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Kaoru/Zelgadis: Personality Match?

Started by Carthrat, October 17, 2002, 04:12:03 AM

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From Kaoru's perspective, everything happened very quickly.

A huge bright light shone between her and the American tourists, followed by a red haze which settled over the entire ship.

And lying there was a decidedly stony-faced figure, breathing very quickly.


From Zelgadis's perspective, everything happened very slowly.

Caught in the light of the sapphire, he felt as if he was being literally torn to pieces, then thrown into a grinder.

His entire conciousness shook with pain, as if a miner had taken to his body with wild abandon. Each and every part of his body was being taken apart, shaken around, and then reassembled, almost randomly.

The only thing he saw throughout this entire episode was an enourmous, twisted, red eye, which gazed at him with a decidedly venomous look. It seemed to snarl, and lunge towards him-

-and he was suddenly lying facedown on a steamboat, jagged sword in one hand and crystals in the other.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up

Bean Bandit

As soon as the light shone down on them, Bean acted entirely on instinct. She interposed herself between the light and Yahiko, raising her improvised sword up into a defensive stance.

As the light resolved itself into a prone body, she blinked away the flashes at the corner of her vision from the bright flare, but didn't relax her guard.

This hadn't happened in the anime, and that fact alarmed her somewhat...
I love the games I've played here.


Shukuen forced himself up to a kneeling position, lurching forward as he suppressed the sickening, churning of his stomach. He had no idea what had just happened. And he hoped he'd never have to go through that again.

Bean Bandit

Bean blinked again, wishing the spots dancing across her vision would fade, peering at the prone figure curiously.

Her initial anxiety had faded somewhat, seeing the form rise shakily to it's knees, but she was still wary.

"Um...Are you alright?"
I love the games I've played here.


"Yah... urp... be fine in a moment," Shukuen replied absently, steadying himself with one arm and clutching his stomach with the other.

Bean Bandit

Bean simply waited, standing between Yahiko and the newcomer. He looked harmless enough, and disoriented by whatever brought him here...but she was also highly aware that she was considerably smaller as Kaoru, and the newcomer seemed overly large to her changed perspective...

And WHY did that voice seem so familiar?
I love the games I've played here.


Finally, after swallowing the bile in his throat, Shukuen stood up, though he had to lean on the sword slightly to stay up. Glancing around, he noticed something seemed... off...

"Where am I this time?"

Bean Bandit

Bean stepped forward, her vision clearing somewhat. The newcomer was a tall man, with blueish purple hair...and slate grey skin?

"Zelgadis?" She blurted in astonishment, and no small amount of apprehension.What the...We are in SERIOUS trouble if he's from the first few seasons...he was really amoral! This just keeps getting better and better... Her mop snapped back up into a defensive stance, even as she chided her own sillyness. What would a wooden stick do to defend against a fireball?

I'm POSITIVE this never happened in the Kenshin anime. Have I been somehow pulled into a fanfic? Who the hell would cross Kenshin and SLAYERS???
I love the games I've played here.


Hearing the name of his current form being called, Shukuen glanced up, looking for the source of the voice. "Who called me?" he asked, wondering how anyone could have known that name outside of Lina's traveling group.

Bean Bandit

Bean glanced around quickly, starting slightly as the end of her ponytail bobbed into her field of vision. She saw the American tourists wiping the sparks from their vision and felt a mild burst of panic.If it's left as is, there's going to be an incident...and that would delay me and Yahiko...That can't be good.

She quickly decided, hoping that Zelgadis wasn't as casually destructive as she remembered.

"I did!" She hissed quietly. "Put up your hood, and cover your face, quickly!"

I love the games I've played here.


Zelgadis didn't have much of a chance to do anything, because there was another, less glaring flash of light, and the mage from before toppled out a portal.

He looked.. different. Completely wreathed in a red aura, his face had taken upon a look of malevolence that was unheard of in all but the most evil of men...

Rasing his hand towards the prone form of Zelgadis, he began mumbling something under his breath, magical energy coursing under his fingers..
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


"Oh, you cannot be serious..." Shukuen groaned, quickly casting Raywing on the group of bystanders and himself, sending them flying out of danger and using the magic energy as a barrier.


...except, to his horror, Zelgadis found that his spells simply would not be cast. In fact, he couldn't even feel the tap of magic as he tried..

The mage's spell, however, was unlike any Zelgadis had seen before. With a loud shout of "FIREBALL!" the mage thrust his hands towards Zelgadis...

...and created a powerful blast, which extended roughly three feet, thus just missing Zelgadis by a little.

Somewhat confused, the mage jumped back, and could be heard mumbling out another spell...

Despite the blast not actually touching Zel, he could feel the heat, which was far more intense than a regular fireball.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up

Bean Bandit

Bean yelped in surprise as everything began happening at once. She lifted her arm quickly, using the kimono sleeve to protect her fac from the sudden, sharp heat as she pushed Yahiko away from the confrontation.

Suddenly, in all the jostling, a small rope weight, about the size of a tennis ball rolled across the deck and bumped into her foot.

She quickly bent down and picked it up, and looked to Zelgadis. He didn't seem to be hurt, but she kept a careful eye on the situation, wondering if throwing something at him was particularly smart, but not having a clue what else to do...
I love the games I've played here.


Shukuen gritted his teeth, slightly put off by the intensity of that missed fireball. Where could he possibly be if a basic spell like that could become so potent. "No choice if we have to survive this," he muttered, preparing his next spell.

"You, who floats in eternity and infinity; Origin of all hearts. Gather to my hands and be a flash of light. Get rid of the deep darkness!"

Bram Blazer!