
"I sense a soul in search of answers.  I shalt eat him."

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Epic Destinies (old, used as a testing topic)

Started by Anastasia, March 08, 2010, 07:47:36 PM

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Work in progress, moved over from my private working board. Comments, suggestions and more are welcome. Both of these are distinctly in a 1st draft phase.

An epic destiny is a fate your character takes on once they reach the epic level of game play. It offers great power, great reward and great responsibility as they become part of Creation.  Fulfilling one does not mean the end of a career or character; in fact, the greatest challenges of all lie in lofty heights of immortal power. Epic destinies are meant to be what forges a character into what they will be for eternity. Most epic destinies offer immortality of some form, but not all do so. Not all creatures have epic destinies, nor do all powerful entities have one. These are designed with PCs and allied NPCs in mind, not neutral or opposed NPCs, as they are balanced in other ways instead.

An epic destiny effects your character at level 21, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30. Most epic destinies are unique, suited for the unique champion who has reached this level of potential.  Not all epic destinies are equal; there are true epic destinies and lesser epic destinies. True epic destinies are meant for PCs and offer great power and great sacrifice. Lesser epic destinies are meant more for NPCs or lower powered games, with less reward but less sacrifice.

Example true epic destiny: Ascension.

Your destiny lies not in the mortal realm. No, you are called to control and lead a part of Creation.  You are to rule and rule you shall.

21: Transformation, Drawbacks, +2 to ability scores, Rank 0.
22: +4 to ability scores, epic strike, Immunity to Form Altering or Ability Damage, Damage Reduction 10/Epic
24: +6 to ability scores, Right of Home(1), bonus feat.
26: +8 to ability scores, Domain, Spell Resistance or immunity to energy drain.
28: +10 to ability scores, bonus feat, Right of Home+2, natural armor or deflection bonus.
30: Maximum HP per HD, Salient Divine Ability, Right of Home+3.


The choice:

When taken, this destiny requires a choice between becoming a divinity or a planar lord. While this destiny's powers don't change based on this choice, it does have several profound role-playing and development consequences.


Transformation (Ex)

At level 21 the being's type changes to outsider and it gains the (native) subtype within its own realm. At the being's discretion it may take any alignment subtypes that match its alignment, but once chosen the choice cannot be undone. The being may change its appearance to suit its new station, changing size category by one larger or smaller, changing any natural attacks (for example swapping claws for slam attacks, although the damage values should remain the same), or other cosmetic changes. Once chosen, these alterations cannot be undone.

Drawbacks (Ex)

(Fill in later to suit the character in question; see below.)

Overwhelming Presence (Ex)

Any item that grants an enhancement bonus to an ability score ceases to function on the nascent divinity. Spells or innate powers that grant these bonuses continue to function as normal.

Limited Planar Travel (Ex)

When attempting to travel onto another plane by means of a Conjuration (Teleportation) effect, the intrusion is immediately noted by the designated ruler of the plane, who may choose to deny entry by means of an opposed Rank check. If the interloper wins the rank check, they arrive as normal but their location is known to the host. If the host wins the rank check, they can either deny entry or divert the interloper to any space within their domain. Travel via portals is not affected, nor are effects of the Summoning/Calling subschools.

Faithful Defiance (Ex)

The presence of the being's opposite alignment is innately repellent. Upon contact with a desecrated or unhallowed area, the being must make a successful rank check against the power the area is devoted to, or else be barred from entry. Upon a successful check, the area immediately becomes consecrated to the interloper, and the original owner of the area is notified which may result in a servant or avatar being sent to deal with the invader. Desecrated or Unhallowed areas may still be dispelled as normal.

Ability Boost (Ex)

The being's superior energy grants ability beyond that of  mortal means. The being gain a +2 enhancement bonus to all ability scores. This increases to +4 at level 22, +6 at level 24, +8 at level 26 and +10 at level 28.

Rank 0 (Di)

At level 1 gain either Divine or Cosmic Rank 0. This Rank entitles the being to make opposed rank checks against other powers (indeed, many of the new abilities require it) for the purpose of adjudicating conflicts in abilities between them. None of the other benefits of rank are applied, except those granted by further levels in the class.

Epic Strike (Su)

The being's natural and weapon attacks count as epic to overcome damage reduction.

Damage Reduction (Su)

The being gains damage reduction 10/epic. If the being already possesses damage reduction of any kind except /-, it is folded into this. So a being with damage reduction 5/Evil would change to 10/Epic and Evil.

Immunity to form altering OR immunity to ability damage (Ex)

The being may choose to become immune to form altering or ability damage, but not both. Once made the choice cannot be undone.

Right of Home(1) (Di)

You gain a +1 bonus on rank checks within your home plane. This increases to +2 at level 28 and +3 at level 30.

Bonus Feat

Levels 24 and 28 grant bonus feats from the following list: Great Charisma, Great Constitution, Great Dexterity, Great Intelligence Great Strength, Great Wisdom.

Domain (Su)

At 26th level the being selects a cleric domain appropriate to it's ethos. The being gains the granted power of the domain and is treated as a cleric equal to it's hit dice for it. The spells granted by the domain become available as spell like abilities. Abilities from 1st to 3rd level can be used at will, 4th to 6th three times per day and 7th to 9th once per day.

Spell Resistance or Immunity to Energy Drain

The being can choose to gain spell resistance equal to it's hit dice + 12 or immunity to energy drain.

Natural Armor or Deflection Bonus

The being can choose to gain a +13 bonus to natural armor(This overlaps with pre-existing natural armor) or gain their charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to armor class.

Maximum HP per HD (Ex)

You gain the maximum hit points per hit die, now and retroactively. You never roll hit dice, the best possible result is assumed.

Salient Divine Ability (Ex)

Any feats you gain from this level on (30, 33, 36, ect) may be salient divine abilities. You must meet all the prerequisites of the ability to take it. See: Each ability will require DM approval.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Opal Angel of Redemption

Type: Lesser epic destiny.

Bearer: Antenora

21:  Transformation, Burden, Mercy.
22: Convictions, bonus feat
24: Spell Resistance, Atonement
26: Hope of Heaven, bonus feat
28: Resolve, Magic Circle
30: Opal Knight of Redemption, bonus feat.


Antenora's form shifts in accordance with the destiny she has taken on at Alicia's side. (The exact effects will be revealed when she gets there)

Burden (Ex)

More than any other, Antenora knows the wickedness that whispers in the heart of fiends, evil and the Fallen.  She must attempt to turn it away from it's path. This may be as simple as a few words in combat, but if given better chance, Antenora will attempt more. This applies once combat begins and after her first turn. If she does not, she suffers a -3 morale penalty to attack rolls, armor class and saving throws. This lasts until the end of the battle.

Mercy (Su)

Violence against evil cannot be helped. Yet death does nothing to save the wicked, it should only be a last resort. Antenora may choose to deal non-lethal damage with her attacks, spells and spell like abilities without penalty. Choosing the type of damage she inflicts is a free action, but if her attack damages more than one creature, each creature must take the same type of damage; that is, she cannot inflict non-lethal and lethal damage at the same time.

Convictions (Ex)

Having risen from the Pit, Antenora is dedicated to never return to evil. She gains a +10 saving throw bonus against any magic that would compel her to commit evil. Examples include charm person from an evil caster, morality undone, dominate monster and so forth. If a saving throw is not allowed, she is allowed one at a -15 penalty. (Calculate the save as 10+1/2 HD+charisma modifier).

Bonus feat

At level 22, 26 and 30, Antenora gains a bonus epic feat. This may be any epic feat she qualifies for. She may also select any exalted feat, epic or non-epic.

Spell Resistance

At level 24, Antenora's spell resistance improves to 13+hit dice.

Atonement (Sp)

Antenora gains atonement as a spell like ability 3/day. This draws on Mystra or Alicia's power as appropriate.

Hope of Heaven (Su)

As a standard action, Antenora may spread the light of the Realms Above around her in a 30 foot radius.  Any creature here is afflicted as by Vision of Heaven (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + charisma modifier to negate) with a caster level equal to her hit die.  Any creature who fails the save will be unable to forget what they have seen for seven days, hearing the call of forgiveness. This ability does not force them to do anything, but insists on showing them what can be. This manifests as gnawing doubt and guilt over the evil they have done.

Resolve (Su)

When confronting evil, Antenora's words of atonement gain greater power from the depths of her heart. She gains a sacred bonus equal to one half of her hit dice on diplomacy, intimidate, bluff and sense motive checks. This applies only to checks attempting to reform and redeem evil.

Protective Aura (Su)

As the angel racial ability.

Opal Angel of Redemption (Ex)

Antenora has reached the pinnacle of her destiny. All who view her true form see the promise of redemption embodied by her.  When casting Atonement as a spell like ability, she may choose to also invoke Sanctify the Wicked. If she chooses to do so, she requires no material focus or sacrifice component. She instead takes the soul into her spirit, where it undergoes the effect of Sanctify the Wicked over the course of one week. During this time, Antenora suffers 1 negative level for every 2 HD or levels the creature possesses, as she bears the weight of the creature's sins on her spirit. These negative levels cannot be removed by any means short of removing the soul from her through a wish or miracle spell, in which case the soul's body reforms as it was before.

At the end of the week, the reformed spirit emerges with the Sanctified Creature template, or another suitable template depending on the type of creature reformed.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Here's what I've come up with for Alicia's specific stuff.

21 lose Spellfire, lose ring of eternal celerity benefits (weapon focus and +2 dex), lose human bonus skill points
22 Lord of Sylica
24 Lady of War
28 Silver Fire

Lord of Sylica (Di)
The time taken to change the weather or environment of Sylica is reduced to one minute. No constitution drain is suffered from attempting this. Additionally, Alicia can render any magical or supernatural effect permanent within Sylica by focusing for one minute. She can likewise dispel any magical or supernatural effect within her realm as a standard action.

Lady of War (Di)
Those who follow Alicia into battle benefit from her skill and experience. All of her allies within 300 feet can gain one of the following benefits, selected by Alicia as a swift action. All bonuses are morale.
- Defensive formation. +2 bonus to AC and +2 bonus to saves.
- Rapid Assault. Movement is doubled and +2 bonus to attack.
- Defeat in detail. +4 bonus to attack and +4d6 damage vs a single target designated by Alicia.

Silver Fire (Di)
Having adapted the spellfire ability that once was imbued within her, Alicia has manifested the true divine root of such power, no longer reliant on absorbing spells for its power, and able to employ it with superior finesse and skill.
- Once every 1d4 rounds Alicia can surround herself in an aura of silver-white flames as an immediate action. These grant a 50% miss chance against attacks and employ a Superior Dispelling against any magical effects targetted at her (either counterspelling spells or dispelling magic weapons).
- Every 1d4 rounds Alicia can unleash from within her body a beautiful beam of silver-white flame. This beam is 5 feet wide and can be made to extend as far as 360 feet if desired, breaking through barriers as a divine blast would and dealing 1d10 times hit dice damage (Reflex half). Alicia can also elect to use less power, dealing as little as 10 damage. The beam can be narrowed to a ray attack and used with laser precision as a ranged touch attack which permits no reflex save. Any nonliving object touched by the beam must make a fort save or be destroyed.
- Once per minute with a touch can bestow the effects of a Heal, Greater Restoration, or Regenerate spell.


The Fool

Type: Lesser

Bearer: Guess who.

21: Foolish, Luck of the Fool+1
22: He said WHAT?!, bonus feat.
24: Luck of the Fool+2
26: Bonus feat, Savant
28: Luck of the Fool+3, Oh, it's your fault, not mine.
30: Bonus feat, Unkillable.

Foolish (Ex)

Donald is a man who just doesn't care about it anymore. Here's here to have fun and enjoy himself to the utmost, feasting on life. He suffers a -2 penalty to wisdom. He automatically fails all Sense Motive checks.

Luck of the Fool (Su)

It's said that Tymora watches over fools. Donald is certainly lucky, gaining a +1 luck bonus to armor class and saving throws. This bonus increases to +2 at level 24 and to +3 at level 28.

He said WHAT?! (Ex)

Once per day as a swift action, Donald can say something profoundly insulting and stupid. The target is enraged, desiring to smash Donald into itty-bitty pieces. They gain a +4 bonus to hit and damage against Donald, but suffer a -4 penalty to armor class. A will save (DC 10 + 1/2 HD + Dunno the stat, needs to be competitive) negates.

Bonus feat

At level 22, 26 and 30, Donald gains a bonus epic feat. This may be any epic feat he qualifies for. He may also select any luck feat, epic or non-epic. (Note: Don't like luck feats much, but the synergy and nod to the concept is too good to ignore for now.)

Savant (Su)

Despite it all, Donald is really good at what he does. Three times per day he may choose to take 15 on any roll.

Oh, it's your fault, not mine! (Su)

Somehow, Donald maintains his station against all logic. Once per day as a free action he can redirect one targeted effect on him to another valid target within 30 feet. He must declare this once the effect is announced but before it resolves.

Unkillable (Ex)

Tymora must be watching him every second, since he's lived this long! If an effect or attack would reduce Donald to 0 HP or below, he is allowed a DC 10 constitution check. Success prevents him from going below one HP. For each check after the first per day, the DC goes up by 3.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Diamond Angel of the Radiance

Type: Lesser

Bearer: Latha

21: Transformation, Knowledge of the Truth, Absolute Light 2d6.
22: Undying Truth, Isolation.
24: Bonus feat, Absolute Light 4d6, Transcendence, Silence.
26: The Answer, Absolute Glory.
28: Bonus feat, Absolute Light 7d6.
30: Diamond Angel of Radiance,


Latha's form shifts in accordance with the destiny she has taken on at Alicia's side. (The exact effects will be revealed when she gets there)

Knowledge of the Truth (Ex)

Latha has seen the Truth of Chronias. A small part of her will always be reaching forward to enter into Chronias. Latha suffers from a -2 penalty to spot and listen, as well as a -2 modifier to initiative, as her mind often mediates on the Truth.

Absolute Light (Su)

From the Truth comes the Light of Chronias. This can be seen in Latha's face. To those of purity and good it is a balm, terrifying and reassuring. To those who follow evil, it is unstoppable fury. Any evil creature within 30 feet of Latha takes 2d6 holy damage per round.

At level 24 this damage increases to 4d6 and at level 28 it increases to 7d6.

Undying Truth (Ex)

Sustained on the light of Chronias, Latha will not succumb. She gains regeneration equal to 2/3rds of her hit dice. This may be bypassed by weapons that defeat her DR (Evil, silver and by this time epic) or spells with the evil descriptor.

Isolation (Ex)

Who in these realms can understand Chronias? Latha's attention becomes yet more introverted, stifling her communication. She loses the tongues special ability and suffers a -3 penalty to diplomacy, bluff and intimidate.

Bonus feat

At level 24 and 28, Latha gains a bonus epic feat. This may be any epic feat she qualifies for. She may also select any exalted feat, epic or non-epic.

Transcendence (Ex)

So filled with the light of Chronias, Latha is almost impossible to wound. She gains 10 points to her damage reduction.

Silence (Ex)

The answers yet elude Latha. The world dims to her, her mind desiring nothing but to ponder Chronias. She loses the telepathy special quality.

The Answer (Ex)

At level 26, Latha has begun to understand. It is not that she has turned away from Chronias, but that one cannot be isolated from Chronias. She regains her telepathy special quality, with the range increases to 200 feet. Further, the effects of Isolation are undone.

Absolute Glory (Su)

Latha is surrounded by a blazing halo of radiance, 30ft radius. This light automatically dazzles any evil creatures within, as well as dispelling any darkness effects(Dispel check equals her hit die) it comes in contact with. The righteous find it to be illuminating instead, granting a +7 sacred bonus to spot checks.

Diamond Angel of Radiance (Su)

So blessed, Latha at last understands. She is as much Chronias as Chronias is. It is not her place atop the mountain, but to spread Chronias at the side of Alicia, for it is the will of the Truth. In a great pyre of light her physical body burns away, leaving an incandescent form in it's place. Latha gains another 10 points to her damage reduction and her charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to armor class. This otherwise functions as a normal physical body.

Latha may choose to assume a 'normal' physical body as a swift action.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Not certain how to choose more appropriate sacrifices, or how to put them better into writing. Input would be appreciated.

21: Lose Frightful Presence. Gain the burden of divinity (must like the labors of the famous myth of Hercules, Seira must complete her own labors to prove herself worthy of divinity).

22: Sacred Defense (Di)

Her desire for righteousness drives Seira further in her attempts to shield her allies from harm! By consciously desiring such, Seira can with a swift action will every ally within 60ft of her to spontaneously combust, becoming shrouded in perfect, divine flames that do not harm those they protect. Seira then uses the manifested shields of golden fire to bestow her allies with a sacred bonus to saves and AC equal to half her Charisma modifier for a number of rounds equal to her hit dice.

24: Divine Aura (Di)

This aura surrounds Seira at a radius of 300ft, and is always active unless she chooses to deactivate it. Seira can choose to exclude her own allies from the effect of her aura. Creatures within the aura must make a Will save (DC 10 + ½ of Seira's HD + Seira's Charisma modifier + Seira's DvR) or be affected by it.

With a swift action, Seira can change the two effects her divine aura takes:
-Fear. Creatures that fail their saving throws are shaken, while those that succeed are immune to the effect of Seira's divine aura for 24 hours. If Seira enters combat with them (attacks, charges, casts a combat spell or uses a combat spell-like/supernatural ability), shaken creatures must attempt a second Will save (same DC) or become frightened.
-Daze. Seira can cause affected creatures to become dazed, simply staring at her divine magnificence in fascinated awe, if they fail their Will saves.

As as immediate action that Seira can take only under specific conditions, she is able to invoke a third effect. Seira can only use this option in the defense of innocent life, or when participating in a battle to directly protect such.
-Resolve. All of Seira's allies within the radius of her aura receive a +4 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and checks (ability/skill/initiative/caster level). Her foes must succeed on a Will saving throw or take a –4 penalty on attack rolls, saves, and checks (same DC).

28. True Ascension (Di)

As the culmination of her efforts to fully come into her own power as a nascent divinity, Seira gains the ability to call upon the perfect defense of the prism, as well as innate knowledge of how such a defense comes together, forming a whole greater than its parts. It is this mesh of mortal magic, intricately woven together, that Seira had learned to bend to her will, gaining the ability to call upon the seven veils that make up a prismatic wall. The veils, appearing as bright bonfires that can be identified by their color, may be called separately or in various combinations either in Seira's personal defense or in the form of a wall to also shield her allies from harm. The veils both serve to guard Seira from ill effects and visiting such upon anyone attempting to breach through them. Seira may choose to exclude her allies from the ill effects of the veils at the time she creates them.

The relevant DC for the veils is DC 10 + ½ of Seira's HD + Seira's Intelligence modifier + Seira's DvR. The relevant CL for range, effect and for purposes of dispelling or bypassing SR is equal to Seira's HD.

The veils can be used in the following fashion:

Veils of Absolute Protection
-The rainbow of fire is always ready to defend Seira from harm, serving at her beck and call. Every 1d4 rounds, as an Immediate action Seira can call into being a Prismatic Wall or Prismatic Sphere, either fully or partially. The protection lasts until Seira's next turn. Each missing veil raises the DC to dispel that specific warding by a cumulative +1.

Prisms of Destruction
-Sometimes, offense if the best defense, as the saying goes. Every 1d4 rounds, as a Standard action Seira can call into being two Prismatic Rays or a single Prismatic Spray featuring veils of her choice. Each missing veil raises the DC of that specific warding by a cumulative +1.
Seira can double the amount or Rays or Sprays she calls upon if she evokes them entirely at random. An 8 is assumed to have been rolled for all the initial rolls with the random variant, and is assumed to not be available with the hand-picked variant.

Divine Fury
-A true manifestation of Seira's mastery of the pinnacle of mortal magic and ingenuity. Once per minute, Seira can designate one creature within 360ft and turn magical effects currently affecting the creature against it. This effect functions like a targetted Superior Dispelling, except that for every spell or effect negated on the target, the effect of one veil is visited on the victim as if the subject had crossed it. The veils created around the victim proceed through the spectrum from red to violet.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Okay, let's compare the EDs and see how they shake out! Sacrifices first, then powers as you gain then.

Alicia: Loses spellfire, the ring of eternal celerity and her human skill point bonus.
Seira: Loses frightful presence, has undefined labors to take on.

I think Alicia sacrifices more here.  I consider spellfire a greater loss than frightful presence, and it's replacement takes longer to arrive.  The ring and the human skill point aren't huge losses and I won't dwell on them. The labors aren't really much of a sacrifice. The very concept of the game assumes adventurers and the sort of thing that's like labors, and I'm likely to do things like this anyway. Not that this isn't a good concept and a good idea, but it's just sorta redundant. Cor, I'd recommend adding something else here.

Next up the 22 powers.

Lord of Sylica is nice but mostly flavor.  This makes it very hard to assign much value to. The one point is the realm permanencies, assuming it just means special planar effects it's fine. Eb, I think you undershot here. I'd consider adding another power here.

Sacred Defense is solid. Half of her Seira's charisma modifier is about +2 now(round down) and this'll slowly rise. This power may unbalance higher in gameplay, but I don't see it as a huge issue. Making it swift action puts it on par with a devotion feat, though I don't see a note of how many times per day it can be used and how often.

Now onto 24. Lady of War is a good power for a War divinity. Large range morale boosts with some flexibility fit the concept and Alicia's style. Is starting it up meant to be a swift action as well or a standard?

Divine Aura, lessee...first power is fine with two saves to avoid the worst of it. The second power is a lot meatier and really the draw of the ability. It's a meaty save or suck if it's fascinate and a pretty much a save or die if it's stun.  EDIT: I meant to add to this part, dur. No matter which it is, this is really, really, really good. This is the sort of ability that wins battles before they start sorta good.

For the third I'm not really sure how the drawback compensates. This will essentially come down to situational uses and DM fiat on what qualifies, which is it's own pile of worms.  Question: Durations, what are they for all of these? How long do they last? Does the second power daze or fascinate, since you mentioned both?

28. Silver fire. For the first ability, how long does the protective silver fire last? (On consulting) One round, okay.

Seira, let's see. First off, you mention SR in your writeup. Non SLAs and spells don't deal with spell resistance unless they specifically note they do. Are you saying that this ability does and allows it? If so, how? (On consulting) No, okay.  On reviewing this ability side by side, it's really damned potent. Veil of Absolute protection is too good at what it does. To compare it to the silver fire power that's similar? Silver fire gives 50% miss chance and the capacity to counter-spell magic that targets Alicia. The problem is that the prismatics are meant to be absolute defenses. A full prismatic sphere is almost impossible to breech without specific counter-measures.  When you have that as an immediate action, you're going to shut down most attacks completely.

Second one, explain it a little better?

The third ability is really good as well. I'd make the veils random here at the very least.


Long story short, Eb needs to boost his EB a bit and Seira needs to tone hers down.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


21 lose Spellfire, lose ring of eternal celerity benefits (weapon focus and +2 dex), human bonus skill points, Knowledge Devotion
22 Lord of Sylica, Mistress of the Duel
24 Lady of War
28 Silver Fire

Lord of Sylica (Di)
The time taken to change the weather or environment of Sylica is reduced to one minute. No constitution drain is suffered from attempting this. Additionally, Alicia can render any magical or supernatural effect permanent within Sylica by focusing for one minute. She can likewise dispel any magical or supernatural effect within her realm as a standard action.

Mistress of the Duel (Di)
By testing her foes' defences and wearing them down, Alicia can determine the most efficient way to achieve victory. Every round after the first, Alicia gains a cumulative +2 insight bonus to all rolls concerning an opponent she is in battle with, while her opponent suffers a cumulative -2 penalty to all rolls concerning Alicia. Thus if Alicia has been in battle with two pit fiends for three rounds, the modifiers would be +4/-4 respectively. If a Cornugon enters battle on the third round, then Alicia would gain a +2/-2 advantage over it on the fourth round, while the Pit Fiends would be on +6/-6. The benefits of this ability remain in place as long as combat lasts, but end if Alicia and her opponent are seperated for more than three rounds, and must start again if battle is rejoined.

Lady of War (Di)
Those who follow Alicia into battle benefit from her skill and experience. Prior to a battle as a full round action, Alicia can give a rousing speech to inspire her followers into combat. Alternatively she can give a brief exhortation on the field as a standard action, in which case the benefits are halved. She chooses the benefit gained when giving the speech, but can change it as a swift action afterwards. All who hear Alicia retain the benefits for one minute, or for as long as they remain within 300 feet of Alicia.
- Defensive formation. +4 competency bonus to AC and +4 competency bonus to saves.
- Rapid Assault. Movement is increased by 40 and +4 competency bonus to attack and caster level checks to defeat spell resistance.
- Defeat in detail. +8 competency bonus to attack and +6d6 damage vs a single target designated by Alicia.

Silver Fire (Di)
Having adapted the spellfire ability that once was imbued within her, Alicia has manifested the true divine root of such power, no longer reliant on absorbing spells for its power, and able to employ it with superior finesse and skill.
- Once every 1d4 rounds Alicia can surround herself in an aura of silver-white flames as an immediate action for one round. These grant a 50% miss chance against attacks and employ a Superior Dispelling against any magical effects targetted at her (either counterspelling spells or dispelling magic weapons).
- Every 1d4 rounds Alicia can unleash from within her body a beautiful beam of silver-white flame. This beam is 5 feet wide and can be made to extend as far as 360 feet if desired, breaking through barriers as a divine blast would and dealing 1d10 times hit dice damage (Reflex half). Alicia can also elect to use less power, dealing as little as 1d10 damage. The beam can be narrowed to a ray attack and used with laser precision as a ranged touch attack which permits no reflex save. Any nonliving object touched by the beam must make a fort save or be destroyed.
- Once per minute with a touch can bestow the effects of a Heal, Greater Restoration, or Regenerate spell.


21: Lose Frightful Presence, Trials


Starting out on her path of divinity, Seira has limits placed upon her until she is able to truly come into her own. She is barred from enjoying the benefits of ongoing support from any deity (but not planar lords). In practical terms, any permanent alterations made to her base form is allowed, while one that continues to draw on a fraction of a deity's power or provide her with additional abilties is not; having her body turned into a dragon would be alright, giving her the ability to change to one and back would not be. Seira is also explicitely barred from receiving overt support from Waukeen, be it in form of material gifts or any direct help Waukeen could offer her.

Seira loses the following benefits:  Travel Devotion (Waukeen), Dragon's Greed (Waukeen), Goldenfire (Kossuth), +1 CL bonus to all fire-typed spells; once per day, you can change any spell to deal half fire damage and half of its original damage (Kossuth).
*Locate Object 3/day was subsumed by the red dragon's Locate Object 5/day SLA, and its loss is irrelevant.

22. Protect the Innocents (Di)

Those who can fight have a responsibility to protect the innocent bystandard caught in a crossfire. As a standard action, Seira can will all the allied noncombatants within 1,000ft to be shielded within Resilient Spheres. The spheres remain for two minutes. By once again devoting a standard action to concentrate on maintaining the defenses, Seira can extend the duration by two minutes from that point on with each use.

22. Burning Spirit (Di)

Everyone in need deserves protection. Yet it is only those willing to fight back who may grasp true power. Those brave souls are the ones Seira supports with all her might! Allies within 60ft of Seira burst into golden flames, dealing +15 fire with every melee attack they make, and any creature striking them in melee (and not with a reach weapon) or grappling with them takes 15 fire damage. Seira needs a swift action to activate this power, and it lasts for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma with each use.

24. Indomitable Spirit (Di)

An aura Seira radiates for 200ft. Allies within it have their fiery spirits encouraged by a manifestation of Seira's supreme confidence in the righteousness of their cause. They receive the benefits of +4 morale to attacks, saves, ability/skill/initiative/caster level checks, a +4 enhancement to charisma and immunity from fear effects.

28. Divine Fire (Di)

Seira discovers the ability once granted to her by Kossuth, and learns to apply it across the board.
-For Seira, fire is treated the same as divine, untyped damage, be it for her breath, spells, abilities or divine powers.
-If Seira chooses not to convert her fire damage in such a manner, it is instead boosted. All fire damage is to be treated as if it were maximized in such a case.
Seira is able to choose the desired effect with a free action before calling on her fire.

Seira regains Waukeen's direct support at this time, having proven herself, and her period of trials ends.

*Domain-wise, trying to see how Retribution fits.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Round 2...fight!

21: Let's see. The sacrifices line up better now, I think. Seira gives up frightful presence and travel devotion on top of odds and ends. Alicia gives up spellfire, knowledge devotion and odds and ends. This is is roughly equivalent.

22: Protect the Innocents is a solid flavor move, entirely defense. Okay. Lord of Sylica is fine(though rank checks would probably come into it if another cosmic or divine entity created the effect Alicia is trying to dispel) and mostly flavor. Mistress of the Duel is really strong; does the rising stat boost from it cap or does it rise indefinitely? Anyway, I think Alicia gets the better of that one.

24: Indomitable spirit is definitely the draw of this for Seira. It's greater heroism+++ in aura form. Lady of War is almost as good, but trades a bit of power for flexibility.

28: I think Silver Fire is rather better here, though I've been over both and I'm not going to belabor it.

I think Eb's is a little stronger; Cor could -slightly- boost his or Eb could tone down his a bit. Either way they're about done.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


True Occult Slayer

Type:  Lesser.

Bearer: Commander Oberuth.

21: Impeded Magic, Improved Weapon Bond+2d6
22: Bonus feat, Improved Magical Defense+4
24: Improved Weapon Bond+3d6, Spell Resistance.
26: Bonus feat, Improved Magical Defense+5
28: Improved Weapon Bond+4d6, Nondetection Aura
30: Bonus feat, improved magical defense+6, vanquish magic.

Impeded Magic (Ex)

Helpful spells and spell-like abilities are halved in effectiveness when cast on Commander Oberuth. Healing spells heal only half the normal amount, boosting spells last only half as long and so forth. The only exception is spells that are explicitly anti-magical, such as antimagic aura and spell immunity.

Improved Weapon Bond (Su)

Oberuth's weapon bond increases by 1d6 to 2d6 at level 21, 3d6 at level 24 and to 4d6 at level 28.

Improved Magical Defense (Ex)

Oberuth's bonus to saves against spells and spell-like abilities rises to +4 at level 22,+5 at level 26 and +6 at level 30.

Bonus feat

At levels 22, 26 and 30 Oberuth gains a bonus feat. This may be any epic feat he qualifies for. He may also select any fighter bonus feat, epic or non-epic.

Spell Resistance

Commander Oberuth gains spell resistance equal to his hit dice + 11.

Nondetection Aura (Su)

So great is the anti-magic around Oberuth that his protection against magical divination envelopes everyone within a 20 foot radius. Further, the caster level of nondetection now matches his total hit dice.

Vanquish Magic (Su)

Oberuth can mentally suppress any spell or magical effect used within, brought into, or cast into a 10-foot-radius emanation centered on his person, as the antimagic field spell, for up to 100 minutes. This ability only functions when Oberuth is wielding the particular weapon that he has a weapon bond with and can be expended gradually, using up a minimum of 10 minutes at a time.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Syala's ED. A little stronger than I like for NPCs, but the situation makes it unavoidable.

21: Yin to Yang, Attuned to the Earth 1 +2 to ability scores, Rank 0.
22: +4 to ability scores, epic strike, Immunity to Form Altering or Ability Damage, Damage Reduction 10/Epic
24: +6 to ability scores, Right of Home(1), attuned to the earth 2
26: +8 to ability scores, Domain, Spell Resistance or immunity to energy drain.
28: +10 to ability scores, Right of Home+2, natural armor or deflection bonus.
30: Maximum HP per HD, Salient Divine Ability, Right of Home+3, attuned to the earth 3

Yin to Yang (Ex)

As Alicia is the martial leader of Sylica, Syala is the nurturing mother of Sylica.  Her martial nature softens slightly, focusing more on creative and non-aggressive pursuits(by her standards). She suffers a -2 to strength, as well as losing her blade barrier SLA.

Attuned to the Earth (Ex)

At level 21 Syala's druid spellcasting level equals one half of her hit dice. At level 24 it equals 2/3rds of her hit dice, and at level 30 it equals her hit dice.

Overwhelming Presence (Ex)

Any item that grants an enhancement bonus to an ability score ceases to function on the nascent divinity. Spells or innate powers that grant these bonuses continue to function as normal.

Limited Planar Travel (Ex)

When attempting to travel onto another plane by means of a Conjuration (Teleportation) effect, the intrusion is immediately noted by the designated ruler of the plane, who may choose to deny entry by means of an opposed Rank check. If the interloper wins the rank check, they arrive as normal but their location is known to the host. If the host wins the rank check, they can either deny entry or divert the interloper to any space within their domain. Travel via portals is not affected, nor are effects of the Summoning/Calling subschools.

Faithful Defiance (Ex)

The presence of the being's opposite alignment is innately repellent. Upon contact with a desecrated or unhallowed area, the being must make a successful rank check against the power the area is devoted to, or else be barred from entry. Upon a successful check, the area immediately becomes consecrated to the interloper, and the original owner of the area is notified which may result in a servant or avatar being sent to deal with the invader. Desecrated or Unhallowed areas may still be dispelled as normal.

Ability Boost (Ex)

The being's superior energy grants ability beyond that of  mortal means. The being gain a +2 enhancement bonus to all ability scores. This increases to +4 at level 22, +6 at level 24, +8 at level 26 and +10 at level 28.

Rank 0 (Di)

At level 1 gain either Divine or Cosmic Rank 0. This Rank entitles the being to make opposed rank checks against other powers (indeed, many of the new abilities require it) for the purpose of adjudicating conflicts in abilities between them. None of the other benefits of rank are applied, except those granted by further levels in the class.

Epic Strike (Su)

The being's natural and weapon attacks count as epic to overcome damage reduction.

Damage Reduction (Su)

The being gains damage reduction 10/epic. If the being already possesses damage reduction of any kind except /-, it is folded into this. So a being with damage reduction 5/Evil would change to 10/Epic and Evil.

Immunity to form altering OR immunity to ability damage (Ex)

The being may choose to become immune to form altering or ability damage, but not both. Once made the choice cannot be undone.

Right of Home(1) (Di)

You gain a +1 bonus on rank checks within your home plane. This increases to +2 at level 28 and +3 at level 30.

Domain (Su)

At 26th level the being selects a cleric domain appropriate to it's ethos. The being gains the granted power of the domain and is treated as a cleric equal to it's hit dice for it. The spells granted by the domain become available as spell like abilities. Abilities from 1st to 3rd level can be used at will, 4th to 6th three times per day and 7th to 9th once per day.

Spell Resistance or Immunity to Energy Drain

The being can choose to gain spell resistance equal to it's hit dice + 12 or immunity to energy drain.

Natural Armor or Deflection Bonus

The being can choose to gain a +13 bonus to natural armor(This overlaps with pre-existing natural armor) or gain their charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to armor class.

Maximum HP per HD (Ex)

You gain the maximum hit points per hit die, now and retroactively. You never roll hit dice, the best possible result is assumed.

Salient Divine Ability (Ex)

Any feats you gain from this level on (30, 33, 36, ect) may be salient divine abilities. You must meet all the prerequisites of the ability to take it. See: Each ability will require DM approval.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


21: Transformation, +2 to ability scores, Rank 0, Drawbacks [Lose Frightful Presence, Trials].
22: +4 to ability scores, epic strike, Immunity to Form Altering or Ability Damage, Damage Reduction 10/Epic, Protect the Innocents (Di), Burning Spirit (Di).
24: +6 to ability scores, Right of Home(1), bonus feat, Indomitable Spirit (Di).
26: +8 to ability scores, Domain, Spell Resistance or immunity to energy drain.
28: +10 to ability scores, bonus feat, Right of Home+2, natural armor or deflection bonus, Divine Fire (Di), Lady of Miracles (Di).
30: Maximum HP per HD, Salient Divine Ability, Right of Home+3.

Starting out on her path of divinity, Seira has limits placed upon her until she is able to truly come into her own. She is barred from enjoying the benefits of ongoing support from any deity (but not planar lords). In practical terms, any permanent alterations made to her base form is allowed, while one that continues to draw on a fraction of a deity's power or provide her with additional abilties is not; having her body turned into a dragon would be alright, giving her the ability to change to one and back would not be. Seira is also explicitely barred from receiving overt support from Waukeen, be it in form of material gifts or any direct help Waukeen could offer her.

Seira loses the following benefits:  Travel Devotion (Waukeen), Dragon's Greed (Waukeen), Goldenfire (Kossuth), +1 CL bonus to all fire-typed spells; once per day, you can change any spell to deal half fire damage and half of its original damage (Kossuth).
*Locate Object 3/day was subsumed by the red dragon's Locate Object 5/day SLA, and its loss is irrelevant.

Protect the Innocents (Di)
Those who can fight have a responsibility to protect the innocent bystandard caught in a crossfire. As a standard action, Seira can will all the allied noncombatants within 1,000ft to be shielded within Resilient Spheres. The spheres remain for two minutes. By once again devoting a standard action to concentrate on maintaining the defenses, Seira can extend the duration by two minutes from that point on with each use.

Burning Spirit (Di)
Everyone in need deserves protection. Yet it is only those willing to fight back who may grasp true power. Those brave souls are the ones Seira supports with all her might! Allies within 60ft of Seira burst into golden flames, dealing +15 fire with every melee attack they make, and any creature striking them in melee (and not with a reach weapon) or grappling with them takes 15 fire damage. Seira needs a swift action to activate this power, and it lasts for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma with each use.

Indomitable Spirit (Di)
An aura Seira radiates for 200ft. Allies within it have their fiery spirits encouraged by a manifestation of Seira's supreme confidence in the righteousness of their cause. They receive the benefits of +4 morale to attacks, saves, ability/skill/initiative/caster level checks, a +4 enhancement to charisma and immunity from fear effects.

Divine Fire (Di)
Seira discovers the ability once granted to her by Kossuth, and learns to apply it across the board.
-For Seira, fire is treated the same as divine, untyped damage, be it for her breath, spells, abilities or divine powers.
-If Seira chooses not to convert her fire damage in such a manner, it is instead boosted. All fire damage is to be treated as if it were maximized in such a case.
Seira is able to choose the desired effect with a free action before calling on her fire.

Seira regains Waukeen's direct support at this time, having proven herself, and her period of trials ends.

Lady of Miracles (Di)
Seira can use the Power of Miracles in her most desperate moments of need to turn around the tide and achieve the impossible! Effectively Miracle 1/day.

*Domain-wise, trying to see how Retribution fits.

Transformation (Ex)
At level 21 the being's type changes to outsider and it gains the (native) subtype within its own realm. At the being's discretion it may take any alignment subtypes that match its alignment, but once chosen the choice cannot be undone. The being may change its appearance to suit its new station, changing size category by one larger or smaller, changing any natural attacks (for example swapping claws for slam attacks, although the damage values should remain the same), or other cosmetic changes. Once chosen, these alterations cannot be undone.

Overwhelming Presence (Ex)
Any item that grants an enhancement bonus to an ability score ceases to function on the nascent divinity. Spells or innate powers that grant these bonuses continue to function as normal.

Limited Planar Travel (Ex)
When attempting to travel onto another plane by means of a Conjuration (Teleportation) effect, the intrusion is immediately noted by the designated ruler of the plane, who may choose to deny entry by means of an opposed Rank check. If the interloper wins the rank check, they arrive as normal but their location is known to the host. If the host wins the rank check, they can either deny entry or divert the interloper to any space within their domain. Travel via portals is not affected, nor are effects of the Summoning/Calling subschools.

Faithful Defiance (Ex)
The presence of the being's opposite alignment is innately repellent. Upon contact with a desecrated or unhallowed area, the being must make a successful rank check against the power the area is devoted to, or else be barred from entry. Upon a successful check, the area immediately becomes consecrated to the interloper, and the original owner of the area is notified which may result in a servant or avatar being sent to deal with the invader. Desecrated or Unhallowed areas may still be dispelled as normal.

Ability Boost (Ex)
The being's superior energy grants ability beyond that of  mortal means. The being gain a +2 enhancement bonus to all ability scores. This increases to +4 at level 22, +6 at level 24, +8 at level 26 and +10 at level 28.

Rank 0 (Di)
At level 1 gain either Divine or Cosmic Rank 0. This Rank entitles the being to make opposed rank checks against other powers (indeed, many of the new abilities require it) for the purpose of adjudicating conflicts in abilities between them. None of the other benefits of rank are applied, except those granted by further levels in the class.

Epic Strike (Su)
The being's natural and weapon attacks count as epic to overcome damage reduction.

Damage Reduction (Su)
The being gains damage reduction 10/epic. If the being already possesses damage reduction of any kind except /-, it is folded into this. So a being with damage reduction 5/Evil would change to 10/Epic and Evil.

Immunity to form altering OR immunity to ability damage (Ex)
The being may choose to become immune to form altering or ability damage, but not both. Once made the choice cannot be undone.

Right of Home(1) (Di)
You gain a +1 bonus on rank checks within your home plane. This increases to +2 at level 28 and +3 at level 30.

Bonus Feat
Levels 24 and 28 grant bonus feats from the following list: Great Charisma, Great Constitution, Great Dexterity, Great Intelligence Great Strength, Great Wisdom.

Domain (Su)
At 26th level the being selects a cleric domain appropriate to it's ethos. The being gains the granted power of the domain and is treated as a cleric equal to it's hit dice for it. The spells granted by the domain become available as spell like abilities. Abilities from 1st to 3rd level can be used at will, 4th to 6th three times per day and 7th to 9th once per day.

Spell Resistance or Immunity to Energy Drain
The being can choose to gain spell resistance equal to it's hit dice + 12 or immunity to energy drain.

Natural Armor or Deflection Bonus
The being can choose to gain a +13 bonus to natural armor(This overlaps with pre-existing natural armor) or gain their charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to armor class.

Maximum HP per HD (Ex)
You gain the maximum hit points per hit die, now and retroactively. You never roll hit dice, the best possible result is assumed.

Salient Divine Ability (Ex)
Any feats you gain from this level on (30, 33, 36, ect) may be salient divine abilities. You must meet all the prerequisites of the ability to take it. See: Each ability will require DM approval.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


21: Transformation, +2 to ability scores, Rank 0, lose Spellfire, lose ring of eternal celerity benefits (weapon focus and +2 dex), human bonus skill points, Knowledge Devotion
22: +4 to ability scores, epic strike, Immunity to Form Altering or Ability Damage, Damage Reduction 10/Epic, Lord of Sylica, Mistress of the Duel
24: +6 to ability scores, Right of Home(1), bonus feat, Lady of War
26: +8 to ability scores, Domain, Spell Resistance or immunity to energy drain
28: +10 to ability scores, bonus feat, Right of Home+2, natural armor or deflection bonus, Silver Fire
30: Maximum HP per HD, Salient Divine Ability, Right of Home+3

Lord of Sylica (Di)
The time taken to change the weather or environment of Sylica is reduced to one minute. No constitution drain is suffered from attempting this. Additionally, Alicia can render any magical or supernatural effect permanent within Sylica by focusing for one minute. She can likewise dispel any magical or supernatural effect within her realm as a standard action.

Mistress of the Duel (Di)
By testing her foes' defences and wearing them down, Alicia can determine the most efficient way to achieve victory. Every round after the first, Alicia gains a cumulative +2 insight bonus to all rolls concerning an opponent she is in battle with, while her opponent suffers a cumulative -2 penalty to all rolls concerning Alicia. Thus if Alicia has been in battle with two pit fiends for three rounds, the modifiers would be +4/-4 respectively. If a Cornugon enters battle on the third round, then Alicia would gain a +2/-2 advantage over it on the fourth round, while the Pit Fiends would be on +6/-6. The benefits of this ability remain in place as long as combat lasts, but end if Alicia and her opponent are seperated for more than three rounds, and must start again if battle is rejoined.

Lady of War (Di)
Those who follow Alicia into battle benefit from her skill and experience. Prior to a battle as a full round action, Alicia can give a rousing speech to inspire her followers into combat. Alternatively she can give a brief exhortation on the field as a standard action, in which case the benefits are halved. She chooses the benefit gained when giving the speech, but can change it as a swift action afterwards. All who hear Alicia retain the benefits for one minute, or for as long as they remain within 300 feet of Alicia.
- Defensive formation. +4 competency bonus to AC and +4 competency bonus to saves.
- Rapid Assault. Movement is increased by 40 and +4 competency bonus to attack and caster level checks to defeat spell resistance.
- Defeat in detail. +8 competency bonus to attack and +6d6 damage vs a single target designated by Alicia.

Silver Fire (Di)
Having adapted the spellfire ability that once was imbued within her, Alicia has manifested the true divine root of such power, no longer reliant on absorbing spells for its power, and able to employ it with superior finesse and skill.
- Once every 1d4 rounds Alicia can surround herself in an aura of silver-white flames as an immediate action for one round. These grant a 50% miss chance against attacks and employ a Superior Dispelling against any magical effects targetted at her (either counterspelling spells or dispelling magic weapons).
- Every 1d4 rounds Alicia can unleash from within her body a beautiful beam of silver-white flame. This beam is 5 feet wide and can be made to extend as far as 360 feet if desired, breaking through barriers as a divine blast would and dealing 1d10 times hit dice damage (Reflex half). Alicia can also elect to use less power, dealing as little as 1d10 damage. The beam can be narrowed to a ray attack and used with laser precision as a ranged touch attack which permits no reflex save. Any nonliving object touched by the beam must make a fort save or be destroyed.
- Once per minute with a touch can bestow the effects of a Heal, Greater Restoration, or Regenerate spell.

Transformation (Ex)
At level 21 the being's type changes to outsider and it gains the (native) subtype within its own realm. At the being's discretion it may take any alignment subtypes that match its alignment, but once chosen the choice cannot be undone. The being may change its appearance to suit its new station, changing size category by one larger or smaller, changing any natural attacks (for example swapping claws for slam attacks, although the damage values should remain the same), or other cosmetic changes. Once chosen, these alterations cannot be undone.

Overwhelming Presence (Ex)
Any item that grants an enhancement bonus to an ability score ceases to function on the nascent divinity. Spells or innate powers that grant these bonuses continue to function as normal.

Limited Planar Travel (Ex)
When attempting to travel onto another plane by means of a Conjuration (Teleportation) effect, the intrusion is immediately noted by the designated ruler of the plane, who may choose to deny entry by means of an opposed Rank check. If the interloper wins the rank check, they arrive as normal but their location is known to the host. If the host wins the rank check, they can either deny entry or divert the interloper to any space within their domain. Travel via portals is not affected, nor are effects of the Summoning/Calling subschools.

Faithful Defiance (Ex)
The presence of the being's opposite alignment is innately repellent. Upon contact with a desecrated or unhallowed area, the being must make a successful rank check against the power the area is devoted to, or else be barred from entry. Upon a successful check, the area immediately becomes consecrated to the interloper, and the original owner of the area is notified which may result in a servant or avatar being sent to deal with the invader. Desecrated or Unhallowed areas may still be dispelled as normal.

Ability Boost (Ex)
The being's superior energy grants ability beyond that of  mortal means. The being gain a +2 enhancement bonus to all ability scores. This increases to +4 at level 22, +6 at level 24, +8 at level 26 and +10 at level 28.

Rank 0 (Di)
At level 1 gain either Divine or Cosmic Rank 0. This Rank entitles the being to make opposed rank checks against other powers (indeed, many of the new abilities require it) for the purpose of adjudicating conflicts in abilities between them. None of the other benefits of rank are applied, except those granted by further levels in the class.

Epic Strike (Su)
The being's natural and weapon attacks count as epic to overcome damage reduction.

Damage Reduction (Su)
The being gains damage reduction 10/epic. If the being already possesses damage reduction of any kind except /-, it is folded into this. So a being with damage reduction 5/Evil would change to 10/Epic and Evil.

Immunity to form altering OR immunity to ability damage (Ex)
The being may choose to become immune to form altering or ability damage, but not both. Once made the choice cannot be undone.

Right of Home(1) (Di)
You gain a +1 bonus on rank checks within your home plane. This increases to +2 at level 28 and +3 at level 30.

Bonus Feat
Levels 24 and 28 grant bonus feats from the following list: Great Charisma, Great Constitution, Great Dexterity, Great Intelligence Great Strength, Great Wisdom.

Domain (Su)
At 26th level the being selects a cleric domain appropriate to it's ethos. The being gains the granted power of the domain and is treated as a cleric equal to it's hit dice for it. The spells granted by the domain become available as spell like abilities. Abilities from 1st to 3rd level can be used at will, 4th to 6th three times per day and 7th to 9th once per day.

Spell Resistance or Immunity to Energy Drain
The being can choose to gain spell resistance equal to it's hit dice + 12 or immunity to energy drain.

Natural Armor or Deflection Bonus
The being can choose to gain a +13 bonus to natural armor(This overlaps with pre-existing natural armor) or gain their charisma modifier as a deflection bonus to armor class.

Maximum HP per HD (Ex)
You gain the maximum hit points per hit die, now and retroactively. You never roll hit dice, the best possible result is assumed.

Salient Divine Ability (Ex)
Any feats you gain from this level on (30, 33, 36, ect) may be salient divine abilities. You must meet all the prerequisites of the ability to take it. See: Each ability will require DM approval.