
"With great power comes the opportunity to abuse that power."

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1.1: Your predecessor assumed that rural policing would be EASY

Started by Sierra, August 12, 2017, 10:07:16 PM

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01[12:05] <@El-Cideon> The year is 451 Annum Verdani. The kingdom of Verdana rots—slowly, almost imperceptibly, but in a measure indisputable over decades of decay. The west is dying, and no man can say with surety when or where the wasting will stop, if it ever will at all, or how long it should take to reach Verdana's heart and finally, fatally cripple the kingdom of the Crescencias.
01[12:05] <@El-Cideon> Fear and uncertainty ride back east over the hills, along with the more physical manifestations of disorder such as brigands and feral scavengers, and rumors and tall tales grip the imagination of the people. Novelists tap a well of demand for cheap stories about the daily battle for survival in the fading west; astrologers cast their horoscopes and direct patrons to the stars for both blame and reassurance; cults of doomsayers boil up just as quickly as they are suppressed by the churches; and all over men trade strange stories over drink. And in times of such uncertainty, tempers can fray and bring even old friends to blows over such pernicious gossip.
01[12:05] <@El-Cideon> But Rocina is still a quiet town. Poised between the shadow of the Alcara Hills to the west, and the busy trading town of Solfrina to the east, Rocina is one of the kingdom's natural waystations. Travelers from Verdana's fading west stop here to rest on the way to unloading their wares in the provincial capital; the town's youth ever more commonly scheme for ways to strike out and reinvent themselves in the big city; and the older generation tsks and wonders why the old hometown shouldn't be good enough for kids these days. Rocina's three thousand residents are largely farmers, brewers, and other small artisans and craftsman. The occasional army veteran might come back from years of border guard duty with embroidered tales of the glittering northern coast, or of peering south on watch for incursions by the Isveni and their cold goddess, but most of Rocina's residents were born here and might expect, without any evident regret, that they will one day die here as well.
01[12:05] <@El-Cideon> Rocina is young by the standards of the kingdom, just a couple centuries old. It arose from necessity, a nucleus of settlement coagulating from the local farmlands to provide shelter for and take advantage of passing traders. It lacks defensive walls, dating from after the time when a fragile young kingdom saw enemies over every hill and when guerrilla attacks by renegade elves were commonplace. A bundle of townhouses and civic structures crowds around the central intersection, and from there construction straggles outward through the sturdy homes of professionals and tradesman to a sprawl of more modest apartment buildings and farmers' shacks. But small as it is, Rocina can still have pride in its produce.
01[12:05] <@El-Cideon> The town's Militia presence is perched on Rocina's western edge, from whence it is easiest to keep an eye out for both trouble and trade incoming from over the hills. It's a sturdy cylinder of cold grey stone, pillaged mostly from obsolete colonial watchtowers, but it radiates security and that, Rocina's perennially reelected mayor was proud to proclaim upon its foundation, should be worth any cost, shouldn't it?
01[12:05] <@El-Cideon> The watchtower is a simple, utilitarian structure. The first floor is an open barrack room in which the senior squad on duty should wait for urgent summons by the townsfolk; the second is a glorified office for the watch captain to plan rotas; and the covered but open-air roof is where the junior squad keeps vigil. And, of course, there is also a basement with a few subterranean holding cells, for the rare occasions when an apprehended criminal needs to be held until they can be handed over to the Ministry of Justice for trial.
01[12:05] <@El-Cideon> The Rocina Militia's commanding officer is Cala Embriz. A watch commander should typically be called "Captain," but Cala made it clear from day one of her posting two years previous that she preferred to be addressed by her old army rank of Sergeant, and she inhabits that role so thoroughly in speech and manners that one feels disinclined to argue. On most days when nothing much of consequence is afoot, she can be found drilling trainees or any other interested or unemployed townsfolk out in the yard.
01[12:05] <@El-Cideon> And such is the case today, a hot Starsday in mid-summer. Rocina summers lack the cooling ocean breezes of the north or the south; here, the dry heat hangs over the countryside like a shroud. Even in the morning, it would be a relief to get inside the shade of the watchtower. The heavy wooden door is propped open; from within, idle chatter of the soon-to-be-relieved morning shift drifts out to mingle with the shouts of the training yard in the still summer air.
01[12:05] <@El-Cideon> The Militia has no fixed cut to its uniform across the kingdom, but whatever one wears while on duty is mandated to be gray (an otherwise unpopular color for casual attire) so that everyone should know a watchman on sight. The Militia badge is a bear's head seen face on, its expression solemn and serious.
01[12:05] <@El-Cideon> The four of you arrive for your shift in the vicinity of noon—time being a somewhat malleable quality in sleepy Rocina, though the Sergeant is known to possess a passion for punctuality and discipline.
01[12:05] <@El-Cideon> Whether one has previously participated in the Militia by serving part-time on lookout duty, or whether one's martial skills were recognized by the Sergeant as being of unique value, this is certainly everyone's first day as an active watchman tasked with responding to emergencies on behalf of the citizenry. Whether you have worked together before, or merely casually seen each other in passing about town, it would surely be a good idea to formally introduce yourselves to your squadmates!
[12:18] <+Leona> Leona is not in fact wearing grey, wearing a white blouse with a brown leather bustier over it and a modestly cut skirt of a darker brown hue swishing against her ankles as she takes a moment to pause by the watchtower. Her sun-kissed brown hair, worn long to mostly obscure her pointed ears, is accentuated by a golden cloth headpiece that catches the light as she bows her head and focuses for
[12:18] <+Leona> a long moment, a long grey tabard and watch-badge set on the ground by her feet along with a well varnished crossbow. After a moment of this a curious black substance seems to trickle over her skin, encompassing her clothes as well as she grows several inches in her new 'suit', a new face replacing her own as the black shifts to dark bronze upon coating her face, a similar looking but vaguely
[12:18] <+Leona> reptilian set of features taking place of her expression, while a somewhat indecent view would be provided by the figure forming on top of her clothes if she didn't employ a clearly well practiced motion to throw on her tabard with an additional pair of arms now jutting out from below her original set. Fixing her badge in place and picking up her crossbow in two arms while a third reaches up
[12:18] <+Leona> to rub her now bare scalp, she sighs to herself, now looking far more out of place than a mere half-elf would with her green-tinged and scaly bronzed skin and sharp-cast features, bare feet feeling nothing off the ground below. But if trouble does break out on her shift she doesn't want to be facing swords and arrows with bare flesh, so this is what's required to be in the militia. "Afternoon
[12:18] <+Leona> everyone," she says to her fellow militia members, walking into the tower and passing those she's relieving. Just a normal six-limbed militiawoman here, that's all! At least her voice doesn't sound any different when she's bonded to this thing.
[12:18] <+Santiago> Never one to be late, Santiago managed to pull together a military-esque outfit, consisting of tight white breeches held up with a black belt. The buckle is the bear's head of the Rocina militia, polished to a mirror sheen and displayed prominently upon his waist. His chain shirt is grey enough and is wrapped snugly around his chest, but it's not terribly pleasant to look upon and thus it was warranted that he acquire something to wear over
[12:18] <+Santiago> it; a blue doublet with golden trim, with a grey coat worn loosely atop it. Gold and silver buttons glimmer upon it, catching the light with every step. "Leona!" he exclaims. "What a sight for sore eyes!" Upon seeing the woman, he advances towards her and offers her a hug despite her fearsome appearance! "What happened to you was too crushing a blow," he laments. "My sympathies and our cellar are yours to do with as you please."
[12:21] <+Leona> "Aww, Santiago. You're a good man," she smiles a close-lipped smile out of consideration for the metallic needles replacing her usual pearly whites in this form, using one of her arms to return the hug while being mindful of the sharp claws that now extend from her fingers. "Just a temporary setback, I'll be churning out more special brew in no time!" she promises.
[12:24] <+Luiza> Luiza is wearing a white dress with blue accents, the chain shirt placed protectively over it covering both her vitals and her obligations to the militia dress code. She looks uncertainly about herself, before adjusting the rapier sheathed at her hip and smiling hesitantly. "I brought some snacks to share," she offers, holding a wrapped package of what smells like churros with one hand while
[12:24] <+Luiza> the other plays nervously with her hair, gathered as it is into a side ponytail. "There's enough for everyone!"
[12:25] <+Morrison> The only thing notable about the fourth member was the glassy eye and the (rather terrible, actually) scar on his face. For whatever reason, he simply didn't seem to have that much presence and could likely be ignored in a crowd. His outfit seems to match the rest of the militia's to a T -- a gray shirt, pants, and matching cloak currently pulled down. The militia insignia is nonetheless pinned
[12:25] <+Morrison> to the corner of the cloak on the front. He took a moment to seem to grasp the basic concept of introductions from the others and blinks once, then again. Has he ever actually even introduced himself to them before? Well, may as well get that out of the way in case he hasn't. "Morrison." He says, quietly. He glances at package and turns slightly to look at something else. The wall looks nice.
[12:28] <+Leona> "Oh, thanks Luiza. You're a treat!" Leona says brightly to the third member. This being a small town of course everyone of a similar age group is going to know each other to some degree at least. "Some snacks'll help us get through the shift better, alright." She glances over at the scarred man and gives him a nod as well. "Afternoon, Morrison."
[12:28] <+Santiago> Santiago pats Leona on the back, though he can't stop himself from being ginger at the evident danger of her new form. "That I do not doubt. And shall be there to drink it when you do. So will these fine folk, I assume," he adds, glancing at Morrison and Luiza. "Upstanding soldiers all! And one even brought food! Marching and munching go together like a dancer and his shoes. Gratefulness to you, miss! No, my apologies, we are all privates,
[12:28] <+Santiago> are we not? Thank you, private."
[12:29] <+Luiza> Her smile growing in confidence, Luiza comes closer to share the baked goods!
[12:31] <+Leona> Leona gratefully accepts a churro and takes a dainty bite!
[12:31] <+Santiago> "It smells delicious," Santiago remarks, graciously reaching out to take one. "Try one, Morrison!"
[12:32] <+Morrison> He can't help but let a sigh out, but he's learned in the past that these sorts of situations will only get worse if he doesn't just follow along. He takes one with a nod.
[12:33] <+Luiza> Luiza beams with happiness, nibbling on a churro herself once everyone's partaked.
[12:35] <+Santiago> "We're all here, my comrades," Santiago declares to the squad they are relieving. "I believe you're free to get some rest?"
01[12:36] <@El-Cideon> Inside, the main watch room is a simple foyer with a front desk, a few chairs, and stairs spiraling up and down to other floors. This is where the senior squad waits to spring into action in the event of trouble. A mechanical clock ticks high up on the far wall, its functioning briefly drowned out by a spray of brilliant laughter.
01[12:36] <@El-Cideon> The speaker is a short young woman with dusky skin that suggests a mixed heritage. She has close-cropped brown hair and an array of freckles beneath deep brown eyes. A musket is slung across her back. Standing next to her is a tall, beefy-looking blond man who has at best a patchy relationship with shaving.
01[12:36] <@El-Cideon> Elsewhere in the room, sitting to varying degrees of attention at the duty desk, are a sour-faced young woman in mage's robes, reading a book and doing her best to ignore everyone, and a surly-looking half-elf girl with dull blond hair. All of them, whatever their manner of attire, wear the standard gray of the Civilian Militia, with the stoic bear's head badge pinned at the breast.
01[12:36] <@El-Cideon> "Good afternoon!" the brown-skinned woman says to you all before introducing herself. "Noemi Evereaux, morning shift corporal. Welcome to the big time, folks."
[12:38] <+Leona> "Afternoon Noemi," Leona greets, carefully dusting her clawed fingertips off after finishing her churro. "No riots or magical disasters this morning, then?" she asks, rolling her eyes at their shift being called the big time.
[12:41] <+Luiza> "Good afternoon!" Luiza returns a bit belatedly, taking pride in avoiding a stammer.
01[12:44] <@El-Cideon> "Not yet," she says with a grin. "Maybe you'll get lucky." The morning squad's response to Leona's appearance is diverse, as can be seen as she introduces her companions: "Nico," the big blond man, is unsuccessful in hiding his discomfort; "Carmen," the bookish girl, does her best to look unimpressed; "Florina," the other half-elf, radiates apathy. In any event, in a small town like Rocina, most people would have at least heard of someone as strange as Leona. "And yep, we're due to sign off. I'll tell the Sergeant on our way out. Feel free to get settled in, maybe say hi to the folks on watch upstairs if you like." She and her squad file out; the corporal offers a friendly handshake for anyone amenable to such niceties.
[12:45] <+Luiza> Luiza is quite amenable, and offers a churro to the morning shift people as they leave!
[12:45] <+Leona> Leona is happy so shake hands when offered, and has gotten really good about not scratching people so long as they don't make any sudden movements!
01[12:47] <@El-Cideon> Free food looks like a good way to smooth introductions when they also involve handshakes with a creature from the stars! Two out of four morning squad watchmen return at least a smile on their way out.
[12:48] <+Santiago> Santiago's grip is hearty and strong, with a broad smile to match. "The Dove and the Hawk offers a free drink to every solider after a shift!" he calls. Soldiers usually tip well, and he can learn all kinds of things about them from the other servers when they overhear their bar talk!
[12:48] <+Morrison> Morrison gives them nods as they go.
[12:55] <+Santiago> "Well, here we are," Santiago says, seating himself on the table. "What brought you two into the military's warm embrace?" he asks, directing his gaze to Luiza and Morrison.
[12:56] <+Luiza> "Ah, would it sound silly if I said I wanted to protect this town with my own two hands?" Luiza asks, reverting back to nervousness as she plays with her ponytail again.
[12:57] <+Morrison> Are we really doing this? He clears his throat. "Something to do." He responds.
[12:58] <+Leona> "Little bit," Leona answers Luiza in a dry tone, putting her crossbow on the table and sitting down as she reaches over to grab a book from the nearby shelf. Hopefully Carmen left behind something saucy to read while she passes her shift!
[12:59] <+Santiago> "Of course it doesn't, Leona. You may use our hands as well, if two prove insufficient. Though, one hopes our presence will be enough," Santiago gives Luiza an approving nod. "Many a tale have I heard of the cutthroats prowling the roads and farms to the west, and every month the tales seem to draw a little closer to Rocina."
01[13:01] <@El-Cideon> Leona finds a handful of dogeared pulp novels about bandits and heroes out in the west. Whatever Carmen was reading, she took with her--it was a much heftier and more imposing tome than these!
[13:02] <+Luiza> Luiza looks between the others, before settling on Santiago. "It's not just tales, either," she agrees, nodding eagerly. "We can't wait until something serious happens before doing something about it!"
01[13:03] <@El-Cideon> Shortly enough, your commanding officer arrives from outside—a lingering sheen of sweat on her brow suggests she was just involved in overseeing martial training of some sort, heat be damned.
01[13:03] <@El-Cideon> Sergeant Embriz is a tall woman who looks to be somewhere in her middle years. Her hair is trimmed short, not quite the archetypal army buzz but maybe a month or two down the road from it, and is a shiny coal black shot through with streaks of gray. Her expression is somewhat hawkish, with high, arched eyebrows and a healthy tan to her skin that suggests a busy life spent working in the outdoors. When she speaks, it's with an easy familiarity of command, and something about her voice suggests the immovability of oak. A sheathed scimitar rests at one hip, a small circle shield at the other.
01[13:03] <@El-Cideon> "Good afternoon, soldiers," she says, walking through her own round of handshakes. No sign of surprise is evident at Leona's appearance, but Cala would already know who she was working with. "Welcome to your first day on the job. I'd hope it's a quiet one. Most of them are." She looks from each of you to the next. "Junior shift upstairs should alert you if anything looking like trouble heads our way. Does anyone have any questions before we start?"
[13:04] <+Leona> "No Sergeant," Leona answers, putting her pulpy book down and sitting a little straighter in her presence.
[13:05] <+Morrison> Morrison shakes his head.
[13:05] <+Luiza> Luiza bites on her lower lip, before offering the remaining pastries to the sergeant hesitantly. "Um, I'm not sure if it's alright, but would you like one? Ma'am?"
[13:07] <+Santiago> "Is anyone outside on patrol?" asks Santiago, glancing around the dismal duty room and already yearning to go out where people can actually see them be brave militiamen in fancy outfits.
01[13:11] <@El-Cideon> Cala inclines her head ever so slightly. Her expression seems maintained at carefully level neutrality, but she does concede to accept a snack. "Thank you, private. I would." She takes one, but evidently prefers to wait on eating until she's not actively in the squad's presence. To Santiago, she answers: "Most days, we wait and watch. Most days, that's all we need to do. The job is principally one of alertness--being ready for when something *does* happen. I don't have the personnel to patrol the whole county all the time. But folk'll tell us when something untoward happens." She points to a bell strung up by the door; a wire from this leads up through the ceiling and out of sight.
[13:16] <+Santiago> "I see," Santiago replies, slightly dispirited. A long and boring day awaits, most likely. But maybe he can use it for practice, or at least composition!   
[13:18] <+Leona> Leona on the other hand seems quietly pleased about having a quiet day to sit around in. She'd rather be working to rebuild her business but if she has to do militia-work it can at least be easy!
01[13:20] <@El-Cideon> "When that bell rings, that's when we really need to spring into action. When it doesn't, I call that a good day. That's a day when nothing went wrong. At least not in our neighborhood," she amends. "If anything *does* happen, I'll be with you out in the field, at least for your first sortie." She looks around. "Unless there's anything else right now, I'd like to check in on the lookout squad upstairs." And, just maybe, eat that churro.
[13:21] <+Leona> Leona shakes her head in the negative, putting a little thimble on one of her fingers so she can read that book with less risk of tearing the pages.
[13:21] <+Luiza> "No, Ma'am," Luiza responds. "Here's to a quiet day!"
01[13:24] <@El-Cideon> Cala nods and makes her way upstairs. And it is, for the most part, a quiet afternoon. The only sounds beyond whatever idle chatter the squad engages in to pass the time is that of summer songbirds warbling and the occasional, merciful breeze sweeping by. Then, after a few quiet hours...the bell by the door rings! Repeatedly and insistently alerting the squad that they should be up and armed and outside, ready for whatever it is that's heading their way!
[13:25] <+Luiza> Luiza moves a bit too quickly and her chair tips over! It crashes back, though she rolls with the fall despite the awkwardness of the armor and springs to her feet, looking around wildly!
[13:26] <+Morrison> Morrison blinks himself out of whatever nice thoughts he was having by himself as he carries himself towards the (sigh) heated exterior.
[13:27] <+Santiago> Santiago grasps his spear from against the wall, and rushes towards the exit in large steps! "Outside!" he booms, for the benefit of others yet to fully understand the ramifications of the bell.
[13:27] <+Leona> "Blast," Leona says irritably, putting down her book with the mystery of how Columbo will solve this latest mystery unsolved. Glancing at Luiza's acrobatics in something that might be awe, she flicks the thimble off her clawed finger and waves her hands with the sound of an arcane word, a field of force visible over her briefly before it vanishes. Then she sweeps up her crossbow and marches
[13:27] <+Leona> outside to see what the fuss is.
[13:28] <+Luiza> Luiza finally dashes outside to catch up to the others, shaken out of her stupor.
01[13:28] <@El-Cideon> When the squad emerges into the light, they see a young man running down the road toward the watch at full bore. Likely early to mid teens, too young to grow a beard, but old enough to try! He slows to a stop before the watchmen and pants with his hands on his knees. "Bodies!" he gasps. "Bodies...on the road!" Feeling this needs additional clarity, he adds: "They ain't moving!"
[13:29] <+Santiago> That certainly brings Santiago's good humor to a close. "How far down?" he asks, glancing the way the boy came.
01[13:31] <@El-Cideon> "Few miles," he estimates, standing up straight. "I was walking back from market, found 'em on the west road. 'bout midway between here and the Laurel Crown," he says, naming a lodginghouse a little ways outside of the town, near where the woods start to crawl down from the hills.
01[13:32] <@El-Cideon> At this point, Cala emerges from the tower to listen in. She's brought a mug full of cool water for the young man, who eagerly accepts it and quaffs. "Thanks ma'am, most gracious."
[13:33] <+Leona> "How many bodies? Were they locals, did you recognise them?" Leona asks, glad the sergeant's here because she doesn't really know how to solve a murder!
[13:33] <+Luiza> Luiza observes the sergeant, having no clue what to do in this situation and hoping to learn from her example.
01[13:34] <@El-Cideon> "Four," the man young man says, having mostly regained his composure by this point. "Looked like three men, one lady. Couple soldiers maybe. That's it, just them dead folks in the middle of the road." He shakes his head, and the novelty of the situation seems to just hit him: "I never a saw a dead body before!"
[13:34] <+Santiago> "Dreadful!" remarks Santiago, peering at the man for a moment and scrutinizing his possessions. "You're sure they were dead?"
[13:35] <+Santiago> OOC: let's sense motive this guy
[13:35] <+Santiago> roll 1d20+12
[13:35] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+12 --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{22}
01[13:37] <@El-Cideon> "Well, I didn't get in close to check 'em all, but they weren't movin' any," he says. "I could just tell it wasn't anybody I've met."
[13:38] <+Santiago> Santiago swallows for a moment, and turns to glance at their sergeant for some kind of direction.
01[13:39] <@El-Cideon> "We'll have to take a look," Cala says. "Head on out and I'll be after you in a minute. I'd like to fetch Brother Donato in case anyone's still breathing out there."
[13:40] <+Leona> "Lets be off then," Leona resigns herself to it, starting to march down the road at a steady barefooted lope.
[13:40] <+Santiago> "Yes, sergeant," replies Santiago, shouldering his spear and falling in step.
[13:40] <+Luiza> "O-Of course!" Luiza agrees, quickly orienting herself and following suit.
[13:41] <+Morrison> Morrison will bring up the rear.
01[13:42] <@El-Cideon> An hour's walk along the western road sees you to the scene of the crime. The countryside immediately surrounding Rocina has mostly been stripped of tall trees, but the few by the side of the road here may have provided some cover for an apparent ambush: three men and a woman lie dead in the road. Further back along the dusty trail, a crate lies broken on the ground, shattered bottles scattered around it. Your guide doesn't look eager to get a closer look, having apparently used up his nerve just in reporting the incident. But being watchmen, it's now your job to get a closer look!
[13:43] <+Luiza> Visibly steeling herself, Luiza heads for that closer look!
[13:43] <+Leona> Leona goes and rolls over the bodies to get a look and see if there's an obvious sign of what killed them. At least she doesn't have to touch them with her real hands!
01[13:43] <@El-Cideon> OOC: K:L applies, for anyone investigating them
[13:44] <+Santiago> Santiago wrinkles his nose for a moment, and finds himself forced to accompany Leona, if only for pride's sake.
[13:44] <+Santiago> roll 1d20+9
[13:44] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+9 --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{17}
[13:44] <+Leona> roll 1d20+2 I can hit DC 10 checks untrained at least
[13:44] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0I can hit DC 10 checks untrained at least --> 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{21}
[13:44] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+5
[13:45] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+5 --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{10}
01[13:46] <@El-Cideon> The causes of death are various: the man and the woman in the middle of the road, sunburnt and middle-aged, dressed like traveling merchants and are variously dead of an obviously broken neck and a slit throat. By the side of the road are two lightly armored men. A bullet hole has scored through one's protective gear, while his partner's face was brutally smashed in.
[13:47] <+Luiza> "Even the guards...."
[13:48] <+Leona> "I know these two," Leona says, straightening up after getting a look at their faces. "Andre and Camila Roldan. They come through every few seasons, peddling spirits from Akai. Were they robbed for their product?" Is this a consequence of the town losing her brewery?!
01[13:49] <@El-Cideon> A dust cloud approaches from behind; you can just make out Cala walking beside a wagon driven by a bespectacled young man in the black and white robes of Peratus. A blond woman in Militia gray walks behind it with a mongrel dog that looks half wolf.
[13:49] <+Santiago> "Son of a bitch," curses Santiago, falling to his knees besides the merchants. "A grim day, a grim day, and even now bandits drink to their hearts content... my mother, she will weep for this, and my father will say nothing for weeks. It must not stand..."
01[13:51] <@El-Cideon> "What have we got so far?" Cala asks, walking up to the group. She registers no evident shock at the scene.
[13:51] <+Morrison> Morrison briefly turns his attention to Santiago before he shakes his head. If they did get ambushed, then... the tracks probably wouldn't be that old coming from the sides. Hm, but how did they get away, then...? He wanders off slightly from the actual scene to investigate the trees nearby for any signs of recent tracks or anything of that nature.
01[13:51] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Perception
[13:51] <+Leona> Leona goes over to have a look at the smashed up bottles to see if it looks like anything's been taken or if it was all just smashed and left. "I know those two," she points with one of her four arms. "Andre and Camila Roldan, they sell spirits from Akai, come by every few seasons."
[13:52] <+Luiza> Luiza looks into the broken crate, since Leona seems to know the victims.
[13:52] <+Morrison> roll 1d20+8 payin' attention
[13:52] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 1d20+8 1,0payin' attention --> 6,0[ 1d20=16 ]4,0{24}
01[13:52] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Prof Brewer applies if you're checking out the crate.
[13:53] <+Leona> roll 1d20+12 more useful than ever expected already!
[13:53] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+12 1,0more useful than ever expected already! --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{16}
[13:54] <+Leona> "Strong stuff they were carting," she mentions as she catches a whiff.
[13:55] <+Morrison> Morrison glances off, apparently looking at something as he wanders back over. "They went southwest. Cart and some horses." He says, leaving it simple.
[13:55] <+Santiago> Santiago walks over to take a look. "Much of it destroyed," he says, glancing at the crate. "Surely they were not carrying this by hand. They must have had a cart, but I see one not."
01[13:56] <@El-Cideon> Cala nods, scans around the scene. She shades her eyes and looks southwest. The treeline starts a couple miles from here. "With any luck, we'll find them drunk."
01[13:57] <@El-Cideon> "Think you can keep on their trail?" she asks Morrison in follow up.
[13:57] <+Morrison> Oh, he wasn't really expecting to have to say anything else. ... He nods.
[13:58] <+Santiago> "Let us hope we can take them unawares," Santiago mutters, standing up.
[13:59] <+Luiza> "And once we find them...?"
[14:00] <+Santiago> "Hah!..." Santiago presses his hands together. "I could make it seem as though we have twice our numbers. Perhaps we can scare these callow fools into giving up?"
01[14:01] <@El-Cideon> "Let's get on it, then," she says. Cala retrieves a crossbow from the cart. "Brother Donato, please take the Roldans back to town with their guards," she says to the young priest. She then nods to the blond militiawoman. "Stick with him and keep an eye out just in case, Amelia." She turns to Luiza. "If they're willing to surrender, we'll take them into custody," she says, echoing Santiago. "If not..." She pats her crossbow.
[14:02] <+Leona> "Lets hope they're sensible," Leona says, moving away from the smelly smashed crate. They messed those two guards up pretty bad so they probably know how to handle themselves in a fight, whoever they are.
01[14:02] <@El-Cideon> She nods to Morrison and gestures to the southwest. "Please lead on, private."
[14:03] <+Luiza> Luiza swallows, looking at the victims once more before returning her attention to the sergeant.
[14:04] <+Morrison> He turns and goes to follow the tracks in order to lead the others along.
[14:06] <+Leona> Leona follows along, glad for her weird and strange second skin being there to take any gunshots that might come her way instead of her much softer actual skin!
01[14:07] <@El-Cideon> The sun starts to fall as the squad troops toward the hills. The great marbled orb of Pyregon cycles into its place in the sky--bigger and more colorful, if much less luminous. After another hour of walking, it's clear the trail leads into the woods. "Think you can find them in there?" Cala asks, gesturing to the incipient undergrowth.
[14:08] <+Morrison> The reply is another nod.
[14:10] <+Morrison> OOC: Take 10 for 21 for the survival check to follow them if possible.
[14:10] <+Santiago> Santiago whispers something to himself, and snaps his fingers a moment later; he calls into being six or so more militiamen! Nondescript and wearing grey coats, they're somewhat more uniform in appearance than the actual militia. Some of them hold longswords, others muskets, and they cluster around him to form the illusion of a gang.
01[14:10] <@El-Cideon> Cala accepts that. "Alright then. I'd've preferred to ease you all into the job, but we play the hand the gods dealt us. No idle chatter from here on out. We don't know how far in they've set up shop. But they have to rest sometime." She gestures ahead again. "Take your time, private."
01[14:10] <@El-Cideon> OOC: that's fine
[14:10] <+Santiago> OOC: casting silent image, it has a duration of 'concentration' so it should last
[14:12] <+Morrison> He says little else as he goes along to follow the tracks, occasionally stopping to look around. He seems somehow or another more at ease in the woods, even with the heavy foliage around.
01[14:12] <@El-Cideon> The coming nightfall means the tracks get tougher and tougher to find, but moving a wagon through the woods isn't something Morrison is going to miss in his own element. Some careful advancement through the woods leads you to a hill that looks inhabited—through the trees, some ways off, you can see the flicker of a fire, though what manner of fire or who is tending it will require a closer look to discern. A rough footpath leads up a gentle slope through the trees to the crest of the hill.
[14:14] <+Leona> Leona keeps her head down, though between her acute elven eyes and the uncanny senses of her second skin she's perfectly able to see even in the growing dusk beneath the treetops. "What now?" she whispers to the sergeant.
[14:15] <+Santiago> Santiago can't see much of anything! And he is too focused on maintaining the illusion of a unit that he has little to say for now, either.
01[14:16] <@El-Cideon> Cala's response is also in whisper: "Recon would be of help if anyone's confident they can sneak up there and back to get us an idea of what we're dealing with. Otherwise, we advance as a unit. Slowly, with an eye for lookouts." She waits a moment to see whether anyone volunteers a talent for quiet infiltration.
[14:18] <+Leona> Leona does not volunteer, having no skill at such stealthy pursuits!
[14:19] <+Luiza> Luiza shakes her head.
[14:21] <+Morrison> There is a shake of his head as well.
01[14:21] <@El-Cideon> Cala shrugs. "Alright. Looks like we're moving on up together." She loads up her crossbow. "Silence unless you spot someone."
01[14:21] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Perception, everyone
[14:21] <+Santiago> roll 1d20+2
[14:21] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+2 --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{3}
[14:22] <+Leona> roll 1d20+8
[14:22] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+8 --> 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{17}
[14:22] <+Morrison> roll 1d20+10
[14:22] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 1d20+10 --> 6,0[ 1d20=9 ]4,0{19}
01[14:22] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+16
[14:22] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+16 --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{17}
[14:22] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+6
[14:22] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+6 --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{26}
[14:23] <+Luiza> OOC: Sorry, +5 so 25
[14:27] <+Luiza> "Harpy, Ma'am!" Luiza reports, pointing the bandit lookout out. "Just saw us coming!"
[14:27] <+Leona> Leona's head snaps up in the direction Luiza's pointing!
[14:28] <+Luiza> Her warning delivered, Luiza dashes towards the tree where she spotted the miscreant!
[14:28] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+6 init
[14:28] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+6 1,0init --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{13}
01[14:29] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+3
[14:29] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+3 --> 6,0[ 1d20=3 ]4,0{6}
[14:29] <+Santiago> roll 1d20+8
[14:29] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+8 --> 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{21}
[14:29] <+Leona> roll 1d20+1 init
[14:29] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+1 1,0init --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{6}
[14:29] <+Morrison> roll 1d20+4
[14:29] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 1d20+4 --> 6,0[ 1d20=20 ]4,0{24}
01[14:29] <@El-Cideon> OOC: this is basically a surprise round. Luiza can act before harpy chick, but it's obvious she's about to fly off
[14:30] <+Luiza> Luiza dashes towards the harpy, intent on following her! Even if she runs away, surely she'll need to land eventually!
01[14:30] <@El-Cideon> OOC: if she's somehow brought down during Luiza's action, then we'll deal in the rest
01[14:31] <@El-Cideon> A screech from above confirms Luiza's sighting--but without any means to shoot the bird woman down, it's as much as Luiza can do to dash after her general direction. The harpy immediately takes wing and disappears up out of sight in the foliage--but clearly in the direction of the top of the hill.
01[14:32] <@El-Cideon> "Well, shit," is Cala's succinct summary of events. "Alright, let's march. Assume they're ready. Leona, that getup of yours good enough armor for you to take point?"
[14:34] <+Leona> "Yes, I'll even make myself a bigger target," Leona agrees, because she has tested it and this thing can take some serious abuse. Taking a moment to cast another spell she abruptly swells to double her size, now a giant six-limbed monster lumbering up the hill ahead of everyone else!
[14:35] <+Santiago> Santiago starts organizing his phantom squad! He has them spread out in a loose line with swords drawn, fanning out to Leona's flanks so as to surround their enemy. He otherwise must linger towards the back and march at a slower pace.
01[14:35] <@El-Cideon> Cala follows, taking to the back ranks for fire support.
[14:36] <+Morrison> Morrison hangs back but follows, eyes up so as to prevent any further ambushes.
01[14:37] <@El-Cideon> An uneven wall of stone rings the crest of the hill. Somewhat more than waist high, the heavy stone blocks have a deconstructed look, as though much of the structure were removed long after construction. Past this low obstacle, and beyond the narrow front door, lie the remains of what might once have been part of a house. Stairs lead up to the flat roof of an unfinished second floor. Nearby and outside the wall, a heavily-laden wagon has been parked, and a pair of horses have been tied to a tree.
01[14:37] <@El-Cideon> In the center of the open yard beyond the low wall, a motley group loiters around a campfire under the open sky: a loutish-looking thug with a simple club at his side; a narrow, sharp-featured man cleaning a pair of knives; and a masked woman. She isn't tall, but she does look strong for her height—her crude hide armor has no sleeves, and her bare arms suggest a muscular build. Her right bicep also sports an old tattoo of a hawk swooping for a kill. The mask is made of metal; firelight glimmers off a perpetually grimacing countenance and a scattered studding of nails. A fringe of short red hair can be seen at the back of her head, behind the mask. All three of these figures have clearly just risen to their feet; the filthy harpy watcher is babbling to the masked woman as you arrive.
01[14:37] <@El-Cideon> A fourth figure sits atop the unfinished second floor of the structure, a lanky man lounging about and stargazing. A musket is propped against a stone nearby him.
01[14:37] <@El-Cideon> OOC: K:L can be rolled here if desired
[14:38] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+5
[14:38] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+5 --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{23}
[14:38] <+Santiago> roll 1d20+9
[14:38] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+9 --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{21}
[14:38] <+Leona> roll 1d20+2 sure
[14:38] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0sure --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{12}
[14:41] <+Santiago> "That woman's from the navy," Santiago says, with a start. "A mutineer, perhaps. Or fleeing the same."
[14:42] <+Luiza> "A mutineer...?" Luiza voices uncertainly, before shaking her head. "Surrender at once!" she demands, rapier drawn and pointed at the masked woman that seems to be the leader.
01[14:44] <@El-Cideon> "Fantastic," Cala mutters. "The Ministries can fight for jurisdiction." To the group ahead, she calls out, "Ma'am, under authority granted to me by the King as commander of the Rocina Militia, I call for you and your friends to lower your arms and come along peacefully."
[14:44] <+Leona> Leona just keeps her mouth shut. She could try growling or roaring to frighten them but she has a feeling it'd just sound sad. Plus people who think a monster will eat them are more apt to fight to the death.
[14:45] <+Luiza> Right, of course, that's how she should do it. Luiza commits it to memory. Anything than thinking about the situation she's actually in.
[14:45] <+Santiago> Santiago's soldiers stand at the ready, grim and no-nonsense expression upon them all!
[14:45] <+Santiago> Santiago, likewise, has a grim and no-nonsense expression. Maintaining a spell for this long is causing him to sweat, and he feels a horrid churning in his stomach that is surely from that exertion.
01[14:46] <@El-Cideon> OOC: I think the mob warrants an Intimidate roll if you like, Santiago
[14:46] <+Santiago> roll 1d20+10 scary!
[14:46] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+10 1,0scary! --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{14}
01[14:49] <@El-Cideon> The gang looks uncertainly to their leader for direction. Most of them look worried by the odds, but the masked woman is unshaken, and the metal of her decoration turns her voice into something cold and grating. "We'll hang later if you don't kill us here. Take up your swords. I won't be going anywhere with you." Her gang follows suit and draws their weapons, though they look a little less confident than a moment ago!
01[14:49] <@El-Cideon> OOC: init
[14:49] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+6
[14:49] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+6 --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{16}
[14:49] <+Leona> roll 1d20
[14:49] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20 --> 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{13}
[14:49] <+Morrison> roll 1d20+4
[14:49] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 1d20+4 --> 6,0[ 1d20=2 ]4,0{6}
[14:50] <+Santiago> roll 1d20+8
[14:50] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+8 --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{20}
01[14:50] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7 masked woman
[14:50] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7 1,0masked woman --> 6,0[ 1d20=19 ]4,0{26}
01[14:50] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+3 knives
[14:50] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+3 1,0knives --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{14}
01[14:50] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+3 gunner
[14:50] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+3 1,0gunner --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{13}
01[14:50] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2 thug
[14:50] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0thug --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{12}
01[14:50] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+3 harpy
[14:50] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+3 1,0harpy --> 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{16}
01[14:50] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2 Cala
[14:50] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0Cala --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{3}
03[14:52] * El-Cideon changes topic to 'Steel Petrona (26) > Santiago (20) > Luiza = harpy (16) > knives (14) > Leona = gunner (13) > thug (12) > Morrison (8) > Cala = (3)'
01[14:53] <@El-Cideon> OOC: there's one obvious door into the compound; you could clamber or jump over the ring wall with a little effort (you can easily see and shoot over it). The mob's 20 ft past the door. You're all just outside.
01[14:54] <@El-Cideon> The leader of the mob rushes forward to take up position next to the door on the inside of the wall.
01[14:54] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Santiago
[14:58] <+Santiago> Santiago shouts out, and directs his band of soldiers to rush into the gate!
01[14:58] <@El-Cideon> The masked woman lashes out with a fist at the first through the gate!
01[14:58] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7
[14:58] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7 --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{15}
03[14:59] * El-Cideon changes topic to 'Steel Petrona = Santiago (20) > Luiza = harpy (16) > knives (14) > Leona = gunner (13) > thug (12) > Morrison (8) > Cala = (3)'
01[15:01] <@El-Cideon> Her fist flashes right through a phantom soldier's head!
01[15:01] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Luiza & harpy
01[15:02] <@El-Cideon> The harpy shrieks and hurries up next to her boss to block off the most direct access into the compound and stab at a soldier!
01[15:02] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+3-1 shaken
[15:02] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+3-1 1,0shaken --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{13}
01[15:03] <@El-Cideon> "We've got us a damn magician out there," the masked woman grunts. "Figure out who he is and gut him first."
[15:03] <+Luiza> Luiza dashes towards the building, though rather than leap through the door her jump sends her towards the wall! She pushes off it, and tries to clear the distance and land by the musket before its wielder can truly get set up!
[15:04] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+10-2+1d6 let's jump!
[15:04] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+10-2+1d6 1,0let's jump! --> 6,0[ 1d20=13 1d6=1 ]4,0{22}
01[15:04] <@El-Cideon> OOC: quite adequate
01[15:04] <@El-Cideon> OOC: knives are up
[15:05] <+Luiza> OOC: Intent is to AoO if he tries to pick it up!
01[15:05] <@El-Cideon> The dual-wielding bandit snatches up his blades and moves opposite his boss by the door, which should block out anyone less agile than Luiza going forward! He also stabs at an illusion.
01[15:05] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2 flank cancels shaken
[15:05] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0flank cancels shaken --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{7}
01[15:06] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Leona and gunner are up
01[15:06] <@El-Cideon> The musketman does indeed reach immediately for his weapon--sure, he might get stabbed, but at least he'll be armed if he survives! OOC: Luiza, resolve first
[15:09] <+Luiza> Her eyes wide, Luiza stabs her rapier straight ahead!
[15:09] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+9
[15:09] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+9 --> 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{22}
01[15:10] <@El-Cideon> OOC: hit
[15:10] <+Luiza> OOC: Gah, my bad, it's +8 so 21
01[15:11] <@El-Cideon> OOC: still hits
[15:11] <+Luiza> roll 1d6+3+3
[15:11] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d6+3+3 --> 6,0[ 1d6=3 ]4,0{9}
[15:11] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+9 intimidate as swift
[15:11] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+9 1,0intimidate as swift --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{20}
01[15:13] <@El-Cideon> Stung badly by Luiza's blade, the rifleman is deterred from retrieving his weapon. Instead, he's forced to retreat back a step and draw a rapier of his own.
03[15:13] * El-Cideon changes topic to 'Steel Petrona = Santiago (20) > Luiza = harpy (16) > knives (14) > Leona = gunnerFRIGHTENED (13) > thug (12) > Morrison (8) > Cala = (3)'
01[15:13] <@El-Cideon> Though he looks more inclined to run next chance he gets!
[15:14] <+Leona> A waist high wall to normal Leona is no impediment at all to jumbo sized Leona! Bypassing the gate entirely she strides over the wall and moves around towards the side the masked woman is on, not quite close enough to immediately strike even with her lengthened reach, but only a step or so away. For her. It's more of a stretch for the masked woman which would leave her exposed if she did dare
[15:14] <+Leona> approach Leona to try attacking. OOC: positioning ten feet away from Steel Petrona basically.
01[15:15] <@El-Cideon> OOC: noted. Thug is up.
01[15:15] <@El-Cideon> With his allies crowding around the door, the gang's brute opts to scramble up the stairs to the second floor and take a swing at Luiza!
01[15:15] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+4-2
[15:15] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+4-2 --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{10}
01[15:16] <@El-Cideon> OOC: obviously a whiff. Morrison is up!
01[15:16] <@El-Cideon> OOC: there's enough wall in front of Petrona/knives for them to get a cover bonus. Everyone else is wide open.
[15:17] <+Luiza> "Surrender!" Luiza repeats, keeping her eyes away from the blood dripping from the tip of her rapier. "I don't want to hurt you, but I will if I have to!"
[15:17] <+Morrison> There's some hesitation on his part at first, but the best way to get this over is to simply reduce the number of individuals who are fighting. With that, he moves over to get a better vantage point and fires an arrow at the gunner -- no sense in letting him get away, after all!
[15:18] <+Morrison> roll 1d20+9
[15:18] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 1d20+9 --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{10}
01[15:18] <@El-Cideon> Unfortunately, this arrow flies wide of the target. OOC: Cala is up
01[15:18] <@El-Cideon> Cala ignores the bulk of the mob and takes a single shot at the obvious leader of the gang.
01[15:18] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+15
[15:19] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+15 --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{22}
01[15:38] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d10
[15:38] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d10 1,0 --> 6,0[ 1d10=10 ]4,0{10}
01[15:19] <@El-Cideon> Petrona takes the bolt better than most men would, merely grunting in pain!
01[15:20] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Petrona/Santiago up
01[15:21] <@El-Cideon> Petrona opts to turn and brave the monster before her! She steps right up to Leona to get into her own attack range, then lunges in with a low kick at Leona's legs!
01[15:21] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+12 CMB for trip attempt
[15:21] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+12 1,0CMB for trip attempt --> 6,0[ 1d20=16 ]4,0{28}
[15:22] <+Leona> OOC: that triggers an AoO for me (she trips me)
01[15:22] <@El-Cideon> OOC: go ahead!
[15:22] <+Leona> roll 1d20+6
[15:22] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+6 --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{14}
[15:22] <+Santiago> "Continue! Lay in! Just do it!" bawls Santiago, raising his voice and unleashing his booming tenor across the battlefield! "For we are the champions from Rooooooocina! Rocina! Never to back down, never to fear!"
01[15:22] <@El-Cideon> OOC: whiff
[15:23] <+Santiago> OOC: +1hit/damage/savesvsfear
[15:23] <+Santiago> OOC: illusions all go away
[15:23] <+Leona> OOC: I fall down
01[15:23] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Luiza & harpy
01[15:24] <@El-Cideon> "Get over here and stab the freak while she's down," Petrona calls to her nearest allies. The harpy shuffles over to try a poke with her knife at the prone Leona!
[15:24] <+Luiza> Since her repeated demands didn't result in a favorable outcome, Luiza just has to beat the bandits enough for them to come over to her point of view!
[15:24] <+Leona> OOC: AC 15 while prone
[15:24] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+9 brute
[15:24] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+9 1,0brute --> 6,0[ 1d20=15 ]4,0{24}
01[15:25] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+3-1 still shaken
[15:25] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+3-1 1,0still shaken --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{9}
01[15:25] <@El-Cideon> OOC: also hit, Luiza
[15:25] <+Luiza> roll 1d6+3+3
[15:25] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d6+3+3 --> 6,0[ 1d6=4 ]4,0{10}
[15:25] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+9 am I scary?
[15:25] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+9 1,0am I scary? --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{27}
01[15:25] <@El-Cideon> OOC: you are very scary
01[15:26] <@El-Cideon> Another enemy is badly gored, and sufficiently intimidated by his near-death encounter to look ready to run for the hills! The other, taller hills!
03[15:26] * El-Cideon changes topic to 'Steel Petrona = Santiago (20) > Luiza = harpy (16) > knives (14) > Leona = gunnerFRIGHTENED (13) > thugFRIGHTENED (12) > Morrison (8) > Cala = (3)'
01[15:26] <@El-Cideon> OOC: knives is up
01[15:26] <@El-Cideon> The rogue sidles around the fallen Leona to flank her with his boss!
01[15:27] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2 flank counters shaken
[15:27] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0flank counters shaken --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{7}
01[15:27] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Leona + gunner
[15:28] <+Leona> Grunting, Leona first hauls herself to her feet...
[15:28] <+Leona> OOC: provokes AoOs
01[15:28] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7+2 Petrona
[15:28] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7+2 1,0Petrona --> 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{15}
01[15:28] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2 rogue
[15:28] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 1,0rogue --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{13}
01[15:28] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+3-2 harpy
[15:28] <+Leona> OOC: Petrona hits.
[15:28] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+3-2 1,0harpy --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{9}
01[15:28] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d8+4 PUNCH
[15:28] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+4 1,0PUNCH --> 6,0[ 1d8=5 ]4,0{9}
[15:29] <+Leona> Shrugging off the punch on her second skin without feeling it herself, she lashes out with one of her lower claws in retaliation at the masked woman!
[15:29] <+Leona> roll 1d20+6
[15:29] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+6 --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{20}
01[15:29] <@El-Cideon> OOC: hit
[15:30] <+Leona> roll 1d8+4 and she takes 1d6 bleed damage on her turn every turn until she's healed or dies.
[15:30] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d8+4 1,0and she takes 1d6 bleed damage on her turn every turn until she's healed or dies. --> 6,0[ 1d8=4 ]4,0{8}
[15:30] <+Leona> OOC: 9 damage after Rat.
01[15:30] <@El-Cideon> "What *are* you, mongrel bitch?" Petrona grunts as she's clawed.
03[15:31] * El-Cideon changes topic to 'Steel Petrona (1d6 bleed) = Santiago (20) > Luiza = harpy (16) > knives (14) > Leona = gunnerFRIGHTENED (13) > thugFRIGHTENED (12) > Morrison (8) > Cala = (3)'
01[15:31] <@El-Cideon> Both the would-be rifleman and his thuggish companion turn to run blindly away!
01[15:31] <@El-Cideon> OOC: AoO, Luiza
[15:32] <+Leona> "I'm a militiawoman, that's all!" she retorts, considerably cheered up by hurting the person who knocked her down and punched her.
[15:32] <+Luiza> The rifleman is still armed, and Luiza tries to stab him in the foot rather than anywhere vital....
[15:32] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+9
[15:32] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+9 --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{27}
[15:33] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+9 crit
[15:33] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+9 1,0crit --> 6,0[ 1d20=3 ]4,0{12}
01[15:33] <@El-Cideon> OOC: hit, no crit
[15:33] <+Luiza> roll 1d6+3+3+1
[15:33] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d6+3+3+1 --> 6,0[ 1d6=4 ]4,0{11}
[15:33] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+9 still ridiculously scary
[15:33] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+9 1,0still ridiculously scary --> 6,0[ 1d20=14 ]4,0{23}
01[15:33] <@El-Cideon> Is she scarier than death? He's about to find out!
03[15:34] * El-Cideon changes topic to 'Steel Petrona (1d6 bleed) = Santiago (20) > Luiza = harpy (16) > knives (14) > Leona > thugFRIGHTENED (12) > Morrison (8) > Cala = (3)'
01[15:34] <@El-Cideon> Meanwhile, the thug barrels back down the stairs and makes for the front door of the perimeter wall!
01[15:34] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Morrison
[15:35] <+Morrison> He takes a breath and fires off two shots at the harpy!
[15:35] <+Morrison> roll 1d20+8
[15:35] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 1d20+8 --> 6,0[ 1d20=16 ]4,0{24}
[15:35] <+Morrison> roll 1d20+8
[15:35] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 1d20+8 --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{18}
01[15:35] <@El-Cideon> OOC: both hit despite cover
[15:35] <+Morrison> roll 2#1d8+3
[15:35] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 2#1d8+3 --> 6,0[ 1d8=4 ]4,0{7}, 6,0[ 1d8=2 ]4,0{5}
01[15:36] <@El-Cideon> The bird woman goes down with a wretched caw amidst a flurry of feathers!
03[15:36] * El-Cideon changes topic to 'Steel Petrona (1d6 bleed) = Santiago (20) > Luiza > knives (14) > Leona > thugFRIGHTENED (12) > Morrison (8) > Cala = (3)'
01[15:36] <@El-Cideon> Cala reloads and calmly lines up another shot at the enemy leader.
01[15:37] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+15
[15:37] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+15 --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{23}
[15:37] <+Santiago> OOC: bard!
01[15:37] <@El-Cideon> OOC: hits anyway, but noted!
01[15:38] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d10+1
[15:38] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d10+1 --> 6,0[ 1d10=2 ]4,0{3}
01[15:38] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Petrona and Santiago are up
01[15:38] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d6 bleed
[15:38] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d6 1,0bleed --> 6,0[ 1d6=4 ]4,0{4}
[15:39] <+Santiago> "-raise your swords and we'll raise our glasses! They spilled our wine and the wineseller's blood, and the vinter's god demands his due!" cries Santiago, snatching up his spear and charging into Petrona, point first!
[15:39] <+Santiago> roll 1d20+8 power attack -1
[15:39] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+8 1,0power attack -1 --> 6,0[ 1d20=3 ]4,0{11}
01[15:39] <@El-Cideon> OOC: miss :(
01[15:39] <@El-Cideon> Petrona casually dodges the attack from behind, then swiftly punches twice at Leona!
[15:39] <+Morrison> Morrison just gives an incredibly perplexed look in Santiago's direction.
01[15:39] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7+2
01[15:39] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7+2
[15:39] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7+2 --> 6,0[ 1d20=12 ]4,0{21}
[15:39] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7+2 --> 6,0[ 1d20=18 ]4,0{27}
01[15:40] <@El-Cideon> OOC: both hit, yah?
01[15:40] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d8+4 damage
01[15:40] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d8+4 damage
[15:40] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+4 1,0damage --> 6,0[ 1d8=5 ]4,0{9}
[15:40] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+4 1,0damage --> 6,0[ 1d8=3 ]4,0{7}
[15:40] <+Leona> OOC: yeah, AC 19 now
01[15:41] <@El-Cideon> OOC: okay! Luiza and knives are up
01[15:41] <@El-Cideon> The sneaky bandit now tries to do his job for real and take advantage of Leona's position between him and his boss!
01[15:41] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2
01[15:41] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2
[15:41] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{13}
[15:41] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{7}
01[15:42] <@El-Cideon> But even with every advantage, he can't stab anything but illusions!
[15:42] <+Luiza> "Hey! Stop!" Luiza calls out, dashing after the fleeing thug.
[15:42] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+9 stab
[15:42] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+9 1,0stab --> 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{22}
01[15:42] <@El-Cideon> OOC: hit
[15:42] <+Luiza> roll 1d6+3+3+1
[15:42] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d6+3+3+1 --> 6,0[ 1d6=2 ]4,0{9}
[15:42] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+9 let's be scarier
[15:42] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+9 1,0let's be scarier --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{10}
03[15:43] * El-Cideon changes topic to 'Steel Petrona (1d6 bleed) = Santiago (20) > Luiza > knives (14) > Leona > Morrison (8) > Cala = (3)'
01[15:43] <@El-Cideon> Another of Luiza's opponents is frightened, possibly to death?
01[15:43] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Leona
[15:44] <+Leona> On one hand Leona doesn't feel any pain from this, she does hear an increasingly high pitched chittering in her brain which experience has taught her means her bonded second skin is in danger of falling to pieces (it always comes back of course) which would then leave nothing between her and the people trying to murder her. This makes her lash out with increasing fervour at the masked woman,
[15:44] <+Leona> claws raining down on her head and at her sides from three sides!
[15:44] <+Leona> roll 1d20+6 power attack
[15:44] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+6 1,0power attack --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{23}
[15:44] <+Leona> roll 1d20+6 power attack
[15:44] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+6 1,0power attack --> 6,0[ 1d20=2 ]4,0{8}
[15:44] <+Leona> roll 1d20+6 power attack
[15:44] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+6 1,0power attack --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{7}
01[15:44] <@El-Cideon> OOC: first hit
[15:44] <+Leona> roll 1d8+7 bleed doesn't stack so no addons.
[15:44] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d8+7 1,0bleed doesn't stack so no addons. --> 6,0[ 1d8=4 ]4,0{11}
01[15:45] <@El-Cideon> Petrona looks significantly wounded by this point, bleeding or no!
01[15:45] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Morrison
[15:46] <+Morrison> Time to put an end to this! Morrison fires two more arrows at the leader!
[15:46] <+Morrison> roll 1d20+8
[15:46] <+Morrison> roll 1d20+8
[15:46] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 1d20+8 --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{13}
[15:46] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 1d20+8 --> 6,0[ 1d20=1 ]4,0{9}
01[15:46] <@El-Cideon> OOC: :(
01[15:47] <@El-Cideon> Cala lines up another shot--
01[15:47] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+15+1
[15:47] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+15+1 --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{27}
01[15:48] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d10+1
[15:48] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d10+1 --> 6,0[ 1d10=8 ]4,0{9}
01[15:48] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d6 bleed
[15:48] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d6 1,0bleed --> 6,0[ 1d6=4 ]4,0{4}
01[15:49] <@El-Cideon> Petrona struggles on at death's door. "Someone's coming to the abyss with me!" she calls out. "That's a promise!"
01[15:49] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7+2
01[15:49] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+7+2
[15:49] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7+2 --> 6,0[ 1d20=10 ]4,0{19}
[15:49] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+7+2 --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{20}
01[15:49] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d8+4
01[15:49] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d8+4
[15:49] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+4 --> 6,0[ 1d8=5 ]4,0{9}
[15:49] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d8+4 --> 6,0[ 1d8=2 ]4,0{6}
01[15:49] <@El-Cideon> OOC: also Santiago is up!
[15:50] <+Leona> Leona felt that one, actual blood bubbling forth from beneath her bronzed and scaly skin! "Rrrghh... it won't be me!" she swears, barely keeping it together now that she's actually suffering the consequences for being in melee with someone that actually knows how to fight.
[15:51] <+Santiago> Threats like that can't be permitted! Santiago's voice rises to a high-pitched, wordless wail as he thrusts at Petrona's back!
[15:51] <+Santiago> roll 1d20+6 pa
[15:51] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+6 1,0pa --> 6,0[ 1d20=6 ]4,0{12}
01[15:51] <@El-Cideon> OOC: :(
01[15:51] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Luiza and knives
01[15:52] <@El-Cideon> "I'll get her, boss!" the last goon swears. "Just watch!"
01[15:52] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2
01[15:52] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2
[15:52] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 --> 6,0[ 1d20=11 ]4,0{13}
[15:52] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2 --> 6,0[ 1d20=7 ]4,0{9}
[15:52] <+Luiza> "No you won't!" Luiza declares, flying into the fray!
[15:52] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+9
[15:52] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+9 --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{13}
01[15:53] <@El-Cideon> OOC: that misses either of them, but which target for reference?"
01[15:53] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Leona
[15:53] <+Luiza> OOC: The knife guy, who I would like to flank with Leona for +2 more
01[15:53] <@El-Cideon> OOC: noted but still not enough
[15:54] <+Leona> Ignoring the unskilled knife wielding thug, Leona thrusts her clawed hands into the masked woman's chest and pulls them apart in a potentially gory and spectacular fashion!
[15:54] <+Leona> roll 1d20+6 power attack
[15:54] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+6 1,0power attack --> 6,0[ 1d20=16 ]4,0{22}
[15:54] <+Leona> roll 1d20+6 power attack
[15:54] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+6 1,0power attack --> 6,0[ 1d20=2 ]4,0{8}
[15:54] <+Leona> roll 1d20+6 power attack
[15:54] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+6 1,0power attack --> 6,0[ 1d20=5 ]4,0{11}
01[15:54] <@El-Cideon> OOC: first hits
[15:54] <+Leona> roll 1d8+7
[15:54] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d8+7 --> 6,0[ 1d8=3 ]4,0{10}
01[15:56] <@El-Cideon> At last the masked woman falls to her knees! She looks down, blinks at the gaping wound in her chest. "They're good, Teo..." she admits in stunned disbelief before falling over onto the ground.
03[15:56] * El-Cideon changes topic to 'Santiago (20) > Luiza > knives (14) > Leona > Morrison (8) > Cala = (3)'
01[15:56] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Morrison
[15:57] <+Morrison> He'll have time to figure out why he is apparently blind tonight, but he fires again at the least-remaining foe!
[15:57] <+Morrison> roll 1d20+8
[15:57] <+Morrison> roll 1d20+8
[15:57] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 1d20+8 --> 6,0[ 1d20=3 ]4,0{11}
[15:57] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 1d20+8 --> 6,0[ 1d20=13 ]4,0{21}
01[15:57] <@El-Cideon> OOC: latter hits
[15:57] <+Morrison> roll 1d8+3
[15:57] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Morrison rolled :6,0 1d8+3 --> 6,0[ 1d8=2 ]4,0{5}
01[15:57] <@El-Cideon> "Boss, no!" the rogue cries out just before he's perforated. He staggers in pain as Cala reloads again and tries to finish him off!
01[15:57] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+15+1
[15:57] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+15+1 --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{33}
01[15:58] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d10+1
[15:58] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d10+1 --> 6,0[ 1d10=3 ]4,0{4}
01[15:58] <@El-Cideon> He looks dazed, barely able to stand on his feet as another projectile slams into him!
01[15:58] <@El-Cideon> OOC: Santiago
01[15:59] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d6 bleed this is still relevant
[15:59] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d6 1,0bleed this is still relevant --> 6,0[ 1d6=3 ]4,0{3}
[16:00] <+Santiago> Santiago feels a little dazed himself, but it doesn't stop him advancing on the rogue and trying to put him down as well.
[16:00] <+Santiago> roll 1d20+7 no pa?!
[16:00] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d20+7 1,0no pa?! --> 6,0[ 1d20=3 ]4,0{10}
01[16:01] <@El-Cideon> Santiago, alas, proves more inspiration in song than by example. But maybe Luisa can finish things!
[16:01] <+Luiza> Luiza does, indeed, try to rescue Leona from the bandit still threatening her!
[16:01] <+Luiza> roll 1d20+11
[16:01] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Luiza rolled :6,0 1d20+11 --> 6,0[ 1d20=2 ]4,0{13}
01[16:02] <@El-Cideon> He still evades, and tries for one last attack on Leona!
01[16:02] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d20+2-2
[16:02] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d20+2-2 --> 6,0[ 1d20=8 ]4,0{8}
01[16:02] <@El-Cideon> And then collapses to the ground.
01[16:02] <@El-Cideon> OOC: free act
[16:03] <+Luiza> Luiza takes in the scene, then woodenly cleans up her rapier and sheathes it.
[16:03] <+Leona> "Owww, why am I bleeding?" Leona whines, reaching for a wand off her belt and waving it over herself to try and fix this sad state of affairs.
[16:03] <+Leona> roll 1d20+10 UMD DC 20
[16:04] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+10 1,0UMD DC 20 --> 6,0[ 1d20=4 ]4,0{14}
01[16:04] <@El-Cideon> Cala puts up her crossbow. "Nice work, squad," she says, strolling into the compound to survey the mess. "I wouldn't say this is how I want every crime to end, but sometimes it's nice when they admit their guilt by trying to murder you."
01[16:04] <@El-Cideon> roll 1d6
[16:04] <+Rei-chan> 6,0El-Cideon rolled :6,0 1d6 --> 6,0[ 1d6=2 ]4,0{2}
[16:04] <+Leona> "Come on, work you stupid thing!" Leona complains, continuing her wand waving.
[16:04] <+Leona> roll 1d20+10 umd DC 20
[16:04] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d20+10 1,0umd DC 20 --> 6,0[ 1d20=17 ]4,0{27}
[16:05] <+Leona> roll 1d8+1
[16:05] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 1d8+1 --> 6,0[ 1d8=4 ]4,0{5}
[16:05] <+Leona> "Ahhh," she sighs in relief at patching herself up, expending some of her own magic to mend her second skin.
[16:05] <+Leona> roll 2d8+6 2 castings of rejuvenate eidolon as well to use up all my spells for the day
[16:05] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Leona rolled :6,0 2d8+6 1,02 castings of rejuvenate eidolon as well to use up all my spells for the day --> 6,0[ 2d8=6 ]4,0{12}
[16:06] <+Santiago> Santiago clamps his mouth shut, for a change, and looks around. This wasn't as adventuresome or story-worthy as he'd hoped! It was really just beating up a bunch of desperate thugs. Glancing at the bleeding woman on the ground, Santiago looks uncertain for a moment before withdrawing his wand. "I don't think they're entirely dead," he says, tapping the woman lightly with it to at least staunch the flow. "What should we do with 'em all,
[16:06] <+Santiago> sarge?"
[16:07] <+Santiago> roll 1d8+1 hlz because geneva conventions or something
[16:07] <+Rei-chan> 6,0Santiago rolled :6,0 1d8+1 1,0hlz because geneva conventions or something --> 6,0[ 1d8=7 ]4,0{8}
01[16:08] <@El-Cideon> "If anyone's still breathing, we'll haul them back for trial," Cala says. "We've the cart for the Roldan's goods to bring back anyway."
01[16:09] <@El-Cideon> Petrona's bleeding ceases. She doesn't rouse, but you can tell she's alive.
[16:09] <+Morrison> Morrison looks at Santiago again with yet another perplexed expression.
[16:09] <+Leona> "Just so long as she doesn't punch me again," Leona declares, folding her arms twice over and turning up her nose.
01[16:10] <@El-Cideon> "She's not punching anyone while she's in irons," Cala observes, then feels it necessary to clarify. "Manacles. Not masks."
[16:10] <+Luiza> "That-- Ma'am-- did we really do well?" Luiza asks, stopping just short of wringing her hands.
[16:10] <+Santiago> "Er, yes. Not to worry," replies Santiago, fumbling for his bindings. "She might kick, though."
[16:10] <+Leona> Leona edges away just to be safe!
01[16:11] <@El-Cideon> "It's alright, Luiza," she says. "Sometimes folks don't give you any other choice. It's good to get them back to town to see justice all the way through, but out here, at times like this, you have to keep yourself alive before that can become a possibility."
[16:13] <+Morrison> "...Hey, Leona." Morrison speaks up. "They had smashed some other spirits but taken some, right?"
[16:13] <+Luiza> Luiza nods curtly. "Um, then, are we bringing anyone else? I don't-- they might still be alive?"
01[16:13] <@El-Cideon> Cala walks around to check on the rest of the gang. "Our inept knifeman and the big lug look like they'll pull through. Rifleman and the bird are going in the ground, though."
[16:14] <+Santiago> "You're saying we need to bury them?" asks Santiago, showing acute distaste for the first time. He looks around to see what they did with the wagon and horses.
[16:14] <+Leona> "That's right," she says to Morrison. "I don't know if they got smashed in the scuffle or the taste didn't agree with them, though." She goes over to their campfire to see what they were drinking and if it's the same spicy stuff she smelled earlier.
01[16:14] <@El-Cideon> The Roldans' wagon is still right outside the compound, fortunately. Leona finds one bottle by the fire, open. The gang apparently exercised some self control over the grog.
01[16:15] <@El-Cideon> "Alright," Cala concludes, "let's get them back to town. It's about time for you all to sign off anyway. You've had a busy day," she admits, with some mixture of approval and sympathy.
[16:15] <+Morrison> "It was stupid of them to not think anyone could follow them." Morrison says with a small sigh.
[16:16] <+Leona> "They weren't even drinking that much," she comments. Which makes sense, they didn't fight like they were drunk.
01[16:16] <@El-Cideon> ~