
I have a dream that one day, men will be punched in the face not for the color of their skin, but for the awful content of their character.

Main Menu - HTML5 + tabletop rpgs?

Started by Kt3, June 25, 2012, 09:22:24 PM

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Hello all, it's been a while.

I was sitting in a chatroom with another group of people I haven't seen in a while when they mentioned tabletop rpgs and then something called Roll20s.  One of the guys seems to like it a lot, and it was completely new to me.

It looks interesting, and I was wondering your take on it - if you've heard it before, it's plusses and minuses.
Hopefully it's something you can use.  If not, well... eh, it's the thought that counts!
I think we live our lives in other people's hearts and minds. Alone by ourselves we're not very much good at all. But when we let someone else in with their stories and all their sights and sounds and songs and smells and sensations, we suddenly start filling our shelves and boxes with books and books of them and building up our libraries.


I be curious.  Thanks for sharing.  It's a closed beta right now, so we can't really check it out properly.
Well, Goodbye.


Seems like it's in open beta, gonna play with it a bit tonight.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


I think we live our lives in other people's hearts and minds. Alone by ourselves we're not very much good at all. But when we let someone else in with their stories and all their sights and sounds and songs and smells and sensations, we suddenly start filling our shelves and boxes with books and books of them and building up our libraries.


So I got a try of this through playing on the Jade Regent campaign.  So in the interest of educating us all...

From the player side, this was the best functioning Virtual Tabletop I've ever seen.  The effort to get the group of folks up and connected seemed minimal and network issues were a non-issue.  That alone is enough for me to strongly recommend it as a go to for getting a decent visual table-top setup going.

It has a chat system, token support, ability for token ownership, and player color tagging and space measuring tools.

It had a pretty decent initiative table support and virtual dice support.

It has a music playing system that's flash based and lacks good clear control aside from 'on/off'.

The chat system is one chatroom and has a broken logging system.  I think the most successful route was using IRC for the actual game and just using this for the table and Initiative handling.

The DM seemed to have his personal markers on the board erased between his set up and when we joined the board.  That doesn't sound cool at all.

Setting up characters seemed a struggle.  Not sure if that was just newbieness though.  We got around it by just changing our player names to our character names.

Not sure if it has a notion of fog of war/what you can see.  We didn't have that show up during our game.

Bottom line:
Use IRC as normal and add this as a very useful tabletop.  It really is a great tool in that regard that I'm definitely interested in seeing the other side of the table on.
Well, Goodbye.