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Day 69A: Of Bandits and Body Sculpting

Started by Iron Dragoon, March 10, 2015, 04:33:54 PM

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Iron Dragoon

Session Start: Tue Mar 10 12:50:05 2015
Session Ident: #dunes
* Now talking in #dunes
* Topic is 'Little(32)>Jetina(27)>Sharm(24)Veren(23)>Moore(19)>Lucy(15)>Ghost(12)>Macaron '
* Set by Kotono on Wed Mar 04 12:37:08
<Kotono> -----
<Kotono> OOC: Okay, quick review. Brief me on what your plan is, all?
<Veren > OOC: I think Lucy, Moore, and I were going to ninja and capture/replace a couple while Sharm tried to 'join up' and then intimidate the rest into surrendering? Sound right?
<Sharm> OOC: I'll brutally attack Jetina and scare away her bodyguards while keeping her for ransom because she's a noble. Thus confirming my credentials.
<Moore> OOC: And if things get bad we have knockout poison.
<Kotono> OOC: Fantastic.
<Kotono> OOC: Okay.
<Kotono> OOC: So the 64,000 dollar question: How are you going to find them? Go out and search, gather info or something else?
<Veren > OOC: Gather info and then scout it out? Any other ideas?
<Lucy> OOC: Gather info as people not looking like us
<Kotono> OOC: Okay, so who is spearheading this and who is aiding? I presume all of it is done shapeshifted, so note how you're shapeshifting (magic, racial ability, whatever).
<Kotono> OOC: Also ,where are you GIing?
<Kotono> OOC: In town or out of it?
<Lucy> OOC: I'll aid Iddy
<Veren > OOC: Racial shapeshift, I'll lead, and I guess outside of town since I'm assuming the divination thing would keep them out?
<Kotono> OOC: Okay. Room for one more aider, if any of you wish. Any takers?
<Moore> OOC: I can aid by being invisible, I suppose?
<Moore> OOC: Maybe spying on people who are listening in or something of that nature.
<Kotono> OOC: Sure. Roll aid you two and roll diplo, Iddy.
<Moore> roll 1d20+21 aiding
<Serith> Moore roll for Serith < 32 > 12 [d20=11]
<Veren > roll 1d20+11+3 Diplo/Inspiration
<Serith> Veren roll for Serith < 20 > 12 [d20=6]
<Lucy> roll 1d20+21
<Serith> Lucy roll for Serith < 35 > 12 [d20=14]
<Kotono> The outlying farms are a sprawling basket of agriculture. While rather boring for what they are, there's plenty of farmhands to chat up. Unfortunately, your first lead completely turns out to be bogus and wastes a day checking it out.  You'll need to try again. OOC: Time wasted but nothing else. Going to try again, you three?
<Veren > OOC: I guess?
<Lucy> "This is silly," Lucy insists. "Let's spread out and each try a different area before regrouping here!"
<Lucy> roll 1d20+21 rolling separately
<Serith> Lucy roll for Serith < 39 > 12 [d20=18]
<Moore> Confident Lucy can handle herself, Moore will stay with Veren to help him out.
<Moore> roll 1d20+21 aiding Veren
<Serith> Moore roll for Serith < 26 > 12 [d20=5]
<Veren > OOC: Can I spend Insp. on a second try?
<Kotono> OOC: Sure. A day passed so you can reuse it on the same skill check.
<Veren > roll 1d20+11+3 Diplo/Inspiration
<Serith> Veren roll for Serith < 18 > 12 [d20=4]
<Kotono> OOC: Lucy in #evil, I'll do each one separately due to the disparity in results.
<Moore> OOC: In hindsight, I should've probably helped Veren boost his rolls, but this was more amusing.
<Kotono> It takes time. Eventually Veren comes on a small farm closer to the dark than the light. Here a farmer grows potatoes, carrots and other root vegetables, as well as chickens and pigs. One of his farmhands is a burly dwarf that works topless, showing muscles on muscles on muscles. He stops at your question, eyeing Veren. OOC: Go ahead and describe your current guise, Iddy.
<Moore> Moore just stays invisible but near enough to Veren that he could hear whispers.
* Veren is currently in the form of a dark haired human woman, with an angular face and eyes in seemingly light leather armor, supplied by the vestments. She stands at 5' 6" and seems to be a bit broad in the shoulders, but slender and is going by the name Karen.
<Kotono> "Isn't work for a female to be worrying about," The dwarf turns back to his shoveling, digging a hole for something or another. "If you had a lick of sense in you, you'd go back and make babies for the cla-your family." His voice has a thick, harsh accent to it.
* Veren produces a pair of daggers and begins to idly spin them around her fingers and hands while staring down the dwarf with steel in her eyes.
<Veren > "If you had sense, you'd watch how you speak to someone you know nothing about. I'm plenty able to worry about myself. I'm looking for work, not someone to worry over me like a child."
<Kotono> OOC: Make an intimidate check, +2 bonus.
<Veren > roll 1d20+11+2+3 Intimidate/Insp.
<Serith> Veren roll for Serith < 19 > 12 [d20=3]
<Kotono> "Hah," The dwarf grins at this. He doesn't seem the least bit phased, "Acting like you wish you had something between your legs, woman? Try Eggler's Cove. It's a little lake up thawaways," he gestures towards the dark.
<Veren > OOC: Can I sense motive on this to see if he's BSing me or something?
<Kotono> OOC: Sure.
<Veren > roll 1d20+13 Sense Motive here comes a 2.
<Serith> Veren roll for Serith < 25 > 12 [d20=12]
<Kotono> You get the feeling it's...a bit malicious? Almost like a prank or something that won't be quite what you want.
* Veren bends over to look the dwarf in the eye.
<Veren > "Don't bullshit me. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, but I'm not so much of a newborn that I'll just walk blindly into your little crap games. I need real work and that damn city and its diviners are all over people with my skill-set the second I even walk up to the gate. I ain't your daughter and I'm not looking for your protection, little man."
<Kotono> "Oh, you think you're hot shit?" The dwarf cracks his knuckles, leaning on his shovel as he stops his labors. "Bring me a woman that can back up your talk and we'll talk. Not some waif like yourself. Someone with some muscle like a man."
* Veren sighs and shrugs.
<Veren > "I suppose what I heard about you wasting my time was true. I suppose I'll look elsewhere."
* Veren turns on her heel and heads out, absently juggling her daggers.
<Moore> Moore glances around from his viewpoint to see if anyone might have picked up on this person asking questions they shouldn't in the middle of nowhere.
<Kotono> OOC: Perception, Moore.
<Moore> roll 1d20+14
<Serith> Moore roll for Serith < 21 > 12 [d20=7]
<Kotono> Moore doesn't note anyone unusual.
<Kotono> The Bramagan Farmstead is a large farm not too far from the dark. It's like the farm Veren visited earlier, only bigger. You're a ways away from it, atop a hill that gives you a view of the entire thing. There's fields, a large barn, animal pends (pigs and chicken, but a few cows as well, along with a few free-roaming cats and dogs) and a grand, sprawling farmhouse. It looks like it's been
<Kotono> upgraded over the years, this and that added. A new room there, a  covered walkway to another small house-sized building there, that sort of thing. OOC: Go ahead and set yourselves up.
<Lucy> This time in the form of a woman, Lucy appears to be of orcish descent herself. She dressed down as well, and while her usual magely trinkets are along for the ride, she has placed them all in a simple bag while opting to rely on her massive blade and some rudimentary and ill-fitting leather armor.
<Moore> Moore just sticks with his invisibility.
* Veren is in his normal form, but eyes the two orcs.
<Sharm> "Looks pretty innocent," Sharm muses, laying down on the hill as she looks down at the farm. "How are we gonna do this? Get the shapechangers in first or me and my prisoner?" She chews her lip as she mulls over it. "Might be best if they're compromised first, get an extra voice or two in my favor? But we need Jetina to be seen with some bodyguards first as well..."
> "Hmm... Should I become an orc as well?"
<Sharm> "Could only be an improvement."
<Lucy> "How about a male dwarf?"
<Kotono> Jetina is all dressed up in a travel dress, albeit a rich one, and some jewelry. She shrugs at this, "I have a holy symbol of Qupan or two - well, actually three, but anyway. I have three hidden on me in case things go wrong."
* Veren shifts into a dwarf, similar to the one he encountered before. If he's going to ruin someone's reputation, it should be someone who was rude!
<Kotono> This gets Jetina to whistle and eye Veren, "I didn't know dwarves had muscles like that."
<Sharm> "Yeah, that's an improvement too," Sharm admits, giving Veren a long look over.
<Lucy> "This must be how they compensate."
* Veren raises an eyebrow at this.
<Veren > "An... interesting choice of preferences."
<Sharm> Sharm just scoffs in reply. "Hate to say, but for someone who can look like anything, you usually look pretty bland."
<Veren > "... That is sort of the point."
<Kotono> "You have all the choices in the world," Jetina's smile is warm, "Use them! A body like that and you'd be drowning in women. Make it a human body and all the women in town would be waiting on you."
<Sharm> "You don't see Lucy going around as forgettable plain Jane, do you?"
<Kotono> Jetina nods quickly, "Exactly. Lucy's gorgeous and striking. She has it so she flaunts it. You can be pretty without being obvious, too."
<Moore> "Perhaps we can work on Veren's choice in appearance after this." Moore says. It's obvious he's still smiling, even if he's invisible.
* Veren grunts at this.
<Lucy> "It really is a terrible bother to hide, and as such an inefficient use of resources," Lucy agrees.
<Kotono> "Well, there's a time and a place. One of my stealth teachers told me about this. See, it's not about being unnoticed. It's about fitting in. A bland sailor is going to stand out in the dark but fit right in on the shores of the light." Jetina goes on, "It's about meeting people's expectations and fitting them. If they expect you and you're unremarkable, you'll get by."
* Lucy giggles. "There's that, too. But you can make your own place, just as you can make your own luck!"
<Sharm> "More to life than being stealthy though. Most of us like being noticed."
<Kotono> "Mmm-hmm. Lucy, when this is done, we need to take Veren shopping. Or at least you do," Jetina turns to her, "Get him some good clothes for all occasions, even ones like this."
* Lucy coughs noncommittally.
* Veren shifts his clothes through a few different styles from beggar rags to blacksmith working clothes to nobility, and then back to what was similar to the dwarf's.
<Sharm> "So anyway, how we gonna do this?" Sharm asks. "You two gonna go down and try replacing anyone, or we gonna double back so I can make kidnapping Jetina a bit more authentic in case anyone's got eyes on the road?"
<Veren > "Double back would be best."
<Lucy> "I'll put as good a fight as I can with my sword!" Lucy exclaims, hefting the massive weapon. "If one of them gets knocked out, we could grab them as a hostage."
<Sharm> "Oh, you want me to join up with them first?" Sharm asks, figuring that's what Lucy means.
<Lucy> "Best way to make it run smoothly for you is for us to create an opening~"
<Kotono> "Makes sense," Jetina murmurs.
<Sharm> "Okay, so you three go through the last town while me and Little go down and try joining up, giving them the hot tip? More dangerous that way, but I can see it," she nods, digesting this version of events.
<Moore> "Which group do you want me to stay with?" Moore asks. "I can probably do either, I can pretend to be an invisible guard for Jetina and try to sneak in with her."
<Lucy> "If you're with me, I can see if any of them spot you and let you know," Lucy muses. "Yes, let's go with that."
<Moore> "All right." Moore says.
Session Close: Tue Mar 10 14:29:45 2015
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.