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[Bahamut Lagoon] A Discarded Memory, chapter 1

Started by acetalon, October 23, 2003, 02:50:17 AM

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I'm still hesitant as to whether or not I should post this.  I haven't done anything with it besides minor touch ups for a very long time, and I don't know whether or not I'll have time later either.  Still, here's hoping.

A note from the oft-cynical author: If you feel like throwing up at any time during the course of reading this,  do so away from the computer screen.  That or stop reading or skip the prologue; that part's kinda painful to read too.

   "Princess!  What are you doing?!  Stop!"

   I stared, quite shocked, as Matelite desperately sought the break
through past the two guards that blocked his way.  He was screaming
head off trying to get her attention.  I turned to one of the guards,
the princess' personal guards, and tried to ask him what was going on.

   "The Princess ordered us not to let anyone through but you, Byuu,"
one of them gasped.  He dug his heels into the hard stone of the
castlegrounds and prepared himself.  Matelite was readying himself to
barrel through.

   "Princess!  What would your father say if he saw you doing this?!"
Matelite howled in fear.

   "Hurry Byuu!  Find out what the Princess wants!  We can't hold
him all day!"

   I nodded and ran back to the drawbridge.  There, Princess Yoyo
wasstaring in awe at Salamando, my dragon.

   Maybe that wasn't the right way to describe ownership.  I chose
him as my dragon, and he chose me as his handler.  Sleek and powerful,
Salamando shimmered in the soft evening light, his orange scales
perfectly molded to his entire body.  Salamando had a regal bearing in
public, but in private, like now, he acted like a giant kid, allowing
Princess Yoyo to touch his coat of scales and to pet his nose, purring
like a cat.

   "Good thing I got that blasted dragon to take a bath before this,"
I thought with a grimace.  To me, that was the worst thing about
handling dragons.  They were a bunch of babies when it came to taking

   "Princess Yoyo, what is it you wanted?"  I stood behind her as I
hesitantly asked the Princess of Kahna what she wanted with me and my

   The Princess shifted her gaze from Salamando to look at me.  She
really was pretty.  Whenever she looked at me like that I felt my face
get flushed and when she smiled I stuttered so much what came out of
my mouth was unintelligable.

   "No time for that now, Byuu.  Lets go!"  She smiled in glee as she
grabbed my arm and yanked me towards Salamando.

   My jaw dropped.  She wanted me to take her on Salamando?  Outside
of the castle?  Without an escort?

   Without even time to think about what was going on, I climbed up
on Salamando's back and pulled the Princess up.

   Princess Yoyo laughed in glee at the shocked expression of
Matelite and the royal guards from far below.  I myself had just
finished gathering my bearing and realized we were already in air and
just what sort of consequences might await me back at the castle.  Yet
even these worries drifted away with the currents that passed by,
wildly blowing Princess Yoyo's hair behind her.

   "Wow, Byuu!  Salamando is so fast!"  She breathed, the wind
whipping around her clothes.  I said nothing.  What was I supposed to
say to the princess of my country?  "Yeah, he's fast?"


   "Yes?"  Hesitantly, I turned my head to face her.  I was suddenly
so very aware of just how close she was.  "Princess?"

   "Do you mind if I hold tighter?"  She asked mischevously.

   "S-sure," I stammered.  She smiled.

   "Alright, I'll hold on really tight!"  She stated, and tightened
her grip around my waist.  "Will you bring me to the Church?"

   There was no need to elaborate, for the princess could only be
referring to one place, and one place only.  I knew the place.  My
heart jumped and pounded in my chest.  Why on earth did she want to go
there?  Neverless, I directed Salamando to the church afore mentioned,
the church that had special meaning only to couples, to lovers. The
Church of Memories.

   We landed in front of the courtyard.  There was no one there.  The
lights were dim and the church barren, the walls seemed to loom over
everything else in sight.  No one came to church at this time of night
anyways.  Except for the Princess.  Only she would come here at this
time, sneaking out of the castle to get away from her duties as

   Princess Yoyo jumped down lightly from Salamando and I dismounted
as well.  I whispered into his ear, asking Salamando to oblige my
wishes.  We were as close as partners could be, and Salamando agreed
without a word of complaint, resting his head upon his arms.  He would
wait.  I patted his neck in silent thanks and turned to Princess Yoyo.

   The princess was walking around the entrance just spinning around
and smiling happily, with no care in the world.

   "Princess?"  She stopped and peered into my eyes.  It felt like
she could see into my soul and I gulped, wondering what she would see.

   "Where will we be in 5 years, Byuu?  What will we be doing?"  She
said this so seriously, with so much passion I was startled.  I
thought about what she said, though, and gave her the obvious answer.

   "You'll be the Queen of Kahna, of course.  What else?"

   "And you?"  She raised an eyebrow questioningly.

   "Me?"  I chuckled self consciously, rubbing the back of my head.
I never really thought about things like that.  There was never any
timeto do so.  "I suppose I'll be some sort of dragon knight, maybe
the leader of Kahna's Dragon Squad."

   "Is that your goal?"

   "One of them, yeah."  I couldn't tell her the other was to
protecther from harm. That was not merely a goal, but closer to an
ideal that Ihad been raised upon, to protect the royal family.

   "...Byuu, do you know why this church is famous?"

   I shook my head.  I knew that it was for couples, that it had
special meaning for them, but I never questioned about it beyond that.
Yoyo turned around to gaze up at the church, looking it up and down as
the sun was just peaking over the horizon, the light creeping up the
side of the church slowly like a warm blanket.

   "There's a legend about this church.  Every man and woman that
gets married here will love each other forever."

   Again, the playful smirk was set on her face.  She held her hands
behind her in a cute fashion.

   "Would you like to go in with me?"  She queried, leaning forward.

   "What?!"  I cried out.  I fell backwards in surprise.  Lucky for
me I forgot my sword belt or it would really have looked bad.
But...did the princess feel that way about me?  I could only look up
and stare at her in surprise.  Then she broke the serious mood with a

   "Relax, Byuu!  I was only kidding.  We're too young to go in
anyways."  I sighed as I stood up, relieved.  Only later would I
realize the sigh wasn't from relief, it was from disappointment.

   "Still,"  Princess Yoyo said, looking at me out of the corner of
her eye, "When we get older, after I become the majestic queen of
Kanna and you become the bold leader of the Dragon Squad, would you
like to come back here with me?"  I thought this was another one of
her jokes, and laughed.  The intense look she gave me did shut me up

   "Of course,"  I said with all seriousness.

   "You promise?"

   "Yeah, I do."

   "I'm glad."  She smiled softly.

   And it was then my feelings changed for her.  I grew from just
respecting her as my superior, from just liking her as a friend, to
cherishing her as someone I would grow to love.  It warmed me,
comforted me, knowing that there was someone else out there who cared.
At the time, I could scarcely grasp the concept of what these feelings
would mean, the problems if they were to blossom, and the pain that
would follow when they were rejected.

A Discarded Memory

By Acetalon

Bahamut Lagoon is a game made by Squaresoft.  This author has no
claims whatsoever on any character.  

Warning!  This fic contains spoilers for Bahamut Lagoon...sort of.  Read on at your own risk.

I am sorry for any mistakes made in the course of writing this.  If
someone would kindly point them out to me that would be much

I lost my notes!!!  I'm gonna have messups all over the place now!!!

   Byuu sat in front of the flames, staring at them.  He watched them
dance among the embers, flickering madly as though they were trying to
escape.  Maybe the flames were, in a way.  Trying to escape so that
the flames could dance in the night sky, dance among the stars.

   The night filled the vast void in the sky, the stars twinkling so
cheerfully.  The moon was bright enough that night to illuminate the
landscape in a blue aura, giving it an almost mystical quality to it.
Once, Byuu might have just watched it, soaked in the image that was a
once in a lifetime view, but now Byuu looked out into the blue tinged
landscape and sighed.

   "How many years?"  He questioned himself.  "How many years has it
been since the ashes of Kahna rallied again around Princess Yoyo's
banner after Alexander was sealed?"  It had been a few years.  Maybe a
few years wasn't enough to forget.  He'd stopped thinking that it was
for the best that the Princess had fallen for the general.  What was
his name?  Palpaleos.

   Once, he had been at the forefront of Kahna's army.  He was the
leader of the Dragon Squad.  The rest of the rebels had named him
their leader.  Why him, the Cross Knight?  Why not Matelight, the
self-proclaimed leader, or Sendack, the old man?  He didn't really
know, but he relished the challenge, he loved the rush of adrenaline
that came with it.  All that meant nothing to him now.  Byuu
remembered it all so clearly.  The time when they came to protect the
Church of Memories.  They came to Palpaleos' aid.  Why he was there?
No one really cared about the reason, except Byuu, and when everything
was said and done, no one really cared what Byuu thought.  He was
just...there.  Nothing he could say or do would change anything.
Nothing he felt would change anything.  The Princess made her
decision... one he could do nothing to change...



   Princess Yoyo cried out.  Her voice was heavy with worry, and I
couldn't help but turn his head at the odd note.  She never had any
emotion anymore, except when she looked out her window of her room in
the flying fortress.  She became withdrawn and cold since her rescue,
and Byuu was worried.  He was starting to see.

   In the background, Byuu could hear Yoyo's faithful protective
guardian, Matelight, roaring like a wounded animal trying his best to
maneuver around Taicho to protect the princess.  That didn't matter
one bit.  All that mattered was Palpaleos, crouched on the ground and
clutching his ribs in pain.  Byuu looked down at him with anger and
gripped his two swords tighter.

   "Palpaleos.  The right hand man of the reason this war had ever
started, the reason my nation is destroyed!" Byuu said softly, his
tone belying his anger.  "It's his fault Yoyo was kidnapped!  It's his
fault this war started!  Him! He-"

   Yoyo slapped him in the face.  Byuu stood there, shocked.

   "That is enough!"  She commanded.  "He wasn't the one who sent
those demons to destroy the church.  He risked his life for this
church, for the memories of all those who were here before!  Don't you
dare blame him!"

   He was starting to see the truth now, now when it was too late.

   "I can't answer for my actions,"  Palpaleos replied, hissing as he
stood to his feet.  The pain was excruciating.  "But I did what I
thought was right for everyone.  Isn't that what you are doing?"  When
Byuu didn't respond, he gave a small smile.  "You and me, we really
aren't so different."

   He gasped and leaned on his sword again.

   "Byuu, please take care of Palpaleos."  Princess Yoyo strode into
the Church.

   "Please, lend me your shoulder."  Byuu complied and helped
Palpaleos into the Church.  He really wasn't as angry with Palpaleos
as he thought, yet the feeling inside him that made him say all that
without thinking welled up inside.

   "Don't you know, Byuu?"  Palpaleos queried as they walked down the
halls of the Church.  "Sometimes you notice you're missing something
from the start.  I lost someone once.  I want to bring back that
person, something no one can do.  You have memories of the past.  As
for me, I don't know.  I know you understand me."

   Byuu understood.  He understood every word.  The battlefield
Palpaleos spoke of was there.  He stood at one end and Palpaleos stood
at the other.  They were supposed to be destined to fight, yet...they
weren't.  They were now helping each other.  What had happened?

   "I can walk by myself now."  Palpaleos took his arm and shifted
his weight back to his injured leg and stepped forward.

   Yoyo was there, at the end.  Her eyes were filled with sadness as
she walked past Palpaleos to Byuu.  He closed his eyes and waited for
the inevitable.

   "Thank you, Byuu.  We both know that we can never go back to those
happy times before the war, before the dragons.  I was happy when you
were there for me.  Do you understand?"

   Byuu said nothing. He made no move except to shake his head

   "You'll understand someday.  Growing up isn't all that we thought
it was, is it?  We hurt people, we lose people.  We don't always see
it when it happens.  We get used to it, but the thing we can't see is
ourselves, so we look to other people.  That is how we try to become
good people.  Goodbye, Byuu.  This hurts me just as much as it hurts
you...parting like this."

   She took a step back and turned her back to Byuu.  Together, she
and Palpaleos ascended the stairs together to the altar in front of
them at the top.

   Byuu didn't know what to say, what to feel.  He couldn't feel
anything except the pain in his heart.  The throbbing that he became
acutely aware of blotted out everything, all feeling except the
rhythmic pounding that drowned out all other sounds.

He turned his back on the altar and walked, with calm, measured
steps, to the exit.  He knew that if he saw the two of them, Yoyo and
Palpaleos, praying together atop the altar, the image would be burned
into his mind.  That one image of the church would stay there to
fester and poison him.  Byuu could see the truth in its entirety:  He
was nothing but a memory now.  His time with her as a child was
nothing more than a discarded memory, a fleeting memory that held no
meaning, not anymore.

   The exit wasn't far.  The disspirited Cross Knight stared into the
sky. The world seemed to be just a little darker than it used to be.
He fell to his knees and just sat there, unable to move, unable to
speak.  The constricting grip around his heart tightened all the more,
squeezing it to the point at which he thought his heart had already
burst, and he could do nothing but blink away the tears that fell.
The haze that fell over his eyes, the burning sensation that covered
his vision was an indescribable mix of pain and loss.

   Salamando prodded him in the back and gave a low growl.  Byuu
smiled sadly at Salamando.  Salamando was always there for him.  At
that moment, to Byuu it seemed like that's how it would always be.  He
would always be relying on his scaled companion and no one else.  He
couldn't rely on anyone but Salamando and himself.  No one else.

   "Come, Salamando.  Let's go."


   Byuu kicked at the sputtering fire angrily.  He wished dearly that
he would stop bringing up that same memory, time and time again.  It
tore at his conscience, eating away at him.  He had to find a way of
making peace with himself or else the bitterness would consume him.
He sighed again and poked at the flames with a stick, now dying out
into glowing embers after he kicked at it.  He was moping around like
an old man.

   He leaned back against Salamando, who had grown immense in the
years since they left Kahna.  Salamando, he wagered, could probably
face one of the Sacred Dragons head on without any help.  Byuu turned
from his self-pity and admired the awe-inspiring dragon.  He was happy
that Salamando stayed with him even now.  The dragon could easily
squash Byuu by rolling over in his sleep.  Salamando was so big his
windspan alone could blot out the entire night sky for Byuu.  His
scales had taken on a more intense hue, far different from the light
orange that it was before.  He still thought of Byuu as a partner, and
that thought was highly gratifying in itself to Byuu.

   "What's this?  The former leader of Kahna's dragon squad, caught
off guard?"

   Byuu looked up calmly to see a blade engraved with the symbol of
Kanha resting lightly on his shoulder.

   "Hello Rush," he replied unconcerned.  "What brings you out here
to the middle of nowhere?"

   "I'm here to pick up Salamando.  Look how fat he is!  What have
you been feeding this poor dragon?  I should gut you here and now for
your treatment of this poor beast."

   Salamando opened one eye and glared at Rush before turning over.
Byuu just laughed.  Rush sheathed his sword and sat down by Byuu.

   "It brings a tear to my eye knowing you value that "poor beast"
over your old friend."

   "Of course.  Cross Knights such as yourself are by far easier to
come by than dragons."

   Rush, his comrade in arms and his friend from childhood.
Together, they fought off a horde of vile, intensely monstrous beings,
covering each others' back and relying on each other.

   "You haven't been taking very good care of yourself either,"  he
commented, eyeing Byuu's ragged appearance and torn up clothes.

   "And you've become so critical since I left,"  he returned.

   "Hey, I've gotta be good at catching mistakes, with my new job."

   "And that is?"

   "The leader of the Dragon Squad,"  Rush answered in a matter-of-
fact tone.  He certainly was proud of his new station, Byuu could tell
that much.  "I've been the substitute leader up 'till recently."


   "Thanks, though I should be thanking you.  If you hadn't left, I'd
still be your lowly foot soldier companion."

   "What a tragedy THAT would be,"  Byuu remarked sarcastically.
Rush chuckled and shook his head.  Those times weren't all bad.  They
were actually pretty good to him.

   Rush, Truce, and Bikkebakke were all part of Byuu's squad.  Thanks
to them, he was never really alone.  Before that, he was always
isolated.  They trained together and after a while they became good
friends.  Rush was always blabbering optimistically that HE would
become the leader of their group.  Still, he wasn't surprised when
Byuu was given the title of leader.  They were best friends, thought
Byuu never really talked a whole lot, and Rush always claimed that he
would have made a better leader than Byuu.  When Byuu left, Rush was
the first candidate to take his place, though Rush wanted Byuu to stay
just as much as everyone else.

   Silence followed.


   "If it's Salamando you want, you're gonna have to convince him to
come with you."

   "You know that's not what I came here for, Byuu."

   "What, aren't you happy about your new position?"

   "I would give it up in a heartbeat if you would just come
back.  Everyone missed you when you left, and everyone would just as
easily welcome you back.  Truce has never been quite as happy since
you left.  Bikkebakke still mopes around every now and then.  I'll
admit, you had a certain touch with the dragons.  I'm not as good as
you were when dealing with them."

   Byuu looked at him with a strange look in his eyes.  He looked to
the sky again.

   "Do you know why I left?"

   "No one KNOWS why you left, but everyone had an idea.  Matelight
was pretty vocal on his thoughts whenever he went out for a beer."

   "Well you all probably had the same idea, and it was probably

   "Are you going to TELL me plainly, or just leave me hanging?"

   "It was because of Yoyo, alright?  Dammit, I thought everyone knew
that."  He turned away, trying to restoke the fire.

   "The Princess?  You left because of her?  Because of her and


   "Byuu, ALL of us fell for her at some time or another.  This thing
between her and that general affected us all."

   Byuu stood up angrily.  When Rush saw his face, he saw the rage,
bitterness, and a little bit of despair.  He saw a multitude of
feeling that had been bottled up, just waiting to be released.  Rush
knew he had hit something, but he didn't know quite what it was.

   "Maybe, but she didn't flat out reject anyone.  She didn't look
anyone else straight in the eye and call them an ignorant child!  She
didn't tell anyone else that she would be there for them as a kid and
reject them later after they found someone else!  She PLAYED me for a
damn fool, Rush!  Like musician, she played me, and threw me away just
as easily.  She didn't care!    She didn't-!"  Byuu exploded.

   "Byuu, calm down!"  Rush laid a restraining hand on his shoulder.

   Byuu stopped in his ranting and grew silent.  The fire in his eyes
calmed and he seemed to shiver from the cold.  He draped his cloak
tighter around his body.

   "She said I made her happy.  Before the war, she asked me to go
with her to the Church.  When the time came down to it, when the time
was right to choose, she chose him.  I felt betrayed more than


   "She told me that the parting between us hurt her just as much as
it hurt me, but she had HIM to console her.  She could easily forget
about me.  She had him.  She had _him_."

   "Are you saying it's Palpaleos you have the grudge against?"

   "No."  Byuu's bitter tone changed to one of self-pity.  "I don't
have a grudge against anyone.  I just...want someone to blame.  I want
someone to blame for all my problems, someone that isn't me.  It's
someone's fault, I know.  I'm just afraid to find out that it's mine.
Is it my fault?  Was it hers?  Maybe it was Palpaleos'.  But I don't
bother thinking about it anymore.  They can rot in hell for all I

   Rush refrained from telling him about Palpaleos' current status.
He didn't know how Byuu would react if he knew that Palpaleos was
stabbed by a common bandit in his own castle.

   Aside from that, Rush never knew Byuu to hold that much of a
grudge.  Byuu was just venting, and he was venting frustrations that
he had been carrying for years.  However, Rush did punch Byuu in the

   "Feh, I'm probably just going to make this worse with any advice
_I_ give, but I think you need a girl.  A new one,"  He amended.

   "You're right about one thing, Rush.  Your advice _was_
useless.  Since when did you become my nanny?" Byuu asked mockingly.

   "I'm serious!"  Rush protested.  "You need a new girl.  The whole
thing with Yoyo was bound to happen.  You know how it is with royalty.
They always want someone at their own social station."

   "It didn't seem that way at the time,"  Byuu muttered.

   Rush ignored that comment.

   "Anyways," He continued, "moping around like this will get you
nowhere.  All that you'll do is keep feeding salamando here junk food
until he's too fat to fly.  I'm doing this for his sake just as much
as yours."

   "Huh,"  Byuu snorted.  "That was a really weak excuse, Rush.
Can't you think of something better than that to convince me?"

   Rush sighed exsasperately

   "It's just a little hard when you're being this tough to deal
with, you know.  And I'm not out here freezing my ass off just to get
my jollies out of bragging about my new title to you.  Come on,  give
it one shot, and if you don't like it then you can go be a hermit for
the rest of your life.  I'm asking you as a friend and a war buddy.
Just one try.

   "Those were the best and worst of times, Byuu.  You and I both
know that.  Everyone who looks back at that time bless us and thank
the gods that we did what we did.  We "brought" peace to the land.  We
entered the portal when the sky was dark, when monsters ravaged the
land.  We came back when the sky brightened and the monsters
disapeared. The people assumed that we brought the light.  The
Princess did, in a way.  We all left a part of ourselves back there,
but don't let your memories hold you back.  Be a man!"

   Byuu looked at Rush, contemplating his words.  Rush stared back
resolutely.  He was resolved in this course of action, Rush was.  He
wouldn't waver now at the critical point.

   "You talk well for a snot nosed brat, you know that?"  Byuu

   "Snot nosed brat?"  Rush repeated, punching Byuu in the shoulder
again.  "Since when did you become so high and mighty?  Being alone
for this long must've addled your brain."

   "Maybe, but not anymore.  Wake up Salamando!  It's time to go!"
Byuu called out to Salamando, who grunted and stretched out his arms
and wings.

   Rush grinned.  He had done it.  He put his helmet back on.

   "Great!  Just let me get my dragon and we'll head back to Kahna.
It's changed position and it's about 3 miles east of where it was
since you left-"

   "Hey now,"  Byuu interrupted.  "Just who said I was going back to
Kahna?"  He looked at Rush, raising an eyebrow.

   "...?  So, where are you going then?"

   "Not Kahna.  I don't feel like I'm ready for that.  Maybe... some
other place.  Mahal."

   "Well, you could at least come back to Kahna and pay everyone a
visit before you go off flirting with women."

   "I NEVER SAID I was leaving to chase women," Byuu retorted,
spinning around to face Rush.

   "And whats wrong with chasing women?"

   "I never knew you were such a pervert Rush.  Is this what you've
become in my absence?"

   "I've always been one, you just never noticed,"  Rush answered.
"But you're coming back to Kahna for a visit.  I'm not taking no for
an answer."

   Rush could be pretty insistent when he wanted to be.  Byuu has no
compunctions about visiting anymore.  It HAD been awhile since he saw
his companions, his friends.

   He thought about Rush's words.

   "You need a girl."

   Those few simple words made Byuu think.  What was the old saying?
Get busy living or get busy dying?  Well, it was time to start living
again.  The more he thought about it, the more reasonable it sounded
to his ears.  As they flew, side by side back to Kanha, Byuu shook his
head.  What was Rush getting him into?

   Byuu decided to take it one step at a time.  He would deal with
whatever came up as it happened.  And right now, he could really use a
shave shave.

   "Yeah, at least shave,"  Byuu thought absently, scratching his
chin. He hadn't used a razor in a long time.


   "Make way, people.  Make way for the former leader of the Dragon
Squad!  Make way!"

   Byuu's eye twitched at the man's choice of words.  'Former Leader'
huh?  Somehow, the title made him sound old.  Hell, he hadn't even hit
Palpaleos' age when all the fighting started!

   People along the road cleared the street for the honor guard that
accompanied Byuu to the castle.  Bakers, butchers, farmers, merchants
and children all stood back.  They all stared at him.  Wonder,
disbelief, surprise, awe or a little bit of each was in every face
that Byuu could see.

   Again, Byuu closed his eyes and waited for an end to this stupid
ceremony.  Oh how he longed to throttle Rush right now.  That idiot
must have told everyone that he was bringing Byuu before he left.  It
had only been a couple years.  What was wrong with these people?  He
grimaced.  The last thing he needed was people parading about for his
benefit.  Rush was gonna pay.

   His musings were cut short as he reached the door to the palace.
He reached up and grasped the large bronze ring hanging from the door,
hesitating only a moment before pulling it open.

   The palace was much the same.  Spacious, barely decorated, and
almost completely barren.  Ever since the war, Princess Yoyo had
insisted on leaving the room bereft of almost all decoration.  It had
always been that way, and no one had seen any reason to change it when
Yoyo came back.  Behind her stood Matelight, the ever constant
watchdog of the Princess, and her numerous advisors.

   Byuu saw her, sitting at the single throne regally, like a true
Queen.  Her faced was masked, her emotions guarded.  She wasn't the
scared little girl that she used to be, needing constant reassurance.
Now, she was what everyone expected her to be: the lead behind  the
body of power that was Kahna.

   Byuu tightened his expression as he stepped closer to the throne.
All the memories this brought up he forced back down.

   "Princess Yoyo,"  He acknowledged, bowing.  "Or should I say Queen

   "Do I hear a note of sarcasm in your voice, Byuu?"  She asked,
smiling slightly.  "You know I could have you jailed for that."

   "With all due respect, I merely wanted to reaffirm your station at
this point and time.  I meant no disrespect,"  He replied,
straightening from his bow.  He hid his smirk well.

   "Queen will do,"  She acquiesced.  Yoyo looked at Rush and nodded,
waiting for him to finish kicking out the advisors and counselors and
generally useless people that hung around the castle.

   The Dragnar rose from her chair.  She practically floated
toward Byuu until she was right in front of him, and place her hands
on his shoulders.

   "Welcome back, Byuu," she said warmly.

   "Th-thanks,"  Byuu mumbled, caught off guard by her sudden move.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?"  At this proximity, he couldn't look
her in the eye.  It still hurt.

   Yoyo looked at his face, staring intently at it, studying it like
a book.  His expression was just as easy to read as it was.

   "You've changed, Byuu,"  She remarked.  "You were never this
nervous in front of me before.  You were always...quiet, yet sure of

   "Being alone for a few years does that,"  He replied, turning
away.  If she saw his face, the scarlet red that it had become, she
could easily that he was lying.

   An uncomfortable silence ensued (at least for Byuu) and Matelight

   "Nice to see you back, Byuu,"  He said in a rather lukewarm tone.

   Yoyo dropped her arms and stood back.

   "Sorry if this sounds a bit cold, but why did you come
back, Byuu?"  Matelight asked.  "We're full up on Cross Knights at the

   "I didn't come back for work.  I came back to visit everyone," he
answered stiffly.  He knew Matelight wasn't trying to be harsh or
cruel, just blunt, because that's the way Matelight was.  "Is that ok
with you?"

   "Then that's it?  You just came to visit?  Then you'll go away to
some far off remote island again for another couple years until you
grace us with your pressence again?  Are you just going to keep
wasting your life away like this?" He snapped.  Matelight didn't
approve of it when Byuu left the last time, which he made Byuu acutely
aware of right before he left.  Byuu couldn't hear himself think from
the ringing in his head for a week.

   "And what's it to you, Matelight, if I do?"  Byuu demanded.  "Why
do you care a whit what I do?  I'm just a Cross Knight, no one

   "Because your a damn fool, that's why,"  He declared.  "That's
right.  All you are is a Cross knight who's got an inkling of talent
in him.  That's all you will ever be if you leave like that."

   "Matelight..."  Yoyo started, placing her hand on Matelight's

   "Pr- I mean Queen Yoyo, it has to be said.  He'll never shape up
to anything if he wastes his life like this!"

   "It's _his_ life,"  She reprimanded gently.  "He can do what he
wishes with it."

   "But...I see..."  Matelite let the matter drop.  Byuu watched him
for a moment longer before taking his bow and backing up towards the
door.  Still, Matelite wasn't finished.

   "Byuu, you were good once.  One of the best.  During the war you
could clash with the fiercest.  What are you, now?  Washed up already?
I thought you were better.  All of us thought you were meant for great

   "Maybe I still am.  But then, who will know or care whether I'm
fit for something better?"

   "No one.  That's your problem Byuu.  One you've got to correct.
And NOT by wasting your life,"  Matelite finished gruffly.  He coughed
and left the room.

   Yoyo looked at Matelite, and then at Byuu.  She sighed softly.

   "Good luck, Byuu.  With whatever you decide to do."

   "Thanks, I guess..."

   And with that said, Byuu left.

   Rush, who had been leaning on the wall towards the back of the
room, grimaced.

   "I brought him back for THAT?"  he scowled.  "I thought that we
could help him, show him that we all care.  I didn't bring him just so
Matelite could discipline him and give him a father-son chat."

   "Rush, you know as well as I do that it had to be said.  He knew,
but he wouldn't have paid it any attention unless someone told him

   "Yeah, but...Matelite was pretty harsh."

   "Matelite has always been that way.  I don't think anyone else
could have said it more clearly.  Do you?"

   "I guess not."  Rush looked unhappy.  "I still don't really get
why Byuu's acting like this.  I kinda understand, but..."

   "It's because of me.  He's got a number of years of childish
infatuation to get over."

   Rush gave her a flat stare.

   "Well, my Queen, if memory serves right, it was YOU who turned him
down, which caused him to leave.  He really thought you liked him all
that time you were gone."

   "If _my_ memory serves, he wasn't the only one who had a crush on

   Rush's face lit up like a red tomato.

   "Yeah, well, I got over it.  I don't get it.  I know that you and
him...well, that you two were closer when you guys were younger, but
was that a good reason for him to disapear like that?"

   "We all have our ways of dealing with problems."

   "Whatever.  I'll go look for Byuu."

   "Just a moment, Rush.  He doesn't know about what happened to
Palpaleos, does he?"

   "No.  Truth to tell, I thought you would tell him."

   "Well, I suppose he'll find out eventually."  She said this in a
somber tone and looked down sadly.  Rush nodded and left her to her
thoughts, painful as they were.  She wanted to be alone.


   "Hey look, Byuu's back!"

   "HEY, BYUU!"  The crowed returned, practically burying  Byuu under
the sudden charge.

   "Big Bro!"  Bikkebakke caught Byuu in a hug and squeezed all the
air out of him.

   "Nice to see you too,"  Byuu gasped, and dropped to the floor.  He
grasped the edge of the table to lift himself up, breathing deeply.

   Now that he thought about it, it must have been Truce who set all
this up.  Rush never really was the type to plan something like this.
Somehow, Rush, or Truce, whichever one it was, had managed to round as
many people into Byuu's old hangout for this exact moment.  Though how
they knew that Byuu was coming...

   Byuu scanned the crowed and spotted Truce, who just grinned slyly
and waved.  Byuu vowed that he would get him back, oh would he get
Truce back.

   "Where've you been, bro?  Why'd you leave?  C'mon, tell me!"

   "Easy there, Bikkebakke!  I've been travelling.  I just came back
for a visit and I'll be leaving soon."

   "You'll still have time to share a few drinks with us, won't you
Byuu?"  Diana interrupted, drink in hand, invited herself over.  The
thigh-length robed priest sat down next to Byuu.

   "Of course.  If only long enough to hear what's been happening
around Kahna and with my old friends."

   Diana chuckled.  She gestured at Bikkebakke, and asked him to get
her another drink.  He looked around, then pointed at himself
questioningly.  She nodded impatiently and pointed at the bar.
Sighing to himself, he stood up to get her a drink.  Gossiping was
thirsty business.

   "Well, where to start?  A lot of stuff has gone on since you were
gone, you know."

   "Just go with what's interesting,"  Bryuu replied, smirking.

   "Easy enough."  Diana sipped at her cup, filled with mead.
"Ectarina finally stopped beating around the bush and asked Hornet to
go out with her.  That man was so dense its amazing he could
understand anything that she said.

   "Hum."  Byuu had a different opinion.  Ectarina was incredibly
shy.  It was a good day for her if she managed to say more than five
sentences in a day.  She had to go to Byuu to find out Hornet's
favorite food.  It was amazing that SHE had the courage to tell HIM.

   "Frederica is still going on and off medication, but she's doing
better.  Her health has gotten a lot better since we came back.  I
dunno, maybe she's been exercising or something.  She doesn't faint
anymore though, which is good.  I think Zora was planning on taking
her for treatment or something if it didn't."

   "Oiy, Diana, you spreading that gossip of yours again?"

   Lukia leaned over on the table, her cool-as-ice gaze giving Byuu
the once-over.  She nudged Diana.

   "Don't tell me your spinning your spiels with this riff-raff."

   "Riff raff?"  Byuu repeated, slightly surprised.  "That's pretty
harsh, Lukia."

   "Well now, never thought your hide was so thin now, little boy."

   "It's not.  You just pierce to the bone."

   "All the better to see the real you.  The outside is hardly what
usually matters."

   Diana coughed.  This bantering could take forever.

   "Lukia, can't you relax for once?  You always seem...uptight."

   "I am relaxing,"  Lukia responded, taking a seat as well.  "Just
pretend I'm not here.  So, you were saying?"

   "Ah, yeah.  Taicho and Gunso have gone back to Mahal to rebuild.
I don't think Taicho's ever forgotten his wife, or what Sauzer's men
did to his kingdom.  Ties have been strained between the two kingdoms.
With Palpaleos out of action-"

   "Hmm?  What did you say?"

   "Palpaleos.  Out of action.  What, you didn't you know?  He's been
stabbed b a common thug.  To think, the the might general of Sauzer's
army, who defeated all who stood in his way, beaten by some rat off
the street."

   Lukia grimaced and drank deeply from her mug.

   "That idiot, getting himself stabbed like that.  Doesn't he know
what he's doing to Yoyo?"  She muttered heatedly.

   "No...I didn't know."  He wondered why Yoyo didn't tell him.
Maybe she just didn't trust him anymore.  And, though he hated to
admit it, he didn't blame her.  It was as Matelite said, what happened
to him or what he knew didn't truly matter to anyone.  He was

   Byuu snatched Lukia's glass and downed the whole thing in a gulp.

   "Hey!"  She cried.  "Byuu, if you want a drink, then get your

   "I'm broke,"  He sighed.  "All that I had was in the castle, and I
don't even rember where I my room was.

   "Oh?  The mighty Byuu, stooping so low as to ask little me for a
drink?"  She teased.

   "Yes, the 'mighty' Byuu is asking the wonderful, nice, and
incredibly good looking Lukia for a drink,"  he scowled.  She sure had
a mean streak.

   "No problem,"  she replied, grinning triumphantly. She turned
around, swiped Bikkebakke's drink and told him to get some more drink,
ignoring his squeaks of outrage.

   "It's on me."  Lukia passed the mug to Byuu.  Diana stared flatly
at Lukia.

   "That's _my_ beer,"  she said pointedly.

   "Well then, it's on Diana."  Lukia laughed.  Diana just shook her
head and smiled.  Even Byuu grinned a little, albeit forced.

   "Why thank you for taking pity on this poor soul, Lukia.  He will
be sure to pay you back when he can."

   "Well, tell 'him' that he needs to get a job for that."

   "He'll get a job when he feels like it."  Byuu drank some more.
Lukia raised an eyebrow.  Byuu's slightly mocking attitude was new to
her.  Byuu must be getting drunk.

   Lukia pushed her chair back stood up.

   "I got some things to do.  See you, Diana.  If Byuu tries to
leave, strangle him or something."  She waved and disapeared amongst
the crowd.

   Diana grabbed Byuu's mug and sipped at it for a stretch of time.
She set the mug down heavily.

   "Ah, good stuff."  She licked her lips.  "Now, where was I?"

   "Mahal."  Byuu decided to change the subject.  He didn't really
care to know any more about what happened to Palpaleos.  He did make a
note to ask someone later about it when he felt like it.

   "Ah, right.  You know Gunso and Anastasia?  They're going steady
now.  They decided to move to Mahal, shortly after you left.  It was
Gunso's choice, really, but I don't think Anastasia had a problem."

   "Uh huh..."

   And after that, Byuu drifted off, nodding his head when it seemed
apropriate and saying "that's interesting" when it seemed right, but
he didn't pay any attention..  For most of it he was inane babble
about his or her girlfriend's situation about a breakup that never
happened or whatnot.  Really, right now he just wanted to concentrate
on his beer.  After that, he concentrated on his mead.  After that he
concentrated on his ale.  Then on his whiskey, and so on and so on
until he was so drunk that up was down and Lucia's face had taken a
greenish scaly shade, kinda like a dragon, and was winking at him

   "Three cheers for Byuu, drunk as a skunk!"  Someone shouted.
Everyone cheered, and Byuu grinned stupidly trying to stand up and
pose.  Except the ground had flipped up and tossed him on his
stomache.  Everyone else laughed heartily.

   "Thans all,"  He slurred, staggering to his feet and accidentally
dumping his cup on Bikkebakke, who jumped back, surprised.  " Ah'll
tell yous, that love ain't worth nuthin. Reellyy, 'taint worth
th'effort.  You always hurt bad.  Bein alone, 's not so bad..."

   Lukia (who had just returned) groaned.  She knew what was coming.
This wasn't the first time she heard full grown men (and women, for
that matter) bawl their eyes out after a couple drinks.  Granted, Byuu
had drunk more than a couple, but still.  Diana, seeing that Byuu was
finished listening to her, quietly made her exit.

   Byuu's eyes teared up.  "But shtill, why doesh crap always happen
to me, huh?  Why do I takesh it all lyin down?  Well that'sh gonna
shtoop now, noone takes advanteg of meeee.  I'll show'er.  And'er lil
dog too.  No one caresh 'bout lil me...beeeer, you're the onnnly
friend I got..."

   And after that Byuu blubbered off into incoherency, nursing his
emypty mug.  Lucia sighed and stretched out her arms.  Well, that
wasn't what she was expecting, but without his inhibitions, Byuu had
bled his heart out.

   Truce shook his head.  "I knew Byuu took it hard, but I didn't
think for an instant that it messed him up this badly," he confessed

   "That's love for you,"  Lucia answered.  "Lady Love is a feisty

   "She sure gets her kicks out of screwing with people.  Byuu here
is evidence enough of that.  Did he get a room?"

   "No, don't think so.  If he did he didn't give us his room

   "Ah jeez, what a pain you are, Byuu." Truce shook his head, not
very serious at all.  "Well, it can't be helped."

   "Lets just toss him in the street.  It's not like he has anything
to steal,"  Lukia suggested.

   Truce raised an eyebrow.  "I'm not going to waste my time tomorrow
dragging his drunken ass out of jail, Lukia.  And I know you wouldn't
waste any time trying to get him out either."

   "What are you talking about?  No one would throw Byuu in jail!"

   "Why not?"

   "Because know..."

   "No, I don't know."

   "Ok, just shut up then and come up with a good idea."

   "Hmmm...We take him to your place."

   "What?!  Are you insane?  Do you know what Diana will do if she
hears that Byuu went to my house and didn't leave until morning?!
Rumor control will be blown and I'll be up to my neck sorting this
out!  No way.  He's not coming to my place.  Dammit, listen to me
Truce!, this isn't happening..."  She put her hands over
her face and moaned in frustration.

   Truce had a momentary minute of deafness as he called some other
guys to help him carry Byuu out.  Bikkebake gave Lukia a weird look.
Rush grinned and winked at her, giving her the thumbs up.  Lukia's
fist told him otherwise as he pulled himself out of the wall.  Jeanne
nudged Lukia, raising an eyebrow.

   "Don't even think about that, this wasn't my idea,"  Lukia growled

   "I didn't think so.  Byuu's a nice guy and all, but I never really
thought him your type."

   "Do me a favor Jeanne and help me keep this quiet.  I think I need
another drink."


   Byuu moaned and turned over.  The birds were screeching as loudly
as possible today.  He could almost swear that they were right next to
his head blaring into his ears.  He muttered and mumbled, waving his
arms about to get rid of the birds before throwing the blanket over
his head.  A lot of good that did him.  The stupid birds were likely
under the bed, just waiting for him to doze off again before they
started pecking his head to get at his juicy brain.  He knew that they
had already tried because his head had the most exquisite pain he ever
felt (otherwise known as a hangover).

   'Damn those birds,'  he thought viciously.  'Once my legs work
again I'll show them.'

   Not like that was going to happen anytime soon.  His legs felt
like they were made of jelly.  His arms made of lead.  Maybe he was
trapped in this bed, crippled for life...

   Lukia grabbed the bedsheets and yanked hard, dumping Byuu to the
ground.  He fell gracelessy as he used his arms to shield his face
from the blinding light.

   "Uhhhh,"  He moaned.  Lukia kicked him a bit more to help reorient

   "Get up, would you?  It's bad enough that you had to come to my
house to sleep."

   "Wha-Lukia?  What am I doing here?"

   "Shut up for a moment and drink this."  She tossed a bottle to
him, which he uncorked and sniffed before drinking.  The pain in his
head receded enough that he could gather his bearings.  It was
probably one of the potions the healer made, though he never knew that
the healer made potions for hangovers.  He tossed the bottle back to


   "Don't mention it.  Though you could do me a favor by getting out
of here as fast as possible."

   "Hmm?  Why's that?"

   "Just hurry up, dammit!"  She was starting to lose her cool.  Byuu
sighed and stood up.  Then he looked down.  Then up again.

   "Umm, Lukia, where's my clothes?"  He asked quietly.

   "Those rags?  I threw them out."

   "...then what am I going to wear?"

   "I don't know.  I don't really care either."

   "Why'd you take my clothes off?"


   "You didn't...take advantage of me while I was asleep did you?"

   "What?!  Are you crazy?"

   "I knew it!"  Byuu looked shocked.  "You undressed me so you could
do dirty things with my body, you sick, sick woman!"

   "I'd never do something so idiotic as that!  You're overreacting,"
she protested, flustered.

   "Then why am I in your bed, huh?"

   Lukia swore that she was going to kill Truce.  He would die a
terrible, terrible death.  Rush too.

   "I feel so violated..."

   "SHUT UP!  ARG!"  Lukia lost all semblance of her outward calm and
coolheaded nature and growled at Byuu.  "I didn't do anything to you!"

   "I still feel violated..."

   There was a soft swish and a dull thunk that vibrated next to
Byuu's head.  He slowly turned his head towards the sound and saw a
rapier bending back and forth, buried deeply into the wood.  Lukia had
thrown it from clear across the room.

   Lukia stomped up to Byuu and grabbed and grabbed him, looking him

   "Byuu, lets get one thing clear.  You are not to tell ANYONE that
you were ever in my house.  NO ONE.  If anyone asks, you went to the
inn.  Got it?"  She growled.

   "...So does that mean you did do something while I was asl-"


   Byuu grinned.  He gave Lukia a hug, which caught her completely
off guard.  "Don't worry, I'm just kidding.  I promise I won't tell

   Later, some time down the road, Byuu would tell Diana about what
happened.  He would ask Diana why Lukia was so paranoid about him
being there.  Diana would just laugh.

   "She hasn't been with a man for years.  If someone thought you and
her were going out, well, that would put an end to her social life
trying to get a man."

   It wouldn't completely make sense to Byuu, but whatever.

   Lukia gave Byuu a flat look.

   "You've really changed, Byuu.  What happened to the serious close-
lipped leader from the war, or the moody depressed drunk from

   "I don't know.  Maybe I just felt like changing.  Maybe I need
something different."

   "Maybe all that beer you drank yesterday addled your brain.  So
stop grabbing my ass before I castrate you."

   Byuu's hands were gone before she finished speaking and he moved
back about three feet.  He had the decency to look sheepish as he
rubbed the back of his head.

   Lukia just sighed and tossed him some clothes.  "Here.  I know you
don't have any money, so you can borrow some of mine."

   He caught them handily enough.  Eyeing them carefully, he looked
up in surprise.

   "These are mens size."

   "Shut up before I change my mind, Byuu."

   He shrugged and slipped on the tunic and pants.  He could really
use a new pair of boots, but that wasn't likely going to happen.  The
shirt was a little tight, a size or two too small for him.  Same with
the pants. Still, it was better than the rags he had before.  He waved
his goodbye, which Lukia didn't respond to.

   "Farewell Lukia.  I'll see you later."

   Lukia just sort of scowled and busied herself readying her armor
and equipment.  Byuu opened the door and took his leave.

   "But really, mens size?"  He muttered to himself, out of what he
thought was Lukia's hearing range.  For someone so slim I never
thought she was so macho-"

   A sheathed sword came flying out of the open door and struck the
back of Byuu's head at lightning speed, sending him to the ground.  He
spat out some dirt and rubbed his head.  'Damn, she can hear pretty
far,"  He thought.  Well, at least she returned his sword.

   Refreshed after taking a much needed bath, he entered the castle
and sought out the dragon's den.  When he entered, all the dragons
looked up from what they were doing and stared at him.  Then they
started making excited noises and pawed around, flapping their wings
and the like.  Byuu smiled.  It was nice that they all remembered him.
He paused at the Salamando's own spot, absent for years.  Byuu smiled
when he remembered his last visit to the den.

   He had finished saying his goodbyes to all his friends and had
made his rounds with the dragons when Salamando growled, stepping
forward.  Byuu refused.  He didn't want Salamando to make any trouble,
but Salamando refused to step back.  Byuu was his leader, his rider,
with or without the official titles.  Byuu smiled then, remembering
everything the two had gone through.  "Ok, Salamando, just you and me.
We may never see this place again, you know that."  Salamando just
looked back at Byuu wordlessly.

   That was last time.  Well now Salamando was back for a little
while, and he had caused even more excitement than when Byuu arrived.
But, like last time, they were not to stay.  Byuu spent some time with
each dragon, and a little more time with Puppy, the youngest.

   "Hey now, don't get too friendly, ok?  It's hard enough for them
to follow my orders, you'll just make it worse."  Rush entered,
dropping the sack with a metallic clank.  Old beat up armor, from the
sound of it.

   "That's it?  This is what you're feeding them?"  Byuu
asked,raising an eyebrow.

   "Hey, gimme a break.  I don't have a limitless cash flow here."
Rush tossed out the armor, and watched the dragons chomp down, the
metal tearing as though it was nothing more than paper between their
jaws.  Byuu had seen it many times, but no matter how many times he
saw it, the sight was more than a little disturbing, especially when
it brought vivid imagery of being in that armor while it was chewed.

   "So, you're leaving?"  Rush asked, absently tossing a gauntlet in
the air, watching Puppy swallow the thing whole.

   "Yeah.  I can't stay around here forever.  I need to do something,
and I've had my fill of living only to survive."

   "Well, good luck to you, Byuu.  We're always here for you.  All of
us."  He clasped Byuu's hand, and Byuu grinned.

   "Thanks.  Say bye to everyone for me, ok?  I need to get my

   "Right,"  Rush waved him off, and returned to staring absently at
the dragons.  He did feel a bit sad that Byuu was leaving again.
Nothing to be done about it, though.  Byuu would come back.


       "C'mon, c'mon, I know you're here somewhere!"  Byuu muttered,
searching every inch of the room.  He knew this wasn't really
appropriate, time and place an all that, but it had seemed like a good
idea at the time.  Really, it did.

   There he was, smack in the most guarded room of the castle:
Princess-make that Queen, Yoyo's room.  There he was, pawing through
her stuff like a thief.  There he was, looking for a secret that he
hid there for so long.  Really, it seemed like a good idea at the
time.  And so as he busied himself opening chests and dressers and
scanning what came out like a madman, he always made sure to check the
door every ten seconds or so.  If he was caught, he could easily be
hung or executed due to sheer outrage.  Especially from Yoyo.

   "Ahah!"  He shouted triumphantly as he pulled out a key, then
looked nervously back to the door to make sure no one heard him.  It
was a rather nondescript key, except that it had a big crude picture
of a dragon as a keychain.  Hurrying up, he rushed to the far wall
from the door and insertedthe key into a well-hidden lock.  Hearing it
click with a sharp turn of the key, he felt the wall give and a
section of the wall move aside, bearing a chest.  When Byuu opened the
chest, he sighed in relief.  It was all there, all of his equipment.
Everything from the bracers etched with dragons to the headband he had
used so often.  Granted, it was all pretty dusty, but that couldeasy
be fixed.

   "Ahah!  Even my old cape survived!"  He said, grinning.

   But the best of the stuff in the chest had to be the intricately
made sword and the thin yet fanciful armor.  The sword had a hilt that
was shaped like interwining roses.  The blade was long, but not too
thick.  It had runes etched into the metal, which gave it a mysterious
aura.  The blueish-white tinge to the metal had never faded, even in
the passage of time, and there wasn't even a hint of rust.  It shone
with an unearthly glow and almost seemed to give Byuu a rush of
confidence just by holding it.  Even without looking at the blade, or
the runes, it was enchanted heavily enough that one could tell it
was magic just by the hairs on the back of their neck standing up.

   "Excalibur,"  He said softly, wiping the blade with his cloak
(which didn't help at all, seeing as the cloak was just as dusty).

   The armor was just as awe-inspiring.  It too was covered in runes
that bespoke of ingrained magic.  The face of the armor had a design
that covered the armor in its entirety, yet those that saw it could
never quite remember what it looked like.  The metal was light,
seemingly far too light to be of any use in combat.  This armor had
protected Byuu's life more times than he could count, and he didn't
waste a second buckling it on.

   Byuu grinned as he fitted the rest of the outfit, including leg
guards, bandanna, arm guards, pants, and the dusty tunic in the chest.
Of course he took off his armor and Lukia's clothes before wearing the
pants and tunic, then refit the armor.  Lastly, he buckled on his
sword.  Right now he felt like he could take on the world and then
some.  And then he realized something.  He was missing his other

   "Dammit!"  He swore.  He couldn't be a very good Cross knight
without his other sword!  It just didn't feel right!  He sighed.
'Well I guess my old blade will have to do,'  He thought glumly.  He
was of course referring to the blade that he carried when he left

   Byuu quickly closed and locked the secret compartment.  And just
while he was putting the key back in the dresser where he found it
(the underwear dresser), there was a sound that made him jump.

   The door creaked open and a girl appeared, Yoyo's maid.

   Byuu froze.  The maid froze.  Her mouth agape, she looked at where
Byuu's hands were reaching.

   Into Yoyo's underwear dresser.

   A shrill cry pierced the ears of all inahbitants of the castle.


   "...damn..."  Byuu swore again.  This just wasn't his day.

emember Shades, Viva La resistance!

Real evil men doesn't fight you on the battlefield.  They plan and plot in their silk green rooms, fighting an enemy that exists only in their mind.

You may be one person in the world, but you may be the world to one person. Cheers


"You stupid dragon!" he
cursed.  But his voice was lost in the wind as Salamando spun and
dipped in the air, showing off his skill and speed to all that behold.
Byuu just hung on for dear life.

   "I got to hand it to him, Lady Luck is definitely on his side
today."  Rush commented.

   "She sure gets her kicks out of screwing with people,"  Lukia
replied, remembering what Truce said the day before.  "If he was
really lucky then he wouldn't have been caught."

   It wasn't over yet.  The Queen had just reached the castle walls,
above the inner courtyard.  "Byuu!"  She shouted angrily.

   Byuu had finished crawling his way up to a managable position on
Salamando and turned around.  He saluted the queen once with his
sword, and (accidentally) dropped the silky white treasure from his
hand, to let it be carried by the winds.  That was the last straw.

   "Bahamut! Heed my call and grant me my desire.  Punish that fool
over there for his idiocy."

   And from the air he appeared, one of the most massive looking
dragons in existence.  Oh, and he looked pretty cool too.

   "Dragnar, I don't normally come to help you on a whim, you know,"
He commented in that deep grating voice that could only be expected of
a dragon."

   "He raided the castle and stole something important from me,"  She
replied.  From the glint in her eyes, it was clear to Bahamut that she
wanted something or someone dead.  "All I ask is you give him a
parting gift."

   "Parting gift?"  Bahamut chuckled throatily.  "Very well, I can do
that at the least."

   The buildup of magic was immense.  That mixed with dragonfire led
to a deadly mix of force.  To be used to punish a single individual
like Byuu, it could also be called overkill, but to the vast majority
(the guards and Yoyo) compared to the minority (Byuu), it was a
fitting punishment.

   And then Bahamut breathed.  To those below, it was one of the most
perfect examples of beauty and lethality ever seen.  The blue spark of
magic with the mix of the reddish-yellow dragonflame that shot above
their heads was like a dream as it blanketed the sky, brightening
everything, causing all the pause in their work for a few moments of
admiration.  The only other time anyone ever saw this picture of
beauty was when they were in its direct Byuu.  To him, it
was the perfect example of Bahamut's overkill-istic nature.

   "Faster, Salamando, Faster!"  He shouted in panic, looking behind

   Salamando shifted his wings and sped through the air like an
arrow, all too eager to avoid the massive dragonflame that chased him

   Rush just stood there, gaping.

   "She...she...she...Byuu...killed...Bahamut,"  He mumbled

   "Well, that's one fine going away present if you ask me,"  Lukia
replied, shrugging.  She elbowed Rush and gestured at the Queen.

   The queen was smiling.  Not really a full blown happy smile, or a
faked one, it was kind of an amused smile.  Either she really wanted
Byuu dead, or she didn't expect something as small as a little bit of
fire and magic to kill Byuu.

   The silky white treasure danced upon the wind only to settle on
Rush's head.  He pick it off his head and eyed it curiously.

   Fast as Salamando was Byuu saw that they were not going to make
it.  While they would probably live, he didn't like the thought of
being burned by dragonfire.  The few times he did experience it had
caused him months of pain.  Thinking quickly, he unsheathed his swords
and held them across each other.  Drawing strength from Salamando, he
shouted "ICE!" and swung his swords in a wide arc.  The ice attack
fell under the intense heat, but halted the flame's advance long
enough for Byuu and Salamando to escape the inferno unscathed.

   Bahamut looked long and hard at the retreating figure.  The person
meant nothing to him.  Though it was interesting how he warded off his
breath attack for a few moments, it wasn't interesting enough to
warrant anything more.  Bahamut did smile a dangerous grin though.

   'That's right, he was one of the humans that helped the Dragnar,'
he thought.  'Interesting, but only that.'  He too spread his wings
and jumped to the air, disappearing among the clouds, gone as quickly
as he came.

   Lukia and Rush watched the fleeing form of Byuu and Salamando.

   "Did he tell you where he was going?"  Lukia asked Rush.

   "Mahal.  He was going to Mahal after this,"  Rush said, absently
rubbing the silky treasure on his cheek.  'Ah, how soft it is,' he

   Lukia's fist once again smashed into Rush's face, knocking him
from the castle walls to the courtyard below.  She heard him groan and
shook her head.  "Stop being such a damn pervert,"  She called down to
him, irritated.

   Far far away from Kahna, Byuu just shook his head when he looked
back.  Really, it had seemed like a good idea at the time.
emember Shades, Viva La resistance!

Real evil men doesn't fight you on the battlefield.  They plan and plot in their silk green rooms, fighting an enemy that exists only in their mind.

You may be one person in the world, but you may be the world to one person. Cheers