
I have a dream that one day, men will be punched in the face not for the color of their skin, but for the awful content of their character.

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PC reserve

Started by Anastasia, June 20, 2006, 03:20:28 PM

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This topic is for reserve PCs. We have a few interested parties that would like to play in the game, but as we're at the maximum, cannot currently add them in. Should circumstances change this, they will have a character mostly ready. I'm not sayin' anyone's going or being punted; this is purely a matter of preparation.

PCs posted here are at a reasonably close level, they'll be scaled up when the join in. Level 4 is used as it's a reasonably close level to what the game is at right now.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Name: Arcadia Efreeyl
Race: Elf
Class: Thief/Mage
Level: 4/4
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Age: 160
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 132lb

STR 10
DEX 18
CON 11
INT 18
WIS 12
CHA 13

HP: 24/24
THAC0: 19
AC: 2 (6 from Armour Spell)

Thief Skills:

Pick Pockets:      30%
Open Locks:      60%
Find/Remove Traps:   60%
Move Silently:      50%
Hide in Shadows:     50%
Detect Noise:      30%
Climb Walls:      60%
Read Languages:      0%

Saving Throws:

Save vs. Para/Poison/Death: 13
Save vs. Rod/Staff/Wand: 11
Save vs. Petr/Polymorph: 12
Save vs. Breath: 15
Save vs. Spell: 12

Weapon Proficiencies:

Short Sword *
Quarterstaff *
Shortbow *

Non Weapon Proficiencies:

Ancient History * 16
Appraising * 17
Dancing * 18
Disguise * 12
Etiquette * 12
Herbalism ** 15
Spellcraft * 15
Swimming * 10
Jumping * 10


Common (Free)

Spells Known:

1st Level

Read Magic
Detect Magic
Magic Missile
Comprehend Languages
Sandalphon's Unerring Projectile
Unseen Servant
Charm Person
Spider Climb

2nd Level

Summon Swarm
Alter Self
Locate Object

3rd Level

Dispel Magic
Summon Monster 1
Vampiric Touch

Permanent Magical Bonuses:

8 Bonus HP from a magical spring


3.8 GP

Short Sword +1 - 1d6+1 damage, -1 THAC0, Speed 2, Piercing

Girdle of Northernkind - +3 bonus to all saves vs cold and frost. Nullifies the effect of the Chill Touch spell entirely.

Quarterstaff - 1d6 damage, Speed 4, Bludgeoning

Short Bow (30 Sheaf Arrows) - 1d8 damage, Speed 7, Piercing (-1 THAC0 as Elf)

Misc Possessions:

Soft Boots
Cloth Cloak
Embroidered Robe
Belt Pouch (large)
Belt Pouch (small) x4
Scroll Case
Thieves Picks


Physical Description:

Arcadia is somewhat short in stature, even for an elf, with a correspondingly lithe build, more often than not hidden in voluminous robes when she's out and about, displaying all her magely trappings. Her tapering pointed ears quite clearly betray her race, always poking out past her golden blonde hair which is typically cropped loosely just above her shoulders so as not to get in the way. Her facial features are soft and rounded, making her look younger than she truly is (even for an Elf) - it's frequently commented that she looks scantly over a hundred, so observers are usually surprised to learn how close to middle age she truly is. Her eyes are coppery yellow, which would lead to an almost feral appearance were it not for being framed by such a cherubic face.

Personal History:

Born in the Elven treetop city of Tir Quessyl, Arcadia had a somewhat typical Elven beginning, learning the ways of the forest and the arcane lore of her people, playing games of quickness and dexterity, and generally living the idyllic life of which Elves are so famous for.

Still, perhaps more than her fellows, she chafed at the restrictions she had as a child, and so it was refreshing when a troupe of human minstrels and actors visited the city - none of them had any idea she was a child, for she looked just as old as any elf! Indeed, even when told her true age, the humans still treated her with the respect of an adult!

This was intoxicating to the young elfmaiden, and when the troupe left, she was only to eager to leave with them and cast off her maidenhood at the first opportunity with an especially dashing and charming songsmith. Alas, love is a fickle thing, and while she was allowed to travel with them for a time, when she became pregnant it scared her lover off. Rejected by her new companions, Arcadia was left alone and adrift in the strange world of humans.

Undaunted, however, she strove to make what she could of her life here, having seen that plenty of humans managed just fine, even without all the advantages she enjoyed as an elf! Using what minor magery she knew, Arcadia was able to provide for herself in modest comfort until her child was born, naming him Nial after his father.

She continued this respectable life for the next decade or so, an exotic immigrant in the lower middle class part of the city she lived. However, it was a far cry from the comforts of her homeland, and her Elven heart chafed even more at the confines of the bustling human city than it ever did in green Tir Quessyl. Abruptly leaving, she took to the road with her son in order to explore more of the land, teaching Nial magecraft and labouriously improving her own skills without the aid of the tutors she had back home. But, not a proud woman, she wasn't averse to supplementing her income by occasionally cheating others out of their gold, and even hiring herself out to those explorers who would enter strange ruins in hopes of finding treasure at the risk of life and limb.

It was during this period of her life that she found the legendary Spring of Youth - long saught by humans seeking to extend their lifespans. Perhaps it even worked, for while the young Elf certainly felt more robust and healthier after drinking its waters, she can't help but note she still looks young by Elven standards even as middle age approaches. Unfortunately all attempts at leading others to where she found the Spring ended in failure.

In her 70th year, Mother and Son parted ways, Nial leaving to seek out his own fortune and mastery of magic, while Arcadia settled down in the capital of Almekia, having earned more than enough on her travels to live comfortably within the seat of human civilisation. It was here that she married Count Nagrela, an older human noble (though still quite a bit younger than Arcadia!) who treated her as something of a trophy wife. Not that she especially minded, since it guaranteed her lifestyle at a time when her savings were running dry. She bore him one child, a girl they named Branwen, and all seemed well for a time. Unfortunately, one of Arcadia's old travelling companions came to the city a few years later, aiming to collect on a favour. With no choice but to comply, Arcadia put her larcenous skills to use in stealing a valuable artifact from one of her husband's friends.

Unfortunately said friend was a wizard of no small ability, and he was able to discern the thief's identity not long after the fact. Intending to avoid any scandal, the Count divorced Arcadia and made her leave the city, never to return. (Fortunately humans don't live very long, so it's unlikely anyone alive today would object to her presence in Almekia)

After another period of adventuring and wandering, Arcadia settled in the Southern city of Paxburg, where she fell in love with a brave Knight of the Sword, Sir Klinsman. This was perhaps the happiest period of her life, and she had 3 children with her doting husband over the following seventeen years. Unfortunately, tragedy struck when Sir Klinsman was slain by a marauding Green Dragon while escorting an important noble's caravan far outside the city walls.

Though heartbroken, Arcadia strove to keep the family together, raising her three children to the best of her abilities, and watching with pride as they came into their own as strong and confident adults. But fate dealt another cruel blow when her youngest and eldest children both joined a party of Knights several years later tasked with hunting down the same Dragon that killed her husband. While the eldest, Cassandra, returned, her youngest child, Wren, did not.

Mourning once more, Arcadia bid her now grown up children farewell, and left her home over the past several decades on a pilgrimage to the land of her birth. Hoping to find the inner peace of her Elven birthright, she was disappointed to find Tir Quessyl seemed alien to her, for all that its inhabitants had scarcely changed over what was nearly a century. Forced to admit that she would never fit in among her own kind, Arcadia spent the next few decades wandering and adventuring once more.

It was during this period that she met her most recent (and shortest lived) husband, a stern but noble Cleric of Orial named Edward Vollinger. The two married after a whirlwind romance when they discovered Arcadia was pregnant and settled in the town he hailed from. Unfortunately, the spell of love soon wore off as Arcadia grew dissatisfied with her husband, and longed for a more exciting man. Much like Francis Payne, another member of the same adventuring group... it didn't take long for sparks to fly when he visited, and all too soon Arcadia found herself falling for his roguish charms. Unfortunately they were caught in flagrante delecto before her and Edward's child was even one year old. Divorce proceedings were swift and acrimonious, with Arcadia found clearly in the wrong and barred all access to her own daughter.

Matters didn't help when she discovered she was pregnant again, and Francis vanished with alarming alacrity. So, once more she was forced into the role of single mother, though she at least recieved support from her now extended family in Paxburg - Cassandra was only too eager to teach her half-brother the ways of the sword, even if his mother's influence kept him from becoming a Knight - the memory of losing her husband and son in their cause still felt keenly. Still, Lando, the youngest of her children, grew into a hale and strong warrior, eager to make his mark on the world once free of his mother's apron strings. Arcadia of course did much the same, going to resume her own career of wandering and getting into trouble.

Unfortunately, the last she saw of him was a year ago when she was invited to meet his fiancee. It came as quite a surprise when said Fiancee gasped and called her 'Mother' before bursting into tears and screaming curses at Londo. Alas, Sylvia Vollinger was brought back into Arcadia's life for all the wrong reasons...



Nial Efreeyl - Age 109. Crazed Necromancer desperately trying to attain lichdom in order to stave off death. Hasn't seen his mother since he was in his mid twenties, doesn't especially care about her. Hates humans due to his father running off on his mother and all the usual outcast stigma.

Branwen Nagrela - Age 88. Jaded noblewoman. Has fond memories of her mother despite her father's best attempts to poison her mind against her. Trophy wife to a rich merchant prince, but has no problem with her station in life - has a few children and grandchildren of her own.

Cassandra Klinsman - Age 72. Followed her father's example in becoming a Knight - served well for many years, but has now retired. Keeps in sporadic contact with her mother and makes a living by teaching younger warriors the more intellectual aspects of warfare. Unfortunately a spinster, to her mother's dismay.

Allan Klinsman - Age 65. Earns a respectable living as a Blacksmith, also keeps in occasional contact with his mother and has a family of his own - makes a point of including his elder sister in most of his family activities.

Wren Klinsman - Died at age 21. Sought to follow his mother's example and become a mage. Showed early promise and eagerly joined up with a band of Knights that quested to slay the Dragon that killed his father. They succeeded, but Wren was unfortunately killed in the battle.

Sylvia Vollinger - Age 29. Earns a living as a travelling Bard/adventurer. Never even knew her mother's name as her father disavowed all knowledge of the woman, but did have one picture of her that she cherished, always wondering... Said wondering was brought to an abrupt halt when she met her prospective mother-in-law and realised she was betrothed to her own brother. Absolutely loathes her mother because of it.

Lando Efreeyl - Age 28. Earns a living as a fighter. Never knew his father, but doted on his mother who worked hard to raise him by herself. Kept in frequent contact with her, and was only to eager to introduce her to the woman he had chosen to marry. Sylvia's recognition of Arcadia pretty much destroyed his world, and he has joined his half-sister/former lover in swearing vengeance on the woman who bore them. Is also reasonably close to the Klinsman branch of the family, but would never admit to them his horrific shame.


Lawful Neutral Human
Level 5 Conjurer (Academician kit)

The Academician receives a flat +1 bonus to all Intelligence Checks and Wisdom Checks.

Strength: 10 (Weight Allow: 40, Max Press: 115, Open Doors: 6, Bend Bars: 2))
Dexterity: 18 (Reaction Adj.: +2, Attack Adj.: +2, Defensive Adj.: -4)
Constitution: 16 (+2 HP/Level, System Shock: 95%, Res. Surv: 96%,)
Intelligence: 15 (Max Spell: 7th, Chance: 65%, Max # spells/level: 11, 4 Langauges)
Widsom: 18 = 17+1 (Magical Defense Adj: +4, Bonus Spells, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4)
Charisma: 14 (6 Henchmen, +1 Loyalty Base, +2 Reaction Adj.)
* Bonus added to Wisdom

HP: 29
Melee THAC0: 19
Ranged THAC0: 17
AC: 5
* AC 10 -4 (Dexterity bonus) -1 (Ring of Protection)
AC (with Armor spell on): 1

Weapon Proficiencies:
Sling   *

Nonweapon Proficiencies:
Ancient History      *
Animal Handling      *
Direction Sense      *
Fire-building      *
Riding: Land-based   *
Spellcraft      *
Reading/Writing (free)

Common, Ancient, Elven

+2 to all saves (from a benevolent God/dess)

Save vs. Paralyzation, Poison, Death Magic: 14
Save vs. Rod, Staff, Wand: 11
Save vs. Petrification, Polymorph: 13
Save vs. Breath Weapon: 15
Save vs. Spell: 12

Spells Per Day:
lvl1: 4+1
lvl2: 2+1
lvl3: 1+1
* +1 refers to Summoning/Conjuration spells only

lvl1: Alarm, Armor, Cantrip, Comprehend Languagues, Detect Magic, Erase, Friends, Grease, Protection from Evil, Read Magic, Sleep.
lvl2: Glitterdust, Invisibility
lvl3: Fly, Protection From Normal Missiles, Monster Summoning I

Sling +1
Ring of Protection +1

5 Small Belt Pouches
Flint and Steel
1/w Rations
Scroll Case
5 Sheets of Parchment
Vial of Ink
Draft Horse


Samson was a son to a pair of doctors, and he was raised in a household where logic, reasoning and methodical process were a part of every aspect of his life. As he became of age, he went off to a magical college, his parents paying for his education until he could stand on his own two feet. It was not an easy task, but he endured, gaining in both power and knowledge. Samson's above average intelligence served him well over the course of his studies, but it also ended up his downfall, as he began questioning the things he was learning.

Samson became more and more convinced, the more he perused the ancient texts, that there was something wrong with his schollastic approach to decyphering the secrets of Creation. And yet, he kept on going on his set path, since that was the only thing he had before him. He had never given any thought to doing anything else but growing up and becoming a talented mage.

Life turned difficult, when his parents were growing more and more disappointed at Samson's lack of any strong, offensive spells. They couldn't see that he preferred a different area of magic, and looked down on his schooling, seeing it as a combination of failure and their son not trying enough. Eventually, the pressure to succeed at something he had no interest in became too much, and Samson left the academy. He wandered the countryside, and there were dark times when he wondered if his parents hadn't been right, and it was a lack of aptitude, not a conscious choice, that made him turn to creating something out of nothing and to summonings -- getting either someone else or something else to fight for him.

Ritalicus, a druid he came across in one forest, where he was trying to escape from reality, changed all that. There was no shame to excel at something one was good at, and one's worth was not measured in the number of magic missiles they could command. Revitalized, Samson set out to train anew, working hard on his spellcraft, but not without first picking a few skills that he, as a person of the big city, had never contemplated doing before. Samson's goal is to find a group to join and go on adventures with, so he could keep on his study of the world around him. And yet, something continues to nag at him from the back of his mind, something telling Samson that the way he chose may not be the right one for him....
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Does anyone have any comments on either of these two PCs? Feel free, I'd like some discussion of the concepts if you have anything to say.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


[11:27] <@Dracos> Tis to be shocking.  But I think Corwin's character is neat.  I dunno how much play a fodder summoner will get with the size of the group, but it definitely doesn't feel like it's a 'mage like saul but better' rather than a 'a mage filling a different niche'
[11:28] <@Dracos> It's a pity he doesn't have more room for fleshing out the academic stuff in nwp.  Ancient history is nice though.
[11:29] <@Dracos> He probably should cover that whole divine experience thing he had...if he had it?  Or was that just an always bit?
Well, Goodbye.