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[Ranma 1/2] Destiny's Child

Started by Yuthirin, September 20, 2005, 01:50:39 PM

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Destiny's Child is written by Fire

Destiny's Child has been around for ages. I first found it on Tannim's Ranma 1/2 crossover page. It starts in the 1600s, where Ranma and his father are training at Jusenkyo. Ranma falls into the spring of Drowned Young Girl, and takes the form of a child. Only scalding hot water can bring him back to his male form.

It's not a bad read, once the author finds his groove. Give it a shot here.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Destiny's Child is a fun read, and like most of Fire's works it features a fairly uber Ranma.  He ends up doing quite a bit in his backstory before the 'real' story begins, but the vast majority of that backstory is fairly compelling, or at least it was to me when I first read it.

Admittedly, now when I want to re-read it, I just start two chapters from the finale, but....

Regardless, the main character is kind of Ranma, but four hundred years change him ... substantially.  Bits and pieces of our pigtailed hero occasionally shine through the main character, enough (given the backstory) to enjoy reading it, if Fire does introduce a handful of canon characters for no readily apparent reason.

Realistically, the lion's share of fun characterization seems to go not to the Ranma cast, but to the crossover crew, so think of it more as a Sailor Moon fic with an added Ranma.  I know it's been done ... and a lot ... but most of that's because people read this fic and thought they could do it, too!

This story has not (unfortunately) aged as well as some, but still remains quite readable, once you get past the initial 'recap' mode of storytelling that catches Ranma up to the present.  Oddly, Fire doesn't (IIRC) switch modes with a chapter, he gradually brings the focus in and expands on scenes.  A nicely worked writing technique, that.
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


Quote from: "Brian"
Admittedly, now when I want to re-read it, I just start two chapters from the finale, but....

Heh.  That's where I usually start the re-read.
he secret of tomb has been revealed, do nothing!


I recently reread this and enjoyed it fairly well.  Pity he no longer writes even this well.

Well, Goodbye.


What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Before I left fanfiction, he left a couple of really shoddy chapters of new stories out.

That was...a few years ago no?

Well, Goodbye.


The Sailer Moon AU where they are pirates?


That might've been it.  2003 was it?  2002?

Sometime long ago.

In a place far, far away...
Well, Goodbye.