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Started by Anastasia, November 13, 2018, 10:38:14 PM

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"Dead ahead," Kaja grins ear to ear now, hurtling forward, just besides the outer edge of the rain, almost flanking it. He charges in, "Come at me!" he declares, as an efreet scimitar lashes out for him.

Combat Reflexes are in play, so he provokes.

> roll 1d20+45
<Penuche> Space_Cat invokes Penuche's magic: < 56 > [d20=11]

Yet Kaja sidesteps and brings his scimitars down into one crushing blow.

> roll 1d20+57 (+2 charge, +29 Moore, -32 PA, dire charge)
<Penuche> Space_Cat invokes Penuche's magic: < 59 > [d20=2]

CLANG! A shield comes down just in time, blocking the blow. Sparks fly from the impact as..."Dead ahead?" Jetina echos, sword and shield ready.


+29 to attack (18 morale, 8 competence, +3 untyped)
+12 to AC (dodge)
+12 to saves (morale)
+15 to crit confirms, Improved Crit feat

+7 sacred AC/saves.

HP: 416/529
Negative Conditions:
Bonuses: Attack+0, Damage+0 AC+0, Saves+0, Skills+0, Checks+0
Resources: Breath Weapon 1/1 Dervish Dance 10/11 Endless Cuts 3/3 +5 One Attack On FA 1/1 (rnd) Take 10 On One Attack (rnd) 1/1
Spells Used:
SLAs Used:
Spells Active:
Notes: Goes in and wrecks things. The end.

HP: 555/555 (fast healing 5)
Negative Conditions:
Aura: Courage 10ft (+4 morale vs fear), Positive Energy 10ft (1 hit point healing/round)
Bonuses: Attack+0, Damage+0 AC+0, Saves+0, Skills+0, Checks+0
Resources: Smite Evil 5/7 Smite 5/5 Channel Energy 14/14 Emergency Healing 3/3 True Believer 1/1
Spells Used: 2 12th level spells.
SLAs Used:
Spells Active:
Notes: Divine Vigor is +10ft land movement and +2 temp hp per hit die. Divine Shield is Cha mod to shield bonus to armor class.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


"Do what your gut tells you." Moore says with a smile. "I'll back you up with healing if you need it."


Jetina charges in head long, blade raised, "For the Firestar!" she declares, joining Raziel in opposing the genies.

> roll 1d20+45
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 64 > [d20=19]
> roll 1d20+60 (+2 charge, +29 Moore, -20 PA)
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 79 > [d20=19]
> roll 1d20+60 (+2 charge, +29 Moore, -20 PA) crit check
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 75 > [d20=15]
> roll 2d8+94+4d6+2d6+2d6
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 138 > [d8=2,6][d6=5,3,4,4,3,5,6,6]

JEtina's blow slices through a shield and into the chest of an efreet, the line pressed as she finds a weak link. She dodges scimitar strikes, her own shield blocking them as...

Init is Moore (54) > Kaja (40) > Jetina (27) > Arrows (26) > ?1 = ?2 (21) > Main Line (18) > ?4 (17) > ?5 (3) > Battle Effects (0)

Arrows rain down, strafing the battlefield - and homing in on the three of you, seeking live flesh to skewer.

> roll 1d20+58 (+8 ???, +4 ???, +2 ???, +2 ????)
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 65 > [d20=7]

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?



Yet none of you are struck, holy power and bardic music flowing through you.

"BREAK THE LINE!" Kaja shouts, "FORWARD!"

At the same time a volley of arrows comes from your side somewhere, unseen in the chaos. They are mostly blocked, but the efreet besides Kaja's is struck in the arm, grimacing as he holds the line, the wooden arrow shaft already ablaze.

Init is Moore (54) > Kaja (40) > Jetina (27) > Arrows (26) > Boulders = ?2 (21) > Main Line (18) > ?4 (17) > ?5 (3) > Battle Effects (0)

More! Great, flaming boulders come down from the sky, seeking all of you as well, throbbing with power.

> roll 1d20+58 (+8 ???, +4 ???, +2 ???, +2 ????) touch AC
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 74 > [d20=16]

Touch ACs?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


68 Here. 20% Miss chance, and Moore will caster Greater Mirror image in response. I doubt it'll do much since, well, as you mentioned, they're boulders, but you never know!


> roll 1d100 vs 1-20 Moore
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 65 > [d100=65]

> roll 8d8+34 all, DR applies, fire damage omitted
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 56 > [d8=2,1,3,4,7,1,2,2]

The boulders seek in, bypassing your mirror image and smashing into you. You're knocked reeling from it,s eeing stars as fireballs explode amid all of you, harmless with your protections.

Init is Moore (54) > Kaja (40) > Jetina (27) > Arrows (26) > Boulders = Fireballs (21) > Main Line (18) > ?4 (17) > ?5 (3) > Battle Effects (0)

As you get up, sand coughed up and out from your impact with the ground?

Main line is up. Chance to react since I'm gonna segment this combat run in half and finish it in the next post until your turn or a save/roll is called for for you.


+29 to attack (18 morale, 8 competence, +3 untyped)
+12 to AC (dodge)
+12 to saves (morale)
+15 to crit confirms, Improved Crit feat

+7 sacred AC/saves.

HP: 350/529
Negative Conditions:
Bonuses: Attack+0, Damage+0 AC+0, Saves+0, Skills+0, Checks+0
Resources: Breath Weapon 1/1 Dervish Dance 10/11 Endless Cuts 3/3 +5 One Attack On FA 1/1 (rnd) Take 10 On One Attack (rnd) 1/1
Spells Used:
SLAs Used:
Spells Active:
Notes: Goes in and wrecks things. The end.

HP: 509/555 (fast healing 5)
Negative Conditions:
Aura: Courage 10ft (+4 morale vs fear), Positive Energy 10ft (1 hit point healing/round)
Bonuses: Attack+0, Damage+0 AC+0, Saves+0, Skills+0, Checks+0
Resources: Smite Evil 5/7 Smite 5/5 Channel Energy 14/14 Emergency Healing 3/3 True Believer 1/1
Spells Used: 2 12th level spells.
SLAs Used:
Spells Active:
Notes: Divine Vigor is +10ft land movement and +2 temp hp per hit die. Divine Shield is Cha mod to shield bonus to armor class.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Magical boulders, huh? How quaint.

Moore shakes off the dizziness and gets ready!


Thus the line presses forward, two trying to hold back a tidal wave.

> roll 1d20+75
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 76 > [d20=1]

While they advance, Kaja and Jetina manage to ward them back, careful swings and pushes keeping them from immediately flooding them. In turn the line holds position, holding as blades come out for both of them.

> roll 1d20+75
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 76 > [d20=1]
> roll 1d20+55 (+10 ????) Kaja 1
> roll 1d20+55 (+10 ????) Kaja 2
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 57 > [d20=2]
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 74 > [d20=19]
> roll 1d20+55 (+10 ????) Kaja 3
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 64 > [d20=9]
> roll 1d20+55 (+10 ????) Jetina 1
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 67 > [d20=12]
> roll 1d20+55 (+10 ????) Jetina 2
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 75 > [d20=20]
> roll 1d20+55 (+10 ????) Jetina \3
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 62 > [d20=7]
> roll 1d20+55 (+10 ????) Jetina 2 crit check
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 61 > [d20=6]
> roll 2d6+28+1d6 Jetina
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 40 > [d6=1,5,6]

Amid all of it Jetina's side is scraped, a shallow slash that trickles blood, already sealing itself as she holds the line. Amid explosions of fire and raining arrows...

Init is Moore (54) > Kaja (40) > Jetina (27) > Arrows (26) > Boulders = Fireballs (21) > Main Line (18) > Seeker (17) > ?5 (3) > Battle Effects (0)

From above he settles above you - maybe 100ft above you, an efreet riding a flying carpet. He drops a writhing, flaming coil of rope, one that falls right down at you.

> roll 1d20+37 touch AC?
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 41 > [d20=4]

Touch AC?


+29 to attack (18 morale, 8 competence, +3 untyped)
+12 to AC (dodge)
+12 to saves (morale)
+15 to crit confirms, Improved Crit feat

+7 sacred AC/saves.

HP: 350/529
Negative Conditions:
Bonuses: Attack+0, Damage+0 AC+0, Saves+0, Skills+0, Checks+0
Resources: Breath Weapon 1/1 Dervish Dance 10/11 Endless Cuts 3/3 +5 One Attack On FA 1/1 (rnd) Take 10 On One Attack (rnd) 1/1
Spells Used:
SLAs Used:
Spells Active:
Notes: Goes in and wrecks things. The end.

HP: 479/555 (fast healing 5)
Negative Conditions:
Aura: Courage 10ft (+4 morale vs fear), Positive Energy 10ft (1 hit point healing/round)
Bonuses: Attack+0, Damage+0 AC+0, Saves+0, Skills+0, Checks+0
Resources: Smite Evil 5/7 Smite 5/5 Channel Energy 14/14 Emergency Healing 3/3 True Believer 1/1
Spells Used: 2 12th level spells.
SLAs Used:
Spells Active:
Notes: Divine Vigor is +10ft land movement and +2 temp hp per hit die. Divine Shield is Cha mod to shield bonus to armor class.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?



Okay, do you have freedom of movement going or anything that would prevent you from being entangled/tied up?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


No immunities, no.


Guh! While the rope doesn't burn you, you're held tight by it. You can barely move your arms at all.

You are entangled.

Init is Moore (54) > Kaja (40) > Jetina (27) > Arrows (26) > Boulders = Fireballs (21) > Main Line (18) > Seeker (17) > Collapser (3) > Battle Effects (0)

'I'll drag you back to the Sultan!' The efreet from above booms into your mind, laughing. As the battle rages, meanwhile, a barely noticed hand comes up out of the sands, right behind Kaja's leg and...

> roll 1d20+64 (+15 ???, +3 ???, +1 ???, +4 ???)
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 68 > [d20=4]

Kaja's ankle is grabbed, but he kicks out of it, glancing back with a glare. Meanwhile, a trumpet sounds over the battlefield. Light shines from above as courage fills your heart. It is a beautiful, clarion call. Several efreet seize up and go stone still as a strong, feminine voice calls, "Forward! Forward in the name of the Firestar! Forward for the glory of Chronias!" Above a great battalion of white pegasus riding warriors and celestials have emerged, aiming to crash down on the battle.

They are lead by a red haired woman, golden armor with a helmet that lets her hair fly free. She has a lance in hand, spurring her mount on.

Go Moore.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I'm confused, I made the touch armor check but it entangled me anyway? Just wanting to clarify.


That's a good, old fashioned DM derp. Thanks for catching it, revising.

Init is Moore (54) > Kaja (40) > Jetina (27) > Arrows (26) > Boulders = Fireballs (21) > Main Line (18) > Seeker (17) > Collapser (3) > Battle Effects (0)

Yet you dodge the rope, juking to the side as the efreet spools up the rope to try again. As the battle rages, meanwhile, a barely noticed hand comes up out of the sands, right behind Kaja's leg and...

> roll 1d20+64 (+15 ???, +3 ???, +1 ???, +4 ???)
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 68 > [d20=4]

Kaja's ankle is grabbed, but he kicks out of it, glancing back with a glare. Meanwhile, a trumpet sounds over the battlefield. Light shines from above as courage fills your heart. It is a beautiful, clarion call. Several efreet seize up and go stone still as a strong, feminine voice calls, "Forward! Forward in the name of the Firestar! Forward for the glory of Chronias!" Above a great battalion of white pegasus riding warriors and celestials have emerged, aiming to crash down on the battle.

They are lead by a red haired woman, golden armor with a helmet that lets her hair fly free. She has a lance in hand, spurring her mount on.

Go Moore.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?