
"Our arrogance is our power."

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Started by Carthrat, September 02, 2002, 06:14:13 AM

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OOC: Sorry, Ryder. Don't know much about SM, so I have to wing it.

IC: The sun rose slowly... and shed it's brilliant rays upon the room of a young soldier of love...

The said child was sleeping under a heavily quilted blanket. What her dreams were made of one could only guess at, though they would probably be something akin to winning Nobel prizes and the like.

It had been a relatively quiet period of time for the Senshi... aside from the occasional Youma, sent from god-knows-where, they'd been kicking back and relaxing.

Or studying.

But a certain event was about to throw a wrench in the works... as greater forces moved into motion.

Ami's mind changed..

And then,  one of her eyes opened. And the person looking out of it discovered they in a decidedly feminine room.

Proving that, if there IS an all-powerful god, he has a sick sense of humour.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Ryder awoke from a nightmare familiar to him... Himself as Hitomi, and Van and Allen fighting over him.

"I hate that dream..." Ryder muttered, before realizing one important thing.  "This isn't my voice!"

Quickly sitting up in bed, she made another discovery... "THIS ISN'T MY ROOM!"  No, it was way too clean, and too girlish, to be Ryder's room... Nor did it have a pair of bunk beds with clean clothes strung all over the top.  Or the stereo by his head that would put him to sleep...

Catching sight of her new body, Ryder did the appropiate thing for a person in her situation... She screamed.

Thankfully, Ami's mother had left long ago for her duties in the hospital, leaving the new girl to scream to her heart's content, or until her lungs gave out...

So, Ryder screamed, much like a girl close to her would do constantly...
What sort of madness will I create today?"



The clock said 7:30.

And a conveniant timetable across the room said that school starts at 8:00 on Fridays.

Some people never get a break.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Barely heard over her screams, the alarm clock quickly ended any thoughts that this could be the worst nightmare she had ever experienced...


Ryder slammed her palm down on the alarm clock, bringing the room to a sense of quiet.  And this fact allowed Ryder to take in the base facts...

Alright... I'm obviously not dreaming this time... Let's see... Closet, desk, full length mirror... Not much else... That's good.  I don't think I could stand to be in one of those genki girls...

Ryder climbed out of bed and took a gander at her reflection in the mirror... Giving him the shock of her life...

"AMI!  I'M AMI!?!?" she shouted while stepping back, the look of surprise seeming too foreign to be on her face...  Turning around, she noticed the note about school and performed a familiar action in his old body... The 30 minute dash...

"SHIT!!!!" she exclaimed, with the strange afterthought that she shouldn't say such things, and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower...  Spending valuable time off of the clock to look for the "bloody bathroom" in the first place.
What sort of madness will I create today?"


OOC: *Carthrat starts having perverted thoughts about Ami in the shower.*

IC: After spending about 5 minutes in the shower...

The hot water ran out, drenching Ami in a torrent of freezing, icy water.

Pity it was mid-winter, otherwise she might not almost be a human icecube at this point.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


OOC: I hate you Rat...

IC: Ryder leaped back in surprise as the cold water rushed...


Seems Ryder forgot that the female body is just a little more sensitive than the male one when it comes to water temperature...  And reacted in ways that I will not explain here in the this post, because a certain pervert is reading this and I decided to spite him, so BIDAH!!!

So, Ryder carefully washed off the rest of the soap on her body, and quickly jumped out of the shower and quickly began to dry off, using the towel delicately around those distinctly female areas...

"Damnit, this is alot harder than I ever imagined..." Ryder mumbled as she wrapped around herself like she saw her mother do, and stepped out the bathroom door to her room...

It isn't my room... It's Ami's room... Never was mine, never will be...

Stepping into her "temporary" room, Ryder noticed the alarm clock barely saved from destruction earlier...

"7:40!! JESUS CHRIST!!! I'm going to be late!!!" she exclaimed... with the afterthought that it was strange to say His name.  Which Ryder promptly ignored, because well... Ryder's still one of His servants, even if the previous occupant wasn't.

Looking into the closet, Ryder groaned, loudly, when she realized that she would have to wear... a fuku...

Relying on common sense, the insane knowledge of shojo anime inserted by his otaku fangirl friends, and Weather Break (OOC: Excel Saga fans will get this joke...), Ryder managed to dress for the occassion.  Which meant a standard fuku with dark blue cotton leggings for comfort...

Taking another look at the clock, 7:50 AM... Ryder rushed downstairs, quickly prepared a bagel to eat along the way, and prayed that Ami had put her books together for school the previous night.

And with bag and bagel in hand, Ryder rushed out for her first day of Japanese High School...
What sort of madness will I create today?"


OOC: You're about to hate me even more ^_^

IC: When Ami arrived at the school... was empty.

Her watch, which told the time, date, season, gave a quick bit of info on your star sign, served as a stopwatch, and was fully waterproof, also told the day.


Ami should have taken a look at Ami's calander as well as the timetable.

OOC: Just so you know, I won't use cheap tricks like this when it's important...

...most of the time ^_^
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


OOC: *screams in fustration*

IC: Ryder facefaulted... an action that proved eventful for her.  See, she learned that facefaulting doesn't hurt in an anime universe.  And two, never facefault in a fuku...

So, as Ryder stood up, she didn't notice the hentai businessman peeking up her skirt across the street...

However, that isn't too important to the story, neh?

Anywho, Ryder was glad however, that no normal child would be awake on a Sunday morning anyway... But, just in case, she quickly ran home... Managing to make it in the door without too many stares.

"That... was dumb... REAL dumb... Though, it was Friday morning back home..." Ryder mumbled as she walked back upstairs to change.

At least now I don't have to deal with Usagi and the other Senshi...

To spite the pervs reading this (OOC: That means you K and C), we'll skip the changing scene and get right to Ryder eating a normal breakfast...


Normal for her anyway...

OOC: That a big enough opening for you?
What sort of madness will I create today?"


Tick... tock... tick... tock...

A couple seconds later, the waffles popped, the phone rang, and there was a knock on the door.

All at the same time.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Ryder grabbed the phone and ignored the waffles popping up.

I could always reheat them...

While pressing the talk button on the phone, Ryder took a gander outside the window to see who was at the door...

What sort of madness will I create today?"


"Ami! You said you'd come to the shrine today! Is something wrong? Why are you late? What's happening?"

Usagi continued on in this vein, absoulutely refusing to give a break in the conversation.

Outside the window was a well-dressed business man who had a silly look plastered on his face.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Ryder groaned as she saw the businessman outside her door...

"USAGI!" she calmly demanded... which managed to shut her up long enough for Ryder to continue...

"I've got something to take care of... hold on..."

Ryder put the phone down, opened the door, and gave the man a swift kick in the nuts...


As the man crawled away, Ryder grabbed the phone again and confirmed that she was back...
What sort of madness will I create today?"


"OkAmiIheardacrackareyouok Of course you are Otherwise you wouldn't be talking Silly me Hahahahaha Anyway we really need you here. We found something strange and need you to look at it ok"

Usagi managed to say the whole thing without drawing breath.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Ryder nodded, and twitched as she began to weed out what Usagi had actually said...

"Alright, so, you guys found something and want me to look at it?"

Ryder walked into the kitchen, phone still in hand and on ear and groaned as she picked up her waffles.

I burnt them... I never burn waffles!  Musta been the difference in toasters.
What sort of madness will I create today?"


"Yeah! It's some kind of weird pendant thingy. Setsunasawit, screamed, and dissapeared! Canyoucome and lookatit right away?"
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up