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Generic OOC thread

Started by Dracos, January 29, 2008, 03:12:09 PM

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For quick message passing...not that this'll get used much.

Player's notes/setting info;

For accessibility.
Well, Goodbye.


Updated the setting stuff with some info.

Um, yeah, the formatting on people sucks, dunno ^^;
Well, Goodbye.


Chatted a bit with brian on this.

I am interested in the hook to make arrangements for the pearl merchants to become stronger.  But I see our reputation as more important right now and I don't think the culprit(s) are in the city.  The pattern doesn't fit a person well at all to me, but does fit a traveling abomination from the waste.

I'd suggest we deal with one, get paid/rep restored and then, those of us with political leanings towards empire savaging (It may be all, but last I checked...I couldn't check) could figure out a subtle background arrangement or a less subtle assassination run.  Depending on our bent.
Well, Goodbye.


Ouch to the ic 'smack, let's just go with the first plan' (or at least it felt like it).  I don't mind going with another plan, but I'd like to be convinced its a better idea rather than just 'the first one spoken'.  I tried not to steamroll over with my own mental plan, and I'd appreciate a bit of the same courtesy back.  If we want to play in a rush for action, that's fine, but then I'll just avoid discussion of what to do if that's the direction :\.  IC, I don't have much reason to think highly of this plan at the moment because:
A)It's depending on us getting lucky that we're on a caravan that was attacked AND identifying the guard going missing as related to this, rather than any of the existing reasons that guards going missing aren't often looked into that we've been told so far.
B)We haven't determined a way that we'd track this if so.  We've got a variety of ways to do so if they're into the plan, we could use a hired tracker, or whatnot, but yeah, let's not go out there assuming that we'll get any useful information if we're not ready to acquire it.
C)It involves us either using another merchant as bait and deceiving them or working with Piglacci.  As I see it one of our points of the quest is to improve the perception of us as professionals and I don't think getting someone else killed here helps that.  We're not elite enough either that I can think we can pass it off as our 'style', but others may vary on that.

Address those and Mesina will go along with it, but OOC going from silent to "Bah, you guys are talking too much, action now" was a bit offputting ^^;;.
Well, Goodbye.


Apologies, didn't mean to come off like that, but I just don't have much to add to this bit of planning really, and if we're expected to be posting once per day at least, then I wanted to simply prod towards doing something more exciting (or at least something giving more leeway with actions and things to do/comment on) than planning, especially when we have so little information to digest and comment on. I don't particularly care what plan we go with, really.

And considering I can only post when I get home from work, generally tired and a little mind-numb, I'm not gonna be in the best frame of mind to go through slow discussion. Nothing against planning, but,'s -boring-. At least in a broken fashion of "read 3-4 posts, toss a post of own, sleep, work, repeat", it really is.

Given the limit I have to posting rate, I won't be offended if things move onward on their own during planning stuff without much input from me. I'm happy enough just following along and tossing a comment here and there if a plan hasn't come together in a day's time, but with only 3-4 posts of stuff, there's not much chance to just add much unless there's a lot of options to go through.

Either that or find some time to do a bit of discussion with more of you guys than just Drac who's pretty much the only one -on- when I am, outside of weekends.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


I had ideas of routes to investigate, but have been told I should set them on the backburner, which is my own reason for being pro-action at the moment.  Rather than detract from the game by quibbling, I'm just trying to be agreeable IC.

Also, not sure why Rudy thought it was a big deal that Gwythyr didn't use his name, so sorry about that (it didn't mean anything intentional).
I handle other fanfic authors Nanoha-style.  Grit those teeth!  C&C incoming!
Prepare to be befriended!

~exploding tag~


First of all, it's Rudi. Man, he'd be quite right to get pissed off if everyone keeps getting his name wrong like that.

Second of all, I explicitly described him as not bothered by the lack of his name being used, so I dunno wtf.

Thirdly, is it really necessary to have a big OOC hissy fit over IC dialogue? Merc's character seems explicitly designed as an obnoxious lout, so what's the big deal with him acting the part? If you have a wonderful plan then great, tell us, otherwise the first plan will always get chosen by default. As far as I can tell, though, the plans were put forward as follows:

Rudi: Let's use some guy as bait since he'll probably be at risk anyway and we can take advantage.
Mesina: Let's do pretty much the same thing but with one of us as bait instead.

Perhaps I misunderstood, if so then please correct me. But I will second Merc's sentiments about endless circular planning and clarification that never gets anywhere being boring as all get out. If you have a plan in future, I suggest you explain it promptly and clearly so we can move things along at a decent clip. Saying "I have a great plan but I'll let you fumble around with your silly plans first before delivering you from ignorance," really isn't productive.


Sorry about the mispelling of your name and the followups of such.

*eyes a page back*  I did so OOC on my very first post with the goal of roleplaying towards a mutually amneable plan, Eb.  I wrote a fairly sizable bit on it, so it could be read/responded to ooc without getting hung up on ic argumentation right off the bat/doing the whole steamrolling thing.  Nobody responded to it ooc, so I introduced it ic.  Then we got a pack of gather info and then "Rush ahead".  Also, I didn't pick up on Merc being designed as an obnoxious lout.  Crude, but we've had all of like three posts of interaction between the characters so far.  What bugged me was coming back and getting a "Yeah, let's go." "Yes." "Sure."  Why'd I bring it up ooc instead of IC?  Because my issue with it really was an OOC one and the IC one I introduced with posting.

I'm kind of blocked from IRC, as I've mentioned a few times, so aside from the board line, I don't have any way of telling what you guys are thinking on such things.  I'm on gtalk (as I've mentioned before), but only brian and bjorn get on that.  Anyhow, yeah, I thought it was worth mentioning OOC as (with the beginning of every game) we're feeling out what the party dynamics are.

Anyhow, you honestly can't see the difference in:

Let's convince a group of traders to take us along and attempt to track down someone already at risk, while then abandoning our posts there for our real job.


Let's just go out ourselves, and handle it, with various ways we could be communicating, no other reputational slurs, etc?  Whatever, we'll handle it IC. 

Perhaps I should've just done the shorthand:
"I felt stomped over there.  Please don't stomp over me?"
Well, Goodbye.


Pretty busy week start.  I'll try and post in a bit, but I've no problem getting dragged along with the crew.
Well, Goodbye.


So I'm finally in the game. Bjorn wanted me to open with a post, but you aren't where he said you'd be. I don't really wanna trample on his GM toes, sooooo I'll wait for him tomorrow.

Sheet's nearly done with a few caveats. Here's to a good game and all that stuff.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Wargh =)

Don't want to talk over people asking other people questions to post :)
Well, Goodbye.