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SOULRIDERS 3.0: Land of the Future

Started by Dracos, October 24, 2004, 01:10:46 PM

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Well, we've been working on it on and off for about a fortnight now and this morning we finally went ahead and got it up.  It's not entirely done but we can consider it stable.  Here's the long not-awaited facelift for the Soulriders Forums.  We've reorganized the place to hopefully provide a more useful and easily navigatable place for folks to spend their time.

As has been subtly stated, our goal this year is to double the forum population and activity without having this place turn into a wasteland of crap.  I think that, despite tons of evidence to the contrary, this can be done and we have the crew to do it.  There'll be some minor changes continuing over the next week, so if you got ideas, chirps, compliments, complaints, and whatnot, this is a great time to do it.

We'd also like to begin a huge linking campaign.  We'll be setting up some specifics later, but I'd like to take advantage of how the major search engines work and get Soulriders Gaming and Anime Forums up towards the top in terms of popular sites.  Ridiculous?  Maybe.  But we'd like to give it a try.  How can YOU help?  Just link us like that so that net-bots associate us with that.  Those of you who travel to other forums, link us in your sig if you can.  We'd really appreciate it.

Thanks for all the support folks.  Let's make this coming year even better than the last one.

Well, Goodbye.


As far as WHERE things are:
All current games got put in Thunder of Gaming
All Creative Endeavors (Writing, Poetry, Art) got shuffled into the Creator's Room
The Anime stuff, reviews is pretty visible.
Old games got shuffled into the burial grounds.

uh.  Well.  Hum.  I'm bad at this.  Anyone have any questions, ask me.  I'll try and make this transition as easy as possible for you guys.
Well, Goodbye.