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A New Spring's Dawning

Started by Dracos, October 27, 2007, 10:49:16 PM

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The negotiations seemed tenuous, though at least no one had raised arms yet. From what he was hearing, they seemed barely better than pirates, but it was somewhat true that they were trespassing on the Walrus-Men's territory.

Even if they didn't exist to the ship's navigator until this moment.

Still, it wouldn't do to break Jan's attempts of talking down further hostilities. Quickly creeping towards the fallen soldiers. He whispered individually to those that could still fight. "Jan Smith is trying to negotiate our way out of this. Hold back your attack unless they stop listening."


The walrus-man stepped forward. "You refuse surrender?  You wish to fight to death?"
Well, Goodbye.


"We are not cowards." Jan replied, standing his ground as he stared at the walrus-man. : Then we will write in the shade.


The walrus-man looked at him for a moment.   He seemed slightly puzzled, but then broke out in a toothy grin.  "This good.  Beating cowards bring little glory.  Even if ship nice, not good adult story." He shifted his spear around, holding it in a grip ready for quick downward thrusts at Jan.  "Ready, not coward?  Chuk-toi will take your head."
Well, Goodbye.


"Under one condition. When you lose, you have to listen to what I have to say." : Then we will write in the shade.


"You'd think to fight us to submission?  Brave human..."  He ran his spear along his teeth.  "I listen to strength."  With that he jabbed quickly, the dangerous spear going right for Jan's heart.
Well, Goodbye.


Jan swiftly moved so his body was parallel to the spear, bringing up his gun to fire the point off it... : Then we will write in the shade.


The spear, made of some kind of animal bone it seemed, shattered... though the follow up sledgehammer punch to his side wasn't so gentle, nearly downing him with brutal strength alone.
Well, Goodbye.


Jan stumbled backwards, trying to get out of harms way. With the warrior's weapon gone, he had to just stay out of reach of those vicious punches. As he fell back, he took steady aim and opened fire at the walrus man's leg to dissuade him from continuing this little fight. : Then we will write in the shade.


The creature grunted as the bullet entered... But kept on, amazing endurance keeping him up.  "Grawr, puny man mage?  Take more than a little magic to take me down," He smashed his fist downward.
Well, Goodbye.


Jan barely avoided losing his head on this pass. He decided that he wasn't going to respond to the taunts as he aimed and fired on the same leg once again. : Then we will write in the shade.


The second shot stuttered the walrus as he gripped his leg in pain.  "Grr...stop that!"
Well, Goodbye.


"Do you give up?" Jan asked, staying back and aiming for the same leg again... : Then we will write in the shade.


He winced.  "Grrr...  What manner of wizard are you?"
Well, Goodbye.


"The kind that has the distinct advantage." The negotiator responded. "My name is Jan Smith. What's yours?" : Then we will write in the shade.