
Started by Shuten, August 06, 2002, 01:15:04 AM

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Name: Kinomoto Sakura
Age: Unknown [Physically looks Seventeen Years Old]
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Emerald

Dress: Dressed in a black cloak which hides the skintight bodysuit she wears underneath. Her right arm is covered by what appears to a golden cylinder like object. Formerly wielded a Beam Saber. Said weapon is currently lost due to events in the RPG.

Personality: Haunted by fragmented visions of a past she barely remembers. Sakura has become far removed from the energetically kind girl she once was. Hints of her former self do appear occasionally though.

Wandering the land she seeks information about her past and a way to return home. Doing her best to protect those she feels are *innocent*.

She also suffers from what can only be described as manic depression crossed with multiple personality disorder.

When she becomes suicidally depressed an alternate personality will emerge and suppress her dark persona.

The alternate personality is cute, energetic, and sickeningly sweet. It's also extremely innocent and sees everything thru the eyes of a child.

It will remain active until she has slept and awoken. Upon awakening she retains nothing of her *otherself's* actions. This can and does lead to grave problems in the long run.

The Golden Cylinder on her right arm is a Demon Gun which can use the Souls of the dead to summon creatures to attack or protect depending on what is summoned.

However Sakura is completely unaware of the true nature of the *Golden Cylinder*. It is also broken and can not be removed from her arm. This effectively leaves her one armed.

Currently Sakura normal persona has no magical training and uses her highly toned reflexes to protect herself and others.

What abilities her alternate persona has remains to be seen.

I will add to this as needed.




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