
I have a dream that one day, men will be punched in the face not for the color of their skin, but for the awful content of their character.

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Rank 2, Mission 1 Gaiden: "Dog Days Are Over"

Started by Taishyr, June 04, 2015, 04:40:36 PM

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[16:15] <Torokasi> After the dinner and idle chatting with Kalos and Isabella's group, Manifold heads into Duessa's Redoubt and into one of the private rooms, through the throngs of patrons gossiping and chatting. Crow and Ary lead the group into the room with Lilian taking up the rear, closing the door behind her once she enters. Once the door is closed, she looks up. "It sounds like everyone from the Guild's been briefed - the tables of Guild people are buzzing with the news, but no one talking with non-Guild people is gossiping about it. Yet."
[16:18] <Torokasi> Janda looks between the group, concern scrawled on her face. "Okaaaay, so what did Para and I manage to miss?"
[16:19] <AutumnCrow> "Right..." Crow sighed, turning to Janda and Para, "We were summoned by Adon this morning. There's good news and bad news. The good news is that the kerebos trio and thier allies survived, but are...well, they don't quite know where they are. It may be awhile before they return. The bad that Ghen'guldam has fallen."
[16:20] <Torokasi> "Oh, that's good, th- ...Hhhhh?" Janda chokes as the last part of Crow's comment sinks in. "Fallen? As... what do you mean by that, Crow? How would... how would that even happen??"
[16:21] <Torokasi> Para's face seems more confused than anything else, a frown settling on his brow. "... A fiercer attack than what landed here?"
[16:24] <AutumnCrow> "We don't know. Terriander is still investigating and hasn't shared more than that with us yet," Crow shakes her head, " seems thier barrier just stopped working. I suspect some mist entity found a way to snap it due to the strength of the barrier, things that never bend break harder and are impossible to fix when they do break, after all. Adon...suspects it may have been internal
[16:24] <AutumnCrow> sabotage."
[16:26] <Torokasi> Janda closes her eyes, hands trembling in her lap. Para continues to frown. "That's disturbing. ...Ary, you okay?"
[16:27] <Torokasi> Ary shrugs. "I'm feeling like I dodged twenty of Crow's blows, metaphorically speaking. The Temple of Sath wanted to send me there... and now she's basically all I've got left of my old friends from Teriander. I don't really know what to think, but right now I'm okay."
[16:29] <AutumnCrow> "I'll make sure we stay informed on any updates the guild gets from Terriander."
[16:29] <Torokasi> "It's appreciated." Ary nods slightly. "Hopefully some of my friends were visiting or touring elsewhere at the time, but I know how their program goes. I'm not optimistic."
[16:32] <Torokasi> Lilian shakes her head. "We need to keep this secret, at least to the best of our abilities. It's going to leak - we can't lose a city without the info coming to light - but we've been lucky to avoid rioting or panics so far, even with the disaster. We can't remain so fortunate forever. ...On a side note, Adon mentioned that while the northern lands have become heavily wooded, all the normal landmarks seem to be there still. So we should be able to continue our mission to explore the ruins as planned."
[16:32] <Torokasi> "Forgive me if I can't care about that at the moment, Lilian." Janda chokes out, her voice trembling.
[16:32] <AutumnCrow> "So...Lillian," Crow turns to her second, "you said guild people were gossiping about the news? All Isabella's group told us they'd heard was about the trio being alright, not about Ghen'guldam. Is that filtering down to other groups yet that you've heard, or did we get privilaged information?"
[16:35] <Torokasi> "It seems to be filtering down. I suspect Kalos' group avoided the topic as they didn't know who amongst us had been briefed yet, given how the conversation forcibly went to more sedate topics. But up here, it's mostly Guild people trying to relax, and alcohol loosens tongues..." Lilian shrugs, giving Janda a sympathetic smile. "Still, people seem to be aware of who to avoid the topic on, and a lot of the comments seem vague enough-"
[16:35] <Torokasi> "How are you all staying so calm! People - thousands of people! They're dead, how are you- how?!?" Janda blurts out, choking on her words. "This is...!"
[16:37] <AutumnCrow> "Because losing control and breaking down will not accomplish anything." Crow replies with a forced placidity, "we can't change the past, all we can do is go forward. And from where we are now, there's not much we can accomplish. I do have some plans but they're small and...will take time, since there's not exactly much we can accomplish on a city-wide scale as we are."
[16:39] <Torokasi> "...That, basically. I think we're all shaken, but... the best we can do is pray for them, and keep moving forward." Lilian follows up. "If Ary's any example, that seems like what they'd want us to do-"
[16:39] <AutumnCrow> "I will make sure that guild mages get a better chance to review the barrier at the Autumn Temple, to see if there's anything they can learn about it now to help make more durable barriers elsewhere, for one." Crow continues, "mother likely won't like that, she's not fond of non-temple people poking around the grounds and doing studies, but I will push back on this one."
[16:39] <Torokasi> Ary snorts. "You're neglecting 'get drunk', Lilian, but yes."
[16:40] <Torokasi> Solmyr frowns at Crow. "She's really protective of that barrier, then? Do you know why?"
[16:40] <Torokasi> Janda nods slightly at Crow's comment, but remains quiet, hands still tremoring in her lap.
[16:44] <AutumnCrow> "She's...not protective of the barrier, exactly," Crow sighs, "she just doesn't really like people whe aren't from the temple poking around, and she looks down on those who aren't warriors. You tell me how pleasant mages who are getting condescended to while trying to research something are likely to be? And the moment they give her lip or comment on her own lack of knowledge, they'll be
[16:44] <AutumnCrow> lucky to be kicked out without several broken bones."
[16:44] * AutumnCrow shakes her head, "I'm being a bit unfairly harsh, but Autumn Dragon is...hard to get along with. Arrogant and abraisive, and used to being defered to."
[16:45] <Torokasi> "Ah. ...Would she maybe be more receptive to people from the Guild, then? Especially with your dad's connections?" Solmyr offers. "Smoothing the process as much as possible seems optimal, considering."
[16:46] <AutumnCrow> "Probably," Crow nods, "which is what I intend to pitch. They'll need to be on thier best behavior and not get ruffled by her, but guild mages are more likely to be able to do that."
[16:49] <Torokasi> "Yeah. Hell, Redel's enough of a fighter that he can probably satisfy that requirement as well as be able to study it, if it's not arcane-based..." Solmyr mutters. "It's worth a shot."
[16:50] <AutumnCrow> "It's...likely chi based," Crow half smiles, "which I have no idea how that works and I doubt my mother does either."
[16:51] <AutumnCrow> "Well, I know how chi control works of course. How that's turned into a barrier for a small town, I do not."
[16:56] <Torokasi> "Right. Yeah, if we could power barriers in part with chi, it... could help a lot. The barrier in Sumotah'l is the only other aberrative barrier that I know of, and it's some weird mixture of chi and divine power that hasn't helped anyone understand anything."
[16:59] <Torokasi> Lilian shrugs. "It's definitely worth a shot, at least..."
[17:05] <Torokasi> "... Is there anything else, Crow?" Para asks, looking over at Crow. "Or are we done for the night?"
[17:07] <AutumnCrow> "It's all I can really think to do for now. There may have been advancements in barrier research since the last time the High Lady actually let someone look it over." Crow shrugs, then nods to Para, "the last thing I have to ask about much do we tell Marion? Do we treat her as guild and let her know what we know once we're outside? Or do we keep her out of the loop until she's
[17:07] <AutumnCrow> official? Largely I'm concerned about her family, if she will be able to keep things from them or if they're people things should be kept from..."
[17:12] <Torokasi> Solmyr tilts his head. "They're people things should be kept from, but they essentially rule Nlocomo. They likely know. As for telling her... even if she doesn't join us, she's intent on joining the Guild. I'd support telling her once we get out of the city."
[17:12] <Torokasi> Lilian shrugs. "Sounds okay by me, presuming she hasn't heard from her sister or something."
[17:17] <AutumnCrow> "Alright then," Crow nods, "that's all I wanted to confirm. You all know her better than I do, after all. Well then...we have an early start, so everyone make sure you're ready for the morning and don't stay up late. Solmyr, can you confirm that Marion will be ready to go in the morning before you turn in?"
[17:23] <Torokasi> "Will do." Solmyr nods. "Seventh bell, right?"
[17:24] <Torokasi> Janda shakes her head, before standing. "I'll be ready then. ...I'll make sure I'm ready, then. For now, though, I need to visit the Temple... Sorry, all, good night." With that, she quickly slips out before Crow or anyone else can say anything.
[17:26] <AutumnCrow> "Seventh bell, yes." Watching Janda go, Crow sighs, "I hope she can get that out of her system before the first fight out there."
[17:27] <AutumnCrow> Standing up to go herself, Crow flicks her eyes to Lilian, "Well, I'm going to call it an early night."
[17:27] <Torokasi> "...I think she'll be fine." Ary replies. "She held herself togther remarkably well there."
[17:29] <Torokasi> Lilian nods slightly, a very brief smile flashing across her face as she glances to Crow. "Sounds good. Let's call it early and rest well for tomorrow."
[17:29] <Torokasi> "Stop acting so adorable." Solmyr comments wryly.
[17:31] * AutumnCrow snaps out a fan to idly fan herself, "I'm sure I have no idea what you're talking about."
[17:35] <Torokasi> "And neither do I. Shall we go, Crow?" Lilian smiles
[17:39] <AutumnCrow> "Of course." Crow smiles and heads out, "See you all in the morning."
[17:40] <Torokasi> Ary and Solmyr chuckle a bit as Crow and Lilian head out of the room...
[18:27] <Torokasi> The morning is clear, puddles from the rain still lingering as the group, including Mare, meets at the northern gate. Crow is first, along with Lilian, with the rest of the group coming in pretty quickly after, Mare and Solmyr coming together and quietly chatting. Janda, looking exhausted but ready, is the last to arrive, smiling wanly to Crow. "I'm ready. How's everyone else doing?"
[18:28] <Torokasi> Ary, Solmyr, and Para nod, with Mare commenting, "Ready as I could ever be."
[19:06] * AutumnCrow was idly fanning herself as Janda arrived, "Alright, lets go ahead and get going. We've got three objectives here. One, find the door we marked and see what's behind it. Two, keep an eye out for any needed reagents and mark where we find them as we go. Three, provide whatever information we can on how geography has changed since the event. So mainly just keeping our eyes open for
[19:06] * AutumnCrow anything of interest as we go."
[19:07] <AutumnCrow> "If we find any yeeks, we can try and talk to them if they're not hostile to see what they know about the event. If we find any kobolds, we kill them."
[19:12] <Torokasi> Mare nods. "Sounds about right. Reagants will be important to secure for Verxais, and kobolds are never friendly. Anything else?"
[19:14] <AutumnCrow> "Lilian can fill you in on information that came in yesterday once we're over the bridge." Crow snaps her fan shut, "for now, let's get going so we can get over the bridge as quickly as possible."
[19:16] <Torokasi> "Sounds good." Mare nods, as the group heads off over the bridge...
[19:20] * Serith ( has joined #mistgame
[19:28] <Torokasi> The group crosses the bridge with solid time, reaching the guard outpost - which seems to be hosting a great number of lumberjacks and workers, with the reason obvious - the trees growing on the other side of the Barrier are massive, towering over the people as they work to slowly bring down trees and process them. Mare smiles a bit at seeing this. "Good, natural, non-druid-grown wood is rare in Verxais normally. I'm glad to see they're jumping on this opportunity quickly."
[19:32] <AutumnCrow> "I wonder where it was from before the event..." Crow eyed the large trees.
[19:33] <Torokasi> "They're about as large as the normal trees around Sumotah'l, but they're definitely a different species." Solmyr shrugs. "They look like temperate trees? But I can't think of anywhere I've heard of with trees this big of this kind."
[19:35] <Torokasi> Lilian shrugs. "Maybe they're normal trees, but the Mist made them big?"
[19:38] <Torokasi> "Can the Mist even do that...?" Ary shrugs. "Well, maybe we'll figure out more as we keep moving."
[19:41] <Torokasi> "Agreed... but wow, these are pretty." Janda murmurs. "So big..."
[19:45] <AutumnCrow> "I hope using my fire techniques won't be a problem in the forest..."
[19:48] <Torokasi> "We'll find out, won't we?" Mare replies lightly. "We can create water on the flames if something does go wrong..." With that, the group begins heading through the new wood forest...
[19:49] <Torokasi> roll 1d999
[19:49] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 559 > [d999=559]
[19:55] <Torokasi> The group heads into the forest, Solmyr using his compass to guide the team to the east. Twice, Para spots yeeks in the forest, but they seem to keep their distance, staying far away from the group as they continue onward. After a time, Ary comments, "The forest is quiet... Not many birds or anything that I can hear, and there's not much of a breeze around here. It's sort of eerie."
[19:57] * AutumnCrow looks around, "the quiet does make it feel a fair bit more oppressive."
[20:02] <Torokasi> "It does." Solmyr nods. "Still, nothing seems to be around, at least... And the mist isn't bad at all, and seems to be getting even thinner as we go. With the yeeks sort of tailing us, maybe they're scaring the wildlife away?"
[20:03] <AutumnCrow> "So long as they aren't trying to herd us into a trap, it's fine."
[20:05] <Torokasi> "Don't think so." Para comments. "They're not acting aggressive."
[20:13] <Torokasi> roll 1d999
[20:13] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 80 > [d999=80]
[20:16] <Torokasi> The group keeps walking... and keeps walking... and keeps walking... before Solmyr finally stops the group. "The compass isn't working right. It's wobbling wildly... I don't know that we can get anywhere like this. We can keep heading east and hope we get closer, I guess?"
[20:16] <Torokasi> Para frowns. "The Mist is only getting thinner. Why would the compass not work?"
[20:18] <AutumnCrow> "Try resetting it to a different point, then back on the mark? Maybe that will make it work? Or we could try someone else's compass, if something odd just happened to yours?"
[20:18] <Torokasi> Solmyr fiddles with the compass...
[20:21] <Torokasi> roll 1d20+9 K: Arcana check
[20:22] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=11]
[20:22] <Torokasi> "Uh... It might be my compass. Para, you try." Solmyr says after a moment.
[20:23] <Torokasi> Para unrolls his compass, using it for a moment. "...Mine seems stable. Here, trade me. What happened?"
[20:23] <Torokasi> Solmyr shakes his head. "I think mine got damaged somehow in the cataclysm? It's acting funky."
[20:31] <Torokasi> The group continues to head into the forest a short ways, the sun reaching its peak in the sky, before, "... This one's messing up, too." Solmyr says with concern, hefting the pendant. "It might be something in the area causing this?"
[20:32] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. Para, take point and see if the compass works for you more reliably? Your mental focus might help it stabelize."
[20:33] <Torokasi> "That's an idea." Solmyr nods, passing the pendant off...
[21:07] <Torokasi> roll 1d20+11 autohypnosis
[21:07] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=15]
[21:07] <Torokasi> "
[21:09] <Torokasi> Para frowns as the pendant seems to shift around, before settling on one direction. "I think this worked..." With that, Para takes the lead, the group heading further to the east. <More>
[21:13] <Torokasi> After ten minutes or so, Para stops the group. "Something's pulling the compass southeast. It's causing the vibration. ...Do we want to go look?"
[21:15] <AutumnCrow> "...I suppose we should." Crow nods, looking to see if anyone objected.
[21:15] <Torokasi> Lilian tilts. "Let's be very cautious, though. We don't know what sort of new things are in the forest here."
[21:18] <Torokasi> roll 1d999
[21:18] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 294 > [d999=294]
[21:21] <Torokasi> The group heads to the southeast, treading over the thick roots of the trees, before Solmyr and Para glance at each other. "There's a lot of birdsong in this direction..." Solmyr comments. "It's been getting louder, and I don't know why."
[21:24] <AutumnCrow> "I would assume becuase we're getting closer to the birds," Crow did not have a fan out as she often did when expecting a fight. This time because she was half expecting some kind of monster bird, which would be better handled with the scarf.
[21:30] <Torokasi> The group scales over a particularly large root, coming upon a large glade, a large puddle of water surrounding a small bit of land with a strange, stone obelisk rising out of the mud. At the feet of the obelisk, birds perching in its hair and chirping loudly, is... a massive beast, golden-furred, sleeping peacefully. Its head is framed by massive goat horns curling inward, and its tail looks serpentine, grey-scaled.
[21:30] <Torokasi> Para drops back behind the root, looking at his compass. "That's the target." he murmurs after a moment.
[21:34] <AutumnCrow> "...well." Crow notes very quietly as she eyes the beast, "Lilian get a good enough look at it so you can show someone back at the guild what it looked like with an illusion? And...then I suppose we'll be on our way. I don't see any reason to disturb its nap."
[21:35] <Torokasi> Lilian nods slightly, looking up over the root... before gaping. "Does the damn thing have three heads? ...No, four, the tail's a snake...!"
[21:36] <Torokasi> "Gimme a sec to study it..."
[21:38] <Torokasi> "Okay." Lilian drops behind the root with the rest of the group. "I think I've got it. Let's head up around this, now? I'd really rather not disturb this... thing."
[21:39] <AutumnCrow> "I'm sure someone will want to come study this obelisk eventually."
[21:39] <Torokasi> roll 1d20+9 K:N
[21:39] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=14]
[21:40] <Torokasi> Solmyr pauses. "...Sounds like a chimera, based on your description. Heads of a goat, lion and human, tail of a snake?"
[21:41] <Torokasi> Lilian blinks. "The third head looked like the dragon's, actually."
[21:44] <Torokasi> "Dragon? Curious. I remember reading stories about them. Brutal little things, created by the Mist. It might be docile since the Mist is so light... Still, let's not risk it and loop around." Solmyr shrugs. "If we get far enough away we can probably avoid it, I'd hope."
[21:47] * AutumnCrow waits for Lilian to signal she's done, then motions for Para to lead the sneak away.
[21:49] <Torokasi> Lilian gives the signal, and the group begins to move away...
[21:49] <Torokasi> roll 1d20
[21:49] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=14]
[21:52] <Torokasi> The group manages to move away with ease, the birdsong fading as they continue to the east past the obelisk...


[16:50] <@Torokasi> The group makes steady time away from the obelisk, Solmyr pulling out his compass again after about thirty minutes and testing it, experimentally. "Seems to be working alright again. We're a bit off direction but not badly so; we can compensate easily." He glances over at the rest of the group. "Either the thing doesn't eat flesh or just doesn't eat birds, but it could have been territorial or protective, so I still think caution was our best option there."
[16:51] <AutumnCrow> "Those birds also didn't look substantial enough to make a meal for it," Crow notes flatly, "a pack of seven people, on the other hand..."
[16:52] <@Torokasi> Para tilts its head. "Didn't look underfed."
[16:52] <@Torokasi> Mare shrugs. "I'm curious as to what the obelisk was, too, but... yeah, that chimera or whatever looked pretty nasty. What can they normally do? I presume they bite a ton, but..."
[16:53] <@Torokasi> Solmyr chuckles. "Bites, breathes acid at a minimum, supposedly have some magic capabilities... They're not exactly rare, but they aren't normally around Verxais, as I understand it, especially not the dragon-headed kind."
[16:56] <AutumnCrow> "Really just better to avoid engaging. We can report on the obelisk and see if anyone else wants to come investigate later."
[16:57] <@Torokasi> "Yeah. Let's not stretch ourselves out before we get too far." Ary shakes his head as the group moves on...
[16:57] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999
[16:57] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 464 > [d999=464]
[16:58] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999
[16:58] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 554 > [d999=554]
[16:59] <@Torokasi> roll 1d100
[16:59] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 59 > [d100=59]
[17:03] <@Torokasi> The sun slowly sinks, bathing the tree canopy in deep bronze light, the group traveling rather quietly. The birds seem to be present in this area, if in a lighter amount, and the various forest wildlife - including some large cat that, thankfully, seems to avoid the group - is spotted by both Para and Solmyr as Manifold adventures onward, over the occasional giant tree root and through the deeply nested wood. Solmyr eventually pauses the group and takes Para over to investigate an odd clump of mushrooms in the branches, Crow and the rest standing watch. <More>
[17:04] <@Torokasi> The silence is broken by Mare asking, twirling a loose hair of her mane between two fingers, "So how close would you estimate we are? I think you guys said it was about a day's distance away from Verxais normally..."
[17:06] <@Torokasi> "That's about right." Ary shrugs distantly.
[17:06] <AutumnCrow> "Considering that litterally nothing we have run into today looks like what we saw on the way there the first time, I have no idea," Crow responds rather flatly, "we're pushing out for a couple days at most, then turning around if we don't find it."
[17:07] <@Torokasi> Janda nods. "For all we know, it got moved somewhere far distant and this will just wind up being a resource hunt. The mist is really thin, at least, so we shouldn't get fatigued tonight... I hope."
[17:10] <@Torokasi> "Can't count on it lasting, but it's a nice boon." Mare nods, looking to Crow. "I admit, I'm really curious at this point what it could be, especially as I've not seen or heard of ruins this close to town before. But who knows, it may be utterly unnavigable..."
[17:10] <AutumnCrow> "If we do wind up turning around empty handed, I may suggest that we investigate that obelisk ourselves on the way back, presuming we're not overly fatigued." Then she nods to Marion, "it may simply be that no one who's weighed enough has stood in that exact spot before. We did have Miss Kila with us, after all."
[17:12] <@Torokasi> "Miss Kila?" Marion tilts her head. "I'm afraid I don't know the name. Were you escorting someone from the Temples?"
[17:15] <AutumnCrow> "She's from the temple of Ratokyst, yes." Crow nods, "and...due to a mist mutation from when she was younger, weighs about as much as the rest of our team combined. She is very, very large."
[17:16] <@Torokasi> "Oh, wow. Yeah, Ratokyst would take her in. Sath... well..." Marion tilts her head awkwardly.
[17:17] <AutumnCrow> "...are you a follower of Sath?" Crow inquired, "you...don't strike me as the type, but I'm not sure why else that would be the first diety you bring up..."
[17:17] <@Torokasi> "Sath wouldn't, mainly due to the fact that she'd scare the nobles that fund the place." Ary interjects with a hint of bitterness. "Even if none of us really favor Ratokyst directly, their work with the poor and unfortunate is second only to the Weeping Lady's, if not equal to their works."
[17:19] <@Torokasi> Mare nods slightly. "I am, kinda? Again, 'how I was raised by family' clause that, I guess - sis and the rest of my family heavily favored Sath, but I... I guess I'm not really committed in any direction. I'm more familiar with Sath and the Weeping Lady than any of the others... I don't know. Those are the two I pay the most favor to, I guess." She shrugs helplessly. "But if you asked me if any of them were watching me personally, I'd say no."
[17:24] <AutumnCrow> "There are reasons Ratokyst is the only deity allowed a permenant presence in the Autumn Temple." Crow nods, "and...heh, it seems the theme of Manifold strikes again. None of us really follow the same path as another...or the same path as our own families, for the most part."
[17:27] <@Torokasi> "Hah. Fair enough." Mare doesn't seem to dig into Crow's statement, instead glancing over to Solmyr and Para who return, Para gently putting away a bag of mushrooms. "Rare find?"
[17:28] <@Torokasi> Para shakes his head. "Tasty. They're for dinner, Crow. At least some. But not on our list."
[17:29] <@Torokasi> Solmyr expounds, "They look similar to one that is on our list... and a third, that's really dangerous to eat. They're the tasty kind, though, thankfully. Pretty sure. I hope."
[17:30] <AutumnCrow> "Wild mushrooms are always a pleasant break from the cellar grown sorts," Crow nods, "I can make sure to test them out before cooking to be sure they're good. Get one going on some heat, I'll know by the smell if it's safe to eat. If it is...wild mushroom sauce with whatever Para can shoot for us, I even brought a pat of butter to make a real sauce from."
[17:35] <@Torokasi> "Awesome." Ary grins. "You're in for a treat, Marion."
[17:35] <@Torokasi> Para nods. "There's been some rabbits near. I'll see what I can do."
[17:40] <AutumnCrow> "Cooking is my hobby," Crow explains, "and I've done most of it around a fire rather than in a real kitchen."
[17:44] <@Torokasi> "Got it. I, uh... could probably manage to toast bread properly, maybe." Mare shrugs again with a wide grin. "Not really picky about food, though, which helps survive in Nlocomo, even at my family's standing..."
[17:45] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999
[17:45] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 142 > [d999=142]
[17:47] <@Torokasi> OOC: Roll notice for Para, please. I'll roll for Solmyr.
[17:48] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+11 paranotice
[17:48] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=4]
[17:50] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8 and Mare. I'm generally not doing aid anothers for unplanned checks so
[17:50] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=13]
[17:50] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+12 Solmyr
[17:50] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=6]
[17:56] <@Torokasi> Mare's ears seem to swivel slightly forward, before she goes, "Para, Solmyr, stop. Something's ahead... Look up, in the branches about three heights up. See that figure?"
[17:58] <@Torokasi> Para glances up. "Not looking toward us yet."
[17:58] <@Torokasi> Solmyr looks up, then forward. "It'
[17:58] <@Torokasi> OOC: er. strike that
[17:59] <@Torokasi> Solmyr looks up, then forward. "It's... a kobold, one of the bigger kinds. Hunting, maybe? We could possibly swivel around it but it may just spot us anyway. We could snipe it from here, a concerted attack from us three..."
[18:02] <AutumnCrow> "Ary and I move up to intercept its allies...these days I don't believe kobolds hunt alone anymore. Those of you with ranged abilities...shoot it down." Crow opts for her fans this time...opening them without the usual audible click.
[18:05] <@Torokasi> "Right. On your mark, Crow." Solmyr hisses as the trio prepare to strike, Ary moving close to Crow to prepare to move in!
[18:15] <@Torokasi> The group pauses just a moment, silently watching the kobold, before Crow and Ary move ahead, the trio of ranged experts unleashing a barrage of offense at the hunting kobold! OOC: Para, Solmyr and Mare all get a surprise attack at range. Para can roll first.
[18:16] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+8 single shot since surprise round
[18:16] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=12]
[18:16] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d8+2 that prolly hits
[18:16] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=8]
[18:19] <@Torokasi> Two magic missiles launch themselves from Solmyr's slingstaff tip, sparking with electricity as they slam into the kobold's back right after the arrows!
[18:20] <@Torokasi> roll 2d4+7 (+3 Warmage's Edge, +2 Spark, lightning element)
[18:20] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d4=2,1]
[18:20] <@Torokasi> Finally, from Mare's upraised hands, a blast of sickly grey light careens toward the kobold's injured, scarred back!
[18:21] <@Torokasi> roll 2d6+1 eldritch blast
[18:21] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 3 > [d6=1,1]
[18:21] <AutumnCrow> OOC: eldrich blast needs a to hit roll
[18:21] <@Torokasi> OOC: I'm good at life, yes
[18:22] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+9 herp
[18:22] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=3]
[18:25] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 vs. Will DC 17, Mare thanks heavens there
[18:25] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=17]
[18:26] <@Torokasi> The blast seems to hit weakly, most of it shaving past its shoulder as it half-stumbles, half-falls off the branch and whirls to face the group, a trident in hand! OOC: Roll init.
[18:27] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 Solmyr (Janda's bonus applies)
[18:27] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=18]
[18:27] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 Lilian
[18:27] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=12]
[18:27] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 Mare
[18:27] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=14]
[18:27] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 Janda
[18:27] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=5]
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+10 ary init
[18:28] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=13]
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 para init
[18:28] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=8]
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 Crow init
[18:28] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=11]
[18:30] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 ???
[18:30] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=12]
[18:30] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 big kobold 1
[18:30] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=14]
[18:32] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Solmyr > Mare > Ary > Crow > Lilian > Big Kobold 1 (22 damage taken) > Para > Janda'
[18:34] <@Torokasi> Above Solmyr's hand, a spinning ball of acid manifests itself, before flying at the still recovering kobold!
[18:34] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 ranged touch lesser acid
[18:34] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d20=3]
[18:36] <@Torokasi> But the ball goes flying past the kobold's ear, Solmyr cursing! Mare follows up her first blast with a second one from her hands as she steps back a bit, trying to line up her shot better!
[18:36] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+9
[18:36] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=16]
[18:36] <@Torokasi> roll 2d6+1 eldritch blast
[18:36] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d6=4,5]
[18:37] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 vs Will DC 17
[18:37] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=20]
[18:37] <@Torokasi> The kobold is hit square on with the force of this blast, the sickly grey energy seeming to seep into and weaken the kobold! OOC: Ary. Kobold's within charge range.
[18:38] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Solmyr > Mare > Ary > Crow > Lilian > Big Kobold 1 (32 damage taken) > Para > Janda'
[18:39] <AutumnCrow> Ary launches himself forward, wanting to end the damn thing before it got its bearings! (OOC: charge, he likely won't get a second charge, so...BLC it is. No PA this time)
[18:39] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+11 Battle Leader's Charge no pa
[18:39] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=8]
[18:39] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d10+14 does this kill
[18:39] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d10=8]
[18:42] <@Torokasi> Ary's swing easily splits the Kobold, its intestines practically flash-exploding into Mist at the force of his strike! OOC: Crow, notice check, please.
[18:42] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Solmyr > Mare > Ary > Crow > Lilian > Para > Janda'
[18:42] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 lol crow notice
[18:42] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 1 > [d20=1]
[18:43] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 Lilian notice
[18:43] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=1]
[18:45] <@Torokasi> Crow and Lilian pause as the kobold evaporates, fading away incredibly quickly...
[18:45] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+11 Para notice
[18:45] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=15]
[18:46] <AutumnCrow> "'s disintegrating rather fast for such thin mist..." Crow eyes the dissipating kobold suspiciously,.
[18:46] <@Torokasi> Para swivels on his feet, looking around. "...Something's watching us. I don't know what."
[18:48] <@Torokasi> Janda turns so her back is to Lilian, looking around with worry. "I... I don't see anything. How can you tell, Para?"
[18:49] <@Torokasi> Para shrugs. "Dunno. Just... know."
[18:49] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+12 Solmyr notice
[18:50] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=2]
[18:50] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8 Mare notice
[18:50] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=12]
[18:52] <@Torokasi> Mare looks around as well. "Yeah... Something's here, watching. I don't have the slightest clue what, however.... I'd guess from above?"
[18:53] <AutumnCrow> "Lilian? Look around for magic, please."
[18:54] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods and quickly glances around, Mare doing the same... before Mare gestures to the group's right. "Over there, Lilian. It's fading, but..."
[18:54] <@Torokasi> "...yeah. Whatever was watching us was there, but we couldn't see it for some reason. Now it's gone..." Lilian frowns. "Bizarre."
[18:57] <@Torokasi> "It was about seventy, eighty feet away." Mare says after a moment. "I don't even know what it could've been..."
[18:58] <@Torokasi> "Sixty. Range of the spell is sixty feet." Lilian corrects. "But it's certainly out of range by now, it seems."
[19:00] <AutumnCrow> "Well...let's move on I suppose." Taking a moment, Crow eyes where the kobold dissapated to see what weapon it used, which shoudl give away what discipline it tried to use.
[19:04] <@Torokasi> The kobold's trident has already begun evaporating away as well, its body entirely gone. Mare nods slightly. "I'll keep an eye out for magic. Para, Solmyr, uh... keep an eye out for things that work with kobolds. Like, uh, social pariahs, dragons, magic things... things that hate themselves..."
[19:06] <AutumnCrow> "They seemed to be cooperating with those eyeball monsters, the things with the wings and stingers," Crow notes, "back during the attack, I mean. Could it have been one of those?"
[19:08] <@Torokasi> "Maybe, yeah." Mare tilts her head. "Ahriman could be working with or manipulating the-" Para's arrow sings out, interrupting the group, as Para jogs forward slightly, seemingly at ease.
[19:08] <@Torokasi> Solmyr blinks before shaking his head. "Oh. The kobold was hunting a deer. Looks like we found dinner."
[19:45] <AutumnCrow> "I really wonder how animals survive out here sometimes," Crow shakes her head, "well, we'll use as much as we can at least. I can cook up some meat strips to last us for a coupel of days."
[19:46] <@Torokasi> "Do we want to camp here, then? We're approaching dusk, and in unfamiliar terrain." Lilian shrugs. "We can do a quick scout of this area before settling in, too."
[19:48] <AutumnCrow> "Ary, can you carry that deer a short distance? I'd like to be at least a bit away from kobold ambush area, to be frank."
[19:49] <@Torokasi> "Sure thing.
[19:49] <@Torokasi> OOC: Strike
[19:52] <@Torokasi> "Sure thing." Ary nods, hoisting the deer over his shoulders with a slight "ooph" sound. "I'd agree there, yeah, I'd rather not be near here, just in case whatever had that magic aura comes back around."
[19:55] <AutumnCrow> "A quarter-mile or so should be fine, out of immediate line of sight or hearing from here. Para, help him out if he needs it. Janda, set a pace."
[19:56] <@Torokasi> "Got it!" Janda replies chirpily, as Para leads the way to the east about a quarter mile further, into a small clearing... and quickly stopping, glancing around wordlessly.
[20:01] <@Torokasi> After a moment, Ary glances at him. "Are you done looking around, Para?"
[20:02] <@Torokasi> Para rubs his head. "Something is wrong. But I don't know what."
[20:04] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. Well, someone look for magic again." Crow suggests while looking for anything out of place herself. Is the clearing too perfect? Too clear? Odd plants somewhere? All that stuff.
[20:06] <@Torokasi> The clearing seems pretty sedate, and the birds are still hovering overhead, chirping away. Para patrols the edge of the clearing slowly as Lilian and Mare both look for magic, the sun throwing everything into stark red relief. After a while, Lilian shrugs. "I've got nothing. Not seeing any signs of anything within sixty feet of the clearing."
[20:11] <@Torokasi> Mare pauses, before looking straight up. "...I admit, I did this only because I figured an aerial ambush would be what happens for dramatic effect here."
[20:13] <@Torokasi> Ary just shrugs and lowers the deer onto the ground. "If no one is spotting anything immediately wrong, let's just keep good watch tonight and rest well. I don't think heading further will help at all."
[20:13] <AutumnCrow> "Marion, do you need to get uninterupted rest to recover spells?"
[20:15] <@Torokasi> "Nope. I can keep full watch." Mare shakes her head, the red light flowing through her hair strikingly. "My arts are self-fueled enough that resting to restore the connection to the arcane or divine doesn't need to happen."
[20:16] <AutumnCrow> "That gives us four on watch, so...I'll take first, since I need to prepare the deer for overnight drying before I sear some for extra rations in the morning. You can spot me, you'll wake up Para, and Ary gets the morning so he can put his armor on early."
[20:18] <@Torokasi> "Works." Marion nods, glancing to Para and Ary who both nod. "We'll gather some tinder quickly for a flame and settle in?"
[20:19] <AutumnCrow> "Anyway...I've got dinner to make. Para, lend a hand? I'll need one of you strong guys to help butcher this thing and I'd rather give Ary a break after he carried it here." Leaving setting up camp to the others, she starts to get out cooking supplies...then stops and gived Lilian a quick kiss on the cheek, "ah...can I leave filling Marion in on the news we got from the guild to you while I'm
[20:19] <AutumnCrow> cooking?"
[20:23] <@Torokasi> Crow can faintly hear a high-pitched "eeeeeee" sound as Lilian smiles in surprise and returns the favor, before nodding resignedly and glancing over to Marion, who is practically vibrating with a smile on her face. "Sure. ...Once she calms down enough."
[20:24] <@Torokasi> Para comes over to assist Crow as Lilian goes to talk to Mare... OOC: Roll cooking if you want, +2 mod for ingredients bonus
[20:26] <AutumnCrow> OOC: Crow is taking 10 here, for 23 after the mod. Focusing on using the best parts of the deer now and setting some out to dry overnight so she can sear them for...basically steak strips to munch on the road for lunch the next couple of days. It's actually impressive how well steak keeps after cooking.
[20:29] <@Torokasi> Crow's cooking goes swimmingly, Crow able to keep an eye on Marion and Lilian. At a guess, the first third of the conversation is Marion talking about- well, maybe "gushing" considering her current mood -  Lilian and Crow, but eventually the conversation seems to sober up...  and Mare's face suddenly hardens, asking pointed questions to Lilian, who seems to be explaining what they heard as best she can. <More>
[20:33] <@Torokasi> Crow's watch is interrupted by Janda coming over. "I can set an alarm to alert everyone for the first four hours, as well. I'm not good with bardic magics of that sort, but it'll help some, I hope?" Kneeling down, Janda seems to force herself to look at the prepared deer. "... I don't know that I could handle doing this, myself."
[20:37] <AutumnCrow> "Watching everything we can't use here go to waste is the hard part for me," Crow sighs, "like the intestines? Those would be going to make sausage casing if the deer were brought down back home. But that's not a process for the trail. And thank you for the alarm, it will help. I'm...quick to react, but my eyes aren't the best in the dark."
[20:39] <@Torokasi> "Neither are mine! So... yeah, I'll put it up right before I go to bed." Janda nods slightly. "Solmyr and Para are scouting around the edges for any other signs of resources or anything, and I don't know where Ary went but I think I hear him whistling nearby... I was going to ask Mare if she could tell, but she's busy talking with Lilian..."
[20:41] <AutumnCrow> "Well, they'll be back once food is ready I'm sure. Oh, while you're over here can you dump the water and create more in the pot? Butchering is...well, rather messy. I'll need fresh water for actually cooking."
[20:42] <@Torokasi> "Oh, certainly!" Janda smiles, jumping to it. Crow can see Mare shaking her head and walking over to Crow, Lilian following.
[20:43] <@Torokasi> Mare glances over the food prep, before, "Anything I can do to help here, Crow?"
[20:45] <AutumnCrow> "Only if you want to clear away the parts of the deer we're not using. That would be anything still attatched to the main carcass, I have tonights and the prep for tomorrow already removed." Looking over to Lilian, Crow smiled apologetically, "...thanks. I...wasn't up for breaking that news again after being the one to tell Ary."
[20:46] <@Torokasi> "Uh, ...sure, I'll do that. Lil, mind helping me?" Mare asks, apologetically. "We should probably go far enough into the woods that this doesn't lead anything to us."
[20:47] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods. "Sure. And... no problem, Crow. Uh, Mare, would you, like, want to talk about this firs-"
[20:48] <@Torokasi> "I'd rather get my mind off it somehow for the moment. Sorry." Mare shakes her head. Lilian wordlessly takes the other end of the main carcass and the two drag it away into the forest.
[20:53] <@Torokasi> Janda frowns. "...Mare's taking it better than I did, but for her this is pretty livid. At least she's not mad at any of us?"
[20:55] <AutumnCrow> "It'd be rather silly if she was, it's not like we could have done anything about it," Crow shrugs and gets the hot stone ready to make the mushroom sauce(testing the wild mushrooms first, of course) so it's ready to go on the steaks once she's done.
[21:00] <@Torokasi> "I guess." Janda nods, the mushrooms making a familiar friendly smell to Crow's nose. After a few more seconds, Mare and Lilian return, Mare sitting near the hot stone with a flump while Lilian dusts herself off first.
[21:01] <@Torokasi> Mare stares at the stone for a second, before, "Huh, neat setup. Portable fire without the risks."
[21:04] <@Torokasi> "Let me translate for Mare. 'Are they seriously just going to let Ghen'guldamn get taken and not try to take it back?'" Lilian comments dryly.
[21:04] <@Torokasi> "Not enough cursing." Mare comments idly.
[21:05] <AutumnCrow> "It was a quest reward. Very useful," Crow smiles, then sighs at the translation, "we honestly can't know what Terriander is going to do about it right now. I think the guild is waiting for the Three to get back before commiting to anything, on our end. Once Terriander tells us more, and once the Three are back, then I'll expect to hear some noise about reclamation pushes."
[21:08] <@Torokasi> "Sure, wait for the trio to get back, but it can't be that hard. I mean-..." Mare pauses. "...oh, well, fuck it, you guys probably shouldn'tve told me about this so I shouldn't have told you all what I'm about to. When the guys get back, I guess, since I don't feel like repeating it... ugh. How the fuck did no one survive? Seriously..."
[21:12] <AutumnCrow> "I...well, all we know is what Terriander is telling us." Crow sighs yet again, "If the barrier were down long enough...there may well be survivors. They just might not be human anymore."
[21:19] <@Torokasi> "I- no, they... okay, give me a sec to round up the boys." Mare sighs and hoists herself up, heading back out into the woods for a bit.
[21:19] <@Torokasi> Lilian blinks. "I have no clue what she's talking about, for the record."
[21:20] <AutumnCrow> "Her family likely knows more than we do," Crow shrugs as she works on the mushroom sauce.
[21:22] <@Torokasi> "Yeah. Given that they're on the level of... well, just under the leaders of Verxais as political powers, from what I understand... if someone knows more it'd be her. Just... I don't know." Lilian shakes her head.
[21:25] <@Torokasi> Mare returns after a bit with the three men, gesturing people to sit down somewhat impatiently. Once people are seated, Mare sits as well. "The... event of cities falling isn't one any of the big powers should be unprepared for. Even on the level of treason." Mare starts. "To be entirely blunt, almost every single city remaining, except maybe the Autumn Temple and Koire, should have approximately ten different levels of defense even if the Barrier falls for long periods. They might experience Mist poisoning but there should still be survivors, people who have managed to escape, something."
[21:30] <AutumnCrow> "The Autumn Temple's main additional defense is, well, the residents." Crow smirks, "I'd put any five given Summer warriors against any ten soldiers from any other city and expect ours to win. I've learned recently that there is much the temple lacks, but in sheer concentration of combat skill per population..."
[21:34] <@Torokasi> "Right." Mare nods slightly. "I know only one thing about the Autumn Temple's defenses, and that could explain it right there. Regardless, to continue my point: one of the best kept secrets of the Cities is... well, a net of teleportation circles. They're expensive as hell to use, and there's a lot of limits - time to set up, upkeep, limited amount of passengers - but -something- should have gotten out of Ghen'guldam. In addition, Ghen'guldam is closer to Verxais than Teriander, by straight hours taken, let alone a lot of other cities that Verxais controls. In particular, Lysenti should have received some of the refugees, and that's a Verxais-cemented location!"
[21:37] <AutumnCrow> "So...if it was sabotage, someone had to have disabled that as well."
[21:40] <@Torokasi> "Someone had to disable that. Someone had to disable the Barrier. They had to do this nearly simultaneously. The locations are kept separate - someone trying to quickly travel from one to another would have been tripped up really fast." Mare shakes her head. "The underground bunkers would have to be either destroyed or left unable to communicate, which if they followed procedure, should itself be impossible. The entire string of events is basically unbelievable to me, and yet... and yet we've lost Ghen'guldam, and I've no reason to disbelieve it."
[21:44] <AutumnCrow> "Or whoever is controlling the flow of information is lying. For...whatever reason, though it couldn't be a good one."
[21:45] <@Torokasi> "That's basically where I'm at, minus all the knowledge of the defenses specifically." Solmyr comments. "...There's that, too. And the main culprit to look at is- uh..." Solmyr glances at Ary in concern, but Ary doesn't seem to notice, his eyes closed.
[21:46] <@Torokasi> After a moment, Ary opens his eyes. "It's probably Teriander, realistically speaking. Kerebos Guild doesn't have a good reason to lie, and Verxais... well, maybe, but then why not just not tell us anything?"
[21:51] <AutumnCrow> "If we want to go poking around there to find things out, between Marion and myself I'm sure we can pull the clout to do so. My mother is technically the leader of a city, I could get her to appoint me to go talk to someone to get information or something like that." Crow shrugs, "I don't want to consider doing anything like this until the Three are back and the guild has more information...but
[21:51] <AutumnCrow> it is a possibility if we think it needs doing."
[22:00] <@Torokasi> "It's worth considering, though I don't... really have any clout right now. My sister is amenable to me leaving Nlocomo, but wouldn't really be interested in assisting the process, if that makes sense." Marion shrugs.
[22:04] <AutumnCrow> "Either way, I'm sure the guild won't sit idly if they think something fishy is going on once the Three are back."
[22:05] <@Torokasi> "Indeed." Marion nods. "So, in short, I don't know what the hell happened, and it was either deep sabotage or something really went to hell there. Possibly both. With how Teriander's reacting, it may be a long time before we know for sure."
[22:08] <AutumnCrow> Finishing the mushroom sauce, Crow moves on to the searing of the steaks, serving up the guys first(and with larger portions for both Ary and Solmyr), "yeah...I wish there was something more we could do from here, but there really isn't. So for now...we focus on ranking up and getting better. So that when the time comes for the second act of whatever was started that day...we will be in a
[22:08] <AutumnCrow> position to do more."
[22:12] <@Torokasi> Ary nods solmnly. "Yeah, definitely. Uh... so about the teleport circles. How big a secret are these?"
[22:13] <@Torokasi> Mare shakes her head. "I thiiiink you'd formally get told about them and their usage as M3s. That's about the rank that usually pops up in Nlocomo on some odd mission or another."
[22:13] <@Torokasi> " not many in the Guild, and probably fewer outside of it?" Lilian comments. "Lovely."
[22:14] <AutumnCrow> "I wonder if we even have one..." Crow idly wonders aloud as she flips a steak.
[22:18] <@Torokasi> "I'm positive you don't, actually." Marion comments. "The entirety of the Eldesul file on the Autumn Temple was 'Irrelevant to politics, inaccessible, the best place to go if everywhere else has fallen. There is near zero chance that they'd topple before anywhere else.'"
[22:20] <AutumnCrow> "I suppose when most High Ladies would be highly tempted to punch snippy politicians, it would be rather irrelivant to politics."
[22:24] <@Torokasi> "About right, yeah." Marion chuckles. "And the 'inaccessible' comment is left after three other places, one of which is an exception: Filo Factum, which we only even know the name of, Quintessence, which is a Teriander-controlled area that seems to have been used mainly for rituals but has a small city around it, and Ithaen, the capital of Verxais, Sumotah'l, and Mairs. Ithaen's the exception - it can only be accessed by portals, for some reason. Even the Underlight has a foot path, so I have no clue how Ithaen's even viable."
[22:30] <AutumnCrow> "I...really need to learn more about the other cities, I suppose." Crow shrugs as she starts serving up the steaks with mushroom sauce, "it's not like I have important things to do with my spare time already or anything."
[22:31] <@Torokasi> The group takes the food and digs in, Mare shrugging. "I know unfortunately too much about certain elements of politics. Feel free to ask if you want a lesson anytime, I guess."


16:28 <@Torokasi> The night passes relatively uneventfully for all involved, the forest's soft, distant birdsong awakening Crow from her rest. She can faintly hear some of the group awake as the light filters through the leaves of the giant trees, the canopy so high from her perspective.
16:31 — AutumnCrow blinks awake and gives Lilian a kiss on the cheek on her way out of the sleeping bag. Before anything else she goes about her morning practice routine, then get the venison that she left perparing overnight in a salt-dry ready to go.
16:35 <@Torokasi> Lilian stirs drowsily at the kiss, smiling as Crow heads out. Ary and Mare are up, sort of half-staring at each other, but Mare jumps up to help Crow with the venison preparation once Crow finishes her morning practice. Solmyr and Para again seem to be out and about near the edge of camp, and Janda is still sleeping, curled up in her bag.
16:39 — AutumnCrow goes and nudges Janda with a toe to wake her up after finishing the food prep with Marion.
16:40 <@Torokasi> Janda yawns slightly as she gets up. "Hey, Crow. ... where are the boys? Wandered off again?"
16:40 <@Torokasi> "I'm right here, Janda." Ary replies with a slight smirk.
16:41 <@Torokasi> "You don't count, you're reliable and speak up." Janda mutters sleepily as she squirms out of her sleeping bag, stretching a little bit.
16:42 <AutumnCrow> "They're likely making sure the compasses are working right," Crow shrugs, "or at least I hope they're doing that along with whatever else they're doing."
16:43 <@Torokasi> "Good point. I'll stop the commentary." Janda yawns. "So long as we can get home I shouldn't gripe.
16:43 <@Torokasi> Mare finishes packing her set of venison, handing it off to Ary who accepts it somewhat curtly. Mare glances over to Crow. "So we'll see if we can get to the hole today, and if not explore around and head back?"
16:45 <AutumnCrow> "That's the plan, yes. If the mist is still thin by tonight we may push for a third day looking, but no longer than that."
16:46 <@Torokasi> "Is anyone even noticing it?" Lilian comments as she wanders over. "I've got spiritual training to tough it out, but..."
16:47 <@Torokasi> Mare shakes her head. "Not even a little bit.. It's pleasant."
16:47 <@Torokasi> "Thin in the air, thin in our lungs, thank the Lady." Janda smiles. "We'll head out once the boys get back?"
16:49 <AutumnCrow> " honestly what I'm used to. The mist is usually thin around the Autumn Temple. We do get spans of thick mist, and when they do come in they last for awhile, but it's usually back to thinner mist before too long." Crow nods to Janda's comment as she speaks.
16:49 <AutumnCrow> "Though...I wonder if that's true anymore after how things have shifted..."
16:51 <@Torokasi> "Might be a side effect of your barrier?" Mare posits, glancing around. "Since it seems to be a significant different situation from all the other ones, except Sumotah'l's which functions still closer to Verxais' barrier than what I've heard of yours."
17:06 <AutumnCrow> "Entirely possible," Crow shrugs again, "I'll need to see more about what the records at the temple say of the barrier next time I go home."
17:08 <@Torokasi> Mare nods, and the group lapses into a contemplative silence, before Mare shakes her head. "I'm a bit worried now. They stepped out when I woke up, and they've been gone for longer than I expected... not that I know what they're doing out there, but."
17:10 — AutumnCrow sighs, "Alright, lets go ahead and pack up the camp without them. If they're not back by the time we're ready to go...we risk making some noise and yelling for them. Thin mist, likely fewer nasty predators out. We put the fire out last, it should keep anything that isn't mist mad away."
17:10 <@Torokasi> roll 1d999
17:10 <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d999=7]
17:16 <@Torokasi> The group packs up quickly, Ary finishing up last and suiting up before glancing around. "Nothing. ... I'll start shouting, then? This is disturbing..."
17:18 <AutumnCrow> "Janda, your voice carries the best. Marion, keep an eye out for anything not freindly coming in."
17:18 <@Torokasi> "Right." Mare mutters, as Ary and Janda start bellowing, "SOLMYR! PARA!"
17:22 <@Torokasi> The forest echoes with Ary and Janda's voice, the stillness and seeming silence crushing inward. Ary and Janda glance between each other, before calling out again, and again. Lilian's frown deepens a bit as she pulls out her own compass, tinkering with it for a little while.
17:24 <AutumnCrow> "Did anyone see which way they went?" Crow asks between the yelling, "can we try to look for prints or any kind of trail to follow?"
17:27 <@Torokasi> Lilian and Mare glance to each other. "We might be able to, but give me a second, Crow..." She holds up her pendant and seems to focus, the pendant swaying slightly before focusing east. After a moment, it twitches before pointing east again, in the same direction. Lilian seems to nod. "Did they head east, Mare?"
17:28 <@Torokasi> Mare nods slightly. "Yeah, they did. I can try and follow their trail? It should still be fresh, but uh, I don't actually know that much here - I'm going off what Solmyr's told me."
17:29 <AutumnCrow> "None of us would do any better," Crow nods, "our two trackers went off and got lost together before I was awake to tell them not to, it seems. Do what you can. Ary...can you carry thier bags? If we get attacked I can distract anything long enough for you to drop things and get your sword out I think."
17:31 <@Torokasi> "Alright." Ary nods, hefting their bags into his hands as the group heads east, Lilian focusing on the trail alongside Mare... OOC: Search or Notice, either applies, everyone check please
17:32 <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 Janda
17:32 <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 20 > [d20=18]
17:33 <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+8 Mare
17:33 <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 25 > [d20=17]
17:33 <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+10 Lilian can do search
17:34 <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=13]
17:35 <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 lolnotice for Crow
17:35 <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d20=7]
17:35 <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 lolnotice for Ary
17:35 <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=19]
17:39 <@Torokasi> The group heads out, Crow at front with Lilian and Mare flanking Janda right behind, and Ary covering the rear, and heads out about ten minutes... before Crow is suddenly snagged from behind by Lilian and Mare, with Janda shrieking, "CROW! At your feet!" Crow looks down... to see the hole the group has been looking for, right at her feet, the grasses around
17:39 <@Torokasi> it caved inward. There's no sign of Solmyr or Para, however, around the hole, and the inside is dark.
[17:43] * AutumnCrow looks down at the hole, trying to get a feel for just how deep it is, "...well, that's one objective found. Can someone get a light down there so we can make sure they didn't fall in?"
[17:45] <@Torokasi> Lilian nods as she and Mare pull Crow a bit further away, Lilian sending a swarm of dancing lights down as Mare spots. After a moment, Mare points to something down further in. "One of Para's arrows; it looks broken. ...This path doesn't look like what you guys described, either. Much more roughly hewn."
[17:46] * AutumnCrow shrugs off the attempts to pull her, she's now in Step of the Wind stance and not going to lose her balance even purchased right on the lip, "I hope that's an arrow from the last time we were here..."
[17:48] <@Torokasi> "I'm not seeing our mark. So, upside, this is definitely where Para and Solmyr are. Downside, they fell in somehow and this isn't our original hole... that one's further east, it looks like." Lilian comments, looking at the compass which continues to point eastward.
[17:49] <AutumnCrow> " this is the right hole, but the door that was inside of it last time is now somewhere else? Lovely." Crow shakes her head, "alright...let's get to work on getting down there and finding them then."
[17:56] <@Torokasi> "Yeah, let's." Lilian nods, scoping things out. "This... looks like more of a drop than before, even... Mare, tie us a rope for us to climb down with?"
[17:57] <@Torokasi> Mare nods slightly, unwinding a length of rope from her bag and heading to a tree five feet away to anchor it. "Ary, we're probably going to have to lower you down your stuff, unless you really want to try and climb in armor..."
[17:57] <@Torokasi> "Pass. That's how templars fall, you know." Ary grins.
[18:00] <AutumnCrow> "Ary, mind going down first? Nobody is really up to catching you if you slip anyway, and with you at the bottom you can try to catch anyone else who might fall?" Crow suggests as she looks around, "I'll go down last after passing the bags down."
[18:02] <@Torokasi> "Ary's strong enough for this, thanks to having the wall... and it looks like, after about twelve feet or so, there's a really steep incline instead." Lilian comments. "That should work. Janda, can you cast Light on... uh, his backpack?"
[18:16] <@Torokasi> Janda nods and chants a quick prayer before briefly touching Ary's backpack, which begins to glow brightly. Ary takes the rope, and after a breath, begins to lower himself down and in... [More]
[18:17] <@Torokasi> After a minute or two, Ary yells up, "I'm down! This doesn't look like what Para described at all..."
[18:17] <@Torokasi> Lilian glances to Janda. "Janda, you next?"
[18:33] <@Torokasi> Janda nods slightly, slipping down the rope, with Mare following behind. Lilian kisses Crow on the cheek, "They probably just fell down and couldn't get back out without a rope, I'm sure. Guess we should thank them for making the hole easier to spot!"
[18:34] <AutumnCrow> "After we slap them silly for wandering off without us, I suppose." Crow replies flatly, though she does return the kiss.
[18:36] <@Torokasi> "Oh, sure, definitely. This is a bit too far away to be just random wandering." Lilian smiles before sliding down the rope.
[18:38] * AutumnCrow finishes lowering down the packs and such, and leaving thier guild sign scratched into the grass near the hole just in case the two boys find thier way out and reach the top of the hole before crow and the others find them. Then she descends the rope herself.
[18:43] <@Torokasi> Crow reaches the bottom, practically able to walk down the steep incline of rubble that starts right near her feet, before reaching the bottom. Light filters in dimly from about thirty feet above into what appears to be a dusty storeroom, crumbled wooden barrels piled up to one side with Mare and Lilian searching through the debris, and Ary standing near the
[18:43] <@Torokasi> one stone door out. An arrow, intact, points inward, and there's a few items scattered about that Crow recognizes from both Solmyr and Para's pack.
[18:47] <AutumnCrow> "Well...shall we carry on? Do we want to just...leave some of thier stuff here and come back for it when we find them? Your call, Ary, you're the one carrying thier gear for them."
[18:51] <@Torokasi> "Let's make this our base camp, now that we have a way out from here. If they come back here they'll know we're looking, but it looks like Para may be leaving directions with his arrows." Ary gestures to the arrow on the ground, pointing toward the door. "Either that or it fell out of his quiver conveniently pointed toward the door inward."
[18:53] <AutumnCrow> "I left our symbol in the dirt outside the hole as well, that along with the rope should tell them what we did if they somehow find thier way out and circle around before we catch up."
[18:53] <AutumnCrow> "Base camp here is fine," Crow then nods, "and since your hands are free, you can have point underground. I can get past everyone to join you in front faster than you can do the reverse."
[18:57] <@Torokasi> "Right. Uh... Mare, be my eyes, you can probably spot in the dark better than I." Ary opens the door... as a strong breeze comes through, ruffling everyone's hair and even making Ary's armor tremble slightly. "Well, if they're in here, they probably couldn't hear us over the wind for sure, let alone through the stone..."
[19:00] * AutumnCrow has Janda behind Marion, then Lilian and Crow brings up the rear, "No does wind like this even happen underground?"
[19:08] <@Torokasi> "Not a clue..." Lilian shrugs as the group advances into the hallway, leading inward and slightly downward, the wind staying constant as the group heads down. After a bit, Mare stops Ary to look at something on the wall. "...It's old writing. No clue what it says, though; it looks like our writing, but with some weird letters mixed in."
[19:11] <@Torokasi> "We can come back for an engraving, but I'd like to find Para and Solmyr first." Lilian nods. "At least we know they're okay from the fall."
[19:11] <@Torokasi> "On account of not being in the room they fell into, that is."
[19:11] <AutumnCrow> "Solmyr does have some healing, and Para could have righted himself on that slope as quickly as I could," Crow nods.
[19:14] <@Torokasi> "Probably, yeah." Ary nods. "Good to note, though. Let's keep going." The group continues traveling down the slope, before finally  the hallway ends in a small chamber, a door at the other end made of stone and embossed with some form of metal. Another arrow points inward, and there are signs on either side, carved out of stone. The dust in this room is
[19:14] <@Torokasi> thick and stirs as the group wanders in, dancing lightly in the wind which seems to emanate from the door itself.
[19:16] <AutumnCrow> "...dust? With this much wind? This place really is confusing." Crow shakes her head, then nods for Ary to keep following the arrows.
[19:24] <@Torokasi> "I'm not even trying to think about this." Ary comments drily, opening the door with a bit of effort.... only to receive a blast of dust in the face, spraying out over the room. After a moment, Mare peeks out from behind him. "That explains the dust... and that's a magic circle in here on the floor, isn't it?"
[19:26] <AutumnCrow> "Can you tell what it's supposed to do? There's more than one kind of magic circle, yes?"
[19:28] <@Torokasi> "You can make almost any magic into a circle... Hopefully they didn't go into it. That could be messy." Mare comments as the group edges into the room. There's a door on each wall, with the magic circle in the middle, taking up most of the room.
[19:29] * AutumnCrow looks for another arrow in the room to see if there's evidence that they didn't step into the circle
[19:34] <@Torokasi> The group steps fully into the room, glancing around for the arrow... before the door shuts behind them with a soft 'click'. There's no sign of an arrow. After a second of looking between each other and the now-shut door, the group can hear a quiet voice, "Enter circle to purify and unlock access."
[19:36] <AutumnCrow> "What."
[19:38] <@Torokasi> Mare blinks. "Uh... I have no clue. Where did that even come from?"
[19:39] <@Torokasi> Lilian shrugs in confusion, looking the circle over. "I can't tell anything about the circle, I'm afraid."
[19:41] <AutumnCrow> "Wonderful. I suppose we have no choice but to play along..."
[19:41] <AutumnCrow> Confident she can resist hostile magic the best, Crow steps into the damn circle.
[19:42] <@Torokasi> "Enter circle to purify and unlock access." The voice repeats as Crow steps inside...! OOC: Fort save.
[19:42] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 my worst save
[19:42] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=17]
[19:46] <@Torokasi> Crow can -feel- the magics pulling at her every fiber, seemingly tearing and ripping... and then the sensation is over, Crow feeling a sense of cleanness and relief as the door to the right of where they entered seeming to glow briefly, before the voice speaks again, "One of five purify. Four remain. Enter circle to purify and unlock access."
[19:47] <AutumnCrow> "Well that wasn't pleasant, but it didn't hurt..." Crow steps out of the circle.
[19:48] <AutumnCrow> "All this dust must have come from trying to purify Solmyr," Crow then deadpans, "that could not have been easy, nor a quick process."
[19:49] <@Torokasi> Lilian laughs as she follows Crow's lead, stepping into the circle...
[19:49] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6 Fort
[19:49] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 16 > [d20=10]
[19:49] <@Torokasi> Lilian winces slightly, but steps out with Crow, shrugging. "Yeah, it was distinctly uncomfortable... like they were cleaning beneath our skin or something."
[19:50] * AutumnCrow slips an arm around Lilian as the others take thier turns.
[19:52] <@Torokasi> Janda steps in next, nervously, as the others wait their turn...
[19:52] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5
[19:52] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=3]
[19:53] <@Torokasi> "Aaagh!" Janda screams as the circle flashes once, then twice, violet and blue light pouring out from the lines! After a moment, it stops, and Janda stumbles out, wincing.
[19:53] <@Torokasi> roll 2d4 purification complete
[19:53] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 4 > [d4=3,1]
[19:54] * AutumnCrow holds a hand out to steady Janda, "Are you alright?"
[19:55] <@Torokasi> Janda's steps seem erratic as she grabs Crow's shoulder. "I... yes, but that stung... my eyes are watering, too..."
[19:56] <@Torokasi> The voice speaks up, "Purify successful. However more analysis need. Proceed to N@24(D when remain purify complete. Two remain. Enter circle to purify and unlock access."
[19:57] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Solmyr > Mare > Ary > Crow > Lilian > Para > Janda (21/25, dazzled)'
[19:58] <AutumnCrow> "I'm not certain how you aren't the most 'pure' person in this group already," Crow eyes the circle, "unless it's using some metric I'm not familiar with."
[19:59] <@Torokasi> "Also doesn't explain how Solmyr even got out of here." Mare comments wryly. "Or if I'll be able to leave, haha..." Saying this, she steps in.
[19:59] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 Mare's best, Crow's worst
[19:59] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=16]
[20:00] <@Torokasi> The circle functions normally for Mare, who shrugs as she joins the other three. Ary enters last, wordlessly.
[20:01] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+6
[20:01] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=7]
[20:02] <@Torokasi> roll 2d4 purification complete
[20:02] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 5 > [d4=2,3]
[20:03] <@Torokasi> Ary squawks wordlessly as the lights glow brightly, but without the violet and blue lights. "Yow, that really did hurt...!" he mutters after the lights dim and he exits the circle
[20:03] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Solmyr > Mare > Ary (43/48) > Crow > Lilian > Para > Janda (21/25, dazzled)'
[20:07] <AutumnCrow> "Alright so the two overall nicest people in the group are hurt by the 'purifying' circle, while the three of us are fine. This has to be using some definition of pure I am unaware of."
[20:10] <@Torokasi> The voice intones, "All purify. Enter." The glowing door opens silently, revealing a hallway further ahead. From the other three doors, a soft click can be heard.
[20:10] <@Torokasi> Ary comments weakly, "Only qualify for 'nice' when I'm not drunk... Did the doors just lock or unlock?"
[20:11] <AutumnCrow> "I've yet to see you drunk, which is probably for the best. And...unlock, I think? Is there any indication of which way those two went?"
[20:13] <@Torokasi> "None." Lilian sighs. "Their tracks aren't carrying well here through the dust and the wind."
[20:16] <AutumnCrow> "Follow the glowing door, I suppose." Crow shrugs and lets Ary take point again towards the glowing door.
[20:21] <@Torokasi> Ary nods and leads the way through the door, into a second hallway, short, with another, simpler stone door at the other end. At the end of the hallway is the hat Solmyr was wearing yesterday, its feather pointing toward the door. In the distance, the group can hear a muffled banging and someone saying something.
[20:23] <AutumnCrow> "Lets see if we can get that door open. I really hope that's them."
[20:30] <@Torokasi> Ary advances ahead quickly, the group following behind as Ary yanks on the door, pulling hard to make the door swing open into a... rather large, circular room, resembling a rotunda, dimly lit by Ary's backpack. At the far end, the group can see someone swivel around. "Ary? Wait, shit, did you guys fall in too?" Solmyr's voice echoes in the room.
[20:30] <AutumnCrow> "No, we climbed down using a rope becuase we went out looking for you two."
[20:33] <@Torokasi> "Oh, good. Okay so Para is acting really fucking weird." Solmyr dashes over, babbling, his face contorted. "He went through that door over there and I don't know how - it was like he was heading straight for it, he practically raced through to here once he got into that magic circle and it was like he was possessed or something, goddamnit, he was even acting
[20:33] <@Torokasi> funny this morning and said we should look for the entry as soon as someone else woke up which struck me as somewhat odd, but-"
[20:34] <@Torokasi> Lilian raises her hand. "Solmyr. Deep breath."
[20:35] <@Torokasi> Solmyr pauses, before inhaling deeply. "I grabbed the arrows from his quiver and put them down, but I didn't have the time to get more than the two I had... by Magdanae and Ratokyst, what is going through his fucking head?"
[20:37] <AutumnCrow> "Some kind of mental influance from an outside source, if I had to take a guess. Para's not much of a team player, but this is too much even for him." Crow snaps a fan open, "I don't know much about psychic things...but I'd imagine it also makes him more vulnerable to psychic influance in some ways."
[20:38] <AutumnCrow> "Let's try to get that door open so we can follow him," Crow gestures to the door Solmyr indicated.
[20:38] <@Torokasi> "It's possible." Solmyr inhales. "I... yeah, it's possible. I haven't even really explored in this room at all, maybe there's another way to where he is, or maybe you can get the door open, Ary."
[20:39] <@Torokasi> Ary nods and heads to the door, pulling as hard as he can on it...!
[20:39] <@Torokasi> roll 1d9999
[20:39] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8791 > [d9999=8791]
[20:39] <AutumnCrow> "If I was better at Stone Dragon I could just break the damn thing..." Crow muttered quietly, once again frustrated with her lack of ability in her mother's strongest style.
[20:40] <@Torokasi> A very, very low buzzing sound can be heard by the group, but the door refuses to budge at all. Ary curses in frustration. "I could try to break it down, but it being made out of stone... yeah, we'd want someone with Stone Dragon for that. Someone else want to try? Any ideas, Crow?"
[20:43] <AutumnCrow> "Search the room, try to find another exit that goes...roughly the same direction. Unless there's a lock to pick?"
[20:44] <@Torokasi> Lilian steps up, looking at it before experimentally tugging at it. "Not that I see..."
[20:44] <@Torokasi> roll 1d9999
[20:44] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6522 > [d9999=6522]
[20:45] <@Torokasi> The buzzing stops as Lilian touches the door. After a moment, she glances over the door, speculatively. "Mare, what do you make of the magic on the door?" she asks after a moment.
[20:46] <@Torokasi> Mare looks it over as well, frowning. "... I can't tell what it's about. Powerful, though, and that... I don't know how this works, no." She glances over the two adjacent doors, one to the left and one to the right. "All these doors have some form of magic on them... all pretty powerful."
[20:49] <AutumnCrow> "Why did it buzz when Ary touched it, but not when Lilian did?" Crow wonders, "...maybe the symbols have something to do with who or what is allowed to open the door?"
[20:52] <@Torokasi> The symbols do seem to be clearly different between each door. Lilian shrugs. "It's entirely possible. Everyone should try to open it, then, I guess.
[20:53] <@Torokasi> Mare nods slightly and steps up, pulling on the door...
[20:53] <@Torokasi> roll 1d9999
[20:53] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7726 > [d9999=7726]
[20:53] <@Torokasi> Nothing happens, Mare stepping back with a shrug. Janda tries next, approaching cautiously.
[20:53] <@Torokasi> roll 1d9999
[20:53] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9364 > [d9999=9364]
[20:55] <@Torokasi> The door hums loudly, before glowing white... and then violet, brightly. "Before facility use, proceed to N@24(D for further analysis." Behind the group, near the door they entered by, another door swings open."
[20:55] <AutumnCrow> "...right, it did say that. Let's play along, that's likely the only way to get anywhere down here."
[21:01] <@Torokasi> The group nods and turns to the door, Ary leading with his glowing backpack. The inside of the room is cluttered with unidentifiable wooden debris and a certain amount of moisture, with a magical circle - much smaller and more compact - in the center, humming. As Janda enters ahead of Crow, the group can hear, "Enter magical circle for analysis."
[21:02] <AutumnCrow> "If it starts to hurt too much, don't hesitate to jump out of the circle." Crow tries to reassure Janda.
[21:03] <@Torokasi> Janda nods. "Of course. Thanks, Crow." She smiles winningly, before stumbling a bit into the circle. A wave of blue and violet light seems to pass over her, shimmering brightly.
[21:08] <@Torokasi> After a moment, the voice comments, "Designated high risk factor. Contact security forces to escort high risk factor outside premises. Violation of protocol #254." The voice falls silent for a moment, before, "Designated high risk factor. Contact security forces to escort high risk factor outside premises. Violation of protocol #254." [More]
[21:10] <@Torokasi> After a second, brief pause, the voice says, "Reroute to subroutine #254-ZK complete. High risk factor is acknowledged as within acceptable parameters. Values will be adjusted accordingly."
[21:11] <AutumnCrow> "High risk of what? Excessive healing? Yelling at Solmyr? Being dragged to Weeping Lady services?"
[21:12] <@Torokasi> Janda stifles a giggle. "Clearly, you are underestimating my skill with the dagger at my side that I have drawn all of twice, Crow. I'm a legendary assassin, don't you know? ...Or so this'd go in some sort of fantasy novel."
[21:13] <@Torokasi> Lilian and Mare both snort, Mare speaking up first. "This has to be the worst possible security system ever. At least it sounds like the... voice? Accepted her. For now. We may need to be careful... But hey, she can open that door, I guess, now? Maybe? It was humming and glowing when she touched it, so..."
[21:13] <AutumnCrow> "That does remind me that I need to prod you into self-defense practices more often..." Crow trails off...
[21:15] <AutumnCrow> "Let's try," Crow nods.
[21:17] <@Torokasi> Janda nods and leads the group back to the door, pulling on it. The door opens slowly to her hand, and it's obvious that she's pulling hard, but eventually the door squeaks open, the humming loud.
[21:19] <@Torokasi> Janda exhales with relief. "Well, let's go on in and see if we can find Para." She smiles, stepping through the door... which immediately slams shut behind her, Ary quickly pulling his hand back to avoid it getting crushed. Janda's yelp can be heard through the door, faintly.
[21:19] <AutumnCrow> "Alright, everyone find the door that opens for you, go through it and we'll meet up wherever the hell they all lead to," Crow growls.
[21:21] <@Torokasi> "SHIT!" Solmyr bellows, glancing to Crow. "You haven't tried this one yet either. We'll go find other doors and see if we can meet you further on!"
[21:21] * AutumnCrow tries to open Janda's door.
[21:25] <@Torokasi> The door... opens easily, without any glow or hum. Janda blinking as Crow opens it. "Oh. ...You opened it too, Crow?" With that, Janda tries to step out... and runs face-first into -something-, being knocked back. "Ow. My nose." she mutters, shaking it off rapidly. "Uh, so I'm stuck in here now that I'm in, I guess...? One way doors, like a maze. Sheesh."
[21:26] <AutumnCrow> "Ary, try to stick your hand through while I hold the door open. And be ready to jerk it back FAST if it slams out of my grip."
[21:28] <@Torokasi> Ary nods and steps up, attempting to stick his hand through. The air between Ary and Jenna seems to block Ary's progress entirely, Ary pushing hard trying to get in to no avail. "No go." he replies glumly.
[21:29] <AutumnCrow> "Of course. Find your doors, try to stay in pairs if you can, we'll all meet up on the other end. If you find your way out, get back to the basecamp in the first room and stay there."
[21:30] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Lilian nods. "Take care, Crow, Janda." Grasping Crow's shoulder tightly for a moment, Lilian nods to Janda as the group disperses. The door stays open without any effort at propping it open on Crow's part.
[21:31] * AutumnCrow then goes through her door and meets up with Janda.
[21:31] <@Torokasi> Janda frowns. "This barrier... Maybe the door's meant to just stop people from running into the barrier since we can't see it?" As Crow enters, Janda frowns. "Sorry, I caused trouble there. I just wanted to find Para quickly... I don't know why us three can get in but no one else, though."
[21:33] <AutumnCrow> "Why isn't important right now. Finding Para...knocking him out if I have to, if he's being influanced, and getting us all out alive is what's important."
[21:35] <@Torokasi> "Right." Janda nods slightly. Only now does Crow realize that her sheathed dagger is glowing with light, apparently cast right after the door closed. "Let's see if we can find him..." The path past the door leads down a hallway, a turn about twenty feet ahead obscuring the rest of the hewed stone passage from view.
[21:40] <AutumnCrow> "I'm on point, of course. Just keep your eyes out and be ready to heal me if anything happens." Crow leads the way, following the passageway.
[21:42] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Janda smiles as Crow leads the way down the curving passage...
[21:45] <@Torokasi> ------------------------------------------------------


[15:52] <@Torokasi> The corridor seems to lead further inward, though after a few turns the precise direction of Crow and Janda's travel is hard to discern. The carved stone walls are barren of detail, and their steps seem to echo slightly as they continue... OOC: Spot checks for you and Janda.
[15:52] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+0 lolnotice
[15:52] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=9]
[15:54] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 lolnotice, Janda edition
[15:54] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=9]
[15:57] <@Torokasi> After a period of walking, the two reach a solid stone door, almost appearing to have been carved in place. As the two approach, they can hear Para's voice, seemingly from out of nowhere, "...Crow? Janda? ... I'll open the door. One minute."
[16:00] <@Torokasi> Janda blinks, before approaching the door, cautiously. "Para! We're here, yes! Please open the door!"
[16:01] <AutumnCrow> "Well that's nice. Whoever you are. I'd like to know that, by the way, because you can't possibly be Para. Para would know better than to go running off into a dungeon without the rest of us," her voice was simultaneously pleasant but dripping venom.
[16:03] <@Torokasi> "Long story, Crow." Para's voice sounds fatigued. "This place... needed me." The door begins creaking slowly open, Para's voice somehow easily audible over it. "I'm trying to keep its defenses in check."
[16:05] * AutumnCrow waits for the door to open, then steps through.
[16:10] <@Torokasi> The door opens to reveal... an empty room, save for green dust scattered across the floor in a few spots. There are three doors against the opposite wall, each of the same quality as the one the group just passed. Para's voice comes out again, fainter, "Ngh... Left door. Break the defenses, Crow, step in... the circle at the end once..." His voice seems to fade out, as the left door silently swings open, much more fluidly than the previous door.
[16:12] <AutumnCrow> "Eyes open, Janda. We'll follow the instructions for now but if you see anything moving that isn't us call out fast." Crow goes to the left door and looks for a circle.
[16:19] <@Torokasi> Looking into the door, Crow can see a suit of armor, glowing an eerie blue and hovering just an inch off the ground, with two strange-looking vortexes of green dust hovering at its sides, something flashing inside it occasionally. As Crow looks in, a soft voice speaks, "Identification not verify. In add, #254-ZK on entity self-identify 'Janda Lestrad'. Initiate defense routine... Line one, inactive. Line two, inactive. Artillery, inactive. Line three, active." At this, the magical creatures advance! OOC: Init.
[16:20] <@Torokasi> Crow can hear Para's voice, "Damnit."

[16:20] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 Crow init with Janda bonus
[16:20] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=19]
[16:20] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 Janda init with Janda bonus
[16:20] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=2]
[16:21] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 vortex 1
[16:21] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 1 > [d20=1]
[16:21] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 vortex 2
[16:21] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=10]
[16:21] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 armor
[16:21] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=13]
* Retrieving #mistgame modes...
[16:23] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow > Armor > Vortex 2 > Vortex 1 > Janda (21/25, dazzled)'
[16:23] <AutumnCrow> OOC: are the vortexes directly adjacent to the armor, and what size are the opponents?
[16:23] <@Torokasi> OOC: Crow's up. All monsters are within 30ft, 5ft apart from each other. All are Medium.
[16:26] * AutumnCrow lunges straight for the armor without even a moment's warning, snapping her fans out in a X slash as she approaches, flames erupting from her weapons on the snap, leaving a blazing trail in the air! (OOC: move in, Wolf Fang Strike the armor, Burning Blade. If I can position myself so the vortexes will provoke if they try to move past me to Janda I will do so)
[16:26] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 summer stance slash 1
[16:26] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=12]
[16:26] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 summer stance slash 2
[16:26] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=2]
[16:27] <@Torokasi> OOC: First hits.
[16:27] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 slashing
[16:27] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=3]
[16:27] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+4 fire
[16:27] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d6=4]
[16:30] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow > Armor (2/17) > Vortex 2 > Vortex 1 > Janda (21/25, dazzled)'
[16:31] <@Torokasi> The armor staggers back slightly, pieces of it flying away and shattering into air, before shakily reforming itself out of magical energy, attempting to lash out at Crow with a punch straight toward Crow's jaw!
[16:32] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 poor creature trying to tangle with Crow
[16:32] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=19]
[16:32] <AutumnCrow> OOC: 21 AC. That hits of course. I may as well have Ary's AC for how often I atcually dodge
[16:33] <@Torokasi> roll 1d6+4 well
[16:33] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 8 > [d6=4]
[16:34] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow (26/34) > Armor (2/17) > Vortex 2 > Vortex 1 > Janda (21/25, dazzled)'
[16:36] <@Torokasi> Crow shifts the blow to her shoulder, taking the blow in stride as the vortexes seem to start charging...! OOC: Animated magic can't make good tactical decisions. They're trying to cast while in AoO, so go ahead and take the AoO.
[16:37] * AutumnCrow lashes out at the vortex on the left, wincing as her eagerness to strike the things she left Janda open against made her unable to dodge the armor's retalitory strike. (OOC: I don't have Combat Reflexes yet so only one AoO)
[16:37] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 slashy slashy
[16:37] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=2]
[16:38] <@Torokasi> OOC: Hit, but roll 1d100.
[16:39] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 higher is better
[16:39] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 85 > [d100=85]
[16:40] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 slashing
[16:40] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=3]
[16:40] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+4 fire
[16:40] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 6 > [d6=2]
[16:41] <@Torokasi> Crow's fan sweeps through the vortex just as the light inside flashes - and bisects it in two, the vortex shattering into green powder! The vortex on the right, meanwhile, shoots off a bolt of force at Janda!
[16:41] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4+1 force
[16:41] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 3 > [d4=2]
[16:42] <@Torokasi> Janda yelps slightly as the blast hits her arm. "Ow! That stung! Crow, do you need healing?"
[16:43] <AutumnCrow> "Tch, as if some magical toys could threaten me! It won't get a second swing..."
[16:44] <@Torokasi> "Got it! I'll jump in if you need me!" Janda's confidence in Crow can be heard clearly... OOC: Crow. Janda is holding her action.
[16:46] * AutumnCrow starts on the armor, whirling her fans in a rapid spin of blindinly fast strikes, attemping to bewilder what passes for its self defense patterns. Spinning towards the right, she prepares to move from the armor to the vortex in one fluid motion if the former should fall under her assult. (OOC: Flurry of blows. Starting on the armor, if I kill move remining hits toward the vortex)
[16:46] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan flurry 1
[16:46] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=12]
[16:46] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan flurry 2
[16:46] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=16]
[16:46] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan flurry 3
[16:46] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=14]
[16:47] <AutumnCrow> OOC: does 17 hit the armor?
[16:47] <@Torokasi> OOC: Second and third hit. AC 18 for reference on the armors.
[16:47] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 swing 2 vs armor
[16:47] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=3]
[16:48] <@Torokasi> OOC: Armor KO'd, final swing goes for the vortex which requires a 1d100
[16:48] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 higher is better
[16:48] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 90 > [d100=90]
[16:48] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+5 vs vortex on swing 3
[16:48] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=2]
[16:50] <@Torokasi> The armor manages to raise its fist just in time to block the first blow - and Crow's fan bisects its arm and body with the second, before darting into the vortex just as the light in it flashes, breaking it and killing it instantly! Somewhere, Crow can hear Para exhale, as a circle appears at the end of the room, glowing softly, some unknown language glowing on the wall behind it.
[16:50] <@Torokasi> OOC: Free act.
[16:51] * AutumnCrow finishes her spin and snaps her fans shut with an audible *click*. "Hmph."
[16:52] <@Torokasi> "Excellent, Crow!" Janda smiles. "And there's the circle Para - or, uh, Not-Para talked about. ...I think it is Para, though. It talks like him, I think?"
[16:53] * AutumnCrow can't keep a slight smirk from her face at Janda's 'para/not-para' bit, "Apparently it's a long story. Let's go hear it, shall we?"
[16:53] * AutumnCrow moves towards the circle, seeing no reason not to for now.
[16:54] <@Torokasi> Crow steps onto the circle, which flashes brightly... OOC: Moment.
[16:56] <@Torokasi> roll 3d27
[16:56] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 49 > [d27=9,27,13]
[16:57] <@Torokasi> OOC: Will save, Crow. Only one, thankfully.
[16:58] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 will
[16:58] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=1]
[16:59] <@Torokasi> OOC: Ref save and Fort save.
[16:59] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 ref
[16:59] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 28 > [d20=19]
[16:59] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 fort
[16:59] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=3]
[17:00] <@Torokasi> roll 1d6-1
[17:00] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 0 > [d6=1]
[17:04] <@Torokasi> Crow's ears wince as a loud scream penetrates the area, her hands covering the area just in time! After a moment, the circle glows brighter, and Crow can feel her mind... rearrange itself, seemingly, if only for a second, before settling. After this, the other voice speaks, "Self-identify as 'Autumn Crow'. Autumn blood known. Will Autumn Crow vouch for anomaly 'Janda Lestrad'?"
[17:05] * AutumnCrow winces, "...yes, she's with me. Identify yourself."
[17:08] <@Torokasi> "Voice speak is #00013, 'Security Overcore'." The voice replies. "Regard verify identity, thank you. Defenses are haywire. Pulled 'Renlin' blood in to assist. Unfortunate circumstance. Cannot reinitialize #00012, 'Defense Overcore'."
[17:09] <@Torokasi> Para's voice exhales. "I think I'm 'Renlin'. Or something."
[17:12] <AutumnCrow> "I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. However, Lilian Wardingrow, Solmyr Issun, Ary Shiguzu and Marion Eldesul are also with me, and I expect your 'security' to leave them unharmed." Crow didn't like talking to disembodied voices, but didn't expect she had much choice right now.
[17:14] <@Torokasi> "Cannot reinitialize #00012, 'Defense Overcore'. Security cannot override Defense." The soft voice replies. "With authorization, however, Autumn Crow and Janda Lestrad can reach 'Defense Overcore' through support tunnel, and attempt reinitialize 'Defense Overcore'."
[17:16] <AutumnCrow> "Fine. Para, I'll finish chewing you out later, direct us where to go for now. How do we finish whatever needs to be done here so we can leave?"
[17:17] <@Torokasi> Para's voice returns, "...back in the room before this. I'll open the hatch to the core roo-" His voice cuts out again.
[17:18] <@Torokasi> The Security Overcore speaks up, "Identity 'Parakloro' cannot maintain connection for much longer. Please hurry."
[17:19] * AutumnCrow moves quickly, "...right."
[17:22] <@Torokasi> Janda follows Crow quickly into the previous room, where a piece of the floor has raised itself up and to the side, revealing a set of handholds hewn into the stone leading downward. The soft voice speaks again, "As identity is establish, my security here will not active. 'Defense Overcore' has protection in 'Core Area', however."
[17:26] <AutumnCrow> "Right. Janda if more than three of those things show up at once go ahead and sing. Otherwise they're not much threat." Crow begins to climb down.
[17:27] <@Torokasi> "Got it. I'll heal you as well once we reach another point where we need to pause." Janda nods, following Crow down the ladder. [More]
[17:29] <@Torokasi> At the bottom is a thin path that quickly terminates in a ten by ten room with a glowing circle at the end of it. "Both enter circle to active." the Security Overcore says.
[17:31] * AutumnCrow moves into the circle, pulling janda along with. Crow just holds onto Janda's hand for now.
[17:33] <@Torokasi> Crow can feel healing energy move through her hand as they move onto the circle, Janda smiling. "This is sorta scary and I hope Para's alright, but if we can get him out... this may be really fascinating...!"
[17:33] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8+4 CLW
[17:33] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d8=3]
[17:33] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow (33/34) > Armor (2/17) > Vortex 2 > Vortex 1 > Janda (18/25, dazzled)'
[17:34] <@Torokasi> With that, the same healing energy washes over Janda as the platform lights up, the wall next to them shuddering and moving upward...
[17:34] <@Torokasi> roll 1d8+4 CLW self
[17:34] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d8=6]
[17:34] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow (33/34), Janda'
[17:39] <@Torokasi> After a moment, the wall finishes rising... revealing a massive darkness that Janda's light fails to illuminate. Simultaneously, the ground shudders beneath Crow and Janda's feet, before slowly moving into the darkness, away from the entry passageway! Janda's hand shoots out toward the platform, only  to impact a barrier of force around it, keeping the two secure as it moves into the darkness. Above, below, and to the sides, neither Janda nor Crow can see a ceiling; the only other sight of land is the wall they've departed from, the opening shrinking out of sight.
[18:23] * AutumnCrow snaps one fan open and idly fans herself as she waits for the platform to finish moving. She's not bothered by any of this at all, nope, no sir.
[18:26] <@Torokasi> "...Creepy. Was all this under us this entire time?" Janda murmurs as she looks around, the wall slowly fading into the darkness behind them. "What was the purpose of this place?"
[18:27] <@Torokasi> "This area former aboveground. Functioned as landing bay for ships." The Security Overcore's voice rings out. "Security measure of mechanical surveillance disabled."
[18:34] <AutumnCrow> " there even a river nearby here?" Crow wonders, then shakes her head, "considering the shift, I suppose it doesn't matter."
[18:50] <@Torokasi> "River estimated dry out time: seven thousand five hundred year previous. Security Overcore has been disabled for eight thousand year." The smooth voice rings out.
[18:50] <@Torokasi> "...eight thousand years old?!" Janda yelps. "Wait, this place is ancient, then!"
[18:51] <AutumnCrow> "What." Crow just flatly states, her fan faltering in its motions for a moment.
[18:54] <@Torokasi> "This facility was construct estimate nine thousand year ago. However, event occur and all system offline. Unknown why Security Overcore is active now." The voice says calmly. "Date estimate based on difference your language and base install language, and may have large error margin."
[18:58] <@Torokasi> Janda exhales sharply. "This is... Wow." After a glance around, "So this used to be a... harbor, I think the term is?"
[19:00] <AutumnCrow> "We can worry about speculation later," Crow sighs, "what will we need to do to...activate this Defense Core?"
[19:04] <@Torokasi> "Locate replacement fuel and insert in core." The Security Overcore hums. "If this fails, manual disable will be need."
[19:05] <@Torokasi> In the distance, a wall seems to be approaching, far away.
[19:05] <AutumnCrow> "What does it use for fuel?"
[19:05] <AutumnCrow> "What does it use for fuel?"
[19:09] <@Torokasi> "Thaumacitic dihaplo-crystalline copper. There is some in storage in the Core Area." The voice replies. "I will direct you. Parakloro is conserving energy to disable Security Overcore once possible."
[19:10] <AutumnCrow> "...right. Direct away," Crow isn't even going to try and pronounce that arcane substance. Magic terminology made her head hurt.
[19:15] <@Torokasi> Janda seems just as confused. As the wall approaches, the Security Overcore continues, "Take passage into Core Area. Turn left and follow outer circle. Second door on left will have fuel. Once found, bring to center."
[19:19] <@Torokasi> Janda exhales. "Do we have time? Are there more... rogue... constructs, I guess they are?"
[19:20] <@Torokasi> "Time is low. ...Once you land, Security Overcore requests you run." The voice asks, sounding almost fully human for a moment.
[19:21] <AutumnCrow> "Right. We'll be ready to run..." Crow puts her fan away and does some stretches.
[19:22] <@Torokasi> "Y-yeah. You take the lead, I'll set the rhythm..." Janda nods, nervously.
[19:27] <@Torokasi> The platform approaches a niche in the wall, steadily making its way in before landing, carefully notching its way in. Janda's hand, pressed up against the air, suddenly falls through into the hallway in front of the group, causing Janda to yell, "It's gone! Let's go!"
[19:27] * AutumnCrow takes off, keeping to Janda's pace, "turn left, follow the outer circle..."
[19:29] <@Torokasi> The group heads in...!
[19:29] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999
[19:29] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 979 > [d999=979]
[19:33] <@Torokasi> Down the passage, around the corner...! Crow and Janda careen down the hallway, reaching a four-way intersection! The left and right seem to continue into slightly-curving hallways inward, while the passage in front of the group leads into a huge room with a giant stone pillar in the center of the chamber. Inside the large chamber are two visible green vortexes, but they don't seem to notice Crow or Janda. Janda looks left. "Pretty sure it said left here!"
[19:35] <AutumnCrow> "Turn left, follow outer circle, second door on the left..." Crow repeats, and attempts to follow that direction.
[19:39] <@Torokasi> The two turn left and rush down the hallway! After a while, they reach another intersection, a door on their left, the path continuing ahead, and the massive chamber to their right. "First door. So our next one should be it, right?" Janda replies, moving to continue on. "I don't see anything else hostile...!"
[19:40] <AutumnCrow> "If this fuel is light enough for you to carry, you'll need to so my hands are free. I expect we'll find the hostile things once we get close to the goal..." Crow commented while she kept running.
[19:43] <@Torokasi> "Yeah, definitely!" Janda nods as the two continue!
[19:44] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999
[19:44] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 424 > [d999=424]
[19:48] <@Torokasi> Approaching the next intersection, Crow and Janda can see a vortex, hovering in the door near the intersection! Janda hisses quietly. "Okay, Crow, you take out the vortex, and I'll dive in the door and see if I can find it quickly! I'll yell for help if I need it, so don't worry about me, okay?"
[19:50] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine. Voice, please direct Janda to the fuel while I slash apart some dust," Crow then picks up speed and lunges for the Vortex without further ado.

[19:50] <@Torokasi> OOC: Roll init.
[19:51] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+7 Janda init with Janda bonus
[19:51] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=11]
[19:52] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 crow init
[19:52] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=11]
[19:52] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 vortex
[19:52] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=5]
[19:54] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 ???
[19:54] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=11]
[19:54] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 ???
[19:54] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=6]
[19:54] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 ???
[19:54] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 2 > [d20=2]
[19:55] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (33/34) > Janda > ??? > ??? > Vortex (1?) > ???'
[19:55] <@Torokasi> OOC: Crow's up.
[19:56] <@Torokasi> OOC: The vortex is within 30ft, and right in the doorway to the massive open chamber room, opposite the door Janda's going to.
[19:57] * AutumnCrow dashes in towards the vortex and snaps her fans open giving it a good hard slashing! (Wolf Fang Strike~)
[19:57] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 slash 1
[19:57] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 slash 2
[19:57] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=12]
[19:57] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 26 > [d20=19]
[19:58] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 first hit high is good
[19:58] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 86 > [d100=86]
[19:58] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 second hit high is good
[19:58] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 59 > [d100=59]
[19:58] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 first hit
[19:58] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d4=4]
[19:58] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 second hit
[19:58] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=3]
[20:01] <@Torokasi> The vortex literally explodes, showering Crow in what's effectively green confetti as Janda darts into the door opposite her! The voice rings out, "Examine boxes in rear, with green lid."
[20:07] <@Torokasi> In the giant room, Crow can see the two vortexes approaching, as well as a dim green light on the wall of the central pillar, pulsing rhythmically. The two vortexes move close, seeming to rush in quickly toward Crow, approaching to within about sixty feet... and then the green light pulses brightly!
[20:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20-4
[20:15] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 2 > [d20=6]
[20:15] <@Torokasi> But nothing seems to happen... OOC: Crow. Crow's probably got a decent idea of Magic Missile range by now, and she's in it, unless she backs away from the entrance. Or she could close in; they're within 60 ft.
[20:18] <AutumnCrow> Knowing that magic missiles can't be dodged, Crow abandons defense and dashes straight for one vortex aiming to cut it open with her fan before it can cast! (OOC: Fuck it, charge.)
[20:18] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 single fan
[20:18] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=4]
[20:18] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 higher is better
[20:18] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 31 > [d100=31]
[20:23] <@Torokasi> The fan goes straight through the vortex, the flashing light not timed as Crow anticipated! She can't hear Janda's voice from here, nor seemingly the Security Overcore, but she's able to notice the vortexes firing out missiles at her!
[20:23] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4+1 missile 1
[20:23] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 4 > [d4=3]
[20:23] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4+1 missile 2
[20:23] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 3 > [d4=2]
[20:23] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (26/34) > Janda > ??? > ??? > Vortex (1?) > ???'
[20:24] <AutumnCrow> OOC: I got an AoO last time they fired in melee range. Should I get one this time?
[20:24] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (26/34) > Janda > Vortex 2 > Vortex 3 > Green Light'
[20:24] <@Torokasi> OOC: Oh right yes you should. they're casting in melee and not being smart because they're not smart.
[20:24] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 AoO vs Vortex 2
[20:24] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=3]
[20:24] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 higher is better
[20:24] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 52 > [d100=52]
[20:25] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 slashy slashy
[20:25] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=3]
[20:26] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (30/34) > Janda > Vortex 3 > Green Light'
[20:32] <@Torokasi> Crow's fan bisects one vortex just as it prepares to fire, but the second manages to blast her in the shoulder with a arrow of force! The green light shimmers again, pulsing...!
[20:32] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20-2
[20:32] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=11]
[20:33] <@Torokasi> But again, nothing seems to happen! OOC: Crow.
[20:35] * AutumnCrow ignores the green light for now, thinking it's just some kind of alarm or something and goes into a whirling frenzy to slash apart the remaining vortex.(OOC: Flurry)
[20:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan flurry 1
[20:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=10]
[20:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan flurry 2
[20:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=19]
[20:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan flurry 3
[20:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 23 > [d20=18]
[20:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 slash 1
[20:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 98 > [d100=98]
[20:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 slash 2
[20:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 93 > [d100=93]
[20:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 slash 3
[20:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 43 > [d100=43]
[20:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 slash damage 1
[20:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 6 > [d4=2]
[20:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 slash damage 2
[20:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=3]
[20:36] <@Torokasi> The vortex evaporates on the first slash, the remaining two stopping the green glittery dust from getting all over Crow! OOC: Janda. Moment
[20:37] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2
[20:37] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=16]
[20:41] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 +4 to Str roll for circumstance
[20:41] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=7]
[20:41] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4
[20:41] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 3 > [d4=3]
[20:43] <@Torokasi> Crow can hear the voice at this point, "Autumn Crow is in Core Amphitheatre. Meet her and hurry to Core Room. I will open door."
[20:43] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (30/34) > Janda > Green Light'
[20:43] <@Torokasi> The light pulses again, brighter this time...!
[20:43] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 check 1
[20:43] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 7 > [d20=7]
[20:43] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+0 check 2
[20:43] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 5 > [d20=5]
[20:45] <@Torokasi> Again, nothing seems to change with the light...
[20:45] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (30/34) > Janda > Green Light > Security Overcore (2)'
[20:46] <@Torokasi> OOC: Crow's up. You can go to check the light (It's about 60ft away from your location) or return back to the door to meet Janda.
[20:47] * AutumnCrow retreats back towards Janda, wanting to stay together.
[20:49] <@Torokasi> Janda rushes out to meet Crow at the entryway, carrying a metal bar in one hand and three green rocks in the other, sweating heavily. "Okay! Got it! Where's the door in?" she pants, glancing around.
[20:50] <@Torokasi> The Security Overcore replies, "It will appear in the center pillar, near the summon sphere. Disabling locks."
[20:50] * AutumnCrow moves towards the center pillar!
[20:51] <@Torokasi> The two begin approaching the central pillar as the light pulses again...!
[20:51] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2 check 1
[20:51] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 11 > [d20=9]
[20:51] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2
[20:51] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 17 > [d20=15]
[20:53] <@Torokasi> Suddenly, in front of the pillar, two creatures appear - another vortex, and another glowing suit of armor! Janda grimaces. "Damnit! I can't play anything while carrying these rocks...!"
[20:53] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine, there's only two of them," Crow noted, fans still out and ready to rend.
[20:54] <@Torokasi> The Security Overcore's voice can be heard, "Locks disabled. Lowering shield."
[20:54] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (30/34) > Janda > Green Light > Vortex 1 > Armor 1 > Security Overcore (1)'
[20:55] <@Torokasi> OOC: Crow's turn. Armor AC is 18, Vortex is 9, both are within 60ft from current location, in front of the green light.
[20:57] * AutumnCrow lunges towards the Vortex, figuring the Armor will target her instead of moving for Janda so she wants to disable the ranged combatant!(OOC: Charge, 2 into Expertise to negate the charge AC penalty)
[20:57] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 fan lunge at Vortex 1
[20:57] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=11]
[20:57] <AutumnCrow> roll 100 higher is better
[20:57] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 100 >
[20:57] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 the luck holds
[20:57] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=3]
[20:57] <AutumnCrow> OOC: .....I'm bad
[20:57] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 higher is better
[20:57] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 3 > [d100=3]
[20:58] <@Torokasi> OOC: ...oh
[20:58] <AutumnCrow> OOC: pfffffft
[21:01] <@Torokasi> Crow lunges, but the shimmering light within the vortex blinks out as Crow tries to connect with it! Janda stays back, preparing to act once the door's open...
[21:04] <@Torokasi> The light seems to cycle rapidly, but doesn't pulse brightly.... instead, the armor lashes out at Crow with a fist, attempting to connect with her jaw again!
[21:04] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5 fist
[21:04] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 24 > [d20=19]
[21:04] <AutumnCrow> OOC: of course that hits
[21:05] <@Torokasi> roll 1d6+4 magic armor casts fist
[21:05] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 5 > [d6=1]
[21:05] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (25/34) > Janda > Green Light > Vortex 1 > Armor 1 > Security Overcore (1)'
[21:06] <@Torokasi> The fist lands on Crow's shoulder, stinging painfully! Meanwhile, the vortex's light brightens... OOC: AoO if you want, it's casting
[21:06] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 no more charging bonus Vortex AoO
[21:06] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=8]
[21:06] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 I remembered the d this time
[21:06] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 28 > [d100=28]
[21:07] <@Torokasi> But the slash of the fan misses the pulsing light inside as a blast of energy lashes out at Janda from within the vortex!
[21:07] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4+1 vortexes are jerks
[21:07] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 5 > [d4=4]
[21:08] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (25/34) > Janda (20/25) > Green Light > Vortex 1 > Armor 1 > Security Overcore (1)'
[21:08] <@Torokasi> "Yow!" Janda yelps from behind Crow. "Yeesh, these things seem persistent..."
[21:10] <@Torokasi> Suddenly, behind the armor and the vortex, Crow can see a door suddenly materialize in the wall! "Door open. Janda Lestrad, please hurry. Parakloro cannot continue long. Autumn Crow, prevent pursuit of Janda Lestrad."
[21:10] <@Torokasi> Janda speaks up, behind Crow, "You've got this, yeah? I'll run around and help Para!"
[21:11] <AutumnCrow> "It seems they have me surrounded," Crow quips, "how unfortunate for them."
[21:15] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (25/34) > Green Light > Vortex 1 > Armor 1 > Security Overcore (open) > Janda (20/25)'
[21:15] <@Torokasi> Janda laughs as she sprints as fast as she can around Crow and the monsters. "Take care! Retreat if you need to!"
[21:15] <@Torokasi> OOC: Crow
[21:26] * AutumnCrow brings her fans in close...then whips into a whirlwind of fire and hate, "ember dance!" (OOC: fan flurry + burning blade. 2 on Armor, 1 on Vortex)
[21:26] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan dance armor 1
[21:26] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=16]
[21:26] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan dance armor 2
[21:26] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=7]
[21:27] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 fan dance vortex
[21:27] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=17]
[21:27] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 vs vortex high is gud
[21:27] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 48 > [d100=48]
[21:27] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 slashing vs armor
[21:27] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=3]
[21:27] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d6+4 fire vs armor
[21:27] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d6=3]
[21:28] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (25/34) > Green Light > Vortex 1 > Armor 1 (3/17) > Security Overcore (open) > Janda (20/25)'
[21:29] <@Torokasi> The armor takes a pummeling, but manages to pull itself back together, shuddering, as the green light pulses...!
[21:29] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4
[21:29] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 4 > [d4=4]
[21:30] <@Torokasi> The light suddenly turns into a ball of scintillating colors, before flooding the area, passing through the armor and vortex harmlessly...! OOC: DC 13 Will save, Crow and Janda.
[21:31] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 will save
[21:31] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=9]
[21:31] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 Janda check
[21:31] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=14]
[21:32] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (25/34) > Green Light > Armor 1 (3/17) >  Vortex 1 > Security Overcore (open) > Janda (20/25)'
[21:33] <@Torokasi> Crow doesn't seem to notice any effects, and Janda seems unphased as well as the Armor continues to swing at Crow!
[21:33] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+5
[21:33] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 6 > [d20=1]
[21:35] <@Torokasi> But Crow's fan intercepts... and cracks the fist, crumbling it. Meanwhile, the vortex swirls brightly... OOC: AoO the Vortex, if you want.
[21:35] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 oh I want
[21:35] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d20=3]
[21:36] <@Torokasi> But the vortex seems to swirl around the fan, before launching another missile at Janda!
[21:36] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4+1
[21:37] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 3 > [d4=2]
[21:37] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (25/34) > Green Light > Armor 1 (3/17) >  Vortex 1 > Security Overcore (open) > Janda (17/25)'
[21:38] <@Torokasi> Janda yelps but keeps running, into the door! "I cannot prevent pursuit of Janda Lestrad. Janda, observe the pillars tha-"
[21:39] <@Torokasi> Crow can hear Janda scream, "Para! Para, are you okay?!"
[21:40] <@Torokasi> "Janda Lestrad, remain calm. You can save him." The voice of the Security Overcore intones. "Please listen and follow instructions."
[21:40] <@Torokasi> "... Okay. What do I need to do?" Janda replies after a shaky moment.
[21:40] <@Torokasi> OOC: Crow.
[21:42] * AutumnCrow continues her spin, this time without the fire, rotating back up in a jumping spiral cut at the foes surrounding her that she's a bit sad no one is there to see. (OOC: more fan flurry)
[21:42] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 vs armor
[21:42] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 21 > [d20=16]
[21:42] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 does this kill
[21:42] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 7 > [d4=3]
[21:44] <@Torokasi> OOC: Yes, it kills. Move to the vortex
[21:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 vs vortex 1
[21:44] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 10 > [d20=5]
[21:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 vs vortex 2
[21:44] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 18 > [d20=13]
[21:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 higher is better 1
[21:44] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 72 > [d100=72]
[21:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d100 higher is better 2
[21:44] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 95 > [d100=95]
[21:44] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4+1d4+4 diediediedie
[21:44] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 11 > [d4=2,1]
[21:46] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (25/34) > Green Light > Security Overcore (open) > Janda (17/25)'
[21:47] <@Torokasi> The armor is shredded with one twitch of the fan, and with two quick flicks through the vortex's light, it too scatters quickly into dust! The green light continues to pulsate...
[21:47] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4
[21:47] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 3 > [d4=3]
[21:47] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2
[21:47] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 19 > [d20=17]
[21:50] <@Torokasi> A shimmering white light appears in front of Crow, bouncing slightly before...! OOC: Will save, Crow.
[21:50] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+9 will
[21:50] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=5]
[21:51] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (25/34) > Green Light > White Light? > Security Overcore (open) > Janda (17/25)'
[21:54] <@Torokasi> Suddenly, the area around the white light seems grey and muted, but Crow can't notice any abnormal effect on herself... OOC: Skipping to Crow. Crow can't really hear what's going on with Security/Janda.
[21:56] * AutumnCrow irritatedly smacks at the light with her fan.(OOC: ...single hit? It's a light, crow's not really sure what to do about a hostile *light*)
[21:56] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+7 single smack
[21:56] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 13 > [d20=6]
[21:56] <@Torokasi> OOC: Hit.
[21:56] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 slashy?
[21:56] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 6 > [d4=2]
[21:56] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (25/34) > Green Light > White Light? (6 damage) > Security Overcore (open) > Janda (17/25)'
[21:57] <@Torokasi> The green light pulses, once, twice... and then a beam of light emerges from it, striking the white light!
[21:57] <@Torokasi> roll 1d4
[21:57] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 2 > [d4=2]
[21:58] <@Torokasi> The light shift and twists... into a form Crow is familiar with - a wolf, grey-black fur bristling as a bloody gouge appears on its side, the wolf suddenly lunging at Crow to bite her!
[21:58] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+3 bite
[21:58] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 14 > [d20=11]
[21:59] <AutumnCrow> "Voice, what is going on with these lights? Should I break them...avoid them...what even are they?" Crow wonders aloud as she swats at the white light...then suddenly dodges the hell away from SURPRISE WOLF.
[22:00] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (25/34) > Green Light > Wolf (7/13) > Security Overcore (open) > Janda (17/25)'
[22:01] <@Torokasi> The wolf misses cleanly as Crow swirls away. The voice responds, "Destroy white lights. They are multicore spell. Silence and Summon, power by Green. Green is Defense Overcore asset. If possible, do not break."
[22:01] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+2
[22:01] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 15 > [d20=13]
[22:01] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999 she found the right one, attempt 1
[22:02] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 818 > [d999=818]
[22:02] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999 she found the right one, attempt 2
[22:02] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 397 > [d999=397]
[22:02] <@Torokasi> roll 1d999 she found the right one, attempt 3
[22:02] <Serith> Torokasi roll for Serith < 14 > [d999=14]
[22:03] <@Torokasi> After a second, the sound of metal on metal echoes through the hall, before a series of lights flashes from the open door, the green light above it fading!
[22:03] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (25/34) > Wolf (7/13) > Security Overcore (open) > Janda (17/25)'
[22:04] <@Torokasi> OOC: Crow's turn.
[22:05] * AutumnCrow slashes at the wolf with great rapidity~(OOC: Fan flurry~)
[22:05] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 slash 1
[22:05] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 9 > [d20=4]
[22:05] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 slash 2
[22:05] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 22 > [d20=17]
[22:05] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d20+5 slash 3
[22:05] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 12 > [d20=7]
[22:05] <AutumnCrow> roll 1d4+4 lulz only one hit I assume
[22:05] <Serith> AutumnCrow roll for Serith < 8 > [d4=4]
[22:08] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Init: Crow (25/34) > Security Overcore (open) > Janda (17/25)'
[22:09] <@Torokasi> The wolf takes the fan's edge to the neck, bleeding out rapidly and passing away, its body vanishing like a trace of magic as it does! OOC: Free act.

[22:11] * AutumnCrow snaps her fans shut and darts over towards the door Janda went through, "all's clear out here!"
[22:14] <@Torokasi> The inner room is... massive as well, almost seemingly larger inside. On the walls of the room are giant glyphs, pieces moving and rotating on a few - but most seem to be inactive, dull grey or no light to their lines and no motion. The interior section is a raised platform, with what look to be benches, pedestals, and orbs scattered about, with no seeming order, and magic circles spaced out on the platform's surface. [More]
[22:15] <@Torokasi> At the edge of the platform, right outside a magic circle, is Janda, kneeling over Para's still form, chanting as healing magics flow into Para.
[22:15] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Crow (25/34), Janda (17/25), Para (0 HP/0 PP, drained)'
[22:18] <AutumnCrow> "Are you alright?" Crow moves towards Janda and Para more casually for the time being now that the immediate threat is gone.
[22:19] <@Torokasi> Janda looks up, after a moment, to Crow. "He's breathing, but... he's not waking up. I seem to be healing -something-, it's not going away uselessly, but... the healing doesn't seem to be sinking in right. For now, at least, he's stable.... it's all I can do, it's all I can do..." Her voice cracks for a moment, before she sniffs and shakes her head. "He's okay. I know it. Just..."
[22:20] <AutumnCrow> "Voice? Please explain what's going on with Parakloro?" Crow's tone is icy.
[22:23] <@Torokasi> Crow's words echo in the chamber, with no reply forthcoming. Janda shrugs helplessly. "It stopped talking midsentence at the same time Para fell over. I ran right to him..."
[22:25] <AutumnCrow> "Of course. Well, let's just wait here for now until he's in shape to move himself, the others find us, or the voice comes back." Crow sighs and sits down.
[22:25] <@Torokasi> Janda nods slightly, sitting next to Crow as they wait...
[22:26] <@Torokasi> ----------------------------------------


[15:56] <@Torokasi> Janda and Crow sit in silence for a few minutes, Janda occasionally checking Para's pulse almost idly, eyes mostly focused on the entrance into the large room. After one such check, Janda stands up and looks around the room. "So many circles... I wish we knew what any of these did, especially the one Para was in."
[15:59] <AutumnCrow> "We probably shouldn't mess with them...though I suppose messing with them may also be the only way to contact the others? Para's seemed to allow him to contact us from all the way down here."
[16:03] <@Torokasi> "That's true." Janda's face lightens a bit. "It's a risk, but... It might be our best bet to try and contact people. ... You can protect me if something happens to me, so I should probably be the one to try it. If something happens to you, we're defenseless."
[16:04] <AutumnCrow> "You're the one the system saw as something dangerous, I'm the one it recognized." Crow counters, "more to the point, you can heal me, the reverse is not true."
[16:05] <@Torokasi> "Heal you like I've 'healed' Para, Crow?" Janda replies, her voice surprisingly level. "...though maybe we should wait, then. Since it seems like neither choice is a good one..."
[16:08] <AutumnCrow> "He's alive at least," Crow notes, "that's more than I could do for him. And I don't think there's anything hostile remaining down here. We'll wait a bit longer then I'll see about messing with the circles..." she then sighs, "that or I'll take a nap and see if I can contact Para that way? It would be nice for the magical dream princess powers to actually be useful for something."
[16:09] <@Torokasi> "That's an idea." Janda nods. "If we move over near a wall, that should give me time to wake you up if something goes wrong."
[16:10] * AutumnCrow nods and gets up to go through some forms for a bit while waiting.
[16:12] <@Torokasi> OOC: Roll a die for Crow's listen, if you would?
[16:12] <AutumnCrow> OOC: 1d20+0 comes out to 11
[16:14] <@Torokasi> Just as Janda looks to Crow, about ready to speak, Crow manages to faintly hear - Ary, probably? - yelling, "CROW? PARA? JANDA?"
[16:15] * AutumnCrow rushes towards the direction of the sound, yelling back, "WE'RE OKAY! WHERE ARE YOU?"
[16:16] <@Torokasi> Janda quickly trails behind Crow as she rushes toward the door. After a second, she can hear Mare, "WE'RE OVER HERE! THERE'S A, UH, HUGE PILLAR IN A ROOM IN FRONT OF US, AND HALLWAYS TO OUR SIDES!"
[16:17] <AutumnCrow> "STAY TOGETHER AND STAY PUT, I'LL COME GET YOU." Crow tries to remember about where the pillar room was in regards to where she is now, gestures for Janda to stay with Para and tries to make her way towards the others so she can lead them back in.
[16:19] <@Torokasi> It takes looping around the giant outer room, but Crow eventually spots Ary and a wounded Mare leaning in one o the entrances to the giant room. Ary waves in exhaustion as Crow approaches. "Good to see you okay, Crow. Janda and Para are alright, too?"
[16:21] <AutumnCrow> "Janda's fine. Para is...unconcious, but alive. We don't know what's wrong, the voice went away at the same time he passed out." Crow shrugs, "come on, I'll lead you back in. There are more circles there, with someone else here to guard Janda and Para in case things go poorly I may try to experiment with them. The one Para was in allowed him to talk to us at a distance, at least..."
[16:23] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Mare nods weakly. "If Janda's got energy and Para's stable, I'm probably going to have to ask for healing as well. We sorta got blindsided by those green vortexes before Para gave us some directions..." With that, the two follow Crow back in.
[16:24] <@Torokasi> As they go, Ary nods. "I can pull guard duty with Mare and Janda. Do what you need to do."
[16:27] <AutumnCrow> "Janda has some left, yes," Crow nods, "the healing wasn't waking Para up so she didn't use everything."
[16:29] <@Torokasi> "Ugh. Let's hope it's just a total drain and not something worse." Mare nods as they enter the central room again. "Hey, Janda."
[16:30] <@Torokasi> Janda looks up from Para and yelps, darting over to Mare's side and quickly chanting a few prayers to the Weeping Lady. "Glad to see you two made it here okay... but where's Lilian? And Solmyr?" she asks as the healing magics set in on Mare.
[16:30] <AutumnCrow> "Different door, I'd imagine," Crow replies, beginning to look over the other circles in the room.
[16:31] <@Torokasi> Ary shakes his head. "We had to split up further. There was a door neither I nor Mare could get through, but we were able to take the third one while they couldn't, yeah. Dunno where they landed. We had to cross this enormous gap on a floating platform... no clue if they're doing the same thing or not."
[16:32] <AutumnCrow> "We got to the platform as well," Crow nods, "it sounds like all the doors wind up in the same place. Keep an ear out for them while I investigate the circles."
[16:34] <@Torokasi> "Alright." Mare nods as Crow looks over the circles. Besides the one Para was in, there are twelve more arranged in a larger circle on the center platform, all uniform in appearance. Outside, off the pedestal, Crow can see about ten circles, each designed differently... OOC: Feel free to roll Notice if you want.
[16:35] <AutumnCrow> OOC: 1d20+0 comes out to 9
[16:36] * AutumnCrow looks to see if any of them have the same symbol/design that was on the door she and Janda(and apparently Para) went through.
[16:37] <@Torokasi> At a glance, all the ones on the pedestal, including the one Para was in, seem to have that symbol. The ones off the pedestal don't, save for one near Mare, Janda, Ary, and the unconscious Para.
[16:39] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. I wonder if this symbol has anything to do with it? See," she points it out, "this sign was on the door that I was able to use. Ary, do you see the symbol from the door you were able to use on any of these?"
[16:40] <AutumnCrow> "Or the one Lilian and Solmyr went though?"
[16:40] <@Torokasi> Ary quick trots around the room, examining the symbols... [More]
[16:43] <@Torokasi> After nearly looping around, he stops right next to Crow. "I haven't seen ours on many - like, one or two on the other side, small ones - and Solmyr and Lilian's shows up a bit more often, over to the left, but ours aren't up on the platform at all. ... Hey, Crow. The one right next to you - is that the one Para was in?" He gestures to near Crow's feet, where the circle Para was using lies. "It seems to be pulsing rhythmically."
[16:44] <AutumnCrow> "It is, yes." Crow nods, then shrugs and steps into the circle to see what happens.
[16:53] <@Torokasi> Crow enters, and the world suddenly seems to fall silent, before a voice that sounds like metal on metal slowly squeals out, [Log: Defense #00012 shut down successful. Security #00013 critical error. Attempt diagnostic?]
[16:53] <AutumnCrow> "Uh...yes?" Crow responds hoping that's the right answer.
[16:58] <@Torokasi> [Diagnostic run... Complete. Error resolve <Unknown error> at temporal 042104.1129.4906. Initialize...] Crow can feel her mind hum as the circle begins glowing brighter, before flashing white, once. Suddenly, the sounds of Janda and Mare talking return, almost like a gust of strong wind, as the Security Overcore's voice can be heard, "Initialize complete. Security Overcore #00013 active. Situation analysis start."
[16:58] <@Torokasi> Ary tilts his head. "Uh, is this actually good news?"
[16:59] <AutumnCrow> "I...think so?" Crow shrugs, "Security overcore? Things aren't going to start attacking us again, are they?"
[17:02] <@Torokasi> There is a slight silence, before, "Autumn Crow recognized. Correct. Defense Overcore successfully initialize and shut down. Defenses now inactive. Update to staff in process."
[17:02] <AutumnCrow> "Can you direct Lilian and Solmyr towards the rest of the group here?" Crow asks.
[17:04] <@Torokasi> The Security Overcore is silent, before, "Estimate arrival in ten minutes. Sector D require repair to psionic communicate net."
[17:05] <AutumnCrow> "Thank you. Also, can you explain what hapened to Parakloro?"
[17:07] <@Torokasi> "To reinitialize Defense Overcore, power and psionic capable person necessary." The Security Overcore states. "Unfortunate, Defense Overcore heavy damage sustain. Parakloro expend full strength to repair."
[17:08] <AutumnCrow> "Will he recover from this?"
[17:10] <@Torokasi> "Yes. State is 'burnout', degree 'C'. Estimate full recovery one to two week. Estimate awake..." The voice pauses. "Janda Lestrad divine magic from unknown source acknowledge. Parakloro estimated awake one hour."
[17:13] <@Torokasi> Both Janda and Mare seem to exhale in relief at this, and Ary cracks a bit of a grin.
[17:13] <AutumnCrow> "...alright, that will do." Crow nods, then looks at the others, "I guess for now we wait for Lilian and Solmyr, and then for Para to wake up. Then we'll decide what to do from there...though we're certainly heading right back to town once we leave here. I'm not risking continuing to look for the original door we found with Para in this condition."
[17:14] <@Torokasi> "Agreed." Ary shakes his head. "We could scout around here, especially if the security is broken-
[17:15] <@Torokasi> "Security Overcore has a request for group." The voice speaks, cutting off Ary. "This location is not long-term sustainable. However, Security Overcore will preserve as much as possible for as long as possible. Does group know of safe, non-Mist location?"
[17:17] <AutumnCrow> "Are you requesting to be moved?" Crow asks, "yes we do know a location with a barrier to keep mist out,'s a couple days away from here..."
[17:19] <@Torokasi> "Security Overcore can not move." The voice replies. "However. There are resource that are designated too important to lose to Mist corruption. Security Overcore's current main operative is to find them a safe location."
[17:21] <AutumnCrow> "The guild should be as safe as it gets, really..." Crow shrugs, "how...transportable are these resources?"
[17:23] <@Torokasi> "Estimate group can transport what is currently accessible. Weight 0.03 aum each. Further information..." The voice lapses into silence. "Critical failure in 'Data Overcore #00004'. Require repair. However. That is low priority. Estimate group can transport what is currently accessible."
[17:25] <AutumnCrow> "I suppose we could come back with more people if nessesary," Crow looks to the others, "I'm sure the guild would want anything we could recover from this place..."
[17:26] <@Torokasi> A glowing ball of light appears at the entrance to the room. "Once prepare, follow light. Estimate one to two people need to carry container."
[17:27] <AutumnCrow> "We will be waiting for Lilian and Solymr to arrive, and for Parakloro to awaken before doing anything else," Crow informs the Overcore.
[17:28] <@Torokasi> "Understood." The light dims greatly, though Crow can still tell it's present if she looks at its spot. "Estimate arrival at 8 minute. Any further question?"
[17:28] * AutumnCrow looks to the others to see if they have any questions.
[17:29] <@Torokasi> "Were you why Para ran off without the rest of us?" Mare asks directly. "Did you... force him to?" Her voice curls a bit at this.
[17:36] <@Torokasi> "In event of crisis situation, psionic domination and psionic suggestion are permitted to Security Overcore only to remedy critical failures, and to use only weakest necessary. Autumn Crow and Parakloro both were capable of repair to Defense Overcore with guidance. Security Overcore contact Para, who resist partially. Suggestion was required to compel assistance. The Alliance regret any mental, physical, or emotional harm caused by this event." The voice states.
[17:39] <AutumnCrow> "You do realize that he would have failed at this without us helping him, yes? And things would have gone much sooner if we all came together. Try explaining and requesting, rather than compelling."
[17:41] <@Torokasi> "Request understood. Will relay to Commander Takushin upon return." The voice replies.
[17:45] <AutumnCrow> "...who is this commander and when do you expect him back?" Crow asks, though she has a sinking feeling the answer is never because he died ages ago.
[17:48] <@Torokasi> "Commander Takushin is current authority figure of this base. He left to reinforce nearby village Koyre. Estimated return time-" The voice stops abruptly. "Calculating current commander." it finishes, as weakly as a steady, monotonous voice can manage.
[17:50] <@Torokasi> Ary snorts. "Oh, by Sath, your fucking commander has been dead for how long now?"
[17:50] <@Torokasi> Mare's eyes have narrowed, by contrast. "Wait. -Koire-? Koire's nowhere near here."
[17:52] <@Torokasi> Janda frowns as well. "Yeah, that's... if it's the same town, then that's why this base wasn't found until recently. It wasn't supposed to be here at all!"
[17:53] <AutumnCrow> "Well this was plains instead of forest until recently as well," Crow reminds Mare, "whether things are 'near' here or not isn't as relevant as it used to be. 'Here' has undergone a rather sudden change that we still don't know everything about."
[17:54] <@Torokasi> "That's true, but... ... If that's the case, this is the Koire forest, which is alarming on a few levels." Mare shakes her head. "Granted, probably not as bad as it could be...
[17:55] <@Torokasi> A second ball of light floats lazily into the room, tailed by a panting duo of Solmyr and Lilian, both obviously healed from a few scrape-ups. Lilian glances around quickly. "Everyone alright?"
[17:56] <AutumnCrow> "Para will be awake in an hour or so," Crow leads off with, "other than that we're all alright. How about you two?"
[17:57] <@Torokasi> "We're... okay. Exhausted but okay. If camping here seems safe for the day, both Solmyr and I are pretty drained on energy." Lilian shakes her head, running her fingers through her hair. "I'm afraid we weren't that constructive, though I've got a hypothesis about this place's purpose."
[17:58] <@Torokasi> "This place is a facility for military train, barracks, and former supply vector for Eastern Aridel." The Security Overcore rings out.
[17:58] <@Torokasi> Lilian blinks, before scowling. "Wait, and you didn't tell me that while I was hashing it out with Solmyr?" she mutters irritably.
[18:00] <@Torokasi> Solmyr just chuckles, leaning against the nearby wall. "By Magdanae's cowl, that's just lovely. Of course our searching wasn't of any help!"
[18:00] <AutumnCrow> "Overcore, is it safe to stay here overnight? Perhaps not in this room, but in the facility?"
[18:02] <@Torokasi> "Analyzing risk factor." The Security Overcore states calmly. "...Yes, that is acceptable. There are multiple secure rooms. In addition, the exits can be sealed to prevent entry for the night."
[18:05] <AutumnCrow> "Alright then, I suggest once Para is up and about, we go collect these vital resources the Overcore want us to secure, then go get our things from the room we left them and settle in for the day. It's still fairly early I think, so if we want to investigate around the facility that should be fine, see if we can find anything else useful and all that. Then in the morning we head back to town.
[18:05] <AutumnCrow> Sound good?"
[18:07] <@Torokasi> The group all nods calmly, Lilian glancing to Crow. "Sounds good. Do we have any details on these 'resources'?"
[18:07] <@Torokasi> "It tried to tell us but tripped on the person- er, thing? it needed not being in working order." Ary chuckled.
[18:08] <AutumnCrow> "It thinks we can carry them? That's about it," Crow shrugs, "and that these resources are supposedly vital and need to be saved from mist corruption."
[18:12] <@Torokasi> Lilian tilts her head. "Great. Well, it's something else positive from all this. Aaaanyways what Solmyr and I were guessing was that this was a training facility, since we stumbled into what seemed to be a one-on-one arena with magically constructs that thebase seemed to summon. I guess we were right, if only in part."
[18:17] <AutumnCrow> "Interesting. Well...I suppose we can take a look at it while exploring around later?"
[18:20] <@Torokasi> "Sure. It's a decent hike away, unfortunately, but... once Para has recovered it should be doable." Lilian nods.
[18:21] <AutumnCrow> "We do in fact have all day," Crow half smiles.
[18:21] <@Torokasi> Janda clears her throat. "Uh, in addition... if there's any way we can help to repair things - without draining ourselves! - I think that maybe might be a good idea, possibly? If we can keep this place running, maybe we can get some other helpful functions or history or information out of here."
[18:30] * AutumnCrow nods, "We...may wind up leading some people better equipped to understand this sort of thing back here anyway."
[18:31] <@Torokasi> "Oh, sure! But whatever we can get done here's sure to be a feather in our cap. Metaphorically speaking. Except for Solmyr's." Janda smiles.
[18:32] <@Torokasi> Mare shrugs. "Yeah, I think I agree. This is... sorta just totally bizarre. If we can get more of the cores up, Security, will this place remain safe for longer?"
[18:35] <@Torokasi> The Security Overcore intones, "Currently, there are three active Overcore, two inactive Overcore, fifteen non-functional Overcores. The facility preservation would require Maintenance Overcore #00019, Data Overcore #00004, Staff Overcore #00002, and Barrier Overcore #00001 repair. Other overcores are non-essential. Priority given to Barrier, Maintenance, Staff, Data, in order."
[18:37] <AutumnCrow> "Can we repair those with the resources we have access to?"
[18:40] <@Torokasi> "Barrier Overcore unrepairable with current resources. Maintenance Overcore unrepairable with current resources. Staff Overcore... running analysis. Data Overcore repairable with current resources, risk factor estimate 10%." The Security Overcore states.
[18:42] <@Torokasi> "What's the risk?" Lilian asks plainly.
[18:44] <@Torokasi> "Risk in repairing Data Overcore: require psionic talent, require Restoration Overcore psychic influence. Only Autumn Crow currently able to perform repair. Autumn Crow capability to perform repair high. Autumn Crow ability to influence moderate. For best success, advice will be given before task is undertaken." The Security Overcore comments.
[18:55] <AutumnCrow> "How much would repairing the Data Overcore help?"
[19:02] <@Torokasi> "Data Overcore functions: track resources and supplies, retain information on all facility functions, act as memory for other Overcores. Vital resource information likely to help group. Facility functions possible to help group. Memory for Overcores unlikely to direct help group, but will enable longer-term protection via granting added repair, resource, knowledge functions."
[19:03] <AutumnCrow> "...alright, it's probably worth trying." Crow nods, "we'll add that to the list of things to do before bedding down for the night. Should give me enough time to sleep it off then."
[19:09] <@Torokasi> "Understood." The Security Overcore hums. "Capability to restore Staff Overcore contingent on Data Overcore memory of resource location in disconnect rooms, areas. In addition, while Defense Overcore defense are inactive, other creatures are in lower sections of facility. Unless necessary, travel to lower sections is inadvise. In addition, Defense Overcore cannot be safely re-enabled until Staff Overcore repair complete, new Commander appointed."
[19:11] <AutumnCrow> "Right..." Crow nods, then shrugs at the others, "alright, wait for Para to wake up, go get our stuff and get settled in...then go try and fix the Data overcore." (OOC: nothing else to do except wait for Para then from my end)
[19:16] <@Torokasi> It's a quiet half hour as the group compares notes for a while, before Janda glances over to Para. "Hey Para, welcome to the waking world again. Feeling any better?"
[19:16] <@Torokasi> Para groans unintelligibly, before raising his hands to cover his face, slowly. "Head hurts."
[19:19] <@Torokasi> "You got lucky it didn't kill you, there." Mare snorts. "Instead, you just spent yourself completely - and apparently managed to trigger total drain. According to the Security Overcore, it's going to take a while for you to recover."
[19:22] <AutumnCrow> "We'll be staying here the night, so you'll have awhile to rest up more." Crow notes.
[19:23] <@Torokasi> "'kay." Para mutters. " getting mentally sexed by ten kobolds..."
[19:23] <@Torokasi> Ary snorts. "Save fantasty time for once we get home, please?"
[19:25] <AutumnCrow> "I wouldn't think even ten kobolds would have the brainpower to manage a single mental errection between them," Crow quips with a straight face.
[19:26] <@Torokasi> Solmyr snorts. "Probably not even a hundred, honestly.
[19:29] <@Torokasi> Mare just shakes her head, smiling. "Once you can stand, we'll start exploring again. Right, Crow?"
[19:30] <AutumnCrow> "Right. There's one more Overcore we need to repair, but I'll handle that one. Still, don't push yourself, if you need to stop at any point let us know."
[19:32] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Para nods, his hands still on his face, before slowly moving his legs and shifting into a kneeling position. "Will go slow."
[19:38] <@Torokasi> After a bit of help from Janda, Para stabilizes himself standing. The light at the door blooms back into life. "Before psionic repair, someone should procure heimotite to redraw circle. Necessary support non-fuel resources should be at the end of Chamber 92."
[19:39] <AutumnCrow> "We don't know where the rooms are in here, please direct us." Crow shrugs, "then we'll need to be directed back towards the entrance to recover our belongings."
[19:40] <@Torokasi> "Upper levels currently entirely safe. Security Overcore recommendation is to split groups; one to carry the heimotite back, one to retrieve belongings. Acceptable?"
[19:43] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine. Lilian and I can go get the heimotite, if the rest of you can go get the supplies?"
[19:44] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Ary nods. "We'll take it slow on the way up. You two be careful, and we'll have the Security Overcore meet us back here, alright?"
[19:44] <@Torokasi> Lilian smiles. "Sounds good to me~ Let's get this done as quick as possible."
[19:45] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine," Crow nods.
[19:48] <@Torokasi> The group so splits up, Crow and Lilian following the first light and the rest of the group following the second one. After a bit of distance, Lilian smiles to Crow, the two following the light to one of the four-way branches outside the circle. "So... you're really doing alright, yeah? Not trying to tough something out?"
[19:49] <AutumnCrow> "I'm annoyed at the entire situation, but other than that I'm alright," Crow smiles at Lilian. "I don't like having so little control over my situation, and everything going on with this place is over my head."
[19:50] <@Torokasi> "Understood." Lilian squeezes Crow's shoulder tenderly. "It's... this is a whirlwind to keep up with, and I'm sure I don't know the half of it, but this is... potentially a massive boon to Verxais if we can keep it going. The space it inhabits, alone, is worth it if we can ever get the Barrier restored."
[19:51] <AutumnCrow> "Yeah, that's why I'm willing to take the risk on getting this Data Overcore fixed," Crow nods.
[19:57] <AutumnCrow> "When we're exploring around the area later, feel free to take the lead. This kind of historical find is more your specialty than mine." Crow squeezes Lilian hand as they walk.
[20:00] <@Torokasi> "Thanks." Lilian smiles. "I'll do my best, though Mare's probably even more in her element... though, I mean, the training facility, too, should be really helpful... There's a lot of potential here. We just need to make sure we can safely do it. ...Remind me to ask the Security Overcore what all the overcores are, sometime-"
[20:00] <@Torokasi> "Barrier, #001. Staff, #002. Thaumaturgy, #003. Data, #004. Supplies, #005. Climate, #006. Medical, #007. Facilities, #008. Research, #009. Scanning, #010. Alchemy, #011. Defense, #012. Security, #013. Training, #014. Restoration, #015. Communication, #016. Travel, #017. Expansion, #018. Maintenance, #019. History, #020." The Security Overcore recites.
[20:01] <@Torokasi> "...Remind me to ask you -later-." Lilian replies dryly.
[20:03] * AutumnCrow chuckles.
[20:04] <@Torokasi> "... Gods above, this is insane. That's, like... how many of this facility's functions are lost? We're lucky - or fated, I guess - that anything was here to help us repair it in the first place." Lilian shakes her head, as the light stops in front of a door.
[20:04] <@Torokasi> "Please wait. Anomaly is present behind door." The Security Overcore hums.
[20:06] <@Torokasi> "...Didn't you say the upper levels were entirely safe?" Lilian comments with concern.
[20:07] * AutumnCrow lets go of Lilian's hand and idly snaps a fan open to fan herself with while she waits.
[20:09] <@Torokasi> "... Floor is not entirely stable ahead due to previous seismic activity. ...In addition, unknown object is next to the heimotite. Projected danger 0%, but request investigation. Given capabilities, I recommend Autumn Crow proceed alone down the steps. It is only approximately fifteen second trip." The voice replies, almost with uncertainty.
[20:10] <AutumnCrow> "Fine. I should be in range for you to help with spellcasting if something happens," Crow nods and puts her fan away, assuming Step of the Wind stance.
[20:11] <@Torokasi> "Yeah. Just be careful." Lilian nods, sliding the door open carefully to reveal a small set of downward stairs leading into a small, poorly lit room. "Want me to cast Dancing Lights ahead for visibility?"
[20:12] <AutumnCrow> "That would help," Crow nods.
[20:13] <@Torokasi> Lilian casts the spell ahead, lighting up the room. "Okay. Go ahead. I don't see anything abnormal from here, but..."
[20:14] * AutumnCrow nods and moves ahead keeping her stance so she can balance on nearly anything.
[20:20] <@Torokasi> Crow's balance keeps her in good stead as she lightly treads down the stairs, into the small storage room. Crates made of iron line the outside walls, with one visible exception - a crate is open, the lid shattered, stones scatted outside it. On top of the crate is some sort of yellow object... which as Crow approaches, is easily seen as a scarf, of very fine make, wrapped and placed on top of the rocks like Crow would place an extra scarf on a shelf.
[20:21] * AutumnCrow checks it out, "hmm. So what exactly am I looking for in here?"
[20:22] <@Torokasi> "Unknown object is on top of the heimotite. Please investigate and gather the heimotite." The rocks the scarf is on are a dull grey, glistening like iron as Crow examines them. "Four or five small pieces will do."
[20:23] * AutumnCrow picks up the scarf, and uses it as something to carry the least she guesses the rocks are the heimotite.
[20:24] <@Torokasi> The scarf is surprisingly heavier than it looks, but bundling up the rocks in it is still not a major burden as Crow gathers a few smaller pieces of rocks. Lilian calls down, "Crow, what was the object?"
[20:26] <AutumnCrow> "There's...a scarf. It may be a fighting scarf, from the weight. I'll have to look at it more closely once I'm out."
[20:26] <@Torokasi> "Alright..." Lilian's voice is contemplative. "Why would one of those be down there, though...?"
[20:27] * AutumnCrow heads back out, "I have no idea."
[20:27] <@Torokasi> "Objective confirmed. Please follow light back to the Core Area." With that, the orb of light reappears, ready to guide the two back.
[20:31] * AutumnCrow follows the yellow brick light
[20:38] <@Torokasi> The two head back out, reaching the center of the Core Area relatively quickly. Lilian looks over the scarf once they get in. "That really does look like yours, from what little I see of it. Uh, Security, where do we put the stones? Or uh what do we draw or redraw or whatever."
[20:42] <@Torokasi> "Lilian Wardingrow, please take the heimotite and head to the circle the glowing light is over. I will trace a path for you to follow with the heimotite." The Security Overcore replies.
[20:44] * AutumnCrow hands Lilian the stones, and takes the time to look over the scarf while Lilian is doing her thing.
[20:45] <@Torokasi> The scarf is... really, really well made, actually. Incredibly smooth, weighted tips with careful embroidery, and a beautiful sunrise pattern stiched onto the front. It certainly seems to be a battle scarf, at the very least.
[20:48] <AutumnCrow> "How in the world did this last this long? The battle scarves are well made, but it's still just cloth in places, it should have worn away..." Crow takes some experimental stances and strikes with the scarf.
[20:51] <@Torokasi> Crow lashes out with the scarf... which seems to move almost perfectly cleanly, lashing out with ease and returning without any issues. In the stances it flows serenely and gracefully, practically swimming through the air around her, the fabric shimmering as it moves and creating the illusion of a real sunset where it moves.
[20:51] <@Torokasi> OOC: Strike, toro brain
[20:51] <@Torokasi> Crow lashes out with the scarf... which seems to move almost perfectly cleanly, lashing out with ease and returning without any issues. In the stances it flows serenely and gracefully, practically swimming through the air around her, the fabric shimmering as it moves and creating the illusion of a real sunrise where it moves.
[20:52] <AutumnCrow> "...oh. Is...this magical?" Crow wonders aloud at the perfection with which the scarf moves
[20:53] <@Torokasi> Lilian glances up. "...Oh, wow. Yeah, it's got a magic aura on it. Give me a second to finish this and I'll be right over there, but yeah."
[20:59] <@Torokasi> After a moment Lilian stands up and walks over, brushing her hands off on the side of her pants. "Wow. That's a really pretty scarf in motion... I can't tell anything other than that it's magic. If you can let go of it, it's likely not cursed, either?"
[21:00] * AutumnCrow twirls it around and lets it go, sending the scarf flutterng across the room.
[21:02] <@Torokasi> The scarf flies gracefully across the room, the rippling orange-yellow adding a bright splash of color to the drab room before it lands. Lilian smiles. "That's good. ... You've mentioned family adventuring before, but this place being near Koire... that's really far away."
[21:03] <AutumnCrow> "Well, who knows how long it's been there." Crow shrugs, "and the Autumn Temple has been around for a very long time. It's no surprise one of our warriors could have gotten nearly anywhere."
[21:04] <@Torokasi> "That's fair." Lilian nods. "And with it being magical, it could be resistant to decay or damage... Wow."
[21:05] * AutumnCrow recovers the scarf, "we'll have to see what else is in that storage room before we go."
[21:05] <@Torokasi> "Yeah." Lilian nods. "Anyways, the circle's done. Let's wait until the rest of the group is back before you use it, though?"
[21:08] <AutumnCrow> "Of course," Crow nods and continues messing with her new scarf.
[21:08] <@Torokasi> Lilian smiles as Crow begins practicing...


[16:59] <@Torokasi> After a short time, the remaining five members of the troop filter back into the room, carrying the team's belongings with them. Mare and Solmyr share a glance between each other as Ary, Para, and Janda wander off to the side and begin setting up a makeshift camp, Solmyr eventually approaching with Mare tagging behind. "Has the Security, uh, voice spoken to you yet?"
[17:00] <@Torokasi> "Security Overcore decided that the optimal path was to wait until Solmyr and Marion Eldesul had reported back in, as sensors indicate no issue within the upper reaches of the complex." The voice chimes in.
[17:00] * AutumnCrow looks over and raises an eyebrow, " showed us where to get the material to redraw the circles, and walked Lilian through doing that. Or are you talking about something el..." she paused at the overcore cut her off.
[17:02] <@Torokasi> Mare scowls. "Something else, yeah. It was faint, but both Sol and I picked up on a... what sounded like a very distant, very loud roar, when we were re-crossing that massive dark cavern. I'm going to insist on a watch, at the very least."
[17:04] <AutumnCrow> "I was planning on that anyway," Crow nods, "any idea what the roar sounded like? Should we go as a group to investigate?"
[17:04] <@Torokasi> The Security Overcore's voice can be heard, "All sensors and records indicate that all sounds such as described before were the result of high wind through tight sections of natural cavern connecting to the old harbor. There are no signs of any creature that could make the sound as described."
[17:05] <@Torokasi> Solmyr shrugs. "Not a one. It was... not like wind, definitely not like wind. Like the roar or cry of a griffin, except it would've had to be much, much louder, and there's not a one griffin that dwells in deep caves."
[17:06] <AutumnCrow> "Setting a watch anytime we are not in the city is standard protocol," Crow dryly replies to the overcore, "I'm sure you have no objections to following standard protocol."
[17:11] <@Torokasi> The Security Overcore hums. "Further scans will be perform to ensure safety of current staff. Recommend restoration of Data Overcore first. Additional personnel search may be perform afterward."
[17:12] <AutumnCrow> "That was the plan, yes."
[17:23] <@Torokasi> "Very well. Lilian Wardingrow has complete the circle. Step inside." The voice intones.
[17:24] <@Torokasi> Lilian exhales. "Kinda eerie to not have any privacy here..."
[17:31] * AutumnCrow nods, takes a meditative stance for a moment to clear her head, then steps into the circle.
[17:38] <@Torokasi> The circle hums and flashes as Crow steps in, the Security Overcore audible, "Sense override establish. Stay calm and within the circle." With these words,the world seems to dissolve around Crow, revealing an absolutely dark landscape around her lit only by the circle at her feet. "Transfer to Restoration Overcore initialized."
[17:39] <@Torokasi> After a brief moment another, deeper voice can be heard, [Restoration contact through Thaumaturgy established. This is the Restoration Overcore. Current task: restoring function to #004 via re-establishing magi-psy connectors. The Restoration Overcore will guide you through this process. Confirm that Autumn Crow is a willing assistant?"
[17:39] <AutumnCrow> "...confirmed," Crow replies without letting any of the hesitation actually creep into her voice.
[17:42] <@Torokasi> "Understood. Current status of Data Overcore: Various connectors that allow function have been disrupted. What experience does Autumn Crow have with magi-psy connector repair?" The voice asks.
[17:44] <AutumnCrow> "None. I don't even know what that is."
[17:45] <@Torokasi> "Understood. Configuring visual representation to match Autumn Crow's experience level. What experience does Autumn Crow have with psionic or mental capabilities?"
[17:46] <AutumnCrow> "I have some experience entering the dream realm if that counts. Actual psionics I'm only familiar with from the least talkative of my teammates."
[17:50] <@Torokasi> "Experience with psychosomatic events confirmed. Configuring visual representation to match psychosomatic layout." The black void seems to... flicker, before the voice continues, "In this state Autumn Crow will function entirely on a mental level. Physical actions take will correspond to the appropriate mental actions necessary to repair the device. However, multiple functions cannot be easily approximated on this level. Repairs will focus on #004-A, B, N, and X."
[17:51] <@Torokasi> "Restoration Overcore will move Autumn Crow to the appropriate node when task is completed."
[17:52] <AutumnCrow> "Alright. What do I need to do?"
[17:57] <@Torokasi> Again, the darkness flickers, before a thick green and yellow line appears in front of Crow. In the center, right where Crow is looking, the line looks as though it has been diced into multiple sections. "Physical access to the interior of the Cores is impossible, and the Cores cannot actualize the power needed for repairs. What you must do is will the connections to become whole. Focus on the line. Mentally visualize the line as a whole. Assert the whole line as a reality over the broken line. Understand that the line allows interactions between the magical, the psionic, and the physical. Endure until the line is repaired."
[18:03] <AutumnCrow> "Is that all?" Crow reaches out to touch the fragments of the line, focusing her will on them. A single line formed from multiple parts, like the fractured steps of a dance coming together to make a perfect strike. The same focus she applies to her Diamond Mind techniques she uses here. Her will is precise, but not unyeildingly hard. Irresistable fluidity, like water or the strike of her
[18:03] <AutumnCrow> scarf, not a clumsy unflexible firmness.
[18:03] <AutumnCrow> OOC: roll of 1d20+12 comes out to 23. Rolled an 11.
[18:17] <@Torokasi> The line shimmers, Crow's focus intense on it... before snapping into place as a complete, visualized whole, a faint pressure on Crow's head suddenly dissipating as soon as it formed. The voice speaks, "Confirmed that #004-A repaired. Functionality restored; Data Overcore can now load properly. Next task." The line vanishes, replaced by three lines - a green, a yellow, and a red - intersecting. At the intersection, however, the red line seems to cut through the green and the yellow, pieces floating off into the inky surroundings. "The yellow and green permit interaction between magical, psionic, and physical. The red allows the raw information to be transferred into whichever switch is needed. Focus on the three lines, tied together as a knot. Form the image in your mind of a knot unifying the three. Assert the image as a reality. Endure until the section is repaired."
[18:21] * AutumnCrow focuses on the lines, working them together into...well, the problem with most knots is that they put too much pressure on one or more of the lines. She didn't want this to fray. Focusing, she imagined braiding the lines together like she would braid her hair, then tieing off the braid with a gentle knot that wouldn't put undue pressure on any given part.
[18:22] <AutumnCrow> OOC: roll of 32. Natural freaking 20.
[18:25] <@Torokasi> Almost without effort, the lines form immediately into the intended shape, resolving gracefully into the knot Crow envisioned. The air is silent, before, "Highly effective repair of #004-N. Will look into rerouting through this connection to avoid other difficulties." The knot vanishes, replaced by two horizontal lines and three vertical ones - or at least, that seems to be the intent, but the center is a gnarled mass of lines, green and yellow and red and blue. [More]
[18:28] <@Torokasi> "The blue lines allow processing and analysis of information. Here, the blue horizontal lines should each touch the red, yellow, and green lines, but each only once, to prevent infinite loops of analysis. Create a vision in your mind of a net, the blue horizontal lines simply overlaying the vertical lines. Assert the image as a reality. Endure until the section is repaired."
[18:33] * AutumnCrow frowns and focuses, mentally laying the blue lines out first, then taking each red, yellow and green line in turn and weaving them through the blue lines carefully. Over and under, over and under, like a lattice top for a pie, then tying them off at the end.
[18:33] <AutumnCrow> OOC: 1d20+12 comes out to 21. Rolled a 9.
[18:36] <@Torokasi> The lines shimmer, this time strongly resisting Crow's mental exertion as the pressure seems to build within her skull, the lines fighting Crow every step of the way.... and then there is a soft popping sound, and the mental image Crow was focusing on appears in front of her. The voice intones, "#004-X repaired. Analyzing #004-B."
[18:37] * AutumnCrow winces a bit at the pressure, doing breathing excersizes for a bit to prepare herself for the last part.
[18:40] <@Torokasi> The pressure slowly dissipates as Crow waits in the dark stillness, the image in front of Crow the only other object besides the circle. After a time, the voice speaks again, "Damage to #004-B possible to repair. However, estimated difficulty high due to damage to related sections. Rerouting through #004-N in process. Restoration Overcore will provide an image of #004-B's current state as it analyzes situation." [More]
[18:41] <@Torokasi> In front of Crow, suddenly, is... three sets of four lines, each bundled in a near-incomprehensible mess, in the pattern of a triangle - one each of red, green, yellow, and blue in each gnarl. Three white circle are at the points of each corner, and in the center seems to be a glowing black line, unconnected to anything else.
[18:44] <AutumnCrow> " I even do with this? What are those black lines?"
[18:47] <@Torokasi> "The white circles represent communication with other sections of the Overcore. The black lines are for communication between the three sides." The image shimmers, before the topmost gnarl is replaced - yellow, green, and red lines, in the shape of Crow's braid, looping down and toward a lonely blue line hovering near it. "Unfortunately, the other two complicated sections cannot be replaced at this time. Disentangle and send the yellow, red, and green lines in the other two through the white holes." [More]
[18:49] <@Torokasi> "They should then be tied to the blue lines. The blue lines should then be tied to the black line by whatever method needed." The Restoration Overcore almost sounds uncertain at this point. "The black line is resistant to mental influence. Unless necessary, attempt to manipulate the others around it."
[18:54] <AutumnCrow> "...send the lines through the holes...hmm. Can the white holes work like rings? I could try wrapping the lines around the ring for stability before running it to the next ring? Like..." she made a ring with her thumb and forefinger, then ran some of her hair through it, looped around her thumb and back through, "like that?"
[18:56] <@Torokasi> "Uncertain." The voice replies. "If you believe it will work, attempt it."
[19:00] <AutumnCrow> "Right..." Crow takes a deep breath, then nods, "first, seperate the lines..." focusing on the task, she disentangled the red, green and yellow lines first, braiding them together as she did before. Then she focused on wrapping the braids through the white rings, looping around for a more secure connection before running to the next ring. (more)
[19:01] <AutumnCrow> Once the braid was through all three rings, she took the blue line and used it to tie the two ends of the braid together where they met between the first and third rings. Then she ran the blue line down to the black and tied off the other end there.
[19:01] <AutumnCrow> OOC: 1d20+12 is 27. yay 15
[19:06] <@Torokasi> The pressure in Crow's head is immense, various parts seeming to slip and falter as Crow strains to loop and support each line with the braid...! And then, suddenly, Crow is on her knees, but looking up, the image is assembled as Crow was mentally visualizing it, seemingly entirely stable. The voice seems distant, "Repair complete. ...Congratulations, Autumn Crow. Is Autumn Crow well?"
[19:08] <AutumnCrow> "I will be in about an hour I think."
[19:09] <@Torokasi> "Understood. The Restoration Overcore will work on enabling other repairs, but it will take time. A significant majority of Data Overcore functions will now be online. Should the Security Overcore restart the Data Overcore?"
[19:10] <AutumnCrow> "Unless that would make repairs harder, go ahead I suppose."
[19:14] <@Torokasi> "It will not. Goodbye, Autumn Crow. Transferring to Security Overcore..." Reality seems to fade back in, Lilian standing in front of Crow and look into her eyes with concern.
[19:15] <@Torokasi> "This is creepy, Para. Did you suddenly buckle like that?" her voice asks, her eyes flickering over Crow to someone behind her.
[19:16] <AutumnCrow> "Janda," Crow opens with a request before even taking full stock of her situation, "prepare something for a headache, please. A strong one."
[19:16] <@Torokasi> Crow can hear Janda's footsteps rush over as Lilian looks down quickly and kneels next to Crow. "You okay? It didn't burn you out somehow, right?"
[20:02] <AutumnCrow> "No...I'm...alright. Just...something for the headache. Please." Crow let herself lean on Lilian while firmly repeating the request.
[20:03] <@Torokasi> Janda nods and hovers her hands over Crow's skull, the healing magics slowly seeping in as Lilian props Crow up. There is a pause, before, "Security Overcore report: Data Overcore online at 73 percent capacity. Accessing information..."
[20:09] <@Torokasi> Para wanders over to stand in front of Crow and Lilian. "Did you have to fight the Data Overcore...?"
[20:12] <AutumnCrow> "Fight? No." Crow remembers not to shake her head, "It was...weaving, I suppose. Seperating, organizing and tying together strings in the right ways. Only the string didn't want to be moved. Like they were made from iron, and I had to push them with my mind into the right places. While being careful not to damage anything."
[20:13] <@Torokasi> Para looks somewhere between impressed and confused. "You got a weird one. I had to fight Defense."
[20:13] <AutumnCrow> "Well, fighting for Defense and organizing for Data. It makes sense."
[20:14] <@Torokasi> "True." Para tilts his head in exhaustion. "Do you want me to make a map of this place?"
[20:18] <AutumnCrow> "If you can, sure," Crow gently nods. " going to take a nap. Wake me up in about an hour, and make sure we have some water going on the hotstone so I can make dinner. Since we have the time, i'll get a proper stew going."
[20:20] <@Torokasi> "Alright." Lilian nods, as Para nods and heads towards the door. "I'll get the water going, we'll figure out getting a quick map going of our surroundings. Ary and Janda can go with Para, and Solmyr, Mare and myself will cover here. Sound good?"
[20:22] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine. If there's anything hostile, retreat to here so we can all fight it together. It takes me about three seconds to go from sleep to violence if needed so I'll be fine."
[20:25] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Lilian nods. "Rest well. Should I interrogate the Data Overcore for info while you're out, or do you want to be up for that?"
[20:25] <AutumnCrow> "You can handle it, I'm sure." Crow nods with a smile.
[20:28] <@Torokasi> "Alright." Lilian smiles in return, helping Crow down onto her sleeping mat and draping the blanket over. "Rest well."
[20:38] * AutumnCrow nods and rolls over to nap for a bit. Hopefully the headache would be completely gone when she woke up.
[20:40] <@Torokasi> Crow's rest is marked by shifting, changing, colorful lines, looping and knotting and twisting around each other over and over, but despite this it manages to be restful enough. When she wakes, it's to the sound of steaming water nearby, Lilian idly stirring it. The room is empty otherwise, on a glance.
[20:44] * AutumnCrow yawns and stretches, "well I feel much better." Getting up, she does some full body stretches then joins lilian by the hot stone, "alright, lets get this going."
[20:44] * AutumnCrow digs through the supplies until she has what she wants for a simple stew and gets to work. (OOC: takeing 10~)
[20:49] <@Torokasi> It doesn't take long to find good vegetables to pair with the deer meat, Lilian helping with the simple prep work. As they cook, Lilian comments, "We've got more information on the items that they want us to take back."
[20:50] <AutumnCrow> "Alright," Crow lets Lilian handle the cleanup while she does the chopping, "so what is it?"
[20:56] <@Torokasi> "The Data voice calls them 'time-warped fragments'. They apparently have some use in rituals, but the main utility that was found for them was that they can apparently grant people new abilities or perspectives. It sounds complicated, but basically there's a facility to use them here, not too far away. I... didn't honestly recognize the rituals at all. Using them isn't permanent - the process can be reversed, though we'd have to return here to do it if we decided to use them now." Lilian explains. "The Data Core described it as... like, the result of someone taking different actions? Different focal points in life."
[20:57] <AutumnCrow> "...odd." Crow shrugs, not quite sure what to make of that.
[20:59] <@Torokasi> "The main reason they apparently need to be evacuated is that creatures of the Mist become highly aggressive and dangerous if they obtain one, supposed much more intelligent and powerful. Which... is concerning. Definitely shouldn't leave them near town, at the very least." Lilian finishes.
[21:00] <AutumnCrow> "...right, yes let's take them back to the guild. We don't need kobolds getting...." Crow paused, "...more intelligent and aggressive. Ah..." she raises an eyebrow at Lilian after that thouht.
[21:02] <@Torokasi> "Yeah. That was the conclusion I came to as well. If not the bigger kobolds, then maybe their leader got a hold of one. Or two. Or ten." Lilian sighs. "Creating a kobold both strong enough to round them all up and smart enough to do it without killing them."
[21:04] <AutumnCrow> "I certainly hope that dragon didn't get one..."
[21:08] <@Torokasi> "...oh, shit." Lilian blinks. "I didn't think of - that'd explain why it busted the barrier so easily! That's... oh, by Hemda's fires that's an issue we're going to have to bring up."
[21:11] <AutumnCrow> "I'm going to want all of us there for the report this time. I don't think any one of us alone really understands much of this..."
[21:12] <@Torokasi> "Yeah. We're going to want to discuss this. A lot. There could be a ton we're missing somewhere..."
[21:16] <AutumnCrow> "No kidding," Crow sighs as she prepares the stew.
[21:16] <@Torokasi> Solmyr's voice can be heard as he and Mare step back into the room, "Yeah. I'm kinda torn between leaving immediately tomorrow morning after we get the fragments, and exploring further to see if we can get any more info or resources before we go. It's something we need to talk to Adon or Ramedo about, for sure."
[21:21] <@Torokasi> Mare shakes her head, sitting across from where Solmyr is standing. "I'm just concerned that so very little of this is anything we had records about back home..."
[21:21] <AutumnCrow> "That will depend on how we feel in the morning, I think." Crow nods, "And...we'll talk to Ramedo first, but he'll doubtlessly take this up the chain."
[21:26] <@Torokasi> Mare nods. "Agreed. I guess my question is, do we use them, knowing we can get them back later, or take them back even if the Guild doesn't have the facilities? ... I say that, but they may very well have them somewhere." she amends after a moment.
[21:28] <AutumnCrow> "...if someone wants to use one, go ahead." Crow says after a moment, "it's our find, we have priority. However many are left we take back. I have no need of it...what I was raised to be is the only thing I can be," she shrugs, "but if anyone else does, go right ahead."
[21:36] <@Torokasi> Lilian's mouth opens for the briefest of instances, before slamming shut. Neither Mare nor Solmyr seem to notice, the latter shrugging. "I'm kinda curious, I have to admit. We'll see how many there are, at the least. I'd like to take at least one back for analysis." Solmyr states.
[21:36] <@Torokasi> Mare shakes her head. "Not interested right now."
[21:36] <@Torokasi> Lilian pauses, before looking away slightly and shrugging. "...Could be interesting."
[21:38] * AutumnCrow raises an eyebrow at Lilian but doesn't say anything.
[21:39] <@Torokasi> Lilian minutely shakes her head to Crow, but then, "Well, the other three may be interested too. Let's talk to them before we make any decisions, of course."


[16:47] <@Torokasi> The night passes uneventfully within the ruins, the interior air staying dry and relatively warm throughout the night. In the morning, the group finds themselves following one of the orbs of light to an antechamber with a glowing glyph on the ground. Ahead of them, what looks to be a stone-hewed storage chest rests in the middle of the room, hovering about a foot off the ground. (More)
[16:49] <@Torokasi> Once Ary and Solmyr enter, idly quietly chatting, the door softly closes behind them and an unfamiliar Overcore can be heard. "This is the Time Fragment storage chamber. To access, please enter the center of the entry chamber for a brief analysis."
[16:52] <AutumnCrow> "I suppose I'll go first," Crow shrugs and walks into the center of the entry chamber.
[16:58] <@Torokasi> Crow enters, and the glyph seems to hum, before the voice continues calmly, "Compatibility rating with current Time Fragments 02.64%. Use of TF-A variant Time Fragments severely discouraged. Next?"
[16:58] <@Torokasi> Lilian blinks. "What's... the usual compatibility?"
[16:58] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. Somehow I'm not surprised," Crow snaps out a fan to fan herself while stepping away from the center.
[16:59] <@Torokasi> "The average is 41.04% with a standard deviation of 9.18%." The voice replies, coolly. "Next?"
[17:00] * AutumnCrow chuckles.
[17:00] <@Torokasi> Lilian shrugs a bit. "Not sure what that means, entirely, but okay?" With that, she enters the circle. From her position, Crow can see the glyph flashing a multitude of colors, lights seeming to shift rapidly as the hum occurs.
[17:02] <@Torokasi> After a moment, it blinks out, and the voice speaks, "Compatibility 26.57%. Next?"
[17:02] <AutumnCrow> "Well, let's see if my guesses on compatibility will be right..."
[17:03] <AutumnCrow> "Can you explain exactly what these time fragments are, Overcore?"
[17:06] <@Torokasi> The Overcore, which seems to be the Data Overcore, replies, "Exact information is not known, as these were only discovered about 50 years before the Mist. However, they seem to enable the possessor to utilize the decisions made in other timelines, and the knowledge gained. There are many such fragments, and multiple varieties of them. A-type fragments are the most common, and what we possessed at this facility for study." (More)
[17:08] <@Torokasi> "Not all fragments grant useful knowledge, and while there is no difference between A-type fragments, the timelines accessed by each person are different. No two people seem to access the same alternate timeline." The voice continues. "As such, we had no success in attempting to communicate with other timelines or over vast distances using these tools. The fact that they access alternate timelines is thusly a curiousity and nothing more, but the power they can possibly grant to people with compatibility is notable."
[17:11] <@Torokasi> "...mind speaking plainly?" Ary manages to get out.
[17:12] <@Torokasi> The voice pauses for a moment. "...Time Fragments are a good thing if you want them."
[17:12] <@Torokasi> Lilian snorts as she joins Crow on the sides. "Let's just get you guys through here, alright?"
[17:13] * AutumnCrow snickers, "I'm not sure how much I believe in alternate timelines, but as the magical dream princess over here I don't have much room to be skeptical."
[17:15] <@Torokasi> "It is possible that it is entirely a mental effect, but there are a few data points that argue otherwise." The Data Overcore replies as Solmyr steps into the circle. After the brief fanfare, "Compatibility 54.37%."
[17:19] <@Torokasi> The other four slowly filter their way over the glyph as well, the voice chiming in after each one. Ary: "Compatibility 49.44." Para: "Compatibility 32.44%." Mare: "Compatibility 69.12%."
[17:20] <@Torokasi> At Janda, the glyph flashes, then, "Compatibility 92.71%. High compatibility with TF-A fragments and minimal risk."
[17:22] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm, only about half right. Clearly my intuitive understanding of alternate timelines is lacking," Crow deadpans while fanning herself.
[17:24] <@Torokasi> Lilian chuckles a touch awkwardly, before, "...So is there risk for any of us to use these besides Crow? And do we know what constitutes 'compatibility' here?"
[17:26] <@Torokasi> "Compatibility is a measure of two things; the estimated amount someone could learn from the TF-A fragment, and the similarity in mindset to the other self connected by the TF-A mindset. Risk comes from if neither are high. In Lilian Wardingrow's case, there is a estimated great amount that could be learned, but the other self could be rather different in mindset. In Janda Lestrad's case, the number of possibilities are immense, yet the mindsets are all still rather similar."
[17:27] <AutumnCrow> "And in my case, there is nothing else I could have become. My life was decided for me the moment I was born," Crow nods, "my only other option was running away. Which would put my mind at such immense odds with the mind of the other self that there would be nothing in common."
[17:28] <@Torokasi> Janda blinks. "Wait, what? So you're saying there's... a lot of other things I could have become...? Like a druid, I could actually have managed that?"
[17:28] <AutumnCrow> "You could have become a full preistess of the Weeping Lady as well, I'm sure."
[17:28] <@Torokasi> Ary shakes his head. "Wait, back the fuck up. So you can tell all this... how?!"
[17:30] <@Torokasi> "The Data Overcore and Thaumaturgy Overcore have access to a Time Fragment installed directly into a shared loop. This, combined with a psionic interface, allows us to gain a mental glimpse of each of you and make estimates based on this." The Data Overcore speaks.
[17:31] <AutumnCrow> "...that must have been the black line. The thing I couldn't budge in the repair process."
[17:31] <@Torokasi> "That was one of the connectors to the TF-A installed in our system, yes." The Data Overcore nods.
[17:33] <@Torokasi> "...If it'd be relatively safe, I'd like to see what one of these Time Fragments can show me. Can we go retrieve them now?" Lilian asks, glancing to Crow and then to the rest of the group.
[17:34] <AutumnCrow> "I have no objections. This is our find, any of you who want to use them have first rights before we take anything else back to the guild."
[17:35] <@Torokasi> "I'm good with that." Mare shakes her head. "This being said... I'm still not interested. To be honest, I suspect I know some of the differences it'd show, and I don't care about knowing them. So it's between you five."
[17:36] <AutumnCrow> "I had guessed you would be in the same boat as me, due to your family," Crow nods to Mare, "though maybe not THAT low. But of course I still don't know you that well, so I'm not surprised at being wrong."
[17:36] <@Torokasi> Janda nods slightly. "I'm definitely interested now. I'd like to know what else I could have done... I mean, it makes sense! But I feel like I had to fight for something, anything outside of my family's realm, and... if that other me didn't give up either, I'd like to know what they chose."
[17:37] <@Torokasi> Mare glances at Crow with a wry nod. "The difference being, I think, that you overall were okay with your path. I wasn't, for a long while. In other words, I'm a 'you' that ran, in my own way?"
[17:38] <@Torokasi> "Granted, my family is all psychopaths while yours isn't. That's a good motivator right there." Mare finishes.
[17:39] <AutumnCrow> "High tensile personalities, certainly. But I don't think any of us are actual psychopaths. Even mother is just...difficult, not actually ill intentioned."
[17:40] <@Torokasi> The group slowly filters into the main chamber, where the stone chest slowly lands with a thud, its lid creaking up and open. Mare nods. "Yeah. Whereas... ill intentioned is probably the kindest I could be, if talking about my family."
[17:42] <@Torokasi> Inside the chest are five... what look like points of reddish-white light, glowing softly. Behind the chest, there is another glyph, this one larger and much more ornate. "The Security Overcore requests all five either be used or moved out of this facility. To use them, please take one and step into the larger thaumaturgical circle. If you would like to remove one in the future, please notify us and step into the circle again. TF-A takes between 24 and 72 hours to operate. If temporal displacements occur, please see a trained TF-focused medic immediately."
[17:42] <AutumnCrow> "That's unfortunate," Crow gave an honestly sympathetic smile.
[17:43] <AutumnCrow> "...we don't have any TF-focused medics, overcore."
[17:43] <@Torokasi> "I'm free now, at least. And my sister's fine with me not sticking around so I can't say as that I'm complaining." Mare nods.
[17:43] <AutumnCrow> "And what do you mean by temporal displacement?"
[17:46] <@Torokasi> "Temporal displacements are the mental state in which the possessor is incapable of mentally perceiving this reality, as opposed to the one that the TF-A grants access to in part. Such side effects are exceedingly unlikely but may happen after the time period elapses. Most last only one to three hours, but caution recommends it be checked. A psionic or magical healer will suffice in the place of a TF-focused medic; standard treatment is simply to let the person rest and perform no strenuous activity until the episode passes."
[17:46] <@Torokasi> "Should an episode last longer than four hours, please contact a trained sixth-circle or higher medic or psionicist immediately."
[17:48] <AutumnCrow> "...I see."
[17:49] <@Torokasi> "...How unlikely?" Lilian asks.
[17:49] <@Torokasi> "Estimated 1 in 10,000 people experience such side effects." The Data Overcore replies.
[17:50] <@Torokasi> Ary shrugs. "... I think it's still worth the risk. And if Crow and Mare both don't want to try these things, that's five and five of us, so one each."
[17:50] <@Torokasi> Para shakes his head. "Four of you. 'm not interested."
[17:51] <AutumnCrow> "Well that will be one for the guild to study, then."
[17:52] <@Torokasi> Mare glances to Para, curiously, but nods to Crow's statement and seems to let the matter drop. Ary, Solmyr, Lilian and Janda each take one, with Ary taking the final one after a moment. "We can't use more than one, right? Or could we feasibly have, like, Janda take all five due to her high compatibility?"
[17:53] <@Torokasi> The Data Overcore is silent, before, "At your current mental preparedness levels, one is the safest maximum. We will continue analysis on this front if you return again to use or analyze other time fragments."
[17:54] <@Torokasi> "Got it. And, uh, can Crow even touch these?" Ary replies, glancing to Crow. "She'd be probably our safest person to carry a spare..."
[17:55] * AutumnCrow produces a small bag she uses to gather cooking ingrediants in that is currently empty, "I'm sure cloth can touch them just fine."
[17:55] <@Torokasi> "Unless ingested or inserted physically or magically, the TF-A are inert. Other TF-fragments may not be." The Data Overcore replies. "Cloth will also work as a carrying receptacle."
[17:59] * AutumnCrow puts the remaining fragment in the bag and tucks it back into her things.
[17:59] <@Torokasi> The other four step into the circle, each holding one of the temporal fragments...
[18:05] <@Torokasi> The circle flashes, and each is bathed in white light in turn, Janda's seeming to last the longest, before the four temporal fragments seem to... simply vanish. "TF-A synchronization established. ...The Security Overcore thanks you for seeing these pieces back to your city."
[18:07] <AutumnCrow> "I'm sure they'll provide many hours of facinating study to whatever mage gets ahold of them, but they will be safe from the mist."
[18:08] <@Torokasi> "Understood." The Data Overcore nods. "I lack the connection to the data vaults, but that will require future exploration and repair. Safeguarding these takes priority."
[18:08] <@Torokasi> Solmyr sighs. "So... Para, you're feeling better, right?"
[18:09] <@Torokasi> Para winces slightly. "I'm okay. Mind still feels raw, but I can fight."
[18:11] <AutumnCrow> "I'm feeling fine, so if something happens you can leave the heavy combat to me."
[18:12] <@Torokasi> Para nods slightly. "I shouldn't use my psionics. Otherwise, I can chip in."
[18:23] <@Torokasi> "Is there... anything else anyone can think of to do here?" Lilian asks. "Or should we just head back home and report in?"
[18:28] <AutumnCrow> "We should probablty just report back, we didn't bring supplies for a more lengthy investigation." Crow notes, then asks, "Security Overcore, other members of the Kerebos Guild may come out to investigate the facility, I will tell them to identify themselves as members of the guild, so please don't try to kill them with animated armor and dust swirls or anything like that."
[18:32] <@Torokasi> The Security Overcore's voice is heard, "Defense Overcore now functions proper. Kerebos Guild members permitted access. Autumn Crow is leader of this expeditionary party?"
[18:33] <@Torokasi> "Yes." Solmyr, Janda, Lilian, and Ary all chime in simultaneously, with Para visibly nodding. Mare chuckles a bit at this but nods as well
[18:33] <AutumnCrow> "Of this group, yes. This is the Manifold team, an M1 group from the kerebos guild. Which is the lowest rank, as a note. We're still new at this."
[18:36] <@Torokasi> "Observation noted. Autumn Crow is designated commander of this military base, name 'Adrev-su-Naire.'. Control may pass at Autumn Crow discretion." The voice replies.
[18:36] <@Torokasi> "...Ad... Adrevzunare?" Solmyr tries, before, "Can we call this place something else, seriously? That's a nightmare to remember."
[18:37] <@Torokasi> "Facility rename permitted if desired." The voice replies.
[18:39] <AutumnCrow> "Well, renaming is your idea Solmyr, go right ahead."
[18:42] <Torokasi> "Uhhhhh." Solmyr mutters, trailing off. "Lemme..."
[18:43] <Torokasi> "Name 'Uhlemi' accepted. Confirm, Autumn Crow?" The Security Overcore states calmly, both Lilian and Mare beginning to cackle madly at this.
[18:44] <AutumnCrow> "How did I know that was going to happen?" Crow sighs, then smiles at Solmyr, "confirm. I'm sure we will have no problem remembering that name...nor the circumstances around it."
[18:45] <Torokasi> "Damnit, Crow!" Solmyr blurts out as the rest of the group breaks out laughing. "I- okay, fine, whatever, yeah, we're not forgetting that one. Damnit."
[18:48] <AutumnCrow> "Well, shall we be off? Lets take one more look through that storage room I found the scarf in to see if there's anything else useful, then head out."
[18:52] <Torokasi> "Alright." Lilian nods, as the light reforms at the doorway to lead the group off. The group finally makes it to the stairwell, Para heading down with Crow to search the room... OOC: Search check.
[18:54] <AutumnCrow> OOC: 1d20+3, Crow is Aid Anothering para's search. 1d20=12, 15 total. Aid successful
[18:54] <AutumnCrow> OOC: 1d20+5+2, Para's search with Aid. 1d20=18, 25 total. He is good at find thing.
[19:02] <Torokasi> The two sift through the room methodically and quickly, the search rather easy - unfortunately, most of the boxes have nothing in them, or more rocks of various sorts that Para doesn't seem impressed by. Near the end, however, he pulls out a scroll case and a small bag from behind one of the boxes. "These both have something in them."
[19:04] * AutumnCrow opens the bag to see what's inside, assuming the scroll case will have soemthing the mages will need to identify.
[19:06] <Torokasi> In the bag is a piece of parchment and what seems like some tarnished jewelry, wrapped in a soft fabric. The parchment has text that Crow can't read on it on one end, and a strange symbol on the other side.
[19:07] * AutumnCrow tucks it back into the bag and heads out, "well, I'm sure some magic can make sense of the writing."
[19:14] <Torokasi> "Written text may scan at Core Room for translation." The Security Overcore replies.
[19:44] <AutumnCrow> "Or that, I suppose."
[19:46] <Torokasi> Para shrugs. "Worth checking. Don't think anything else is in here."
[19:52] <Torokasi> The group moves back to the Core Room for a moment on their way out, getting the paper translated by placing it in one of the circles. After a brief flash, the Data Overcore states, "A decent translation would be 'I will always love you, my dearest pinched flower. If the Barrier falls, take these and  run as fast as you can. Sell them and start anew."
[19:54] <AutumnCrow> "I see," Crow shrugs, "Well whoever they were for doesn't need them now."
[19:56] <Torokasi> "Th- that's so sad..." Janda sniffles slightly.
[19:57] <Torokasi> Lilian nods. "Aye, sad, but Crow's right. Might as well pass them onward. ...pinched flower?"
[19:57] <Torokasi> The Data Overcore does the audible equivalent of a shrug. "We lack a better available translation."
[20:15] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine." Crow hands the scrollcase to Lilian, "any idea what's in here? I figured I would just let one of you mage types look at it."
[20:19] <Torokasi> Lilian opens it up, but as she takes the scroll out, Mare glances between the two. "...wait, it's the box that's magical, not the scroll. The scroll have anything on it, Lil?"
[20:20] <Torokasi> Lilian checks. ", it's blank, it looks like. Disappointing, but if the box has some form of enchantment on it we may as well take it with us."
[20:24] <AutumnCrow> "How odd. Well, let's take them." Crow shrugs, then looks around, "...I think that's all. I'm not really feeling up to investigating that odd roar, and since security is up and running again it's probably safe to leave it."
[20:26] <Torokasi> "Got it." Ary nods. "Uhlemi will just have to stay safe until we or others get back."
[20:30] <Torokasi> Janda and Mare giggle a bit at this, Solmyr just rolling his eyes. After a moment, Solmyr replies. "Right. Well, let's head back on up to the surface, then, and see what the Mist conditions are like up there."
[20:33] <AutumnCrow> "Alright. Overcore, please direct us to the exit."
[20:34] <Torokasi> "Understood." The light appears at the doorway again to guide the group out...
[20:49] <Torokasi> The path the light takes is not entirely familiar, looping through various passages for a while before going down a wide, relatively well-lit stone corridor. As they pass through, the group can see the suits of armor and green vortexes in niches, simply waiting there. After a short ways, the group reaches a large doorway. "Through door is Mist Purification circle. Exit via this route. Formal route still buried." The Security Overcore intones
[20:52] <AutumnCrow> "Alright. Para, once we're back out on that side, make sure to draw the manifold symbol on something."
[20:54] <Torokasi> Para nods solemnly as the group begins to move toward the door... but then Para hesitates, glancing at one of the niches. "What's in that one?" The corner Para points at looks like the rest of them, except instead of a vortex or armor, it looks... empty? OOC: Notice check.
[20:56] <AutumnCrow> OOC: Crow gets a 6, Para gets an 18, Ary gets a 5, You roll for the girls.
[20:57] * AutumnCrow shrugs, "...I don't see anything," then she walks over to investigate the niche, since Para's eyes are better than hers, it's no surprise he sees something she doesn't.
[21:00] <Torokasi> Mare and Janda both frown, but Lilian and Para seem to both spot it, heads tilting as they come with Crow. After a moment, the Security Overcore replies. "A powerful defense living magic. From suggestion and camouflage it was made."
[21:02] <Torokasi> "...Is this how you got Para down here?" Lilian asks, as Para frowns deeply.
[21:04] <Torokasi> "A group lured and pushed him down. The Thaumaturgy Overcore was able to act through them." The Security Overcore replies.
[21:05] <AutumnCrow> "If you need help like that again, try asking first before resorting to that." Crow states, assuming that now that she's the 'commander' it will listen to her.
[21:08] <Torokasi> "Understood." The Security Overcore replies. "For now Uhlemi is stable."
[21:13] <Torokasi> "Right. Let's... let's just go outside." Solmyr shakes his head. "I'm not entirely comfortable with being around... those, not right now. Too tired for this."
[21:14] <AutumnCrow> "Alright." Crow nods, then leads the way out.


[16:23] <@Torokasi> Manifold emerges the way they came, the Mist still very light in the winding forest of giant trees. The group seems to pause as one, scoping out the area, before Solmyr exhales loudly. "Okay. Home again. Para draw that symbol on something solid out here so we can bail, alright?"
[16:24] <@Torokasi> Para nods, glancing around quickly before wandering over to a large, thick root jutting up from the soil and drawing it carefully three times along its length. "In case it breaks somehow."
[16:25] <AutumnCrow> "Sometimes redundancy is in fact a virtue," Crow nods, "Ary, Solmyr, you have point for now. Let's hope the compasses work properly this time."
[16:26] <@Torokasi> "Yeah." Solmyr nods, compass out as the group makes time through the woods...
[16:28] <@Torokasi> The trip is relatively quiet for the first hour or so, the forest alive with the sounds of animals but otherwise pleasantly normal. Para seems to be on edge as the group keeps moving, but the further away the group moves from Uhlemi, the more calm he seems to be, even laughing at one or two of Solmyr's bad jokes or Ary or Janda's retorts. <More>
[16:30] <@Torokasi> After the second hour, however, Solmyr glances at Ary's compass. "Mine seems to be malfunctioning again." he says at a moment, head tilting over to look at Crow. "It's going... a slight bit more south, looking at where the sun's pointing? Nothing major in directional issues, but I'll keep an eye on it."
[16:31] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. Para, check yours?"
[16:32] <@Torokasi> Para unfurls his, glancing between Ary's and Solmyr's. "Ary's." Para replies simply. "That one's right."
[16:32] <@Torokasi> Lilian pauses. "... Hey, Crow. Can we actually follow Solmyr's compass for a bit?"
[16:32] * AutumnCrow raises an eyebrow, "Do you have an idea what it's pointing at?"
[16:34] <@Torokasi> "No, but... call it gambler's intuition? I mean. Solmyr's compass seems to be malfunctioning in the direction of Interesting." Lilian explains. "And we're not near where we ran into the chimera, so it's not likely that. If it seems to be, we abort, sure, but..."
[16:35] <AutumnCrow> "Hmm. Any objections to looking into it?" Crow looks around the group for input.
[16:38] <@Torokasi> Ary sighs after a moment. "I don't mind trying to check it out, but we're not doing another day long dive into ruins or something right now, if that's alright."
[16:39] <AutumnCrow> "If it looks to be anything like that, we'll mark it and either come back later or sell the information to another group." Crow nods.
[16:40] <@Torokasi> "Sounds good." Lilian nods, shrugging. "For all we know this could be it genuinely malfunctioning, honestly, but I'm curious. Lead on, Solmyr?"
[16:40] <@Torokasi> Solmyr grunts. "Sure, why not..."
[16:44] <@Torokasi> The group shifts direction slightly toward the path the pendant indicates, traveling about thirty minutes before the group hears a faint rumble. Solmyr's ear picks up as he looks west. "Thunderstorm coming in, looks like. Everyone ready for a bit of rain?"
[16:44] <AutumnCrow> "Can't say I like getting rained on, but it drives the mist down and I'll welcome that at least." Crow sighs but nods.
[16:45] <@Torokasi> "Woo. Rain." Janda replies in a deadpan tone, raising the hood on her cloak. "At least it's gonna be warm rain."
[16:46] <@Torokasi> Ary looks over at Janda with a half-grin. "We'll make a snarker out of you yet, Janda."
[16:46] <@Torokasi> "Woo. Snark."
[16:48] <@Torokasi> Mare exhales. "Let's... just check this out. We still going the right direction, Solmyr?"
[16:48] <@Torokasi> "Yeah, basically. We're still on path for the way home, really - this is probably like at most an hour out of our way or so? And we can possible make that up anyway." Solmyr shakes his head, following the compass.
[16:51] <@Torokasi> The group keeps traveling, the air quickly growing dense with humidity as they press on. The thunder continues to rumble and shake the trees... OOC: Spot check for Ary and Solmyr, please.
[16:52] <AutumnCrow> OOC: Ary gets a 7. Solmyr gets a 16
[16:57] <@Torokasi> The first rains begin to fall as Solmyr's compass twitches wildly in front of him. Ary glances curiously as he keeps walking... before being pulled abruptly back by Solmyr. "Shit! Everyone, combat ready!" In front of Solmyr and Ary, a strand loosely sticking to Ary's armor, is a massive web of silk... OOC: Initiative. I'll handle Janda, Mare and Lilian. Janda's bonus is up.
[16:59] <AutumnCrow> OOC: Crow's init - 19.
[16:59] <AutumnCrow> OOC: Ary's init - 26.
[16:59] <AutumnCrow> OOC: Para's init - 21
[17:00] <AutumnCrow> OOC: Solmyr's init - 22
[17:00] <@Torokasi> Janda's init - 27
[17:00] <@Torokasi> OOC: Lilian's init: 15
[17:00] <@Torokasi> OOC: Mare's init: 15
[17:02] * Retrieving #mistgame modes...
[17:04] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Janda > Ary > Spider! 1 > Solmyr > Para > Giant Spider! 1 > Spider! 3 >  Crow > Spider! 2 > Mare > Lilian > Giant Spider! 2'
[17:05] <@Torokasi> Janda's fingers immediately begin working, the music working to invigorate the group...! Ary growls. "Wait, what the hell is this shit? Spider webs?"
[17:08] <@Torokasi> Solmyr nods, hand ready. "I dunno where they're at, but they're here somewhere! Be careful!" OOC: Ary can hold his action, spiders aren't visible/in range yet. I can't think of anything he'd do otherwise?
[17:09] <AutumnCrow> OOC: Ary will take a step back and ready an action to slash at any spider that appears/enters his threat range.
[17:10] <@Torokasi> OOC: Alright.
[17:12] <@Torokasi> Just as Ary steps back, a giant, black-haired spider, mandibles dripping, drops from the canopy at Solmyr...! OOC: Ary stepping back basically puts him right in position to slice at it, if he'd like to try.
[17:14] <AutumnCrow> Ary's katana comes out in a flash at the first sighting of a hostile, a fast attack designed to take the opponent's measure or force it to give ground instead of a true power blow. (OOC: Oh yeah, he'll attack. No PA, roll 1d20+10 comes out as 18. 10 damage if that hits)
[17:15] <@Torokasi> The katana slices through the abdomen of the critter, dealing severe damage, but it seems to still have the strength to lunge at Solmyr's neck!
[17:15] <@Torokasi> roll 1d20+4 spiderbite
[17:17] <@Torokasi> The spider sinks its poisonous bite through Solmyr's leather armor, Solmyr yelping in pain! OOC: Fort save for Solmyr, please
[17:18] <AutumnCrow> OOC: Solmyr Fort - 22
[17:19] <@Torokasi> Solmyr manages to shake it off, rubbing his shoulder where the spider bit through! Glancing up, Solmyr and the rest can see at least four more spiders, two of them bigger than the rest, ready to descend upon them! OOC: Solmyr
[17:21] <AutumnCrow> Solmyr steps away from the dangling spider, then angles his hands up and lets a stream of fire fly...not at the spiders directly but at thier webs, hoping to burn up a terrain advantage the opponents might have! (OOC: 5ft step away from spider, burning hands towards the webbing. Webs usually burn up reaaaaaaaal fast, so he's hoping the fire will spread along them quick. And the oncoming storm
[17:21] <AutumnCrow> should prevent any forest fire collateral damage!)
[17:26] <@Torokasi> Solmyr's burst catches the center of the web, the web suddenly sagging as important connecting strands are disconnected and set alight, the spiders panicking...! One of the giant spiders, closest to the center, seems to leap for the connecting webs but not fast enough, landing on the ground nearby Crow with a sickly thud! Its body alone is bigger than even Ary, Crow notices, and its legs are massive...!
[17:28] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Janda > Ary > Spider! 1 (1/11) > Solmyr (31/33) > Para > Giant Spider! 1 (6 damage taken) > Spider! 3 >  Crow > Spider! 2 > Mare > Lilian > Giant Spider! 2'
[17:29] <@Torokasi> OOC: Para's action
[17:31] <AutumnCrow> Para takes aim at the spider menacing Ary to finish it off so the big guy can go take on the big spider. (OOC: rapid shots. Shot 1 - 17. 8 damage. SHot 2 - 9. Not rolling damage)
[17:34] <@Torokasi> The first arrow pierces through the spider, finishing it off! OOC: Giant spider's turn.
[17:37] <@Torokasi> The spider seems to pause for a brief second, one of its legs seemingly not bending right, before trying to lunge at Crow! OOC: What weapon did/does Crow have out when Solmyr raised alarm? It doesn't have reach, so
[17:38] <AutumnCrow> OOC: I dont' have Combat Reflexes yet, so I'm still flat footed and can't make an AoO until my initiative count. Right now she has no weapon drawn.
[17:39] <@Torokasi> OOC: Right. Sorry, still getting back in the flow here.
[17:40] <@Torokasi> The spider's lunge is, however, still easily dodged by Crow, who spins back out of range! Another spider frantically drops out of the burning nest toward Mare!
[17:42] <@Torokasi> Mare barely needs to move, however, as the spider's drop fails to get it close enough for the lunge to connect. OOC: Crow.
[17:47] <AutumnCrow> Edging back from her sway, Crow lets her brand new scarf come loose as she snaps it out with a fast whip-crack towards the big spider...then brings it back around with a rising vertical slash on the rebound from the snap, flames engulfing the scarf as it moves!(OOC: 5ft step back, quick draw scarf, Flurry of Blows + Burning Blade. Attack 1 - 20. Damage: 10 phys, 5 fire. Attack 2 - 16. Damage
[17:47] <AutumnCrow> 11 phys, 5 fire.)
[17:51] <@Torokasi> The first lash out flows with an unnatural grace, the flames and force slamming into the spider's leg and driving it back into its body! As it tries to recover, the second lash lands, cracking its body with a sick thud, the spider collapsing into a burning heap!
[17:52] <@Torokasi> Another panicking spider drops onto Solmyr's back, attempting to frantically bite him!
[17:53] * AutumnCrow flicks her eyes back, "Lil, protect Janda. We'll need poison treatments in a bit I'm sure."
[17:53] <@Torokasi> Its fangs sink into his arm, Solmyr yelling as he throws it off! Lilian nods to Crow, "Got it." as Janda glances worriedly at Solmyr... OOC: Another fort save for poor Solmyr
[17:54] <AutumnCrow> OOC: Solmyr Fort save - 16
[17:56] <@Torokasi> Solmyr rubs his arm again, seemingly pained but not yet down for the count...
[17:56] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Janda > Ary > Solmyr (25/33) > Para > Spider! 3 >  Crow > Spider! 2 > Mare > Lilian > Giant Spider! 2'
[17:57] <@Torokasi> Mare glances up to the giant spider still in the canopy, before raising her hand and shooting a burst of sickly grey energy at it!
[18:01] <@Torokasi> But the blast curves wide, shooting up and through the canopy, accompanied by Mare's cursing! Lilian glances up as well, holding her action... OOC: Lilian thinks you guys have this in hand, so she's not even trying to help with spell support.
[18:03] <@Torokasi> The second giant spider scuttles at the edge of the burning web, before leaping off and toward Crow...! OOC: It's passing through air squares you can AoO for.
[18:04] <AutumnCrow> OOC: AoO hits a 15. Burning blade still in effect. 7 physical, 7 fire if that hits.
[18:05] <@Torokasi> The scarf catches one of the spider's legs, Crow's lash throwing it off target as it flies past Crow, leg burned badly!
[18:05] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Janda > Ary > Solmyr (25/33) > Para > Spider! 3 >  Crow > Spider! 2 > Mare > Lilian > Giant Spider! 2 (14 taken)'
[18:06] <@Torokasi> Janda continues her song... OOC: Ary. He can get to either spider but doesn't have a straight line for a charge on either.
[18:08] <AutumnCrow> Ary steps in towards the spider menacing Solmyr since he can see that Crow has the large one under control. Taking stock, he lashes out with a heavy power strike to just bisect the pest in one blow. (OOC: Punishing Stance, 2H grip on blade, PA for 2. Attack - 14. Damage 18.)
[18:09] <@Torokasi> The spider's slashed in twain with ease, Ary snorting a bit as he glances back over to Crow and her second target... OOC: Solmyr. Crow does seem to have big spider 2 in hand.
[18:10] <AutumnCrow> Solmyr doesn't want to waste magic if he doesn't have to, and gets a spell ready just in case the spider manages to retreat. Doesn't want it getting away either. (OOC: Ready an action to magic missile if the spider tries to retreat)
[18:12] <@Torokasi> OOC: Okay. Para's turn.
[18:13] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Janda > Ary > Solmyr (25/33) > Para > Spider! 3 >  Crow > Mare > Lilian > Giant Spider! 2 (14 taken)'
[18:16] <AutumnCrow> Para gives Marion a warning to step back, then takes a couple of arrows and lobs them at the spider trying to bite her. (OOC: Rapid shot as usual. ...shot 1 - 11. shot 2 - 12. Even with PBS and Janda's bonus. what the fluck. Damages are 8 and 6 if spider AC is somehow just that terrible)
[18:19] <@Torokasi> The two arrows land between the spider's legs, the spider chittering angrily as it lunges at Mare again!
[18:19] <@Torokasi> But this time it trips on one of Para's arrows and falls over, somewhat comedically. OOC: Crow.
[18:22] <AutumnCrow> "I've never heard of spiders this graceless..." Crow wonders aloud as she slashes out with her scarf again and again at the large spider, barely paying attention to the fight and letting her muscle memory handle things, "are they somehow sick or mistmad?" (OOC: Flurry of Scarfs. Attack 1 - 23. 12 damage. Attack 2 - 14. 10 damage)
[18:27] <@Torokasi> "They may be panicked by the fire..." Lilian muses as the giant spider crumples under Crow's sustained assault! "Or they're hungry and desperate?"
[18:27] <@Torokasi> Mare shrugs and aims another blast of eldritch energy, this time at the small spider tormenting her. "Whatever. Let's just off these things."
[18:28] <@Torokasi> The spider is hit square on, shivering feebly as the blast sinks in!
[18:28] * Torokasi changes topic to 'Janda > Ary > Solmyr (25/33) > Para > Spider! 3 (3/11) >  Crow > Mare > Lilian'
[18:29] <@Torokasi> OOC: We can skip to Ary, I think, and he or solmyr or para or crow can wrap this up probably :V
[18:30] <AutumnCrow> Ary darts over and skewers the small spider on his katana with a thrust to the midsection!(OOC: Attack - 21. Damage - some whole bunch)
[18:32] <@Torokasi> The spider is thusly skewered, Janda wincing. "Clean that off somewhere else, please." OOC: Free act.
[18:34] <AutumnCrow> "Janda, see to Solmyr's bites." Crow instructs, then proceeds to try and look up in the trees to make sure there aren't any MORE spiders hiding up there...
[18:46] <@Torokasi> Crow can't see anything foolish enough to tangle with the group, offhand. Any others up there have decidedly fled, from the fires or from the group. Janda quickly tends to Solmyr's bites, healing him up with a brief chanted prayer. "I can only delay any poisons that may be affecting him, but it should be enough to get us near a resting point. From there we can determine how bad it is."
[18:49] <AutumnCrow> "Alright. Para, you have point with Ary now. Find us somewhere secure to kill an hour or so to give Janda time to work." Crow nods and winds her scarf back around her waist.
[18:55] <@Torokasi> "We can probably go for four hours before the poison, if any, kicks in for Solmyr." Janda replies, finishing her chant. "The spell's pretty potent."
[18:56] <@Torokasi> Lilian walks over to Solmyr, who picks up the compass and walks around for a quick moment. "Hold on just one second, Crow; I'd like to check something." Lilian replies. "Para, Mare, could you cover me?"
[18:57] <@Torokasi> Para shrugs, Mare glancing at her. "What are you even doing?"
[19:01] <@Torokasi> "The compass is freaking out right where Solmyr's standing, right near this tree." Lilian responds. "I'm gonna climb up it to see if there's anything of note on the higher branches, if that's alright. Make this entire damn spider trip not a disaster sort of thing."
[19:03] <AutumnCrow> "Alright," Crow nods, "shout if you see more spiders and get down as fast as you can."
[19:07] <@Torokasi> "Got it." Lilian nods, chanting a quick spell as her hands gain a white layer over them. Facing the wall, Lilian climbs up quickly, making solid time. She seems to pass one branch over quickly, climbing higher than the burning web, before, "Oh, wow. Some poor sap got caught by these things. A yeek, maybe?" She's up near another branch over Solmyr's head, examining a bundle of webbing on the branch.
[19:11] <@Torokasi> After a moment, she gets up onto the branch, then begins climbing back down, something in hand. "It had something magical on it, and, uh..." she says as she climbs down.
[19:12] <AutumnCrow> "Well, it doesn't need it anymore," Crow says practically. "What is it?"
[19:14] <@Torokasi> The group crowds around Lilian as she reaches the bottom, Lilian glancing to her hand. In it is a stone pendant, made out of what looks like jade with a leather string, and... a piece of fabric, with a drawing on it. Ary gives voice to the group's confusion. "Wait, that's the symbol we chose. Manifold's symbol."
[19:17] <AutumnCrow> "....I...see. I wonder what else the symbol means? I...sincerely doubt this was actually meant to be for us." Crow is frankly perplexed.
[19:18] <@Torokasi> "It can't have been for us. ...And the symbol's a bit different, isn't it? There's something in the center, like a splotch of yellow." Janda points out. "That looks intentional. And how did Solmyr's compass find it?"
[19:25] <@Torokasi> Solmyr frowns. "I have no clue. I've been thinking of home this entire time, even going in this direction."
[19:27] <@Torokasi> Mare shakes her head. "This is just befuddling. Maybe you shouldn't get that compass repaired, Solmyr?"
[19:27] <AutumnCrow> "This gives us something to research when we get back, I suppose. What else our symbol is used for, and...well, exactly what's wrong with Solmyr's compass."
[19:30] <@Torokasi> "Right. Okay, let's focus on getting home and dry!" Lilian nods with a somewhat awkward cheerfulness as the group prepares to move on...
[19:35] <@Torokasi> The group makes solid through the forest, over and under the giant roots as the rain continues, a steady, warm drizzle that still seems to dampen conversation. The sky rumbles, but lightning never seems to come. After what seems like a long time of quiet walking, Para vetoing a lot of underwhelming rest spots... OOC: Solmyr, two fort checks.
[19:36] <AutumnCrow> OOC: is he getting any kind of bonus from Janda? We were supposed to stop somewhere so she could check him over, maybe make Heal checks or something to help against the poison
[19:37] <@Torokasi> OOC: I was going to factor that in, but yeah, he's got a bonus to the checks since the wound got cleaned out and tended to before the group started marching
[19:38] <AutumnCrow> OOC: Fort saves are 12 and 20
[19:40] <@Torokasi> Solmyr shakes his head after a bit. "It's been more than four hours, hasn't it? I'm feeling fine right now."
[19:42] <@Torokasi> Janda moves to check him over as the group stops briefly. "...yeah, it looks like the bites got cleaned out fast enough. Phew, good..." Janda shakes her head. "It's still getting a bit late. Let's try to find that stop pretty soon, alright, Para?"
[20:02] <@Torokasi> Para nods simply. "The last ones have been too flimsy."
[20:06] <AutumnCrow> "Thankfully I don't need a fire to cook...I'll just have to do it in a tent or the food will get drenched."
[20:09] <@Torokasi> "Right." Ary nods, as the group moves on...
[20:11] <@Torokasi> The group walks for another thirty minutes, the light in the forest dimming considerably, before Para glances over. "The nook of that tree. We should be dry there, more or less." He gestures at one of the trees, where there's a hollow in the tree right nearby a large branch.
[20:17] <@Torokasi> The group quickly moves to assemble camp there, staying under the shelter of the root or the tree as much as possible. The area seems to be on a small hill as well, the water trickling downward and away from the camp for the most part.


[18:01] <Torokasi> ----------------------------------------------------
[18:05] <Torokasi> The rain is consistent through the night, thunder audible in the distance. Sleep still comes easily to the group, however. Crow reaches wakefulness to the sound of someone prodding the fire listlessly, the wood and leaves crinkling. Ary, the last person on watch, seems somewhat discontent as the rest of the group sleeps.
[18:08] * AutumnCrow tries to slip out of the blankets without disturbing Lilian, stepping out into the drizzle to crouch down next to Ary by the fire, "Please tell me it's actually morning and I didn't just wake up randomly in the middle of the night."
[18:11] <Torokasi> "It's morning." Ary replies a touch curtly, before glancing up to Crow. "Janda normally doesn't talk in her sleep, to my experience. Did Solmyr or I talk at all during our sleep?"
[18:11] <AutumnCrow> "....not during my watches, no." Crow blinks and starts going about the task of preparing breakfast, "what happened?"
[18:13] <Torokasi> "She..." Ary glances over to Janda's sleeping bag. "She seems like she's having bad dreams of some form, and she said a few ...names? that I didn't recognize. Also, Redola's, bizarrely enough. It's been distracting, and I can't really say I slept well at all myself despite the lack of Mist right now."
[18:16] <AutumnCrow> "I suppose it's about time to wake people up anyway," Crow nods, "I can always ask if she wants me to use my magical dream princess powers to try and help out if she's having nightmares?"
[18:17] <Torokasi> "Hah... May not hurt." Ary shakes his head. "...actually, there's something else that may be doing it - if the time fragment thing is affecting her quickly, that may be what she's having issues with..."
[18:18] <AutumnCrow> "Who used them, just you, Janda and Solmyr?"
[18:20] <Torokasi> "And Lilian, yeah. But I presumed you'd have noticed if something was going on with her yet..." Ary shakes his head. "I'll get Para and Solmyr up?"
[18:22] <AutumnCrow> "Go ahead," Crow finished her breakfast preperations and then went to poke Janda with a toe until she woke up, repeating the process with Mare and Lilian, "it may not look it, but it's morning. Let's eat something and try to get back somewhere that has a roof by tonight."
[18:24] <Torokasi> "Right..." Janda murmurs, waking up slowly. Mare nods quietly as she gets up. Lilian is already sitting up as Crow approaches, smiling sleepily at Crow.
[18:24] <Torokasi> As Crow approaches, however... <More>
[18:25] <Torokasi> Crow and Lilian can both here Ary's voice, loud and controlled but with an urgent tone in it, "Janda, if you're up, please come over her a moment?"
[18:28] <Torokasi> Janda sprints over to where Ary is kneeling near Para and Solmyr, both still lying down. After a minute and Janda muttering a prayer, both seem to stir, though only Para manages to get himself up on his elbows, blearily looking around.
[18:29] <AutumnCrow> "...I'll focus on getting breakfast ready, maybe some food will help?" Crow eyes them both and returns to the fire.
[18:32] <Torokasi> "...Probably wise. Janda can keep an eye on them..." Lilian replies with a note of concern. Mare nods, but still wanders over to Ary and Solmyr. After a few minutes, Para and Mare wander back, Para sitting down with a noticeable thud, sliding off Mare's supporting arm as she moves to sit at the other side of the fire.
[18:35] <AutumnCrow> " Mare and myself are fine," Crow looks at Mare to confirm this before continuing, "Lilian seems fine as well...though she did use a crystal. Ary is out of sorts, even for him, Para is still drained, Janda was talking in her sleep unusually and Solmyr..." she looks back over where Janda is seeing to the warmage, "...I don't like this. We shouldn't be out like this, we need to get back
[18:35] <AutumnCrow> today."
[18:37] <Torokasi> "Definitely." Mare murmurs. "Para does just seem drained, Janda said. Physically fine but still mentally recovering, and since she doesn't specialize in mental drain she's unable to do more. Lilian, you're fine?" This question is said with a pointed look at her.
[18:38] <Torokasi> Lilian nods. "Uh... Shitty dream but that's normal for me, and honestly I feel pretty well rested. Janda was talking in her sleep? That's new..."
[18:39] <Torokasi> "You're shitting me, right, Solmyr?" is audible over from Ary and Janda, Solmyr still lying down. Janda doesn't seem to be tending to him, instead looking to Ary.
[18:40] <AutumnCrow> "What's going on?" Crow asks loudly enough for them to hear her.
[18:42] <Torokasi> Janda looks over, before trotting to the fire. "Solmyr was... experiencing minor hallucinations when trying to wake up? He's coming to now, and there's nothing reacting to healing nor any obvious magic besides the temporal fragmenting."
[18:45] <AutumnCrow> "Apparently you were talking in your sleep," Crow explains to Janda, "ask Ary if you want to know what you were saying. I think...those of you who took the time crystals are having some reactions."
[18:47] <Torokasi> "That... seems reasonable, based on what Ary and Solmyr were talking about. They were apparently in each other's dreams, at least for a period, but Ary said he had dismissed the dream as absolute nonsense... Lilian, may I ask...?"
[18:48] <Torokasi> Lilian tilts her head. "... In my dream, I was found by the city guard instead of the Temple Priests, and was adopted by someone I vaguely know in the guard. The dream was honestly sort of nonsensical up until the end."
[18:50] <Torokasi> Janda seems to think, a moment. "My dream was... uh, absolutely impossible. So it may be that the dreams are trying to give us ideas of these alternate times, but can't while we're sleeping? Or at least not correctly?"
[18:53] <Torokasi> Mare just shrugs. "I'm glad I didn't take one, and triply glad Para didn't. Imagine how it'd be affecting you in your current state, Para!"
[18:53] <Torokasi> Para snorts. "Maybe it'd help... Silly dreams are nice."
[19:03] <AutumnCrow> "Well...who knows if it would be silly or bad," Crow shrugs as she finishes up the porridge, "though I admit I'm curious about these dreams. Once we're back home, I may have to snoop on someone's," she rests her head on Lilian's shoulder for a moment at that comment.
[19:05] <Torokasi> "Heh. You have your work cut out for you with that, if it's all four of us..." Lilian murmurs, tousling Crow's hair a bit.
[19:06] <Torokasi> Mare glances at Janda curiously. "What constitutes impossible? I can see Lilian's story, and Solmyr's sounds reasonable... Ary's is a stretch but I can buy it. How's yours so out there?
[19:12] <AutumnCrow> "Well, I'll only go dream diving if it's okay with people, it is an invasion of privacy otherwise," Crow starts to serve the food, "...also, yes, what was your dream, Janda? And I'll have to hear about the boys at some point too."
[19:14] <Torokasi> "Uh. I was dreaming I was a psion, actually. Like Para, but more focused on the mental end of it." Janda giggles. "I mean, it's totally impossible. I got tested same as all the other kids when I was, like, ten and thirteen for that, and they didn't sense a scrap of a gift. It was fun to be able to lift stuff just by dreaming of thinking about it, though!"
[19:17] <AutumnCrow> "I didn't know there was a test for that," Crow shrugs, "though I suppose it shouldn't surprise me. How else would you know to practice the gifts..."
[19:18] <Torokasi> "There's tests at two different ages. When depends on the town." Para nods. "Some people develop them late. But they usually know who will."
[19:20] <Torokasi> "It's not... impossible to find a talent for psionic power late, though, right?" Mare muses. "Just... rare?"
[19:22] <Torokasi> "Normally, it'd begin at some point. Wild talent." Para shakes his head. "If Janda could, she likely would have manifested by now."
[19:25] <AutumnCrow> "Considering we really have no idea just what these crystals can do," Crow notes, "I can't see that it would hurt anything by checking again?"
[19:28] <Torokasi> "Possibly not." Janda shrugs. "It's not like it's a tough test or anything - we could probably get Redola to do it."
[19:31] <Torokasi> Solmyr and Ary finally join the group down at the fire, Solmyr looking exhausted and Ary contemplative. "Fuck dreams." Solmyr says bluntly as he eyes the fire, hands up for warmth in the thinning rain.
[19:33] <AutumnCrow> "Breakfast is ready," Crow serves up the porridge, "so Lilian dreamed about being a city guard, Janda a psychic...what about you boys?"
[19:37] <Torokasi> "Priests of Ratokyst." both reply in annoyed unison, Ary rubbing the feathers on the back of his head.
[19:40] <AutumnCrow> " I can't really imagine either of you as preists. Of anyone."
[19:40] <Torokasi> "That was my point." Ary mutters.
[19:42] <Torokasi> Solmyr chuckles darkly. "I considered it? But man, it wasn't something I seriously considered. I joined the Kerebos Guild in my dream too... So did Ary. I, uh. Didn't see. Any of the rest of you?"
[19:48] <Torokasi> Janda hums. "I saw Para, but not any of the rest of you. ...You didn't  seem that different, Para?"
[19:48] <Torokasi> Ary shrugs. "I met Solmyr, and no one else, really."
[19:49] <Torokasi> Lilian shrugs. "Not that I'm aware of, no. There was, like, some disturbance going on that I thought might be important, as I was waking up, but I didn't get there to see it."
[19:51] <Torokasi> Solmyr coughs. "Right. So uh... I guess we can get going? The visual aftereffects seem to be wearing off."
[19:52] <AutumnCrow> "So Para is still tired and you're hallucinating," Crow eyes Solmyr, "and you're our pathfinders. Who has point today?"
[19:52] <Torokasi> "Uh." Solmyr pauses. "That's..."
[19:53] <Torokasi> Mare shrugs. "I'll cover it until Solmyr gets his vision fully back. I'm not great but I can probably handle it until then."
[19:55] <AutumnCrow> "Alright," Crow nods, "hopefully we can avoid any fights today...Ary if we get jumped by something, you and I just go full aggression and kill it before it can put up a fight. Risking drawing something out today isn't a great idea I think."
[19:56] <Torokasi> "Agreed. I'm in that mood anyway, so." Ary growls slightly. "Let's set a good pace home."
[20:00] <Torokasi> The group packs up and makes time onward, the rain stopping but the cloud cover staying thick...
[20:15] <Torokasi> After about an hour of trekking, Janda glances to Solmyr walking alongside her. "Feeling better?" she asks, a hand straying to his forehead.
[20:23] <Torokasi> Solmyr shrugs. "Yeah, more or less. Head's still lost in the dream, but... I can pull spotting if needed, right now. ... Ary, how's the direction going so far?"
[20:25] <Torokasi> "My compass seems to be reliable right now." Ary shrugs. "... It's pretty peaceful out here. Where did the yeek go?"
[20:31] <Torokasi> Para snorts. "Somewhere else, thankfully."
[20:34] <AutumnCrow> "Well, hopefully it's not following us," Crow shrugs, unconcerned about a single yeek.
[20:35] <Torokasi> Mare glances behind. "I think we're fine. You spotted one ahead, Ary?"
[20:35] <Torokasi> "Yeah, but just a glance... I was keeping an eye out for it but it ducked behind stuff and I didn't see it when we passed. If we're not being tailed, it's fine." Ary shrugs.
[20:40] <Torokasi> "..." Janda sighs. "If we spot it, let's just try to talk to it. No use putting off trouble for later."
[20:42] <Torokasi> "I guess?" Ary shrugs. "So long as it's not trying to attack us."
[20:44] <AutumnCrow> "That's fine," Crow nods.
[20:44] <Torokasi> Solmyr glances to Janda curiously. "Now you're anxious to be talking -to- them?"
[20:45] <Torokasi> Janda shrugs. "Better than fighting them. However... obnoxious their beliefs may be."
[20:52] <Torokasi> The group plods on, Ary's eyes jerking to the sides on occasion but otherwise keeping trained ahead. After another few hours, Para shakes his head. "What will we even say about Uhlemi?"
[20:54] <AutumnCrow> "Honestly I'm not sure," Crow shrugs, "I suppose just tell Ramedo what happened there and what we found. I don't think anything needs to be a secret from the guild."
[20:55] <Torokasi> Para nods quietly. The group seems to walk a bit longer, before Mare comments, "I think that's safe, yeah? Given how the Guild tends to let teams have their own autonomy, they probably won't interfere much there unless you ask. The opposite of the Horizon Guild, there, mind."
[21:01] <Torokasi> "So don't let the Horizon Guild hear about it. Gotcha." Janda comments dryly, as the group moves on...
[21:03] <AutumnCrow> "Well we aren't members of their guild, and the overcore recognizes me as the commander right now anwyay," Crow notes.
[21:04] <Torokasi> "That's fair." Janda nods. "On the other hand, their defenses are... down? Compromised? Risky but otherwise stable?"
[21:05] <Torokasi> Para shrugs. "It was... getting fixed. I think."
[21:11] <Torokasi> "Well. We'll figure that out soon enough, one way or another. Let's just get home." Ary says, not relenting in his pace.
[21:12] <AutumnCrow> "It has some defenses at least," Crow nods.
[21:15] <Torokasi> The group presses onward, for a small period of time, before Ary pauses. "We see you, yeek." His eyes seem fixed on a tree somewhat ahead... OOC: Roll Notice for Crow if you want.
[21:15] <AutumnCrow> OOC: roll 1d20+0 crow notice. 15
[21:16] <Torokasi> Crow can see its fuzzy leg peeking out behind the tree, shivering slightly.
[21:18] <AutumnCrow> "I don't think it can understand us without the mist," Crow notes, then walks over to the tree and holds out an empty hand towards the yeek.
[21:20] <Torokasi> The yeek looks at Crow, shivering as she approaches. It looks much younger than the rest of the yeeks Crow has seen, and flinches back as she extends her hand.
[21:21] <AutumnCrow> Crow doesn't reach towards it further, simply keeping her hand extended quietly.
[21:28] <Torokasi> The yeek shivers, watching her, seemingly unwilling to approach, before tremoring violently and bolting away from the group.
[21:28] <Torokasi> Para's hand flips to his arrows... but doesn't draw one, simply watching where the yeek is going.
[21:29] <AutumnCrow> "It's alone," Crow shakes her head, "a yeek wouldn't tremble that way if there were other yeek around."
[21:30] <Torokasi> "Yeah." Para replies calmly. "Young, too."
[21:30] <AutumnCrow> Walking back to the group, she sighs, "probably a straggler left here by the shifting while the rest of it's...whatever you call a group of yeek, got taken somewhere else."
[21:31] <Torokasi> "Probably." Solmyr shrugs. "Was that the one you kept spotting, Ary?"
[21:32] <Torokasi> "I... think so? Same light brown coloring." Ary nods slightly.
[21:36] <Torokasi> "Well, let's just... keep an eye out for it and others as we go." Mare shrugs.
[21:38] <AutumnCrow> "Somehow I doubt we'll see any other yeek. Other monsters, though..."
[21:40] <Torokasi> "Good point. Let's just keep an eye out, then." Mare chuckles wryly as the group continues on...
[21:53] <Torokasi> The trip continues in roughly the same even pace, with no sight of further creatures around. After a time, the group comes across the lip of the divide surrounding Verxais, the barrier glinting slightly as a tiny bit of the rain, stuck on the barrier, slides down slowly.
[21:54] <Torokasi> Para exhales a sigh of relief at the sight, his bow arm sliding down the side of his body.
[21:57] <AutumnCrow> "Well, I'm in good enough shape to increase pace so we can get a hot dinner that I don't have to cook. How's everyone else?"
[21:58] <Torokasi> "A bath sounds divine right now." Janda smiles, increasing her own pace.
[22:01] <Torokasi> "Yeah, let's do this." Ary nods as the group heads toward the northern bridge. "We need to recuperate - well, everyone except Mare and Crow does, that is."
[22:04] <Torokasi> Mare smiles. "Well, if you all wouldn't accept strange, foreign objects into your body you'd be fine too! Para's the only one with an excuse."