[Tenchi] Aurora of Rainbow Fire

Started by DB, September 23, 2005, 10:50:32 PM

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For a little variety, here's a little something that is not only a Tenchi fic, but a lemon as well.

Stop! Don't run away. It's not *just* a lemon fic. In fact it's more correctly defined as a comedy with sex in it. And some solid storytelling thrown in as well. But the lemon isn't the emphasis of the story, it's just one aspect of it. It's written by Ragun P. Moody and is stored here:

Technically AoRF is actually part of a three story arc series. The intro to Aurora is a story called Needful Things, which breaks the ice on the romance between Tenchi/Ayeka/Ryoko. Then we get to the multi-chapter Aurora  part of the arc. The final arc has yet to be written, but that's okay too, as Aurora is actually a bunch of standalone episodic stories that are self-contained. You can stop reading at any point and won't be left with any real cliffhangers. Later chapters have references to previous chapters, but that's just storytelling build up, and is done well. So you won't be left with that frustrated feeling of the work never being completed.

The story takes place in the TV universe, with a few OVA influences. While the primary lemon is between T/R/A, there's some action for Mihoshi and Kiyone as well (no, not together) And no Sasami action, thank god. The humor level is high througout. Ragun isn't taking himself too seriously, but it's not absurd either.  In some ways, it's almost two stories occuring side by side. Some of the chapters focus on the Tenchi trio, while Kiyone, Mihoshi and Sasami have their own adventures as well. Actually, it's probably the latter trio who have the best chapters devoted to them, with the huge chapter 7 'Learning to Fly' being the best of the lot.  

The only real drawbacks to this, IMO, is that the T/R/A menage has been done before, so it's not really new ground.  Though if you haven't read a lot of TM stuff, it should be fine. The other is that there is no overall storyline in this part of the arc. It is a number of individual chapters. Nonetheless I highly recommend this read.