031.3 "Why, that's why I'd offer a payment plan!"

Started by Corwin, March 19, 2012, 06:51:30 PM

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[22:39] <Kotono> Filbrez is found in his shop, humming as he sweeps the floor. Nearby Adrian is overlooking a glass case, and a pair of large earth elementals stand before the door into the back. Turning towards the trio, "Oh there you are! Surely you're here to spend some hard earned money on top quality goods?"
[22:40] <Afina> "Yes," Afina nods briskly, fluttering up, "I heard you have a unique stone that can make special armours?"
[22:40] <Jaela> "For a change, that's exactly it," Jaela agrees, following Afina.
[22:41] <Kotono> "Oh!" Clearing his throat, "You'll need to come back with me," he says, putting his broom aside. Clearing his throat, "Follow me." He looks to the elementals, who promptly step away from the door and give plenty of space to follow.
[22:41] * Afina flies serenely along behind the mercane.
[22:42] * Muirfinn nods at the shopkeeper as he enters. He follows, speaking a quick word of greeting in Terran as he passes the elementals.
[22:45] <Kotono> You get the same word of greeting in return as the trio head back. There's several rooms back here and a hallway, going into one small room. Here sitting on a table is a box, "A sample is here," Filbrez begins, "The rest is secured elsewhere.  Ah, Lightblood Stone.  Oh, the stories I've heard! I never imagined I'd be so lucky as to be able to sell it!" Going to the box, blue hands on top of it,
[22:45] <Kotono> "Have any of you heard of it before?"
[22:46] <Jaela> "Can't say that I did," Jaela admits, "which makes it impressive, considering what you say it does." She leans forward eagerly. "So what is it?"
[22:46] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+19 probably not?
[22:46] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+19 probably not? and gets 27." [1d20=8]
[22:47] <Afina> "No, just the word you'd spread," Afina replies, looking into the box with her master craftsfairy's eye to see what good it reall yis.
[22:47] * Muirfinn shakes his head as well. "I've never heard of it either."
[22:48] <Kotono> "It's said that deep in Elysium are sleeping things," Afina can't see into the box, as it is closed and the mercane's hands are over the top, "Some good, some evil imprisoned...or other things yet, if you listen to the right stories. Things that bleed into the rock, giving it a distinct color." Opening the box, he takes out a fist sized chunk of blood. The color is a perfect blood red and the
[22:48] <Kotono> entire hunk is glass smooth. He reaches in and takes out a slender metal pin. "Watch this."
[22:49] <Afina> Now she can use the eye of a fairy who has made many armours and weapons that can pierce said armours! Now she will say for sure if it's worth making a bulwark that could stand against the very blade of death itself!
[22:49] * Muirfinn watches!
[22:51] * Jaela barely stops herself from exclaiming that it's blood, not a component for making armor.
[22:53] <Kotono> The stone looks surprisingly sturdy - more like metal, even. The pin taken up has the shine of adamantine, pressed against the smooth surface. For several moment snothing happens, Filbrez grunting. "Mgh. Mgh. Ugh!" With a heavy push the pin sinks in and is withdrawn! Coming out of the wound is light. No, liquid. Light-liquid so bright as to dazzle the eyes, trickling out. "Lightblood stone is
[22:53] <Kotono> named for the color of the stone...and the fluid within it, that eternally flows. Armor that uses it has hollow pins that are inserted into the veins of the wearer and channels this fluid into the bloodstream."
[22:54] <Jaela> "Is this an armor for vampires?"
[22:54] * Muirfinn raises an eyebrow. "That sounds...unpleasant."
[22:54] <Afina> "That doesn't sound good for mobility, but if that's the only way to call on its full power, go on?" Afina encourages to draw out all the details. Be bad if she made armour that was just a hunk of rock because she didn't know about the need for blood channelling.
[22:56] <Kotono> "The blood causes rapid healing - wounds heal in moments," Filbrez goes on, "You gain the skin of an angel and the durability against weapons that follows. It's said to negate vile wounds and protect you from dark power, or from bleeding wounds. It also purifies the bloodstream - poisons and diseases are negated in seconds after entering the body."
[22:58] <Afina> "Hmm..." Afina looks thoughtful. "I wouldn't want it myself, but I can think of someone who would... unless either of you two are interested yourselves?" she glances at her tagalongs.
[22:58] * Muirfinn shakes his head. "I find armor gernerally too cumbersome."
[22:59] <Jaela> "I kinda wanted to, but it's fucking creepy and I'm already an angel. And have that sutff. What will I do, have twice the pefect skin?" Jaela shrugs. "Unless it's got some really good synergy with me that we didn't hear about yet, I'll pass."
[22:59] <Kotono> "I've heard that the liquid is utterly toxic to evil creatures," Going on and letting the glowing liquid slowly drip into the box, "Mortals can have problems with it as well, I've heard. Some say this is liquid Good itself. Now I don't know about that, but I do know this is one of the finest materials in all of Creation!" Tapping it with a finger, "Are any of you interested?"
[22:59] <Afina> "I can make something that will benefit the Crusade if not myself," Afina nods decisively. "How much?"
[23:01] <Kotono> "Normally, enough for a suit goes for half a million gold, approximately," Filbrez clears his throat, "For my esteemed friends here," He pauses a moment, "I could let it go for half of that.
[23:02] <Jaela> "You really should start with stuff like that," Jaela mutters, a sour expresion on her face. "I can't afford that without fighting another evil dragon, and I dunno who could."
[23:03] * Muirfinn shakes his head. "That is far beyond my means right now."
[23:03] <Afina> "You're joking," Afina replies blankly. "I could make almost half a score suits of the most powerful enchanted adamantine armour imaginable for that much. Is this really even close to that valuable, unenchanted and unshaped?"
[23:04] <Kotono> "Why, that's why I'd offer a payment plan," Smiling grandly, "My friends, this is a once in a lifetime chance! Why Afina, I give you my word as a merchant that I have spoken nothing but honest truth about its value."
[23:06] <Jaela> "How about you craft something from it?" Jaela suggests to Afina. "We have someone try it on for size. If it's all that's been advertized and more, we could go for it. If not, Filbrez gets the armor and you've had your chance to work with that creepy as fuck bloodstone."
[23:08] <Afina> "That's a thought..." Afina looks at Filbrez appraisingly. "You've seen my work on many of Aurora's inhabitants. I could make your stone into the finest suit of armour, which if it's so valuable in raw form would surely be many times more valuable for you to resell even if we don't retain it."
[23:08] <Kotono> "Mmm-hmm. Especially as an example of your work." Filbrez rubs his chin thoughtfully, then nods. "What type of armor are you thinking about?"
[23:08] <Jaela> "What kind is it best suited for? Defense or mobility?"
[23:09] <Afina> "Full plate," the fairy replies. "It sounds best for the sort of person who relies fully on their armour and rarely removes it."
[23:09] <Kotono> "Defense," Filbrez answers with a knowing nod, "Fair enough." He offers his hand out, "I look forward with bated breath to seeing what you forge it with. I have a small guide to help you with that, free of charge."
[23:09] <Muirfinn> "Ah, you have someone in mind then?" Muirfinn asks Afina.
[23:10] <Afina> "Yes. Could you go and get Dana for me, please?" Afina asks Muirfinn. "Having her on hand would make shaping it easier. With my skills it won't take more than a moment - I can see that guide while we wait on her?" she turns to the mercane.
[23:11] * Muirfinn taps the tip of his mouth. "The...pleasant armored girl?"
[23:11] <Muirfinn> "I can do that." Muirfin heads out. "I'll be back as soon as I can be."
[23:12] <Afina> "Ask Elena for help if you need it. She's usually in the barracks, though," Afina supplies.
[23:12] * Muirfinn nods his thanks as he heads out!
[23:13] <Kotono> "Certainly," Filbrez says, as...OOC: Going to forge the armor, Afina?
[23:13] <Afina> OOC: Yep. I'll cast Greater Heroism first then do it with Fabricate
[23:14] <Kotono> OOC: Make your craft check?
[23:14] <Afina> roll 1d20+34
[23:14] * Hatbot --> "Afina rolls 1d20+34 and gets 35." [1d20=1]
[23:16] <Kotono> With magic and effort, a suit of full plate is made! Dana watches along with the others, a hand on her hip. The armor is a smooth blood red, not a single crease to it. Instead the metal bends with unearthly flexibility to make joints, glistening white at those points. The entire set of armor begins to glow with a faint pearly luminesence once it is done, not a hint of red in it.
[23:17] <Afina> "It's a stubborn material," Afina concludes after she's done. "Want to try it on, Dana? If it doesn't fit right I can reshape it further."
[23:17] <Jaela> "No time like the present. I'll help you out?"
[23:18] <Kotono> "Yeah, sure," Dana whistles as she watches it, "Clear out for a minute so I can change - I'll come out to all of you."
[23:18] <Afina> Going along with her momentary affectation towards modesty, Afina flutters out to the shopfront.
[23:19] <Kotono> roll 1d12
[23:19] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d12 and gets 8." [1d12=8]
[23:19] * Muirfinn bobs his head as he trundles out.
[23:19] * Jaela shrugs. "Don't hurt yourself."
[23:20] <Kotono> With Jaela's help, the armor is donned. Dana hisses as the pins sink in with each new piece of it, but the armor comes on. It fits her body well, her eyes unfocused as she emerges. She stops and just looks about, her eyes turning the same bright white as the fluid from within the rocks. She utters but one word, "Woah."
[23:23] <Jaela> "Feel good?"
[23:23] <Afina> "Worth trading your old armour for?" Afina asks after a moment for Dana's eyes to refocus once she emerges.
[23:25] <Kotono> "It feels...it feels...right." Dana says, voice entirely far away. She sounds really rather dazed, voice hanging. "It's like I took some demon mushrooms, but I'm entirely lucid. It's like I have a third eye that just opened up, and I didn't realize how blind I was. It's like..I don't fucking know what it's like, but it's right." After a few moments, "Huh? Yeah, yeah. Work something out with
[23:25] <Kotono> that. Piss off Daddy if I sell it, too. That'll do him right."
[23:26] <Afina> "Alright. I can enchant the bloodstone armour later. How does royal armour work for a down-payment, Filbrez?"
[23:27] <Kotono> "I've seen your armor. It will do. It will do very well." Rubbing his hands together, "Now then, we'll just talk over a payment plan now..."
[23:30] <Afina> "I'll cover the rest of payment beyond your armour, Dana. Consider it a gift," the fairy says before focusing on the mercane. "It may take some time for me to gather the funds needed to pay the rest of the way. Or I could pay in kind? With Aurora's labs I can make magic artifacts far more cheaply than the value you'd get in selling them on."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake