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Lycanthropy and you!

Started by Anastasia, May 22, 2006, 11:50:39 AM

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I'm going to present this in three tiers; common knowledge and myths, semi learned tidbits by adventurers and magi, and the raw truth of the matter that can be dug up by those that need it.

1. Common myths.

- Werewolves are terrible creatures! They come out in the full moon and eat babies! They'll tear you apart, by Orial! Gods help you if they bite you and survive!

- You lose your soul if you become a werewolf! You're no better than a fiend from hell! Kill yourself or you'll kill everyone you're close to!

- Did you hear? That old hag Rosari said that belladonna helps werewolves! I bet it does - puts 'em six feet under, by the Gods!

- Wear your silver necklace if you're going out! It's a full moon tonight!

These illustrate the basic knowledge about werewolves. They appear in the full moon's light, they're horrible monsters, silver repels them, belladonna 'may' help werewolfism. If you asked a normal person on the street you'd get these very raw and basic answers. The veracity of each claim is debatable as always, of course.

2. Semi learned knowledge.

First and foremost, werewolves are like golems and other magical creatures. Normal steel and wood won't phase them in the least. Many a hearty warrior has fallen to one because his prized blade lacked the magic to harm a werecreature. The exact properties of magic needed isn't clear, but it's known.

Silver is said to be at least somewhat effective on were creatures. How much so is contested - reports vary. Except for a few hellishly bad tales of outliers, magic and magical weapons generally affect werewolf and kin.

There are those that claim to be bitten by a were creature and not be affected. Indeed, there is enough ancedotal evidence to suggest it doesn't always happen. Humans, half elves, elves, dwarves and others all are equally fearful of werewolfism, it isn't racially exclusive.

The full moon has werewolves, but many report fighting werewolves without a full moon or even in daylight. There seems to be more than one type beyond infected victims. What they are isn't known commonly.

Belladonna is held to be useful against werewolvism. It may not be a complete cure - tales vary wildly about it's usefulness, and some only lament lost friends who succumbed to the poisonous plant. More magical cures are often valued.

More information is known, but it's often self contradicted by other tales. It gives you a workable gist, but leaves much to be desired should you need solid information.

Saul will know this information as well as three other tidbits: Belladonna won't cure it entirely, but can act as a slow down or retardant to the infection. Secondly, infected werewolves don't show symptoms until the full moon after they are first bitten.

3. The actual rules of the affair.

The chance for infection varies by weretype. See the description and notes of each one for details. A creature cannot be infected by more than one type of were creature at a time.  On infection the infected person feels no different. It matters not if the wound is healed or not in the interum. The infected creature does not radiate magic or evil in any way - a well worded divinination spell of the proper power can illuminate the state, as can true seeing. (A ghostly werewolf will be overlaid with the victim.)

A few days before the first full moon, the victim will begin to feel good. Nothing major, a mere spring in their step. It's a subtle thing - perhaps just that the person's having a few good days. Until the duskfall of the night of the full moon...when it begins.

On dusk the transformation happens - into a furred wolf-human hybrid! The fearsome werewolf, a tormented mockery of the person so infected! This beast seeks blood and chaos, seeking to hurt those closest to their other side.

This ends at sunrise - the victim will collapse and wake up, only to repeat it at the next full moon. During this state the character is an NPC and retains no memory of his or her rampage.


Belladonna retards the development of werewolfism. If given just before the full moon to an infected victim before their first transformation, it can prevent it until the next moon. If it is given before the full moon after a transformation, it has a 80% chance of preventing that moon's transformation. If forcefed to a transformed werewolf(They instinctively loathe the smell of it), it induces them to detransform.

However, belladonna has an obvious drawback - it's highly poisonous. The quantitiy needed to affect the target is large. On ingestion, they must make a saving throw vs poison at -2. Success means the target is only sickened badly, suffering 20 points of damage. Failure inflicts 40 points of damage. Further, if the save is failed, a con check must be made. If this fails, the victim has suffered severe bodily damage; -1 CON.

Belladonna is therefore often only used as a very rough or desperate treatment by those in the know. Many a cursed victim have passed in the throes of this very cure!

Magical cures:

Remove disease has no effect. Remove curse can be effective if cast by a cleric of at least 12th level - a saving throw vs death magic is allowed. Success means that the spell is successful and the lycantrophy is shattered. A heal, restoration, limited wish or wish can dispel lycantrophy automatically.

Statistical changes:

+2 STR or 18 STR, whichever is higher.
+2 DEX or 16 DEX, whichever is higher.
+1 CON or 15 CON, whichever is higher.
INT is set to 6.
WIS is set to 6.
CHA is set to 6.
-2 bonus to THACO.

Natural AC of 7.

Immunity to non magical/silver weapons.

Infravision, 120 feet.

Natural attack - bite, 2d4 damage. 8% chance of infecting target, -1 bonus to roll for each wound past the first.  1/1 attack rate, speed 3.

Natural attack - claws. 1d6 damage. 4 chance of infecting target, -1 bonus for each wound past the first. 2/1 attack rate, speed 3.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?