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DM Nagging: It's pretty much my job

Started by Anastasia, April 12, 2018, 12:35:58 PM

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Quote from: Ebiris on April 26, 2020, 05:23:55 PM
Not saying which side of the die is up on Donald's symbol feels like an oversight.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Nephrite on April 26, 2020, 04:02:17 PM
I still need a list of planar names we've used, but other than that here's what I have.

1. I need to focus on building a strong foundation for my clergy. Lifasa seems like a good place to start.

2. I should continue to unravel the mysteries around the Hecatoncheries.

3. I need to continue to work on spreading the word of my faith in general.

Lune, A human Paladin 2//Sorcerer 2 from the plane of Malana, who was told about Moore by a seer there. She is trying to hold out hope and better the places around her.

Genlar, A elven Bard 2//Marshal 2 from the plane of [insert], who happened to pray to Moore for some inspiration one day after a long series of being unable to find the right tune.

Nalrar, An aasimar knight 2//favored soul 2 from the plane of <something or other> who had been rather depressed and forlorn, and found Moore after having a book of scripture given to him.

Looks good. I'll whip up some pre generated primes at some point this week, fill in the blanks then and repost it.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Nephrite on April 25, 2020, 10:42:46 PM
Assuming we were caught unaware and had to get going, he'd do something like:

Standard: Harmonize
Swift: Inspire Courage
Movement: Inspire Heroics

Then round two would be:

Standard: Inspire Greatness
Movement: Destined Strike

Without that, he'd have to move the Inspire Courage to round two if he wanted to use it.


We'll try it and see how it balances out.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Now that Epic Inspire Courage is at least tentatively approved, I can go ahead with the official level. :)

Moore reaches level 36!

Singer of the Celestial Choir 6 and Favored Soul 6. You know, I wonder if he should rebuild out of Favored Soul at some point, since it doesn't really make a lot of sense for a deity to be one. Oh well, that's for another time. 

+9 + 4 + 6 = 19 HP for 742.

I am replacing Negotiator for Improved Initiative to set up for Supreme Initiative, as I think it's good to have and I don't really need the +2 from Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks.

I also don't really see much of a point to Ranged Inspiration. With Divine Bard, all his songs go up to a mile at present anyway, so there's not really a need to have two miles, at least in my view. Maybe that'll change, but it's never come up. I am going to be boring and replace this with Epic Inspiration. If worse comes to worst, I can always grab Ranged Inspiration down the line.

Also, I'm retraining Epic Skill focus: Oratory. At this point, that was 10 levels ago, and Moore's grown into the skill that he used there anyway, so I think he's fulfilled the promise to Lliira from way back. This gets replaced with Epic Inspire Courage.

As for the feat at this level... I think I'll just get another Epic Inspiration. Honestly, it's just that good for what Moore does. I could take Great Ability (Charisma) but I don't think that's really necessary. Maybe I'll regret this later, but I'm happy with this regardless.

Charisma goes up by 1 to 42, hooray. This increases a variety of his bonuses, which is nice.

Skills all go up by 1.

CL 34 for Bard, CL 24 for Favored Soul.

+1 Known spell for Bard 11, Celestia's Inspiration.
+1 Sanctified spell, He will pick Shardread Weapon, because Fuck Shar.

+1 known spell for 10, Discern Curse
+3 known spells for favored soul, 11, Hanna's Charge, Mass Regenerate, Moonlight Revelation

There aren't a lot of great level 11 Cleric spells, honestly. If Gae Assail gets bumped up to 11 then he'll drop one of these.


Quote from: Anastasia on April 12, 2020, 03:11:01 PMChanges

These are the changes this analysis suggests. I'm not making any changes right this second, but bear these in mind. I want to adjust as few spells in level as possible, with that being a last resort. Anyway, any changes will require a review of the entire spell and not just this data, but it's a good place to start from.

For the sake of ease, I'm going to make as few changes as possible, and I'll favor ones that require a minimum of adjustments to PCs and NPCs. I'll favor knocking down the damage or effect of a spell a bit rather than a spell level change in most cases.

Quote1. Some older spells could use a new coat of polish. This is a todo one of those days.

Will do one of these days. It isn't mission critical.

Quote2. Gae Assail should be moved to 11th level. This one will cause minimal disruption since I think only Emily has it? I tend not to grab Jaela's spells since they feel like her unique thing.

Done. The spell's fine, just underpriced.

Quote3. Sunlance is a borderline 11th/12th level spell. I'll have a think about it and do some math. I'm inclined to give a spell the benefit of the doubt if it's borderline, just to reduce the needed tweaks for any changes.

The base part of the spell is fine. It has a damage doubler but that's pretty niche unless you're fighting a lot of vampires (hi Aurora). The question is if the follow up sunburst puts it over the hump to 12th? If the base spell's damage was anything but the average here I'd say yes, but it's dead average for the level so it'll stay where it is for now.

Quote4. Burst of Glory's fine where it is, it just needs a bit of trimming.

The damage vs fiends/undead/negative energy creatures is reduced from 30d12 to 25d12. We'll try a minimal change first and see how that works. If the spell ends up being difficult past that, a more expansive adjustment will be required.

Quote5. Flux Grasp needs a look at its damage too, same thing for a lot of d12 spells.

Thwacked Flux Grasp's damage down from 40d12 to 35d10. I'll handle other d12 spells below.

Quote6. Lightbound needs a boost or to be lowered in level. Probably the former.

Boosted the damage up to 35d6 from 25d6.

Quote7. 13 in general is a mess and I need to spend some serious time thinking about it.

Blazing Radiance is down from 40d12 to 35d10, see how that works for it. Greater Polar Ray is down to 40d8. Imix's Touch down to 35d10 and the ongoing damage is reduced to 1d10 for the sake of consistency. Magic Missile Massacre reduced to 70 missiles.

Black Glass Splash is borderline but I'll leave it there for the moment.

I may make a few other changes in the future, but that nailed the worst d12 spells that I saw.

Quote8. Lightning's Rise needs a good, hard look at itself. Nothing may change, though, depending on how it holds up to a deep reread.

Will do that a little later since that spell's a thing.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?

Iron Dragoon

Had this in my notes but forgot to post it:

Ability point: +1 Int
HP: +19 (d8+8Con+1Toughness+2E.Toughness)
BaB: +1
Skillpoints: +27 (+1 UMD, +2 Survival, +1 Stealth, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Perception, +10 K:All, +1 Intimidate, +1 Disable Device, +1 Diplo, +1 Tailoring, +1 Weaponsmithing, +1 Mapmaking, +1 Caligraphy, +1 Blacksmithing, +1 Armorsmithing, +1 Bluff)
Feat: Multiaction
No class feature advancement, no Outsider new advancement
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


Amaryl's first draft is up.

Amaryl Gaial
Princess of the Cauldron, Heavenly Archer
Symbol: A white star above a green forest
Home Plane: The Cauldron
Alignment: Neutral Exalted
Portfolio: Good, support, protection, hard work
Worshipers: Scouts, rangers, elves, good elementals, hard workers
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG
Domains: Celerity, Community, Elf, Good
Favored Weapon: Heaven's Joy (Longbow)

Of those who serve the Cauldron, Amaryl is the patron of those who work hard but work in the background. From the loyal blacksmith who supports the heroes, the wizard who weaves his magic to strengthen his friends and the brave warrior who scouts ahead so that his allies will know what they face; all who serve Amaryl are those who work hard and support their allies but do not take center stage. She is the one who watches over those who are so easily forgotten in tales and legend, those who reality neglects in favor of dynamic, impressive heroes.

The Amaryllis are generally the quieter ones in life, the ones who serve but do not attract attention. This is not to disparage their skills or deadliness, as anyone who has faced Amaryl's arrows can testify to. Moreover, Amaryl mixes this with elven culture and traits. Oftentimes the Amaryllis compare themselves to ancient oaks. These great trees are tall and vast, the backbone of the forest, yet easily blend in as yet another tree. Each of the Amaryllis can be thought of as a great oak amid the community, a supporter that shades all overs with its branches.

The most common values of the Amaryllis are community, family, faith and hard work. Meekness and passivity are not values. While supporters may be in the background, they are not wallflowers that are ignored. They understand that their talents lead them to tasks no less important than anyone else's, even if it is less visible.

Amaryllis wear traditionally elven cloaks of brown and green, often with chain armor or leathers as well. While the exact outfits vary on location, the cloak is constant and encouraged, and Amaryllis with money or opportunity invest in cloaks of elvenkind. Her priests, a mix of clerics and favored souls, wear the same except tailored well and with Amaryl's holy symbol on the center. Several sects also favor matching crowns and bracelets of darkwood and vibrant green leaves.

There are currently four holidays that the Amaryllis celebrate: The summer and winter solstices and the spring and fall equinoxes. Each one is celebrated as as a holiday. Nairo is elven for summer oak and is a festival of life, warmth and fertility. Ilen is elven for autumn mist, is an autumn celebration of Lady Amaryl and her protections, as well as a day of repentance and renewed vows in the face of summer's passing. Nyern, which means diamond winter, is a day of support and vigilance, where the faithful perform their services for free to any who need it. Verari, which translates to spring peace, celebrates Amaryl's ascension.

Additionally, many of the other holidays of the Cauldron are formally and informally celebrated.


Amaryl Gaial was born to the Gaial clan, one of the six leading familes of the elven nation Pallanth. By all legends and stories she was quiet and withdrawn in her role, at least until she met Seira Aryn. In time Seira convinced Amaryl to leave behind her unhappy life and come with her. She has risen far and now rules the Cauldron at Seira's side.

For allies, Amaryl is on good terms with the Seldarine. She values them highly and her elven nature resonates with them, and in turn they have forged good relations to her. It it said they view her as a sister who has merely moved away, part of the family that has joined another family. Likewise, Amaryl has good relations with the other members of the Cauldron as well as the deities of Sylica.

As far as enemies go, it is said that Amaryl so far only has the enemies of the rest of the Cauldron. However, there have been signs of a possible emphasis on the minions of Imix, Prince of Elemental Evil. This may be merely fallout from the Abolition War or a deeper battle, but as of now this is unclear to planar observers. Amaryl has not seen fit to comment on it, nor has Imix.


Be fast to aid others, as fast as the wind. Do not be afraid to let another have the glory, so long as you do what is right. Treasure the ways of the forest, for in a forest every tree supports the rest of the forest. Kindness can soothe the greatest harm, but do not mistake kindness for weakness. It takes a steady and wise hand to guide and support others, and do to that you must cultivate your own abilities. Mothers, healers and artisans are not to be underestimated, for without their support civilization would collapse. Never be afraid to speak up for what is right, nor be afraid to be silent when it is wise.

Clergy and Temples

Amaryllis favor comfortable, open air temples with eleven influences. The use of woods and lighter stone is noteworthy in them, often in an elven style. They are often on the outskirts of a city or settlement rather than within it, preferably on the border of woodlands. These temples are noted for small elementals that serve within them, both are guardians and aids for the Amaryllis. A typical temple is managed by a pair. They need not be romantically entangled, but one must be a cleric and the other must be a favored soul.

The holy lessons of Amaryl's faith are called the Twelve Leaves. This book has lessons geared to every day life along and how they relate to greater matters beyond the material world. The fate of the eternal soul is a matter of some discussion, as well as the perils that can ensnare it. As such, any copy of the Twelve Leaves grants a +2 competence bonus to any Knowledge check regarding souls if it is referenced.

Preferred Classes

The common classes for Amaryllis are rangers, scouts, sorcerers, cleric and favored soul. Masters, experts and artificers also gravitate towards this faith. Several small sects of rangers, paladins and healers who serve her have sprung up, but as of yet none have fully solidified into a full order. This is likely only a matter of time until it happens.

Prestige classes favored by the Amaryllis include dragonfire knights, exemplars and dragon devotees.

Preferred Symbols

The favored symbols of Amaryl are oak trees, pine trees, emeralds, elven cats, gentle snow fall and wheat. It is said that wheat is the backbone of any civilization, and like Amaryl is supports an entire civilization each harvest. The Amaryllis are quick to draw a comparison between them and what provides everyone's daily bread. For those who have pleased Amaryl greatly in the past year, they will find the first snow flurries of the year come with a handful of emeralds. These emeralds are seen as holy and used by the faith in the creation of cloaks and boots of elvenkind, to which they serve excellently.

Supplementary Material

Alternate Class Feature: Blazing Shot

Rangers who follow the ways of the Princess of the Cauldron can light their arrows with the embers of the Cauldron's fires.

Class: Ranger

Deity: Amaryl Gaial

Level: 1st

Replaces: If you select this alternate class feature, you do not gain favored enemy.

Benefit: You can light your arrows with fires that burn bright and true. As a free action when you make a ranged attack, you may ignite your ranged attacks with fire, which deals an extra 1d6 points of fire damage per attack. The fire from these arrows never sets the terrain around them on fire.

At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the extra damage rises by 1d6 (2d6 at level 5, 3d6 at level 10 and so forth).

At 20th level, any time you deal damage with this ability to a creature, the creature takes extra damage equal to your extra fire damage from this ability at the start of their next turn.

Alternate Class Feature: Ray Shot

Sorcerers and wizards who train in Amaryl's ways deliver devastating damage with their rays.

Class: Sorcerer or Wizard

Deity: Amaryl Gaial

Level: 1st

Replaces: If you select this alternate class feature, you do not gain bonus feats.

Benefit: Whenever you cast a ray spell that deals damage, you deal an extra 1d6 points of damage with that spell. You must be within 30ft of a target to deal this extra damage. In the case of a spell with more than one ray (or a spell modified with the split ray metamagic), the bonus damage only applies to the first ray. Additionally, you gain a +1 bonus to the caster level of any spell that produces a ray.

At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the extra damage rises by 1d6.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Okay, I have Elle, Jarem, Bastian, Emily, Cresiel, Xandra, Jetina and Kaja left for writeups, I think?

That's 8 more. Ideally with two a day I finish around Friday. I'll do Elle's this evening to be done with the Cauldron's side of things.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?

Iron Dragoon

Quote from: Anastasia on April 27, 2020, 02:43:01 PM
Okay, I have Elle, Jarem, Bastian, Emily, Cresiel, Xandra, Jetina and Kaja left for writeups, I think?

That's 8 more. Ideally with two a day I finish around Friday. I'll do Elle's this evening to be done with the Cauldron's side of things.

Just a reminder about the portfolio stuff for that blurb stuff you wanted help with.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


Elle Stronger
Lady of the Shops, Countess
Symbol: A sphere of red surrounded by a field of gold
Home Plane: The Cauldron
Alignment: Neutral Good
Portfolio: Creation, passion, effort, spells, shops
Worshipers: Merchants, wizards, sorcerers, artisans, artists
Cleric Alignments: CG, LG, NG
Domains: Artifice, Craft, Creation, Good, Passion, Spell
Favored Weapon: Mythical Cast (Longsword)

Elle Stronger is deity who supports those who create with magic. She is a friend to those who feel their passions, who use them to rise higher and create more than they would otherwise. Elle aids those who desire magic, who desire it to mold the world in the shape they choose. It is a faith that accepts only those who care, only those who are passionate and involved. It is not a religion for the weak or those who lack the will and charisma to take life with both hands.

Ellans, the chosen name for this faith, are people of strong convictions and stronger passions. They are those who strive to the utmost to achieve, those who will not settle for anything less than the best. They are the artists who lose themselves in their craft, and many who forge items from a simple horseshoe to the greatest magical achievements find support in her faith. This includes those who forge new spells, and the faith greatly rewards and encourages those who use the Weave in innovative ways.

Creation of all kinds finds Elle's support. It may be as simple as a potion, an iron nail or even a simple meal, but those who create are nurtured by this faith. It is an article of the faith that passion drives creation. Together, passion and creation form the spine of civilization and ensures it always moves forward. Without those, any civilization is paralyzed and feeble, unable to advance. Likewise, those who sell goods are likewise vital, for they are the arteries which spread the lifeblood of creation.

Any color or garb is considered acceptable amid the Ellans, so long as it is made well and catches the eye. Drab clothes are considered an affront to Elle, as such things rarely have any heart and energy put into their creation. Vibrant shades of red, blues, greens, oranges, yellows and other bright colors dominate. Anyone who sees an Ellan should know immediately they look on someone who will not be pushed aside, not a mere piece of the scenery. The clergy wears robes of passion red with metallic highlights, usually golden. Their hair is always kept long and colored brightly.

For now, the Ellan faith only celebrates one unique holiday apart from the general holidays of the Cauldron. This is Gold Day in mid autumn, a day dedicated to the evaluation and praise of what the faith has built in that year. Many of the best items are offered up to Elle, who rewards her faithful with magical items of her own creation in return. These items are always useful for those who offer items to Elle, so long as they are made well and with passion.


As a former mortal, Elle's deeds are that of a supporter. She ran a magical shop named Luna del Stronger, one that served the heroes of the Crimson Guard. In time she joined the Cauldron and continued to create magical items and wondrous things, many of which were used by Seira in her many adventures. At times she used her own magic to aid Seira as well, though her passion has never been combat magic, though she is highly capable.

Elle's current allies extend to all of the Cauldron's deities. She has a cordial relationship with Mystra, who she revered as a mortal. While they are not close, they are on friendly terms. It is held that Elle could expect aid from Mystra if she was ever severely pressed, though the extend of Mystra's aid is an unanswered question. She additionally has worked with Savras, Azuth and Velsharoon as well, though the extent of any alliances or friendships there is likewise unclear.

For now, Elle's enemies are rather minimal, but like any new deity, this is likely to change as she begins to enact her will on Creation.


Create! Throw all your heart into everything you make and hold nothing back. Art and creation are one, let them be woven together instead of apart. You may fail even if you try to your utmost, but that only means you should try again. Never let your enthusiasm wane, and if it does, find another passion to rejuvenate yourself. Magic is beautiful, every spell is a work of art that should be appreciated. It is right and proper to profit from your creations and work, but do so fairly.

Clergy and Temples

Most Ellan temples are well built or custom built and focus on bright colors on the outside. They are in prime locations whenever possible, particularly in larger cities. They often stand out with unusual designs that catch the eye, and the ones that don't are planned to once the Ellans get done with them. Many have integrated shops for the faithful, particularly for the purchase of magical items of all kinds.

The holy book of the Ellans is called Vibrancy. These books are rare and only the priests see them, due to each one being a powerful magical item that lets the reader feel the desired emotions each passage is meant to invoke. Most of the faithful do not read this and instead rely on clergy to learn the lessons of the faith orally.

Preferred Classes

The normal classes for Ellans are wizards, sorcerers, bards, artificers and experts. Almost any class that practices arcane magic or item creation can find a home amid her faithful. Additionally, a handful of barbarians are drawn to Elle's service, as her focus on passion resonates with their own unbound natures.

Common prestige classes for Ellans are exemplars, maesters and archmage.

Preferred Symbols

Elle's preferred symbols are robins, red roses, stylized hearts made of red gemstones, strawberries and spellscrolls. Elle's most common gift is said to be robins that awaken the faithful with birdsong. This song is said to bring inspiration that day and is welcomed warmly. Likewise, a meal of strawberries is often consumed before serious work, as the red berries are believed to be favored by her for their color.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I think I have all of this done now.

Spoiler: ShowHide
New Demiplane: Hope's Landing

It is a light in a sea of lights.

It is where any can find hope.

It is where those who are in need can find a way ahead.

Hope's Landing Traits

- Normal gravity

- Normal time

- Finite size: Hope's Landing is currently rather small by demiplane standards. It borders the Silver Sea of Lunia, as has a path nearby for those wishing to explore the rest of Celestia, or to try and climb higher.

Hope's Landing is a finite demiplane tucked against the first layer of Mount Celestia. It is approximately 50 miles from one end to another, though it continues to steadily grow to fit more inhabitants. As it is in Lunia, one can easily find it when they arrive in Celestia, as it is relatively close to the waters of the Silver Sea.

- Divinely Morphic: Certain powerful creatures (Moore, Sylvie, Cresiel, Xandra, Kaja, Jetina) can alter Hope's Landing with a thought. It is alterable in the normal manner for more ordinary creatures.

- No elemental or energy traits.

- Mildly good aligned: Evil creatures in Hope's Landing suffer a -2 penalty to all Charisma based checks.

- Normal Magic

Hope's Landing Links

Hope's Landing resides in Lunia, and as such can be accessed by any traveler coming and going through there. It can also be accessed via the Silver Sea of Lunia.

Hope's Landing Inhabitants

Hope's Landing is primarily filled with those who have recently heard about it as a mercantile hub, where merchants are welcomed to sell their wares and better themselves while being exposed to the virtues of Mount Celestia.

Hope's Landing has more and more travelers and those that decide to settle there every day, which includes inhabitants from all across Creation, even including mortals.

Movement and Combat

The same as on the Prime Material.

Features of Hope's Landing

Currently, its biggest feature is 'Merchant's Walk,' a sprawling alley where all are welcomed to come and set up shop. Visitors to Hope's Landing find their way there from the front and main entrance to Hope's Landing, but it also travels the length around the front-most section of the demiplane. The name of the game is to invest in yourself, which allows you invest in others, and spread hope and inspiration by doing so.

Past that are several more houses and dwellings of various make, as well as a large and relaxing park filled with a variety of trees that, according to some locals, "showed up one day outside of Hope's Landing" and apparently got moved into it later. The park also has some flowers that have been borrowed from the Authority of Life's garden.

In the very center of Hope's Landing is a large white building with several windows all across it. On the building are seven banners which depict the different layers of Celestia. The front door to this building seems to always be open - as the building is primarily used for diplomatic business. Further up and inside the building is where Moore and the other deities spend their time.

Slowly but surely, there are more and more people arriving every day, which necessitates new domiciles and additions, but those are added as easily as they are asked for.

Notable People of Hope's Landing

Moore: Leader

Moore is the leader of the pantheon of divinities that call Hope's Landing their home. He has an active role in everything to do with it and can be seen every day wandering the streets. Any who seek him out find themselves brimming with hope, inspiration, and determination afterwards.

Cresiel: The Steadfast Defense

Cresiel spends much of his time in Hope's Landing seeing that it grows with the same steadfast determination that he embodies. He also oversees many of the combat exercises that take place there that focus on its defenses.

Xandra: The Trumpet of Truth

The trumpet archon spends much of her time unwraveling the mysteries of Creation from her home in Hope's Landing. She delves deeper into the truth of all things than many people realize is possible, and helps and aids Hope's Landing by providing insight and guidance on the future.

Jetina: The Lady of Health

Those who come to Hope's Landing with any injuries find them almost immediately healed in Jetina's presence. She provides all who come there nourishment, both physical and spiritual, and provides them guidance and aid to any matter regarding healing.

Kaja: The Battlefield Tornado

In contrast to Cresiel, Kaja focuses on how Hope's Landing's burgeoning armies will fight evil. If it comes to combat, Kaja has an answer - usually the death of whatever evil is in question. He spends much of his time focusing on the 'how' of Hope's Landing fighting back against evil across Creation.

Sylvie: The Found

Sylvie keeps mostly to herself within Hope's Landing, but those who are able to find her are usually awarded some piece of advice on whatever it is that ails them. She seems to be a font of knowledge to Hope's Landing and regularly aids them with insight that is said to come from beyond.

Hope's Landing Encounters

1-20Waukeenite Merchant1d3
21-30Non-Waukeenite Merchant1d2
31-40Mortal Pilgrim1
41-50Lantern Archons1d4
51-60Sea Elves1d4
61-70Hound Archons1d3
71-76Passerby onto Celestia1d2
77Unique Celestian Encounter*
86-90Astral Devas1d2
91-94Copper Dragon1
95-97Gold Dragon1
100Unique Encounter*

*A Unique Celestian Encounter can be any being that calls Celestia home. It may also be the interdiction of the will of Mount Celestia itself.
**A Unique Encounter can be any named PC within Hope's Landing.


First draft.

Jarem Aruwood
The Strategist, Savior of the Nations
Symbol: A quill and longsword clashed together
Home Plane: Alyssum Royal Academy
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Portfolio: Armies, strategy, advice, war
Worshipers: Strategists, fighters, marshals, soldiers
Cleric Alignments: LE, LG, LN
Domains: Army, Knowledge, Law, Planning, War
Favored Weapon: Dellos (Longsword)

Jarem Aruwood is said to be the picture of a seasoned soldier. A commander who has seen a hundred battles and a seasoned sergeant that has served in many campaigns are both typical followers of Jarem. Those that make quick and quiet suggestions that save lives, that guide battles and those who always seem to hold the keys to victory are ones who learned his lessons well and the ones who pray to him on the eve of battle.

The Order of the Red Sword, the chosen title for this faith and often shortened to Red Swords, are often wise and smart warriors. They may not be flashy but they are effective. A sudden and keen assault on a weak flank, the canny use of a sudden storm or even those who break a siege by the use of tunnels to destroy the enemy supplies are all ones who invoke Jarem's name. It is said that while victory does not come from him, the tools to do so are sharpened by his hand.

What is known amid the Red Swords is that Jarem never wanted to rise. He does not advertise this fact, but nor does he hide it from his faithful. He instead uses it as a lesson, that the world sometimes takes your plans and ruins them, and all you can do is make the best of it. The Red Swords are taught this, taught to be able to plan and more importantly, amend plans through improvisation. He has told it to several through divine visions, in a straightforward way. Unlike many deities, Jarem fosters no great mystique. Those who wish to follow him are welcome, but he will not lie nor will he court them. Those that serve him serve him of their own free will.

Like the faithful of the Red Knight, the Red Swords favor the color red. This has lead to some confusion between the two, but as Jarem encourages cooperation between the groups, so far matters have resolved themselves peacefully. Likewise, the clerical vestments of the Red Swords are similar to those of the Red Knight.

There are three holidays in Jarem's faith. Triumphant Morning is the first, a celebration in late fall of the victories of the Red Swords. Churches gather together for a day of rest and stories, where food and drink flow freely and the troubles of the year are remembered. The second is Strategy Meet, a week long tournament in mid winter. It is a chance for games of skill to be played, and often the adherents of the Red Knight and Tempus are invited to participate. Each church puts forth substantial prizes for the winner and two runner ups, and each evening ends with a prayer of thanks for the wisdom of Jarem. The last is the Day of Eternal Rest. On this day every Red Sword that is able is charged to find military graveyards and other burial sites and consecrate them if they are not dedicated to another faith. It is to honor those who died in battle and ensure they rest in peace.


Jarem's origins come from a Prime Material world. The details of it are not clear, but it is known he saved an entire kingdom and overthrew a corrupt system of government. Hailed as a legendary hero, he ultimately ended up in the direct service of the Red Knight before being assigned to aid Alyssa Songsteel and aid in anti-Sharran activities. These heroics by all reports have lead to his apotheosis, though the details are not known.

As one may expect, Jarem is on good terms with Alyssa, Emily and Bastian. They are close allies who work together and can count on one another against all threats. Beyond them, he has a strong relationship with the Red Knight. It seems to be a close relationship and the exact details of it are subject to a considerable amount of speculation. These speculations range from a relationship like Tempus and the Red Knight have, to a romantic relationship to even a rivalry and that Jarem stole divine power from the Red Knight somehow, and that their friendship is a ruse to hide a great enmity. Jarem's relationship with Tempus is said to be polite if a little distant, but so far Tempus has taken no action to smite Jarem.

There are a few enemies that the Savior of Nations currently deals with. He has a dislike of Shar and has opposed her before. This shows no signs that it will cool down and it is expected to continue. Likewise, Jarem has no love for Pazuzu, just as the Red Knight does. While it is not an active grudge, it is one neither are likely to shy away from. There are rumbles of possible discord with Garagos and Malcanthet as well, but as of so far neither has come to fruition.


Think. A mind used and sharpened is deadlier than any sword. What you don't see and the enemy does leads to your defeat, so be vigilant. War is blood, sweat and knowledge; knowledge is the most important of all of those. Don't be afraid to listen to a good idea and never let a good idea stay silent. If another has the idea that saves the day, let them enjoy the fruit of their wisdom, as surely as you should enjoy your own when you triumph. Respect the chain of command and know when you must work around it instead of with it.

Clergy and Temples

A typical temple of Jarem is often a shrine or small building with a focus on utility. They are built to last and withstand attack if need be, though not to the extent of being a fortress. More than a few share spare with a temple to Alyssa or the other deities of that pantheon. The clergy prefers armor of various kinds, often battle armor rather than ceremonial armor. Again, this is similar to some tenets of the Red Knight's faith, something canny observers note.

The holy book of the faith is titled Gambits and Strategies. It is largely a book of battle analysis mixed with doctrine. It engages the reader, and one with the skill to follow can learn a great deal from it. It serves as an advanced primer on military strategy and tactics, as well as how to command soldiers. Even if one does not desire to follow Jarem, a copy has use to teach strategic mastery.

Preferred Classes

The Red Swords favor fighter, knight, cleric, paladin and marshal. The handful of arcane spellcasters who are interested in the faith are welcome, as any strategist knows they are an important part of any army. Often the faith has to hire such help, and every faithful who can fulfill that role lessens the blow to the newfound faith's coffers. Additionally, Jarem has begun an official Order of the Red Sword, a special set of lessons that will allow a soldier to rise above and beyond what they can do otherwise.

Common prestige classes include order of the red sword, cavalier, tactical soldier and warmage.

Preferred Symbols

Jarem's preferred symbols are a quill, red quartz, night lilies and books. Unlike many deities, Jarem has little use for symbols and prefers more direct measures rather than symbolic guesswork. Nonetheless, magical quills are often given for those with skill at strategy, so that they may do so easier. They are seen as a tacit measure of praise.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The common classes for Amaryllis are rangers, scouts, sorcerers, cleric and favored soul. Masters, experts and artificers also gravitate towards this faith. Several small sects of rangers, paladins and healers who serve her have sprung up, but as of yet none have fully solidified into a full order.

I think the third sentence shouldn't have rangers, given the first one does and they are fairly key to her concept.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Seira's Goals

1, Shifting the planar status quo towards good. The first step: rescuing Yemimah. The second... the redemption of Torm? Drawing Dispater away from Baator's ways? Her record has been spottier with the latter efforts over the years, but that is only more reason to work harder. And, naturally, helping Oraga and Zariel feel welcome is an ongoing effort.
2. Restoring Bytopia to its former glory and then surpassing it. Ruling this restored heaven with a revitalized gnomish pantheon and rehabilitating the gnomish public image across the planes. Drawing any gnomes who managed to squirrel themselves away across the planes towards Bytopia, while calling back those who are willing to help from the afterlife.
3. Achieving dominance for Good in Balmuria. With Shar barred from that Prime, and Seira's public works shifting in gear, now run purely by her mortal followers, she wishes to see hunger eradicated for all mortalkind, to spread literacy on a global scale, to restore the land scarred by past divine conflicts over it and to bring the people from all corners of that Prime closer together.
4. Exporting the successes in Balmurian public works to Lifasa to ensure those people who gave and suffered so much will be provided for. Unlike Balmuria, aside from plans to connect the major population centers together with a transportation network, the majority of Seira's efforts are local rather than global. She seeks to support a prosperous university town her efforts with Amaryl had established on that Prime.
5. Turning the tide on the Prime of Malana beyond the kingdom where she had secured a foothold. While Auril is not the only objectionable force on that Prime, Seira's focus is on her and on any fiendish or Sharran outreaches. While her work there is still through mortal agents, they truly push the definition's upper limits to the point that this Prime holds more power in the hands of her followers than Balmuria and Lifasa combined. For the eponymous nation of Malana, Seira wishes to have her mortal followers raise a generation of mages who would then seek to further improve the lives of their countrymen, with the establishment of a Mythal as the end goal once Auril's influence had been removed from the nation.
6. Checking the efforts of Gathgorian and Bel across the Primes. As per the Celestia/Baator ban on open conflict and intervention, the only means available to that pair on any Prime are of of subtle influence. To ensure that her cooperation hasn't done more harm than good, Seira will seek to work subtly against them here, with the threat of more open opposition not limited to the Prime Material in reserve to keep this conflict low key.
7. Advancing the quality of life for the Cauldron's subjects, be they elementals, dragons or other faithful. Helping them along the way to enlightenment, even as the Cauldron researches fresh ways for self-improvement once those it had already discovered had been implemented.

An unofficial goal is opposing Shar everywhre, but that's the game goal too!

Seira's Worshippers

1. Richard, a human paladin 1//favored soul 1. Having stood alone against Galarolousos the Black to give time for the rest of his village to escape, he drew Seira's eye with his bravery. After she resolved that situation, Seira charged him to gain both knowledge and skill with his weapon, so that he would be strong enough to protect everyone himself in the future. In order to aid Richard in achieving that goal, Seira had taken a more direct route than normally, providing him monthly lessons and guidance. Richard hails from the Prime of Tamriel.
2. Crumbly, an earth elemental cleric 5. Unusually curious for an earth elemental, always considering and sometimes asking questions, he was recruited by by Kascha on Magma and wished to understand the other elements better, in particular fascinated by fire and water. Crumbly got his wish by undergoing the process of elemental harmony, although his wishes for self-improvement do not stop there. At present, he is attempting to understand the secrets of dragons living at the Cauldron.
3. Fooze, a magma elemental warlock 3. Like Crumbly, Fooze was recruited by Kascha on Magma. He too wishes to undergo the elemental harmony ritual to learn about mixing elements like fire and earth together and gain further understanding of the possibilities, but that desire is tempered with one to make a name for himself and to hone his skills at creating and flinging balls of magma. To have him hone his raw potential into skill, Seira sent him with her blessings to the Prime of Arythma where her daughter had taken residence at the time. Even though Emily is no longer there, Fooze has found a place for himself in the Mageocracy, where he prepares for the time it is for him expand his elemental horizons.
4. Laurenal Smythe, a half elf favored soul 12//ranger 12. A native to Pallanth, she became intrigued with Seira's legends as word of the Crimson Guard spread. Laurenal got entangled in dealing with a Malarite cult she generally succeeded in rooting out, though some fragments did manage to flee beyond her reach. She is strong, gregarious and a natural people person, yet the most important lesson she had learned in Seira's service was through her atonement for going too far against a hated enemy. It was that growth of character that lead Seira to make Laurenal her high priestess on the Prime of Balmuria.
5. Dugarth Winsam, an azer dwarf fighter 9//cleric 10. A refugee from a destroyed clan, overrun by Sharrans, he values Seira's strength and the hope she represents. As a smith, his magical talents lay more in crafting rather than the metamagic more common amidst Seira's worshippers. Strong and competent, he was the obvious choice for Seira for position of high priest on the Prime of Lifasa, as Durgath is able to understand their plight and struggles better than most outsiders.
6. Annerose Malana, a yuki onna paladin 1/cryokineticist 5//sorcerer 10. Once the heir to the Dynasty of Malana, she fled the court for the frozen mountains of Arenel on the nation's border rather than hurt all around her with the touch of golden ice. There, on the verge of death from the elements, Annerose shed her human nature and secluded herself for the following century. She was happy to live and help the nearby villagers, even striking a friendship with some, but that existence changed as she saw the effect Auril's harsh winters had on the population. With Seira's support, she decided to take a stand against Auril, banding with others who also wished to secure a better life for all.
7. Jannel, a janni sorcerer 15//paladin 5/ordained champion 5. A former paladin of Gond, Jannel's focus on charity and public works caused a schism in the church while he rose to prominence on the Prime of Galaran. The schism required the direct intervention of Gond's avatar, and in its aftermath, the Lord of All Smiths suggested that Jannel would be happier serving someone closer aligned to his ideals. Recruited by Kascha on her planar tour of good will, Jannel volunteered to be sent to the Prime of Malana as Seira's high priest on it and organize the offworld resistence against Auril.
8. Abagail Aryn, a human Monk 20//Wizard 5/Paragnostic Apostle 2/Thaumaturgist 4/Mechanusconvoker 9. She's known as a powerful archmage and a disciple of Seira Aryn. Besides her own participation in the Pines War, it's known that she confronted the pit fiend Baalbal, banishing it back to Baator in a dawnbreak battle over Victoria. Stories tell a tale of corruption, a vile monster trying to corrupt and destroy the government of the Baronies before being exposed and ultimately defeated. Beyond that she keeps a presence in the city, having a few students and often teaching lawful magic to those with the potential to learn. Indeed, it's known she has ties to Mechanus and stories say she can summon and command Inevitables, the clockwork soldiers of Mechanus. Her passion outside magic is producing delicious wine and cheese, while other pastimes include mapping out the Prime of Balmuria and establishing libraries around the world in Seira's name to share that knowledge and educate the populace.
9. Marianne, a human Duskblade 20//Sorcerer 6/Frost Mage 10/Elemental Savant 4. Marianne was born in the Border City of Balmuria, alongside a new golden age, where she had chosen the life of a mercenary with her friend Lyris. Later, she fell in with Whimsical Sweets, a problem solving group who provided the two with friends and family, until finally she was recruited by Seira, alongside Hellman Oberuth and Lyris, to take on the judgement of the Gnomish God-King. Upon her success, Marianne was greatly rewarded, and tasked with pushing back against Auril's efforts on the Prime of Malana, a task she had accepted along with Lyris.
10. Lyris, a human Scout 20//Fighter 15/Master Thrower 5. Having followed Marianne in this life as loyally as in the previous one, Lyris managed to save her heart and soul. A quiet presence, she could always be counted on as a reliable partner. Upon the victory over the Gnomish God-King, she and Marianne parted ways from Hellman Oberuth. Rewarded richly alongside Marianne, the pair of them accepted Seira's quest of holding the line against Auril's interests on the Prime of Malana. They divide their time between that plane, and the Prime of their birth, Balmuria, where their friends in Whimsical Sweets reside.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


For Donald:

Each soul aided is an bet and Donald is lucky with his gambles.

a bet

The extend of the alliance is unclear, but most believe Lathander would intervene if Donald was gravely threatened.



Amusingly, a dog fits Donald very well.

Also, Seira does talk to her faithful and even intervenes directly. I think she's more active overall, but Donald is certainly more talkative. Nice going!
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake