
"With great power comes the opportunity to abuse that power."

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Started by Dracos, May 25, 2011, 02:20:41 AM

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May 17 19:46:32 <Kowork>   Several days of rest and recovery pass. The party heals up in tropical paradise, a world away from their problems. But at last the day to return comes! In the arms of Enro the party blinks across the world in a second, appearing in his apartment! He promptly goes to sit down in a chair, wiping his brow!  OOC: Ball is in all of your courts now, go ahead and talk/act/go do things.
May 17 19:48:06 *   Jin_ nods decisively. "Right. No time to lose. I'm heading back to the compound to check on a few things for us. I might be able to secure the aid of the family omnyoji...or at least some weapons and armor for us." Jin nods to himself. "Maybe that assassin girl can help somehow too..."
May 17 19:49:12 *   Jin_ tosses the party a quick wave before disappearing out the door. "I'll be back soon! I'll give someone a call and we'll meet back up in hour or two?"
May 17 19:50:02 *   Aisutori blinks,  "How about just asking your brother?  Hey wait, I'll come with you."
May 17 19:50:22 *   Jin_ shrugs. "If you wanna. I'm not staying long. I'm going to be in and out."
May 17 19:51:42 <Noriko>   "We may as well stay together for now?" Noriko suggests. "I only need to stop at home to determine if mother has any advanced weaponry available. This should not keep me busy for long."
May 17 19:52:56 <Jin_>   "Very well. Noriko's place first and then on to my family's place." Jin gestures for Noriko to lead the way!
May 17 19:53:04 <Aisutori>   "We might as well anyway since we need to find out what happened after we vanished.  I mean, there was a giant fish monsters in the middle of the city."
May 17 19:54:00 *   Noriko nods and proceeds to head home.
May 17 19:54:34 *   Jin_ follows!
May 17 19:55:05 <Kowork>   Heading on, the party walks through town.'s quiet. Quiet and subdued, really. Not much of anyone is about. The sky is cloudy, a dull drizzle falling. There's few cars out, the streets almost empty.
May 17 19:55:52 <Noriko>   "Civil traffic is below average today," Noriko observes.
May 17 19:56:22 <Jin_>   "There's no telling what's happened since we've been gone." Jin mutters.
May 17 19:59:06 <Aisutori>   "We did kind of run away from a giant monster..." Aisutori didn't look quite happy at the sights.  "They might've fled in the meanwhile."
May 17 20:01:07 <Jin_>   "Quite possible. We weren't properly prepared. We'll get'em this time." Jin asserted grimly as they walked.
May 17 20:01:28 <Kowork>   The rest of the trip is the same. Quiet, empty and forgotten. Noriko's house is quiet, the front door closed.
May 17 20:02:08 *   Noriko walks up and attempts to open the door. If a lock stands in her way, she will take the unorthodox step of using the key!
May 17 20:02:35 <Kowork>   The door isn't locked. The air inside is still. No sign of Mother - it's dead quiet and empty.
May 17 20:03:09 <Noriko>   "Mother?" Noriko calls out, proceeding to make a thorough search of the house if no response is forthcoming.
May 17 20:03:51 <Kowork>   No reply. The living part of the house is empty. But on going back to the lab, you find Mother. She sits against a wall, staring out listlessly at her lab. Her face is drawn and lost, gaze far away.
May 17 20:04:22 <Noriko>   "Mother? Are you alright?" Noriko approaches, leans in, shakes her gently.
May 17 20:05:01 <Aisutori>   "...Kawazam might've used his magic on the whole city," Aisutori's eyes widened.
May 17 20:05:22 <Kowork>   Mother's head ever so slowly turns to Noriko. "...N..Noriko?" Her voice is slow, rusty.
May 17 20:05:54 <Noriko>   "What happened? Do you require medical attention?"
May 17 20:06:39 <Kowork>   "What's the point?" Noriko can see her mother's shoulders shrug, "It's all futile." Her head bows down, eyes closing, "I'll never design the perfect robot."
May 17 20:06:45 <Jin_>   "...crap. If he really did do this to the whole town, I hope my family wassmart enough to put up some barriers or something." Jin leans against the wall across from Noriko's mom, eyeing her with concern.
May 17 20:08:13 <Noriko>   "There is no such thing as futility. There is only lack of sufficient data. Mother, wake up! It is not like you to despair."
May 17 20:09:35 <Kowork>   Now Tomoko looks up, meeting Noriko's eyes. "What can you do?" she asks, voice hollow, "'re just a failed test..." Her eyes drop down, "Noriko...what can you do...tell me. Please! Tell me there's something."
May 17 20:11:48 <Noriko>   "I see. You require more experimental data from field testing. Would it be instructive if I were to defeat a fifty-foot tentacle monster?"
May 17 20:12:26 <Kowork>   "A...what?" Looking up at Noriko, "Noriko?"
May 17 20:14:02 <Jin_>   "The things a daughter will do for her mother's love." Jin comments dryly. "Apparently, this giant Cthulu looking...thing, and don't ask me why I read Lovecraft, is responsible for the gloomy pallor around town."
May 17 20:14:20 <Aisutori>   "Tomoko-san, how can you say such a thing!  Just because we lost once, doesn't mean it's over!"
May 17 20:14:32 <Jin_>   "Long story short, he's in league with Leviathan and needs to be taken down."
May 17 20:15:08 <Noriko>   "A fifty-foot tentacle monster," Noriko repeats. "It will be a challenge and I will be sure to report back in full for examination upon the mission's completion. Perhaps analysis at that time will permit you to discover basis for programming improvements? I may require additional weaponry for this exercise, however. Is the rocket launcher still on the premises?"
May 17 20:16:09 <Kowork>   "Programming...improvements?" Tomoko twitches, "Additional...weaponry?" She twitches again, "Rocket Launcher?" A third twitch, Tomoko slowly standing up! "I almost forgot..." She shakes her head back and forth, as if to clear away a headache, "Yes, it's in the closet."
May 17 20:16:39 *   Noriko heads to the closet!
May 17 20:17:36 *   Jin_ raises an eyebrow. "Only Noriko's mom would go back to normal at the mention of high yield explosive weaponry."
May 17 20:18:38 <Kowork>   The rocket launcher is indeed there! Tomoko nods to herself, "I remember now, of course. I was working on something! Come over here, Noriko! Your guests can go have some tea real quick, this won't take long."
May 17 20:19:07 *   Noriko nods and does as she's ordered.
May 17 20:19:43 <Aisutori>   "Tomoko-san, can we check the news on your TV?"
May 17 20:20:10 <Kowork>   "Go ahead," she calls! Once the two are gone, "I'm going to add something I worked on. It should speed up your reaction times," she says.
May 17 20:21:10 *   Noriko nods and then goes still for adjustments.
May 17 20:22:16 *   Jin_ shrugs and looks around for the remote.
May 17 20:23:06 <Kowork>   As Noriko is worked on, the TV is turned no. Looks like reruns offhand - old dramas, black and white. This one is an old American western.
May 17 20:23:58 *   Aisutori changes the channels until she gets some news program.  Or tries to anyway.
May 17 20:25:48 <Kowork>   The news programs run the same thing...old black and white Aisutori knows this one! It's an old anime, it shouldn't be in black and white. It's Sailor Moon...and the bad guy stands over the broken, bloodily broken girls and laughs, before the channel goes to black and white, subdued, almost silent commercials.
May 17 20:27:34 <Jin_>   "...ok. Well. That's cheerful stuff, all right." Jin sighs. "Cthulu is really messing with people's heads."
May 17 20:29:45 <Kowork>   Meanwhile, Noriko gets new programming inserted! She feels her processes turn over, head spinning as Mother works on her. Then..."All done!" Tomoko says, "Do you feel any faster?"
May 17 20:30:49 *   Noriko performs a few simple exercises--cartwheels, backflips, that sort of thing--to find out. "Nominal boost to agility noted."
May 17 20:31:03 <Aisutori>   "I think I know where he has to be," Aisutori tapped her cheek.
May 17 20:32:13 <Jin_>   "Good. That makes it all the more easier to track him down when we're ready." Jin replied grimly. "Are we ready to go, Noriko?"
May 17 20:32:27 <Kowork>   "Go on," Tomoko says, "I feel...I feel like I'm stirring in a deep nightmare. Noriko...go." She says, her voice slowing as she talks. "You're my best robot yet. Whatever it is isn't getting you."
May 17 20:34:23 *   Noriko nods. "I will perform to the fullest capapbility of my programming and hardware. I predict success but not that even if I fail the exercise will provide useful information for production of a superior quality android." To the others: "Let's go."
May 17 20:34:35 <Noriko>   *not = know
May 17 20:35:34 <Aisutori>   "Noriko-chan, I think Kawazam must be at the cable station," Aisutori mentioned as they prepared to head off.
May 17 20:36:11 *   Jin_ briskly leads the way down the streets, commenting as they traveled, "He might not be there personally, but it's a lead at least."
May 17 20:37:26 <Noriko>   "Why is that, Ai?"
May 17 20:39:00 <Aisutori>   "He's modifying every channel on the TV.  Where else would be better to do that from?"  She wondered.  "I mean if he was just at a tv station, he'd only get one, right?"
May 17 20:39:30 <Noriko>   "It is a reasonable assumption," Noriko agrees as they move on.
May 17 20:41:51 <Kowork>   OOC: Which one are you guys going to next?
May 17 20:42:07 <Noriko>   OOC: Sasaki, I believe?
May 17 20:42:26 <Jin_>   OOC: That is correct
May 17 20:42:28 <Kowork>   You walk the streets, heading for Dr. Sasaki's house. On reaching it you find the door inside open, as if to let anyone waltz right on in.
May 17 20:43:33 *   Jin_ loosens his bokken in its catch on his side and stealthily creeps in the door, ready to pounce on any intruders.
May 17 20:44:13 *   Noriko proceeds with somewhat less stealth given the presence of heavy artillery in her grip.
May 17 20:47:01 *   Aisutori stays back, not wanting to be the target of a depressed crazy doctor.
May 17 20:56:31 <Kowork>   The party proceeds inside! Within you find Dr. Sasaki lying on the couch. He stares at the TV, black and white show on. It's an old American show - Sesame street. The cast stumbles about, gagging and collapsing as the set goes silent.
May 17 20:57:40 *   Jin_ immediately rushes and turns the tv off. "Dr. Sasaki! It's me, Jin Bunkou! We need your help!"
May 17 20:57:47 *   Jin_ unplgus the set for good measure.
May 17 20:57:52 <Jin_>   *unplugs
May 17 20:59:18 <Kowork>   The TV is turned off! Yet it stays on. From it children begin to sing in English, "Welcome to Sesame Street!" The voices are crying as they sing, echoing about. Doctor Sasaki just stares at it, listless.
May 17 20:59:36 *   Noriko kicks the TV in. Let's see it run after that.
May 17 20:59:39 <Aisutori>   "Noriko, break the screen?"
May 17 21:00:44 <Kowork>   The TV is kicked! ROBO KICK JUSTICE sends the set slamming into the wall, breaking noisily! Dr. Sasaki watches it fly and stares at the wreckage, then back at theo thers. "...what's the point. It's hopeless."
May 17 21:00:46 <Jin_>   "Good thinking, No-chan!" Jin plants himself between the doctor and the ruined tv, getting in his face. "Wake *up*, doctor! You have things to do!"
May 17 21:01:39 <Noriko>   "Yes, appeal to his professional interests," Noriko suggests. Hey, it worked last time.
May 17 21:02:02 <Jin_>   "It's never hopeless, doc. What happened to the scientist I knew that was determined to categorize and measure every last speck of magic in this world?"
May 17 21:02:10 <Jin_>   "There's still so much left to see and explore!"
May 17 21:03:16 <Kowork>   "Magic..." Dr. Sasaki sighs long, "I'll never make the connection and prove the link."
May 17 21:05:05 <Jin_>   "Are you telling me that you're validating every mean, spiteful, disdainful comments your colleagues have made about you over the years? What do they know? Their narrow-mindedness blinds them to all the wonders and mysteries of life that you've left yourself open to!"
May 17 21:05:48 <Jin_>   "The connection is there, doc, you just gotta keep searching for it. The journey is more important than the destination." Jin reaches down and tries to haul the man to his feet.
May 17 21:10:35 <Kowork>   "How? How can I make it when I'll fail?" Dr. Sasaki looks to Jin. "I couldn't do it, Tomoko-chan can't do it..."
May 17 21:12:16 <Jin_>   "You won't fail and that's that." Jin said matter of factly. "I gave you a job, doc. Where's that interface with this magical sword you gave me? If it works, and I know it will, then it will be a validation that you're closer to discovering the link than you think."
May 17 21:12:17 <Aisutori>   "...You know, if he really did this all over the city, we might be dealing with a lot of people hurt or even killed." Aisutori sounded a bit worried, more talking to herself as the others tried to cheer the doctor on.
May 17 21:12:59 <Jin_>   *Scratch Jin's above line
May 17 21:13:29 <Jin_>   "You won't fail and that's that." Jin said matter of factly. "I gave you a job, doc. Where's that interface with this magical sword I showed you? If it works, and I know it will, then it will be a validation that you're closer to discovering the link than you think."
May 17 21:15:09 <Kowork>   "Really?" Dr. Sasaki looks up, "Could it...?"
May 17 21:16:29 <Jin_>   "It could. Come on, doc. Show me what you got." Jin tries once more to tug the man to his feet!
May 17 21:17:12 <Kowork>   "I..." Dr. Sasaki rises, "Right. I remember now!" Snapping his fingers, "The interafce, right?"
May 17 21:19:04 <Jin_>   "That's right." Jin tugs at the whip around his waist. "I really, *really* need some instructions for this thing. The interface should help me communicate with it!"
May 17 21:21:52 <Kowork>   "R-right," Rising and rubbing his head, "I have the worst headache. What was I doing?"
May 17 21:22:26 <Aisutori>   "You were under Kawazam's spell," Aisutori filled in.  "We're going to stop it soon."
May 17 21:23:11 *   Jin_ puts a hand on Sasaki's shoulder. "I'll be sure to bring samples of the monster to you, if I can. Every little bit of research helps, yeah?"
May 17 21:24:21 <Kowork>   "Yeah." Shaking his head again, Dr. Sasaki leads the party down to his lab! Awaiting on a table is a little circlet of wires, looking almost mundane.
May 17 21:25:09 *   Jin_ raises an eyebrow. "Is that it? Looks simple enough. How does it work?"
May 17 21:26:53 <Kowork>   "Just put it on, it should do most of the work." Dr. Sasaki explain.s
May 17 21:27:36 *   Jin_ shrugs. "You got it." He reaches out and puts the circlet on his head!
May 17 21:27:49 <Kowork>   A second later, "Make sure the weapon's in hand, too."
May 17 21:28:59 *   Jin_ whips out his....whip.
May 17 21:31:11 <Kowork>   As Jin engages in some old fashioned whipping, his head spins! A voice murmurs in his head, "Connecting request. Approve or deny?"
May 17 21:31:44 <Jin_>   "Approve." Jin wonders if he looks silly talking to himself.
May 17 21:33:38 <Kowork>   Jin's vision turns red! Everything flashes that color as he feels his brain freeze over, then catch aflame! Vertigo dazzles Jin, his stomach flipflopping into his throat and his balance gone! He falls in a moment's endless ravine, hurtling in an endless vortex! Then..."Connection complete. Human host identified. State command."
May 17 21:34:40 *   Jin_ tries something simple. "Form change. Access previous physical form."
May 17 21:35:15 <Aisutori>   "Jin are you okay?" Aisutori raised an eyebrow at him speaking to himself, assuming it was to his new toy.
May 17 21:35:46 <Kowork>   "Absorb or Release?" The voice challenges back, Aisutori's own voice sounding far away.
May 17 21:35:59 <Kowork>   Meanwhile Dr Sasaki stares at Jin, peering, "Curious. What's happening?"
May 17 21:37:08 <Jin_>   "Hmm. I'm fine Ai, I think." Jin frowns. "I asked it to revert to its previous physical form and it asked me if I want to absorb or release. Any ideas, doc?"
May 17 21:37:42 <Kowork>   "Not a one," he admits, "You're working with a foreign operating system. I don't like the sound of release, if it releases a giant squid out here."
May 17 21:38:03 <Noriko>   "It acquired this form by assimilating a giant squird. Although I do not know precisely how the sword functions, it would not be convenient to release a giant squid in Dr. Sasaki's home."
May 17 21:40:21 <Jin_>   "...yeah. Got it." Jin resumes concentrating on the circlet. "Absorb."
May 17 21:43:45 <Kowork>   Abruptly Jin's flesh glows, turning the color of the tentacle-whip! HE glows brighter as the whip becomes a sword once more, until it returns! Then he glows and the light...OOC: More, make a soul check Jin.
May 17 21:44:25 <Jin_>    roll 2d6 vs 7
May 17 21:44:36 <Jin_>   roll 2d6 vs 7
May 17 21:44:36 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jin_ rolls 2d6 vs 7 and gets 7." [2d6=1, 6]
May 17 21:45:50 <Kowork>   The light fades, Jin there and unchanged save for the whip in his hand now being a sword!
May 17 21:46:22 <Noriko>   "Are you alright, Jin? You were briefly luminescent."
May 17 21:46:23 *   Jin_ holds the sword up to the light, smirking. "Hell yeah. What'd I tell you, doc? You've still got it."
May 17 21:46:38 <Jin_>   "I'm fine, No-chan! Better than ever, actually."
May 17 21:51:04 <Noriko>   "Is that so? Your appearance is unchanged apart from the presence of a prominent grin."
May 17 21:53:20 <Aisutori>   "Also, you have a tentacle growing out of your left arm," Aisutori muses with a straight face.  "You're lucky that worked well, really."
May 17 21:53:44 <Jin_>   "I dunno. I just feel...invigorated. It's nice to have another sword again." Jin strokes the blade lovingly.
May 17 21:54:22 <Jin_>   "I--wait, WHAT!?" Jin flails around, shaking his left arm with gusto. "GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!"
May 17 21:55:02 <Noriko>   "I observe no tentacles within this room," Noriko points out. "I suspect Ai was playing a joke on you."
May 17 21:55:05 <Kowork>   "It was only a matter of time," Dr Sasaki says with a straight face, "Traveling with two young, beautiful teenage girls in this country?"
May 17 21:56:45 *   Jin_ stops dancing around, a wry grin on his face. "This *is* Japan, after all."
May 17 21:56:47 <Aisutori>   "We will have to protect ourselves.  Noriko, prepare shock therepy," Aisutori deadpanned.
May 17 21:57:21 *   Noriko just gives Ai a blank look.
May 17 21:57:48 <Jin_>   "Bah, enough bad jokes! Girls, we need to hurry to my place." Jin glances at Sasaki. "Doc, will you be ok here by yourself? Do you want to come home with us? It could be...hard to be by yourself until we get rid of this guy."
May 17 21:58:56 <Noriko>   "We should not be inviting noncombatants to the site of an expected battle," Noriko says.
May 17 21:59:23 <Kowork>   "I feel better." He says, "I thikn I'm out of it, whatever it was."
May 17 22:00:19 <Aisutori>   "Just don't watch tv until this is over," Aisutori suggested, not that it was likely the limit of Kawazam's reach.
May 17 22:00:45 <Jin_>   "We'd be dropping him off with my family, Noriko, not taking him with us!" Jin nods at that. "If you're sure, doc...Well, I hate to be rude, but we need to leave. The faster we go, the faster tentacle dude is defeated!"
May 17 22:02:21 <Kowork>   "Get going," Dr. Sasaki says, "I have more research to do now! If I can decode those TV signals, it might just be what I need!"
May 17 22:03:20 <Jin_>   "Good luck, doc. I'll be back with more samples!" Jin dashes up the stairs, full of urgency! "Come on Ai, Noriko! Let's get you guys outfitted!"
May 17 22:04:17 *   Aisutori follows along to Jin's place.
May 17 22:04:23 <Noriko>   "Outfitted?" Noriko says as she leaves (hoping that breaking Dr. Sasaki's TV doesn't impede his research).
May 17 22:05:20 *   Jin_ shrugs as they briskly walk. "Surely gramps has got a little something for each of you...if not, I'm willing to settle for a little help from the family onmyoji."
May 17 22:06:52 <Kowork>   Thus the party begins to walk towards Jin's house! They travel down an empty sidewalk, as...OOC: Mind checks, all.
May 17 22:07:57 <Jin_>   roll 2d6 vs 7
May 17 22:07:58 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jin_ rolls 2d6 vs 7 and gets 12." [2d6=6, 6]
May 17 22:07:59 <Noriko>   roll 2d6 vs 7
May 17 22:08:00 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Noriko rolls 2d6 vs 7 and gets 4." [2d6=2, 2]
May 17 22:08:01 <Aisutori>   roll 2d6 v 7
May 17 22:08:03 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Aisutori rolls 2d6 v 7 and gets 11." [2d6=5, 6]
May 17 22:11:06 *   Noriko halts in her tracks. "There is something anonmalous in the vicinity," she announces.
May 17 22:12:57 *   Jin_ instantly shifts into alert mode, trusting Noriko's superior senses. "Can't be any more specfic than that, No-chan? Maybe it's one of Cthulu's thugs...we could take it out on our way to my place."
May 17 22:13:12 *   Aisutori blinks, "I don't see anything?" She looked around.
May 17 22:13:22 <Kowork>   Just ahead of you as you stop, the air twists! A dozen spikes of pure air-force slam, as if to impale you if you had gone four steps further! Before you it forms - a creature of air and light, too bright to look at and making your head hurt. It's body is a series of impossible angles married together, twisting in profane, burbling, blaspheming twists!  From a mouth of screaming madness, "Shhh...time
May 17 22:13:22 <Kowork>   to back to sleep, children!"
May 17 22:13:52 <Noriko>   "I have located the enemy," Noriko announces for everyone's benefit.
May 17 22:15:07 *   Jin_ squints at the mind warping creature in front of them. "Oh, well spotted, Noriko." Jin replies dryly. "Talk less, PUMMEL MORE!"
May 17 22:15:31 <Jin_>   With a shout, Jin dashes forward, hoping to slash the enemy to pieces in one swift stroke!
May 17 22:16:17 <Kowork>   OOC: Let's do init then since it's turning all slashy.
May 17 22:16:29 <Kowork>   roll 2d6+7
May 17 22:16:30 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Kowork rolls 2d6+7 and gets 13." [2d6=5, 1]
May 17 22:16:32 <Noriko>   roll 2d6+8
May 17 22:16:33 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Noriko rolls 2d6+8 and gets 13." [2d6=4, 1]
May 17 22:16:36 *   Kowork is now known as Kotono
May 17 22:16:37 <Jin_>   roll 2d6+7
May 17 22:16:37 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jin_ rolls 2d6+7 and gets 16." [2d6=4, 5]
May 17 22:17:10 *   Kotono has changed the topic to: Jin(16)>Noriko=Airthing(13)
May 17 22:17:27 <Aisutori>   roll 2d6+7
May 17 22:17:29 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Aisutori rolls 2d6+7 and gets 12." [2d6=2, 3]
May 17 22:18:55 *   Kotono has changed the topic to: Jin(16)>Noriko=Airthing(13)>Aisutori(12)
May 17 22:18:58 <Kotono>   OOC: Open Jin.
May 17 22:20:25 <Jin_>   With a flourish that his grandfather had tried beating out of him, Jin drew both his bokken and his sword, black murk encasing them and making their sharp edges even sharper! His eyes bled to obsidian as he attacks!
May 17 22:20:31 <Jin_>   roll 2d6 vs 7
May 17 22:20:33 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jin_ rolls 2d6 vs 7 and gets 4." [2d6=1, 3]
May 17 22:21:28 <Kotono>   roll 2d6 vs 5
May 17 22:21:30 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 vs 5 and gets 6." [2d6=5, 1]
May 17 22:21:33 <Kotono>   OOC Damage.
May 17 22:22:19 <Jin_>   OOC: 21 damage
May 17 22:22:21 <Kotono>   With a deft strike, wooden blade and magical artifact cut through the air and light! Perhaps the twist around, in angles that cannot be! Jin winces at this, yet his blades cut through! OOC: Noriko and the air thing. Go, Noriko.
May 17 22:23:43 *   Noriko can hardly try out her new weapon while Jin's standing in the blast radius, so instead she darts around her friend to assault the monster from the side in the usual manner.
May 17 22:23:50 <Noriko>   roll 2d6 vs 8 robopunch
May 17 22:23:52 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Noriko rolls 2d6 vs 8 robopunch and gets 8." [2d6=6, 2]
May 17 22:24:05 <Kotono>   roll 2d6 vs 5
May 17 22:24:06 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 vs 5 and gets 6." [2d6=2, 4]
May 17 22:24:10 <Kotono>   OOC: Damage?
May 17 22:24:12 <Noriko>   OOC: 19 damage
May 17 22:24:50 <Kotono>   WHAM! Noriko angles in and her fist strikes true! The strange mass flares up, squirming lights and writhing air expanding out around Noriko and Jin!
May 17 22:24:54 <Kotono>   roll 2d6 vs 7
May 17 22:24:55 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 vs 7 and gets 8." [2d6=3, 5]
May 17 22:25:12 <Kotono>   But it passes by them harmlessly! At the same time...OOC: Soul checks, all three of you.
May 17 22:25:19 <Aisutori>   roll 2d6 v 11
May 17 22:25:20 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Aisutori rolls 2d6 v 11 and gets 7." [2d6=3, 4]
May 17 22:25:24 <Noriko>   roll 2d6 vs 3 goddammit
May 17 22:25:25 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Noriko rolls 2d6 vs 3 goddammit and gets 10." [2d6=4, 6]
May 17 22:25:36 <Jin_>   roll 2d6 vs 7
May 17 22:25:37 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jin_ rolls 2d6 vs 7 and gets 12." [2d6=6, 6]
May 17 22:26:45 <Kotono>   OOC: AIsutori, go.
May 17 22:27:51 <Noriko>   "Its geometry is non-euclidean!" Noriko exclaims. "This abomination must be stopped!"
May 17 22:28:35 *   Aisutori blinks, "I'm fine with that...we can't stop here anyway,"  Aisutori twirled her hands around, forming a spear of ice which she sent hurtling at high speed toward the strange mess of light and sound.
May 17 22:28:38 <Aisutori>   roll 2d6 v 7
May 17 22:28:40 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Aisutori rolls 2d6 v 7 and gets 8." [2d6=5, 3]
May 17 22:29:04 <Kotono>   Aisutori summons pure ice to her beck and call, slinging it...but it whizzes past the abomination! OOC: Jin, go.
May 17 22:31:29 *   Jin_ shakes his head wincing. "God, I *hated* geometry! Die, foul abomination of theoretical geometry!" Jin leaps high in the air, bringing down both murk-encased blades to bisect the creature without mercy!
May 17 22:31:35 <Jin_>   roll 2d6 vs 6
May 17 22:31:35 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jin_ rolls 2d6 vs 6 and gets 10." [2d6=4, 6]
May 17 22:32:31 <Kotono>   Jin tries to marshal himself, thrusting forward! But he's lost up and down, head spinning violently at the horror before him! From somewhere ahead and behind of him, it laughs and laughs! OOC: Noriko and baddie. Go Noriko.
May 17 22:33:23 *   Noriko lashes out with a kick to try and send this affront to the laws of physics back to whatever dimension it came from!
May 17 22:33:30 <Noriko>   roll 2d6 vs 7
May 17 22:33:31 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Noriko rolls 2d6 vs 7 and gets 8." [2d6=6, 2]
May 17 22:34:32 <Kotono>   As Noriko lashes out in the discordant hell around her, the light expands out again, engulfing Noriko and Jin!
May 17 22:34:34 <Kotono>   roll 2d6 vs 7
May 17 22:34:35 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 vs 7 and gets 3." [2d6=1, 2]
May 17 22:34:40 <Kotono>   OOC: DCV you two.
May 17 22:34:59 <Jin_>   roll 2d6 vs 6
May 17 22:35:00 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jin_ rolls 2d6 vs 6 and gets 5." [2d6=3, 2]
May 17 22:35:13 <Noriko>   roll 2d6 vs...4 now. Boo!
May 17 22:35:14 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Noriko rolls 2d6 vs...4 now. Boo! and gets 11." [2d6=5, 6]
May 17 22:36:15 <Jin_>   roll 2d6 vs 4
May 17 22:36:15 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jin_ rolls 2d6 vs 4 and gets 10." [2d6=4, 6]
May 17 22:37:36 <Kotono>   The two are caought in the light, consumed! When it clears, they are both changed! Noriko's body it twisted about, neck looping around and around and arms going three different ways at once, yet only being one! Jin's legs are now four smaller ones, yet he's no shorter! Both of them look impossibly twisted! For a second they stay that way, before they snap back with the sharp cracks of flesh and
May 17 22:37:36 <Kotono>   bone! OOC: 21 damage to both of you. Go Aisu.
May 17 22:38:45 <Aisutori>   "Noriko?  Jin?  Are you okay?" Aisutori leaped back, that looked really disorienting.  "Stop that!" She gathered more ice this time, sending a small wall of it toward the thing.
May 17 22:38:48 <Aisutori>   roll 2d6 v 76
May 17 22:38:50 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Aisutori rolls 2d6 v 76 and gets 7." [2d6=4, 3]
May 17 22:39:03 <Aisutori>   OOC: v 7 not 76.  Sorry.  So hit, 21.
May 17 22:39:12 <Kotono>   roll 2d6 vs 5
May 17 22:39:13 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 vs 5 and gets 7." [2d6=6, 1]
May 17 22:39:30 <Kotono>   The ice slams into the shape, passing and ripping through! The entire mass sags slightly after that, still twisting about madly! OOC: Jin.
May 17 22:41:30 *   Jin_ growls under his breath. "This is ridiculous." Even so, he swings at Ramiel---er, the creature of light and strange shapes!
May 17 22:41:36 <Jin_>   roll 2d6 vs 6
May 17 22:41:37 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jin_ rolls 2d6 vs 6 and gets 12." [2d6=6, 6]
May 17 22:42:50 <Kotono>   Jin slashes swiftly, but his swift slash simply sails short! OOC: Noriko and baddie, go robo.
May 17 22:44:01 <Noriko>   "I am not designed to bend in that manner and you will cease your flagrant violation of dimensional borders immediately!"
May 17 22:44:08 <Noriko>   roll 2d6 vs 7 more punching
May 17 22:44:10 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Noriko rolls 2d6 vs 7 more punching and gets 11." [2d6=6, 5]
May 17 22:45:26 <Kotono>   Noriko hears more laughter as her punch misses, "Little toy, I'll twist you into the ninth dimension!" With that, the light goes right for Noriko!
May 17 22:45:30 <Kotono>   roll 2d6 vs 7
May 17 22:45:32 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 vs 7 and gets 9." [2d6=3, 6]
May 17 22:45:48 <Kotono>   But Noriko is able to stumble back, avoiding the impossible geometries! OOC: Aisu.
May 17 22:48:19 <Aisutori>   "Pull back, try and clear your's not over there on the side of the street," Aisutori tried to help.  With more ice wall.
May 17 22:48:22 <Aisutori>   roll 2d6 v 7
May 17 22:48:24 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Aisutori rolls 2d6 v 7 and gets 3." [2d6=1, 2]
May 17 22:48:34 <Kotono>   roll 2d6 vs 5
May 17 22:48:36 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 vs 5 and gets 6." [2d6=2, 4]
May 17 22:48:44 <Kotono>   OOC: Oh wait, not an attac.
May 17 22:48:50 <Aisutori>   OOC: That was an attack
May 17 22:48:54 <Aisutori>   OOC: 21 damage. :)
May 17 22:48:57 <Kotono>   OOC: Okay.
May 17 22:49:21 <Kotono>   A wall of ice forms, slicing through the abomination! IT rocks further, sagging heavily in thea ir! It flickers all over, twisting endlessly and shorting out in several places! OOC: Jin
May 17 22:49:23 <Kotono>   .
May 17 22:50:17 *   Jin_ is frustrated now. He wants so badly to land a blow! He desperately swings one more with both swords, trying for a pincer manuever!
May 17 22:50:21 <Jin_>   roll 2d6 vs 6
May 17 22:50:22 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jin_ rolls 2d6 vs 6 and gets 7." [2d6=5, 2]
May 17 22:50:37 <Kotono>   Jin slashes in vain, hacking at airy light that resists his blade to the last! OOC: Robogrrl.
May 17 22:52:42 <Noriko>   "I decline your invitation to visit the ninth dimension," Noriko says before leaping over the creature and trying to smash it into two dimensions on the pavement.
May 17 22:52:48 <Noriko>   roll 2d6 vs 7
May 17 22:52:49 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Noriko rolls 2d6 vs 7 and gets 3." [2d6=1, 2]
May 17 22:53:27 <Kotono>   roll 2d6 vs 5
May 17 22:53:29 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 vs 5 and gets 11." [2d6=6, 5]
May 17 22:53:56 <Noriko>   OOC: 19 damage again
May 17 22:54:30 <Kotono>   WHAMBAM! Noriko leaps high enough and smashes it down into the pavement! For a moment it looks to twist one final time, beofre spinning apart! Dimensions turn from incomprehensible to mundane, twisting out like fading string cheese! It winds down to the last, a single mote of light that fades away! It leaves behind a solid white diamond in it's wake, about the size of a fist. OOC: Free act.
May 17 22:55:24 <Aisutori>   roll 2d6 v 7 mythology what was that
May 17 22:55:26 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Aisutori rolls 2d6 v 7 mythology what was that and gets 10." [2d6=6, 4]
May 17 22:55:56 <Jin_>   "...maybe I should have just stuck with the whip." Jin slumps his shoulders. "Here I was hoping that my sword would make me a little more badass."
May 17 22:56:02 *   Noriko picks up the diamond, examines it. "I may have to advise mother into developing extradimensional spatial reasoning algorithms if we encounter more beings like this."
May 17 22:56:21 <Kotono>   OOC: Make a soul check, Noriko?
May 17 22:56:26 <Jin_>   "Good job, Noriko. I wonder if that diamond is worth anything?"
May 17 22:57:06 <Noriko>   roll 2d6 vs 3
May 17 22:57:07 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Noriko rolls 2d6 vs 3 and gets 5." [2d6=1, 4]
May 17 22:58:23 <Aisutori>   "Or...we could ask them very nicely to stop comitting crimes against space?" Aisutori sweetly suggested.
May 17 22:58:30 <Kotono>   Noriko's hand glows a pale white! Whisps of electric current are tugged from her body, gathering around the diamond! Abruptly it flies up, a sagging creature of light and air appearing once more! Coming back to it like spun silk are it's impossible angles, as it screams wordlessly! OOC: Init again. 7 damage, Noriko.
May 17 22:58:34 <Aisutori>   "I'm perfectly fine with space remaining intact."
May 17 22:58:49 <Aisutori>   roll 2d6+7 again?
May 17 22:58:51 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Aisutori rolls 2d6+7 again? and gets 19." [2d6=6, 6]
May 17 22:58:58 <Kotono>   roll 2d6+7
May 17 22:59:00 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Kotono rolls 2d6+7 and gets 15." [2d6=3, 5]
May 17 22:59:24 <Jin_>   roll 2d6+7
May 17 22:59:25 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Jin_ rolls 2d6+7 and gets 13." [2d6=5, 1]
May 17 22:59:30 <Noriko>   roll 2d6+8
May 17 22:59:31 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Noriko rolls 2d6+8 and gets 15." [2d6=3, 4]
May 17 22:59:45 *   Kotono has changed the topic to: Aisutori(19)>Thing=Robogirl(15)>Jin(13)
May 17 22:59:48 <Kotono>   OOC: Go Aisu.
May 17 23:02:05 <Aisutori>   "Noriko, get back," Aisutori rushed in, pulling the robot girl back as she tried to send a spike of ice at the diamond.
May 17 23:02:09 <Aisutori>   roll 2d6 v 7
May 17 23:02:10 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Aisutori rolls 2d6 v 7 and gets 9." [2d6=6, 3]
May 17 23:02:51 <Kotono>   Aisutori slams an ice spike right at the figure of air and light...and misses entirely, as she hops forward! OOC: Baddie'n'robo, go Noriko.
May 17 23:03:39 <Noriko>   Backs away enough to get out of the thing's grasp--and far enough that she won't blow herself to bits firing a rocket into it!
May 17 23:03:48 <Noriko>   roll 2d6 vs 8
May 17 23:03:49 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Noriko rolls 2d6 vs 8 and gets 7." [2d6=1, 6]
May 17 23:03:56 <Kotono>   OOC: Rocketing it?
May 17 23:04:02 <Noriko>   OOC: yes
May 17 23:04:08 <Kotono>   roll 2d6 vs 5
May 17 23:04:10 <Hatbot>   ACTION --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 vs 5 and gets 7." [2d6=4, 3]
May 17 23:04:56 <Kotono>   BOOOOOOOOOM! An explosion starts in the center of the thing, the rocket doing it's deadly work! The entire thing explodes out, diamond dust coating everything around as Noriko blows it all the hell up! OOC: That was brief. Free act.
May 17 23:05:47 <Noriko>   "They are weak to explosions," Noriko observes. "This is a valuable lesson I will act upon in future encounters."
May 17 23:05:47 <Aisutori>   "Why didn't you do that the first time?" Aisutori patted her hair down, a bit too close to the explosion herself.
May 17 23:06:08 <Noriko>   "Jin was standing next to it before I could fire."
May 17 23:06:48 <Jin_>   "I'm a tough guy. I probably would have just been slightly incinerated!"
May 17 23:06:52 *   Jin_ grins.
Well, Goodbye.