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039.3 The thousand faces of Muirfinn

Started by Corwin, May 20, 2012, 05:26:35 PM

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[19:57] <Kotono> Thus retreating to pray before the altar to Mother Ocean, Muirfin loses track of time. His concentration is all on the amulet, and then in a flash? Knowledge seeps into his mind. In a region of endless mists, where fragments of memories float, the Spirit of the Greatest Foe lingers. He must be put to rest by your own power.
[20:01] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+19 k:p to see whare the hell that is?
[20:03] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+19 k:p to see whare the hell that is? and gets 29." [1d20=10]
[20:07] <Kotono> Muirfinn believes it is a region of the ethereal plane known as the deep ethereal. Not much is known about it.
[20:09] * Muirfinn nods as he stands, pocketing the amulet in his robe as he does. Time to see if Tannin's ready to move or not.
[20:23] <Kotono> Tannin is found in the cafeteria. He's tucking into a rather large meal - omelet, figs, sausage, milk, bread.
[20:24] <Muirfinn> "Ah, Tannin." Muirfinn sits with him. "Good to see you up and about."
[20:31] <Kotono> He takes a large bite of egg and sausage, washing it down. After that, "Yeah, I'm back in things now." Pausing to tear down more breakfast, "The Jarl told me regeneration would make me hungry for the next few days, but Gods I didn't think ti would be so bad."
[20:33] * Muirfinn chuckles. "It's fairly common, yes."
[20:34] <Muirfinn> "When you're ready, we can try this again."
[20:35] <Kotono> Finishing off his meal in quick time, "Second breakfast of the day," he announces, "If I eat any more I'll be comatose for the trip." Getting up, "So if we're planeshifting over, who's casting the magic to get us there?"
[20:39] <Muirfinn> "Well, I hadn't asked anyone yet. Perhaps Vul'lath?" Muirfinn says, standing.
[20:45] <Kotono> "Whichever," Tannin rises. Sage Vul'lath is found in the library as he usually is, a dour look given. "You need transport to the Prime Material?"
[20:48] <Muirfinn> "Don't look so glum, Vul'lath. What's got you down?"
[20:58] <Kotono> "It is no matter of importance," He intones, "I can transport you if it is needed."
[21:00] <Muirfinn> "It is." Muirfinn says. "We need to head to Tannin's prime."
[21:04] <Kotono> "Then I'll send you," He rises, walking with the two out. Once in Ysgard, "Where on the Prime?"
[21:04] * Muirfinn looks at Tannin!
[21:05] <Kotono> "The city of Purinn, just outside the city limits." Tannin says, "Getting in isn't hard, with all the trade from Valandia and the Southern Confederacy."
[21:07] <Kotono> "As it will be," Sage Vul'lath chants, as the dimensions distort around you! The simple peace of the Prime. No sense of being, no pull or r epulsion, simple, clean air. You stand on a great, wide open plain. It stretches farther than the eye can see, tall grasses swaying in the heat of the afternoon sun.  Far ahead of you is a great walled city, a well trod, wide dirt path with horses drawn
[21:07] <Kotono> carts and peasants on foot coming adn going.
[21:12] * Muirfinn inhales, taking in the natural world around him. "We spend so little time on Primes. We should enjoy it while we are here."
[21:14] <Kotono> "Flat, grassy and buggy." Swatting a mosquito on his arm with a faint look of pique, "Home. Great, the lazy bastard must be letting the still waters stay."
[21:17] * Muirfinn snorts, plucking an insect out of the air with his hand and eyeing it. "Kind of him, for the local fauna." Muirfinn pops it in his mouth and chews thoughtfully.
[21:19] <Kotono> It tastes a little bit immature. They aren't quite in full season yet. Tannin stares at Muirfinn before turning away, "...right. The Principality of Purinn is ruled by Klaus Purinn. He styles himself Prince now. Back when the Malmuthian Empire collapsed, he was one of the old nobility. He took the side of the independence movement and made Purinn his own personal fief."
[21:20] <Muirfinn> "How does he treat his people?" Muirfinn says after swallowing.
[21:24] <Kotono> "He doesn't tolerate dissent. He's a corrupt, bribable bastard," Ticking off, "He's a baby devil tyrant, though he at least keeps the city and the surrounding areas calm. Thing is, he came to power riding a popular wave and no one seems to want to destabilize things again throwing his corrupt ass out." Cracking his knuckles, "Think I need to fix that."
[21:26] * Muirfinn nods. "As long as you are prepared to accept the consequences of this, I will help you. What is our first step?"
[21:37] <Kotono> "Get in town. Won't be difficult," Tannin says, "Can you disguise your apperance?"
[21:41] <Muirfinn> "What, you don't have walking talking terrapins here?" Muirfinn looks distinctly amused. "I can make my appearance mutable, yes. Give me a moment."
[21:43] <Kotono> "Elves sometimes, and a rare dwarf. A few odds and ends, but not much more. Until about 20 or 30 years ago, this area was entirely human dominated. It still is, but at least other races are seen occasionally," Tannin explains. "The more humanoid and unremarkable, the better."
[21:44] * Muirfinn gives Tannin an odd look for a few moments before grabbing his face and stretching it. The scales move and flow like green water, shifting color and turning pinkish and fleshy. The change continues until before Tannin stands a man who looks vaguely similar to Tannin, as though they were related. "Better?"
[21:44] <Muirfinn> OOC: Thousand faces.
[21:47] <Kotono> "Yeah." Tannin takes one good look over him, heading towards the road. "Just follow me and do as I do."
[21:52] * Muirfinn nods,
[21:53] <Kotono> The road ahead is full of travelers. You fall in behind a simple wagon. A blue clad merchant drives it, approaching the main gates. From atop the gates pennants fly - green plains with three white suns rising over them.
[21:54] * Muirfinn plods along with Tannin.
[21:58] <Kotono> Reaching the front gate, you see that a pair of blue uniformed guards stand there, spears leaning against the wall. In a deliriously bored tone, "Hail, travlers to the fair Principality of Purinn. May Prince Purinn guide us towards greater prosperity. Declare your names and reason for entering."
[21:59] <Kotono> "Miluth," Tannin replies, "Came to visit some old friends of mine." His voice deepens, "Nothing else." His hood is up, eyes lost in the shadows of it.
[22:00] <Muirfinn> "'Finn, I'm with him." Muirfinn juts his thumb over at 'Miluth.'
[22:03] <Kotono> OOC: Bluff checks, you two.
[22:04] <Kotono> roll 1d20+32 Tannin
[22:04] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+32 Tannin and gets 51." [1d20=19]
[22:06] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+10 hah watch this
[22:06] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+10 hah watch this and gets 13." [1d20=3]
[22:10] <Kotono> "Right, go ahead," The guard barely even seems to listen, "May you find prosperity within."
[22:11] * Muirfinn moves along!
[22:22] <Kotono> Thus within you go. The streets are wide and relatively trash-free, buildings intervowen with each other, mostly stone. "Just follow me, go get a lay of the land and find some friends," Tannin murmurs. "Should'nt be any problems."
[22:29] * Muirfinn gives Tannin an odd look and shrugs. "Which of those do you want me to do?"
[22:48] <Kotono> "Following me," Tannin says. "For the moment."
[22:48] <Muirfinn> "Well alright then."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[19:50] <Kotono> "Look around with me. Subtly ask around about the current events and politics," Tannin murmurs.
[19:51] * Muirfinn nods. "I can do that. Stick together or split up?"
[19:54] <Kotono> "Split up, but stay fairly close," Tannin says, "Any questions?"
[19:55] * Muirfinn shakes his head.
[19:55] <Kotono> OOC: Make GI here?
[19:56] <Kotono> roll 1d20+36 GI Tannin
[19:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+36 GI Tannin and gets 48." [1d20=12]
[19:57] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+25 GI
[19:57] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+25 GI and gets 35." [1d20=10]
[20:01] <Kotono> Talking about, Muirfinn finds the following information:
[20:01] <Kotono> - This year's harvest looks to be a little below average, due to excessive rains. Merchants are happy that they'll be able to import more wheat from the Baronies, while the local population is grumbling over the likely expense. (More)
[20:04] <Kotono> - There's persistent rumors of trouble from the west. From the Wastelands many storms have rolled in from over the Galkass Mountains, abnormal and unusual in the extreme. These chilly rains have drenched the area a dozen times this summer, bringing growth at first but ultimately flooding out some of the crop due to overwatering. Rumors of witchcraft and magic swirl, that something's happening
[20:04] <Kotono> in the wastes. (More)
[20:06] <Kotono> - Prince Purinn's Highsummer Ball was a smashing success! The wealthy and noble from across the Principality came, as well as foreign visitors from all the remnants of Malmuth. All the ladies are atizzy over the new fashions shown there - white's in this season! (More)
[20:10] <Kotono> - Whispered rumors speak of political instability and that the Third Section has been rounding up troublemakers. Why isn't clear. Some claim that the Baronies are instigating a coup. Another is certain that a new Vitalist movement will come, and a third asserts that King Abalasor is attempting to take back Purinn. In any case, there does seem to be quiet movements against troublemakers
[20:10] <Kotono> right now. (More)
[20:11] <Kotono> - Rumor has it that the fire at Harwind Trades was not of this world, and that a hideous fiend was scene by witnesses! The description of this accursed fiend varies, but all agree it was red and far taller than a normal man. (More)
[20:12] <Kotono> Finally, you meet with Tannin in a dark, smoky inn. He has a mug of ale before him, hood drawn up. It's a private sort of place, everyone keeping to themselves and not getting in the business of other people. Nonetheless swords and daggers are worn openly. "What did you find?" Tannin asks, drinking from his mug.
[20:13] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+24 K:R can I figure out what that thing was based on descriptions alone?
[20:13] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+24 K:R can I figure out what that thing was based on descriptions alone? and gets 26." [1d20=2]
[20:15] <Kotono> You can't be sure, but it could be a pit fiend or balor - both of them are big and red, and the latter's on fire. A paeliryon is possible too, or one of the many and myriad horrors of the Abyss. That doesn't get into the 'loths or stranger things yet - so in other words, no, not really.
[20:21] * Muirfinn reports. "Heavy rains and such in the local area. The merchants are excited. Lots of rumors from the west about unnatural storms and flooding, they could be causing the rains here too. Word is something in the wastes is causing it. The prince of Purinn had a ball, everyone says it was a great success. Lots of wealthy nobles and foreigners came through. There's rumors that the Third
[20:21] * Muirfinn Section is rounding up troublemakers. Could be looking at a revolutionary sect having been discovered. Maybe a coup. Only thing that's consistent is that troublemakers are being quietly detained. Lastly, there was a fire recently at a place called Hawind Trades. Sounds like someone summoned a devil or demon or something. Large, red, taller than a man. Could still be about. That's it. What've
[20:21] * Muirfinn you got?"
[20:27] <Kotono> "The Wastelands, huh?" Shaking his head, "It's probably not connected. Interesting but irrelevant." Going on from that as he mulls over his drink, "The Third Section? I'd heard that too and that's what I'm thinking is happened," he says, "Something's got Princey all riled up. Anyway, I heard all of that, though the fiend rumor I heard was nothing but bunk more than that it was true. Opinions
[20:27] <Kotono> varied." He says, "Also heard that there's some big peace conference in Balmuria, something about kingdoms far to the west and a stalemated war. Isn't really relevant to us, either."
[20:29] <Muirfinn> "It is a shame we have our own problems. Would that we had more time, I could look into the abnormal rains."
[20:31] <Kotono> "You'd best be loaded for bear if you do. The Wastelands are about as bad as a hostile outer plane. Arctic cold, acid rains, purple lightning. Little water, and all of it's deathly poisonous. Nothing grows there, 'cept for shocker lizards and worse. For the Prime it's nasty."
[20:33] * Muirfinn snorts. "Sounds like a project for a dedicated circle of druids. No lands on a Prime should be like that."
[20:33] <Muirfinn> "Especially with shocker lizards." Muirfinn jokes.
[20:36] <Kotono> "Yeah, got some people working on it. Isn't common knowledge," Tannin goes on, "But there's some converted settlements. Most of it's still waste, though. When I was younger, I took a stab at the wastelands. I figured if the vaunted Crimson Guard could, I could.  That nearly cashed in my bets, but I stumbled on one of those settlements before my energy ran out."
[20:38] <Muirfinn> "Well, at least you made it out." Muirfinn says. "It sounds like a place one does not go to unprepared. Let's move on to more relevant matters, though. The Third Section sounds like what we're looking for. What do you know about them?"
[20:40] <Kotono> "It's a polite way of saying secret police," Tannin lowers his voice even more, subtly glancing ot the side before going on. "They take care of problems for Princey. They're subtle above all else. They're not the best fighters - more of sneaks and abductors. Get a group of them against you and down they'll go quick. Trick is noticing them before it's too late."
[20:42] * Muirfinn nods. "We need to sneak on them first, then."
[20:45] <Kotono> "We could. I'm still tempted to go introduce ourselves to His Corruptness, fist first." Tannin replies with a bit of dry amusement, "Once we have him in line the rest of it should solve itself."
[20:48] <Muirfinn> "It's your show. We'll do things however you like."
[20:49] <Kotono> roll 1d20-1
[20:49] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20-1 and gets 4." [1d20=5]
[20:50] <Kotono> "Oh, what the hell," Tannin grins, standing up, "C'mon."
[20:50] * Muirfinn shakes his head, chuckling as he follows Tannin.
[20:54] <Kotono> As you step out, "Remember. Knock out, don't kill," he adds quietly.
[20:55] <Muirfinn> "I'm not a monster, Tannin. I wouldn't slaughter men and women at a mere whim." Muirfinn says back equally quiet.
[21:10] <Kotono> That gets a short, understandingnod and off you go! The two of you travel to the eastern quarter of Purinn. Here wealth takes over in the classical way. Clean streets, manicured lawns with iron wrought fences, noble estates removed from the common folk. Tannin whistles as he goes, and a tthe end of the street? A dead end, with a huge, four story manor home and a vast lawn at the end. Before
[21:10] <Kotono> the gates to within are two guards, standing at attention.
[21:15] <Muirfinn> "Plan?"
[21:19] <Kotono> "I punch out the one on the left, you get the one on the right, then we let ourselves in," Tannin says, "Sound good?"
[21:20] * Muirfinn shrugs. "I've heard worse plans."
[21:21] <Muirfinn> OOC: Let's do this.
[21:27] <Kotono> Thus Tannin approaches! As the two of you walk up, "What is your business?" The one challenges, and to that Tannin strikes out swiftly!

[21:27] <Kotono> roll 1d20+21
[21:27] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+21 and gets 23." [1d20=2]
[21:27] <Kotono> roll 3d8+4 nonlethal
[21:27] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+4 nonlethal and gets 14." [3d8=1, 7, 2]
[21:28] <Kotono> The guard staggers with the blow, momentarily stunned! OOC: Go Muirfinn. Surprise round, then init.
[21:28] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+25
[21:28] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+25 and gets 33." [1d20=8]
[21:28] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[21:28] <Muirfinn> roll 1d8 nonlethal
[21:28] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d8 nonlethal and gets 2." [1d8=2]
[21:28] <Muirfinn> OOC: +7
[21:30] <Kotono> WHAM! The second guard is clocked as well, stunned but not downed! OOC: Init.
[21:30] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 Tannin
[21:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 Tannin and gets 12." [1d20=5]
[21:30] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Guard 1
[21:30] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Guard
[21:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 Guard 1 and gets 12." [1d20=11]
[21:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 Guard  and gets 14." [1d20=13]
[21:30] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+10
[21:30] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+10 and gets 11." [1d20=1]
[21:30] <Muirfinn> OOC: Course lol
[21:31] * Kotono changes topic to 'Guard 2 (14)>Guard 1=Tannin(12)>Muirfinn(11)'
[21:31] <Kotono> "We're UNDER ATTACK!" The second guard shouts at the top of his lungs, before drawing his blade and taking a defensive position! OOC: Tannin and Guard 1.
[21:32] <Kotono> "Dammit!" Tannin curses under his breath, striking out swiftly at the first guard, who shouts, "ALERT! ATTACK! ATTACK!"
[21:32] <Kotono> roll 1d20+21
[21:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+21 and gets 22." [1d20=1]
[21:32] <Kotono> roll 1d20+16
[21:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+16 and gets 31." [1d20=15]
[21:32] <Kotono> roll 1d20+11
[21:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+11 and gets 16." [1d20=5]
[21:32] <Kotono> roll 1d20+6
[21:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 and gets 20." [1d20=14]
[21:32] <Kotono> roll 3d8+4+3d8+4+3d8+4
[21:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+4+3d8+4+3d8+4 and gets 63." [3d8=6, 6, 4][3d8=6, 2, 6][3d8=6, 8, 7]
[21:32] * Kotono changes topic to 'Guard 2 (14)>Tannin(12)>Muirfinn(11)'
[21:32] <Kotono> A moment later the Guard is worked over thrice by Tannin, collapsing in a twitching, beaten and quite defeated heap!OOC: Go Muirfin.
[21:34] <Muirfinn> "Well, this will be interesting." Muirfinn says, abandoning his disguise altogether and shifting into the form of a water elemental. With that, he smashes the guard across the face!
[21:34] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+34
[21:34] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+34 and gets 45." [1d20=11]
[21:34] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+34
[21:34] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+34 and gets 50." [1d20=16]
[21:35] <Muirfinn> roll 2#2d6+4+14 nonlethal
[21:35] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 2#2d6+4+14 nonlethal and gets 49." [2#2d6+4+14 = 23, 26]
[21:35] <Kotono> Two blows send the guard down and out! OOC: Free act.

[21:36] <Muirfinn> Shifting back, Muirfinn says, "Okay, they know we're here? Want a distraction?"
[21:36] <Kotono> Tannin immediately kneels and starts searching his guard, coming up with an keyring. "We'll just knock more of them out," he shrugs, "Still, they're a bit tougher than the normal lot of guards. Most go down in one punch," Going to the gate and unlocking it, "Let's not dally outside, just in case they have archers. I doubt it, but I'm not eager to get arrow-riddled." Pausing a moment, "Sure."
[21:38] * Muirfinn takes a moment to summon an elder earth elemental. "Go smash up the side of the house and grounds, push the guards around for a bit, and generally have fun. Try not to kill anyone." he says to it in Terran. It rumbles and surges forward, churning up the grounds and whacking the side of the manor!
[21:38] <Muirfinn> "They should focus on the crazy elemental for now." Muirfinn grins.
[21:39] <Kotono> Whistling low, "Let's go before Princey shits himself!" Tannin's all grins as he opens the gate, taking off at a dead run!
[21:39] * Muirfinn shifts into the form of a hunting cat, easily keeping up!
[21:41] <Kotono> The crashing of the earth elemental's work is joined by shouts of alarm from the manor! As you race to the front door, you're 100ft away when it's thrown open! A brigade of soldiers races out, at least two dozen of them - and they promptly turn tail and run back inside on seeing giant elemental!
[21:42] * Muirfinn snorts, dashing in through the open door!
[21:46] <Kotono> In you go! You race inside - and amid the panicking soldiers is a man. He's fat and blonde, bald headed and with a curly blonde mustache. Despite obvious signs of age no gray is in his hair, walking with an ornate wood and gold cane. He isn't panicking at all, even as the building shakes. "Tannin Darkbrooke, I presume? Though I'm afraid you're unknown to me, sir," A nod to Muirfinn.
[21:47] * Muirfinn growls, looking at the man warily.
[21:50] <Kotono> "Guess the Third Section was paying attention," Tannin admits easily, cracking his knuckles.
[21:52] <Kotono> "Yes they were. Allow me to introduce myself for your companion. I am Prince Klaus Purinn. Your friends should be freed-" A pause as the building shakes, "Within the hour. You understand that with you in realms far beyond this one, that getting your attention took spectacular means."
[21:53] * Muirfinn shifts back to his Finn disguise. "You captured his friends to get his attention?"
[21:54] <Kotono> "You-!" Tannin begins, "How else was I to get your attention?" he says, "For that matter, how would a captured friend get word to you? It took magic, and do you think I'd leave a captive in a position to do magic?" Asking that with complete calmness, "The current tremors are our handiwork?"
[21:56] <Muirfinn> "A Sending would have sufficed, and wouldn't have cost you a large chunk of your home. And publically-defeated guards."
[21:59] <Kotono> "What can I say, I take as I-" Klaus Purinn begins, before...
[21:59] <Kotono> roll 1d20+21
[21:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+21 and gets 33." [1d20=12]
[21:59] <Kotono> roll 3d8+4
[21:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+4 and gets 9." [3d8=1, 2, 2]
[22:04] <Kotono> Tannin's fist hits Prince Purinn hard, enough to shut him up and send a tooth popping out! As he falls back onto his rump, "That huge elemental out there?" Tannin pauses a moment as he rubs his fist, a shake of the ground soon following, "Could decimate your entire army, you arrogant prick. Hell, I could take them all out if I really needed to. The group I'm in now, Aurora? We have a GOD
[22:04] <Kotono> as our trump card, living with us. Here's how it's going to go. You're going to get a sudden case of contrition and resign your rank. Go piss away your monies in Malmuth, Balmuria or where ever you can worm into. I'm going to set up someone here who doesn't treat the populace like his own personal fiefdom, then I'm going to go back to doing important things, like helping save an entire
[22:04] <Kotono> world from a primal force of pure evil and tyranny." Glancing over at Muirfinn, "Muirfinn, if he doesn't say yes immediately, could you summon another playmate to have a go at this manshion?"
[22:04] <Kotono> roll 1d20+30
[22:04] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+30 and gets 41." [1d20=11]
[22:07] <Muirfinn> "I can make one bigger than this entire house, if you like." Muirfinn nods.
[22:11] <Kotono> OOC: Make an intimidate check too?
[22:12] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+10 can I have a bonus for being entirely truthful?
[22:12] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+10 can I have a bonus for being entirely truthful? and gets 24." [1d20=14]
[22:13] <Kotono> "You're nothing but a thug!" Klaus Purinn stammers, "This is a-absurd!" A thin rill of blood oozes out from between his lips, as he stares upin shock.
[22:14] <Muirfinn> "If I make a bigger one, I can just have it push the house down. I understand that some people sell their homes to others, yes? This would severely hinder the ability to sell this place." Muirfinn points out to Tannin.
[22:15] <Muirfinn> "He'd probably lose most of his possessions, too. Lots of fancy vases and artwork here."
[22:16] <Kotono> Tannin cracks his knuckles again, "Imagine that, reduced to living in the gutters," Tannin says, "Muirfinn, summon it."
[22:16] <Kotono> "W-wait!" Klaus Purinn yelps, "Stop, damn you! Stop!"
[22:17] <Muirfinn> "We should probably leave first." Muirfinn says, changing into an earth elemental and grabbing the fat man, carrying him under his arm as he thumps out the door.
[22:18] <Kotono> Tannin does just that, as Klaus Purinn yelps, "F-fine! Stop it! Stop it!" he hollers!
[22:21] * Muirfinn stops, holding up the man so hat he is still off the floor, but facing Tannin. He makes rumbly noises even as the dull thumping on the side of the house continues!
[22:29] <Kotono> "I agree! I agree!" He hollers, shaking in Muirfinn's grasp, "You win!"
[22:29] <Kotono> "Hah," Tannin grins, "Hear that, Muirfinn?"
[22:30] <Muirfinn> Nodding his stony head, Muirfinn drops the man unceremoniously to the ground!
[22:33] <Kotono> He lands with a heavy thud, Tannin pick him up by the scruff of the neck, "Muirfinn, Klaus and I are going to go take care of the proclamations and all that. Could you stay outside and make sure nothing untold happens, like some soldiers trying to be heroes? Oh, and could you call off the elemental, too?"
[22:34] * Muirfinn nods, heading outside with a loud, steady series of thumps.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[21:05] <Kotono> With the elemental dismissed, Muirfinn waits! A good twenty minutes pass before a stream of guards files out past him, Tannin trailing past. He's whistling, "See all of them?"
[21:06] * Muirfinn nods.
[21:09] <Kotono> "They're spreading the good news all about Purinn," Cracking his knuckles, "Old bastard just about admitted he had money stored away well outside of Purinn's reach, anyway. He'll probably be set up in some grand mansion before the month's out."
[21:09] <Muirfinn> "Did you happen to find out why he originally wanted you here?"
[21:13] <Kotono> "Local politics." With a snort, "I'm not getting involved." OOC: What spells do you have active, Muirfinn?
[21:14] <Muirfinn> OOC: Superior Resistance. Oh boy. True Seeing at all times.
[21:14] <Muirfinn> OOC: It's from gear though
[21:14] <Kotono> OOC: Roll will.
[21:15] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+27+6
[21:15] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+27+6 and gets 53." [1d20=20]
[21:30] <Kotono> Muirfinn feels a momentary chill, but nothing else.
[21:36] * Muirfinn glances around, not feeling a cool wind to have caused that chill.
[21:39] <Kotono> No sign of a wind at all. "Eh?" Tannin says, "Somethin' wrong?"
[21:39] <Muirfinn> roll 1d20+24 spot, looking for someone casting
[21:39] * Hatbot --> "Muirfinn rolls 1d20+24 spot, looking for someone casting and gets 43." [1d20=19]
[21:40] <Muirfinn> "Felt a chill, but no wind. Put me on edge." Muirfinn says.
[21:40] <Kotono> Muirfinn doesn't notice anything awry.
[21:41] <Kotono> "Nerves?" Tannin asks, looking around himself.
[21:41] <Muirfinn> "Perhaps."
[21:41] <Muirfinn> "Still, perhaps we should move on." Muirfinn says. "What's next on the plan?"
[21:56] <Kotono> "Well hell." Tannin says, "My friends are going to be freed and he's taken care of, plus I've left instructions. I'm sort of tempted to get out of here before anyone else gets involved, since it went so clean and easy."
[21:59] <Muirfinn> "Probably a wise choice. Let's go find a way to secure passage back to the Aurora." Muirfinn says.
[22:09] <Kotono> "Do you have a way? We can take the STair if we need to," Tannin starts to walk away, whistling a merry tune.
[22:10] <Muirfinn> "Can't plane shift. I should probably look into getting some sort of magical item that can let me do that."
[22:14] <Kotono> "Yeah, you should," Tannin shakes his head, "C'mon, let's go. Unless you can Send the Aurora?"
[22:16] <Muirfinn> "Another spell beyond my power. The spells available to me are nature-based. We could likely find a capable wizard in one of the cities on this plane, surely?"
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[00:21] <Kotono> Thinking a minute, "We could,"  Tannin says, "Alright, let's do that. I think I know one." OOC: Skip along a bit?
[00:21] <Muirfinn> OOC: Rock on
[00:23] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[00:23] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 79." [1d100=79]
[00:25] <Kotono> Tannin leads you deeper into Purinn. The city is largely stone and quiet, as you keep to side streets and allies. He picks through them with a preternatural ease, slipping underneath clotheslines and past mounds of rubbish without even breaking his stride. The smells aren't particularly pleasant here, but it doesn't seem to faze him.  In time you come to a back alley of  aback alley, just
[00:25] <Kotono> barely wide enough to walk through for Muirfinn. Here, the vast back wall of a building juts to your left. Tannin stops here, checking, "Here it is. Tenth row from the ground, push the chipped brick in," he murmurs, doing just that! The wall slides open, a passage to within!
[00:27] <Muirfinn> "Ah, well done!" Muirfinn says. "I take it you've done this before then?"
[00:31] <Kotono> "Yeah. Cut my teeth here," Tannin replies as he heads in. "Shh." Murmuring that, he takes four steps ina nd calls, "Red ribbon, red ribbon!" Ahead is a simple dead end hallway, but on calling that the side wall swings open. A false wall, a scruffy looking humanoid emerging out. Rather thuggish in apperance, muscular and wearing a heavy vest and pants. "Red ribbon's years out of use, you
[00:31] <Kotono> prick." Sizing up Tannin and Muirfinn without cracking a smile, "So I'm guessing all the guards pissin' themselves spreading the news is your work, Tannin?"
[00:32] <Kotono> With an easy smile and a shrug of his shoulders, "Shit happens. Anyway, I'm not here to drag any of you in. Got bigger problems. Help us and it stays that way."
[00:34] <Kotono> "Yeah, this a shake down?" With open disdain, "How's it go? It's wrong until I do it?"
[00:35] <Kotono> "I bet the new administration would love to hang a  few well known bandits," Tannin goes on without missing a beat, "Hey Muirfinn, how high do you think they'd hang a bandit 'round these parts?"
[00:37] <Muirfinn> "Hanging doesn't work, the shell gets in the way. What you've gotta do is take the...wait. Humans. Several feet is sufficient, is it not?" Muirfinn says absentmindedly, looking at Tannin.
[00:38] <Kotono> "About. Usually a good 20 feet'll do it," Tannin replies. To this the vested man shakes his head, "Fine. What do you want?"
[00:38] <Kotono> "A decent wizard, sooner the better. Need a spell cast." Tannin says, "Is Murkeye still around?"
[00:40] <Kotono> "Died last winter," The vested man shakes his head, "Got some cute young apprentice, and the extra curriculars were too much. Only time I saw the old bastard smiling is when I helped drag his corpse out. Left passage, four down, second floor. Ask for Macluth."
[00:42] <Kotono> "Died a happy man, did he?" Tannin scratches his chin, "Right. Ain't gonna see me again." Tannin nods, the vested man passing back. To the other wall Tannin goes, giving it a few taps before swinging it open. "This entire apartment block is a front for various repeat losers. Princey mostly ignored them as long as they kep things to reasonable bounds and off the streets, and took care of
[00:42] <Kotono> local problems so the guard had less to do."
[00:42] * Muirfinn eyes Tannin as they start walking. "I don't suppose that I still need this disguise? It makes my scales itch. It's very strange, having this pinkish skin."
[00:44] <Kotono> "Keep it 'till we finish. It's all humans back here. The hallway is narrow and dim, "Won't be long now."
[00:44] * Muirfinn nods.
[00:46] <Kotono> Down you go - for a little time, passing several doors. At one, seemingly at random, Tannin stops. He tests it, finding the handle unlocked, and opens it. It opens up to a small closet, a ladder going up through ahole in the ceiling, to the next floor. It's narrow here, coming out into another small closet. "We'll be coming into a mage's sanctum here, so be aware," Tannin murmurs.
[00:47] * Muirfinn nods along. All the same, his guard is up.
[00:49] <Kotono> The door is opened! Ahead is a carpeted, lit room. It is tastefully decorated, dark wood and rich stones. Sitting at a table near the door is a young man, idly rolling a pair of dice. He's scruffy, the first downy beard of a teenager. His clothes are plain and uninteresting, barely even looking up, "Yeah?"
[00:49] <Kotono> "We're here for Macluth." Tannin says, "Business."
[00:49] <Kotono> "Wait your ass here," With a sour look the teen rises, "Don't get any fancy ideas, or Macluth'll make you regret it!"
[00:50] <Muirfinn> "So grumpy." Muirfinn mutters.
[00:52] <Kotono> With his nose held high in the air, the teen goes out and into another room. Once gone Tannin shakes his head, "I know that face. He's Pecal's kid. Haven't seen him since he was chasing his Momma's apronstrings. Takes after his dad, a real charming fellow just like his son. So charming that three of his friends accidentally pushed off a bell tower."
[00:53] <Muirfinn> "Sounds like a real people-person." Muirfinn snorts. "You'd think that the boy would have the wherewithall to realize WHY he doesn't have a father anymore."
[00:56] <Kotono> "Hah, that's the other part. Hell of a story." Going to lean against his wall, "He fell, looked dead. Found and dragged in the killers, only to find the bastard survived and had gotten so good at faking that he could fake being dead. He was as good as that one spell that does it. Unbelievable. Few years later he ran off to Tauret and left his wife'n'kid behind."
[00:59] <Muirfinn> "He left his mate?" Muirfinn looks aghast. "Why?"
[01:00] <Kotono> "They-" A beginning that stops. A rotund, disheveled man comes in. His striped tunic and purple pants are stained with old food, his walk more of a stately waddle. He slaps his belly, "Well, well, well. If it isn't the legendary Tannin." His voice is a wheeze, "What can I do for ya?"
[01:01] <Kotono> "Need a Sending, soon as possible. Take care of it," Tannin's curt in voice, "It's business, so don't gimme any guff about it."
[01:02] <Kotono> "Yeah, can do it," He says, "Who and what's the message."
[01:03] <Kotono> "Sage Vul'lath of Aurora. The message is 'We're done. Pick us up where you dropped us off in a half hour. If we're not there, wait.'"
[01:03] <Kotono> "I'll do it, I'll do it," The fat man wheezes, "Takes a bit to cast,  I'll be back there and tell you when it's done."
[01:05] <Kotono> With that he waddles away, leaving the two be. Tannin goes to sit where the ill tempered youth was, idly picking up the dice and tossing them.  Snake eyes, making him frown and pick them up again, "Anyway, he wanted to fuck around without coming home, best I heard. Didn't care enough to follow up."
[01:28] * Muirfinn shakes his head. "Mammals."
[01:30] <Kotono> Laughing at that, "Don't tell me your people don't have affairs."
[01:31] <Muirfinn> "The majority of us mate for life. Our reproduction process isn't as...vigorous as yours is." Muirfinn says.
[01:32] <Kotono> Tannin shakes his head, "Turtles," He mutters, settling in to wait. It's not too long before Macluth comes back, "It's done," he says.
[01:33] <Kotono> "Pleasure," Tannin gets up, tossing the dice once more. Snake eyes, making him frown all over again.
[01:36] <Muirfinn> "Somthing wrong?"
[01:37] <Kotono> "Bad luck," He mutters, "That or fixed dice." Putting it aside, "We'll be cutting close, so let's get going."
[01:38] * Muirfinn nods, giving the fat mage a wave as they leave.
[01:39] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[01:39] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 25." [1d100=25]
[01:39] <Kotono> roll 1d100\
[01:39] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100\ and gets Error: Numeric values only." [1d100=19]
[01:40] <Kotono> The trip back is without incident. The streets are abuzz and hectic, but Tannin largely avoids them. On reaching back out of the city, you find Sage Vul'lath awaiting you.
[01:43] <Muirfinn> Stepping up to the gith, Muirfinn drops his disguise. "Ahhh, that's better." he stretches, "I don't know how you live like that. So itchy. Ah, hello Vul'lath. Sorry about the substitute mage. Some sort of old friend of Tannin's."
[01:43] <Kotono> "Ready to go back," Tannin says, and pausing a moment, "Thanks for the support, big guy," he says to Muirfinn, "That elemental story will make a hell of tale the next time you're drinking it up."
[01:44] <Kotono> "It's done," Sage Vul'lath concludes, "Now take my hands and we will return to Aurora."
[01:44] <Muirfinn> "I don't really drink, but yes, it will make quite the story." Muirfinn says. "You're quite welcome."
[01:49] <Kotono> With that, the trio is whisked back to Aurora and away!
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[02:00] <Kotono> On return, Muirfinn has a bit of free time. Just as he goes to enjoy it, Elena appears before him. "Waaaaah!" She's clad in a mithral breastplate and carrying a falchion, falling to her knees. "Muirfinn! Yian!"
[02:00] <Muirfinn> "Yes, hello. What about Yian?"
[02:03] <Kotono> "He-he-he wants to talk to someone," Elena eeps, "J-just thought you should know!"
[02:03] <Muirfinn> "Why are you so frightened? Is he not locked away in the dungeon?"
[02:05] <Kotono> "Yeah, b-b-b-b-b-b-but he's a big scary pit fiend!" Elena yelps, "Really big!"
[02:09] <Muirfinn> "I thought he was a dragon. Huh." Muirfinn taps his beak. "Very well, I will speak with him if you wish. Did he say what he wanted beyond conversation?"
[02:10] <Kotono> "N-no." Elena shakes his head, "He wants to talk to someone in charge.
[02:10] <Kotono> "
[02:12] <Muirfinn> "Well, I'm not in charge. Let's see if we can find one of the generals then, yes?"
[02:12] <Kotono> "T-they're all busy," Elena whimpers, "I mean, you just got back and you're powerful, right?" Giving him big, hopeful eyes, "Please?"
[02:13] <Muirfinn> "I find it remarkable that somany people think I'm in charge, when I'm not." Muirfinn shakes his head, chuckling. "I'll speak to him, but I won't promise him anything."
[02:16] <Kotono> Thus Muirfinn goes on down.  You find Yian in his cell, as the eyes of other captives bore into you. Silently watching Muirfinn, every movement he makes. Yian fills his cell up rather well, all writhing red, scaly body and muscle. "You are in charge of this, little mortal?"
[02:19] <Muirfinn> "Come off it. I'm about as mortal as you are, dragon." Muirfinn says jovially, grabbing a stool and taking a seat before the entry. "What is it you want?"
[02:20] <Kotono> "Release from this cell!" His fist slams forward, the wall of force silently absorbing the impact. "You have no right to imprison me!"
[02:20] <Muirfinn> "No. Anything else?"
[02:23] <Kotono> "I am a superior to you! I only obey the laws of my rightful destiny!" Roaring loud enough to make your ears hurt, "You piteous bugs have no right! NO RIGHT! I RULE YOU!"
[02:28] <Muirfinn> Muirfinn weathers the outburst with all the stoic placidity of an undisturbed reflecting pond, then says, "Is this all you wanted? To rage at your situation like a human child? Calm yourself. Is there anything productive you wished to discuss? I am here, after all. You may as well cool your temper and sit."
[02:30] <Kotono> Slam after slam hits the barrier, unyielding to the devil's assaults. "Productive?! I'll see your head mounted atop the Burning Aeropolis for this disrespect! I'll have your souls fed to lemures!"
[02:34] <Muirfinn> Muirfinn snorts. "That's unlikely. Really, I think we could have a much more mutually-roductive relationship if you were to calm down and express yourself in a meaningful and canstructive manner, as opposed to fruitlessly beating on the walls for eternity."
[02:36] <Kotono> Fire explodes within the cell - but still nothing happens, the devil secured within. "What do you want?"
[02:38] <Muirfinn> "That's my line." Muirfinn shoots back calmly.
[02:40] <Kotono> "Freedom!" Yian demands!
[02:40] <Muirfinn> "Not an option I can currently offer you. Anything else?"
[02:42] <Kotono> "Your soul," Yian grates out, raking his claw against the wall of force.
[02:43] <Muirfinn> Sighing, "No, try again."
[02:44] <Kotono> All Muirfinn gets from there is toothless fury and meaningless sound.
[02:45] * Muirfinn pats his knees before standing. He puts the stool back where he found it. "When you are done, please let us know."
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake