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Intro: Anastasia's Modern Life

Started by Halbarad, December 04, 2006, 06:20:22 PM

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[14:28] <@Kotono> -------
[14:31] <@Kotono> Anastasia's modern life. A place where rain falls in the neon radiance of Neo Tokyo. Fuelled by the Creation Drives of Japan and the wealth of the Japan Restoration party, the great skyscrapers of the land shed light over all the districts. It is in one lonely apartment complext that...(More)
[14:33] <@Kotono> It's a small apartment. Even with work in a jazz club Anastasia is not the richest young woman, thrift is needed for now in a new city. So she returns after a long night, rain wetted and tired. The hallway is quiet, only her front door, one of many in a line of typical, prewar apartments, of interest. Home at last!
[14:35] * @Ana-chan sighs slightly, unlocking the door to her apartment and stepping inside. Her work is nice enough, but staying up until the wee hours of the morning most nights is still something she's getting used to. With a nearly inaudible 'click' she closes and locks the door behind her, setting the case for her clarinet next to the front door.
[14:36] <@Kotono> The door creaks slightly as it's closed. Old and in need of oil, as is much of this part of Tokyo. While well kept, the inevitable years have ground newness into a thin, foul veneer of age. In time with the soft click of the door comes a louder sound. The telephone rings, a disturbingly discordant jingle in the dim apartment.
[14:40] * @Ana-chan blinks in surprise (hey, some things are simply reflexive) and heads over to the telephone, privately wondering who could be calling her at this hour of the night. Picking up the receiver, she answers in slightly accented Japanese. "Hello?"
[14:42] <@Kotono> "I look for the Cruel Angel." The sentance is clipped yet spoken with a deliberate grandeur, the voice one that takes Anastasia to images of the movies and old TV shows. An accent a memory in the history of the world now - European. French, perhaps? It's a very strong voice, a woman's voice spoken like a queen.
[14:43] * @Ana-chan remains silent for a moment or two, pondering what to say in reply. "Who exactly are you talking about?" the young woman finally replies after several seconds of silence. "I know no one by that name."
[14:46] <@Kotono> "Do you?" A pause aided by dry amusement, a few chuckles rattling over the phoneline. "I have an offer for you. I only ask that you hear me out tomorrow, nothing more."
[14:48] * @Ana-chan calculates for a few moments, finally nodding. "Very well. I will hear what you have to say," the blonde agrees. "How should I expect to hear from you? Will there be another telephone call?"
[14:48] <@Kotono> "Come to outside your apartment at 11 AM. We will meet for lunch." This is followed by a click, a dial tone beginning immediately after.
[14:50] * @Ana-chan hangs up the phone a moment later, looking thoughtful. Strange that rumor should come so far from Sapporo - she'd not heard anything about the Cruel Angel for nearly a month, and thought that she might have escaped notice entirely on that front. With a shrug she heads towards her bedroom - no sense in worrying over the meeting until it occurs.
[14:51] <@Kotono> The next morning rains and sputters out water. The weather is still foul as Anastasia gets up, ready to face a day.
[14:55] * @Ana-chan rises around 10:30 - a bit earlier than her usual, but her 'lunch appointment' hasn't slipped her mind entirely, either. A quick shower and a trip to the closet leaves the blind young lady with damp hair and dressed in a lightweight white sweater, with a mint-green, knee-length skirt to complement it. Right at the stroke of 11 she steps outside her apartment, letting her senses stretch out to determine whatever she can about her mysterious
[14:56] <@Ana-chan> whatever she can about her mysterious contact.
[14:57] <@Kotono> It's a car. A black car, unseen to Anastasia yet right in front of the blind assassin. A long four door, sleek and shiny. It awaits, the passenger side back door open. Looks expensive, it's a new model Toyota.
[14:59] * @Ana-chan raises an eyebrow, using no aids to find her way as she smoothly steps into the back seat of the car. A sharp observer might note that her hands do move to find her seat before she actually sits, although not with the usual blind grasping one might expect from a sightless person.
[15:00] <@Kotono> The rain falls around the car, splittering off it's glass windshield and windows, wiped away in a steady rythym. "Close the door behind you. The Mistress awaits." A man with a black suit and cap is in the driver's seat, face hidden and voice strangely emotionless.  He has non descript black hair, short as he starts to drive.
[15:02] * @Ana-chan does as instructed, offering no repartee as the journey begins - this man doesn't sound particularly inclined to idle chatter. A few minutes into the trip, however, she does offer one question. "How much time will this take?" she asks simply enough.
[15:03] <@Kotono> The drive is a blur. The speed kept is a high one, slipping down streets of slowly growing distance from Neo Tokyo's bright lights. "The Mistress has not informed me of such." His answer comes flatly, without a trace of anything in it.
[15:04] <@Ana-chan> "I see," Anastasia replies, simply settling back with her hands in her lap. With nothing better to do, she begins to hum under her breath, a light jazz piece that's rather popular at the club where she's been working.
[15:06] <@Kotono> The drive takes the better part of an hour. In the last leg you notice the huge sprawl of Neo Tokyo has been left behind. Here is a bit more distance, seclusion purchased on craggy sea cliffs. On a rising cliff that looms over the ocean a hundred feet below you come to it. A mansion, four stories tall and vastly wide, taking up the entire vast cliff. It's painted darkly, navy blues against the gray skyline.
[15:07] <@Kotono>  A tall black iron gate and fence stops your progress for a few moments, opened without anyone in sight. It glides open automatically, a winding circle to the front entrance. In the middle of this paved loop is a fountain, burbling water in a tight stream.
[15:10] <@Ana-chan> "Have we arrived, then?" Ana asks her silent chauffeur, noticing the change in momentum of the vehicle.
[15:11] <@Kotono> The door opens, clicked and held by him. His face is still hidden, head bowed. "This way," is his only answer, the rain still falling in a gentle dirge.
[15:12] * @Ana-chan steps out of the car, grimacing a bit at the gentle rainfall. "Lead the way, please," she requests once out of the car.
[15:14] <@Kotono> Through grand doors Anastasia enters! Here at the front is a great helix of stairs. A pair of them, winding up and up. The center of the mansion is hollowed out, two twisting snakes of stairs going up to the top floor. Around and around they weave, chandeliers hanging from the undersides, glittering crystal suspensions. Anastasia is lead to one of the two stairs, starting at the opposite sides of the vast foyer room.
[15:16] * @Ana-chan simply remains behind the driver - while she's capable of navigating a new place without too much trouble, it's still far easier to simply rely on someone else's lead - particularly when she's not sure where in the place she should be going in the first place.
[15:18] <@Kotono> Up to the top you go! Past thes econd floor, full of hallways and rooms closed off. The third floor is nicer - a vast greenhouse and planthome, full of sweet smelling greenery around the great stairs. But the fourth is special. Here the stairs end, here the roof is found. Here you find a vast library and study, spread out over a huge floor all to itself. Here great windows show the sea roiling below. Here great tomes are lined to each other.
[15:20] <@Kotono> Here great tomes are lined to each other. Here great leather chairs rest, waiting for a student of knowledge to rest in them. (More)
[15:21] <@Kotono> Here great shelves rest, full of shining stones and geodes. A few cabinets of fine liquer are also about, all winding around. For things are cunningly arrainged, always curved lines and moving, never sharp corners or sudden ends.  Standing under one of the grand windows she awaits, your escort bowing as he comes up to the top of the stairs. "Mistress..." (More)
[15:24] <@Kotono> Her hair is blonde - honey blonde, like a nordic valkyrie come down to harvest a worth soul. It goes down to her feet, barely brushing the floor. She turns - her eyes are a piercing green, like a cat's gaze. Her slender face is composed, white, soft gloves worn on her hands. Otherwise she only wears a short green skirt and emerald sweater. "Mistress Alexandria..." the servant bows once more, "I have brought the Cruel Angel as you have bid."
[15:27] <@Kotono> "Go." So she says, ever inch noble as her servant silently goes down the stairs. She slightly curls her hands and fingers, turning back to look outside. As she does the rain picks up, a gust sending a torrent of water against the window's solid glass. "Welcome, Anastasia."
[15:30] * @Ana-chan offers no comment at the driver's mode of address for her. "Thank you," Ana replies, nodding to her hostess. Her usual smile seems not to be in evidence today, however - the subject that's brought her here is not one that she speaks of much. "What exactly may I help you with, Ms. ...?"
[15:31] <@Kotono> "Alexandria Eli Ouroboros." A sharpness at that, silken words of command slicing through the air. She continues to look out, solemn. "I wish for you to kill a man."
[15:33] * @Ana-chan remains silent for a few moments. "This is within my ability to do," she answers, seeing no point in attempting to hide her identity at this point - it's clear that this woman is quite sure of who she's brought into her home. "There are risks involved for me to do so, however. What would be my..." she hesitates for a moment, searching for the correct word. "Compensation? for this?"
[15:34] <@Kotono> "Name your price," she says simply. "What is your desired...compensation?" Alexandria stops at that last word, a notable pause.
[15:37] * @Ana-chan pauses at that, not really sure where to go from here. While thoroughly trained in the METHODS of assassination, the business side of things is not one that she's had much exposure to - or inclination towards, again due to the risks involved. "I... must confess that I don't know of an appropriate asking price," the pale blonde replies, a faint pink tinge on her cheeks. "It has not been a type of... business that I have chosen to pursue. I prefer not to draw attention to myself."
[15:40] <@Kotono> "500,000 yen." This is spoken as Anastasia finishes, lips licked as she does. "Is this acceptable?"
[15:44] * @Ana-chan doesn't quite laugh out loud. "This is a sizeable amount of money, but it seems rather low for a man's life - especially considering what I would face if caught - or noticed. Three million yen."
[15:45] <@Kotono> "As you wish," Alexandria does not even pause at the figure named, "Done." When she turns one could note she holds a manila folder, a few photographs poking out. "I will tell you the details myself, as your situation is not complimentary to reading the raw facts."
[15:46] <@Ana-chan> "It would be appreciated," Anastasia replies, doing her best to hide her surprise at the lack of negotiation. "The usual means of identifying a target are... not useful in my case."
[15:47] <@Kotono> "The target is Fushio Nakukyaku. A mishmash of a name." Alexandria sniffs, heading over to one of the old oak tables, sitting in a soft leather chair. "Come."
[15:48] * @Ana-chan follows the woman - now her employer - to the table. "You have a dossier prepared?" she asks, having heard the rustle of paper.
[15:49] <@Kotono> "Yes." She puts it on the table, idly deposited.
[15:50] <@Ana-chan> "May I?" Ana asks, reaching for the folder.
[15:50] <@Kotono> "As you wish," she allows simply, sitting and folding her hands together.
[15:51] * @Ana-chan takes the folder, opening it and letting her fingers wander across the papers therein. Photographs are of little use, but printed documents can be read well enough, if slightly slowly.
[15:56] <@Kotono> Anastasia learns the following information: Fushio Nakukyaku is a Japanese businessman. He owns a small business, Kyaku Development, which works in chemicals. 36, unmarried, has a bodyguard with him at all times. Works 12 hours a day, only noted public apperances are at a small bar. 5'5, 114 pounds, health is good. Body guard is noted to have a firearm on him, and his house has undetermined security measures.
[15:56] * @Ana-chan drums her fingers on the pages, nodding as she considers the information. "Do you have any further information about the bodyguard?" she asks after a few moments.
[15:58] <@Kotono> "Trained with his firearm fairly well, ex military. There are a few of them that rotate, but there is no particular difference between any of them. They may or may not be wearing light kevlar armor." The rain continues to roar outside, a gale wind propelling it futilely against the mansion.
[15:59] * @Ana-chan smiles slightly. "Armor makes little difference to me," she replies lightly, some of her usual cheer returning - this should be a rather interesting task to accomplish. "Any... other, notable enemies?"
[11:03] <@Kotono> "None." A shake of her head, not lingering on it in the quiet, vast, curved library. "This should be no serious difficulty for you."
[11:04] <@Ana-chan> "I agree," Ana says, lowering her head in thought for a moment or two. "Is there a specific time that he would need to be eliminated by?"
[11:06] <@Kotono> "I would prefer it to be quick. I shouldn't have to wait overly long with the Cruel Angel, should I?" Idly one hand goes to rest down into her lap, intense green eyes focusing on Anastasia. "You may kill the bodyguard or leave him alive as you wish. I care not as long as the task is accomplished."
[11:09] * @Ana-chan waves a hand dismissively. "Simply trying to find out if this is something that needs to be taken care of immediately or whether I'll have a day to prepare. I assume you'll make contact with me once you've learned of his death?"
[11:09] <@Kotono> "I shall." Another pause for her, standing up. "Are you sufficiently prepared, Anastasia?"
[11:10] <@Ana-chan> "I believe so, assuming that you have no other information for me," Ana replies, placing the dossier back on the table. "He should be dealt with by tomorrow evening."
[11:14] <@Kotono> "Good." Anastasia is turned away, but silently the same faceless, bowed servant returns up the stairs. "I apologize for the lack of lunch, but I lost my appetite," she murmurs.
[11:16] * @Ana-chan simply shrugs slightly. "No offense is taken," she replies easily. "I will look forward to your call in a few days."
[11:18] <@Kotono> "Good." Alexandria looks out the window, silently viewing the now drizzing rainstorm. It patters on the window, a lengthy drumbeat.
[11:18] <@Kotono> "This way..."t he servant speaks up, heading back down the stairs without comment further.
[11:20] * @Ana-chan departs without further comment - this woman may have found her for this particular job, but it sounds like she has no stomach for the actual business itself. Either way, it matters little to the lithe assassin as she follows the driver back out.
[11:22] <@Kotono> This goes without incident. Back into the car, a rain soaked drive ahead. He says nothing, only leaving the pitter pattering of the rain to listen to as Anastasia returns home.
[11:24] * @Ana-chan takes the opportunity to call the club, letting them know that she might be a bit late coming in that night but should be there to play before long. With employment taken care of, she hails a taxi, requesting a trip to the bar where her target is known to make his nightly appearances.
[11:27] <@Kotono> It's 6 PM when Anastasia arrives. It's down a narrow street, a prenuke building of fiery red brick. It stands in the soft rain proudly, a flashing neon sign of 'Escastalies' on the door. Some European word? Oh well. A few people come and go through the flimsy wooden door, the scent of smoke and booze wafting from the inside.
[11:29] * @Ana-chan wrinkles her nose a bit at the strong odors from within, but heads inside the bar without hesitation. Her easily-found target is the bar, first of all - a beer later, she's seated at the bar, keeping her ears open for any sign or sound of her target.
[11:31] <@Kotono> It's really just one long bar with a few old tables about. Dartboards line the walls and a TV plays in a corner. Most of the people here drink and snack on peanuts'n'pretzels, tired looking business men. But your target is easy to find. At the far end of the long bar, in the dimness and smoke tinted air, you find him. He's slowly nursing a whiskey, a large, bald headed man sitting besides him. He wears a black suit and dark sunglasses, all bu
[11:32] <@Kotono> all business. Compared to this black suited monstrosity, your target is quiet and unassuming.
[11:35] * @Ana-chan keeps her ears - and her nose - oriented on the target. Aside from the scent of smoke and alcohol that permeates this place, she tries to find something that she can use to pick out her target from the bodyguard quickly, like a cologne or aftershave scent. Although at this rate, the booze smell will be enough on its own, since she hasn't heard any sounds of drinking from the bodyguard.
[11:39] <@Kotono> The bodyguard just looks around, hidden gaze sweeping the bar. He looks at you once or twice, but doesn't pay any particular mind. Meanwhile your target has barely gone through half of his drink in twenty minutes, just nursing away at it while keeping quiet. He smells of strange thing - pungent chemicals, like cleaners and strippers and worse.
[11:40] * @Ana-chan wrinkles her nose a bit at the odor, but it should at least make him easy to identify. Polishing off the last of her beer, she pays for the drink, heading out of the bar and for the nearest alley she can find. It's not something she's done in a long time, but the time for the change is at hand.
[11:41] <@Kotono> There is an alley two buildings down. A large rat scurries away as you enter, a cat hot on it's heels! As the black feline catches it's meal, it happens to look up. Strange little thing, just another predator in the dark, black furred to fit in.
[11:43] * @Ana-chan closes her eyes, a surge of light washing over the alley's inhabitants as the Cruel Angel takes to the night. Calling on her control over light, she slowly and carefully wraps it around her like a cloak, letting the streams of light move around her like water around a boat.
[11:54] <@Kotono> So the Cruel Angel is born! Light wraps around her like a second skin, birthing the brililant Russian Assassin!
[12:00] * @Cruel_Angel takes a deep breath, letting the cool evening air fill her lungs. It's been a long time, but as always she feels stronger, more -alive- when she's taken the form of the Cruel Angel. With light itself simply 'ignoring' her for the moment, she makes her way back to the entrance of the bar, lingering near the exit - and making sure to move out of the way of people as they come and go. Even if it's not unusual for drunk people to trip over t
[12:01] <@Hal-fuud> Even if it's not unusual for drunk people to trip over things that aren't there, there's no sense in arousing suspicion early.
[12:05] <@Kotono> The bar has good fortune - for as you return the bodyguard comes out first, looking about. A few moments later your prey does as well - the two are waiting right in front, the target checking a wristwatch.
[12:13] * @Cruel_Angel moves as silently as she can, waiting for the mark to begin his departure to wherever he plans to go. Given that the security measures at his home are as yet unknown, it's probably wisest to take care of him before they reach that point.
[12:14] <@Kotono> They're just waiting. A few minutes pass, the street quiet. The rain finally stops, a puddle filled clear at last. It's still cloudy and dark, however, as a simple two door blue car is driven up towards the two waiting men.
[12:17] * @Cruel_Angel grimaces - not so easy as that, then. Considering her options, she waits for the car to arrive, jumping lightly onto the vehicle's roof as Fushio enters it.
[12:19] <@Kotono> The car arrives, stopping! Fushio gets in first as the Cruel Angel lands, his body guard still out! OOC - Sec, need to look up a rule and check your sheet.
[12:24] <@Kotono> OOC - Go ahead and make a check on Stealth first.
[12:25] <@Cruel_Angel> roll 2d8 against Body+Stealth (Silent Movement), target 14
[12:25] * +Hatbot --> "Cruel_Angel rolls 2d8 against Body+Stealth (Silent Movement), target 14 and gets 5." [2d8=1, 4]
[12:25] <@Kotono> roll 2d8
[12:25] * +Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d8 and gets 14." [2d8=8, 6]
[12:26] <@Kotono> A moment later the bodyguard gets in - both in the backseat, the front passager unused. The driver hasn't been seen yet, but the car is starting to move!
[12:27] * @Cruel_Angel lowers her body flat against the roof, gripping carefully at the top of the windshield - hopefully there won't be any highways involved, as she's not sure she can hold on against that sort of speed.
[12:28] <@Kotono> The car keeps a good pace, driving down Tokyo's inner heart! The pace is quick, speed kept up enough on the straightaways! Down little roads it goes, into the residential. OOC - I'm going to require a generic body check with a 2 point bonus not to fall off. It's not terribly hard, but for this long there's a reasonable chance you could fall off.
[12:28] <@Cruel_Angel> roll 2d8 for body check, target 11
[12:28] * +Hatbot --> "Cruel_Angel rolls 2d8 for body check, target 11 and gets 6." [2d8=1, 5]
[12:30] <@Kotono> Anastasia keeps her hold without too much trouble. Soon you go into a nice neighborhood. Houses with small but notable lawns, two stories as a rule. His house is in a court, at the far end of a road. It's secluded and alone, two stories and a bit on the large side. Your prey's bodyguard gets out first, looking about.
[12:32] * @Cruel_Angel stays close to the car's roof - she's not yet given up her cloak of invisibility, but there's no sense in taking unnecessary risks until the target's gotten out of the car, either. Hopefully the driver will exit as well, or at least leave.
[12:33] <@Kotono> The prey gets out after a nod from the bodyguard, the car starting to drive off.  So they head inside, towads the front door and over the small lawn. "Stupid threats," Fushio says aloud, talking to his guard. "Those bastards will get what's coming to them."
[12:34] * @Cruel_Angel leaps from the car roof as it starts to move, charging directly for her target - this is the moment, before he reaches the house!
[12:36] <@Kotono> The bodyguard turns, broad face impassive. "I'm sure," he says patiently, as the Cruel Angel charges! OOC - Go ahead and make your attack/ACV attempt.
[12:37] * @Cruel_Angel leaps towards Fushio, her cloak of invisibility melting away in midair as an aura of light surrounds the blades of her twin knives, the white-clad assassin plunging towards Fushio at an alarming rate of speed!
[12:38] <@Cruel_Angel> roll 2d8 ACV - leap attack, Nozh Sveta, target 12
[12:38] * +Hatbot --> "Cruel_Angel rolls 2d8 ACV - leap attack, Nozh Sveta, target 12 and gets 10." [2d8=7, 3]
[12:38] <@Kotono> Your prey screams at this, a moment of utter shock as he tries to evade, stumbling back!
[12:38] <@Kotono> roll 2d8
[12:38] * +Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d8 and gets 15." [2d8=7, 8]
[12:39] <@Cruel_Angel> roll 2d8 damage
[12:39] * +Hatbot --> "Cruel_Angel rolls 2d8 damage and gets 13." [2d8=8, 5]
[12:41] <@Kotono> The twin knives sink into the gut of your foe! He barely has time to cry out as the carve up, sending him down in a great plume of red! He's bleeding out quickly, either dead or soon to be there! As this happens the bodyguard's face turns to shocked stone, gun whipped out! OOC - I'm giving him an attack and then we'll go to initiative.
[12:41] <@Kotono> Aiming with a surprised look, "W-w-what the hell?!" he says, a heavy pistol in hand!
[12:41] <@Kotono> roll 2d8
[12:41] * +Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d8 and gets 9." [2d8=8, 1]
[12:42] <@Cruel_Angel> roll 2d8 for DCV, target 12 for ranged attack
[12:42] * +Hatbot --> "Cruel_Angel rolls 2d8 for DCV, target 12 for ranged attack and gets 6." [2d8=2, 4]
[12:42] <@Kotono> But the bullet whizzes past Anastasia's ear, only a heavy, metallic breeze felt! OOC - Initiative, wait for me to adjudicate the attack. -_-
[12:43] <@Kotono> roll 2d8
[12:43] * +Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d8 and gets 10." [2d8=5, 5]
[12:43] <@Cruel_Angel> roll 2d8+15 Initiative
[12:43] * +Hatbot --> "Cruel_Angel rolls 2d8+15 Initiative and gets 18." [2d8=2, 1]
[12:43] <@Kotono> OOC - Go ahead and go. I see my basic goon build needs a few tweaks later on!
[12:44] * @Cruel_Angel whirls, red-tinged light shining from the blades of her knives as she brings them into play against the bodyguard!
[12:45] <@Cruel_Angel> roll 2d8 ACV, target 12
[12:45] * +Hatbot --> "Cruel_Angel rolls 2d8 ACV, target 12 and gets 9." [2d8=4, 5]
[12:46] <@Kotono> roll 2d8
[12:46] * +Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d8 and gets 6." [2d8=1, 5]
[12:46] <@Cruel_Angel> roll 2d8 damage
[12:46] * +Hatbot --> "Cruel_Angel rolls 2d8 damage and gets 8." [2d8=5, 3]
[12:47] <@Kotono> His cry of pain is a gurgling of death! His gun falls to the ground as it begins to rain again, bloody tears coming from his chest! With a rip Anastasia withdraws, another fatality!
[12:48] * @Cruel_Angel quickly slips away back down the driveway before more of an alarm can be raised, seeking somewhere quiet to resume her cloak of invisibility.
[12:49] <@Kotono> There are plenty of dark places - houses with lights out, backyards, silent places where no one is looking -t hough one house in the court has it's lights go no suddenly.
[12:50] * @Cruel_Angel moves away from the lit house as quickly as possible, vaulting a fence into the backyard of a home a few doors down and attempting to recover her wrapping of invisibility.
[12:50] <@Cruel_Angel> roll 2d8 for Invis since I'm in a hurry
[12:50] * +Hatbot --> "Cruel_Angel rolls 2d8 for Invis since I'm in a hurry and gets 8." [2d8=7, 1]
[12:51] <@Kotono> This goes without incident - Anastasia is able to escape without trouble, no one coming her way as she slips away.
[13:00] * @Cruel_Angel takes her time to retreat towards more thickly inhabited areas, looking for a hiding place where she can take the time to let her transformation go. Always, she feels more alive, and nothing is quite like the adrenaline rush of the imminent kill... but coming down from that high takes time.
[13:02] <@Kotono> roll 2d8
[13:02] * +Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d8 and gets 5." [2d8=1, 4]
[13:02] <@Kotono> Nothing happens during that time. She finds a long path to walk and rest no, eventually ready to detransform...OOC - Want to skip ahead now?
[13:03] <@Cruel_Angel> OOC - By all means.
[13:05] <@Kotono> Rest comes and the night passes. Anastasia rises late, around noon, to the ringing of her telephone. It's quite insistant, patient and waiting.
[13:06] * @Ana-chan rises slowly, the events of the previous evening coming back in slow, almost dreamlike pieces as she heads over to answer the phone. "Hello?" she says, stifling a yawn as she does so.
[13:07] <@Kotono> "Well done." It's Alexandria, voice like a commanding, praising trumpet. Her French accent purrs, pleased. "You are as good as your reputation insists."
[13:08] <@Ana-chan> "Not what I had anticipated, but the task was simple enough nonetheless," Ana replies, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. "How can I expect delivery of the payment?"
[13:09] <@Kotono> "A car will be waiting outside your apartment in one hour." The message is crisply delivered, only a dial tone after that.
[13:10] * @Ana-chan simply hangs up the phone at the abrupt conclusion, nodding to herself. Finishing her morning preparations doesn't take long, and coffee is essential this afternoon in particular - Dmitri had told her that a common practice to avoid payment was to simply do away with an unsuspecting assassin. She somehow doubts Alexandria will try this, but it's as well to be prepared.
[13:13] <@Ana-chan> Taking an umbrella along today - it's been a rainy fall, so far - Anastasia steps outside her apartment building at the appointed time, trusting that the driver will be present to take her to collect payment - or to deliver it directly.
[13:14] <@Kotono> The driver and car awaits, the door ajar again. It's only cloudy and windy today, but her ride waits.
[13:14] <@Kotono> IT's the same car as far as you can tell, and perhaps the same driver.
[13:16] * @Ana-chan steps inside with no comment to the driver, although she stays alert - no sense in letting her guard down when she's not entirely sure of what to expect.
[13:16] <@Kotono> "The Mistress awaits," he says, the same monotone voice. Anastasia also notices no particular scent around the man at all. On the seat next to her is also a newspaper, fresh and folded.
[13:19] * @Ana-chan picks up the paper - not something she normally indulges, as the radio is usually sufficient for news. With the short morning so far, she might as well see if news of her deed of the previous night has been reported - it'll be a bit of a drive, if the previous trip was any indication.
[13:20] <@Kotono> October 28th 2026. The front page story is about a brutal murder in Neo Tokyo! Fushio Nakukyaku, a businessman, was brutually murdered outside his home last night, as well as an associate. Police are baffled by the case...
[13:21] * @Ana-chan takes her time on the article, surprised that it made the front page with everything else that happens in Neo Tokyo.
[13:22] <@Kotono> The police are baffled. No evidence, no witnesses, no clue on the weapons. It's a complete mystery. The spokesman for the police says that they're working hard on it, blah blah blah.
[13:23] * @Ana-chan allows herself a small smile of satisfaction - nice to know that the job went out completely without a hitch.
[13:25] <@Rabite_Sailor_K> So the mansion is reached again. The rain picks up as you go up the road to it, rainy torrents hammering down. On the arrivial you find yourself lead up the twisting stairs again, towards the top floor...the scent of plants and then from above books fills Anastasia's nose.
[13:26] * @Ana-chan smiles a bit at the scent of the garden - the scent of a greenhouse is always so fresh and vibrant, something that the air in Neo Tokyo sadly lacks most of the time. She remains quiet, since her driver isn't much of a conversationalist - Alexandria should make herself evident before too long.
[13:28] <@Rabite_Sailor_Sagess_K> On reaching the top you find Alexandria awaiting. She continues to look out the rainy window, perhaps not ahving moved since you last saw her. "Well done. You are everything I hoped for." She turns, face cold but full of anticipation.
[13:29] <@Ana-chan> "A bit more rushed than I'd usually care to try, but with so little information about the house I thought it better not to risk entry," Anastasia replies. "I'm glad to hear that you're pleased with the results."
[13:30] <@Rabite_Sailor_Sagess_K> "You did excellent work. I have no complaints...come and sit with me." Alexandria goes to sit in the nearest chair, looking towards Ana.
[13:33] * @Ana-chan follows the rustle of fabric, sitting in the next chair she can find with a minimum of fuss. "There's more?" she asks, slightly surprised at the invitation. "I figured I was simply here to collect payment for the completed work."
[13:42] <@Rabite_Sailor_Sagess_K> "There is more...Svetlana." You can abruptly smell tea - a silver platter is placed by a silently moving servant, bowing and leaving. The same black suited man as the others, too, or is it the same? Anastasia couldn't be sure. "There are many matters for you us to discuss - and your payment is on the way."
[13:43] * @Ana-chan freezes solid at that, her hands finally, slowly, moving towards her lap. "What is it you want from me?" the girl finally says, her voice rather icy.
[13:44] <@Rabite_Sailor_Sagess_K> You can hear the rain raging outside, like a typhoon with galing winds from nowhere. "Tea?" she offers, a silver cup taken and sipped from. You can smell tea and cakes, pleasant food. "I have an offer for you - no, it is better if I say we have an offer for you."
[13:45] * @Ana-chan shakes her head at the offer of refreshment, her expression still rather cold. "I am listening," she replies. "If it involves returning to Russia, the answer is an emphatic no."
[13:47] <@Rabite_Sailor_Sagess_K> There is a chuckle to that, like a slithering from her throat. "Russia has nothing to do with this. Russia has nothing to do with Magnum Deus 666, either." Another sip of tea, the soft clink of refined silver. "You're one of the best killers in the world - confident, powerful, impossible to see coming."
[13:48] <@Ana-chan> "I am what I was trained to be," Anastasia replies, relaxing slightly - but only very slightly. "I make no claims as to how good my skills are."
[13:50] <@Rabite_Sailor_Sagess_K> "They are good, and I offer you a chance to use them extensively." The teacup is set down, a small handcake taken. Meanwhile the rain flares up even harder, a din against the mansion. "To be direct - Magnum Deus 666 is assembling a small team of assassins for Neo Tokyo. You will be an integral part of this team."
[13:52] * @Ana-chan frowns slightly. "And you can guarantee that the Russkaya Mafiya will not interfere? I am fully aware that they will do whatever is in their power to attempt to 'recover' me - this has happened once before, as I am sure you know. I have no desire to return to their service."
[13:56] <@Rabite_Sailor_Sagess_K> "They will not interfere..." Unseen, Alexandria smiles, like a cat having it's prey ready to be played with. "This I can assure you, and your payments will be suitable." You hear a suitcase being opened - again silently until now, placed besides Anastasia. "3,000,000 yen is there to begin with."
[14:00] * @Ana-chan doesn't bother with the suitcase for the moment - this sounds like something a bit more serious than a simple acceptance of a payment for a contracted assassination. "What would be the conditions you require if I accept this... offer?" Anastasia says, frowning slightly. "The nature of the work is evident, but I would assume that the targets would be more... difficult than what I just completed."
[14:02] <@Kotono> "Indeed. Your payments will scale to such. I simply require you to be available when needed - you can live in the city or here as needed, and keep your petty job as long as it doesn't interfere."
[14:04] * @Ana-chan smiles thinly. "I suspect that at this point refusal is not an option," the blonde says. "I must admit, I do enjoy the hunt, and if the Gol'yanovskaya can be kept clear, I have no objections." She nods curtly. "Very well, I shall accept your offer."
[14:06] <@Kotono> "IT is done." Finishing her cake, Alexandria extends her hand. "Welcome to Magnum Deus 666, Anastasia."
[14:07] * @Ana-chan takes the proffered hand, giving it a shake. "I shall do my best, Ms. Ouroburos."
[14:08] <@Kotono> Unseen to Anastasia the wind makes a final gusting protest, rain driving into the cliff and mansion...
[14:08] <@Kotono> ----
I am a terrible person.
Excellent Youkai.