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Chapter 1 - Letters

Started by Carthrat, April 01, 2007, 12:56:27 AM

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1st day of Ascending Wood

In her borrowed office at Miki's fine home, Fantine writes two letters.

First, to Youko:Dearest Majesty,

I apologize for the brevity of this letter in advance.  I wish to let you know that I have arrived as anticipated.  The city is quaint, but bustling with activity.  The dear friend I have come to visit is enduring, and it seems that my visit will not be without some merit on its own.

Our paths are likely to cross, ours and those of Karel Yun and Karel Tien Sei.  These noble Terrestrial Exalted seek their mortal sister, who has run towards our own country.  The Karel twins and their hundred soldiers may have a reason to cross our borders.

If this is to happen, I wish to do everything in my power to make the transition as smooth as possible.

I apologize again for the brevity of this letter, but please know that it bears with it all of my love for Sol-Falena, and for you.

-Ever loyal,

Within this letter, for only its intended recipient (Youko), the following can be read:

Time is brief, and I must act quickly.  While I appreciate your orders, I have decided on a tack that will first approach those who would come to our lands anyway.  I will have more time to word our requests to them carefully, and maybe from there build the support for what we had intended.

Love and respect,

This letter is sent back to Fantine's office.  They won't see the hidden message to Youko in it, but they will know where Fantine is to forward any important letters back to her.

Finally, composing herself, Fantine writes a letter with careful calligraphy.  A polite and openly stated request for an emissary of the lands along their course wishes to meet with Karel Yun.  She intentionally does not write one for Karel Tien Sei, though she doesn't mention it to Karel Yun that he is being excluded, and in fact, implies that the message is for both, despite being in the name of just the one.

Also deliberately missing is name of the country Fantine serves, for now.  After that, Fantine arranges a meeting room in the back of a reasonable, but not too expensive, inn (preferably one not yet under DB control), since the brothers would probably ignore anything they knew was sent from a brothel.
Greetings most noble and glorious Karel Yun,

I hope that this letter causes no trouble, no distraction, and no delay.  I am merely a humble servant, though in this instance I often act as a custodian along the path you wish to trod.  My aim is to do what I can to ease your passage, if I may.  

Such matters are best approached with discretion, and you are undoubtedly very busy.  I can be found easily at the address this letter was posted from, and would very much like to meet both of you, to offer what assistance I can in your endeavor.

Eagerly awaiting your response,

And here is the dash that indicates more of the name is unsaid, but intentionally unshared -- for now.  After that, Fantine sprinkles a few drops of perfume delicately on the corners of the pages, seals a handful of flower petals within, and then has Marrin run them to the inn, and mail them from there.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


2nd day of Ascending Wood

Fantine is able to acquire a response to her letter from the inn the very next day. Rather terse in tone, the writing is on rough paper and sealed with the crest of the Karel family, a pair of slender, fiery swords.

Help is oft-appreciated in pursuits across little-known lands. We are not too busy to look into your proposition, though you seem to have the advantage over us, with little known of your position or status- or price.

Of course, time constrains us all. However, we would be able to spare a few hours about noon, on the 4th or 5th.

Looking forward to your response.

"Karel" is signed in a thick pen, with little of the flourishes of calligraphy.[/code]
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


The same day that she receives the letter, Fantine drafts a careful reply.  The previously obtained room at the inn will be stocked with a Gateway set, a decent (but affordable) vintage to offer her guests, seating, and a fan.  No divider or screen should be required, since those things might imply that she was hiding something.

    She'll be much to busy finding the right dress in her baggage, maybe supplemented with a shawl from Miki.  Marrin can attend those things.  On sturdy quality paper from her stock, she writes:
Most noble and glorious Karel Yun,
Most noble and glorious Karel Tien Sei,

It is a great honor to be of service to you, and a joy that you have the time to consult with as humble a petitioner as myself.  I have arranged a room for us to meet in at the inn this letter was posted from, and will await you on the fourth or fifth, as pleases you.  Come any time you wish; as long as the sun is in the sky, I will wait.

Your humble servant,

She again puts the slash indicating that more of her name is left unwritten.  She also puts the flower petals (noting the exact number of them for later reference), in the letter.  Then, she takes a smaller scrap of paper, and writes a note to be included inside.  This is a much more complex piece of work, and Fantine spends several hours making sure every aspect of it works just right.

Firstly, she opens with a social attack (perform) to attempt to build a belief that Fantine is honestly motivated to help them:

I write you this letter in a personal capacity, which is perhaps unbecoming, but honestly compels me to relate this truth to you.  A rumor, perhaps a vicious thing of untruth and nonsense, but a story nonetheless, circulates that your sister is missing, and you are in search of her.

If it is not to much overstepping my bounds, I wish to express my sympathies towards you.  While my own troubles are nothing before the importance of you and your mission, I, too, know the worries of a missing sibling.  It is my hope that I may aid you in your endeavor, since it appears that our paths are to cross.

I should simply like us to meet as friends, and what better way to cement that friendship than to offer whatever services I can?  Even if I may overstep the bounds of the office assigned to me, I must do what I feel is right, and that is this.

I eagerly await our meeting.

Anticipating your arrival,

But she's really only begun work, because utilizing Letter Within a Letter, she makes another social attack (also presence), to attempt to seduce the Brothers Karel into adding Fantine as an intimacy:

My heart grieves at the thought of noble figures as yourself suffering the absence of your sister.  If it is within my power, please let me know if there is anything I can do to ease that pain.  If one can say such without presuming, your pain is mine.

Ever yours,

That finished, Fantine carefully folds the note into a flower (craft: air (origami?  I mean, I've got linguistics 4, and that's supposedly the calligraphy already, so...)) that will lie flat inside the letter.  The petals close so the letter can only be opened by pulling the corners and making the flower 'blossom'.  And on top of the folded petals, she pauses to apply lipstick, leaving a delicate and unmistakable seal that will show signs of tampering (smudges) should anyone else try and read it before the Brothers Karel.

Finally, she adds the drops of perfume, and hands the letter to Marrin for delivery.  After that, she plays Gateway for a bit with Miki, wishing she could do something more active than wait for the meeting.  But Marrin is hopelessly in love with Fantine, and doesn't even interest her, thinking she'd prefer winning to a challenge, so there's not much else available in the way of opponents.
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


5th Day of Ascending Wood

Once back at Miki's, Fantine dismisses Marrin to relax the rest of the day.  He's probably as tired as the discussion with the two Dragon-Blooded left her. Still, duty calls, so she writes Youko a letter first.
Dearest Majesty,

Weather in Arbast remains pleasant, if not precisely inspired.  I hope that these letters find you well, and aren't a distraction from your other burdens.

I have had the profound joy of finding what I hope to be friendship in this land -- the two brothers Karel Yun and Karel Tien Sei are headed towards our lands in pursuit of their wayward sister.  I have offered to help them, and with any amount of luck, they will find it within their hearts to help our own quest for competent engineers for Sol-Falena.  Even if this is not something they can aid us with, I feel that we are doing the right thing by aiding them as much as we can.

My friend continues to endure, which is pleasing to no end.  Did you know that Gateway is even more popular here than it is in Sol-Falena?  Ah, but that is a digression, I suppose; you have more pressing matters to attend.

While this trip has been pleasant, I am not far from the time I will be able to return, I should think.  I will likely send Marrin ahead; I may be delayed by my efforts to help those who I would like to call our newfound friends.

-Ever loyal,

Concealed within this letter, for Youko's eyes only, is the following message (OOC: let(letter)ter):

Investigation has yielded fruitful results.  I do not wish to be overconfident, but I believe I have found potential leverage to use over the brothers Karel.  They are seeking their sister, as I have mentioned often ... but what has recently come to light is that their sister also is a servant of the Unconquered Sun!  Her name is Fire Orchid, I believe, and I hope that she becomes your servant, as I have.

While I intend to help them find their sister, I will do my best to work with the obvious leverage; they love their sister, and if I can build on that, perhaps I can lead them to love what we stand for, as well.  It would obviously take some time to turn them against the Empire, but if there was a way to do it, she would be the key.

In the meantime, I will act as though my only motives are to gain their trust so that I might be able to aquire your requested engineers.  I pray that the sun sees me to the end of things, and success for both of our sakes, as well as for Sol Falena.

Love and Respect,

That done, Fantine takes a break and plays Gateway with Miki until she feels more restored (OOC: Stops to regain some essence x_x).

After a round or two, Fantine realizes that she has not helped Miki as she suggested she would, so offers to teach any of Miki's girls the more advanced skills of a courtesan, which could in turn bring in more money.  And might attract a few more followers, too.  That means teaching dance, the lyre, and social courtesies (OOC: Fantine offers to teach Perform or Socialize to any interested girls at Miki's), which provides a nice break from the heavy concentration of everything else she's been working on lately.

That evening, once she felt she's done her due and recovered somewhat, she drafts letters to the brothers Karel again, pouring as much of herself as she can into crafting an eloquent request.  (OOC: Social KOMBAT via letter.  This is a Presence attack, and she is going to be spending seven motes of essence on the first excellency -- 14 dice; while the first letter addresses Yun specifically, she expects that both will read it anyway.  Her specialization of seduction probably does not apply to this letter.)
Your magnificence, Karel Yun,

As I have promised that I would set what resources I have at hand to the search for your sister, I intend to do so.  In order to further this quest, I must beg of you a description of the girl, so that your eyes-and-ears in the field may know who to watch for.

I am certain that I have no need to impress upon you the urgency of locating her, and finding the truth of her status before any dreadful mistake could be made.  Every resource I possess is at your disposal; I await only direction.  It is also possible that the rumor of your force afield could reach her, as it did me, before you yourself have a chance to speak with her.  Therefore, I will dispatch my man, Marrin, to utilize whatever is available for this search; as soon as I have your answer, I will dispatch him forthwith.

He will report to me, though by then, of course, I will be with you, and fully expect we will recieve the announcement of her discovery simultaneously.

Your devoted servant, and eternal friend,
Mistress of Foreign Affairs, Sol-Falena

Thinking that the last letter was, perhaps, a bit ingratiating, she writes another one, revealing a theoretical motive for the Karel brothers to believe is what she's concealing.  This one, of course, is addressed to Karel Tien Sei.  (OOC: Social KOMBAT, as before, Presence, and her specialty of seduction.  That's 9 dice, plus 7 for the first excellency, for 16.
Your magnificence, Karel Tien Sei,

It has been asked by you and your brother why I wish to help you, and I confess at this point I have indulged in some personal interest, rather than working as I should on behalf of the state.  The truth of the matter is that I am posed a difficult task by my queen, and I feel it would be easier with your friendship.  I would like very much to cultivate a bond between us, so that we may grow together as individuals; it seems to me, though I fear I presume again, that we share much in common, though I could not dream to bear the import that you must in your daily life.

I know that you are busy, though, so I must do my best to satisfy my personal desires, and those commands I have been given by my queen.  And that distresses me further, because I must ask you for not one, but two favors.  Enclosed in this letter -- though, unsealed, so that you may examine the contents of the letter to your satisfaction -- is a letter containing my request to Samui.  It would be far overreaching my status to ask that you bear my request entirely, so I merely ask that you deliver the letter to her ladyship; I fear my minor status would delay my acquisition of Sol-Falena's much-needed engineers, possibly keeping me from offering my aid in pursuit of your sister.

And the other favor, though I am unaccountably selfish in this one, is that if you and your brother find the time free, to feel free to visit me again.  I am confident that whatever issues arrive, I will always be glad of your company.

Your devoted servant, and eternal friend,
Fantine -

That done, Fantine takes a deep breath, and naps for a bit after a lesiurely dinner with Miki's girls -- teaching them courtly table-manners, if they are interested.  Once she's recovered, again (OOC: recovering essence for two hours), she writes a letter to Samui.  (OOC:  Also, if Samui has some proper title, Fantine does not intentionally leave it out.  This is a Presence attack (again), and another concealed in a let(letter)ter form.  So, flurry, this works out to (I believe) 5/4 dice for each attack.  If possible, Fantine will spend a willpower to channel conviction (three dots) into the attempt (also, Manipulation+Socialize is 9 dice, plus four automatic successes to make the second attack hidden).  Unless I'm mistaken, the willpower raises the rolls to 6/5.  Both attacks are attempting to erode Samui's resistance to letting engineers go.)
To her most exalted ladyship, Samui,

I hope that this message finds you in good health, and does not distract you from your duties.  In that matter, I wish to make this brief, as I understand how important your time is.

I am the Mistress of Foreign Affairs for a country known as Sol-Falena.  Our country is small, merely another drop in the sea of the Hundred Kingdoms.  But for that, we still need to develop our country, and to that end, I entreat you for permission to hire engineers to help improve the quality of life of our people.

We are in no way as glorious as what you represent, but admire it, and wish to do what we can to follow in your shining example.

Mistress of Foreign Affairs, Sol-Falena

The concealed letter, visible to Samui only, is this:
To her most exalted ladyship, Samui,

Again, I have no desire to burden an already very busy person with too many details or request, but the urgency of my task is great enough that I am compelled to do so.  I wish to express my most profound apologies for disturbing you, but must impress upon you how dire our dear Sol-Falena's need for assistance is.  To that end, if there is anything I might do for you to aid or speed the process, or to lessen the burden of my own presence here, I beg of you to let me know.

Your eternal and devoted servant,
Mistress of Foreign Affairs, Sol-Falena

That done, she tells Marrin to deliver the letters from the same inn in the morning, and promptly falls asleep, exhausted.

Quote from: "the dice"OOC:
Stunt values/results:
Yun: +2
16#1d10 yields: [16#1d10 = 4, 7, 5, 2, 8, 6, 8, 8, 8, 8, 1, 6, 2, 7, 3, 4] -- 7 successes
Tien sei: +3
19#1d10 yields: [19#1d10 = 5, 7, 8, 2, 6, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3, 9, 9, 9, 3, 3, 3, 3, 5, 4] -- 5 successes
Samui: +1
- Manipulation+Socialize:
9#1d10 yields: [9#1d10 = 8, 3, 3, 9, 5, 9, 2, 7, 7] (+4 Literacy automatic) -- 9 successes
Letter 1:
7#1d10 yields: [7#1d10 = 10, 6, 4, 4, 10, 6, 4] -- 4 successes
Letter 2:
6#1d10 yields: [6#1d10 = 3, 6, 6, 4, 6, 7] -- 1 success

Whole lotta fail for so many successes.  :/
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


7th Day of Ascending Wood

Another letter winds it's way through Fantine's web of contacts, eventuating on her own desk. Once again, it's sealed with the militaristic Karel stamp. On opening it, a second, smaller envelope falls out, this with with a blue insignia, a cloud riding on a waterfall...

The first letter enclosed, however, reads as thus;

Dear Fantine,

It is with some dashed hopes that I write to you, for I fear my brother has taken a dislike to you. He encourages me not to persist in communication, and remains eternally- and quite unjustifiably, in my opinion- suspicious. But worry not, as our ranks are equal and I will do my utmost to ensure that you have the resources you require to aid us.

Where to begin, then?

Enclosed is a response from governess Samui, in all it's perfunctionary glory. I have not read it, but I believe she is seeking to arrange a meeting with you.

I must confess that while I can face scale after scale of Realm regulars alone, that woman frightens me. Her only weapon is her tounge, but it is indeed a sharp blade. There is some kind of fanaticism that drives her that I do not fully understand, and I suggest you gird yourself, for talks with her feel far more like interrogations than discussions. Indeed, I do not believe it is possible to lie directly to her face. However, I am sure she will listen to your proposal, though the price may be high.

On response to your letters, though, I am trying to arrange for some engineers to join our small detachment. However, I do not believe my brother approves, and in any case, Samui herself will need to consider my request before allowing it.

Now to matters closer to my heart; Fire Orchid. I cannot believe that she, of all people, would fall to the demons of the mind that we call 'Anathema!' But if it has happened, I desperately wish to assure her spirit is put to rest. For all we know, she could have changed in shape or demeanour by now already. There is no telling with these demons.

She is a stocky woman, slightly shorter than us, but her bearing is the equal of any Dragon-Blood. Her face is a kind of considerate seriousness, and her short- at least it was short- hair is red, like our mother's. She fights with sword and bow with unmatched skill, and I believe she still possesses her old weapons- red armour and red-tinted blades, adorned with Lookshy heraldry.

Though the last rumours I heard placed her in Steyrn, somewhere in the middle of those kingdoms, she could have moved anywhere by now. I am unsure if she has reprised her role of leader- she rose to the rank of Major before retiring, and is an able commander. Anathema or not, she is the sort of person to gather others about her, and I fear demonic powers would only magnify this attribute.

I wish I could tell you more of relevance, of everything that makes Fire Orchid a living person! But, to be honest, neither I nor my brother are skilled in... let us say 'political reconnsiance', and that our original plan was simply to follow rumours until we found her.

Thus, if there is anything specific you would like to know, I would very much like to speak with you in person once again. Would the central park suit you? It is close to where Samui dwells, so perhaps you could arrange your meeting for some conveniant time.

Yours in trust, Karel Tien Sei.

The second letter is not nearly as long-winded as the first.

To the Mistress of Sol-Falenan Foreign Affairs

Times are presently tumultuous in Arbast, and indeed the East in general. As valued assets, our engineers are not for 'hire' to foreign nationals who remain unaligned with Lookshyan interests during such a chaotic period.

If you would care to discuss mutual trade in these matters, however, please contact my secretary, Amilar Yuri, and he will arrange a meeting at some point. You can find him in the central government palace around the clock.

If you care to 'speed the process', as it were, stating the necessary tasks you wish our people to accomplish may indeed shorten our time together.

-Governess Amilar Samui
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


After reviewing the two replies she received, which is one less than she had anticipated, Fantine spends some time brooding.  But she can't afford to let herself fall into that trap; she can't afford to risk making enemies -- or letting what fragile alliances she's managed to establish slip.  So she writes another response to Karel Tien Sei, this time not trying to force anything untoward, since it hardly seems necessary.
Your magnificence, Karel Tien Sei,

It is with a heavy heart that I send this notice.  The nation of Sol-Falena cannot afford to cause unrest in any form.  There is enough unrest across the East without unwittingly adding more.

I am saddened beyond any easy expression ... I had hoped to mend the breach between the brothers Karel and their sister.  I had dreamed that this would bring us closeness, and that with friendship secured, we could work on improving conditions in our nation, and from there, offering what further aid we could to the rest of the East.

Alas, as time goes on, this desire stretches further and further from my reach; obstacles I begin to doubt I can surmount rise before me from every quarter.  Still, I must do my duty, and I would not cause unease between you and your brother.

I will remember my word, and my wish.  I may be defeated here, but defeat is not destruction.  I soldier on, and hope shines eternal.  I cling to my dreams of doing what I can in your aid, in the name of friendship, and prosperity.


Of course, that would be a stupid letter to write, but may at least ease things between Tien Sei and Yun, if Yun reads Tien Sei's mail, as Fantine expects.  Still, concealed within that letter for Tien Sei's eyes alone, is another:
Karel Tien Sei,

Please find this secret message within the truth of your heart.  Tomorrow, at the eleventh bell, I will await you in the park you suggested.  I am still your agent, and still wish to do all in my power to assist you.  But my aim is friendship and unity; I cannot allow myself to be responsible for further strife between you and your brother.

Your devoted servant, and eternal friend,
Fantine -

Nodding in satisfaction, she then copies Tien Sei's description of Fire Orchid onto another piece of paper, and then assigns Marrin the task of trying to track her down.  His orders are to use only Fantine's network, and to report back to her whenever possible.  If he should find her, he will give Fire Orchid the following sealed (though un-signeted) letter, provided he can do so without provoking her.  Her network is at his disposal for this task, though he is warned about enjoying too much of Fantine's follower's hospitality.  It is completed unsigned, and Marrin has orders to burn it before allowing it into anyone's hands aside from Fire Orchid.
Fire Orchid,

Under the sun, many truths are known.  Among them, is a truth which may not be known yet to you.  While all cannot be trusted to this missive, please believe that there are allies yet who are willing to help what you believe in, and what you are.

The bearer of this message is a loyal servant of mine, and will guide you to protection, should you be willing.  If this is to much trust to ask, he may also bear a reply back to me, though I am sure that you have no need of my warning that time is limited.  Even at this moment, agents of the Empire seek you out.

Be safe, and be well.  With luck, we will meet in person, and all will be explained.

After that, she arranges an appointment for 12:30 with Samui's secretary.  

Then, just for fun, since she's bored, and irritable, she causes some trouble, and tries to use Taboo Inflicting Diatribe on Arbast's prostitutes, cloaking this initially in her continued educational efforts for Miki's girls.  She is attempting to instill the trend of not offering service to engineers.  This may benefit Fantine later; it's not likely to make her suffer.  It is much more likely to cause trouble for Samui, however.  (She's trying to spring the idea on engineers out of the blue, to make a suprise attack; this is a flurry.  Seven dice to conceal the attack, and six to activate Taboo Inflicting Diatribe.  She must defeat her target's MDV+ 1/2 its magnitude.)
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


Fantine writes a letter to Vince, with a concealed letter within.  Teehee~!
Quote from: "letter"Noble Vince Eshavier,

Greetings, Sir, and I apologize for the manner in which this letter must reach you.  I apologize again for the imposition I make against you.  But, all the same, I must beseech you for a moment of your attention.

I know that you're throwing a gala tomorrow, and
Quote from: "SECRET letter"Dearest scion of the Eschavier,

Please forgive the crude manner of this message; I approach you as a potential ally against Samui.  The woman is a menace, and a danger to us all.  Moreover, she threatens to strangle the flow of power and commerce, and she refuses aid to those who rightly need it.

I am not simply a wronged woman seeking vengeance, however.  I am the Mistress of Foreign affairs of a country I wish to state to you in person, could such a thing be arranged.  There is, in point of fact, quite a bit I feel we should discuss.  Until then...

Fantine -
would dearly love the chance to attend.  Your city is so strange and wonderful, with so many amazing things to look at despite all of the changes of late.

If it isn't too rude, the chance to attend would be marvelous.  Please, let me know if it isn't so great an imposition at your earliest convenience.

Fantine -
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


The morning after, Fantine receives a letter directly back from Tyris...

Enclosed is the invitation you requested; truly, I would be happy to make your acquaintance in a more formal setting. I intend to speak with everyone, so perhaps you will be able to become acquainted with a few of my friends.

You will not find it hard to know me at the party, of course, but it will be challenging for me to know you, so I beg of you to make the first move at that time.

-Vince Eshavier
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


...and during the evening, another letter arrives...

Dearest Fantine

I once again write to your from the bottom of my heart, as certain arrangements are being made that worry me even now. I feel that it's necessary to inform you that you are currently being watched.

My brother concerned himself with Amilar Samui shortly after you departed, and though he did not tell me himself, I discovered that someone, it seems, is keeping an eye on you, so to speak. This does not seem right to me at all. I believe this letter will go unseen nonetheless.

Whatever your dealings are, I urge you to avoid actions that could be construed the wrong way; a number of false arrests have been made in the past, but it is Samui's right to do so, even to foreigners.

I do have some good news, though. Samui spoke to me herself recently, stating that I may be required to escort a number of engineers through the hundred-kingdoms, and that while this is not a certainty, I should make sure that any preperations can be speedily done. I take this to mean your negotiations were, at least, partially successful.

Dragons be with you - Tien Sei.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Fantine writes a reply back almost immediately.
Noble Karel Tien Sei,

Thank you for your warning; it is strange and frightening, sometimes, being so far from home.  But friendship and concern such as yours is ample reward for adventure.

I cannot say much, here, because I am bound to serve, but at the moment....  Oh, if only we had a chance to meet in person, and I could explain.  I fear for what may happen.  If you can, meet with me once more at the park, where we met last time?  Noon would be best; I will wait for you, even if it would be later.  Tomorrow may be the last chance we have, should things go poorly.

I await, ever and eagerly your servant,
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


Fantine handed this note to Tomas, to hand to his supposed and apparent mistress:

I realize that I approach you unknown, but these are the circles that we move in.  Our causes seem to be aligned from what I can determine; I wish to further the cause that Tomas himself carries forth at your behest.  However, I would rather work with the one behind the pawn, then the pawn itself.

If you are amiable to this, please meet me at [inn name] on [day after she plans to leave].

I look forward to meeting you in person.

Fantine, Who Tomas Can Describe To You In Greater Detail.
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


When Fantine reads the letter, her vision seems to glaze a little. It's like some of the words are written in.. blood. But surely, that can't be right?


Fantine! It's been so long! IF I hadn't received this letter just now, I would have starrted to get worried about YOU.

Have you been well? I trust your travel from that sun-blessed land went well- though I wish you'd contacted me earlier; I WANTed to get a chance to show you around Arbast someday. But I suppose YOUR work keeps you busy.

It must be exciting to deal so closely with all those NOBLEs and merchants. Really, my life is so sedentary, now, even though I'm staying with Tomas. You musn't call him a PAWN; we're quite beyond playing those silly courtship games, I hope!

TO other matters, then; my own work has been proceeding smoothly. It's quite private, but I have several contacts within the Guild, as you know. One must get by in LIFE somehow, and I can't simply rely on the charity of others. I've taken to organizing a cruise service, up and down the rivers; you wouldn't believe the kinds of people who COME and go up the River Avarice.

But I'm also trying to expand TO the river from Greyfalls to the ocean, too; TOMAS' help has been much appreciated. You should see his HOUSE; it's the large one near the city gates. They completed renovations recently, and NOW you have such a perfect view of the countryside nearby; it's really quite picturesque.

I hope we can talk before you depart; you should introduce me to your hostess, as well. Ah, time is short, though, and work keeps us all busy; I fear that the next time I see you will be a long way off.

Adieu for now; please, keep in touch!

                                      -Your friend, Shenai Tasson.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up