
"It occured to me while drunk, so it must have been genius."

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Psst. You wanna buy a sword out of a van?

Started by Ebiris, November 18, 2013, 04:20:42 PM

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[18:13] <@Kotono> Time passes. Fall gives way to early winter, everyone tucked in against the cold. The forest is chilly, the ground freezing at night and the days full of crisply cold winds. It's been an unremarkable time, relatively little to do besides upkeep, minor repairs, the tiny winter crop and letting the days slip by. One evening the party is at the tavern. It's a night of storytelling, gossip and
[18:13] <@Kotono> huddling in against the early duskfall. As the party relaxes, the tavern door opens. Coming inside is Hylath, "Feather, John, Gildas, Myann? Could I borrow you for a few minutes?"
[18:14] <@Kotono> Around you is the warm chatter. New settlers gossip with the Holsets, lots of pockets of warm conversation. Myann looks up from one, finishing off her ale before replying, "Yeah?" she asks, "Is it worth going out into the cold over?"
[18:15] <Gildas> Gildas looks up from whatever it was that had held his attention.
[18:16] <@Kotono> "It is indeed," Hylath says, adjusting a warm gray cloak he wears. "If you'd come out here with me?"
[18:16] <@John> "And it was this big!" John stretches his arms out wide before he hears his name and looks over to Hylath. "I'll tell you the rest later," he says to whomever he was talking to, getting up and going to see what Hylath wants.
[18:18] <Gildas> He pushes himself from his sitting position to go see what Hylath wants!
[18:21] <@Kotono> The four go out into the cold. Sitting a little ways away is a familiar purple panther. It licks its chops on seeing the party and says, "I bring greetings from the Circle," it says in Sylvan.
[18:22] <Gildas> "Oh." He says with a smile. "It is quite good to see you." Then he blinks and frowns just a small bit. "If you're here... has something happened?"
[18:24] <@Kotono> Myann nods in greeting.
[18:26] <@Kotono> "Nothing has happened," The panther says, "The Circle has come into possession of an enchanted scimitar. The question is if you are interested in bartering for it."
[18:27] <@Feather> "What's it do?" Feather asks, roused from his winter-wrought melancholy by such an interesting suggestion.
[18:28] <Gildas> He raises an eyebrow. "It must be some enchantment."
[18:29] <@Kotono> "It is made of adamantine and cuts through things better than it should," The panther explains, "It can cut through a tree in one slash."
[18:31] <@Feather> "Yeah, that'd cut through most things," Feather agrees, nodding slowly. "We have a dragon bow. It freezes arrows solid and works even better for their sort. Took it from a genuine dragon, too!"
[18:35] <@John> John just stares off into space, unable to take part in the conversation.
[18:36] <Gildas> He blinks, then realizes John was left out again. "The Circle has a scimitar we might trade for."
[18:36] <@Kotono> Myann glances over at John, "Talk to me later," she murmurs.
[18:36] <@Kotono> "If you're interested," The panther says, "Come to the Circle with what you'd like to offer in trade." The panther replies.
[18:37] <@John> "Oh. Right. I don't really know how to use swords anyway," he shrugs.
[18:37] * @Feather glances at the others. "I'm kinda curious. What do you say to a little visit?"
[18:37] <Gildas> "I've got no objections." He nods.
[18:38] <@Feather> "John, we're gonna come over to that Circle. How about it?"
[18:39] <@Kotono> "I'm fine with it," Myann says, "Just remind me in the morning."
[18:39] <@John> About to say he'd be better off looking after things here, he changes his mind considering how dangerous these woods could be in the middle of winter. "Alright."
[18:40] <@Kotono> "I'll see you there," The panther says, before turning and taking off.
[18:43] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, so question. What are you all going to bring?
[18:44] <@Feather> OOC: How about the dragon bow, the huge weapon we got on the dragon quest and the club?
[18:45] <Gildas> OOC: I can also bring the Ant Figurine. They might be interested!
[18:45] <@Feather> OOC: Might as well bring the ruined armor too and see if they can offer to fix it
[18:45] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[18:45] <@Kotono> OOC: Gather the stats for all of those and have them handy.
[18:47] <@Kotono> The next morning is clear, the party gathering in front of Feather and Myann's house. As the party starts to go, "John, you can't speak Sylvan?" Myann asks.
[18:48] <@John> "Nope. Can't speak elven or gnomish or kobold or anything, really," he replies with a shake of his head. "Never been good for languages."
[18:50] <@Kotono> "I think I can help with that," Myann says, "Helped Feather and Gildas learn Sylvan in a day's walk." She adjusts the straps of her pack before going on, "I think I can manage it again now."
[18:51] <Gildas> "I think we might be able to help." He smiles. "We had a few stumbling blocks on the noun and verb context sometimes."
[18:52] * @John smiles ruefully, "Might be giving me too much credit there, but I'll give it a go."
[18:53] <@Kotono> "Right. Now listen..." Myann begins as the party heads off. OOC: John, make an int check. +2 since Gildas and Feather can help.
[18:54] <@John> roll 1d20+1
[18:54] <Serith> John roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=18]
[18:56] <@Kotono> The walk grows cloudy. What little you can see through the canopy hints at snowclouds rolling in. Nonetheless, you make it to the tree of the Circle without incident. John's chatting away in Sylvan, feeling like he's been speaking it his entire life. OOC: You gain Sylvan as a bonus language.
[18:58] <Gildas> "You see, it isn't that hard." He smiles as they approach. "It feels a little different at first because you have to put such emphasis on certain words."
[19:02] <@John> "S'weird. Everyone before, they always tried to teach me things, like tricks for adventuring, but languages too. I'd pick up everything else but languages..." he shakes his head, "Just not happening. But you explain it real well, Myann, even a guy like me can get it!"
[19:03] <@Kotono> "I'm sure I'm cheating with Sidhe powers somehow," Myann admits, "But it feels right when I do it like that. I'm not even sure how I do it. It just happens when I try it the right way."
[19:03] * @Feather snorts. "Maybe you should try teaching other things that feel right to you."
[19:06] <@Kotono> "Hah." Myann's lips twist into a smile. "I don't really get it, since mushrooms have nothing to do with language."
[19:07] <Gildas> He chuckles. "Perhaps some sort of learning-passing mushrooms." He says as he approaches the tree to open the way for the others, unless it is already open for them.
[19:09] <@Kotono> The tree isn't open or anything like that.
[19:10] <Gildas> Well then! He will sit and meditate in front of it.
[19:11] <@Kotono> To this, the familiar face appears. "Ho-hum, ho-hum! Good morning! Ho-hum, is it time to open the way up?"
[19:11] <@Kotono> "It rather bothers me," Myann admits, "But I don't really have any Sidhe I can sit down and ask about it. For all I know, it's some obscure ability they have."
[19:12] <Gildas> "Yes, please." He answers and stands. "To the circle, please."
[19:16] <@Kotono> Up you go. When you reach the treetops, you find the way up to the roof is open without asking. On going up, you find Kral waiting for you. The sky is overcast and heavy, resulting in shadowy conditions even under the open sky. He sits there, a sheathed scimitar resting besides him.
[19:17] <Gildas> "It is good to see you under less perilous circumstances than last." He says with a smile.
[19:18] <@Kotono> "Better circumstances," he echos, picking up the blade before him. "What did you bring to trade?"
[19:19] <@John> "Hullo," John says, then falls silent, having nothing to trade nor any interest in the sword.
[19:20] <@Kotono> Kral turns his attention to John, "He takes the place of Porridge? Eltia told me his final story."
[19:21] <John> "I'm just helping out, nobody's taking anyone's place," John says uncomfortably.
[19:21] <Gildas> He nods a bit. "I don't think anyone can ever truly take his place, but John has proven his bravery to be just as noteworthy." He says, while taking out the small ant figurine.
[19:22] <@Feather> "Hello," Feather echoes John, before placing his backpack down. "And we brought a bunch of stuff. Just say what you like?" With that said, he starts taking out the things he brought with him, mentioning them briefly along the way. "A greatclub that's best used against larger enemies. A greathammer that doesn't kill, despite the massive size. A dragon's bow." There's more, but best start with
[19:22] <@Feather> the weapons he said he'd bring to the panther.
[19:24] <@Feather> *smaller enemies
[19:25] <Gildas> He nods to Feather and holds out the figurine. "This is a gift from the pixies inside the... Storm Gate, I think it's called..." He continues. "It allows you to summon a life-sized worker ant. The figurine itself imparts the knowledge of how it's used as well."
[19:26] <@Kotono> The items are looked over, Kral settling in on the greatclub. He takes it and hefts it up, "Good wood," he says as he gives it a swing. "I like this." he nods to Gildas, "I will accept the club. Do you offer it?"
[19:29] <@Feather> "Yeah, though we'd like to see the scimitar too?"
[19:29] <@Kotono> The scimitar is offered to Feather.
[19:29] * @Feather tests the weight while his eyes go over any spells used to forge it.
[19:30] <@Kotono> It's a bit heavier than steel, the blade's adamantine make obvious. OOC: Spellcraft.
[19:30] <@Feather> roll 1d20+12
[19:30] <Serith> Feather roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=8]
[19:30] <@Kotono> Feather can't puzzle out the magic around it, unfortunately.
[19:31] <@Feather> "Huh." Putting it out of his mind for now, Feather voices, "We also took that Emperor guy's armor, you know, but it got all torn up in the process. Think you might know anyone who's good at fixing that sorta thing, Kral?"
[19:32] <@Kotono> "The Magus of Malaines," Kral answers after a moment, "I believe you all have met him."
[19:32] <@Feather> "I think it was only Gildas? But hey, might as well head there and take a look since we're traveling and all."
[19:33] <@Kotono> Myann looks straight up at the cloudy sky. "You want to travel with snow looming?"
[19:33] <@Feather> "What do ya say, Gildas? Will we make the trip?"
[19:34] <@Kotono> "John," Myann says while still looking up, "Would you rather be roughing it in the snow or in front of the tavern's fire at home?"
[19:35] <Gildas> "I think we're being asked to wait until spring." He says with a smile. "I could just fly to Malaines, though, it wouldn't be terribly difficult."
[19:35] <John> "I figured it'd snow on the way here to be honest," John admits. "But it's not like anyone'll die if we don't get the armour fixed right now, right? May as well wait, yeah."
[19:36] <@Kotono> "I just don't want to go out for a week when it's about to start snowing," Myann says, "We can at least wait for that to pass, if not rig up some manner of flying trip to there."
[19:37] <@Feather> "Those stories by the fire will get mighty stale," Feather grumbles, though he's not about to argue with the rest.
[19:37] <@Kotono> "The two of us," Myann considers, rubbing her chin as she stares up at the snow-pregnant clouds. "If we rigged up some sort of pallet with ropes tied around us, we could ferry the armor right ot Malaines."
[19:38] <@Feather> "Wouldn't it transform with you if you wore it?" Feather wonders, before quickly adding, "And no one's flying that far on their own in these woods!"
[19:40] <@Kotono> "No, I mean transforming and having ropes attached," Myann says thoughtfully, "We're actually stronger in bird form, or at least I am, than this form. The two of us might be able to manage it."
[19:43] <Gildas> "He brings up a good point, though." Gildas says. "We could probably wear it and just carry it with us that way if it came to it."
[19:44] <@Kotono> A blink and then another, Myann's face going blank before she buries her face in her hand. "Damn it, why didn't I think of that. That's what you meant, wasn't it?"
[19:45] <Gildas> He smiles. "I don't mind taking the flight by myself, really."
[19:45] <@Feather> "I guess we can all decide once we're back?"
[19:46] <@Kotono> "Ahem," Clearing his throat, Kral speaks up, "Are you going to take the scimitar?"
[19:47] <Gildas> He turns his attention back over with a smile. "It would seem so. May I ask where you got it and what makes it enchanted?"
[19:48] <@Feather> "Sorry, sorry! Didn't we agree already? You asked and I said yes, so I thought we agreed! My bad."
[19:48] <@Kotono> "Then it's done," The club is taken! OOC: Post -club.
[19:50] <@Feather> OOC: done
[19:51] <@Kotono> "I got it in a trade," Kral remarks, "The details aren't interesting or your business. But it was acquired fairly and no one's searching for it."
[19:52] <@Feather> "Same for this. Any of these, really," Feather agrees, packing the other weapons away.
[19:52] <Gildas> He nods. "Very well then. Thank you for the opportunity."
[19:54] <@Kotono> OOC: Going ot return back then?
[19:54] <@Feather> OOC: Sure
[19:54] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:54] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 75 > [d100=75]
[19:54] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:54] <Serith> Kotono roll for Serith < 40 > [d100=40]
[19:56] <@Kotono> The party travels back in good time. It begins to snow not too long after you leave, but some shapeshifting and a good pace gets you back before too much snow falls. The four sit in the tavern in front of the fire, drinks and hot food before them. The Missus is putting plates down, "So how was your trip out?
[19:56] <@Kotono> OOC: Gah.
[19:56] <@Kotono> The party travels back in good time. It begins to snow not too long after you leave, but some shapeshifting and a good pace gets you back before too much snow falls. The four sit in the tavern in front of the fire, drinks and hot food before them. The Missus is putting plates down, "So how was your trip out? Miserable weather, isn't it?"
[19:57] <@Kotono> Myann goes to eat, quiet and seemingly distracted.
[19:57] <John> "Was alright on the way out but yeah, caught the start of it," John agrees, gratefully accepting the hot food. "Nothing much happened either way, though."
[19:57] <Gildas> "The snow doesn't bother me as much, after our encounters up north." He remarks. "Although even so, it doesn't mean that the weather is enjoyable..."
[19:58] <@Feather> "It was a nice change, so long as we weren't caught in it for ages," Feather muses. "Got a nice sword out of it, too! It'll come in handy when we need to build more things. Or break something."
[19:59] <@Kotono> "Good, good." Smiling at them, "Keep up the good work!" She goes off, leaving the party be. Myann looks up after that, "Say, Feather, Gildas. Do you remember when the fey called me the Prisoner of the Mushrooms?"
[20:00] <@Feather> "That's one of the names you got called, yeah. So?
[20:00] <@Feather> "
[20:01] <Gildas> He looks up and over. "Lady of the Mushrooms more recently, I think...?" He looks thoughtful.
[20:03] <@Kotono> "Yeah," Myann glances over to Gildas, spearing a green bean with her fork. "It started as prisoner and now they're calling me a lady. Like Lady Valisha." A bite of green bean follows, "Does that strike you as something...or am I making problems out of worries?"
[20:04] <@Feather> "It's, uh, descriptive. And it shows respect. But I dunno why worry. It's not like how they see you changes who you are."
[20:05] <Gildas> "You're no longer a prisoner of the mushrooms." He says. "You control them and they bow to you... so you're the Lady of the Mushrooms." He nods. "It isn't as if they have any control over who you are or what you do with them, correct?"
[20:05] <Gildas> "I think it's really as simple as Feather says." He nods. "You've harnessed the power for yourself."
[20:07] <@Kotono> "Just...thinking," Myann finally says, "About being able to teach Sylvan. Some fey get more than one mantle, especially as they get stronger." She goes back to eating her food for a time before a reply, "I'm just worried when I get thinking about the Sidhe."
[20:08] <@Feather> "Eh. Didn't you teach me right after we freed you? The very next day and everything?"
[20:09] <@Kotono> "That's true," Myann says, sighing long. "I just worry. I don't want to lose what I have here and become one of them."
[20:09] <Gildas> "Let me ask you this." He says, shifting his weight a bit to lean foward. "You don't think of yourself as alone in a world of crazy fey, do you?" He smiles. "I would bet there's more than just you out there that wants to just be a good, decent person while also controlling that power."
[20:12] <@Kotono> "I think I am," The reply comes after a moment, "You heard the voice of my mantle, didn't you? It takes a lot to learn how to control that and stop from going mad. If I hadn't, I fear what I would have become. Voices, knowledge and urges that aren't your own flood your mind. I hate the Sidhe and what they represent, but I understand how they become what they are. I doubt there's many with the
[20:12] <@Kotono> situation and sheer luck I've had, allowing me to maintain sanity."
[20:14] <@Feather> "So if you're worried, just... figure out what seems to come as naturally as Sylvan? Then try it? If it works, we can ask Kral for helping control that part too."
[20:15] <Gildas> "Well, I would be surprised if there weren't at least a few that were decent." He says, leaning back. "But... yes, Feather is right. You cannot spend all of your time worrying about what 'might' happen."