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Loot Thread

Started by Ebiris, September 19, 2010, 04:08:31 PM

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Alas, there's no time for that right now! There's work to be done!
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


-20gp for the tender loving care of the Davey Jones fangirl~
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Suggestion to buy 2 CLW potions. 100gp total, split 4 ways (excluding Miranda) that comes out to 25gp for everyone. Any objections? If it all goes smoothly, two people who are not Glenn should each hold one for a last resort.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Sure, will take other potion.


Treasure in the Lady's Chambers

Bookshelf to the North:
Assorted books (adventure stories and erotica) - No particular resale value
Onyx Styx hound statuette (posed mid lunge with fangs bared) - 100gp
Alabaster succubus statuette (posed standing with wings around body and arms raised) - 350gp
Silver unicorn statuette (posed rearing up on hind legs) - 500gp
Assorted stuffed animals (small snakes, large spiders, a single prodigious mouse) - No particular resale value
Jade jewellery box - 50gp
7 silver and gold chain necklaces and bracelets - 300gp
Iron jewellery box - 10gp
8 silver and gold rings with assorted gemstones (sapphires, emeralds, rubies) - 400gp
4 pairs of earrings (jade, pearl, gold, silver) - 200gp

Wooden Cupboard
3 Ladies Courtier's Outfits - 90gp
Ladies Noble Outfit - 75gp
Scandalously cut robe of shimmering lavender silk - 300gp

Dressing Table
20x assorted perfumes - 200gp
2x Exotic Elven Perfume - 200gp
1x Aphrodite's Dew Perfume (6 doses, the intoxicating scent grants a +10 bonus on diplomacy and bluff checks for 1 hour) - 1,200gp

Assorted letters from Vanthus, mostly racy love letters but with a few things that jump out as important...

Letter dated a month and a half ago:
"...My parents have grown soft. I'm not worried in the slightest that they suspect anything, my delicate flower. The funds you've trusted me with have been more than enough to pay off the local guards, the harbour watch, and the ship's crew to say nothing about the new cargo. Hades, they even offered to help load the barrels! Of course I didn't tell them what was inside - I'm sure they'd sing a different song if they knew just how much alchemist's fire we loaded into the hold of my father's new plaything. I'll be following the ship's progress for a few days to make sure the fire does the trick, so you'll not be seeing me for at least half a week. Keep your bed warm for me!"

Dated six days after the last letter:
"...It's unbelievable! Sure, she's the eldest sibling, but she knows nothing of life! She's spent the last half of her childhood in Thanallar learning how to fold napkins and play the violin for Hades' sake! It just goes to show you how insane my parents really were... leaving everything in her care like that! Whatever. She'll need the house to live off of, I suppose. Lavinia's not a bad lass, really... I kind of miss our time together, to tell the truth? Think she'd be interested in joining the Lotus? I doubt it... And anyway, a second Vanderboren tragedy might get too many people curious. For now, whatever's in the vault will have to do..."

Dated last week:
"I wish I could have seen their faces when I closed the door, my little dragon... they must have been so eager to follow in Penkus's footsteps! Lavinia's never going to get anywhere hiring fools like them. I wonder if they've even found the old bastard, yet? Hope they don't die too quickly.
"In any case, onto the real reason for writing. I got word from Brissa that she's got a line into the Collective, and she sent back a chart as well for safe navigation - I've drawn a copy on the back of this letter so you have a backup. There should be a juicy cargo arriving in the next week. I'll go down that way to join her on the pretext of making a deal with the pirates, get their guard down, then when they're not expecting it we'll light their ships on fire! It'll be simple enough to pluck the treasure from the water once all those fools are dead. More than enough to make up for what we lost when Lavinia inherited rather than me.
"I'll tell you... burning people to death on their own boats? It's the best way to make money yet. Wish I'd thought of it years ago!"

North Chest
Assorted coins and jewellery - 5,400gp

Northeast Chest

East Chest
Huge amount of gold and gemstones, neatly arranged in silk bags with an eight pointed star stenciled on - 8,600gp

Treasure on the Lady:

Rapier +1 - 2,000gp
Masterwork Chain Shirt - 250gp
Broch of Shielding (mithral kite shield, 96 points left) - 1,440gp


Not strictly loot, but all PCs get 1 action point for having saved the albatross.

edit: and by action point I mean hero point.


Loot from the Steadfast Red

3 potions of cure light wounds (3 expended)
Ship's log (given to Arabani)
Navigation charts (given to Arabani)

From Alchemist Lab

Potion of Speed by legendary alchemist (consumed)
Potion of Intelligence by legendary alchemist (consumed)
Potion of Strength by legendary alchemist (consumed)
2x potions of lesser restoration - 300gp

Journal of pirate alchemist
- The entries detail the discoveries and research of one Leemo Varand, alchemist of the Collective. Seemingly once an apprentice apothecary in Zameina, he was enraptured by the dogma of the Collective and eagerly joined up after hearing tales from a recruiter of the grand struggle against the entrenched elite, although since then settled into a happy routine of studying strange flora encountered by the wide-ranging revolutionaries. The last entries detail a prodigious haul found on an Isernian ship sailing from Jovar, work of the legendary alchemist Zon Akuma - several are draughts that infuse the imbiber's vitality and expand his mental horizons (he laments that a number were guzzled by foolish comrades before the last handful could be preserved for study) which he's been tasked to study in hopes of replicating, but the most fascinating was a crystal filled with strange writhing substance that is neither liquid nor gas, but something strangely inbetween. He theorises that it could be a key to unlocking vast hidden potential within ordinary humans or dwarves, or potentially the secret to immortality itself. Or admittedly perhaps an insanely virulent and deadly poison. Unfortunately because he could not make any clear conclusions, Comrade-Captain Poirot is going to take it to Tanagra where more learned alchemists could study it - this is according to the last entry dated two days ago.

From the caves

Pickpocket's Bustier - 1,500gp
This well made and scanty piece of armour functions as Studded Leather +1 for defensive purposes, and also grants +2 competence bonus on sleight of hand checks.

Masterwork Battleaxe - 300gp
Griffin Reef Prison Logbook (given to Arabani)

From Vanthus

Potion of Cure Serious Wounds - 750gp
Vanderboren Signet Ring (given to Lavinia)


I'd like a legendary, possibly mutative potion. Strength is more my thing there, though I could settle for Speed as well. I'd wait till we make landfall and an alchemist vets it as being safe/a cleric is on hand in case it does horrible things to me.

That aside, any objections?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Nah. I'll put a foot forward for the potion of Speed, though, since these things aren't exactly flying off the shelves.

We never divided gold from the lair, right?
[19:14] <Annerose> Aww, mouth not outpacing brain after all?
[19:14] <Candide> My brain caught up


We never did because you all insisted that the Cid do it despite Cids having a long history of laziness.

I figure Glenn takes the INT potion since it looks like he actually needs INT for stuff unlike the rest of us.


Unless he mutates into a tentacled monstrosity and gets booted off the boat.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


-325gp for 7 days of sailing and 1 day of hazardously hanging around Griffin Reef for the very kind fisherman.


+100gp for giving information to Lady Arabani about her kidnapped and mutated and probably starved to death son.


Okay. Here's how loot breaks down for the Dragons:

Lady's Chambers: 100+350+500+50+300+10+400+200+90+75+300+200+200+1,200=3,975gp
Northern Chest: 5,400gp
Lady (gear): (2,000+250+1,440)/2=1,845gp

Also, we have a chest with Lavinia's money, which (minus expenses for the boat trip) comes down to: 8,600-325=8,275gp

That makes 11,220gp to play with. I believe we were sharing the loot with the Cobras, which I propose to just do by including everyone involved (and surviving) for their share. So, in no particular order: Henrietta, Rudy, Glenn, Lucie, Hermann, Dawley, Maya. 11,220/7=1,602.85gp.

Henrietta really wanted the lavender silk robe (300gp) and she wants to send one exotic elven perfume home to her mother (100gp), so she's left with 1,202.85gp from that venture.

Unless someone wants to claim any gear like the rapier, it gets sold and so they remain with 1,602.85gp.

Moving on!

Island (cash): 84+100=184gp
Island (gear): (300+1,500+300+750)/2=1,425gp

The pirates aren't included, and the fishermen were reimbursed generously for their efforts, so the normal way would be to divide it between us + Trucy. We're talking about 1,609gp/5=321.8gp.

Glenn, myself and Rudy drank those one-of-a-kind potions which is quite unfair, so to deal with it I propose we either offer Lucie anything out of any of this combined loot for free and cover her costs between the three of us, or give her automatic first pick of anything cool going down her way. Trucy-wise, I would like to suggest that she gets the magical roguely armor instead of her share of loot from the island and I recalculate it for us. Any thoughts or opposition here?
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Trucy's welcome to the armor. No one else is really suited for it.