
"Destiny Challenged us and so we chose to end the world.  There was nothing to regret.  Nothing."

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Liberation Forces, Assemble!

Started by Carthrat, February 27, 2011, 09:53:17 PM

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Called the New World by many, Arguelia has been an absolute goldmine for the merchants and explorers of the old. Plentiful in gold and iron as well as arable land, it is a land of apparent promise, a fact marred only by the incredible amounts labor required to extract these riches from this distant land. While technological innovation is the backbone of all sorts of new industry, the landowners tend to agree- why spend lots money on chancy devices when you can spend a pittance on slaves and get expected results? The human and moral costs barely stack up to the potential profits, if indeed they are even considered.

With the leadership composed of mostly new human nobility and old high elven schemers, the recently founded Arguelian state of York is a joint colony between several nations of the Old World, with power squarely in the hands of the aristocracy and going nowhere soon. Traditional and religious values may as well still be a few hundred years old, and racism pervades society. Nonhumans and nonelves are treated as curiosities at best and freaks at worst; the most enduring religion of the time specifies the other species as lesser beings who must serve their betters absolutely if they wish even a taste of paradise, for God did not create them, nor did his son sacrifice himself for their sins.

But while the majority of folk swear by the tenets of old, new ideas are emerging more quickly than ever before in recorded history. Radical new ideas such as liberty and democracy have sprung up, starting only as whispers but soon becoming words even low peasants and serfs can understand. Tolerance and freedom, once thought of as naive jokes, are slowly gaining traction, particularly amongst a new wave of thinkers who spend most of their time discussing these ideas in trendy salons and cafes back in the Old World.

Eventually, however, talk must turn to action or it is meaningless. While many of these would-be revolutionaries bitterly disagree on how to put their new theories into practice, there's one thing they can all agree on- slavery has to go. People must at least be free to choose how to live their lives without being considered mere objects. Challenging it in the Old World is difficult, ah, but in the New...

York is to be the staging ground for a new chapter of history! Agents have already been dispatched to the state in order to plot the course for mass-liberation! If the slaves can escape their shackles and be lead to the neighbouring and sympathetic state of Pierance, they will be able to secure their freedom. So, too, will they be free if they can escape via ship. And while it is a distant possibility, if the leadership and military forces of the state itself can be somehow overthrown...


Post character sheets here! You're all agents or affiliates of the Liberation Army, either dispatched from the Old World or recruited from the new. Your organisation is very, very loose, but contains people from all walks of society, so you'll have a couple of contacts in York who'll put you all together. You guys are gonna be the go-getters and hot-blooded leaders, the most enthusiastic folks, so the impetus for change will need to come from you guys.

Everyone starts with 600 silver to buy things with.

Please get sheets in sometime midweek, since I want to have a few days to look at them before the session. Ideally shooting to start this Saturday.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Angrar, male drake, level 6 soldier (barbarian)

Defense: 12
Vitality: 90
Wounds: 30
Initiative: +4
Attack: Bite +11 (2d12+6 17-20/x2), Claw +11 (2d10+6 19-20/x2) or Breath Weapon +7 (20ft line, 2d6+4 fire, DC 15 reflex half)
Fort: +5, Ref: +2, Will: +6
Size: Huge, Footprint: 3x3, Reach: 2
Ground Speed: 30, Fly Speed: 50, Travel Speed: 5mph
Abilities: Str 19, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 8, Wis 12, Cha 10
Proficiencies: Natural Weapons, Natural Weapons II, Ranged Weapons, Ranged Weapons II, Arrow Cutting, Fully Engaged, Daunting Shot, Shove
Class Features: Accurate, Fortunes of War I, Armor Use I, Killer Instinct
Feats: Truly Massive, Native Ferocity I, Native Ferocity II, Rage Basics, Rage Mastery, Rage Supremacy, Contempt
Skills: Athletics +10, Intimidate +6, Survival +7
Interests: Old World Language, Old World Culture, Architecture, Philosophy, Dragon Language, Dragon Culture
Reputation: 60
Legend: +3
Lifestyle: 2
Panache: 0, Prudence: 2
Mony: 600s
Action Dice: 4d6

Stoking the flames of revolution in Arguelia seems like a good idea, but to do it you need some pretty hefty muscle. The daring revolutionaries saw a possibility in Angrar, however, a prodigiously large and self-conscious drake - filling his head with tales of the evil nobles on that far off continent who looked down on him from afar, who would make him their slave if they weren't so afraid of his might, and so settled for mocking his intellect and hygiene. Fired up into a rage by this, Angrar swore a draconic oath to devour those smug nobles with their cruel jibes, and set their slaves free to trample their lands!

Now he's stuck on a boat sailing across the ocean, it's been three weeks and he's terribly sea-sick and can barely face another meal of seafood... he wishes he could go back to his nice cave back in the old country, but draconic oaths are serious things - how could he ever hold his noble head high amongst the confident and intellectual 'real' dragons if he were to back down on his word? What kind of dragon would he be? At least the crew say they've spotted land, so he can stretch his legs soon. And occassionally someone sees fit to remind him that slave-owning nobles are no doubt laughing behind their expensive wineglasses at him right now, firing up his rage and enthusiasm once more.


Bull Morris
Male Human (Crusading) Captain 6

Talent Bonuses: +2 STR, -2 INT, Crunch! (+1 to STR-based damage rolls), Iron Will (+3 will, shrug off one fatigued or shaken grade 1/scene), Sterner Stuff (keen quality of each incoming attack reduced by 4)

Defense: 16
Vitality: 66
Initiative: +8

BAB: +4
Attack: +9 to hit and 1d10+4 damage unarmed (threat range 18-20)
Fort +5 Ref +3 Will +7
Speed: 35 ft
Abilities: STR 18 (+4) DEX 13 (+1) CON 14 (+2) INT 6 (-2) WIS 8 (-1) CHA 16 (+3)
Proficiencies: Unarmed Proficiency, Unarmed Forte, Fully Engaged, Relentless Attack, Called Shot, Cheap Shot

Class Features: Right-Hand Man (Personal Lieutenant feat: war dog, page 260), Master and Commander I (+1 terrain feat, tactics rank = career level +6), Battle Planning I (Crush Them!: +2 morale bonus to melee/unarmed attack checks; No Prisoners!: +2 morale bonus to lethal damage rolls), Take Command (mount/vehicle stuff that probably won't matter), Allure (CHA +1), Art of War (one temporary basic combat feat for duration of each adventure)

Feats: Martial Arts, Master's Art, Charging Basics, Combat Focus (3/scene), Iron Will, Personal Lieutenant, Pathfinder Basics (Indoors/Settled: Sneak Attack Resistance 5)

Class Skills: Athletics, Impress, Intimidate, Medicine, Notice, Resolve, Ride, Sense Motive, Survival, Tactics

Skills (24 sp): Athletics +12 (8), Impress +11 (8), Survival +7 (8)

Interests: Pugilism, Alignment: FREEDOM, Comely and Impressionable Female Rebels, JUSTICE!
Money: 380s
Gear: Backpack (10s), blanket/bedroll (5s), canteen (5s), tinderbox (8s), pocket watch (150s), love potion (50s)
Action Dice: 4d6


Six feet tall, with a shock of bright blond hair and a winning smile, Bull was the superfluous third son of a prosperous spice merchant back home. As a young man his unsuitability for boring mercantile affairs and the comfortable opulence of his upbringing gave him plenty of opportunity to find his own interests and goals. It turned out that what he liked most was finding people less morally upright/attractive/physically fit than he and illustrating all of their shortcomings via the art of fisticuffs. And having his feats of derring-do witnessed by a crowd of appreciative onlookers (especially young women. Like you, the blonde in the blue dress. What say we get together later?)

After one such incident foiling a brazen cutpurse, introducing him to Mr. Massive Subdermal Hematoma, and enjoying a bit of dalliance with the grateful young lady targeted by the attempted theft, a bit of pillow talk led to recollection of travels abroad. Whole cultures were being enslaved in the new world, the conscientious lass told him, it was simply ghastly, the unfathomable cruelty of it all! Awakened to the staggering injustice of the world at large, Bull--along with his trusty mutt Dashville, always hungry for the the meaty haunches of crime--boarded a ship for the new world the next day. All those poor foreigners and unfortunates out there, those hapless ne'erdowells--they needed a helping hand. They needed a hero. They needed the RIGHTEOUS FIST OF JUSTICE to break their chains! Clearly, they needed Bull Morris.


Chiming in to say we're not really worrying about reputation/renown or any of those sorts of meta-qualities.

If you get a starting minion, you basically get to pick a template from the Rogue's Gallery on 244 which we'll use to generate your character.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


Rat, are we actually using the Miracles campaign quality? If we are, I think I should pick up the first level of a new path. Check me on this, please?

Claudette de Lioncourt

-Headstrong, impulsive, taking any challenge head-on, optimistic and determined never to regret anything she chose to do. Trusts her friends implicitly and without reservation.
-Shoulder-length blonde hair that comes down to her shoulders in twin tails, blue eyes and a happy grin. Twenty three years of age, although often mistaken for younger due to her height, almost a full head below most women her age.
-Dresses in a navy blue nun's habit that conceals the Virtues hidden strategically over her body. Is in the habit of wearing leather gloves because she dislikes having black powder on her hands.
-Has a sword and is actually rather competent with it, but usually has her squire wear it instead.

Species/Talent: Human/Agile
Specialty: Dragoon (p25)
Priest 5/Paladin 1
Action Dice: 4 (d6) [+2 every new Dramatic scene]

Defense: 16
Vitality: 54
Wounds: 10
Init: +7

BAB: +3
Military Pistol Attack: +9 to hit/3d6 damage (18-20, range 20x3, load 7)
Saber Attack: +3 to hit/1d8+5 damage (19-20, cavalry)
Fort: +5, Ref: +6, Will: +4

Abilities: STR 8 (-1), DEX 20 (+5), CON 10 (0), INT 10 (0), WIS 8 (-1), CHA 16 (+3)
Proficiencies: Black Powder (Dragoon), Edged (Dragoon), Black Powder Forte, Edged Forte.
Tricks: Cheap Shot (p223, 1/scene per target, attack at –4, opponent suffers a –2 penalty on a hit with all attack and skill checks using the chosen attribute, or a –10 ft. penalty to his Speed, until the end of the scene; become flat-footed on a failure), Daunting Shot (p223, target suffers a –2 morale penalty with attacks targeting the character), Mix-Up/Tire (p223, 1/3 rounds, +3 to Tire check; Tire: opposed Resolve check, deal 1d6 subdual on success, become flat-footed on failure), Parry (p224, Agile, 1/combat, Ref save to avoid melee damage/DC equal to the attack check result), Relentless Attack (p224, If the character's last attack was also against the current opponent and missed, he gains a +2 bonus with this attack.)

Feats: Quick Draw (B, Dragoon, Handle Item +2/round), Surge of Speed (lvl1, Non-Attack +4/session), Personal Lieutenant (Priest, lvl4, 55xp), Bandage (lvl3, Mend each character +1/day), Lucky Break (lvl6, 2 Edge/scene, p96)

Skills: Impress (9) +12, Medicine (9) +9, Notice (9) +8, Resolve (9) +9, Ride/Alignment (9) +14, Sense Motive (9) +8, Tactics/Alignment/Bonus (9) +9

Mending: 3/day per character for 2d6 (4/day is sharing the same alignment), DC15

Reputation: 60
Legend: +5
Lifestyle: 6 = 5 (Panache) + 1 (Prudence)
Appearance: +3
Casting Level: 6

Paths: Heroism (p314)
Heroism Path: Heroism I (+2 action dice each new Dramatic scene), Heroism II (Heroism I, Command I spells 1/scene), Heroism III (Battle Planning I, p36-37)

Command I (p124): Free action/Close/Will negates; One character immediately performs 1 Movement Action of your choice to the best of his ability.
Heroism I (p135): Half action/Touch/60min; One character gains a +2 morale bonus with attack checks, saves, and skill checks. He also gains Spell Defense 20 against Shadow spells.

Battle Planning I: You gain the following battle plans. You may begin each combat with 1 battle plan already in effect and may enact a new one as a full action. Each plan's benefits last until the end of the current combat or until you enact a different battle plan. A battle plan grants you and each teammate who can see or hear you a +2 morale bonus with the following rolls and values.
• Guard Yourselves!: Defense
• No Prisoners!: Lethal damage rolls

Acolyte: At Level 1, you take the first Step along any 1 of your Alignment's Paths and gain your Alignment's ritual weapon at no cost. This weapon may not be sold and when it's lost or destroyed it's replaced at no cost at the end of the next Downtime lasting 1 day or more.

Devout: You've been appointed by a higher power to represent divine will in the world of mortals. This divine will is sometimes felt in the form of miracles. When you fail an attack check with your ritual weapon or a skill check with a Priest class skill and don't suffer an error, you may spend an action die to re-roll the check. You may use this ability only once per check.

Signs & Portents I: You may contact higher powers for guidance in times of need. At Level 2, as a 1-minute action, you may request a hint from the GM. If he refuses, you gain 1 bonus action die. You may use this ability a number of times per adventure equal to your starting action dice (4).

Lay on Hands: Your rousing presence helps others stay in the fight. You may Mend a character one additional time per day (or 2 additional times per day if they share your Alignment).

Smite the Indifferent: At Level 1, when you spend and roll an action die to boost damage against an opponent with a lower Charisma score, you may replace the action die's result with 1/2 your Career Level (3). This may not cause the die to explode.

Gear: 6 Military Pistols (p185): 510s, Saber (p181): 40s, Backpack (+2 Str for carrying capacity): 10s, Bandolier (p158): 20s, Doctor's Bag (p161): 20s, Ritual Weapon/Military Pistol #7.

Carrying Capacity (STR 10): Light Load/50lbs, Heavy Load/150lbs (-2 Defense, -2 penalty to physical skill checks, move at 1/2 Speed)

Personal Lieutenant: Devotee (p227+)

Interests: Language/French, Study/Ordo S. Mami, Alignment/Belief in the One True God, Language/English, Study/The Heretical Slave Owners, Study/Guns and Upkeep

Alignment (p310): Good, except with guns! Our Avatar is Saint Mami, naturally.

The monastic order of the holy musket saint was formed at the turn of the century in honor and as tribute for Mami of Lyon who saved a Church-run orphanage for non-human children from arson. She risked her life, first by chasing off the arsonists with an old musket that she wielded as a club like a woman possessed once she ran out of ammo, and then by, time and again, returning for the children and getting them outside. The latter proved too much for her, and she succumbed to the smoke while escorting the last group. Afterwards, none could say who she was or where she had come from; going by the testimony of the children she had rescued, the Church was able to determine her name, at the very least, and formed the order in her memory.

Claudette is a recent recruit. While she was growing up, she found out that her best friend's grandfather was one of the children saved by the gun-wielding saint, and that left an impact upon her. In a way, it felt as if the saint had done her a great favor, and she was determined -- at times, even obsessed -- to somehow return it. Joining the order founded in her name and working towards helping those put down by society put her well on her way towards fulfilling her goals.

Her fight for justice in the name of the Lord has Claudette choose volume over versatility. She is quite weak, taking fancy sword-fighting out of the realm of possible, and making it difficult for her to wield a musket in combat, much less club people with one. Instead, she had adapted to using a set of anointed pistols, the Virtues, and trained herself in handling them in quick succession. Her almost super-human agility and incredible focus saw Claudette quickly rise in the order, until she became one of its chief defenders of the faith. And as luck would have it, the rising movement to deliver freedom to everyone in the New World caught the order's eyes. Could the same movement take hold at home as well? It was too dangerous to try, to gamble with so much with the risks being so high... a test run in the New World colony of York, however, was just the thing. And so, Claudette found herself dispatched along with her squire/apprentice/cook to the New World with post haste, to make contact with the Liberation Army there and help advance their cause as she saw fit.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


So yeah, hoping to start this weekend about 3-4 hours before GF? Finalize sheets and toss up backgrounds sometime before then, they don't need to be long.
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up



War Dog (Small Animal Walker):  
Str 14, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 4, Wis 14, Cha 8;
SZ S (1×1, Reach 1);  
Spd 30 ft. ground;
Init +1;
Atk +2;
Attacks/Weapons: Bite; +5, 2d6+1 lethal; threat 16–20; grab)
Def 10/DR 2/Resist Fire 5
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +4
Vitality: 30
Wounds: 7
Comp —;
Skills: Athletics +7, Intimidate +6, Search +8, Tactics +0;
Qualities: Feat (Wolf Pack Basics), improved sense (scent)
Gear: Moderate leather armor barding (DR 2; Resist Fire 5;
DP –1; ACP –0; Spd –5 ft.; Disguise +0)
Wolf Pack Basics: Dashville gains +4 instead of +2 to his attack when flanking an opponent.
Improved Sense (Scent): Dashville gains +4 on awareness and perception checks when using scent.
Grab: When Dashville successfully bites an opponent, he can attempt a grapple as part of the same action.

Matthew "Young Matthew" Young
Devotee (Medium Folk Walker)
Str 12, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 12;
SZ M (1×1, Reach 1);
Spd 30 ft. ground;
Init +3
Atk: Musket +5, 3d6 threat 20
Def 14
Fort +4, Ref +5, will +3
Vitality: 30
Wounds: 12
Comp +1
Impress +7, Resolve +9; Medicine +6
Feats: Quick Draw, Surge of Speed, Bandage
Qualities: Devoted II (Life), honorable, interests (Life)
Attacks/Weapons: Musket +5, 3d6 threat 20
Gear: Holy book, Doctor's Bag, Bandoleer
Treasure: None

Quick Draw: Matthew can take two handle item actions per round as a free action.
Surge of Speed: Matthew can take 3 additional non-attack half actions per session, once per round.
Bandage: Matthew can Mend even without a Doctor's bag; if he has one, he can Mend an additional time per day.
Spells: Matthew can cast Cure Wounds II and Restoration I once per scene.
Honorable: Matthew is immune to temptation!
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up