
I have a dream that one day, men will be punched in the face not for the color of their skin, but for the awful content of their character.

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Alternate of Evangelion 1/0: You may (not) succeed: Interest Thread

Started by Namagomi, September 09, 2011, 10:40:06 AM

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Giant robots with superpowers beyond the comprehension of mortal man.  Indescribable alien creatures that threaten the very existence of mankind.  The fate of the world, placed in the hands of a handful of teenagers.  This would come off normally to some as the ultimate power fantasy--especially to aforementioned teenagers.

...hell, even in the world after Second Impact.  The reality, naturally, is far more cruel than the fantasy one would imagine, even when looking upon the Evangelion units.  Sure, all the base elements are there...but there's something just not right about those Evas...nevermind the 'Angels'.  Every time one of those attacks, hundreds die at the least, and that's on a good such day!

And wait--you don't have much of a choice but to pilot these things unless you want to see horrible, horrible things happen.  Some fantasy, huh.


As one can suspect, this is an Evangelion game, run using the Adeptus Evangelion system hack for Dark Heresy, taking place in an as-of-current undetermined city (either US or Japanese division of NERV, considering either as of current).    A few unique concessions would have to be taken for combat; while other matters could be run in chat, I would very much insist that combat be board-run, partly to not completely bog players down with the amount of die-rolling in a chat, but also partly due to the absolute necessity of a tactical map.

As far as character creation, and conceptualization go, there are two things to consider.  The first being what your life was up until now--possibly one of four paths help define your existence.

Prodigy: You were an average kid, with average hopes and ambitions.  To you, Second Impact was a meteor strike.  But to NERV, you've got potential--as piloting stock.  Were this Gundam, you'd be a Newtype.  As is, though, it just means your life has turned into a living nightmare.  You seem to be better able to synchronize with the giant robots than most...but you're also a hell of a lot more green.

Neo-Spartan: Piloting is your life, your purpose, your existence, your everything.  You were raised with the knowledge that one day you'd be piloting one of these units, and trained for it day in and day out.  You are a living weapon...and this leads to problems when you're forced to mix in with the rest of the people...

Manufactured:  Finding suitable pilots is hard.  Finding enough of them moreso--it's no doubt that there's a casualty rate among them here.  So the biotech guys got a ton of money doing the next best thing; they made them from scratch.  More reliable at synching with them and dealing with the horrors of fighting Angels, sure...but also a bit unusual when it comes to dealing with people...

Impact Survivor: You were there.  You dealt with the worst of it.  And you're one of the lucky millions who survived Second Impact.  Life sucked, to say the least, and you're not really able to pilot those Eva units...but you may have picked up the knowledge in your lifetime for something else...

After that, there's the main question of "what can you -do-"?  This, likewise, is summed up with a set of professions here...

Berserker: You're not as badass at fighting as the Pointmen or Skirmishers, and you're not in-tune with the weird stuff that the ATTs know.  But you have a talent for synching to your Eva...and letting it run rampant and do its own thing.  You're almost as dangerous to your friends as you are to your enemies, but nobody's going to deny your usefulness in that regard.

Skirmisher:  Let's not mince words here.  You're flat out better at direct combat than the others--really, once properly loaded out, an Evangelion is a giant walking arsenal.  You're just the best at utilizing that arsenal for what it is--weapons.  Whether melee or ranged, you're efficient in your carnage.

Pointman: The glory of the kill is one thing.  Anyone can get a kill off.  It takes a special sort of person to put the team over themselves in a fight against an Angel.  You're best in a support and defending role--making sure the others don't get hurt and that the Angel is too busy being given hell to properly counterattack or defend.  You may not get all the kills, but you're still a badass all the same.

AT Tactician:  AT Fields are a wonderful thing.  Scientists had to create economy-draining giant robots as a way to get through the ones Angels have.  And they're so versatile, too--protecting, cutting, blasting...and that may only scratch the surface.  Given, those NERV eggheads couldn't quite figure out the particulars of manipulating such fields, but then again, they're not you, are they?

Operations Director (note:Limit one/game):  Giant war machines are awesome.  Giant war machines that can actually take on the cosmic horror aliens that have come to end humanity are even more awesome.  But you know what's more awesome than that?  Making sure they're properly supported with intel and backup for those fights--whether it's coordinating some army pilots and turrets, or clearing the area out for a N2 strike.  Just remember, if things go south, you're the first one who the commander's going to rip a new asshole.  (sidenote: if there's not too many players I could consider this one to be optional.)

System documents can be provided upon request.  If there's enough interest, I will bring up houserules and proper chargen at some point.


Interest in Eva with Adeptus Evangelion? Yep. When are you thinking of running this, and puns aside, can one actually succeed or is ultimate failure predetermined?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Sounds cool, but I'm spoken for in 2 at the moment, so going to give others a chance to bite and have a blast :)  Still will watch *stares*
Well, Goodbye.


Quote from: Corwin on September 09, 2011, 11:36:49 AM
Interest in Eva with Adeptus Evangelion? Yep. When are you thinking of running this, and puns aside, can one actually succeed or is ultimate failure predetermined?

Well, it was either run it myself or ask someone else to, and I hate making other people feel put upon.

That aside, first question: It'll take some preptime, if you mean initial run.  AdEva is fairly heavy on the GM prepwork, since a general idea of where you want the plot to go, NPCs, Angel stats, and so on are kind of necessary to have on hand.

If you mean what days I could run chat sessions, that'd be mainly Sundays, some Mondays, Tuesdays, some Thursdays, and Saturdays.  Wednesdays and Fridays are straight out.

As for whether success is possible...*fingerwave* That, is a secret.


Drac: Cool enough.  If you change your mind, though, it's easy enough to facilitate new players joining if the game's not what I consider full up (5 players [4 pilots, one OD] is what I'd consider at maximum)


What about time-wise? Given my timezone, I try to check other people's available time.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Timeframes?  I can be somewhat flexible with Life on the Ground segments and whatnot, and combat is going to be on the board (for...again, preservation of sanity).

But for timezones, I'm currently EST.  6 PM tends to  be the earliest for me, though I can stay up later.


I'd recommend strongly looking over your week Namagomi and declaring "These are hours I see myself potentially able to run it".  Corwin for instance is on Israel time, which is way off from yours, but he's often able to make a variety of game times anyway.  Giving your own range will give others a quick heads up on whether or not they're anywhere close to a time slot you can run in.  Consider morning games as well and you might get some crew there.  I know dune often runs things around mid-day est time.

Ramble Ramble... Zoom.
Well, Goodbye.


Ah, sorry.  Guess I've been a bit out of it and wasn't sure quite what to say precisely as far as times went, wasn't sure of what time Corwin had.

But in such a case, I guess I can specifically quantify mine to be as such for potentially running scenes on a regular basis:

Sundays: Technically open all day, but very open to parental interference to the point where I may have multi-hour delays from housework.  6:00 PM EST onward tends to be good for me; the later, the less likely I'll have to deal with parental interruptions.

Tuesdays: 6 PM EST is the earliest I could run there.  Any earlier and I'm stuck babysitting pets too much to run scenes.  I tend to be able to run much later than I can start, mind, but I usually tend to hold 10-11 PM EST as the limit for that (and even then that's a close margin)

Thursdays: 7 PM EST tends to be the normal time where I'm generally free of parental issues.  However, I'm already in an every-other-week game that runs on that day, so scenes would be far more sparse.  Otherwise see Tuesdays.

Saturdays: See Sundays.

Iron Dragoon

Game times you posted are 3:30 am for me, though. If you could start up a bit later, say around 9 pm, I'd be down. My timezone is GMT +4:30.

Like, Dune's Magical Girl game runs at 10:30 PM EST, which is 8 am for me.

If we can work that out, I call Pointman or Skirmisher.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


I'm GMT +2, and I'm generally around 17:00-22:00 GMT over the weekdays (those being sunday-thursday). According to Google, that's 11:00-16:00 EST. Sadly, it seems times are incompatible.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Iddy: I can make it later if need be; 9 PM isn't much of a stretch on my end.

Corwin: Sorry to hear, man.  Wish I could do something for the weekdays but my mother works from home so I'm somewhat stuck with the times I'm stuck with.


Maybe I should put a what to do for newbie DMs up :)

Still, hopefully some folks join up :)
Well, Goodbye.