Xantcha's Prelude: A Spider in the Grass

Started by Dracos, August 12, 2007, 06:08:52 PM

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[13:37] GM: "Xan?" *a voice, calling you* "Xaaaaan?" *sing-songy, perky...female*
[13:37] GM: *awakening you from your nap*
[13:39] Xantcha: "mmm...ten more minutes...." *raises a hand to wave whoever it was way, although she slowly opens her eyes to see who it was*
[13:40] GM: *It's Elegant Flame, a young godsblood who's a fellow member of the Grass Spiders....*
[13:41] GM: *how she got into your room past the traps is anyone's guess but...she managed it*
[13:43] Xantcha: *blinks and gets up* "oh hey Elegant Flame, um...what brings you here?"
[13:44] GM: "A jooooob~" *giggling....ah, must've left a candle burning in the room, how she got in* "The Three want you to. *she grins, getting into a pantomime of your "uncle"* "Preform recon on the new Immaculate Monk"
[13:46] GM: *she tosses a letter to you...grinning hugely, then jumps into the candle flame, dissapearing with a huge wave, grin, and a "Baiiiiiiiiiiiii~"
[13:47] Xantcha: "...freaky how she does that..." *she opens up the letter and moves it close to the candle light to read it*
[13:50] GM: *it's mostly details about the target...about his daily routine, about what resturants he likes....and a huge heap of jade to pay for you to follow him....*
[13:50] GM: *as well as instructions to not harm him...well, not harm him first anyway*
[13:52] Xantcha: "that should be easy enough to do..." *she gets off of the bed and picks up her equipment, tying her long hair back as she gets dressed*
[13:53] GM: *describe it! ^_^*
[13:53] GM: *clothes, room, her daily routine*
[13:53] GM: *just have fun with it ^^*
[13:56] Xantcha: ( *is crushed by a post wall* ) *grabs a black scarf and wraps it around her neck while tying bits of cloth around her feet, its the least she can do since 'uncle' was always against her not wearing shoes...not to mention a few incidents involving broken pieces and caltrops being planted where she was walking...*
[13:58] GM: *and you walk out into the city! Your room is in a nice Grass Spiders safehouse in the center of Chaya. It's spring and the crazy pollen won't come out for a few more months...giving you a while to enjoy the beautiful weather....*
[13:58] GM: *it's about lunchtime now, least as the sun reads*
[14:00] Xantcha: "lets see...wonder where the monk should be by now?" *checks the letter*
[14:01] GM: *pretty close! He frequents a restaurant about a half mile away from your residence....for lunch especially*
[14:03] Xantcha: smiles happily "perfect~" skips out and heads for the restaurant
[14:04] GM: *it's a small soup place, pretty inexpensive but serving pretty good "Blessed-Isle-style" food
[14:06] Xantcha: *takes a seat and orders a soup there, while lightly paying attention for the Immaculate Monk*
[14:06] GM: *he's not in yet!*
[14:07] GM: *Well, as best as you can see! Roll Preception+Awareness!
[14:09] Xantcha: (ok ^^ 3 successes)
[14:10] GM: *you see a man walk in, shaved head, devastatingly attractive...he looks around, and seeing an empty seat near you, takes it* "Ah, hello" *a winning grin* "Is this seat taken?"
[14:10] GM: *he...yep, that's the Immaculate monk*
[14:11] Xantcha: she smiles shyly "No, not at all"
[14:12] GM: *he looks at you* "Are you from around here? You don't look much like a Chayan"
[14:14] GM: *his voice is nice...cultured and very urbane.  Frankly, he's a big change from most of the louts you've met here during your stay at the safehouse...*
[14:14] Xantcha: "oh not really, I'm just a traveler"
[14:14] GM: "Ah, I see...." *a grin*
[14:15] GM: "So, how long are you in Chaya for?"
[14:16] GM: (if you're lying, roll manipulation + socialize)
[14:17] Xantcha: ( 3 successes o.O; )
[14:17] GM: (and, also, answer his question ^^;;;)
[14:18] Xantcha: (going to ^^; )
[14:18] Xantcha: "oh for a few days, at the least."
[14:19] GM: *he nods, no hint that he doesn't believe you* "Ahhh, a girl after my own heart. I'm stationed here for a few months...gathering up lost eggs and all, if I may askm how old are you?"
[14:20] Xantcha: "16" she gives a mental sigh of relief he believed her...she was never a good liar...
[14:21] GM: "And you're interested in the Immaculate order?" *curious, probing...*
[14:25] Xantcha: "not exactly, why'd you ask?"
[14:26] GM: "Oh, you don't have to hide it..." *He grins* "I saw it in your eyes" *his anima glowing softly, showing off his status as "A Prince of the Earth"
[14:27] GM: "That you are a strong person, of great conviction and compassion, brave if need be...though not the most temperate of souls..."
[14:29] GM: "And, as best I can tell..." *giving a pious grin* "Interested in serving creation..."
[14:30] Xantcha: "oh alright, so I am interested ..." she feels slightly disturbed how the monk could see this much about her...
[14:31] GM: *he chuckles*
[14:32] GM: "I see....would you like to join me later tonight?"
[14:35] Xantcha: "I would love to" This wasn't as how she had planned it, but she decided to go with the flow...another thing that she was bad at...improvising...
[14:38] GM: "Ah, excelent..." *he grins, planting a soft kiss on your lips, before handing you a small letter, walking off into the day....*
[14:39] Xantcha: *blinks in surprise and sits there in shock as her soup finally arrives* "...f-first kiss...."
[14:40] GM: *Indeed, he did just steal a first kiss from you...as the idea that he was this paragon of virtue shatters like a broken mirror*
[14:48] Xantcha: that...cylin--i mean philander! A uncle wouldn't get mad if I tear up his face a bit...would he? *quickly finishes her soup and looks at the letter*
[14:48] GM: *it's a seal of passage into the local Immaculate temple....into the Monk's quarters*(
[14:52] Xantcha: "the things I do for my job..." gets up , dropping a few coin on the table and leaves, hopefully she can still see the monk among all those people, if not she'll be heading back to the safehouse
[14:52] GM: *roll perception + awareness!*
[14:54] Xantcha: 2 successes
[14:54] GM: *nothing....*
[14:56] Xantcha: grumbles quietly as she heads back to the safehouse, taking the letter with her. "I hope nobody from here saw that..."
[14:57] Xantcha: (in an anime world Xantcha would be screaming eh very loudly)
[14:57] GM: (hehe)
[14:57] Xantcha: (after a brief moment of silence xD )
[14:58] GM: *Indeed, no whispers dogging you at all....as you arrive back at the safehouse....bringing a sword might not be a good idea...but knives and a could be very very useful*
[14:58] Xantcha: and a what?)
[14:59] GM: hain shirt
[14:59] GM: chain*
[14:59] Xantcha: (ah)
[15:00] Xantcha: *she heads ove rot the water basin to wash her face, especially to get whatever's left of that kiss off her lips*
[15:02] GM: *it takes a while, but you finally feel that you're clean...*
[15:04] Xantcha: "finally..." *wipes her self off and gets her throwing knives, aiming at a lone paper target on the wall, up up at certain areas from bouts of abuse, she throws a few throwing knives at it, visualizing that monk's face instead of the faceless target*
[15:05] GM: *they hit!....in places that'd hurt*
[15:08] GM: places*
[15:08] GM: *It's evening quicker than you'd like it to be....*
[15:10] Xantcha: *she goes to put her chainmail short on and the insides of her dress with the throwing knives, securing them in place so as to avoid making any sound. She looks through the letter elegant flame gave her* "I'm not allowed to hurt him unless..."
[15:11] GM: *he hurts you first...or so the letter goes*
[15:12] Xantcha: "that shouldn't be a problem.." she then heads out towards the temple "no problem at all..."
[15:13] GM: *but, it's a pretty long walk to the shrine....as you get there. It's a very small building, only about 4 monks living there....as a guard at the front looks at you* "What buisness have you?" *he asks, looking fierce-ish*
[15:14] Xantcha: "um..." she hands the guard the letter the monk had given her (come to think ofit, she never looked closely for the guy's name xD)
[15:15] GM: *he nods* "Lord Cynis again..." *a sigh* "Get on in..."
[15:16] Xantcha: again? she walks on in through the gate
[15:18] GM: *you're guided to a room by an old nun....the Immaculate there, dressed in nothing but underclothes (boxers and a t-shirt basically)
[15:18] GM: "Ah, hello" *a winning grin*
[15:18] GM: "You look marvelous tonight"
[15:19] Xantcha: "th-thank you..."
[15:19] GM: "mmm~ now..." *handing you a drink* "Are you thirsty?" *it smells sweet and fruity*
[15:21] Xantcha: "a bit actually..." she looks a bit, rather suspicious of it and gave a small sip
[15:22] GM: *it's quite good....*
[15:24] Xantcha: she took another sip, though carefully not to drink too much of it...its sorely tempting though...
[15:24] GM: *he grins...as something in you feels sluggish....as your arms lock up, legs too...unable to move?!*
[15:25] GM: 'Ah, it's working. Dragons bless Sextes Jylis" *he gives an evil smirk, laying your prone-ish body down on the bed*
[15:27] GM: "Now..." *a laugh, beginning to undress you....looking amused at the knives* "Simple traveler...I see"
[15:29] Xantcha: she tries to move her body, terrified by the fact her body's not responding, even more so by the fact she can't do anything to stop what's going on "st-stop..." should've  covered them up too...
[15:31] GM: *he chuckles, taking off his clothes...and nearly undressing you fully....as you feel something in you...a voice* "Do you want the power to end this?"
[15:32] Xantcha: Huh? Who is this?
[15:32] GM: "It is a simple question...yes or no?"
[15:33] Xantcha: Yes then!
[15:34] GM: *you feel a strength returning to your limbs....as the monk staggers back, looking shocked* "A-A-A-ANATHEMA?!" *near yelling, you've still got a pair of knives on you....and! Roll join battle!"
[15:34] Xantcha: (just one dice?)
[15:35] GM: (no, it's roll wits + Awareness)
[15:35] Xantcha: ah
[15:35] Xantcha: (4 successes)
[15:35] GM: (you go first then!)
[15:36] GM: *he's still in shock, too much to actually do much....you've got knives close by....what do you do*
[15:37] Xantcha: "oh you'll pay for what you did..." she gets up, covering herself with what little clothes lying around and the grabs her knives, throwing the knives at him
[15:37] GM: (how many? 1 or 2?)
[15:37] Xantcha: 2)
[15:38] GM: (Alright! Roll 2 attacks at a -2 penalty for the first, -3 for the second)
[15:42] Xantcha: oh
[15:43] Xantcha: 3 successes for the first and 4 successes for the 5th
[15:43] Xantcha: 2nd*
[15:44] GM: *he manages to narrowly avoid the first knife...but winces as the 2nd gets caught in his flesh* (roll 3 dice for damage and tell me how many successes you got)
[15:44] Xantcha: 1 botch)
[15:44] GM: *the knife hits, but merely slides off his skin*
[15:46] GM: *he chuckles* "And this is the power of an Anathema? Pshah!" *he laughs and reaches out with a fist to grab you*
[15:47] Xantcha: (alright then, using Seven Shadow Evasion)
[15:48] GM: *Okay, you evade his attack! As he curses and hits air...There's one of your knives near you....what do you do?*
[16:17] GM: *Yes in fact! You've dodged the monk's attack and you're now near one of your knives!*
[16:18] GM: (http://wiki.white-wolf.com/exalted/index.php/Exalted_201_Second_Edition_Combat very useful to read)
[16:20] Xantcha: she grabs the knife and pushes off from where she stands, jumping over him and landing behind him, throwing her knife at him while using the joint wounding attack charm at his right arm*
[16:21] GM: *that's a 2 die stunt...roll accuracy
[16:22] Xantcha: (oh wait nevermind)
[16:23] GM: (....no, it's accuracy of the weapon+dexterity+speciality+ability)
[16:23] Xantcha: (yeah I thought it was the roll for the stunt ^^; )
[16:23] GM: (that should be 13 total with the 2 die stunt ^^)
[16:23] GM: (nope, the stunt is a bonus that the GM gives you ^^)
[16:23] Xantcha: (I see ^^)
[16:23] Xantcha: (and 7 successes)
[16:24] GM: *you catch him!* (roll damage, 7 dice)
[16:24] Xantcha: (4 successes)
[16:24] GM: *he screams as the knife catches him in the arm, rendering it lame and useless, hanging limply to his side*
[16:26] GM: *before steadying himself and lightly touching spots over his body...he glows a faint green, anima banner beginning to shine....*
[16:26] Xantcha: "...that doesn't look good..."
[16:26] GM: (checking something quick ^^)
[16:28] GM: *he then curses, as the green glow fades...arm still hanging limply at his side* "Damn it...."
[16:28] GM: (your turn ^^)
[16:29] Xantcha: *is her dress anywhere near her?*
[16:30] GM: *pretty close, yeah*
[16:31] Xantcha: she grabs her dress and pulls out her knives, grabbing 3 to throw them all at once at the monk
[16:32] Xantcha: (oh wait those were shurikans and kunai, nevermind)
[16:32] GM: (hehe, no problem, they're mechanically throwing knives for now ^)^
[16:33] Xantcha: (I meant that could only accomplished with shurikans and kunai xD)
[16:33] GM: *Oh ^^)
[16:33] GM: *heh, so, what do you do then? ^^)
[16:35] Xantcha: *going for the other arm! :D**she runs up and jumps onto the monk's injured arm and throws a knife at his left arm from the air, using the joint wounding charm again*
[16:35] GM: *that's another 2 die stunt! Roll accuracy!*
[16:36] Xantcha: (7 successes)
[16:37] GM: *he screams as the knife hits him, (roll 8 damage dice)
[16:37] Xantcha: (2 successes >.>)
[16:39] GM: *he yells as the knife thunks into his other arm...as he contemplates running, but decides against it, running up and launching a flying kick at your head*
[16:39] GM: (your DV is higher than 3, right?)
[16:39] Xantcha: yup)
[16:40] GM: *which misses you completely!*
[16:40] GM: *ie: your go!*
[16:41] Xantcha: *she grabs her dress and runs up to him, to cover his face with the interior...which is still lined up with I believe... 7 knifes?*
[16:41] GM: *yes in fact....*
[16:42] GM: *so, you're trying to smother him?*
[16:43] Xantcha: *yeah, though not exactly sure since I'm more plannin to kill the knives inside the dress*
[16:43] GM: Alright, roll clinch-ness
[16:44] GM: +1 die for a stunt...so, 6 dice total
[16:44] Xantcha: 4 successes)
[16:45] GM: *he screams as you get him...roll 3 for damage
[16:45] GM: *though said scream is muffeled*
[16:45] Xantcha: 2 successes)
[16:46] GM: *he tries to flail out....*
[16:47] GM: (roll strength+MA)
[16:47] Xantcha: (MA?)
[16:48] GM: (martial arts if you have it)
[16:48] Xantcha: (no successes)
[16:50] GM: *he manages to weakly break out using his superior skills...* "M-Mercy" *quietly, trying to hobble back*
[16:50] GM: "M-m-mercy...please..."
[16:53] GM: *he's quite obviously bleeding heavily, though there's a little bit of fight left in him*
[16:54] Xantcha: (>.> well she's gonna be the talk of the order, she gets a kiss stolen and the following night the guys dead with two broken arms xD )
[16:54] GM: (hehe)
[16:57] Xantcha: "I could let you off..." *she flings her dress, getting the blood out before putting it back on**she listens for any footsteps coming this way*
[16:57] GM: *it's mostly on the inside...it looks a bit ruffled but still nice*
[16:57] GM: *and roll awareness + perception
[16:58] Xantcha: 3 successes
[16:58] GM: *you hear no one...in fact...you swear there's some light chuckling but that's about it...*
[16:59] Xantcha: (would she be breaking any grass spider rules by letting him off?)
[17:00] GM: (yeah, sorta, he knows her face and one of the things is not to be identified ^^)
[17:01] Xantcha: walks off to a window "though I'll get in trouble though" she turns back, pulls out a knife and flings it at his head
[17:02] GM: *roll accuracy, +1 die for stunt!*
[17:04] Xantcha: 6 successes
[17:04] Xantcha: (she's scary with thrown weapons...)
[17:04] GM: *roll 8 damage dice!
[17:04] Xantcha: 7 successes)
[17:05] GM: *you catch him in the brain as he spasms once...dead*
[17:05] GM: *hmmm, this was a dragonblooded's room, maybe he might have a few nice goodies?* *that is if you want to take the time to wait...*
[17:06] Xantcha: she decides to search the room, putting her clothes back on and wrapping her scarf around her face
[17:07] Xantcha: might as well search as I'm not getting the reward...
[17:07] GM: *Roll perception + awareness!*
[17:08] Xantcha: 4 successes)
[17:08] GM: *you find, in his personal effects, a green jade powerbow and an orichalcum chain shirt?! Ooooh, nice*
[17:09] GM: *also, some poisons...and a bit of jade...*
[17:09] GM: *you've got no idea what they actually are but still....you can ask later! For now...though*
[17:10] Xantcha: definitely worth keeping...pockets the items bagging the powerboy and shirt as she heads out the window..hopefully its facing an area away from the guards or other monks
[17:11] GM: *indeed it is....roll a Dexterity+stealth+city specialty and an Atheltics+Dexterity+leaping just for me, oki? ^^
[17:11] Xantcha: (all together? xD )
[17:12] GM: (no, it's 2 dice rolls, 10 for one, 12 for the other(
[17:13] Xantcha: 8 voices for the 10 one and 6 for the other
[17:13] GM: Voices? @_@
[17:13] Xantcha: successes* xD
[17:14] GM: And you get home completely unmolested...even jumping through the window into the safehouse....*
[17:15] Xantcha: she gives a sigh of relief as she drops the trophies on her bed, walking over to the mirror
[17:15] GM: *you look...fine, normal, though you know, that just a simple expenditure of essence can cause you to glow*
[17:18] Xantcha: she grabs a towel and washes up a bit, can't help giving a bit of a giggle at what had happened before slumping off to bed, hiding the bow and shirt underneath the bed
[17:19] GM: *you wake up the next morning to relative normalcy...you had dreams the night before but they're hazy, indistinct*
[17:20] GM: they were*
[17:21] Xantcha: she got up and switched out of her clothes, replacing her dress with a less blood stained one. "I should get myself washed off or something..."
[17:23] GM: *Indeed....the next few days are....well, surprisingly normal. There's rumors of course, about who killed that young monk....but, the only thing definite about it was that it was most likely the work of the Grass Spiders....no one else would have been able to do that...and sneaking in so easily*
[17:24] Xantcha: "I hope uncle won't be too mad about this..."
[17:24] GM: *it's about a week since your Exaltation when you hear a knock on your room's door*
[17:25] Xantcha: "hmm?" she walks over to her door and slowly opens it
[17:26] GM: *Uncle...looking...well, you've never seen this look on his face before* "Xantcha..." *a slight grin*
[17:27] Xantcha: "yes Uncle?"
[17:28] GM: "Isn't it interesting that a day after you were given an assignment to observe a young Immaculate, that he was found dead, three throwing knives on his body and his belongings taken?"
[17:29] Xantcha: "yeah...rather peculiar incident..."
[17:30] GM: "And how the assassin that was supposed to eliminate him found him dead a few moments after he screamed something about an Anathema...."
[17:31] GM: "And how he saw you walking into the temple...looking for that monk?"
[17:31] GM: *he's not angry....it's....amused almost it seems*
[17:31] Xantcha: "...well it's kind of a long story actually..."
[17:32] GM: "Uh huh..." *amused, very amused*
[17:32] GM: "Why don't you tell me it"
[17:33] Xantcha: "well...he tried to have his way with me...things happened and..."
[17:34] GM: "And?"
Xantcha: "well a bloody fight ensued and he kinda...dropped dead ...well um he started the whole thing first..."
GM: "Dropped dead?"
Xantcha: *looks away* "after a knife in the brain..."
GM: "Yes, that was a good shot...now, the question is, how could a mortal, even one as skilled as you, manage to defeat a trained Immaculate?"
Xantcha: "I got lucky?"
GM: "And why was he screaming about Anathema?"
Xantcha: "he was just babbling?" she sighs "alright fine...I exalted during the incident..."
GM: *he nods* "Now it's good you're being honest with me..."
Xantcha: ( xD how can say that with a straight face?)
Xantcha: "...thats a bad thing, isn't it?"
GM: "Yes and no..."
GM: *he sighs* "Xani....you will have to leave us for a while...but"
GM: *a hug, he's only like this rarely*
GM: "you're not getting kicked out...."
GM: "Just.....come back to us in a while, okay?"
[Xantcha: "alright..."
GM: "Now" *out of nearly no where he grins, pulling out a pair of wrapped packages, a large pack, and a few other things*
GM: "Now, can I have the bow you looted...everything else here is yours"
Xantcha: "yes, uncle" she goes to under her bed and pulls out the bow, unwrapping them, handing it to him. She then takes the packages, settling them down on the floor
GM: "Good, now" *hugging* "I'll see you later, I promise" *a grin, pulling out a small flash bomb and tossing it on the floor...when it clears up, he's gone*
Xantcha: *blinks* "you could've walked off instead..."
GM: *he could have, but that's not the grass spider way ^^*
Xantcha: she unwraps the packages to see what they were
GM: *a pair of....Typhoon Wheels? But they're golden....meant for you*
GM: *a hefty quantity of jade and gems (resources 3), and a few other things that I'll discover later*
GM: *reveal
Xantcha: (whee typhoon wheels ^^)
GM: *but for now....your adventure lies ahead of you, infinite possibilities*
GM: *and even more dangers as the prelude closes ^^*
Well, Goodbye.