressed in a fancy breastplate, tiny and shining like crystal. A delicate longspear of air and light rests in her hand. Before her lies a sealed box, dingy and plain.
[19:39] <Kotono> Before her lies a sealed box, dingy and plain.
[19:40] <Alicia> "Lady Honeydip," Alicia greets the fairy general with a respectful nod. "How did your council go?"
[19:41] <Kotono> "As I expected," With the tip of her spear, she taps the box before stepping back. "The Liath-Flail is inside; the wards are deactivated. Further, we decided that I'm going to Celestia with you."
06[19:44] * Alicia can understand that the eladrin would want to keep an eye on them and make sure they don't just give the flail away as soon as they get back. Still, she didn't bring Marie along on this ride for a reason... oh, well. Telling her familiar what to do and telling a respected general what to do are two different things.
[19:44] <Alicia> "We'd be honoured by your company. Will you be going to interrogate Lyscrea or coming with us to replenish the flail?" she asks diplomatically.
[19:46] <Kotono> "I want a few rounds with Lsyscrea," Lady Honeydip says with a touch of fierceness, before stopping to clear her throat. "A bit of diplomacy may not hurt things, either."
[19:47] <Alicia> "Alright. Latha, why don't you carry the flail and transport us to Celestia, then I'll bring us to Barachiel's fortress?" Alicia asks the friendly deva.
[19:48] <Kotono> Latha goes to the box, slowly opening it up. She peers inside, a faint blue light flashing on Latha's face from the box. With a soft gasp Latha stares, reaching down into the box.
06[19:49] * Alicia peers over, curious what this weapon made of Celestia's purest light could look like, even in its depowered state.
[19:52] <Kotono> Within the box is a tiny orb. It is perhaps the size of a particularly large pea, utterly soft blue in color. It is marvelous to look at for no reason Alicia can decipher.
06[19:53] * Alicia thinks that she should be disappointed, for all that she feels compelled to stare. "It's... it's really something," is about the best she can manage to convey her conflicting feelings.
[19:56] <Kotono> In Latha's hands, her entire body glows blue. "Oh!" Latha holds it within her hand, closing her eyes tight. For perhaps a moment she stays like this, before dropping the Liath-Flail back into the box. Latha collapses down, the blue light fading from her body.
[19:56] <Kotono> "Latha?" Antenora  drops to her knees, her spear clattering on the floor.
[19:57] <Alicia> "What happened?!" Alicia looks alarmed at this development, rushing over.
[19:59] <Kotono> Latha lies on the floor, staring up at nothing at all. Her eyes are dilated and distant. "Truth. So much TRUTH!"
[20:03] <Alicia> This could be a problem - it'll surely be even worse when the weapon is in its prime condition, and she'd thought Latha of all people would be perfect to bear it. "It's alright, Latha, we're here. Focus on the now," she encourages, crouching over the fallen deva and lifting her into a sitting position. With her other hand she pulls the lid back down on the box over the pea-sized flail.
[20:04] <Kotono> Latha looks straight ahead, "For a moment, I knew the truth. I knew everything! I saw the truth we all climb the mountain for! It is GLORIOUS!"
06[20:06] * Alicia is absolutely certain that all Latha has now is just a vague recollection of knowing the truth and doesn't actually know what said truth is. It's always the way. Still... "Do you remember what it is?"
[20:09] <Kotono> "I...there aren't words. It's not something our words can describe, Alicia! Celestial lacks the proper words to frame it." Latha turns to her, "I don't think words have ever existed to describe it. Touch it, Alicia. See the truth yourself. You'll understand it better than if I spent eternity describing it."
[20:11] <Alicia> "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Alicia asks uncertainly. Still, Latha doesn't seem to be displaying unhealthy longing to repeat the sensation... "What if I'm not ready for the Truth?"
[20:12] <Kotono> "Alicia, the truth is what we live for." Latha looks to her, smiling, "This is everything."
[20:14] <Alicia> "Well... alright. Just a peek before we leave?" Alicia glances briefly at Honeydip, wondering what she's making of all of this before she opens up the box and carefully lifts the orb in her fingers.
[20:18] <Kotono> Honeydip just shrugs, waiting patiently. As Alicia touches the orb...reality ends. Light surrounds her, as her body breaks apart into light. She is surrounded by love, a great sea she joins. She feels the touch of her husband, holding her close. Her child hugs to her legs, as utter bliss fills her. As she feels that...she understands. The reason for life, death, suffering, evil, good...why she has fought for so long. The truth fills her, an un
[20:18] <Kotono> why she has fought for so long. The truth fills her, an understanding that fills Alicia to the brim.  (More)
[20:23] <Kotono> Alicia finds herself slumped on the floor. The truth is with her...a truth of unity, a truth she can't entirely grasp, but she feels with all her heart. A complete, contented peace overwhelms Alicia.
06[20:24] * Alicia takes a moment to gather her wits much as Latha did, and can only nod to the deva afterwards. "Antenora, you need to experience this!" she tells her friend eagerly.
[20:26] <Kotono> Antenora kneels next to Alicia, taking the box and sitting next to her. "If that's what you want," she agrees, settling down before reaching into the box! She blues a rapt blue, eyes going wide! She holds the Liath-Flail for a mere moment, before collapsing against Alicia. She starts to silently cry, shaking all over. "Oh...Alicia...!" she says in a choked voice. "It's perfect!"
06[20:30] * Alicia hugs Antenora while she composes herself. Of course it would be more profound for a repentant devil. "Isn't it," she agrees. "Take a moment to let it all sink in."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[22:41] <Kotono> Antenora rests on Alicia for a long while, softly spilling her tears. She reaches up to wipe them away, "It''s definintely the Liath-Flail, if there was any doubt. The legendary promise of Chronias, atop Mount Celestia..."
[22:44] <Alicia> "It's hard to imagine how potent it could be when restored to its full glory. I actually feel hopeful for our chances, with this," Alicia nods, waiting for Antenora to compose herself before she replaces the lid on the box and helps her upright, handing the box to Latha before addressing Honeydip. "Sorry we got all distracted..."
[22:46] <Kotono> Antenora stays with Alicia, leaning on her to help herself get up. Latha looks with warm eyes at Honeydip, "You know this wasn't yours. Celestia is dimmer without it in Xerona's hands; it's akin to stealing away the heart of Queen Morwel."
[22:47] <Kotono> With complete calm and reserve, "I get it. I'm a horrible demon in training for not giving it back. Go complain to Queen Morwel." With a wave of her hand, "Let's go to Celestia and not worry about the distraction? The sincerity of your reactions makes it entirely excusable."
[22:50] <Alicia> Even if she now has an inkling of the item's import, Alicia can't really blame Honeydip for keeping it after no doubt thoroughly punishing the demons who originally stole it. Her goals are ultimately self-sacrificing and worthy of respect. "Indeed, there's no need for recriminations when we all want the same thing in the end. Lets go."
[22:52] <Kotono> With this, Latha gathers all of you together! In an instant, the Abyss is left behind! You stand in the cool waters of Mount Celestia, the mountain shining high in the sky. As you feel the coolw aters lapping at your legs, a trumpet note of flawless clarity sounds from the heavens.
06[22:53] * Alicia looks up at the sound. "I wonder if someone already knows what we brought back?"
[22:56] <Kotono> The sky begins to dim - for it a darkness, but one brought by masses. Angels and archons fill the skies, a celestial host coming. Even as they do, Latha steps forward. "The Liath-Flail's return is felt throughout the holy mountain."
[22:58] <Alicia> "So much for doing this quietly..." Alicia steps onto the beach, waiting for the host to come to them and hoping they don't rebuke the general of Androlynne too harshly.
[22:58] <Kotono> Lady Honeydip steps forward as well, rubbing her neck and rolling it back and forth. "This is going to be fun..." she mutters.
[23:00] <Kotono> From the massed horde one approaches, the others hanging back. Romiel ascends down, his eyes on the box that holds the Liath-Flail. "After so long!" His voice exults, "You have found the Liath-Flail! How? Had the Dark Six stolen it away?"
[23:02] <Kotono> "Yes." Lady Honeydip clears her tiny throat, "To get to the truth of the matter, we've had it for a long time now. Before you start feeling the calling of righteous justice, listen to me. We kept it as an ace to protect the children of Androlynne after Celestia let demons steal it. We're going to need to use it before it returns to you, to help assist in defeating Pale Night."
06[23:03] * Alicia nods in support of Honeydip. "The guardians of Androlynne recovered it from the demons who stole it, and kept it safe for this day. If its power can be used against Pale Night, the children might soon be freed of the Abyss forever."
[23:04] <Kotono> "Sir," Latha steps forward, "While not defending the theft nor condoning it, we are aware of the situation with the Dark Six and Pale Night. This theft must be answered, but let it be put aside until the crisis has passed."
[23:06] <Kotono> "Plus, it needs to be restored since it's mostly drained of power." LAdy Honeydip states this, "If you didn't know that. Our legends and stories say that it needs to be presented to the highest point of Jovar, a step before passing into Chronias. We need that full power to repulse Pale Night."
[23:09] <Kotono> Romiel makes a gesture of his hand to the sky. In an instant, you are in another place. You stand in a white marble hall, globes of pure gold light shining. "We will discuss your actions later, fey." Romiel's voice is polite, "Though the legends I know speak of the same. But only the most pure and innocent can stand before Chronias and not be obliterated or step forward into the Seventh Heaven. Were you, Alicia, Latha, Antenora or even I to do
[23:10] <Kotono> Seventh Heaven. Were you, Alicia, Latha, Antenora or even I to do so, we would be unable to resist the ascension. Further, one does not simply travel to Jovar! One ascends Mount Celestia to the top. It is a journey of growth, not an adventure to obtain power. To even reach the Bridge of al-Sihal is the cumulation of a mortal and immortal existance."
06[23:12] * Alicia therefore suggests the most logical course of action. "Could we not simply ask someone who is qualified - someone perhaps already resident in Jovar - to come here and take the flail to be replenished for us?"
[23:14] <Kotono> "The Liath-Flail is not so simple. It's power can only be held and wielded by one pure enough to fulfill it's sacred energies and restore it. Xerona could do so, but her duty binds her to al-Sihal for eternity. For the others there, to take those final steps is the fulfillment of life's journey, drawing them to the Seventh Heaven."
[23:14] <Kotono> OOC: Gah.
[23:15] <Kotono> "The Liath-Flail is not so simple. It's power can only be held and wielded by one pure enough to fulfill it's sacred energies and restore it. Xerona could do so, but her duty binds her to al-Sihal for eternity. For the others there, to take those final steps is the fulfillment of life's journey, drawing them to the Seventh Heaven." Romiel continues on now, soft in tone and word.
[23:16] <Alicia> "So... even if we restore it, none of us are qualified to wield it, and no one in Celestia who is able to wield it would be able to come and help us in the final battle of Androlynne?" Alicia concludes, her earlier optimism entering a shattering nosedive.
[23:18] <Kotono> "It is not meant for mortal or immortal hands. It is too bright for those save ascending to the Seventh Heaven." Romiel shakes his head, "It would take a hero of legendary standing and will to fulfill your wishes. It is not impossible, but..."
[23:22] <Alicia> "But what?" Alicia presses, "Isn't there anyone in Celestia who can take up this burden? The defining moment fast approaches - in two months we will have either stolen the children away from the Abyss and given them the life they deserve, or they will all be dead, fed to sate the gluttonous hunger of a creature that was never to be born. We need this, Romiel."
[23:24] <Kotono> "Alicia," Antenora turns sidelong to her. "Maybe the person to do it isn't in Celestia to begin with? I have an idea."
06[23:25] * Alicia turns to Antenora curiously, wondering if she speaks of some celestial paragon imprisoned in Baator.
[23:27] <Kotono> "Do you remember how the prophecy spoke of a child of life? It said the child would have power beyond any blade. That certainly strikes me as what the Liath-Flail may have if restored."
06[23:30] * Alicia has to wrack her brain for a moment to sift through all the obtuse verse Demedais gave them before that one comes to her. "Was that the one about a crown of salt and roses, worn by a smiling child?" she asks, furrowing her brow.
[23:32] <Kotono> "Yes." Antenora inclines her head a little, "When we consult the verses at the right time, information and guidance has been revealed. Helm has left us more help in those verses coming? Instead of a difficult quest to hope we find someone who can use the Liath-Flail, the information we need is in front of us?"
06[23:34] * Alicia would honestly prefer a daring assault on some hellish fortress than puzzling over more riddles, but they might as well take what they can. "I don't suppose a crown of salt and roses means anything to either of you?" she asks Honeydip and Romiel.
[23:34] <Kotono> "The children of Androlynne love wildflowers. You see how they grow all about Androlynne? Roses are included." Honeydip eyes them as she hovers in the air, leaning back to half recline while she flies.
[23:37] <Kotono> "Salt. Tears?" Romiel speaks, "Of this prohecy I do not know, but that is what comes to mind.'
[23:39] <Alicia> "Demedais had them all written down somewhere but I'm having to go from memory. I hate prophecies to begin with, which makes it doubly hard," Alicia admits, shaking her head and crestfallen. "But unless anyone in Celestia is able to help us as we need, I suppose it's all we have to go on, scant as it is."
[23:39] <Kotono> "If theyr'e to take the Liath-Flail, they'd need to be pure and innocent, too," Latha points out, "Perhaps a child, as fitting to Androlynne?"
[23:40] <Alicia> "But the seventh heaven is the epitome of both good and law. That wouldn't match up with an eladrin child," Alicia reasons.
[23:41] <Kotono> "Another child." Latha says, "An eladrin child from there couldn't leave anyway. Or perhaps innocent as a child?"
[23:41] <Alicia> "Even leaving aside that we can't bring any of Androlynne's children here, since if they could leave we would have no need to begin with."
06[23:41] * Alicia looks askance at Latha. "Hugo?"
[23:42] <Kotono> Latha blinks, "...perhaps so. His innocence is overwhelming and he is a child at heart. Despite his yugoloth heritage, he is the purest child I've ever met, mortal or immortal."
[23:43] <Kotono> "Nothing as impure as a yugoloth could enter Chronias," Latha continues on, "Even a half blooded one. But perhaps with his angelic side, he could come close enough, bearing the Liath-Flail...?"
[23:45] <Alicia> "His past is worthy of many tears... but roses?" Alicia mulls that over. "Well, we could interpret tears as being from his fiendish parent, for they often inspire those. His mother could be represented by a rose, if she were an angel perhaps? Even assuming he could stand on those steps, though, I'm not sure he's capable of making the journey up the mountain alone."
[23:46] <Kotono> "Is he?" Antenora crosses her arms, "Jessica told me about how he stood in front of the dread wraith at the Temple of Mystra, unafraid." Holding herself as she thinks, "That stuck out to me. A normal child would be terrified."
[23:49] <Alicia> "He did, I was there," Alicia agrees with Antenora. "But the journey is very long, and with so much to distract a person on the way. He could get lost, or end up falling in with other celestials along the way, losing sight of his goal. He'd need a guide."
[23:51] <Kotono> "That person would have to go the Bridge of al-Sihal. It would not be a  journey to be taken lightly," Romiel states this, "The journey may take some time as well. Who would guide him?"
[23:51] <Alicia> Realisation comes to Alicia as she adds. "And if he did it, he'd still be the only one able to bear the replenished flail. He'd have to face Pale Night. We can't let him do that," she shakes her head firmly.
[23:52] <Kotono> "Maybe," Antenora now looks to Alicia, "He wouldn't face her alone and he'd have great power in hand. And...if it is Helm's wisdom that Hugo faces Pale Night, is it right for us to deny that?"
[23:54] <Alicia> "We could be misinterpreting the prophecy," Alicia counters. "If Helm truly wanted it this way, he could have said so clearly. Sending a child to ascend Mount Celestia and sending him to battle the Mother of Demons are two different things."
[23:55] <Kotono> "Yes, but it fits too well," Antenora counters right back. "A pure child despite yugoloth blood, brave, innocent, safe until we found him..." Now Antenora looks slightly peeved, "Alicia, it makes sense. I don't want any of us to face Pale Night, but let's look at it this way. Let's see how he reacts to the Liath-Flail and if he warms to the idea? If he doesn't like it, we'll know we're wrong then."
[23:56] <Kotono> "I'm not sure Hugo is correct," LAtha says, "I think Alicia has a very strong point, but on the other hand, the power of the Liath-Flail would surely protect Hugo from Pale Night."
[23:58] <Alicia> "We're doing this to protect children - I won't do that by putting another in danger," Alicia puts her foot down. "Aside from Pale Night there will be innumerable other demons, and whatever the Dark Six can muster. He won't be anywhere near all that if I have any say in it."
[23:58] <Kotono> Antenora takes a long breath, "Then who? Do you have any other ideas to who could bear the Liath-Flail?"
Session Time: Sun Nov 22 00:00:00 2009
[00:01] <Alicia> "You never outright answered when I asked if there was anyone else in Celestia who could wield it and wasn't unable to leave," Alicia remarks, turning back to Romiel.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:41] <Kotono> ---
[20:41] <Kotono> > "Maybe," Antenora now looks to Alicia, "He wouldn't face her alone and he'd have great power in hand. And...if it is Helm's wisdom that Hugo faces Pale Night, is it right for us to deny that?"
[20:41] <Kotono> <Alicia> "We could be misinterpreting the prophecy," Alicia counters. "If Helm truly wanted it this way, he could have said so clearly. Sending a child to ascend Mount Celestia and sending him to battle the Mother of Demons are two different things."
[20:41] <Kotono> > "Yes, but it fits too well," Antenora counters right back. "A pure child despite yugoloth blood, brave, innocent, safe until we found him..." Now Antenora looks slightly peeved, "Alicia, it makes sense. I don't want any of us to face Pale Night, but let's look at it this way. Let's see how he reacts to the Liath-Flail and if he warms to the idea? If he doesn't like it, we'll know we're wrong then."
[20:42] <Kotono> > "I'm not sure Hugo is correct," LAtha says, "I think Alicia has a very strong point, but on the other hand, the power of the Liath-Flail would surely protect Hugo from Pale Night."
[20:42] <Kotono> <Alicia> "We're doing this to protect children - I won't do that by putting another in danger," Alicia puts her foot down. "Aside from Pale Night there will be innumerable other demons, and whatever the Dark Six can muster. He won't be anywhere near all that if I have any say in it."
[20:42] <Kotono> > Antenora takes a long breath, "Then who? Do you have any other ideas to who could bear the Liath-Flail?"
[20:42] <Kotono> <Alicia> "You never outright answered when I asked if there was anyone else in Celestia who could wield it and wasn't unable to leave," Alicia remarks, turning back to Romiel.
[20:51] <Kotono> "Only those worthy of passing to Chronias step into the light at the end of the Bridge of al-Sihal. None have ever returned from Chronias except for Zaphkiel. That, in essence, is the problem. The Liath-Flail is not meant to be taken around the Cosmos lightly, but to rest in the hands of Xerona. If I could counsel you better I would, Alicia, but the Bridge of al-Sihal is the very last refuge before the legendary top of Celestia. It is a step a
[20:51] <Kotono> last refuge before the legendary top of Celestia. It is a step away from perfection. Perhaps..." (More)
[20:54] <Kotono> "If you petitioned Sealtiel at Pax Exaltea, he could aid you if any in Mount Celestia can. He is the closest to the peak of Celestia save for Zaphkiel; bearing the Liath-Flail will easily gain you admittance to his presence."
06[20:57] * Alicia wonders how demons could have gotten a hold of it in the first place if no one ever left the last step of Mount Celestia with the thing, but she's growing too weary of this argument to even bother asking. "It seems that's our only option. What do you think, Lady Honeydip?" she defers to the general in charge.
[21:01] <Kotono> "As lon gas it saves the children, you can take it to Jovar or Baator for all I care." Romiel and Lady Honeydip exchange long looks, but neither comments to one another. Instead she goes on. "If it works, I'll accept it.
[21:01] <Kotono> "
[21:03] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 planes, what do I know about Sealtiel/Pax Exaltea?
06[21:03] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 planes, what do I know about Sealtiel/Pax Exaltea? and gets 37." [1d20=11]
[21:07] <Kotono> Sealtiel is the patron of warden archons and the ruler of Jovar, the Glittering Heaven. He is charged with organizing celestial armies and preventing the impure from reaching Chronias.  Pax Exaltea is his fortress, the sixth terrance of a seven terrance ziggurat in Jovar. It rests nearby places such as the Radiant Arsenal and the Exequisher of Souls, where the greatest weapons of archonkind lie and where archons are judged to be promoted, resp
[21:07] <Kotono> weapons of archonkind lie and where archons are judged to be promoted, respectively.
[21:09] <Alicia> "Alright. Lets go see Lyscrea before setting off, then?" Alicia asks, so Honeydip can pump the balor for info she can use to better their defences in Androlynne.
[21:10] <Kotono> "You wanted to come along for that?" Lady Honeydip glances back, "I had assumed you'd have sped off instead by now."
[21:12] <Alicia> "Oh. I thought you were going to come with us," Alicia admits. "Alright then, we'll start heading up the mountain. Hopefully when we next speak it will be with good news."
[21:13] <Kotono> "All the way up to Jovar? No, I'm needed elseware," Lady Honeydip says, "'s just a bad idea for me to go that far."
[21:14] <Kotono> "I will guide us," Latha steps forward, "To climb Celestia is a journey of the spirit - I believe the both of you have reached Mercuria before?"
[21:15] <Alicia> "I understand," Alicia nods, before turning to Romiel. "Probably best not to take Oraga that far either, so will it be okay to leave him in your care for a bit longer?"
[21:16] <Kotono> "It is no danger. Here, he is safe from all others, and all others are safe from him." Romiel nods, "I wish you well, Alicia, and that my words were not so hard and unhelpful."
[21:17] <Alicia> "We can only work with what we have. I know you're doing the best you can," Alicia nods her head magmanimously before turning to Latha. "You took us to meet a sage there who told us about Zetsubokou, yes."
[21:17] <Kotono> "There is one hole in all of this," Antenora gently clears her throat, "How was the Liath-Flail stolen in the first place? If Xerona had been defeated and it taken, surely it would be a known legend."
[21:19] <Kotono> "The first ascent will be simple, you need not prove yourselves again. But beyond?" Latha smiles, "I pray that with the Liath-Flail and our own purity that the trip will not be a long one."
06[21:19] * Alicia was simply being polite and not asking, but since Antenora has she might as well hear the answer.
[21:21] <Kotono> "The legends are ancient. The vairous legends disagree on the specifics, but it is said a yugoloth spoke a lie so powerful and so vile that the Liath-Flail was needed to counter the threat it posed to Creation. During this time, the Liath-Flail was stolen...some day a devil, some day a demon, some say enterprising mortals. No matter what the truth of it, it was known to pass into the Abyss before it was lost beyond magic to recover."
[21:21] <Kotono> to pass into the Abyss before it was lost beyond magic to recover."
[21:23] <Alicia> "I hope we can be as convincing as to our need, and it will not be lost afterwards, then," Alicia concludes from that.
[21:23] <Kotono> "I suppose that does make sense. When I touched the Liath-Flail, I grasped absolute truth." Antenora finds herself nodding to Alicia's words, "I'm confident we'll succeed."
[21:27] <Kotono> "Let's go then," Latha turns away, "We should not dally."
[21:27] <Alicia> "Well, time's wasting - even if Lyscrea said we have two months I wouldn't be surprised if they move up their timescale now that we've got him in our hands, so the sooner the better," Alicia agrees.
[21:28] <Kotono> OOC: Move along?
[21:28] <Alicia> OOC; yes
[21:31] <Kotono> Traveling through the lowest layer is a peaceful reverie. You lose yourself in the warm feelings of belonging here, your conversations light and airy. Worry bleeds out of you as you ascend up, passing through the gates to Mercuria. Here the golden air and hills roll, the paths ahead steep but easy to climb for you.  You progress for some time in the golden light, trekking higher and higher. As you wind up a mountain path, a globe of warm light
[21:31] <Kotono>  trekking higher and higher. As you wind up a mountain path, a globe of warm light cascades down from the heavens, approaching the path you walk at fast speeds.
[21:32] <Alicia> "Looks like we have a visitor," Alicia comments to her companions, looking up towards the lantern archon.
[21:33] <Kotono> As it gets close, you see it isn't a lantern archon. It's a simple globe of light, flying down. It flies down and hits the ground, passing straight through it and down. At this, Latha watches it with a smile. "Do you know what that was, Alicia?"
[21:34] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 planes, do I?
06[21:34] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 planes, do I? and gets 46." [1d20=20]
[21:35] <Kotono> This is a Tear of Celestia. They are said to be prayers that rise to the highest heavens, enlived with holy energy and returning to the mortal world. They are said to cause miracles. Seeing one as you ascend Celestia is held to be a sign of favor and good fortune.
[21:37] <Alicia> "A tear of celestia?" Alicia asks, thinking back to a story she heard once. "A good omen, so I understand." She then cocks her head, "For a second, though, I almost wondered if it was a courre when it went through the ground."
[21:38] <Kotono> "A courre of Celestia? We would have to take it to Marie, it would do her some good," Antenora's lips are firmly upward, her smile light and glowing.
[21:38] <Kotono> "A very good omen. Those above approve of our journey." Latha continues to walk, "Let us continue onward, faster."
[21:39] <Alicia> Energised by this positive sign, Alicia picks up the pace as they tirelessly ascend the mountain.
[21:45] <Kotono> Thus you climb. In due time, you come to a man. He stands without motion, hands tied behind his back. His eyes are covered with a heavy blindfold, his mouth clogged with bronze. In silence he asks you without speaking, "See no evil...hear no evil...speak no evil...?"
06[21:50] * Alicia cocks her head, vaguely recalling those two arguing spirits they met in the fey woods. "Are you asking us which is preferable?" she asks uncertainly. It's a proverb she's familiar with, but the interpretation she always got that someone who saw or heard no evil would therefore speak no evil.
[21:55] <Kotono> Latha steps back, "This is not a matter I can intervene in. It is not my place as your guide to. Enlightenment must come from yourselves."
[21:56] <Kotono> The blindfolded figure stands silent, unmoving and unreacting. Antenora looks to him, "Perhaps which is least, or a judgment on it?"
[22:02] <Alicia> "It felt like a question, even if not phrased as such," Alicia remarks thoughtfully. "It's a common proverb but I've heard different conclusions based on it. In Kelara people take it to mean that the innocent - those who neither hear nor see any evil, will therefore never speak evil."
[22:02] <Alicia> "But in the Fiefdoms it refers to those who wilfully ignore evil - they refuse to hear it, see it, or speak about it even when it stares them in the face."
[22:02] <Alicia> "Both are valuable lessons, but I don't think that's what we're being asked... but then, I'm not quite sure what exactly is being asked, no."
[22:03] <Kotono> "For my money?" Antenora looks to Alicia, "I like the second one the most. No matter how you blind yourself to evil, it exist. If you refuse to hear it...the only thing evil needs to triumph is for good men to do nothing."
[22:05] <Kotono> The man is silent, blind and bound. He speaks nothing.
06[22:07] * Alicia nods. "It's debatable what the value of goodness in isolation is," she agrees with Antenora. "To truly mean something, it must be tested. It's easy to be a saint in heaven, after all," she smiles wryly. Deciding to go with this approach, she addresses the bound man. "Your maxim is the code of the apathetic and the ignorant. It has no place here."
[22:10] <Kotono> The rope around the man's hands fall away, his arms swinging free. The bronze in his mouth melts, running down his flesh. His body turns to a bronzed shade, clad in a white kirtle and little else. The blindfold falls away, eyes of luminous light ahead. "Spoken with truth. Bearers of the Liath-Flail, continue." The man bows deeply to the three. "Ahead you will find the portal to Venya."
[22:12] <Alicia> "Mystra bless you," Alicia smiles in turn, matching his bow before they continue their advance.
[22:13] <Kotono> As you begin your climb anew, Antenora smiles, "That one was a trifle to us...though it a lesson we've learned well."
[22:14] <Kotono> "I did not think the answer would elude you long," Latha rejoins you with a quickened pace, "Vigilance against evil, a sword that shall cleave the darkness. Domiel, ruler of Mercuria, is said to have such a sword."
[22:15] <Alicia> "I was mostly just confused because I wasn't sure exactly what was being asked at first," Alicia admits. "That sounds like a fitting weapon."
[22:17] <Kotono> Antenora smiles and takes a long breath in. "Aaaah. Just walking this path, I find my soul brightening." As she talks, you see an arch ahead. It is an arch of pearl, glowing with golden and silver radiances. Before it stands a mighty warrior, clad in full armor and with a sword that throbs with golden fire.
[22:20] <Alicia> Hopefully the guardian will let them pass after they resolved that test just now, so Alicia approaches without hesitation. "Greetings," she calls, stopping ten feet away, "Does this path continue on to Venya?"
[22:20] <Kotono> The guardian salutes the three with his blade, "Venya does lie ahead." His voice rumbles in his armor, echoing out. "You may continue your journey."
[22:22] <Alicia> "We shall, thank you," Alicia nods, ascending now the highest she's been up the mountain.
[22:26] <Kotono> Thus you pass into the portal! In an instant, you feel closer. You feel closer to unity and the truth, the brightness of the mountain growing. You stand in mountain slopes, lined with light dustings of snow. About you the mountains rise higher, your breath coming out as soft white mists. Several fast moving mountain streams can be spotted about. "Come. We'll proceed on, may be warranted to take a side trip here."
[22:26] <Kotono> "Come. We'll proceed on, may be warranted to take a side trip here." Latha is already moving, moving ahead in the air.
[22:27] <Alicia> "Whatever you think is best," Alicia agrees readily, happy to trust Latha's judgement as she takes wing after her.
[22:28] <Kotono> "The Glass Tarn is an icy lake. If one offers up something of true value to themselves and tosses it into the lake, a prophecy shall rise up from the depths. It is your choice; I recall your opinion on prophecies."
[22:32] <Alicia> "I'll decline," Alicia agrees. "Antenora, do you want to try it?"
[22:33] <Kotono> For a time Antenora considers, then shakes her head. "If we return, I may indulge in it. I have enough with one prophecy to untangle for now. Let us see about the Liath-Flail now."
[22:42] <Kotono> Thus you journey on for a time. You journey over smooth, snowy peaks and past brooks. You pass terranced fields and tall domes, cities dotteda bout the pristine surface. After some time, exacts lost in the exultation of ascension, you come to a small keep. It lies in a super narrow valley, blocking the way ahead. Waterfalls roar down in front of it, a vast lake before it. A bridge of latticed silverwork lies ahead, fragile looking, yet standin
[22:42] <Kotono> a vast lake before it. A bridge of latticed silverwork lies ahead, fragile looking, yet standing true.
[22:44] <Alicia> They could surely fly over it, but Latha's probably guided them this way for a reason. "Do we go through the keep?" Alicia asks.
[22:45] <Kotono> "It is in our path. Let us see who is inside?" Latha walks onto the lattice, the silver unbending under her weight. "Nothing in Celestia is met without purpose."
06[22:49] * Alicia assumed as much, and lands on the bridge behind Latha. "I remember when we thought like that in Brightwater and ended up knocking on some random petitioners door. He wasn't too impressed," she remarks in amused chagrin.
[22:50] <Kotono> Antenora follows, the waterfalls roaring ahead. The spray of them wets you as you pass, the crystal-clear waters  washing away sweat and filth. By the time you reach the gates inside, you feel as clean as if you bathed. As you approach the gates, they open wide. Inside is a room crafted of nothing but pearly stone, a further gate ahead parting. Inside there is a throne, an angelic figure of surpassing beauty and perfection watching you. It's e
[22:50] <Kotono> an angelic figure of surpassing beauty and perfection watching you. It's eyes shine with love and wisdom, felt readily. It wears heavy armor head to toe, yet seems unburdened. Great white wings sprout from it's back, six in total. A delicate, twisting rod of pearls lies against the throne.
[22:51] <Kotono> "Knowing that part of Brightwater, we probably interrupted something inti..." Antenora pauses here, taking in the view. Her words cease as she watches.
06[22:53] * Alicia bows before the armoured angel after they enter the keep. "Greetings. We three travellers seek to climb the slopes of Mount Celestia, in hopes of replenishing the Liath-Flail that it's power might save the lost children of Androlynne," she explains their quest, anticipating another challenge here.
[22:56] <Kotono> The being rises from his throne, rod in hand. "Approach. I am Orythis, seer of Erathaol. The weaving paths of time have brought you to my domain. You are Alicia Reynes, servant of Mystra. I bid you fair welcome. You are Antenora the redeemed, servant of Mystra. I bid you fair welcome. You are Latha, servant of the Heavens. I bid you fair welcome. In you I see truth and righteousness."
06[22:57] * Alicia straightens up and approaches. "Thank you, Orythis. We seek justice in all things," she affirms their commitment to the proper application of order tempered by benevolence.
[23:01] <Kotono> "Those who find their way to my realm are offered a gift. Each of you may see a vision of the future if you choose to. Close your eyes and concentrate on one thing, and a vision will come related to that. It may be anything, as far as to my vision can reach."
[23:04] <Alicia> Since they brought up his hypothetical role in prophecy earlier today, Alicia can't help but be curious how Hugo's going to turn out, so she closes her eyes and thinks of the innocent half-angel/half-yugoloth who likes nothing better than drawing pictures with Marie on her living room floor.
[23:13] <Kotono> Alicia's mind swirls. In a gray void, an elf wanders. He is bloodied, a broken sword in hand, the tattered remnants of metal armor hanging off his body. He limps ahead, coughing up blood. He wobbles on his feet, pitching forward to fall face down...but he stays up. A ghostly hand rests on the elf's shoulder, righting him. Hugo goes to the elf's side, supporting him with his body. As he does, the elf's wounds repair, flesh smoothing over and bl
[23:13] <Kotono> supporting him with his body. As he does, the elf's wounds repair, flesh smoothing over and blood returning to where it should be. "The nightmare is over. You can go rest now." (More)
[23:14] <Kotono> "" The elf's voice is broken, but his eyes widen. He reaches ahead past Hugo with a cry, vanishing away. Hugo smiles for a moment, before walking ahead into the gray, lifeless void.
[23:17] <Alicia> Well, it's utterly lacking in context, but it shows two things. Hugo will continue to learn and develop, mentally maturing as anyone else would, and that he'll help a mysterious elf in a grey void. It seems like an act of kindness, and so Alicia is happy with what she's been shown.
[23:18] <Kotono> Alicia's eyes open. Antenora has a strange look on her face, while Latha approaches. "I thank you for your gift," she says to Orythis, reverant voiced.
[23:19] <Kotono> "Remember, the stream of time and the future is ever mutable. What is seen is only one potential, as much as my power can understand it. It is up to every living being to make a better future."
[23:19] <Kotono> OOC: GAh.
[23:20] <Kotono> "Remember, the stream of time and the future is ever mutable. What is seen is only one potential, as much as my power can understand it. It is up to every living being to make a better future." Orythis raises his rod briefly, the back wall of his keep vanishing, the path ahead seen. "Proceed on."
06[23:21] * Alicia nods to Orythis. "A Quarut recently showed me a vision of the future where I had wings like these," she notes, flexing her white-feathered new limbs. "It came true sooner than I expected. Thank you for showing us what you could," she concludes, starting back on the path.
[23:23] <Kotono> "I thank you," Antenora heads along with Alicia. As they leave it behind, she breaks the silence first. "What did you see, Alicia?"
[23:26] <Alicia> "I saw Hugo helping an elf in an empty grey space," Alicia replies, smiling. "He looked the same but it was clear he'd grown up. After our earlier conversation about prophecy I couldn't help but be curious how he'll turn out. What about you two?"
[23:28] <Kotono> "I thought of the Child of Life. I saw only hazy images, indistinct. I thought it was a man at first, then I was certain it was a woman...then a man with longer hair, then a child. Then a giant of a creature...Nothing definitive, or perhaps telling in it's own right." Latha says this as you walk along, feet crunching in the light snow beneath.
[23:29] <Kotono> "Empty gray space?" Antenora considers that, "The Gray Wastes, maybe?"
[23:30] <Alicia> "I suppose it's hard for you to see the future of a being if you don't know who the being is," Alicia guesses in response to Latha. "I don't know, Antenora - it was more like the astral plane except gray rather than silver. There was no terrain at all. What did you see in yours?"
[23:32] <Kotono> roll 1d20+22
06[23:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+22 and gets 28." [1d20=6]
[23:35] <Kotono> "I thought of love. Jessica and Roald looked so happy together." Antenora's lips tug with a faint smile, "I saw...a possibility."
[23:37] <Alicia> "We'll have to visit Dweomerheart more often now to stay in touch with them if they're going to live there full time," Alicia notes pleasantly, before cocking her head at Antenora's addendum. "Did it show someone in your own future?"
[23:39] <Kotono> "It did." Antenora looks skyward, walking along before answering further. "A man who loved me very much. I could not see his face, but I felt the love he held for me."
[23:40] <Alicia> "I suppose it's like Latha's vision, limited by your own knowledge. That means it must be someone you haven't met yet," Alicia assumes, grinning. "You'll have to keep an eye out."
[23:43] <Kotono> "If we are to meet, we'll meet. If we are not to, we'll not." Antenora grins right back, "That sort of love and devotion...I know a shade of it with you. But to know it with a man, to add that dimension of affection, attraction and bonding..." Antenora's voice is thoughtfully distant, "At first I had dismissed it as impurity. You and Marie upbraided me for it, and with wisdom that I can appreciate now."
[23:48] <Alicia> "I'm glad you see it that way," Alicia nods approvingly. "Any man would be lucky to have you."
[23:50] <Kotono> "From that love would come children....children that would have a warm home and parents. Ones who would be raised right." Antenora goes on, hands to her stomach. "A love that can create sacred life..."
[23:52] <Kotono> "It's Lathander's word that life creates life." Latha now smiles warmly, "A mother's joy is sacred as the air we breath now. When the time is right, embrace this role."
[23:53] <Alicia> "Feeling broody?" Alicia asks warmly. "I can't blame you. For all that I was exhausted and sore in ways I hadn't yet imagined, the moment I first held my son was the happiest of my life..."
[23:55] <Kotono> "For an erinyes, childbirth is a procedure. It's to continue tyranny; a child's innocence has no place in Hell. A child is to be broken and abushed, punished, raped, tormented and driven to dominate others. Unless a child falls into this role, they are worthless to Hell." With a soft smile, "Folly. That love in your eyes, Alicia, I want to have it in my own with my own baby."
06[23:57] * Alicia doesn't dwell on what Antenora says about erinyes childhood, focusing instead on the last part as she pats her friend's arm. "One day you will," she promises. And silently to herself she vows to do everything she can to ensure Antenora never feels the pain of losing her child the way Alicia did.
[23:57] <Kotono> "To pervert this process is a sin against the natural order. It is no wonder at all that Lathander bid me to destroy any Neverborn I ever come across. The sickening blasphemy they represent offend me, an insult to every loving mother.'
[23:58] <Kotono> Antenora looks into Alicia's eyes, "And, when the time is right, for you to find this once more as well." With a crooked smile, "We can raise children together. After the ordeals we've been through, it would be a vacation of love."
[23:59] <Kotono> Then she turns back to Latha, a somberness overtaking her, "Yes, absolutely so. Ao...why? If the Overgod is better than a cruel demon...what could motivate him to do what he did?"
Session Time: Tue Nov 24 00:00:00 2009
[00:05] <Alicia> Alicia's expression falls as they turn to the disagreeable topic of the Overgod. "It's maddening. Ao is a being with the power to crush all of Asmodeus's schemes, or lay waste to the heavens, or anything else you could imagine. But he doesn't. He simply imposes edicts and punishments according to his nonsensical whims,
[00:05] <Alicia> and randomly chooses whether to let violations to his own rules pass or not. He could have stopped Daa-vid's apotheosis at the first step, instead he let it proceed, allowed all the madness and devastation that followed, and then when he was finally brought to heel by everyone else did he step in and sever our ruined world from the rest of the cosmos."
[00:05] <Alicia> "To be honest, I suspect Ao has more in common with Zetsubokou than with any other Power that we know."
[00:06] <Kotono> "You know..." Antenora does a double-blink, "Zetsubokou was supposed to be almost immune to divine power, no?"
06[00:08] * Alicia nods. "She was from 'outside' of the Planes. Can either of you tell me which plane Ao or the Arbiter dwell upon?"
[00:09] <Kotono> "It's unknown..." Latha now looks at Alicia, "Are you saying that Zetsubokou and Ao are related?"
[00:10] <Alicia> "Obviously I don't *know*," Alicia replies. "But you can't tell me it doesn't make some sense."
[00:10] <Kotono> "The Far Realm is said to be beyond the Outer Planes. If Ao does not dwell in reality as we know it, then perhaps he dwells beyond it?" Antenora's voice lowers sharply, "That abomination we slew...could be possibly of the same stock as him?"
[00:11] <Kotono> "Then if that is true," Latha's face is turning into a scowl, "It's not reason, but incomprehensible madness that drives him? No better than a demon?"
[00:15] <Alicia> "It may only seem like madness because we lack his perspective, but... well, look at what happened with Daa-vid. Look at what's happening now with the Dark Six. Look at the Neverborn he creates from some godly couplings while allowing others to pass."
[00:15] <Alicia> "What plan, what order, can you see in these actions?" Alicia asks. "Saying he's alike to Zetsubokou is disingenous, for one they are orders of magnitude seperated in power and scope. But I can well imagine a commonality."
[00:19] <Kotono> "This is profoundly disturbing to ponder." Antenora says with wonder in her tone, "But to research it would take us to the Far Realm. Utter folly for any who dare. But yet, if the truth laid within that madness, it would be a greater temptation than all of Hell's fruits."
[00:21] <Kotono> "Even if you're right, what does it matter if a few of us guessed what he is? If the Gods can do nothing to him, our thoughts are meaningless to him. But to imagine something like that is ruling Creation..." Latha stops, "Lathander, I wish to purify myself immediately."
[00:24] <Alicia> "It's immensely depressing, isn't it?" Alicia nods glumly to Latha. "The best we can hope for is that he limit his involvement, but to know everything we do is merely at his sufferance, and looking at his track record..."
[00:25] <Kotono> "If we ever confirmed this...if we ever had proof...would we use it and perhaps drive all living life into a crusade of madness to the Far Realm, or keep this vile secret?" Antenora sighs deeply, "Perhaps when this is done we should discreetly seek information on the Far Realm? There is the matter of the breech in Gehenna, too."
[00:30] <Kotono> "You know what's worse? I'm starting ot draw grandiose, multiverse spanning schemes in my mind now. Well, more than usual." With a distinctly unpleased look, "Puppetmasters of madness manipulate the Cosmos for fun and laughs."
[00:31] <Alicia> "I don't normally counsel hopelessness, but in this case I'm not sure Ao could be harmed even if every power in the wheel turned their might against him. And it is only supposition on my part... still, Far Realm or not, I do not consider Ao's actions that I'm aware of to be commendable," Alicia concludes. "Though I regret raising the topic for how it's disheartened us."
[00:33] <Kotono> "Then even if the rest of the world is hopeless, we'll find light and love within ourselves," Antenora goes to Alicia, hugging her. "Like that. Even if the worst is true and everything is a sick game for insane octopus-like creatures, the light within us won't die."
[00:34] <Kotono> "That's right. Let us turn our minds to holiness, not the whispers of despair." Latha proceeds along now, "This gloom is not suitable for the holy slopes of Celestia."
06[00:36] * Alicia nods, embracing Antenora back. "For all the sadness and horror that can be found in existence, there is still peace and beauty," she agrees, giving the reformed baatezu a fond squeeze before parting. "There is much we have to do here in the realms we know without concerning ourselves with what lies beyond."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:28] <Kotono> <Alicia> "I don't normally counsel hopelessness, but in this case I'm not sure Ao could be harmed even if every power in the wheel turned their might against him. And it is only supposition on my part... still, Far Realm or not, I do not consider Ao's actions that I'm aware of to be commendable," Alicia concludes. "Though I regret raising the topic for how it's disheartened us."
[20:28] <Kotono> > "Then even if the rest of the world is hopeless, we'll find light and love within ourselves," Antenora goes to Alicia, hugging her. "Like that. Even if the worst is true and everything is a sick game for insane octopus-like creatures, the light within us won't die."
[20:28] <Kotono> > "That's right. Let us turn our minds to holiness, not the whispers of despair." Latha proceeds along now, "This gloom is not suitable for the holy slopes of Celestia."
[20:28] <Kotono> * Alicia nods, embracing Antenora back. "For all the sadness and horror that can be found in existence, there is still peace and beauty," she agrees, giving the reformed baatezu a fond squeeze before parting. "There is much we have to do here in the realms we know without concerning ourselves with what lies beyond."
03[20:29] * Ebiris is now known as Alicia
[20:30] <Kotono> Thus you continue to walk. You are ascending up a long, winding slope, climbing and climbing the great mountain. As you do, a sound pierces the crystal clear air. A mewling, a meowing, throaty and lonely.
[20:32] <Alicia> "A cat?" Alicia cocks her head, trying to locate the sound.
[20:32] <Kotono> It's coming from ahead and to the side, "It sounded like one," Antenora looks about as well, pointing ahead. "I think it came from over there."
[20:35] <Alicia> "Lets have a look?" Alicia suggests, heading the way Antenora pointed. It's probably a disguised angel like the fox in Ysgard, so she won't be taking her clothes off this time!
[20:37] <Kotono> Ahead and past a few rocks lies a cat. It's reddish fur is mussed, bloodie din several places. It's teeth are fierce, whiskers sharp and cutting through the air. The cat's face is sinister, it's eyes like that of a demon.  It mewls again, it's back legs dragging behind it, broken. It lies on it's stomach now.
06[20:40] * Alicia approaches carefully, wondering if this is what a bezekira looks like without its invisibility. "Can you understand me?" she asks, her hands outstretched in a calming gesture and away from her sword.
[20:41] <Kotono> The cat hisses, but at the same time, it's wounds bleed. Blood trickles from it's body as it tries to rise but fails.
[20:42] <Kotono> 'It's so helpless,' Antenora stays back from Alicia, 'Isn't it?'
[20:43] <Alicia> 'I'm reminded of a parable about a mouse and a lion. But I'm no mouse,' Alicia replies, continuing to inch towards the wounded feline. "It's alright," she tries to soothe it, "I won't hurt you. Just relax..."
[20:44] <Kotono> OOC: Make a charisma check?
[20:45] <Kotono> 'You're the lion, not the cat.' Antenora chuckles, 'Besides, it's apperance is likely deceiving. No fiendish animal or hellspawn would simply lie here so easily, no?'
[20:45] <Alicia> roll 1d20+8
06[20:45] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+8 and gets 11." [1d20=3]
[20:46] <Kotono> The cat eyes Alicia and hisses again, snapping it's teeth, even as it's body strains forward. Another splurt of blood comes from it's wounds, and with a grunt, it crumbles entirely down and hard, thumping into the rocky path.
06[20:49] * Alicia winces, and takes advantage of the cat's momentary stunning. Smoothly moving from gentle creeping to a few quick steps forward, she positions herself to its side so it's awkwardly positioned to bite or claw at her, before she places a hand on its nearest hind-leg, channelling healing energies.
[20:49] <Alicia> Her other hand is positioned on the scruff of its neck to hold it back if it does twist to snap at her.
[20:49] <Alicia> OOC: 20hp lay on hands
[20:52] <Kotono> The wounds of the cat heal! It's body returns to vitality immediately! As it does, it grows and grows! From the size of a housecat to a great lion of gold, it's mane fire dancing with light. "In kindness, the present washes away the taint of evil in the future." It's voice rumbles, "A lesson I sense you know well."
[20:54] <Kotono> "In time Alicia taught me this virtue," Antenora melts into a smile, "I half suspected the truth of it, but you are right. It is a lesson we know well."
[20:56] <Alicia> "Despite your appearance, you did not act like a wicked creature," Alicia admits as she pulls back and smiles at the great cat. "Still, I am perhaps not as kind as I could be, and the lesson is well taken," she inclines her head, recalling her initial harsh treatment of Antenora.
[20:58] <Kotono> The lion steps back, body winking away in a pillar of bright glory. "One can always improve as they ascend the mountain. Bear this in your heart, and you will come closer to the perfection of Chronias."
[20:58] <Kotono> "Another lesson I've learned well. Why, even today..." She stops at that, words ceasing as the lion has vanished.
[20:59] <Alicia> "I'm sure he just didn't want to take up more of our valuable time," Alicia consoles Antenora as her conversation is abruptly cut off.
[21:00] <Kotono> The former erinyes is smiling despite it, "Still..." she stretches back, "It reminded me of myself. Was I so pathetic at first, trying to bite and snap even as my own sins tore me asunder?"
[21:02] <Alicia> "You could be quite obnoxious, when you weren't transparently trying to flatter me," Alicia agrees without rancor, patting her on the back.
[21:03] <Kotono> Patting back and with a roguish grin, "Now I imagine myself as a cat, wanting the fish you hold while rubbing against your legs and purring - no matter how long it goes or how irritating it is that I won't stop."
[21:05] <Alicia> "You're lucky I'm more of a cat person," Alicia banters back, hopping over the rocks and back onto the path to resume their journey.
[21:11] <Kotono> Latha looks to the two and just chuckles, keeping her peace. After al ittle more walking, you come to a rising pearly stair. It ascends farther than you can see, built into the mountain. At the foot of it stands a newborn child. Yet it's face is the face of an old man, ancient and whitebearded. Four circles float around it's brilliant, glowing body, each one full of more eyes than you can count. It speaks in a multitude of voices at once, each
[21:11] <Kotono> each one full of more eyes than you can count. It speaks in a multitude of voices at once, each the same but different. "You who seek Solania, listen. Ahead is a realm of comtemplation and purification, domain of Pistis Sophia."
06[21:12] * Alicia can't help but be a little unsettled by the appearance of this particular archon, but does her best not to show it in her expression as she patiently listens.
[21:14] <Kotono> "The path of the ascetic is one of sacrifice. The Pearly Stair will not take you unless you sacrifice something of the worldly realm to further yourself towards enlightenment." The being's body is difficult to look at for long..the eyes-wheels are the eyes of thousands. Each one glows with righteous wisdom, too pure to contemplate with mere vision. "What you choose is your own choice; a worthy sacrifice will be accepted by Pistis Sophia."
[21:15] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 planes to ID this dude
06[21:15] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 planes to ID this dude and gets 33." [1d20=7]
[21:22] <Kotono> "I am," The being speaks, a slight gentleness, "My existance akin to Quaruts."
[21:23] <Kotono> Antenora eeps ever so slightly, burning a rosy red. " overheard?"
06[21:23] * Alicia blushes slightly, wondering if it's reading her mind or if it saw a potential future where they asked.
[21:24] <Kotono> "I see the unified past. You are of the worst future turned to the shining best." The being's many eyes gaze on Antenora with love, "Many a future kept you in the Pit, or into the endless oblivion. You choose your future wisely, deva."
[21:25] <Kotono> Then to Alicia, "I see the future. I see shining futures for you, servant of righteousness. But be wary, for not all future end in light. From the highest peak, the falls are all the more damning and tragic."
[21:27] <Alicia> "All I can do is strive to make the best future for myself. I have not fallen yet, and hopefully will not in the future," Alicia replies, refusing to be drawn on her darker potential. "In any case..."
06[21:27] * Alicia considers for a moment, thinking of something valuable she can sacrifice but wondering if it might cause offence... Is it really a sacrifice if it's something she never wanted in the first place? "What I have to sacrifice is valuable, true," she begins as she opens up the portable hole.
[21:27] <Alicia> "But I never wished to have it. If Pistis Sophia does not wish it, I can offer something else," she concludes as she takes out a tome gifted to her by Esthan that would supposedly empower her charisma, and carried no hidden side effects as far as Seira could tell.
[21:31] <Kotono> The book flickers a rumbling black! "The futures I see from this book...are all abominations of tyranny and evil!" The spirit hisses as it's eyes swirl around it's body, circles rotating at a rapid pace. "And yet I can see no past from it! The book you carry has been touched by a being of supreme evil. Lay it down. Pistis Sophia accepts it, so that it may be removed in righteous fire!"
[21:33] <Alicia> Well... that's going to be an awkward conversation with Seira and Demedais... "I see," Alicia coughs. "Forgive me, but the creature who gifted me with that tome also gave similar ones to two of my friends, and they had no reservations about accepting those gifts. Can you tell how they might be affected?"
[21:33] <Alicia> She then places the book down on the ground and takes a step back.
[21:34] <Kotono> The being steps forward, staring at the book before touching it. "I...believe it to be safe. Yet...even the touch of such a creature pollutes the future of this book. Do you know of the creature that so tainted this book? One of the Lords of the Nine or another archdevil?:
[21:36] <Alicia> "An archdevil that supposedly rivals the Lords and seeks to usurp Asmodeus," Alicia nods. "Forgive me but I cannot say the being's name, the last time it was uttered outside of a specially warded area, several archons were slain simply from hearing it."
[21:38] <Kotono> At this, white fire descends from above! The book explodes outward in fire, dissipating in a mere second! "His agent gave us this book as an attempt to curry favor. He resides in righteous imprisonment now."
[21:39] <Kotono> "It is good. Alicia, you may walk ahead. Antenora and Latha, what shall your offering be?"
06[21:40] * Alicia nods at permission being granted but waits for Latha and Antenora to make their offerings before advancing.
[21:40] <Kotono> "I don't know yet," Antenora says it aloud, "Does it have to be a material thing or can it be more symbolic?"
[21:45] <Kotono> "It must be of the worldly realm, though you may propose what you wish." is the answer back. Antenora thoughtfully looks to Alicia, 'Any-' She stops there, "Any ideas, Alicia? Worldly desires? Pistis Sophia is the ascetic, perhaps that would please her."
06[21:50] * Alicia is half tempted to suggest the ring of sustenance, but giving up that means being forced to partake of more food and sleep, which doesn't sound right. Besides, it was the first thing she bought Antenora after she relinquished her diabolical nature, so there's sentimental value there.
[21:50] <Alicia> "It's more meaningful to choose yourself, but how about the Mantle of the Storm?" she nods to the cloak Antenora wears.
[21:53] <Kotono> "I think so, but..." Antenora merely takes off her cloak, lying it on the ground. "I took this from a trial in our world. It has value to me, for I fought bravely with Alicia and my friends to win it. I offer it so that I can grow greater in the wisdom of sacrifice."
[21:54] <Kotono> The cloak floats into the air and vanishes! "Pistis Sophia is content with your offering, Antenora. Latha?"
[21:56] <Kotono> Latha steps forward, placing her mace down. "This weapon has served me well. But for enlightenment, I will shed it and the bloodshed it embodies, righteous or not."
[21:57] <Kotono> The mace floats in the air and vanishes! "The three of you may continue," the being says, "The fourth mountain is above us."
06[21:58] * Alicia feels a bit guilty at not having given up anything of value, unlike her two friends, and resolves to take the hit if further sacrifices are called for further up the mountain, or at least reimburse them. "Thank you," she nods, smiling at her friends before starting onwards.
[22:02] <Kotono> Thus you walk up. You find yourselves in fog. From walking up pearly stairs to standing in a luminencent fog, glowing like heaven's splendor. Above you, a burnished silver sky glows. You stand on grassy ground, soft soil beneath your boots. You feel peace inside of you, a desire to close your eyes and reflect.
[22:03] <Alicia> "This reminds me of the first time I went to Uatu," Alicia remarks, taking a deep breath as she stops and closes her eyes, just for a few moments. They can't afford to delay too long, but would be remiss not to appreciate all that Celestia has.
[22:04] <Kotono> "I know," Antenora takes a few steps ahead, "It's a sweet, sweet lulling, but one we can't indulge in."
[22:05] <Kotono> "There may be time yet. Let us see how our path takes us," Latha walks through the fog, "In the light of Solania, wisdom will come to us. I am certain of it."
[22:07] <Alicia> "You're right," Alicia nods at length, opening her eyes and walking after the other two. "We shouldn't get distracted, but neither should we be too focused on our goal at the expense of the journey. That doesn't seem to be Celestia's way."
[22:10] <Kotono> Thus you walk. You seem to be proceeding downhill into a valley, the fog thick and bright. You walk for a time; ahead lies a stream. Sitting on a large flat rock near it is a woman of blue, as if made of indigo. Her body is genderless, yet with faint traces of feminimity. A single pair of blue-white wings adorn her back, body untouched by clothing. A look of serene, self satisified contentment brings peace to your souls. She watches you approa
[22:10] <Kotono> A look of serene, self satisified contentment brings peace to your souls. She watches you approach, beckoning you closer.
06[22:12] * Alicia approaches without reservation, stopping a little under ten feet away. "Greetings," she ventures. "My name is Alicia, and these are my friends, Antenora and Latha."
[22:14] <Kotono> "I am honored," Latha bows to her, going to kneel. "My Lady, you honor us with your exalted presence in our journey to Jovar."
[22:16] <Alicia> Wait a second... Alicia clues in from Latha's reaction just who they're dealing with, and blushes before following her example by kneeling as well. "Truly, it's an unexpected pleasure."
[22:16] <Kotono> Antenora quickly follows suit, "M'lady," she adds in.
[22:17] <Kotono> "I am Pistis Sophia." With a smile of content love, "Would you walk with me through the valley here?"
[22:17] <Kotono> "Of course, the honor would be ours," Latha answers immediately, words nearly tumbling out.
[22:18] <Alicia> "Gladly," Alicia echoes the sentiment, taking it as permission to rise if they're going to go for a walk.
[22:25] <Kotono> Thus you walk ahead. The path is an easy one, all downhill as you are surrounded by the light fog. It glitters, casting everything in glowing radiance and motes of light. As you do, Pistis Sophia takes the lead with the walk, turning back to speak. "Physical possessions bring about unhappiness and greed. Only in the pure spirit, unbridled by these things, can find true contentment. What do you think of this, favored of Mystra?"
06[22:34] * Alicia smiles kindly in reply. "Surely you know that the Lady of Mysteries holds great love for magical artifice..." she trails off and shakes her head, "But you asked for my opinion, not the philosophy of my church. I somewhat lean to your view, for the perils of greed are all too abundant, and the ascetism you espouse appeals in its simplicity."
[22:34] <Alicia> "But even if we can condemn a greedy hoarder of treasure, who could begrudge an honest craftsman who makes works of beauty? I do not think physical possessions need be cast aside in their entirety, for with the proper appreciation and moderation they can enrich our souls as much as sacrifice and meditation."
[22:40] <Kotono> "You seek a balance in things." You walk along, the stream nearby burbling along. In it are pure waters, "This is a question you have struggled with at? On you is enough wealth to end poverty and want in the United Baronies. In your hands have passed wealth enough to make a dragon miser envious. You understand that none of it brings contentment to you?" She says it all with a smile.
[22:42] <Kotono> "Exalted one," Antenora speaks with her head bowed, "I have no love for wealth. This question has plagued me at times...the money I have invested into my armaments could do much good if spent elseware. If I could face what I do without them, I would."
[22:46] <Alicia> "It keeps me alive," Alicia replies calmly. "With it I can stand against the worst the Abyss or anywhere else has to offer. Without it, well..." she glances at Antenora, "It's been some time since I last won a sparring match with Antenora."
[22:49] <Kotono> "Those who walk my path learn to do without, but it is a difficult path." She smiles to them, "I would not have you walk this path if you are not willing and capable. A vow of poverty not a mere committment, but an entire life to be lived."
[22:49] <Kotono> Antenora colors, "Alicia, you more than surpass me with magic involved, let alone your equipment."
[22:51] <Kotono> "Were my fate different, it is a path I would be glad to walk," Latha chimes in with that, "My Lady, I do not dissent with what you preach, but I bow to the face of neccessity to fight evil. Were evil defeated, your words would only be common sense."
[22:55] <Alicia> "True, but I don't use magic when we spar. In physical terms you surpass me in most respects," Alicia tells her friend without blame before she addresses Pystis Sophia. "I confess I am intrigued by what I could be capable of with such dedication as you possess, my Lady, but I must demur, for both the practical and philosophical grounds I have said."
[23:00] <Kotono> "I respect your choices." Ahead you see the bottom of the valley. Here lies a small shrine of stone, barely as wide as Alicia is. Inside lies a small altar of carved stone, angels of stone carved to hold it up. "If any of you wish to partake of a little of the path I walk, you may lay worldly possessions down on this shrine. If you refrain, there is no harm done."
03[23:00] * Kotono is now known as Kotono_Ibis
[23:11] <Alicia> "The sacrifice I made to enter Solania felt insincere, compared to what my friends gave up," Alicia admits. "If nothing else, my honour demands I make some form of redress." Unbuckling the sheath for her secondary sword, she holds the Sword of the Sealed Gate up.
[23:11] <Alicia> "I worked hard to reforge this once broken sword. And aside from one notable incident it has served me well - indeed it was pivotal in our victory over the creature we now know as Zetsubokou." Taking a deep breath, she reverently places it on the altar. "I sacrifice it to you, Pystis Sophia, Lady of Solania."
[23:11] <Alicia> "I ask that you accept it, and that it mean something more than a salve to my pride. Please, let it enrich Celestia, or find its way to someone worthy of it."
[23:18] <Kotono_Ibis> Pistis Sophia goes to the altar, the sword on it gleaming in the fog. She runs her fingers down the blade, "It has served you well, truly. It is accepted." Alicia feels dazzling light grow in her body, overtaking her!
[23:27] <Alicia> A cloudy halo of golden light coalesces around Alicia, a familiar sight for both Latha and Antenora. But it grows steadily brighter, soon shining like the sun! Alicia stares at herself in wonder for a moment before she favours Pystis Sophia with a reverent bow. "Thank you. You do me great honour," she gushes.
[23:28] <Kotono_Ibis> "You have done yourself your own honor," Returning the bow to Alicia, "If either of you wish to as well?" Pistis Sophia offers to them.
[23:30] <Kotono_Ibis> Antenora steps forward. In her hand is a famiilar ribbon, placed onto the altar. "This was gifted to me by Alicia a long time ago. She spent her own money on a creature she had every right to consider no better than treacherous trash, hoping against hope to save her." Gently letting go over the ribbon as it falls to the stone altar, "I give this, for I have no more need to hide myself in shame. No more does every right-thinking soul recoi
[23:30] <Kotono_Ibis> No more does every right-thinking soul recoil from the corrupting in my breast."
[23:30] <Kotono_Ibis> *corruption.
[23:31] <Alicia> Straightening up, Alicia tamps down on her glowiness and smiles fondly at Antenora, seeing this as another step on her path of redemption.
[23:32] <Kotono_Ibis> Antenora's sking glows with a sapphire blue-indigo light, shining for a moment like metal. "Your gift is accepted. No more do you have to hide yourself, Antenora. Be content in that you are a vision of salvation, hope and righteousness now."
[23:34] <Kotono_Ibis> "Thank you!" Antenora kneels before Pistis Sophia, "I am ever greatful."
[23:35] <Kotono_Ibis> Latha considers for a time, before demurring away with a shake of her head. "My Lady, I am honored, but at this time, I cannot. For as much as you admire your path, I cannot risk myself or my friends falling in battle because I cannot protect them with my aura."
[23:37] <Kotono_Ibis> "Travel onward," Pistis Sophia smiles, "The Liath-Flail calls to me, your journey must continue. May you find what you seek above."
06[23:38] * Alicia looks up at Latha's silver halo and nods. "That was something you crafted with your own hands, as part of your own trials in Ysgard. Its creation has as much spiritual significance as any sacrifice," she encourages the deva, before bowing once again to Pystis Sophia. "Thank you for the pleasure of your company. It has been enlightening for us all."
[23:38] <Kotono_Ibis> "I thank you. For what my blessings me, I give them to you. Bless you," Antenora says humbly.
[23:39] <Kotono_Ibis> Pistis Sophia smiles, before walking away into the luminous fog, gone from sight. Latha watches her go and a little longer, "A lesson to be learned. For all that we need money...for all that greed lurks in our is only a tool at best. What matters is the emotion and happiness we have."
[23:40] <Kotono_Ibis> "Alicia taught me that, too. The friends I have and love I have are what make me happy, not a slightly  more magical ring or spear." She looks to Alicia, "You, Marie, Latha, Jessica, Hugo, Seira, Demedais...everyone...that's what I get up in the morning for."
[23:42] <Alicia> "Hell Striker makes me happy," Alicia grins and pats her laconic sword. "For the rest it's simple practicality. It's not as if we live in the lap of luxury, do we?"
[23:44] <Kotono_Ibis> "It's a humble home. It's getting a little too small for all of us," Antenora grins right back, "We might need to start sharing rooms if we get any more guests."
[23:45] <Alicia> "I expect Jessica's room will become available rather soon," Alicia admits starting to continue on their journey.
[23:46] <Kotono_Ibis> "Truth." Latha walks along, silent for the next little set of steps. "Admittedly, there may be a practical benefit to sharing rooms. Better security during sleep, with more than one person in a room."
[23:48] <Alicia> "Half of us don't sleep at all and one of us only sleeps a little, though," Alicia reasons. "Also, I could probably put up some magical wards now, although they're tricky to gauge properly."
Session Time: Wed Nov 25 00:00:00 2009
[00:00] <Kotono_Ibis> "It's worth considering," Latha murmurs, but conversation dies away. You find yourselves walking through valleys, up and down them. In time, you come to a rough path. A plain wooden sign has been affixed here, three paths to choose from.
06[00:01] * Alicia has a look at the sign to see if it has any suggestions as to which path is best for them.
[00:03] <Kotono_Ibis> Each path is named. "To Mount Erraiel," is one, the second is, "To Solania's Mercy Cathedral," and the last is, "To the Order of Perfection."
[00:04] <Alicia> In this case it's best to defer to their guide. "Which way should we go, Latha?"
[00:06] <Kotono_Ibis> "Mount Erraiel is known for being a place of silent meditation and communion. Hermits go there to further reflect." Tapping the sign as she reads, "The Mercy Cathedral is a religious order devoted to restoration, as a whole body and a whole spirit go hand in hand. The last is an order of ascetics, forsaking everything material as they ponder Pistis Sophia and her wisdom."
[00:06] <Kotono_Ibis> "None of them lead directly to our goal, but all of them could be in our path."
[00:08] <Alicia> If one's as good as any other... "Lets go  via the Cathedral, then?" Alicia asks, since it sounds most interesting to her.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:25] <Kolunch> > "It's worth considering," Latha murmurs, but conversation dies away. You find yourselves walking through valleys, up and down them. In time, you come to a rough path. A plain wooden sign has been affixed here, three paths to choose from.
[20:25] <Kolunch> * Alicia has a look at the sign to see if it has any suggestions as to which path is best for them.
[20:25] <Kolunch> > Each path is named. "To Mount Erraiel," is one, the second is, "To Solania's Mercy Cathedral," and the last is, "To the Order of Perfection."
[20:25] <Kolunch> <
[20:25] <Kolunch> Alicia> In this case it's best to defer to their guide. "Which way should we go, Latha?"
[20:25] <Kolunch> > "Mount Erraiel is known for being a place of silent meditation and communion. Hermits go there to further reflect." Tapping the sign as she reads, "The Mercy Cathedral is a religious order devoted to restoration, as a whole body and a whole spirit go hand in hand. The last is an order of ascetics, forsaking everything material as they ponder Pistis Sophia and her wisdom."
03[20:25] * Ebiris is now known as Alicia
[20:25] <Kolunch> > "None of them lead directly to our goal, but all of them could be in our path."
[20:26] <Kolunch> <Alicia> If one's as good as any other... "Lets go  via the Cathedral, then?" Alicia asks, since it sounds most interesting to her.
[20:28] <Kolunch> Thus you walk along the path. It leads into another valley, the fog thickening. It's like walking through veils of shimmering radiance, each one passed through as you proceed deeper. As you do, "Latha," Antenora cocks her head towards the angel, "You had to sacrifice to ascend to this layer as well?"
05[20:30] Alicia invited Hatbot into the channel.
03[20:30] * Hatbot (~Hatbot@ has joined #dunes
[20:33] <Kolunch> "We practice what we preach," Latha says by way of reply, "If it is to be, Celestia will provide me with another weapon in time. If not, I will find another."
[20:35] <Alicia> "We still haven't done anything with all the things we grabbed on our way to the Green Castle or in Glaciante's lair. I'm sure once we do you'll be able to commission a suitable replacement," Alicia offers supportively.
[20:36] <Kolunch> "I can fight with my bare hands until then," Latha smiles to Alicia, "Thank you."
[20:38] <Alicia> "I doubt we'll need to fight while we're here, anyway. It's not like Ysgard," Alicia adds as they stroll through the misty valley.
[20:39] <Kolunch> After some time, you come to a rising mountain out of the valley. The fog thickes deeper, visibility plunging ot near zero. As you stumble ahead, you abruptly burst out of the fog. Nestled into a plateau in the mountains ia massive classical cathedral. Stained glass windows show Pistis Sophia and Illmater walking amid the hurt, bringing wisdom and healing.
[20:41] <Alicia> "This must be Mercy Cathedral," Alicia states unnecessarily, taking a moment simply to appreciate the grandiose architecture. "Shall we pay our respects?"
[20:43] <Kolunch> Arches rise high into the sky, crafted of golden stones and supported by silver archways. Walkways to pinpoint towers soar above, celestials flying about in those lofty heights. On the ground level, a small plaza of stone is before the actual entrance, clean and free of debris. fourteen men and women sit in song and prayer, chanting in Celestial. They sing a hymn of recovery and meditation, wearing naught but blue facepaint.
06[20:47] * Alicia sedately walks into the plaza, going around the circle of singers so as not to disturb them as she leads her group into the cathedral itself.
[20:53] <Kolunch> Inside the Cathedral you find a vast, airy center. Here silver light from the sky creeps in. Celestial song can be heard far above, it's beauty complimenting all around it. It dwarfs normal song, as if to make the noises of the mundane world too impure to ever be heard again. On the polished stone floor, many sit, lie or rest. Most are asleep or in meditation. A few celestials walk amid them, including a single lantern archon. This one drifts
[20:53] <Kolunch> A few celestials walk amid them, including a single lantern archon. This one drifts towards you, and in a deep, baritone voice, "My sisters in spirit, welcome."
[20:57] <Alicia> Not much like the childish lanterns of Venya she's more familiar with. "Thank you for the welcome," Alicia nods gracefully. "We were just admiring the cathedral - it's so fitting for this level of the mountain; beautiful and elegant without being ostentatious."
[20:58] <Kolunch> "Thank you," Latha gives a slight bow of thanks, "It is pleasing to my eyes as well."
[20:58] <Kolunch> "You are free to admire as you will." The lantern archon bobs once, "Do you seek spiritual guidance and retreat as well?"
06[21:02] * Alicia shakes her head. "We don't have the time for a retreat, and while guidance is never amiss, we are not so much in need as to pull any here from their duties," she explains. "We simply wished to see this cathedral as we were passing."
[21:03] <Kolunch> "Be well then," The lantern archon blesses you, floating away.
[21:04] <Kolunch> "A shame." Antenora considers, "Were we not so hurried, a few weeks of retreat could be illuminating."
[21:05] <Alicia> "Perhaps after matters in Androlynne have been resolved?" Alicia offers. "We've been walking or flying all day, so why don't we take a short break here before continuing on?"
[21:06] <Kolunch> Antenora stretches and nods, "We can find a pleasant valley or dale and set up camp? Our ascent is not taking as long as I thought it would..." Now to Latha, "Are all ascents so quick?"
[21:08] <Kolunch> "No. They take the time they take. For some, a single layer is the effort of ten lifetimes. Being celestial creatures, our ascent will be much faster, but even then...this is swift." Latha, after a moment, smiles. "The Liath-Flail, perhaps."
[21:11] <Alicia> "The need is dire," Alicia notes gravely. "In any case, lets see if we can dine here at least, then continue on a few more hours before setting down for the night?"
[21:11] <Kolunch> OOC: Going to get some food here then continue on?
[21:13] <Alicia> OOC: yep
[21:14] <Kolunch> Food is obtained for free - it's simple fruits, vegetables and a thick, warm porridge. Thereafter the party sets out. They eventually find a valley with a still lake and treets, giving cover and fresh water.  "I'm going to eat, bathe and sleep." Antenora says, "Likewise, Alicia? I don't think we need a watch here."
[21:16] <Alicia> "Doubtful, but Hell Striker will be alert regardless. Will you sleep, Latha?" Alicia asks the deva as she works the fastenings on her armour.
[21:16] <Kolunch> "I have no need." Latha replies, "So I'll keep a watch as well."
[21:18] <Alicia> "Whatever suits you," Alicia smiles, taking off her armour and setting it down before she starts gathering some fallen branches to set a fire so they can warm themselves by it after a dip in the lake.
[21:21] <Kolunch> OOC: Content to skip along here or do you wanna R?
[21:21] <Kolunch> OOC: RP?
[21:22] <Alicia> OOC: Might as well skip along
[21:25] <Kolunch> That night, Alicia lays her head down to sleep. She starts to stir, awakeness coming through the veil of sleep. Something is poking into her body - it's not uncomfortable, but it's enough to rouse her from sleep.
[21:27] <Alicia> It doesn't seem urgent, so Alicia doesn't fly into alertness as she's often forced to do when someone tries to kill her in her sleep. "Mmm?" she makes a soft questioning noise while instinctively shifting away from the poke, opening her eyes to see who's disturbing her.
[21:33] <Kolunch> A small child rests against Alicia's body, curled into her. The child is swaddled in soft blue clothing, content in face and innocent. Tiny, soft white wings flutter erratically on his back.
[21:37] <Alicia> "Hey..." Alicia murmurs softly so as not to disturb Antenora, briefly looking to see where Latha is before she reaches down to pat the child's head. "Where'd you come from?" He's lucky he's not a few years older, or her reaction would be far less muted.
[21:37] <Alicia> Or she?
[21:38] <Kolunch> Alicia doesn't see Latha about. It's a he - soft dark hair and beautiful features. His eyes open, looking into Alicia's. With a loving smile, "I am what may be."
[21:43] <Alicia> Well at least he's too young for her to think he's trying to get fresh. At least he looks too young... hard to tell with some outsiders. "I think we're a level too high for that sort of talk," she observes dryly, nonetheless somewhat charmed by the cute and friendly child. "So do you make a habit of cuddling up to sleeping women in these valleys?"
[21:45] <Kolunch> The child smiles now, "One does not leave behind the lessons of the layers below. I rest with those who are important with me. For, I am but one potential future of yours, mother. I am a possibility."
[21:47] <Alicia> Alicia's breath catches in her throat, eyes widening as she looks, really *looks* at the boy's features, her hand hesitantly reaching to cup his chin as she searches for signs of herself and Hans in his face.
[21:50] <Kolunch> Alicia sees her nose on his face, and her own dark hair. He resembles her very strongly, as a matter of fact. His eyes are warm with love, felt into Alicia's soul as he gazes into her. "Father says that no matter what your future and what choices you make, he will always love you."
06[21:54] * Alicia has seen many things in her three decades of life. Wonders to inflame the heart and horrors to chill the soul. But this... nothing could have prepared her for it. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she wraps her arms tightly around her cruelly slain son, hugging him to her bosom and rocking him as if to never let go, unable to even find the words.
[21:59] <Kolunch> The child rests against Alicia, hugging her back. "I'm proud of you too. It wasn't in vain, mother. None of it ever was. Godmother is proud of you, too."
[22:03] <Alicia> It takes a lot of sniffling and shaking for Alicia to bring herself under enough control that she even trusts herself to speak, and even then it's hard. "I'm so suh-sorry, Felix," she gets out, voice hitching raggedly. "I w-wasn't there for you. Must've been so scared..."
[22:07] <Kolunch> The child looks into Alicia's eyes. Only love is there. "I love you." He says, curling into her tighter. "Mother, you don't need to say that. I've forgiven you. Listen to me, please, mother? I am one possibility from the future. The future lies in your hands." Felix reaches down, placing his tiny hands into Alicia's, "Mommy. In your hands you can make a better future for everyone. Put the restless child to peace, then continue making a world
[22:07] <Kolunch> Put the restless child to peace, then continue making a world where children won't be hurt in anymore."
[22:11] <Alicia> "One possibility?" Alicia repeats dumbly as she tries to blink through her tears, not understanding. Isn't this the spirit of her son?
[22:23] <Kolunch> "I am the Felix that may be." Felix answers this with a smile, "One of many futures. In the current time, Father and I are safe and watching you with love...I remember. Mother. You have the potential to defeat death through your words and deeds. The holy mountain's miracle has brought me to see you this night."
[22:27] <Alicia> Now Alicia's just confused. All the things she wanted to say evaporate in the unreality of the situation. "But why... why not the 'current'... you?" she struggles to articulate in the face of this bizarre situation.
[22:31] <Kolunch> "Because right now, we rest in Her arms and protection, watching you." With a smile of warmth, "Not in this realm. The holy mountain cannot draw souls from beyond it's borders. Mother, I am as real as you are. I am what the future can hold."
[22:35] <Alicia> "So... you might become an archon one day?" Alicia asks hesitantly. "You mentioned a Godmother before, too..." she then cuts herself off and shakes her head. "I'm sorry, son, me asking all these questions surely isn't what you expected. I'm just having a hard time understanding."
[22:39] <Kolunch> "She who has watched over you and us. She who has been with you for every step you have taken." Felix dries Alicia's tears, "My future could be many. know that death is not the end, Mother."
[22:45] <Alicia> "No, but it's still a parting... I did not think I'd ever see you again unless I pulled you back," Alicia admits, feeling a terrible pang of guilt at not using the scroll Shankar gave her to do just that.
[22:49] <Kolunch> "Worry not. The futures you can make...I am confident they will be good ones. Mother, you are surrounded by light. Take their love in all the forms they give it to you. Be strong...for a serpent whispers in your ear. A serpent that would bring all you are to nothing, but in your light and hands, even a serpent may find peace."
[22:50] <Alicia> "Little boys shouldn't worry about things like that," Alicia scolds weakly, having an inkling of whom he refers to.
[22:51] <Kolunch> "Sorry, Mommy," With a bright smile, "I'm growing tired." Curling into Alicia, "Mother...would you tell me a bedtime story?"
[22:53] <Alicia> "What kind of story would you like, little one?" Alicia asks fondly as they cuddle.
[22:55] <Kolunch> "Tell me about Aunt Antenora and Marie." Resting into Alicia now, his voice tiring, "Those stories are always so funny."
[23:00] <Alicia> A funny story about Antenora and Marie? Alicia can oblige that readily enough, and so she regales the possibility of her son with the story of a contest that would forever determine the balance of law and chaos across the planes, a secret that would bring the Blood War to a standstill were it known, and a resolution that would surprise no one.
[23:00] <Alicia> Naturally she rounds things out with a few dramatic flourishes, concluding with the two majestic sandcastles being washed away by the tide after the bickering pair had left, and wondering if perhaps there might be a lesson in that.
[23:02] <Kolunch> To this story Alicia feels herself drifting. She hears her son's giggles and the warmth of his body. A peace overtakes Alicia as she floats away...floating away as her eyes open. Silver light shines in the sky above, as she feels a warmth within her. Distantly, she can hear Antenora's voice.
[23:04] <Alicia> Must have fallen asleep again. Moaning softly, Alicia opens her eyes and turns towards the chattering former erinyes.
[23:05] <Kolunch> As Alicia moans and stirs, she sees Antenora and Latha talking, kneeling next to a campfire. Antenora is in her underclothes, "Oh Alicia!" She says in excited words, "Did you dream, too? I had the most blessed dream last night!"
[23:07] <Alicia> A dream? Alicia looks at the bedroll she lays on for any sign of the depression Felix would have made curled up against her last night...
[23:09] <Kolunch> There is no imprint. However, as Alicia looks, she finds a small scrap of light blue cloth lying there.
06[23:11] * Alicia smiles longingly and wraps her hand around the scrap as she pushes herself up into a sitting position. "Maybe a dream, maybe something more," she replies softly. "I saw my son... or a possibility."
[23:13] <Kolunch> Holding the cloth, Alicia feels safe. A faint shimmering feeling of pure love races through her body...she can almost feel Felix in her arms. "I had the same." With eyes wide with wonder, "I dreamed of my children that may be."
[23:14] <Alicia> "Children?" Alicia raises her eyebrows as she clasps the fabric tightly, holding it against her chest. "How many?"
[23:18] <Kolunch> "I saw three that may be. A boy and two girls." Antenora sniffles, wiping at her eyes. "They told me I was part of the group that can change everything for the better, once the restless child is put to peace. Beth, Hans and Celeste. Each of them was...was...perfect."
[23:19] <Kolunch> Latha smiles with complete warmth, coming over to Alicia. In her hands is a cup of water, "Celestia spoke to the both of you."
06[23:22] * Alicia accepts the cup in her free hand and takes a sip. "I was told the same, but to be honest I was more wrapped up in seeing him than listening about the future," she confesses.
[23:24] <Kolunch> Antenora comes over as well, sitting next to Alicia. "How was it?" she whispers.
[23:30] <Alicia> "He was adorable... but talked as if older than he looked," Alicia replies. "He asked me to tell him a story about his Auntie Antenora," she then adds with an amused smile. "You and Marie are funny, allegedly."
[23:31] <Kolunch> Crossing her arms with a wide smirk, "Really? Celeste wanted to hear about Auntie Alicia's adventures."
[23:34] <Alicia> "I can only pray that you did me justice," Alicia retorts with mock seriousness, before sighing wistfully. "I wanted so badly to bring him back, after he was killed. Then when I finally got access to the sort of magic that could do it, I'd come to terms enough to know I shouldn't pull him from his proper place in the heavens. Now I just don't know... I didn't think he'd even remember me."
[23:35] <Kolunch> "The answer will lie above," Latha says, "The answer to all questions can be found as we ascend higher into Celestia."
[23:38] <Alicia> "Mmm, you're right. We should get moving, after breakfast," Alicia nods to Latha, producing rations from her survival pouch since she doesn't trust the portable hole to store food while Glaciante's orb is in there. Handing a trail bar to Antenora and munching on her own, she asks, "Did your potential children give you any clues as to the other half of their parentage?"
[23:43] <Kolunch> "They said it was better if I wasn't spoiled...though I know Beth's father already, apparently. It sounds as if each is merely a potential one I may have...or I may be married much, or Marie somehow convinces me to get into an eladrin styled relationship."
06[23:47] * Alicia mulls over that as she chews, trying to see Antenora with anyone they know... nobody springs to mind, though. "Well, no telling what the future can bring," she shrugs. "Did you find anything left behind?"
[23:54] <Kolunch> "Indeed. With magic and promotions, it may not even be a man now." Antenora shakes her head, "If it happens, it happens. On and..." Antenora takes out a scrap of light blue cloth. "I found this in my lap."
[23:56] <Alicia> "Hm. Exactly the same," Alicia uncurls her fingers to show the scrap she has. "It matches what Felix wore."
[23:57] <Kolunch> "It's the same color asthe Liath-Flail, or close to it," Latha looks at the two scraps, "Symbolic?"
[23:58] <Kolunch> "When I touched the Liath-Flail, I felt truth." Antenora closes her hand around her scrap, "I felt the love of my children, and I have no doubt of that truth."
[23:59] <Alicia> "Possibly. Blue's a nice colour, anyway," Alicia smiles as she finishes off her breakfast and starts getting dressed, tying the scrap of fabric around her amulet of natural armour to keep it close.
Session Time: Thu Nov 26 00:00:00 2009
[00:00] <Kolunch> Antenora takes a few bites of breakfast, rising. "Let's go?"
[00:01] <Alicia> Putting away their bedrolls into the portable hole and putting out the fire after she's gotten dressed and equipped, Alicia nods. "Onwards and upwards."
[00:04] <Kolunch> Thus you walk. Hours pass as you find a mountain path rising up and up and up. In due time, you come to an archway. It is covered in translucent silver, ascending up into clouds.  At this gate stands a man. He is gorgeous, naked and build like a statue. He has no wings, but waits without a weapon, in patience. He bows as you approach, "Bearers of the Liath-Flail, ahead lies Mertion, land of crusaders."
[00:04] <Kolunch> "Bearers of the Liath-Flail, ahead lies Mertion, land of crusaders."
06[00:06] * Alicia keeps her gaze above the waistline, thank you very much. This coming level sounds right up her alley, at least. "Thank you," she nods to the man. "It will be sad to leave Solania behind, but duty calls us forward."
[00:07] <Kolunch> One can notice Antenora's gaze slips down, though not for long. "We are crusaders at heart. It will be a level we are well suited to. Thank you."
[00:08] <Kolunch> Latha travels ahead, "No matter how well suited, truths will make themselves known as we proceed. Thank you, guardian."
[00:09] <Alicia> "No doubt we will learn something new," Alicia agrees, following after the deva.
[00:11] <Kolunch> Thus you walk! In a dazzle of platinum light, you stand amid great planes. Here mountains are in the distance, ahead of you well traveled roads.  In the distance great golden domes and castles can be seen, hazy. At the edge of your hearing, you can hear battle hymns, indistinct but the meaning obvious. You feel a fire in your blood, valor rising within.
[00:12] <Alicia> "Reminds me of Ysgard," Alicia remarks, feeling quite at ease here and content to follow Latha's lead as it's served so well thus far.
[00:17] <Kolunch> For a time you walk. You pass by archons of all stripes, warbands mixed with mortals. After a time, you come to a side path and away from most of them, quieter. A few trees are ahead, near the small dirth path.  Yet what sits in the path is remarkable. A Pit Fiend sits beneath a tree there, obvious to all.  Sitting opposite him, 5 feet away, is an absolutely ancient woman. Her body is wrinkled, her pointed ears drooping. She wears armor that
[00:17] <Kolunch>  Her body is wrinkled, her pointed ears drooping. She wears armor that should break her elderly body in two, heavy plate. Yet she sits upright, her back unbent. This woman and the Pit Fiend converse, going back and forth.
[00:19] <Alicia> A reformed pit fiend? Alicia glances at Antenora, since this should plainly be of interest to her.
[00:20] <Kolunch> Antenora immediately walks ahead, "Hail," she calls.
[00:20] <Kolunch> The ancient woman slowly turns to the side, "Hail," she returns the call, "Have you come to witness our battle?"
[00:21] <Kolunch> The Pit Fiend glares at Antenora, nostrils flaring and smoke escaping from the corners of it's mouth. A noxious stench of brimstone pollutes the clean air. "To see your tenets broken apart on the cold logic of Baator?"
[00:22] <Alicia> Perhaps not so reformed after all. "We were mostly curious to see someone else from Hell here," Alicia chimes in as she approaches behind Antenora, surmising this pit fiend is more like Strength of Light's not so friendly molydeus.
[00:23] <Kolunch> The ancient woman chuckles deep in her throat, "One of you hails from the Pit? None of look like Arsolyan's friends."
[00:24] <Kolunch> "I am." Antenora steps forward, "I am Antenora, former Erinyes, now a deva in the service of Mystra. What of you, devil?"
[00:25] <Kolunch> "A masterful gambit," With a deep, dreadful smile that makes the platinum light from above flicker for a moment of terror, "Are you, angel?"
[00:28] <Kolunch> "Nyrella is my name. Antenora, Arsolyan and I have been waging a battle of words in this spot for many, many, many years." Nyrella now smiles at Antenora, "She is. Lying is a flaw of those who cannot accept the truth. Look at her - you can see she has accepted the truth and cast off her sin. It is a point."
[00:29] <Alicia> "So, you two are scoring points off one another in moral debate?" Alicia asks curiously. "Who's winning?"
[00:29] <Kolunch> "The truth is whatever we decide it is." With a dismissive snort of sulphur from it's nose, the Pit Fiend glowers at Antenora, "A traitor to Baator? Running as high as you can go to prolong bloody vengence visited to you?"
[00:30] <Kolunch> "It is tied. 1,492 to 1,492." The Pit Fiend smirks, "This game has gone for 380 years, 39 days and 4 minutes. Not once as Nyrella taken a of more than a point."
[00:31] <Kolunch> "And you have never taken a greater lead, either. At this pace, we will be here for all of eternity." Nyrella smiles at the fiend, "Celestia's light will fortify me for as long as it takes to win our contract, Arsolyan."
[00:33] <Kolunch> "I have eternity. It will be far less time before your soul falls screaming into Nessus." Arsolyan then merely glances at Antenora, "She is nothing more than a devil brainwashed and broken. Commendable tactics; the light is learning how to be effective?"
[00:33] <Alicia> Some outsiders have far too much time on their hands. "An unorthodox way of keeping a greater devil out of trouble," Alicia offers with a polite bow to Nyrella. "What would it take to win the contract?"
[00:34] <Kolunch> "A nine point lead," Nyrella says, "Should I win...his soul will fly to the sea of Mount Celestia. He will cast aside his sin and climb the Holy Mountain. Should he win, my soul is forfiet to Baator."
[00:36] <Alicia> "A curiously lopsided arrangement. You must be confident, then," Alicia surmises, not rising to the fiend's baiting.
[00:37] <Kolunch> "If we had not made a contract of mutual agreement...both of our causes would have suffered far more than the loss of us." Nyrella smiles, with a glint in her eye, a hard glint. "Our seperation from the war was in both sides best interests. Not even he could argue it."
[00:38] <Kolunch> "I am confident in my inevitable victory. The logic of Baator is unassailable as the Iron Tower of Dispater." The Pit Fiend glares at Antenora, utter contempt in that gaze.
[00:40] <Kolunch> "A tower of pitted iron and rusted scraps." Antenora steps forward, kneeling face to face with the Pit Fiend. "The fear of oblivion, always watching your back, all while endless propaganda makes you think this is the right order. You love long as the argument goes, you're safe. No worries of oblivion for you. No backstabbing minions, no bosses who can order your torment with a word."
[00:41] <Alicia> If Alicia were keeping score she'd have to award a point to Antenora for that one. But the girl would know how a devil's mind works, wouldn't she?
[00:42] <Kolunch> "I fear nothing!" The Pit Fiend laughs, "Fear is for the weak, the lost, the inferior." With a grand wave of it's red scaled arm, "I am supreme. My triumphant return to Baator with her screaming soul will herald my ascent into true nobility."
[00:43] <Alicia> "Your own words mark you as inferior," Alicia interjects. "So any 'true noble' would attest."
[00:45] <Kolunch> "For you." Antenora smiles now, a deathly cold smile. "Your lies fool none. Your superior is furious at your dissaperance. A Pit Fiend going off to sit in Celestia and debate? Utter weakness! Your minions have taken your spot, there is nothing for you. You'll be called a lost rogue, with an order for your imprisonment and torment your only reward." Reaching out, Antenora traces a finger down the beast's ear, "The hot lead burning as your hard
[00:45] <Kolunch> Reaching out, Antenora traces a finger down the beast's ear, "The hot lead burning as your hard scales become soft blubber. The Pain Devils will flay every scrap of priviledge you've earned away over 999 years. All that will be left is a blind, deaf and dumb Nupperibo. Nothing but fodder for a lesser demon to squash beneath it's hooves."
[00:46] <Kolunch> "If you were superior, you would have taken Nyrella's screaming soul in your claws and delivered it to your master! To sit down and engage her like this?" Antenora throws her head back and laughs, "What devil would waste the time with it? Who needs to justify Baator's truths to the inferior! They are to be crushed beneath you forever! They are to be your puppets! Ah, you're going soft. You've forgotten that, or you never knew it?"
[00:47] <Kolunch> You've forgotten that, or you never knew it?"
[00:47] <Kolunch> roll 1d20+17
06[00:47] * Hatbot --> "Kolunch rolls 1d20+17 and gets 36." [1d20=19]
06[00:48] * Alicia looks at Antenora with respect as she concludes her verbal tearing apart of the pit fiend. Reformed and devoted to what's right she may be, but she hasn't gone soft.
[00:49] <Kolunch> The Fiend's eyes go sharply narrow, hissing with green smoke. His hand rises up, but goes no farther, as if to smack, but not following through. "Perhaps you are a devil...a delusional one to think that you can talk to a superior like this, erinyes!"
[00:52] <Kolunch> "I'm not a devil. I'm a deva." Antenora smirks, "Inferior," Her voice goes even colder, going to bat his hand down. "If you had any hardness in you, your teeth would be tearing apart my soul now. But you refraint...because of your contract, I'm sure." Antenora stands and turns her back, walking away. "You can't bear to break your contract with Nyrella. You can't bear to lose...or to lose her, hm? You haven't been able to conquer her in all th
[00:52] <Kolunch> r torment with a word."
[00:52] <Kolunch> <Alicia> If Alicia were keeping score she'd have to award
[00:52] <Kolunch> You haven't been able to conquer her in all this time? Anger, fury, resentment? I know those. I also know what follows as she endears herself to you through grudging respect."
06[00:53] * Alicia doesn't even bother interjecting now, since Antenora is handling this so masterfully. Nothing she could say would have nearly the same impact.
[00:53] <Kolunch> "You care about her. Oh, you hide it in the right words that Baator teaches you, but you care about her. You respect her. You consider her an equal. After all, she's held you at bay for three centuries. Who else but an equal could hold against you? An inferior little warrior mortal can't be stopped by a paragon of Baator?"
[00:55] <Kolunch> Now Antenora turns around, "I love Alicia. You love Nyrella in your own misguided way. Once that spark has begun, you can't put it out. Now that is the truth. You've already lost. How long you deny it is up to you." With that Antenora gives a frozen smile to both, before walking away.
[00:57] <Alicia> "Anything I could say at this point would be utterly redundant," Alicia gives the pair a wry smile. "Enjoy the rest of your debate, though." With that she heads off after Antenora. "You really worked him over good," she remarks admiringly.
[00:58] <Kolunch> "Thanks Alicia," With a shaky grin, "Did I...Did I just tell off a Pit Fiend? Truly?" Antenora gushes out, "All the way to the bone?"
[01:00] <Alicia> "You completely tore him down," Alicia nods enthusedly. "I was really impressed."
[01:00] <Kolunch> Blushing a little Antenora nearly glomps Alicia, "All thanks to you. I just started talking and I couldn't stop. I made that up on the spot and it kept building on itself."
[01:01] <Kolunch> "It takes a devil to know a devil." Latha glances back behind her shoulder, "Celestia willing, we have made a difference for the better in that battle."
[01:04] <Alicia> "If nothing else he'll be more likely to second guess himself, but honestly I think you'll have had a more drastic effect. You spoke with passion and truth, Antenora," Alicia squeezes her friend's arm, "There's power in such words."
[01:05] <Kolunch> "I know. Your words swayed me so,"
[01:05] <Kolunch> OOC: Gah.
[01:05] <Kolunch> "I know. Your words swayed me so," Antenora gazes into Alicia's eyes, "Thank you, Alicia. Once again."
[01:10] <Alicia> "You're a good friend, Antenora. That's all the thanks I need," Alicia replies happily.
[01:11] <Kolunch> "Ahem." Latha clears her throat, "You know, I must say, I never thought a devil would have that degree of...touch-friendliness to her. You seem to love touching your friends so, Antenora."
[01:13] <Kolunch> "Touching feels good." With a radiant smile, "Touching means pain or abuse in Baator. Just touching my friends..." With a wistful look, "It's very reassuring. It feels very good. I can't really put it into words...but you know what it feels like?"
[01:14] <Alicia> "She was actually like that when we first met. Kept rubbing against me on the dragon-flight down from the mountain," Alicia remarks dryly. "I wasn't particularly appreciative, though."
[01:15] <Kolunch> "I was trying to provoke you," Antenora turns very red, creeping down to her neck.
[01:15] <Kolunch> "I know how it feels." Latha just chuckles as Antenora turns even redder and redder.
[01:16] <Alicia> "Well, it's all water under the bridge," Alicia lets it drop with a smile. "Lets press on?"
[01:17] <Kolunch> Antenora seperates from Alicia, crossing her arms. "You know, angels should be above reproach and hiding their words. You could have said that out loud," Antenora manages a glare at Latha, undercut by her heavy redness.
[01:17] <Alicia> "There's something to be said for discretion," Alicia remarks, glancing between them. "Dare I ask?"
[01:21] <Kolunch> "I think you want physical contact in other ways but are suppressing it. Gods only know why." To this shrug of her own, Latha hurries on. "I apologize for my blunt words, but this is a place of truth. Find someone who you can do this with and get started on making your family then. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Half blooded celestials are common enough."
[01:24] <Kolunch> "It's not..." Antenora starts to stammer, "Aren't you supposed to be polite and kind?" she glowers towards her.
[01:25] <Kolunch> "I'll ask for an Absolution by the very next priest I see," Latha shakes her head. "Or at least work on your social boundaries a bit. For a devil that was supposed to be a manipulator, your senses in that area are somewhat oddly atrophied."
[01:25] <Alicia> That was blunt! "I don't think it's necessary to cast aspersions," Alicia sticks up for Antenora. "Some people are just naturally more touch-y, and her reasons make sense."
[01:27] <Kolunch> "Even if I like teasing, so what?" Antenora's even redder now, "If there's nothing wrong with it, then why are you complaning?"
[01:29] <Kolunch> "I apologize," Latha's voice softens, a more restrained tone. "We even notice it. Do you remember when Alicia wondered aloud if you and Marie were flirting? Even I, a spirit of light, love and compassion, is starting to wonder despite your denials."
[01:32] <Kolunch> Antenora's blush somehow grows brighter, her entire face consumed. "You don't have to be that blunt about it. I've never seen you act like this? Why now?"
[01:33] <Alicia> "That's just Marie," Alicia waves that off. "She flirts with Antenora all the time, so we can hardly blame her for throwing a bit back at my flirtatious familiar."
[01:35] <Kolunch> "I've been wondering lately, that's all. The way you went at Alicia there, it was like a wife hugging her long lost husband." Latha now smiles very softly, "Antenora, Lathander emphasizes creating new life in all forms, as well as love. Really, there's nothing wrong with it and I know you have Celestia knows how many issues. In a place of truth, let yourself see the truth and confront them."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:54] <Kotono> > "It's not..." Antenora starts to stammer, "Aren't you supposed to be polite and kind?" she glowers towards her.
[20:54] <Kotono> > "I'll ask for an Absolution by the very next priest I see," Latha shakes her head. "Or at least work on your social boundaries a bit. For a devil that was supposed to be a manipulator, your senses in that area are somewhat oddly atrophied."
[20:54] <Kotono> <Alicia> That was blunt! "I don't think it's necessary to cast aspersions," Alicia sticks up for Antenora. "Some people are just naturally more touch-y, and her reasons make sense."
[20:54] <Kotono> > "Even if I like teasing, so what?" Antenora's even redder now, "If there's nothing wrong with it, then why are you complaning?"
[20:54] <Kotono> > "I apologize," Latha's voice softens, a more restrained tone. "We even notice it. Do you remember when Alicia wondered aloud if you and Marie were flirting? Even I, a spirit of light, love and compassion, is starting to wonder despite your denials."
[20:54] <Kotono> > Antenora's blush somehow grows brighter, her entire face consumed. "You don't have to be that blunt about it. I've never seen you act like this? Why now?"
[20:54] <Kotono> <Alicia> "That's just Marie," Alicia waves that off. "She flirts with Antenora all the time, so we can hardly blame her for throwing a bit back at my flirtatious familiar."
[20:54] <Kotono> > "I've been wondering lately, that's all. The way you went at Alicia there, it was like a wife hugging her long lost husband." Latha now smiles very softly, "Antenora, Lathander emphasizes creating new life in all forms, as well as love. Really, there's nothing wrong with it and I know you have Celestia knows how many issues. In a place of truth, let yourself see the truth and confront them."
[20:55] <Kotono> "Marie is just Marie. Let's worry about what's above us and not about idle speculation." Antenora's pace rises, her red face hidden as she takes the lead and hurries.
[20:58] <Alicia> What Latha doesn't know is that she and Antenora have had this conversation before, and there is absolutely nothing more that need be said. Hopefully she'll at least take the hint so poor Antenora doesn't need to be embarrassed further, but Alicia decides to help things along with a distraction.
[20:58] <Alicia> "I wonder what Seira's up to, now? I think she was intending to travel to the astral plane for some reason, wasn't she?"
[21:02] <Kotono> "I think so," Latha slows down, letting Antenora take a large lead ahead. "She was pursuing her draconic heritage, I believe?"
06[21:04] * Alicia nods. "There was some sort of dragon conclave or something like that. She used to talk about having to go fight them, but she's gone to try and negotiate instead. Of course, it being the astral there's no telling how long she'll take..."
[21:06] <Kotono> "I confess draconic matters are not my specialty. Though perhaps, she'll return more of a dragon? The pride she takes in her draconic blood is always evident when she talks about it." Latha continues at a fairly sedate pace, "Do you think she'll be successful?"
[21:07] <Alicia> "Seira could sell snow to a yeti," Alicia laughs a little. "I think she probably will."
[21:12] <Kotono> With that the party progesses on. For the most part Antenora stays ahead for a good time, rejoining the other two once her compsure has recovered. AFter some time you find yourselfs climbing the mountains once more, the paths ahead higher and higher. As you do, something can be seen in the platinum sky. A great, shimmering ziggurat can be glimpsed, glowing with the energies that would put Lathander's sun to shame. It glitters with the colors o
[21:13] <Kotono>  glowing with the energies that would put Lathander's sun to shame. It glitters with the colors of the rainbow, as if gems were wrought into light to shine forever. "There," Latha points, a quiet reverence in her every word, "We can begin to see Yetsira, the heavenly city."
[21:16] <Alicia> "It actually reminds me of Dweomerheart a little, up on the plateau like that," Alicia remarks as they gaze at the shining beacon in the distance. "Is the Pax Exaltea there?"
[21:18] <Kotono> "The sixth terrace is Pax Exaltea. The seventh is where the Bridge to al-Sihal lies. To meet with Sealteal is to be a step away from the truth." Latha's pace becomes faster, her gaze affixed to the heavenly city. "
[21:20] <Alicia> "Of course, it's still on the next level, isn't it? I'm sure Mertion has challenges for us before we get that far," Alicia smiles as she trots after Latha.
[21:23] <Kotono> Thus you continue to ascend. Soon the ground below becomes only faint things, the planes of battle below. In time, you come to an arch in the path. IT is an arch of carved angels of battle, woven so that they appear to be linked together in some vast combat. Here a Hound Archon stands, clad in golden armor. "Hold, warriors!"
06[21:24] * Alicia comes to a stop. "Yes?" she asks with a patient smile.
[21:25] <Kotono> The archon bears no weapon, his hands empty. "Draw your weapons," he says, "For a test of valor begins now. Worry not about being harmed, for in this place, none can be truly injured." The hound archon crosses his arms, "Come at me."
06[21:27] * Alicia first reaches into a sheath slotted in the lining of her right boot and produces an ornate dagger which she offhands and passes to Latha, before she draws forth Hell Striker in a slow deliberate movement. "Three against one is hardly valourous... unless you're the one being tested?"
[21:28] <Kotono> With a slight smile, "Try."With that, he gestures the party forward! OOC: Roll init then?
[21:28] <Alicia> OOC: Will I handle Anty and Latha?
[21:28] <Kotono> OOC: Go ahead.
[21:29] <Alicia> roll 1d20+5 Anty
06[21:29] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+5 Anty and gets 23." [1d20=18]
[21:29] <Alicia> roll 1d20+7 Alicia
06[21:29] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+7 Alicia and gets 23." [1d20=16]
[21:29] <Alicia> roll 1d20+8 Latha
06[21:29] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+8 Latha and gets 21." [1d20=13]
[21:29] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12
06[21:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 and gets 30." [1d20=18]
03[21:29] * Kotono changes topic to 'Hound Archon(30)>Antenora=Alicia(23)>Latha(21)'
[21:30] <Kotono> The Hound Archon strides forward, going right for Antenora like a dart!
[21:30] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
[21:30] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
06[21:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 47." [1d20=17]
06[21:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 31." [1d20=1]
[21:30] <Kotono> roll 7d10+70 nonlethal Antenora
06[21:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 7d10+70 nonlethal Antenora and gets 103." [7d10=10, 1, 2, 3, 6, 2, 9]
[21:31] <Kotono> A pair of open handed blows rock Antenora! One slams into her stomach, sendint her wheeling back and flat down, seeing stars! The Hound Archon looks to the other two, gesturing them at him! OOC: Sec, Antenora and alicia are up. Antenora's knocked prone.
06[21:41] * Alicia mentally considers several spells she might cast here, but decides to keep things simple, hopefully buying some time for Antenora. Lashing out with a wide horizontal sweep at the archon, she reverses her grip swiftly to slash back and forth across his armoured form,
[21:41] <Alicia> a curtain of fire erupting between herself and the archon as she completes the attack to hopefully keep him from capitalising on his attack while Antenora recovers!
[21:41] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 knowledge
06[21:41] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 knowledge and gets 46." [1d20=20]
[21:42] <Alicia> roll 1d20+35 -4pa divine might 7th and 6th level arcane strike, bracers
06[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+35 -4pa divine might 7th and 6th level arcane strike, bracers and gets 49." [1d20=14]
[21:42] <Alicia> roll 1d20+35 -4pa divine might 7th and 6th level arcane strike, bracers
06[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+35 -4pa divine might 7th and 6th level arcane strike, bracers and gets 41." [1d20=6]
[21:42] <Alicia> roll 1d20+30 -4pa divine might 7th and 6th level arcane strike, bracers
06[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+30 -4pa divine might 7th and 6th level arcane strike, bracers and gets 43." [1d20=13]
[21:43] <Alicia> roll 1d20+25 -4pa divine might 7th and 6th level arcane strike, bracers
06[21:43] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+25 -4pa divine might 7th and 6th level arcane strike, bracers and gets 40." [1d20=15]
[21:43] <Alicia> roll 1d20+25 -4pa divine might 7th and 6th level arcane strike, bracers crit check
06[21:43] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+25 -4pa divine might 7th and 6th level arcane strike, bracers crit check and gets 42." [1d20=17]
[21:43] <Alicia> roll 1d20+20 SR for wall of fire
06[21:43] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+20 SR for wall of fire and gets 38." [1d20=18]
[21:43] <Kotono> OOC: 49 hits, rest don't. Sr succeeds.
[21:44] <Alicia> roll 2d4 fire damage (he'll take 2d6+20 if he tries going through it)
06[21:44] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 2d4 fire damage (he'll take 2d6+20 if he tries going through it) and gets 3." [2d4=2, 1]
[21:44] <Alicia> roll 2d4+35+1d6+13d4
06[21:44] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 2d4+35+1d6+13d4 and gets 80." [2d4=4, 2][1d6=5][13d4=2, 4, 1, 1, 4, 3, 2, 4, 1, 1, 4, 4, 3]
[21:46] <Alicia> Hoping the wall of fire gives her some grace against further attacks, Antenora picks herself up to her feet...
[21:46] <Alicia> OOC: provokes AoO, but he'd have to punch through fire
[21:47] <Kotono> Charging ahead, the crackling flames strike hard at the archon, the blade hitting home! The archon rocks back withthe blow, the flat of the blade catching him in the side! His armor glows bright as the rest of the blows come, the strikes lost in golden glory! "You hit me?" With a raised eyebrow, his other hand lashes out at Antenora, burning even as he slams at her!
[21:47] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30 yeah, he'll take the damage for an AoO.
06[21:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 yeah, he'll take the damage for an AoO. and gets 49." [1d20=19]
[21:47] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30 yeah, he'll take the damage for an AoO. ow
06[21:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 yeah, he'll take the damage for an AoO. ow and gets 37." [1d20=7]
[21:48] <Alicia> roll 2d6+20
06[21:48] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 2d6+20 and gets 27." [2d6=1, 6]
[21:48] <Kotono> roll 14d10+140 nonlethal
06[21:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 14d10+140 nonlethal and gets 221." [14d10=10, 5, 8, 9, 3, 10, 1, 1, 7, 10, 7, 1, 6, 3]
[21:49] <Kotono> With one swift blow burning with fire, Antenora is knocked seventy feet into the air on a massive uppercut! She flies up and lands down in a heap, utterly senseless and knocked cold! Even as fire burns on his arm, the Hound Archon turns to Alicia. "Want next?" OOC: Latha.
[21:50] <Alicia> "We're not done yet," Latha protests, retreating towards Antenora's insensate form and healing her to rejoin the battle, hoping that Alicia can last a bit longer in melee with this uncommonly powerful hound archon before help arrives.
[21:51] <Kotono> Antenora stirs, managing to bring some sense to her aching, dazed head! The Hound Archon is on Alicia then, paired blows going right for her head!
[21:51] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
[21:51] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
06[21:51] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 50." [1d20=20]
06[21:51] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 33." [1d20=3]
[21:51] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30 ow
06[21:51] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 ow and gets 35." [1d20=5]
[21:51] <Kotono> OOC: AC?
[21:51] <Alicia> OOC: AC 30
[21:51] <Kotono> roll 21d10+210 nonlethal DR does apply for what THAT'S worth
06[21:51] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 21d10+210 nonlethal DR does apply for what THAT'S worth and gets 317." [21d10=9, 5, 7, 10, 3, 1, 1, 4, 4, 6, 8, 1, 4, 4, 1, 1, 6, 10, 6, 6, 10]
[21:52] <Alicia> roll 2d6+20 more fire, for what that's worth
06[21:52] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 2d6+20 more fire, for what that's worth and gets 27." [2d6=4, 3]
[21:52] <Kotono> Alicia is slammed right on the chin, spinning over and over and over even as the archon continues to burn! She lands on her stomach, completely out! OOC: Antenora and Latha.
[21:53] <Kotono> "Still here?" The archon cracks it's neck back and forth, "Your battle's hopeless. You'll never reach Jovar like this."
[21:58] <Alicia> "We'd be even less likely to reach it if we ran away!" Antenora retorts, flying at the archon to stab him in passing before ascending up out of reach, healing Alicia a little as she goes. If she can stall for enough time they might be able to bring her back into the fight!
[21:58] <Alicia> roll 1d20+28
06[21:58] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+28 and gets 40." [1d20=12]
[21:59] <Kotono> Antenora swings well and quick, but the goldena rmor shines, her spear deflecting away from the archon! "Brave, eh?" The hound archon challenges, cracking his knuckles! OOC: LAtha.
[22:00] <Alicia> Latha follows Antenora's stalling plan, cocooning the archon in a globe of force-blades that whirr and slice through the air threateningly, preventing him from moving if he wants to avoid being eviscerated! Her voice sings out Celestia's praises as she enacts her magic, bolstering it further!
[22:00] <Alicia> roll 3d4 words of creation
06[22:00] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 3d4 words of creation and gets 8." [3d4=4, 1, 3]
[22:00] <Alicia> As her magic takes hold, she flies into the air out of immediate reach hopefully.
[22:05] <Kotono> The archon attempts to ascend up through the air and chance the barrier! OOC: SR check on the barrier, Latha.
[22:06] <Alicia> roll 1d20+18
06[22:06] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+18 and gets 33." [1d20=15]
[22:06] <Kotono> OOC: Damage
[22:06] <Kotono> .
[22:07] <Alicia> roll 15d6 DC 21 reflex half
06[22:07] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 15d6 DC 21 reflex half and gets 58." [15d6=1, 2, 5, 5, 6, 6, 4, 5, 4, 1, 6, 3, 3, 3, 4]
[22:07] <Kotono> roll 1d20+20
06[22:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+20 and gets 32." [1d20=12]
[22:07] <Kotono> The archon is hacked by the flat of the wall of blades, bruised up and battered! But yet his ascent is perfect and relentless, going right for Latha this time!
[22:07] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
[22:07] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
06[22:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 49." [1d20=19]
06[22:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 42." [1d20=12]
[22:08] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30 owww
06[22:08] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 owww and gets 34." [1d20=4]
[22:08] <Kotono> OOC: AC, Latha?
[22:08] <Alicia> OOC: 35 unless he's secretly evil
[22:09] <Kotono> roll 14d10+140
06[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 14d10+140 and gets 239." [14d10=9, 6, 10, 9, 9, 10, 9, 7, 10, 1, 8, 7, 1, 3]
[22:09] <Alicia> roll 3d6 she was 30 feet up
06[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 3d6 she was 30 feet up and gets 16." [3d6=4, 6, 6]
[22:09] <Kotono> Under a hail of twinned blows, Latha collapses to the ground, unmoving after impact! The archon looks to Antenora now, "Still want to try? It's hopeless." OOC: Antenora.
[22:12] <Alicia> "Not yet," Antenora swears through gritted teeth, setting her grip on her spear and charging the archon with everything she has, praying to end things in a single decisive strike!
[22:12] <Alicia> roll 1d20+42 ignorance, divine succor on self, charge
06[22:12] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+42 ignorance, divine succor on self, charge and gets 60." [1d20=18]
[22:13] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[22:13] <Alicia> roll 2d8+30 -1 con
06[22:13] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 2d8+30 -1 con and gets 38." [2d8=7, 1]
[22:16] <Kotono> The archon staggers wth the blow, eyes going wide! He takes a gasping breath, "Another hit...guh.." Shaking it off, "A congratulations to you." The archon's blow's follow, "My strength is the reflection of your own! To strike me shows your potential reaches even higher!"
[22:16] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
[22:16] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
06[22:16] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 50." [1d20=20]
06[22:16] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 47." [1d20=17]
[22:16] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30 you know, the crits are nuts here
06[22:16] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 you know, the crits are nuts here and gets 31." [1d20=1]
[22:16] <Kotono> roll 14d10+140 and a (more) coming
06[22:16] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 14d10+140 and a (more) coming and gets 215." [14d10=6, 10, 3, 4, 7, 9, 2, 10, 1, 1, 4, 2, 8, 8]
[22:17] <Kotono> Antenora's vision turns black as she feels herself falling...OOC: (More)
[22:18] <Kotono> Alicia's head hurts. Her vision is blurry, her body aching. She's cold, shivering. Her head is throbbing with the mother of all migraine headaches, like her brain wants to explode out. OOC: Your nonlethal damage is down to (100) in total.
06[22:19] * Alicia moans and clutches her head, her eyes slitting painfully open as she tries to make sense of her last few memories...
[22:20] <Kotono> Her head is a jumble. Fighting...a burst of pain...then this. Her vision begins to try and clear, but the slitting makes it hazy ta best. She''s somewhere the color of platinum, she thinks, the light that hits her eyes making her head complain all the louder.
06[22:20] * Alicia channels spellfire energy into accelerating her healing, pushing herself upright and looking around once it hits and she feels better.
[22:20] <Alicia> roll 18d4+18
06[22:20] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 18d4+18 and gets 66." [18d4=3, 2, 1, 3, 4, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 3]
[22:22] <Kotono> Her pain fades into a dim echo of itself. She lies in caves of rock like polished platinum, run through with veins of a crumbly white chalk. Ahead of her lies a lake, it's waters glowing faintly. In the opposite way, the cavern stretches ahead.
[22:25] <Alicia> "Antenora? Latha?" Alicia looks around for any sign of her friends first of all. If they were defeated and dumped here... it hardly bears thinking about.
[22:25] <Kotono> No sign of them at all, nor any reply.
[22:25] <Alicia> What about her belongings? Has she lost any of them?
[22:26] <Kotono> Her belongings are still with her. Her blade lies besides her.
06[22:27] * Alicia hopes Latha still has the Liath-Flail, wherever she is... if it's lost then this was all for nothing. "Hell Striker?" she picks up the sword, using it to help in climbing to her feet. "What happened? Where is everyone?"
[22:27] <Kotono> 'After the battle, the archon landed and kneeled. Then we were here.'
[22:29] <Alicia> "Must have teleported us all seperately... remind me not to go easy the next time an oddly confident single warrior challenges the three of us?" Alicia sighs, stepping over to the lake and peering into its depths first of all.
[22:30] <Kotono> The lake is quite deep. It's clear as crystal, allowing you to see a bottom full of what looks to be gold dust. Occasional balls of light drift out from the bottom, diffusing into the waters.
[22:32] <Alicia> Doesn't seem to be anything helpful down there. She'll probably have to explore the caves... but first of all, she employs some of her greater magic to mimic a sending spell and contact Latha. "Latha? Where are you? Do you still have the Liath-Flail? I'm in a platinum cave by a lake with gold-dust at the bottom."
[22:34] <Kotono> The answer is, "I do. By a portalway and a waterfall. Dazed."
[22:37] <Alicia> That's one small relief. Sadly she can't contact anyone magically for another hour, so she's going to have to explore. Maybe this is some sort of consolation test since they failed the combat round? Spelunking? Carefully using Hell Striker, she carves her name into the platinum rock at her feet, and an arrow pointing towards the far end of the cavern.
[22:37] <Alicia> If Latha and Antenora are both down here as well they might be able to meet up again. Marker left, she sets off in that direction.
[22:42] <Kotono> Alicia follows the cavern for a time. After about five minutes of walking, it turns and narrows into a worked corridor. Bricks of platinum make up the walls, your path continuing. Ahead lies a small square room, slightly raises to that a few steps have to be climbed to reach it. You can't see the other side of it because of this, and the fact that a snowy white bier lies. Resting on it is a woman with golden skin, wrapped from toes to chin in
[22:42] <Kotono> Resting on it is a woman with golden skin, wrapped from toes to chin in white linen.
[22:44] <Alicia> "Hello?" Alicia greets the woman as she approaches, sheathing Hell Striker so as not to appear threatening.
[22:46] <Kotono> Climbing up, Alicia sees that a stairway on the opposite side goes down, the path continuing. The woman lies there, eyes closed and not responding to Alicia's greeting.
[22:48] <Alicia> While it would be polite to leave her sleeping, Alicia could really do with knowing where she is, so she gives the woman a light shake on the shoulder.
[22:48] <Kotono> OOC: Make a will save.
[22:49] <Alicia> roll 1d20+24
06[22:49] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+24 and gets 30." [1d20=6]
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[21:08] <Koaway> <Alicia> If Latha and Antenora are both down here as well they might be able to meet up again. Marker left, she sets off in that direction.
[21:08] <Koaway> > Alicia follows the cavern for a time. After about five minutes of walking, it turns and narrows into a worked corridor. Bricks of platinum make up the walls, your path continuing. Ahead lies a small square room, slightly raises to that a few steps have to be climbed to reach it. You can't see the other side of it because of this, and the fact that a snowy white bier lies. Resting on it is a woman with golden skin, wrapped from toes to chin i
[21:08] <Koaway> > Resting on it is a woman with golden skin, wrapped from toes to chin in white linen.
[21:08] <Koaway> <Alicia> "Hello?" Alicia greets the woman as she approaches, sheathing Hell Striker so as not to appear threatening.
[21:08] <Koaway> > Climbing up, Alicia sees that a stairway on the opposite side goes down, the path continuing. The woman lies there, eyes closed and not responding to Alicia's greeting.
[21:08] <Koaway> <Alicia> While it would be polite to leave her sleeping, Alicia could really do with knowing where she is, so she gives the woman a light shake on the shoulder.
[21:08] <Koaway> > OOC: Make a will save.
[21:08] <Koaway> <Alicia> roll 1d20+24
[21:08] <Koaway> * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+24 and gets 30." [1d20=6]
[21:08] <Koaway> Alicia touches the body! A shiver runs across her flesh as the woman does not respond.
06[21:10] * Alicia pauses. Is she even breathing? For that matter, her eyes shine blue as she checks for magic on the woman or in the vicinity.
[21:11] <Koaway> The woman radiates strong magic. She is not breathing at all.
[21:13] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 spellcraft
06[21:13] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 spellcraft and gets 45." [1d20=19]
[21:18] <Alicia> Curious. Alicia takes a look around the plinth the woman rests on, looking for anything identifying her or why she was frozen like this.
[21:19] <Koaway> There is an inscription below the woman's head. In Celestial, "Langris Champion. May she sleep until the ivory sun rises."
06[21:20] * Alicia decides it best to leave her be. She was surely placed this way for a reason, and unfreezing her could have detrimental effects without knowing her exact condition. Leaving Langris alone, she starts down the stairs on the other side, continuing down the corridor.
[21:22] <Koaway> Alicia walks for another ten minutes, down the platinum brick corridor. She comes to an intersection of sorts. The path continues ahead, but a wide vent ascends upward, lit with candles.
[21:24] <Alicia> Wide enough for her to fly up?
[21:24] <Koaway> Alicia could fly up it if she so chose.
[21:25] <Alicia> Drawing her blade, Alicia scratches her name and the word 'up' into the floor directly below the vent. Sheathing her sword once more, she flaps her wings and takes off upwards.
[21:28] <Koaway> Alicia flies up the vent! It goes up maybe two hundred feet, opening up into a wide chamber. It is a natural cave here, the walls smooth and metal-like. Around the room white candles lie, hundreds of them. The entire room reflects the soft sheen of candlelight, bouncing it around. Lying on the ground amid the candles is a helmet, rusted and old. There is a door to pass through to your left, as well an archway behind Alicia.
[21:28] <Koaway> as well an archway behind Alicia.
06[21:29] * Alicia goes to open the door on the left first and have a look at what lies beyond.
[21:30] <Koaway> Beyond the door lies a stairway of ivory rising up twenty feet, carved out of solid stone. Atop it is a dead end, yet the wall of it shifts like water, rippling.
[21:31] <Alicia> That's clearly magic!
[21:31] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 spellcraft
06[21:31] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 spellcraft and gets 39." [1d20=13]
[21:33] <Alicia> Hmm. Dare she? Alicia decides not to go that route just yet, and instead carves her name and an arrow pointing to the arch in the ground before she heads off in that direction.
[21:37] <Koaway> Alicia heads down the archway! She finds the way full of statues of the many. Angels, celestials, mortals, ki-rin, a few Inevitables, golden dragons and other such beings. The statues are of superb quality, well made and lifelike. Past a ten minute walk of these is another archway, which leads to another cavern room. In the far corner are stairs going downward, a door on the back wall and on the side wall. The room's contents are simple - a la
[21:37] <Koaway>  a door on the back wall and on the side wall. The room's contents are simple - a large golden cage hangs in the air like a bird's nest. Inside is a simple dove, resting on a perch far too large for it.
[21:39] <Alicia> Is the dove magical?
[21:39] <Koaway> The dove radiates no magic.
[21:40] <Alicia> Well, on the off chance. Ever since Syala lectured her on taking things at appearances it's been a bit of a sore spot... "Hello?" Alicia tries greeting the dove. "Can you understand me?"
[21:42] <Koaway> The dove speaks in pure Celestial, "Hello." It flies over to Alicia, passing through the too large gaps in the birdcage with ease. The dove alights on Alicia's shoulder, "I am Hope."
[21:43] <Alicia> Good. And she didn't take her clothes off or anything! "Hello, Hope," Alicia turns her head towards the dove, smiling. "My name's Alicia. I'm afraid I'm a little bit lost - do you know where we are?"
[21:45] <Koaway> "Within the mountains of Mertion lies the Platinum Revere." The dove's wings close around it's body, it's beak close to Alicia's ear to speak into it.
[21:46] <Alicia> roll 1d20+24 I know lots of stuff about the planes, maybe I know this
06[21:46] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+24 I know lots of stuff about the planes, maybe I know this and gets 37." [1d20=13]
06[21:50] * Alicia nods. "It looks like I'm undergoing a trial then, since I lost a fight with a hound archon," she can't help but sigh a little upon admitting her defeat. "I don't suppose you've seen anyone else in similar straits?"
[21:52] <Koaway> "Oh yes. Only the strong come here," Hope flutters on Alicia's shoulder, "Many cannot believe they lost, yet they all come here."
[21:54] <Alicia> "He was very strong," Alicia agrees. "Unfortunately I wasn't told the particulars of my trial. Have any ideas yourself?"
[21:55] <Koaway> "You must find and achieve an act of true bravery within the Revere." Hope rests onto Alicia, "Fear not, for I will keep you company."
[21:57] <Alicia> "That might be difficult - it seems rather safe, thus far," Alicia murmurs, looking around. "Is it dangerous in other parts?"
[21:57] <Koaway> "It can be. Don't worry - you'll find what you need." Dove says, "Continue ahead and find your bravery!"
[21:59] <Alicia> "Simple advice is often the best," Alicia laughs a little, going to open the door on the back wall, first.
[22:00] <Koaway> This door leads to a hall of platinum bricks, stretching on ahead.
06[22:01] * Alicia then goes to open the side door before committing to a path.
[22:03] <Koaway> The side door leads directly into another room. Here seven swords lie atop a slab of stone - one of iron, one of steel, one of silver, one of gold, one of platinum, one of diamond and one of pure glowing light.
[22:05] <Alicia> "Interesting progression," Alicia notes, looking over the increasingly more valuable materials used in blade construction. "Is there any significance?" she asks her guide.
[22:06] <Koaway> "I wonder...what sort matches you the most?" With a look to Alicia, "Seven swords, no less."
06[22:08] * Alicia looks over the weapons with a practiced eye, studying their construction and design to decide which one does in fact suit her.
[22:09] <Koaway> OOC: Make a wisdom check?
[22:09] <Alicia> roll 1d20+2
06[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+2 and gets 22." [1d20=20]
[22:16] <Alicia> "Much as iron is nice for demons and silver for devils - makes me feel bad too, though - I have an odd feeling that the platinum sword is most suited for me," Alicia replies after thoughtfully studying them, reaching over to pick it up and give it a practice swing and a stab.
[22:17] <Koaway> Alicia takes the sword! The other blades vanish into nothingness! As she swings, the platinum sword melts into the air! It makes a cut, a softly spreading cut into an obvious portal. It's depths shimmer.
06[22:19] * Alicia pauses a moment. "Didn't expect that," she admits. "But it's an obvious invitation. Do you mind coming through with me, Hope?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[22:29] <Kotono> > "I wonder...what sort matches you the most?" With a look to Alicia, "Seven swords, no less."
[22:29] <Kotono> * Alicia looks over the weapons with a practiced eye, studying their construction and design to decide which one does in fact suit her.
[22:29] <Kotono> > OOC: Make a wisdom check?
[22:29] <Kotono> <Alicia> roll 1d20+2
[22:29] <Kotono> * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+2 and gets 22." [1d20=20]
[22:29] <Kotono> <Alicia> "Much as iron is nice for demons and silver for devils - makes me feel bad too, though - I have an odd feeling that the platinum sword is most suited for me," Alicia replies after thoughtfully studying them, reaching over to pick it up and give it a practice swing and a stab.
[22:29] <Kotono> > Alicia takes the sword! The other blades vanish into nothingness! As she swings, the platinum sword melts into the air! It makes a cut, a softly spreading cut into an obvious portal. It's depths shimmer.
[22:29] <Kotono> * Alicia pauses a moment. "Didn't expect that," she admits. "But it's an obvious invitation. Do you mind coming through with me, Hope?"
03[22:29] * Kotono changes topic to 'RP room '
03[22:29] * Kotono sets mode: +s
[22:31] <Kotono> "I think you've found a path." Hope flutters off, "I'm sorry we didn't get to see each other long, but you're headstrong. I can tell. You have plenty of hope in you."
[22:32] <Alicia> "Alright. If you see a blonde deva called Latha or a black-haired one called Antenora can you tell them I went through a portal here, then?" Alicia asks.
[22:32] <Kotono> "I will," Hope promises.
[22:33] <Alicia> "Thank you. I'm sorry we couldn't spend more time together, too," Alicia smiles at the friendly dove, giving it a little wave before she steps through the portal.
03[22:33] * Merc ( has joined #dunes
[22:35] <Kotono>'s hot! Alicia feels warmth overtake her body. She stands before a pool of bubbling platinum! The molten metal is a vast lake ahead of her, about 50 feet away. You see an angel standing at the edge, dripping with sizzling platinum, her entire body covered. About twenty feet away and stacked into a neat pile is Antenora's gear.
[22:37] <Alicia> Oh, please say she didn't... just because she's immune to heat, that's just... why would anyone actually want to do that? "Antenora?" she calls over at the metal-covered figure. If someone hit her with a freezing spell she'd be in a lot of trouble right now!
[22:39] <Kotono> Antenora shakes all over, sending platinum flying about. She wipes her face clean, "...hi." Antenora looks on, one fist balled up. "Would it be too frivious to ask for some water?"
[22:42] <Alicia> "You'll become a statue!" Alicia protests. But then, how else would one get molten metal off? Who knows! Most people would be too dead to care! Shaking her head, Alicia reaches for her decanter of endless water regardless, "Let me try and ward myself from heat before I come any closer, at least."
[22:42] <Alicia> roll 1d100 spell failure
06[22:42] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d100 spell failure and gets 13." [1d100=13]
[22:43] <Alicia> "Tch," she tuts as it fails. "Hold on. I had to use a limited wish spell to contact Latha earlier so now my magic's like pulling teeth," she explains, trying again.
[22:43] <Alicia> roll 1d100 spell failure
06[22:43] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d100 spell failure and gets 61." [1d100=61]
06[22:44] * Alicia exhales in relief as the baking heat is reduced to a more managable level, approaching Antenora and using the decanter on a medium setting to hose her down.
[22:46] <Kotono> Antenora has the good sense to blush slightly as water sends great gouts of steam from her. She sloughts off half melted platinum  as she does, the heavy metal passing off her body. "There was a good reason."
06[22:48] * Alicia is careful to douse her very thoroughly, not wanting her friend to be stuck with any solid platinum that needs to be chipped of, although there's not much she can do about the nooks and crannies... Once her torso and limbs are cleared off Alicia hands the decanter to Antenora and turns around. "You can manage the rest while you tell me about it," she offers.
[22:50] <Kotono> Antenora does so, splashes of water heard. "I wandered into this room through a portal. I heard someone calling for help in the pool, a hand reaching out. When I went into chase, I couldn't find anything...but this was in my hand when I crawled out." Antenora opens it, a small length of fine platinum chain in her hand.
[22:51] <Kotono> "I..mmm." Antenora pauses a moment. "Hold on."
06[22:51] * Alicia waits patiently until Antenora's done. "Best to be thorough," she recommends earnestly.
[22:54] <Kotono> You hear a lot more water splashing, Antenora grunting. "Ah. Thought it was going to be..." she mutters, sighing. "I wasn't too worried about a trap - it is Celestia and there has to be a purpose to it."
[22:57] <Alicia> "Agreed," Alicia nods. "Apparently we're in the Platinum Revere - a place of testing. Our objective is to perform an act of true bravery. Going to the aid of someone in molten metal would be very brave for most people who have to worry about things like being melted."
[23:00] <Kotono> "Right idea, wrong test?" Antenora uses the bottle some more, or it sounds like it from the splashing. "Mmm, molten lava. This reminds me...the vainer erinyes would bathe in boiling blood, magma, lead or worse, whatever they thought would enhance their beauty and ability to charm. It's said to give your skin an alluring luster."
[23:02] <Alicia> "I think Jezebel said something about blood," Alicia grimaces, unseen. "Magma I could see, since the rock would act as an exfoliant, but blood is just disgusting."
[23:04] <Kotono> "It depends on what you wanted to allure or seduce." Antenora splashes a little more, the soft clinkle of metal on the ground. "To a creature of carnage, blood is charming, perhaps even an aphrodisiac."
[23:05] <Alicia> "That's something I could have happily lived without knowing," Alicia remarks dryly.
[23:06] <Kotono> "Avoid mindless carnage fiends once a month?" Antenora's laugh is light, as you hear no more water, instead the sound sof Antenora walking.  "Have you seen Latha? We fought hard, but that archon was beyond us."
[23:09] <Alicia> "I would have used more magic had I realised he was so strong," Alicia agrees, turning round now that it's safe. "I contacted Latha with a Sending after I woke up. She said she was by a waterfall and still had the Liath-Flail, but that's all I know."
[23:14] <Kotono> Antenora sits next to her gear, wringing out her hair of water. "He hit like nothing I've felt. One blow was like being hit full on by Lsyscrea! Did we fight Raziel in disguise?"
[23:17] <Alicia> "I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that was the case," Alicia replies. "No hound archon, no matter how skilled, would have the physical ability to hit that hard. Metantron, Lyscrea, Agares... none of the heavy hitters we've fought before even came close."
[23:19] <Alicia> *Melancton
[23:21] <Kotono> Wringing out more water from her hair and then wincing, holding her side where a large bruise has risen, "It would make sense. If he felt the passing of the Liath-Flail, he would want to see it himself. We met Pistis Sophia, and perhaps we've met the others without realising it?"
[23:22] <Alicia> "Oh, you're hurt! Sorry, I should have done this earlier," Alicia apologises, hurrying over and gently placing her hand over the ugly bruise as she uses spellfire to heal Antenora.
[23:22] <Alicia> roll 9d4+9
06[23:22] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 9d4+9 and gets 31." [9d4=3, 2, 1, 1, 4, 4, 3, 1, 3]
[23:24] <Kotono> Antenora sighs in relief, Alicia finding her body boiling hot to the touch, her magic protecting her. Antenora sighs, going to rest on Alicia for a moment. "Yes, the heat soothed the bruises, but I confess that I'm tempted to lie here and take a long, healing rest."
06[23:26] * Alicia heals Antenora some more as she supports her. "We need to find Latha and pass our trial here before we can rest," she encourages.
[23:26] <Alicia> roll 3d8+15
06[23:26] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 3d8+15 and gets 32." [3d8=8, 2, 7]
[23:31] <Kotono> "Yes, I know." Antenora rights herself up, going for her clothes and then gear. Dressing, "I'm not too clingy, am I?"
[23:35] <Alicia> "The only person I know that's more touchy than you is Marie," Alicia reasons as she patiently waits. "But some people are just more tactile than others. It's not like you've ever done anything inappropriate."
[23:36] <Kotono> Antenora finishes dressing. "Sorry. The truth is...I just get insecure sometimes. Occasionally I still feel like I don't belong here. Touching is so reassuring." Coming over to Alicia and taking her hands, she presses the platinum chain into Alicia's palms. "Go ahead and hold onto this? I don't think it'll meant much to mei f you're right. I wasn't brave to take this, I was never in any danger."
06[23:40] * Alicia doesn't accept the chain, clasping Antenora's fingers around it. "You still could have drowned - molten metal can't be easy to swim through. We can probably do something even more foolhardy before we leave, though," she grins, before looking around for any exits.
[23:43] <Kotono> Antenora grins back at that, "For all the wisdom given to us from above, we do the stupidest things sometimes." The cavern continues away from the lake of molten platinum, stretching on.
[23:45] <Alicia> "I wouldn't say that," Alicia doesn't quite pout, starting off on the path away from the molten lake. "We normally have some sort of basis for anything we do."
[23:47] <Kotono> "Like all the dangers of the world, or going into the Abyss, or getting drunk on fermented ambrosia and having a dalliance with a chaos angel, or facing the Dark Six?" With her own lopsided smile now, "I wish I could think of something more profound to say than, 'I never imagined it would be like this and tha tit would be soo good, but...'"
06[23:49] * Alicia looks sidelong at Antenora. "Only one of us had that dalliance, unless there's something you're not telling me. And I wasn't drunk when I did it."
[23:52] <Kotono> Antenora grins wider, "It may not have been drunk as we know it, but we were impaired. Besides, chaos inside of you?" Antenora shakes her head back and forth, "Was it worth it? Something so wild and so chaotic as that?" Turning away as you walk along, the cavern starting to narrow down ahead into tunnels sloping up, "You know. You feel order as well as good, don't you?"
[23:56] <Alicia> "I've said it before, Antenora, I'm not particularly devoted to law over chaos in the same way as I oppose evil. I'm personally drawn that way but I'm not committed ideologically," Alicia explains. "And I don't know about wild and chaotic, but lets just say that he knew what he was doing and leave it at that, shall we?"
[23:59] <Kotono> "I had wondered if you'd feel the calling of perfect order as well as perfect good as you ascend." As you walk along, you find the walls washed smooth, perfectly sleek and shiny. "Heh heh. If you had a good time...that's what matters, I suppose. Still." Antenora glances at Alicia, "A child of pure law and pure chaos...who knows? Would they end up in the middle or be tormented by the seperate callings?"
Session Time: Sat Nov 28 00:00:00 2009
[00:02] <Alicia> "We saw the offspring of a brachina and a lilitu in those gnome ruins in the jungle. She... was like any other fiend, I suppose," Alicia's expression twists slightly. "Anyway, don't get me wrong, Antenora. I like it here. But I can respect that what's right for me in this case isn't right for everyone. Law/chaos just isn't an important difference compared with good/evil."
[00:04] <Kotono> "Alicia...I love you like no other, but you're wrong. Arborea and Celestia work together because they are good and in spite of law and chaos." Antenora walks on, "I love Marie, too, in spite of her being chaotic., you don't really understand. I'm not an angel who happens to like order. I'm an angel of order and good. As much as I care for Marie, the chaos she embodies is difficult for me to accept. It is simply not my nature."
[00:05] <Kotono> accept. It is simply not my nature."
[00:08] <Alicia> "But that's for you," Alicia argues. "Can you honestly say that Marie is unhappy, though? We've spent a lot of time in Arborea and Ysgard, and seen lots of people there. Are they all truly in need of structure and guidance?"
[00:11] <Kotono> "In the end, I believe they'll come to see the wisdom of law and good married together." Walking further head, you come to a pool of cool blue water. It bars the path for ten feet, quite deep. Past it on the other side the path continues on. "Then again, perhaps law is not the path Mystra wishes for you to walk on. Perhaps I am meant to pull you in one direction, Marie another while you ultimately follow Mystra's own inclusive path?"
[00:15] <Alicia> "Maybe... all I know is that this is how I've always been and it suits me just fine," Alicia replies, peering down into the water. "I don't necessarily think a balance is needed, I'm just open to others having their own preferences."
[00:17] <Kotono> The water goes long and deep, stretching far. Alicia can'ts ee the bottom. "Yes, I suppose." After a few beats, "Let's change the subject. You said you dreamed about Felix?"
[00:19] <Alicia> "Uh huh," Alicia invites Antenora to go on, holding off on deciding whether to go for a swim or continue this path while they chat.
[00:22] <Kotono> "Alicia, have you decided yet?" Antenora stops as well, going to kneel before the water. She takes a sip, then a few handfuls.
[00:24] <Alicia> "Decided what?" Alicia blinks at the abrupt non sequiter.
[00:26] <Kotono> "On if you want to try and bring him back. You said you weren't sure." Antenora takes one more mouthful of water, "It's cold and pure if you're thirsty."
06[00:29] * Alicia sits down and scoops up some water for a drink, since she hasn't had anything since breakfast. "I... I don't think I will," she replies. "He's safe and happy where he is now. If he were alive, though... look at how often I have to leave Hugo. I wouldn't make a very good mother anymore," she concludes sadly.
[00:31] <Kotono> "Alicia, that's the biggest load of celestial bison shit I've ever heard." Going to take Alicia's hands after she drinks, "'re a good mother figure. I can testify to this beyond any compare. That's your guilt talking."
[00:37] <Alicia> "Maybe," Alicia isn't sure. "You know, he said they were watching me. Him and Hans," she stares off down the corridor. "I wonder what my husband thinks about my dalliance, as we put it earlier."
[00:38] <Kotono> Antenora follows Alicia's gaze, "What were your wedding vows? To love each other until you pass from this mortal coil?"
[00:41] <Alicia> "Till death do us part, yes," Alicia nods. "As much as it hurt, it was still easier to accept that they were gone. Even if I know a thing or two about the planes, I was sure that whatever existence they now held would be one where I wasn't even a memory."
[00:42] <Kotono> "Then there's nothing to be ashamed about. If they're safe and put aside, then surely whomever did so would enlighten them to this? I mean...they love you." Antenora puts a hand on Alicia's shoulder, "They've also seen the good you've done and the pain, struggle and trials you've faced."
[00:45] <Alicia> "Even so, wouldn't it hurt?" Alicia asks, turning to face Antenora. "I think it's human nature, to hope that we'd both wait, that we could pick up where we left off when I passed on myself."
[00:46] <Kotono> "Maybe, but they'd understand." Antenora comes closer to Alicia, staring into her eyes as she holds her close. "Don't make yourself suffer, Alicia. Felix said he loved you, didn't he? If it was a vision of the future, then that means it's just water under the bridge?"
[00:52] <Alicia> "For him there's nothing to forgive. For a child there's nothing as constant as a mother's love," Alicia smiles wistfully. "But for a man and a woman? I can't help but feel I betrayed Hans... I mean, I'm not even really thinking of bringing him back - I can't go back to the way things were."
[00:53] <Kotono> "Accept who you are. Alicia, if he's at peace and gone...that's not reason deny yourself forever. Didn't you and Marie both give me this speech?" With a wry smile, "If you do bring him back, just pick up where you left off. Alicia, if he loved you, I don't think he'd want ou to be alone and chaste forever."
[00:58] <Alicia> "Maybe not intellectually, but the heart is a tricky thing," Alicia shrugs. "Anyway, that's the rub, Antenora - I don't want to pick up where we left off. I've moved on. I'll always treasure the memories, but I'm not the girl he married anymore." Grimacing, she stands up. "It's never like this in the stories, is it?"
[00:59] <Kotono> "Devils don't become angels in the stories, either." Antenora stands up as well, "Alicia. There's nothing wrong with living for your own happiness..." With a long look to her, "If I need to, I'll drag you by the hair to Ysgard."
[01:02] <Alicia> "You don't need to," Alicia returns dryly. "Anyway, I know that right now they're both safe and happy, with each other and with Mystra. That's all I can ask for."
[01:05] <Kotono> "Good. I was hoping I wouldn't have to make the shapechanging magic demand if you still balked." Looking ahead, "Want to try swimming down or going on ahead?"
[01:07] <Alicia> "I really don't want to know," Alicia just shakes her head. "Anyway, I think we should go for a swim. You're already soaked through anyway, so it won't make too much difference."
02[01:10] * Merc ( Quit (Quit: -=SysReset =-)
[01:19] <Kotono> "Exactly. Gear or no?" Antenora looks down into the depths, "Can you let us breathe water?"
03[01:20] * Merc ( has joined #dunes
[01:22] <Alicia> "My magic's still a bit sketchy, but with my ring of freedom of movement I don't have to worry too much. Anything you don't want weighing you down we can put in the portable hole," Alicia offers.
[01:25] <Kotono> Antenora removes everything but her magic rings and her spear. "I still don't think we're in true danger, but I can't risk drowning because my armor and gear's too heavy."
[01:27] <Alicia> Considering how psychoticly strong Antenora is and her armour being made of mithral, it's all Alicia can do not to roll her eyes at that. "Fair enough," she nods, opening up the hole to put said heavy items away.
[01:27] <Alicia> "I'll risk my magic if things look really bad, but if we can't find anything within a minute it's probably best to turn back." With that, she jumps in and starts swimming downwards, pacing herself so as not to get too far ahead of her companion.
[01:32] <Kotono> Antenora swims down as well! Thus the two women descend for 5 rounds! At this point you come to a bottom. At the bottom is a swirling pool of stone and water, rippling. Over the pool are criss-crossed iron bars, thick and blocking further passage.
[01:33] <Kotono> 'Portal?' Antenora asks, pointing down at it.
06[01:34] * Alicia was about to go back up before Antenora's suggestion, but promptly checks for magic - it could come out by the waterfall Latha was at if it is a portal!
[01:37] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 spellcraft
06[01:37] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 spellcraft and gets 33." [1d20=7]
[01:44] <Alicia> 'It is,' Alicia confirms, checking to see if the grate can be lifted or if it's welded in place.
[01:45] <Kotono> The gate looks welded in place. It won't come away without some effort. OOC: 6 rounds underwater now.
[01:45] <Kotono> 'Want to spellfire it away, or go back up?'
[01:47] <Alicia> 'I'll just chop it up,' Alicia replies, drawing Hell Striker without any impediment from the water and proceeding to violently hack apart the grating!
[01:47] <Alicia> roll 1d20+12 -15pa
06[01:47] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+12 -15pa and gets 28." [1d20=16]
[01:47] <Alicia> roll 2d4+44+1d6
06[01:47] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 2d4+44+1d6 and gets 52." [2d4=4, 1][1d6=3]
[01:48] <Kotono> OOC: Single attack or FAing?
[01:49] <Alicia> OOC: I'll make more attacks if one is insufficient
[01:49] <Kotono> Alicia carves through the metal! It's tough, but a single blow carves much of it out! There is a passage to pass through now if one wishes!
[01:50] <Alicia> 'Lets go - it might come out in the waterfall Latha was at,' Alicia tells Antenora, descending into the portal!
[01:52] <Kotono> Ack! Water! Water's falling on you! You're standing in mid air, just starting to fall and be pushed down! You're under a great cascade of water!
06[01:54] * Alicia remains holding her breath as she flaps her wings and kicks her legs, trying to get out from the deluge!
[01:55] <Kotono> Antenora does the same! OOC: Str check for Antenora, Alicia's okay due to freedom of movement.
[01:56] <Alicia> roll 1d20+9 she is very strong
06[01:56] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+9 she is very strong and gets 20." [1d20=11]
[01:58] <Kotono> The two come bobbing out of the water, dripping wet but intact! Ahead of you is a cavern, coming to a flat, sheer wall going 50ft up. Atop it are two tunnels proceeding deeper into the mountain.
06[02:00] * Alicia lands on the cavern floor and looks around for any signs Latha might have left.
[02:05] <Kotono> You find a scratch into the ground, pointing to the left side tunnel. Besides you Antenora shakes off, "Can I get my things back?"
[02:07] <Alicia> "Of course," Alicia opens up the hole and lets Antenora do her thing, taking a moment herself to take off her boots and empty them of water before putting them back on.
[02:07] <Kotono> Once the two are dressed and dried, Antenora points to the left tunnel. "Flight will make going that way trivial. Let's go?"
[02:08] <Alicia> "As it surely was for Latha," Alicia agrees, flying up to said tunnel and starting down it.
[02:08] <Kotono> The tunnel is just wide and tall enough to walk through. You follow it for a way, coming to another intersection, with a side path going to the right. An arrow dug into th wall points straight ahead.
06[02:10] * Alicia is glad Latha was so thoughtful and continues going straight ahead. "Did you leave any markers where you went?" she asks Antenora conversationally.
[02:11] <Kotono> Antenora blinks, then laughs. "No, I didn't even think of it. Then again, I probably would've dripped platinum if you a hdn't found me when you did."
[02:13] <Alicia> "I left a few myself. It's a good idea when seperated like this," Alicia opines as they follow Latha's trail.
[02:14] <Kotono> You continue down the tunnel, taking a side turn as Latha left an arrow. Back to platinum brick halls now, shiny but not too descript. "I wonder what Jessica and Roald are doing now? Besides the obvious answer to that."
[02:16] <Alicia> "They might've went back to Balmuria to pick up their things to move into their new home?" Alicia muses. "I left the plane shift ring with Marie."
02[02:20] * Merc ( Quit (Quit: )
[02:20] <Kotono> "Mmm. I guess I envy them a little now. Having someone to wake up to, to be close to, to live together appeals more and more." Antenora says as you continue down the path.
[02:23] <Alicia> "It is nice," Alicia agrees. "The best I get these days is to wake up with Marie sitting at the foot of my bed and staring at me long enough for her to inform me that I had a strange dream before she flies off."
[02:24] <Kotono> Antenora giggles to that, "Like a cat wanting you to pet it when you wake up?"
[02:27] <Alicia> "I don't know what to make of it," Alicia just sighs. "I suppose it must be strange for her to sense my feelings while I'm dreaming, but it's not as if she's telling me anything useful."
[02:28] <Kotono> "Maybe she doesn't know? It's just dreams and feelings. Then again, she's on board for all types of dreams. Sweet dreams, sexy dreams, nightmares..." Shrugging her shoulders, "Have you asked her how much she gets from dreams?"
06[02:31] * Alicia nods. "Just the base impressions of my emotions, but sometimes it's stronger than others. I think she's concerned because things sometimes change when I have particularly vivid dreams - like after we met Kossuth."
[02:33] <Kotono> "Yes. The impressions transcendant beings and events leave on us," Antenora looks sideways, "I've had all sorts of strange dreams since I've started to sleep. Some good, some bad, some embarrassing, some incomprehensible. You make a flattering dwarven seamstress."
[02:35] <Alicia> "If you say so," Alicia looks sidelong at Antenora. "Some people like to try and analyze them for deeper meaning, but I think most are just nonsense."
[02:37] <Kotono> "I think they're either of mystical importance or junk." Looking forward as she chuckles, "Oh, I remember the best one. Marie and I were arguing about something...and for some reason, we ended up pulling you like a tug-toy, both trying to take you. Amusing...certainly somewhat transparent, but amusing."
[02:39] <Alicia> "The meaning there is fairly obvious," Alicia concedes. "My favourite ones are the ones that play out like stories. Even if the narrative makes no sense when I try to piece it together the next day, I still feel entertained when I wake up."
[02:42] <Kotono> "Oh yes. I've not had one like that to be remembered, but..." Antenora laughs now, "The nightmares are rare now. For a little while, I had terrible visions of my return to Baator...not a welcome one."
[02:44] <Alicia> "I'm glad you're over those, then," Alicia smiles. "That place shouldn't have any hold over you any longer."
[02:45] <Kotono> "It doesn't. That pit fiend saw that first hand." Antenora's smile grows wider as you come to another intersection, with an arrow pointing ahead. As you pass it, "If there's no one else who can hold the Liath-Flail, what do we do?"
06[02:46] * Alicia continues straight ahead as instructed - poor Latha's had a rather boring path thus far it looks like.
[02:47] <Alicia> "Then we try to arrange a diversion with as much strength as we can muster... unless there's any other similar artifact we could locate within the next few weeks," Alicia muses.
[02:50] <Kotono> "...Alicia." Antenora stops now. "What if this is Hugo's destiny? A child of a yugoloth and an angel is something that should never be born. But there he is, purer than anything I've ever seen. Is it right to take away the reason he was born? It just fits to well. It really does."
[02:52] <Alicia> "I won't send a child against the mother of demons," Alicia declares firmly. "He wasn't born to be a sacrifice in a fight he won't even fully understand."
[02:56] <Kotono> "I don't think the Heavens would make him just to die. Maybe just..." Shaking her head back and forth, "Alicia. Felix died. I just..." She looks away, "I don't know. Maybe I'm just too lawful to see the universe as anything but plans and schemes, but Hugo defies all the rules. He's someone's gambit. This person may have given us a way to stop Pale Night isntead of resorting to despertae compromises and be far more effective than a demon lord."
[02:56] <Kotono> compromises and be far more effective than a demon lord."
[02:57] <Kotono> "And you know what? I'd like to think there was a damned reason to Hugo besides some sadistic gnomes violating the rules of the multiverse," Antenora turns bakc to Alicia, stiffening her shoulders.
[02:59] <Alicia> "Even if he doesn't die, he'll see things that no child should ever have to see in the Abyss," Alicia argues. "I'm not about to throw him to the wolves just to give us an advantage - he deserves better than that, regardless of what brought him into being."
[03:00] <Kotono> "He'll hold the power of Celestia. He'll be safter than in our home holding the Liath-Flail. I have more confidence in the power of Celestia than I do a howling demon lord." Antenora argues right back, "You felt the truth of the Liath-Flail without it's power! Imagine it recharged!"
[03:04] <Alicia> "And with all that power, the forces of the Abyss were still able to wrest it from its former owner and diminish it into a shade of its former glory," Alicia points out logically. "He's just a child, Antenora. What right do we have to force him into battle? How can we safeguard the eladrin children on one hand while offering up Hugo with the other?"
[03:07] <Kotono> "I think it's his destiny. Alicia, if he is this Child of Life...I think he'd be the most suited person in existance for this." Now with a bit of heat in her voice, "I refuse to believe this prophecy, Hugo and everything is just chaotic happenstance! Who are we NOT to let him fulfill his destiny? If it's what he's meant to do, it's not our place to stop him, either."
[03:12] <Alicia> "Screw destiny!" Alicia retorts fiercely. "If it wasn't for that thrice-damned prophecy, we wouldn't even be having this conversation! Instead of basing our decisions on the situation at hand and proper logic, you'd have everything come down to poetry!"
[03:14] <Kotono> Antenora's voice raises several levels, approaching a shout! "If it wasn't for that prophecy, we wouldn't be where we are! We'd be behind, or dead at the hands of the Dark Six, or worse!" Pointing at Alicia, "Why do you resist this so much? You'd walk into Hell with a word from Mystra and nothing else! Why can't you put any faith into this?"
[03:16] <Alicia> "If Mystra demanded that I use a child to shield myself against an enemy," Alicia's voice drops coldly, "She wouldn't be the goddess I swore myself to."
[03:18] <Kotono> Antenora comes a little closer, "Alicia, it's not like that, dammit! You're not going to watch another child die because you couldn't protect them! Do you think that Helm or Celestia would let someone doomed to be a sacrifice throw themselves into the Abyss?! Do you think I would argue this if I thought that for a minute?!"
[03:23] <Alicia> "Do you think it's guaranteed, Antenora?" Alicia asks, not giving any ground. "That so long as we dance to prophecy's tune it doesn't matter what we do, everything will turn out okay? That there's no room for our own personal initiative, or a flash of insight or stroke of freakish luck from our enemies?"
[03:23] <Alicia> "I can't believe that - what we do matters. The cosmos isn't a book with the ending already written. And if I drag Hugo into the Abyss to face off against Pale Night, I can't be sure he'll come back out unscathed."
[03:27] <Kotono> "I think that it's the best damned choice we have in a sea of shitty ones!" Antenora's arm lashes out, cutting the air. She's close enough that her fingers graze against Alicia's armor, slightly breaking her momentum. "I think that we all have fates to live up to make this Creation a little better than we found it!" Antenora's voice is raising into a shoult now, "And I think that it's our place to make sure it happens right - by Hugo and by en
[03:27] <Kotono>  place to make sure it happens right - by Hugo and by ensuring Hugo comes back safely, if that's what's meant to be! I know full well how destiny can be broken! I also know how important it is! Look at what you've become, Alicia!" Reaching out and grabbing Alicia's wing roughly, "But tell me that Mystra never had a plan for you. Tell me that your life is meaningless luck!"
06[03:33] * Alicia winces slightly, even if she's gotten more used to the sensations from her new limbs that somewhat smarts. "It's not meaningless!" she fires right back. "It's drive, determination, and yes, it's luck! You think anyone expected us to kill Zetsubokou? There were no prophecies there - but we did it all the same, and that's what earned us these wings!"
[03:33] <Alicia> "The only fate is the one we make, Antenora, and I refuse to have mine come down to making a child fight my battles for me! He'd have been better off in that prison than made to face Pale Night!"
[03:35] <Kotono> "Then how come the prophecy was right?" Antenora drops Alicia's wing, right in her face now. "How come we're the ones to assemble the Resorts and face the God-King? Do you believe that everything is just a cosmic gamble that came up sevens, as if Creation was a game between a couple of bored slaad?!"
[03:41] <Alicia> "I'd rather be the result of a gamble than a puppet who never really had a choice to begin with," Alicia replies. "I wonder how many prophecies the Crimson Guard heard at the start of their quest that mentioned nothing about a paladin of Mystra but lots about a druid of Mielikki?" she then asks rhetorically, since Antenora brings up the whole business with the resorts and god-king.
[03:43] <Kotono> "I don't know, but I do know that the Gods have helped us time and again. I do know we have the prophecies in front of us. I do know that we don't have margin for error, unless a horror beyond comprehension is born." With a lower, softer heat, "And like hell if I refuse to believe that you weren't meant to at least find me, Alicia. I refuse to beilive the most importance person in my life was a fluke occurance."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[18:11] <Kotono> > "Then how come the prophecy was right?" Antenora drops Alicia's wing, right in her face now. "How come we're the ones to assemble the Resorts and face the God-King? Do you believe that everything is just a cosmic gamble that came up sevens, as if Creation was a game between a couple of bored slaad?!"
[18:11] <Kotono> <Alicia> "I'd rather be the result of a gamble than a puppet who never really had a choice to begin with," Alicia replies. "I wonder how many prophecies the Crimson Guard heard at the start of their quest that mentioned nothing about a paladin of Mystra but lots about a druid of Mielikki?" she then asks rhetorically, since Antenora brings up the whole business with the resorts and god-king.
[18:11] <Kotono> > "I don't know, but I do know that the Gods have helped us time and again. I do know we have the prophecies in front of us. I do know that we don't have margin for error, unless a horror beyond comprehension is born." With a lower, softer heat, "And like hell if I refuse to believe that you weren't meant to at least find me, Alicia. I refuse to beilive the most importance person in my life was a fluke occurance."
[18:16] <Alicia> "So who decides?" Alicia asks, spreading her arms. "Was it Helm? Is everything we've ever done on Helm's say so? Is everything everyone ever does predetermined? If not Helm then who - Asmodeus? Selune? Tymora? Maybe it's all down to Ao. I refuse to believe that nothing we do matters, because it all has to go according to script anyway."
[18:23] <Kotono> "And I refuse to believe this is some cosmic game of dice!" Antenora retorts hotly. "Do you want your change to be removing what could be the key to our victory over the Dark Six and Pale Night? Do you want your grand gesture against fate to be the damnation of millions?"
06[18:35] * Alicia glares at Antenora, hating her for forcing her into this awful position. "Alright," she bitterly gets the words out, almost choking on them, "You want to follow a higher authority, fine. As soon as my spells come back, I'll ask Mystra. If She says that Hugo is the child of life, we finish up here, go get him, and start over from Venya. If he isn't, I won't hear another word about it."
[18:35] <Kotono> "Fine!" Antenora snaps, eyes going wide at that, before narrowing into tiny slits. She whirls away, turning her back to Alicia, not saying a word.
06[18:38] * Alicia turns and starts walking down the path left by Latha once more. If nothing else she can respect that Antenora held her position, for all she hates it. "This can count as your act of uncommon bravery, I suppose."
[18:39] <Kotono> Antenora doesn't even remotely answer to it right away. She lets a silence fall, "If that's what I was fated to do, I wish you were right." Her voice is flat, with an undercurrent of anger.
[18:42] <Alicia> Not even knowing how to respond to that, Alicia doesn't bother. Mystra can have the final word.
[18:43] <Kotono> The next several minutes are full of utter, dead silence. Antenora doesn't reply to anything, a tension filled, brooding pace. As you walk down a halll, you catch sight of relief. Latha is heading your way, "Alicia! Antenora!" she calls.
[18:45] <Alicia> "Latha. It's... good to see you," Alicia manages, too thoroughly put out right now to muster much enthusiasm.
[18:46] <Kotono> Antenora doesn't say anything. Latha smiles, "Finally. Are the two of you recovered from the battle?"
[18:48] <Alicia> "Somewhat. I've found out that we're in the Platinum Revere, a place of testing," Alicia supplies. "Have you found anything of interest?"
[18:48] <Kotono> "The same information. The way ahead is ultimately a dead end, I'm returning to the waterfall to try another passage there." Latha shakes her head back and forth, "We're supposed to accomplish and act of uncommon bravery."
[18:49] <Kotono> After a moment, "Are you still hurting? I have some minor healing if that would soothe you?" Latha frowns, "You look a bit drawn."
[18:50] <Alicia> "It's nothing too bad," Alicia shakes her head. "Anyway, Antenora has convinced me to reconsider whether Hugo should be doing this instead of us. So I'm going to ask Mystra if he is the one spoken of in the prophecy as soon as my magic returns to normal."
[18:51] <Kotono> Antenora turns away as Latha looks to her. Latha then looks back to Alicia, "Truly? Did our defeat dishearten you on our chances of reaching Jovar?"
[18:53] <Alicia> "No. I'm still confident we could get that far. But it's possible that we would still be unable to do anything with the Liath-Flail," Alicia concedes unhappily.
[18:53] <Kotono> "Let's go. We can talk later." Antenora grunts, turning back around and starting to walk.
06[18:57] * Alicia acquieses to that and follows after Antenora.
[18:57] <Kotono> "I see." Latha looks between Alicia and Antenora again, following in silence for a time. As you walk, 'Do you want to talk about it?' Latha asks in Alicia's mind.
[19:01] <Alicia> 'It's rude to do so when the object of our discussion is standing three feet away,' Alicia demurs. 'I just feel I've done something terrible in even allowing for the possibility. And what if it turns out Hugo is the object of the prophecy? Antenora has far more faith than I in our ability to protect him.'
[19:04] <Kotono> 'I don't know.' Latha answers as her expression does not change, the tension still in the air around the three. 'If he is, then...that's why there are miracles, Alicia. A child should be easy prey for Pale Night. If he's meant to hold the Liath-Flail, then I believe that a miracle will occur. If not...we'll make one.''
[19:06] <Alicia> 'I'd rather make a miracle without putting him in harm's way to start with. It won't be long till my magic returns to normal, then we'll know one way or the other.'
[19:08] <Kotono> 'I hope so. Antenora's not answering me.' Latha's voice sighs in your mind. 'A victory that cost more than it was worth.'
[19:11] <Alicia> 'She was very determined, but looked hurt as soon as I compromised. I wonder if she's disappointed that I couldn't stick to my ideals?' Alicia wonders as they trudge onwards.
[19:12] <Kotono> Latha lets that question sit. Thus you walk back out to the waterfall, reaching the other tunnel. At this Latha points ahead, "I know not what lies in this path, so if the two of you are ready?" she looks between both women. "Or if you need some time first?"
[19:13] <Alicia> "Lets go. I should have my magic returned to me within a quarter of an hour," Alicia says, flying over to the unexplored passage.
[19:21] <Kotono> Antenora remains silent as the two ascend into the tunnel! It stretches for a little time, turning into platinum bricks ahead. Ahead lies a room full of mirrors, like a slightly enlarged hall. Reflections dance about wildly, the path continuing on ahead. You can see yourselves in a dozen different ways and angles of angels.
06[19:22] * Alicia pauses for a moment in the mirrored hallway, confirming if there's any magic present.
[19:24] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 spellcraft
03[19:24] * Hatbot (~Hatbot@ has joined #dunes
[19:24] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 spellcraft
06[19:24] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 spellcraft and gets 46." [1d20=20]
[19:25] <Kotono> Latha looks about, going to one of the mirrors. "Not what I anticipated. Archons have little need for vanity."
[19:26] <Alicia> "Hmm. The mirrors act as portals - if you step through one you come out of another, but something happens at the one you went through originally," Alicia explains. "Precisely what I'm not quite sure. Still, it bears investigating." She calls forth a medium fire elemental and sends it through the closest mirror.
[19:28] <Kotono> The fire elemental steps throught he mirror, appearing on the other side of the hall! Yet in front of the first mirror the same elemental stands out! The far one looks about in confusion, it's flames dimming! The other's flames roar into radiance!
[19:30] <Alicia> "How do you feel?" Alicia asks both elementals in their native language. Seems like the original is diminished to create a copy?
[19:31] <Kotono> The one in front of the first mirror growls words of anger, while the other murmurs phrases of repentenence.
[19:32] <Alicia> "Hell Striker, do they seem any different to you?" Alicia asks her sword, since it can see into the hearts of men. Or elementals.
[19:37] <Alicia> "Hmm... You go through that mirror and you go through that mirror," she tells each elemental to traverse the mirror opposite the one it just came out.
[19:38] <Kotono> The two elementals go through the mirrors! From another mirror, only one elemental comes back out.
[19:38] <Kotono> "Some sort of cloning or division?" Latha watches this entire back and forth, "Got an idea, Alicia?"
[19:38] <Alicia> "Do you feel normal now?" Alicia asks the solitary elemental in Ignan.
[19:40] <Kotono> The elemental answers in the affirmative.
06[19:42] * Alicia dismisses it with a wave of her hand. "It seems that if you go through the mirror you're split into two. From what the elementals were saying and how they looked, one comes out weakened and repentant, the other is angry and more powerful. If both go back through any two mirrors, they return to one normal individual."
[19:49] <Kotono> "Hm. Some sort of self examination?" Latha looks into a mirror and her reflection, "Perhaps so different facets of a personality can clash against one another? A very literal self analysis."
[19:50] <Alicia> "Since both elementals remained under my control I can't tell for sure how the two sides might interact," Alicia admits. "Want to give it a try?"
[19:51] <Kotono> "Do you?" Latha murmurs decline, "Not in particular. It's interesting to see, but splitting myself apart holds no interest."
06[19:53] * Alicia shakes her head. "It could be confusing. What about you, Antenora?" she looks over at the brooding deva.
[19:55] <Kotono> Antenora's gaze is looking down at the ground. She doesn't reply, lingering a little back.
[19:58] <Alicia> "Antenora?" Alicia prods, stepping closer, thinking she looks more sad than angry. "Is there anything you want to say?"
[19:59] <Kotono> "I said enough." Antenora brushes past Alicia and walks ahead past the mirrors. Her voice is quiet, but projected well.
[20:02] <Alicia> "Very well," Alicia lets it rest for now, continuing onwards herself.
[20:03] <Kotono> Latha doesn't advance, letting Alicia go past her. "You know, you two don't need to reply to this," she says, taking up the rear, "But watching you two act like this is a tragedy."
[20:09] <Alicia> "It's not often we can't reconcile our differences," Alicia admits. "But this is important enough to stick to what we believe in, even when we believe differently."
[20:12] <Kotono> Antenora stops, her back turned to them. "It is important, but dammit, Alicia! I didn't want to see you full of bitter resignation because I complained and bitched at you until you gave in! How the hell am I repaying you if I make you feel like that?"
[20:18] <Alicia> "I never wanted you to be an obedient lickspittle," Alicia sighs. "Even if I think you're in the wrong here, I know I'm not perfect. Maybe you are right - about fate and about Hugo. I don't want you to be, but... we'll find out soon, anyway."
[20:23] <Kotono> "Alicia. Sorry. Even if I'm right, I'm sorry that I lost my temper and fought with you. It wasn't the right way." Antenora turns, going up to Alicia. "I wish I could dedicate my life to making you happy. You have so much responsibility - from fate or from choice or both - and you deserve better."
[20:26] <Alicia> "Don't apologise," Alicia tells her firmly. "If you apologise then you were wrong, and the whole thing was for nothing. You argued for what you believe in, and I can respect that even if I can't agree."
[20:27] <Kotono> "Yeah. It's not that, just how I did it." Antenora goes to Alicia, gazing into her eyes. "Next time, tell me to spare the anger?"
[20:30] <Alicia> "I'll try to remember that. Anyway, lets move on - I'll let you both know when I'm ready to cast my spell," Alicia suggests.
[20:36] <Kotono> "Thanks." Antenora murmurs, falling in step with Alicia! Thus the women move on - ahead is a triple passage. It continues ahead, splits off to right and left branches, and has a vent to fly upward and downward in the center of the  intersection.
[20:57] <Alicia> "Any preferences?" Alicia asks her companions.
[21:00] <Kotono> "Let's go up. It's our goal in the long run?" Antenora looks into the shaft.
[21:01] <Alicia> "Going up worked well for me last time," Alicia agrees with that, flapping her wings to take off and up the vent.
[21:03] <Kotono> Alicia, Antenora, LAtha. An ascending column of angels flies high! You fly up for about two minutes , ascending higher! You come out in a great circular dome, full of light. Here rests an orb of glowing energy the size of a small house, chains attached to the outer layer, holding it to the ground. Words of profound purity and goodness echo all about.
[21:03] <Kotono> "Words of Creation?" Latha alights to the ground, "I know a few of those."
[21:04] <Alicia> "What does it say?" Alicia asks, studying the flows of magic hereabout.
[21:04] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 spellcraft surely relevant
06[21:04] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 spellcraft surely relevant and gets 30." [1d20=4]
[21:05] <Kotono> roll 1d20+24
06[21:05] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+24 and gets 41." [1d20=17]
[21:05] <Alicia> "The magic seems to revolve around creating something, but I can't offer more than that," Alicia supplies after a second.
[21:06] <Kotono> Latha kneels, bowing her head. "Creating. Alicia, what we see is the beginnings of a solar's life. A force has set into motion it's creation."
[21:08] <Alicia> "Oh, my..." Alicia gazes at the orb with new appreciation. "We should leave it well alone, then. Does it say anything about what duty the solar will fulfill?" she can't resist a little curiousity.
[21:10] <Kotono> "No." But Latha's words are lost in yet more noise. Words of Creation of unheralded purity erupt around you! Your flesh regrows in a moment, wounds sealed! The room bursts into light, blinding you! Amid this inferno of glory, you can see a the faintest outlines of a face. "This sacred place is not meant for you. Return to whence you came." OOC: Your nonlethal damage is healed for all three of you.
[21:10] <Kotono> three of you.
[21:11] <Alicia> "I'm sorry, we meant no offence," Alicia lowers her gaze hurriedly and flees back to the vent.
[21:14] <Kotono> Thus the party flees down from the impossible, overwhelming light! The vent down passes in the daze, the three women back to the intersection in a few moments.
[21:14] <Kotono> Rubbing her eyes, "What was that? It was overwhelming. Not to mention my bruises are gone!" Antenora squints out of bloodshot eyes.
[21:17] <Alicia> "A lot of positive energy must go into the creation of a being as mighty as a solar - I suspect we simply received some overflow," Alicia reasons. "I hope our presence didn't disturb things too greatly."
[21:17] <Kotono> roll 1d20+24
06[21:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+24 and gets 42." [1d20=18]
[21:18] <Kotono> "Let's try going straight ahead?" Latha gestures and starts to walk, "I have no idea what it was, Seira. There are secrets to Celestia that even we aren't knowledgeable about."
[21:18] <Kotono> *Antenora.
[21:19] <Alicia> "Before that," Alicia holds up a hand, "My magic is back to normal. I can ask Mystra if Hugo is the child of life spoken of in Demedais' prophecy, now."
[21:19] <Kotono> If that's your choice," Antenora goes to sit down, resting against the wall.
[21:22] <Alicia> "It will only take a moment," Alicia takes a deep breath before channelling her magic to emulate a cleric's ability to commune with his or her deity. Not wishing to pester her goddess, she only has but one question. "Is Hugo the child of life spoken of in the prophecy given to Demedais by Helm?"
06[21:30] * Alicia shrugs as she repeats the answer. "Perhaps. Fate is potential, not iron bonds." Pausing a moment to make it clear that's the answer to the question before she continues with her own thoughts. "That being the case, I wish to explore all further avenues before placing any burden upon Hugo. Let us see what answers we find at the Pax Exaltea."
[21:31] <Kotono> "Fate is potential, not iron that saying that Hugo has the potential to be this child?" Antenora's voice is thoughtful as she starts walking ahead, "Or that others may have the potential, or we do to make the choice?"
[21:32] <Alicia> "I'd take it to mean that others have the potential as well," Alicia replies. "It's why prophecies always have lots of room for interpretation, so that no matter the outcome you can look back with hindsight and say 'yes, see! It all fits!'"
[21:35] <Kotono> Latha snickers, hiding her smile with her hand. "How cynical of you, Alicia."
[21:35] <Kotono> Antenora mutters something quietly, "I still say Hugo fits from this end, not even to consider hindsight."
[21:36] <Alicia> "Perhaps so," Alicia concedes to Antenora. "And if it's a literal child then I won't be satisfied no matter who the hand of prophecy points to in the end. Unless, of course, it resolves in a manner that doesn't put the child in harm's way - the prophecy says nothing about the child entering battle, after all."
[21:38] <Kotono> "It could be worse. We could be having this argument over a literal baby - Namor." Antenora glances back, "He crossed my mind as well, but Hugo fits so much better."
06[21:40] * Alicia nods. "Given all that happened, I'm sure Namor has a destiny of his own, but his will likely lie under the sea with his people."
[21:42] <Kotono> Thus you walk along. You come on a slight downward slope for about twenty minutes, coming down into a basin. Seventy feet ahead rises another tunnel, continuing on. It's seventy feet off the ground as well, no path to it visible, only sheer cliffface.
[21:43] <Alicia> "Onwards and upwards?" Alicia asks, already taking off towards the tunnel up the cliff.
[21:44] <Kotono> But as Alicia and company fly forward...!!! OOC: Make STR checks.
[21:45] <Alicia> roll 1d20+6 Alicia
06[21:45] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+6 Alicia and gets 18." [1d20=12]
[21:45] <Alicia> roll 1d20+6 Latha
06[21:45] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+6 Latha and gets 9." [1d20=3]
[21:45] <Alicia> roll 1d20+9 Anty
06[21:45] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+9 Anty and gets 11." [1d20=2]
[21:45] <Kotono> But you feel a force pushing you down! The three are pressed down to the ground, unable to resist!
[21:47] <Alicia> "Oohf," Alicia lands heavily on her feet, crouching for a moment before she rights herself. "Perhaps we're supposed to climb rather than fly?"
[21:54] <Kotono> Looking at the sheer cliff-face, "Do any of us have skill climbing?" Latha looks up to the top, "I confess I'm used to flying and not particularly trained at it."
[21:57] <Alicia> "I used to be quite good at it, but ever since I learned the fly spell a few years ago I fell out of practice," Alicia admits. "I still have my old climbing gear in the portable hole, though. I could climb up then toss it down for the next of us and so on."
[21:58] <Kotono> "Anything to make it easier." Antenora says, peering up. "I don't fnacy trying ot make the climb, either, without rope and support."
06[21:59] * Alicia glances sidelong at Antenora. "How good are you at animating rope for things besides lassoing enemies?"
[22:02] <Kotono> "Not very. I can do that, but we don't have the ability to animate rope any further than that. I have to be aiming it at a foe to work." Peering up, "Do you have a grappling hook in there with some rope? If you can toss it high enough, maybe?"
[22:03] <Alicia> "No grappling hook," Alicia shakes her head. "Tell you what, I'll climb up, then you can toss the rope up after me and I'll tie it to something solid," she suggests, opening up the portable hole to retrieve her long neglected climbing spikes.
06[22:08] * Alicia then sets herself to methodically climbing up the cliff, seeking out the best handholds as she goes.
[22:08] <Alicia> roll 1d20+8
06[22:08] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+8 and gets 19." [1d20=11]
[22:08] <Kotono> Alicia starts to climb...she makes a bit of progress but then slinks back down, her first effort not going anywhere.
[22:10] <Alicia> "That was... odd," Alicia remarks after sinking off the cliff-face. "Hmm... actually, why don't we all climb together?" she suggests, handing the climbing gear to Latha.
[22:11] <Kotono> "At once?" Latha asks, "If you like. Will it help?"
[22:13] <Alicia> "It's just a theory," Alicia temporises, finding a spot on the wall to start from and beginning to climb up with her bare hands once the other two are ready.
[22:20] <Kotono> OOC: Make climb checks all.
[22:21] <Alicia> roll 1d20+6 Alicia
06[22:21] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+6 Alicia and gets 22." [1d20=16]
[22:21] <Alicia> roll 1d20+8 Latha
06[22:21] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+8 Latha and gets 26." [1d20=18]
[22:21] <Alicia> roll 1d20+9 Anty
06[22:21] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+9 Anty and gets 23." [1d20=14]
[22:21] <Kotono> OOC: Did you include ACP?
[22:23] <Alicia> OOC: None for me and Latha. -1 for Anty
[22:24] <Kotono> The women manage to climb up ten feet! They're off the ground now, sixty feet away from the tunnel. The climbing is slow, steady and sure.
[22:24] <Kotono> OOX: GAh.
[22:28] <Kotono> The women manage to climb up ten feet! They're off the ground now, sixty feet away from the tunnel. The climbing is slow, steady and sure. The feeling of pressure and gravity comes and passes as you cling to the walls.
06[22:31] * Alicia holds on tightly, making sure to have three limbs braced securely at all times as she slowly climbs upwards. "Don't rush, take your time to find the best handholds," she encourages her less practiced friends as they ascend.
[22:31] <Kotono> OOC: Climb checks again.
[22:31] <Alicia> roll 1d20+6 Alicia
06[22:31] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+6 Alicia and gets 17." [1d20=11]
[22:31] <Alicia> roll 1d20+8 Latha
06[22:31] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+8 Latha and gets 10." [1d20=2]
[22:31] <Alicia> roll 1d20+8 Anty
06[22:31] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+8 Anty and gets 26." [1d20=18]
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[17:08] <Kotono> Antenora continues to make progress, twenty feet up!  Alicia about holds her place, not moving ahead or making progress. Latha's grip slips, sending her falling to the ground!
[17:08] <Kotono> roll 1d6 ow
06[17:08] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6 ow and gets 6." [1d6=6]
[17:09] <Alicia> "This isn't going too well," Alicia remarks. "You okay, Latha?"
[17:10] <Kotono> "The fall was minor," Latha stands up, dusting off her knees.
[17:11] <Kotono> "I'm getting closer. Let me see if I can reach the top," Antenora calls down. "I can use my ghost rope and lower it down from there."
[17:11] <Alicia> "We'll keep trying, anyway - go up the same path as Antenora, it might be easier," Alicia tells Latha as she searches for some handholds that'll let her progress.
[17:11] <Alicia> roll 1d20+6 Alicia
06[17:11] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+6 Alicia and gets 15." [1d20=9]
[17:11] <Alicia> roll 1d20+8 Latha
06[17:12] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+8 Latha and gets 19." [1d20=11]
[17:12] <Alicia> roll 1d20+8 Anty
06[17:12] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+8 Anty and gets 19." [1d20=11]
[17:13] <Kotono> Antenora and Latha don't make any progress, while Alicia's grip slips! With a start of surprise, she finds herself falling back to the ground!
[17:13] <Kotono> roll 1d6
06[17:13] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6 and gets 4." [1d6=4]
06[17:16] * Alicia sighs and dusts herself off, joining Latha in trying to catch up with Antenora.
[17:16] <Alicia> roll 1d20+6 Alicia
06[17:16] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+6 Alicia and gets 8." [1d20=2]
[17:16] <Alicia> roll 1d20+8 Latha
06[17:16] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+8 Latha and gets 17." [1d20=9]
[17:16] <Alicia> roll 1d20+8 Anty
06[17:16] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+8 Anty and gets 16." [1d20=8]
[17:17] <Kotono> No progress by anyone at all, but at least Antenora doesn't fall! Antenora echos Alicia's sigh, "This damned wall is going past obvious metaphor and into aggrivation."
[17:19] <Alicia> "New plan," Alicia decides. "Antenora, toss me down your rope. Latha, give me the third resort."
[17:19] <Kotono> "All the way or hold onto it," Antenora asks.
[17:19] <Kotono> LAtha hands over the third resort without incident.
[17:19] <Alicia> "All the way," Alicia confirms.
[17:19] <Kotono> Antenora's long rope tumbles down into a pile at the bottom of the wall.
06[17:22] * Alicia takes the rope and proceeds to tie it tightly around the hilt and crossguard of the dagger, tugging it to ensure it's secure. Once that's done, she aims up at the roof of the cave-mouth where the tunnel starts above them, and with a prayer to Mystra for it to fly truly, she hurls it upwards to try and get it lodged securely into the platinum rock!
[17:22] <Alicia> OOC: taking 10 for 15 on use rope
[17:22] <Alicia> roll 1d100 casting true strike
06[17:22] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d100 casting true strike and gets 61." [1d100=61]
[17:22] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 ranged attack with -14 range penalties
06[17:23] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 ranged attack with -14 range penalties and gets 44." [1d20=18]
[17:23] <Kotono> OOC: Damage.
[17:23] <Alicia> roll 1d4+10+3d6+3d6
06[17:23] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d4+10+3d6+3d6 and gets 35." [1d4=4][3d6=1, 4, 1][3d6=6, 4, 5]
[17:29] <Kotono> Clunk! With a deft throw, Alicia gets the knife embedded into the ceiling! The rope dangles down, the last bits pooling on the ground.
06[17:31] * Alicia grabs hold of the rope and lifts her body off the ground, making sure it'll support her weight without coming loose.
[17:33] <Kotono> The dagger seems pretty well embedded in. It doesn't give to Alicia's weight.
06[17:33] * Alicia nods in satisfaction and lets go. "Okay, Antenora, why don't you grab the rope and use it to get the rest of the way up? Then Latha and I will follow."
[17:34] <Kotono> With the rope, it's elementary for Antenora to climb up! She reaches the top, then waves down. "Made it!"
[17:35] <Alicia> "Latha?" Alicia lets the blonde deva go first.
[17:37] <Kotono> Latha climbs up the wall as well! She scurries up without a problem.
[17:37] <Alicia> Once Latha's safely at the top, Alicia follows!
[17:39] <Kotono> Alicia climbs up without problem!
[17:40] <Kotono> "Finally...we made it up together because we helped each other. Or I suppose that's the lesson we're meant to take," Antenora looks to Alicia, "We couldn't just glide our way to enlightenment."
[17:40] <Alicia> Now safely at the top, Alicia reaches up to grab the hilt of her dagger and jiggle it around to try and work it loose from its secure placing. "Maybe it's just about not giving up in the face of adversity?"
[17:42] <Kotono> OOC: STr check.
[17:42] <Alicia> roll 1d20+6
06[17:42] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+6 and gets 8." [1d20=2]
[17:42] <Kotono> "No matter what, thanks," Antenora rests a hand on Alicia's shoulder, a hesitant smile on her face. Meanwhile, the dagger is stuck in pretty hard. It's not coming out.
06[17:44] * Alicia gives Antenora a smile to show that there's no hard feelings. "You can thank me by pulling the dagger out. I got it in really tight and you're stronger than I am," she suggests lightly, letting go of the embedded artifact.
[17:46] <Kotono> With a quirky smile and a chuckle, "I'll try." With that, Antenora gives it a tug!
[17:46] <Kotono> roll 1d20+9
06[17:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 and gets 17." [1d20=8]
[17:46] <Kotono> But it's stuck pretty hard. Her efforts don't go anywhere, either.
[17:47] <Alicia> "Try jiggling it around a bit," Alicia suggests, "It should be able to cut the hole wider if you do it that way."
[17:48] <Kotono> Antenora winces visibly but tries that, trying to get ti loose!
[17:48] <Kotono> roll 1d20+9
06[17:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 and gets 11." [1d20=2]
[17:49] <Kotono> Nope. It's just not moving - completely stuck, it looks like.
[17:51] <Alicia> "Hang on," Alicia asks, drawing Hell Striker and working its blade flush with the third resort, using it to cut up the platinum rock and widen it enough for the dagger to fall out. "Hold onto the rope so it doesn't fall back down to the bottom."
[17:52] <Kotono> "Got it," Antenora nods, "This reminds me too much of trying to remove a broken blade from a wound."
[17:54] <Alicia> "At least it was secure enough for us to climb on. I was worried it would just fall right back out," Alicia admits as she carves up the rock.
[17:55] <Kotono> The rock is unusually tough here, Alicia slowly hacking through! With this Antenora is able to get the dagger out, gathering back her rope. "Strong stone."
[17:56] <Alicia> "It is," Alicia nods, blowing the dust off of Hell Striker before sheathing it. "Anyway, lets see what's down this path?"
[17:59] <Kotono> Thus the three women take down this path! After about ten minutes of following it, they come to a stairway ascending up. Freezing cold air blows down, the cave opening wide into fresh air. Snow litters the steps all about, gold-tinted snow.
[18:00] <Alicia> "Looks like we're close to the surface," Alicia opines, starting up the stairway.
[18:01] <Kotono> Thus you climb! You are enveloped into a blizzard as you do! The chill is overwhelming even a few steps up! Amid the steady winds and blasts of cold, Latha yelps. "W-what is this?! I'm s-shaking!"
[18:04] <Alicia> Isn't Latha immune to cold? "It must be magic!" Alicia calls over the wind, reaching out to take Latha's hand so they don't get seperated in the storm. "Hold hands and stay close, we can get through this!"
[18:04] <Kotono> Latha is shivering all over, shaking like a leaf. "M-M-magic!" she groans, as Antenora takes Alicia's other hand! "I will be s-strong!"
[18:07] <Alicia> It's pretty frosty for Alicia too, but if it's bad for Latha there's no point trying to ward off the cold. "Come on," she encourages, holding tightly to her friends to draw warmth from them and offer the same in turn as she pushes up the stairs through the blizzard.
[18:09] <Kotono> You walk and walk and walk and walk. You are lost in the blizzard, numbness creeping it. At first Alicia can't feel her feet quite right, then the fingers of her friends feel like icicles. Antenora's shoulders slump down as she miserably shivers, "So cold..." she says amid the golden snow. No end in sight, just more stairs ascending.
03[18:12] * Merc-zzz is now known as Merc
06[18:12] * Alicia glows brightly with holy radiance, though it carries no heat it's a psychological boost, and makes it easier to see even in the storm. "Think of something warm," she suggests amidst her own shivers, rubbing their hands together to generate heat by friction.
[18:15] <Kotono> "Warm fire...lava...curling up against a body..." Antenora intones, as golden light plays amid the snow! Thus further do you walk, your eyes starting to coat over with ice, eyelashes frozen stiff.  Ice begins to coat your armor, hanging off it like the hand of death. Yet higher and higher you go, as your cheeks go numb. It's starting to become harder to walk. OOC: Make fort saveS?
[18:16] <Alicia> roll 1d20+22 Alicia
06[18:16] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+22 Alicia and gets 42." [1d20=20]
[18:16] <Alicia> roll 1d20+16 Latha
06[18:16] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+16 Latha and gets 23." [1d20=7]
[18:16] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 Anty
06[18:16] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 Anty and gets 42." [1d20=16]
[18:17] <Kotono> The angels endure thestorm as best they can. "I...I can keep going, but I'm not sure for how long," Latha says,s truggling to speak.
[18:17] <Kotono> "We're getting nowhere," Antenora's voice is sleepy, her head shaken back and forth, bits of ice and snow falling off. "What the hell is the point of this?"
[18:20] <Alicia> "It's a challenge - we can't give up so easily!" Alicia exhorts, letting go of Latha's hand long enough to grab Hell Striker and ingite its flames before she presses the hilt into Latha's other hand and resumes her grip. "Hold onto Hell Striker, Latha. Its flames will help."
[18:21] <Kotono> The heat of Hell Striker stands alone in the blizzard, the warmth of it banishing a bit of the chill around you. "My thanks, Alicia," Latha puts her face close to the flames, as if to melt away the golden ice there. Thus you continue to walk! Alicia begins to feel sleepy...and warmer. Her eyes want to close as you put one foot in front of the other.  On and on you go, as...OOC: Fort again.
[18:22] <Alicia> roll 1d20+22 Alicia
06[18:22] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+22 Alicia and gets 33." [1d20=11]
[18:22] <Alicia> roll 1d20+18 lets say Latha cast heroism after the first fort save
06[18:22] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+18 lets say Latha cast heroism after the first fort save and gets 26." [1d20=8]
[18:22] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 Anty
06[18:22] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 Anty and gets 36." [1d20=10]
[18:23] <Kotono> Thus the party endures! Antenora's shoulders are bent low, her feet shuffling to continue climbing. "...sleepy." A hand goes up to feebly rub at her eyes, "..licia...wanna go to sleep," she turns back, "Gotta keep going. Have to keep going. We're almost there. Have to be."
[18:24] <Kotono> "Perhaps...we need to admit defeat? Magic out?" Latha struggles to put the words together, the flames of Hell Striker keeping her face clear at least. "Or do something?"
[18:26] <Alicia> "Hold on, let me try and cast something," Alicia asks, letting go of Latha's hand for a second. "It's hot but don't try to resist it," she adds as she calls upon purifying flames to surround her body!
[18:26] <Alicia> roll 1d100 spell failure
06[18:26] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d100 spell failure and gets 37." [1d100=37]
[18:27] <Kotono> But Alicia's magic can't focus, the spell fizzling.
06[18:27] * Alicia keeps trying after the first failure.
[18:27] <Alicia> roll 1d100
06[18:27] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d100 and gets 61." [1d100=61]
[18:27] <Kotono> OOC: What spell?
[18:27] <Alicia> OOC: Fires of purity. 15 fire damage to anything I touch (or touches me). Flames don't hurt me but hopefully they'll keep me warm.
[18:29] <Kotono> Warmth spills from Alicia's body! Latha stays close, while Antenora stops and presses against Alicia. She sighs deeply, "So warm...!" The fire seems to lift the sleepy reverie that gripped you, ice melting away from your body, your mind clearing it's haze.
[18:30] <Alicia> As bright orange flames surround Alicia, she draws close to Latha, but is careful not to burn her with too much contact. She doesn't worry so much about Antenora who swims in molten metal for fun. "It doesn't last too long, so lets press on hard while we've got it," she encourages, working up the stairs in step with the glomping deva.
[18:31] <Kotono> Like this you climb a little longer. The fires last nealry two minutes, enough to chase away much of the chill. But abruptly, as they finish, a massive buffet of cold air stops your progress! A howling wind is followed by crystal clear trumpet blasts! Ahead, coming from the golden mist of snow, a figure approaches. It's too far away to make anything out but a shadow.
[18:48] <Alicia> "We're almost there," Alicia encourages her friends even as her flames gutter out and the cold makes its presence felt once more, taking the figure's approach as a good sign as she forces her feet to keep moving.
[18:51] <Kotono> The blizzard roars stronger! The figure ahead is impossible to look at. You can see eyes like the heart of a maelstrom of snow. The light...the light from the being staggers you back, a light that offers no warmth. "Advance not a single step more!" he bellows, "I see dying fools ahead of me, waiting to slip into the oblivion of cold!"
06[18:53] * Alicia stops, although he could've asked more nicely. "It'll take more than bad weather to stop us," she asserts. "But if we're not welcome here, so be it. We'll leave."
[18:56] <Kotono> "Should we?" Antenora glares up at the icy light, "You talk with arrogance and condescension!"
[18:59] <Kotono> "Leave." With a harsh bidding cry, "You are unworthy to be here!"
03[19:00] * Kotono is now known as Tiny_Ko_Army
[19:05] <Alicia> "Whatever tests you are here to take, you won't get far on them with that attitude," Alicia tells the harsh voice icily, not rising further to its baiting as she turns. "Come. Lets leave him to his frozen solitude."
[19:07] <Tiny_Ko_Army> Thus Alicia and Latha follow. The cold numbs you as you begin the ascent down. "Ugh..." Antenora grunts deep in her throat, "Are you sure, Alicia?"
[19:07] <Tiny_Ko_Army> "Let him rot, test, tester or fool." Latha rubs her hands together, "These caverns are vast. We will find what we seek elseware."
[19:09] <Alicia> "We're here to be tested on bravery. Picking a fight with someone for simply being rude does not meet my definition," Alicia states simply. "Also, the third resort produces fire as well, so we can use that to warm ourselves on the way back in addition to Hell Striker."
[19:10] <Tiny_Ko_Army> Thus the two ascend down! It is a long walk, your bodies frozen entirely by the time you reach the bottom. Not enough to feel sleepy, but you're iced to the bone by the time you reach the relative warmth of the caverns! "Can you use your camp kit to make a fire?" Antenora asks, "Or burst aflame again, Alicia? Or can we go back to the molten platinum?"
06[19:13] * Alicia nods and reaches into her survival pouch, tossing down a small bundle of sticks which forms into a merrily burning campfire. "A pity going up that cliff and through that blizzard was a waste," she remarks, turning to fan her frozen wings over the fire. "Maybe there was another thing like the solar's birthplace further up?"
[19:24] <Tiny_Ko_Army> Antenora goes to lie down, face down into the edge of the fire. She sighs in contentment. "Maybe, or maybe it was a trial or..who knows? I'm curious, but loathe to make the climb again because we changed ourminds."
[19:24] <Tiny_Ko_Army> Latha stays close to the fire, her hands dripping water as ice melts. "We still have a few paths at the last intersection, don't we? Still, we went to all this trouble to get up that damned wall."
[19:25] <Alicia> "Maybe it was a trial against foolhardy stubborn-ness, which we failed and that's why he was so irate with us?" Alicia suggests, unable to keep a grin off at the suggestion as she turns around to warm her front.
[19:27] <Tiny_Ko_Army> Antenora flips over, face up now. A bit of soot lies on her face, laughing. "Hahahahhaa. At least you thought through it well. Iw as on the verge of summoning holy fire just to warm us, no matter how it burned." Antenora looks to Alicia, "Using the fires around your body was inspired."
[19:30] <Tiny_Ko_Army> As ice drips down Latha's body, melting away, "I truly envied you there. If fire did not burn me, I would've done exactly what you did."
[19:30] <Alicia> "I would have just cast cold resistance if it wasn't for Latha being cold as well. Just a pity I had to struggle with it - be a while till my magic goes back to normal again," Alicia replies, flexing her fingers as the numbness recedes. "In retrospect I could've weakened it enough to not burn you, Latha, but that would've also made it last half as long."
[19:32] <Tiny_Ko_Army> "No harm's done." Latha smiles a little bit.
[19:32] <Tiny_Ko_Army> "Still, this isn't so bad." Antenora nuzzles her head into the burning sticks, "It reminds me of the time we spent in Ysgard. Getting away from it all, just the three of's almost like a respite from the horrors going on around us."
[19:35] <Alicia> "It's not so bad," Alicia agrees. "What I'm wondering is just how we can accomplish anything truly brave here. I mean, it's not like there are any terrible threats to battle in Celestia - it just makes things rather artificial, so no matter what we do I wonder if it's out of bravery or just because it's expected for the test."
[19:37] <Tiny_Ko_Army> "It isn't." Antenora closes her eyes, "It lacks the seemingly fated occasion for us to step through a gear stripping portal or need to otherwise end up naked, but perhaps Celestia is far less hung up on that." After a yawn there, flicking embers over her face for good measure, "Maybe we need to be brave by forsaking the test? Blast our way out with spellfire?"
[19:38] <Tiny_Ko_Army> "Perhaps we're meant to make our own bravery?" Latha lies back now, ice gone from her body. "Something that signified bravery to ourselves?"
[19:39] <Alicia> "It's a holy site for pilgrims as well as a place of testing," Alicia chides. "I'm not going to cause any reckless destruction. Anyway, if everyone's warmed up shall we go back to one of the junctions on the earlier path that remains unexplored?"
[19:39] <Alicia> "Besides, I could just teleport us out," she adds as an afterthought.
[19:40] <Tiny_Ko_Army> "We could try that as an option to remember?" Latha says, "I'll follow your lead, Alicia."
06[19:42] * Alicia starts heading back, gliding down the cliff and then continuing towards the vent with the gestating solar at the top. And this time she leads the group down through said vent.
[19:48] <Tiny_Ko_Army> Thus the party ascends down! AFter a long flight down, you begin to see whisps of white rising up around you. You hear glorious celestial song, and a bliss fills your mind. You feel Antenora's thoughts...she feels the joy, relaxing as perhaps nothing will threaten Alicia. You feel Latha's thoughts, pondering the minds she feels. You feel many others, asleep, dreaming of glory.
[19:51] <Alicia> This is different than their usual telepathy. "Latha, do you know what this?" she asks the deva who's surely more familiar with celestial mechanics.
[19:52] <Tiny_Ko_Army> "I do. You'll understand better if you see." Latha says, as you feel her thoughts reflect the same, thinking of the souls purifying below. With a small, glorious laugh, she thinks that Alicia won't be so surprised anyway.
06[19:53] * Alicia isn't so sure. She expects it probably has something to do with petitioners, perhaps the souls of holy crusaders rest here? She resolves to be especially respectful in that case.
[19:53] <Tiny_Ko_Army> Antenora recalls a burning pit of fire, her thoughts abruptly tearing away from it. A flush of embarrassment passes over her mind.
[19:56] <Alicia> Having an idea of what Antenora's thinking of, Alicia gives her a slight smile. She can see the parallel on some level, for all that they're diametrically opposed. "We won't be disturbing anything with our presence, will we?" Alicia checks with Latha, not wanting to risk any trouble like when they barged in on the gestating solar.
[20:02] <Tiny_Ko_Army> As you ascend down, you come into an endless cavern. Below, a sea of white rests. In it countless spirits swirl, minds and souls felt. Alicia is bombarded by the memories of them...countless lifetimes of valor. She feels Latha...the light within her, like the Sun itself. The righteous fury she feels even now to strike down the Neverborn and Dark Six, the protective love she feels for her friends here. You feel Antenora...memories of places and horrors..
[20:02] <Tiny_Ko_Army> You feel Antenora...memories of places and horrors...deeds best never done or contemplated...but overwhelming that, the loyalty and love she feels towards you, vast in depth and breath. You feel them connected with you, feeling you as surely as you feel them. You feel Latha's thoughts...the will of the souls here draws minds into them. Into the glory and togetherness they are blessed with. Amid this, you see that Astral Devas fly about. A few help spiri
[20:02] <Tiny_Ko_Army> Amid this, you see that Astral Devas fly about. A few help spirits out, as they shape into Lantern Archons or angels. One of the devas approaches you, "Hail."
[20:03] <Tiny_Ko_Army> OOC: Strike, go ME.
[20:04] <Tiny_Ko_Army> "It's safe," she speaks, "We will draw closer, but as celestials, we are in no danger. Our souls are already shaped and in harmony."
06[20:06] * Alicia doesn't think she's quite all the way there, but Latha would say if there was any problem so she accepts that. "I was more worried on behalf of others, but if you think it's fine then that's enough for me."
[20:07] <Tiny_Ko_Army> As you ascend down, you come into an endless cavern. Below, a sea of white rests. In it countless spirits swirl, minds and souls felt. Alicia is bombarded by the memories of them...countless lifetimes of valor. She feels Latha...the light within her, like the Sun itself. The righteous fury she feels even now to strike down the Neverborn and Dark Six, the protective love she feels for her friends here. You feel Antenora...memories of places and horrors..
[20:07] <Tiny_Ko_Army> You feel Antenora...memories of places and horrors...deeds best never done or contemplated...but overwhelming that, the loyalty and love she feels towards you, vast in depth and breath. You feel them connected with you, feeling you as surely as you feel them. You feel Latha's thoughts...the will of the souls here draws minds into them. Into the glory and togetherness they are blessed with. Amid this, you see that Astral Devas fly about. A few help spiri
[20:07] <Tiny_Ko_Army> Amid this, you see that Astral Devas fly about. A few help spirits out, as they shape into Lantern Archons or angels. One of the devas approaches you, "Hail."
06[20:09] * Alicia hopes her friends can feel the same affection and protectiveness she feels for them, especially Antenora who perhaps needs reassurance that there's no hard feelings. "Greetings," Alicia returns, flapping her wings to hover in place. "We only wish to pay our respects, I hope we aren't any bother."
[20:13] <Tiny_Ko_Army> "Welcome, my sisters," The deva says, as white whisps fly up all around you. "The souls of the brave rest here, beginning the process of eternal reward. You are welcome to stay here for a time; there is a chance you will find wisdom and valor."
[20:13] <Alicia> "Thank you," Alicia nods. "It's something I might never experience, so I'd like to take in what I can."
[20:14] <Tiny_Ko_Army> You feel Antenora, knowing that Alicia is the bravest person she's ever known, her wisdom unmatched. You feel Latha, simply agreeing and clearing her soul to meditate. "Focus...perhaps you will be so blessed. You may, you may not be."
[20:17] <Alicia> Fanning out her wings, Alicia lets herself glide on the eddies in this vast cavern, moving among the souls of kindred spirits, some perhaps taken before their time, others hopefully at the end of a long and productive life, all of them starting a new journey to continue bringing light to the darkness.
[20:18] <Tiny_Ko_Army> Antenora stays close...wanting to protect her, and feel what Alicia does. Latha stays a little more distant, as you float about the sea of souls...OOC: Make a wis check for all three?
[20:20] <Alicia> roll 1d20+2 Alicia
06[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+2 Alicia and gets 20." [1d20=18]
[20:20] <Alicia> roll 1d20+5 Latha
06[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+5 Latha and gets 14." [1d20=9]
[20:20] <Alicia> roll 1d20+6 Anty
06[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+6 Anty and gets 17." [1d20=11]
[20:21] <Tiny_Ko_Army> OOC: Roll a d100, Alicia.
[20:22] <Alicia> roll 1d100
06[20:22] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d100 and gets 98." [1d100=98]
[20:27] <Tiny_Ko_Army> White light surrounds Alicia! The radiance fills all about, covering you with light! OOC: More, PM.
[20:35] <Tiny_Ko_Army> Light bursts everywhere! The souls sing a note of profound beauty as one, Latha and Antenora's senses overwhelmed as Alicia's are, feeling each other's joy.
[20:39] <Alicia> "Bless you all," Alicia smiles giddily, caught up in the feeling of joyousness. "We'll carry your blessings forward in the fight against evil, wherever we go," she tells the souls as she flies amongst them.
[20:40] <Tiny_Ko_Army> "Oh Alicia...!" Antenora is on her, hugging her. Her joy is overwhelming, intense as she is close to Alicia.
[20:42] <Alicia> That makes flight a little bit more difficult, but Alicia does her best to adapt. Antenora at least seems to have little difficulty. "They're all heroes, and even like this they can make a difference," she continues gushing. "It's inspiring."
[20:43] <Tiny_Ko_Army> "They're inspiring, and so are you," Antenora gushes right back, Alicia feeling the same. There is a radiance to her, a new magnitism beyond what she possessed before.
[20:44] <Tiny_Ko_Army> Latha is slower flying over, "Celestia approves of our mission. We are purified further, ready to face the horrors of the Abyss."
[20:48] <Alicia> "Lets not make this all about me, Antenora," Alicia gently chastises her friend, spending a moment calling forth her inner magic without it reaching the surface, instead converting it to spellfire. Once she's gathered enough, she extricates herself from Antenora and flies into the centre of the cavern,
[20:48] <Alicia> releasing the magical power amidst the souls as seven bright stars, hoping her own blessing offers something to help them on the start of their celestial journey. "Accept the blessing of Mystra, may the Lady of Mysteries watch over you all on the path to enlightenment!"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:06] <Kotono> > "They're inspiring, and so are you," Antenora gushes right back, Alicia feeling the same. There is a radiance to her, a new magnitism beyond what she possessed before.
[20:06] <Kotono> > Latha is slower flying over, "Celestia approves of our mission. We are purified further, ready to face the horrors of the Abyss."
[20:06] <Kotono> <Alicia> "Lets not make this all about me, Antenora," Alicia gently chastises her friend, spending a moment calling forth her inner magic without it reaching the surface, instead converting it to spellfire. Once she's gathered enough, she extricates herself from Antenora and flies into the centre of the cavern,
[20:06] <Kotono> <Alicia> releasing the magical power amidst the souls as seven bright stars, hoping her own blessing offers something to help them on the start of their celestial journey. "Accept the blessing of Mystra, may the Lady of Mysteries watch over you all on the path to enlightenment!"
[20:10] <Kotono> Mystra's spellfire flares, the light joining the other lights within the sea! Alicia feels a warmth within all the minds, within Antenora, within Latha. It feedback and reverbates within her, felt in so many ways.
[20:14] <Alicia> Perhaps it's only a trifle, perhaps not. Symbolism and intent matter in such places. Still, aside from Mystra's blessing the presence of the Liath-Flail perhaps means something to the gathered souls here. "We shouldn't linger here too long," she suggests quietly as she returns towards Latha and Antenora. "Lovely as it is, we weren't blessed to stand around."
[20:15] <Kotono> Alicia feels Antenora's resolve, obeying you mixed with affection. Latha is calm, collected as she begins to wordlessly ascend out.
06[20:17] * Alicia flaps her wings and ascends up after Latha, wishing the best to the gathered souls here and resolving to be worthy of the faith they're showing in her.
[20:20] <Kotono> As you fly up and out, you regain yourself. You lose the feeling of the souls, then of Antenora and Latha. As you fly out, "...that was...we were almost united as one." Antenora says, "I felt you, Alicia. I felt you as well, Latha."
[20:22] <Alicia> "I did as well," Alicia confirms wistfully. "No barriers or words, just pure emotion. It was... sublime," she finishes after taking a moment to settle on the best word for it.
[20:24] <Kotono> "In that state, the souls blend into each other. All that matters is virtuous emotion." Latha looks to both, "It's a form of pure love for your fellow being, tearing down the barriers."
[20:24] <Kotono> "You felt how much I care about you...and I felt how you feel." Antenora's smile is shaky and longing, "A union of the soul."
[20:28] <Alicia> "I never doubted it even before," Alicia reassures Antenora as they land back on the path where the vent intersects. "I'm glad I got to experience it, even a little. Since I'm skipping the intermediate stages," she fluffs out her wings, sweeping a hand over her feathers.
[20:30] <Kotono> "I've never felt it. It was transcendant and intimate." Antenora goes for Alicia's wings as well, smiling to her. "That sort of love for makes evil seem so foolish and petty."
[20:33] <Alicia> "You have to be receptive to the message. I think if you had felt this back when we first met you would have scorned it as similarly foolish," Alicia considers. "But you're a wiser person now than you were then," she concludes approvingly.
[20:38] <Kotono> Antenora hugs Alicia, "Thank yo ufor that," she whispers into her ear, before parting. "Let's try one of the intersections to the side now?"
06[20:41] * Alicia nods. "We'll try the right-hand one," she decides. That being 'right' from the direction of the waterfall they started at rather than the direction they just came from.
[20:47] <Kotono> Thus you walk this way. It leads into a little cavern, with a pair of silver pillars. In the center rippling air can be seen, shaped into a loose circle.
[20:48] <Alicia> roll 1d20+26 spellcraft, it's probably a portal
06[20:48] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+26 spellcraft, it's probably a portal and gets 39." [1d20=13]
[20:49] <Alicia> "Looks like a portal," Alicia informs her companions, going to walk around the pillars, checking them for any writings.
[20:51] <Kotono> There aren't any writings. Antenora peers at the portalway, waving her hand inf ront of it. "Want to go through?"
[20:53] <Alicia> "I think we should," Alicia nods after confirming there's nothing to read. "All the others I've went through have worked out well." With that she steps between the pillars!
Session Close: Mon Nov 30 20:59:12 2009

Session Start: Mon Nov 30 20:59:12 2009
Session Ident: #dunes
02[20:59] * Disconnected
02[21:00] * Attempting to rejoin channel #dunes
03[21:00] * Rejoined channel #dunes
03[21:00] * Topic is 'RP room '
03[21:00] * Set by Kotono on Fri Nov 27 22:37:04
03[21:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Yomi
02[21:01] * Seira ( Quit (Connection reset by peer)
03[21:01] * Yomi is now known as Seira
[21:06] <Kotono> There is a momentary swirling and feeling of dizziness.
[21:06] <Kotono> OOC: GAaaaah.
[21:07] <Kotono> There is a momentary swirling and feeling of dizziness. You stand in front of the Hound Archon before the path ahead, it's golden armor gleaming bright. "You've returned?"
06[21:10] * Alicia blinks. "So I have," she replies inanely, taking a step to the side to make room for Latha and Antenora if they're following. Gathering her wits about her, "I'd like to know the name of the one who defeated me so soundly," she asks respectfully.
[21:12] <Kotono> "I am Araiel, Guardian of the Path. I did not defeat you, not in earnest. The armor I wear strengthens me in accordance to the strength of those that climb towards me."
[21:15] <Alicia> "Ah. So if I were to use my magic to strengthen myself then you would gain similar power to maintain the gulf?" Alicia nods, chewing over that. "Well met, in any case, Araiel. My name is Alicia Reynes."
[21:15] <Alicia> Seeing still no sign of Latha or Antenora, "I came here via a portal between two silver pillars in the Platinum Revere - I thought my friends right behind me. Could it have redirected them or closed itself after I went through?"
[21:16] <Kotono> Antenora steps through a moment later, Latha following. "They are there...perhaps they tarried a moment. No matter. The three of you have proven your bravery to the mountain. Pass onward to Jovar."
[21:18] <Alicia> "A painful lesson, but worth it in the end," Alicia smiles lopsidedly, recalling the shattering impact of his fist on her face before blackness consumed her. "Thank you, Araiel." With that she continues on the ascendant path.
[21:35] <Kotono> As you walk past, Latha catches up and glances back. "So we all proved our bravery? Do you know how, Alicia?"
[21:38] <Alicia> "He didn't say, but I suppose the Revere wouldn't have let us out if we hadn't," Alicia replies. "Perhaps when we mingled with all those souls the truth in our hearts was seen and it decided that further proof wasn't necessary?" she suggests. "Certainly we've all done many brave things in the past, and it's not really the sort of thing you can sincerely test when you know you're being tested."
[21:40] <Kotono> "Perhaps." As you continue to ascend, Antenora ruminates on it. She furrows her brow and stays quiet. "It's always hard being back on the Prime Material after being in Celestia or Dweomerheart. Is it hard for you, Alicia? Do you still feel a connection to the Prime?"
[21:42] <Alicia> "Yes," Alicia nods. "It's home, and that can't be cast away lightly. Besides, it needs me more."
[21:46] <Kotono> There is quiet to that, the conversation dying off. But it is perhaps just as well, for the vista above draws your attention. You find yourselves walking into brightness. Above you are hills of jewels, shining with utter Goodness. In them you can see virtue, calling to your immortal spirit and cleansing your mortal heart. Atop the hills is a vast ziggurat of light and gems, an endless column of radiance atop it, reaching infinitely high into t
[21:46] <Kotono> an endless column of radiance atop it, reaching infinitely high into the sky. You feel as if you step closer you will reach those hills, so close.
06[21:48] * Alicia breathes deeply of the impossibly fresh air this high up the mountain, taking a moment to simply savour it. "That's not to say I don't appreciate places such as this," she appends to their earlier conversation.
[21:50] <Kotono> Antenora looks up, "Jovar." Her hand reaches, as if to touch the celestial paradise so close to you.
[21:51] <Alicia> "Come," Alicia nods her head forward as she starts walking towards the ziggurat. "We're close, now."
[21:56] <Kotono> With a step forward, you stand amid the hills! In Celestial, you hear voices of the utmost beauty sing. They sing of lives well lived, reciting the tales of martyred heroes and faithful saints. For a crystal clear moment the voices sing as one, a single note of joy! "The Flail!" Latha's voice cries, a flash of blue light dazzling your eyes.
06[21:58] * Alicia turns to Latha in alarm at that sudden cry, squinting her eyes at the sudden glare. Has it disintegrated the box?
[22:00] <Kotono> The box is simply gone, no trace of it. The Liath-Flail glows, floating in the air. It begins to fly it does, you feel an overwhelming compulsion to follow it.
[22:01] <Alicia> Even without the compulsion, Alicia doesn't want to lose their best shot at holding off Pale Night, so she hurries after it!
03[22:05] * Merc-zzz is now known as Merc
[22:16] <Kotono> You walk along - no, you run. You run through the celestial hills with Latha and Antenora. It is ab reathless run, your energy flowing at an endless tap. You dont' stop, following the Liath-Flail. You find yourselves climbing a great stair, climbing the ziggurat, climbing higher and higher! Archons are at either side, endless numbers of champions standing in reverence. Into the ziggurat, a blur of light and beauty! (More)
[22:16] <Kotono> Into the ziggurat, a blur of light and beauty! (More)
[22:20] <Kotono> You stand before a throne. A throne crafted of light, sat on by a figure. You cannot look at it, the glow too much for you. The Liath-Flail floats in front of you. It's voice speaks in hymn-song.
[22:20] <Kotono> OOC:G Ah
[22:20] <Kotono> .
[22:21] <Kotono> You stand before a throne. A throne crafted of light, sat on by a figure. You cannot look at it, the glow too much for you. The Liath-Flail floats in front of you. It's voice speaks in hymn-song. "The Liath-Flail has returned! Humble servant of Mystra, speak your heart."
[22:35] <Alicia> Okay. This is it. What she says here will probably determine what they can do against Pale Night, so she better make it good. Kneeling down with one hand on her knee and the other on the ground before her, Alicia speaks. "Long ago the Liath-Flail left Celestia on a mission of dire importance. It was stolen by demons, their vileness reducing it to the shade it is now."
[22:35] <Alicia> "But rather than languishing amidst the worst of the Abyss for eternity, it was saved from that fate by the guardians of Androlynne. They kept it, not to selfishly hoard its power, nor to enrich themselves. They kept it as a desperate hope that its power could one day be used to save the innocent children they watch over, to bring light in the darkest hour."
[22:35] <Alicia> "That hour draws nigh. Within two months, probably less, Pale Night will launch her final attack. Up until now the children have been made sport of, picked off little by little far away from their birthright. This time she will stop at nothing until all are dead, a generation lost, along with countless noble hearts who would seek to defend them even against hopeless odds."
[22:35] <Alicia> "Even worse, this slaughter will mark the birth of a new power in the Abyss, a creature that was never to be born yet has existed anyway, nursing its nihilistic hatred against all life for millenia and now close to its chance at even greater power, whether for its own ends or to serve Pale Night."
[22:35] <Alicia> "The one chance we have is to penetrate Pale Night's sanctum at Mother's Mountain using the keys of the Dark Six to find that which binds the children to Androlynne and destroy it, setting them free to their proper home. Yet, brave and strong as we are, none of Androlynne's defenders can stand against the Mother of Demons in battle."
[22:35] <Alicia> "With the Liath-Flail, however, we believe we will have a chance at repelling her long enough to avert this tragedy. It's power, the light of Chronias, is our last best hope."
[22:36] <Kotono> OOC: Make a diplo check, +7 bonus?
[22:37] <Alicia> roll 1d20+41
06[22:37] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+41 and gets 43." [1d20=2]
[22:42] <Kotono> The light is so bright. Alicia feels it envelope her! "Only a few could hold the Light of Chronias. I sense you know this truth; many who would do so would pass into Chronias and not return. If you desire a champion to withstand the Light and wield the Liath-Flail, it must be a person of supreme willpower and purity."
[22:48] <Alicia> "Are there none in Celestia who can help?" Alicia risks desperately as she looks up. "For thousands of years this terrible wrong has gone challenged but never righted - with the keys of the Dark Six we finally have a chance, but if we fail then it will be over for the children, consumed to create a new power to strengthen the Abyss even as this tragedy will diminish all of us!"
[23:04] <Kotono> "Xerona could...but to have her go would prevent any other from climbing to Chronias as long as she is gone. Another could bear her burden for the time, but they would be changed forever."
[23:09] <Alicia> "It is a sacrifice worth making," Alicia replies simply. She wouldn't hesitate for even a second if the chance was there, and she can scarcely believe that a more enlightened exemplar of Celestia would balk at the chance to right this gross injustice,
[23:10] <Alicia> whether it means sitting around Jovar a little longer until Xerona gets back or taking up her burden to strike a blow against the Abyss that would resound across the cosmos.
[23:14] <Kotono> "The three of you have climbed high to reach this pinnacle. You have fought well - any of you would be worthy of taking on Xerona's mantle for a time. The three of you know the gravity of what is happening more than any other being. Will any of you make the sacrifice?"
[23:16] <Kotono> "I would," Latha is bowed, "Alicia and Antenora have callings to another. I serve only Celestia, my heart will not be compromised by this. I have been placed in the Crimson Guard's service; I leave the question to her."
[23:18] <Alicia> Well, she clearly has to put her money where her mouth is. "It is a small price to pay. I would do it gladly, if the Mountain finds me suitable," Alicia confirms. She hopes whatever temptations Chronias offers can be resisted by recalling Mystra's touch on her soul after the battle with Zetsubokou - as Latha says, her ultimate loyalties lie elsewhere. "In the end, it is Celestia's decision."
[23:19] <Kotono> "I...I will do what Alicia asks me of me and follow her." Antenora vows. "She is my reason to live. If that takes me to al-Sihal or the Abyss, I will rejoice either way."
[23:23] <Alicia> That's that, then. "As you see, any of us would do what is required. Latha is the most logical choice, however, for the reasons she has said. She *knows* Celestia better than Antenora or I."
[23:23] <Kotono> "Latha. Alicia and Antenora, your hearts are vowed to another. I agree. to al-Sihal and hand Xerona the Liath-Flail. Your destiny awaits, Latha."
[23:25] <Kotono> "My lord," Latha kneels, rising in one motion. "Let's Celestia's work be done." She does not hesitate, turning away and walking back out.
06[23:26] * Alicia stands up and nods once to the incandescent figure before she follows Latha.
[23:28] <Kotono> As you walk out, the Liath-Flail follows, going into Latha's hands. As you walk out, bathed in blue light, "Alicia. Antenora." She stops and turns, "It seems that a martyr is unavoidable. I had wished to see you grow into fine celestials over time, but now..." She goes to each, bestowing a soft kiss onto their forehead. "Bless each of you."
06[23:30] * Alicia suddenly feels a terrible sinking in her stomach at the finality of Latha's words. "You speak as if we'll never see you again..."
[23:33] <Kotono> "Alicia." Latha smiles, "The light of Chronias is not a trifle to be seen and tossed aside. I can only imagine what standing as it's guardian, basked in it's light, will do to me."
[23:37] <Alicia> Grabbing Latha, Alicia embraces her fiercely. "If you feel you're ready, if you've truly reached enlightenment and seen all this mountain has to offer... Mystra knows, you deserve it," she whispers. "But don't take that final step just because it's close. Not if you still have things you want to see and do across the rest of the planes.""
[23:39] <Kotono> Latha returns the embrace. "So do I...but I know that the truth that waits there is the most important thing in Creation. I've known it as long as I've served Celestia. If I can return to the Crimson Guard, I will with all might heart." Latha parts back a, a pair of tears coming down her face. "I want to go see Seira again, to fence with Demedais or watch Pollyanna and Amaryl shoot practice. But I know that this may not hold me, Alicia. There
[23:39] <Kotono> But I know that this may not hold me, Alicia. There may not be a force that can."
[23:39] <Kotono> *my heart
[23:41] <Alicia> "What good is the truth if you can't share it?" Alicia asks, her heart twisting at Latha's tears. "Why do I feel like I've condemned you?"
[23:43] <Kotono> "The truth is open to everyone...but it's a truth you have to reach on your own. No one can climb the mountain for you." Latha looks into Alicia's eyes, deep and glowing despite her tears. "No one can become Good by the wishes of another. Antenora is your proof of that, Alicia."
[23:46] <Alicia> "We came this far together - we lifted each other up every step of the way," Alicia asserts. "Chronias may shine brighter for having you, but the rest of creation would be that little bit dimmer."
[23:47] <Kotono> "Your light will compensate for it." Latha's smile meets Alicia's, "Take care of everyone for me. Remember what the mountain has shown you, for it is truth. Do not forget the love you have felt, the courage you have done, the visions you have been granted." With that Latha seperates from Alicia, going to Antenora. The two embrace as well, Antenora sniffling. They look at each other, no audible words for a time. "I know. I will." Antenora says
[23:47] <Kotono> They look at each other, no audible words for a time. "I know. I will." Antenora says with her twisted smile, "Mystra help me, I will."
[23:49] <Kotono> "As long as you live up to yourself, you've won." Latha agrees, parting from Antenora's embrace. She then walks out of the hall, into the light that spills out and above. " is above us."
06[23:52] * Alicia lets Latha and Antenora say their goodbyes without interfering, knowing how close they are. She wants to be happy, recognising as Latha said the importance of the Truth... and yet, shouldn't it come when she's ready, after having accomplished all she wanted to and grown herself towards it? Not simply tossed at it as an emergency measure to battle the Abyss.
[23:52] <Alicia> "Whatever you decide, Latha, I'll always be glad I knew you," she concludes softly as they step into the light and take wing to the bridge.
[23:54] <Kotono> You fly. You find yourselves atop a vast ziggurat in a mere moment. Ahead lies a great pillar of light, it's movement mesmerizing you. It is....OOC: Make a will save, Alicia/Antenora.
[23:54] <Alicia> roll 1d20+24 Alicia
06[23:54] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+24 Alicia and gets 27." [1d20=3]
[23:54] <Alicia> roll 1d20+24 Antenora
06[23:54] * Hatbot --> "Alicia rolls 1d20+24 Antenora and gets 36." [1d20=12]
[23:57] <Kotono> Alicia feels her senses go aloft. She is completely fascinated by the pillar of light...she is lost in it. Ahead...she can see it. She can see the barest edge of it. The truth! Alicia can see the very beginning of the reason for everything. The answers to all the multiverse! Yet she can do nothing but stare in rapture. It is at least a hundred years of staring until her vision goes dark. Latha's voice whispers into her ear. "Close your eyes. L
[23:57] <Kotono> vision goes dark. Latha's voice whispers into her ear. "Close your eyes. Let me take the final steps on my own, lest you come with me."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake