
"With great power comes the opportunity to abuse that power."

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006: Right in the nutsack...and then it gets worse

Started by Merc, April 29, 2015, 11:55:03 PM

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[19:39] <Luther> [22:12] <Dungeon_Slaad> OOC: That's a solid success. We'll pause herea nd open next time with DOOR ADVENTURES.
[19:39] <Luther> [22:12] <Kevamros> roll 1d20
[19:39] <Luther> [22:12] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=6]
[19:39] <Luther> [22:13] <Rhayser> OOC: Marvy. Dog walky time
[19:51] <Kotono> The door is finally, mercifully popped open. Ahead is a tall wall, a dead end. The wall has three colored stone circles set into it, each a couple of feet in diameter. One is green, one is red and one is yellow.
[19:52] <Rhayser> "Uhh." Rhayser looks at the wall.
[19:53] * Kevamros inspects the circles.
[19:53] <Kotono> The stone circles are slightly raised from the surface of the wall, almost like oversized buttons. They're made of smooth, polished stone. Up close, you can see they emit an extremely faint light.
[19:54] <Kevamros> OOC: Any knowledges apply?
[19:54] <Luther> ooc: spellcraft to examine?
[19:54] <Kotono> OOC: Not unless you can frame it in a knowledge-relevant way, Kev. Do you have detect magic up, Luther?
[19:54] <Luther> ooc: I can get it up!
[19:54] * Luther uses Detect Magic and examines the stones!
[19:54] <Kevamros> OOC: Dungeoneering tricks and traps?
[19:55] <Luther> roll d20+13 spellcraft
[19:55] <Serith> Luther roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=6]
[19:55] <Kotono> OOC: Sure, make a check on that, Kev.
[19:55] <Kotono> Luther can tell the stones are enchanted, but he can't discern the magic behind them.
[19:55] <Kevamros> roll 1d20+11 Dungeon
[19:55] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=17]
[19:56] <Kotono> It's surely some sort of puzzle. It's the only thing that makes sense to Kevamros. The question is what do the colors mean. If you can figure that out somehow, then perhaps the rest of it will make more sense.
[19:57] <Luther> "I cannot tell what enchantments are active on the stones," Luther notes.
[19:57] <Kevamros> "It's certainly a puzzle. Colored circles look like the key."
[19:57] * Luther looks around the room for any other enchantments
[19:58] <Kotono> There is no other magic in the room.
[19:58] <Rhayser> "Green is grass, red is fire, yellow is lightning? can run on grass, can't run through fire...and lightning is fast? I dunno."
[19:59] <Kevamros> "Yellow for gold?"
[19:59] <Luther> "
[19:59] <Luther> "I wouldn't trust gold in this place."
[19:59] <Kevamros> "I vote for red."
[20:01] <Rhayser> "Hey! Gold is great!"
[20:02] <Luther> "It is, but not when it's trying to kill you. And I agree with Kevamros. Although your analogy is likely apt, the slaad may switch things around just to be...well, chaotic."
[20:02] <Rhayser> "That's fair."
[20:04] <Luther> "Alright, so that settled, what do we do to start things? Just pull the stone loose? I didn't see any place to move them to."
[20:05] * Luther goes try to pull the red stone loose at that.
[20:05] <Rhayser> "Push it?"
[20:05] * Kevamros pushes it.
[20:07] <Kotono> The red stone is pushed. The door out of th eroom slams shut as the entire room glows red. There is a vast rumble outside, the sound of tearing stone, whipping wind and bursting energy. This last perhaps ten seconds, before the light fades and the sounds from outside cease.
[20:08] <Rhayser> "That sounded pretty intense."
[20:08] <Kevamros> "Hopefully it killed whatever is in the next room for us."
[20:12] <Kotono> Said room awaits, the door back out still closed and hiding whatever lies beyond now.
[20:13] <Luther> "Think we can move forward with the way back closed? Or push another stone?"
[20:13] * Kevamros pushes the yellow one!
[20:13] <Rhayser> "Let's go forth. Or not."
[20:13] <Kotono> OOC: Stop there, another button pushed.
[20:13] <Kotono> The yellow button is pushed. The room flashes yellow as the same sounds are heard outside. It takes another ten seconds to finish and the room to return to normal.
[20:14] * Kevamros shrugs.
[20:14] <Kevamros> "Third time's the charm or go on?"
[20:16] <Rhayser> "Let's not tempt fate."
[20:18] <Rhayser> ""OC: the way forward is open, yes?
[20:18] <Luther> "Let's go forward then," Luther says as he summons a skeleton to open the door. "Let's find out what's behind the door now."
[20:18] <Kotono> OOC: The door is closed. Opening it would be wise, as Luther just did. More coming.
[20:19] <Kotono> The skeleton opens the door. The passage you just left behind is there. The gap glows brightly, as from the far side a river of molten gold pours down into the chasm. Going back that way looks impossible unless swimming in molten gold is your objective.
[20:20] <Rhayser> OOC: Was there another door?
[20:20] <Luther> ooc: The one we came from
[20:20] <Luther> ooc: that closed when we pushed a stone
[20:21] <Kotono> OOC: Luther is correct.
[20:21] <Luther> "Let's try your grass idea and push the green stone."
[20:21] * Rhayser nods slowly
[20:21] * Luther goes push the green stone, expecting the door to close again.
[20:21] <Kotono> The door indeed slams shut. More noise outswide, green light filling the room this time. It takes a good ten seconds for it to all happen, the light and noise fading after.
[20:22] * Rhayser gestures gallantly for the skeleton to try the door.
[20:22] * Luther commands the skeleton to exactly that!
[20:24] <Kotono> The skeleton opens the door. Ahead is a room covered in green moss. It's perhaps ten foot long and five feet wide, give or take. There's a circular indentation in the far wall, a tunnel leading down. The hiss of water can be heard from it.
[20:24] <Rhayser> "Well that's much better."
[20:25] <Kevamros> "We'll see."
[20:25] <Rhayser> "Such pessimism."
[20:25] <Luther> "Agreed," Luther says as he commands the skelton forward.
[20:25] <Luther> "Go push that indentation," he adds.
[20:26] <Rhayser> "It's a tunnel."
[20:27] <Kotono> The skeleton walks forward. The party can note the moss clings to its feet, slowing it down. It struggles, just barely reaching the far side. It's indeed not a button, but a tunnel leading further in. More details can't be seen from here.
[20:28] <Luther> "So it looks safe to travel, but it will slow us down. Thoughts?"
[20:28] <Rhayser> "So the moss is clingy." Rhayser cautiously steps out onto the moss.
[20:28] <Kevamros> "Better safe than dead. Any way to mitigate the clingy part?"
[20:28] <Rhayser> "Reminds me of this girl I know."
[20:30] <Luther> "How does it feel?"
[20:30] * Rhayser tests the ground!
[20:31] <Kotono> The moss is quite sticky. It clings to Rhayser's feet and the floor. Woof, walking like this is hard! OOC: Movement speed halved.
[20:32] <Rhayser> "It's great! Like being hugged by mother nature!"
[20:32] <Rhayser> "On your feet."
[20:33] <Luther> "That sounds terrible, but at least it doesn't sound like it's doing anything negative to you that an undead wouldn't detect," Luther notes as he also steps onto the moss and moves towards the skeleton.
[20:33] <Kotono> OoC: Same effect to you, Luther.
[20:33] <Kevamros> "Poisionous?"
[20:34] <Kotono> Luther heads over to the skeleton. He can see it's a tunnel sloping down. The bottom runs with water. The tunnel's tall enough to stand in if you wish.
[20:34] * Kevamros follows.
[20:35] <Rhayser> "Maybe if you eat it?"
[20:36] * Rhayser tromps over, standing nest to Luther.
[20:36] <Rhayser> "I'll bet you could slide down that, and it would be great."
[20:37] <Kevamros> "Since I heal, you go first."
[20:38] * Luther commands the skeleton forward to see what happens when it falls into the running water tunnel.
[20:38] <Luther> "Skeletons and children first."
[20:38] <Kotono> OOC: How's it going in, Luther?
[20:40] <Luther> ooc: Can skeletons or even us not fit through to the tunnel?
[20:40] <Luther> ooc: I was reading that as an open window/hole to access the tunnel?
[20:41] <Kotono> OOC: They can. It was mentioned as being tal lenough to stand in if you wish.
[20:41] <Kotono> OOC: I'm asking how it's going in.
[20:42] <Luther> ooc: ...I honestly think something is getting lost in translation
[20:43] * Rhayser shoves the skeleton out of the way leaps into the water stream, armored butt first! "ME FIRST! WOOOO!"
[20:43] <Rhayser> OOC: Problem solved!
[20:44] <Kotono> Rhayser lands butt first down. One problem - wow, that current's much faster than it looks. Out of control, Rhayser slips down the slide and quickly out of sight. OOC: Act, y'all. If you aren't immediately following, I'll move Rhayser to another room.
[20:44] * Kevamros waits for the death.
[20:44] <Kotono> OOC: So wait on me either way, Rhayser.
[20:45] <Luther> "Do you have any idea how we can go down more controllably? I'd hate for it to be like those spikes when we got out of the first room. I suppose I could summon a creature to be in front of us, though we do have Rhayser already in front?" Luther says to Kevamros.
[20:45] <Kotono> OOC: Okay. #evildunes, Rhayser.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


[20:45] <Kotono> -----
[20:46] <Kotono> Wooo! Down Rhayser goes. He's slip-sliding on his ass, utterly out of control. The tunnel goes on, zipping by - uh oh! Ahead in the center is a big wooden pole. If he hits that, it'll surely hurt like hell. OOC: Act, you're going down uncontrollably.
[20:48] <Rhayser> OOC: How far ahead?
[20:48] <Kotono> OOC: About 30ft or so and closing really fast. You have time for one attempted action, be it dodging or something more complex.
[20:48] <Rhayser> OOC: Width of tunnel?
[20:50] <Kotono> OOC: 10ft or so.
[20:52] * Rhayser curls up as he slides, quickly kicking his legs out and smacking them against the ground, shoving himself into the air. Using the momentum supplied by the slide, he flies through the air. He reaches out to use the pole to swing himself around and chenge directions! OOC: What do I roll for it?
[20:53] <Kotono> OOC: Do you have any ranks in tumble or anything like that?
[20:53] <Rhayser> OOC: And jump!
[20:54] <Kotono> OOC: Make a tumble check. The raw jump isn't really the problem, but the acrobatics around it.
[20:54] <Rhayser> OOC: Dicebat.
[20:55] * Joins: Myannbot (
[20:55] <Myannbot> OOC: Go.
[20:55] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+1
[20:55] <Myannbot> Rhayser rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=15 ]{16}
[20:55] <Rhayser> OOC: Yup. +1.
[20:55] <Kotono> OOC: Ref save.
[20:56] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+3 I'm laughing so hard
[20:56] <Myannbot> Rhayser rolled 1d20+3 I'm laughing so hard --> [ 1d20=2 ]{5}
[20:56] <Kotono> roll 3d6 damage and stunned for a few rounds, more coming since this is gonna sting.
[20:56] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 3d6 damage and stunned for a few rounds, more coming since this is gonna sting. --> [ 3d6=8 ]{8}
[20:58] <Kotono> Not so good. Rhayser manages to leap up, but his angle is all wrong. No, he ends up going all spread legged instead of a like he planned. What's worse, he goes in all spread legged, groin first. Snap, crackle, POP. The pain is enough to make the pole not really matter. He's tumbling down on his stomach now, somehow having ended up that way and past the pole in his agony. He's racing down
[20:58] <Kotono> and ahead - and ahead segments of the side walls occasionally thrust out, to slam anything there into paste - and he's going right for them, full steam ahead! OOC: Same as last time, one action. Don't blow it.
[21:00] * Rhayser concentrates and abruptly balloons in size. OOC: Expansion. I am now the size of the tunnel. Friction & physics are go.
[21:01] <Kotono> OOC: Concentration check.
[21:01] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+14
[21:01] <Myannbot> Rhayser rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=10 ]{24}
[21:02] <Kotono> Rhayser slides closer as he grows larger - but he's right. His enhanced size plus friction is just enough. He stings a bit, but he stops just before the crushers start. Safe for now.
[21:02] <Rhayser> "Who puts this stuff on a slide? That was super fun while it lasted."
[21:03] <Kotono> OOC: Let me add you into 3dunes since they're catching up.
[21:22] <Kotono> ----
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


[20:46] <Kevamros> "Rope and anchor?"
[20:48] <Luther> "Seemed like it was a long ride, but we can try. Do you have any though? If not, we might as well follow soon."
[20:49] * Kevamros produces 50 ft. of rope!
[20:49] <Kevamros> "Where to anchor it to, though?"
[20:50] <Kevamros> "Or we could get some of the moss and put it on our backs?"
[20:52] <Kotono> As the party talks, surely Rhayser falls further and further away from them, down the unknown and likely dangerous tunnel.
[20:52] <Luther> "That sounds like a plan, let's do that," Luther says. With some distaste, he reaches for some of the slowing moss, using it to cover his back and feet, so he will hopefully be able to walk down the tunnel, or at worst slide controllably down.
[20:53] * Kevamros grabs some moss, slathers it on, and goes to slide!
[20:53] <Kotono> The moss is applied. It sticks to his hands, but not enough to stop him from adding it to where he wishes.
[20:54] <Kotono> OOC: Climbing in?
[20:54] <Kevamros> OOC: Yep, after moss application.
[20:54] <Luther> ooc: yes
[20:55] <Kotono> Kev and Luther climb in. All mossed up, they find it sticks easily and stops them from being dragged down. They could wiggle down or simply rise up nad walk, looks like. As long as they're mossed, the water doesn't seem strong enough to pull thema long.
[20:56] * Kevamros stands and walks down!
[20:56] * Luther also walks down! "Be careful of the moss unsticking from all the water."
[20:57] <Luther> ooc: The skeleton just stays behind, it should disappear quickly at this point so no point in bringing it along
[20:59] <Kotono> OOC: Okay.
[21:00] <Kotono> The party makes a slow and safe climb down. Soon enough they come to a wooden pole in the middle of the passage. Looks unremarkable enough, and the tunnel continues further down if they wish to continue. Interestingly, the pole has a rather large crack in the side facing the party. Almost like an impact crater in the wood.
[21:01] <Luther> "Wonder what happened."
[21:01] <Kevamros> "Rhayser."
[21:01] <Luther> "Ah, true. Let's catch up then."
[21:01] * Luther keeps moving.
[21:02] * Kevamros follows!@
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


[21:04] <Kotono> Further down they The way ahead is clogged by one oversized Rhayser. You can't see ahead for obvious, Rhayser related reasons.
[21:04] * Kevamros tries to un-stuck Rhayser.
[21:05] <Luther> "...are you alright?"
[21:05] <Rhayser> "Oh yeah. That was GREAT!"
[21:06] <Rhayser> "I was sliding and going really fast and then WHAM I hit that pole with my nuts and then there were crushers ahead so I made myself big so I could stop."
[21:07] <Kotono> Rhayser getting unstuck looks to be pretty hard, since he's grown enough to lodge himself in the tunnel.
[21:10] <Rhayser> "So what's next?"
[21:10] <Luther> "Well, getting you loose would help. What was further down past you?"
[21:11] <Rhayser> "Crushers."
[21:11] <Kevamros> "Let's get out of there. Can you shrink down again?"
[21:12] <Rhayser> "Yup!" With a POP, Rhays'r is normal-sized.
[21:12] * Kevamros inspects the area for anything useful.
[21:13] <Kotono> Fortunately, Kevramros being there prevents Rhayser from sliding right on down. The crushers can be seen ahead. They're slow enough that passing them on foot doesn't look hard enough - so long as you aren't barreling down without control, it's hardly a danger at all.
[21:13] <Luther> "Seems safe enough," Luther notes as he continues forward.
[21:14] * Kevamros passes some extra moss to Rhayser and follows!
[21:15] <Rhayser> "Oh hey, that's not so bad." Rhays'r eyes the moss, then attaches ith to his chest.
[21:15] <Kotono> It's not hard to move on and beyond. Further down the tunnel, you find a little ledge attached to the ceiling. Sitting atop it is a treasure chest. Impossible to grab if spinning down out of control, but like this it seems fairly simple to reach up, take it downa nd grab it, should you wish.
[21:16] * Kevamros does so!
[21:17] <Kotono> The chest is taken down. There's a soft CLICK as it is, followed by pale blue gas shooting out of the walls. OOC: Ref saves -4, all.
[21:17] <Kevamros> roll 1d20+5-4 Ref
[21:17] <Serith> Kevamros roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=20]
[21:18] <Rhayser> roll 1d4-1
[21:18] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 2 > [d4=3]
[21:18] <Rhayser> OOC: WAIT
[21:18] <Kotono> OOC: Dooon't think your ref saves are 1d4.
[21:18] <Rhayser> roll 1d20-1
[21:18] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 1 > [d20=2]
[21:18] <Rhayser> OOC: BETTER
[21:19] <Luther> roll d20+9 reflex
[21:19] <Serith> Luther roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=16]
[21:20] <Luther> ooc: I forgot to include -4
[21:20] <Kotono> Kevamros is quick enough to evade the gas, chest in his arms. Luther just parries it away, but Rhayser...oh, Rhayser. He's caught flatfooted. The moss over his body turns black and crumbles away, followed by a sudden surge of the water at his feet. OOC: Balance check, -5 modifier. G'luck.
[21:21] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+0+2-6
[21:21] <Serith> Rhayser roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=15]
[21:21] <Luther> ooc: I'm sure you made it!
[21:22] <Rhayser> OOC: -5
[21:22] <Rhayser> OOC: So 6
[21:22] <Kotono> Gah! Rhayer goes down, bouncing hard as he's sent tumbling down the tunnel! Not good! OOC: #evildunes again for you, you're moving too fast for them to interdict. The others, you can act now, though Rhayer's already jetting down and out of sight.
[21:22] <Rhayser> OOC: Can I react?
[21:22] <Kotono> OOC: In #evil, follo wmy incoming instructions.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


[21:22] <Kotono> ----
[21:22] <Kotono> roll 1d6 from bouncing on down the tunnel
[21:22] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d6 from bouncing on down the tunnel --> [ 1d6=4 ]{4}
[21:23] <Kotono> OOC: Damage, to be clear.
[21:24] <Kotono> OW OW! Rhayer's tumbling down the tunnel in a free-sliding bounce-athon. He finally gets his bearings, only to see him rocketing twards another pole. What's worse? This pole has long blades attached to it. There's enough space to get by on the sides, but not by much. OOC: Act, if it's to dodge or try something else. You're bouncing down the tunnel without control, so bear that in mind for
[21:24] <Kotono> any action.
[21:24] * Rhayser gets big again.
[21:25] <Kotono> OOC: Concentration check again. G'luck.
[21:25] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+14
[21:25] <Myannbot> Rhayser rolled 1d20+14 --> [ 1d20=6 ]{20}
[21:25] <Kotono> Unfortunately for Rhayser, bouncing around a tunnel madly is hell on his concentration. HIs efforts fizzle and he goes right into the blades.
[21:26] <Rhayser> "KNIVES!"
[21:26] <Kotono> roll 10d6 full damage, let me know if you survive being chopped and minced
[21:26] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 10d6 full damage, let me know if you survive being chopped and minced --> [ 10d6=27 ]{27}
[21:26] <Rhayser> OOC: I'm fine.
[21:26] <Kotono> Blood splashes everywhere. Rhayser slides down further in pain, landing....stopping? No, flying...? No, falling. Oh, he's just falling. OH CRAP, HE'S FALLIN-
[21:27] <Kotono> roll 1d6 falling damage and more
[21:27] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d6 falling damage and more --> [ 1d6=5 ]{5}
[21:27] <Kotono> WHAM! Face hits hard ground, pain follows. He's on solid ground now, dazed, battered and bloody - and alive.
[21:27] <Rhayser> "I FOUND THE GROUND GUYS
[21:27] <Rhayser> !"
[21:28] <Kotono> Unfortunately for Rhayser, something distracts. Namely, the sound of a heavy foot print right ahead of him. Oh, and the sound of a battlecry. Yep, that's not good. OOC: Init here, Rhayser.
[21:28] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5 ????
[21:28] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+5 ???? --> [ 1d20=10 ]{15}
[21:29] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+0
[21:29] <Myannbot> Rhayser rolled 1d20+0 --> [ 1d20=14 ]{14}
[21:29] <Rhayser> OOC: Hilarious
[21:29] * Kotono changes topic to '????(15)>Rhayser(14)'
[21:30] <Kotono> Footsteps racing to him and then....
[21:30] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12 (+4 prone, +2 charge, -4 PA) Flatfooted AC?
[21:30] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+12 (+4 prone, +2 charge, -4 PA) Flatfooted AC? --> [ 1d20=14 ]{26}
[21:31] <Rhayser> OOC: My AC is always 20 except for touch
[21:31] <Kotono> roll 1d12+14 the ows
[21:31] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d12+14 the ows --> [ 1d12=6 ]{20}
[21:32] <Kotono> Oh yeah, so that's what an axe to the back feels like. Agony flares as blood gushes from Rhayser's back, a massive gash carved out of it by his unseen foe. Doing something about that, or hell, just looking up would be highly advised right now. OOC: Go.
[21:34] <Rhayser> OOC: Am I up or prone?
[21:34] <Rhayser> OOC: Please say up
[21:34] <Kotono> OOC: Prone, flat on your face and can't see jack.
[21:34] <Kotono> OOC: Looking up woudl fix the can't see jack part.
[21:34] <Rhayser> OOC: Because now I'm dead.
[21:36] * Rhayser looks up, because maybe there'll be muffins.
[21:36] <Kotono> OOC: Yous till have 12 HP and it's your turn. Go.
[21:36] <Kotono> He's in some sort of chamber, made of green stone. He barely has a chance to see, since a man in breastplate armor and with a greataxe is above him. He's raising it for another strike. He wears a full face helmet so you can't see his expression. OOC: Looking up was a free action, go.
[21:37] * Rhayser makes like a grass hut and rolls the fuck away and to the left!
[21:37] <Kotono> OOC: I'll call a tumble check here, say.
[21:37] <Rhayser> OOC: Rolling sideways is a tumble check?
[21:38] <Kotono> OOC: Since you're provoking na AoO from him.
[21:38] <Kotono> OOC: Unless you want him to get a free swing, I suggest you go all tumble rolly.
[21:38] <Rhayser> roll 1d20+1 Call me Last Action Hero, because this is my last action on this PC.
[21:38] <Myannbot> Rhayser rolled 1d20+1 Call me Last Action Hero, because this is my last action on this PC. --> [ 1d20=5 ]{6}
[21:39] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10 (+4 prone, -4 PA, charge mod doesn't apply anymore, maybe he'll whiff)
[21:39] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+10 (+4 prone, -4 PA, charge mod doesn't apply anymore, maybe he'll whiff) --> [ 1d20=19 ]{29}
[21:39] <Kotono> roll 1d12+14 the ows, maybe you'll survive in negatives
[21:39] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d12+14 the ows, maybe you'll survive in negatives --> [ 1d12=12 ]{26}
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


[21:23] <Luther> "I think we need to avoid opening any other chests near ourselves."
[21:23] <Luther> "Anything else inside the chest?"
[21:23] <Luther> "Or should we move on after him?"
[21:24] * Kevamros tosses the chest to Luther and goes after Rhayser!
[21:25] * Luther peeks inside the chest before following after Kevamros.
[21:27] <Kotono> The chest contains the following. OOC: Loot post.
[21:29] * Luther carries the chest with him as he follows after the other two!
[21:31] <Kotono> Thus the two continue. Ahead they find the same blade-trap as Rhayer did. Only now the blades are quite bloodied. Still, passing it like this should be safe enough.
[21:32] <Luther> "That man has terrible luck, doesn't he?"
[21:35] <Kevamros> "Indeed."
[21:35] <Luther> "Hrm...well, he did save my life earlier, so I suppose I should at least attempt to return the favor somehow," Luther says as he speeds up. "Let's get to him before he somehow dies or something, and you're the healer anyway."
[21:35] * Kevamros keeps going!
[21:37] <Kotono> OOC: Let me finish the round in #evil first.
[21:41] <Kotono> OOC: #evil, I'll integrate you two in there.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


[21:43] <Kotono> Pain and then darkness for Rhayser. Meanwhile, the other two come to the end of the tunnel. It goes to a 10ft drop into a green stone room. It's about 20ft and roughly circular. Straight below is a massively bleeding Rhayser, an axe wielding knight over him and hacking him up. At the far end is another tunnel going down, while to the side is a door. OOC: Roll init to join combat, you two.
[21:43] <Kevamros> roll 1d20+1 Init
[21:43] <Myannbot> Kevamros rolled 1d20+1 Init --> [ 1d20=11 ]{12}
[21:44] <Luther> roll d20+3 init
[21:44] <Myannbot> Luther rolled d20+3 init --> [ 1d20=10 ]{13}
[21:44] * Kotono changes topic to 'Axe Knight(15)>Rhayser(14)>Luther(13)>Kevramros(12)'
[21:45] <Luther> "You look terrible! And you started playing with a new friend without us!"
[21:45] <Kotono> The axe knight grunts, "Hah! Now your treasure is my loot!" he declares, starting to rustle through Rhayser's bloodied bags and belongings. OOC: Rhayser. Stabilization check, 19% or lower.
[21:45] <Rhayser> roll 1d100
[21:45] <Myannbot> Rhayser rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=77 ]{77}
[21:45] <Kotono> OOC: 1 more HP of damage. Luther's up.
[21:46] <Luther> "Unhand that man's loot! If anybody's looting his body if he's dead, it's us! We met him first!" he declares as he fires a ray of exhaustion at the knight!
[21:46] <Luther> roll d20+10 ranged touch
[21:47] <Myannbot> Luther rolled d20+10 ranged touch --> [ 1d20=15 ]{25}
[21:47] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[21:47] <Luther> ooc: fort save, DC 18 (I think, lemme double check). Pass he's fatigued, fail he's exhausted
[21:48] <Kotono> roll 1d20+8 fort
[21:48] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+8 fort --> [ 1d20=1 ]{9}
[21:48] <Luther> ooc: right then, exhausted it is.
[21:48] <Luther> ooc: lasts 7 minutes that he won't live through.
[21:48] <Kotono> The axe knight slumps heavily, suddenly grunting and dropping the bag he was rustling through. "Guh!" he manages, as...OOC: Kev.
[21:49] * Kevamros throws forth healing energy to Rhayser! OOC: Burning Greater Magic Weapon for heals! Also, forgot what the conversion is for a level 4 spell.
[21:50] <Kotono> OOC: Cure critical wounds. But aren't cure spells touch range and you're 10ft above him? You'd need to leap down to his side.
[21:50] <Rhayser> OOC: Fact
[21:50] <Kotono> OOC: Yes, touch. You'd have to leap down, which would provoke an AoO from him. Don't have room to land behind Rhayser, since he's at the wall where the tunnel drops down.
[21:51] <Kevamros> OOC: Would he get caught in a turning burn?
[21:51] <Kotono> OOC: Yes, so would the bad guy, but he's taken no damage.
[21:52] <Rhayser> OOC: I'd say go for it
[21:52] * Kevamros burns a Turning to heal!
[21:52] <Kevamros> roll 3d6 heal!
[21:52] <Myannbot> Kevamros rolled 3d6 heal! --> [ 3d6=15 ]{15}
[21:52] <Kevamros> OOC: 4d6, I think?
[21:53] <Kotono> OOC: What level are you?
[21:53] <Kevamros> OOC:7?
[21:53] <Kotono> OOC: Yeah, 4d6. Roll another 1d6 and add it ot the 15.
[21:53] <Kevamros> roll 1d6 heals
[21:53] <Myannbot> Kevamros rolled 1d6 heals --> [ 1d6=1 ]{1}
[21:54] <Luther> ooc: Exciting! 1 more HP!
[21:54] <Rhayser> It means I'm awake!
[21:54] <Rhayser> Prone and awake and inside a big metal can, but awake!
[21:54] <Kotono> Merciful healing comes. Rhayser slowly stirs, awareness returning with healing. He's back awake. OOC: Axe knight is up.
[21:54] <Kotono> OOC: Use OOC tags in here, Yuth.
[21:54] <Rhayser> OOC Tags there
[21:55] <Kotono> The axe knight scowls at that, looks down at Rhayser, "Uh uh," he mutters with a yawn, taking a slow, weak swing at him. OOC: What's the effect of exhausted?
[21:56] <Rhayser> OOC: He should not be able to power attack on principle
[21:57] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 (-3 exhausted)
[21:57] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+7 (-3 exhausted) --> [ 1d20=20 ]{27}
[21:57] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 (-3 exhausted) seriously?
[21:57] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+7 (-3 exhausted) seriously? --> [ 1d20=6 ]{13}
[21:57] <Kotono> roll 1d20+2
[21:57] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+2 --> [ 1d20=12 ]{14}
[21:57] <Kotono> OOC: Still AC 20?
[21:57] <Rhayser> OOC: Hohyes
[21:58] <Kotono> roll 1d12+3
[21:58] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d12+3 --> [ 1d12=4 ]{7}
[21:58] <Kotono> A quick chop tears Rhayser's back up even more, sending him right back to the brink of death. OOC: Stabilization check again.
[21:58] <Rhayser> roll 1d100
[21:58] <Myannbot> Rhayser rolled 1d100 --> [ 1d100=60 ]{60}
[21:58] <Kotono> OOC: 1 more damage. Luther's up.
[22:00] * Luther uses a spell to drag up this knights worst fears up! (OOC: Scare)
[22:00] <Luther> ooc: Will save, DC 18 again.
[22:01] <Luther> ooc: Shaken if he passes, Frightened otherwise
[22:02] <Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[22:02] <Myannbot> Kotono rolled 1d20+4 --> [ 1d20=13 ]{17}
[22:02] <Kotono> Suddenly the knight screams in sheer terror. He starts to stumble back. OOC: Go Kev.
[22:03] * Kevamros throws out more healing! OOC: Burning turn!
[22:03] <Kevamros> roll 4d6 Heals!
[22:03] <Myannbot> Kevamros rolled 4d6 Heals! --> [ 4d6=13 ]{13}
[22:03] <Kotono> OOC: Roll it.
[22:03] <Kotono> Again Rhayser's wounds heal, reality returning to him. He hurts EVERYWHERE. Meanwhile, the axe knight stumbles off in a sleepy run that isn't really a run, diving into the water tunnel on the far end and sliding out of sight, screaming all the while. OOC:F Ree act.
[22:04] <Luther> "Huh, that was kind of anticlimatic. Maybe I should have used another spell? It -was- sort of hilarious to watch though."
[22:05] * Luther pats himself on the back (a little awkward, but he manages). "Go me. I'm a hero!"
[22:05] <Kevamros> "It was fast and efficient. That's the best we can hope for."
[22:05] <Rhayser> "I think I broke my everything."
[22:05] <Luther> "What did we learn about jumping down water slides in slaad dungeons?"
[22:06] <Rhayser> "Wear better armor and bring friends?"
[22:07] * Kevamros hops down to Rhayser and heals! OOC: Burning Greater Magic Weapon!
[22:07] <Luther> "Indeed! Or at the very least, people that felt they owed you one. You're welcome by the way, and now we are even, until the next time fates conspire to make us rely on each other."
[22:07] <Kevamros> roll 4d8+7 heals!
[22:07] <Myannbot> Kevamros rolled 4d8+7 heals! --> [ 4d8=14 ]{21}
[22:08] <Rhayser> "Oh, hey that's better!" Rhays'r says, abruptly not erupting in blood and exposed muscle. He leaps to his feet.
[22:08] * Kevamros heals Rhayser some more! OOC: Burning Magic Vestment for Heal.
[22:08] <Kevamros> roll 3d8+7 Heals.
[22:08] <Myannbot> Kevamros rolled 3d8+7 Heals. --> [ 3d8=13 ]{20}
[22:11] * Luther examines the loot that has been found recently, more specifically the scroll and the bottle, since they are clearly magic.
[22:12] <Luther> roll d20+13 spellcraft on scroll
[22:12] <Myannbot> Luther rolled d20+13 spellcraft on scroll --> [ 1d20=8 ]{21}
[22:12] <Luther> roll d20+13 spellcraft on bottle
[22:12] <Myannbot> Luther rolled d20+13 spellcraft on bottle --> [ 1d20=18 ]{31}
[22:15] <Luther> "So, should we move on, rest up, or what?"
[22:16] <Rhayser> "I think I'd like to wait a minute. Maybe that guy will come back. I'm sure I'll do better next time!"
[22:17] <Luther> "I'm sure."
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.