
"It occured to me while drunk, so it must have been genius."

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World Information

Started by Anastasia, February 14, 2011, 12:24:23 AM

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I'm not going to get too verbose here. If you want more details about parts say so, but I'm sketching a basic world out. Greater details can be fleshed out in time.

The Principality of Wycheburg lies at the southernmost reaches of the known world. The Endless Mountains rose up to prevent any soul from knowing what was beyond...until ten years ago, when the mountain sunk into the earth. Behind it are jagged plains, where hot winds blow and danger lurks. Many are those that went out to explore it, the few who came back spoke of strange things. Men of green like mountains, forever wandering and speaking strange words. Lions of the sky, ridden by fire-eyed dwarves, forever chasing the sun across the sky. Dragons living amid great cities of humans, said to be the wisest sages of the generations. Beyond was a whole new world, but a world that had little interest in the previously known world. Further, occasionally things spilled over. Dangerous things, things that could harm many innocents.

In time, the city of Templeton was built. A bastion to protect against what may come, and perhaps learn from it. This bastion is the last outpost of civilization before a strange new world, the first and final barrier between them. In this city lives Cyril, a half elf assigned to protect and lead a small detachment of soldiers in the defense of the realm.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?



1. Cyril.

If you don't know this one, I don't know what to tell you.

Serious ones coming next post.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


---Sern the Invincible---

Sern the Invincible is the middle child of the Paglocio family. This dynasty of knights has served Wycheburg for the past four generations, Sern following in those footsteps. He is a brutal warrior, focusing on rage and beating the everloving shit out of his enemies. Traps? Walls? Magic? No problem, he hits it until it stops moving. Despite that he's not particularly simple, he just prefers to let his weapon do the talking. He serves under Cyril as a member of the Emergency Force.


Three generations ago, it is said that a woman fell from the sky as a teardrop of the moon. This woman is Serenity, and she fell before the Prince of Wycheburg. She was taken into the court and soon proved to be in her element. In time her wisdom and good deeds won her a noble title, believed by many to be beyond this world. Is she a goddess? An angel? Serenity does not speak of her her past, only showing a nostalgic smile as she shakes her head.  What is obvious is that she's not aged a day in memory, eternal as the elves. In recent times she volunteered to lead the Emergency Force. She commands Cyril and the rest of the force, seldom involving herself directly.

---Adamarchus Goldamora---

Adamarchus Goldamora is a knight, newly christened after defeating a horde of bandits that invaded the northern reaches of Wycheburg. A warrior and commander of considerable repute, he was assigned to the Emergency Force by Prince Alexander. On the surface he is a bold and commanding warrior...yet he prefers to strike from the back, after having given imperious commands that bolster his soldiers.  His fighting style is unusually precise, able to land well aimed blows even with a scythe.  He is known to be prideful, especially when rallying his soldiers. He serves with Cyril, often asserting as much independence as he can under Cyril's command.

---Rei, Justice of the Flames---

10 years ago, Serenity went to lend succor in a faraway kingdom torn by the plague. She returned with a young girl, who has forever been at her side since then. Rei is a quiet, introverted girl, attuned to the spiritual. Her powers are unknown to others, being not quite arcane magic nor priestly prayer. But it cannot be denied that she commands fire with a devastating intensity. While not a noblewoman, Prince Alexander bestowed her the honorary tile of 'Justice of the Flames' after uncovering a conspiracy against his rule. She serves under Cyril, accepting her place as it is Serenity's will that she does so.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Cyril was a child born of two races. The union between his parents was short-lived, but at his mother's insistence he was reluctantly accepted into the elven enclave of his father at a young age to learn of their ways. From childhood, he discovered and further developed the rare talent of arcane magic - an art of which the elves were especially sensitive to, and of which he was trained streneously to be proficient in. Much of his early years were filled with nothing but continual honing of these abilities, shaping him into a silent but dedicated young man.

Upon reaching adulthood, he was told by his father - who had acted more as an impartial overseer than any parental figure throughout his entire time there - that, by agreement with his mother, he was to return to human lands. At this point, the instilled patience of his elven heritage had been steadily losing the fight against his human instincts to learn and explore further, and he took the departure as a gift more than anything else.

An upbringing in an elven enclave was, unfortunately, ill-suited for the rigors of populated "civilized" lands and cities. Upon his entry to such lands, Cyril found himself stripped bereft of what little valuables he had and continually led from one poor situation to another as his expectations of humanity fell flat. He kept his magical talent hidden under the advice of his mentors (which, in retrospect, was likely a sound choice - mages were not exactly treated with trust or have a reputation of virtue), and his misfortunes over time developed a healthy sense of pragmatism and self-preservation, and a sense of caution and wariness that he'd never had before.

In one particularly bad situation where he had got himself beaten senseless and left for dead, he was saved from the cusp of death by one ethereal lady, whom he later came to recognize as Serenity. It was from this chance encounter that Serenity recognized the potential in the half-elven lad and took it upon herself to further develop his budding magical powers, since she herself possessed magical talent and knowledge beyond the scope of any half-wit court wizard who would not have bothered to train him in the first place. For his part, Cyril learned just as much arcane skill as he did the greater ways of the world from the soon-to-be Duchess. She opened his eyes in a tutelage that made everything he'd learned up to that point pale in comparison, and such was the experience that he offered to swear complete loyalty and service at her side at the conclusion of it all.

Serenity must have recognized something within him, however, for she gently but firmly refused. She told him to continue his initial foray into exploring the world and take it all in with the new wisdom and skills she'd imparted him, for he had yet to ever truly live his life for himself and until he'd done so she could not, in good conscience, employ him in her service.

So he departed. For two decades, though Cyril found himself initially aimless without a direction, he found himself in all manners of positions and situations, made friends and enemies, sought and lost lovers, and did all of the things one would come to expect of any perfectly normal person. His experiences were wide and varying, letting him get a glimpse of just about everything. At times he would lounge in cities for months, while other times the call of the wilderness would compel him to travel alone as a ranger would. He dealt with his mother's passing, had his share of adventuring and mercenary experience, served briefly in local militias, worked in mage's circles, and joined obscure orders outside the realm of normal civilization to learn yet more. After twenty years, he got a visit from a girl while within Wycheburg with raven-black hair and (at least so he thought) a fiery personality, with a simple message: Serenity was looking for him.

It was without a moment of hesitation that he returned to see what was in store.