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Spirit of the forum

Started by Dracos, May 27, 2002, 06:16:42 PM

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Two and a half years.

A pretty good time span really.  Most small forums don't live that long.  We've done more than live.  We've really grown pretty nicely.  Hundreds of people who've come to drop by our little neck of the woods.  Dozens of good games played.  I'm pleased with what we've accomplished.  It has been a good two and a half years.  We've seen friends come.  We've seen friends go.  We've kept the doors open and the place friendly.

We've made this little spot on the web a home.

But time passes and things change.  Some things anyway.  This will always remain our little home.  We're growing though and in light of that, I figure it is about time to consider again the vision of what this forum is.

This forum started with a handful of people.  Two admins.  A couple of helpers.  A few gamers drawn along for the main game of the site.  And a number of folks who just wanted a nicer place to hang out with their friends.

We've grown a fair deal from there.  Today, we're more than just a home that folks come to hang out in.  We're a small village of friends.  We come together to game.  We write.  We share our good times and our bad times here.  I'd like this place to continue along our path of gathering friends, a bastion where good times and camraderie can be hand.  The site is growing now, showcasing what has been done here and entering a new era of growth, but as we grow, I want us to continue to be the friendly community we've always been.

To friends old and new...  Let's keep making this place the best it can be.

The Vision of the Forum
Well, Goodbye.


Earliest Vision of the Forum:

I feel I should say something on why we are here... and what we are about. First I have to thank my friends, the COR group, and most especially Rezantis, for without him the creation of this forum never would have happened.

As most of you know, COR began on Delphi Fanfics, a place that was once a sort of mecca for fanfics. Well, one day a while back, Delphi announced it was going to become a pay site. This would have meant the end of all the good gaming we had there. A discussion was held among the COR players on why we stayed there and it was decided we needed somewhere new. Thus was born Soulriders. I have to thank the COR crew a lot, for without them I probably would have vanished into obscurity, only being found on a private forum or two. Instead, a vision filled and moved me.

I would create a forum. A place for friends to congregate. It wouldn't have any of the disgusting features that drove friends away from the old forum. The maggots wouldn't devour it. Instead it would be a place where people had fun. Where Dwarves sat next to Elves and shared a mug of ale. Where tiny pigmy mutants scurried next to towering androids. Where from across the internet people would gather to have a truly good time. A land of friends, gathering to participate in the RPGs they enjoy, sharing the tales they love, and the wisdom they've learned. Where we would come in brotherhood and sisterhood... Comrades of a new order of gamers. Friends and acquaintences, gaming together in harmony.

So come on in and sit down... pour yourself some good dwarven ale and look out for the dragon sleeping in the corner. Put off the worries of the world for a while, and tell a tale or live a dream. Be a Gamemaster... or a gamer. Share poetry or fanfiction. Link us to your art pages and show us your passions. Most importantly have fun and respect each other. We're all friends here.

The Vision of the Forum
Well, Goodbye.