
"I sense a soul in search of answers.  I shalt eat him."

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Character sheets

Started by Brian, September 11, 2006, 12:35:07 AM

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Post 'em here once you finish. ;)
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


I, uh, have two.

Only one will actually be played in the end, of course, but I haven't decided which one I'll go with.  So I figured I'd post both here for the moment, partly for reference for those learning HERO, and partly so if someone has a preference for which one they'd rather play beside, they can say so.


Apparently there is a max of 3 attachments per post?


Okay, let's see if I can get attachments to load today. *grumbles*

Okay, I cannot.  *grumbles more*

I used to be able to load attachments just fine.  I can even load them so they appear when I select Preview.  But they won't post.

If you see Vampire Hikaru Shidou, it is Fox.  No one else does that.  You need no other evidence." - Dracos

"Huh? Which rant?" - Gary

"Do not taunt Happy Fun Servitor of the Outer Gods with your ineffective Thompson Submachine Gun." - grimjack


Okay, let's see if third session (and umpty-billionth time) is the charm.

Since you said the setting was going to be somewhat comedic, I tried to run with that.

Also, fixed the calculation for leaping based on p.21 of Hero 5th.
If you see Vampire Hikaru Shidou, it is Fox.  No one else does that.  You need no other evidence." - Dracos

"Huh? Which rant?" - Gary

"Do not taunt Happy Fun Servitor of the Outer Gods with your ineffective Thompson Submachine Gun." - grimjack


Revised and final version of the Gargoyle.