Random DM nagging.

Started by Anastasia, August 06, 2011, 10:56:41 AM

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I mean of the actual class. Do you have access to any of it?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Oh, I see. Besides what I've taken of it so far no.


I have a metamagic question. I have both spontaneous and prepared spells, and an item dropping the cost of metamagic by 1. To have it apply to the prepared spells, would I need to be using it during spell memorization, during casting or both? What happens to the memorized spell in the metamagic slot -1 level if I lack the item when it's time to cast it?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Time for Yuth's sheet audit.

0. Todo: Epic psion power point progression. This reminds me. I did it by hand for Pistis Sophia and I have the notes there, so I can figure it out fairly quickly.

Quote1. A few notes on mindsight. It provides a fairly steady flow of information (int scores and type of creatures within range), so don't be afraid to poke me in PM if I don't provide that. Secondly, these rulings from houserules relate to mindsight.

Quote3. Adjudicating Mindsight: Mindsight is foiled by mind blank. In addition, a ring of mind shielding or any other effect that explicitly stops mind reading stops mindsight.
25: Darkstalker stops mindsight and other rare, unusual forms of sensing. It's meant to be encompassing, so I give it credit versus random ways ot detect things from other splatbooks.

Antenora in B1 uses mindsight, so this has come up. Heads up.

Hm. Okay. Might grab something else then.

Quote2. Walk me through how your feats combo? I'm not as well versed on psionics as other things, so a run through would be helpful.

I'll update this tonight. It needs more time than I can devote to it at work.

Quote3. You can take sneak attack instead of sudden strike. Your choice on that.


Quote4. Incarnate is essentially psionic permanency, right? I'd have it follow the same rules as that spell.

Yes, that's fine.

Quote5. Temporal acceleration would work through speed and not actual time shenanigans. Flavor issue there, doesn't impact the mechanics.

No worries.

Quote6. Bend reality and reality revision would use the rules for limited wish and wish, since they're essentially the same thing.

As expected.

Quote7. True mind switch has a hefty XP penalty and all sorts of ways to get up to no good with it. I have all sorts of reservations since it doesn't translate well. Is this a big part of your build or gimmick?

It's not essential. It's sorta polymorphy-not-really and I'm not sure I'll even use it. If you want to nix it, Go ahead. I'm certain I can find another use for the slot.

Quote8. The power transfer ability of psychic chirurgery is problematic for a few reasons. First of all, psionics are rare in Balmuria. You won't have many chances to use it. The fact that Aurora has two manifesters (Dana and Morniel) is more than usual*. Secondly, trading XP for permanent new powers known breaks down a bit when you convert XP to GP costs. I'm not entirely sure how to handle this offhand, so I'm open to suggestions.

I took it is because of the fact that we have the two manifesters on Aurora, and it also fits the fluff I haven't posted yet.

Instead of XP cost, perhaps we can convert it to a 5-for-1 or a 10-for-1 gp cost? Or make it so that it can be done at a 1-for-1, but requires a certain rare material or two that can't just be purchased. 

Quote9. Do note there's an epic psionics tab over in the epic rules thread. Click here: http://www.soulriders.net/forum/index.php/topic,103118.msg1051200.html#msg1051200 Notably, epic psionics aren't well developed, as I rarely use them. There's a few powers (check the sheets of Pistis Sophia and Debonah in characters and monsters) but it's largely a blank slate. More immediately relevant is the epic manifesting feat and extend power point progression. More annoyingly, I don't have epic psion's power point progression handy. I have the math I did for Pistis Sophia's power point total, so it won't be hard to recreate.

Will look.

Quote10. I don't really see the point of preserve ectoplasm. Care to elaborate?

Any gear that Tryll wears has to be made of ectoplasm in order for him to wear it due to him being incorporeal, barring rulings by you. Ectoplasm, per Ghostwalk rules, breaks down over a matter of days. Preserved ectoplasm breaks down much slower, but still breaks down. The spell refreshes the preservation. Small cost to maintain the gear.

Quote11. What does that third eye item do? Also note that psionic items are really rare, so buying any you need in chargen would be wise.

The third eye boosts ML for SR penetration.

Quote12. Go ahead and walk me through your build. How does it work? What are the combos? How does it all tie together?

Quote* The majority of manifesters in Creation are minor ones. They have the hidden talent feat (example: Helena in B5) and a single power that they likely don't know is psionic in nature. Of the rest, they have levels in classes that grant manifesting. This is more common in immortal creatures, as they're the only ones likely to have the knowledge base to recognize psionic talent for what it is. Magic largely overshadows psionics in this campaign, and the high amount of magic/psionic transparency I use enables this further.

This will also be recognized in the fluff.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Quote from: Nephrite on December 08, 2015, 04:18:50 PM
Oh, I see. Besides what I've taken of it so far no.

Alright, we'll figure something out about this tonight.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on December 08, 2015, 04:53:20 PM
I have a metamagic question. I have both spontaneous and prepared spells, and an item dropping the cost of metamagic by 1. To have it apply to the prepared spells, would I need to be using it during spell memorization, during casting or both? What happens to the memorized spell in the metamagic slot -1 level if I lack the item when it's time to cast it?

I'm assuming two different spell sets here and not something more exotic.

For prepared spells, it lowers the cost by 1 when you prepare it. You don't need it after that, the spell is prepared.

For a spontaneous spell, you don't apply it until you cast the spell. You'd need the item on hand.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


You're up to post, Merc. Drop one down, I'm waiting on you.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


That's correct, one from each side of the build. Thanks!
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Ah, okay?

I didn't really have anything to add, but I'll post Ithea's position I guess.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


There's clearly gonna be a trap sprung on us so we may as well be ready to deal with that shit. Or watch Baleruk deal with it.


Quote from: Anastasia on December 08, 2015, 03:42:45 PM
I need to make epic beguiler, expect that in a day or two.

Noted on the rest.

For what it's worth, from discussion with Iddy:
[21:26] <Iddy> I can't find an actual work up for epic beguiler
[21:26] <Merc> There isn't, but it wouldn't be difficult to create one.
[21:28] <Iddy> Oh?
[21:31] <Merc> It'd probably just be:
[21:31] <Merc> At level 21, you get "Spellcasting" (just boosts your caster level until you pick up Epic Spell Capacity feat, then you can learn higher level spells/gain more spells)
[21:31] <Merc> At level 23 and every 4+ you get Advanced Learning (learn new illusion/enchantment spell outside list)
[21:31] <Merc> At level 26 and every 6+ you get Cloak Casting (+1 bonus to beguiler spell DCs)
[21:31] <Merc> And finally, at level 24 and every 4+ you gain an epic feat.
[21:31] <Merc> At a guess
[21:31] <Merc> Normally on the epic feat progression, if it followed beguiler pre-20, it'd be at 25 and every 5+, but that's not consistent with other gish classes
[21:31] <Merc> which get every 4+
[21:32] <Merc> and focused classes get every 3+ (as an fyi)

<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Quote2. Walk me through how your feats combo? I'm not as well versed on psionics as other things, so a run through would be helpful.

Overchannel & Talented

Overchannel allows you to increase your effective ML by 1, 2, or 2 levels depending on HD. Doing so causes an amount of damage to you per ML increased.

1 = 1d8
2 = 3d8
3 = 5d8

Talented allows you to use this ability on all powers third level and under without taking damage.

Psicrystal Affinity & Psicrystal Containment

Psicrystal Affinity gives access to a psicrystal, which is sort of like a familiar with less personality. The real love comes from Psicrystal Containment, which provides a second psionic focus. The expenditure of psionic focus is something required of in many psionic feats and metapsionic feats. Having this can essentially allow you to apply two metapsionic feats to a power.

Psionic Meditation simply allows you to regain psionic focus as a move action, granting more action economy. Psionic focus is required to use any power or psionic ability. Without it, you're essentially a well-equipped commoner.

Talented was a required feat, and essentially a burnt slot. Might come in handy someday, I guess.

Quote12. Go ahead and walk me through your build. How does it work? What are the combos? How does it all tie together?

Entire build, along with fluff, is designed to make the coure the star of the show. Main character occupies same space as coure familiar as a mist while incorporeal, takes shapes as needed to use abilities. Coure does battlefield control and minor buffing, PC does blasting and large-scale protection/irritation. Psicrystal delivers touch attacks as needed. Metapsionic feats can stack, so when serious blasting is needed, it can be done. Psicrystal Containment allows this to continue rapidly, every two turns until we run out of enemies or PP. If shit goes bad, everyone goes incorporeal and bugs out, barring psicrystal, which either drops to the floor inert or makes its own clever escape.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?

Iron Dragoon

Oh, Merc reminded me again to ask about Faerie Dragon racial/class benefits, so that, too.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


Quote from: Yuthirin on December 08, 2015, 10:08:02 PM
Quote2. Walk me through how your feats combo? I'm not as well versed on psionics as other things, so a run through would be helpful.

Overchannel & Talented

Overchannel allows you to increase your effective ML by 1, 2, or 2 levels depending on HD. Doing so causes an amount of damage to you per ML increased.

1 = 1d8
2 = 3d8
3 = 5d8

Talented allows you to use this ability on all powers third level and under without taking damage.

So that nets you a free +3 ML on 1st-3rd level powers, and the option to do so on other powers? Seems solid without being broken.

Were you looking at Improved Overchannel (Complete Psi)? I saw that reading up on how those feats work and I probably wouldn't allow it as written.

QuotePsicrystal Affinity & Psicrystal Containment

Psicrystal Affinity gives access to a psicrystal, which is sort of like a familiar with less personality. The real love comes from Psicrystal Containment, which provides a second psionic focus. The expenditure of psionic focus is something required of in many psionic feats and metapsionic feats. Having this can essentially allow you to apply two metapsionic feats to a power.

Alright, seems straightforward enough. What happens if a psicrystal gets busted?

QuotePsionic Meditation simply allows you to regain psionic focus as a move action, granting more action economy. Psionic focus is required to use any power or psionic ability. Without it, you're essentially a well-equipped commoner.

That I do know and it's why I avoid things that require you to expend your focus. I usually feel it isn't worth it.

QuoteEntire build, along with fluff, is designed to make the coure the star of the show. Main character occupies same space as coure familiar as a mist while incorporeal, takes shapes as needed to use abilities. Coure does battlefield control and minor buffing, PC does blasting and large-scale protection/irritation. Psicrystal delivers touch attacks as needed. Metapsionic feats can stack, so when serious blasting is needed, it can be done. Psicrystal Containment allows this to continue rapidly, every two turns until we run out of enemies or PP. If shit goes bad, everyone goes incorporeal and bugs out, barring psicrystal, which either drops to the floor inert or makes its own clever escape.

Okay, sounds fun enough. HP will likely be a concern for all, though. To be totally honest, ways of piercing incorporealness aren't uncommon in epic. It's a fun gimmick but I'd shore up your hit points if you can.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Iron Dragoon on December 09, 2015, 12:05:45 AM
Oh, Merc reminded me again to ask about Faerie Dragon racial/class benefits, so that, too.

How so?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?