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Blackrock Depths(Part two) The Emporer

Started by kpjam, April 12, 2005, 07:16:29 PM

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At the end of part one, you finished the non-key accesable parts and obtained the key.  (You can't rescue Marshall without the key at some point)

Anyway.  When you enter the instance, there's a cavern to your left.  Take the cavern instead of heading into the prison section.  There's a gate, which requires key, and quick right(straight leads you to the section where you fight the Bael guy).  There's a door(requires key) on you left and straight ahead leads you to the prison section.

So go through the door to your left.  There's a room with stairs leading up facing you on the right.  Don't take it.  There's a mob directly ahead.  Nuke it.  Then the person with the key, go to a winch which is straight ahead.  The other mobs won't trigger, just watch for patrol.  Use key on winch, and the rest of the city is now accessable.  (Not sure what the winch does, but I think it either spins the city-center, or lowers a section of tunnel.  Supposedly it blocks off part of the city that was previously accesible)

Go up the stairs.  Across is the Ring of law, and the stands(been here before you have).  Go to your left, through some hallways.  Eventually you'll get to a room with a set of stairs going down to your left an one going down to your right.  To the left is a little alcove where the General is.  He's one of the target's you need for Windsor.

Clear out the set of mobs around him, and fight.  He hits hard, but the trouble is about 2/3 through the fight he calls for help.  A least 1 elite medic and a bunch of others.  Take out the medic fast so he doesn't get heals.  One dead, move on to the other direction.

A word of note.  Their are occasionally blacksmith plans laying around.  If the person who opens them, isn't high enough to use them, or doesn't have blacksmithing, they vanish.  The ones I've seen have all been dark iron plans.

Anyway, you enter a workshop.  move carefully.  Get someone to pull to the stairs.  The little gnomes run and while divided they're cake, a set of 20 gnomes and a couple golems is not good.  The right side has the exit.  Striaght across in a small room is the golem lord master person(the other target for windsor).  If you're taking him on, you have to clear both sides.  His first action is to run out of his room looking for help.  Also, he has a shock attack which he starts off with, so make sure someone hearty gets aggro to start.

Anyway, once he and his minions are done, there's a set of skematics on the floor.  They aren't lootable, engineers with 300 skill can copy them.

Head on to the exit, which is guarded by six fire elements.  They come in groups of three and are cake.

After that is the bar.  Don't talk to anyone, just go to the little supply room on the right.

If someone has the thunderbrew quest.  Get ready and have them break the kegs.  Four or five elites come running in.  Don't hurt the patrons cause you don't want the aggro.

Next.  Ribble is green and sitting by the bar.  If anyone has his head quest.   Everyone else stay in the room, and one of the people with the quest go speak with him.

He'll attack, the person runs into the room, 4 more elites gone and a head.

Head upstairs.  You can talk to and get a quest from the succubus.  If someone has completed her quest, you may have to hurry to get to her, cause she'll disappear with one of the patrons, (Rocknut) I believe and go into the city.  Leaving the door to the city open.  Also upstairs in the far corner is a vendor.  He has a couple plans.  Also A darkiron forger, who at level 60, or some other instance, you can talk to and trade in things to.  I've done none of this, so can't help you.

If no one has finished the quest for the love potion, the way to open the door is this.  Someone needs to buy 2 stacks(what I heard) of ale from the vendor and give to Rocknot.  He starts a fight which gets the golem bouncer made.  He opens the door(rather breaks it) and allows you access to the city(after you fight him first.  Watch the patrons).

Once there, you're in the city center, the opposite balcony from the first time.  There's an entrance into a firy tunnel.  after a turn, there's an ambassador infernal.  Fight him from the alcove, he calls non-elite fire minions during the fight.

Once through, you fight your way to the place of 7 spirits.  Not sure if you need to beat them to continue.  but if you do, you get a nice blue or two.  If you can't you may be better served just turning back anyway.  I think one of these ghost tells you how to smelt dark iron, not sure thoug.  Anyway, to fight, someone talk to the head guy and they seven ghosts come alive.  They're timed, so if you don't kill one by the time the next attacked, he still attacks.  And if you start falling behind on the first or second, you may as well give up.  I'm not sure if you can go on if you fail.

Anyway, once dealt with, a nice chest shows up with some nice stuff.  Roll for and continue.

I'm not sure about the order of the next two.  I only ventured this far once.  So if I confused the order, forgive me.

The next room is large room with many roving bands of non-elites.  they are like flies.  When you kill a group, it respawns in about  1 minute(I wish I were kidding)  AoE heaven.    There are two individual walking around in the mass of dwarven insects that are named key or torch bearers.  They have the torch/key you need to light two fires at the front of the room.  After they drop their goodies and you light the fire move on.

To a long room with pillars on the side and another big red golem at the other end.  When you start this fight, the pillars shoot fire across the hallway, so you want to fight at the other end, near the closed doorway.  Do so, beat the bad guy, move one to the thrown room.

Many mobs, again.  Kill them all slowly, carefully, destroying runners as you move to the throne.  Be sure to clear the balconies and be careful in pulling the two groups at the foot of the throne.  

Oh, and ignore the emporer as he calls you weak while you're slaughtering his subjects.

Anyway.  The fight.  Remember, don't kill the princess!  Also, remeber the princess heals.  So have someone tank her near the throne, while you pull the emporer to the middle of his receiving hall.

Once the fight is done.  The fight is done.

I don't know how to get to the core.  There might be hallway or something I've missed, but I just don't know.  I don't know for sure how to learn to smelt dark iron, and I don't know if you can do it elsewhere.

There seems to be a lot to do in the depths, even after you've cleared most of the quests.

Hopefully this will be helpful to some.
he secret of tomb has been revealed, do nothing!