Adventure 13.A - Setup Logs

Started by Dracos, June 10, 2006, 01:33:11 AM

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[16:35] <Kotono> Onto the grand keep of the knights! Sir Gavin rights up through the streets, similiar warriors saluting and vice versa as they pass. This is Gavin's territory - a great stronghold is here, elegant and rich. A drawbridge admits the knight onto the grounds, a stablehand taking his horse. "Sir," one asks, bowing to you. "From experience I can tell you are not a frequent visitor here. Do you need assisantce?"
[16:39] * Sailor_Saturn is now known as Hotaru-chan
[16:40] <SirGavin> "Yes.  Could you direct me.  I am from Paxburg recently up here to deal with the dragon troubles south of here and desire to check in with my brethern.  Whom leads here?"
[16:41] <Kotono> "Sir Miguel de Somoza. Shall I escort you to his waiting chambers?" A deep bow to Sir Gavin after, "A Knight of the Sword from Paxburg?"
[16:42] <SirGavin> "Yes," gavin strode after the man. "I am Sir Gavin Telleran.  If he has time, it would please me to meet with him."
[16:46] <Kotono> "Come this way." Gavin is lead inside - to a istting room that would do a prince proud. Silk cusions are on the seats, an airy room with a few windows to let in sunshine. Very nice, the artworks and tapetries here are quite interested. A heavy door is ahead, presumably to the leader's private quarters. "If you'd wait?"
[16:46] <SirGavin> "Certainly, and my thanks."  Gavin waited, taking a moment to appreciate the fine artwork and tapestries.
[16:56] * Disconnected
[16:57] * Rejoined channel #dunes
[16:57] * Topic is 'Makoto adopts Hotaru pokemon robot. More at 11! |  Mental  note - poke Merc ASAP when he lives.'
[16:57] * Set by Kotono on Sun May 14 01:51:20
[16:57] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao Dracos Dracos
[16:57] * Dracos is now known as SirGavin
[16:57] <Kotono> Very good stuff indeed. It's a pleasant few minutes until the servant comes back up. "Apologies, but Sir Miguel is at the palace. I can summon a representative ofhim if ou wish."
[16:58] <SirGavin> "That would be perfectly alright.  I'm more just checking in here." Gavin pleasantly replied, not angry at all with the servant.
[16:59] <Kotono> "Very well. If you'd wait here...?" So asking, the servant departs back out, giving Gavin more time to kill. At least it's a very nice room.
[17:02] * SirGavin waits away.
[17:03] <Kotono> Twenty minutes or so pass before a knight comse ni - an older man, a drooping white mustache but confident walk. He wears a tunie with a white rose on it, taking Gavin's hand in his own. Strong grasped! "Welcome from the south, Sir Gavin."
[17:04] * SirGavin shakes the strong knight's hand. "Well met."
[17:04] <Kotono> "Well met and seen, young knight," He looks Gavin over, "You're barely out of the training stocks, but your manner speaks well of you."
[17:06] <SirGavin> "My father, the elder Sir Telleran, taught me well, good sir, though your praise honors me.  May I know your name, sir?" Gavin politely asked.
[17:06] <Kotono> "Bach. Wilheim Bach." Giving that hand a good last shake, "What brings you to our capital?"
[17:12] <SirGavin> "Adventure, technically.  More recovery though.  There were rumors of a red dragon hounding some of the older roads and smaller villages, so I came up with my companions to deal with it.  Took some doing, but it won't be troubling anyone anymore."
[17:13] <Kotono> "Excellent news!" Wilhiem nods in agreement. "Come to check in no matter relating to that?"
[17:14] * Sailor_Moon ( has joined #dunes
[17:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao Sailor_Moon Sailor_Moon
[17:14] * Usagi ( Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Sailor_Moon))
[17:14] * Sailor_Moon is now known as Usagi
[17:21] <SirGavin> "Not so much.  I am here though to check in regardless and see if there's anything up here I can do to aid my fellow knights while I am here."
[17:22] <Kotono> "Mmm. Your attention to duty is appreciated, Sir Knight." Wilheim considers, "We are well manned and garrisoned. We do not need immediate help, but if matters require us to do so, we will be glad to enlist you."
[17:25] * SirGavin nods. "While I regret the lack of opportunity to aid, it is always good to hear there is no immediate need for it. Can I send a message back to my commander, Sir Siegmund with regards to the slain dragon?"
[17:26] <Kotono> "Of course. I'll summon a scribe to do so. Is that all, Sir Gavin?"
[17:29] <SirGavin> "Likely so.  I will be staying with my companions at the Red Seraphin inn, if there is any need of me.  I'll likely be in the city for quite some time, the next month at least."
[17:29] <Kotono> "Red Sera...Oh. Seraphin's! I'm familiar with the place. Thank you for your sense of duty, Sir Gavin. May you enjoy your time in Almekia and may it pass you well."
[17:31] <SirGavin> "Thank you, Sir Wilheim." Gavin saluted, and turned to leave.
[17:51] <Kotono> Off Gavin goes! Thist ime he heads to another place - a tavern, a meeting place for like minded heroes and wanderers! (More)
[17:54] <Kotono> Hohannes is a funny place - there aren't many people in, but each of them look your way when you enter. Grizzled men and women, the sort that have steel ready and waiting. Many in robes or vestiments, and a few that cling to the shadows of the room like flypaper. A broad, open space with a few cubbies, mostly tables and chairs.  You get a lot of looks as you enter, but not too many.
[17:54] * Usagi is now known as Sailor_Moon
[17:58] * SirGavin glances around, not hostiley as he takes in the place, slowly heading for the bar, eying for signs and whatnot.
[18:02] <Kotono> No signs - just a lot of world weary and knowing people about. At the bar is a tall man and a beastial looking half human/half???. Both glance at you, both of them armor wearers of the plate mail variety. "Hail," the beasily one says half heartedily, looking and soundnig tired.
[18:04] <SirGavin> "Hail and well met," Gavin helped himself to a seat, waiting first for the bartender to arrive and ordering a beer.
[18:07] <Kotono> "New in town," the taller man is broad faced and plain, pockmarks all over. But there is something about him...something...dangerous. "Or just a thrill seeking knight?"
[18:08] * Usagi ( has joined #dunes
[18:08] * ChanServ sets mode: +ao Usagi Usagi
[18:08] * Sailor_Moon ( Quit (NickServ (GHOST command used by Usagi))
[18:09] * Usagi is now known as Sailor_Moon
[18:10] <SirGavin> "A little of A, a little of B," Gavin said, being friendly enough as his he took in the man.
[18:12] <Kotono> "Mmm." A shrug as he goes back to his drink. "Where ya from?"
[18:13] <SirGavin> "Paxburg, and yourself?"
[18:15] <Kotono> "Paxburg? Speakin' of the devil." A snort from the long faced man, dark hair curly and natty. "Just hearin' yesterday 'bout some new group of crazies making a name for themselves there. You haven't seeen the group with a smilodon in it - that's a giant cat if you don't know."
[18:17] <SirGavin> "That'd be us actually.  Darius is from the tribal lands and is quite close to his smiloden," Gavin said, taking a drink.
[18:18] <Kotono> "No shit?" A stare by both, "The group that singlehandedly took down a thieves' guild by themselves?"
[18:20] <SirGavin> "Yes, that'd be us...though it wasn't entirely singlehanded.  Sir Anitoch accompanied us as support."
[18:24] <Kotono> "Still, takin' out all those guys. Heard the leader was a real hardcase." Smiling in interest now and respect, "Names...Gurvin?"
[18:25] *** Your nickname is already Dracos
[18:27] <SirGavin> "Gavin," He rubbed his head.  "That would be me, they were swift but they didn't know their swordsmanship well enough.  Manpower doesn't do you well if not honed with skill."
[18:29] <Kotono> "True enough!" Fierce agreement there, the two knocking back drinks. "Gavin, eh? Makin' a name for ourself?"
[18:32] <SirGavin> "Something like that...  More out to see the world and adventure...  There's no lack of that to be found.  When old rest, when young adventure?"
[18:36] <Kotono> "True enough again," The beastly one notes, "Rangar of Kowloon," is added a moment later. "Good to meet you."
[18:40] * SirGavin offers a hand forth. "Sir Gavin of Paxburg, though you knew that. I'm sure you have great tales as well."
[18:42] <Kotono> "Aye. Including the one that turned me into this...damn those werewolves," the beastly man growls darkly.
[18:42] <Kotono> The hand is taken, shook roughly, hairy, nearly furry face showing annoyance and anger.
[18:44] <SirGavin> "Werewolves around here?"  Gavin didn't let it phase him, shaking it firmly and then letting go.  "One of my friends had too close a run in with such not a month back.  Nasty lychanthropism..."
[18:46] <Kotono> "No, way north in the mountains." A grunt follows this, "Botched high socery left me like this. We found a sword that would grant a single wish, so we used it to try to remove my curse, except I worded it badly."
[18:49] * SirGavin nods sympathetically. "A harsh turn... The clerics of Orial have been unable to help you?"
[19:01] <Kotono> "It's not a curse now - botched magic, and I don't se another wishing sword to fix it." A shrug follows, "I'm stronger this way, at least. Useful in my line of work.'
[22:05] <SirGavin> [19:18] <SirGavin> "I can hear that.  You should see Seryf, one of my companions.  Slender thing...but can smash through steel with a fist."
[22:09] * Hotaru-chan sets mode: +o Sailor_Pluto
[22:09] <Sailor_Pluto> "Damn. Woman?" The longer faced, non furry man chuckles morosely. "Damn, even the women are gettin' stronger than me now."
[22:10] <SirGavin> "Stronger than I am.  Don't believe the tales of elves being weak and quick."  Gavin finished his drink.
[22:11] <Sailor_Pluto> "Well, is she like a giant - slow but strong," The wolfish man banters right back, taking a deep drag from his mug. "Aaah. So what are you doing kicking up here? Expanding your horizons?"
[22:13] <SirGavin> "Something like that.  Heard there was a dragon south of here and came up to deal with it...  then headed up here afterwards.  Nasty Red.  Lucky I walked out of that at all.  Here specifically though, heard this was a good place for a drink and some adventure."
[22:15] <Sailor_Pluto> "No kiddin'...fucking dragons." A growl there from both men, long weary sighs. "Better men than I have gotten torn apart by dragons while I survived," It's the purely non wolfish one that speaks, finishing off his mug. "Well, no dragons - if you aren't ofa mind to go poking in all the noble bullshit? There's recurring undead in the tombs. Between wizards, troublemakers and old curses, they spring up fairly often. Guard'll occasionally ma
[22:18] <Sailor_Pluto> Guard'll occasionally make a big enough deal to go down or hire some group to, but they usually come back."
[22:19] <SirGavin> "Huh.  No one's gone and figured out what's causing it?  Or too nasty to bother?"
[22:19] <Sailor_Pluto> "Everyone finds a different source. Hell, I went down one time - there was some necromancer doing it. They still came back over his redead body." Rangar shrugs it away, motion for another drink.
[22:24] <SirGavin> Gavin nodded. "Regular business at least, I suppose."
[22:27] <Sailor_Pluto> "'course, idiots who can't handle it just end up adding to the mess. Must've looted three or four former 'heroes' down there. Oh well." Shrugging, "Occupational hazard. Past that? The normal stuff driven by money - light mercenary work, a few bits of intrige that needs muscle behind it, and occasional oddities. Oh, and the every so often 'complete absurdity', like when some high snooting mage tried to figure out the Black Monument. Idiot
[22:28] <Sailor_Pluto> Idiot gated in something from the Abyss - even funnier, I couldn't hurt it and it couldn't hurt me. I did keep it busy long enough for a priest to banish it."
[22:32] <SirGavin> "Good tale.  Where you usually hear about the stuff when it goes down?"
[22:33] <Sailor_Pluto> "'pends. If it's a job offered out by someone or the knights? It'll get spread aorund. Otherwise? Just keep your ear to the groun.d It's not bad here, but not great if you want something before anyone else gets it." A shrug follows this, a second drink slammed back.
[22:40] * SirGavin nods and slips a couple coppers. "For the good tales. I'll probably be seeing you around. Well met, Rangar."
[22:43] <Sailor_Pluto> "G'luck in the city. Don'g et thrown in a cell." He nods as Gavin rises, glancing once as he goes.
[22:44] * SirGavin laughed at that, heading out, this time heading for the church of Orial.
[22:45] <Sailor_Pluto> roll 1d100
[22:45] <Sailor_Pluto> roll 1d2 test
[22:45] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Pluto rolls 1d100 and gets 53."12 [1d100=53]
[22:45] * Hatbot --> "Sailor_Pluto rolls 1d2 test and gets 2."12 [1d2=2]
[22:47] <Sailor_Pluto> The walk is uneventful. You hear a few mediocre and one good bard, coins tossed about mostly to the good one. The Temple is quite nice - a great soaring Catherial, high roofed and elegant. Worshippers pass in and out, inside having a grand set of pews and altar.
[22:53] * SirGavin strides in, taking a moment to kneel near the alter and give thanks to Orial.
[22:54] <Sailor_Pluto> Others are around you - a mother thanking for a healthy son, a merchant murmuring thanks for his wife's safe journey. That sort of thing. This goes nicely and without incident.
[22:56] * SirGavin glances about for a donation area.
[23:01] <Sailor_Pluto> There is one a little past the altar - a box with a young, fresh faced cleric watching it serenly.
[23:01] * SirGavin stays a moment longer in prayer before depositing some gold into the box, nodding to the cleric and leaving.
[23:03] <Sailor_Pluto> "Good day to you knight," he nods respectfully, "May the Gods smile on you."
[23:06] * SirGavin heads out and searches for the temple of Waukeen.
[23:07] <Sailor_Pluto> This search takes Gavin into the brighter, richer part of town. A wide open veranda and temple, goods and money coming and going.
[23:10] * SirGavin continues, learning the way about town at the same time.
[23:15] <Sailor_Pluto> So Gavin does! There is a place for donations - a great golden bowl, watched by two richly dressed priests. They watch and nod as Gavin approaches.
[23:19] * SirGavin gives thanks for the devotion of Waukeen's priest saul and the spells that saved his life, and gives a similar donation.
[23:20] <Sailor_Pluto> One of the priests smiles faintly to you, as your coins join others. "PRofit be with you," he murmurs.
[00:51] <Kotono> The mage's guild is a laid back, nestled away complex in the middle section of town. Inside you are lead to a small room, a small half elf waiting there. Simple hard chairs and a table are there, few other things of notes. "Oh...oh...a knight for a customer! Lookin' for a new sword?"
[00:55] <SirGavin> "Mmm possibly.  Or a lance.  Anything interesting abouts?" Gavin feigned interest as a customer.
[00:59] <Kotono> "Here," Pushing forward a sheet of parchment, Gavin can see the swords and lances offered. (Stuff on the sheet, feel free to take it from  here.)
[01:04] <SirGavin> Gavin read over it. "Who is selling the Dragonslayer spear?"
[01:07] * Merc is now known as Merc-zzz
[01:07] <Kotono> "Hm? Interested?" A question, "I can direct you towards him, but serious offers only," A small smile, "Doesn't want to waste time if you aren't willing to consider putting down the goods.
[01:09] <SirGavin> "It's an expensive weapon, but I've had a few run ins with dragons." Gavin returned.
[01:11] <Kotono> "Mmmm. If you are...I'll go get it. If you'd hold on?" So he gets up, exiting out and returning. "Your certain - it's one of those uppity rich/noble types, and I wouldn't wish that on ya."
[01:12] * SirGavin nods. "I appreciate your concern."
[01:15] <Kotono> "Alright...House Delyas. Head Butler Arrias." Directions are given into a nice part of town, "'ave fun with it."
[01:22] * SirGavin nods and heads off.
[19:25] <Kotono> As Gavin passes int he streets, she chances on Elaine. She's scowling at a badly singling bard, taking a moment out of her day to wince at a very subpar performer. Not a good moment of her day, either. Ow, he's way off tune.
[19:26] <SirGavin> "Elaine," Gavin waved, heading over.
[19:27] <Elaine> "Oh, hey Gavin," Elaine greets the knight. "What have you been up to so far?"
[19:27] <Kotono> *he
[19:28] <SirGavin> "Checking in with the nights, meeting some friendly folks, and giving thanks to the gods that I'm not a melted pile of slag," He said warmly.  "And yourself, Elaine?"
[19:28] <SirGavin> *Knights
[19:30] <Kotono> A particularly bad note is hit, the colorfully dressed bard finishing. "Lady, spare a few copper for the song," he looks to Elaine, holding a metal cup out.
[19:31] <SirGavin> Gavin winces a bit at that note, glancing at Elaine.
[19:33] <Elaine> "I'm just exploring a bit, right now, to be honest," Elaine replies to Gavin before digging into her pockets and tossing the bard a copper coin along with some advice. "I suggest you keep practicing a bit more. That last note was pretty bad."
[19:34] <SirGavin> "Been by Johannes yet?  They be singing tales of our adventures in Paxburg."
[19:35] <Elaine> "You're joking, really?" Elaine asks somewhat pleased. Only the well told tales ever get spread around faster than the adventurers themselves.
[19:38] <SirGavin> "Nope...but more idle rumors of our crazy deeds than anything... probably should start composing." He jested. "After all, better to have them sung right and sung true than well..." Gestures slightly, walking down the road, clearly meaning many of the performers out here.
[19:40] <Elaine> "True enough. Though it's interesting to hear how the story gets changed sometimes too," Elaine adds. "I'll have to stop by Johannes though, I suppose."
[19:41] <SirGavin> "Well, I'll be heading by there from time to time anyhow, keep an ear on the mercenaries around town while we're waiting for that smith to have done.  So I'll drag you along next I go.  Anyhow, care to ring in on an odd mage?"
[19:42] * Elaine nods. "Sure, why not? What are you visiting a mage for?"
[19:43] <SirGavin> "Heard a fell rumor and well... found it's looking pretty true.  Remember that list Saul wrangled up of what he found at the bazaars?"
[19:44] * Elaine nods. "What about it? Found something of interest? All I saw was that really expensive dagger."
[19:45] <SirGavin> Gavin looked a bit grim.  "One of them was trying to trade a spear of dragon slaying.  Interesting, sure...but he was asking for folks to kill an ancient gold wyrm in his trade writeup."
[20:00] * Elaine laughs. "Funny. He's the one with the dragon slaying spear, and he wants someone else to kill one first?"
[20:01] <SirGavin> "Well, yes...  But golds are elegant creatures.  Sending dragon hunters after one is ...  a pretty wicked act, I'd say."
[20:05] * Elaine shrugs. "Sorry, I can't say I know the difference between a red one, a green one, a gold one, or a polka dotted dragon. Besides, there's always a black sheep in every family, right?"
[20:08] <SirGavin> "Mmm, Possible but very unlikely.  The metallic dragons are almost universally helpful.  They've helped in wars in the past, particularly whenever their chromatic brethern are involved."
[20:12] * Elaine nods. "Well, let's find out what's the case with this mage and dragon then, I suppose."
[20:12] * SirGavin nods. "Indeed." Gavin continued on towards the address in question
[20:19] * Sailor_Moon ( Quit (bedtime -=SysReset 2.53=-)
[20:21] * Elaine follows behind Gavin, since he knows where to go.
[20:50] <Kotono> House Delyas is not far from the palace. It is a wide space of archtexture, overly opulent. Design drips off the front gate and lawn, as if trying to tell that yes, whomever lives here is rich.  There's a doorman, a gray haired servant that answers Gavin's knock. "Yes, Sir Knight and Madam?"
[20:50] * SirAlex-sleep is now known as SirAlex
[20:59] <SirGavin> "I come from the mage's bazaar.  I was told to speak with Arias?"
[21:15] <Elaine> [19:56] * Elaine stays quiet for now and lets Gavin talk, since he's the one who knows things here.
[21:16] <Kotono> "Head Butler Arrias? Speaking," he says, al ong nosed, stuffy sort of older man. He is beginning to bald, movements precise and prissy. "Are you inquiring about the magical spear?"
[21:17] <SirGavin> "Yes, in fact I am."
[21:17] * ChanServ changes topic to 'Makoto adopts Hotaru pokemon robot. More at 11! | Mental note - poke Merc ASAP when he lives. (Kotono)'
[21:17] * ChanServ sets mode: +a Hotaru-chan
[21:18] <Kotono> "I see. Are you a serious bidder on this artifact?" A question follows, "My Master is most explicit on wanting the goods for this artifact."
[21:18] * ChanServ sets mode: +q Kotono
[21:20] <SirGavin> "We've recently slain a large dragon." Gavin dodged the question, expecting that to speak for him.
[21:22] * Carthrat-Sleep is now known as Carthrat
[21:23] <Kotono> "A gold dragon? Master Arlington Delyas is VERY particular on this. Gold Dragon scales are essential for the most smashing suit of armor to impress the court.":
[21:24] * Elaine winces. Well, definitely not wanting a gold dragon because it was evil...
[21:28] <SirGavin> "Impress...the court?  The man is sending out folks to hunt ancient gold dragons, whose scales at that point aren't even particularly shiny or elegant for such endeavors anyway, in order to impress the court?  Now I'm not sure if I even want to give him them." Gavin expresses both outrage and question dodging.
[21:36] * Anastasia ( has joined #dunes
[21:36] * ChanServ sets mode: +qo Anastasia Anastasia
[21:38] <Elaine> [20:20] * Elaine winces. Well, definitely not wanting a gold dragon because it was evil...
[21:38] <Elaine> [20:25] <SirGavin> "Impress...the court?  The man is sending out folks to hunt ancient gold dragons, whose scales at that point aren't even particularly shiny or elegant for such endeavors anyway, in order to impress the court?  Now I'm not sure if I even want to give him them." Gavin expresses both outrage and question dodging.
[21:39] <Anastasia> "Sir is a Viscount honored by King Leonardo himself." AS if this explains it all. "He has even procured such a spear to entice dragon hunters. Now, is this a serious offer, Sir Knight?"
[21:50] <SirGavin> "Yes, I'm seriously interested in the lance." Gavin responded.
[21:51] <Elaine> "Would have been useful fighting the last dragon we fought, so might as well see about being prepared for others," Elaine adds with a nod.
[21:53] <Anastasia> "This way, Sir and Madam," Arrias leads you inside - through a fine opening room and into a large den. "Please sit," he offers, "Master is out at this current time, but I am fully authorised to speak on his behalf for this interest."
[21:54] <Elaine> "How many people have come regarding the lance so far?" Elaine asks out of curiousness.
[22:02] <Anastasia> "None so far, but the offer has only been out a week and a half." A quiet nod to that, "Tea?"
[22:05] * Elaine briefly tries to see if she can't recollect what's the most expensive/snooty/'noble' brand of tea in this area, so she can ask for that.
[22:06] <Anastasia> OOC - Do you have etiquette?
[22:06] <Elaine> ooc - yup!
[22:06] <Anastasia> OOC- Make an etiquette check.
[22:07] <Elaine> roll 1d20 for ETIQUETTE!
[22:07] * Dicebot ( has joined #dunes
[22:07] * Elaine sets mode: +v Dicebot
[22:07] <Elaine> roll 1d20 for ETIQUETTE!
[22:07] <SirGavin> roll 1d120 etiquette!
[22:07] <Dicebot> Elaine rolled 1d20 for ETIQUETTE! --> [ 1d20=11 ]{11}
[22:07] <Dicebot> SirGavin rolled 1d120 etiquette! --> [ 1d120=33 ]{33}
[22:07] <SirGavin> OOC: 120 is bad!
[22:07] <Anastasia> OOC - Horrible.
[22:07] <Elaine> ooc - I passed by 4
[22:08] <SirGavin> roll 1d20 test again
[22:08] <Dicebot> SirGavin rolled 1d20 test again --> [ 1d20=4 ]{4}
[22:08] <SirGavin> OOC: Pass by 8
[22:08] <Anastasia> OOC - Darjeeling Tea for Elaine.
[22:10] <Elaine> "If you have some darjeeling tea to spare, yes please, sir butler," Elaine asks politely.
[22:11] <Anastasia> "As you wish," Arrias gets up and goes out a few moments to get said tea. A couple of moments alone, if you wish to do anything.
[22:15] <SirGavin> "thoughts?" Gavin asked a bit quietly, sitting down.
[22:18] <Elaine> "Well, I'd say charm him into giving me the lance for free, but you'd probably be against that, right?" Elaine asks with a grin to show she's joking.
[22:19] <SirGavin> Gavin smiled back and nodded, waiting for the return of the butler. "We'll talk with the lord instead."
[22:23] <Anastasia> The butler returns in five minutes, three steaming china teacups. It's quite good tea, sipped slowly. "Now," the butler puts aside his, "Shall we proceed on the matter at hand?"
[22:24] * Elaine nods as she takes a sip from the tea. Well...she could certainly see why nobles liked it.
[22:24] <SirGavin> "first would you elaborate and the entirety of the situation?  What was found at the bazaar was minimal at best."
[22:25] <Anastasia> "My Master desires a suit of gold dragonscale armor. He had meant to hire mercenary sorts and lend them the spear, but the attempt into that foray was dissapointing. So we are trying another tack before trusting another group of ruffians."
[22:29] <SirGavin> "They ran off with the coin?" Gavin somewhat directly murmured.
[22:30] <Anastasia> "No. They...ran into trouble with the town guard of most sordid type. One was beheaded for murder!" A disgusted snort, nose raised up.
[22:32] <SirGavin> "Unsurprising, truly.  Why offer the spear up for gold if the scales are what he really seeks though?"
[22:32] <Elaine> "Is there any particular reason your master wishes a gold dragonscale armor by the way? Gold just never struck me as that good a color, well, except in coins obviously," Elaine asks.
[22:32] <Anastasia> "Bait." So saying outright, "One that has such coin may be a worthy mercenary for hire in his own right." So smoothly dusting his jacket, "And if another noble house wants such a spear? Well...comptetition can be rooted out."
[22:39] <Anastasia> "It is his wish. It is not my place to ask such questions." Bowing his head slightly to Elaine, "I am sure his reasons are just and right, as his title so bestows."
[22:40] * Elaine nods, not wanting to sound rude right now.
[22:50] <SirGavin> "Certainly.  Did he actually have one in mind, out of curiousity?"
[22:50] <Anastasia> "Hm? Another mercenary group, Sir Knight, or have I lost your meaning?"
[22:53] <SirGavin> "A gold dragon.  Surely you wouldn't just be sending out such with no direction."
[22:54] <Anastasia> "We have potential direction, yes." A guarded look at this, "If you are interested and possess enough skill...?"
[22:56] <SirGavin> "As I said earlier...We're just in town from slaying one to the south."
[22:57] <Anastasia> "I see, I see. Mmmm." A thoughtful nod, "If you are interested, tell me more."
[22:59] <SirGavin> "We're just in town off of slaying one of the reds south of here."
[23:05] <Anastasia> "This speaks well of your skill and valor if true, but it isn't an answer to my question. Are you intrested in being contracted for such a task?"
[23:10] <Elaine> "Contract? We should probably meet with the rest of our group if this involves paperwork. Saul likes that sort of thing. Me? Ugh..." Elaine makes an unladylike face.
[23:11] <Anastasia> A slow nod back, "As you wish. If you are interested, feel free to return and we can come to negotiations."
[23:12] <SirGavin> "When will the viscount be avaliable?"
[23:13] <Anastasia> "He will be available the day after next. Shall I reserve a portion of his esteemed time for your, Sir?"
[23:24] * SirAlex is now known as Catbot
[23:27] <SirGavin> "Yes.  That would be acceptable."
[23:27] * SirGavin rises to leave.
[23:28] <Anastasia> "Excellent. I bade you good fortune and I shall see you in two days?" The butler rises, walking Gavin and Elaine out.
[23:30] * Elaine also rises. "Thank you for the hospitality. The tea was excellent."
[23:32] <SirGavin> Gavin nodded and headed off.
Well, Goodbye.