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It's against my programming to impersonate a deity

Started by Ebiris, March 14, 2014, 04:59:45 PM

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[17:14] <@Kotono> Down the party goes. Through the springs, into the purple lake and the sleeping shocker lizards. Through the denuded temple and to the great chasm. Here the party stands, Myann peering down. "You'll want to breathe carefully. It's hard breathing for awhile, but it dries out the further down you get." She then casts, a pair of brown mushrooms appearing over John and Feather. They fall, the two
[17:14] <@Kotono> sprouting raccoon ears and tails. "You should be able to fly by wiggling the tail. No, I don't know why it works that way. It also helps to get a running start, but it's not required."
[17:16] * Feather backs away for that running start, and them leaps!
[17:16] <@John> "And... and the ears?" John asks, patting the ones on top of his head and the ones on the side.
[17:16] <@Kotono> "As far as I can tell, they don't do anything." Myann shrugs before transforming into a mushroom hawk. With a single cry she circles around and then plunges into the chasm.
[17:18] <Gildas> Gildas follows after the others by taking flight himself!
[17:18] <@Kotono> OOC: Fort saves everyone.
[17:18] <@John> That's not reassuring! Going to the edge and wiggling his tail, he peers down to affirm that Feather is in fact flying and not plummeting to his death.
[17:18] <@Kotono> Feather seems to be flying just fine.
[17:18] <Feather> roll 1d20+12
[17:18] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+12 and gets 25." [1d20=13]
[17:18] <@John> He's really not comfortable with this, but nonetheless he sighs and jumps over!
[17:18] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[17:19] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 17." [1d20=7]
[17:19] <@John> roll 1d20+12
[17:19] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 and gets 29." [1d20=17]
[17:19] <Gildas> roll 1d20+13
[17:19] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+13 and gets 29." [1d20=16]
[17:20] <@Kotono> Down the party goes. It's tough breathing for awhile, but everyone endures. A half an hour later the party lands at the bottom of the chasm. It is as it was before. Myann transforms back, "We're not far from getting out of this cave. You'll see when we get out there."
[17:21] <@John> John rubs his tired tail... and isn't that just great? Before walking onwards.
[17:21] <Gildas> Gildas shapeshifts back and nods to them and starts ahead!
[17:22] * Feather figures he might as well just fly while he still can to get the best hang of it.
[17:25] <@Kotono> Flying like this includes a good amount of rear-wiggling, but is otherwise easy. Coming out, you can see a vast rocky plain ahead. An orange-red sky is above you, filled with fast moving clouds of grey steam. They swirl as they move, like steam rising from a cup of hot tea. There's no sign of a sun, light instead coming evenly from all about the sky. The ground is covered with thick patches of
[17:25] <@Kotono> purple moss, with clumps several feet tall here and there. There's no end to this place in any direction, just a new horizon every way you look.
[17:26] <Feather> Well, there are lakes below lakes below lakes, so why not have a sky below a sky? Feather shrugs and flies on, choosing to bring up the rear.
[17:26] <Gildas> "Up ahead is where we found the ruby fruit." Gildas says as he continues on, making note of the purple moss for when they come back through.
[17:27] <@John> "Is that... lava up there?" John asks, peering up. "How's it not fall down on us?"
[17:28] <Feather> "Maybe we fell all the way through? Might short fall, if so...."
[17:28] <@Kotono> "It doesn't quite look like lava to me," Myann peers up, squinting.
[17:28] <@Kotono> OOC: Also, while we chat, what direction are you going in? Same as to the trees or something else?
[17:29] <Gildas> "It may just be colored like that because of what's down here?" He offers.
[17:29] <Gildas> OOC: I was just going go the same way but further on.
[17:30] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[17:30] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+30
[17:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100+30 and gets 108." [1d100=78]
[17:30] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+30
[17:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100+30 and gets 41." [1d100=11]
[17:33] <@Kotono> You walk ten minutes. You aren't quite to the tree yet, when rises out of the ground, 50ft ahead. It looks like a sheet of black taffy rising out of the ground, stretched out longways to reach 40ft up and 10ft wide. Near the top is the image of a face in concentration, a faint frown visible. A corona of fire dances around it.
[17:33] <Gildas> Gildas blinks... then blinks again and looks at the others. "That didn't happen last time..."
[17:33] <Feather> "Hey there!" Feather greets the fiery taffy.
[17:34] <@Kotono> "What...?" Myann stares at it, taking a step back.
[17:35] <@John> "Is that someone who's been at your ooze ring, Gildas?" John asks dubiously, pointing for good measure.
[17:35] <@Kotono> The creature rumbles words that none of you understand. The creature's frown deepens after a moment. It utters words again, still not understood.
[17:36] <Feather> "Hello!" Feather calls out in elven, kobold and then sylvan.
[17:36] <@John> "Everyone must all speak foreign down here."
[17:36] <Gildas> Gildas decides to try Dwarven. "Hello!" It's worth a shot.
[17:37] <@Kotono> The last gets the creature's eyes to widen. A look of burning fury crosses its face, as suddenly spikes of fire erupt from its body, flying at the party! OOC: Init. Feather said the secret language: Sylvan.
[17:37] <Feather> roll 1d20+8
[17:37] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+8 and gets 16." [1d20=8]
[17:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 Myann
[17:37] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 Myann and gets 18." [1d20=16]
[17:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+3 taffyman
[17:37] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 taffyman and gets 4." [1d20=1]
[17:38] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(18)>Feather(16)>Taffyman(4)'
[17:38] <Gildas> roll 1d20+3
[17:38] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+3 and gets 18." [1d20=15]
[17:38] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann=Gildas(18)>Feather(16)>Taffyman(4)'
[17:39] <@Kotono> OOC: John?
[17:39] <@John> roll 1d20+7
[17:39] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+7 and gets 24." [1d20=17]
[17:40] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(24)>Myann=Gildas(18)>Feather(16)>Taffyman(4)'
[17:40] <@Kotono> OOC: John, you can open. It's 50ft awya.
[17:42] <@Kotono> "At least it knows what to hate properly, even if it's mostly mistaken," Myann mutters, getting her sword out as she begins to trace an arcane pattern with her free hadn.
[17:42] <@John> Before the firespikes have even reached the party, John is on the taffyman! One moment he's standing there the next he's in the creature's face with barely a blur seen of his motion between the two moments. "Hoo-ah!" he grunts, attacking the angry monster over and over with his staff!
[17:42] <@John> OOC: hustle used, 3pp down
[17:42] <@John> roll 1d20+14
[17:42] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+14 and gets 26." [1d20=12]
[17:42] <@John> roll 1d20+14
[17:42] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+14 and gets 31." [1d20=17]
[17:42] <@John> roll 1d20+14
[17:42] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+14 and gets 15." [1d20=1]
[17:42] <@John> roll 1d20+9
[17:42] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+9 and gets 27." [1d20=18]
[17:42] <@John> roll 1d20+9
[17:42] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+9 and gets 19." [1d20=10]
[17:42] <@Kotono> OOC: Three hits.
[17:42] <@John> OOC: is it crittable?
[17:43] <@Kotono> OOC: Yes.
[17:43] <@John> roll 3#1d6+7+5d6
[17:43] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 3#1d6+7+5d6 and gets 79." [3#1d6+7+5d6 = 21, 30, 28]
[17:43] <@Kotono> OOC: Did you remember the tail, by the way?
[17:44] <@John> OOC:  I didn't.
[17:44] <@John> He also spins around to hit it with his tiny furry raccoon tail!
[17:44] <@John> roll 1d20+13 tail
[17:44] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+13 tail and gets 21." [1d20=8]
[17:45] <@Kotono> OOC: Whiff.
[17:46] <@Kotono> John blinks and appears in front of the beast, slamming it over and over with his staff. His blows make part of the taffy-like body bulge out, but it also spreads easily and seems to diffuse some of the force of the blows. The parts hit look less elastic now and sag a bit. OOC: Myann's up.
[17:46] <@Kotono> Myann's body shifts. It expands outward, becoming a great purple panther. She is far larger than before and her head no longer has a single dangling mushroom. Instead her back holds an entire colony of growing mushrooms, a riot of colorful caps. Below each cap, the stems have a pair of long, oval black eyes. These eyes stare everywhere and nowhere. The dire panther snarls as it charges forward,
[17:46] <@Kotono> sprinting towards the taffy-creature.
[17:47] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+20 (+2 charge)
[17:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+20 (+2 charge) and gets 28." [1d20=8]
[17:47] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+10+
[17:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+10+ and gets Error: Check syntax." [1d8=3]
[17:47] <@Kotono> OOC: 13 before cold damage.
[17:47] <@Kotono> roll 1d6*1.5
[17:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6*1.5 and gets 1.5." [1d6=1]
[17:48] <@Kotono> Myann charges in, chomping a bit of the taffy with her mouth. The frost that spreads on it seems to make the entire creature shudder. She spits the mouthful out a moment later, snarling. OOC: Okay. Gildas.
[17:50] <Gildas> Gildas takes a breath and shapeshifts himself into his dire bear form and goes bounding after Myann! He raises up to strike one paw into the taffy creature!
[17:50] <Gildas> roll 1d20+17
[17:50] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+17 and gets 23." [1d20=6]
[17:50] <@Kotono> Gildas charges in, his good arm striking out. But he misses, the writhing of the taffy-form eluding his paw-strike. OOC: Rotten luck. Feather, go.
[17:53] <Feather> "We're not even fairies," Feather complains in Sylvan as he heads in after the others. "Why do you gotta do that?" Still, whatever the circumstances he can't exactly let the crazy taffy monster take its anger out at them, and so he circles around it while slashing down with Oak Feller.
[17:54] <Feather> roll 1d20+14
[17:54] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+14 and gets 24." [1d20=10]
[17:54] <@Kotono> OOC: Bare miss.
[17:55] <@Kotono> Feather als charges in, hacking and slashing at the taffy. But he can't quite land a blow as the spikes of fire come. They fly in all directions from the beseiged taffyman, turning the fields around it into a fiery hell-hole! OOC: Ref saves, y'all.
[17:55] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 Myann still wants evasion soooo close
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 Myann still wants evasion soooo close and gets 28." [1d20=20]
[17:55] <@John> roll 1d20+13 evasion
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+13 evasion and gets 27." [1d20=14]
[17:55] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9 evasion
[17:55] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 evasion and gets 11." [1d20=2]
[17:56] <Feather> roll 1d20+9 evasion
[17:56] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+9 evasion and gets 26." [1d20=17]
[17:57] <@Kotono> roll 10d6 Myann half, John none, Feather none, Gildas full.
[17:57] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 10d6 Myann half, John none, Feather none, Gildas full. and gets 37." [10d6=4, 5, 4, 3, 3, 2, 6, 3, 4, 3]
[17:57] <@Kotono> OOC: Fire damage.
[17:59] <@Kotono> The ground around you becomes a burning hellscape. The flames turn purple as they consume the moss around you. Feather and John are fast enough to fall back and out of the inferno, while Myann covers her face with her arms. Gildas is caught plain flatfooted, dead on in the inferno and burning with it. He's sizzling all over, agony as he's treated like a cut of beef on the grill! Meanwhile the
[17:59] <@Kotono> taffyman screams something you don't know, its face showing deeper concentration as more flames dance around it. OOC: Ow. John.
[18:00] <@John> Seeing that Feather went around the side of the creature, John mirrors his movement to flack it on the opposite side, continuing his pummelling even in the face of diminished effectiveness.
[18:00] <@John> roll 1d20+16
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+16 and gets 23." [1d20=7]
[18:00] <@John> roll 1d20+16
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+16 and gets 32." [1d20=16]
[18:00] <@John> roll 1d20+16
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+16 and gets 29." [1d20=13]
[18:00] <@John> roll 1d20+12
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 and gets 19." [1d20=7]
[18:00] <@John> roll 1d20+12
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 and gets 27." [1d20=15]
[18:00] <@John> roll 1d20+15 tail
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 tail and gets 24." [1d20=9]
[18:01] <@Kotono> OOC: Three hits. It's AC is 25, just for the record, since that should be about evident now.
[18:01] <@John> roll 3#1d6+7+5d6
[18:01] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 3#1d6+7+5d6 and gets 75." [3#1d6+7+5d6 = 23, 21, 31]
[18:02] <@Kotono> A steady beating stretches out the taffyman's body further. He has a lot of sagging bulges about instead of tightly stretched reaches, sagging forward in the middle. Meanwhile Myann settles into ravage it, ignoring the flames around her as she bites and claws the strange thing.
[18:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+18 bite
[18:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+18 bite and gets 22." [1d20=4]
[18:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+13 claw 1
[18:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+13 claw 2
[18:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+13 claw 1 and gets 14." [1d20=1]
[18:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+13 claw 2 and gets 28." [1d20=15]
[18:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d6+6
[18:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6+6 and gets 9." [1d6=3]
[18:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d6*1.5
[18:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6*1.5 and gets 4.5." [1d6=3]
[18:03] <@Kotono> Myann manages to get a claw into it, ripping away more taffy as ice travels up it. The creature shudders again at the cold, as...OOC: Gildas.
[18:03] <@Kotono> The creature tries to move here and there, surrounded at all angles. Fires blaze around you from his attack, a purple haze overtaking the party as they fight. Sweet-smelling smoke comes from these flames, like burnt sugar.
[18:04] <Gildas> The crispy dire bear roars and tries to tear into the taffy creature with a flurry of blows with his one good arm!
[18:04] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16 going to try to SF it, you never know what might happen
[18:04] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+16 going to try to SF it, you never know what might happen and gets 24." [1d20=8]
[18:05] <Gildas> roll 1d20+11
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+11 and gets 18." [1d20=7]
[18:05] <Gildas> roll 1d20+11
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+11 and gets 14." [1d20=3]
[18:05] <Gildas> roll 1d20+11 claw 1
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+11 claw 1  and gets 19." [1d20=8]
[18:06] <Gildas> roll 2d8+11+1d6+1d6 first is cold last is fire
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d8+11+1d6+1d6 first is cold last is fire and gets 24." [2d8=1, 3][1d6=4][1d6=5]
[18:06] <Gildas> OOC: Erp
[18:06] <@Kotono> OOC: Didn't hit, AC's 25 as noted before.
[18:06] <Gildas> OOC: Sorry, misread the number
[18:06] <@Kotono> Gildas fences back and forth with it, dodging and hacking. He can't land a blow, the creature just a bit too fast for him. OOC: Feather.
[18:07] * Feather brandishes both of his blades and slashes diagonally downwards at his opponent, before turning to strike it with his tail while raking it with Oak Feller one more time.
[18:07] <Feather> roll 1d20+14
[18:07] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+14 and gets 17." [1d20=3]
[18:07] <Feather> roll 1d20+9
[18:07] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+9 and gets 10." [1d20=1]
[18:07] <Feather> roll 1d20+14
[18:07] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+14 and gets 18." [1d20=4]
[18:07] <Feather> roll 1d20+7
[18:07] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+7 and gets 23." [1d20=16]
[18:08] <Feather> OOC: +2 there
[18:08] <@Kotono> OOC: Last one hits then at 25.
[18:08] <Feather> roll 1d4+3 tail!
[18:08] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d4+3 tail! and gets 7." [1d4=4]
[18:09] <@Kotono> Feather dances with the taffyman, dodging and being dodged. He leaps to the side and slams his tail out, catching it in the middle. The entire creature wobbles from the blow, but it doesn't go down. Instead more spikes of fire come, flying about at all angles! OOC: Ref again, y'all.
[18:09] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 Myann
[18:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 Myann and gets 20." [1d20=12]
[18:09] <@John> roll 1d20+13 evasion
[18:09] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+13 evasion and gets 28." [1d20=15]
[18:09] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9 evasion
[18:09] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 evasion and gets 22." [1d20=13]
[18:09] <Feather> roll 1d20+9 evasion
[18:09] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+9 evasion and gets 12." [1d20=3]
[18:10] <@Kotono> roll 10d6 Myann half, John'n'Gildas none, Feather full.
[18:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 10d6 Myann half, John'n'Gildas none, Feather full. and gets 41." [10d6=4, 2, 4, 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 4, 5]
[18:12] <@Kotono> More flames. All the world turns into a hellish inferno as Feather burns. He's caught in it, his world nothing but pain! Agony fills his veins, his mouth, his vision, his world. He can barely think, let alone do anything! OOC: -6 to any mental ability based ability score check due to extreme pain, Feather. More coming.
[18:12] <@Kotono> OOC: To clarify, -6 to mental ability score checks, including skill checks. Wrote that awkwardly.
[18:13] <@Kotono> Amid the flames, the taffyman starts to sink back into the ground as his foes do not fall, beating a retreat! But he's wide open from all angles as he does! OOC: AoOs, y'all, if you want them.
[18:13] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+18 Myann does
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+18 Myann does and gets 29." [1d20=11]
[18:13] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+10+1d6
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+10+1d6  and gets 18." [1d8=6][1d6=2]
[18:13] * Feather swings wildly, almost blinded by the sharp burning pain!
[18:13] <Feather> roll 1d20+14
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+14 and gets 16." [1d20=2]
[18:13] <Gildas> roll 1d20+18
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+18 and gets 29." [1d20=11]
[18:13] <@John> roll 1d20+19 aoo
[18:14] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+19 aoo and gets 37." [1d20=18]
[18:14] <@John> roll 1d6+7+5d6
[18:14] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d6+7+5d6 and gets 31." [1d6=5][5d6=3, 2, 6, 2, 6]
[18:14] <Gildas> roll 2d8+11+1d6+1d6 first is cold last is fire
[18:14] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d8+11+1d6+1d6 first is cold last is fire and gets 34." [2d8=8, 8][1d6=3][1d6=4]
[18:16] <@Kotono> The opening allows him to be struck many times. Myann takes a bite out, Gildas ripping off a hunk and John hitting it right in the head as it sinks down. Hunks of it are left behind, but the majority makes an escape, slithering back into the ground! OOC: Free act for now. Loot post. May want to move out of the immediate area since it's on fire.
[18:17] <@John> "Wonder what crawled up his bum," John says in reflection of that unprovoked attack, moving away from the flames.
[18:17] <@Kotono> Myann retreats back, face a grimace of pain as she returns human form. "Over here!" she calls, "Healing over here!"
[18:17] <Gildas> Gildas shapeshifts back himself and moves after Myann. "I think it thought we were the fey. Or something..."
[18:18] * Feather shakily retrieves the Gemstone of Life as he heads over to Myann, using the first charge on himself.
[18:18] <Feather> roll 3d8+10
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 3d8+10 and gets 19." [3d8=2, 3, 4]
[18:18] <@Kotono> roll 3d8+9 Feather
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+9 Feather and gets 24." [3d8=1, 8, 6]
[18:18] <@Kotono> roll 3d8+9 Gildas
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+9 Gildas and gets 18." [3d8=2, 3, 4]
[18:18] <@Kotono> roll 3d8+9 self
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+9 self and gets 23." [3d8=2, 5, 7]
[18:18] <@Kotono> OOC: The pain penalty is gone, Feather.
[18:19] <Feather> Now able to think clearly, he presses it against Myann's skin as well.
[18:19] <Feather> roll 3d8+10
[18:19] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 3d8+10 and gets 26." [3d8=4, 8, 4]
[18:19] <@Kotono> Myann breathes easier now. "A fair mistake to make," she admits, "All considered."
[18:19] <@Kotono> The last of Myann's burns fade. "Thanks," she says with a smile, "Whatever that freakish thing we have any idea at all?"
[18:20] <Gildas> Gildas shakes his head. "I can only surmise... perhaps some sort of guard dog, if you will?"
[18:22] <@John> "Maybe he used to be normal and a fey turned him like that?"
[18:23] <@Kotono> "Maybe," Myann rises now, dusting herself off. "Do any of you need any more healing?"
[18:23] <@John> "I'm fine."
[18:25] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, y'all ready to move along then?
[18:25] <Gildas> OOC: Aye
[18:25] <@John> OOC: yes
[18:26] <@Kotono> Another ten minutes of walking brings the party to the crystal fruit tree. Here crystalline fruits hang, red like rubies and faceted like cut gemstones. A breeze blows here, stirring the fruits. They jangle like crystal bells, a faint, constant chiming.
[18:27] <Gildas> "We didn't go past here." He says once they arrive.
[18:29] <@Kotono> Myann goes and grabs another fruit, taking a bite out of it. "They're good," she says, going to lean against the tree. "So get one if you want and we can keep going? I'm hoping to find a dwarf settlement or some other sort of town, personally."
[18:31] <Gildas> He nods to her. "Yes, I'd imagine there has to be one around here somewhere... Well... assuming this is how our dwarven friend got to us the last time."
[18:31] * @John grabs one for the journey, for all that he prefers normal apples they aren't bad.
[18:31] <@Kotono> OOC: Ready to move along then, y'all?
[18:32] <Gildas> Gildas takes a fruit too. Why not! OOC: Yes.
[18:32] <Feather> OOC: y
[18:32] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 7." [1d100=7]
[18:32] <@Kotono> roll 1d100 sub-table
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 sub-table and gets 68." [1d100=68]
[18:33] <@Kotono> The party wanders for a few hours. The magic of the leaf mushrooms fades. You go through this plain of moss and rock, until you see something on the horizon. It is a large collection of houses of stone and dried purple moss. At this distance you can see short figures covered in brown fur about the town. There are no fields, but each house has several fruit trees behind it.
[18:34] <Feather> "No Sylvan greetings this time?" Feather confirms quietly with the others.
[18:35] <Gildas> He nods to Feather. "I'll try Dwarven."
[18:35] <@Kotono> Myann nods silently, stepping back to hold up the rear.
[18:36] <@Kotono> OOC: Going to go into town then?
[18:37] <@John> OOC: sure
[18:37] <Feather> OOC: Yeah
[18:38] <@Kotono> The party walks into the town. As you approach, you get a better look at the hairy creatures. They're perhaps four feet tall and broad, muscular more than anything else. They all have black eyes. They don't wear clothing, though you can't see any sort of obvious sexual characteristics. As you get into town, the hairy creatures gather together in front of you. They stare, seeming to wait as the
[18:38] <@Kotono> party approaches.
[18:38] <@Kotono> There are a few dozen about right now and you can see others coming from further in the town.
[18:39] <Feather> "Hello," Feather tries his routine, hoping they don't hate elves or humans or dog people.
[18:40] <Gildas> "Greetings." Gildas says in Dwarven.
[18:40] <@Kotono> OOC: Language you're speaking in, Feather?
[18:40] <Feather> OOC: human, then elven, then kobold
[18:42] <@Kotono> Feather's words gets a blank look, but a few of the hairy creature stir at Gildas's greeting. One steps forward, "Greeting." It says in dwarven. "Greeting. Yes, greeting. Alail. I am Alail." The dwarven twists as it speaks, becoming clearer. "I am Alail, Warden of Pesail."
[18:43] <Gildas> He looks at the others and nods to them. "Dwarven." He says to them in common, then turns back to the creatures. "We come from the surface above." He gestures back behind them. "My name is Gildas, this is Feather, John and Myann." He introduces each of them in turn. "Is Pesail this village?"
[18:45] <@Kotono> "Yes," he nods, "I infer you are not familiar with our people. We are the Messem. As Warden, I can give a temporary gift of speech. Do all of you need this gift?"
[18:45] <Gildas> He nods. "Yes, please, my friends cannot speak your language."
[18:50] <@Kotono> "UrghBLAUG!" The word is shouted, echoing about. Suddenly the party can understand the murmurs going amid the hairy creatures. " tall..." "...walking around like that...!" "...such hair...!" Meanwhile Alail says, "It's given. It'll last several hours."
[18:50] <@John> "Hey, I understood that!" John blurts out. "Uh, not the Blaug bit, but... y'know, the rest."
[18:50] <Feather> "Huh? Wait, I got that! I might be some kinda language geniu-- oh wait, you too?"
[18:50] <Gildas> "Alail, would you please tell us where exactly we are?" He gestures up at the sky. "We're not really sure how we got here, or where exactly 'here' is..."
[18:51] <Gildas> "He cast a spell so you could all understand their language." Gildas tells them.
[18:51] <@Kotono> "You're in Pesail and I am Alail, Warden of Pesail." The hairy one says, "You look far from too tall white dwarves."
[18:52] <@John> "Also we need a fire river so Gildas can fix his arm," John adds, hoping they can understand him as well.
[18:52] <Feather> "Feather," he introduces himself, since that's only proper. "I'm a human."
[18:56] <@Kotono> "Human? I don't know that," Alail says, "Are you here for Patience or the lost Shrikes?" In the meantime he gestures and leads ahead, "I offer you hospitality in exchange for knowledge."
[18:57] <Gildas> Gildas blinks. "We're not familiar with what those are, I'm afraid." He says. "I thank you for the hospitality."
[18:57] <Feather> "Uh, what are the lost Shrikes? I guess we've got patience to go all the way over here."
[18:57] <@John> "Ever been by that big hole back that way?" John asks. gesturing back the way they came. "You go up that and through some water tunnels and lakes you'll eventually get to us."
[18:58] <@Kotono> "The lost Shrikes are-" John's words gets the man's attention, "You come from the sky gap?!" He stares, "You're from there?!" Before you, the furry creatures kneel.
[18:59] <Gildas> "A...ah... no... there's no need for that..." Gildas says, suddenly taken by surprise by this turn.
[18:59] <@Kotono> "Uh." Myann says, a look on her face akin to 'huh' written large, utter confusion.
[19:00] <@John> "S'nothing special..." John says, embarrassed at the attention.
[19:00] <Feather> "So the lost Shrikes are...?"
[19:01] <@Kotono> "Grand sir," Alail stays bowed, "The lost Shrikes are the haunted ruins of the white dwarves."
[19:02] <Feather> "Huh. Uh, what at the black taffy-like things that are on fire, then?"
[19:02] <Gildas> "Please, you don't need to kneel any longer." Gildas says since they're all still down on the ground like that.
[19:03] <@John> "Yeah, it's pretty awkward," John agrees.
[19:03] <@Kotono> "Ta-ffy?" It frowns, "You mean the Spirit Men? They rise from the ground. They care little for most but they hate the Lords and Ladies." Notably, they don't stop kneeling or rise.
[19:03] <Feather> "How about you? Do you hate them? Or, uh, anyone else?"
[19:04] * @John decides to sit down to make things more comfortable.
[19:05] <Gildas> Gildas sighs and sits down with John. It doesn't feel right to lord over someone like that.
[19:05] <@Kotono> "They leave us be. We are a remote village. Dwarves, burnings and alase come by to explore the Shrikes or to see Patience, but not commonly." Alail replies.
[19:06] <Feather> "Great to hear it!" Feather exclaims. "We don't hate none either, so that makes things better. Now, look, just why are you doing this whole kneeling thing?"
[19:06] <@John> "So whereabouts are these shrikes?" John asks. Sounds like a dungeon, and those are always good!
[19:09] <Gildas> Gildas makes a mental note of the names Alail uses to ask about later.
[19:09] <@Kotono> The dwarf points to the south, "A half day's walk from there," he says, "We kneel because the Wardens are taught that travelers from the sky gap will come and rule."
[19:10] <Gildas> "Who teaches you that?" He asks the obvious question.
[19:10] * Feather frowns.
[19:10] <@Kotono> Myann gently blows air out of her nose, and quietly to Feather, "It sounds like some sort of religious thing," she remarks, "Best to sidestep it."
[19:11] <Feather> "Yeah, guess we can't just tell them anything or it might get violent for some stupid reason," he agrees quietly with her. "Let's just find the river of fire?"
[19:11] <@John> "We're just visiting, not here to rule anything," John assures them.
[19:11] <@Kotono> "The Arch-Wardens," he says, "They serve King Groew."
[19:12] <Gildas> He rubs his chin. Something about that sounds awfully familiar... "You mentioned Patience. Is that... a place?"
[19:13] <@Kotono> "We have no interest in ruling," Myann agrees with John, "We're just travelers. Those you wait for aren't us."
[19:13] <@Kotono> "Patience is a dwarf. He has been waiting for someone for thousands of years. No magic can touch him and no force can wound him. He waits, for what is not known."
[19:14] <Feather> "Maybe he's waiting for Gildas!"
[19:14] <@Kotono> "Eh?" Myann glances at Feather.
[19:15] <Feather> "Gildas does have that really evil sword," he quietly reminds her.
[19:15] <Gildas> "Goodness, I hope not." He says. "We were told to come here... to find a sea of fire." He presents his arm. "I need to heal it by... well... burning it, I think." He doesn't sound very sure of that part... "Can you tell us where we'd find something hot enough? Perhaps even magically hot?"
[19:16] <@Kotono> "The...oh, the ocean!" Alail replies after a moment, "Ulain is King Groew's capital. It sits on the shores of the ocean. An ocean of magma."
[19:16] <Gildas> "How far away is that from here?" He asks.
[19:18] <@Kotono> "A month's travel," Alail replies, "A week if you can cross Yann's Fall."
[19:18] <Gildas> Gildas reaches up and rubs his forehead. "I wonder if a month here is the same as a month to us."
[19:19] <@John> "Yeah, no moon is there?"
[19:20] <@Kotono> "Moon?" He asks, curiously. "A month is a month. The gift of speech translates it correctly."
[19:21] <Feather> "How do you count time here?" Feather asks curiously.
[19:21] <Gildas> He nods. "All right. Well, I don't want you all to have to travel down here for that long... perhaps we'll try the Magus' suggestion." He says.
[19:22] <@Kotono> "When the sky goes dark until it goes light again," Alail replies, sounding a little confused.
[19:22] <@John> "I don't mind," John tells Gildas. "Whatever you need to get your arm fixed."
[19:23] <Gildas> "Thank you." Gildas nods to John. "But we've asked so many questions of you, do you have any for us? You wished knowledge for your hospitality, after all."
[19:32] <@Kotono> "Tell us about your land," Alail says, "What is it like beyond the sky gap?"
[19:33] <Gildas> "It's much more green than here." He says, starting with the most basic. "Our sky is blue and not orange... Our fruits are also... oh!" He looks over at Myann. "Do you still have that bag with the magic bread?"
[19:33] <@John> "And at night the sky turns black and you can see the moon and the stars," John adds.
[19:40] <@Kotono> "There's forests full of trees, but with different fruits or nof ruits at all," Myann adds, going into her pack and taking out the bag.
[19:41] <@Kotono> "That sounds amazing," Alail admits. "Impossible."
[19:41] <Feather> "And we have people living both above and below us," Feather muses. "All sorts."
[19:42] <Gildas> "We're certainly not gods, though." He adds. "We're not here to rule, just... We're exploring. Adventuring." He smiles.
[19:42] <@John> "Yeah, and there's weather too," John adds, figuring they don't get much of that down here. "It can rain, or if it's really cold the rain freezes into snow. And there's wind too... umm, fog? Fog's like clouds down on the ground. Hailstones too, which are like really hard little bits of snow."
[19:46] <@Kotono> Murmurs follow that. "You keep insisting that," he says to Gildas, "Ones from the sky gap are to rule, but not quite gods." After that, "Oh, you mean like steam showers? We have wind here as well, and fog sounds like steam."
[19:47] <Gildas> He shakes his head, deciding to drop that subject for now. "I understand. Your fruit down here is delicious, by the way. It's much different-looking than ours."
[19:48] <@Kotono> "Would you like some?" Alail asks, "It's nearly mealtime for us."
[19:49] <@Kotono> Myann watches all of this in quiet thought, "Lords and Ladies..." she murmurs to herself, brow furrowed in concentration.
[19:49] <Gildas> "If it's not too much trouble. It's actually kind of funny... your fruits look like gemstones from where we come from."


[18:15] <@Kotono> The party is taken by Alail to one of the houses and around. In the back are several fruit trees. Fruits like rubies, diamonds, sapphires, jade and amethysts hang. Alail goes and takes one of the sapphire-fruits, "Eat what you like," he offers.
[18:16] <Gildas> "What do you call these fruits? I mean, above, we have things like apples, pears, that sort of thing." He decides to go and try a sapphire fruit.
[18:17] <@John> John has a try of one of the jade ones.
[18:17] * Feather tries one of each, to figure out which one he'd want to try and plant in his back yard.
[18:20] <@Kotono> The jade one tastes bitter and tangy. It bursts all over John's tongue. Feather tries the diamond one first - it tastes like not much but it still extremely tasty. It tastes good in a way that eludes him, making the back of his tongue tingle. "Rubies, diamonds, sapphires, jade and amethysts," He goes down the list, "I've heard stories that the white dwarves say that fruits that get buried up
[18:20] <@Kotono> and go stale are valuable to them. Is it like that where you come from?"
[18:21] <Feather> "Think we can plant these?" Feather asks Myann, offering her a diamond.
[18:22] <Gildas> He blinks, then smiles. "Interesting. The same names as the gemstones we have on the surface. I wonder if that's true."
[18:22] <@John> "Wait, these are like... fresh jewels? They grow on trees?" John boggles, staring at his half-eaten fruit. Missy-Anne would like some of these... "How long does it take to go stale?"
[18:26] <@Kotono> "I think it's a long time," He admits, "I saw a 'gemstone' once and I've never seen a stale fruit get that hard and dry." Myann takes the diamond and takes a bite, "Maybe," she says, whispering to Feather. "I know most of the mushrooms in this realm wouldn't grow above ground."
[18:26] <@Kotono> OOC: Gah, sorry, did not divide the lines there. >_>
[18:28] <Gildas> "Well, I wouldn't mind having a ruby tree in my back yard." He says. "Perhaps we can try and grow each one and see if any of them will manage to."
[18:28] <Feather> "Yeah, should work with magic," Feather agrees, trying an amethyst next.
[18:30] <@Kotono> The amethyst is lightly sweet. It goes down smooth and airy, leaving a good aftertaste.
[18:32] <@Kotono> Myann hmms to herself and finishes her diamond off, "I never thought to wonder how gems were actually made," she says, picking a ruby and giving it a look-over. "More questions than answers..." In a lower voice, "If I ever meet a Sidhe of earth or gems, I think I have some questions."
[18:34] <@John> "Well any guesses I would've had, none of them were trees," John concludes, finishing off the last of his jade fruit.
[18:35] <Feather> A sapphire is next, once he finishes the amethyst quietly on his own.
[18:36] <Gildas> "One must wonder how they actually got all the way to us to begin with, if that's how." Gildas remarks, doing like Feather and trying the others he hasn't had yet.
[18:36] <@Kotono> Alail sits against the ruby tree, "Could you tell me more of the realm you come from?" he asks. The sapphire tastes faintly of sweet mint, oddly cold despite being warm to the touch. It's largely liquid inside.
[18:37] <@John> "Well, we've got fruits like these," John says. "Like, see these ones?" he points at a red one, "They taste a lot like our apples. They can be green or red or yellow, anyway, they taste like that except really crunchy. Though if you cook one it ends up a bit like that."
[18:38] <@Kotono> Myann picks one of everything, settling down next to the diamond tree. Her eyes close for a few moments, "Feather," she murmurs, "Remind me about those fruits Lady Valisha sent us when we get back. They seem to have roots here, but are not the same thing."
[18:39] <Feather> "Maybe the fey realm exists here too?" Feather suggests to her.
[18:39] <Gildas> Gildas nods to John. "We have vegetables too, things like potatos, carrots, mushrooms..." He glances to Myann at that one. "Do you have animals here? Things you get meat from?"
[18:42] <@Kotono> "Animals? We do not - dwarves and others eat meat, but we cannot. It sickens us if we try," Alail explains, "There are," The first word is just a garble, dissolving into feedback in your ears. "Which are small and live in fire pockets. There's deer, four legged creatures that live around fruit forests. There's wandering herds of rockhorses, frightful creatures that are prone to rages."
[18:43] <@Kotono> "I suspect it does," Myann murmurs back, "They mentioned the Lords and Ladies, and based on the Spirit Man's reaction to Sylvan being spoken, that confirms that means the Sidhe."
[18:44] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "I wonder if you'd be able to eat any fruits or vegetables from our surface, then." he wonders aloud. "Deer? Interesting... so there's another connection to this place and the surface."
[18:45] <@Kotono> "Deer live in your realm as well? They can be pests, eating fruit trees if you let them get close," he confesses, "The tree bears kill and eat them, but are also a problem since they don't like to share."
[18:46] <@John> "What about domesticated animals?" John asks. "Like we've got dogs, that help us hunt and herd, and cats, which kill smaller pests like mice and rats."
[18:46] <Gildas> Tree bears, huh? He smiles.
[18:48] <@Kotono> "Dogs? You mean dogs?" The dwarves keep them and they're related to the gold wolves the alase like." Alail explains, his posture relaxed as he goes on. "Do you have problems with tree bears in your realm? Many an unwary has been ambushed from above by a tree bear."
[18:49] <Gildas> "Could you describe what a tree bear looks like?" He asks, suddenly having a feeling these aren't bears at all.
[18:51] <@Kotono> "They're a little smaller than one of us," Alail explains, gesturing at himself with a hand. He pauses to take a bite of a sapphire, "They have black fur and ears atop their head. They have huge fangs and sharp claws. They hunt by dropping down on the unwary, killing them in an instant and leaping back up in the trees with their prey."
[18:52] <Gildas> "Hmm... We'll have to keep an eye out."
[18:53] <@John> "Nah, we have bears but they're way bigger, and usually just run up and tackle you," John says.
[18:54] <@Kotono> "Bigger, like boulderborn?" The hairy creature finishes his meal, "Boulderborn are bigger than you and mostly made of rock. They run into things and crush them."
[18:55] <@John> "Yeah, hey Gildas, why don't you show them what one of our bears looks like?" John suggests.
[18:58] <@Kotono> While that's happening, "Also, while we have a minute, we should decide what we're going to do. Are we going to see to Gildas's arm, go back or look into something else here?" Myann says, finishing another fruit and sitting back. "We have choices."
[18:58] <@John> "Figure the arm's most important, but I wouldn't mind having a look into that shrike dungeon," John shrugs.
[19:00] <@Kotono> "I'm thinking it may be best to go do that then work our way back at leisure," Myann remarks, "On the other hand, we'll be learning as we go, and taking longer to get there gives us time to hammer out more difficulties. Or run into more difficulties."
[19:01] <Feather> "Up to Gildas," Feather voices. "His arm's at stake here."
[19:02] <@Kotono> Alail merely listens for now.
[19:07] <Gildas> "I'm happy to do whatever." He answers his friends. "We might find an answer in that dungeon, too. You never know." Then he takes a breath. "Don't let this scare you, I'll show you what a bear on our surface looks like." He says before he shapeshifts into his regular predator form, that of a brown bear!
[19:08] <@Kotono> Alail stares for a moment before he goes on, "Yes," He sounds normal and not the least bit intimidated, "That's not like a tree bear."
[19:11] <Gildas> The bear shapeshifts back. "I'm fine with us going to the dungeon first."
[19:12] <@Kotono> "We could go there and explore - or camp outside and go in fresh if we like?" Myann suggests, "They're only a half day away."
[19:13] <@John> "May as well take a peek inside? Hey Alail, are these trees and things pretty common around here?"
[19:15] <@Kotono> "Yes, but be war of the tree bears," he says.
[19:15] <@Kotono> *wary
[19:16] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "That's fine."
[19:16] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, so what are y'all planning here?
[19:17] <@John> OOC: lets go to the shrike and do what adventurers do
[19:18] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[19:18] <@Kotono> roll 2#1d100
[19:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2#1d100 and gets 19." [2#1d100 = 2, 17]
[19:18] <@Kotono> roll 1d100 subtable
[19:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 subtable and gets 48." [1d100=48]
[19:24] <@Kotono> A few hours of wandering pass. You aren't close to the Shrikes yet, but you do see something ahead. A plain, unremarkable tent is pitched ahead. A fire has been started and a squat, white bearded dwarf sits before it. He wears chain and plate armor and looks unpeterbed as you approach. In fact, he raises a hand in greeting.
[19:25] <Gildas> OOC: Is the language spell still working?
[19:25] * @John waves in the universal greeting, but leaves further conversation to the guy who speaks dwarf.
[19:26] <@Kotono> OOC: You wouldn't be sure.
[19:27] <Gildas> "Greetings." Gildas begins in Dwarven. "I hope we're not interrupting."
[19:30] <@Kotono> "You aren't," He replies in Common, "Sit down a spell," Gesturing at the fire, you notice a spit rises up from the fire. It rises of its own volition, a small, skinned creature roasting on it. "I'd say you're far from home, but you're also the type to be." He nods at Myann once, "M'lady." After that he goes on, "To cut the dribbling runs of maneuvering about it, I'm not normal or a dwarf, nor
[19:30] <@Kotono> a fairy. So what's a bunch of humans and a fairy doing down here?"
[19:31] <Feather> "Looking for a river of fire," Feather responds. "Name's Feather. You?"
[19:31] <Gildas> He turns and looks at the others in a bit of surprise. "We're trying to fix my arm, actually." He gestures at it. "It's good to meet someone so honest -- Gildas. It's a pleasure." He adds his name as well.
[19:32] <@John> "Also the shrikes," John adds. "I'm John. If you're not a dwarf why do you look like one?" he asks bluntly.
[19:32] <@Kotono> "Ribby," He replies, reaching out to turn his meal. He shrugs to John, "Does your friend there go around telling everyone she's not really an elf? It's not worth the trouble with the normal folk - here or above ground."
[19:34] <Gildas> "You said we're the type to be." He takes a seat. "Does that mean you've already heard of us?"
[19:34] <@John> "Guess so," John concedes.
[19:35] <Feather> "I reckon it's a bit different for us," Feather muses, deciding to follow Gildas's lead. "Still, makes sense. What does that make you, though?"
[19:36] <@Kotono> "You're from above and you have a fairy with you," Ribby says bluntly, "I haven't heard of you, but it's obvious to anyone with eyes that you're not normal." He shrugs, "Someone who looked too deep and got away with it." He says blandly. "You probably know that lots of paths to power end poorly. I got away with cheating one - mostly. I'm cursed to forever wander, but I can live with that. It's
[19:36] <@Kotono> a slap on the wrist compared to what I had coming."
[19:37] <@Kotono> Myann sits next to Feather, quiet.
[19:37] <Gildas> "Ah, at least you didn't go insane and try and burn everything and make it all undead..." He says. "Still, it's nice to meet someone who isn't insane or who wants to try and kill us all."
[19:38] <@John> "True that."
[19:39] <@Kotono> He shrugs after, "It's not worth it. Killing's a waste of time except to put down those who didn't get away with looking too deep. I prefer to tell things that others would prefer kept secret. It's far more disruptive and far, far more enjoyable."
[19:40] <Gildas> "I can imagine the bluntness can aggravate those who want to speak in riddles." Gildas says. "Have you been down here long? We were going to go explore, but if you've already 'wandered,' as you'd say, it might help us save some time."
[19:45] <@Kotono> "Awhile. I move up and down," he says, "From layer to layer." Her jerks his thumb ahead, "That way's a haunted ruin. Some dwarves from above gave it a shot down here. That's all that's left of them. Good for treasure, if you don't mind fighting spirits."
[19:46] <Gildas> "Do you think there's anything in there that might help with this?" He presents his arm.
[19:47] <Feather> "Hey, how do you move to all these places?" Feather asks curiously. "Gildas's wanted to go to the sky for ages now."
[19:50] <Gildas> He looks to Feather and then nods. "Yes, actually, we had a... visitor from the Stratum."
[19:50] <@Kotono> "Probably not. They had a church, but I don't recall hearing about someone who could fix that. Could be wrong," he admits, rubbing his chin as he gestures. The roasting animal enlarges, along with the spit. Now a large roast deer is before you, plates, utensils and drinks appearing as well. "Help yourselves. Simplest way is to go up or down. Fly high enough and you'll get there. It's not easy,
[19:50] <@Kotono> the air gets thin around the boundary. You'd most likely pass out and fall to your death before crossing it. Can't say I see much point going up there if you can't lay low. There's some annoyances up that way."
[19:51] <Gildas> "Unsurprising." He responds to that. "I suppose we can leave it be, unless they come to bother us again."
[19:51] <Feather> "Sounds like everyone up there is a nasty sort."
[19:52] <@John> John goes to carve off some venison since it's been offered. "They didn't sound much good up there anyway."
[19:53] <@Kotono> "The survivors aren't nice. A lot of the nicer ones didn't make it past that way awhile back," he says, fixing up his own plate. "The ones that made it are where your people got those mantles of theirs from," he adds, looking to Myann. "Speaking of, they aren't causing trouble up there, are they? Sounds like it from what you said."
[19:53] <@Kotono> *that war
[19:54] <Gildas> He nods to Feather and to John. "Indeed." He looks back to Ribby. "Wait... wait, what?"
[19:54] <@Kotono> "What?" Ribby says, around a mouthful of venison.
[19:55] <Gildas> He looks down at a plate, as if contemplating. "So that's... ah... I see." He shakes his head. "So that's what unison is, it's the creation of a mantle."
[19:55] <@Kotono> This gets Myann to shrug, "We ran into a child soldier from there. He said mantles and unison are related, so it's no great revelation."
[19:56] <@Kotono> "Not quite," Ribby says, "But I'm not familiar with the details. Anyway, they're sending out soldiers?" With a look of disgust, "Is it after people with the gift?"
[19:57] <Feather> "Do you know how to unmake a mantle?" Feather asks curiously, helping himself to the venison as well. "Or how to stop people who turned into fey back?"
[19:57] <Gildas> To Ribby's question, he nods. "Yes, you're right. They sent one, but haven't sent another since."
[19:58] <@John> "Came after me," John supplies to that.
[19:59] <@Kotono> "Hm." Myann gets a new look before he shakes his head, "I came into the picture after that war. The fairies that survived weren't talking about the war and how they made the mantles even back then. Back then, they were more aggressive with making mortals into fairies. They had to replenish ranks, you know. They're a lot less interested now, but it still happens sometimes - by design or accident.
[19:59] <@Kotono> There's entire schools of fairy magic based around life and transformation that can do it, not to mention curses or simply the side effect of being exposed to too much fairy magic.""
[20:00] <Feather> "So is it all one way?"
[20:01] <Gildas> "Ugh... that's right, the Emperor's familiar must've been infused with that." He mutters to himself.
[20:01] <@Kotono> "You know the stories about kidnapping mortal children? That used to happen a hell of a lot. Promising children vanished and eventually became fairies." He gestures with his fork, a hot, grease dripping bit of meat attached. "I don't know if it can be reversed. I would suspect the fairies that forged the mantles and the system might be able to, but if any survive, I don't know where they are.
[20:01] <@Kotono> They'd be ancient and probably rulers."
[20:02] <Feather> "Yeah, going to ask them sounds like great fun," Feather mutters. "Any chance you might know how to lessen the effect, though? You know how fey are all about entertainment and needing more and more of it?"
[20:02] <@Kotono> "I'd like to be normal again one day, though I've accepted I'm stuck like this," Myann speaks up. A sad smile follows, "I'm not sure the mushrooms would let me go, even if I could."
[20:03] <Gildas> "So probably King... ...something." He says. "Prince Broadpyne must have a... father...? I'm not even sure that's how it works..." He says mostly to himself.
[20:05] <@Kotono> "You noticed that. The fey all tend to be mad, but in the same type of ways. An obsession with entertainment is common," A slight nod follows as he stops ot eat. Licking his lips clean after, "It seems to be a need they have. I'm not sure why. The Stratum - those annoyances up there, if you haven't caught the name from that poor kid - have their own obsessions. It might just be a side effect of
[20:05] <@Kotono> the mantles and unison, or something that happened when the mantles were created."
[20:06] <Feather> "So that's a no as well?"
[20:06] <@Kotono> Looking now to John, "You noticed they don't like people with the gift. You have it? They've been hung up on it as long as I've been around. It's probably partially justified on account of that war, but they really need to get over it."
[20:07] <Gildas> "So it was a war of people with psionic powers and those without?" He asks, since he's never actually had any specifics on that.
[20:07] <@John> "I dunno why they went after me though, I've never heard before about wizards being attacked by golems with children in them," John says, still not understanding the whole thing.
[20:07] <@Kotono> "Honestly?" A pause and a shrug, "Your fairy friend here seems unusually sane. This is rare territory. I don't know what she's doing or done, but she's gotten something right. Keep doing that."
[20:08] <Feather> "A mix of adventuring to get the edge off and channeling the extra into magic," Feather enlightens him. "Was hoping to find something more to help out."
[20:09] <@Kotono> "No, not really. The gift was first triggered by exposure to creatures from the sides. Aberrations is what scholars call them. Long story short, the aberrations came to pick a fight and the fairies resisted. The aberrations were winning so the fairies stole unison and made mantles, which let them beat the aberrations. The gift isn't related to them, except that they're inclined towards it and
[20:09] <@Kotono> the exposure helps normal creatures figure out how to do it. The Stratum views it as a taint instead. Fuck 'em."
[20:11] <@Kotono> Stopping to cut more meat and eat some before going on, "That might do it. You may want to watch out for unusual things happening around where she's doing it. Fairy power tends to be transformative. All that magic tied into life."
[20:12] <Feather> "Yeah, we're all over that. Say, how many layers are there? Like above and below?"
[20:13] <Gildas> "We've... run into that." He says with a smile. "I feel bad for asking you so many questions without having much to offer you in return. If you ever want to stop by our farm, you'd be more than welcome there."
[20:14] <@Kotono> "Dunno," He shrugs after, "I do know that eventually it gets too hot to go further below, unless you're made of fire." Likewise, I don't know how high you can go. The Stratum makes going higher than a few more layers above more trouble than its worth. They store all the anti-aberration defenses up there, and they're not picky about triggering on anything else."
[20:15] <@John> "What happens if you go down past where it's on fire?" John asks. "Do you eventually end up on the other side of the earth, or is it just layers all the way down?"
[20:17] <@Kotono> "I've learned it's possible for a fairy to be sane by channeling power out from magic. Spread that around and it'll piss off a bunch of the fairies. Good enough for me," he adds with a hint of a smile. "I'm not sure. I'm resistant, and if you stay down here you'll pick up the same thing. Especially if your friend here is channeling all that energy out. All of you smell like fairies and are soaked
[20:17] <@Kotono> with that power she's letting out. You'll pick it up quick. But I've never figured out how to not burn at all, so I've not gone past that heat. I've heard stories of an entire layer of lava. Have you been thataways," Gesturing vaguely in one direction, "There's an entire ocean of lava and magma. It's like that, except nothing but that. "
[20:19] <@John> "Yeah... no good standing up to the heat if you can't breath, is there?" John surmises.
[20:20] <Gildas> "Near Ulain, right?" He asks. "We were probably going to go there after this."
[20:20] <@Kotono> "
[20:21] <@Kotono> "That's the kicker," John gets a nod, "There's also natives there and they aren't friendly. Anyway," Going back to Gildas, "Yes, by there."
[20:22] <Gildas> "We're down here on a... hunch, I guess you'd say, that I'd need to get to the sea of flames to fix my arm." He nods in response. "You think that might actually help? I kind of overdid it, trying to get some fairy trees out of my arm..."
[20:24] <@Kotono> "Fairy trees?" He hms a moment, "That might do it. Fairy trees or not, they still hate fire. I'm guessing some sort of dryad offshoots caused the damage?"
[20:24] <@John> "Sad dryads," John confirms sollemnly.
[20:24] <Gildas> He nods to John, then back to Ribby.
[20:25] <@Kotono> "Perfect," Ribby rolls his eyes, "Burn 'em."
[20:26] <Gildas> "It sounds simple, but plunging my arm into lava seems a bit extreme." Says the guy who stabbed a blood-sucking sword into his arm.
[20:28] <@Kotono> "If you're having second thoughts, cut off your arm and have your fairy friend channel power into it. It'll work out eventually. You might get an arm that's a horrific mess of mushrooms, tumors, branches or something else, but it'll fix the current problem."
[20:28] <@Kotono> OOC: Gah.
[20:28] <@Kotono> "If you're having second thoughts, cut off your arm and have your fairy friend channel power into it. It'll work out eventually. You might get an arm that's a horrific mess of mushrooms, tumors, branches or something else, but it'll fix the current problem." An idle glance to Myann, "Especially since you smell like a noble, too. How'd that happen?"
[20:29] <Feather> "We killed a lot of nasty people."
[20:29] <@Kotono> "Life hates me," Myann replies with a long sigh. "It's not enough that I have these mushrooms, but the Sidhe think I'm some sort of noblewoman making a court. Apparently killing enough problems works for them."
[20:30] <Gildas> He grimaces. "No, I suppose I'll just have to risk it. But it seems like I end up losing the arm no matter what I do." He shakes his head. "We'll work it out somehow."
[20:31] <@John> "Maybe if you cast a spell to resist fire on yourself, it'll protect you but not the dryads?" John suggests, though he feels a bit bad for the apparently sad dryads to be thinking of immolating them so.
[20:31] * Feather blinks. "Just so we get an answer here," he asks carefully. "I know it sounds dumb, but does Gildas actually lose his arm if he puts it in lava?"
[20:31] <@Kotono> "That might do it," he says, "You have your head on right." His attention goes back to John, "You do too. Don't let the Stratum's obsession get to you. The gift's less likely to lead you to madness than various fields of magic."
[20:31] <Gildas> "I could try drinking that potion." He says. "I might have to, if I end up having second thoughts."
[20:32] <@John> "Young Hubert was a bit loopy at times," John agrees, smiling fondly in remembrance nonetheless.
[20:34] <@Kotono> "It's about time to break my camp and go," he says, "But one more thing before I do."
[20:36] <@John> "Yeah?"
[20:37] <@Kotono> "Keep going. All of you are going to end up mighty when it's all said and done," he remarks, standing as his camp vanishes. "Especially with all the fairy power she's putting out. This world can always use people like you to sort through the bullshit and do what needs to be done."
[20:38] * Feather snorts. "Sounds like it. And hey, don't be a stranger. Like we said, come visit if you're in the area?"
[20:38] <@John> "S'what adventurers do," John says, accepting that as a given.
[20:40] <@Kotono> "I will when my feet take me there," he says, "Good luck with the rest of the fairies. I'd say kill them, but that makes more problems than it solves for you."
[20:41] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "Thank you for being so honest with us, even if that's just part of your nature. IF you ever need anything, please let us know."
[20:41] <@Kotono> He starts to walk, "Don't be afraid to spread the truth. The fairies and others have reasons to be afraid of knowledge spreading. Fuck 'em all. Just be ready to back it up."


[18:21] <@Kobrb> OOC: Going to continue on towards the shrikes?
[18:21] <Gildas> OOC: I believe so.
[18:21] <@Kobrb> roll 1d100
[18:21] * Hatbot --> "Kobrb rolls 1d100 and gets 73." [1d100=73]
[18:25] <@Kobrb> More walking. It feels late in the day to the party based on your internal clock. The occasional fruit tree fades in favor of open, rocky plains. The purple moss fades to little, stubborn patches here and there. Ahead you can see it, a city of stone buildings built close together. Winding, narrow streets lead to within. The entire city is covered in a shadowy gloom, hiding much of it from you.
[18:26] <@John> "Oh, so it's more like a ruined city than a dungeon? I guess there's no need to dig undergound when you're already underground..."
[18:27] <@Kobrb> "Imagine that, redundantly avoiding redundancies," Myann cracks a smile, fading after a chuckle. "It's obviously ominous."
[18:28] <Feather> "Buildings might have basements," Feather notes optimistically.
[18:28] * Kobrb is now known as Kotono
[18:28] <@John> "Easier to get away from stuff, but easier to get flanked too," John says. "But yeah, reckon we're best looking for vaults and stuff."
[18:29] <Gildas> Gildas nods to them both. "Ribby mentioned spirits... Will we be all right? I can't recall the last time I tried to fight something incorporeal." He rubs his chin, then raises a finger. "No, I do, it was when there was that shade from the weird invisible book..."
[18:30] <@Kotono> "Well," Myann hms and crosses her arms under her chest, "I'm not sure we can stop being ambushed. Can't ghosts come through walls and through the floor at us?"
[18:30] <Feather> "I got me that healing stone that should be good for one solid punch," Feather muses. "I can probably dodge them pretty well, too. And hey, hit them enough and something might stick?"
[18:31] <Gildas> "Well, do they count as undead?" Gildas asks. "John's weapon should tell us."
[18:31] <Gildas> Gildas shakes his head. "That was a silly thing to ask, I suppose."
[18:34] <@John> "S'not glowing yet," John says, giving his staff a shake. "Hasn't for a while."
[18:35] <@Kotono> OOC: Are y'all going towards the city?
[18:35] <@John> OOC: yes
[18:35] <Gildas> OOC: No! ...yes.
[18:36] <@Kotono> The party walks along. They get closer, but the city seems no more illuminated than before. At about 200ft away from it, John's staff suddenly bursts into light.
[18:36] <@John> "Well, that's that," John says, looking around.
[18:39] <Gildas> "Of course, if this is like Johann's tower, it doesn't tell us much if they're all over the place." Gildas says. "Do we just go in the front door?"
[18:39] <Feather> "Why not?"
[18:40] <@Kotono> The party sees nothing - however, Myann points ahead. "Twenty feet ahead, unseen!" she quickly says, "Ghost dwarf came out of the ground!"
[18:40] <@John> "Not really, just says there's something near," John says. "Tells them we're here, too." Still, no reason to stop... oh wait, there it is!
[18:40] * Feather heads left!
[18:40] <@Kotono> Myann falls back, starting to chant. But in Dwarven the following words are heard, "Turn back...the treasure isn't worth it...your lives are more valuable..."
[18:41] <Gildas> Gildas frowns. "They're telling us to turn back, that the treasure isn't worth it."
[18:42] <@Kotono> After, John's staff ceases to glow. A moment later Myann says, "The ghost's gone. Faded away."
[18:42] <Feather> "Huh," Feather mutters, stopping. "Think it's his treasure? Feels kinda bad to take it, now...."
[18:42] <@John> "Yeah but... finding treasure's what we do?" John says weakly. It sounds like a heartfelt warning and he'd feel bad for ignoring it, but at the same time, finding said treasure would be an adventure!
[18:43] <@Kotono> Myann stops and exhales slowly. "Perhaps we can put the ghosts to rest, at least?" she suggests, "Spirits shouldn't linger in the natural world like this, even well meaning ones."
[18:43] <Gildas> Gildas nods to Myann. "Perhaps something here is keeping them from being able to leave?"
[18:45] <@John> "Could be people nicking their treasure?" John suggests as equally possible.
[18:46] <Gildas> "I suppose we can ask if they come back." He says.
[18:48] <@John> "Well, lets keep going then. See if we can put them to rest and take all their treasure without any guilt first?" John says, heading forward again.
[18:50] <Gildas> "Let's at least see what happens if we get closer."
[18:51] <@Kotono> The party advances on. Ahead are three paths into the gloom-cloaked city. The first is straight ahead, down a relatively wide (10ft) avenue. Buildings are on either side, as well as the wooden remnants of dead plants. You can see about 40ft down it before the gloom hides everything. The second is a twisting alley a bit ot the right. It's narrow, just big enough for each of you walk through. You
[18:51] <@Kotono> can only see 10ft down it before shadows obscure everything, but at the edge of that you can see a back door into a building. The third is a broken hole in the side of a building. In the darkness you can dimly make out some sort of furniture within.
[18:51] <@Kotono> John's staff is still dark.
[18:52] <Feather> "Whatever we do, let's just avoid the twisty, narrow places?"
[18:53] <@John> "Lets go through there?" John suggests, pointing to the broken building. The wide open road is likewise suspicious, so it's a good middle ground.
[18:54] <Feather> "Works."
[18:56] <Gildas> He nods to John.
[18:56] <Gildas> "That's fine with me."
[18:56] <@John> So that's the way they go then!
[19:00] <@Kotono> OOC: Does anyone have low-light vision or darkvision?
[19:00] <@John> OOC: not here
[19:01] <@Kotono> OOC: Myann has darkvision 60ft. Feather and Gildas?
[19:02] <Gildas> OOC: I do not
[19:02] <Feather> OOC: no
[19:04] <@Kotono> It's dark. Myann looks around, "It looks like an empty house," she remarks, "Hold on. Light!" A single word causes her sword to burst into illumination. Around you looks to be the remnants of a living space. Chairs, tables, that sort of thing. There's stairs in the back going up and a door leading out.
[19:06] <@John> "Lets check upstairs before going through that door?" John suggests.
[19:07] <Gildas> "That's fine." Gildas looks around at the space. OOC: Does it look like people left in a hurry?
[19:07] <@Kotono> OOC: Not offhand.
[19:08] <@Kotono> As the party starts to go upstairs, John's staff begins to glow with light.
[19:09] <@John> "Something's getting closer... or we're getting closer to something." Either way, best to get up those stairs since they're a bad place to fight on.
[19:11] <@Kotono> The party goes on up. Upstairs looks to be a communal bedroom. There are several beds close together. On one side are opened adn empty chests and drawers. There's a few closets that have been left open. As the party looks around, John's staff ceases to glow.
[19:12] <Feather> "Think they're stalking us?"
[19:13] <@John> "Or we moved away from them," John says, going back to where his staff started to glow.
[19:14] <@Kotono> The staff glows momentarily, but it stops a couple of seconds later.
[19:14] <Gildas> Gildas goes over to check the closets.
[19:14] <@Kotono> "Maybe. They could just be moving around." Myann remarks, "No way to tell yet. At least we know that they are."
[19:14] <@John> "Could just be they're patrolling around and don't know we're here yet," John hazards, rejoining the group.
[19:14] <@Kotono> OOC: Quick perception check, Gildas?
[19:15] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+16 and gets 19." [1d20=3]
[19:15] <@Kotono> The closet has a few old, unremarkable and mostly rotted clothes on the floor. Otherwise you don't see anything of interest in any of them.
[19:16] <Gildas> "I wonder what caused everyone to leave." He says.
[19:18] <@John> "Ghosts?" John suggests unironically.
[19:22] <@Kotono> "At least it's not the Sidhe, I think," Myann says, "They wouldn't want to leave a ghost town behind. Beyond that, I don't know. "
[19:22] <Gildas> "I would think that the ghosts are the people who lived here." He says with a sigh. "I guess we'll find the answer if we explore more. Maybe a war happened here."
[19:23] <@John> "Well, lets go out the door and see what's there?" John says, moving on downstairs and trying the door.
[19:24] <@Kotono> As the party goes downstairs, John's staff bursts into light. Myann looks around, "Behind us!" she calls, pointing back to the floor you're leaving behind. "Ghost!"
[19:24] * Feather reflexively leaps out of the way!
[19:25] <@John> "Yah!" John jumps and turns around. Hopefully not an invisible one.
[19:25] <Gildas> Gildas moves to walk a bit away and turn around. "Do they seem to want to attack us?"
[19:26] <@Kotono> Myann leaps ot the side, off the stairs and back to the second floor. Ahead of you, 20ft ahead, you can see a dim outline of ectoplasm. It looks vaguely like a dwarf, and in dwarven it moans, "Intruders! I won't let you get her!" The walls begin rattling and the air drops rapidly in temperature as...OOC: Init.
[19:26] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 Myann
[19:26] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 Myann and gets 21." [1d20=19]
[19:26] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 dwarf ghost
[19:26] <Feather> roll 1d20+8
[19:26] <Gildas> roll 1d20+3
[19:26] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 dwarf ghost and gets 24." [1d20=15]
[19:26] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+8 and gets 28." [1d20=20]
[19:26] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+3 and gets 5." [1d20=2]
[19:27] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(28)>Dwarf Ghost(24)>Myann(21)>GildasMikoess(5)'
[19:27] <@John> roll 1d20+3
[19:27] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+3 and gets 11." [1d20=8]
[19:27] <@John> OOC: +4 to that so 15
[19:28] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(28)>Dwarf Ghost(24)>Myann(21)>John(15)>GildasMikoess(5)'
[19:28] <@Kotono> OOC: Feather, open.
[19:28] * Feather dashes at the ghost, pressing the Gemstone of Life against its esctoplasmic skin before clearing the way for the others!
[19:28] <@Kotono> OOC: d100.
[19:28] <Feather> roll 1d20+14 positive energy doesn't get a roll, does it?
[19:28] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+14 positive energy doesn't get a roll, does it? and gets 16." [1d20=2]
[19:29] <@Kotono> OOC: Let me check.
[19:30] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. Damage.
[19:30] <Feather> roll 3d8+10
[19:30] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 3d8+10 and gets 30." [3d8=6, 6, 8]
[19:32] <@Kotono> The gem touches the ghost dead on. It shines bright, the image of a bearded, gruff dwarf momentarily visible in the flash. Much of the ectoplasm is gone, the wall-shaking coming to a stop. But you still see it, as ghostly hands reach out to wring Feather's neck!
[19:32] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 Touch AC?
[19:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 Touch AC? and gets 15." [1d20=9]
[19:32] <@Kotono> OOC: It'll also move to ofllow him and do that in the first place.
[19:33] <Feather> OOC: 20 right now
[19:33] <@Kotono> But Feather is too fast! He springs back and out of the way, hopping on an old bed to dodge. It groans beneath his weight as...OOC: Myann.
[19:34] <@Kotono> Myann carefully approaches, crystal blade gleaming as she drives it through the ghost's body. "It's hurting!" she calls, "I can see it grimacing!"
[19:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 (+2 undeadbane)
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+15 (+2 undeadbane) and gets 30." [1d20=15]
[19:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 83." [1d100=83]
[19:35] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+8+2d6
[19:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+8+2d6 and gets 14." [1d8=3][2d6=1, 2]
[19:36] <@Kotono> The blade slashes through. Ghostly mushrooms burst out from the tear as the spirit dissolves. A low-pitched groan echos in impotent rage as it is defeated. OOC: Free act.
[19:37] <Feather> "That's one," Feather muses.
[19:37] <Gildas> "Who is 'her,' I wonder?" He asks aloud. "Was someone kidnapped from this home?"
[19:37] <@John> "Hope we find an easier way of doing this than killing every ghost in the city..."
[19:37] <@John> OOC: is staff still glowy?
[19:37] <@Kotono> "A family member or a wife?" Myann lightly shrugs, as John's staff dims.
[19:39] <Gildas> "Well, let's keep moving. Staying here won't help us."
[19:40] <@John> Back down to try that door then!
[19:48] <@Kotono> The party heads down to the door. Opening it, you find it leads to a narrow, dark street. It's about 5ft wide and lined by multistory buildings. The tops of them vanish into the gloom. None of the buildings have windows, only decorated stone fronts and doors leading in. The path goes in either direction - and despite one end going back the way you came, you see no sign of the way out that way,
[19:48] <@Kotono> in spite of basic spatial logic insisting otherwise.
[19:50] <Gildas> "Peculiar." Gildas says.
[19:50] <@John> "Build 'em tall down here, don't they?" John says, looking up. This makes the simple expedient of beelining to the biggest and thus most important building pretty difficult.
[19:53] <@Kotono> "Very," Myann remarks, peering up as well. "I could try flying up to take a look?"
[19:54] <@John> "Dunno, might get lost in the darkness," John says dubiously.
[19:54] <Feather> "Yeah, better not get separated here."
[19:55] <@Kotono> "For the best," Myann agrees, smiling. "I wasn't thrilled about the idea."
[19:56] <Gildas> "Shall we continue in the direction that..." He glances in the direction of the end going back with a frown. "Seems to get us out of here?"
[19:56] <@John> "Nah, lets go the other way. We're not leaving already are we?" John says, heading off away from where the wide road would logically be.
[19:58] <Gildas> Gildas will follow! Best to stick together.
[19:58] <@Kotono> The party advances ahead. You come to a four way intersection. To the left is a narrow, 5ft wide street in much the same manner, going on. To the right is a wider, 10ft street. It's gloomier, however, and Myann's sword-light struggles to pierce those shadows. Ahead is a large patch of open rock and bits of purple moss. The skeletons of dead trees can be glimpsed inside before the gloom hides
[19:58] <@Kotono> all. A few benches can be seen as well - it looks like the front of a park, perhaps.
[19:59] <Gildas> "It's as if there's a permanent shadow being cast here..." He says with a frown.
[19:59] <@Kotono> As the party talks, John's staff begins to glow. Myann quickly looks around, "Behind us again," she calls.
[20:00] <@John> "Always behind," John grumps, turning around.
[20:00] <Gildas> "At least they can't catch us by surprise..." He turns and switches to Dwarven. "We mean no harm! We are not here to defile your town!"
[20:00] <Feather> "Makes you wonder," Feather muses, drawing his blades. "What if we turn and there's someone behind too?"
[20:00] <@Kotono> You don't see anything. Myann's eyes narrow, "A dwarf in rags," she says tersely, as a weak voice calls in dwarven, "Spare a few coins? I lost everything."
[20:02] <@John> "What's he saying?"
[20:03] <Gildas> "It's looking for a donation." He says to the others. "I don't know that the currency system works the same here... ...can we even give a coin to a ghost?"
[20:03] <Feather> "Sure why not?" Feather asks back, tossing a couple gold coins towards the voice. "How's that, buddy?"
[20:03] <@John> "What does a ghost need money for?" John asks, disbelieving. "Is he gonna buy a ghost pint at the ghost pub?"
[20:04] <@Kotono> OOC: Post the -gold in loot.
[20:05] <@Kotono> The coins vanish in mid-air. There's silence a moment before Myann yelps. Feather feels something faint and cold touching him, followed by the sound of sobbing. "Thank you, thank you. No one ever cared until now." There's a distinct sense of something leaving, passing on and away.
[20:05] <@John> "Aww, now I feel bad..." John says, the sobbing easy enough to understand.
[20:06] <Gildas> "It said thank you." He says, not that there's any need to translate that...
[20:06] <Feather> "Uh, glad to help?"
[20:07] <@Kotono> John's staff dims in the meanwhile.
[20:07] <Gildas> "I hope this city isn't full of people we have to try and help, though." He says.
[20:08] <Feather> "Isn't that better than just killing horrible people?"
[20:08] <@Kotono> Myann hmphs and eyes Gildas sidelong, "I'd take helping ghosts over our typical adventures with the Sidhe or madmen."
[20:09] <Gildas> "Yes, but we could be here for years if we have to try and find everyone who may have died here."
[20:09] <@John> "Maybe there's a donation box or something, and we can just put a few hundred coins in there?" John says hopefully.
[20:10] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 93." [1d100=93]
[20:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d100 subtables are breached
[20:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 subtables are breached and gets 19." [1d100=19]
[20:11] <@Kotono> As the party chats, John's weapon bursts into light. From the 10ft wide passage on the right, the sounds of marching can be heard.
[20:12] <@John> "Well, sounds like we've got a few prospects ahead..." John says, holding his staff up warningly.
[20:14] <@Kotono> Myann steps back behind John and Feather, drawing her own sword. "Damnation," she mutters beneath her breath.
[20:14] <Feather> His own swords drawn, Feather is as prepared as he could be!
[20:16] <Gildas> Gildas decides to try the diplomatic approach again. "Hello! We mean no harm to you or your town!"
[20:16] <@Kotono> Ahead you see it, 30ft. A line of dwarves 4 long and 3 deep. 12 in total, completely clogging the way ahead. They are armored and have ghostly spears and shields. These ghost warriors are faintly visible as one calls in dwarven, "We've sighted the invaders! For the glory of the thane!" is called, before Gildas is ignored and the ghosts charge the party! OOC: Init here.
[20:16] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 Myann
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 Myann and gets 21." [1d20=19]
[20:16] <@John> roll 1d20+7
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+7 and gets 11." [1d20=4]
[20:16] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 charge of the ghost brigade
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 charge of the ghost brigade and gets 8." [1d20=4]
[20:17] <Gildas> roll 1d20+3
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+3 and gets 12." [1d20=9]
[20:17] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(21)>Gildas(12)>John(11)>Charge of the Ghost Brigade(8)'
[20:17] <Feather> roll 1d20+8
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+8 and gets 18." [1d20=10]
[20:17] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(21)>Feather(18)>Gildas(12)>John(11)>Charge of the Ghost Brigade(8)'
[20:18] <@Kotono> Myann chants, the air above the ghosts filled with golden blocks. They rain down on the heads of them, a block rain plummeling the ghosts!
[20:18] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 28." [1d100=28]
[20:19] <@Kotono> But the ghosts ignore the blocks, passing through them like air! OOC: No luck for her. Feather.
[20:19] * Feather charges right back at them, before dancing out of the way!
[20:20] <@Kotono> OOC: The spears have reach on you and they have CR. You'lle at an AoO, okay with that?
[20:20] <Feather> roll 1d20+14 not a mechanical charge, stone scimitar
[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+14 not a mechanical charge, stone scimitar and gets 33." [1d20=19]
[20:20] <Feather> OOC: Spring attack if I go for the one at the edge?
[20:20] <@Kotono> OOC: Fair enough. Hit. d100.
[20:20] <Feather> roll 1d100
[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d100 and gets 80." [1d100=80]
[20:20] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(21)>Feather(18)>Gildas(12)>John(11)>Charge of the Ghost Brigade(8, 12 left)'
[20:20] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. Damage.
[20:21] <Feather> roll 1d6+4+1d6 last is fire
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+4+1d6 last is fire and gets 9." [1d6=3][1d6=2]
[20:21] <@Kotono> Feather kites the ghost on the far edge, slicing through it. It flickers like a bad illusion giving up, but stabilizes once the sword is past. It isn't stopping! OOC: Gildas.
[20:22] <Gildas> Gildas considers for a moment before shapeshifting into his Dire Bear form and taking a few steps forward to try and batter the same ghost Feather was attacking with a paw!
[20:23] <Gildas> roll 1d20+17
[20:23] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+17 and gets 35." [1d20=18]
[20:23] <@Kotono> OOC: You'll provoke an AoO. Okay with this?
[20:24] <Gildas> OOC: That's fine.
[20:24] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 touch AC, Gildas?
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 touch AC, Gildas? and gets 20." [1d20=12]
[20:24] <Gildas> OOC: 17
[20:24] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 str damage
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 str damage and gets 2." [1d4=2]
[20:24] <@Kotono> OOC: Hits even with the str damage, so d100.
[20:25] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[20:25] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 62." [1d100=62]
[20:25] <@Kotono> OOC: Success. Damage.
[20:25] <Gildas> OOC: Does undeadbane apply here?
[20:25] <@Kotono> OOC: Yes.
[20:25] <Gildas> OOC: Okay.
[20:26] <Gildas> roll 2d8+11+2d6+1d6+1d6 first bane, second cold, third fire
[20:26] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d8+11+2d6+1d6+1d6 first bane, second cold, third fire and gets 39." [2d8=3, 7][2d6=2, 6][1d6=5][1d6=5]
[20:27] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(21)>Feather(18)>Gildas(12)>John(11)>Charge of the Ghost Brigade(8, 11 left)'
[20:28] <@Kotono> Gildas charges the line, taking a ghostly spear in the gut. It doesn't wound him, yet his body feels weaker after it. He staggers but still drives a claw through a ghost, causing it to erupt in glowing fires that dissolve it. One down! OOC: John.
[20:28] <@John> "Hoo-ah!" John grunts, abruptly appearing front and centre before the dwarven lead ranks at which point he starts laying down some beats with his staff!
[20:28] <@John> OOC: I'll take the aoo
[20:28] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 touch AC?
[20:28] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 touch AC? and gets 10." [1d20=2]
[20:28] <@Kotono> OOC: Carry on, they suck.
[20:28] <@John> OOC: 18, 22 if force armour counts
[20:29] <@John> roll 1d20+16
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+16 and gets 22." [1d20=6]
[20:29] <@John> roll 1d20+16
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+16 and gets 17." [1d20=1]
[20:29] <@John> roll 1d20+16
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+16 and gets 32." [1d20=16]
[20:29] <@John> roll 1d20+11
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+11 and gets 14." [1d20=3]
[20:29] <@John> roll 1d20+11
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+11 and gets 17." [1d20=6]
[20:29] <@Kotono> OOC: Three hits. (Other 17 misses since it's a 1.) d100 on each.
[20:29] <@John> roll 3#1d100
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 3#1d100 and gets 107." [3#1d100 = 17, 33, 57]
[20:29] <@Kotono> OOC: One hit gets through.
[20:29] <@John> roll 1d6+9+2d6+2d6
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d6+9+2d6+2d6 and gets 24." [1d6=2][2d6=3, 6][2d6=1, 3]
[20:30] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(21)>Feather(18)>Gildas(12)>John(11)>Charge of the Ghost Brigade(8, 10 left)'


[17:22] <@Kotono> OOC: Ghost brigade is up. To refresh, the line is 30ft from Myann (who didn't advance) and the three of you are in melee with them.
[17:23] <@Kotono> The warriors charge! These ghostly things trample ahead in a great line, passing through solids in a headlong rush! OOC: They'll provoke AoOs from the three of you for the charge. Do you want to take them?
[17:24] <@John> OOC: sure
[17:24] <@John> roll 5#1d20+19 combat reflexes
[17:24] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 5#1d20+19 combat reflexes and gets 152." [5#1d20+19 = 20, 27, 37, 31, 37]
[17:25] <@John> roll 4#1d100
[17:25] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 4#1d100 and gets 114." [4#1d100 = 24, 19, 37, 34]
[17:25] <@Kotono> OOC: Tragic. Feather? Gildas?
[17:26] <Feather> OOC: I'm spring attacking so I'm not in melee
[17:27] <@Kotono> OOC: Right, okay then.
[17:27] * Nephrite is now known as Gildas
[17:28] <Gildas> OOC: Sorry, have to remember my damage at this point.
[17:29] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16
[17:29] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+16 and gets 17." [1d20=1]
[17:29] <Gildas> OOC: Suberb.
[17:29] <@Kotono> OOC: Wooow.
[17:29] <Gildas> OOC: perp, too.
[17:29] <Gildas> OOC: Nevermind, I hate my life today.
[17:30] <@Kotono> Despite swings aplenty, the party can't touch the ghosts! They charge ahead in a line, assaulting everyone but Feather as they surge onwards with a cry of, "For the thane!"
[17:30] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 touch AC vs John
[17:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 touch AC vs John and gets 15." [1d20=7]
[17:30] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 touch AC vs Gildas
[17:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 touch AC vs Gildas and gets 20." [1d20=12]
[17:30] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 touch AC vs Myann
[17:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 touch AC vs Myann and gets 26." [1d20=18]
[17:31] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 str damage Myann
[17:31] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 str damage Myann and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[17:31] <Gildas> OOC: 17 here, touch attacks are lame
[17:31] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 str damage Gildas
[17:31] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 str damage Gildas and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[17:31] <@John> OOC: 22 vs ghosts
[17:33] <@Kotono> The charge plows through the party! Ghosts go through Gildas and Myann, making them shake like a leaf. John leaps in the air and manages to hover a few seconds, feet glowing with blue light, before he lands safely. The charge ends up 30ft past Myann in the opposite, 5ft wide street. The ghosts are all bunched together, intermingling.  They're 60ft from the other three. OOC: Myann.
[17:35] <@Kotono> Myann gestures as she falls 15ft back th eway you came, out of the charge lane. At the same time, a super mushroom appears over Gildas, making him grow! OOC: SuperMushroomed, Gildas. Feather, you're up.
[17:36] * Feather continues pursuing his previous target using the same tactics.
[17:36] <Feather> roll 1d20+12
[17:36] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+12 and gets 19." [1d20=7]
[17:36] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. d100.
[17:36] <Feather> roll 1d100
[17:36] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d100 and gets 99." [1d100=99]
[17:37] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. Damage.
[17:37] <Feather> roll 1d6+4+1d6 last is fire
[17:37] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+4+1d6 last is fire and gets 15." [1d6=5][1d6=6]
[17:37] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(21)>Feather(18)>Gildas(12)>John(11)>Charge of the Ghost Brigade(8, 9 left)'
[17:37] <@Kotono> Feather leaps in at the end of a jump, going sword-first through the head of a ghost! It winks ou tin a burst of fire! For a moment Feather is surrounded by ghosts, until he leaps out and to the side, holding them off with his flaming scimitar! OOC: Gildas.
[17:40] <Gildas> The Dire Bear bounds forward and raises up and tries to take a swipe at one of the ghost horde with a paw! OOC: I'm guessing I'll eat an AoO for it.
[17:40] <@Kotono> OOC:Yes.
[17:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[17:40] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 and gets 23." [1d20=15]
[17:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 yeah, that hits your touch AC, I imagine
[17:40] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 yeah, that hits your touch AC, I imagine and gets 4." [1d4=4]
[17:40] <@Kotono> OOC: str damage. Ow.
[17:41] <@Kotono> OOC: Disregard. Attack roll, Gildas.
[17:42] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16
[17:42] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+16 and gets 29." [1d20=13]
[17:42] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[17:42] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 54." [1d100=54]
[17:42] <@Kotono> OOC: Damage?!?!?
[17:42] <Gildas> roll 3d8+10+2d6+1d6 bane and then fire, since I think they're immune to cold?
[17:42] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 3d8+10+2d6+1d6 bane and then fire, since I think they're immune to cold? and gets 27." [3d8=2, 3, 5][2d6=2, 2][1d6=3]
[17:43] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(21)>Feather(18)>Gildas(12)>John(11)>Charge of the Ghost Brigade(8, 8 left)'
[17:45] <@Kotono> Gildas charges in, kicking aside a thrust pike and slamming a flaming paw into the neck of a dwarf ghost. It explodes into flames, crushed as the kung-fu bear holds off the other spears! OOC: Ow. John.
[17:45] <@John> This could get really tiring if they keep running back and forth, but he doesn't want to be left behind in case they keep going. So John runs after the assembled ghosts to hit one in the middle with his staff! Just once, to save on spells.
[17:45] <@John> roll 1d20+19 sucking up aoo
[17:45] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+19 sucking up aoo and gets 24." [1d20=5]
[17:45] <@John> roll 1d100
[17:45] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d100 and gets 23." [1d100=23]
[17:46] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 AoO
[17:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 AoO and gets 25." [1d20=17]
[17:46] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 str damage ow
[17:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 str damage ow and gets 2." [1d4=2]
[17:47] <@Kotono> John gets a ghost spear in the side as he swings out, his own weapon like air against the ethereal ghosts! At this the army braces, "Again boys...CHARGE! FOR THE THANE!" At this, the charge of the ghost brigade again happens, getting both John and Gildas! OOC: Taking AoOs from you two if you want ot take them.
[17:48] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16
[17:48] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+16 and gets 25." [1d20=9]
[17:48] <@John> OOC: I'm already in melee so do they even proboke me?
[17:48] <@Kotono> OOC: Yes.
[17:48] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[17:48] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 84." [1d100=84]
[17:48] <@John> roll 5#1d20+18 alright then
[17:48] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 5#1d20+18 alright then and gets 138." [5#1d20+18 = 38, 22, 31, 24, 23]
[17:48] <@Kotono> OOC: They're literally passing through your squares and behind you. It provokes AoOs aplenty.
[17:48] <@Kotono> OOC: HIt Gildas. Damage.
[17:49] <@John> roll 5#1d100
[17:49] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 5#1d100 and gets 231." [5#1d100 = 19, 97, 11, 65, 39]
[17:49] <Gildas> roll 3d8+10+2d6+1d6 bane and then fire
[17:49] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 3d8+10+2d6+1d6 bane and then fire and gets 27." [3d8=4, 4, 2][2d6=2, 3][1d6=2]
[17:49] <@John> roll 2#1d6+10+2d6
[17:49] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 2#1d6+10+2d6 and gets 43." [2#1d6+10+2d6 = 22, 21]
[17:49] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(21)>Feather(18)>Gildas(12)>John(11)>Charge of the Ghost Brigade(8, 5 left)'
[17:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 touch AC vs John
[17:50] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 touch AC vs John and gets 22." [1d20=17]
[17:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 touch AC vs Gildas
[17:50] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 touch AC vs Gildas and gets 7." [1d20=2]
[17:50] <Gildas> OOC: Suck it, ghosts!
[17:50] <@John> OOC: hit
[17:51] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 str John rotten luck today
[17:51] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 str John rotten luck today and gets 4." [1d4=4]
[17:53] <@Kotono> The ghosts charge! It's a mighty clash, the second charge losing members left and right! Gildas kicks out and pulverizes a ghost into mists, while John thwaps two down double-time. BUt another charges right through him, leaving him feeling terrifically weak.  Yet as they pass the midway, cries of, "Company broken! Retreat!" echo, as they break from their charge and run off in every direction,
[17:53] <@Kotono> through the buildings and out of sight. OOC: Free act. Loot post updated, everyone got something from that fight.
[17:54] * Feather looks around uncertainly as the ghosts flee for no obvious reason.
[17:55] <@John> "Ohh, feel a bit worn out after that," John says, planting his staff on the ground to lean on. "Good thin they weren't smart enough to gang up on anyone."
[17:56] <@Kotono> Myann walks over, "Is that the end of that?" she asks. In the meanwhile, the sound of mechanical, cheery music comes from the park. It sounds festive, reminding you of the tunes of festivals.
[17:56] <Gildas> Gildas shapeshifts back and takes a breath. "Hold on. I can't do more than one, but hopefully it helps." He places a hand on John to channel restorative energy into him! OOC: Lesser Restoration
[17:56] <Gildas> roll 1d4 str healing
[17:56] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d4 str healing and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[17:57] <Gildas> "Surely not, but perhaps we can put more of them to rest if they return." He says.
[17:57] <Feather> "There's music," Feather says needlessly. "Might not have folk itching for a fight there?"
[17:58] <Gildas> He nods to Feather. "Let's go and find out. Maybe we can have some ghost pies or something."
[17:58] <@John> "Thanks," John says to Gildas. "Yeah, may as well have a look."
[18:00] <@Kotono> Thus the party heads into the park. As you go, mists swirl behind you. The passage back out fades into mist, lost to sight. Ahead is a single path in the park, leading to what look sto be an old, rotted big-top tent. There are many holes in the dull red fabric, perhaps once a vibrant shade. In it you can see some sort of circular, mechanical device. Metal horses rotate around and around, the
[18:00] <@Kotono> music coming from them. On there, blank faced, ghostly dwarf children ride.
[18:01] <Feather> "Say, Myann, could you scare up some candy mushrooms over there?" Feather asks, jerking his thumb at the metal horses.
[18:02] <Gildas> "We haven't had a lot of luck with this sort of thing..." Gildas remarks as he looks around.
[18:02] <@John> "Guess they must have horses down here as well," John figures, walking slowly over towards the merry-go-round.
[18:03] <@Kotono> Myann watches with a growing look of distaste. Her lips curl into a frown as she nods, gesturing with one hand. White mushrooms with globs of red, jelly like material dotting the cap rise up around the carosel. At this the carosel stops, the blank faces turning towards Myann. The music ceases. In this silence, whispers come from them. They overlap into a barely heard din of one word, "Fairy."
[18:04] <@John> John suddenly starts backing away again!
[18:04] <Gildas> Gildas decides to try something and looks around for any magic!
[18:05] <Gildas> OOC: Besides Myann's.
[18:05] <@Kotono> OOC: Spellcraft.
[18:05] <Gildas> roll 1d20+15
[18:05] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+15 and gets 31." [1d20=16]
[18:07] * Quits: Kallen ( (Ping timeout)
[18:08] * Joins: Kallen (
[18:08] <@Kotono> Gildas can see there's a tremendous amount of dark magic around this contraption. It's cursed, a focus that holds the souls of these children in thrall. Something horrible happened in the fall here, permeating even the magic around it. Murder disguised as mercy. Flashes of gleaming swords and bleeding children flicker into Gildas's mind.
[18:08] <@Kotono> OOC: Loot post, Gildas.
[18:09] <Gildas> Gildas frowns even moreso than Myann. "This... this... thing..." He takes a breath. "It's cursed. It's keeping these children here. They were... ... They were all murdered."
[18:11] <@Kotono> "Really?" Myann cocks her head ot the side, starting to smile. It spreads into a grin as she says, "I don't think I find that entertaining. Do you? This thing offends me. Not even the other, hated Sidhe are so cold as to do that."
[18:11] <Feather> "So let's be about breaking it," Feather says grimly, heading over to it to slash the carousel with his sword.
[18:11] <Gildas> He takes another deep, slow breath, as if trying to center himself. "Myann." He says only that before walking up towards the carousel with Feather.
[18:11] <@John> "You think just hitting it'll work?" John asks, still a bit creeped out by the fairy-chanting kids.
[18:12] <@Kotono> As Feather approaches, the carosel begins to turn again. The music plays loud and fast, undercut by the sounds of grinding gears. The children on it begin to scream, blank faces showing nothing at all. A sense of a terrible presence fills you as...OOC: Init here.
[18:12] <@Kotono> OOC: Party is generally 20ft from the carosel.
[18:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 Myann
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 Myann and gets 12." [1d20=10]
[18:12] <Gildas> roll 1d20+3
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+3 and gets 13." [1d20=10]
[18:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 cursed carosel
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 cursed carosel and gets 9." [1d20=1]
[18:12] <Feather> roll 1d20+8
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+8 and gets 11." [1d20=3]
[18:13] <@John> roll 1d20+7
[18:13] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+7 and gets 24." [1d20=17]
[18:13] * Kotono changes topic to 'Gildas(13)>Myann(12)>Feather(11)>Cursed Carosel(Mikoed)'
[18:13] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(24)>Gildas(13)>Myann(12)>Feather(11)>Cursed Carosel(Mikoed)'
[18:13] <@Kotono> OOC: John, you can open.
[18:14] <@John> "Uh... well, alright then!" John shrugs and runs over to bop the base of the carousel!
[18:14] <@John> roll 1d20+14 +2 if evil
[18:14] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+14 +2 if evil and gets 33." [1d20=19]
[18:15] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[18:15] <@John> roll 1d6+7+2d6
[18:15] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d6+7+2d6 and gets 19." [1d6=5][2d6=1, 6]
[18:16] <@Kotono> WHAM! John goes right on in and smacks the base of the carosel. It leaves a dent in the metal, but it keeps on spinning. OOC: Gildas.
[18:16] <Gildas> OOC: Can I try and strike at one of the horses, or is that too complicated?
[18:17] <@Kotono> OOC: Sure, but you'd have to hop onto the carosel. No roll with your acrobatics score, but it is moving.
[18:18] <Gildas> OOC: Okay.
[18:19] <Gildas> Gildas shapeshifts into his Dire Bear form and leaps onto the carousel to strike at one of the horses on it! OOC: Am I still enlarged?
[18:20] <@Kotono> OOC: Yes.
[18:20] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16
[18:20] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+16 and gets 25." [1d20=9]
[18:20] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. No d100, it's solid.
[18:21] <Gildas> OOC: Not undead either, correct?
[18:21] <@Kotono> OOC: It's not undead, no.
[18:21] <Gildas> roll 3d8+10+1d6+1d6 first is fire, then cold
[18:21] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 3d8+10+1d6+1d6 first is fire, then cold and gets 28." [3d8=4, 5, 2][1d6=1][1d6=6]
[18:22] <@Kotono> The solid hit kicks a horse away! A ghostly child tumbles to the floor of the carosel and lies there, limply! On touching down, the carosel begins to spin faster! Gildas can see the world around him starting to blur! OOC: The carosel's going fast now, whatever that means. Myann's up.
[18:24] <@Kotono> Myann stays back and chants, grinning wider and wider as a block comes flying at the carosel!
[18:24] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 touch AC
[18:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+11 touch AC and gets 21." [1d20=10]
[18:24] <@Kotono> roll 5d6 and can't be knocked prone
[18:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d6 and can't be knocked prone and gets 16." [5d6=5, 2, 2, 6, 1]
[18:26] <@Kotono> The block shot flies true, hitting the center of the carosel. The entire thing wobbles on this blow, spinning evne faster now! The horses and Gildas are a blur! The screaming gets louder as the music gives way to a terrible grinding! OOC: Feather.
[18:26] * Feather leaps on the block and uses it as a launchpad towards another of the metal horses, aiming to land next to Gildas!
[18:26] <Feather> roll 1d20+15
[18:26] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 and gets 30." [1d20=15]
[18:26] <Feather> roll 1d6+4+2d12
[18:26] <@Kotono> OOC: It's going fast enough that I do want an acrobatics check from you, versus the one Gildas could autopass.
[18:26] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+4+2d12 and gets 25." [1d6=5][2d12=5, 11]
[18:26] <Feather> roll 1d20+20
[18:26] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+20 and gets 34." [1d20=14]
[18:27] <@Kotono> OOC: Carry on, crushed it.
[18:28] <@Kotono> Feather leaps on and lands safely. He has to balance a moment as he adjusts to speed, before swinging his cimitar through another horse! The second horse falls, another ghost child hitting the ground. A quick count suggests that there are perhaps 8 more horses left. But you hardly have time to wonder, as a terrible wailing comes about! OOC: Will all. This is a fear effect. Myann's immune to
[18:28] <@Kotono> fear, the rest of you need to save. Feather'n'Gildas, -2 to your roll since you're so close to the power source of it that you're getting absolutely bombarded.
[18:28] <@John> roll 1d20+12
[18:28] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 and gets 19." [1d20=7]
[18:29] <Feather> roll 1d20+6+2-2
[18:29] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+6+2-2 and gets 18." [1d20=12]
[18:29] <Gildas> OOC: Does this count as enchantment?
[18:29] <@Kotono> OOC: YUes.
[18:30] <Gildas> roll 1d20+12+2-2
[18:30] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+12+2-2 and gets 29." [1d20=17]
[18:32] <@Kotono> But the party stays brave! They resist the otherworldly, terrifying shouts in favor of standing firm. Then the whispers begin, loud enough to drown out everything. You can't make out a single word, yet...OOC: Okay. Will saves, y'all. This is an enchantment, compulsion, mind-affecting ability.
[18:32] <@John> roll 1d20+14
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+14 and gets 29." [1d20=15]
[18:32] <Gildas> OOC: Not Fey-related, correct?
[18:32] <@Kotono> OOC: Not fe related.
[18:32] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 Myann (+3 vs enchantment)
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 Myann (+3 vs enchantment) and gets 24." [1d20=16]
[18:33] <Feather> roll 1d20+6
[18:33] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+6 and gets 23." [1d20=17]
[18:33] <Gildas> roll 1d20+12+2
[18:33] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+12+2 and gets 22." [1d20=8]
[18:34] <@Kotono> There's a terrible, constant whisper. It begs, demands, pleads. It wants you to come onto the carosel and sit down so badly...but the party throws off the compulsion! OOC: Okay. John.
[18:35] <@John> Well... on one hand, there's a nasty voice telling him to get on the carousel. Which is bad, surely. On the other, his friends are there and look to be doing some damage! So he decides to jump on as well and attack the central turning mechanism!
[18:36] <@John> roll 1d20+15 acrobatics
[18:36] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 acrobatics and gets 19." [1d20=4]
[18:36] <@Kotono> OOC: John leaps up onto the carosel, but the rapid speed is too much! He lands in a heap, prone! OOC: You're prone but still have your standard action left.
[18:36] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(24 prone)>Gildas(13)>Myann(12)>Feather(11)>Cursed Carosel(Mikoed)'
[18:36] <@John> Well, at least it didn't hurt. So he stands up, ready to try again!
[18:37] <@John> OOC: and done
[18:37] <@Kotono> OOC: Right. Gildas.
[18:38] <Gildas> Gildas moves over to another horse to try and demolish it with his one paw!
[18:39] <Gildas> OOC: Would I have a full attack for that?
[18:39] <@Kotono> OOC: Yeah, they're not far apart. Odds are you won't need all of it to kill just one, though, and only one is in paw reach.
[18:39] <Gildas> OOC: Yeah, I'll just do a full attack with no flurry.
[18:40] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16
[18:40] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+16 and gets 19." [1d20=3]
[18:40] <Gildas> roll 1d20+11
[18:40] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+11 and gets 22." [1d20=11]
[18:40] <@Kotono> OOC: One hit.
[18:40] <Gildas> roll 3d8+10+1d6+1d6 first is fire, then cold
[18:40] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 3d8+10+1d6+1d6 first is fire, then cold and gets 29." [3d8=3, 2, 5][1d6=3][1d6=6]
[18:40] <Gildas> OOC: Oh, should have asked if I was still big, sorry.
[18:41] <@Kotono> Seven left! Another horse is shattered, reduced to scrap metal! Another ghostly child falls to the ground as...OOC: You are, you haven't been hit and it lasts 1 min/level.
[18:41] <@Kotono> OOC: Myann.
[18:41] <Gildas> OOC: OK
[18:41] <@Kotono> "Still?" Myann's shoulders shake with mirth, "You have no idea, spirit. WE'RE the ones who take children." With lips curling into a disdainful frown, she fires off another block shot.
[18:41] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11
[18:41] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+11 and gets 13." [1d20=2]
[18:42] <@Kotono> roll 5d6 still hits this thing's touch AC
[18:42] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d6 still hits this thing's touch AC and gets 16." [5d6=4, 1, 1, 5, 5]
[18:42] <@Kotono> Another wooden block goes flying, hitting the base this time. It leaves a large dent but nothing else, as...OOC: Okay. Feather.
[18:43] * Feather lets his focus drive away any feelings of anger he has for this entire situation, as he moves through the spinning carousel slashing at the metal horses with his blades!
[18:43] <Feather> roll 1d20+15
[18:43] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 and gets 26." [1d20=11]
[18:43] <Feather> roll 1d20+9
[18:43] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+9 and gets 19." [1d20=10]
[18:43] <Feather> roll 1d20+15 stone
[18:43] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 stone and gets 30." [1d20=15]
[18:43] <@Kotono> OOC: Two htis.
[18:43] <Feather> roll 1d6+6+2d12 adamant
[18:43] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+6+2d12 adamant and gets 22." [1d6=2][2d12=7, 7]
[18:43] <Feather> roll 1d6+5+1d6 last is fire
[18:43] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+5+1d6 last is fire and gets 10." [1d6=2][1d6=3]
[18:44] <@Kotono> Five left! Feather runs around the spinning carosel, trashing two more horses! The world around is now a blur, the carosel moving too fast to see. It's starting to wobble as well, the ground unbalanced! OOC: Y'all will need acrobatics checks on your turn if you're on there. Carosel's up.
[18:45] <@Kotono> The broken horses rise up, crumbling to scrap metal. Shards of old, rusted metal come flying at the party!
[18:45] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12 AC Feather
[18:45] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 AC Feather and gets 19." [1d20=7]
[18:45] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12 AC John
[18:45] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 AC John and gets 32." [1d20=20]
[18:45] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12 AC Gildas
[18:45] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 AC Gildas and gets 30." [1d20=18]
[18:45] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12 AC John ow
[18:45] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 AC John ow and gets 25." [1d20=13]
[18:45] <Feather> OOC: AC is 29
[18:45] <@John> OOC: 23
[18:45] <@Kotono> roll 8d8 John and fort, ow
[18:45] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 8d8 John and fort, ow and gets 50." [8d8=6, 8, 5, 8, 4, 7, 6, 6]
[18:46] <Gildas> OOC: AC is 28...wait, no, it's 27 because of the mushroom.
[18:46] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, mushroom's gone but no damage.
[18:46] <Gildas> OOC: whew
[18:46] <@John> roll 1d20+12 fort
[18:46] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 fort and gets 29." [1d20=17]
[18:48] <@Kotono> The shrapnel goes flying! Feather brings his swords together, a solid wall of steel that blocks the burst entirely! Gildas is too fast, leaping up and hanging on the top of the carosel as it flies past. John's caught completely flatfooted, metal shards goign into his leg, stomach, hip, left arm and right shoulder. His clothes rapidly begin to show bloodstains all over! He's leaking blood
[18:48] <@Kotono> terrifically fast, the wound gushing out his life blood! OOC: 5 amage/round from massive sharpnel shredding. Som ehealing would be aces to help stop that up. John, go. No longe rprone, just forgot to remove it from init.
[18:48] <@Kotono> OOC: Also acrobatics.
[18:48] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(24)>Gildas(13)>Myann(12)>Feather(11)>Cursed Carosel(Mikoed)'
[18:49] <@John> roll 1d20+15 acrobatics
[18:49] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 acrobatics and gets 25." [1d20=10]
[18:49] <@Kotono> OOC: Carry on.
[18:50] <@John> "Ohh... think I'll... just... stay down here... for a bit," John gasps, staggering over and trying to put another dent in the base of the thing. He doesn't have to try to bleed all over it at least.
[18:50] <@John> roll 1d20+14
[18:50] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+14 and gets 34." [1d20=20]
[18:50] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[18:50] <@John> roll 1d6+5
[18:51] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d6+5 and gets 10." [1d6=5]
[18:51] <@Kotono> Wham! Another strike on the base makes the entire carosel wobble! It's shaking evne worse now, the gear-grinding joined by the sounds of snapping metal within! OOC: Ow. Okay, Gildas.
[18:54] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(24 bleed 5)>Gildas(13)>Myann(12)>Feather(11)>Cursed Carosel(Mikoed)'
[18:54] <Gildas> Gildas's paw swings over and points at John, releasing the power from Prince Broadpyne to shield him, before he moves over to another horse, ready to strike it! OOC: Casting Shield Other on John.
[18:54] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[18:55] <@Kotono> John is protected, shielded by Gildas's magic. As this happen, Myann frowns, "John, I am not amused with you trying to die! Stop it!" Myann snaps, gesturing. A super mushroom appears over him, his body growing larger. OOC: Super mushroomed. Feather.
[18:56] <@Kotono> OOC: Yes, I'm sorry, I forgot acrobatics. I suck. Gildas, roll real quick.
[18:56] * Feather only peripherally notices all this, as he dances between allies and scraps of metal to get at the intact horses.
[18:56] <Feather> roll 1d20+16
[18:56] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+16 and gets 30." [1d20=14]
[18:56] <Feather> roll 1d20+15
[18:56] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 and gets 17." [1d20=2]
[18:56] <@Kotono> OOC: Hold up just a tick, Feather
[18:56] <@Kotono> .
[18:56] <Gildas> roll 1d20+14
[18:56] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+14 and gets 19." [1d20=5]
[18:57] <@Kotono> OOC: You're prone. You can rechoose your action since that would obviously put a dampe ron shield othering John.
[18:57] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(24 bleed 5)>Gildas(13)>Myann(12)>Feather(11)>Cursed Carosel(Mikoed) acrobatics each round at the start of your turn'
[18:58] <Gildas> OOC: Can I still cast it or no? Sorry, unsure how prone interacts with a SLA.
[18:58] <@Kotono> OOC: You'd have to use an action to get up, so that would eat up you rmove.
[18:58] <@Kotono> OOC: What range is shield other?
[18:58] <Gildas> OOC: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
[18:59] <@Kotono> OOC: Not touch? It's fine then. I had it in my head it was touch. Shield other can stand then. Okay, Feather.
[18:59] <@Kotono> OOC: One hit, the first one. Acrobatics real quick.
[18:59] <Feather> OOC: Okay. So the 30 was an acrobatics, the 17 was first attack.
[18:59] <Feather> roll 1d20+10 second
[18:59] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+10 second and gets 29." [1d20=19]
[18:59] <Feather> roll 1d20+15 third
[18:59] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 third and gets 27." [1d20=12]
[18:59] <@Kotono> OOC: Last two hit. Two more horses?
[19:00] <Feather> roll 1d6+6+2d12 adamant, and that's correct
[19:00] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+6+2d12 adamant, and that's correct and gets 28." [1d6=4][2d12=12, 6]
[19:00] <Feather> roll 1d6+5+1d6 last is fire
[19:00] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+5+1d6 last is fire and gets 13." [1d6=6][1d6=2]
[19:00] <@Kotono> Three left! There's an angry growl from within the carosel as they are destroyed! The broken horses right up and crumble, becomign a wave of sharpnel aimed entirely at Feather!
[19:00] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12 AC?
[19:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 AC? and gets 25." [1d20=13]
[19:01] <Feather> OOC: 29
[19:02] <@Kotono> Feather slices! He dices! The wave of metal is torn apart and deflected, raining down around Feather without doing any harm! The center of the carosel begins to darken, a howl of pure, bone-chilling malice erupting out from it! 30ft to the side, a massive, ghostly black stallion appears! It has a wicked horn of iron a good 10ft long! It bows its head and charges right at Myann!
[19:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 (+2 charge)
[19:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+11 (+2 charge) and gets 21." [1d20=10]
[19:02] <@Kotono> roll 2d10+20 plus CMB vs Myann after this
[19:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d10+20 plus CMB vs Myann after this and gets 26." [2d10=3, 3]
[19:03] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 CMB vs 23
[19:03] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+15 CMB vs 23 and gets 26." [1d20=11]
[19:03] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(24 bleed 5)>Gildas(13)>Myann(12)>Feather(11)>Cursed Carosel=Black Stallion(Mikoed) acrobatics each round at the start of your turn'
[19:04] <@Kotono> Myann is impaled in the shoulder, knocked off her feet from the charge. She lands in a heap, down and prone at the hooves of the ghost horse. A moment later, John shrinks down to size. OOC: Mushroom soaked up the bleed damage. Go John.
[19:04] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(24 bleed 5)>Gildas(13)>Myann(12 prone)>Feather(11)>Cursed Carosel=Black Stallion(Mikoed) acrobatics each round at the start of your turn'
[19:05] <@John> "Hey... you... get off!" John pants, staggering off to give the black horse a whack and bleeding all over the place.
[19:05] <@John> roll 1d20+14 +2 if undead
[19:05] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+14 +2 if undead and gets 15." [1d20=1]
[19:06] <@Kotono> John stumbles and charges in, but his staff merely goes through the horse without phasing it. OOC: Rotten luck. Gildas.
[19:07] <Gildas> OOC: Acrobatics first, yes?
[19:07] <@Kotono> OOC: Correct.
[19:07] <Gildas> roll 1d20+14
[19:07] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+14 and gets 26." [1d20=12]
[19:07] <@Kotono> OOC: Carry on.
[19:07] <Gildas> The angered Dire Bear leaps over to strike at another of the horses!
[19:08] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16
[19:08] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+16 and gets 26." [1d20=10]
[19:08] <@Kotono> OOC: hit.
[19:08] <Gildas> roll 3d8+10+1d6+1d6 first is fire, then cold
[19:08] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 3d8+10+1d6+1d6 first is fire, then cold and gets 36." [3d8=2, 7, 6][1d6=6][1d6=5]
[19:08] <Gildas> OOC: Whoops.
[19:08] <Gildas> roll 2d8+10+1d6+1d6 first is fire, then cold
[19:08] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d8+10+1d6+1d6 first is fire, then cold and gets 27." [2d8=7, 1][1d6=5][1d6=4]
[19:10] <@Kotono> Two left! A massive chop bisects another horse, leaving only two riders left! On the ground, Myann transforms into a dire mushroom panther before trying to rise...
[19:10] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9
[19:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 and gets 24." [1d20=15]
[19:10] <@Kotono> roll 1d10+10
[19:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d10+10 and gets 11." [1d10=1]
[19:11] <@Kotono> Myann get skewered in the ribs as she gets up, her face one big, darkened grin. It opens up far too wide as she tries to bite the ghostly horse in turn.
[19:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+17 (-1 str damage)
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+17 (-1 str damage) and gets 21." [1d20=4]
[19:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 37." [1d100=37]
[19:12] <@Kotono> But her head-bite goes through without doing any damage at all. OOC: Ow. Feather.
[19:12] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(24 bleed 5)>Gildas(13)>Myann(12)>Feather(11)>Cursed Carosel=Black Stallion(Mikoed) acrobatics each round at the start of your turn'
[19:12] <Feather> roll 1d20+16 acrobatic
[19:12] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+16 acrobatic and gets 23." [1d20=7]
[19:12] <@Kotono> OOC: Carry on.
[19:12] * Feather continues at his task, seeking to eliminate the last two horses and then use his sword to cleave the spinning platform in two!
[19:12] <Feather> roll 1d20+15
[19:13] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 and gets 32." [1d20=17]
[19:13] <Feather> roll 1d20+10
[19:13] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+10 and gets 30." [1d20=20]
[19:13] <Feather> roll 1d20+15
[19:13] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 and gets 17." [1d20=2]
[19:13] <@Kotono> OOC: Two htis.
[19:13] <Feather> roll 1d6+6+2d12 adamant
[19:13] <Feather> roll 1d6+6+2d12 adamant
[19:13] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+6+2d12 adamant and gets 11." [1d6=2][2d12=1, 2]
[19:13] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+6+2d12 adamant and gets 19." [1d6=4][2d12=6, 3]
[19:15] <@Kotono> Got them! The last two horses are sundered! At this, the black horse shudders out of existence as the carosel grins to a halt. With a great groan of rending metal gears break and rends appear all over! From these rends darkness flows out, like a slick of rapidly expanding oil. It's sucking the carosel into it! OOC: Acrobatics check or ref save, whichever the two of you prefer, Gildas and Feather.
[19:15] <Feather> roll 1d20+16 acrobatics (+4 more if it's a jump)
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+16 acrobatics (+4 more if it's a jump) and gets 33." [1d20=17]
[19:15] <Gildas> OOC: Can I just shapeshift to fly to avoid it?
[19:16] <@Kotono> OOC: You could if it was your turn, but it's happening too fast.
[19:16] <Gildas> OOC: OK
[19:16] <Gildas> roll 1d20+11 acrobatics since it's higher
[19:16] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+11 acrobatics since it's higher and gets 12." [1d20=1]
[19:16] <Gildas> OOC: Of course.
[19:17] <@Kotono> Feather leaps away, landing 10ft away from the mass safely. Gildas is not so quick, a tendril of the black oil touching him. HIs body immediately slumps, feeling terribly weakened and drained! OOC: 1 negative level, Gildas. More incoming since it's up now.
[19:22] <@Kotono> The mass before you shrinks inward. It condenses into one thing - a giant of a humanoid. It is pure black, a hunchback so deformed that its face points at the ground. Empty eyes on it stare at nothing at all. All about its body swords thrust out. On each sword is a ghostly dwarf child, staring at nothing at all, blank faced. The entire thing ripples like water, deathly silent as...OOC: K:R or
[19:22] <@Kotono> K:N checks, y'all. One per person, so if yo uhave both, choose which you prefer.
[19:22] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12 K:N Myann
[19:22] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 K:N Myann and gets 26." [1d20=14]
[19:22] <Feather> roll 1d20+13 K:R
[19:22] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+13 K:R and gets 31." [1d20=18]
[19:24] <Gildas> roll 1d20+14+2-1 K:N
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+14+2-1 K:N and gets 17." [1d20=2]
[19:24] <@Kotono> Feather can identify what is before him. It is the manifestation of a terrible tragedy. When an act of sin is so great as to imprison many souls, sometimes it becomes one creature of darkness. It is an unthinking creature of instinct, forged of hatred and sorrow. It was likely bound from the carosel and is now free. Conversely, now that it's free, Feather knows that the souls of the children
[19:24] <@Kotono> there could be freed if it was destroyed.
[19:25] <@Kotono> OOC: Go ahead and react, Feather, it's up.
[19:26] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(24 bleed 5)>Gildas(13)>Myann(12)>Feather(11)>Restless Dead'
[19:26] * Feather points both swords at the creature, saying, "Die, monster."
[19:27] <@Kotono> The creature raises a hand up. Swords rip out from its body, raining down the entire battlefield! The swords are smooth and well made, polished metal. In the reflections of the swords you can see dying children, impaled on swords and crying out.
[19:27] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+13 vs all AC?
[19:27] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+13 vs all AC? and gets 32." [1d20=19]
[19:27] <Feather> OOC: 29. Hits me.
[19:27] <Gildas> OOC: 28 here.
[19:28] <@John> OOC: 23
[19:28] <@Kotono> roll 4d6 vs all ow
[19:28] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4d6 vs all ow and gets 9." [4d6=1, 2, 4, 2]
[19:28] <@John> OOC: 4 to me and 5 to Gil
[19:28] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[19:30] <@Kotono> The swords strike! They seem to find the worst spots, slicing open terrible wounds all over you - save for Gildas, who somehow manages to tough that part out! OOC: Myann and Feather gain a bleeding wound that deals 1 hp per round. John's bleed increases to 6 hp/round. Healing would help. John's up.
[19:30] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(24 bleed 6)>Gildas(13)>Myann(12 bleed 1)>Feather(11 bleed 1)>Restless Dead'
[19:30] <@John> OOC: -3 to me and Gil each
[19:31] <@John> Taking a deep painful breath, John limps over to hit the big ghost thing!
[19:31] <@John> roll 1d20+14 +2 if undead
[19:31] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+14 +2 if undead and gets 29." [1d20=15]
[19:31] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. It is undead.
[19:32] <@John> roll 1d6+7+2d6
[19:32] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d6+7+2d6 and gets 24." [1d6=5][2d6=6, 6]
[19:32] <@Kotono> WHAM! John goes over and clubs it right in the low-hanging head. It's jerked back by the blow, bell visibly rung! OOC: Ow. Okay, Gildas, you're up.
[19:33] <Gildas> The Dire Beary-Gildas moves up behind John and shapeshifts back, putting a hand on his back! OOC: CMW
[19:33] <Gildas> roll 2d8+8
[19:33] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d8+8 and gets 17." [2d8=6, 3]
[19:34] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(24)>Gildas(13)>Myann(12 bleed 1)>Feather(11 bleed 1)>Restless Dead'
[19:34] <@Kotono> John's wounds heal somewhat and the excessive bleeding is staunched! He's still sorely wounded, but that takes the edge off. OOC: Myann's up. 1 damage first.
[19:35] <@Kotono> Myann changes back, bleeding from wounds on her arms. Nonetheless she's grinning, "Oh, now this is what I was looking for!" she calls, "Mushrooms, come!" A super mushroom appears over John's head, growing him large once more! OOC: Super Mushroomed. Feather. 1 damage from bleed.
[19:36] <Feather> Despite the blood he is now trailing, Feather circles the embodiment of sin while cutting the swords sticking out of it.
[19:37] <Feather> roll 1d20+15
[19:37] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 and gets 22." [1d20=7]
[19:37] <Feather> roll 1d20+10
[19:37] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+10 and gets 13." [1d20=3]
[19:37] <Feather> roll 1d20+15
[19:37] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 and gets 30." [1d20=15]
[19:37] <@Kotono> OOC: Aiming at the swords in particular?
[19:37] <Feather> OOC: It can AoO me, AC would be 31 vs AoOs. And yes, if I can.
[19:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+13 AoO
[19:37] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+13 AoO and gets 32." [1d20=19]
[19:38] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+13 AoO crit?
[19:38] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+13 AoO crit? and gets 18." [1d20=5]
[19:38] <@Kotono> roll 2d8+5
[19:38] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d8+5  and gets 16." [2d8=4, 7]
[19:38] <@Kotono> OOC: Two hits, Feather.
[19:38] <Feather> roll 1d6+6+2d12
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+6+2d12 and gets 14." [1d6=1][2d12=1, 6]
[19:39] <Feather> roll 1d6+5+1d6 last is fire
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+5+1d6 last is fire and gets 8." [1d6=2][1d6=1]
[19:39] <@Kotono> Two swords are sundered, eight remaining. From these broken swords the souls of the children fade away, a faint sense of relief as the figure before you shrinks. It seems less intimidating now, not quite as tall. But at this it again raises a hand, swords raining down.
[19:39] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12 vs all (-1 losses)
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 vs all (-1 losses) and gets 14." [1d20=2]
[19:40] <@Kotono> But the party dodges and sidesteps it all, the battlefield studded but not a one of you hit! OOC: John.
[19:43] <@John> Planted opposite Feather and feeling revitalised from the healing, if still a tad worn out, John starts hammering away at their giant foe with both ends of his staff!
[19:43] <@John> roll 1d20+15 flanking
[19:43] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 flanking and gets 26." [1d20=11]
[19:43] <@John> roll 1d20+15 flanking
[19:43] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 flanking and gets 18." [1d20=3]
[19:43] <@John> roll 1d20+15 flanking
[19:43] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 flanking and gets 18." [1d20=3]
[19:43] <@John> roll 1d20+10 flanking
[19:43] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+10 flanking and gets 25." [1d20=15]
[19:43] <@John> roll 1d20+10 flanking
[19:43] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+10 flanking and gets 13." [1d20=3]
[19:45] <@Kotono> OOC: Four hits. AC's down a bit since you freed a few.
[19:45] <@John> roll 4#1d6+6+2d6+2d6
[19:45] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 4#1d6+6+2d6+2d6 and gets 88." [4#1d6+6+2d6+2d6 = 21, 18, 21, 28]
[19:46] <@Kotono> John darts about, slamming the creature overand over! The first blow is in the face, knocking it up off the ground! He leaps up and plummels it several more times, before slamming it back down into the ground with a thwack of his staff! The creature groans and manages to rise, battered all over. OOC: Gildas.
[19:46] <Gildas> OOC: Am I close enough for a full attack? I'd have to move around John to get there, i believe.
[19:47] <@Kotono> OOC: Yes.
[19:47] <Gildas> OOC: Hokay.
[19:48] <Gildas> Gildas shapeshifts back and rushes in, taking his good arm and trying to tear the abomination to shreds in a flurry of paw attacks!
[19:48] <Gildas> roll 1d20+14
[19:48] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+14 and gets 27." [1d20=13]
[19:48] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9
[19:48] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 and gets 25." [1d20=16]
[19:48] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9
[19:48] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 and gets 24." [1d20=15]
[19:48] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9 claw 1
[19:48] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 claw 1  and gets 27." [1d20=18]
[19:48] <@Kotono> OOC: Ow.
[19:49] <@Kotono> OOC: Those are all hits
[19:49] <@Kotono> .
[19:49] <Gildas> OOC: Okay.
[19:49] <Gildas> roll 3#2d8+9+2d6+1d6 bane then fire
[19:49] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 3#2d8+9+2d6+1d6 bane then fire and gets 88." [3#2d8+9+2d6+1d6 = 27, 30, 31]
[19:49] <Gildas> roll 1d6+9+2d6 bane if that applies to the claws too
[19:50] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d6+9+2d6 bane if that applies to the claws too and gets 22." [1d6=4][2d6=5, 4]
[19:50] <@Kotono> WIth a few swords broken and then battered by John, the nightmare can't resist. Gildas reaches into its chest with one paw and RIPS, tearing open the chest cavity. There's no heart, only an empty space. But it opens up a good angle to reach in and rip down, the middle of the horror torn apart to the groin. It collapses at this, the swords crumbling as child souls vanish. Around you the park
[19:50] <@Kotono> brightens. The strange daylight of this realm shines down in the park, making it brighter and the shrikes beyond even darker. OOC: Free act.
[19:51] <@John> "Phew, that was something, wasn't it?"
[19:52] * Feather collapses on his back, continuing to bleed quietly with the threat eliminated.
[19:53] <Gildas> The dire bear almost collapses in a heap after that ordeal, before shapeshifting back and -actually- collapsing onto his bottom. "What a horrible place this is..."
[19:53] <@Kotono> Myann limps over, kneeling before Feather and channeling a spell into him.
[19:53] <@Kotono> roll 3d8+9 healing
[19:53] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+9 healing and gets 19." [3d8=7, 2, 1]
[19:53] <@Kotono> She then shudders and does the same to herself.
[19:53] <@Kotono> roll 3d8+9 healing
[19:53] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+9 healing and gets 26." [3d8=7, 3, 7]
[19:54] <Feather> "Thanks. Thanks a bunch," Feather tells her tiredly. "Things got nasty there, didn't they?"
[19:54] <@Kotono> Her mad grin is gone as she lies next to Feather, "What happened here?" she asks aloud. "Did this city collapse in such a horrible way?"
[19:54] <@John> "Maybe they thought something even worse was coming?" John figures, leaning on his staff.
[19:55] <Gildas> "Something... ...Someone killed them all." He ekes out. "I saw images... it was... It was murder, disguised to seem less so."
[19:56] <Gildas> He takes a breath. "But perhaps... perhaps this place is safe now." He gestures all around. "I wonder if any of the spirits could come in here now."
[19:56] <Feather> "Ugh, better not."
[19:58] <@Kotono> "We don't know much of this realm," Myann says, "What really happened here..." A shake of her head, "Maybe we can find out here?"
[19:59] <Gildas> "Perhaps." Gildas says. "I'm not sure we should try and do all of this in one trip, though..."


[18:06] <@Kotono> In the aftermath of the battle, the party lies in the park. The otherworldly light shines down, illuminating the park far more than the gloomy reaches of the shrikes beyond it. Looking about, the party can see you came in from what looks to be the south. There's exits to the north, west and east as well, leading to other streets within. OOC: Ball's in the party's court now.
[18:07] <@John> "Lets keep going this way?" John suggests, gesturing North. Not like you can tell without a Sun in the sky.
[18:07] <Gildas> Gildas takes a breath. "I don't know about the rest of you, but that certainly left me feeling exhausted. I'm not sure we can really rest here safely, though..." He looks over and nods to John. "We can at least use this as a landmark."
[18:09] <@John> "Yeah, and the place twists around to make getting back out hard doesn't it? May as well just wander any which way."
[18:09] <Feather> "Things seem ta shift here," Feather says dubiosly, nodding at John.
[18:10] <@Kotono> OOC: Going north then?
[18:11] <Gildas> OOC: Seems like it
[18:14] <@Kotono> The party heads out. The passage ahead leads to a 10ft wide street. Empty shops and storefronts greet you. 20ft ahead there's a gap between buildings. Here there's a stairway going down, with a stone canopy of sorts over it. Farther ahead you can make out another 4 way intersection. Most of the stores and storefronts ahead have signs in dwarven, if one cares to read them.
[18:14] <@Kotono> Myann walks slowly, rubbing the back of her neck. "Do you think I intimidated the ghost at all?" she breaks the silence, "Back in the park."
[18:15] <Gildas> Gildas takes a look at the signs as they move along, content to let the others decide where to go for the time being, since he's feeling a bit drained.
[18:16] <@John> "Didn't seem very scared," John says. "Sorry."
[18:17] * Joins: Euphemia (~DarkFlame@
[18:17] * Euphemia is now known as Feather_
[18:17] <Feather_> "Sorry, with all the spinning and all, I couldn't see," Feather apologizes.
[18:17] <@Kotono> The stores are named as follows: Stonewerks, Artisan Granite, Longbeard's Stone Tannery, Scrolls and Curios, Reok's Hatchery Outpost and Guano Guano Guano.
[18:18] <@Kotono> Myann winces as she keeps rubbing, "The Sidhe and I at least agree on the undead, so I was hoping that I'd draw a reaction or bring the fear of the fairies to it."
[18:18] * Quits: Feather ( (Ping timeout)
[18:19] <Gildas> Gildas points out the various shops. "I'd say we could check them out, but I worry that it might enrage the previous inhabitants."
[18:20] <@Kotono> "We have to meet them if we're going to put them to rest anyway," Myann remarks,"That's also where treasure likely is, rather than just sitting in the streets."
[18:20] <Feather_> "I'd say that's a bad idea," Feather muses. "Sorry, Myann, but if you act all fey on purpose, then chances are your enemy will figure out how to deal with you better. A horrible ghost that sacrificed kids won't be scared off that easily and all, so no reason to help him fight you."
[18:21] <@John> "Yeah, which one looks richest?" John asks Gildas.
[18:22] <@Kotono> "Damn." Myann murmurs in agreement. OOC: A bit of searching could tell you that, Gildas. You'd need to look in and take a few moments to get an idea.
[18:22] <Gildas> Gildas points out the Scrolls and Curios shop. "I'd surmise that one. Although I'm also curious about the one that mentions working with stone. If their fruits look like gemstones, do their stones look like fruit?"
[18:22] <Gildas> OOC: Okay.
[18:22] <Gildas> "But I can look through them if you'd like."
[18:23] <Feather_> Feather snorts. "Sure, you got me curious. Let's check those two out first?"
[18:23] <Gildas> He nods and heads over to the Scrolls and Curios shop first!
[18:25] <@Kotono> The building is narrow but high-roofed. Within are several old and broken scroll racks. Bits of rotted paper and scroll cling to them. In the back you can see a door leading further in. However, standing in front of it is a giant stone statue. It looks like a dwarf, save for it being about ten feet tall.
[18:25] * Joins: Nephrite2 (
[18:26] * Quits: Gildas ( (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Nephrite2)))
[18:26] * Nephrite2 is now known as Gildas
[18:26] <@John> "Not gonna get much use out of these," John says, picking up a scrap of paper.
[18:27] <Gildas> Gildas tries to look for magic in the statue and the surrounding room!
[18:27] <@Kotono> Myann follows, "Age and time got them, as well as perhaps other treasure hunters." Taking a bit of scroll and flicking it to the ground, "Too bad." Meanwhile, Gildas can indeed detect magic. OOC: Spellcraft.
[18:27] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16-1
[18:27] <Gildas> OOC: Awkward.
[18:28] Kotono invited Hatbot into the channel.
[18:28] * Joins: Hatbot (
[18:28] <@Kotono> OOC: Fixed.
[18:28] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16-1
[18:28] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+16-1 and gets 23." [1d20=8]
[18:28] <@Kotono> The statue radiates magic, as does the door and something behind it. However, Gildas can't decipher theauras.
[18:28] <Feather_> "Huh. Yeah, makes sense. Maybe we shouldn't look for the most expensive-sounding places, then?"
[18:29] <Gildas> Gildas indicates the statue. "That, the door itself, and then... there's something behind the door too. I wonder if we can just try and move the statue...?"
[18:29] <Feather_> "I could take a look?" Feather offers, doing so.
[18:29] <Feather_> roll 1d20+15 spellcraft
[18:29] <@Kotono> OOC: Spellcrafting as well, Feather?
[18:30] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+15 spellcraft and gets 23." [1d20=8]
[18:30] <@Kotono> Feather likewise can't get a grip on what the magics are.
[18:30] <@John> "Bet it'll come to life and punch us if we try and get by," John says. "Figure we can take it, though."
[18:31] <Gildas> Gildas clears his throat and tries something in Dwarven. "Hello?" He looks at the statue to see if it reacts at all.
[18:31] <@Kotono> "A bet I'd not bet against," Myann draws her sword in the meanwhile, stepping back. "I reckon it's an animated statue or even a golem."
[18:31] <Feather_> "Sounds like it," Feather agrees, bravely heading past it.
[18:32] <@Kotono> "Hello," The statue's voice is deep and booming, answering back in perfect dwarven. As Feather approaches it holds a hand out, "Warning. Do not approach within 5 feet. Repeat. Do not approach within 5 feet. The public portion of the shop does not extend further back. Shoppers are not allowed back. Please return to shopping."
[18:32] * @John walks up to its side ready to start swinging.
[18:32] * @John abruptly stops! "We doing this?" he checks, since it's talking.
[18:33] <Gildas> "We might be able to deactive it by talking to it." He offers to the rest of them.
[18:33] <@John> "Go for it?"
[18:33] <Feather_> "Yeah, what's it saying?" Feather asks, stopping for now.
[18:33] <@Kotono> "Better than fighting it," Myann seconds, going to lean against the wall.
[18:34] <Gildas> He nods. "It says to stand back, because shoppers aren't allowed back there." He then switches his language. "Your creator is no longer here." He decides to try something more complicated to see if that gets any kind of reaction.
[18:36] <@Kotono> "Affirmative. Creator died. Creator's shade remains." It answers, hand lowering once John ceases his approach.
[18:36] <Feather_> Feather moves back to John and Myann.
[18:37] <Gildas> He blinks. "It says that its creator died, but its shade still exists. Makes sense." He looks back to the golem. "We want to send your creator's shade to where it belongs. Where can we find it?"
[18:37] <Gildas> OOC: The second part is in Dwarven, sorry.
[18:38] <@Kotono> "Behind this door," The golem answers, "The creator will only meet those with a gift. Scrolls are preferred. The giftless will be exterminated with prejudice."
[18:39] <Gildas> "It's behind the door. The creator's ghost, I mean." He explains to the others, before again switching his language. "I have many scrolls, can you inspect them to tell me which he would enjoy the most?"
[18:39] <@Kotono> "Affirmative." The golem says, holding a hand out. "You may safely approach."
[18:41] <Gildas> "He wants a gift of scrolls. I'm going to show the golem mine to see which the ghost would like. ...This is very odd." He says, before withdrawing all his scrolls and moving forward with them, before placing them in the Golem's hand! OOC: So, Fog Cloud, Lesser Restoration, Soften Earth and Stone, Gust of Wind, Remove Fear and Faerie Fire. One of each.
[18:42] <@Kotono> Of the scrolls, Soften Earth and Stone is taken and the others are passed back. The golem steps aside, the door ahead unblocked. "All of you may enter." OOC: Post -scroll in loot, Gildas.
[18:43] <Gildas> OOC: Gotcha.
[18:43] <Gildas> "It says we can go in now." He clarifies to the others.
[18:44] <@John> "Alright then," John says, heading forward.
[18:44] <Feather_> "Sure thing," Feather says as he follows.
[18:45] <Gildas> Gildas nods and heads to the door as well.
[18:47] <@Kotono> Within is a narrow but long room. The stone floor is hard stone. In the front is a bed, table, chairs and dressers. What you'd expect for a room. I:n the back are worktables and scroll cases, as well as boxes of various supplies. You can see several intact scrolls back there. Behind them is a stairway going down. Sitting at the table is a transparent, blue tinted dwarf. His beard is long and
[18:47] <@Kotono> his features are weathered. "Well, well, well," His voice echos, as if several are speaking at once. "Above-worlders and ones smart enough to parley with Smiley. Since you're so bright, what in the forgefuck are you doing in a ghost town?"
[18:48] <@Kotono> The dwarf speaks in accented Common. It's understandable despite the thick accent, but it takes a few moments.
[18:48] <@John> "Looking for treasure!" John says as if it's obvious.
[18:49] <Gildas> "We're trying to release the ghosts that are trapped here." He adds.
[18:49] <Feather_> "It's really both."
[18:51] <@Kotono> Folding his hands together, "You two want to talk, get your stories straight?" He says with a roll of his eyes. "But points for bleeding honesty." He sniffs the air, "So all of you had a run in at Makechel's before finding your way here?" He spreads his hands apart, gesturing all about, "So, what do you want with an old ghost?"
[18:51] <Gildas> "I'd like to know what exactly happened here. Especially with the children in the park." He says.
[18:52] * @John silences the urge to ask if he has any treasure.
[18:52] <Feather_> "And then we can talk about the treasure."
[18:56] <@Kotono> "It's hazy. Can barely remember researching why I've become so forgetful. Something about..." He silently snaps ghostly fingers, "The undead state combined with the sorrows here...something about focusing only on one thing rather than how living creatures focus on many things. Something like that. I'm not even sure what Makechel's is - but you smell like it. Like mushroom stew." He sits back
[18:56] <@Kotono> and blows out a silent breath, "The thane, what's his name...bad times. Bad times. Park, park..." He winces suddenly and looks away, "Heard that even...something about there was no hope. Freeing the children. Nice way of saying..." He trails off yet again, rubbing his forehead. "That's it, things went bad. The spiritmen. The...oh," Silently snapping his fingers again, "They came from the lava
[18:56] <@Kotono> seas! They ...some stupid thing about ... something. Pressure. Fell apart before a full on war."
[18:57] <@Kotono> After that, "It slips from me. What doesn't is my shop here," he gestures, "Scrolls, magic and Smiley. Got an itch to get it going again, but there's never customers."
[18:57] <@John> "Do you have any merchandise then?" John asks, since all he saw were rotten scrolls.
[18:58] <@Kotono> "Yeah, back there," He looks towards the back half of the room. "But this all here is a really crummy place for a story now. Ghosts don't carry money." He grumbles, "Every so often the guard comes by to try and requisition supplies, too. Doesn't work out for them."
[18:59] <@Kotono> *store
[19:00] <Gildas> "We could always use more magic to help free this place." Gildas says. "I don't mind parting with a few more scrolls to..." He blinks, then looks down at the ground. "I wonder..."
[19:02] <@Kotono> "Well then, go take a look at the merchandise," he says, "And you wonder what?"
[19:03] * @John ambles past to have a look!
[19:04] <Gildas> Gildas looks back up and shakes his head. "I have a scroll that returns life to the body, but I think the time has long passed since it could be used to help anyone here."
[19:04] <@Kotono> The scrolls are neatly labeled. John finds the following...OOC: Loot post.
[19:04] <Feather_> "Say, what's the worst things that happened here?" Feather asks, frowning. "Like with the kids in the park. If you don't recall what really started this, then maybe it'll be better if we take care of the worst ghosts?"
[19:06] <@Kotono> "You have that sort of scroll," His attention turns to Gildas, "I'll buy it from you," he says immediately, "Even if it can't, I may be able to use it to work out something more." His hands visibility twitch, "Let me see it." With that offer he doesn't even seem to notice Feather's question at first. Only slowly does he blink and turn, "The thane. I know that much. I cna't remember his name,
[19:06] <@Kotono> but I remember cursing it when I was alive. His name, that is. A pot full of piss for a ruler."
[19:08] <@John> "Mmm. Nothing I really want, no," John says, going back to rejoin the others.
[19:08] <Gildas> Something about that reaction... but he shakes his head and starts to look in his pack for it. "Could you make a copy of it for us? Or is that beyond your... er... ghostly techniques?"
[19:09] <@Kotono> "In time, in time," he says, focus fully on Gildas. He doesn'te ven seem to note John's comment.
[19:09] <@Kotono> Myann raises an eyebrow but stays back.
[19:09] <Feather_> "Any way we can find this thane guy or his place?" Feather asks as a follow up. "Whenever we go places, everything just seems to shift around us."
[19:11] <Gildas> He withdraws the scroll of Reincarnate from his pack and puts it on the desk of the ghost.
[19:13] <@Kotono> "Underground. But the soldiers'll be heavier there. Lower ground, I mean. There are stairways leading to the underground paths. The thane's palace is there." he says as he studies the scroll. "Yes...yes..." he murmurs, "I'll trade you all my scrolls for this," he says, looking up to Gildas. "For this and for you to go downstairs and bring me up one of the purple pots with gold lining."
[19:15] <Gildas> Well, that -sounds- easy enough... He gestures to the stairway. "Over there?"
[19:15] <@Kotono> "Down there," he agrees, "It's heavy."
[19:16] <Gildas> "What's in it, out of curiosity?" He asks as he heads for the door. OOC: I'm going to do a sense motive on his response.
[19:16] <Gildas> OOC: Or, I'd like to, rather.
[19:17] <@Kotono> "Liquid Dragon Essence," he says. OOC: Make spellcraft. Anyone can make K:A off that too if they like.
[19:17] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16-1
[19:17] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+16-1 and gets 29." [1d20=14]
[19:17] <@John> roll 1d20+5 arcana
[19:17] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+5 arcana and gets 20." [1d20=15]
[19:19] <@Kotono> Gildas thinks he's being truthful. John knows that liquid dragon essence is a powerful substance - it's some of a dragon's magic distilled into a liquid. A dose augments a spell with multiple doses stacking. If you can get your hands on more than one dose, of course.
[19:19] <@John> "That's powerful stuff," John says, suitably impressed. "Where'd you get it?"
[19:20] <Gildas> Gildas nods and will go to head down the stairs.
[19:20] <@Kotono> "Don't remember," he says, "Can't remember where I got most of my supplies when I was alive. Think it was a green dragon, though. Up in a thick, virgin wood."
[19:20] <@John> Ah well, would've been tricky for them to get it in the same place after so long anyway.
[19:21] <@Kotono> Downstairs is an assortment of storerooms and closets. There's all sorts of things around if Gildas wants to look - but he can also see the jar he's looking for on the floor. It's rather large, perhaps enough to hold a gallon of liquid.
[19:21] <Gildas> There's no harm in looking around, is there? He decides he might as well do so.
[19:24] <@Kotono> It looks like there's a variety of jars, boxes and supplies. Most of it looks quite magically inclined and some have precious metals or jewels involved. OOC: K:A real quick.
[19:24] <@Kotono> OOC: Int check otherwise.
[19:24] <@Kotono> OOC: Assuming you don't have any ranks.
[19:25] <Gildas> roll 1d20+2 int check as well as a detect magic
[19:25] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+2 int check as well as a detect magic and gets 13." [1d20=11]
[19:25] <Gildas> OOC: Whoops, that's -1 lower
[19:27] <@Kotono> There's a few things that have magic down here. It's obviously magical supplies - what little you know suggests all of this would be worth a lot of money.
[19:27] <Gildas> He nods to himself and will lean down to pick up the jar, remembering that it was noted to be heavy, and try and pick it up!
[19:30] <@Kotono> OOC: STr score?
[19:30] <Gildas> OOC: I believe it would currently be 13.
[19:31] <@Kotono> Oooof! Gildas strains to lift it, just barely able to manage it. Coming back up is a struggle, but one that's successfully managed. Once up, "Put it on the table," The ghost dwarf says quickly. "All of you go over there and take the scrolls."
[19:32] <Gildas> Gildas oofs and manages to put it down on the table with a loud sigh of relief. "You have quite a collection downstairs."
[19:33] * @John goes over and just starts shovelling scrolls in his backpack. "Just had a thought, how are we gonna get them back up through the lake without ruining them?"
[19:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Post.
[19:34] <Feather_> "Wrap them in leather a lot?"
[19:35] <@Kotono> The dwarf puts the scroll atop the jar and begins to chant. The jar beneath him glows a deep green as...
[19:35] <Gildas> "I can shapeshift and they will be fine." He says.
[19:35] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+19 (+10 dragon essence doses)
[19:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+19 (+10 dragon essence doses) and gets 27." [1d20=8]
[19:36] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:36] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 1." [1d100=1]
[19:39] <@Kotono> As the scrolls are sorted and divided, the jar inverts. It sucks itself into nothingness and the scroll follows! As they vanish, there is a tremendous flash of dark green light! Your eyes are dazzled - as you blink that away, you hear a much deeper voice groaning.
[19:40] * @John looks back from scroll shovelling to see what happened. "Alright there?"
[19:42] <@Kotono> What stands there is entirely material. It is a seven foot tall beast. It has tanned, light brown skin the color of caramel. It is big, shaggy and has long nails on hands and feet. It slowly rubs its head and then looks at its body. "...I'm alive!" OOC: K:L can be made here.
[19:43] <Gildas> Gildas blinks. "What in the world did you turn yourself into?"
[19:44] <@Kotono> Myann grabs a few scrolls, before blinking as well. "It's not a dwarf, at least?"
[19:44] <@John> "You look... taller, yeah," John adds.
[19:45] <Feather_> "Better than dead, that's for sure?"
[19:48] <@Kotono> "I'm..." He clenches a fist, "I feel GOOD!" He throws his head back and laughs, booming throughout the room. "Yes, yes, yes! Hah!" Grinning - a grin with far too many sharp and pointy teeth - "I did it! I did it! Now all I have to do is get out of here," His grin lessens a bit, "Let's see..." He starts to pace, "The cousins may or may not be friendly...oh, I remember them now," Snapping his
[19:48] <@Kotono> fingers, "They'd probably rather not. Hmmm. One of the vents upward can be managed. I get all this out and I can set up anywhere I like!"
[19:50] <Gildas> "Would you mind if we took a cursory look at your inventory below to see if there's anything there that could help us save anyone else in this town?" Gildas asks as he neatly puts the scrolls away into the other backpack.
[19:50] <@Kotono> "Yeah, it's all down there," he gestures, "Smiley, get in here!" he calls, "We're back in business!"
[19:51] <Gildas> "Do you remember your name now, by the way?" He asks as he heads over.
[19:52] <Feather_> "We're heading up once we're done here," Feather muses. "Could travel together?"
[19:52] <Gildas> "Oh, that's an idea. He might enjoy the farm." He responds. "You'd be welcome there."
[19:52] <@John> "Yeah, you'd fit right in," John agrees.
[19:55] <@Kotono> The golem dutifully  marches in. Meanwhile, "A farm? As long as I'll do business there." He says, "Name's Forgar. How'd I ever forget that?" he thwaps the side of his head, "It's like I'm thinking clearly for the first time in ages. That's right! The thane! Thane Stonar." He pauses to spit to the side, "Bastard was incompetent. HIs father died early adn that's when things really started to fall
[19:55] <@Kotono> apart."
[19:55] <@Kotono> "Oh ,and speaking of shops. Back here's safe if you need a rest. Looks like you do," he adds thoughtfully, "I didn't notice before, but you're wounded and look tired. Run in with the ghosts?"
[19:56] <Gildas> He nods to Forgar. "Yes, we did. ...Now that you have your memory back, can you tell us what really happened here?"
[19:57] <Feather_> "Yeah, we have a whole town and lotsa trade going-- but yeah, that's more important now?"
[20:03] <@Kotono> Pacing about and stretching, "The old thane had the idea to come down here. We'd heard of the deep underground and he'd made some connections. Figured we'd give it a shot and he managed diplomacy with our cousins. Closest translation is fire dwarves. They're more or less what they sound like. We set up and build, goes well for awhile. The old thane dies too young. Rumor later was that the
[20:03] <@Kotono> spiritmen did it. That doesn't match my research, unless the thane had fairy blood somehow." Still pacing, moving and just generally keeping in motion, "The spiritmen are creatures that erupt from the ground and throw fire. They have various abilities along that and absolutely hate the fairies. I think your type call them the Fair Folk."
[20:04] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "Or the Sidhe." He clarifies.
[20:05] <@John> "Yeah, we saw one when we arrived," John nods. "Went nuts when we tried saying hello in fey after trying a bunch of other languages."
[20:07] <@Kotono> "They don't talk much," Forgar clarifies, as he slams a fist into the table. The entire thing cracks and he looks down at his fist. "This body's strong," he notes, "Hm. Best to avoid them and never do anything fairy-like around-" A pause as the sound of a stomach rumbling is heard. His stomach in particular, "Do you have any food you can spare? I can still smell mushrooms and it's making me
[20:07] <@Kotono> hungry. I'm hungry!" That breaks into another grin, "When's the last time I had a meal somewhere?"
[20:08] <Gildas> "We actually met a fire dwarf too." Gildas says. "Makinan... Cres, I think it was."
[20:08] <Gildas> He looks over at Myann. "Would you do the honors with your mushroom bread?"
[20:08] <Feather_> "Yeah, good point," Feather muses, as food is taken care of. "How long ago was all this?"
[20:09] <@Kotono> "They have odd names like that," Forgar adds, as Myann dutifully withdraws mushrooms from the enchanted bag. It's passed over and Forgar eats. He makes a lot of little noises as he tears into it. "Mgkslgj," A pause as he swallows, "I'm not sure. Centuries. A long time. Get me to back above and talking to a few dwarves and I could get the date and year from them."
[20:11] <Feather_> "Maybe we could rest a bit after all?" Feather suggests. "Figure out the best way to get to the thane ghost, then head over there later?"
[20:11] <@Kotono> After finishing the mushrooms in record time, something that makes Myann faintly smile, "Anyway, once Thane Stonar got into power, it turns out he was an adult child. A craven," A pause to growl, "Cowardly, no-good, stupid, incompetent, whoreson of a thane. Oh, and he had a cruel streak, like the spoiled brat he was. He wasn't a single percent of the ruler the old thane was. He managed to alienate
[20:11] <@Kotono> our cousins within a single year!"
[20:12] <@John> "I'm good to keep going but if you want to rest it's fine," John shrugs after listening to the giant dwarf's tale.
[20:12] <@Kotono> Myann shrugs as well, "I'd prefer to rest, but I'll go along with what all of you want." As she listens, "So it was the result of a bad ruler?"
[20:14] <Gildas> "What really happened with that carousel in the park?" Gildas asks. "We came from there before we ended up here... I think we managed to send them all on."
[20:16] <@Kotono> "Stonar the taxer. Stonar the hoarder of the good stones. Stonar the spoiled brat," he marches back and forth, "Go out for the glory of the thane," he said, "The little piddler used the army to keep order until things snapped. Then all his pet commanders got to indulge the same cruel and stupid side they shared with him. The park, oh the park. That was the final blow. Kurol - Commander Kurol in
[20:16] <@Kotono> human, more or less - shouted how our cousins weren't going to get our children. It was thought he had an escape plan in the park, somehow. After what happened...revolts and riot. The enemy had to do something since we killed ourselves and the rest scattered."
[20:18] <Gildas> Gildas nods with a frown. "I see... that does put all the pieces into place." He lets out a breath. "We've been helping people we come across, much like with you. I'm glad we've been able to do something, at least."
[20:19] <@John> "Who's the enemy?" John asks, having lost track. "I thought all the troubles came from this Stonar guy. Was there an army camped outside as well?"
[20:20] <@Kotono> "If either of their spirits are around, give them a good thrashing." Forgar growls, "What happened is that Stonar ruined our relationed with our cousins. We're related distantly but we've never been close. The old thane bridged that gap with respect. He was a damned good ruler. Not only did Stonar undo that, he managed to insult them and make things worse - over and over again. Our cousins came
[20:20] <@Kotono> from the lava seas and beyond, but it hardly mattered, since we managed to self destruct."
[20:21] <@Kotono> He pauses a moment, "The problem was that it was essentially an isolated colony. Stable or not, the trip back to the above world is long and hazardous. With a thane that wasn't worth much of anything, we didn't have anything to fallb ack on when it went wrong. No fellow cities or friends to restore order."
[20:23] <@John> "Oh, right. Those fire dwarves, then," John says in understanding.
[20:24] <@Kotono> " all come down, connect with the fire dwarves. Old thane dies, new thane ruins everything and the colony collapses in on itself. Essentially, civil war and incompetence does you in," Myann summarizes.
[20:26] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, ie't sgetting ontowards pausing time. Any last questions? If not, what's your plans from here, y'all?
[20:26] <@John> OOC: rest, find thane?
[20:26] <Feather_> OOC: Let's rest, then ask where the other commanders died/committed atrocities? If something is near, we'll go there. If not, then we head down for the thane.


[17:48] <@Kotono> OOC: Getting some behind the scenes healing done before session, see if Myann expending her spells is enough. Should be.
[17:48] <@Kotono> roll 3d8+9
[17:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+9 and gets 25." [3d8=8, 2, 6]
[17:48] <@Kotono> roll 10#1d8+5
[17:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 10#1d8+5 and gets 107." [10#1d8+5 = 13, 12, 11, 13, 8, 10, 13, 12, 8, 7]
[17:48] * Parts: Muirfinn (
[17:50] * Nephrite is now known as Gildas
[17:57] * Joins: Feather (~DarkFlame@
[17:59] * Ebiris is now known as John
[17:59] <@Kotono> OOC: Night's rest goes without incident. Rolled out Myann's HP healing and that fixes up the HP damages. Make sure to recover ability damage as normal since that went around. Any further healings or things to be cast?
[17:59] <Gildas> OOC: Do I get a check for the level drain?
[17:59] <@Kotono> OOC: Yes, you need to make another fortitude save.
[17:59] <@Kotono> OOC: If this one fails, it becomes permanent and needs a restoration or the like to remove.
[18:00] <Gildas> OOC: No pressure.
[18:00] <Gildas> roll 1d20+12
[18:00] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+12  and gets 29." [1d20=17]
[18:00] <@Kotono> OOC: Success. The negative level is gone.
[18:01] <@Kotono> OOC: Anything else, y'all/
[18:02] <Gildas> OOC: I'll need to redo the Protection from Elements on everyone, but beyond that I can't think of anything. I do need to ask Stonar something but that's IC, so.
[18:03] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay then.
[18:05] <@Kotono> The next morning is noisy. Forgar is about, rustling in the basements. Over a simple mushroom-based breakfast the party eats, as Forgar at last returns. Behind him is the golem, carrying up a large scroll case. OOC: Goa head, Gildas.
[18:07] <Gildas> "Actually, we never told you why we were here in the first place, did we?" Gildas starts. "We were visited by a fire dwarf a bit ago... and after that we had a bit of a run-in with... well, it doesn't matter, but ultimately I lost my arm from it." He waves at it with his good hand and presents it to him. "Is there anything here in your shop you can think of that might help with this, or do you
[18:07] <Gildas> think you could? I would greatly appreciate the assistance."
[18:08] <@Kotono> "Withered arm, eh?" Forgar rumbles, the now much larger dwarf coming on over. Smiley follows, stopping about halfway and starting to dissect the scroll case. He pauses and calls back, "Smiley, careful. We need those rows intact for the sleds." Then he goes and takes a look at the arm.
[18:08] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12
[18:08] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 and gets 19." [1d20=7]
[18:09] <Gildas> "We were told to go to the sea of fire, which was going to be our destination after this if we couldn't find anything here to help." Gildas adds. "If that's where your cousins are from, I'd imagine an answer can be found there, too."
[18:11] <@Kotono> "" The arm gets a long lookover, "That restoration might do it. If that doesn't work, you'll probably need a regeneration. Healing magic isn't my strongest suite," he admits, "I focus more on changes and earth related spells." As the golem works, carefully tearing the scroll rack apart, "Oh, and good news. I'm going to need to make a sled anyway to carry my things, so there will be
[18:11] <@Kotono> space for whatever you get your hands on."
[18:12] <@John> "I can try and use the restoration scroll if you want?" John offers.
[18:13] <Gildas> "Oh." Gildas nods and starts to look through the Fairy's Backpack and withdraws the Restoration scroll and offers it to John. "It can't get any worse than it already is, right?"
[18:14] <@John> "Nah, it's not like sticking a sword in there, is it?" John says, looking over the scroll to try and get things straight in his head before he begins to recite from it.
[18:14] <@John> roll 1d20+12 UMD, dunno DC 'cause SRD is sucking
[18:14] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 UMD, dunno DC 'cause SRD is sucking and gets 18." [1d20=6]
[18:15] <@John> OOC: DC is 30
[18:15] <@Kotono> OOC: Give me just asec, was having troubles too.
[18:16] <@Kotono> OOC: Using a scroll is 20 + caster level. The CL on this would be 7, so 27.
[18:17] <@Kotono> John tries to puzzle out the scroll, but the first try isn't so hot. OOC: You can try again until you succeed or hit a one, if you wish.
[18:17] * Joins: Euphemia (~DarkFlame@
[18:17] <@John> "Hmm... think that's meant to be one word, not two. Let me try again? This might take a little while," John says, scratching his head and trying again. And again if necessary...
[18:17] <@John> roll 1d20+12
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 and gets 26." [1d20=14]
[18:17] <@John> roll 1d20+12
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 and gets 24." [1d20=12]
[18:17] <@John> roll 1d20+12
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 and gets 25." [1d20=13]
[18:17] <@John> roll 1d20+12
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 and gets 28." [1d20=16]
[18:18] * Quits: Feather (~DarkFlame@ (Ping timeout)
[18:19] <@Kotono> After several false starts, John manages to get the scroll working. It crumbles away into ectoplasmic mushrooms as faces surface on Gildas's arm. Crying female faces, twisted and terribly sorrowful. They slowly fall out of the arm and crumble to dust as it the limb takes the proper form once more. The quiet agony of the injury leaves Gildas, his body restored once more! OOC: Success.
[18:19] * Euphemia is now known as Feather
[18:20] <Gildas> Gildas shakes his arm once or twice, as if trying to shake off any residual dryads. "You have my gratitude." He says with a smile. "Who knew it'd be quite so simple?"
[18:21] <@Kotono> "We got lucky for a change," Myann observes with a smile.
[18:21] <@John> "Well, finding this scroll was probably the same odds as finding a river of fire," John shrugs, shaking any residual spores off his hands.
[18:22] <@Kotono> Forgar stares at the entire process, "The forgefuck kind of curse did you get on that? And why mushrooms?" he mutters, his stomach loudly rumbling after.
[18:22] <Gildas> "I suppose one cannot argue too much with luck." He says, then looks to Forgar. "We can tell you about it on our way out, I think." He gestures at the stairs back down. "You all should go down and take a look there though, we might be able to find something we can use to deal with Stonar, if we still intend to do so."
[18:25] <@Kotono> OOC: Oh yes, the party wanted to do that. Which of you have ranks in K:A?
[18:25] <@John> OOC: I have a few
[18:25] <@John> roll 1d20+5 arcana?
[18:25] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+5 arcana? and gets 19." [1d20=14]
[18:25] <Gildas> OOC: Not I. I have the Enclyclopedia with me though if it can be used here
[18:26] <Feather> roll 1d20+13
[18:26] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+13 and gets 24." [1d20=11]
[18:26] <@Kotono> OOC: One of you could use it for the bonus.
[18:26] <Feather> OOC: Sure, gimme the bonus~
[18:26] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 Myann
[18:26] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+11 Myann  and gets 24." [1d20=13]
[18:27] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay then, how big is the bonus?
[18:28] <Gildas> OOC: +2
[18:28] <Feather> OOC: 26 it is
[18:31] <@Kotono> The party loses well over an hour down here. There's a half sorted mess of preserved reagents, supplies, devices and odder things yet. Studying the wings of a great roc is followed by inspecting the preserved guts of a dire wolverine. Powders and dried materials are checked over, potions are sniffed and compounds are analyzed. It's an incredible learning experience, a treasure trove of facts
[18:31] <@Kotono> and knowledge. Gildas's encyclopedia points out yet more things. You can come to only one conclusion - there's not really anything here that's inherently anti-spirit. Things here revolve around a few things: Scroll magic, transmutation magic and earth magic. There's plenty of odds and ends that don't fit that, but no silver bullet against the restless dead. OOC: Loot post.
[18:34] <Gildas> "Nothing, hm?" He says once they've finished their lookthrough. "Anything anyone is interested in taking? I'm sure Forgar wouldn't mind."
[18:35] <@John> "Those Roc wings'd be great for the trading post," John suggests. "Be a trick to get them back up, mind..."
[18:36] <Feather> "So, about those other commanders?" Feather asks Forgar.
[18:37] <Gildas> "I might be able to get them back up." Gildas says. "We can try when we're on our way back."
[18:42] <@Kotono> The party walks back up, chatting with Forgar. "There's four that's notable. I already told you about Kurol, the one behind the children massacre. The Commander of the Army was Arockar. He kept the army together until the last and had it do what the thane wanted. He usually stayed near the thane, too. He wasn't a bad administrator, I guess, but he wasn't ever long on courage or skill."
[18:43] <Feather> "So that means there's two more out here, and the last one below?"
[18:44] <@Kotono> "If they're in the same places," Forgar says. "Some of the ghosts seem more mobile than others."
[18:45] <@John> "No point aiming for one with how the place moves around anyway. One way's as good as the next, isn't it?" John says.
[18:46] <Gildas> "We might simply draw them out by being the ones who cleansed the park." Gildas offers.
[18:46] <Feather> "Guess not," Feather relents. "Let's look for a way down?"
[18:47] <@Kotono> "There was a stairway going down not far from here, remember," Myann points out, "If it's still there, that's easy."
[18:48] <@Kotono> OOC: Going out now, y'all?
[18:49] <@John> OOC: yes
[18:51] <@Kotono> As you head out, "Come back when you need to rest, I'll be waiting on all of you," Forgar says, "Or to drop off treasures." From there the party goes out. The shrikes appear much as it does yesterday. There's the stairway going down just ahead, and past that is a four way intersection. The other shops look likewise unchanged. They are: Stonewerks, Artisan Granite, Longbeard's Stone Tannery,
[18:51] <@Kotono> Reok's Hatchery Outpost and Guano Guano Guano.
[18:53] <Gildas> "Do you all want to look in the other shops once we've cleared things out?" Gildas asks.
[18:53] <@John> "Any look like they've got good stuff in them?" John asks.
[18:53] <Feather> "We're right here and all," Feather muses, glancing at Myann.
[18:54] <@Kotono> Myann shrugs, "Why not? We're not in any hurry, are we?"
[18:54] <Gildas> "Fair enough." Gildas points out the one called Stonewerks. "Let's try there, then."
[18:55] <@Kotono> Stoneworks is a broad and shallow building with a second and third story. The first floor has the stairs on the side. There's a showroom here - stone statues and the like are here, dwarf sized or larger. A casual glance suggests they're good work. Myann takes a look over...
[18:55] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[18:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 21." [1d20=11]
[18:56] <@Kotono> "These are nice," she says, kneeling before one of the statues. "You could get a lot of gold for each statue, but I can't imagine how we'll transport ones this large. No way to get them up that shaft, if nothing else."
[18:57] <Gildas> "Perhaps there are some smaller ones upstairs?" He asks. "We may as well look."
[18:57] <@John> "Yeah, s'not much point if we can't carry it," John agrees, lingering by the door.
[18:58] <@Kotono> "It makes sense," Myann observes as she stands, dusting off her knees. "You put the heavy ones low and the lighter ones high." OOC: Going upstairs then, y'all?
[18:58] <Gildas> OOC: Sure.
[18:58] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:58] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 82." [1d100=82]
[19:00] <@Kotono> The party heads to the second floor. Here smaller things are about - large facial busts, statues a foot or two tall at most. Old shelves hold them, the stairs also going up to the third floor. The room's about 35ft by 20ft - and as you look around it, the room's temperature suddenly drops.
[19:02] * @John holds his staff up in front of him. "Don't like the feel of this..."
[19:02] <Gildas> Gildas nods to John. "Indeed."
[19:08] <@Kotono> Myann's blade is drawn, the gentle clink of crystal as it comes out. 10ft ahead of the party, a female dwarf appears. She wears a heavy dress and carries a crude club made of stone. She is transparent and only half-here. "Get out, looters!" Before you can react, she's coming at the party. OOC: Init here.
[19:09] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 Myann
[19:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 Myann and gets 9." [1d20=7]
[19:09] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+3 ghost dwarf
[19:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 ghost dwarf and gets 11." [1d20=8]
[19:09] <Gildas> roll 1d20+3
[19:09] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+3 and gets 17." [1d20=14]
[19:09] <Feather> roll 1d20+8
[19:09] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+8 and gets 21." [1d20=13]
[19:09] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(21)>Gildas(17)>Ghost Dwarf(11)>Myann(9)'
[19:09] <@John> roll 1d20+7
[19:09] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+7 and gets 16." [1d20=9]
[19:10] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(21)>Gildas(17)>John(16)>Ghost Dwarf(11)>Myann(9)'
[19:10] <@Kotono> OOC: Open Feather.
[19:10] <Feather> "Rest in piece!" Feather yells, charging at the ghostly dwarf!
[19:10] <Feather> roll 1d20+14 stone scimitar, spring attack
[19:10] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+14 stone scimitar, spring attack and gets 26." [1d20=12]
[19:10] <Feather> roll 1d100
[19:10] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d100 and gets 2." [1d100=2]
[19:11] <@Kotono> Feather charges right in, but the blade passes through the dwarf without a reaction. He leaps back and to the side, back against a shelf full of facebusts. OOC: Gildas.
[19:12] <Gildas> "We're not here to steal from you!" Gildas calls out. "We're trying to put an end to Stonar and his followers!" He has a feeling it won't do any good to say that, so he shapeshifts into his Dire Bear form and moves in to try and strike the ghost with a paw!
[19:12] <Gildas> roll 1d20+19
[19:12] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+19 and gets 26." [1d20=7]
[19:12] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. d100.
[19:12] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[19:12] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 71." [1d100=71]
[19:13] <@Kotono> OOC: Damage.
[19:13] <Gildas> roll 2d8+2d6+1d6 bane then fire
[19:13] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d8+2d6+1d6 bane then fire and gets 16." [2d8=2, 4][2d6=3, 6][1d6=1]
[19:13] <Gildas> OOC: +13
[19:14] <@Kotono> Gildas stemps in with a mighty stomp, before his restored arm slams into the chest of the female ghost. She flickers and shudders, entire form wavering as she burns. A wordless cry of pain follows as...OOC: John
[19:15] <@John> "S'not like you can take the stuff with you," John says, moving after Gildas to giver her a smack about the head as well.
[19:15] <@John> roll 1d20+17
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+17 and gets 25." [1d20=8]
[19:15] <@John> roll 1d100
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d100 and gets 23." [1d100=23]
[19:15] <@Kotono> The ghost is surrounded on all sides now. Slam, staff and sword hack at her, but only the paw-slam of Gildas has any effect. In retort the ghost howls in an echoing voice, before her club slams out at everyone nearby!
[19:15] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7 touch AC vs you three
[19:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 touch AC vs you three and gets 20." [1d20=13]
[19:16] <Feather> OOC: I jumped back since it was spring attack
[19:16] <@Kotono> OOC: Right, off the hook then.
[19:16] <Gildas> OOC: 17 here.
[19:17] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 cha damage Gildas and John if he's hit, still waiting on word from him BRB
[19:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 cha damage Gildas and John if he's hit, still waiting on word from him BRB and gets 3." [1d4=3]
[19:17] <@John> OOC: 22 vs ghosts
[19:38] <@Kotono> John manages to sidestep while Gildas gets slashed across the side! The club passes through and yet Gildas feels less. Dimmer somehow, less able. As a chill follows, Myann stays back and chants, a block falling from above.
[19:38] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+11 touch AC
[19:38] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+11 touch AC and gets 18." [1d20=7]
[19:38] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:38] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 12." [1d100=12]
[19:38] <@Kotono> But the block passes through the spirit harmlessly, doing nothing. OOC: Feather.
[19:38] * Feather can only repeat his previous actions! If nothing else, he'll probably divide the ghost's attention....
[19:39] <Feather> roll 1d20+14
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+14 and gets 20." [1d20=6]
[19:39] <Feather> roll 1d100
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d100 and gets 84." [1d100=84]
[19:39] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[19:39] <Feather> roll 1d6+4+1d6 last is fire
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+4+1d6 last is fire and gets 15." [1d6=6][1d6=5]
[19:41] <@Kotono> That slash sets the ghost aflame once more, causing it to burn out. It fades with a sorrowful wail, the warmth of the underground returning. OOC: Free act.
[19:42] <@John> "See if I become a ghost, I hope I don't make such a fuss about things," John says once that's all settled.
[19:43] <Gildas> "It seems odd that some of the ghosts are able to stay sane, and others..." Gildas shakes his head.
[19:44] <@Kotono> "It's not consistent," Myann sheathes her sword before looking around. "At least these are more sympathetic than Johann's horde."
[19:45] <Gildas> Gildas nods to Myann. "Shall we keep looking around, then?"
[19:46] <@Kotono> OOC: Going to the third floor then, y'all?
[19:46] <@John> OOC: sure
[19:50] <@Kotono> The third floor is a collection of shelves. On these shelves are tiny statues and carvings made of stone. From normal creatures to the fantastical to odder things yet. Most of them are light and small enough to hold in hand. Dragons, bears, birds, wyverns, skeletons, mummies, buildings, swords and more are all about in tiny form. Myann looks around and inspects them.
[19:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[19:50] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 26." [1d20=16]
[19:51] <Feather> "See anything you like?" Feather asks her, looking over the model scimitars.
[19:51] <@Kotono> "Hmmm..." After a sweep about, "20 or so gold per statuette," she picks up a little one, of a mushroom with a beautiful and wholly unrealistic pretty pixie sitting beneath it. The pixie is smiling like a happy and innocent child at rest.
[19:53] <Gildas> "We can probably store a few in here if we want to." Gildas offers the Fairy's Backpack.
[19:54] * Feather picks one of a dragon as a souvenier.
[19:54] <@John> "Well, I'll grab one, brighten the house up a bit," John shrugs, grabbing one of a pretty bird. Only two feet, too!
[19:55] <@Kotono> Myann grabs the pixie on as well as one one of a large panther. OOC: Post what you're taking in loot, y'all. You can take some liberties for custom designs here, within reason.
[19:56] <@Kotono> After a beat, she shrugs and grabs a bear and a seagull too. "We can just drop these off real quick if we want more. Forgar's shop is within sight, you know."
[19:57] <Feather> "Nah, let's look through the other shops first. Oh, nothing magical or anything like that here?"
[19:58] <@Kotono> Myann quickly focuses on magic, before shaking her head. "Nothing like that."
[19:58] <Feather> "Time for Guano, then?"
[19:59] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "Sure, let's try it."
[19:59] <@Kotono> OOC: If you're grabbing one, post about it Cor since the others have. Moving you on in the meanwhile.
[19:59] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 97." [1d100=97]
[19:59] <@Kotono> roll 1d100 subtables time
[19:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 subtables time and gets 90." [1d100=90]
[20:02] <@Kotono> The party comes out. As you walk across the street, there comes a tremendous cry from the gloom above. It's a roar that shakes the party to the bones, rattling houses and making the ground quake. The answer comes from all over the city, near and far - dozens of ghostly voices groaning and moaning! OOC: Quick K:A here, anyonew ith ranks.
[20:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+12 Myann
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 Myann and gets 30." [1d20=18]
[20:02] <Feather> roll 1d20+13
[20:03] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+13 and gets 30." [1d20=17]
[20:04] <@John> roll 1d20+6
[20:04] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+6 and gets 13." [1d20=7]
[20:04] <@Kotono> There's only one creature that can make a roar like that - a dragon. Feather picks that up right away. Most likely a rather angry dragon. Remember that angry dragon is shorthand for, "Everything dies."
[20:04] <Feather> "A dragon!" Feather exclaims. "Best decoration for the trading post ever!"
[20:05] <@John> "Are we sure it isn't a ghost dragon?" John asks, looking all around for any sign of it.
[20:05] * Feather snaps his fingers, grimacing.
[20:06] <Feather> "Is your staff saying it is?"
[20:06] <Gildas> "...Here?" Gildas says. "I mean... I suppose it shouldn't come as a surprise, but..."
[20:06] <@John> Is it glowing? Did it glow back in that shop either, actually?
[20:06] <@Kotono> Oh, there's a sign of it. A dragon somewhat larger than stoneworks comes crashing down on said shop! It looks to be made of burning lava and rippling black basalt. The Stoneworks crumbles beneath it, stone melting before your very eyes! Fortunately, John's staff isn't glowing.
[20:06] <@Kotono> OOC: The staff would've started glowing at the same time the dwarf appeared.
[20:07] <@John> "Yikes!"
[20:07] <@Kotono> "Shit!" Myann leaps back and then does a backwards run for distance.
[20:08] <Gildas> Gildas takes a few steps back, stumbling as he does so.
[20:09] * Feather stares in shock.
[20:09] <@Kotono> The dragon barks a few words of arcane power in bellowing defiance. A field of white, rippling light surrounds it. Moment later you see dozens of ghosts flee from near it, becoming visible as they plunge back down into the ground and out of sight. The creature's gaze is on the party, "I have senses a great amount of draconic energy here. Have you seen another dragon here, humans?"
[20:09] <@Kotono> *sensed
[20:10] <@Kotono> OOC: Also, Wills aves against dragonfear. Fear effect, Myann's immune.
[20:10] <@John> roll 1d20+12
[20:10] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 and gets 22." [1d20=10]
[20:10] <Feather> roll 1d20+8
[20:10] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+8 and gets 18." [1d20=10]
[20:11] <Gildas> roll 1d20+11
[20:11] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+11 and gets 21." [1d20=10]
[20:11] <@Kotono> OOC: All of you are shaken for the duration of the encounter.
[20:12] <Feather> "No other dragons," Feather stammers, white-faced and sweating despite Gildas's protection spell. "We're just, uh, freeing the ghosts here."
[20:12] <@John> "Uh... n-no. No dragon, just gh-ghosts," John agrees, shivering and sweating from the combination of heat and fear.
[20:13] <Gildas> Gildas swallows slowly and shakes his head in agreement with the others.
[20:14] <@Kotono> The dragon's eyes narrow. Its long neck extends out, head coming to sniff Feather. It's only a foot away, the suction from its nostrils like a burning hot vacuum. He then does the same to John and then Gildas. He stops on Gildas, eyes narrowing. "You killed a dragon of ice and snow?" It asks in a dreadfully quiet whisper. "You ate its heart?"
[20:15] <Feather> "Y-Yeah, I killed it," Feather says shakily. "Had no choice! But, uh, didn't eat none of it!"
[20:15] <@John> "Ate it's heart?" John repeats, unsure if that's awful or awesome. What did it taste like?
[20:16] <@Kotono> The dragon's maw twists into a smile, "Good." It says, eyes shifting over to Feather. Then finally it turns to Myann, "What say you, Lady?"
[20:17] <Gildas> Gildas blinks, swallowing again and he nods again slowly to the dragon, not even uttering a single word.
[20:17] * Feather shifts along with the dragon's attention, working through his apprehension. In the end, if they must fight, that's just how it is.
[20:19] <@Kotono> Myann smiles - just a little too far. She shrugs lightly, "We killed it. It was out of line, attempting to take villages and farms for tribute during the High Season. We took offense."
[20:21] <@Kotono> The dragon's gaze again goes about to one and all, "Good," It repeats. "Now all of you are freeing the ghosts here?"
[20:22] * Feather nods. "The ones we come across. Then, we-- we're gonna take out the big boss, this thane guy who's responsible."
[20:22] <@John> "That's part of the plan, yeah," John answers readily, all too eager to give the dragon whatever it wants!
[20:23] <@Kotono> The dragon eyes Feather a moment before it nods - an entirely odd gesture on a creature like this. "That must have been it," it decides, flapping its wings. "Good hunting." There is a loud THUMP from behind the dragon, oddly metallic sonding. It's followed by the dragon taking to the air and flying up into the gloom.
[20:24] <Gildas> Gildas lets out a breath. "I suppose that went about as well as we could expect..."
[20:24] <@John> "S'not every day you see that," John says, watching it fly off.
[20:26] * Feather shakes his head in utter disbelief. "You always know dragons are magic, but this is... just more."
[20:26] <@Kotono> Myann shakes her head, "We got...lucky?" she finally says, "I think so."
[20:27] <Gildas> "I suppose... it isn't that much of a surprise for a fire dragon to hate a snow dragon." He adds at the end.
[20:28] <@John> "So, uh... what'd it taste like?" John gives voice to his thoughts.
[20:29] <Feather> "Yeah. Uh, speaking of, any change ever since you, well, ate it?"
[20:31] <Gildas> "It was bloody, I wasn't really thinking straight at the time, so I can't tell you exactly." He shakes his head after. "No, I've never felt any urges to try and create ice constructs and take over the Vastwoods."


[18:14] <@Koaway> The dragon's wake leaves the shrikes silent. Stonewerks lies broken before you, a pile of shattered stone with a metallic gleam in the back. Around you lie the other shops, the unexplored still being: Artisan Granite, Longbeard's Stone Tannery, Reok's Hatchery Outpost and Guano Guano Guano.
[18:17] * Joins: Euphemia (
[18:17] <Gildas> Gildas takes another look around. "Let's try Artisan Granite?"
[18:17] * @John just nods mutely as he recovers from dragonfear.
[18:18] * Quits: Feather (~DarkFlame@ (Ping timeout)
[18:18] * Euphemia is now known as Feather
[18:19] <@Koaway> Myann doesn't seem the least perterbed by the dragon's visit. Artisan Granite is a relatively unremarkable building. It's full of hunks and slabs of what look to be granite. From the signs Gildas can read, it's advertising high quality granite slabs from 'reputable mines of high quality'. There's stairs going down in the back, too.
[18:20] <Gildas> "Hopefully the dragon ran the ghosts off." He says as he steps in and takes a look around. "Rashen would love this place though, I think."
[18:21] <@Koaway> "He'd think he'd died and gone to the World Tree," Myann murmurs as she follows, cracking a smile. "Too bad transporting all of this isn't feasible."
[18:23] <Gildas> "Maybe we can bring back a small piece for him, at least." He says as he heads for the stairs in the back.
[18:24] <@Koaway> As the party goes, Myann lingers. "Feather, are you alright?" she murmurs to him as they walk together.
[18:25] <Feather> "Yeah," he says quietly, staying alert. "Just... lava dragon. Didn't expect that. Was ready for a normal one, or even a ghost one. Not that."
[18:30] <@Koaway> "It didn't attack us, so I consider it a win," Myann shrugs in reply, taking Feather's hand. Downstairs you find a large basement, full of great slabs of granite. It's like a maze of it, a lot of space and not much of it visible. You don't see anything terribly interesting in the bits you can see, but the rest would require exploration.
[18:31] <Gildas> "Do you all want to look around?" He asks, looking back to the others. "We might find a nice... chisel or something."
[18:31] <Feather> "We should get in touch with dwarves closer to home, I'm thinking. They've gotta have shops like that, too."
[18:32] <@Koaway> "Or get the kobolds to set up a trade network with them," Myann nods thoughtfully. She then shrugs, "If you want. Maybe we can find some stonecutting tools down here. Those might be worth something?"
[18:32] <@John> "Yeah, we're looking for really valuable stuff, not regular stuff," John agrees. "Any more shops worth going over?"
[18:32] <@Koaway> roll 1d100
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d100 and gets 38." [1d100=38]
[18:33] <@Koaway> John's staff begins to glow
[18:33] <@Koaway> .
[18:33] <Gildas> Gildas nods, then looks to the staff and frowns. "Do you all want to leave before the ghost shows up?"
[18:33] <@John> "Also there's that."
[18:34] <@Koaway> Myann draws her blade and looks around - before pointing to the roof. "INCOMING.." A sputter, "N-naked dwarf with an axe! Invisible ghost!" Her cheeks turn red even as she fumbles with her sword. OOC: Init.
[18:34] <@John> roll 1d20+7
[18:34] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+7 and gets 27." [1d20=20]
[18:34] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+2 Myann
[18:34] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+2 Myann and gets 3." [1d20=1]
[18:34] <Feather> roll 1d20+8
[18:34] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+8 and gets 20." [1d20=12]
[18:34] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+11 invisible naked dwarf with an axe
[18:34] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+11 invisible naked dwarf with an axe and gets 29." [1d20=18]
[18:35] <Gildas> roll 1d20+3
[18:35] * Koaway changes topic to 'INDWAA(29)>John(27)>Feather(20)>MikoessMyann(3)'
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+3 and gets 5." [1d20=2]
[18:35] * Koaway changes topic to 'INDWAA(29)>John(27)>Feather(20)>Gildas(5)>MikoessMyann(3)'
[18:36] <@Koaway> Before anyone can react...
[18:36] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+12 Feather touch AC, also flatfooted unless uncannies or the like
[18:36] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+12 Feather touch AC, also flatfooted unless uncannies or the like and gets 19." [1d20=7]
[18:36] <Feather> OOC: Unaffected, but it's still 18
[18:37] <@Koaway> roll 1d4+1 wis damage
[18:37] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d4+1 wis damage and gets 2." [1d4=1]
[18:38] <@Koaway> The faint outline of a ghostly executioner's axe cleaves through Feather! It leaves his mind feeling numb, his body tingling where he should have been bisected. "It went into the ground, right there!" Myann points at the space in front of Feather. OOC: John.
[18:38] <@John> "Put some clothes on!" John yells, preparing to strike when the axe reappears.
[18:38] <@John> OOC: readied action
[18:38] <@Koaway> OOC: Okay. Feather.
[18:39] <Feather> "Ugh," Feather mutters, stumbling back as he draws his sword.
[18:39] <Feather> OOC: I'll move 20ft
[18:40] <@Koaway> OOC: Okay. Gildas.
[18:41] <Gildas> Gildas frowns and shapeshifts into his Dire Bear form and waits along with John, hoping to catch the apparently naked dwarf off guard! OOC: I'll do likewise as John.
[18:43] <@Koaway> Meanwhile Myann readies her blade and spell to strike when the time is right! The time is right moments later, as an axe appears passing through John! OOC: I'll resolve it's attack first, since y'all are waiting for a visual sign and it doesn't appear until it's attacking. Everyone that held can go after it.
[18:43] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+12 touch AC?
[18:43] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+12 touch AC? and gets 15." [1d20=3]
[18:43] <@Koaway> OOC: Also flatfooted unless uncannies.
[18:44] <@John> OOC: 22 vs ghosts, uncanny dodge, 18 otherwise
[18:44] <@Koaway> OOC: Miss. Everyone that held, feel free to go.
[18:44] <@John> John steps back and strikes out as it passes!
[18:45] <@John> roll 1d20+17
[18:45] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+17 and gets 25." [1d20=8]
[18:45] <@John> roll 1d100
[18:45] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d100 and gets 25." [1d100=25]
[18:45] <@Koaway> OOC: Whiff. Gildas?
[18:45] <Gildas> roll 1d20+19
[18:45] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+19 and gets 32." [1d20=13]
[18:45] <@Koaway> Myann quickly lunges forward, trying to impale the spectral menace.
[18:45] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[18:45] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 90." [1d100=90]
[18:45] <@Koaway> OOC: Damage, Gildas.
[18:46] <Gildas> roll 2d8+13+2d6+1d6 bane and then fire
[18:46] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d8+13+2d6+1d6 bane and then fire and gets 39." [2d8=8, 7][2d6=2, 5][1d6=4]
[18:46] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+17 (+2 favored enemy, +2 undeadbane)
[18:46] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+17 (+2 favored enemy, +2 undeadbane) and gets 20." [1d20=3]
[18:46] <@Koaway> roll 1d100
[18:46] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d100 and gets 32." [1d100=32]
[18:47] * Joins: Euphemia (~DarkFlame@
[18:47] * Euphemia is now known as Feather_
[18:48] * Quits: Feather ( (Ping timeout)
[18:49] * Koaway changes topic to 'INDWAA(29)>John=Myann=Gildas(27)>Feather(20)'
[18:49] <@Koaway> Of all the strikes, only Gildas seems to connect. The ghost becomes semi visible, a moment of naked dwarf flashing. The creature has bugged out eyes and a face twisted in rage, soaring up and into the roof.OOC: Feather, you're up.
[18:50] <Feather_> Feather shakes his head, before deciding to rejoin the others.
[18:51] <@Koaway> OOC: Moving and that's it?
[18:51] <Feather_> OOC: Yes
[18:52] <@Koaway> Feather joins his allies, "Damn," Myann mutters as she withdraws her blade, only for another slash to appear, this one through her!
[18:52] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+12 touch AC, she can see invisible so no flatfooted at least
[18:52] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+12 touch AC, she can see invisible so no flatfooted at least and gets 14." [1d20=2]
[18:52] <@Koaway> roll 1d4+1 unfortunately her touch AC sucks
[18:52] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d4+1 unfortunately her touch AC sucks and gets 3." [1d4=2]
[18:53] <@Koaway> Myann is slashed through the head, stumbling back without a single drop of blood being spilled. "Agh!" she cries out! OOC: John, Myann and Gildas. Myann'll hold, she wants to try and stomp this thing out for good.
[18:54] <@John> OOC: is it gone again?
[18:55] <@Koaway> OOC: You can't see it, so you presume so. Feel free to ask Myann.
[18:55] <@John> "Come out and fight fair!" John calls, preparing to strike if he sees any more axes popping up.
[18:55] <@John> OOC: readying
[18:56] <Gildas> The Dire Bear looks around and snarls, waiting for another opportunity!
[18:56] <Gildas> OOC: Same
[18:56] <@Koaway> OOC: Right. Feather.
[18:56] <Feather_> OOC: I'll do the same
[18:56] <@Koaway> This time, the ghostly axe comes down at Gildas! OOC: It goes then all of you get your readied actions.
[18:56] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+12 touch AC, flatfooted unless uncannies
[18:56] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+12 touch AC, flatfooted unless uncannies and gets 25." [1d20=13]
[18:56] <@Koaway> roll 1d4+1 yeah, that's not being avoided, wis damage
[18:56] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d4+1 yeah, that's not being avoided, wis damage and gets 5." [1d4=4]
[18:57] <@Koaway> OOC: Go y'all.
[18:57] <@Koaway> Myann surges forward, "There!" She slashes, "Get it!"
[18:57] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+17 (+2 favored enemy, +2 undeadbane)
[18:57] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+17 (+2 favored enemy, +2 undeadbane) and gets 27." [1d20=10]
[18:57] <@Koaway> roll 1d100
[18:57] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d100 and gets 58." [1d100=58]
[18:57] <Gildas> roll 1d20+19
[18:57] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+19 and gets 24." [1d20=5]
[18:58] <@Koaway> roll 1d8+10+2d6
[18:58] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d8+10+2d6 and gets 18." [1d8=5][2d6=2, 1]
[18:58] <@John> "Gotcha!" John cries, leaping over to strike!
[18:58] <@John> roll 1d20+17
[18:58] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+17 and gets 32." [1d20=15]
[18:58] <@John> roll 1d100
[18:58] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d100 and gets 92." [1d100=92]
[18:58] <@Koaway> OOC: Hit Gildas. d100.
[18:58] <@Koaway> OOC: Hit John.
[18:58] <Feather_> roll 1d20+14
[18:58] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+14 and gets 17." [1d20=3]
[18:58] <@John> roll 1d6+8+2d6
[18:58] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d6+8+2d6 and gets 20." [1d6=4][2d6=5, 3]
[18:58] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[18:58] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 13." [1d100=13]
[18:59] <@Koaway> OOC: Hit Gildas. d100.
[18:59] <@Koaway> OOC: Er, Feather.
[18:59] <Feather_> roll 1d100
[18:59] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d100 and gets 46." [1d100=46]
[19:03] <@Koaway> Blade and staff cut through the walking dead. There's a flash of light and a wordless howl as another ghost fades. From it something falls - a ring. It clatters on the ground and lies there, seemingly solid. OOC: Loot post. Free act.
[19:04] <@John> "How'd it carry this around?" John wonders, bending down to pick it up.
[19:04] <@Koaway> It looks to be a gold ring. There's a sigil on it - looks like a signet ring. The symbol of crossed hammers and axes decorates it.
[19:05] <@Koaway> "No idea." Myann adds with a weary rub of her head. "Can I see it?"
[19:05] <@John> "Sure," John hands it over.
[19:06] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+10
[19:06] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+10 and gets 14." [1d20=4]
[19:06] <@Koaway> Myann gives it a careful look over before she shakes her head, "It's gold so it's valuable, but I'm not sure how much." She tosses it back, "It's gold so it's worth keeping, at least."
[19:07] <Gildas> The Dire Bear returns to his human form and rubs his forehead as well. "Ugh..." Gildas decides to look for magic in either the ring or the surrounding area, just in case.
[19:08] <@John> "Well, lets see if he had any other good stuff around here?" John suggests, giving the shop a good look over in the maze of granite slabs.
[19:09] <@Koaway> The ring radiates magic. OOC: Spellcraft.
[19:09] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16
[19:09] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+16 and gets 27." [1d20=11]
[19:10] <@Koaway> The ring looks to be the magic key to a vault of some sort. Have this ring and the vault'll open right up.
[19:11] <@Koaway> OOC: Search check, John. Or did that get rolled into perception?
[19:11] <@Koaway> OOC: Also, you have trapfinding?
[19:11] <Gildas> Gildas blinks and waves at the ring a few times. "It's a key. To a vault."
[19:12] <@John> roll 1d20+15 it did! And I have trapfinding
[19:12] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 it did! And I have trapfinding and gets 23." [1d20=8]
[19:12] <@Koaway> John searches. Half-hidden behind a slab of granite is another door. Checking it over, he finds it is both locked and trapped. Some sort of magical trap that's still intact.
[19:13] <@Koaway> "Really?" Myann looks at the ring anew, "...Hammers and axes. I daresay we should keep our eyes open for that symbol."
[19:14] <@John> "Think here's the door for your key." John says, pushing the granite away.
[19:15] <Gildas> "Oh." Gildas responds. "Well, maybe just... put it near the lock?"
[19:16] <@Koaway> "Worth trying," Myann follows along.
[19:16] <Gildas> Gildas heads over to try the ring out! What's the worst that can happen???
[19:17] * Joins: Euphemia (
[19:17] <@Koaway> The ring is presented to the lock. Nothing seems to happen.
[19:17] * Euphemia is now known as Feather
[19:18] <Gildas> "Nothing. Or maybe it's off now?" Gildas asks. "Can you check?"
[19:19] <@John> "Sure, stand back," John tells them, giving them a moment to do that before he throws his shoulder at the door!
[19:19] * Quits: Feather_ (~DarkFlame@ (Ping timeout)
[19:19] <@Koaway> OOC: Str check.
[19:19] <Gildas> Gildas opens his mouth as if to say something, but doesn't.
[19:20] <@John> roll 1d20+3 :(
[19:20] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+3 :( and gets 22." [1d20=19]
[19:20] <@Koaway> WHAM! The door gives way! The ringing of a loud bell follows, echoing all about. Within is an old, dusty stone table, a single chair and a treasure chest.
[19:21] <Gildas> "Guess that's a no." Gildas says obviously.
[19:21] <@John> "Now that's what I'm talking about," John says, going to flip the chest open.
[19:23] <@Koaway> Within the chest are two comparments. The first holds a set of measures, a magnifying glass, tweesers and other such tools. The second holds a glittering cache of coins! OOC: Loot post.
[19:24] <@John> "Lots of good stuff here," John says, standing aside so everyone can see the money. "There room in that magic backpack for these?"
[19:25] <Feather> "Always room enough for good money," Feather says reasonably.
[19:25] <@Koaway> Myann kneels down, "Oh, this is fairly specialized equipment," she says, "Looks like the owner was concerned about counterfeiting and shaved down coins." She hmmmmms, "I could use all this if we can get it back to the surface, but it's probably too much to carry around town."
[19:27] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "I believe there should be. We carried the armor in it, after all."
[19:28] <@Koaway> OOC: Post what y'all are taking then.
[19:28] <Feather> OOC: We can take it all next door?
[19:29] <@John> OOC: the money!
[19:30] <@Koaway> OOC: Myann's gonna suggest just lugging the chest with everything in it to Forgar and leaving it there, truthfully.
[19:30] <Feather> OOC: That's what I said
[19:30] <Gildas> OOC: Okay.
[19:30] <@Koaway> OOC: Yes, was affirming agreemtn there, Cor.
[19:30] <@Koaway> OOC: Okay then.
[19:31] <@Koaway> OOC: Backpacked and y'all can drop it off, I presume? That work for y'all? Assuming so, going to explor eany more shops or do something else now?
[19:31] <Feather> OOC: Let's go for another store
[19:31] <Gildas> OOC: Yep, that's fine. We'll move on to the Tannery.
[19:33] <@Koaway> A quick dropoff later, the party heads for Longbeard's Stone Tannery. Here you find a large building with a massive chimney taking up the back. Within looks to be one great forge, the back given over to just that. A few bits of strangely thin and stretched out stone hang on the walls like cloth.
[19:33] * @John gives one of those stones a nudge to see if it moves like cloth.
[19:36] <Gildas> Gildas just looks at the stone in a bit of amazement.
[19:36] <@Koaway> It moves like cloth, more or less. Myann follows in, looking about.
[19:36] <@John> Now he gives it a punch to see if it can be hard like stone!
[19:37] <@Koaway> OW! It's hard like stone too!
[19:37] <@John> "Heyyy... think a cloak made of this stuff would make for good protection?" John wonders.
[19:38] <Feather> "How does it even work?" Feather asks in confusion. "Is it magic?"
[19:39] <@John> "Probably? Got anything we can use to cut some off to make a cape or something?"
[19:40] <Gildas> Gildas looks around a bit, then looks up to see what exactly is holding them up. "Maybe they aren't that heavy?"
[19:40] <@Koaway> "Your scimitar, Feather?" Myann suggests.
[19:40] <@Koaway> Checking the back, you see that there are hooks that grip on and hold the sheets of stone up.
[19:41] <Gildas> "There are some hooks." He says, indicating where they are. "We can try and just pull them down?"
[19:41] <Feather> "Yeah, I got one that cuts through anything," Feather muses, before nodding at Gildas. "You go and do that. Then, I'll cut a cloak from it?"
[19:42] * @John gives Gildas a hand in pulling a sheet down. "Guess this is what they call sheet rock?"
[19:44] <@Koaway> OOC: Okay, do any of you have ranks in anything related to stonework or clothwork?
[19:44] <Feather> OOC: Not a clue!
[19:44] <Gildas> OOC: Nope.
[19:45] <Gildas> "Hold on, I have an idea." Gildas will try and just fold the piece of stone-cloth like you would a regular piece and then lift it to see how much it weighs, or to get an idea for it.
[19:45] <@John> OOC: nope
[19:45] <@Koaway> The stone folds - not as well as cloth but more or less manages it.
[19:47] * Joins: Euphemia (~DarkFlame@
[19:47] * Euphemia is now known as Feather_
[19:47] <Gildas> "I think we can just take it with us like this." Gildas says. "The others, too, if we want." Gildas looks around for a staircase or anything like that.
[19:48] * Quits: Feather ( (Ping timeout)
[19:48] <@John> "I guess everyone'll want a stone cloak when they see one," John admits to the logic in taking the whole inventory.
[19:49] <@Koaway> There's no staircase- looks single story. OOC: Going to gather much as much stone cloth as you can, I presume?
[19:49] <Gildas> OOC: Yarr.
[19:50] <@Koaway> OOC: Okay. Anything else in this shop? If not, then what?
[19:50] <@Koaway> roll 1d100
[19:50] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d100 and gets 31." [1d100=31]
[19:51] <Gildas> OOC: Hatchery, then. We'll save the best for last.
[19:54] <@Koaway> As the party heads out of the tannery, John's staff lights up again. Myann looks around, "Behind us," she stops at that entirely.
[19:55] <@John> "Dwarves have those?" John asks, turning around. "And they can become ghosts? Does that mean they can go to heaven, too?"
[19:55] <Feather_> "The place with the creepy kids?"
[19:56] <@Koaway> "I guess?" Myann says. Before you is the semi-transparent image of a large dog. It's tinted blue-white and stands about 20ft from the party. It whimpers and looks on longingly at the party.
[19:57] <@John> "Awww, he looks harmless. C'mere boy!" John pats his leg in encouragement for the spectral hound to approach.
[19:58] <Feather_> Feather roots through his pack for his rations, before dropping a bit of dried meat for the ghost dog.
[19:58] <@Koaway> The dog slowly approaches. As it gets closer, you can see wounds half-hidden by its fur. Like it's been slashed and stabbed. It looks rather scrawny, too.
[19:58] <@Koaway> The meat is pounced on. The dog gobbles it down and licks Feather's hand, starting to fade away.
[19:58] <Gildas> Gildas rubs his chin for a moment. "Can't heal an undead wound..."
[19:59] <Feather_> Feather pats the dog, careful to avoid any visible wounds.
[20:02] <@Koaway> The dog fades after a few more moments, a peaceful sigh as it leaves entirely. "It's gone," Myann confirms after a moment.
[20:03] <Feather_> "Hope it's to a better place."
[20:03] <Gildas> Gildas nods.
[20:04] <@John> "All dogs do go to heaven," John nods happily.
[20:04] <@Koaway> Idly as she keeps walking towards the hatchery, "I wonder where Sidhe go when they die?"
[20:05] <@John> "Don't they just come back?"
[20:05] <Gildas> "They turn into crystals and get reborn." Gildas says plainly.
[20:06] <@Koaway> "I have no idea," Myann admits, "But I'm not sure they come back. That dwarf mentioned that the Sidhe needed to replenish ranks after the war. If the dead Sidhe just came back, would that even be needed?"
[20:06] <Gildas> Gildas blinks, then shakes his head. "Well, maybe it's different for the lower-ranked ones... but we killed one once and it turned into a crystal." He looks over at Feather. "Wonder whatever happened to that."
[20:07] <Feather_> "Tossed it far away. Hope we never see her again."
[20:07] <Gildas> He nods.
[20:08] <@Koaway> The party approaches the hatchery. It's a two story building. The inside of the first floor is full of empty cages. Some have skeletons in them. The cages are generally quite small. There's stairs that go up, too. "I've been wondering," Myann admits, "While I chew over what we were told. ASsuming it's all true and he wasn't lying or simply wrong...I wonder."
[20:09] <@John> "Does it matter?" John asks. "Any ghosts make a fuss we get them sorted, right?"
[20:09] <Gildas> "Are you worried you'll turn into a giant mushroom?" Gildas asks with a small smile as he walks over to the stairs.
[20:10] <@Koaway> "It matters to me," Myann says, a mushroom growing out of the top of her head. A red and white mushroom, little tendrils on it matching Myann's posture. "In case you didn't notice why, yes, I do worry about things like becoming a giant mushroom some day."
[20:11] <@Koaway> As the party enters into the the shop, the cages begin to rattle. At the same time, John's staff bursts into lighta.
[20:12] <Gildas> "It seems like we'll have to discuss it later." Gildas says as he turns his attention to the cages.
[20:13] <@John> "Oh, sure. Thought you were talking about the giant dwarf guy lying to us," John shrugs. "Yeah, though..."
[20:14] <@Koaway> "Oh hell," Myann mutters, sword out. MEanwhile, the cages become filled. Ghostly animals of all sorts fill them! One hardly has a chance to look, for they run out of the cages - the bars do nothing to stop them - and form a mob before you! Each beast looks rather hungry and entirely vicious. OOC: Init here, the locals have awoken and they aren't feeling friendly.
[20:14] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+2 Myann
[20:14] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+2 Myann and gets 14." [1d20=12]
[20:15] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+4 Ghost animal horde
[20:15] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+4 Ghost animal horde and gets 21." [1d20=17]
[20:15] <Gildas> roll 1d20+3
[20:15] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+3 and gets 22." [1d20=19]
[20:15] <@John> roll 1d20+7
[20:15] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+7 and gets 23." [1d20=16]
[20:15] <Gildas> "At least they're not invisible." Gildas offers as a consolation. "Or naked."
[20:15] * Koaway changes topic to 'John(23)>Gildas(22)>Animal Horde(21)>Myann(14)'
[20:15] <Feather_> roll 1d20+8
[20:15] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+8 and gets 9." [1d20=1]
[20:15] <@Koaway> OOC: Waiting on Feather-there we go.
[20:15] * Koaway changes topic to 'John(23)>Gildas(22)>Animal Horde(21)>Myann(14)>MikoMikoFeather(9)'
[20:16] <@Koaway> OOC: The animals are about2 0ft away, John. Open.
[20:16] <@John> "Bad animals, bad!" John says, rushing over to sort out the fussy ghosts!
[20:16] <@John> roll 1d20+17
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+17 and gets 20." [1d20=3]
[20:16] <@John> roll 1d100
[20:16] <@Koaway> OOC: d100.
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d100 and gets 54." [1d100=54]
[20:16] <@Koaway> OOC: Success.
[20:16] <@John> roll 1d6+8+2d6+2d6
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d6+8+2d6+2d6 and gets 28." [1d6=6][2d6=4, 5][2d6=3, 2]
[20:17] * Joins: Euphemia (
[20:18] * Euphemia is now known as Feather
[20:18] * Quits: Feather_ (~DarkFlame@ (Ping timeout)
[20:18] <@Koaway> Two blows take out a ghost rat and a ghost bat, crumpled and falling at the feet of the ghost cluster. The animals don't seem deterred as...OOC: Gildas.
[20:19] <Gildas> Gildas takes a breath and shapeshifts into his larger Dire Bear form and stomps forward, raising a paw to try and strike the cluster of animals!
[20:19] <Gildas> roll 1d20+19
[20:19] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+19 and gets 25." [1d20=6]
[20:19] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[20:19] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 58." [1d100=58]
[20:19] <@Koaway> OOC: Hit.
[20:20] <Gildas> roll 2d8+15+2d6+1d6 bane then fire
[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d8+15+2d6+1d6 bane then fire  and gets 42." [2d8=5, 8][2d6=6, 4][1d6=4]
[20:21] <@Koaway> Twin blows crush a ghost horse and a ghost mole, and a stomp crushes a pair of crab-like spirits as well! Gildas begins to glow all over as the horde advances! It converges on the two heroes who face it and attack them all over!
[20:21] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+9 John touch AC
[20:21] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+9 John touch AC
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+9 John touch AC and gets 17." [1d20=8]
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+9 John touch AC and gets 28." [1d20=19]
[20:21] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+9 Gildas touch AC
[20:21] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+9 Gildas touch AC
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+9 Gildas touch AC and gets 26." [1d20=17]
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+9 Gildas touch AC and gets 13." [1d20=4]
[20:21] <Gildas> OOC: First one hits, second doesn't, it's 17
[20:22] <@Koaway> roll 1d4 int damage Gildas
[20:22] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d4 int damage Gildas and gets 2." [1d4=2]
[20:22] <@John> OOC: 22 vs ghosts
[20:22] <@Koaway> roll 1d4 int damage John
[20:22] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d4 int damage John and gets 3." [1d4=3]
[20:24] <@Koaway> The animals strike! The blows rip into the two, minds regressing instead of bodies. Instincts become stronger, rational thought harder. As they grapple with this...OOC: Myann's up.
[20:24] <@Koaway> Myann scowls but stays back, chanting. A rain of blocks slams down amid the ghostly attackers!
[20:24] <@Koaway> roll 1d100
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d100 and gets 81." [1d100=81]
[20:25] <@Koaway> roll 1d20+7 ref
[20:25] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 1d20+7 ref and gets 15." [1d20=8]
[20:25] <@Koaway> roll 10d6
[20:25] * Hatbot --> "Koaway rolls 10d6 and gets 40." [10d6=1, 4, 4, 6, 1, 4, 6, 5, 6, 3]
[20:31] <@Koaway> The rain of blocks is merciless. The clustered animals are flattened by the rain of blocks! When the crashing storm clears, the ghosts are fading and gone, routed. OOC: Free act. Ow. Loot post.
[20:32] <@John> "Smash! Bash!" John yells exuberantly, cracking his staff repeatedly into the floor. "Good!"
[20:33] <@Koaway> "Is everyone..." Myann begins, but turns to John. "...alright?"
[20:34] <@John> "Hahaha! Ghost go splat!" John announces delightedly.
[20:34] <Gildas> Gildas winces at John's reaction. "It... um..." Gildas takes a breath, as if searching for the words. "They hurt our brains." He says as plainly as he can muster.
[20:35] <@Koaway> This causes Myann to slowly facepalm, sighing audibly. "Feather, do we have any means of treating that?"
[20:36] <Gildas> "I can do it." Gildas says. "Tomorrow."
[20:36] <Feather> "Uh, dunno. Smash some ghosts?" Feather shrugs. "Seems to make him happy."
[20:37] <@Koaway> OOC: Okay then, what's y'all's plans now?
[20:37] <Gildas> OOC: We can check out Guano^3 if we'd like.
[20:37] <Gildas> OOC: Otherwise just go back and rest and let me prep some lesser restorations.
[20:38] <@John> OOC: hell no, we're barely hurt!
[20:38] <@John> OOC: and we only got up like ten minutes ago
[20:38] <Feather> OOC: Let's go loot more stores!
[20:39] <Gildas> OOC: ^^^
[20:40] <@Koaway> OOC: Guano it is then.
[20:41] <@Koaway> Guano is a four story behemoth of a building. Looking inside, the first floor is lots of pottery and barrels. It looks dusty and forgotten. The back wall is taken up by an old mural of a flight of bats. Oddly you don't see any stairs going up despite the multiple stories.
[20:41] * @John rummages through the barrels in search of food.
[20:42] <@Koaway> There's lots of old, gray and scentless materials within the barrels.
[20:43] * @John scoops up a handful and gives it a lick.
[20:44] <Gildas> "..." Gildas rubs his forehead. "Maybe I can find a thing to help with this right now."
[20:44] <@Koaway> It tastes absolutely horrible! GAH! GAH! GAAAAAAAH! It's like submerging your tongue in the droppings of a dragon! OOC: Fort save.
[20:45] <@John> roll 1d20+12 +2 vs poison
[20:45] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 +2 vs poison and gets 23." [1d20=11]
[20:45] <@Koaway> Myann matches Gildas in head-rubbing, "Maybe you can," she echos hopefully.
[20:45] <@Koaway> John's stomach turns. Not good, he's gonna blow! OOC: Nauseated for 3 rounds but nothing else, John.
[20:46] <@John> "Ptuh!" John swiftly spits it out, dropping what's left from his hand. "Bad food bad!" he turns to the others to deliver a warning, "No eat bad food! No... eat... urp!" he suddenly doubles over and clutches his stomach, promptly vomiting down onto the floor.
[20:47] * Joins: Euphemia (
[20:47] <@Koaway> Myann raises her hand, as if to say something, but drops it and facepalms again. "Yes, let's not eat the guano. You all know that guano is's bird shit, damn it."
[20:48] <Gildas> Gildas goes digging around in his pack and withdraws a scroll of Lesser Restoration. "I think this'll work." He moves over to the now-puking John and starts to read from it.
[20:48] <@John> John had a big breakfast so there's plenty to go. It wasn't long ago either so what's there is quite full of semi-solids.
[20:48] * Euphemia is now known as Feather_
[20:48] * Koaway is now known as Kotono
[20:49] <@Kotono> OOC: If you're casting it, roll the ability score recovery and declare w hich score, Gildas.
[20:49] * Quits: Feather ( (Ping timeout)
[20:49] <Gildas> OOC: OK
[20:49] <Gildas> roll 1d4 int recovery so you're not quite as dumb
[20:49] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d4 int recovery so you're not quite as dumb and gets 3." [1d4=3]
[20:49] <@Kotono> OOC: -1 scroll, post that in loot.
[20:50] <Gildas> OOC: Yar.
[20:50] <@Kotono> Slowly rubbing her temples, "Did it work?" Myann asks.
[20:50] <@John> Slowly the heaves subside, though John still looks quite sickly. Rubbing the back of his forearm over his mouth he straightens up on wobbly legs. "Ugh, I don't feel so good..."
[20:51] <Gildas> "Sorry, I'll fix the other parts later." He says.
[20:51] <Feather_> "Yeah, uh, Myann said you ate bird shit. I dunno why."
[20:51] <@John> "Seemed a good idea at the time?" John shrugs weakly. "S'all a blur, kinda."
[20:51] <@Kotono> Myann holds her hand out, a cluster of tiny purple mushrooms in hand. "Here, these'll help with the aftertaste."
[20:52] <@John> Without questioning John reaches out to pluck one and pop it in his mouth, chewing a bit before he swallows.
[20:52] <Gildas> "So, did anyone else notice this building is very big, but... there's no way... up?" Gildas asks, looking around.
[20:52] <@Kotono> It tastes like rich mint. Ane ntirely un-mushroom-like taste.
[20:53] <@Kotono> "Now that you mention it," Myann looks around, "There's probably a secret somewhere, or it's in the back for some reason?"
[20:53] * Feather_ looks up.
[20:53] <@Kotono> There's a ceiling. It's notably devoid of things like stairs or openings to the next floor.
[20:54] <Gildas> "Oh! Secrets! I can do secrets." Gildas says and casts a spell! OOC: Detect Secret Doors.
[20:54] <@John> "That's pretty nice. Thanks!" John says. "And maybe the stairs are on the outside? See that on some places."
[20:54] <@Kotono> OOC: Link me.
[20:55] <Gildas> OOC:
[20:57] <@Kotono> You detect two hidden things. One is a cache tucked away into the side wall. A simple push-stone should open it. The other is a trapdoor in the back, going down. Oddly, no sign of anything going up.
[20:59] <Gildas> Gildas blinks, as if he got more than he bargained for. "On the wall there." He gestures. "There's a stone... we can push, it'll open something. There's a ... trap door in the back?" He asks, as if that doesn't sound right.
[21:01] <@Kotono> "Open them?" Myann suggests and hms, "There must be another way up in the back. Maybe this shop only takes up this floor?"
[21:01] <Gildas> Gildas moves over to try and find the right stone to push.
[21:05] <@Kotono> That isn't terribly hard. A small cache opens up. Within is a pair of silver flasks. OOC: Loot.
[21:06] <Gildas> Gildas takes the flasks out! "Huh. We can sort these out later." He puts them in his pack. "Around the back?" He looks to the others.
[21:07] <@John> "Lead the way?"
[21:07] <@Kotono> OOC: Going around the back then? Okay.
[21:08] <@Kotono> The party heads out and goes around the back. Sure enough, in the side is a stairway going up to the second story. In here you find living quarters - still intact, dusty and abandoned. There's stairs going up to the third floor too. It's a kitchen, living room, sitting room and a pantry. OOC: Feel free to do as you wish here.
[21:08] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:08] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 79." [1d100=79]
[21:10] <Gildas> Gildas nods and looks around!
[21:10] <@John> "Don't think there's anything good here. We gonna go down those stairs and look for the thane guy now?" John asks.
[21:10] <Feather_> "The trapdoor Gildas was talking about?"
[21:11] <@John> "Or that sure," he shrugs.
[21:11] <@Kotono> OOC: Perception, Gildas.
[21:12] <Gildas> roll 1d20+13
[21:12] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+13 and gets 23." [1d20=10]
[21:13] <@Kotono> There's not terribly much of interest here. It's all mundane household things.
[21:14] <@Kotono> OOC: Going to the trapdoor now? Assuming so (and say so if not), we'll apuse here since we're already waaay over.
[21:14] <Gildas> OOC: Yeah that's fine.


[18:07] <@Kotono> The party goes down to the trap door. It leads to a narrow little staircase going down and into a long hallway that stretches ahead and on.
[18:07] <Gildas> Gildas blinks. "Huh. I wonder how far this goes."
[18:08] <@Kotono> "A ways?" Myann peers down, "There's one way to find out?"
[18:09] <@John> "We wanted to head downwards anyway," John agrees, heading down the stairs.
[18:11] <@Kotono> The hallway goes on a few minutes before you come to stairs going up. It's unremarkable, old torches hanging on the walls. The stairs go up to a trapdoor, which is closed.
[18:12] <@John> "What's the point in this?" John asks. "Some kinda smuggling thing?" Either way, he climbs up to try and open that trapdoor.
[18:14] <Feather> "His home, maybe?"
[18:17] <@Kotono> Going up, you find yourselves surrounded by stone. The trapdoor opens up into a little square place, buildings on all sides sealing it in. This hidden garden has a few gem fruit trees growing. Unlike the rest of the city, light from above makes it down to banish the gloominess. Behind the gem fruit trees, you can make out a mostly obscured stone object of some sort. A small obelisk, perhaps.
[18:17] <@John> "Aww, this is pretty nice," John says after stepping aside to let the others up.
[18:18] <Feather> "Now this don't make no sense," Feather complains, climbing out after him.
[18:20] <@John> "It's a secret garden, isn't it?"
[18:22] <Feather> "From a store that sells bird crap?"
[18:22] <@John> "Birds like trees, don't they?"
[18:22] <@Kotono> "Why make it in the first place?" Myann echos as she looks about. "Maybe the dwarves value guano a lot?" A shrug follows as she heads to the fruit trees and plucks a sapphire fruit.
[18:23] <Feather> "Gotta wonder what sorta bird would like a gem tree," Feather muses, taking a closer look himself.
[18:23] <Gildas> Gildas steps over to the obelisk to see if he can read anything on it.
[18:25] <@John> "It's the perch that counts, not the fruit," John shrugs, following after Gildas.
[18:26] <@Kotono> The obelisk is perhaps four feet tall. It's exactly that and covered in dwarvish runes, Gildas able to read them. It beseeches someone or something named Aniplaze to protect this place. Lying at the back side of the obelisk is a small pile of gold coins and a silver necklace.
[18:27] * Quits: Feather (~DarkFlame@ (Ping timeout)
[18:27] * Joins: Feather_ (~DarkFlame@
[18:28] <Gildas> "It's basically like a shrine. It asks that..." Gildas rubs his eyes once. "Aniplaze? To protect this place." He looks over at the others. "Ring any bells for anyone? I'm not familiar with it, maybe some sort of religious figure?"
[18:29] <@Kotono> OOC: K:R can be made here if you have ranks.
[18:30] <@John> "Only one I really know is Pelor," John says. "But suppose that means we'd best not grab the offerings."
[18:31] <Feather_> roll 1d20+13
[18:31] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+13 and gets 15." [1d20=2]
[18:32] <@Kotono> Aniplaze has a connection to the dwarvesw, but Feather can't recall what precisely. Something to do or fertility or growth or something
[18:32] <@Kotono> .
[18:32] <Gildas> Gildas nods to John. "I agree. It seems like this is another safe place, though."
[18:32] <Feather_> "Some dwarf fertility god... thing," Feather says uncertainly.
[18:36] <@Kotono> Myann nibbles on her fruit, resting against one of the trees. "So it's nice here, but at least we have another safe ground. So now what, go back and go underground?"
[18:37] <Feather_> "Sounds about right," Feather agrees, leaving a gold coin by the others.
[18:39] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "I know the ghosts sapped some strength from us, but... I think we'll be all right. We can always make it back if we need to."
[18:40] <@John> "Yeah, come on we haven't even been up an hour. Lets get looking for the thane or whatever."
[19:10] <@Kotono> Thus the party returns to Guano Guano Guano and then out to the streets. Ahead of them is the stairway plunging into the deeper underground. It goes farther than you can see, a wide enough stairway to walk three people abreast.
[19:11] * @John doesn't hang about and heads straight down those stairs.
[19:12] * Feather_ follows in after him, ready to assist should anything happen. Myann will take care of the light if they need it, he's sure.
[19:12] <Gildas> Gildas walks with the others!
[19:18] <@Kotono> Myann hangs back and quickly casts light again as you plunge into the depths. You walk down perhaps a minute - it's a good and long stairway. At the bottom is a massive plaza. The floor is taken up by an intricate stonework pattern of drawn gemstones and fantastical beasts. The walls are lined with stalls of stone, where aged merchandise can still be glimpsed. Passages on the far end go further
[19:18] <@Kotono> along, but one barely has a chance ot see that. 150ft ahead is a massive, ghostly barricade. Transparent blocks of stone have been piled up to form a wall 20ft high and 80ft long. It doesn't block the way ahead totally, as the sides can be skirted. However, the tops of the walls are manned by a plethoria of ghostly dwarves, bows at the ready. Behind it you can see ghostly catapult, manned by
[19:18] <@Kotono> ghostly crews. Standing at the dead center-top of the wall is a powerfully built dwarf. His arms are crossed, his ghostly body clad in plate armor. His voice booms out, "The invaders have made themselves known! If you are wise, you will surrender. If you prefer to not, your wish for death will be granted!"
[19:20] <@John> "Hey, what do you think would happen if we did surrender?" John asks his friends.
[19:20] <Feather_> "They take us to their leader?" Feather muses.
[19:21] * @John nods and then shouts over to the barricade. "We surrender!"
[19:24] <@Kotono> Myann gives John and Feather odd looks, as meanwhile, "Throw down your weapons!" The leading dwarf calls back, "Lay down afterwards, faces on the ground!"
[19:24] * @John drops his staff and then gets onto his knees before lying down.
[19:25] <Gildas> Gildas blinks and shrugs. "I suppose if we can avoid a fight..." He follows suit as John, with no weapon to drop.
[19:26] * Quits: Feather_ (~DarkFlame@ (Ping timeout)
[19:27] * Joins: Feather_ (~DarkFlame@
[19:27] * Feather_ is now known as Feather
[19:28] <@Kotono> Myann sighs but follows suite, "I really hope you know what you're doing," she murmurs.
[19:28] <@John> "Not really," John admits. "We can get up and rush them if you want."
[19:29] <Feather> "Who are you lot, anyway?" Feather calls out to the ghosts.
[19:32] <@Kotono> "The army of the thane!" Is the reply you get, "I am Commander Esar!"
[19:33] <Feather> "Can we see the thane?" Feather asks. "Maybe talk about all of us leaving in one piece?"
[19:37] <@Kotono> "We'll see about that," THe commander calls back, "Now down on the ground!"
[19:37] * Feather sees no reason to go against the plan.
[19:43] <@Kotono> Thus the party surrenders and lies down. The wall of dwarves fades away, dwarves landing on the ground without harm. They surround you and attempt to pick up your weapons, but they pass through them instead. John's weapon makes them wince and not even try as it glows bright. "Nevermind the weapons," Commander Esar barks, "Stand them up and get some chains on them!"
[19:44] <@Kotono> Several ghost dwarves come to the party and growl, "Up on your feet!"
[19:45] <@John> Wait, this might go badly if the ghosts touch them or put ghost chains on them, John suddenly realises! Maybe they can tough it out though! And then John gets up, relieved at the lack of dwarfhandling.
[19:45] <@Kotono> Myann rises as well, hands twitching. For a moment you can see dim sparks of healing energy, but it fades away.
[19:45] <Gildas> Gildas moves to stand up. OOC: Are my hands glowing?
[19:48] <@Kotono> OOC: No.
[19:48] <@Kotono> With the party standing, the dwarves bring forth chains, attempting to put them on the party. Yet they pass through you, but not before bringing a sense of disorientation and numbness.
[19:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 dex all
[19:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 dex all and gets 2." [1d4=2]
[19:49] <@Kotono> "Oh, what the bleeding..." Commander Esar growls, "You soldiers are worthless! You'll be washing the latrines out after this!" His voice is downright vicious now, "Fine, just form a box around them and march!"
[19:51] <@John> So far so good, right? John looks at the others and shrugs, willing to go along for now.
[19:52] * Feather shrugs.
[19:54] <Gildas> Gildas stays quiet and will follow along.
[19:55] <@Kotono> With this, the party is marches down the plaza and deeper in. You walk for well over an hour, through passages and down corridors. You pass many you don't go down - past shops, paths and the occasional bridge over deep chasms. At one point you pass overhead a massive underground lake of lava and water. The top half is lava and the bottom half is water. They meet in the middle, forming a cloud
[19:55] <@Kotono> of fog and a barrier of semi-cooled volcanic rock. But in time you eventually come to a sprawling palace in a large, open chasm.
[19:55] * Joins: Feather_ (~DarkFlame@
[19:57] * Quits: Feather (~DarkFlame@ (Ping timeout)
[19:58] <@John> "Is that where the Thane lives?" John asks his captors transparently.
[20:00] <@Kotono> "Uh huh," One dwarf rumbles, while another glares at John. "No talking, prisoner!" He stomps forward, taking a kick at John.
[20:01] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 touch AC?
[20:01] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 touch AC? and gets 20." [1d20=16]
[20:02] <@John> OOC: 22 vs ghosts, 18 otherwise
[20:03] <@Kotono> But it misses, sparing John more misery.
[20:03] * @John chooses not to boast about this.
[20:07] <@Kotono> Like this the party is marched inside and promptly downstairs. It's dingy and dark down here - it looks like a proper dungeon. The party's taken to a cell with an open door, "In there!" Commander Esar demands, "Now!"
[20:08] <Gildas> Gildas wonders if they can even close the door, but steps inside nonetheless.
[20:09] <@John> John steps inside as well, but lingers close to hold the door open if it turns out they actually can close it.
[20:09] <Feather_> "Just two things," Feather muses, glancing at the commander. "First is where's the thane? And second is, uh, you all know you're dead? Ghosts? That's why you can't pick up anything?"
[20:12] <@Kotono> Turns out they can't close it, though they sure do try. The Commander glares death at them before focusing on Feather. "The thane is dealing with important matters right now," he says stiffly. Yet Feather's second comment gets a look of absolute death before the Commander roars, "Shut UP!" A dreadful wail comes from him, chilling all to the bone! OOC: Fort saves here, y'all.
[20:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 Myann
[20:12] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 Myann and gets 19." [1d20=9]
[20:12] <Feather_> roll 1d20+12
[20:12] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+12 and gets 26." [1d20=14]
[20:12] <@John> roll 1d20+12
[20:12] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+12 and gets 18." [1d20=6]
[20:13] <Feather_> Feather snorts. "Hey, prove me wrong, close this door yourself!"
[20:13] <Gildas> roll 1d20+15
[20:13] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+15 and gets 26." [1d20=11]
[20:13] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 int all but Feather and Gildas
[20:13] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 int all but Feather and Gildas and gets 2." [1d4=2]
[20:14] <@Kotono> The Commander turns on his heel, "The door's broken," he says sourly, "I want triple guards on it to make sure they don't try anything or walk out!"
[20:15] <@John> "Smash scary ghost!" John yells, hurling himself at the commander!
[20:17] <Feather_> Feather figures that this is as good as it gets for hostilities to resume!
[20:17] <@Kotono> OOC: Init.
[20:17] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Myann (-1 dex damage)
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 Myann (-1 dex damage) and gets 14." [1d20=13]
[20:17] <@John> roll 1d20+6
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+6 and gets 7." [1d20=1]
[20:18] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 plethoria of guards
[20:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 plethoria of guards and gets 16." [1d20=12]
[20:18] <Feather_> roll 1d20+7
[20:18] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+7 and gets 25." [1d20=18]
[20:18] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+9 Commander Esar
[20:18] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 Commander Esar and gets 16." [1d20=7]
[20:18] <Gildas> roll 1d20+1
[20:18] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+1 and gets 2." [1d20=1]
[20:18] <Gildas> OOC: :woop:
[20:18] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(25)>Esar=Guards(16)>Myann(14)>John(7)>GildasMiko'
[20:18] <@Kotono> OOC: Go Feather. Remember y'all tossed your weapons down.
[20:19] <@Kotono> OOC: Everythin'gs close enough so people cna FA if they like. It's a tangle right now.
[20:19] <Feather_> "Be healed!" Feather cries out, striking out at the Commander with his fist, clenching tightly on the gemstone of life.
[20:20] <Feather_> roll 1d20+8 touch
[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+8 touch and gets 12." [1d20=4]
[20:20] <@Kotono> OOC: No joy.
[20:21] * Feather_ leaps back to gain some distance afterwards.
[20:21] <@Kotono> OOC: Or wait, check that. Flatfooted, that hits.
[20:21] <Feather_> roll 3d8+10 heals
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 3d8+10 heals and gets 22." [3d8=8, 1, 3]
[20:22] <@Kotono> Feather reaches out and pulls his gemstone out, touching the Commander. Healing energy wracks his body, making him convulse all over! He screams out in pain, before drawling a heavy looking mace from nowhere! "FOR THE GLORY OF THE THANE!" he screams, trying to spectrally brain Feather - but he's already moved back into the cell! He follows with disregard! OOC: Ifany of you have CR (cept Feather),
[20:22] <@Kotono> he's provoking AoOs form the rest of you. Otherwise you're flatfooted so you can't.
[20:23] <@John> roll 1d20+15 punch is magic
[20:23] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 punch is magic and gets 16." [1d20=1]
[20:24] <Gildas> roll 1d20+17
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+17 and gets 36." [1d20=19]
[20:24] <@Kotono> OOC: d100, Gildas.
[20:24] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 14." [1d100=14]
[20:24] <@Kotono> Despite a quick blow by John and Gildas, neither can touch the charging commander as he tries to brain Feather.
[20:24] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 (+2 charge) touch AC Feather?
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 (+2 charge) touch AC Feather? and gets 14." [1d20=4]
[20:24] <Feather_> OOC: 21 right now
[20:25] <@Kotono> But Feather's too fast, nimbly leaping aside! Meanwhile the guards are all around, filling the room as rains of blows come down on everyone!
[20:25] * Joins: C2 (~DarkFlame@
[20:25] * C2 is now known as Feather
[20:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 vs all, touch AC?
[20:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 vs all, touch AC? and gets 20." [1d20=15]
[20:26] <Gildas> OOC: 17
[20:26] <@John> OOC: 21 vs ghosts
[20:26] <@Kotono> roll 1d4+1 str Gildas and Myann
[20:26] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4+1 str Gildas and Myann and gets 5." [1d4=4]
[20:27] <@Kotono> Blows strike like pure insanity. Gildas and Myann are battered around, bodies visibly wilting under the assault. OOC: Myann's up.
[20:28] * Quits: Feather_ (~DarkFlame@ (Ping timeout)
[20:28] <@Kotono> Myann growls deep in her throat, becoming a dire mushroom panther who promptly snarls and tears into the ghosts all around!
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 (-3 str) bite
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+15 (-3 str) bite and gets 21." [1d20=6]
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 claw 1
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 claw 1 and gets 19." [1d20=9]
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 claw 2
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 claw 2 and gets 27." [1d20=17]
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 1d100 bite
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 bite and gets 44." [1d100=44]
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 1d100 claw 1
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 claw 1 and gets 23." [1d100=23]
[20:29] <@Kotono> roll 1d100 claw 2
[20:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 claw 2 and gets 6." [1d100=6]
[20:29] <@Kotono> But all of her blows pass through harmlessly, not a one having a single impact. OOC: Ow. Well that was a marvelous waste of effort for her. John.
[20:31] <@John> Single minded in his pursuit of the most scary ghost of all, John rushes for it with a cry of "Hoo-ah!"
[20:31] <@John> roll 1d20+17 maybe I won't get AoOd on the way
[20:31] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+17 maybe I won't get AoOd on the way and gets 30." [1d20=13]
[20:32] <@John> roll 1d20+14 flanking punch, hustle
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+14 flanking punch, hustle and gets 24." [1d20=10]
[20:32] <@John> roll 1d20+14 flanking punch, hustle
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+14 flanking punch, hustle and gets 22." [1d20=8]
[20:32] <@John> roll 1d20+14 flanking punch, hustle
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+14 flanking punch, hustle and gets 19." [1d20=5]
[20:32] <@John> roll 1d20+9 flanking punch, hustle
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+9 flanking punch, hustle and gets 17." [1d20=8]
[20:32] <@John> roll 1d20+9 flanking punch, hustle
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+9 flanking punch, hustle and gets 13." [1d20=4]
[20:34] <@Kotono> OOC: All but the last hit. d100 on each.
[20:34] <@John> roll 4#1d100
[20:34] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 4#1d100 and gets 231." [4#1d100 = 48, 79, 95, 9]
[20:34] <@John> roll 2#1d10+4
[20:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Two htis.
[20:34] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 2#1d10+4 and gets 23." [2#1d10+4 = 13, 10]
[20:34] <@John> roll 2#2d6 forgot sneak attack
[20:34] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 2#2d6 forgot sneak attack and gets 11." [2#2d6 = 4, 7]
[20:34] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(25)>Guards(16)>Myann(14)>John(7)>GildasMiko'
[20:35] <@Kotono> The blows come in as the ghosts continue to fight. You notice they don't punish your movement despite it all - not something you have tim to ponder. Instead you go up to Esar and punch him right in the ghost face! It's enough to take him down, causing him to fall over and fade away. Got 'em! OOC: Gildas.
[20:36] <@John> "Scary ghost go splat!"
[20:36] <Gildas> Gildas, still reeling from the earlier clubbing, shapeshifts into his Dire Bear form which looks a bit weaker... but he raises up and takes his time with a flurry of attacks onto the nearby ghosts!
[20:37] <Gildas> OOC: One sec, need to re-calculate my damage here
[20:37] <Feather> "Now he's dead for good!" Feather is all too happy to agree.
[20:38] <Gildas> roll 1d20+14
[20:38] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+14  and gets 21." [1d20=7]
[20:38] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9
[20:38] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9  and gets 17." [1d20=8]
[20:38] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9
[20:38] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9  and gets 14." [1d20=5]
[20:38] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9 claw 1
[20:38] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 claw 1 and gets 20." [1d20=11]
[20:38] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9 claw 2
[20:38] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 claw 2 and gets 12." [1d20=3]
[20:38] <@Kotono> OOC: All hit, d100s.
[20:39] <Gildas> roll 5#d100
[20:39] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 5#d100 and gets 267." [5#d100 = 80, 68, 55, 9, 55]
[20:39] <@Kotono> Myann growls something that might be triumphant agreement.
[20:39] <@Kotono> OOC: 4 hits.
[20:40] <Gildas> roll 3#2d8+9+2d6+1d6 bane then fire
[20:40] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 3#2d8+9+2d6+1d6 bane then fire and gets 94." [3#2d8+9+2d6+1d6 = 33, 27, 34]
[20:40] <Gildas> roll 1d6+9+2d6 for the other claw
[20:40] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d6+9+2d6 for the other claw and gets 17." [1d6=1][2d6=5, 2]
[20:42] <@Kotono> The guards are mauled and maimed, over have torn apart into ectoplasm! Ghosts are sent flying back, through the walls and bars as Gildas rages through them. The cell door rattles in place lightly, adding andmixing with the cries of startled spirits. OOC: Feather.
[20:42] * Feather takes a quick look around for anything that might be used as a weapon!
[20:43] <@Kotono> The cell looks essentially empty. There's some old, rusty chains lying on the floor. There's also an old iron ball.
[20:44] * Feather continues to dodge past the ghosts for now, doing his best to stay on the defensive.
[20:45] <Feather> OOC: Total defense, moving 20ft
[20:47] <@Kotono> Feather falls back into the corner of the cell, defending himself! At this, the remaining ghosts cry out in despair, "Unit broken! UNIT BROKEN! RETREAT!" Like this they all run in all directions, fleeing! OOC: This provokes AoOs from everyone.
[20:47] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+15 Myann
[20:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+15 Myann and gets 25." [1d20=10]
[20:47] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 36." [1d100=36]
[20:47] <Feather> OOC: I'll pass
[20:47] <Gildas> roll 1d20+15
[20:47] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+15 and gets 31." [1d20=16]
[20:48] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[20:48] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 3." [1d100=3]
[20:48] <Gildas> OOC: Damn you ghost hoooouuuuse
[20:48] <@John> roll 1d20+15
[20:48] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 and gets 31." [1d20=16]
[20:48] <@John> roll 1d100
[20:48] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d100 and gets 74." [1d100=74]
[20:48] <@John> roll 1d10+4
[20:48] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d10+4 and gets 11." [1d10=7]
[20:50] <@Kotono> Another ghost gets a fist to the face, fading away as the rest retreat. OOC: Free act. We'll pause here since it's over.


[18:02] <@Kotono> The last ghosts flee and the party finally has a chance to look about. You stand in a dungeon's hallway, dark and dim. Cells line both walls, heavy steel bars made to keep prisoners in rather than stone and wood doors. The way you came is one path, leading back to the ground floor of this palace. The other direction leads to more cells as far as you can see. For the moment, it is silent. OOC:
[18:02] <@Kotono> Remember y'all are minus your weapons. They're still sitting an hour's walk away, far as you know. Free act.
[18:03] <@John> "Go make big ghost go splat now!" John implores his companions as he exits the cell and begins back up the path to the ground floor.
[18:03] <@Kotono> Myann shifts back to human form and takes a knee. She breathes heavily, hands shaking as she rubs her face. "Ugh. I don't have a wound on me, but my body feels so heavy."
[18:04] <Feather> "I hate ghosts," Feather complains, coming over to Myann's side. "Still alright to keep going?"
[18:05] <Gildas> Gildas shapeshifts back as well, looking a bit more pale and generally not so good. "It's like the time I was poisoned... but worse, somehow."
[18:05] <@Kotono> "I think so," Myann takes a hand up and gets to her feet. "Regardless of how we feel," A tired smile to Gildas, "We need to move before reinforcements come to 'attack the prisoners' or whatever they think."
[18:07] <Gildas> Gildas nods to Myann. "Yes, we'll have to manage."
[18:08] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay then, presuming you're moving, what marching order?
[18:08] <@John> OOC: front
[18:09] <@Kotono> OOC: Myann would prefer 3rd so she can stay back and spellcast. Her melee's not in a good place and her cha isn't damaged (yet).
[18:09] <Feather> OOC: 2nd
[18:10] <Gildas> OOC: Last then, apparently!
[18:12] <@Kotono> The party races back to the stairs going up! At the base of the stairs are two dwarve guards. They have spears and are as ghostly as the rest. "No escape! FOR THE GLORY OF THE THANE!" They cry as one, blocking the way ahead! OOC: They're 30ft from John, 35ft from Feather, 40ft from Myann and 45ft from Gildas. Init.
[18:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Myann (-1 dex damage)
[18:13] <@Kotono> OOC: I preform the ritual of perfect miko summoning.
[18:13] <Feather> roll 1d20+7
[18:13] <Gildas> roll 1d20+1
[18:13] <Gildas> OOC: derp
[18:14] <@John> roll 1d20+6
[18:14] <@Kotono> OOC: IN other words, fire up Rei.
[18:15] * Joins: Rei-chan (
[18:15] <@John> roll 1d20+6
[18:15] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=20 ]{26}
[18:15] <Feather> roll 1d20+7
[18:15] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Myann (-1 dex damage)
[18:15] <Rei-chan> Feather rolled : 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{18}
[18:15] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+1 Myann (-1 dex damage) --> [ 1d20=11 ]{12}
[18:15] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 Dwarf 1
[18:16] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20 Dwarf 1 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{15}
[18:16] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 Dwarf 2
[18:16] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20 Dwarf 2 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{13}
[18:16] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(26)>Feather(18)>D1(15)>D2(13)>Myann(12)'
[18:16] <Gildas> roll 1d20+1
[18:16] <Rei-chan> Gildas rolled : 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{14}
[18:16] * Kotono changes topic to 'John(26)>Feather(18)>D1(15)>Gildas(14)>D2(13)>Myann(12)'
[18:16] <@Kotono> OOC: Open John.
[18:17] <@John> "Hoo-ah!" John roars, zipping forward like he was shot from a ballista to land in the dwarves faces and unload a hopefully punishing string of punches!
[18:17] <@John> roll 1d20+10 hustle
[18:18] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d20+10 hustle --> [ 1d20=17 ]{27}
[18:18] <@John> roll 1d20+10
[18:18] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{27}
[18:18] <@John> roll 1d20+10
[18:18] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=17 ]{27}
[18:18] <@John> roll 1d20+5
[18:18] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=7 ]{12}
[18:18] <@John> roll 1d20+5
[18:18] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{15}
[18:18] <@Kotono> OOC: It's all fucking 7s, looks like.  All hit, d100 on each.
[18:18] <@John> roll 5#1d100
[18:18] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 5#1d100 --> [ 1d100=37 ]{37}, [ 1d100=12 ]{12}, [ 1d100=44 ]{44}, [ 1d100=70 ]{70}, [ 1d100=80 ]{80}
[18:18] <@Kotono> OOC: Two htis.
[18:18] <@John> roll 1d10+4+2d6
[18:18] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d10+4+2d6 --> [ 1d10=7 2d6=7 ]{18}
[18:18] <@John> roll 1d10+4+2d6
[18:18] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d10+4+2d6 --> [ 1d10=1 2d6=7 ]{12}
[18:20] <@Kotono> WHAM! WHAM! Two whipsnack quick blows knock the heads in of both ghost guards. They fade away with mournful cries, taken down before they can even react. OOC: Ow, first responders didn't do so well. Free act.
[18:20] <@John> "Splat go bad ghosts!" John crows his triumph before continuing onwards. "Come out big ghost!"
[18:21] <Gildas> Gildas can't even say anything since that was over so quickly. "If I were the thane, I'd probably be..." He trails off, considering.
[18:21] <@Kotono> "Dead?" Myann's answer is perfectly deadpan as she hustles along.
[18:21] <Feather> "Embarrassed?"
[18:22] <Gildas> Gildas shakes his head. "No, where is he? The throne?"
[18:25] <@Kotono> The party talks as they rush up the winding stairs. You're about halfway up when you see them 15ft ahead. Two more dwarves are manning the stairs, a barricade to further progress. "HALT!" They cry, "ESCAPEES, SURRENDER OR DIE!" One holds a whip while the other has a broad axe with a long haft, to the point of being a polearm. OOC: Init. Unfortunately, jailbreaks by force are seldom clean.
[18:25] <Feather> roll 1d20+7
[18:25] <Rei-chan> Feather rolled : 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{26}
[18:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Myann
[18:25] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+1 Myann --> [ 1d20=8 ]{9}
[18:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 Mr Whip
[18:25] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+6 Mr Whip --> [ 1d20=17 ]{23}
[18:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Mr Axe
[18:25] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+1 Mr Axe --> [ 1d20=10 ]{11}
[18:26] <Gildas> roll 1d20+1
[18:26] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(26)>Mr. Whip(23)>Mr. Axe(11)>Myann(9)'
[18:26] <Rei-chan> Gildas rolled : 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{15}
[18:26] <@John> roll 1d20+6
[18:26] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{16}
[18:26] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(26)>Mr. Whip(23)>John(16)>Gildas(15)>Mr. Axe(11)>Myann(9)'
[18:27] <@Kotono> OOC: Open Feather. Ghosts are 15ft from John, 20ft for Feather, 25ft for Myann and 30ft for GIldas. Due to the stair's angles, Myann+Gildas can't actually see the ghosts without going up the winding stair a bit more. Open Feather.
[18:28] * Feather dashes at the dwarf bearing the polearm, his fist crackling with electricity!
[18:29] <Feather> roll 1d20+12 spring attack, touch, shocking grasp
[18:29] <Rei-chan> Feather rolled : 1d20+12 spring attack, touch, shocking grasp --> [ 1d20=20 ]{32}
[18:29] <Feather> roll 1d100
[18:29] <Rei-chan> Feather rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=96 ]{96}
[18:29] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. No crit since undead menance, ect ect.
[18:29] <Feather> roll 5d6
[18:29] <Rei-chan> Feather rolled : 5d6 --> [ 5d6=16 ]{16}
[18:29] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(26)>Mr. Whip(23)>John(16)>Gildas(15)>Myann(9)'
[18:31] <@Kotono> WHAM! An open hand strike hits the axe-dwarf in the chest. It dissolves into currents of electricity, torn apart by thunderous rage. The whip dwarf rears back and cracks its whip at Feather!
[18:31] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7 touch AC Feather?
[18:31] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+7 touch AC Feather? --> [ 1d20=6 ]{13}
[18:31] <Feather> OOC: 21
[18:31] <@Kotono> But Feather leaps back onto the wall and clings to it a moment, missing the whip. A second later he rebounds off, landing in a crouch safely. His arm still crackles with electricity as wisps of ectoplasm fade away all around. OOC: John.
[18:32] <@John> John runs up to splat this latest bad ghost to stand in their way with an uppercut!
[18:32] <@John> roll 1d20+13
[18:32] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=19 ]{32}
[18:32] <@John> roll 1d100
[18:32] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=31 ]{31}
[18:33] <@Kotono> The uppercut hits, but it goes right through the dwarf's chin. He ripples but is otherwise unarmed, a loud SNAP as he draws his whip back from the missed strike. OOC: Gildas.
[18:33] <Gildas> OOC: Do I have enough room to shapeshift and actually get up there?
[18:34] <@Kotono> OOC: It's a pretty narrow stairway. A medium sized form or smaller is fine. Anything with +size isn't going to work here.
[18:34] <Gildas> OOC: Okay.
[18:35] <Gildas> Gildas shapeshifts into his aerial form to fly up and over the others to get to the other side! OOC: Just going to fly over everyone and be about 15ft above the ghosts on the opposite end.
[18:35] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[18:36] <@Kotono> Gildas zips along in aerial form. Ahead and above, he can hear the sounds of voices calling - too far away to make out anything, save that it's from further up the stairs. Meanwhile Myann advances to within 20ft and pauses. She gestures, a wooden block slamming down on the remaining ghost.
[18:36] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 (-1 dex) touch AC
[18:36] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+10 (-1 dex) touch AC --> [ 1d20=5 ]{15}
[18:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:37] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=67 ]{67}
[18:37] <@Kotono> roll 5d6
[18:37] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 5d6 --> [ 5d6=21 ]{21}
[18:38] <@Kotono> The ghost is splattered beneath the block. A thin rime of ectoplasm lines the ground when it fades. From these ghostly mushrooms grow, blanketed over several steps. OOC: Free act.
[18:38] <@John> "Good!" John tells Myann with feeling before he continues onwards and upwards!
[18:39] <Gildas> Gildas quickly lands and shapeshifts back and points up a bit. "I think we're going to have to deal with more soon."
[18:46] <@Kotono> The party races up the stairs as they chat. The top of the stairs are unguarded. You're in a small hall that connects to a door ahead. That doo rahead leads to a large entryway, with the exit from the palace and doors going further in there. More noise can be heard that way - shouts and clanging. There's also a door on both side walls, one going towards the exit's direction and one leading
[18:46] <@Kotono> further into the palace.
[18:47] <@John> After all his decisive movement John is suddenly confused and stymied by the multiple options presented to him. "Which way big ghost?" he asks plaintively.
[18:48] <Gildas> "I say further in." Gildas says with a gesture at the door leading further in.
[18:48] <@Kotono> Myann lightly sighs but shakes her head. "Probably further in," she opines. OOC: Which door is that?
[18:50] <Gildas> OOC: Specifically, the door in the entryway that leads further in is the one he gestured at.
[18:51] <@John> "Okay!" John nods and runs off that way. "Come out big ghost!"
[18:51] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[18:52] <Gildas> Gildas will follow after!
[18:53] <@Kotono> The party advances into the entryway, throwing the door ahead open. Ahead you see a squad of perhaps a few dozen ghost dwarves. They have spears and axes at the ready. At the head of them is a big, muscular dwarf. He seems somehow more than the others. A dull gray aura surrounds him and a massive two-handed sword is in his hands. This sword looks alarmingly solid and sharp. "No mercy! Surrender
[18:53] <@Kotono> of perish in the Thane's name!" They're about 20ft ahead.
[18:55] <@John> "Big ghost... wait, not big ghost? But big anyway! Go splat and die!" John tells it before moving forward in an obviously aggressive manner.
[18:55] <Feather> "Your thane's dead! And so are you all!" Feather cries, leaping at the commander.
[18:56] <@Kotono> OOC: Init then.
[18:56] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Myann
[18:56] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+1 Myann --> [ 1d20=12 ]{13}
[18:56] <@John> roll 1d20+6
[18:56] <Gildas> roll 1d20+1
[18:56] <Rei-chan> Gildas rolled : 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{9}
[18:56] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d20+6 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{17}
[18:56] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+3 ghost dwarf murder squad
[18:56] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+3 ghost dwarf murder squad --> [ 1d20=19 ]{22}
[18:56] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 commanding dwarf
[18:56] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+6 commanding dwarf --> [ 1d20=15 ]{21}
[18:57] <Feather> roll 1d20+7
[18:57] <Rei-chan> Feather rolled : 1d20+7 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{22}
[18:57] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather=GDMS(22)>Commanding Dwarf(21)>John(17)>Myann(13)>Gildas(9)'
[18:57] <@Kotono> OOC: Open Feather.
[18:58] <Feather> roll 1d20+12 spring attack, lightning, touch
[18:58] <Rei-chan> Feather rolled : 1d20+12 spring attack, lightning, touch --> [ 1d20=18 ]{30}
[18:58] <Feather> roll 1d100
[18:58] <Rei-chan> Feather rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=7 ]{7}
[18:58] * Feather leaps right back to stay out of immediate retaliation range.
[19:00] <@Kotono> Feather leaps in and out! His lightning-clad hand passes through the dwarf commander harmlessly as he falls back. Said commander brandishes his blade, "Get them all!" he points, "CHARGE!"  At this the dwarves line up, a reckless charge at all the party, going straight through them! OOC: This provokes a single AoO from all, if you want to take it. Note you need CR to do so unless you're Feather
[19:00] <@Kotono> since this is round 1. Myann can't take one since she lacks that.
[19:01] <Feather> OOC: I don't have a natural weapon
[19:01] <Gildas> OOC: why not
[19:01] <@John> roll 1d20+13 AoO
[19:01] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d20+13 AoO --> [ 1d20=20 ]{33}
[19:01] <@John> roll 1d100
[19:01] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=94 ]{94}
[19:01] <@John> roll 1d10+4
[19:01] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=1 ]{5}
[19:01] <Gildas> roll 1d20-1
[19:02] <Rei-chan> Gildas rolled : 1d20-1 --> [ 1d20=1 ]{0}
[19:02] <Gildas> OOC: Well, that didn't work at all
[19:02] <@Kotono> OOC: How in the hell is your to-hit at -1?
[19:02] <Gildas> OOC: -7 strength
[19:02] <@Kotono> OOC: I mean, it's academic since a natural 1, but.
[19:02] <@Kotono> OOC: Well yeah, but that's at most -3 or -4 to hit. Your BAB alone is like +7 or +8, right?
[19:03] <Gildas> OOC: Oh, good point, you're right. My bad, but yes it doesn't matter >_>
[19:03] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7 (+2 charge) vs all, touch AC and note if you're flatfooted
[19:03] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+7 (+2 charge) vs all, touch AC and note if you're flatfooted --> [ 1d20=17 ]{24}
[19:03] <Gildas> OOC: Hits me either way
[19:04] <Feather> OOC: Not flat-footed, touch AC is 21
[19:04] <@Kotono> roll 1d4+1 str damage all
[19:04] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d4+1 str damage all --> [ 1d4=2 ]{3}
[19:04] <@John> OOC: 21 vs ghosts
[19:06] <@Kotono> The charge rips through the party! Bodies wither and muscles weaken, unable to take the assault. It leaves the entire party reeling, as the commanding dwarf charges in at Feather, "Yaaaaaaah!"
[19:07] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+14 (+2 marshal aura, +2 charge, -6 PA) AC Feather, regular and not touch for a zesty change of pace
[19:07] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+14 (+2 marshal aura, +2 charge, -6 PA) AC Feather, regular and not touch for a zesty change of pace --> [ 1d20=12 ]{26}
[19:07] <Feather> OOC: Regular AC is 28
[19:08] <@Kotono> CLANG! THe entirely solid blade slams into Feather's forearm guard. The wyvern scales stop the attack cold, coming away with a dented gash but nothing more. Meanwhile the dwarves reform behind you in the hallway by the stairs, regathering. OOC: Okay, John.
[19:10] <@John> "Go splat now!" John yells, charging the apparent leader of this band of spectres!
[19:10] <@John> roll 1d20+15 charge
[19:10] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d20+15 charge --> [ 1d20=3 ]{18}
[19:10] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. d100.
[19:10] <@John> roll 1d100
[19:10] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=45 ]{45}
[19:10] <@Kotono> But a massive punch goes through the dwarf's chest like nothing at all. His arms shake from the recoil of blade on scale, whirling to try and slash John. But he's a hair too late, the opening gone. OOC: Myann.
[19:12] <@Kotono> Myann turns and focuses on the ghost dwarves, a rain of blocks coming down from above to crush them.
[19:12] <@Kotono> roll 1d100 alas, transdimensional spell is +1 so still miss chance
[19:12] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d100 alas, transdimensional spell is +1 so still miss chance --> [ 1d100=30 ]{30}
[19:13] <@Kotono> But the blocks pass through the ghosts harmlessly, clattering on the ground as not a single one is felled. OOC: Bzzt. Gildsa.
[19:13] <Gildas> The almost-anemic-looking Gildas shapeshifts into his Dire Bear form, which, while still not as hearty as normal, it looks a bit less... drained. Either way, the bear rumbles over to the commander and takes a swipe with a paw!
[19:15] <Gildas> roll 1d20+14
[19:15] <Rei-chan> Gildas rolled : 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{17}
[19:15] <@Kotono> OOC: d100.
[19:15] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[19:15] <Rei-chan> Gildas rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=43 ]{43}
[19:16] <@Kotono> The claw strikes true, the commander surrounded. Yet not a single blow manages to hit him, going through his body like air. "Good!" he grunts, "All my enemies are before me, just where I want them - within sword's reach!" OOC: Ow. Feather.
[19:18] <Feather> With no good options before him, Feather calls upon his magic before he kicks at the sword's hilt to get it out of the ghost's reach!
[19:18] <Feather> roll 1d20+12-2+2+20 disarm, CMB
[19:18] <Rei-chan> Feather rolled : 1d20+12-2+2+20 disarm, CMB --> [ 1d20=9 ]{41}
[19:20] <@Kotono> With a deft kick, the sword's knocked clean away! It clatters on the ground as the commander stares in shock,b efore taking a wild swing at Feather. OOC: Provokes an AoO after the fact.
[19:20] <Feather> OOC: AC vs AoOs is 28 normal, 21 touch
[19:21] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 touch AC, yes
[19:21] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+10 touch AC, yes --> [ 1d20=10 ]{20}
[19:21] <@Kotono> But Feather's already out of the way. He spins back defensively, dodging the blow as meanwhile the dwarves rally. "FOR THE THANE!" they call, another charge coming through! OOC: Same as last time with provoking AoOs, except CR isn't needed. Myann can't take one since she doesn't threaten without a weapon handy.
[19:22] <@John> roll 1d20+13
[19:22] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d20+13 --> [ 1d20=8 ]{21}
[19:22] <@John> roll 1d100
[19:22] <Rei-chan> John rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=44 ]{44}
[19:22] <Gildas> roll 1d20+14
[19:22] <Rei-chan> Gildas rolled : 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=3 ]{17}
[19:22] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[19:22] <Rei-chan> Gildas rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=73 ]{73}
[19:23] <Gildas> OOC: Not sure if I actually hit the first time though
[19:23] <@Kotono> OOC: Feather has the sword instead of it being kicked away.
[19:23] <Feather> roll 1d20+10
[19:23] <Rei-chan> Feather rolled : 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=11 ]{21}
[19:23] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit Gildas.
[19:23] <Feather> roll 1d100
[19:23] <Rei-chan> Feather rolled : 1d100 --> [ 1d100=7 ]{7}
[19:24] <Gildas> roll 2d8+9+2d6+1d6 bane then fire
[19:24] <Rei-chan> Gildas rolled : 2d8+9+2d6+1d6 bane then fire --> [ 2d8=3 2d6=4 1d6=6 ]{22}
[19:29] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit Feather, despite the 7. Which means you can conclude it doesn't require d100s on ghosts.
[19:34] <@Kotono> OOC: I'll roll and resolve their charge while we wait on Cor to return.
[19:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 (+2 charge) Touch ACs all?
[19:34] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d20+5 (+2 charge) Touch ACs all? --> [ 1d20=12 ]{17}
[19:35] <@John> OOC: 19 vs ghosts
[19:37] <Gildas> OOC: I believe it's 12 at the moment
[19:38] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 str damage Myann, Gildas
[19:38] <Rei-chan> Kotono rolled : 1d4 str damage Myann, Gildas --> [ 1d4=2 ]{2}
[19:39] <Feather> roll 2d6+1+1
[19:39] <Rei-chan> Feather rolled : 2d6+1+1 --> [ 2d6=4 ]{6}
[19:40] <@Kotono> The charge rips through the party! Gildas manages to maim a few ghosts with a paw strike while Feather's new sword slices through the phantoms with no problem. But many more come, ripping through Myann and Gildas! Myann whimpers and falls to a knee, huffing terribly. Gildas's world spins - but he shakes it off. OOC: Myann's prone. Your special trait stopped a secondary effect, Gildas. Commander's
[19:40] <@Kotono> up. We'll pause here since Cor got nabbed.


[17:59] <@Kotono> OOC: Quick question, Feather, since I didn't get a chance to ask yesterday. Did you stay in melee with the commander or did you spring attack away?
[17:59] <Feather_> OOC: Melee, since I couldn't spring attack
[18:00] <@Kotono> The Commander's fury turns completely on Feather, as he snarls and tries to rip the life out of him, one ghostly punch at a time.
[18:00] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 touch AC Feather
[18:01] <@Kotono> OOC: Sec and I'll get Kobot up.
[18:01] * Joins: Kobot (
[18:01] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 touch AC Feather
[18:01] <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d20+10 touch AC Feather --> [ 1d20=10 ]{20}
[18:02] <Feather_> OOC: Touch AC is 17
[18:02] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 con damage oh wow, something finally does HP damage, sorta
[18:02] <Kobot> Kotono rolled 1d4 con damage oh wow, something finally does HP damage, sorta --> [ 1d4=3 ]{3}
[18:03] <@Kotono> The blow catches Feather in the side, his entire body shuddering from the impact. Numbness spreads in the aftermath of th einjury, even with no visible wound. OOC: Ow. John.
[18:04] <@John> Ignoring all the other ghosts around them, John focuses on the one that just attacked Feather, swinging his fists wildly!
[18:04] <@John> roll 1d20+10
[18:04] <Kobot> John rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=9 ]{19}
[18:04] <@John> roll 1d20+10
[18:04] <Kobot> John rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{22}
[18:04] <@John> roll 1d20+10
[18:04] <Kobot> John rolled 1d20+10 --> [ 1d20=16 ]{26}
[18:04] <@John> roll 1d20+5
[18:04] <Kobot> John rolled 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{18}
[18:04] <@John> roll 1d20+5
[18:04] <Kobot> John rolled 1d20+5 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{19}
[18:04] <@Kotono> OOC: d100s on all of 'em.
[18:04] <@John> roll 5#1d100
[18:04] <Kobot> John rolled 5#1d100 --> [ 1d100=68 ]{68}, [ 1d100=92 ]{92}, [ 1d100=85 ]{85}, [ 1d100=64 ]{64}, [ 1d100=47 ]{47}
[18:05] <@John> roll 4#1d10+4
[18:05] <Kobot> John rolled 4#1d10+4 --> [ 1d10=2 ]{6}, [ 1d10=6 ]{10}, [ 1d10=10 ]{14}, [ 1d10=6 ]{10}
[18:05] <@Kotono> OOC: Oh yeah, I forgot Kobot's horrible with that.
[18:06] * Quits: Kobot ( (Quit: )
[18:06] Kotono invited Hatbot into the channel.
[18:06] * Joins: Hatbot (
[18:06] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather=GDMS(22)>John(17)>Myann(13)>Gildas(9)'
[18:07] <@Kotono> A blow right in the chest of the ghost hits home. The entire image flickers as John plummels the spirit. It cries out piteously and fades away, gone! Meanwhile Myann doesn't even try to rise, instead chanting a spell amid a wracking series of coughs.
[18:07] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 61." [1d100=61]
[18:08] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[18:08] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 15." [1d20=10]
[18:08] <@Kotono> roll 10d6
[18:08] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 10d6 and gets 41." [10d6=5, 5, 5, 6, 2, 4, 6, 1, 2, 5]
[18:09] <@Kotono> The rain of blocks that follows is decimating. Dozens of ghosts are squished underneath the hammering of golden blocks, ghostly mushrooms spreading all about. In the aftermath only about half a dozen remain. OOC: Gildas.
[18:10] <Gildas> The Dire Bear bounds over to try and take out another ghost with a strike of his glowing paw!
[18:10] <Gildas> roll 1d20+12
[18:10] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+12 and gets 23." [1d20=11]
[18:10] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[18:10] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 26." [1d100=26]
[18:11] <@Kotono> Gildas manages to make it over, but the ghosts ripple around his strikes like air. As this happens...OOC: Feather.
[18:11] <Feather_> Now he has a sword, and he certainly knows how to use it! So Feather cuts through the ghosts Myann happened to miss, intending to thin down their numbers even further!
[18:12] <Feather_> roll 1d20+9+1
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+9+1 and gets 19." [1d20=9]
[18:12] <Feather_> roll 1d20+4+1
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+4+1 and gets 6." [1d20=1]
[18:12] <Feather_> roll 2d6+1
[18:12] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 2d6+1 and gets 7." [2d6=5, 1]
[18:16] <@Kotono> A slice decapitates another ghost, ripping it apart. In the wake of this, "SQUAD BROKEN!" the dwarves howl, the remander fleeing desperately! OOC: Gildas and Feather, this opens up AoOs as they flee, if you want to take 'em.
[18:17] <Gildas> roll 1d20+12
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+12 and gets 17." [1d20=5]
[18:17] <Feather_> roll 1d20+9+1 always
[18:17] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+9+1 always and gets 13." [1d20=3]
[18:18] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. d100 for Gildas, damage for Feather.
[18:18] <Gildas> roll 1d100 in case that were to actually hit
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 in case that were to actually hit and gets 88." [1d100=88]
[18:18] <Feather_> roll 2d6+1
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 2d6+1 and gets 8." [2d6=2, 5]
[18:18] <Gildas> roll 2d8+7+2d6+1d6 bane then fire
[18:18] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d8+7+2d6+1d6 bane then fire and gets 24." [2d8=2, 3][2d6=4, 3][1d6=5]
[18:21] <@Kotono> With that last cleave, a few more g hosts re-perish as the remainder flees. The battle is won! Ahead you can see various doors leading within, and grand gates leading directly and further within. Said gates are open, with an ancient hallway ahead. The floor looks to be stone and full of statues and stone carvings. OOC: Free act. Loot post updated, check to see if you earned a goodie that battle.
[18:21] <@Kotono> All three of you did.
[18:22] <@Kotono> Myann coughs several times before slowly rising to her feet. "My body feels like lead," she groans, "How's everyone else?"
[18:22] <Feather_> "Hallway?" Feather asks, heading towards it. "Aches all over," he responds to Myann on the way. "Not that bad, compared to other times."
[18:22] <@John> "Want splat big ghost!" John reaffirms his commitment to their noble calling.
[18:23] <Gildas> Gildas shapeshifts back and lets out a cough too. "I think I may just stay shapeshifted... I feel too weak to do much else otherwise." He gestures towards the gates. "I think that's our destination."
[18:24] <@Kotono> Myann follows, ghostly mushrooms from the ground rising up. They go to her, gently pushing her from behind and steadying her sides. "Let's finish this. Hopefully regicide will end this."
[18:24] <Feather_> "If it doesn't, we head back to rest up and pick our things. Figure it all out later."
[18:28] <Gildas> Gildas shapeshifts back to his Dire Bear form and walks along with the others!
[18:29] <@Kotono> The hallway stretches long. Ther eare stone carvings of dwarves and fantastical things all about. Statues line the sides of the hall and the walls are covered in dusty paintings and murals. Things are strangely quiet now, save for your footsteps. There's various side doors, all closed and silent. In time the hallway comes to a stairway leading up, broad and rising high. Standing in the dead
[18:29] <@Kotono> center of it, 30ft ahead, is a single dwarf in armor. He bears a ghostly maul and looks utterly unconcerned at your approach. "Halt, living creatures."
[18:29] <@John> "Big ghost?" John asks hopefully.
[18:30] <Feather_> "Ghost that knows he's a ghost!"
[18:31] <@Kotono> The ghost chuckles - an utterly empty sound. "Big ghost," he agrees. "Commander Kurol, at your service. You may not know me, but you know my handiwork."
[18:32] <@John> That doesn't sound like big ghost to John. The big ghost was called something stone or something, wasn't he? He looks to his comrades for direction in the face of this enigma.
[18:32] <Gildas> Gildas-Bear stays where he is for now, deciding to at least let this one talk.
[18:33] <@Kotono> "The child killer?" Myann manages to tilt her head to the side, starting to smile. "Wasn't that the name of the child killer, Feather?"
[18:34] <Feather_> "Thought we killed you," Feather states, giving Myann a slight shake of the head.
[18:38] <@Kotono> The ghosts words are Common, but they don't quite sound like it. You understand in spite of yourself. "Oh, you already know." He raises a single blue eyebrow, "My sins aren't so light as to let me die when I am killed." He chuckles again, somehow lacking the barest hint of emotion. "It's too bad. If more soldiers had remained after death and lingered in the palace, you'd have joined us by now.
[18:38] <@Kotono> But, needs must as needs must." He hefts his maul up, "Arockar and the Thane are ahead. If you can disperse me again, they're yours to put down."
[18:39] <Feather_> "Stay dead this time," Feather heartily wishes him, before dashing for an attack!
[18:39] <@Kotono> OOC: That'll touch off hostilities. Init.
[18:39] <Feather_> roll 1d20+7
[18:39] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Myann
[18:39] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+7 and gets 27." [1d20=20]
[18:39] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 Myann and gets 18." [1d20=17]
[18:39] <@John> roll 1d20+6
[18:39] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+6 and gets 9." [1d20=3]
[18:39] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 Kurol
[18:39] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 Kurol and gets 8." [1d20=4]
[18:40] <Gildas> roll 1d20+1
[18:40] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+1 and gets 13." [1d20=12]
[18:40] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(27)>Myann(18)>Gildas(13)>John(9)>Kurol(8)'
[18:41] <@Kotono> OOC: Open, Feather.
[18:41] <Feather_> roll 1d20+12 spring attack, charge, channeling shocking grasp
[18:41] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+12 spring attack, charge, channeling shocking grasp and gets 18." [1d20=6]
[18:41] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[18:42] <Feather_> roll 2d6+1+5d6 last is elec
[18:42] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 2d6+1+5d6 last is elec and gets 23." [2d6=2, 5][5d6=3, 6, 2, 2, 2]
[18:43] <@Kotono> Feather leaps ahead, slashing through the side of Kurol. His blade crackles with white lightning as it tears through the spirit's body. It feels solid as flesh to Feather's blade, ripping away ectoplasm liberally. Meanwhile Myann coughs and straightens, chanting away. A wooden block appears from above, ghost mushrooms growing all over it. These mushrooms sharpen into spikes as the block plunges
[18:43] <@Kotono> down at Kurol.
[18:44] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 touch AC, transdimensional spelled block shot
[18:44] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 touch AC, transdimensional spelled block shot and gets 25." [1d20=15]
[18:44] <@Kotono> roll 5d6 and ref
[18:44] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d6 and ref and gets 16." [5d6=2, 2, 6, 4, 2]
[18:44] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 ref
[18:44] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 ref and gets 22." [1d20=14]
[18:45] <@Kotono> The block hits the Commander hard, squishing him down before it vanishes. The ghost rebounds right up, hefting it's maul for a powerful strike as...OOC: Gidlas.
[18:47] <Gildas> The Dire Bear moves in to try and strike at Kurol with a glowing paw!
[18:47] <Gildas> roll 1d20+12
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+12 and gets 21." [1d20=9]
[18:47] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. d100.
[18:47] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[18:47] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 47." [1d100=47]
[18:47] <@Kotono> Gildas surges in as best his exhausted body can manage. He manages to land a paw right in the face of the ghost, but it goes through like water. Again his attack is foiled, as...OOC: John.
[18:48] <@John> John charges in to punch the big but not biggest ghost in the face!
[18:48] <@John> roll 1d20+15 charge
[18:48] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 charge and gets 25." [1d20=10]
[18:48] <@John> roll 1d100
[18:48] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d100 and gets 79." [1d100=79]
[18:49] <@Kotono> OOC: Hits.
[18:49] <@John> roll 1d10+4+2d6
[18:49] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d10+4+2d6 and gets 21." [1d10=8][2d6=5, 4]
[18:49] <@Kotono> WHAM! Right in the stomach. The ghost jackknifes before quickly recovering, hefting his maul and striking at both John and Gildas!
[18:49] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+14 touch AC vs both of you, going all whirlwindy
[18:49] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+14 touch AC vs both of you, going all whirlwindy and gets 16." [1d20=2]
[18:50] <@John> OOC: 19 vs ghosts
[18:50] <Gildas> OOC: 15 here these days
[18:51] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 int, wis, cha damage alas poor Gildas
[18:51] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 int, wis, cha damage alas poor Gildas and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[18:51] <@Kotono> The blow narrowly misses John, who dodges by stepping to the side. Gildas gets clipped by it in the left arm, enough to make his entire body feel strangely detached from his awareness. OOC: Feather.
[18:52] <Feather_> Feather tries to repeat his earlier success!
[18:52] <Feather_> roll 1d20+12 spring attack, charge, channeling shocking grasp
[18:53] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+12 spring attack, charge, channeling shocking grasp and gets 29." [1d20=17]
[18:53] <Feather_> roll 2d6+1+5d6 last is elec
[18:53] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 2d6+1+5d6 last is elec and gets 23." [2d6=2, 1][5d6=6, 1, 2, 5, 5]
[18:55] <@Kotono> Feather again racks the back of the immobile ghost, who stands his ground and gets slashed through for the trouble. He ripples and shudders without a sound, only concentrating on the battle. Myann grunts and again repeats her spell, naother ghost-tipped block coming for him.
[18:55] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 ranged touch times
[18:55] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 ranged touch times and gets 22." [1d20=12]
[18:55] <@Kotono> roll 5d6
[18:55] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d6 and gets 18." [5d6=5, 5, 6, 1, 1]
[18:55] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 ref
[18:55] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 ref and gets 23." [1d20=15]
[18:56] <@Kotono> Another block thwacks the defiant dwarf, but he wobbles and stays up. He still says not a word as...OOC: Gildas.
[18:57] <Gildas> The ghostly-battered bear rears up and attempts to strike the dwarf multiple times with his paws!
[18:57] <Gildas> roll 1d20+11
[18:57] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+11 and gets 19." [1d20=8]
[18:57] <Gildas> roll 1d20+6
[18:57] <Gildas> roll 1d20+6
[18:57] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+6 and gets 21." [1d20=15]
[18:57] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+6 and gets 16." [1d20=10]
[18:57] <Gildas> roll 1d20+6 claw 1
[18:57] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+6 claw 1 and gets 11." [1d20=5]
[18:57] <Gildas> roll 1d20+6 claw 2
[18:57] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+6 claw 2 and gets 20." [1d20=14]
[18:57] <@Kotono> OOC: Three hits. d100s.
[18:58] <Gildas> roll 3#1d100
[18:58] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 3#1d100 and gets 191." [3#1d100 = 70, 24, 97]
[18:58] <@Kotono> OOC: Two got through.
[18:58] <Gildas> OOC: Roger
[18:58] <Gildas> roll 2d8+7+2d6+1d6 bane then fire
[18:58] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d8+7+2d6+1d6 bane then fire and gets 16." [2d8=1, 1][2d6=5, 1][1d6=1]
[18:59] <Gildas> roll 1d6+7+2d6
[18:59] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d6+7+2d6 and gets 16." [1d6=1][2d6=5, 3]
[19:01] <@Kotono> Two paw strikes knock the dwarf down. His maul hits the ground and vanishes as he lies there. "Hah...hah..." His laughter is as hollow as anything else. "They're yours. Do as you wish here...but know that my sin...will never fade. I will return to you again and again. Because...I've had so long to realize what I did was horrible and that my to seek my destruction and never find
[19:01] <@Kotono> it." The ghost begins to fade away, "Our fates will be joined, humans."
[19:01] <@Kotono> OOC: Free act.
[19:03] * @John runs up the stairs in search of the biggest ghost of them all!
[19:03] <Gildas> The Dire bear makes a dismissive sound before it starts to head forward after John.
[19:04] <@Kotono> Myann tiredly follows, "Then I'll show you what we think of those who oppose life so boringly," she mutters as she follows, stopping by Feather and leaning on him. "Almost there," she adds to him.
[19:05] <Feather_> Feather grimaces, calling upon his magic to boost himself a bit before that final confrontation. "Holding up okay?" he asks Myann. "Just don't slip. We already have that ghost after us."
[19:07] <@Kotono> "I'll manage," Myann says, "Just...finish this." she adds, as the party heads up the stairs.  A massive stone arch lies ahead, revealing a throne room. Here there are dead trees all about, tiny, hardened gem fruits hanging from long since withered branches. 90ft ahead stands a dwarf in armor, carrying a bow and arrow. 5ft past him stand two dwarves with maces in hand, protecting a throne 100ft
[19:07] <@Kotono> away from you. On this sits a ghost dwarf, sunken into rich clothes layered with armor. "You impudent whelps!" he bellows in dwarven. "How dare you?"
[19:08] <@John> "Go splat and die big ghost!" John yells, rushing forwards!
[19:08] <Feather_> "Rest in peace, you failure of a leader!" Feather adds his own battlecry, not far behind!
[19:09] <Gildas> Under normal circumstances, Gildas would translate, but alas. The Dire Bear bounds in with the others!
[19:09] <@Kotono> OOC: Init here then.
[19:09] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Myann wants a nap for real
[19:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 Myann wants a nap for real and gets 17." [1d20=16]
[19:09] <Feather_> roll 1d20+8
[19:10] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+8 and gets 28." [1d20=20]
[19:10] <Gildas> roll 1d20+1 indeed
[19:10] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+1 indeed and gets 19." [1d20=18]
[19:10] <@John> roll 1d20+6
[19:10] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+6 and gets 24." [1d20=18]
[19:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 bow dwarf
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 bow dwarf and gets 24." [1d20=16]
[19:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 guard dwarf 1
[19:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d20 guard dwarf 2
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 guard dwarf 1 and gets 4." [1d20=4]
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20 guard dwarf 2 and gets 8." [1d20=8]
[19:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d20-2 thane Stonar
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20-2 thane Stonar and gets 2." [1d20=4]
[19:12] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(28)>John=Bow Dwarf(24)>Gildas(19)>Myann(17)>GD1(8)>GD2(4)>Thane Stonar(2)'
[19:12] <@Kotono> "Thane, prepare the wand," The bow-dwarf calls, then to you, "I am Commander Arockar! Surrender and you'll have a painless death!" OOC: Open FEather.
[19:12] <Feather_> Feather ignores all the guards to rush the thane himself, boosting his speed with magic in the end to reach him with one final leap and slam the Gemstone of Life against his face!
[19:13] <Feather_> roll 1d20+13 charge, swift expeditious retreat, touch
[19:13] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+13 charge, swift expeditious retreat, touch and gets 14." [1d20=1]
[19:14] <@Kotono> Feahter leaps in - but the gemstone of life slams into the throne instead of the thane! Feather's right on top of him as the thane fumbles with a long, thin iron wand. Electricity begins to crackle on it as...OOC: John and Bow Dwarf. Go John.
[19:16] <@John> With Feather handling the big ghost, John decides to work his way up by first attacking a slightly less big ghost. But still big as evidenced by his speaking role. Thus he charges Arockar with fist cocked!
[19:16] <@John> roll 1d20+15 charge
[19:16] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 charge and gets 22." [1d20=7]
[19:16] <@John> roll 1d100 if necessary
[19:16] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. d100.
[19:16] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d100 if necessary and gets 70." [1d100=70]
[19:16] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[19:16] <@John> roll 1d10+4
[19:16] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d10+4 and gets 8." [1d10=4]
[19:16] <@Kotono> At the same time, the dwarf whirls around, arrows flying about all around!
[19:16] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7 touch AC vs Feather
[19:16] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 touch AC vs Feather and gets 27." [1d20=20]
[19:16] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7 touch AC vs John
[19:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 touch AC vs John and gets 8." [1d20=1]
[19:17] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7 touch AC vs Feather crit?
[19:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 touch AC vs Feather crit? and gets 19." [1d20=12]
[19:17] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7 touch AC vs Gildas
[19:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 touch AC vs Gildas and gets 23." [1d20=16]
[19:17] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7 touch AC vs Myann
[19:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 touch AC vs Myann and gets 10." [1d20=3]
[19:17] <@Kotono> OOC: ACs, all?
[19:17] <Feather_> OOC: current touch AC is 20
[19:17] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 str, dex, con damage Feather
[19:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 str, dex, con damage Feather and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[19:17] <Gildas> OOC: 15
[19:17] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 str, dex, con damage Gilds
[19:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 str, dex, con damage Gilds and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[19:17] <@John> OOC: 15 if really touch, 19 if incorporeal touch
[19:18] <Feather_> OOC: Oh good point, incorporeal touch is 22
[19:19] <@Kotono> Arrows go flying! Myann ducks one and John misses by dint of being on the move. At the same time John slams a fist into the dwarf's head, making him stumble. As this happens, arrows hit home on Gildas and Feather. They make both of them quake, feeling less and less as numbness spreads further. OOC: Ow. Gildas.
[19:20] <Gildas> The Dire Bear roars and stomps forward, intent on not letting that happen again! He takes a swipe at the dwarf with the bow with his paw!
[19:20] <Gildas> roll 1d20+11
[19:20] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+11 and gets 22." [1d20=11]
[19:20] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[19:20] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 45." [1d100=45]
[19:20] <@Kotono> OOC: Can you cover that distance without charging? He's 90ft away.
[19:21] <Gildas> OOC: Oh, no, I cannot. I will charge then, if that's possible?
[19:21] <Gildas> OOC: Or are the other two blocking the path?
[19:22] <@Kotono> OOC: Charging's fine, there's space to get on the side.
[19:22] <Gildas> OOC: Okay.
[19:22] <@Kotono> Gildas charges in, closing the distance in a blink - but his blow is yet again foiled! As his claw hits nothing but air...OOC: Myann.
[19:23] <@Kotono> Myann manages to advance 40ft, coming to 50ft of the Commander. She chants as another ghost-spiked block flies, this one going for the Commander's head.
[19:23] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 touch AC
[19:23] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 touch AC and gets 11." [1d20=1]
[19:24] <@Kotono> But the block hits closer to Gildas than the ghost, an inch from slamming into his feet. Meanwhile the two guarding dwarfs whirl and slam maces at Feather's backside.
[19:24] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 (+2 flanking with thane) touch AC Feather
[19:24] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 (+2 flanking with thane) touch AC Feather
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 (+2 flanking with thane) touch AC Feather and gets 24." [1d20=16]
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 (+2 flanking with thane) touch AC Feather and gets 22." [1d20=14]
[19:25] <Feather_> OOC: 21 vs ghosts right now
[19:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 str
[19:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 str
[19:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 str and gets 4." [1d4=4]
[19:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 str and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[19:26] <@Kotono> The blows hit Feather's back hard, his entire body shuddering! His armor feels much heavier, his entire body less responsive as the blows wreck him. He stumbles, struggling to stay up! Meanwhile the thane fumbles and draws his wand, a little cry of panic. OOC: He's provoking an AoO, Feather.
[19:27] <Feather_> Feather swings his sword at the thane's wand with all the power he can muster!
[19:27] <Feather_> roll 1d20+12-4 CMD, sunder
[19:27] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+12-4 CMD, sunder and gets 11." [1d20=3]
[19:28] <@Kotono> OOC: No joy.
[19:28] <@Kotono> But the thane osmehow twists out of thew ay, before a bolt of crackling electricity flies out at Feather! OOC: Ref.
[19:29] <Feather_> roll 1d20+9-1
[19:29] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+9-1 and gets 15." [1d20=7]
[19:30] <@Kotono> roll 8d6 zappies ow
[19:30] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 8d6 zappies ow and gets 22." [8d6=1, 2, 5, 4, 2, 1, 6, 1]
[19:31] <@Kotono> AAAAGH! Feather flashes with electricity as his hair points in every which direction. His beard smokes from the burst, his limbs thrashing wildly! OOC: Acrobatics check, Feather.
[19:31] <Feather_> roll 1d20+16-1
[19:31] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+16-1 and gets 22." [1d20=7]
[19:32] <@Kotono> Feather manages to keep his balance, staying on the throne despite the shock. OOC: Feather, go.
[19:32] <@Kotono> "Geta way from the thane!" Commander Arockar barks, "You dog!"
[19:33] <Feather_> With a snarl of pure rage, Feather slashes relentlessly at the ghostly ruler! His own blade crackles with electricity on the first strike, and then he shifts sideways to launch a second strike at the thane's flank!
[19:34] <Feather_> roll 1d20+9+2-1 dervish dance, channeled shocking grasp
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+9+2-1 dervish dance, channeled shocking grasp and gets 25." [1d20=15]
[19:34] <Feather_> roll 1d20+4+2-1 dervish dance
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+4+2-1 dervish dance and gets 19." [1d20=14]
[19:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Both hit.
[19:35] <Feather_> roll 2d6+2-1+5d6 last is elec
[19:35] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 2d6+2-1+5d6 last is elec and gets 21." [2d6=6, 2][5d6=1, 6, 1, 1, 3]
[19:35] <Feather_> roll 2d6+2-1
[19:35] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 2d6+2-1 and gets 11." [2d6=4, 6]
[19:35] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(28)>John=Bow Dwarf(24)>Gildas(19)>Myann(17)>GD1(8)>GD2(4)'
[19:36] <@Kotono> Two chops decapitate the thane! He splits apart with a wail, his want hitting the throne while the rest of him fades away. "THAAAAAAAANE!" The commander screams. OOC: John and bow dwarf are up. Go John.
[19:37] <Feather_> "Fuck you and the whore that spawned you!" Feather cries, spitting on the ghostly remains.
[19:37] <@John> "Big ghost real sissy!" John observes as he punches at his seemingly more challenging foe.
[19:37] <@John> roll 1d20+10
[19:37] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+10 and gets 18." [1d20=8]
[19:37] <@John> roll 1d20+10
[19:37] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+10 and gets 27." [1d20=17]
[19:37] <@John> roll 1d20+10
[19:37] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+10 and gets 30." [1d20=20]
[19:37] <@John> roll 1d20+5
[19:37] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+5 and gets 21." [1d20=16]
[19:37] <@John> roll 1d20+5
[19:37] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+5 and gets 6." [1d20=1]
[19:38] <@Kotono> OOC: 4 hits. d100s.
[19:38] <@John> roll 4#1d100
[19:38] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 4#1d100 and gets 248." [4#1d100 = 81, 100, 46, 21]
[19:38] <@John> roll 2#1d10+4
[19:38] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 2#1d10+4 and gets 26." [2#1d10+4 = 13, 13]
[19:38] <@Kotono> Commander Arockar is battered, but hardly seems to notice as John pounds his ghost-flesh. Instead he turns to Feather with a matching snarl, drawing his bow at him as...OOC: He's flagrantly provoking AoOs from John and Gildas, doesn't seem to care. Feel free to take them if you have an AoO to spare
[19:38] <@Kotono> .
[19:39] <Gildas> roll 1d20+11
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+11 and gets 27." [1d20=16]
[19:39] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 32." [1d100=32]
[19:39] <Gildas> OOC: One of these days...
[19:39] <@John> roll 1d20+10
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+10 and gets 18." [1d20=8]
[19:39] <@John> roll 1d100
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d100 and gets 91." [1d100=91]
[19:39] <@John> roll 1d10+4
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d10+4 and gets 14." [1d10=10]
[19:39] <@Kotono> Despite a punch in the back, arrows come flying at Feather!
[19:39] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 touch AC Feather 1
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 touch AC Feather 1 and gets 29." [1d20=19]
[19:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 touch AC Feather 2
[19:40] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 touch AC Feather 2 and gets 24." [1d20=14]
[19:40] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+5 touch AC Feather 3
[19:40] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 touch AC Feather 3 and gets 24." [1d20=19]
[19:40] <Feather_> OOC: Ghost touch AC is 19 right now, and getting lower with each hit
[19:40] <@Kotono> roll 3d4 str/dex/con damage ow
[19:40] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d4 str/dex/con damage ow and gets 7." [3d4=2, 3, 2]
[19:44] <@Kotono> The arrows rip through Feather! His armor is suddenly terribly heavy, his body completely numb. He falls to the ground in a heap, only his bracers preventing more damage. "Feather!" Myann cries as...OOC: Gildas.
[19:45] <@Kotono> OOC: Feather, you're prone and unable to take movement due to being in armor too heavy for your max weight righ tnow. Str 2 sucks.
[19:46] <Gildas> The Dire Bear roars and tries to pummel Arockar to death with his paws in a flurry! 
[19:46] <Gildas> roll 1d20+10
[19:46] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+10 and gets 30." [1d20=20]
[19:46] <Gildas> roll 1d20+5
[19:46] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+5 and gets 21." [1d20=16]
[19:46] <Gildas> roll 1d20+5
[19:47] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+5 and gets 15." [1d20=10]
[19:47] <Gildas> roll 1d20+5 claw 1
[19:47] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+5 claw 1 and gets 11." [1d20=6]
[19:47] <Gildas> roll 1d20+5 claw 2
[19:47] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+5 claw 2 and gets 6." [1d20=1]
[19:47] <@Kotono> OOC: Three hits. d100 times.
[19:47] <Gildas> roll 3#1d100
[19:47] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 3#1d100 and gets 147." [3#1d100 = 50, 83, 14]
[19:47] <@Kotono> OOC: Two hits.
[19:48] <Gildas> roll 2#2d8+6+2d6+1d6 bane then fire
[19:48] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2#2d8+6+2d6+1d6 bane then fire  and gets 48." [2#2d8+6+2d6+1d6 = 24, 24]
[19:48] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(28)>John(24)>Gildas(19)>Myann(17)>GD1(8)>GD2(4)'
[19:48] <@Kotono> OOC: One hit, excuse me. Brain farted.
[19:48] <Gildas> OOC: Oh, my bad, do you want me to reroll?
[19:48] <@Kotono> OOC: No, doesn't matter much here.
[19:48] <Gildas> OOC: Okay.
[19:50] <@Kotono> Under furious ursine assault, Commander Arockar is torn apart, "Th...thaaaan.e..." he whimpers as his body dissolves. Meanwhile Myann advances a little more, swearing aloud as she tears off another ghost-augmented mushroom spell at one of the remaining guardian dwarves.
[19:50] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 touch AC
[19:50] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 touch AC and gets 20." [1d20=10]
[19:50] <@Kotono> roll 5d6
[19:50] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d6 and gets 17." [5d6=2, 4, 2, 4, 5]
[19:50] * Kotono changes topic to 'Feather(28)>John(24)>Gildas(19)>Myann(17)>GD2(4)'
[19:51] <@Kotono> The ghost is smashed into paste, ghost mushrooms springing up all around. As this happens, the last guardian howls in rage, turning his mace onto Feather, "FOR THE THANE!" he screams!
[19:51] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 touch AC
[19:51] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 touch AC and gets 22." [1d20=16]
[19:51] <@Kotono> roll 1d4 str damage, probably paralyzes you since 0 str
[19:51] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 str damage, probably paralyzes you since 0 str and gets 3." [1d4=3]
[19:51] <Feather_> OOC: So it does
[19:52] <@Kotono> WHAM! Another blow renders Feather simply unable to move. HIs body can't be felt, unresponsive. OOC: Ow. FEather, you're helpless and can't do anything. John, go.
[19:53] <@John> "Raaagh!" John rushes over to lay out the last ghost in the area!
[19:53] <@John> roll 1d20+15 charge
[19:53] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 charge and gets 31." [1d20=16]
[19:53] <@John> roll 1d100
[19:53] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d100 and gets 43." [1d100=43]
[19:53] <@Kotono> A hit - that goes right through the ghost! OOC: Gildas.
[19:54] <Gildas> Gildas-Bear moves over to assist John and tries to smack the ghost with a glowing paw! OOC: Do I need to charge to get there?
[19:55] <@Kotono> OOC: No.
[19:55] <Gildas> roll 1d20+11
[19:55] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+11 and gets 15." [1d20=4]
[19:55] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit. d100.
[19:55] <Gildas> roll 1d100
[19:55] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d100 and gets 43." [1d100=43]
[19:55] <@Kotono> But Gildas's claw goes through it as well. With a groan, Myann chants...
[19:55] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10 another transdimensional 'shrooming
[19:55] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 another transdimensional 'shrooming and gets 27." [1d20=17]
[19:55] <@Kotono> roll 5d6
[19:55] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 5d6 and gets 12." [5d6=2, 1, 2, 4, 3]
[19:56] <@Kotono> The block simply crushes the ghost beneath it. With the last vanquished, a sense of peace comes to the hall. A distinct feeling of serenity, soothing your spirits. OOC: Free act. Loot post.
[19:57] <@Kotono> Myann limps over, "Feather," shec alls, shaking his shoulder as she channels a healing spell in. Her eyes are wild.
[19:57] <@Kotono> roll 3d8+9
[19:57] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+9 and gets 19." [3d8=3, 5, 2]
[19:57] <Feather_> Feather just feels tired, and manages to blink at Myann.
[19:58] <@John> "Need help?" John asks, offering a hand to Feather as if to help him up.
[19:58] <@Kotono> Seeing the movement and the healing, Myann sighs and cries out in relief. She sits, managing to place his head to rest on her lap. "I don't think he can move right now," she says, reaching down to take his hand.
[19:59] <@John> "Rest, then," John nods, going to take a seat on the throne.
[20:00] <@Kotono> Myann channels another healing spell into Feather in the meanwhile.
[20:00] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+5
[20:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+5 and gets 11." [1d8=6]
[20:00] <@Kotono> OW! Sharp bits on chair! Butt hurts! But he sits there nonetheles. OOC: 1 damage from sharp owwies, John.
[20:01] <Gildas> The Dire bear looks around for a good place to lay down for a little while, opting for somewhere not near a gem tree.
[20:01] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, so what's the party's plan now? Emergency rest?
[20:02] <@John> "Oww!" John cries out and stands. "King-seat sharp!"
[20:03] <@John> OOC: rest then see if we can fit a city inside our backpacks.
[20:03] <@Kotono> OOC: Any watch or anything like that?
[20:03] <Gildas> OOC: I can watch since I still only need two hours of rest.
[20:04] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[20:04] <@Kotono> The night's rest passes. It passes in deep, black sleep for all when they need it, save for Gildas. The body heals and injuries begin to mend. OOC: Normal rest. HP back as normal (irrelevant mostly) and 1 ability damage healed to each stat. 2 to Gildas since he has that new trait. Gildas, I presume you'll be modifying spells for lesser restorations?
[20:05] <Gildas> OOC: Oh god yes.
[20:05] <@Kotono> OOC: Resort your spells, update your post then get to lesser restoring.
[20:06] <Gildas> OOC: Okay, one moment.
[20:15] <Gildas> roll 1d4 str for Feather
[20:15] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d4 str for Feather  and gets 2." [1d4=2]
[20:15] <Gildas> roll 1d4 str for Feather again
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d4 str for Feather again and gets 3." [1d4=3]
[20:16] <Gildas> roll 1d4 str for Myann
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d4 str for Myann and gets 4." [1d4=4]
[20:16] <Gildas> roll 1d4 con for Feather
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d4 con for Feather and gets 4." [1d4=4]
[20:16] <Gildas> OOC: That's all of 'em.
[20:17] <@Kotono> OOC Are y'all gonna do anything or rest again or what here?
[20:18] <Gildas> OOC: I leave that up to the others, but I wouldn't mind resting again.
[20:18] <Feather_> OOC: Let's look around?
[20:18] <@John> OOC: lets start looting
[20:18] <Feather_> roll 1d20+15 spellcraft wand
[20:18] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+15 spellcraft wand and gets 20." [1d20=5]
[20:19] <Feather_> roll 1d20+15 spellcraft sword
[20:19] * Hatbot --> "Feather_ rolls 1d20+15 spellcraft sword and gets 17." [1d20=2]
[20:19] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay. Whiff on the wand and sword. Want to try, Gildas?
[20:20] <Gildas> OOC: Sure
[20:20] <Gildas> roll 1d20+14 wand
[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+14 wand and gets 30." [1d20=16]
[20:20] <Gildas> roll 1d20+14 sword
[20:20] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+14 sword and gets 31." [1d20=17]
[20:21] <@Kotono> OOC: Loot post and then an edit coming. We'll be pausing here, just wait for my post in a couple.


[18:06] <@Kotono> The tired party returns to the throne room. Fatigue dogs everyone, the strain of yesterday's battle having come home to roost. But nonethless the party goes to the withered gem trees, Myann taking a look. As she does, "Did any of you have ideas for that chest and that door downstairs?"
[18:06] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+19
[18:06] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+19  and gets 39." [1d20=20]
[18:07] <@Ebiris> "Nope," John shakes his head. "Looks pretty fierce."
[18:07] <Feather> "Just that the golem might try to get it opened?" Feather asks with a shrug. "Doesn't hurt us to ask and all."
[18:08] <Gildas> Gildas holds out the ring they found earlier in the shrikes. "I don't know if this would work... but I believe the trap would just... shut off with this nearby. We could see if it does, and if not... just do as Feather said?"
[18:09] <@Kotono> "No good," Myann says, tossing a ruby fruit to the ground. It shatters like glass. "I'm no expert in this, but the fruit's brittle as glass."
[18:10] <Gildas> "Never thought I'd see something like that..." He remarks. "How... unexpected."
[18:10] <@Kotono> After a moment's thought, she yawns and closes her eyes, resting against the ruins of a tree. "The golem can probably pound down that steel door, if nothing else." She slowly rubs her face with her hand, "I hope we don't encounter any ghosts walking back."
[18:11] <Gildas> "It might be a good idea for us to rest here again... I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm pretty exhausted from all that exploring." Gildas says, stifling a yawn of his own.
[18:11] <@Ebiris> "Could use a break, yeah," John agrees, seemingly back to his old self.
[18:14] <@Kotono> "Thirded," Myann stretches, "We can go upstairs and use the beds there, at least." A yawn is followed by wiping sleepy tears from her eyes.
[18:14] <@Kotono> OOC: So I assume y'all wanna rest another night?
[18:15] <Feather> OOC: Yes
[18:15] <Gildas> OOC: Yar
[18:15] <@Ebiris> OOC: yeah
[18:15] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[18:15] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 29." [1d100=29]
[18:18] <@Kotono> The night's rest passes without incident. More damages heal. OOC: First, any more lesser restorations?
[18:19] <Gildas> OOC: Yes indeed
[18:20] <Gildas> roll 1d4 str Feather
[18:20] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d4 str Feather and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[18:20] <Gildas> roll 1d4 str Feather
[18:20] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d4 str Feather and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[18:21] <Gildas> roll 1d4 con Feather
[18:21] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d4 con Feather and gets 3." [1d4=3]
[18:21] <Gildas> roll 1d4 str myself
[18:21] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d4 str myself and gets 3." [1d4=3]
[18:23] <@Kotono> OOC: Going back now? If you're going back and forth to bring the golem or whatever, I can assume y'all are dividing the loot up into multiple trips since your carrying capacity is still somewhat compromised?
[18:24] <@Ebiris> OOC: lets just pile everything up by the door then go get the golem and his owner?
[18:24] <@Ebiris> OOC: also get our own weapons!
[18:24] <@Kotono> OOC: Also /nick.
[18:25] <Gildas> OOC: Yeah that all sound fine to me.
[18:25] <Feather> OOC: Sure. Let's remember to pick our old weapons.
[18:25] * Ebiris is now known as John
[18:28] <@Kotono> The walk back is silent. The underground is still. You find your weapons where you left them, undisturbed by a few days away. OOC: Weapons recovered. More.
[18:30] <@Kotono> On emerging from the underground and back to the city street, you find that light shines down. The gloom is gone - long gone. In its wake is a ruined city, crumbled onto itself. A place of forgotten memories and broken dreams. Standing outside a much worse for wear shop is Forgar and his golem. A rather oversized sled of wood and iron is there. A harness connects the golem to it to provide
[18:30] <@Kotono> movement.
[18:31] <@John> "Alright?" John greets him as they draw near.
[18:32] <Gildas> Gildas raises a hand in greeting to Forgar, happy to see him still there.
[18:34] <@Kotono> Forgar returns that gesture. "I'm fine," he says, "City looks better than it's been in ages."
[18:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Perception check, all.
[18:34] <@John> "Yeah, we went and killed the thane again," John tells him. "Can't really remember it fully, but I'm pretty sure lots of stuff got splatted."
[18:35] <@John> roll 1d20+15
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+15 and gets 24." [1d20=9]
[18:35] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+14 Myann
[18:35] <Feather> roll 1d20+13
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+14 Myann and gets 21." [1d20=7]
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+13 and gets 28." [1d20=15]
[18:36] <Feather> "We killed a bunch of his commanders, too," Feather adds. "One of them's gonna return, though, or so he said."
[18:36] <Gildas> roll 1d20+15
[18:36] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+15 and gets 22." [1d20=7]
[18:37] <Gildas> "Couldn't have happened to a worse person." Gildas remarks.
[18:38] <@Kotono> As the party stands there, they can detect a sense of presence. Something watching, shivers going up your backs.
[18:38] <@Kotono> "If he returns, we-" Myann stops and scowls, sweeping her gaze around.
[18:39] * Quits: @Merc ( (Ping timeout)
[18:39] <@John> "Heeey... what's that?" John asks, looking up. "You been getting the feeling of someone watching you around here, Forgar?"
[18:40] <Gildas> Gildas blinks and nods to Myann and John, before doing the same as Myann to see if he can spot anything.
[18:42] <@Kotono> You don't see anything. Instead you hear the sound of clapping - a tidal wave of clapping, like a standing ovation. "Eh?" Forgar looks around, rather utterly lost-looking.
[18:43] <Gildas> Gildas reaches up to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Myann, you don't think..."
[18:43] <@John> "Who's that, then?" John asks, fighting a little smile at being on the receiving end of such applause.
[18:44] <@Kotono> Myann closes her eyes and slowly breathes in and out. "I don't think. I know. Just...let them clap. So what? We happen to agree the living dead are best dealt with. We didn't need the Sidhe telling us to dispatch Johann and we don't need them telling us to free these ghosts."
[18:45] <Feather> "Guess we know they really are here, now?"
[18:45] <Gildas> "A fair point." He says. "We can at least agree on one thing."
[18:46] <@Kotono> "At least this realm doesn't tolerate them supinely. There are those spiritmen." Myann adds, opening her eyes again.
[18:48] <Feather> "Don't suppose they'd like to open the magical chest for us to show their gratitude?"
[18:48] <Gildas> "I think that has the potential to backfire worse than the chest itself."
[18:48] <@Kotono> As the party talks, the clapping dies down and concludes. Myann starts to speak, but Forgar speaks up instead. "The fairies?" he says, his guard up instantly. "Damned troublemakers is what they are."
[18:49] <@John> "Well they didn't really help, but you can't say no to a bit of appreciation, can you?" John reasons. "S'nice."
[18:50] <Feather> "So we're about ready to go," Feather says to get them back on track. "But we found a couple things we couldn't get into at the thane's place. Figured you might have an idea?"
[18:50] <@Kotono> Forgar grunts at that, "I might."
[18:51] <Gildas> Gildas withdraws the ring they found earlier as Feather begins to explain!
[18:51] * Feather describes the magical traps to the best of his memory! They can always just show Forgar if that's not enough.
[18:52] <Gildas> "I don't know if this ring happens to open that trap or not, but I thought you might have an idea either way."
[18:55] <@Kotono> "This ring, eh? It has nothing to do with the palace," he remarks, "The crossed axes and hammer are the sigil of the Dumoin family. They had a mansion here. If I recall, they were the main group trying to keep trade going with this colony and the rest of the dwarves above. If it opens something, it's probably a door or vault over there, not in the palace."
[18:56] <Gildas> "Oh." Gildas nods, glad he asked! "Maybe we can make a stop by there, then."
[18:56] <@Kotono> After a few moments of looking it over, "Where'd you get your hands on this?"
[18:57] <Feather> "Wanna just stop by the thane's palace with us? Maybe you'll spot something we missed."
[18:58] <@Kotono> "Why not?" Forgar agrees. OOC: What's your plan onw, y'all?
[18:58] <Feather> OOC: Let's show him the place, see if he doesn't have any ideas. Use the golem on what he thinks it can be used for.
[18:58] <Feather> OOC: I think Gil wants to stop by this Dumoin mansion after?
[18:59] <Gildas> "It was being held by..." Gildas wrinkles his nose. "I think this was the naked dwarf, if I remember right..."
[19:00] <@Kotono> "...Must be a story there," Forgar shrugs, his new bugbear body ambling along as the group heads back to the palace. (More)
[19:00] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[19:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 19." [1d100=19]
[19:02] <@Kotono> A trip to the basement leads to the trapped chest. He examines it from a good distance before whistling low. "I don't know," he finally admits, "This has more traps than a treasury. Whatever's in there must be incredibly important to go to the trouble. But that's obvious."
[19:03] <@John> "Hey," John has an idea, "What if we put a rope around the chest, then yanked it hard from outside the door? Then leave it an hour and try knocking down the wall of stone and seeing if we can get at it then?"
[19:07] <Gildas> "I'd be worried that even putting the rope on it might trigger the trap." Gildas says with a frown. "Maybe we could knock it off with something from here...?"
[19:08] <@John> "Yeah but we can loop it around so it's slack and a couple of feet away, then just pull it taut and yank hard all at once," John clarifies.
[19:09] <Feather> "Worth a try," Feather gives his vote.
[19:09] <Gildas> Gildas blinks, then nods.
[19:12] <@Kotono> OOC: So how exactly are y'all executing this?
[19:13] <@John> OOC: walk into the room with a line of rope, walk it around where the chest is and back so the two ends are outside the room. Take both ends and yank real hard. Go do other stuff and come back later to see what happened.
[19:15] <@Kotono> Thus the rope is put out and the ches tis pulled. The moment it is, the passage into the room is sealed in stone. Whatever happens next is unknown, but that rope is now -much- shorter. Myann looks at it and then the stone wall, "Well."
[19:16] * Feather shrugs. "There was a door to force open?"
[19:16] <@John> "Well, lets come back in a bit and see if we can get through the stone?" John says, having expected this. "Hope there wasn't anything fragile in that chest."
[19:17] <Gildas> "I'm not sure how the chest itself survives all that, truth be told..."
[19:17] <Feather> "Magic."
[19:18] <Gildas> "Must be some strong stuff, then."
[19:19] <@Kotono> The trip to the iron door is without incident. On command, the golem plummels it. The door shudders and is slowly battered down. Within you find a large room full of massive stone tubs, open topped. Within each tub is coins. There must be hundreds of thousands of coins in here. Myann whistles low, "The palace's treasury!"
[19:20] <Feather> "Enough to build another town?"
[19:20] <@Kotono> "Let me look, I see a lot of silver and copper," Myann replies, going to a tub. She chants, her hand going golden as she looks over them. "Give me some time and help do some provisional counts."
[19:20] * @John whistles appreciatively. "Might take a few trips."
[19:22] <Gildas> Gildas nods and moves to assist with that!
[19:22] <@Kotono> A few hours of counting and sorting pass. A provisional list of the contents is passed around...OOC: Loot post.
[19:23] <Gildas> "Goodness." Gildas says. "I don't think there's any way for us to move all of this..."
[19:25] <@Kotono> "Most of it's copper," Myann says as she dusts off her hands, "I think we can ignore that and the silver as well. Moving the platinum won't be too hard, but even all those gold coins are going to be troublesome."
[19:25] <@John> "Come back a few times and hope nobody else grabs it while we're gone?"
[19:25] <Feather> "We could move most of it somewhere," Feather muses. "Maybe Forgar's place, or that town we passed through? If we give them a share or offer the silver and copper to them, they could hold it for us."
[19:27] <@Kotono> Forgar hmms, "Smiley can haul the tubs and we can take one or two back on the sled each time," he says, "More if we can find something to help him pull. It'll still take a few days of back and forth at the least."
[19:27] <Gildas> "I've heard of people who can magically shrink items..." He rubs his chin. "I think that's beyond my ability, though."
[19:27] <@John> "Don't suppose you know how to make bags of holding or anything like that?" John asks Forgar.
[19:28] <@Kotono> This draws a shake of his head, "Those sort of bags are the stuff of fable. They're much rarer and harder to make than stories suggest."
[19:28] <Feather> "Truth be told, we figured it might take us a month to fix Gildas's arm traveling here, so it's not like we can't spare a couple days."
[19:29] <Gildas> Gildas has to laugh a bit at that. "It's true."
[19:30] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, so you have that sorted. Going to check back on the treasure chest before soaking a few days into this?
[19:30] <Gildas> OOC: Why not!
[19:30] <Feather> OOC: Sure
[19:31] <@Kotono> On your return, you find the room as you first found it. The chest is not disturbed and there's no sign of the rope, not even ash or a smear on the ground.
[19:31] <Feather> "Wow."
[19:32] <@Kotono> Myann whistles low, "Wow," she echos Feather, standing next to him.
[19:32] <Gildas> Gildas blinks. "I wonder how many times the traps can go off...?"
[19:33] * Feather takes a look for the magic to confirm that it's unchanged.
[19:33] <@John> "Must be nailed down," John surmises. "Sorry about wasting the rope."
[19:35] <@Kotono> The magic's still there and unchanged.
[19:35] <@Kotono> "We're already rich from this," Myann observes, "Do we need to risk ourselves over one treasure?"
[19:36] <@John> "Hmm. We could have someone go in to open it while everyone else stays back to knock down the wall quickly so the one inside can swim out through the boiling electrified acid before melting to death?" John muses. "You have to wonder, there's got to be something really good in there, right?"
[19:36] <Feather> "Yeah, looks like this all resets." Feather grimaces. "It's really the principle of the thing. Uh, any ideas? Not something we have to do right now, but in general? If we ever return? I figured maybe if we had a golem of our own to take it, or even a fey that could just run away with the chest...."
[19:37] <Gildas> "I could probably try and dispel each individual trap someday." Gildas says. "But it'd take a lot of time."
[19:37] <@Kotono> "I could ask the mushrooms,' Myann says after a few moments.
[19:37] <Gildas> He blinks. "But I suppose if we're going to be here for days anyway..."
[19:38] <Feather> "Let's try dispelling one and seeing how it works?"
[19:39] <Gildas> He nods. "I'll try tomorrow."
[19:47] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, so going to start hauling coin tubs to Forgar's shop over the next several days? In the interum, I assume you're oging to try some dispelling?
[19:48] <Gildas> OOC: Indeed. Let me make some spell changes.
[19:49] <Gildas> OOC: Done.
[19:50] <@Kotono> OOC: Go ahead and roll a batch of dispels and I'll tell you how it goes.
[19:51] <Gildas> roll 3#1d20+9
[19:51] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 3#1d20+9 and gets 55." [3#1d20+9 = 13, 24, 18]
[19:54] <@Kotono> Gildas summons the unweaving of magic on the traps of the room. But nothing happens - the magic doesn'te ven budge.
[19:55] <Gildas> Gildas rubs his chin. "I think you might want to ask the mushrooms after all."
[19:57] <@Kotono> Myann nods, "If you want me to," she says, "Are you sure?"
[19:58] <Gildas> "Let me try again a few times... If I can't get it at all then yes."
[20:02] <Gildas> roll 4#1d20+9
[20:02] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 4#1d20+9 and gets 95." [4#1d20+9 = 27, 21, 26, 21]
[20:05] <@Kotono> Gildas throws a bevy of dispels at the enchantments. You can see them weaken - while not dispelled, they look to be temporarily less than what they were before.
[20:06] * Feather takes another look to see just what the effects of the weakening might be.
[20:08] <@Kotono> OOC: Quicks pellcraft.
[20:10] <Feather> roll 1d20+15
[20:10] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 and gets 35." [1d20=20]
[20:10] <Gildas> OOC: Well I was going to roll too just in case but NOPE
[20:12] <@Kotono> The enchantments are down for several moments but are quickly regenerating. If one moves fast you -might- be able to open the chest and get what's inside safely. But if you're too slow, you'll likely face all the enchantments and die a horrifying death.
[20:14] * Feather dashes to do just that, his trusty Oak Feller at his side!
[20:15] <@Kotono> OOC: Dex check. +2 bonus for each 10ft your speed is above 30ft.
[20:16] <Feather> roll 1d20+3+8 swift expeditious retreat
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+3+8 swift expeditious retreat and gets 21." [1d20=10]
[20:17] <@John> "Uh..." is probably about the only thing John can say in the time he has to react.
[20:17] <Gildas> Gildas, likewise, is taken by surprise! He must've done something...?
[20:17] <@Kotono> Feather rushes in and throws the chest open! Within is a simple knife in sheathe. He barely has a moment to glance as he grabs it and hurries out, diving out the door. A split second later the wall closes behind him! His feet just barely clear it by less than an inch! OOC: The DC was 21. You live dangerously.
[20:18] * Feather flips to his back from where he's lying on the floor, stares back at the sealed entrance and begins to laugh.
[20:18] * @John applauds!
[20:18] <Gildas> "Are you all right?!" He asks dumbly. "What in the world..."
[20:19] <Feather> "It's a knife," Feather says, catching his breath. "Must be the best knife in the world, I swear."
[20:19] <@Kotono> "FEATHER!" Myann barrels over to him, "What the HELL was that?!" she blurts out, "What i-GUGH!" Myann visibly recoils from Feather, body bursting into fire as she's thrown back against the newly formed stone wall.
[20:19] <@Kotono> roll 3d6
[20:19] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d6 and gets 12." [3d6=3, 6, 3]
[20:20] <Feather> "Wait- what?!" Feather exclaims, climbing to his feet and staring at the knife and then at Myann.
[20:20] <@John> "Woah!" John stops his clapping abruptly. "Chuck the knife away, man!"
[20:20] <@Kotono> The knife looks like a plain knife. Utterly unremarkable on a glance.
[20:20] <Gildas> Gildas smiles a little and then woah holy-- "Myann!?" He calls out, suddenly putting two and two together. "Hold on. Throw it to me, you check on her, Feather."
[20:21] <@Kotono> Myann skitters back, curling against the wall. "The hell is that?" she gasps, staring at the knife.
[20:21] * Feather almost does it before he puts the sheathed knife on the ground and pushes it towards Gildas. Then, he cautiously approaches Myann and reaches out for her with the gemstone of life.
[20:21] <Feather> roll 3d8+10
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 3d8+10 and gets 24." [3d8=5, 3, 6]
[20:21] <@Kotono> Nothing happens as he approaches and Myann's injuries are healed.
[20:22] <Gildas> Gildas casts Detect Magic on the knife!
[20:22] <@Kotono> OOC: CL check, Gildas.
[20:22] <Gildas> roll 1d20+9 I believe?
[20:22] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+9 I believe? and gets 26." [1d20=17]
[20:22] <@Kotono> OOC: Will save.
[20:23] <@John> "So it sets fey or women on fire?" John guesses, seeing that Myann is okay now.
[20:23] <Feather> "Did it feel weird? Like, uh, the cold iron stuff?"
[20:24] <Gildas> roll 1d20+12
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+12 and gets 14." [1d20=2]
[20:24] <Gildas> OOC: off course
[20:24] <@Kotono> The knife is magic. Dozens of voices slam into Gildas, whispering, talking and cajoling him. The knife is not magical. It is just a knife. Ignore the knife. The knife is nothing unusual. It is only a knife. Forget about the knife. A knife is beneath your notice. Notice not the knife. OOC: Gildas believes the knife is non-magical and thinks it is completely unremarkable now.
[20:25] <@Kotono> "It hurt," Myann says quietly, "Worse than that sword we found down here."
[20:25] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[20:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 17." [1d20=7]
[20:25] <Gildas> "It's just a normal knife." Gildas says and tosses it onto the floor. "Not sure why it would've been put in there." He shrugs.
[20:26] <@John> "Did you not see the fire?" John asks incredulously.
[20:26] * Feather gives Gildas an incredulous look, but then sighs. "Whatever. John, mind carrying it for now?"
[20:27] <Gildas> Gildas just shrugs again. "Either way, I'm glad you're both okay."
[20:27] <@John> "Uh, yeah. I'll keep well away from Myann then," he says, going to pick it up and put it in a pocket.
[20:27] <Feather> Returning his attention to Myann, Feather asks, "Any bad effects? After you got healed from it? Like sickness?"
[20:29] * Joins: Merc (
[20:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Merc
[20:29] <@Kotono> "I'm alright now," She rises with Feather's help, "It feels worse than that cold iron armor I touched down here. I think...I think that whatever it is, it's meant to kill fairies. Obviously," she appends with a shake of her head, slowly rubbing her forehead. "No wonder it's so protected. To keep people away from it and it away from people."
[20:30] <Feather> "And we might need it one day, if someone like that prince shows up and is looking for a fight instead of a nice chat."
[20:30] <@Kotono> Forgar watches all this quietly, "The Ourulgia." she says aloud.
[20:30] <@John> "Dunno, might make them want to come and fight us even more, won't it?" John wonders. "You recognise it, Forgar?"
[20:31] <Gildas> "The what?" Gildas asks. Oh, the person who crafted it, surely.
[20:32] <@Kotono> "The locals down here have a legend, about something that's the bane of fairies. It's supposed to be from the spiritmen. It's mythical, I think you'd say. It's powerful and capable of killing fairies, but its owners are said to never come to good ends. Then again, people who cross the fairies come to bad ends too, so there's likely a correlation to that."
[20:33] <Gildas> Gildas shakes his head. "Some legend."
[20:33] <@John> "So we gonna keep it or chuck it?" John asks.
[20:33] <Feather> "Could give it to Kral, maybe?"
[20:34] <@Kotono> "I want no part of it," Myann says shortly, "But I don't want the Sidhe having more reasons to pester us, let alone for that."
[20:35] <@John> "Yeah, I reckon it's just asking for a fight, and they've been pretty decent lately," John agrees with her.
[20:36] <Gildas> Gildas just shakes his head. Why does everyone keep making such a fuss over this regular knife?
[20:37] <Feather> "So you all just want to leave it here?" Feather asks disappointedly. "That case, let's hide it some place that's not so obvious like a magical chest?"
[20:37] <@John> "Put it in a guano barrel?"
[20:37] <Feather> "Sounds about right. Won't be owning it, but might return if we ever really need it?"
[20:38] <@Kotono> "IF we really need it," Myann gives it a less than happy look, "We can come back for it later. I intellectually know it may be useful, but I'm fighting a growing urge to want no part of it."
[20:38] <@John> "Well, lets start gathering what we're taking for this trip and head home then, we can drop the knife off on the way."
[20:39] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, we're over so we'll pause here. Next time we'll finish up wrapup for the shrikes and head back. I'll try to shorten the logistics as much as possible, but try and have an idea of how you'll get water-damagable items up to the surface. Transport up back to your layer can be done (slowlyish) by Myann and Gildas in bird form, if nothing else.


[18:05] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, quick agenda check: Going to Dumoin mansion, stashing the knife, then heading out of town?
[18:05] <Feather> OOC: And leaving all we can't bring with us at the bugbear dwarf's place
[18:07] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[18:07] <@Kotono> roll 1d100
[18:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 43." [1d100=43]
[18:09] <@Kotono> You wander the streets. It's slow going down ruined lanes, forgotten avenues and silent roads. Eventually you come to a large manor. It's at the end of a largely empty street. It was once an ediface of stone and skill, but is now half-collapsed and forgotten. The same hammer and axe sigil that appears on the ring can be seen on the doors leading in.
[18:11] <Gildas> "Hopefully there won't be anymore naked dwarves." Gildas says as he approaches the doors.
[18:11] <@Kotono> "This is it," Forgar announces, holding a hand up for Smiley to stop. Behind him the oversized sled stops as well, jangling with coins and treasure. "I'll stay out here in case there's trouble."
[18:12] <Feather> "Sure thing. Yell if there's any ghosts?"
[18:14] <@Kotono> Myann readies her sword before following along. You find the front door to open without resistance. Lying inside is the ruins of a grand entry hall. The once beautiful floor and walls are fire-scorched. Burnt bones lie all about. Stairs going up have collapsed. There's a few doors about here and there as well. The air smells faintly of smoke and ash.
[18:15] <@John> "Smells recent, doesn't it?" John says, sniffing.
[18:15] <Gildas> Gildas wrinkles his nose and frowns.
[18:16] <@Kotono> "That doesn't make sense," Myann points out, sniffing before waving her hand in front of her nose.
[18:17] <@John> "Well... there was that dragon," John admits, as if it was easy to forget. "Maybe he blasted this building while flying around?"
[18:18] <Feather> "That one makes sense," Feather muses. "Let's look around? Mystery won't solve itself."
[18:19] * @John nods and goes to push open the nearest door on the left.
[18:21] <@Kotono> The party goes about searching. There's the mundane on what's left of the first floor - most of a kitchen, a large bedroom, a burnt room that may have once been a library but is now nothing but ash. A stairway leads down into a basement. It's plain and empty - save for a single door. The door has the same hammer and axe sigil as the ring.
[18:22] <Gildas> "Well, this seems as obvious as any." Gildas says and walks up to the door with the ring in his hand.
[18:26] <@Kotono> On presenting the ring to the door, the door slides open. Within you see the glitter of gold! It's a unremarkable room. Sitting against one wall are gold and silver bars. Great tubs of coins sit in the back, mostly silver and copper on a glance, but one of gold. Sitting atop a tub of copper coins is a thick book. 
[18:27] <@Kotono> Myann steps in, "Give me some time to get an idea and to count," she says, kneeling before the bars first. "Two treasure hoards like this. We need to find more abandoned cities."
[18:28] <@John> "Yeah... y'know, is it just me or does this all seem like too much?" John asks, the scale of their recent haul just being difficult for him to grasp. A little bit of gold and a neat magic item, that's where he usually sets his expectations!
[18:29] * Feather shrugs. "Didn't touch my gold that much before, ever since we settled down. Probably won't matter much now, either?"
[18:30] <@Kotono> "We really don't have much need for it," Myann agrees as she holds up a gold bar to the light. "To be honest, I've been wondering what I'm going to do with all of it, and I'm not coming up with anything good."
[18:30] <@John> John nods. "Yeah, I mean if we were out in the big city we'd be set, but out here it just doesn't mean much does it?"
[18:30] <Feather> "Pay for stone for more buildings? Have enough to give to those elf refugees?"
[18:31] <Gildas> Gildas casts a quick detect magic before he goes to pick up the book!
[18:32] <@Kotono> "It'll help them, know what, you're absolutely right, John," Myann puts the gold bar down. "It's like we're measuring our success with the gold we haul back. It looks nice and I like having jewelry, but I have several hundred gold just collecting dust in my closet."
[18:32] <@Kotono> The book radiates magic. OOC: Spellcraft.
[18:32] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+20 appraise in the meanwhile.
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+20 appraise in the meanwhile. and gets 36." [1d20=16]
[18:32] <Gildas> roll 1d20+16
[18:32] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+16 and gets 27." [1d20=11]
[18:33] <@Kotono> OOC: Loot post.
[18:34] <@John> "I guess it's shiny and the kobolds can't get enough of that," John concedes Feather's point. "Reckon any refugees'll care more about food than money though."
[18:34] <@Kotono> "Maybe I can give some to the mushrooms," Myann observes, "By the way, there's some mithral bars mixed in with the silver ones. Those are worth  much more than silver."
[18:34] <Feather> "Well yeah," Feather agrees. "But see, not all would wanna settle? Some might wanna go some other place. Then, giving them some gold would help."
[18:37] <Feather> "Maybe we can get the kobolds to teach us how to make their bombs?"
[18:37] <@Kotono> "Worth a thought. So what are we taking and what are we leaving?" Myann says, putting the last bar down.
[18:38] <Gildas> Gildas blinks and picks the book up. "Impressive." He looks at the others. "This book... it seems to make you smarter. It's a one-time deal, though." He just holds onto it for the time being, looking at the rest of the items in the room.
[18:38] <Feather> "We'll see if we can't bring the gold, mithral and platinum back with us? Even if it takes a couple trips?" Feather suggests. "The rest, we'll just stash away at Forgar's place or leave here, since we got that ring."
[18:38] <@John> "May as well add it all to the sled, we can leave everything in one place that way?" Hearing Gildas John looks over, "Don't worry about that for me. Reckon I'm as smart as I'll ever need to be."
[18:39] <Feather> "Would be nice to be smarter, if just one book helped with that."
[18:42] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, post what y'all are taking and all that.
[18:42] <Gildas> Gildas nods to Feather. "We can always sort it out once we get back. I'll hold onto it for now."
[18:44] <Gildas> OOC: Are we planning on taking all the bars in trips?
[18:44] <Feather> OOC: Yeah sure
[18:46] <@Kotono> OOC: Right, post all that then and we'll get moving.
[18:48] <Gildas> OOC: Done
[18:49] <Feather> OOC: Done, let's go
[18:50] <@Kotono> OOC: From there, you were going to stop by and tlel them about the lesser coins and then return to the surface?
[18:51] <Gildas> OOC: I believe so.
[18:53] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+55
[18:53] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100+55 and gets 102." [1d100=47]
[18:54] <@Kotono> Thus you leave the shrikes behind. An hour of walking has the town be a memory on the horizon as....60ft ahead. It rises from the ground. It looks like a sheet of black taffy rising out of the ground, stretched out longways to reach 40ft up and 10ft wide. Near the top is the image of a face in concentration, a faint frown visible. A corona of fire dances around it. This frown quickly deepens
[18:54] <@Kotono> into a scowl of fury.
[18:55] <Feather> "That goatfucker!"
[18:55] <@Kotono> "Ah da-" Myann begins, before turning to Feather. "What?"
[18:55] <@John> "Here we go again..."
[18:56] <Gildas> Gildas looks to Forgar. "Can you think of anything to say to it that might get it to leave us in peace this time?"
[18:56] <Feather> "Yes, tell him to fuck off before he sets us on fire again for saying hi!"
[18:56] <@Kotono> The spiritman before you quivers. A terrible sensation passes throughthe party as the ground 40ft behind you breaks open. A second spiritman rips out, as the first calls in Sylvan, "FAAAAAAIIIIIRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY!"
[18:57] <Gildas> Gildas jumps a bit because wow.
[18:58] <@Kotono> Myann's face pales rather quickly, "This is..." she mutters, looking back and forth between the pair.
[18:58] * Feather casts resist fire in resignation.
[18:58] <@John> "So we gonna make a fight of this or what?" John asks, holding his staff up.
[18:59] <@Kotono> At Feather beginning to cast, the spiritmen begin to have the flames around them speed up. OOC: Init. They aren't the type to let you sit around and cast spells while looking intimidating.
[18:59] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 Myann
[18:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 Myann and gets 19." [1d20=17]
[18:59] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+4 Forgar
[18:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 Forgar and gets 8." [1d20=4]
[18:59] <Feather> roll 1d20+8
[18:59] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+8 and gets 18." [1d20=10]
[19:00] <Gildas> roll 1d20+3
[19:00] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+3 and gets 13." [1d20=10]
[19:00] <@Kotono> roll 1d20-1 Smiley
[19:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20-1 Smiley and gets 5." [1d20=6]
[19:00] <@John> roll 1d20+7
[19:00] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+7 and gets 13." [1d20=6]
[19:00] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+3 Spiritman ahead of you
[19:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 Spiritman ahead of you and gets 16." [1d20=13]
[19:01] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+6 Spiritman behind you
[19:01] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 Spiritman behind you and gets 18." [1d20=12]
[19:02] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(19)>Feather=Spiriman Behind(18)>Spiritman Ahead(16)>Gildas=John(13)>Forgar(8)>Smiley(5)'
[19:05] <@Kotono> Myann quickly casts, the spiritman ahead getting a rain of blocks falling down on it. Before it can react further, she dodges to the left, moving 40ft away from the rest of the party. "Over here!"
[19:05] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+7 ref
[19:05] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 ref and gets 8." [1d20=1]
[19:05] <@Kotono> roll 10d6 full+prone
[19:05] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 10d6 full+prone and gets 40." [10d6=5, 1, 4, 6, 4, 6, 4, 3, 5, 2]
[19:05] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(19)>Feather=Spiriman Behind(18)>Spiritman Ahead(16 prone)>Gildas=John(13)>Forgar(8)>Smiley(5)'
[19:07] <@Kotono> The rain of blocks batters the spiritman, knocking it down into a stretched out heap. It's down! OOC: Knocked prone. Go Feather.
[19:07] * Feather rushes through the rest of his spell, before he pounces on the downed monster with both scimitars!
[19:07] <Feather> roll 1d20+15 stone
[19:07] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 stone and gets 28." [1d20=13]
[19:07] <Feather> roll 1d20+15 oak feller
[19:07] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 oak feller and gets 33." [1d20=18]
[19:07] <Feather> roll 1d20+15 oak feller crit?
[19:07] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 oak feller crit? and gets 19." [1d20=4]
[19:07] <@Kotono> OOC: Two normal hits.
[19:08] <Feather> roll 1d6+4+5d6+1d6+3+5d6 quick cast fire res
[19:08] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+4+5d6+1d6+3+5d6 quick cast fire res and gets 51." [1d6=1][5d6=5, 1, 6, 6, 4][1d6=5][5d6=5, 4, 2, 2, 3]
[19:10] <@Kotono> Already down, the spiritman's defenses are shot! Feather slices in twice, ripping a great gash in the taffy-like creature's middle. At the same time, the spiritman from behind growls, extending a tendril of taffy-like body out. Spikes of fire fly from it, zooming for Myann.
[19:11] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 Myann ref
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 Myann ref and gets 14." [1d20=6]
[19:11] <@Kotono> roll 10d6 owwies
[19:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 10d6 owwies and gets 28." [10d6=1, 5, 3, 4, 1, 2, 4, 1, 1, 6]
[19:13] <@Kotono> Spikes of fire impale Myann all over! She screams as she burns, stumbling along! At the same time, the downed spiritman rises up, bursting into flame as spikes of flames erupt from it, threatening to vaporize Feather! OOC: Ref Feather.
[19:14] <Feather> roll 1d20+10 can I AoO it?
[19:14] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+10 can I AoO it? and gets 24." [1d20=14]
[19:18] <@Kotono> OOC: Su, doesn't trigger AoOs. Success on the save, though, no damage.
[19:18] <Feather> OOC: I meant from when it got to his feet when I'm right there
[19:18] <@Kotono> OOC: Oh. Go for it then.
[19:18] <Feather> roll 1d20+15 excellent
[19:18] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 excellent and gets 32." [1d20=17]
[19:18] <@Kotono> OOC: Hits.
[19:18] <Feather> roll 1d20+15 crit?
[19:18] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 crit? and gets 17." [1d20=2]
[19:18] <Feather> roll 1d6+4+5d6
[19:18] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+4+5d6 and gets 19." [1d6=1][5d6=3, 3, 1, 6, 1]
[19:19] <@Kotono> But Feather is too fast, avoiding the firescape and slashing out as the spiritman rises. He rips a gash in its side, making the entire spirit man wobble like a torn sail. OOC: Ow. Gidlas.
[19:19] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(19)>Feather=Spiriman Behind(18)>Spiritman Ahead(16>Gildas=John(13)>Forgar(8)>Smiley(5)'
[19:19] <Gildas> Gildas shapeshifts into his Dire Bear form and goes bounding for the Spiritman behind the group! He raises a paw up and swings it forward, trying to stun it!
[19:20] <Gildas> roll 1d20+19 SF
[19:20] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+19 SF and gets 25." [1d20=6]
[19:21] <@Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[19:22] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 fort
[19:22] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 fort and gets 10." [1d20=2]
[19:22] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(19)>Feather=Spiriman Behind(18 stun 1)>Spiritman Ahead(16>Gildas=John(13)>Forgar(8)>Smiley(5)'
[19:22] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(19)>Feather=Spiriman Behind(18 stun 1)>Spiritman Ahead(16)>Gildas=John(13)>Forgar(8)>Smiley(5)'
[19:22] <Gildas> roll 2d8+13+1d6+1d6 fire, then cold, I assume they're immune to fire but it's there anyway
[19:22] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2d8+13+1d6+1d6 fire, then cold, I assume they're immune to fire but it's there anyway and gets 30." [2d8=1, 8][1d6=3][1d6=5]
[19:24] <@Kotono> Gildas lopes across the ground, running shoulder first into the spirit man. He knocks it back then rises into a leaping uppercut, his bear fist hitting the spiritman right in the middle. It falls back, all bent over and clearly dazed. OOC: Stunned 1. John.
[19:24] <@John> With Feather and Myann taking ample care of one spiritman, John follows after Gildas to handle the other one!
[19:24] <@John> roll 1d20+16
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+16 and gets 24." [1d20=8]
[19:24] <@John> roll 1d6+6
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d6+6 and gets 7." [1d6=1]
[19:24] <@John> roll 5d6 sneak attack since stunned
[19:24] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 5d6 sneak attack since stunned and gets 11." [5d6=1, 1, 3, 1, 5]
[19:27] <@Kotono> John's on charge is slightly slower, but he comes down with a good smashing right into the spiritman's face. It dents greatly, smashed in. Meanwhile Forgar stays back, readying a spell. "Smiley! Go help them! The one with Feather!" Smilely charges ahead, managing to catch up to Feather but unable to strike directly. Instead...OOC: Using free action slow on the spiritman.
[19:27] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 will
[19:27] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 will and gets 21." [1d20=13]
[19:27] <@Kotono> But the spiritman shakes off the slowness as...OOC: Myann.
[19:28] <@Kotono> Myann stays where she is, quickly casting. A red and white mushroom comes, making her grow larger. OOC: Staying in position and mushrooming herself, since the spiritmen don't like fairies and she might draw radius attacks at her lonesome. Better than the party gettin firebombed. Feather, go.
[19:29] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(19)>Feather=Spiriman Behind(18)>Spiritman Ahead(16)>Gildas=John(13)>Forgar(8)>Smiley(5)'
[19:29] * Feather falls into a trance as he circles the spiritman he had been fighting to flank it properly with Smiley, raking his opponent with his blades!
[19:30] <Feather> roll 1d20+15
[19:30] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 and gets 32." [1d20=17]
[19:30] <Feather> roll 1d20+10
[19:30] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+10 and gets 19." [1d20=9]
[19:30] <Feather> roll 1d20+17
[19:30] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+17 and gets 34." [1d20=17]
[19:30] <Feather> roll 1d20+15
[19:30] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 and gets 30." [1d20=15]
[19:30] <Feather> roll 1d20+17
[19:30] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+17 and gets 23." [1d20=6]
[19:30] <Feather> OOC: Last two are confirmation, it can also AoO me
[19:30] <@Kotono> OOC: One crit and one normal hit. AoO incoming momentarily. Roll your damage first.
[19:31] <Feather> roll 2#1d6+6
[19:31] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 2#1d6+6 and gets 22." [2#1d6+6 = 10, 12]
[19:31] <Feather> roll 1d6+5+3d6
[19:31] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d6+5+3d6 and gets 21." [1d6=1][3d6=5, 4, 6]
[19:31] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+13
[19:31] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+13 and gets 15." [1d20=2]
[19:32] <Feather> OOC: AC vs AoOs currently 31
[19:32] <@Kotono> Feather dances around the spiriman, striking over and over. He manages to tear much of it apart ,the entire thing falling apart into a heap of torn and battered flesh. It lies there, no longer a threat as the flames aroundit go out. At the same time, a tendril of fire strikes as Feather, but he easily dodges it. OOC: One down. Other spiritman is getting over being stunned. Gildas and John, go.
[19:32] * Kotono changes topic to 'Myann(19)>Feather=Spiriman Behind(18)>Gildas=John(13)>Forgar(8)>Smiley(5)'
[19:33] <@John> Bracing his feet, John lays into the spiritman with a vengeance!
[19:33] <@John> roll 1d20+13
[19:33] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+13 and gets 31." [1d20=18]
[19:33] <@John> roll 1d20+13
[19:33] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+13 and gets 30." [1d20=17]
[19:33] <@John> roll 1d20+13
[19:33] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+13 and gets 22." [1d20=9]
[19:33] <@John> roll 1d20+8
[19:33] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+8 and gets 21." [1d20=13]
[19:33] <@John> roll 1d20+8
[19:33] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20+8 and gets 23." [1d20=15]
[19:33] <@Kotono> OOC: Two htis.
[19:33] <@John> roll 2#1d6+5
[19:33] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 2#1d6+5 and gets 17." [2#1d6+5 = 10, 7]
[19:34] <@Kotono> The spiritman is beaten around like a drum, battered and bashed. Its body is distended all over, stretched and broken! OOC: Ow. Gildas.
[19:34] <Gildas> The bear raises his paws up and attempts to demolish the spiritman along with John!
[19:34] <Gildas> roll 1d20+18 SF
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+18 SF and gets 32." [1d20=14]
[19:34] <Gildas> roll 1d20+13
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+13 and gets 31." [1d20=18]
[19:34] <Gildas> roll 1d20+13
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+13 and gets 19." [1d20=6]
[19:34] <Gildas> roll 1d20+13 claw 1
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+13 claw 1 and gets 17." [1d20=4]
[19:34] <Gildas> roll 1d20+13 claw 1 claw 2
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+13 claw 1 claw 2 and gets 17." [1d20=4]
[19:34] <@Kotono> OOC: Two hits.
[19:34] <Gildas> OOC: Apparently claws are not good at breaking through taffy
[19:34] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 stun
[19:34] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 stun and gets 21." [1d20=13]
[19:34] <Gildas> OOC: The DC of the SF is 19 by the way
[19:35] <Gildas> roll 2#2d8+13+1d6+1d6 fire then cold
[19:35] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 2#2d8+13+1d6+1d6 fire then cold and gets 47." [2#2d8+13+1d6+1d6 = 23, 24]
[19:36] <@Kotono> The spiritman is battered and clawed up, stretched parts ripped open. It looks a mess now, trying to get itself back together as Forgar hmphs. "At least the treasure's safe." Smiley meanwhile stands there, impassively studying where the taffyman lies dead. OOC: Myann.
[19:36] <@Kotono> Myann advances a bit closer to the last taffyman, chanting as a rain of blocks come down to smash it to bits.
[19:36] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+8 ref
[19:36] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 ref and gets 10." [1d20=2]
[19:36] <@Kotono> roll 10d6 and prone if it survives
[19:36] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 10d6 and prone if it survives and gets 26." [10d6=3, 1, 4, 2, 3, 5, 2, 2, 1, 3]
[19:38] <@Kotono> The blocks mercilessly plummel the spirit man. This one screams and begins to thrash, mushrooms sprouting out all over its body. For a moment it tries to surge forward, to do something...but falls back, limp and unmoving. Mushrooms swiftly spread over it, devouring the creature before your eyes. OOC: Free act.
[19:39] * Feather stabs the lump of flesh once more to confirm, before methodically cleaning his blade and sheathing them. Sagging, he stumbles over to Myann, and tries to heal her first thing.
[19:39] <Feather> roll 3d8+10
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 3d8+10 and gets 21." [3d8=2, 2, 7]
[19:39] <@Kotono> Myann's wounds mostly mend. She murmurs her own spell before putting an arm around Feather. "You okay?" she asks, watching the mushrooms devour yor fallen foe.
[19:39] <@Kotono> roll 1d8+5
[19:39] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+5 and gets 10." [1d8=5]
[19:40] <@John> "Not very nice are they?" John says, regrouping with the others.
[19:41] <Feather> "Yeah," he answers to them both, catching his breath.
[19:41] <Gildas> Gildas shapeshifts back. "Hopefully they'll learn their lesson this time."
[19:41] <@Kotono> "I can't really fault them," Myann says, towering over Feather like this. "How are they to know they're seeing the exception that proves the rule?" she shakes her head and sighs lightly, "In any other situation I'd applaud them."
[19:43] <@Kotono> Forgar stomps on over, "Damned spiritmen," he mutters, before clearing his throat. "I wasn't going to say anything. But after that, why in the forgefuck is a fairy acting like this?" His gaze travels to Myann. "I've barely heard one word about entertainment or threats. Did the fairies undergo a change since I was last alive?"
[19:44] <Gildas> "They'd know it if they bothered to try talking to us rather than screaming and attacking us." Gildas says, then looks over to Forgar. "It's a bit of a long story. We can tell you on the way out, I think."
[19:44] <@John> "Basically she's new," John fills him in.
[19:44] <Feather> "I really wouldn't, if they did kill a fey who do they think will end up suffering for it? They don't seem to care much about that," Feather tells Myann. At Forgar's words, he shrugs. "Not that long. Myann's a half."
[19:45] <@Kotono> OOC: Also loot post, forgot to hit enter.
[19:46] <@Kotono> OOC: Good to move along and tell Forgar offscreen, since we'v e been through that song and dance a few times now?
[19:46] <Gildas> OOC: I think so.


[18:03] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> The return to Pesail is without further incident. The Messem gather as the party heads into town, many eyes on them as Alail greets you. "Welcome," he says in dwarven, "Yes, welcome. You have returned from the lost shrikes with glory?"
[18:03] <@John> "And money!"
[18:03] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "Yes, we banished the lingering spirits. They should trouble this world no longer."
[18:04] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> OOC: You speak dwarven, John?
[18:04] <@John> OOC: whoops, strike that
[18:05] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> "It is nice. Will you need the gift of speech again?" Alail asks, as the other hairy Messem talk amid themselves, words unknown to the party.
[18:05] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "Yes, if that isn't any trouble. Just in case anyone has any questions before we return."
[18:05] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> Forgar looks about, arms crossed. "That's still kicking around?" he murmurs, as meanwhile Smiley stands around, as golems tend to do.
[18:07] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> "UrghBLAUG!" The word is shouted, echoing about. Suddenly the party can understand the murmurs going amid the hairy creatures. "So much treasure..." "They're back!" "Look at them!"
[18:07] <Gildas> "We're probably going to head back to the surface soon, but we may return again, if that's all right?" He asks.
[18:08] <Feather> "Hey again," Feather greets the onlookers, waving.
[18:10] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> "You are welcome to, friends," Alail says, as Feather gets looks and a few waves back. "But I ask you to be careful. The spiritmen have been upset today."
[18:10] <Feather> "Yeah those guys are pretty horrible."
[18:11] <Gildas> "We ah... ran into some on the way here." Gildas confirms. "We'll be careful."
[18:11] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> Myann scowls at that, "Thank you for the warning."
[18:11] <@John> "That's 'cause we killed a couple," John says.
[18:12] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> Murmurs of surprise go through them, Alail's eyes narrowing, "You killed them? Why? They care little except for the Lords and Ladies."
[18:13] <@John> "They yelled a lot and shot fire and stuff at us," John says, ample reason for spiritmen-cide in his book.
[18:14] <Feather> "I greeted them, right? When we just came here? And I used a bunch of languages. So what if one of them's Sylvan? Is that a reason to keep on attacking us?" Feather rants, quite indignant. "Ain't it common sense to use any tongue you know to try and talk it out?"
[18:14] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> "Things happened. We defended ourselves," Myann says flatly, "Something must have provoked them."
[18:14] <Gildas> Gildas gestures to Feather. "I think they took offense to us using the language that the Lords and Ladies share. We meant none, but they became hostile."
[18:16] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> "That would provoke them," Alail admits, nodding. "A mistake to be avoided."
[18:17] <Feather> "Tell them to stop it and they'll stop dying. Simple."
[18:17] <Gildas> "They may just steer clear of us now." Gildas adds with a nod. "Thank you again for all you've done for us, Alail. You have our thanks."
[18:18] <Feather> "And lots of treasure if you're interested in that sorta thing."
[18:18] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> "You are welcome," He says, "Better to make friends than enemies, or your enemies will define you. The spiritmen are defined by their hatred of the Lords and Ladies. What culture do they have, what liveS? None know, but all know they battle the Lords and Ladies."
[18:20] <Gildas> "If you ever wish to visit us on the surface, know that we'll welcome you as you welcomed us." He says.
[18:20] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> "You have much treasure," Alail glances back at the sled. "How do you reach the surface?"
[18:21] <Feather> "It'll take time," Feather muses. "But still, there's plenty more where it came from. We figured, since you've been so great, why not share?"
[18:23] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> "Mmmm," Alail murmurs, "You say the ghosts of the lost shrikes are gone?"
[18:24] <Feather> "Looked that way. Whole place felt different once that failure of a thane got killed all over again."
[18:24] <@John> "Except for one, don't think that one'll ever go away though."
[18:24] * Feather nods at John. "Yeah, plus he'll probably follow us."
[18:24] <Gildas> Gildas nods to the others. "Yes, it seemed as if the Thane and his commanders were truly responsible."
[18:26] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> "We will look into it," Alail says, "We do not need great treasures, but there may be many useful things there. Thank you."
[18:28] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> OOC: Anything else here, or are y'all moving on?
[18:28] <@John> OOC: nope
[18:29] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> OOC: Okay then. More coming.
[18:29] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> roll 1d100+20
[18:29] * Hatbot --> "Ko-NitoriisWhim rolls 1d100+20 and gets 28." [1d100=8]
[18:31] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> The rest of the walk back is without incident. You reach the sky gap cave, but here Myann shakes her head, "By the way, I had to use my most advanced spells against the spiritmen. I don't think I can manage enough spells to get us all up in one day. I figure Gildas and I can start moving things up and get one of us up, and the next day I should have enough for the other three."
[18:31] <Feather> "We'll just camp out here, then?" Feather offers.
[18:31] <@John> "Alright. Not like we need to worry about the weather while we wait down here," John shrugs.
[18:32] <Gildas> Gildas nods to Myann. "Sensible."
[18:32] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> "I'll stay up there," Myann gestures, "In case the spiritmen come passing by here. One of the rest of you should as well so I have enough spells for tomorrow."
[18:33] <@John> "You and Feather can go up there and me and Gildas will wait down here?" John suggests so Feather and Myann can stick together.
[18:34] <Feather> "Guess that better be me?" Feather agrees.
[18:34] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> OOC: Okay. From here, make 3 fort saves, Gildas adn Myann.
[18:35] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> roll 1d20+10 Myann 1
[18:35] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> roll 1d20+10 Myann 2
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Ko-NitoriisWhim rolls 1d20+10 Myann 1 and gets 23." [1d20=13]
[18:35] <@Ko-NitoriisWhim> roll 1d20+10 Myann 3
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Ko-NitoriisWhim rolls 1d20+10 Myann 2 and gets 11." [1d20=1]
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Ko-NitoriisWhim rolls 1d20+10 Myann 3 and gets 16." [1d20=6]
[18:35] * Ko-NitoriisWhim is now known as Kotono
[18:35] <Gildas> roll 1d20+15 1
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+15 1 and gets 31." [1d20=16]
[18:35] <Gildas> roll 1d20+15 2
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+15 2 and gets 34." [1d20=19]
[18:35] <Gildas> roll 1d20+15 3
[18:35] * Hatbot --> "Gildas rolls 1d20+15 3 and gets 17." [1d20=2]
[18:37] <@Kotono> The two go back and forth. Both are visibly fatigued by the end of it, but the trips up are unremarkable. Feather feels it as well, but one trip is easily enough managed. From here....OOC: More.
[18:37] <@Kotono> roll 1d100+10 John, Forgar, Smiley
[18:37] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100+10 John, Forgar, Smiley and gets 25." [1d100=15]
[18:41] <@Kotono> The night passes without incident. Morning comes and the party rises up. Several trips get everything up - even the sled with some cunning roping and lots of flight-bound carrying by the party. A bit of magic by Gildas helps the trips up and down as well, and soon enough the party stands before the sleeping purple lake, outside of the shrine of trials. Forgar looks around and takes a deep breath,
[18:41] <@Kotono> "Aaaaah! I missed this smell! The s mell of the real underground."
[18:42] <Gildas> Gildas taps his chin once. "You know," He starts. "Why don't we have Forgar look at that barrier and that golem while we're here?"
[18:43] <@Kotono> "Barrier and golem? I'm up for it," Forgar remarks, "But do you  mind if it waits a day or two? I'd like to get my things somewhere safe first, and a chance to rest a bit. I forgot how much travel wears at you when you aren't a ghost."
[18:45] <Gildas> "Oh, of course. We're not really sure where it leads... But it's a little bit further from here to get you back to where we live." Gildas says.
[18:45] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, anything of note before y'all head on up and home?
[18:46] <Gildas> OOC: Not at the moment. All my fluff stuff can be done later.
[18:49] <@Kotono> Thus the party emerges from the healing spring. They carry with them the first load of many, burdered down by purloined riches. The sun is shining down on the Vastwoods, the array of greens and browns a welcome change from the odd colors of the lands below. The air is fresh and clear in a way that banishes your fatigue. Myann finishes cat-paddling out, taking human form once she's out of the
[18:49] <@Kotono> spring and had a chance to shake off. Dropping her burdened down pack and sighing, "Home. It always feels like we've been gone too long when we get back."
[18:50] <Gildas> Gildas does likewise, shaking himself off away from the others before shapeshifting back. "I'll try and not get anymore dryads in my arm again." Gildas says with a small smile.
[18:50] <@John> "Least we weren't really far away," John says, soaked to the bone as he wades out of the water.
[18:52] <@Kotono> "John! Gildas! Feather!" Robert's voice is heard as he approaches the spring. "Glad you're back. We've been waiting for you."
[18:52] <@John> "Something happen?" John asks.
[18:53] <Gildas> Gildas turns his attention over, hoping something didn't!
[18:54] <@Kotono> "It's about the newborns," Robert says, "We were hoping you or Myann would get back. They've been speaking in tongues!"
[18:55] <@Kotono> Myann rubs the back of her neck, "No rest for the weary," she mutters under her breath, "Tongues? As in gibberish or in other languages?"
[18:55] <Gildas> Gildas nods to Myann and then looks to Robert.
[18:55] <Feather> "What are they all saying?" Feather asks curiously.
[18:57] <@John> "Isn't it a bit early for them to be speaking at all?" John wonders.
[18:57] <@Kotono> "Sounds like a language," Robert says, "At least I reckon it does. It isn't elven or common. Started last night." He then turns to golen and bugbear, "Haven't seen your type around here," he says, "But I figure you're alright if you're with them. Welcome and sorry for the less than neighborly greeting, we'll make it up to you."
[18:57] <@Kotono> "It is, much too early," Robert agrees, "We were hoping you'd get back since we think there's magic involved."
[18:58] <Gildas> "When isn't there?" Gildas says with another small smile. "We'll take a look."
[18:58] <@Kotono> Forgar shrugs, "Long story. I'm actually a dwarf."
[18:59] <@Kotono> "Huh," Robert mutters, "Yeah, come on." OOC: REady to move along?
[18:59] <Feather> OOC: sure
[18:59] <Gildas> OOC: Sure
[19:00] <@Kotono> Thus you go to meet the Missus, Messan, Rose and Porridge. The Missus is standing over the cribs, pacing back and forth. Obvious worry shows on her face, eyes red and posture drooping.
[19:02] <@John> "Hey Messan, Rose, Porridge!" John greets the three children with a wide smile, leaning over the nearest crib.
[19:02] <Feather> "We're back, so don't worry 'bout a thing!" Feather tells the Missus as John looks at the kids. "Whatever it is, we'll figure it out together." And there is no time like the present to glance all over with Detect Magic.
[19:03] <@Kotono> The children lie stone still in the beds, eyes open. As John looks at them, Messan scowls and utters in dwarven, "Just do it! It's for their own good!" The children indeed have magic around them. OOC: Spellcraft, Faether.
[19:03] <Feather> roll 1d20+15
[19:03] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+15 and gets 26." [1d20=11]
[19:04] <@Kotono> "I hope not, I've been worried sick," The Missus says, exhaling and rubbing her eyes. "There it goes again!"
[19:04] <@Kotono> OOC: Do you have ranks in K:R, Feather? Make a followup check if you do.
[19:04] <@John> "Sounds like those ghosts," John comments, that being his most meaningful experience with the language.
[19:05] <Feather> roll 1d20+13
[19:05] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+13 and gets 28." [1d20=15]
[19:05] <Gildas> Gildas blinks. "Dwarven...?"
[19:05] <@Kotono> Feather can detect the signs of possession. A maglinant spirit has possessed the babies. Babies are at particular risk since they have undeveloped wills and weak minds that haven't fully formed yet.
[19:06] <@Kotono> Porridge growls, "See, you maggots? It's like breaking an egg!" The baby's voice insists in dwarven.
[19:07] <Feather> "Yeah, it's probably a ghost," he concludes grimly. "First a dragon, now another possession? But hey, we got that one out! So let's try again." Turning to the Missus, he says, "Won't be a trouble after, either. So once we're done there, it should be good."
[19:07] <@Kotono> The Missus nods shakily, "Just help them," she says, "Once was bad enough. Please."
[19:08] <@Kotono> Myann's frown turns into an outright scowl, "I am not amused," she mutters, and in a murmur to Gildas, "Kurol? He told us he'd be back and this..."
[19:08] <Gildas> Gildas blinks. Wait...Dwarven...? "Oh..." Gildas frowns.
[19:09] <Gildas> Gildas takes a breath and nods to Myann, responding quietly. "Yes, I think you're right."
[19:12] <Gildas> "I'm not gifted in the art of exorcisms... but I could try to simply dispel the magic that is here." He announces.
[19:12] <Feather> roll 1d20+13
[19:12] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20+13 and gets 32." [1d20=19]
[19:13] <Gildas> He looks thoughtful for a moment afterwards. "I could also try something else, but... It'd be a bit more of an endeavor."
[19:16] <@Kotono> Feather knows that there's multiple ways to exorcise a ghost. Bypassing the folk remedies that tend to fail and the ones that aren't viable in this instance? Dispel magic might work, or at least suppress the symptoms for a time. Dispel evil would work wonders. Protection from evil or magic circle against evil would most likely help as well. In this case, the best way is to do something the spirit
[19:16] <@Kotono> can't stand. If this is Kurol, something that rejects him and his sin through symbolism would work aces. Barring that, properly scaring the spirit out is the best chance (more details on that if yo ugo that way).
[19:18] * Feather hopes that Gildas doesn't want to try and kill the ghost with a cursed sword, voicing, "That Dispel magic could buy some time. But that aside, we could scare the ghost out of the kids, or reject it. Say this is a ghost that murdered kids? Something going against that sin by sheltering and protecting them might do it. Just caring for them, yeah."
[19:18] <@John> "Yeah, and dwarves and elves aren't meant to get along right?" John says, "So you've got that going for you too!"
[19:19] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "I've been thinking about it, but there's a ritual that one can use to make a site hallowed. I've been considering trying to use it on this house."
[19:19] <Feather> "Can it drive evil away? That'll do the trick, then."
[19:19] <Gildas> "I think so. It'll take some time, but in the meantime we can try the other ideas."
[19:26] <@Kotono> OOC: Okay, so what are you goign to try first?
[19:26] <Gildas> OOC: I'll start prepping the Hallow spell and the others can try and smother the babies with love and... elf...ness?
[19:26] <Feather> OOC: Let's have the input of the parents?
[19:29] <@Kotono> Robert and the Missus are soon gathered. OOC: Go ahead and tell them what the plan is, y'all.
[19:32] <Feather> "There's magic to try," Feather repeats for their benefit. "But at the end, there's two options for you that'll work. Scare the ghosts out of your kids, or treat them with, uh, love and all. Ghosts like this hate that, so they'll flee since they can't handle that sorta thing. That second part, though, will work if we guessed at them right. The first should work whoever they are."
[19:33] <Gildas> Gildas nods to Feather. "In addition to that, with your permission, I'd like to complete a ritual to make this a holy site. It would prevent anymore undead... issues, I think." He says. "It also may help with the current circumstances."
[19:33] <@Kotono> "Hmmm." Robert rubs his chin, while the Missus says, "Magic? We can treat them with love. If that's all it takes, it's easy."
[19:35] <Feather> "It's a guess, but a good one," Feather voices. "Gildas's been saying the ghosts are talking about killing. So being all kind is the natural counter, right?"
[19:36] <Gildas> He nods again.
[19:36] <@Kotono> "That's fine," Gildas gets his answer from Robert, "Anything that helps.
[19:36] <Gildas> Gildas nods. "It takes a day to complete, so if this problem is solved by then I can always stop."
[19:42] <@Kotono> "Well..." Myann says, "Let's get to...parenting?"
[19:44] <Gildas> Gildas nods and moves to start taking the first steps of the spell, but stays around in case anything happens!
[19:45] <@Kotono> OOC: Are any of you going to help out with the parenting thing?
[19:46] <Feather> OOC: Since Myann's into it I'll help out too
[19:46] <@John> OOC: I'll do more of a sibling or uncle thing
[19:48] <@Kotono> OOC: Make cha checks. Myann'll chip in too.
[19:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+3 Myann
[19:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 Myann and gets 5." [1d20=2]
[19:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 Missus apparently mushrooms aren't good parents, go figure
[19:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 Missus apparently mushrooms aren't good parents, go figure and gets 9." [1d20=7]
[19:48] <@John> roll 1d20
[19:48] <@Kotono> roll 1d20+2 Robert
[19:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 Robert and gets 15." [1d20=13]
[19:48] * Hatbot --> "John rolls 1d20 and gets 18." [1d20=18]
[19:48] <Feather> roll 1d20
[19:48] * Hatbot --> "Feather rolls 1d20 and gets 5." [1d20=5]
[19:54] <@Kotono> Thus the babies are soothed and coddled. Oddly, it has no effect save for John. The babies go quiet around him, sleeping in his arms and laughing when he plays with them. The babies cease to speak in tongues when he's aroudn them altogether. Soon enough, John has three happy babies around him. Myann looks on with an expression that is half amusement and half mortification. Robert just looks flat
[19:54] <@Kotono> amused, while the Missus is relieved.
[19:55] * Feather just looks confused, but success is success. He has no intentions of arguing with it.
[19:56] <@John> Sitting in a chair with three babies on his lap, John amuses them with funny faces and childish staples such as peekaboo, engaging them whenever they say any childish babble, and generally being a good babysitter.  "Have a few little brothers and sisters and cousins back home," he reminds everyone on seeing the dubious looks he's getting.
[19:58] <Gildas> Gildas quietly continues his preparations, but looks over every so often to see if there's been any obvious signs that the ghosts left.
[20:01] <@Kotono> "Whatever works," Myann says, with just a hint of peevish shortness. The hours pass, but with John there, the babies seem content - until as one, the children emit a ghostly groan. Wisps of barely visible ectoplasm trail from their mouths, as it dissolves away and out of sight. At this, the children all fall asleep.
[20:02] * Feather breathes a sigh of relief. "And now Gildas can work his magic so no one ever tries this again."
[20:02] <@John> "Good little kids," John says. "Someone want to help me get them to bed?"