
"In closing, we have the best hobby ever. The End."

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Breath of Fire Arc

Started by Dracos, July 09, 2002, 10:11:28 PM

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Tossed from his ship with the two scouts, Hotaru and Ami, Ryder found himself in a desert under an unfamiliar night sky....  A tower beckoned in the distance...  it's crooning call of hyponotic evil promising destruction...  all around naught but death...

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


The bugs died rapidly under the fury of female feet.  Leaving now a room with rotting furniture.

Fearless leader
Move the arc... do something ^_^;;
Well, Goodbye.


Shivering, Ami rubbed her shoulders to get the dirty feeling off. After a few moments, she went back to search the desk's drawers.


The drawers were largely chewed out, obviously the food source of those bugs from earlier.   There was nothing of note within.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Ami sighed, closing the drawers and left the room and left the room to rejoin her other companions. Perhaps Hotaru or Ryder had found something of importance.


Unfortunatly, Ryoko had been delegated to lamp service for the group... However, whatever bugs that escaped Ami were now nice little craters in the floor.
What sort of madness will I create today?"


"Did you find anything?" Hotaru asked as she rejoined the group, although she paused briefly to wonder why Ryoko seemed to be smiling this time.

"No, nothing of importance, at least..." Ami replied.

Hotaru shrugged: "Then I suppose we better check the basement then."

Nodding, the others followed Hotaru back to the elevator.


The elevator lowered to the annoying elevator music, coming to a slow stop at the basement.  With a smooth hiss the door opened...revealing an unlit room of unknown size...  little could be seen outside the elevator light.  The steady hit of some metalic object hitting something could be heard.  The smell of mildew and decay filtered into the elevator from the room.  The sound of something moving deep in the room could be heard.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


Warily, they step out of the elevator, Hotaru's scythe held ready and Ami prepared to activate the shield at a moment's notice.


Ryoko sighed and stepped in front of the girls... Igniting a plasma lance, she got into a loose battle stance... "Stay sharp girls... though you probably know that no da..." she whispered.
What sort of madness will I create today?"


Walking out onto the floor, the two girls quickly found something sticky hitting their the door behind them closed....plunging them into darkness.  As Ryoko stepped in front of the girls she found herself entangled in some sticky substance...the small light from her lance revealing it to be some largish rope-type cords.

The smell of mildew was stronger now that they had entered the room.  The small light from Ryoko's lance only accenting the greater darkness in the room.  The small metallic sound continued to klink slowly but consistantly.  Deeper into the room there was the sound of something moving...  shifting against it's surroundings.  Clicking noises became slightly audible.

Fearless Leader
Well, Goodbye.


"Ewwwww....." Ryoko shuddered out as she flared up her aura...

The sticky ropes began to melt, though leaving a slimey residue on her skin and clothes as the ropes fell.
What sort of madness will I create today?"


OOC:The GM has a smile on his face


A foul stench filled the air as the the 'ropes' burned...

something large scurried right out of view as a glob of sticky stuff slammed into Ryoko's face and body.

The clicking sounds began to get louder...

The soft metalic klang continued it's repetative solo...

A box fell somewhere deeper in the basement with a clang followed by scurrying...

Fearless Leader
Ami/hotaru  turn
Well, Goodbye.


Wiping the slimy substance off her face, Ami shook the... thing off of her hand.

"What is this stuff?" Hotaru asked disgustedly, igniting her scythe. It's soft glow providing a little light in the dark room.

"I don't know, but I think we're about to find out..." Ami said, activating her shield, and adding its glow to Hotaru's. They both peered into the now dimly lit room, trying to catch a glimpse of what their antagonist was.


Ryoko's muffled scream broke through the tense silence as nobody likes to have thier vision and senses taken away by slime...
What sort of madness will I create today?"