The Slayers Quest

Started by Merc, September 13, 2003, 08:41:32 PM

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A knife flies through the aim, imbedding itself in the table in front of Gourry. Lina stalks after it, holding up a fork menacingly. "Don't even think on starting without me!"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


The waitress gives an uncertain nod to the swordsman's statement. "I'll...get the mop then. I'll bring the rest of your order afterwards."

With that she turns to go fetch the mop.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Gourry ignores everything around him as he devotes his full attention towards eating as much of the food before him as possible in a short a time as possible.


Lina serves herself the largest portion, and eats at her top speed.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


The floor is soon mopped, and dishes exchanged between the waitress and the hunger-driven duo. Though it takes some time, soon they're down to the last few plates and what remaining townsfolk there were begin to filter out of the tavern, certain in the victory of the young redhead in the food battle. Besides, many of them were getting hungry after such a show and smelling so much food travelling by, and they weren't certain those two wouldn't steal their meals if they ordered here. Besides, most of the tables were now stacked with dirty plates, a desperate maneuver from the waitress to keep the towers of plates from stacking too high.

Two young women push through the leaving people at the entrance, and call for the waitress who soon has them sitting at the bar, due to the lack of free tables. They don't mind, glad for the lack of people who might recognize them and give them trouble.

Soon after, as all that were going to depart do so, a man joins those in the tavern, and is soon also sat at the bar. Though he gives a brief recoil at the sight of the moaning princess of Saillune, nobody notices, too interested in either their meals, or trying to to stare at those just finishing their meals. He thanks his disguise skills, and begins to debate on his next plan of action.

OOC: And pause. I'll continue in the morning, and start up the plot, unless Cor, Rat, Asrana, or Bean want to do anything with each other right now.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Kylen drums his fingers on the top of the bar, sparing a glance for the other two newcomers, but more concerned about the people who were already here.

When a waiter appears before him, he fumbles a bit before managing to ask, "Er.. can I have some.. tomato juice?"

The couple of people that turned their heads at his entry saw a man wearing black boots and black pants, with a long-sleeved black shirt. He's wearing white gloves, and a large cape with the hood up that obscures his mouth, hair, and most of his face. His eyes are covered by a pair of black-tinted glasses.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Sighs of content come from the sole occupied table as the last of their dinner is finished. The waitress takes this as a cue to bring out the check, to which a young princess begins to whimper. She was rich, but Miss Lina took way too much advantage of her status.

The payment was put off for now, however, as screams and explosions begin to be heard outside. The waitress turns to look in their direction as someone stumbles in, a man in raggedy clothing and deep bleeding from his shoulder.

"...Lina...Inverse," he mutters before fainting at the entrance, the loss of blood having gotten to him.

"Oh no! She's come to attack our town!" the waitress squeaks with worry, her lack of knowledge as to her most recent customer apparent.

Others more knowledgeable turn to stare at the redheaded sorceress with a defiant 'It wasn't me!' look before the tavern ceiling begins to crumble from an explosion.

Three of them manage to react fast enough to shield themselves, but others are not so lucky, falling unconscious in the rubble around them.

Looking up, there's a black dragon flying in the sky, and twenty or so grinning men, running around, looting and encouraging screams from the townsfolk.

"Remember, more than anything FIND Kizel, but otherwise do whatever you want! Let them all remember the name of the New Dragon's Fang!" yells a big brute decked in black armor and raising a battle axe, it's edge tainted crimson with blood as his men cheer.

"TO THE NEW DRAGON'S FANG!" they yell.

OOC: Lina, Gourry and Amelia are up. Anybody else pops up, just conviniently wake up if Lina doesn't take care of all of them by the time you do >_>
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Lina walks in the rubble, and fishes the waitress from under a pile of dishes and wood chunks. Holding her up with one hand, Lina slaps her lightly to wake her up, while ignoring the ranting bandits.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


At all the commotion, Gourry stands up with an expression of grim determination on his face, prepared to defend the town from the bandits. He abruptly falters in confusion at the sorceress's actions. "Lina...?" he looks at her with his usual expression of dopey curiousity.


The waitress mumbles as Lina lightly slaps her on the cheek before bleerily opening her eyes. "Wh..What happened?" she asks.

Before Lina could say anything, a bandit who'd noticed them walked up to them with that disturbed grin still plastered on his face. "The New Dragon's Fang is what happened, baby," he says, pulling his sword out and laying it on his shoulder.

The waitress squeaks and grabs Lina in a deep hug, scared out of her wits. Lina's mouth is smushed onto the waitress' breasts, preventing her from doing anything more than mumbling and possibly biting.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


"Miss Lina, what are you doing? Bandits are attacking!" Amelia whines, poping up from the rubble.


Lina colors, and pushes the waitress away, squeezing her full breasts in the process.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Gourry sidles up to the bandit and leans in to give a conspiratorial whisper. "Are you guys sure attacking this town is a good idea?" he points at the currently hugged sorceress, "That's Lina Inverse, and you just interrupted her dinner. You guys should probably start running," Gourry finishes, giving the bandit a friendly (but still pretty hard) slap on the back.


Trained waitress reflexes from having to deal with drunk men kick in as Lina squeezes her breasts and a slap resounds the town as Lina finds herself with a handmark in her cheek.

The waitress' mouth becomes o-shaped as she covers it with her hand, shocked at her action as she starts blindly apologizing, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm s..."

The bandit roars with laughter and calls for his friends. "Hey guys, come watch the comedy show! One of the girls isn't that built, but I'm sure we can have some fun with the both of them afterwards!"
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


"I know they're kinda small," Lina says in a tiny voice, her clenched fists shaking. "But I don't want to hear it from a fat guy with a bigger chest! FIREBALL!"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake