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Character Sheets HO!

Started by Dracos, September 14, 2004, 02:35:38 PM

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Anyone who feels like sharing their general concept/data sheet with the lot of the party, post here.  Not required. =)

Well, Goodbye.


Patricia Dunkirk:

A ward of the church, raised in a small farming village named Vertice about two days journey from Corneria (or anywhere else, for that matter). Brought up by a devout (and imaginative) priest named Father Maxwell, Patricia's head was filled with stories of heroes and epic battles between good and evil. His stories were brimful of daring deeds and last minute rescues, told almost as if the old priest had been there himself.

So it came as something as a shock when her training as a white mage led her to Corneria itself, and the world turned out to be a fairly dull place. No great villains scheming to take over the country, no great evil lurking on the edges of the world to try to destroy things. Just a populace whose main interest was that today be pretty much like yesterday, and that they can expect the same tomorrow.

But Patricia was undaunted! Mostly. Still determined to do as much good as she can, she's on the lookout for any noble cause that she can lend her skills to. And it beats working in the local clinic, performing hangover cures and arthritis relief for the citizenry.

The young mage carries a secret, though. The last thing entrusted to her by Father Maxwell was a small orb of crystal. "That there is one of the four Light Orbs of the Heroes," he said, pressing the object into Patricia's hand. "The real thing, too - don't ask me how I got it. Thought it might come in handy some day, but I'm gettin' too old to make much use of it. I think it might be just the thing for you, though. Hang onto it, and good luck, Patty girl. Remember what I taught ya, and you'll do fine."

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 135 lbs

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Long brown

Age: 22

Patricia is a very attractive young woman, although most people don't get a chance to notice it. She possesses a very fine hourglass figure, but under the concealment of her voluminous white mage's robes, people rarely notice. They can't help but notice her height, however; several inches taller than most women (and even taller than quite a few men), she definitely tends to stand out in a crowd even without trying.

Her training from Father Maxwell has given her a thorough capability with her hammer; the old priest's techniques are rather... unorthodox, but all revolve around one central idea: The main point in any fight is that you're the one who comes out of it alive. Any other 'rule' is window dressing.
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.



I dunno.  General concept works.  I'll explain more when I get the lot of you together.
Well, Goodbye.


If the orb is a problem, it can be changed. Just that you'd mentioned we should already have one in our possession at one point. >_>
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.


Yeah.  Let me just clarify:

You guys ARE the heroes of legend, which means you don't just pick up the orb out of no where but you actually know what it is (in some verbally passed down, storytelling fashion) and what it's importance is.  I don't care if it's some old artifact entrusted to you, a rite of passage deal, or whatnot...  but it has it's significance.

Well, Goodbye.


Helena, Magus of Crimson

Helena stands fairly tall, long, white hair spilling out down her back. Sometimes it's bound in a tail, usually it's not; only when she wants to look dignified or some such.

Her favourite colour being red, she wears it day and night. Baggy red pants are accompanined by a white shirt and a loose red jacket, and she often wears a much large travelling cape of the same colour. Her broad-brimmed red hat (with a feather on top) obscures her eyes from view, and casts a shadow over her face. All in all, she comes across as a little mysterious, nonchalant, and demure- often, she is mistaken for a (somewhat effeminate) boy.

This only remains true until such a time as she opens her mouth. Once she's started, there's no going back; her hat is pulled back to reveal the grinning face of a young girl, quite ready to spout out all sorts of nonsense. An earring dangles from one ear, and as her cloak is thrown back, the sword at her belt is revealed to all- and to those who don't *see*, well, her voice will ensure they know *exactly* what she's capable of...

..raised to the nth degree, of course.


Helena lives in Cornelia! Has all her life. She lives in a middle-class house with ordinary parents and an ordinary brother.

'Ordinary', perhaps, but that never stopped *Helena* from being different, no-sir! From since she could walk, she was always with her nose in a book, or waving around a stick in the front lawn, or pestering the shopkeepers to give her a potion, or heckling the King on his public appearances.

As she got older, she started becoming quite the hooligan. Apart from taking up several dangerous studies at once (Killian at the Black Magic institution still hasn't grown his eyebrows back, and Swordmaster Helios now refuses to go outside), Helena could also be seen... talking. Making herself known. Putting on flamboyant displays of magic. Challenging passing adventurers to random duels.

It as all purely an attention-grabbing exercise, but boy, did it work.

It worked so well, in fact, that a few of the towns important citizens got together and tried to work out what could be done about Helena.

They couldn't *throw* her out, after all; the tourism industry was thriving again, thanks to her, and really, she did amuse all the small children.

So they came up with a cunning plan!

"Y'know how we have that Light Orb, which we're supposed to give to a hero so he can go on a quest, right?"


"Well, everyone in town knows about it."


"So let's make a fake and give it to Helena."

"I'm listening."

"Then she'll think she's a hero, she'll go to the King and get given a quest, and then she'll leave of her own will! Everyone will want to see!"


And so, a fake orb was made. And so, it was supposed to be presented to Helena, with all pomp and circumstance...

...except someone made a mistake.

And due to a series of unintended circumstances, Helena ended up with the real orb.

"Mum! Dad! I'm a *Hero* now! That's so cool!"
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Alex(Alexander) of Cresent Lake

With a name like Alexander, one may imagine that his parents envisioned great things for him. Yet with a son like Alex, these hopes died in a fiery volcano of disapointment. Being tall, muscular and rather bulky, any dreams of excellence in magic or scholary fields were soon abandoned. While enjoying physical activity of  his own volition, young Alex had a fatal flaw. Quite frankly, he's a lazy fuck. Preferring to whittle his days away in the forests and lake near the city, he soon grew  familiar with the oncoming tide of monsters in the area. To this, he soon put his extra energy from skipping his lessons and into training with the town guard. Finding that he did quite like swordsman/axsman/staffsman/stabby in generalship, he quickly picked up the arts while helping out with the baddies.

Of course, all good things come to an end. Getting nagged by  his parents to make something of himself, Alex decided that a bit of a trip may be in order. Sure, the trouble of doing so sucks, but it gets him away from the annoyances on the home front. So thinking, he set off. A few days from Cresent Lake, he came on an old man being beseiged by a Troll; Trolls being the local threat to wayfairers. Knowing that the head of a troll was worth a bounty that would fill his pockets and the fact that the old man needed help, Alex proceeded to go stabby on the bastard. What he didn't expect was for the old man to thank him profusely, then insist he take something from him. A shiny orb, the size of his hand, that appeared to be made of glass or crystal. Along with it, he pleaded for him to keep it.

Alex shrugged. Why not? Easier than getting someone to buy it for a few gil, and the Troll will provide him enough funds for the next while. And thus, he went on. Past  the rivers and mountain desert south of Cresent Lake, where the legends say a great ship resides. Past the marshy south lands far east of Elfland, where towns sit on floating platforms and boats around the small islands of solid land in the stagnant muck. Past the eastern fields and forests, to Elfland itself. After seeing the culture there, he caught a boat on a whim, to see the great city of Cornelia.

After all, it beats working for a living, right?

Personality - Think Dias from Star Ocean 2. While quiet, reserved and somewhat withdrawn, it's not out of any shyness. Merely, he's just lazy and prefers not to get involved in the more hectic chatterings that other people seem to crave. Give him a good nap and a quiet afternoon anytime. At times, this can make him come off as highly uncaring or apathetic. Mind, he does care to a degree, it's just not his defining compass in things.

Besides, it's usually easier to let someone have their way and go recitify it on your terms. Be it a jumping, or getting the local guard to do the work, or whatever.

Age 20

Height 6'1

Weight 199 pounds.

Hair Black

Eyes Green

Alex is tall and muscular and with a certain bulk to his body. Extremely laid back, he's confortable in a hammock snoozing, or fishing on a sunny day. While somewhat reserved due to this, it's not from any shyness. Instead, he prefers to let others talk so he can relax. Moreso, since they usually want him to do the heavy work.

Slightly above average in the brains department, can seem slightly more if he can be fucked to recall the studies his parents forced on him. Realistically, it takes a lot of fucking to do so.

(I love how you can use that word.}

Wearing red chain mail, overshirt and cloak, he appears much like the FF1 Fighter once he discards the ulitatrian grey cloak. Which is fairly often, as it's usually too warm for his tastes. Disdaining the rapiers currently in style around Cornelia for a heavier blade(I'm thinking more of a normal sword here. Not going for a power difference as much as something that just fits his bulk better.), he relies on his muscle to make his attacks effective. Not a master of grace, this one.

Equipment -

Heavy Sword
Chain Mail
1 antidote - he's familiar with the scorpions and centipedes around Cresent Lake, so he's gotten in the habit of carrying one with him. Considering how aggressive they've been lately, it's pretty much a required habit.
100 Gil - If it matters. If not, ignore.

Skills -

Can read. Not great at it, but his parents ingrained that into him with their pressing studies. I'm noting this solely if you're going to make a point of having to know to read. Makes sense from his bio, but I don't want any surprises on it either way. If it's going to be assumed or unimportant, this entry isn't a big deal.

Basic fishing and woodsmanship. Nothing stellar, but he's picked some up from living in Cresent Lake.

Swordsmanship, how to use armor effectively, etc. Basic warrior stuff.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Craig Amethyst is rather average build for a citizen of Elfland, standing at around five feet tall. What he lacks in physical uniqueness, Craig makes up in having the oddest set of personality quirks for an elf yet. Almost always cheerful, this sandy brown elf's eyes are bright and inquistive as they peer through the tangle of hair set casually on top of his head, piercing most things with with intensity.

Naturally slender, Amethyst is a bit more hardier than most of his kin due to years of wandering around with his grandfather through the woods surrounding Elfland, hearing all the tales of his grandparent's youth as an explorer outside the lands of elven history. Skittering through them in his youth improved Craig's sense of awareness around him and his endurance past the norm of most of his friends and relatives.

Anyhow, his background is rather special in that ever since he was growing up raised by his grandfather Robert, Craig has had a constant surge of tall tales and the like about humans pumped into his head by Robert almost since the day he could comprehend words. Growing up on all this, he naturally became curious about the outsider world and began poking about.

Bad call, considering the ugly xenophobia in the majority of the elves that lived there. Whenever he asked about the outside world, he'd always get a biting answer to not think about those people, stupid. Considering all this, it was but an eventuality that he'd eventually wind up leaving Elfland and begin his trip abroad for adventure and fame!

There was a bit of a problem was *expensive*.

And he wasn't exactly the son of noble parentage with gold to burn.

So after a quick boat ride, Craig was now trapped in Pravoka and lacked the ability to go back home. Well, he was talented and skilled! If he was hopefully lucky, he'd get the chance to find a good bit of work. Oh, look, those nice men on that ship with a skull and cross bones looked like they needed help... : Then we will write in the shade.


Zack Blackmane led a harsh life.  Born in the city of Lefein to a human father and a Lefiein mother, he was considered an abomination by the other Lefieins.  His parents spent the rest of Zack's teen years wandering in a desert to the east of Lefein.  During this time, he learned to speak English fluently, though his mother, being a deaf-mute, was unable to teach him any Lefein, and eventually his tongue in that language was lost.  When his mother died on his fifteenth birthday, his father went insane, and abandoned him in Onrac, the nearby oceanfront town.

He spent a year as a slave to the tavern owner in Onrac.  In that year he was surrounded by filth-drunken brawlers, total perverts, prostitutes, and the occasional clergyman.  In this impressionable year he figured that this must be how everyone is; perverse, violent, cruel, and ruled by power.  His parents must have been the only ones exempt from this behavior, he reasoned.  He wanted to be like his parents, not cruel but kind, not violent but repentant.  He couldn't stand the thought of being like the rogues that frequented the tavern.

A little after this revelation, he began studying at the black magic shop.  If everyone was that perverted, violent, and cruel, he didn't want to be controlled by them.  And how does one avoid being controlled by those who are ruled by power?  Gain power. After a year or so, he gained his first magic point and learned his first spell, LIT.  Excited to have his first taste at power, he was practicing the spell at the tavern he worked at.

Needless to say, it blew up.  And so did the people inside the tavern.  Fortunately, before anyone could find out, a group of wandering black wizards came to the site of the explosion.  The group took him from the explosion site and sailed off with Zack in tow.  They explained to him later that they took him because he knew black magic, but couldn't control it.  They told him that they would teach him how to control the power while out at sea, where nobody could get hurt.  Zack readily agreed, and was given blue robes, a steeple hat, and black mask to hide his face.

Ironically, after teaching him FIRE and explaining how to control the spell, the ship caught on fire and everyone died.

Zack washed ashore near Matoya's cave, where he was taken in once more.  Once he regained consciousness, the witch introduced herself to Zack, and explained to him that she saw everything.  She, too, offered to help Zack control his power, and he accepted once more. After all, he couldn't avoid control if he couldn't control his own power.  So for the next three years, he trained with Matoya, receiving a staff from her to help control his magic.  He learned to love Matoya like a mother; she wasn't filth like the other people he had been exposed to for long periods of time.

Under her training, he gained a basic grasp of his power, but still slipped every once in a while.  One of these slips resulted in his exile from Matoya's cave.  While practicing his LIT spell, he accidentally destroyed... something.  He didn't see what it was, but when he looked at where the sound came from, he saw a small pile of shattered glass.  He thought nothing of it; he had destroyed many things on accident before and Matoya generally understood that he didn't have full control of his powers.  Besides, it was probably just another crystal ball.  She had a plethora of those.

That night, unbeknownst to either of the two cave dwellers, a mysterious figure entered the cave and left with a small eyeglass in his hand.

The next morning, Matoya awoke in a panic.

"My eyeglass!  Where is my eyeglass?!"

"M... mistress Matoya?"  Zack had been woken up by her wailing, and was panicking.  Could the glass object he destroyed have been Matoya's eyeglasses?

"Zack?  Have you seen my..."

"I broke it!"  Zack panicked, and confessed quickly to the crime he only thought he committed.

Matoya sighed heavily.  "Damn it, Zack.  I had told you not to practice magic near my room just in case you broke something important."

"I'm... I'm... sorry.  I didn't mean to..." Zack was kicking himself internally.

"Just... clean up the mess."  Matoya sighed.  "It'll be a long, long time before I can get another eyeglass..."

Zack quickly cleaned up the mess, muttering to himself."I've really messed up this time..."

Matoya stumbled back into her room and sat in thought.  "No, it couldn't have been Zack that destroyed my eyeglass... he doesn't know anything higher than ICE.  Something else must be afoot... but...  Oh, bother, I'll figure it out later.  Besides, if Zack thinks he did it, he'll be more willing to do what I ask.  Guilt is such a wonderful thing."

"I best prepare him a bit more.  If what I learned these last few nights, the Light Warriors will be here soon enough.  Best have Zack somewhat ready by then..."


Height:  6'3"
Weight:  150lbs
Eyes:  Bright Yellow
Hair:  Short Brown, not that you'd be able to tell
Age:  19

Wood Staves/Knives
Rabbit's foot – Despite its folk lore, it has done nothing to bring him better luck.


Literacy (have to read the tomes to learn the spells somehow, eh?)
Meager Control of Dark Mana


Hopefully nothing's too wrong with it.
iato: *hugs Super* Lala.
redffea: Its that exciting Super?
Supaaielman: *Explodes*


Howdy, everyone! I suppose it's my turn to post one of these.

Name: Quatre


Height 5'9
Weight: 130 lbs.

He has mussed, platinum blonde hair that never has any rhyme or reason, but ends up somehow looking neat in the end. He also has bright eyes that are a mixtured of both blue and green, his smile is always one that makes other people happy. He has a medium frame, but isn't a complete pushover when it comes to labor. He wears the simple white robes of a White Mage at all times, rarely putting his hood up unless it's raining.

Personality: Always cheerful and happy, Quatre is the type of guy who always does his best to fit into situations. He tries his best to always be optimistic, even when things are looking down.

Archetype: Being a white mage, Quatre has the ability to heal the wounds of others, as well as assist others in fighting undead hordes.