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72: It belongs in a museum

Started by Ebiris, May 05, 2012, 11:58:10 AM

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[12:04] <@Ebiris> The journey back to Lessmus passes over several hours in strained silence, the three captives thankfully compliant and unresisting the whole way there. Twilight reigns as the meagre town of Lessmus finally comes into view, the sun a bare sliver against the woods to the East. For once it appears that the quiet town has some activity going on in it, there's a few torches lit and what looks like quite a few people gathered by the VanGaunt mansion up on the hill...
[12:05] <@Lucie> "Can't help but think a torchlit mob out in this town doesn't mean anything good," Lucie observes as they approach.
[12:06] <@Henrietta> Using a Light spell on her drawn flail, Henrietta proceeds through the twilight towards the mansion ahead!
[12:06] <@Rudy> "Yeah, well, maybe we'll luck out and they're just throwing a party," mutters Rudy, sauntering along with his hands in his pockets.
[12:07] <@Henrietta> "They must be looking for answers," Henrietta reasons. "But that is exactly what we can provide to them, now!"
[12:08] <@Lucie> "Yeah, well--" Lucie glances back at their captives, "--they get wind of who these folks are, it gets ugly fast. Be careful what you tell them."
[12:08] <@Rudy> "My experience is that mobs don't wait around for answers, unless the answer is 'burn it!'"
[12:11] <@Ebiris> "Yes, the Lady could be throwing a party. I'm sure everyone could use some nice distraction from events?" Liamae suggests lightly, but with little hope behind it. Proceeding through the near barren village and up the hill, those hopes are dashed as the mob before the mansion looks to be in an ugly mood as they confront Esmerelle VanGaunt, the dame flanked by the redoubtable Ms LeHugh who glares spitefully at the villagers and an older but still spry looking man with thick grey hair wearing a sturdy longcoat.
[12:11] <@Ebiris> "Eh, it's alright for yous, sittin' pretty behind dem thick stone walls, but what about the rests of us, eh? My Adrian only went to pick gooseberries on the patch where Is could see 'im from the window. Turned around a second and then e's gone!" what looks to be the ringleader, a bitter looking middle aged man spits. A rousing murmur of agreement comes from the crowd, one woman crying out, "We ought to tear down that mansion and use the brick to build a wall we should!"
[12:13] <@Henrietta> "You should do no such thing!" Henrietta exclaims. "What you want is to rescue those abducted and put a stop to that, is it not?"
[12:13] <@Rudy> "Ladies, gentlemen!" announces Rudy, striding forward, all oblivious-like. "What is the meaning of this?"
[12:13] <@Ebiris> OOC: make a charisma check one of you? Other can aid.
[12:14] <@Henrietta> roll 1d20+6 okay!
[12:14] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d20+6 okay! and gets 10." [1d20=4]
[12:14] <@Rudy> roll 1d20+5
[12:14] * +Hatbot --> "Rudy rolls 1d20+5 and gets 7." [1d20=2]
[12:17] <@Ebiris> The crowd don't seem to pay much mind, bunched together enough to keep anyone from easily breezing past them and focused forward as the man besides Lady VanGaunt speaks up aggrieved, "The Lady's own brother, the good Sir Jacin was taken from within these very walls you fools! No one's safe no matter what protections they have!" His words have the opposite effect as the crowd becomes even more riled and alarmed, voices stirring up over each other in a scared and angry chorus that drowns out most other communication. The maid is the only one who seems to notice the new arrivals, and she looks far from happy about it.
[12:22] <@Henrietta> If just calling out to the crowd isn't working, then they just have to get their attention! Casting flight upon herself, Henrietta soars into the air above the mob, keeping far out of reach. The glow of her flail should help illuminate her rather well, and she tries to focus all attention on herself with a thunderclap aided by Ghost Sound before crying out, "Enough! You are in trouble, and your
[12:22] <@Henrietta> concern is understandable. But help has arrived! We will protect you!"
[12:22] * @Lucie marches in front of the speaker and looms menacingly, hat, horns and all, mace in hand--sure, she can't wield it right now, but that's hardly common knowledge, isn't it? "Sure, they took her own brother, and we didn't see YOU stepping up to do anything about it then, did we? No sir, but now it affects you, oh gods, the world's ending. How's about you run back home and let the Lady do
[12:22] * @Lucie her bloody job?"
[12:23] <@Ebiris> OOC: if you're pushing through the crowd make a strength check, Lucie?
[12:23] <@Lucie> roll 1d20-2 pffthahaha
[12:23] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20-2 pffthahaha and gets 9." [1d20=11]
[12:27] <@Ebiris> OOC: also make a diplo check, Henri
[12:28] <@Henrietta> roll 1d20+16
[12:28] * +Hatbot --> "Henrietta rolls 1d20+16 and gets 17." [1d20=1]
[12:29] <@Ebiris> Lucie is rebuffed by the throng before she gets anywhere near the target of her ire, stumbling back as a young woman carrying a crowbar elbows her in the stomach as she herself steps back and looks up at Henrietta's dramatic entrance. Indeed the entire crowd looks up in amazement at the vision seemingly descending from above. Even Lady VanGaunt and her manservant are both captivated, the latter as enraptured as the crowd while the former just looks relieved. The only one not spellbound is Ms LeHugh who gazes over the crowd at the remainder of the party and the prisoners with speculative interest. All is silent for a long, almost reverent minute until the silence is broken by the woman who cried out earlier to tear down the mansion. "A mighty mage! Our lords have not forgotten us!" she claps her hands together. the overall tone of the crowd lightening massively at this development.
[12:32] <@Henrietta> "Your enemy is not a curse or a ghost!" Henrietta declares. "It is but men. Traitors to this kingdom, who want to bring ruin on you! But they will be stopped, you have my word on that!"
[12:35] * @Lucie shuffles away from the mob to keep an eye on their prisoners now. Just in case someone doesn't like the sound of this and decides to do a runner.
[12:35] <@Ebiris> "There, you see!" the dame siezes on this opening gratefully, "Help has arrived from the capital, and has been working tirelessly against those who plague us for days now already! I promise this will be resolved soon, so please go back to your homes and be relieved!" At this it doesn't take much prodding, the crowd starting to lower their arms and disperse somewhat, clearing the way towards the mansion and even giving the new arrivals behind them a few hearty claps on the back and words of thanks and relief.
[12:36] <@Rudy> "Have you got something we can use as a cell?" asks Rudy, approaching the dame with a glance over his shoulder. "I know you've no real armsmen about to serve as guards, so a lock'll do for now."
[12:37] <@Henrietta> At the dispersal of the crowd, Henrietta floats down to land by the dame. "I apologize for our belated return, My Lady," she says, before awaiting her answer to Rudy's question.
[12:38] <@Ebiris> "We could use one of the basement storerooms, my Lady," the maid suggests, her expression turning less snippy and bowing gently to the younger woman. "If one of us is there to watch and sound the alarm at all times it would suffice."
[12:39] <@Ebiris> The three prisoners mill around awkwardly, Will offering a weak smile while neither Hortia nor Bertrand meet anyones' eyes.
[12:39] <@Rudy> "Put them in there for now, then," suggests Rudy. "Gods, I'm starving. Let's discuss things over a meal, if you don't mind?"
[12:41] <@Ebiris> "Of course," Esmerelle nods to both ideas, "Darnel, would you put some more stew on? And Thess, show our heroes where to put their prisoners and then we'll convene in the dining room. I'm eager to hear what you've learned," she concludes, looking much more vital than she did last time she was seen.
[12:49] <@Ebiris> Thus the prim and forever disapproving maid shows the group where to stow their prisoners, taking the first watch until Darnel finishes making dinner so he can take over and she can hover protectively behind Lady VanGaunt as the group settles over a nourishing if unimpressive repast of thick and spicy stew full of potatoes, carrots, onions, and dumplings. By contrast, the wine provided is quite excellent, apparently an old vintage the lady had been saving for a special occassion. And as everyone tucks in, she asks, "What have you learned from the prisoners, then?"
[12:49] <@Rudy> "Let me explain the overall situation," begins Rudy.
[12:49] <@Rudy> "Well, no. Let me summarize. There is a conspiracy in this region, and their aims require live human subjects for the purposes of alchemical and magical experimentation. Those we've captured are part of this broader group, which has been responsible for the recent spate of disappearances. Others we've met were slain. At present, the group still has a few hideaways, but they must have been crippled
[12:49] <@Rudy> by our strikes so far.
[12:49] <@Rudy> "The group is well-armed, motivated, and well-funded. The leaders do not operate solely within Isernia; this is merely one arm of their work, I believe. Obviously, we can't stand for this."
[12:51] <@Lucie> The food might not be anything special, but Lucie has a lot of strength to recover, and correspondingly eats a lot. And drinks her share too, of course.
[12:52] <@Ebiris> "What? But why? Why are they doing this?" Esmerelle asks, her eyes wide with alarm after hearing Rudy's summary and leaning back as if to distance herself from such horrors even as she asks to know more. "Are they spies from another country?"
[12:53] <@Lucie> "Seems to me they don't really have a country," Lucie says. "They got *ideas* and those are more important to them."
[12:53] <@Rudy> "The reasons at the root are unknown to us." Rudy clicks his tounge. "Some people place the pursuit of knowledge above all else, and that leads them to do awful, stupid things. I think that's the case for some, but they're a motley crew."
[12:54] <@Ebiris> "Then what are they trying to learn?" the maid interjects concisely, earning no rebuke for speaking out of turn. Indeed Esmerelle nods as if she'd been about to ask the same.
[12:54] <@Henrietta> "These people believe that they can become more than human through this research," Henrietta adds, sipping at her wine. "And they do not seem to care that they trample on the lives of others while carrying it out."
[12:56] <@Ebiris> "We think it might have something to do with lycanthropy," Liamae volunteers now, "Or at least that's one aspect of it. It might even tie in with the demon wolf story," she muses, Esmerelle narrowing her eyes at the sorceress for that and paling.
[12:56] <@Ebiris> "It's no story," she says simply.
[12:57] <@Henrietta> "We did come across lycanthropes," Henrietta recalls, barely suppressing a shudder. "But yes. Health, a stronger body, a sharper mind. Immortality, perhaps?"
[12:57] <@Rudy> "A lifespan equivalent to an elf or dwarf," repeats Rudy. "I've no doubt there are many who'd gladly kill for such years."
[12:57] <@Lucie> "Described their leader as seeming 'ageless,' so maybe they've had a little success there," Luce says.
[12:58] <@Ebiris> "The leader?" Ms LeHugh spears Lucie with her sharp gaze now. "What do you know about him?"
[12:59] <@Rudy> "Her. We only know her as 'The Mistress'," replies Rudy, wryly. "Not the fun kind. The gentleman downstairs told us everything he knew, which wasn't much. Mostly he just raved about how powerful and charismatic she seemed."
[13:00] <@Lucie> "Her," Lucie corrects. "Didn't get a name, possibly they don't know one for real. Call her 'the Mistress' apparently. Gray hair, seems young otherwise, tall and real imposing...they talked with that mix of fear and awe, yeah."
[13:00] <@Rudy> "We do know, however, that she pulled him out of a sticky situation in Jherlund," he adds. "Hence his loyalty, and my conclusion that she operates internationally."
[13:00] <@Ebiris> She nods, seemingly satisfied with that, but the Lady herself pursues it more, "Do you know where to find her? What powers she has in particular?"
[13:01] <@Henrietta> "The other prisoner, Hortia, she has yet to tell us much," Henrietta voices. "We thought to return quickly rather than pressing the issue at the time. Perhaps she would know?"
[13:01] <@Lucie> "We don't know either of those things yet, no. We do know there'
[13:02] <@Lucie> "We don't know either of those things yet, no. We do know there's a few more hideouts hereabouts that we'll need to clear out."
[13:02] <@Rudy> "We'll be on that as soon as Lucie is fit for action again."
[13:03] * @Lucie nods. "That'll be a few days. And at least another bowl of stew."
[13:03] <@Rudy> "In the meantime, we need to decide on what to do with those people," notes Rudy. "The boy, Bertrand, he's got no real guilt to him. But the other two..."
[13:03] <@Ebiris> At Lucie's part about grey hair both the maid and the lady look at each other and raise mutual eyebrows, both having their own share of grey hairs. The matter seems readily dropped however. "Perhaps hunger will loosen her tongue. We should put her in the neighbouring room and give the gentlemen richly smelling food for the next day or two."
[13:04] <@Ebiris> "Better not to kill any until the woman has talked," Liamae suggests, "She'll definitely clam up if she knows what's ahead."
[13:06] <@Lucie> "What usually happens to criminals out this way?" Lucie asks, moving things along after her little gaffe. "We're a long way from organized law."
[13:06] * @Henrietta listens quietly for now.
[13:09] <@Ebiris> "Most offences are just settled with fines or labour on behalf of the aggrieved," Esmerelle explains, "Only a few things require more... the hanging tree hasn't been used for years. For such crimes against our population, though, it can be the only recourse."
[13:11] <@Henrietta> "My Lady, might I request that you hold off on passing any judgement on the pair of men, at the very least?" Henrietta asks respectfully. "While part of that group, I am not certain they had something to do with the actual crimes against the populace. I would like to be very sure about it, first."
[13:11] <@Rudy> "In any case, they confessed quickly and completely. Thanks to that, we were able to defeat several more of this band," continues Rudy. "I think a stay of execution is warranted, at the very least."
[13:11] <@Lucie> "Haven't had any reservation about talking to us, that's for sure," Lucie says.
[13:14] <@Lucie> "Speaking of, they mentioned a few places we'll need to find to finish this. We don't know the local land well enough to say outright we know how to get to them, though. A ruin called Harvenstead, for one, a 'tainted valley,' though that might just be their name for it, and a buried temple...thought maybe that last one might be the ruin in town here. Any others about that that could refer to?"
[13:14] * @Henrietta gives Rudy and Lucie a grateful look.
[13:17] <@Ebiris> Esmerelle looks thoughtful about it, even as Thess argues the other side, "They are still guilty of association, conspiracy, and aiding and abetting mass murder and torture. We can hardly settle that with a fine, can we?"
[13:18] <@Ebiris> "I'll grant a fair hairing and decide for myself after, but all your concerns will be borne in mind," the lady allows, listening now to Lucie. "Harvenstead was our sister village on the far side of the lake, though it fell empty several decades ago, being even more cut off than we are. The temple..." she looks thoughtful now, "No, the one in town is disused but it's no ruin. The buried one, I remember when I was a very young girl, some adventurers came to town before going to explore it..." she trails off, thinking and clearly trying to recall long past events. "I remember one of them had the most lovely blonde hair I had ever seen. There's a painting in the gallery of her taken while they stayed in town. I'll have to consult records from that time to find out more."
[13:20] <@Lucie> "Check for us while we're resting up tomorrow?" Lucie suggests.
[13:21] <@Ebiris> "I will, there should be an itinerary and the like registered while they were staying," Esmerelle nods. "So what are you going to do after you're rested?"
[13:21] <@Henrietta> "Might I accompany you, My Lady?" Henrietta requests. "If might help to be visible to the people tomorrow, among other things."
[13:22] <@Ebiris> "Of course. I'd gladly hear of events occuring in the outside world while enjoying your company," she smiles at Henrietta.
[13:23] <@Lucie> "Well, we know one of 'em's in Harvenstead, so I'd guess that's the best bet for our next strike. Unless that temple turns out to be real close, but we don't even know why they're interested in that."
[13:23] <@Rudy> "Maybe we should find out?" remarks Rudy. "I could go down there and send Myra in to look around, see if there's any nasties there or not."
[13:24] * @Henrietta returns the smile, before answering her previous question. "As Lucie and Rudy has said, our next step depends on what information we might be able to gather, either from the records, from Hortia or Myra's exploration."
[13:25] <@Ebiris> "In that case we should perhaps retire - especially you, Thess, since you'll have to relive Darnel early and make sure the prisoners don't do much," Esmerelle suggests as she stands up, the maid bowing deferentially and promising to see to everything.
[13:26] <@Lucie> "Maybe one of us should take turns at that once we're rested up?" Lucie suggests. "The woman knows some magic, so mind she doesn't try any tricks."
[13:27] <@Ebiris> "If you're able that would be of some help," Ms LeHugh allows, nodding briefly to Lucie before she begins to briskly clear the table.
[13:27] <@Henrietta> "If she is kept tied up and gagged, it should be alright," Henrietta muses. "But if you feel it important, we could do that, Lucie."
[13:28] <@Rudy> "It should be fine if she's gagged and tied," notes Rudy. "I'm more worried about Will. He seems like a slippery guy."
[13:28] <@Lucie> "Well, it's probably no concern as long as she's bound and gagged," Lucie agrees. "Me, I'm going to sleep a day straight anyway."
[13:32] <@Ebiris> The next morning, Henrietta finds Lady Esmerelle down in the hall of the mansion, dressed in a nice but clearly worn dress with a much better cared for cloak over her shoulders. "Good morning, Henrietta. I trust you slept well?" she asks as they start to head out.
[13:34] <@Henrietta> "Yes, My Lady. Thank you," Henrietta responds, her clothing all properly mended and clean.
[13:39] <@Ebiris> Thus the two go out into the village, the skies clear and blue above yet the sun still wan, barely felt over the bracing chill of the wind. Lessmus looks more active than seen previously, more people out and about seemingly with renewed purpose and vitality. Everyone passed makes a point to stop and tip their hat or bow to the ladies in greeting, a few boisterous exhortations about what to do with the traitors suggested as the dilapidated temple is passed and Lady VanGaunt opens the door to the large wooden structure next to it. Inside a statue of a slim and effete balding man piously clutching a book greets you, the walls lined with cabinets and shelves all full of books and parchments. "My ancester, Pierloran, 'the Just'," Esmerelle explains with a gesture to the statue as she takes a lantern and lights it to overcome the poor natural light within. "He codified much of Lessmus's laws over a century ago."
[13:41] * @Henrietta helps illuminate things with a Light spell cast upon her ring, nodding at the explanation.
[13:47] <@Ebiris> The archives seem to at least be reasonably well kept, and it doesn't take long to find what is being looked for. "Here we are... the adventurers Grigor Brehm, Joel D'Telan Sah, and Breaganna the Pale rode into town in 875 LC, claiming to have unearthed rumours of a lost temple in the region. In exchange for financially backing the expedition, they would tithe a full share equal to one quarter of all valuables retrieved from the temple... archeaologists they weren't," she comments dryly before continuing, "The amount issued was the value of 200 gold... and the debt never repaid. They never came back," she concludes.
[13:48] <@Henrietta> "Does it seem like they even made the attempt?" Henrietta inquires.
[13:51] <@Ebiris> "I'm not sure I can vouch for their character, I could barely walk when they arrived," she admits, looking over the records. "My brother believed whatever they found at the temple was more than they could handle... he may have known them a little better, being six at the time. There isn't a map, though..."
[13:53] <@Henrietta> "Did they have a guide, perchance?" Henrietta wonders, looking over the records herself. Detect Magic is easy enough to cast, and she checks whether this band of adventurers came across something that way when they visited. "And what assurances did they leave for not running off with the money once they got it, if I might ask?"
[13:56] <@Ebiris> "No, I don't believe they had a guide, I'm sure I would have heard more of the story if someone from the village had joined them, and even so it's still a topic of occassional gossip what happened to them," Esmerelle shakes her head. "It doesn't mention anything being left as collatoral. According to the dates, though, they did stay for over a week before departing. Some of the older locals might remember them better."
[13:58] <@Henrietta> "I believe that I will ask around, then. If we manage to determine a direction, at the very least, it might help us a great deal."
[13:58] <@Ebiris> OOC: and this segues us nicely into Rudy's plans for the day!
[14:00] <@Ebiris> Leaving the manor with a spring in his step and a whistle on his lips, his loving Myra all freshly healed and allowed a further chance to rest, Rudy heads out to soak in the local colour... there's certainly more of it today, at least, the village seeming almost lively with people out and about seemingly buouyed with fresh confidence after last night's events. Everyone he sees looks happy to greet and talk to him, so for now at least Lessmus is his oyster!
[14:02] <@Rudy> "Top o' the morning to ya!" he remarks to anyone who will listen, seeking out only the prettiest of pretties or, at least, those who seem like they'll say something interesting- like drunk people, or people who smoke.
[14:05] <@Ebiris> Well, the town does have a meagre general store cum tavern, and surely only the drunkest of the drunks would be in there this early in the day! There's something of a midden next to it by a long broken cart, a rather dirty looking and unkempt fellow loitering lazily by it and almost visibly wafting off fumes of booze.
[14:08] <@Rudy> Of course- there aren't any pretty people in a town like this. Or maybe they were all kidnapped... It's such a waste, a terrible waste. "I do hope you're drinking to good fortune," he remarks, standing a few meters away in hopes that it's a safe distance.
[14:12] <@Ebiris> The reek is somewhat managable at that distance, though it's plainly quite intense. "Oi, who you?" he looks blearily at Rudy, his muddy face wrinkled and his hair lank and long yet also thinning. "Folks call me Gibbon... dunno what everyone'sh so bloody happy abousht tofday, tho'. You wiv somma kinda circush or sommat?"
[14:14] <@Rudy> "Yeah, it feels like that. People are happy 'cos we're putting a stop to the vanishings," replies Rudy, with a shrug. "You didn't hear?"
[14:17] <@Ebiris> "Nobody much talksh ta me. Heard some folksh on... 'bout some wizardsh? Hah, wizard me up some good booze, magicsh man! M'dyin' offa this reject crapsh Johnshon gives me!" he exclaims, stumbling towards Rudy and lowering his voice now to a reedy whisper, "You's knowsh what's really a'causing it, yeash?" he asks, looking around furtively, his glassy eyes lolling all over the place.
[14:19] <@Rudy> "Got some idea." Rudy purses his lips. "How about you?"
[14:22] <@Ebiris> "S'fuckin' Hecate!" he blurts out loudly, then covers his mouth in alarm and looks up worriedly. After divine retribution fails to instantly materialise, he looks at Rudy once more, alcohol-hazed eyes intent, "Shaw it once, out by that big fancshy house. So a womansh comin' out the back when I was, uh... lookin' fer food. Think it was the Lady or 'er mum, all queeny-lookin' or sommat. Walksh down the path whiles I hide, then bam! Fucking turns into a bird or a dragon or some shit and flies away! S'that Hecate, turnin' folks inta animals and then cookin' em up!"
[14:25] <@Rudy> "Hecate, you say?" remarks Rudy, sounding deeply, deeply interested. "But how do you know she's polymorphing- er, transforming- um. Turnin' folk inta animals-" Rudy winces- "Just from that, eh?"
[14:30] <@Ebiris> He boggles at Rudy, eyes wide. "S'the only expla-expla... only way itsh makesh sense, man! She's like... I dunno, she's fuckin' angry or some shit! S'like there used ta be a big temple ta fuckin' Zeus's wife, right? Then Hecate comesh all along, right? Fucken flattens it or sommat. She'sh no forgotten the rest of us, neither!"
[14:31] <@Rudy> "There was a temple to Hera?" asks Rudy, curiously. "You just don't know how to deal with this shit, man! You've got to go make proper offerings! Hera, Hera... she's the jealous one, right?" He points a finger in the drunk's face. "Did you ever cheat on your wife?"
[14:33] <@Ebiris> He leans back from that pointing, startled. "No!" bursts out immediately before he looks worried, "Does it count if'n you thinksh about it?"
[14:34] <@Rudy> "It might. I'll have to go do something to be on the safe side," he replies, shaking his head. "You know where this temple's at?"
[14:38] <@Ebiris> "It'sh, um... aww fuck, me da' told me about it. Um... it'sh on the side a' the lake with the mountainsh on it," he replies as he visibly gropes for the correct answer. "Some kinda bowl, doesh that work? Wait a fucken minute, ye put sacrificesh in bowlsh!" he straightens up ramrod straight. "All the folksh turned inta animalsh, that's where they're goin'! It wash right there all a-fucking-long!"
[14:41] <@Rudy> "A basin?" muses Rudy. "Ah, whatever. Look, you go to your wife and tell her you love her, right?"
[14:42] <@Ebiris> "Aye... guesh she deservesh that much," he nods glumly, starting to wander towards the old temple.
[14:42] <@Ebiris> OOC: lets skip to Lucie now
[14:43] <@Ebiris> With Rudy and Henrietta out on errands and Liamae watching the prisoners, the somewhat rested Lucie is left to her own devices to seek what amusement she may on her own within the hopefully safe confines of VanGaunt manor...
[14:46] <@Lucie> They haven't properly had a look around the manor before, have they? Well, she might as well do it now! There's an art gallery about somewhere, she might as well have a look for that. Not that art has ever been a passion of Lucie's, but evidently there's a painting of a comely blonde adventurer there somewhere, and well, that's a start.
[14:54] <@Ebiris> Wandering around, Lucie finds a decently stocked library just next to the group's guest suite, and then down the stairs past the kitchen there's what looks like a trophy hall with mounted heads of various long dead animals and a few suits of armour toting rusted weapons. But exiting that hall she enters the gallery, a large square room with paintings all around the walls, almost all of them portraits, and several statues of various figures. Looking over the portraits, which comprise members of the VanGaunt dynasty by and large, with the most recent one being a stocky and strong looking older gentleman labelled as Jacin III. The one she's looking for is found nearby, though, showing Breaganna the Pale, a young woman with severe yet lovely features not too dissimilar to Lucie's own, though her figure appears less lush from what's seen below the neck, wearing leather armour with a vivid midnight blue cloak clasped at her shoulders. A bow is strung over her back, and her platinum hair is almost luminous in framing her face in unkempt but pleasant curls. Her eyes seem to catch the viewers, and her full lips are quirked slightly up as if she's privy to some enjoyable secret.
[15:00] <@Lucie> After a moment of admiration, Lucie pauses to wonder who painted the works here? The village hardly seems large enough to host a thriving artistic community. Somewhat more relevantly, Breaganna was supposed to be travelling with two others...are they in the same portrait, perhaps? If they can recognize the group's remains from their gear, well, that's one minor local mystery put to rest when
[15:00] <@Lucie> they find the temple.
[15:01] <@Ebiris> There's no sign of anyone else in the portrait...
[15:01] <@Ebiris> OOC: spot check?
[15:01] <@Lucie> roll 1d20+15 perception!
[15:01] * +Hatbot --> "Lucie rolls 1d20+15 perception! and gets 33." [1d20=18]
[15:04] <@Ebiris> However Lucie can make out the artist's signature, cleverly integrated in the woodwork of her bow. It seems to read Nathaniel. Also, it's very subtle but her sharp eyes can make out a very slight bulge in the canvas over a portion of the painting in the upper right, as though something were underneath it. It's too regular to be a bump in the frame itself.
[15:06] <@Lucie> Well now. Far be it for Lucie to exercise a little proprierty when curiosity is aroused. The painting comes right off to occupy a new home leaning against the wall, at least for a moment.
[15:07] <@Ebiris> The painting is removed from its frame, mercifully without any tearing. And revealed now jammed into the corner of the frame is a sheaf of folded paper.
[15:09] * @Lucie removes it, replaces the painting (just in case disapproving maids should enter while she's reading) and then unfolds the paper to examine it.
[15:12] <@Ebiris> Unfolding the paper reveals a map. And not a hastily scribbled kind like adventurers usually discover, but a high quality one rivalling Liamae's map of the region in draftsmanship, for all that it's plainly been put to a random piece of paper. Whoever penned this must have had some skill in cartography, for it shows a very detailed outline of the local region, including several landmarks you've already visited such as the lighthouse and the fort. But on the Eastward side of Lake Nathavanaasu is marked an X with a dotted line from Lessmus eventually intersecting with it.
[15:16] <@Lucie> Well, that makes their work a little easier, doesn't it? Assuming that's the adventurers' goal on the map. Why hide it, though? Why wouldn't they take their map with them? Lucie just shrugs and makes a note to bring it up later when everyone's back at the manor.
[15:17] <@Lucie> Out of idle curiosity, she scans the gallery for Esmerelle's portrait before leaving, vaguely curious how the current Lady would've chosen to immortalize herself.
[15:17] <@Ebiris> Curiously enough, there is no portrait of her.
[15:20] <@Lucie> Odd. Maybe she'll ask about that later. Esemerelle's not getting any younger, after all!
[15:20] <@Ebiris> Around lunchtime after everyone's done something, the group reconvenes at the manor for lunch and to catch up with one another, Liamae stretching her legs and emerging from the basement with the maid taking over...
[15:21] <@Rudy> "Town's in lively spirits," remarks Rudy. "Except for the drunk. It's usually the other way 'round, you know?"
[15:21] <@Lucie> "Depends on the drunk," Lucie observes, from some experience.
[15:21] <@Henrietta> "There is a drunk?" Henrietta asks, blinking. "And you talked to him?"
[15:22] <@Ebiris> "Never met a maudlin drunk, Rudy?" Liamae asks, settling down on the couch with a pleasant sigh.
[15:22] <@Rudy> "Sure. I've been one a few times, too," replies Rudy, rolling his eyes. "My years of carousing have taught me that drunk people are more often funny and happy than they are sad and violent."
[15:23] <@Ebiris> "Well, the ones that get drunk before noon are usually the latter," Liamae nods sagely.
[15:23] <@Lucie> "How's guard duty?" Lucie asks Liamae. "We need to get you a softer chair?"
[15:24] <@Ebiris> "I don't know, wouldn't a softer chair make me more likely to fall asleep?" Liamae wonders. "Anyway, they've all been good, so I can't really complain. Just gets a bit stuffy down there."
[15:26] <@Lucie> "Maybe Myra can take a shift," Lucie wonders. "She wouldn't mind any, would she?"
[15:26] <@Henrietta> "I suppose a prison should not feel too comfortable..." Henrietta muses. "Would you like me to spend the watch with you next time? We have enough people that we do not need to do it on our own."
[15:27] <@Ebiris> "Sure, thanks. We can play poker or something," Liamae flashes a smile at Henrietta. "You find anything good in the town records earlier?"
[15:29] * @Henrietta returns the smile, before she is forced to shake her head at the question. "And not much, I am afraid. Just what we already knew, about how the three adventurers appeared. They asked for financial backing and never returned, so that money was lost with them. There was no map present in the records, however, for some reason."
[15:29] <@Lucie> "Nope, they hid that behind a painting," Lucie says, producing her discovery and flattening it out on the table.
[15:30] <@Rudy> "Hey, that's a map," remarks Rudy, looking it over and glancing at the new position.
[15:30] <@Ebiris> "Huh. Handy, but why hide it?" Liamae wonders, leaning over to take a look. "Worried about competition?"
[15:31] * @Lucie shrugs. "You got me. I don't understand why they wouldn't take it with them. Was behind that lady adventurer's portrait instead."
[15:31] <@Henrietta> "How strange," Henrietta admits. "I do know they stayed around a week in town, so we could ask the older of the residents about anything they might remember and try to corroborate this map."
[15:31] <@Lucie> "Sure, might as well. See if the painter's still around, he'd surely remember something."
[15:32] <@Henrietta> "Where was Harvenstead supposed to be on this map?" Henrietta inquires, looking it over.
[15:33] <@Lucie> "Other side of the lake?" Lucie recalls. "Dunno if we got more precise instructions than that, but Lady Esmerelle would surely know."
[15:33] <@Ebiris> The map doesn't cover anything South of the lake, but Liamae points to the table off that edfe of the map. "It'd be here, it's on my map."
[15:33] <@Rudy> "This is probably our temple," voices Rudy, checking out how long it would take him to ride there.
[15:34] <@Henrietta> "Can we try overlaying them and seeing if there are any differences?" Henrietta suggests.
[15:35] <@Ebiris> "Sure, back in a minute," Liamae gets up and goes to her pack, withdrawing the map and returning to place it on the table. Since it covers a much larger area, the scale is quite different, but notably her map doesn't show either the lighthouse nor the fort. If the distances are all to scale, Rudy reckons the temple to be a day away, perhaps two if the terrain isn't ideal for riding.
[15:38] <@Rudy> "Hrm. But why hide it in the picture?" wonders Rudy. "That's so strange. I guess it must've been the artist who slipped it there?"
[15:39] <@Ebiris> "Maybe the girl wanted to leave a bit of hidden insurance in case they didn't return?" Liamae suggests, "But if that's the case why wasn't it followed up on?"
[15:39] <@Henrietta> "How about we ask the Lady about the painter and take it from there?"
[15:39] <@Lucie> "No one to follow them, I guess?" Lucie speculates. "These aren't warrior folk living here. In any case, yes, let's ask her."
[15:39] <@Rudy> "Must've been meant for someone else," muses Rudy. "Someone like Terlonious, perhaps. Or on his side?"
[15:40] <@Lucie> "This was decades ago, Rudy, so I doubt it."
[15:41] <@Rudy> "Not him specifically," clarifies Rudy. "But someone associated with this group. For all we know it could be run by elves or something, I hear they like to plot for centuries!"
[15:41] <@Ebiris> Liamae makes a rude piffle noise.
[15:41] <@Lucie> "Could be," Lucie admits. "Who knows how old their Mistress is or how long she's up to her plots."
[15:42] <@Rudy> Rudy coughs. "Is that actually true?" he asks, glancing sideways at Liamae.
[15:42] <@Lucie> "*Other* elves," Lucie makes sure to clarify. "Ones we don't know."
[15:43] <@Ebiris> "Zani's never been big on plots," Liamae waves dismissively, before pausing, "Although maybe that's how she got run out? Hmmm," she taps her chin thoughtfully as this new fact is considered.
[15:43] <@Lucie> "She's never told you guys?"
[15:43] <@Rudy> "Would you tell people what you're plotting?"
[15:44] <@Henrietta> "Not all plotting is bad. It could be the good sort of plotting, too!"
[15:44] <@Ebiris> "Who knows?" Liamae smiles, getting up, "Anyway, lets go ask Lady VanGaunt about this artist?"
[15:44] <@Lucie> "Well, Rudy, sometimes things work out better if they tell their friends about their plots in advance."
[15:45] <@Henrietta> "Certainly!" Henrietta stands up herself.
[15:46] <@Rudy> "Let's just ask her about him," adds Rudy, frowning.
[15:46] <@Rudy> "Like, let's not mention the map."
[15:47] <@Ebiris> She's readily found in her study, reading a book and eating her own light lunch, but that's readily put aside for company. "Any new developments?" she asks.
[15:49] <@Lucie> "I was looking about the gallery earlier," Lucie says, "and I started to wonder: is the painter of Breaganna's portrait still living in Lessmus? Thought maybe he'd remember something might be helpful, given he was with her long enough to paint such a fine portrait."
[15:49] <@Lucie> "A 'Nathaniel,' I think it was signed?"
[15:50] <@Ebiris> "I'm afraid not." she shakes her head, "Lessmus is too small to support much of an artistic community. We've always had to bring in artists from abroad when needed - I believe Mr Nathaniel was in the village to paint my father's portrait when he also took the chance to paint Breaganna while she was here."
[15:52] <@Lucie> "Too bad," Lucie says. "Will you be adding your own, then? I'm sure her LAdyship could recommend a good artist from the city."
[15:53] <@Ebiris> She winces there, slight but noticable. "I intended to have one made after I inherited from my brother. But that was at the same time Lessmus was cut off, the messengers sent out have never been seen since."
[15:54] <@Henrietta> "That is something we will take care of after defeating the villains," Henrietta decides. "Lessmus will not remain cut off for much longer."
[15:54] <@Rudy> "A time soon coming to an end, with luck," remarks Rudy. "Well, m'lady, I think I ascertained the location of the temple after chatting around town. We'll be heading off to visit it this week, methinks."