Vigilante Maids with Rocket Boots - Episode 0

Started by Dracos, September 05, 2010, 11:13:41 PM

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Looking for pitches from you guys before I move this to a proper forum.  Remember the starting game is looking to be a 2 session deal.  If its fun, we'll pitch a season.
Well, Goodbye.

Iron Dragoon

Yarp. I'm interested if there's a slot. Only concerns I have are doing two weeks of training at Ft. Benning in October. Though, with it being on a sunday evening, I 'think' I should be free even then. After that, I'll be in Afghan-land at some point, and that's about 9 hours ahead which would be.. Eh.. 9pm Sunday to 6am Monday. That works fine, I should be done by work way before 9pm. I don't mind staying up till midnight or so, provided my work time is 6am or 7am and not earlier.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


I honestly tend to go back-and-forth on concepts until I finish building a character sheet, so kind of hard to put it down to one particular thing. As I'd mentioned before, currently kind of thinking of some stoic magical girl, or a demon hunter katana wielder that's a lucky ditz. Possibly also hot-blooded armored hero now. I don't know!

Until I get cracking on chargen, I can't offer a detailed pitch, because I really am the type that develops both pitch and sheet at same time.

That said, I'm most likely going to end up being something frontliner/melee-oriented for combat purposes, that much I'm fairly certain on.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.

Iron Dragoon

As of now, I'm considering a stoic military type.. Someone like Sagara Souske from FMP. Drac said he was worried about it not fitting, but if I follow the line about over-reacting to everything and speaking my thoughts out loud, I think it'll open up enough comedy to fit in.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


Kinda a bit weak on the hot blood, but again, please give a pitch.  I gave an example format above to help folks.  I'd rather hear how your character will be rather than 'it's like this guy, but x', because I really don't know that guy.
Well, Goodbye.


Quote from: Merc on September 07, 2010, 02:12:20 AM
I honestly tend to go back-and-forth on concepts until I finish building a character sheet, so kind of hard to put it down to one particular thing. As I'd mentioned before, currently kind of thinking of some stoic magical girl, or a demon hunter katana wielder that's a lucky ditz. Possibly also hot-blooded armored hero now. I don't know!

Until I get cracking on chargen, I can't offer a detailed pitch, because I really am the type that develops both pitch and sheet at same time.

That said, I'm most likely going to end up being something frontliner/melee-oriented for combat purposes, that much I'm fairly certain on.

Odds are pretty good for either of those.  So I'll let that by.

Jon not quite getting a personality from that but should be fine to go to the next stage and build a sheet on.
Well, Goodbye.

Iron Dragoon

Update: After joking/bullshitting with Merc, I've decided that, if I should play or a slot opens up, I wouldn't mind being someone's animal mascot. I envision hijinks.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


If someone wants animal companion/mentor Iddy, I'll allow it and he can instantly join the game.  Said player can have 10 more points to help with paying for and building up Iddy (As Companion rules).

Let's see.

I know what Jon is playing/wanting to play.
I know what Merc is wanting to play (or a few acceptable options).
I know what Ryder is wanting to play
Iddy has offered to take the mascot role.
No pitch from bunneh.
And Nama is still outstanding.
Well, Goodbye.

Iron Dragoon

Alright, had a couple pings for interest in the animal companion. Decided to go with Merc (sorry Jon & Nama). Looking like I'll end up as a four tailed kitsune.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.


Now for my attempt at: SUPER PITCH XX 2.1.1 REVISED TURBO /RELOAD

Yuuki was part of a JSDF project to try and find a way to combat demons and other supernatural threats without relying on the seemingly less reliable resource of shrine maidens, magical girls, and the like, citing the possibility of a "wide-scale invasion" as the number one reason for this.  Unfortunately, due to the project's low funding, that amounted to him having been handed a Vigilante license and being a 'testbed' for two manalogical weapons--the independently-mobile 'Strike Feather' variable-support drones, and the 'Nephilim Cross' variable manalogical weapon.  I hope they don't have to be described too much further in detail on that end.  In case anyone is wondering, the project got bought out by some other corporation, though Yuuki isn't aware of this.

As far as Yuuki's life not pertaining to the energy weapons he possesses, he is currently a third-year high-school student.  His put it lightly, do not approve of his vigilante status--and would rather prefer he get a 'normal' job.  Such as a salaryman role or the like.  He currently works a cashier job at a convenience store--something he generally finds grating.  For the most part, he cares little about high grades in school, or excelling in anything, settling for average for the most part, but is a bit addicted to the life of a vigilante.  ...unfortunately for him, an incident that occurred during the rather violent breakup of the last group he was in landed him with a license suspension for some time--until the Bureau offered him a way back.

...naturally, he leapt for it.


Okay, so you're a reckless low-budget science/military refuge project whose in trouble with his parents.  That's fine, roll a sheet.
Well, Goodbye.


Okay, I have 2 char sheets.

Jon has dropped out.

Nama is making something?
Bunneh no word?
Ryder no word?
Navi is taking Jon's place.

Folks, if you're making them, please get a rough draft at least by saturday.
Well, Goodbye.


Bunneh has dropped out.

Ataru is taking his place.  Ataru you've got a few days for a sheet.

Still waiting on Ryder and Navi.
Well, Goodbye.


Okay.  I'd like to start on the 3rd...but I lack sheets.

Instead we will start on the 10th, 3 pm sunday.  Merc ye have advance notice for scheduling around :P

Before that, I will likely run some tutorial sessions, practice combats, etc.

If folks want in on that, say Aye here and say when ye'd be available for doing such over the next week.
Well, Goodbye.

Iron Dragoon


I should be free every day barring Tuesday.
This is not the greatest post in the world, no... this is just a tribute.