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1.7: Haven't you got a church fete to look after?

Started by Sierra, September 30, 2017, 06:23:40 PM

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01[12:40] <El-Cideon> The innkeep frowns. "Well, if it's absolutely necessary, miss, but let's not humiliate the poor girls in front of the customers if we don't have to." He calls his wife over and asks her to round up the Laurel Crown's serving girls and gather them in the family's own private quarters at the back of the establishment. "If you'll follow me, please?" he says to the officers.
[12:40] <Luisa> "Certainly," Luiza agrees.
[12:41] <Leona> Leona hefts up her burden and drags him along so they can see who reacts most to his presence. This doesn't feel terribly professional to her, admittedly. But she is only a part-timer to this whole militia thing, so perhaps it's appropriate?
01[12:44] <El-Cideon> Soon enough, the party is gathered in a modest living room behind closed doors. The inn's serving girls all wear the same white dress. One is a tall and serious-looking brunette with short hair; one is a doe-eyed and waifish blonde; the third is a short, shy-looking girl with a braid of dull brown hair. The innkeep doesn't specify for you which is his daughter, but all of them look uncertain about what's going on anyway. "Here we are, officers," the innkeep says. "We're just going to answer some simple questions for the Militia, girls," he explains to his servers.
[12:46] <Leona> "To start with does anyone recognise this?" Leona asks, holding up the sorcerer so they can all see his unconscious face.
[12:46] <Luisa> "Ladies," Luiza greets them, along with a curt nod. "Today we've apprehended a group of bandits who were preying on travelers passing through your town, reanimating some of their victims as undead." She gestures at Leona's burden, going on to add, "Their leader is here, to be taken to stand trial."
01[12:49] <El-Cideon> There's a collection of shocked gasps from the group, but no one admits to recognizing the captured sorcerer. The response is a chorus of No Ma'ams and shaken heads, with varying degrees of wide-eyed bewilderment and unease displayed in response to Luisa's news.
[12:53] <@Santiago> roll 1d20+11
[12:53] <Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+11 --> 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{30}
[12:58] <@Santiago> "We're going to be carrying out a pretty involved interrogation of this fellow later," notes Santiago. "We're pretty sure he had some local scouts hanging about." He gives a light shrug. "If he's frequented this place before, there's a good chance he'll have a story or two about the locals to tell. So if you've run into this man before, it'd behoove you to speak up now."
[12:58] <@Santiago> OOC: diplomat?
01[12:58] <El-Cideon> OOC: sure
[12:59] <@Santiago> roll 1d20+10
[12:59] <Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+10 --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{24}
01[13:03] <El-Cideon> There's a long moment of silence, before the innkeep clears his throat and prompts the girls to try and remember anything at all about whether or not anyone's seen this man before. This prompts the blond girl to timidly raise a hand. "Actually," she says hesitantly, "I might've seen him around town once or twice, now that I think about it."
[13:06] <@Santiago> Santiago nods approvingly. "Alright. How about you stay and tell us about that while you two go back to work?"
[13:08] <Leona> Leona takes the chance to drop the manacled sorcerer into a nearby chair before stretching her arms out.
01[13:10] <El-Cideon> The innkeep hustles the other serving girls back to work--though he looks inclined to stay and observe the proceedings from here unless ordered out of the room for this discussion. "Go on, Betina," he encourages her, adding, "I'm sure you haven't broken the law in any way." The girl nods and starts talking: "Well, he stopped by the inn once, but a lot of people do that on the road, you know, so you can see why no one would remember that, and he might've asked me to go for a walk in the woods later and I might've done that because he was very dashing and the boys around Axcon are such crude fellows--but we didn't do anything indecent!" she's quick to point out before anyone accuses her of that.
[13:12] <@Santiago> "Did he give you anything? Gifts, money?"
01[13:13] <El-Cideon> "Well, no," she says. "Only compliments, he was very flattering with those!"
[13:13] <Leona> "How long ago was this?" Leona interjects.
01[13:14] <El-Cideon> "A couple nights ago, miss," she answers.
[13:14] <Leona> "Did he ask much about other travellers?" That does fit the timeline.
01[13:16] <El-Cideon> She nods firmly to that. "He was very interested to know who was visiting and leaving the Laurel Crown," she answers, "so, er, I may have talked a lot about who was planning to check out and when. I didn't think anything of it, because what else is there to talk about in Axcon then the visitors?"
[13:17] <Luisa> "Please keep that in mind for the future," Luiza tells her. "While you had no ill intentions, this man used the information to select his targets."
[13:17] <Leona> Honestly that sounds fair enough to Leona. She's more a dupe than an accomplice. "I suppose not. I think I've heard enough," she says, looking to her compatriots to see if they need anything more.
[13:17] <Morrison> Morrison lets out some air through his nose as he glares at the unconscious magic-user.
01[13:18] <El-Cideon> The girl nods, wide-eyed. "I am very sorry about any trouble that I might have caused, ma'am. I didn't think such a thing as that could happen at all!"
[13:19] <@Santiago> Santiago shrugs. "The militia thanks you for your honesty," he says, straightening up. "That's all we needed to hear."
[13:19] <Luisa> Luiza nods her agreement.
01[13:20] <El-Cideon> She slumps over in relief as the interview reaches its end. The innkeep takes a moment to comfort her before seeing you out.
[13:21] <Luisa> "And thank you once more for your aid," Luiza tells the innkeeper as they head out.
[13:22] <Leona> "I think we can be safe enough sleeping here tonight after that," Leona says to the others now satisfied they won't be poisoned by a jealous cook.
[13:24] <@Santiago> Santiago yawns for a moment, a mighty floorboard-shaking sigh. "The road is not inviting."
01[13:25] <El-Cideon> Night passes into morning; the innkeep generously lets you stay the night for free in thanks for ridding the town of its bandit presence. Amelia hauls the wagon out to the bandits' cave at your direction. It doesn't look like your wagon can fit all the stolen spirits onboard, but you can at least carry back most of it. She also insists on bringing back the undead militiaman's remains. The gang's pet bulldog is also sitting dejectedly in the woods outside the cave, not sure what to do with itself.
[13:26] <Leona> Leona studiously ignores the dog as they haul things out of the cavern, her monstrous strength and surfeit of arms unfortunately leaving her with most of the heavy lifting.
[13:31] <Luisa> Luiza waves at the dog, but sadly cannot help much with carrying anything particularly heavy.
[13:32] <@Santiago> Santiago is no stranger to hauling huge barrels!
01[13:32] <El-Cideon> It's a long trip back to the tower--by the time you get there, your regular shift should be starting! "Welcome back," Sergeant Embriz, standing outside, says upon your arrival. She eyes your haul. "Looks like you've got plenty to report."
[13:33] <@Santiago> "We were able to track down a group of bandits hiding out in the mountains," replies Santiago. "Another mutineer was involved!"
[13:34] <Luisa> "There were zombies!"
[13:36] <Leona> "Someone should stop by the Fern to let Veronica know about her shipment," Leona says, hopping off the wagon. "But yes, there were some fierce bandits and undead there. They'd even mutilated another militiaman."
01[13:37] <El-Cideon> She nods to Santiago. "I'm not surprised about that part. Paper's saying there were three of them." Luisa's excited outburst does provoke a reaction, though: "I'd expect that kind of magic to be a bit beyond their means, though." Amelia steps forth and points to the dead watchman on the wagon. "We brought him back. I don't think he's one of ours, but we should still arrange a proper burial."
[13:37] <Leona> "This was the mage that did it," Leona indicates the restrained sorcerer. "Though they mentioned using scrolls they'd found."
[13:38] <Morrison> "It's a stretch to think it's somehow linked to those magical farm animals..." Morrison says with a shrug, "I guess it doesn't matter even if it is."
[13:39] <Luisa> "It... really does. Because if people are leaving dangerous magic like that around there would be more."
[13:41] <@Santiago> "Well, we'll get a chance to ask this guy where he dug it up," SANTIAGO suggests.
01[13:41] <El-Cideon> The bandit mage is restrained and taciturn, but judging by Cala's withering expression, she expects him to crack in minutes. "Is that so? Well, the two of us will have a long talk later. I think you all should take an early weekend, though. Sounds like you went through more last night than most volunteers are prepared for." All this talk of magic does prompt a frown, though. "The Magicians' Guild doesn't tolerate that kind of enchantment coming from their ranks. It's an odd thing for someone to find scrolls like that left lying about."
[13:43] <Leona> Leona looks deeply relieved that she's not expected to work a shift immediately after coming back.
[13:44] <Morrison> "It... may bear investigation eventually, but it's probably best to wait for the resolution on those possibly-forged letters." Morrison says.
01[13:45] <El-Cideon> "I'll see the cargo back to its owner," Cala promises. "I'm sure we can get by with half staff for today. If there's nothing else to report right now, I suggest you all take a couple days to sleep this off. Pethsfall's coming up, you'll need that energy to gorge properly."
[13:46] <Leona> And maybe Leona can get something together to brew enough drinks for thirsty Pethsfall-goers so as to rebuild her business!
01[13:52] <El-Cideon> A couple more days see this rather bruising week pass mercifully into a holiday weekend. The squad has plenty of downtime to rest and recover from their latest battle with brigands before Pethsfall arrives on the following Homesday.
01[13:52] <El-Cideon> Though the squad is normally scheduled to be on duty today, Cala's official injunction is that they pass the shift in the town square enjoying themselves. "You've earned a break," she insists before sending you on your way, adding seriously, "and I expect proper celebration out of all of you." Sergeant Embriz is locking the tower for the day and clearly doesn't intend to loiter around it herself.
01[13:52] <El-Cideon> Thus, the party finds itself in the Rocina town square, where the festivities are just getting underway by mid-day. Pethsfall is Verdana's traditional harvest festival, and the principal activity is simply indulging in the season's bounty. A cool autumn breeze wends its way through the plaza this afternoon, but it's no match for the heat of the central bonfire—or the beer and wine flowing freely today. Vendor stalls are everywhere and so are the aromas of the town's finest meals, every brewery, bakery, and public house on the main intersection serving out on the streets.
01[13:52] <El-Cideon> The civic buildings and temples of Rocina's main thoroughfare are bedecked in fall-colored streamers. A rudimentary stage has been set up outside the temple of Amura, the chief patron of the day. The town's priestess of Amura, Deacon Idaliz, uses this to recite a solemn prayer of gracious thanks for another bountiful harvest, before stepping aside to let Deacon Ciprian lead the crowd in a rousing round of traditional harvest songs; the priests of Viator are not only expected to, but required to be accomplished singers, and the deacon's baritone projects admirably indeed.
01[13:52] <El-Cideon> After that, the townsfolk are left to while away the afternoon and evening in whatever way their appetites should dictate. Word has it that Deacon Ciprian has invited a prestigious performer from out of town for later in the evening, but between now and then, the stage is free for anyone wishing to show off (and able to compete with the noise of both a bibulous crowd and the impromptu jam session that breaks out anyplace a tipsy townsperson happens to find a guitar).
01[13:52] <El-Cideon> Deacon Arsene can be spotted in the crowd just after the other clerics vacate the stage; she's wearing her usual robes of office, though she doesn't appear to have any formal role in today's celebration.
[13:54] <Leona> Leona has a stall of her own! It's not quite as full as it would be if her brewery hadn't been demolished of course, but by using a still at home and copious amounts of free time she has a healthy stock of ale and beer to sell!
[13:57] <Morrison> Morrison simply spends the time sampling some different foods so as to avoid any constant badgering by anyone to 'go socialize.'
[13:58] <Luisa> Luiza is sans confectioneries for a change, eager to try all that is on offer. And starting with Leona's stall!
[13:58] <@Santiago> Once the stage is free, however, Santiago takes his chance to occupy it! Having dragooned his sister into providing an accompaniment on her own guitar (for which future favours will need to be paid, judging by her dour i-want-to-go-home stare), he begins to belt out a fast-paced song regarding the epic struggles faced by the 'warriors of the people', whether they be giant, fire-breathing roosters, beastly mutineers, or the tragedy of their
[13:58] <@Santiago> own kin!
01[14:01] <El-Cideon> Leona's guaranteed to do brisk business on a day like this! Including, some of it, Militia business--Silvia and Zoraida stop by on their way to the town square. Both are dressed in demure dresses while off-duty; Zoraida has a young girl clinging nervously to the hem of her skirt, most likely a daughter given the same cherubic features and curly hair. "Hello!" Silvia greets Leona and Luiza enthusiastically. "What do you have?"
01[14:02] <El-Cideon> OOC: feel free to roll Perform, Santiago
[14:02] <@Santiago> roll 1d20+11
[14:02] <Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+11 --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{21}
[14:03] <Luisa> "Hi!" Luiza chirps, looking for something made from anise.
01[14:05] <El-Cideon> Several in the crowd try to sing along, but the slightly buzzed mob mostly doesn't seem to know the words to this one and mostly makes it up as they go along. But that hardly matters--they're clearly impressed and encourage the performers with whoops and cheers. Santiago has the crowd's attention! The question is, what will he do with it from here?
01[14:07] <El-Cideon> Deacon Arsene, not looking prone to wild celebration herself, eventually finds whatever quiet corner Morrison is presently occupying and opts to share it for a moment while she sips an apple cider.
[14:09] <Leona> "Hello Silvia, Zoraida," Leona greets her colleagues. "I've got two specials on offer today. The first is Bitter Bulldog, it's a smooth bitter, fairly mild," she gestures to one of her casks set up on the counter, several more out of sight below. "And Corinth's Best, my classic blend, fruity and heavy, it's like a meal in a drink!" she indicates another cask all ready to serve into the many
[14:09] <Leona> wooden cups available.
[14:09] <Luisa> "The classic, please!"
[14:11] <Morrison> Morrison raises a cup of some sort of cider to the Deacon in quiet greeting.
01[14:12] <El-Cideon> The blond militiawoman orders the classic blend, while Zoraida opts for the bitter, adding drily, "I at least have someone to walk home tonight, so I'll need to be able to see straight later."
[14:13] <Leona> Leona and Silvia are given a cup each of a dark stout ale for only a few coins, clearly a bargain! The bitter is a more golden colour when served up to Zoraida. "Not to worry, the bitter's easy enough to go down," she reassures the latter.
[14:13] <@Santiago> "This all really happened," Santiago intones. "These are the wild times of Rocina and Verdana! Are you down on your luck? Wanting to prove yourself? Seeking a new life, a different life, a life of adventure and terror? The militia needs such folk. Folk willing to begin again!"
01[14:14] <El-Cideon> The deacon raises her own cup and then says, "I can tell when a man's trying to stay out of the way, so I'll not press you for conversation, but I do have some news if you wouldn't mind passing it on to your teammates."
[14:14] <Luisa> "But it's just one drink," Luiza argues, gratefully accepting her own and taking a happy sip. "You'll need to really get drinking to start seeing double."
[14:15] <Morrison> "I've learned to accept that I can't sit in a corner and say nothing forever." He says with a small smile. "By all means, please, go ahead."
01[14:16] <El-Cideon> Santiago's exhortation prompts a hearty endorsement from the crowd of "adventure and terror!" Alcohol is a wonderful thing, yes?
[14:18] <Morrison> He glances over at the performance with a grimace.
01[14:19] <El-Cideon> "Oh, I know that," Zoraida says to Luiza. "I've had plenty of nights that I can't remember now," she swears, before considering that maybe that isn't something to boast of. "But now I have someone else to take care of, so I have to be more careful. Say, do you have any of your cookies or any such thing around for Clarisa?" She gently tousles the hair of the shy child by her side.
01[14:21] <El-Cideon> "I received a response from the the guild in Vildiana. I think the most important point to draw from their answer," Deacon Arsene starts, "is that Elena Quierdo didn't suffer long enough to see a sickroom before passing on. There wasn't any chance of her writing a deathbed letter."
01[14:22] <El-Cideon> Silvia quietly takes a swig of her meal-in-a-cup, smiling pleasantly at the ensuing warmth in the belly.
[14:23] <Luisa> "For such an adorable girl? Of course I do!" Luiza responds, reaching into her side bag for her personal stash of pestinos. Crunchy dough deep fried in olive oil and glazed with honey, how can anyone resist a taste? She retrieves a couple and offers them to Clarisa!
[14:23] <Morrison> Morrison frowns. "Then what do you make of it? I can think of a variety of possibilities of someone sending a letter, but... why?"
01[14:25] <El-Cideon> "It's alright," Zoraida encourages her daughter, "you can take it." The girl scuttles forward, retrieves the pestinos, and then retreats to maternal safety. "What do we say to Miss Luiza?" Zoraida reminds the girl before she can stuff the treats in her mouth. "Thank you, Miss Luiza," Clarisa dutifully answers before biting into one of the snacks.
[14:26] <Luisa> "You're most welcome!" Luiza responds with a bright smile, promising, "I'll bring some over next shift, too."
01[14:28] <El-Cideon> "I'm not sure," the deacon answers. "I asked for any piece of information the schoolmaster could remember about the affair, however minor it might seem, and I don't know that I received anything that clearly provides me with a motive. I'm told that her opponent was expelled and returned to his hometown in Thaliz. And that a close friend of Elena's who witnessed the fight disappeared soon after."
[14:31] <Morrison> Morrison's eyes narrow slightly. "This all sounds far too convenient to be coincidence..." He shakes his head. "I'll talk to the others about it and see how we should proceed. Thank you for your efforts, Deacon."
01[14:31] <El-Cideon> "Thank you," Zoraida says with a smile of her own. Silvia takes another chug of her ale and looks over her two senior militiawomen. "So, is everyone feeling better after last week? I don't know how much excitement like that you two have had to respond to before, but it was the first time in a real fight for Zoraida and I. I don't mind saying I was jittery for most of the weekend."
[14:32] <@Santiago> "But enough about all that grim business," Santiago continues. "Let's sing about what we're all here for. Let us sing about beer and the brewers! One two three four-!"
[14:34] <Luisa> "More than better!" Luiza asserts, drinking herself. A refill is only a few coins away! "And those elves we met are going to perform, so that's something to look forward to."
[14:34] <Leona> "Honestly wearing that second skin makes me feel pretty invincible," Leona admits. "I'd much rather just be a brewer, but... well, got to do my civic duty, right? She tucks a strand of dark brown hair behind one of her pointed ears. "It's funny, really. That duellist, and the other mutineer from before, they were skilled warriors, but no match for otherworldly claws. If I was actually as
[14:34] <Leona> skilled myself I could probably make a real name for myself."
01[14:35] <El-Cideon> Lunesa nods. "I thought as much myself. 'Gustavo Sigredo,' was the fellow's name. The curious fact was that the schoolmaster himself said everyone was a little hazy on precisely where he hailed from originally. It's all very strange, but I'm unsure what else one could learn by now without visiting Vildiana itself." She finishes off her cider and turns to stride away into the crowd. "Take care," she says in parting.
[14:35] <Morrison> He holds his cup again with a nod.
01[14:36] <El-Cideon> "How does that work?" Silvia presses Leona, with obvious academic curiosity. "It's some sort of magic, isn't it? But like a sorcerer uses, instead of book learning?"
[14:37] <Leona> "Yes, it's instinctive," Leona nods. "I just... want it to happen, and it happens. I know a little magic as well, but that's different. Spells and incantations. Calling forth that other body is just a matter of... calling it, really."
01[14:39] <El-Cideon> There's a minor hubbub at the forefront of the crowd by the stage; Santiago could recognize a couple of the relieving squad from the night shift down there--the mayor's son and Anita, the pretty redheaded trooper. The latter is being encouraged to go join him up on the stage, and thus far resisting.
01[14:40] <El-Cideon> "So it is a lot like a sorcerer's magic," Silvia concludes. "You know, the guild magicians look down on that sort of thing, but I don't see good reason to argue with whatever gets results."
[14:41] <Leona> "It's probably jealousy," Leona suggests. "Someone who's magic comes from a book isn't going to be pleased at seeing someone call it from inside. Although considering the trouble it's brought me they can keep it. See if one of them would trade this for having his library destroyed by a meteorite."
[14:42] <Luisa> "Wouldn't it be a lack of understanding?" Luiza wonders out loud. "Because they don't understand how it happens and can't recreate it themselves, they're worried."
01[14:43] <El-Cideon> "It's very...impressive," Zoraida says, trying to be encouraging. "Definitely imposing," is Silvia's preference. "It helps a lot in Militia work! Although maybe imposing isn't what you want people to see you as all the time..."
[14:43] <Leona> "Can't blame them for that," Leona concedes, leaning on the front of her stall. "Strange rocks falling from the sky giving people deadly powers, it could happen to anyone, any time." She nods to Silvia, "I try and avoid wearing it unless I'm really expecting trouble these days. When I started I was so nervous I had it on all the time, but it's not necessary."
01[14:44] <El-Cideon> Silvia nods to Luiza. "That's probably it. Carmen in the morning shift used to study in the capital, she thinks they're all very stuck up." She adds quietly, "I guess she would know."
[14:45] <@Santiago> Santiago waves at her for a moment, and when he finishes this song he walks to the edge of the stage and reaches down to her with an extended hand!
[14:45] <Luisa> Luiza snorts, covering it up with another sip as she hides behind her glass.
01[14:47] <El-Cideon> With a gentle shove from behind, Anita reluctantly clambers onto the stage. "This isn't my kind of song," she quietly admits to Santiago, a little flushed. "I don't know, do you know anything more sophisticated? I learned all the old ballads."
[14:49] <@Santiago> "As did I. Let's do the Fair Flower of Verdana," replies Santiago, referencing a classic that's still routinely performed in ballrooms today (or so he's told.)
01[14:51] <El-Cideon> Anita nods, looking more relaxed and natural at that suggestion. "Duets are perfect. That will do nicely," she says, prepared to follow his lead in starting the tune.
01[14:52] <El-Cideon> "So," Silvia starts, taking advantage of a lull in the conversation, "there's something I wanted to ask about." Zoraida tries to shush her, but Silvia won't be dissuaded: "No, I think this is serious!"
[14:54] <@Santiago> "The deacon's eye daughter was making her lane, and oh! But her love was not easily won," begins Santiago, at a slower pace that tips off Isabella on what to start playing.
[14:55] <Luisa> "Shoot! If not now, while we're off the clock, then when?"
01[14:58] <El-Cideon> Zoraida's persistent in trying to talk down her friend, though: "At least bring this up when it isn't a holiday and everyone's trying to celebrate?" she suggests, giving her senior officers an apologetic look. Silvia relents at this. "Well, alright, I admit this isn't a fantastic time for it." She turns back to Leona and Luiza. "But could you all meet me here a little early before we report for duty tomorrow? I can't talk about it at the tower either--I'll explain why then."
[14:59] <Leona> Leona looks a little confused but gives an obliging shrug. "Alright, I can do that."
[15:01] <Luisa> "That works," Luiza agrees, sharing in her confusion.
01[15:01] <El-Cideon> Anita faces the crowd and her partner in turn as she shares her own lines, definitely presenting the aspect of someone who's at least informally studied music: "And she heard a Basse prisoner making his mane, and she's the fair flower of Verdana."
01[15:03] <El-Cideon> "I'm sorry," Silvia says, noticing the confusion. "But it will make more sense tomorrow. I hope." She seems to feel a need to lighten things up again in response, and gestures to the far-off stage: "Hey, isn't that Santiago up there?"
[15:04] <@Santiago> "Oh! I beg the lass to borrow a key! Oh, but her love was not easily won!"
[15:05] <Leona> "He's been up there a while," Leona smiles a little, glancing at the stage. "His voice stands out."
[15:05] <Morrison> Morrison reaches up to pinch his brow. Maybe he should've picked up some alcohol...
[15:05] <Luisa> "Makes a girl wish she could carry a tune," Luiza says wistfully.
01[15:07] <El-Cideon> "Oh she's gone then to her faither's bed stock, oh but her love was easy won~" Anita continues, more visibly relaxed and natural now than before she was unceremoniously hustled up onstage.
01[15:08] <El-Cideon> roll 1d20+12 let's see how she does? (perform)
[15:08] <Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+12 1,0let's see how she does? (perform) --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{29}
[15:11] <@Santiago> "And she's stolen the keys for many a lock, and she's loosed him out of his prison stang! She's taken to the docks and staen a ship, to row them back to Basse!"
[15:13] <@Santiago> roll 1d20+11 she's better than me
[15:13] <Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+11 1,0she's better than me --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{23}
[15:14] <@Santiago> OOC: oh, it's +12 for me too
[15:14] <@Santiago> OOC: derp
01[15:16] <El-Cideon> Even with a sober crowd, this would be an inspiring pairing, you're sure of that as things progress. Voices weave back and forth in a lively exchange until the duet reaches its conclusion: "For ye winnae want bread and ye winnae want wine," Anita sings, "Oh but her love was easy won~"
[15:19] <@Santiago> Santiago takes a bow at the end. "The party continues tonight at the Dove and the Hawk," he calls out, deciding that now is the time to vacate the stage. "We'll see you there!"
01[15:22] <El-Cideon> The assembled townsfolk cheer gratefully and applaud wildly at this inspiring performance! Anita follows Santiago off the stage (and it appears an opportune time to exit, as Deacon Ciprian is making his way back to it again). "I don't actually find a chance to perform that much," she admits quietly, in between acknowledging the compliments of passing townsfolk. "I should thank you both for nudging me up there," she adds.
[15:25] <@Santiago> "The first step on stage is the hardest," Santiago agrees. "It's a pity we only get a real opportunity to show off at festivals like this! And even then, everyone's drunk. You know, though, that was great! They loved it! We should go to Solfrina and try and put on a real show together!"
01[15:27] <El-Cideon> "Maybe," she says, sounding as though giving this serious consideration. Then she turns her head back to see what's going on onstage now:
01[15:28] <El-Cideon> A momentary hush comes over the crowd in the town square, as Deacon Ciprian has stepped onto the stage again. He raises his hands to call for attention, but proves easily capable of bellowing over those too drunk or distracted to notice. "My friends!" he calls out. "It is the pleasure of the church of Viator to invite into our company this evening 'Zia and Her Twin Stars,' here to perform for you a classic of Verdani opera. Please give her your rapt attention." He bows and steps aside, then a trio of performers takes his place upon the stage. The lead figure is familiar to the party—it's the elegant elven woman briefly encountered during the first visit to the Laurel Crown. One of her backing musicians holds a guitar, the other a flute.
[15:28] <@Santiago> Santiago pauses, and likewise turns about to peer at the elves.
[15:29] <Leona> Leona watches them as well, given most of her potential customers are doing the same and thus not buying from her.
01[15:29] <El-Cideon> "I almost wish that I could get away with that color," Silvia muses about the elf maiden's lively purple mane. "But I'm not sure I would survive the Sergeant's response."
01[15:30] <El-Cideon> "Good evening, men and women of Rocina," Zia says with a formal bow, projecting effortlessly over a crowd burbling with some inebriated confusion at an elven band capping off the festivities of a Verdani holiday. "Thank you all for sharing your hospitality with us on this special occasion. We hope that our meager contribution to your celebration will, in some small way, serve to keep your spirits aloft during this coming winter."
[15:32] <Luisa> Luiza takes another sip before waving at Zia!
01[15:34] <El-Cideon> She bows again, closes her eyes for a moment as if in some silent prayer, and then the band swings uniformly into motion as if one precise and interconnected unit:
01[15:34] <El-Cideon> roll 1d20+14 guitar
[15:34] <Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+14 1,0guitar --> 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{20}
01[15:34] <El-Cideon> roll 1d20+14 flute
[15:34] <Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+14 1,0flute --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{19}
01[15:34] <El-Cideon> roll 1d20+25 Zia
[15:34] <Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+25 1,0Zia --> 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{34}
01[15:34] <El-Cideon> The elven songstress launches into a spirited rendition of the final aria from The Grand Tour, an anthem of cautious hope and determination set originally in the uncertain days of emigration from the old empire, but sung here with passionate immediacy that for all listeners draws a clear emotional parallel to Verdana's present troubles. Though the song has been rearranged for the folksier surroundings of Rocina—and for the lack of an orchestra, of course—Zia's performance is full operatic splendor that could anchor the finest company in any theater in Vildiana. Her companions are very capable musicians, but the burden of showmanship is completely on its leading lady, who dances gracefully, swoons dramatically when the libretto calls for a moment of doubt, and altogether captivates the crowd until the last echoes reverberate off the temple walls. Then people to remember to applaud, and more than a few litter the stage with coins.
[15:36] <Leona> Leona is won over by such splendid singing, hurling a small bag of coins over to the stage herself as she joins in the applause!
[15:36] <Morrison> Morrison can't help but find himself applauding quietly.
[15:37] <Luisa> Applauding with the others, Luiza purchases a glass of bitter bulldog and sees if she can't approach the stage!
01[15:39] <El-Cideon> Zia bows again. "Thank you all," she says, in a quiet voice that nonetheless manages to carry over an enthusiastic, drunken crowd. She steps offstage, where she engages in what looks like a brief exchange of gratitude with Deacon Ciprian. One of her musicians goes about the rote business of sweeping the stage of offerings; the other loiters shortly behind Zia, forever looking as much bodyguard as backup musician.
[15:40] <Luisa> Luiza takes it as her cue to approach, offering Zia a well-earned drink!
[15:41] <@Santiago> Santiago can't help but join in the applause, and then sighs. "On the other hand, I just learned we might have a long way to go," he laments. "Were you formally educated?" he asks Anita, as he heads over to Leona's stall to seek out a drink.
01[15:42] <El-Cideon> As if on instinct, her minder interpolates himself between Zia and anyone else buffeted in her direction. Zia, for her part, nods gratefully but declines. "Thank you for the offer," she says, "but I must admit that I had my fill before going on." And she does look rather flushed, actually.
[15:43] <Leona> "Happy Pethsfall you two," Leona greets Santiago and Anita from behind her stall. "Care for a drink?"
[15:44] <Luisa> "It's the thought that counts, I suppose," Luiza muses. "Thank you for the performance!" She looks down at the drink in her hands, before glancing at the minder with a raised eyebrow. "Would you like it? Leona's very good!"
01[15:44] <El-Cideon> "Just a little in school," Anita answers, accompanying Santiago to Leona's stall. "You know, as much as anyone learns in school. I had to sneak all the learning in on my own time." She nods to Leona and fishes out a few coins. "Please, something that'll warm me up," she adds. The sun's going down and the autumn breeze is picking up.
01[15:45] <El-Cideon> The elven musician and/or bodyguard nods curtly. "Thank you," he says, accepting it, taking a sip, and returning a surprisingly open expression affirming satisfaction with this brew.
[15:45] <Leona> Anita gets a mug of Leona's special brew for that!
[15:46] <@Santiago> "I think I need one." Santiago sighs. "It's my dream to be able to sing half that well. Alright, she's a soprano, I'm a tenor, so not quite like her." He glances over his shoulder for a moment at the elf again.
01[15:46] <El-Cideon> "You were both very good," Zoraida promises Santiago and Anita, as the latter gets familiar with her mug of ale.
01[15:47] <El-Cideon> "You're welcome," Zia says to Luiza. "We're always pleased to be of service."
[15:48] <Luisa> Smiling, Luiza retrieves another snack from her ever-present stash and heads off to socialize!
[15:49] <@Santiago> Santiago beams at Zoraida for a moment. "What I really want is a chance to study at one of the grand conservatories," he tells Zoraida. "There's nobody left in Rocina who can teach us. That's one of the reasons I joined the militia, really."
01[15:50] <El-Cideon> This seems to prompt a low laugh from Anita, for no immediately obvious reason.
01[15:50] <El-Cideon> "I'm sure they'd take you," Zoraida insists encouragingly. "Have you ever been to any of the big cities? I hear that's where the important schools all are."
[15:52] <@Santiago> "It's not that easy. They're attended by fine folks of means and money! Skills are the least of what they look for." replies Santiago. "As to that, I've only been to Solfrina."
01[15:54] <El-Cideon> "Oh," Zoraida says, sounding disappointed but not all that surprised at how restricted a good education apparently is.
[15:54] <@Santiago> "Anyway, what's so funny?" he asks, glancing at Anita.
01[15:55] <El-Cideon> "My parents wanted me to join the army," she says. "The Militia was the compromise." She tosses back another swallow of ale.
[15:56] <Leona> The army would no doubt love to have Leona, but then she'd be expected to risk her life even more and have no time at all for brewing!
[15:57] <@Santiago> The army sounds like it would be safer than the militia, given that all they need to do is march around when there's not a war on (and there isn't, as far as he knows.) But a good deal more boring. "It was a better choice," he agrees, tossing back his own drink.
01[15:59] <El-Cideon> She shrugs. "You probably know how it is. They're old-fashioned parents: they were both in the army, why shouldn't I be? That and they don't think singing's a proper occupation."
[16:01] <@Santiago> "My parents would certainly prefer it if I stayed here and took over the inn," admits Santiago. "What about you?" he asks, glancing at Zoraida?
01[16:03] <El-Cideon> "I probably will join the army," she answers, adding a little shyly, "the Sergeant says she can help me find a good posting somewhere."
01[16:04] <El-Cideon> Idle chatter continues late into the night, Leona's ale keeping everyone warm and well-lubricated in the meantime. When everyone goes home for the night, it's relaxed and with a sense of peace that only an evening spent with good friends and good drink can provide!
01[16:04] <El-Cideon> ~