
Game for the gaming god; co-op for the entertainment couch!

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Started by Anastasia, December 03, 2018, 12:35:37 PM

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> roll 10d6
> roll 10d6
> roll 10d6
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 42 > [d6=3,5,5,3,6,5,5,1,3,6]
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 31 > [d6=3,6,1,1,3,3,1,6,5,2]
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 36 > [d6=6,2,5,1,2,4,6,1,3,6]

Poor Xandra.

Fire hurts, fire burns. But only Xandra is scored as you run and reach the yard ahead. Flames still burn here, but you can see it all, able to choose - where are you going, the manor or one of the other buildings there?


So let's have Jetina do the following:

Celestial Valor: +8 sacred vs fear and emotion effects that would sap the will to fight, +4 sacred to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, armor class and saving throws, weapons count as holy (31m)
Mass Energy Immunity (Fire)

Moore will cast the following:

Haste (CL 30) +1 attack rolls, armor class and reflex saves, extra attack on a full attack, +30 enhancement bonus to movement speed. (31r)
Life's Grace (CL 20) Immunity to death effects and ability drain, treat armor as ghost touch - 200m
Surge of Hope (CL30): +4 morale bonus to attack, saves, skills - 31m
Fortunate Fate (CL20): Heal (150) cast if reduced to 0 or less hit points.

Righteous Halo (CL20): +4 Sacred to Charisma
Ray Deflection
Greater Improvisation

He'll toss up all his songs, so everyone gets a total of the following bonuses, these are combined with Jetina's.

Attack: +35
Weapon damage: +26
AC: +16 (4 sacred, 12 dodge)
Saving throws: +16 (4 sacred, 12 morale)
Improved Crit Feat, +15 to threat confirmation rolls.

HP: 700 (58)/700 (regeneration 17)
Negative Conditions:
Aura: Protective 20ft (+4 deflection/+4 resistance vs evil)
Bonuses: Attack+0, Damage+0 AC+0, Saves+0, Skills+0, Checks+0
Resources: Holy Fury 30/30 (enc) Channel Energy 13/13 Divine Retribution 1/1 Blinding Speed 25/25 Knight's Challenge 15/15
Spells Used:
SLAs Used:
Spells Active: Detect Evil (CL31), Detect Snares and Pits (CL31), Discern Lies (CL31), True Seeing (CL31)
Notes: Adjacent allies gain a shield bonus equal to Cresiel's shield bonus.

HP: 444/521
Negative Conditions:
Aura: Menace 20ft (-2 attacks, AC, saves; DC 37)
Bonuses: Attack+0, Damage+0 AC+0, Saves+0, Skills+0, Checks+0
Resources: Smite Evil 9/9 Lay On Hands 16/16 Servant of the Heavens 1/1 Sudden Empower 1/1 Sudden Enlarge 1/1
Spells Used:
SLAs Used:
Spells Active: True Seeing (CL31)
Notes: Has bardic music in the rare event Moore can't cover something.

HP: 478/478 (fast healing 5)
Negative Conditions:
Aura: Courage 10ft (+4 morale vs fear), Positive Energy 10ft (1 hit point healing/round)
Bonuses: Attack+0, Damage+0 AC+0, Saves+0, Skills+0, Checks+0
Resources: Smite Evil 7/7 Smite 5/5 Channel Energy 14/14 Emergency Healing 3/3 True Believer 1/1
Spells Used:
SLAs Used:
Spells Active:
Notes: Divine Vigor is +10ft land movement and +2 temp hp per hit die. Divine Shield is Cha mod to shield bonus to armor class.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


"Cresiel, the door!" Moore shouts.

Assuming we're in range, we're not knocking. Well, we are, just with a mace, you know how it is in the rough part of town.


This will expose you to another round of fire, so give me Ref while I sort that out.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


[17:01] <Nephrite> roll 1d20+41+16+4 moore evasion
[17:01] <Penuche> Nephrite invokes Penuche's magic: < 76 > [d20=15]
[17:01] <Nephrite> roll 1d20+39+16+4 cresiel evasion
[17:01] <Penuche> Nephrite invokes Penuche's magic: < 73 > [d20=14]
[17:01] <Nephrite> roll 1d20+56+4 jetina evasion
[17:01] <Penuche> Nephrite invokes Penuche's magic: < 77 > [d20=17]
[17:01] <Nephrite> roll 1d20+38+16 Xandra
[17:01] <Penuche> Nephrite invokes Penuche's magic: < 56 > [d20=2]

This guy is going to eat so many weapons to his face.


> roll 10d6
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 29 > [d6=1,1,3,5,5,4,3,1,4,2]

> roll 1d20 1 check, damage is enough even on a min roll so no roll for that max PA and so on
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 19 > [d20=19]

The door shatters inward, stone and wood giving way as Cresiel barges inside, "Hurry," he cries.


So let's have Jetina do the following:

Celestial Valor: +8 sacred vs fear and emotion effects that would sap the will to fight, +4 sacred to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, armor class and saving throws, weapons count as holy (31m)
Mass Energy Immunity (Fire)

Moore will cast the following:

Haste (CL 30) +1 attack rolls, armor class and reflex saves, extra attack on a full attack, +30 enhancement bonus to movement speed. (31r)
Life's Grace (CL 20) Immunity to death effects and ability drain, treat armor as ghost touch - 200m
Surge of Hope (CL30): +4 morale bonus to attack, saves, skills - 31m
Fortunate Fate (CL20): Heal (150) cast if reduced to 0 or less hit points.

Righteous Halo (CL20): +4 Sacred to Charisma
Ray Deflection
Greater Improvisation

He'll toss up all his songs, so everyone gets a total of the following bonuses, these are combined with Jetina's.

Attack: +35
Weapon damage: +26
AC: +16 (4 sacred, 12 dodge)
Saving throws: +16 (4 sacred, 12 morale)
Improved Crit Feat, +15 to threat confirmation rolls.

HP: 700 (58)/700 (regeneration 17)
Negative Conditions:
Aura: Protective 20ft (+4 deflection/+4 resistance vs evil)
Bonuses: Attack+0, Damage+0 AC+0, Saves+0, Skills+0, Checks+0
Resources: Holy Fury 30/30 (enc) Channel Energy 13/13 Divine Retribution 1/1 Blinding Speed 25/25 Knight's Challenge 15/15
Spells Used:
SLAs Used:
Spells Active: Detect Evil (CL31), Detect Snares and Pits (CL31), Discern Lies (CL31), True Seeing (CL31)
Notes: Adjacent allies gain a shield bonus equal to Cresiel's shield bonus.

HP: 443/521
Negative Conditions:
Aura: Menace 20ft (-2 attacks, AC, saves; DC 37)
Bonuses: Attack+0, Damage+0 AC+0, Saves+0, Skills+0, Checks+0
Resources: Smite Evil 9/9 Lay On Hands 16/16 Servant of the Heavens 1/1 Sudden Empower 1/1 Sudden Enlarge 1/1
Spells Used:
SLAs Used:
Spells Active: True Seeing (CL31)
Notes: Has bardic music in the rare event Moore can't cover something.

HP: 478/478 (fast healing 5)
Negative Conditions:
Aura: Courage 10ft (+4 morale vs fear), Positive Energy 10ft (1 hit point healing/round)
Bonuses: Attack+0, Damage+0 AC+0, Saves+0, Skills+0, Checks+0
Resources: Smite Evil 7/7 Smite 5/5 Channel Energy 14/14 Emergency Healing 3/3 True Believer 1/1
Spells Used:
SLAs Used:
Spells Active:
Notes: Divine Vigor is +10ft land movement and +2 temp hp per hit die. Divine Shield is Cha mod to shield bonus to armor class.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


"Working on it!" Moore shouts as he flies with the others!

If that wizard just decided to already run away after all this trouble...


You rush in - it's a long hall, about 15ft wide and 30ft long, 15ft tall. It's decorated plainly, little more than stone - save for the two stone statues, 10ft tall, of humanoids. One is a human with a sphere in hand, while the other has no weapon, instead looking straight ahead.

Of course, a moment later they lurch and begin to move, advancing on the party. It's a battle!

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


[17:13] <Penuche> CC invokes Penuche's magic: < 93 > [d20=9]
[17:18] <Nephrite> roll 1d20+40 init moore
[17:18] <Penuche> Nephrite invokes Penuche's magic: < 52 > [d20=12]
[17:18] <Nephrite> roll 1d20+30 init Cresiel
[17:18] <Penuche> Nephrite invokes Penuche's magic: < 46 > [d20=16]
[17:18] <Nephrite> roll 1d20+21 init xandra
[17:18] <Penuche> Nephrite invokes Penuche's magic: < 30 > [d20=9]
[17:18] <Nephrite> roll 1d20+20 init jetina
[17:18] <Penuche> Nephrite invokes Penuche's magic: < 36 > [d20=16]

I just figured to handle Cresiel's init for you too. :)


Sure, thanks.

> roll 1d20-2 Globe golem
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 6 > [d20=8]
> roll 1d20-2 Unarmed golem
<Penuche> Kotono invokes Penuche's magic: < 6 > [d20=8]

Init is Moore (52) > Cresiel (46) > Jetina (36) > Xandra (30) > Golems (6)

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


So are there any stairs we can see? Or is it just the hallway at present?


It's the hall. Glancing quickly because crap, golems incoming, there's a door on the far end.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Yeah but they're golems!! They're probably about as fast as a... a golem!!!!!

"We're not wasting our time with this." Moore says and flies up to the ceiling, where he taps it once.

Idea here is to use Greater Stone Shape to just make a giant hole in the ceiling so they can go up.


You open a hole - and a few inches past the stone, a layer of what looks like some kind of gray metal blocks you cold. Faint, tiny runes can be glimpsed on it, various designs on it that seem to suck in the light, twisting around and around as if falling into black holes.

Chance to react to that.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Can I identify what this is? I assume it's magical of some nature.

A loud, frustrated harrumph follows.

"Cresiel, I'll leave it up to you to decide whether you want to smash the constructs or the ceiling." Moore says with a hint of irritation.


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?