
"Destiny Challenged us and so we chose to end the world.  There was nothing to regret.  Nothing."

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045. "It seems your diplomacy is of a violent and captivating sort."

Started by Corwin, May 19, 2011, 05:43:58 PM

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[20:22] <Kotono> The next day is a slightly late start. It's no one's fault - drink and party tends to do that to people. But slowly everyone comes to Whimsical Sweets. Silver keeps things running downstairs, as does Whurric. The rest gather above, Josa sitting and nodding, "I hear you impressed the Waukeenites well!" he begins, "An excellent turn of fortune, one that will doubtlessly enhance our lucre and set
[20:22] <Kotono> golden sails on our sea voyage of life!"
[20:24] <Aaeru> "I learned, like, a lot," Aaeru promises. "That's two jobs already where 'tact' meant 'beat someone up'. I'm totally doing that from the start next time!"
[20:24] <Janson> "It cuts a lot of corners," Janson admits, unable to keep off the smile on his face.
[20:25] * Aaeru nods, even as she adds, "Ah, but only if they're bad."
[20:25] <Kotono> Josa stares and facepalms, "It seems your diplomacy is of a violent and captivating sort, of heroics and conquistidor's charm. No matter, you succeeded, no matter how it pains my heart."
[20:26] <Aaeru> "I felt that pain," Aaeru commiserates, "but then I, like, got over it. I'm sure you will, too!"
[20:27] <Janson> "Well hey, that guy was abusing this poor tiger," Janson protests. "And we were told not only that we needed to make a splash, but that the biggest splash before us had been made by the guy with the tiger. Three birds with one stone!"
[20:29] <Aaeru> "Who's the third bird?" Aaeru wonders curiously. "Is it the Holycoin?"
[20:29] <Yuthirin> "It was a good clean fight, too. Janson should be proud of the skill he displayed." Orval speaks up.
[20:30] <Kotono> "Like totally?" Yuria cocks her head over to Janson, "Like you punched him in the face or you magicked him, or maybe you, like, shot him full of weird spirit beams?"
[20:30] <Kotono> "Eldritch Blasts, and no, he used his fists," Sylvie speaks up quickly. "He's quite skilled in hand to hand combat."
[20:31] <Kotono> "Be all that as it may, and allow it to rest for the current epoch in time," Josa holds his hands up, "We have another matter once delayed, that we should decide on striking at."
[20:33] <Janson> "Considering I lost money rather than made it last night, I'm all ears," Janson encourages after basking in his deserved praise.
[20:37] <Kotono> "Indeed, the mystery of this magical treasure map," Josa continues. "The question is, who goes and what sort of force do we deploy to explore this opportunity of mystery?"
[20:38] <Janson> "Well if there's traps or anything like that I could probably be useful around there," Janson volunteers.
[20:38] <Aaeru> "And if it's all a huge misunderstanding I learned lots of diplomacy!" Aaeru reminds them. "So I'll come, just in case!"
[20:40] <Orval> "I'm happy to come. If there are traps, someone may get hurt." Orval says.
[20:41] <Kotono> "Like um, can Whurric andI stay here?" Yuria pipes up, "I mean, like, well...if something happens you totally need some power and authority here, don't you?"
[20:43] <Janson> "You don't have to come if you don't want to, you'll still get a fair share," Janson smiles at the blonde. "Same way we will if you two do any jobs here."
[20:44] <Kotono> "Okay!" Yuria says brightly! Meanwhile Sylvie nods, "I'll come if all of you want a fourth," she speaks up, "Do you?"
[20:45] <Orval> "The more the merrier, I'd say." Orval grins.
[20:46] <Janson> "No harm in it, unless there's any jobs back here you'd be best for," Janson acquieses to his girlfriend as if there would be any doubt.
[20:48] <Kotono> "Very well then," Josa says, "Will you be going by foot or by boat?"
[20:48] <Aaeru> "Is it, like, a vote? Because I don't really like boats."
[20:49] <Janson> "Boat would probably be quicker but also more expensive. I'm good with walking," Janson shrugs. More likely to meet interesting people or things walking it as well.
[20:50] <Aaeru> "Walking is very nice! You train your body that way, too!"

[21:05] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:05] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 40." [1d100=40]
[21:05] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:05] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 15." [1d100=15]
[21:05] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:05] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 28." [1d100=28]
[21:05] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[21:05] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 100." [1d100=100]
[21:06] <Kotono> roll 1d100 subtables, DM gets all happy.
[21:06] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 subtables, DM gets all happy. and gets 90." [1d100=90]

[21:16] <Kotono> Three days of travel pass. The warmth of autumn begins to shift to the chill of autumn as you travel the coastline. The Barbarian Lands are not a problem for those first few days, passing without incident. It's just before the dawn of the fourth day. All are asleep save Sylvie on last watch, sitting at the window and yawning. It's then that she looks out it, and after a moment calls, "Wake up!
[21:16] <Kotono> I think we may have something incoming!"
[21:18] <Janson> "Hup!" Janson propmptly tosses his blanket aside and rolls to his feet, going to join Sylvie at the window for a look.
[21:18] * Aaeru shifts to that state of existence between dream and wakefulness, blinking a few times to focus her sight.
[21:18] * Orval lurches out of bed, shaking his head. "Wha?"
[21:21] <Kotono> As the party stumbles and stirs towards the window, you can see it's truly darkest before the dawn. Aaeru only sees dark shadows! Janson and Orval are ablet os ee it - 40 feet away. A huge bear, covered in spines and towering tall. It lurches forward, eyes burning red! It's coming in the general direction of your hut.
[21:23] <Janson> "That's no ordinary bear!" Janson is no stranger to dire animals, but glowing red eyes are never a good sign. So before leaving the safety of the hut, he sees if he can make it friendly.
[21:23] <Janson> OOC: DC 16 charm monster
[21:23] <Kotono> roll 1d20+9
[21:23] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 and gets 11." [1d20=2]
[21:23] <Aaeru> Still rubbing at her eyes, Aaeru gathers by the window next to the others, looking about in futility.
[21:24] <Kotono> The bear's eyes cloud over a moment, Janson's magic working!
[21:25] <Janson> "Hang on, I should be able to talk to it," Janson reassures the others, going now to open the door and step outside. "Hello?" he greets the bear, cautiously approaching it. No telling how whatever made its eyes glow might interfere with his own magic.
[21:26] <Kotono> The bear turns towards Janson, "What's going on? Head hurts. Can't stop moving! Help!"
[21:28] <Janson> Someone else likely enchanted it, so Janson looks for other magic besides his own. "What made you need to move? Did you meet anyone else like me tonight?"
[21:28] <Janson> roll 1d20+14 spellcraft
[21:28] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+14 spellcraft and gets 30." [1d20=16]
[21:33] <Janson> "He's been possessed!" Janson calls back into the hut. "Any of you guys got anything to deal with that?"
[21:34] <Janson> "Just hang on, buddy," Janson then addresses the bear, "We can help you, we'll get you through this!"
[21:34] * Orval steps out. "I might be able to, let me have a look."
[21:34] <Aaeru> "That's bad!" Aaeru exclaims, soon emerging after Janson as that more than serves to awaken her. "I can help, yes!" She casts the aura on herself and keeps near Janson and the bear to try and drive the possession away!
[21:35] <Kotono> OOC: Go for it, Orval. You too if you want, Aaeru.
[21:36] <Aaeru> OOC: I just did. MCaE
[21:36] <Orval> roll 1d20+13 K:R
[21:36] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+13 K:R and gets 20." [1d20=7]
[21:36] <Kotono> Sylvie comes along as well, "Possessed?" Meanwhile the bear's eyes fade over, slumping on the ground! Then he goes rigid and red eyed again, then back down!
[21:37] <Janson> "Stay with us!" Janson approaches the bear, trying to lend moral support since he's not good for much else. "You feel Aaeru helping you? C'mon, you can fight this now, we're all with you!"
[21:38] <Kotono> roll 1d20+9
[21:38] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 and gets 18." [1d20=9]
[21:38] <Aaeru> "It should totally help!" Aaeru insists. "Like, I tried to find out what would if someone got possessed again, and this was so it!"
[21:39] * Aaeru pauses suddenly. "Is it, like, a demon possession? Or a ghost one? Because I can do more, then!"
[21:39] <Janson> "Um, I can't really tell the difference specifically," Janson replies apologetically.
[21:39] <Orval> "There is an evil spirit within! Arachiel! To me!" He cries, a blue ball of light streaking out of the cottage.
[21:40] <Aaeru> "I'll try anyway!" Aaeru decides, releasing Ilmater's mercy all around them as she calls his name!
[21:40] <Aaeru> 6d6 holy, fort 18
[21:40] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 6d6 holy, fort 18 and gets 26." [6d6=5, 5, 6, 2, 2, 6]
[21:43] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12
[21:43] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 and gets 31." [1d20=19]
[21:44] <Kotono> Between holy power and the circle, the bear thrashes about! Parts of it's fur catch ablaze, Aaeru's power buffering through it! It screams about in strange words none of you understand!
[21:44] <Aaeru> "It is a demon!" Aaeru exclaims in surprise, calling upon Ilmater once more!
[21:45] <Janson> "Ahh, water!" Janson takes off his cloak and uses it to try and snuff out the flames, getting recklessly close to the thrashing bear to make sure it doesn't get even more injured by their attempted cure.
[21:45] <Kotono> OOC: Hold that, Aaeru.
[21:46] <Kotono> With a flaming and enraged bear, it lunges forward at Aaeru! It's eyes flash between red and normal, pained screams coming from it's ursine mouth! OOC: Init all.

[21:46] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+3
[21:46] <Janson> roll 1d20+4
[21:46] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+4 and gets 21." [1d20=17]
[21:46] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+3 and gets 12." [1d20=9]
[21:46] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1
[21:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 and gets 15." [1d20=14]
[21:46] <Orval> roll 1d20+3
[21:46] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+3 and gets 12." [1d20=9]
[21:47] * Kotono changes topic to 'Janson(21)>Flaming Dire Bear(15)>Orval=Aaeru(12)'
[21:48] <Janson> "Keep back, it doesn't know what it's doing!" Janson insists on the bear's behalf, running interference to keep it from hurting Aaeru if she doesn't get out of the way in time.
[21:48] <Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[21:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 and gets 19." [1d20=11]
[21:48] <Janson> roll 1d20+6 aid another for AC
[21:48] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+6 aid another for AC and gets 9." [1d20=3]
[21:48] * Kotono changes topic to 'Janson(21)>Sylvie(19)>Flaming Dire Bear(15)>Orval=Aaeru(12)'
[21:49] <Kotono> Janson runs about and tries to aid, but the bear seems utterly focused on her! Sylvie quickly comes up to Aaeru's back, tapping her on the shoulder! OOC: Bear's Endurance, snerk. Bear's up.
[21:49] <Kotono> roll 1d20+9
[21:49] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 and gets 11." [1d20=2]
[21:50] <Aaeru> OOC: flat-footed AC is 21
[21:52] <Kotono> The dire bear roars and shakes it's head, eyes a pool of anger and flashing red as it's claw swipes out at Aaeru!
[21:52] <Kotono> roll 1d20+19
[21:52] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+19 and gets 26." [1d20=7]
[21:52] <Kotono> roll 2d4+10 and grapplin' times.
[21:52] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d4+10 and grapplin' times. and gets 16." [2d4=4, 2]
[21:53] <Kotono> roll 1d20+23 CMD?
[21:53] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+23 CMD? and gets 31." [1d20=8]
[21:53] <Aaeru> OOC: 31
[21:53] <Aaeru> OOC: Wait, is it evil?
[21:53] <Kotono> OOC: It counts as evil right now, yes.
[21:53] <Aaeru> OOC: The aura bumps it up to 32, then. I believe deflection is counted into CMD.
[21:54] <Kotono> OOC: It is.
[21:54] <Kotono> The bear takes a massive swing at Aaeru, claw cutting through her shoulder! It's only by the barest reaction that she barely avoids the bear's bear hug! OOC: Orval and Aaeru, go.
[21:55] <Aaeru> "We're helping you!" Aaeru exclaims, giving her torn shoulder a quick, stunned glance. "You won't really burn! Ilmater, show us your mercy!"
[21:55] <Aaeru> OOC: 5ft step back, holy power.
[21:56] <Aaeru> roll 6d6
[21:56] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 6d6 and gets 22." [6d6=1, 4, 4, 6, 1, 6]
[21:56] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12
[21:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 and gets 15." [1d20=3]
[21:57] <Kotono> This time the bear bursts entirely aflame! It falls to all fours, thrashing wildly! A woman's scream comes out of it's mouth this time, howling in incomprhensible words! OOC: Orval.
[21:57] * Orval mutters a few quick words in prayer, a holy aura surrounding him briefly before spreading across all in the clearing! OOC: Prayer, no saving throw, SR applies
[21:58] <Kotono> OOC: Okay. Janson, goes.
[21:59] <Janson> "Oh, Jannath! Orval, can't you conjure water?!" Janson yells as he futilely tries to beat out the flames burning the unfortunate bear's no doubt once glorious fur!
[22:00] <Kotono> OOC: Okay, so your'e gonna go up to the bear and try and put it's fire out?
[22:02] <Janson> OOC: I was already close to it and given its size coupled with the radius of Aaeru's aura no doubt still am adjacent. But beating flames probably provokes AoOs anyway so whatevs.
[22:03] <Kotono> roll 1d2
[22:03] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d2 and gets 1." [1d2=1]
[22:03] <Kotono> OOC: Dex check to see how well you firefight, I suppose.
[22:03] <Janson> roll 1d20+3
[22:03] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+3 and gets 6." [1d20=3]
[22:04] <Kotono> Janson manages to bat a few flames down, but the great beast is still on fire...and one of it's claws comes right at Janson!
[22:04] <Kotono> roll 1d20+19 it's not really coherent, no.
[22:04] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+19 it's not really coherent, no. and gets 29." [1d20=10]
[22:05] <Kotono> roll 2d4+10 no grapple this time, at least.
[22:05] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d4+10 no grapple this time, at least. and gets 16." [2d4=4, 2]
[22:05] <Kotono> With a vile scream, a woman's fury in words that Janson does not know, the bear claws his front! Blood flows from the savage wound, as the face of the bear momentarily shifts! You see a beautiful woman's face, contorted with raw fury! OOC: Sylvie.
[22:06] <Janson> "Ahh... no, I'm not mad at you, bear!" Janson insists as he falls back a bit from the clawing. "And dammit, you better not be one of those succubi in there!"
[22:07] <Kotono> Sylvie curses, before tumbling in to send a shot ot the bear's side! OOC: Tumble is irrelevant since it's out of AoOs this round. Stunning fist coming up, nonlethal damage.
[22:07] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12 (Nonlethal, stunning fist attempt go)
[22:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 (Nonlethal, stunning fist attempt go) and gets 14." [1d20=2]
[22:08] <Kotono> Sylvie gets in close, but her fist hits one of the spines on fthe bear, bouncing off harmlessly! The bear...
[22:08] <Kotono> roll 1d20+9
[22:08] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 and gets 13." [1d20=4]
[22:09] <Kotono> It's face twists even to more of that of a woman, "I won't..." It growls in Common, before lapsing into unknowable words again! It's claws strike out at everyone, a horrible circus of blood and gore!
[22:09] <Kotono> roll 1d20+19 claw Aaeru
[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+19 claw Aaeru and gets 23." [1d20=4]
[22:09] <Kotono> roll 1d20+19 claw Sylvie
[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+19 claw Sylvie and gets 29." [1d20=10]
[22:09] <Kotono> roll 1d20+13 bite Janson
[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+13 bite Janson and gets 25." [1d20=12]
[22:09] <Kotono> OOC: ACs?
[22:09] <Aaeru> OOC: AC vs evil, 25
[22:09] <Orval> OOC: Please note that all those attacks should be made at -1 due to Prayer
[22:09] <Janson> OOC: 14
[22:10] <Kotono> OOC: Oh yeah, thanks. Forgot to add that to Sylvie's attack, though that was a clean miss anyway.
[22:10] * Kotono changes topic to 'Janson(21)>Sylvie(19)>Flaming Dire Bear(15; -1 prayer)>Orval=Aaeru(12)'
[22:10] <Kotono> roll 2d4+10 claw Sylvie ow
[22:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d4+10 claw Sylvie ow and gets 13." [2d4=1, 2]
[22:10] <Kotono> roll 2d8+5 bite Janson ow
[22:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d8+5 bite Janson ow and gets 15." [2d8=8, 2]
[22:11] <Kotono> AS a flurry of ursine destruction rocks the party, the bear's feminine face screams once more! OOC: Orval'n'Aaeru, go.
[22:12] <Kotono> OOC: -1 to the damage both of you took. I'm really blonde today. Like totally.
[22:13] <Aaeru> "Stop that, you-- you demon woman!" Aaeru commands, taking a few steps around to force the possessed bear to divide its attention between herself and Sylvie and give Janson a chance to retreat to a better range. "Ilmater, save everyone!"
[22:13] <Aaeru> roll 6d6
[22:13] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 6d6 and gets 19." [6d6=2, 6, 5, 1, 3, 2]
[22:13] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12
[22:13] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 and gets 25." [1d20=13]
[22:13] <Kotono> OOC: -1.
[22:14] <Kotono> The bear blazes even more, staggering wildly on it's feet! It's ups omehow, despite Ilmater's light plummeling it! OOC: Orval.
[22:19] <Orval> "Janson!" Orval cries before sending up a prayer to Dumathoin! OOC: Cure Moderate
[22:19] <Orval> roll 2d8+7
[22:19] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 2d8+7 and gets 18." [2d8=4, 7]
[22:21] <Kotono> Healine energy mends Janson, styming the worst of his wounds! OOC: Go Janson.
[22:21] <Orval> OOC: Assume I moved closer as well, AoO's apply if necessary
[22:24] <Kotono> roll 1d2
[22:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d2 and gets 1." [1d2=1]
[22:24] <Janson> "C'mon bear, fight this!" Janson switches track to bolstering the bear's will and enthusiasm, considering Orval's actions to be a no on the water conjuration prospects. "She's just some dumb seductress, you're a mighty force of nature!"
[22:24] <Janson> roll 1d20+7 aid another on will saves?
[22:24] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+7 aid another on will saves? and gets 19." [1d20=12]
[22:24] <Kotono> roll 1d20+11 will bear
[22:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+11 will bear and gets 13." [1d20=2]
[22:25] <Kotono> The bear just thrashes about, screaming in a growingly coherent feminine voice! At the same time Sylvie unleashes an absolute flurr at the bear's flank, sidestepping to flank it!
[22:25] <Kotono> roll 1d20+20 (+2 flanking, +6 inspiration, spending an inspiration point on 1d6 SA, nonlethal, first one is a stunning fist)
[22:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+20 (+2 flanking, +6 inspiration, spending an inspiration point on 1d6 SA, nonlethal, first one is a stunning fist) and gets 25." [1d20=5]
[22:26] <Kotono> roll 1d20+15 same as before minus thes tunning fist thang.
[22:26] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+15 same as before minus thes tunning fist thang. and gets 23." [1d20=8]
[22:26] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12 fort vs stunning fist
[22:26] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 fort vs stunning fist and gets 18." [1d20=6]
[22:26] <Kotono> roll 2d8+22 and stunned 1 round.
[22:26] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d8+22 and stunned 1 round. and gets 26." [2d8=3, 1]
[22:27] <Kotono> The bear is terribly plummeled, Sylvie's fists finding a dozen spots on it's side! It kneels down on all fours again, unacting! "Someone do something or knock ito ut!" Sylvie calls! OOC: Orval'n'Aaeru.
[22:27] <Kotono> roll 2d6 sa
[22:27] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 sa and gets 5." [2d6=4, 1]
[22:28] <Janson> "If you knock it out it might not be able to fight off the possession!" Janson protests, "C'mon, it's winning, just have some faith!"
[22:28] <Aaeru> Can it be? Would it truly be more merciful to deal in violence, even subdued, rather than rely on Ilmater's guidance? Aaeru finds it hard to believe, but in the end, the most important thing is trusting in her friends. That's what matters, doesn't it?
[22:28] <Kotono> "For Oghma's sake, it's a fucking BEAR that's trying to kill us!" Sylvie shouts back, "I don't care what you do as long as it doesn't try to kill us!"
[22:28] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+12 flurry
[22:28] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+12 flurry
[22:28] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+12 flurry and gets 20." [1d20=8]
[22:28] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+12 flurry and gets 30." [1d20=18]
[22:28] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+7
[22:28] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+7 and gets 11." [1d20=4]
[22:29] <Kotono> OOC: Two hits.
[22:29] <Aaeru> roll 2#1d8+4 nonlethal
[22:29] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2#1d8+4 nonlethal and gets 22." [2#1d8+4 = 11, 11]
[22:30] <Kotono> Another flurry of blows rocks the bear, body almost keeling over! Somehow it stays up, the feminine voices of pain growing! With an almost entirely humanoid face it manages to look about in utter hate! OOC: Orval.
[22:30] <Aaeru> "Get out and stay out!" Aaeru threatens that hateful, ugly face. "Or Ilmater will burn your evil soul, he will!"
[22:34] <Orval> "I'm sorry, Janson, but we can help the bear after we've...helped the bear." Orval finishes lamely. He mutters a quick series of arcane words, and the world seems to speed up around everyone! OOC: Haste, 7 rounds
[22:34] <Kotono> OOC: Janson.
[22:36] <Janson> Needing to do something before his friends bludgeon the poor bear into a coma, Janson quickly gets in front of it so he can meet that female face's eyes. "Get out of there!" he shouts, grabbing her head by the ears and hair before pulling as hard as he can!
[22:36] <Janson> roll 1d20+8 if anything I guess CMB?
[22:36] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+8 if anything I guess CMB? and gets 16." [1d20=8]
[22:36] <Kotono> roll 1d20+9 will again
[22:36] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 will again and gets 11." [1d20=2]
[22:37] <Kotono> Janson pulls on the stunned bear's face, but it seems nrelenting! A second later Sylvie strikes all out once more!
[22:37] <Kotono> roll 1d20+20 (+2 flanking, +6 inspiration, spending an inspiration point on 1d6 SA, nonlethal, first one is a stunning fist)
[22:38] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+20 (+2 flanking, +6 inspiration, spending an inspiration point on 1d6 SA, nonlethal, first one is a stunning fist) and gets 38." [1d20=18]
[22:38] <Kotono> roll 1d20+15
[22:38] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+15 and gets 16." [1d20=1]
[22:38] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12
[22:38] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 and gets 31." [1d20=19]
[22:38] <Kotono> roll 1d8+11+1d6
[22:38] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+11+1d6 and gets 16." [1d8=1][1d6=4]
[22:38] <Kotono> With a final heavy shot to it's side, the bear slumps down in a beaten, battered heap! OOC: Free act.
[22:39] <Aaeru> "Janson!" Aaeru calls, ready to exorcise the evil fiend for good. "Put out the flames!" And then she calls upon Ilmater's power once more!
[22:39] <Aaeru> roll 6d6
[22:39] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 6d6 and gets 14." [6d6=1, 1, 3, 2, 5, 2]
[22:39] <Janson> Since her head is pretty stuck, Janson does indeed go get his cloak and start smothering flames as much as he can, heedless of danger to himself!
[22:39] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12
[22:39] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 and gets 25." [1d20=13]
[22:40] * Orval quickly summons water over the bear! OOC: Create water
[22:40] <Kotono> More holy light and flames rock the bear, it's face shifting back to it's original form, mostly. A few feminine features still stay, as Sylvie exhales. Between beating the flames out and water now summoned, the beast is at least extinquished. It's a lote asier to do when it's not homicidal.
[22:41] * Aaeru goes for broke, a welcome and familiar state for her, by invoking Ilmater's name one final time!
[22:41] <Aaeru> roll 6d6
[22:41] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 6d6 and gets 16." [6d6=1, 5, 1, 2, 1, 6]
[22:41] <Janson> "Oh, so you can do that after all," Janson deadpans as Orval decides to help with the flames now that the bear's lost most of its fur.
[22:41] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12
[22:41] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 and gets 14." [1d20=2]
[22:42] <Kotono> The bear is consumed even more! This time the feminine face springs open, screaming aloud as it shifts back to normal! Above you is a ghostly image, that of a beautiful nude woman with bat wings, bear-brown hair. She looks disoriented!
[22:42] <Kotono> "Janson, we can play nice after the bear's not trying to kill us," Sylvie begins, stopping as that image floats over the bear!
[22:43] <Aaeru> "Don't move, you evil naked woman!" Aaeru demands, a silver aura springing up all around her.
[22:44] <Kotono> " wretche.s..!" The ghostly woman snarls! OOC: Init round 2, it's not a happy ghostbitch.
[22:44] <Janson> "How many of you succubi are in these woods these days, anyway?" Janson looks up at the fiend in irritation.
[22:44] <Janson> roll 1d20+4
[22:44] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+4 and gets 10." [1d20=6]
[22:44] <Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[22:44] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 and gets 14." [1d20=6]
[22:44] <Orval> "If it comes down to you or the bear, Janson, I'm going to pick you." Orval says, before stumbling backward.
[22:44] <Orval> roll 1d20+3 init
[22:44] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+3 init and gets 6." [1d20=3]
[22:44] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+3
[22:44] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+3 and gets 23." [1d20=20]
[22:44] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1 bitch
[22:44] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 bitch and gets 10." [1d20=9]
[22:45] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(14)>Janson(10)>Orval(6)'
[22:45] * Kotono changes topic to 'Aaeru(23)>Sylvie(14)>Bitch=Janson(10)>Orval(6)'
[22:45] <Kotono> OOC: Go Aaeru.
[22:47] * Aaeru glares at the ghost, and silver lightning shoots out of her eyes at the fiendish image!
[22:47] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+10 ranged touch1
[22:47] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+10 ranged touch1 and gets 21." [1d20=11]
[22:47] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+10 ranged touch2
[22:47] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+10 ranged touch2 and gets 19." [1d20=9]
[22:47] <Kotono> OOC: d100 on both of them.
[22:48] <Aaeru> roll 2#1d100
[22:48] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2#1d100 and gets 54." [2#1d100 = 49, 5]
[22:49] <Kotono> The silvery light of Lunia whizzes through the apparation, but it seems uncharmed by it! Sylvie starts a moment, "Orval, can you banish or exorcize it o ranything like that?"
[22:50] <Yuthirin> roll 1d20+4 Arachiel init
[22:50] * Hatbot --> "Yuthirin rolls 1d20+4 Arachiel init and gets 20." [1d20=16]
[22:51] <Aaeru> "It's a ghost!" Aaeru exclaims. "An evil demon ghost!"
[22:52] <Orval> "I don't have anything prepared for it, but I can try!" Orval says.
[22:53] <Kotono> "Fine!" Sylvie intones, quickly invoking a duo of magic missiles!
[22:53] <Kotono> roll 1d20+2
[22:53] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 and gets 20." [1d20=18]
[22:53] <Kotono> roll 2d4+2
[22:53] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d4+2 and gets 10." [2d4=4, 4]
[22:53] <Kotono> The magic missiles slam into the phantasm with vengeful fury! It flickers horribly, wavering in and out of your vision, before fading away entirely! OOC: Fre eact. All the Ilmater's fires on the bear did some damage to it, too.
[22:54] <Kotono> "Oh." Sylvie blinks at that image fading, "Or a single magic missile was too much for it."
[22:54] * Orval blinks. "Nice shot."
[22:54] <Janson> "Good job on killing her," Janson agrees, hurrying back inside for his wand of healing so he can try and help the poor bear.
[22:55] * Aaeru joins Janson in that, using Ilmater's mercy in an entirely different way this time!
[22:55] <Aaeru> OOC: LoH 20
[22:55] <Kotono> The bear's wounds start to mend from Aaeru's touch, but it takes more than that to restore that level of damage.
[22:56] * Orval moves forward to aid as well! OOC: Cure Serious
[22:56] <Kotono> Sylvie smiles a moment, "Thanks," To Orval she flashes that smile, as more wounds are mended. OOC: Go for it.
[22:56] <Orval> roll 3d8+7
[22:56] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 3d8+7 and gets 26." [3d8=3, 8, 8]
[22:57] <Kotono> On the touch of magic, more of the bear's wounds mend! It's enough to make it rise up a bit, eyes opening!
[22:57] <Aaeru> "Are you alright?" Aaeru asks the bear, her aura still in full effect. "Janson, can you ask him? And hey, is it a him?"
[22:58] <Janson> "Oh, don't need this after all," Janson lowers the wand. "Thanks guys," he smiles at Aaeru and Orval before addressing the bear. "Are you alright now? The thing that hurt your head should be gone."
[22:58] <Kotono> "Better," It says in a word, then look sto Janson, "Friend?"
[22:58] <Janson> roll 1d20+14 nature to see if I can figure out gender without peeking
[22:58] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+14 nature to see if I can figure out gender without peeking and gets 26." [1d20=12]
[22:59] <Janson> "It is - to both," Janson smiles at Aaeru before returning his attention to the bear. "We're all your friends, yes. What happened before your head started to hurt?"
[22:59] <Kotono> "Heat hurt. Don't know," Bear shakes it's head, getting on all fours.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:22] <Aaeru> "Your fur will grow back!" Aaeru assures the bear, ignoring the blood dripping down her arm. "Janson, tell him that too!"
[20:22] <Janson> "Well, that's alright. Listen, you should be safe now - we're heading deeper into the forest once the sun comes up, so if you want to stick with us you can," Janson offers, eager to make sure the bear doesn't suffer further harm. "And your fur will definitely grow back!"
[20:22] <Kotono> "Speaking of growing back, do any of you have any more healing magic?" Sylvie speaks up.
[20:23] * Orval nods, muttering another prayer over the bear. OOC: second cure moderate
[20:23] * Aaeru focuses at Sylvie's words, closing her eyes, and once more golden light washes all over everyone!
[20:23] <Aaeru> roll 4d6
[20:23] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 4d6 and gets 22." [4d6=6, 4, 6, 6]
[20:24] <Orval> roll 2d8+7
[20:24] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 2d8+7 and gets 18." [2d8=4, 7]
[20:28] <Kotono> OOC: Make a wild empathy check, Janson?
[20:28] <Janson> roll 1d20+9
[20:28] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+9 and gets 22." [1d20=13]
[20:28] * Orval stands, brandishing his holy symbol of Dumathoin as a wave of energy flows from him. OOC: Turning
[20:28] <Orval> roll 4d6
[20:28] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 4d6 and gets 12." [4d6=2, 3, 3, 4]
[20:29] <Kotono> More healing washes over everyone, mending the wounds! Meanwhile the bear looks to Janson, "Come with friends," he agrees.
[20:30] <Janson> "He'll stick with us for a while," Janson tells the others. Then he goes to sit beside the hut and pats the ground, "Here, you can take a nap since we won't go anywhere until the sun comes up. I'll stay out here to keep you company."
[20:31] <Aaeru> "We're supposed to, like, sleep again now?"
[20:31] * Aaeru frowns. "I kinda can't."
[20:31] <Janson> "Thanks for volunteering to stay on watch," Janson replies brightly.
[20:32] <Aaeru> "Sure thing, if you guys don't want to go now?"
[20:32] <Kotono> "I'm going to try and remedy that," Sylvie agrees, stretching and rising, "I'll sleep, even if it kills me. Around here that's entirely possible."
[20:33] <Janson> "It's dark," Janson reasonably tells Aaeru, yawning and making himself comfortable.
[20:33] * Orval grunts tiredly. "Anyone else got wounds that I missed?"
[20:34] <Janson> "Think we're good, thanks," Janson nods gratefully to the cleric.
[20:36] <Orval> "Alright, I'm going back to bed then." Orval says.
[20:39] * Orval heads back inside, Arachiel floating lazily behind him.
[20:41] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:41] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 32." [1d100=32]
[20:41] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:41] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 25." [1d100=25]
[20:41] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:41] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 65." [1d100=65]
[20:41] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[20:41] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 89." [1d100=89]
[20:42] <Kotono> Several more days of travel pass without incident. On the morning of the fifth day, as sunlight streams down, "Alright," Sylvie announces, pausing to blow a bit of blonde hair out of her face, "I think we're close now."
[20:44] <Aaeru> "How close?"
[20:44] <Janson> "How you holding up, bear?" Janson asks their tagalong. "We're about to go someplace dangerous, so if you're feeling better it might be good for you to head off now," he suggests kindly.
[20:47] <Kotono> OOC: Make wild empathy again?
[20:47] <Kotono> "Within a day's travel in theory, though in reality we'll have to start searching the coast for coves," Sylvie speaks up, "If there's a lot of water involved, we may need to cobble together a basic raft, though that shouldn't be too hard."
[20:47] <Janson> roll 1d20+9
[20:47] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+9 and gets 18." [1d20=9]
[20:48] <Aaeru> "Hey, Janson, can you talk to fish?"
[20:50] <Janson> "Huh?" Janson glances back at Aaeru, "Oh, yeah. Fish, octopuses, dolphins, things like that. But not crabs or shrimp," he smiles slightly at that. "No guilt for eating those guys!"
[20:50] <Aaeru> "Let's go find some and ask about coves and stuff!"
[20:50] <Kotono> "Ugh, shrimp," Sylvie makes a face, whilst meanwhile the bear turns. "Thank you...friend," it says, before heading back off into the timbers.
[20:52] <Janson> "Watch out for strange women, bear!" Janson waves happily as the bear returns to freedom in the wilds, making a mental note to have shrimp removed from the staff shopping list.
[20:54] <Kotono> "Now then," Sylvie look sto each of them, "Any suggestions for what's coming ahead? Ideas, magic, anything like that?"
[20:56] <Aaeru> "Talking to fish," Aaeru patiently repeats.
[20:56] <Orval> "I could send Arachiel to check out any caves or difficult to get to areas before we head in." Orval volunteers his familiar.
[20:58] <Janson> "Yeah, that," Janson agrees. "Once we have an idea of where and what we're dealing with we can make plans around it."
[20:58] <Kotono> "Makes sense," Sylvie says, "It could save us a lot of trouble."
[21:03] <Aaeru> "So we're going to the coast?"
[21:08] <Kotono> That's exactly it, Aaeru finds. It's an hour's walk to the coast from here. Out past the bay it's all forest coming to an abrupt end. This area is cliffy and craggy, rising up anywhere from 10 to 40 feet above sea level. The coast naturally curls and twists around this area, lots of little nooks and areas. It's cloudy, casting a gray pall over everything. "So," Sylvie says, "Arachiel can fly
[21:08] <Kotono> around and teleport back once he finds something?"
[21:09] <Orval> "Aye, she shouldn't have any trouble." Orval says.
[21:09] <Janson> "Probably easier than me climbing down to talk to the fish," Janson agrees, sitting down to relax and enjoy the view.
[21:17] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7
[21:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 and gets 15." [1d20=8]
[21:17] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7
[21:17] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7
[21:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 and gets 20." [1d20=13]
[21:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 and gets 8." [1d20=1]
[21:17] <Kotono> roll 1d20+6
[21:17] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 and gets 7." [1d20=1]
[21:18] <Kotono> OOC: Make a spot check for Arachiel?
[21:19] <Orval> roll 1d20+4
[21:19] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+4 and gets 18." [1d20=14]
[21:21] <Kotono> Arachiel flies about for over an hour, getting a fair ways away from the party. Here is a crest of a cliff, rising up a good 30 feet into the air. It's a deep overhang, much of the cliff below eroded away into a watery cave entrance. It's notably dark down here - the overhang blocks sunlight.
[21:23] <Orval> Arachiel gets a bit closer, using her own natural light to peer inside.
[21:25] <Kotono> Within is a deep hidden cove. It goes on for a good eighty feet before you can see a shore. The shore is sand and stone, rather rough looking. Twenty feet past that is a dead end wall - and build into it is a grand, three story building. It's made of rock and decorated with coral, a great metal gong besides a massive front gate.
[21:35] <Orval> Having clearly found something, Arachiel pops out of the cave, arriving near the group. "I found something! I found something!" She exults. "A big cave with a building in it! Rock and coral!"
[21:38] <Janson> "Alright!" Janson pushes himself to his feet. "Lets get moving, then?"
[21:39] <Kotono> "Where exactly is it?" Sylvie asks. "Can we get to it from land or will we need to swim or make a raft?"
[21:42] <Aaeru> "If it's, like, a cliff, then we can jump and I have Feather Fall!"
[21:44] <Orval> "Can you show us where it is?" Orval asks Arachiel.
[21:45] <Orval> Arachiel bobs. "Yes! I think you can get there by climbing! Or falling! Or swimming!"
[21:48] <Orval> "Alright, lead on then." Orval nods.
[21:49] <Orval> With that, Arachiel begins to head back to way she went earlier, ORval following along.
[21:49] * Janson also follows!
[21:52] <Kotono> The party follows along! They come up atop a cliff, about 30ft up or so. It's a vast overhang, the ocean below seeming to flow in past it into a hidden, watery cave.
[21:53] <Aaeru> "Can you guys swim?" Aaeru asks. "Cause we can just jump and fall really slowly and swim inside, then!"
[21:53] <Janson> "Hmm. I can climb down and along the ceiling till I find dry land easy enough, but looks like you guys might have to get wet," Janson observes with an apologetic look at the others.
[21:55] <Kotono> "I can swim if I have to," Sylvie peers down, "Though the thought of bein gwet for the next several hours doesn't fill me with glee.
[21:55] <Kotono> :
[21:55] <Orval> "I'm not the best swimmer or climber." Orval grumps.
[21:56] <Aaeru> "There's, like, Prestidigitation for that!" Aaeru tells Sylvie, giving her a strange look. "I taught you that one, right?"
[21:57] * Aaeru pauses, then, and observes Orval for a few moments. "Umm, well, I could use the Fly spell on you. Do you want to learn it later? It's, like, super-useful!"
[21:57] <Kotono> "I know, I know," Sylvie says, waving a hand, "Still." She kneels down and peers down, "Any idea how deep the water is down there?"
[21:58] <Orval> "I'd appreciate that very much, Aaeru. We can go over the workings of the spell after we are done here. I'd love to learn it." Orval grins.
[21:58] * Aaeru pats Orval's shoulder, bestowing him with the power of flight. "Wanna go down there and check how deep it is or something? Cause I really dunno from here."
[21:59] <Janson> "If anyone gets into trouble just yell, I can dive in and try to help out," Janson offers, securing his pack and starting to climb down and under the overhang with spider agility!
[22:00] <Aaeru> "Ready?" Aaeru meanwhile asks Sylvie, waiting on her to jump down.
[22:01] * Orval watches Janson climb. "That boy is mighty good at that."
[22:03] <Kotono> Sylvie takes a look down and kneels, before making a sharp dive down!
[22:03] <Kotono> roll 1d20+9
[22:03] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 and gets 19." [1d20=10]
[22:03] * Aaeru jumps right after her, Feather Fall guiding their descent!
[22:03] <Kotono> OOC: Make a swim checkr eal quick, Aaeru?
[22:03] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+4 I can swim!
[22:03] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+4 I can swim! and gets 11." [1d20=7]
[22:04] <Kotono> With dual splashes the two splash down! As they surface and swim ahead, Orval comes along via flight and Janson crawls the ceiling! With Arachiel illuminating the way ahead they approach the hidden building, reaching the shore! It stands ahead of them, strong and imposing!
[22:04] * Orval leaps off the edge of the cliff face, looping around and into the cave!
[22:05] * Aaeru climbs onto shore and helps Sylvie get out of the water, before proceeding to dry Sylvie. She can do the same for herself afterwards.
[22:05] <Janson> Crawling around and down the cave walls once he reaches the shoreline, Janson takes a look for any traps while waiting for the others to swim across.
[22:05] <Janson> roll 1d20+12 search
[22:05] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+12 search and gets 30." [1d20=18]
[22:09] <Kotono> Aaeru gets dried as Janson searches about! He doens't find any traps.
[22:10] <Janson> "Seems safe," Janson comments as the girls dry themselves. "Think we should ring that gong to make sure nobody's home first?"
[22:11] <Aaeru> "Sure! It's very polite!" Aaeru agrees, approaching the gong and ringing it once.
[22:13] <Kotono> The gong is rung! It is a vastly loud sound, echoing apart all over! It is followed by a few moments of utter silence, before a rough female voice is heard, "Who approaches the monastary of the Order of the Sea Fist?"
[22:13] <Aaeru> "Hi! My name's Aaeru!" she responds.
[22:14] <Janson> "Janson!" Janson calls after with a wave towards the door.
[22:15] <Kotono> "Sylvie," With a shrug Sylvie tosses her name in.
[22:15] <Orval> "Orval." Orval says.
[22:15] <Orval> "Arachiel!" The small ball of light calls.
[22:15] <Kotono> "What school do you hail from?" The voice challenges right back.
[22:15] <Aaeru> "I, like, taught myself but now we're all in Whimsical Sweets!"
[22:16] <Janson> "Uh, school of the Tiger Fist!" Janson calls back, shrugging at his companions afterwards.
[22:16] * Aaeru looks at Janson curiously.
[22:18] <Kotono> "School of the Air Genasi and the Beggar's Fist," Sylvie says after a moment's thought, shrugging at the others.
[22:19] * Orval shrugs. "I studied the secrets of Dumathoin with my people."
[22:20] <Kotono> "If you desire entrance to our sacred halls, defend yourself!" With that word there is silence...before the front gates begin to creak!
[22:20] <Aaeru> "Okay!" Aaeru responds, casting Enlarge Person!
[22:23] <Orval> "Whoa whoa there lass! We're not here to fight!" Orval says, holding his hands up.
[22:24] <Aaeru> "It's a challenge! A friendly fight!" Aaeru exclaims at Orval's words. "We have to accept it!"
[22:24] <Janson> "It's the only way to prove ourselves worthy of the treasure," Janson agrees steadfastly!
[22:25] <Aaeru> "I'm sure we'll be friends after!"
[22:25] <Kotono> Sylvie mutters a dark curse under her breath, splitting into several! She nods grimly at that, "Aaeru's right. They've construted this as a challenge, and it would be cowardly to run...not that I care about that, but the point is that a bunch of monks are about to come out and are gonna try kicking our asses!"
[22:25] <Kotono> roll 1d4 mi
[22:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 mi and gets 2." [1d4=2]
[22:25] <Kotono> OOC: 3 Sylvies, add to her HP count.
[22:27] <Kotono> As the party prepares and talks, the gates open wide! From beyond you see them - dozens of them! Green, fish creatures clad only in loose white robes and headbands - sahuagin! They have wicked looking claws, all on guard as they rush towards the party as one! OOC: Init here, you vs monk sahuagin horde. Good luck!

[22:27] <Kotono> roll 1d20+8 Sylvie
[22:27] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 Sylvie and gets 23." [1d20=15]
[22:27] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+2
[22:27] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+2 and gets 12." [1d20=10]
[22:27] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1 sahuagin monk horde
[22:27] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 sahuagin monk horde and gets 12." [1d20=11]
[22:27] <Orval> roll 1d20+3 Orval
[22:27] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+3 Orval and gets 23." [1d20=20]
[22:27] <Janson> roll 1d20+4
[22:27] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+4 and gets 20." [1d20=16]
[22:27] <Orval> roll 1d20+4 Arachiel
[22:27] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+4 Arachiel and gets 16." [1d20=12]
[22:28] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie=Orval(23)>Janson(20)>Aaeru=sahuagin monk horde(12)'
[22:28] <Kotono> OOC: Sylvie and Orval open.
[22:30] <Kotono> Sylvie braces, preparing to meet their charge and strike back! OOC: Holding for the moment.
[22:32] * Orval pulls a small rind of pork from his spell pouch, waving his hands in the air and speaking some arcane words. Abruptly he finishes, the area beneath the sahuagin's feet becoming slick and shiny! OOC: Immediate reflex save DC 15 or fall prone
[22:34] <Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[22:34] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 and gets 13." [1d20=9]
[22:34] <Kotono> To this several sahuagin slip and fall, slipping and sliding on the greased floor! There are several more behind them, however! OOC: Janson, go.
[22:37] <Janson> "Earth grapple fist technique!" Janson calls dramatically as a grease covered fist of stone erupts from the ground at the far edge of Orval's spell, going to grab one of the monks still standing! While it gets to work the warlock bravely retreats behind his fellows!
[22:37] <Janson> roll 1d20+10 CMB
[22:37] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+10 CMB and gets 11." [1d20=1]
[22:37] <Kotono> The fist so appears, but flails in vain! OOC: Aaeru and the monks are up. Aaeru?
[22:39] * Aaeru responds to the army of sahuagin with one of her own!
[22:39] <Aaeru> roll 1d4+2 MI
[22:39] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d4+2 MI and gets 6." [1d4=4]
[22:40] <Kotono> As more Aaerus appear, the sahuagins charge forward!
[22:40] <Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[22:40] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 and gets 7." [1d20=3]
[22:41] <Kotono> More slip and fall, an entire small pile of them! They are trampled by the backranks, a good dozen or more of them smashed and stomped up as the rest approach! They come with a flurry, leaping into flying kicks as they assail the party! OOC: Aare, you have reach so you can AoO on one of 'em if you want.
[22:41] <Aaeru> OOC: I can AoO two if they're in range. Are they?
[22:43] <Kotono> OOC: Yeah, it's an entire horde of them.
[22:43] * Aaeru backhands the monk that flies at her with his fist outstretched, and then jumps over an incoming kick only to come down hard on that striking foot!
[22:43] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+12
[22:43] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+12
[22:43] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+12 and gets 27." [1d20=15]
[22:43] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+12 and gets 31." [1d20=19]
[22:43] <Kotono> OOC: Two hits.
[22:43] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+7 monk1
[22:43] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+7 monk2
[22:43] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+7 monk1 and gets 12." [2d6=4, 1]
[22:43] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+7 monk2 and gets 13." [2d6=2, 4]
[22:44] <Aaeru> OOC: nonlethal, of course
[22:44] <Kotono> Aaeru lashes out, slamming two monks down but hard! Yet more are about, attacking everyone with flying kicks!
[22:44] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 Janson
[22:44] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 Janson and gets 9." [1d20=2]
[22:44] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 Orval
[22:44] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 Orval and gets 8." [1d20=1]
[22:44] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 Sylvie
[22:45] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 Sylvie and gets 16." [1d20=9]
[22:45] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 Arachiel
[22:45] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 Arachiel and gets 10." [1d20=3]
[22:45] <Kotono> roll 1d3 Sylvie images
[22:45] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d3 Sylvie images and gets 2." [1d3=2]
[22:46] <Kotono> Theya re all around the party now, dozens of martial artists swinging and punching! Yet the party avoids each and every strike, leaving them lying out and down! At the same time Sylvie surges forward, a flurry of counter blows!
[22:46] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10 flurry nonlethal
[22:46] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10 flurry nonlethal
[22:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 flurry nonlethal and gets 24." [1d20=14]
[22:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 flurry nonlethal and gets 11." [1d20=1]
[22:46] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[22:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 15." [1d20=10]
[22:46] <Kotono> roll 1d8+11
[22:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+11 and gets 16." [1d8=5]
[22:46] * Kotono changes topic to 'Orval(23)>Janson(20)>Aaeru=sahuagin monk horde(12)>Sylvie'
[22:47] <Kotono> Another sahuagin takes it in the sternum, going down and out! The remainers begin to dance around you, flipping and throwing punches with abandon! OOC Orval, go.
[22:51] * Orval quickly throws some tiny tarts at one of the sahuagin, waving a feather in the air with his other hand as he speaks a series if loopy arcane words! OOC: Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Will DC 16. Fall prone for 7 rounds if fail
[22:51] <Kotono> OOC: Make a concentration check? There's a buncha things close enough to AoO you.
[22:51] <Orval> roll 1d20+11
[22:51] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+11 and gets 17." [1d20=6]
[22:51] <Kotono> OOC: Made it on the number.
[22:52] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[22:52] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 6." [1d20=1]
[22:53] <Kotono> One of the sahuagin monks stops, starting to laugh and falling prone, utterly struck by how hilarious life is! OOC: Janson.
[22:55] <Janson> "Your fish fist might rule below the waves, but up here it's no match for the tiger fist!" Janson calls, delivering a rising knee to the stomach of the sahaugin that attacked him and then bouncing off and across the melee to land near the cavern wall!
[22:55] <Janson> roll 1d20+6 attack, provokes AoO
[22:55] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+6 attack, provokes AoO and gets 16." [1d20=10]
[22:55] <Janson> roll 1d20+13 subsequent tumble which may provoke further AoOs if bad
[22:55] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+13 subsequent tumble which may provoke further AoOs if bad and gets 18." [1d20=5]
[22:56] <Janson> OOC: AC 22
[22:56] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 attack AoO, beta CMD so no moving AoO.
[22:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 attack AoO, beta CMD so no moving AoO. and gets 13." [1d20=6]
[22:57] <Janson> Also the stone fist grabs a fallen sahaugin just because it can!
[22:57] <Janson> roll 1d20+10 CMB
[22:57] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+10 CMB and gets 29." [1d20=19]
[22:57] <Kotono> Janson exchanges a powerful knee with af ist, the two attacks cancelling each other out as Janson  leaps back against the wall! Neither is injured byt he vicious exchange, while meanwhile a downed sahuagin is grabbed and held! OOC: Aaeru'n'Monks, go.
[22:58] <Aaeru> Since everyone is getting into the spirit of things, Aaeru cries out, "Arcane Fist!" as her hands ignite with a blue, otherworldy fire! An open-palmed strike is sent at the monk charging her head on to send him into slumber, turning into a backhand to persuade another monk to join its friend! Aaeru steps into her image, then, trading places with it, and her free hand catches an attack meant for her before catching onto the back of that monk's head and slamming him into the ground!
[22:59] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+12 2nd lvl arcane strike
[22:59] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+12 2nd lvl arcane strike
[22:59] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+12 2nd lvl arcane strike and gets 16." [1d20=4]
[22:59] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+12 2nd lvl arcane strike and gets 16." [1d20=4]
[22:59] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+7 2nd lvl arcane strike
[22:59] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+7 2nd lvl arcane strike and gets 11." [1d20=4]
[22:59] <Kotono> Aaeru's arcane flurry strikes out thrice, each one parried by a nearby monk! At the same time blows come raining down on everyone from the dwindling monk horde!
[23:00] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 claw Sylvie
[23:00] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 claw Sylvie
[23:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 claw Sylvie and gets 8." [1d20=1]
[23:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 claw Sylvie and gets 22." [1d20=15]
[23:00] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 rake Sylvie
[23:00] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 rake Sylvie
[23:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 rake Sylvie and gets 14." [1d20=7]
[23:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 rake Sylvie and gets 8." [1d20=1]
[23:00] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 bite Sylvie
[23:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 bite Sylvie and gets 21." [1d20=14]
[23:00] <Kotono> roll 1d2 attack 2; 22
[23:00] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d2 attack 2; 22 and gets 2." [1d2=2]
[23:01] <Kotono> OOC: Images are gone, bite gets through.
[23:02] <Kotono> roll 2d4+1 bite damage
[23:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d4+1 bite damage and gets 7." [2d4=2, 4]
[23:02] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 claw Aaeru
[23:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 claw Aaeru and gets 17." [1d20=10]
[23:02] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 claw Aaeru
[23:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 claw Aaeru and gets 14." [1d20=7]
[23:02] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 rake
[23:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 rake and gets 11." [1d20=4]
[23:02] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 rake
[23:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 rake and gets 9." [1d20=2]
[23:02] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 bite
[23:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 bite and gets 24." [1d20=17]
[23:02] <Kotono> OOC: What's the image AC?
[23:03] <Aaeru> OOC: Should be 11 due to size
[23:04] <Kotono> roll 1d8 1
[23:04] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8 1 and gets 6." [1d8=6]
[23:04] <Kotono> roll 1d7 2
[23:04] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d7 2 and gets 1." [1d7=1]
[23:04] <Kotono> OOC: AC?
[23:04] <Aaeru> OOC: 22
[23:05] <Kotono> OOC: Okay, take your AoOs. Bite'll get through any which way - it's the last one so it's not getting AoOed out and it hit a 1 on the MI rolls. Rest all miss, though.
[23:05] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14 still that arcane strike
[23:05] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 still that arcane strike and gets 17." [1d20=3]
[23:05] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14 still that arcane strike
[23:05] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 still that arcane strike and gets 22." [1d20=8]
[23:05] <Kotono> OOC: One hit.
[23:05] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+7+2d4
[23:05] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+7+2d4 and gets 20." [2d6=4, 5][2d4=1, 3]
[23:06] <Kotono> roll 2d4+1
[23:06] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d4+1 and gets 8." [2d4=4, 3]
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[20:32] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 claw Orval
[20:32] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 claw Orval
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 claw Orval and gets 14." [1d20=7]
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 claw Orval and gets 11." [1d20=4]
[20:32] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 rake
[20:32] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 rake
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 rake and gets 9." [1d20=2]
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 rake and gets 20." [1d20=13]
[20:32] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 bite AC, Orval?
[20:32] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 bite AC, Orval? and gets 21." [1d20=14]
[20:33] <Orval> OOC: 15
[20:33] <Kotono> roll 1d6+1+2d4+1 nonlethal owwies
[20:33] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6+1+2d4+1 nonlethal owwies and gets 10." [1d6=3][2d4=1, 4]
[20:33] <Kotono> roll 1d20+9 charge, single claw on Janson since he got outta the way.
[20:33] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+9 charge, single claw on Janson since he got outta the way. and gets 19." [1d20=10]
[20:33] <Kotono> OOC: AC, Janson?
[20:34] <Janson> OOC; 22
[20:34] <Kotono> It's a flurry of martial arts and back and forth! Blows are given as everyone defends t hemselves, almost everyone getting hits! Sylvie takes a bite as she weaves past a flurry of claws, Aaeru gets grazed as she uses arcane fired hands toslam a pair of heads togehter! Orval is beseiged and battered, gruffly taking the abuse without falling! Then...OOC: Sylvie's up.
[20:35] <Kotono> Sylvie continues to assail her attackers, calling out, "Can anyone do something to thin their numbers a bit more?!"
[20:35] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[20:35] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[20:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 23." [1d20=13]
[20:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 28." [1d20=18]
[20:35] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[20:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 23." [1d20=18]
[20:35] <Kotono> roll 3d8+33
[20:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+33 and gets 48." [3d8=4, 7, 4]
[20:35] <Orval> "Aye, I can try!" Orval cries, dodging what he can.
[20:36] <Kotono> WHAM! Sylvie's blows send a trio of sahugain reeling back and out, thumping to the ground around her! OOC: Orval's up, go.
[20:43] * Orval mutters a few quick words and taps Aaeru on the shoulder, strength immediately flowing into her! OOC: Bull's Strength, +4 STR GO
[20:44] <Kotono> OOC:  You're surrounded by baddies, so make a concentration check to avoid AoOs?
[20:45] <Orval> roll 1d20+11 concentration
[20:45] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+11 concentration and gets 26." [1d20=15]
[20:47] <Kotono> Power flows through Aaeru's body as Orval weaves and dodges, able to just barely touch her shoulder! OOC: JAnson, go.
[20:48] * Janson retaliates against his attacker with an elbow driven forward into his chest to hopefully take the wind (water?) out of him before retreating up the wall to buy some room!
[20:48] <Janson> OOC: provokes AoO
[20:48] <Janson> roll 1d20+6 attack
[20:48] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+6 attack and gets 11." [1d20=5]
[20:49] <Janson> OOC: AC still 22
[20:49] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7
[20:49] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 and gets 13." [1d20=6]
[20:49] <Kotono> Again the two trade blows, the sahuagin blocking and leaping up to send a flying kick in counter! But both are blocked, Janson successfully retreating out of the melee! OOC: Aaeru'n'horde. Go Aaeru.
[20:50] <Aaeru> "Fine! I'll fight seriously!" the six remaining Aaeru declare, even as the real one amongst them feels ever-greater strength flow through her veins. She grabs the biter by the neck and applies enough pressure to free her skin of his teeth, before tossing him at his comrades! And then, while they lie disoriented in a pile, Aaeru dives at them with a cry of "Elbow drop!"
[20:50] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+35 grapple
[20:50] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+35 grapple and gets 43." [1d20=8]
[20:50] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+12 attack2
[20:50] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+12 attack2 and gets 25." [1d20=13]
[20:50] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+7 attack3
[20:50] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+7 attack3 and gets 18." [1d20=11]
[20:50] <Kotono> OOC: All hit.
[20:51] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+9
[20:51] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+9
[20:51] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+9
[20:51] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+9 and gets 16." [2d6=3, 4]
[20:51] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+9 and gets 17." [2d6=4, 4]
[20:51] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+9 and gets 18." [2d6=5, 4]
[20:52] <Kotono> With a toss the sahuagin monk is sent flying, Aaeru dives in! Her elbow does vast damage, knocking the entire pile of them dazed and out! At this point the monk mob is thinned considerably, less opponents about all over! Yet the kung-fu action continuest o fly, even as several of them lie defeated! OOC: Horde is up.
[20:52] <Kotono> roll 1d20+6 claw Aaeru
[20:52] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 claw Aaeru and gets 11." [1d20=5]
[20:52] <Kotono> roll 1d20+6 claw Sylvie
[20:52] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 claw Sylvie and gets 15." [1d20=9]
[20:52] <Kotono> roll 1d20+6 claw Orval
[20:52] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 claw Orval and gets 11." [1d20=5]
[20:53] <Kotono> It's a flurry of attacks from the remainder, but each one is easily blocked or parried! OOC: Aaeru, you can AoO the one that attacked you if you like.
[20:55] * Aaeru clotheslines that uppity would-be monk!
[20:55] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+37 grapplings
[20:55] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+37 grapplings and gets 44." [1d20=7]
[20:55] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+9
[20:55] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+9 and gets 13." [2d6=3, 1]
[20:56] <Kotono> Another one is sent flying and down, KO'ed! AT this Sylvie joins the fray again, taking on another few!
[20:56] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[20:56] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[20:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 25." [1d20=15]
[20:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 17." [1d20=7]
[20:56] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[20:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 18." [1d20=13]
[20:56] <Kotono> roll 2d8+22
[20:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d8+22 and gets 30." [2d8=3, 5]
[20:56] <Kotono> Two more lie on the ground after, Sylvie doing a split-kick to send both of them out! Only a shrinking handful remain up now, several bloodied and bruised already! OOC: Orval, go.
[20:59] <Orval> Seeing that there are few enough up, Orval decides to haul off and slug one of the remaining fish-men!
[20:59] <Orval> roll 1d20+5
[20:59] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+5 and gets 18." [1d20=13]
[21:00] <Kotono> OOC: Just slugging 'em and taking the AoO?
[21:00] <Orval> OOC: yup
[21:01] <Kotono> roll 1d20+6 AoO, you hit anyway so do damage.
[21:01] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+6 AoO, you hit anyway so do damage. and gets 12." [1d20=6]
[21:01] <Orval> roll 1d3 nonlethal
[21:01] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d3 nonlethal and gets 1." [1d3=1]
[21:01] <Kotono> Orval takes a swing, a graze across the cheek of one of the sahuagin! It draws a bruise but little more, the monk's eyes narrowing! OOC: Janson, go.
[21:03] <Janson> Leaping off the wall with a dramatic flip, Janson lands before a cluster of remaining monks and calls out, "Dryad fist style!" before miming several quick punches at them all while actually just willing that they all go take a nap.
[21:03] <Janson> OOC: Deep slumber, DC 15 will, affects 10hd
[21:04] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[21:04] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 13." [1d20=8]
[21:05] <Kotono> Yet more sahuagin fall at this, going to slumber! Only two remain up, one on Orval and one on Sylvie! OOC: Aaeru go.
[21:05] <Kotono> The two remainders assault wildly, attacking their prey with all they have left!
[21:06] * Aaeru repeats her earlier feat of slamming two sahuagin against one another!
[21:06] <Kotono> OOC: Go ahead, then I'll resolve the attacks the two remainder are making since yo'ure on same tick.
[21:06] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+19
[21:06] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+19 and gets 33." [1d20=14]
[21:07] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+19 this is grappling
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+19 this is grappling and gets 26." [1d20=7]
[21:07] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 and gets 28." [1d20=14]
[21:07] <Kotono> OOC: Success.
[21:07] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+9
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+9 and gets 16." [2d6=5, 2]
[21:07] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+9
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+9 and gets 12." [2d6=1, 2]
[21:07] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+9
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+9 and gets 17." [2d6=2, 6]
[21:07] <Kotono> At the same time...
[21:07] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5 claw Orval
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 claw Orval and gets 15." [1d20=10]
[21:07] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5 claw Sylvie
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 claw Sylvie and gets 9." [1d20=4]
[21:07] <Kotono> roll 1d6+2 nonlethal Orval
[21:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6+2 nonlethal Orval and gets 3." [1d6=1]
[21:08] <Kotono> As Orval gets a claw-swipe graze, Aaeru slams sahuagin together! Like out of control arrows they meet head on, slumping in a broken, beaten heap! Before you the way into the monastery is clear, awaiting you! OOC: Free act.

[21:09] <Kotono> "Whew," Sylvie wipes her hands clean and then her brow, "No one got an eye poked out or anything, did they?"
[21:09] <Aaeru> Rather than celebrate immediately, Aaeru waits before she checks the downed monks to ensure there were no serious injuries.
[21:09] <Janson> "We win!" Janson cheers, looking around afterwards. "No one really hurt, right?" he asks, including their foes in that statement. Oooh, on that note he dismisses the fiesty rock hand before it can do mischief to a defenceless monk.
[21:10] * Orval prods some bruises of his own, but shakes his head, looking around. "I think we're all okay. Sorry about that, but I couldn't use anything else without coming i danger of killing them."
[21:10] <Kotono> The monks all look like they're out hard, though nothing obvious shows any fatalities.
[21:11] <Aaeru> "Our styles totally won and stuff!" Aaeru declares for the sake of the mysterious voice.
[21:11] <Kotono> "That wasn't so hard," Sylvie looks about, nudging one with her foot. "Guess sahuagin make bad fist fighters?"
[21:11] <Kotono> This time the voice replies, "Come in, I await you!"
[21:11] <Janson> "So I guess we've proven our right to enter their sacred halls?" Janson asks. "It was pretty impressive for them to bite and claw so much without actually drawing blood. Good self control."
[21:11] * Aaeru follows that advice, her images crowding about as they follow her obediently.
[21:13] <Kotono> "We came this far, so why not? Unless we all get maimed in here," Sylvie wrinkles her nose, following Aaeru.
[21:14] <Janson> "Maybe the treasure is training in their secret techniques?" Janson wonders, falling in line with the smaller blonde.
[21:15] <Aaeru> "That would be so totally a worthy treasure!" Aaeru exclaims, before pausing. A moment later she remembers to keep on moving, a frown gracing her face. "Wait, that's not right...."
[21:15] <Kotono> Ahead you go! The hallway is smooth stone, polished bright and hard. The walls are decorated with statues of sahuagins in monk poses and practicing as you go along...OOC: Aaeru, make spot?
[21:15] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+9
[21:15] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+9 and gets 14." [1d20=5]
[21:16] <Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[21:16] <Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[21:16] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 and gets 6." [1d20=2]
[21:16] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 and gets 19." [1d20=15]
[21:16] <Kotono> OOC: AC?
[21:16] <Aaeru> OOC: 22
[21:16] <Aaeru> OOC: 20 flat footed
[21:17] <Kotono> As you walk ahead, from the mouths of two statues opposite each other they come! Tiny darts, flying out! One misses Aaeru, the other bouncing off her skin harmlessly!
[21:18] <Janson> "Oh, traps!" Janson exclaims as he sees Aaeru being shot. "You want me to take the lead and watch for them, Aaeru?"
[21:18] <Aaeru> "But what if you get shot?"
[21:19] <Kotono> "We're probably supposed to avoid them all with grace and hard years of practice," Sylvie observes, then makes a pfft sound, tongue sticking out. "I like the idea of subverting that more."
[21:20] <Aaeru> "So we just jump past statues? Like frogs or something?"
[21:21] <Janson> "Well most darts wouldn't hurt me even if I was shot anyway," Janson points out. "I mean if you really want to suffer for Ilmater I won't stop you, but just throwing out a suggestion."
[21:21] <Aaeru> "I actually, like, never really got that part?" Aaeru admits. "I mean, suffering's fine and all, but who likes it?"
[21:22] <Kotono> "Masochists?" Sylvie shrugs, "I don't get it, either."
[21:23] <Janson> "I think it's less enjoying the suffering itself and more enjoying the fact that by taking it yourself you're ensuring other people will be happy and unsuffering? It's kind of a vicarious happiness... but hey, he's your God, what do I know?" Janson likewise shrugs.
[21:24] <Orval> "Happiness by proxy?" Orval half-asks.
[21:24] * Aaeru shrugs. "I guess those exist. They come over all the time, like you wouldn't believe--" Aaeru pinches the bridge of her nose. "Well, whatever. I don't really get it either, so you must be like a god or something to really understand that point. If you think you'll be fine I can move a bit and let you go?"
[21:25] <Janson> "Right," Janson grins, squeezing by Aaeru happily now that he can make himself useful, continuing at a sedate pace to keep an eye out for traps.
[21:25] <Janson> roll 1d20+12 search
[21:25] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+12 search and gets 22." [1d20=10]
[21:26] <Kotono> Going twenty feet ahead, Janson finds a false floor pit trap! It's 10 feet long, with the sides of the hall having just enough real floor to pass it.
[21:27] <Janson> "Watch out for the floor here," Janson kneels down and thumps the edge of the trap to see if that's enough pressure to trigger it so that the border will be easier to see for everyone else. "Can squeeze by the side but you might need to shrink again, Aaeru."
[21:28] <Kotono> It's enough to shake it, but not trigger it.
[21:28] * Aaeru first checks if she can just brace herself against the walls and use both margins of safety to each side to pass across.
[21:29] <Janson> Shrugging and not pushing it further, Janson just leads the way by skimming the edge.
[21:32] <Kotono> It would be tricky, requiring some balancing.
[21:34] * Aaeru dismisses one of the spells upon her at this obstacle. She can hardly protect everyone while Janson is leading, anyway, so she might as well recover some of her speed and maneuverability.
[21:35] <Kotono> The party advances on to a pair of heavy double doors! As they approach, they open! Ahead is a room about 100ft wide and 100ft long. It's open waters ahead, at the far end more doors leading deeper in. Besides that door is another gong, a single sahuagin monk standing before it. As you reach the edge of the water he calls forth to you in Common, "Hold, I say! Come no closer this moment, but
[21:35] <Kotono> listen instead!"
[21:36] <Janson> "Yo," Janson waves amiably at the monk, stopping to listen.
[21:36] * Aaeru mirrors Janson's greeting in a veritable flurry of happy waving.
[21:38] <Kotono> The monk nods once, slamming his claw into the gong! It's noise echos as he calls, "Come forward now!"
[21:38] * Aaeru approaches!
[21:38] <Janson> "Some ritual?" Janson wonders, stepping forward as well.
[21:41] <Kotono> The water is waist deep, as you approach. You travel 20ft, 80ft away from the doors, when they open! They stream out - 3 more of them, the gong ringer joining them! They advance 20ft, 60ft away from you now. comes. It flies on wings of shadow, hideous! It is something female, but so ugly to look at that your eyes burn! Warts...long nose...horrid, horrid teeth, something female and yet
[21:41] <Kotono> utterly repulsive! OOC: Fort saves, all.
[21:41] <Janson> roll 1d20+6
[21:41] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+6 and gets 20." [1d20=14]
[21:41] <Orval> roll 1d20+9
[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+9 and gets 12." [1d20=3]
[21:42] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10 Sylvie
[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 Sylvie and gets 29." [1d20=19]
[21:42] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+13
[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+13 and gets 25." [1d20=12]
[21:42] <Kotono> roll 2d6 str damage Orval
[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 str damage Orval and gets 10." [2d6=5, 5]
[21:44] <Kotono> The apperance is almost too much for Orval to bear, body becoming incredibly weak, on the brink of collapse! It's voice is like nails on chalkboard, "Hehahahahaha, why children, you've come all this way. Tell me, who sent you here?"
[21:44] <Aaeru> "Why, Ilmater, why?!" Aaeru exclaims piteously, tearing her eyes away from the sight.
[21:45] * Janson has been taught to respect women, no matter how hard on the eyes or the ears! And really it's been some of the gorgeous ones that've been the most hateful. "It was no person, but a magic map, madam," he replies respectfully.
[21:45] <Orval> roll 1d20+5 Arachiel
[21:45] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+5 Arachiel and gets 18." [1d20=13]
[21:46] <Kotono> OOC: Also, any of you can make K:N here.
[21:46] <Janson> roll 1d20+14
[21:46] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+14 and gets 18." [1d20=4]
[21:46] <Kotono> roll 1d20+17 Sylvie
[21:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+17 Sylvie and gets 21." [1d20=4]
[21:49] <Kotono> "Magic?" Chuckling, "Well, you are different from the monks who find their way here." A hand is extended out, eldritch energies gathering there, "I am Dodona of the Yellow Pact Coven. In the name of Thruxanavul, your lives and journey come to an end here! Curse the magic that brought you to this gilded trapcage!" OOC: Init, she does not seem friendly.

[21:50] <Janson> roll 1d20+4
[21:50] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+4 and gets 20." [1d20=16]
[21:50] <Orval> roll 1d20+3 Orval
[21:50] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+3 Orval and gets 7." [1d20=4]
[21:50] <Orval> roll 1d20+4 Arachiel
[21:50] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+4 Arachiel and gets 21." [1d20=17]
[21:50] <Aaeru> "It's not gilded at all!" Aaeru complains, keeping her eyes averted even as she brings her fists up!
[21:50] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+3
[21:50] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+3 and gets 8." [1d20=5]
[21:51] <Janson> roll 1d20+14 all about the arcana
[21:51] <Kotono> roll 1d20+8 Sylvie
[21:51] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 Sylvie and gets 22." [1d20=14]
[21:51] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+14 all about the arcana and gets 16." [1d20=2]
[21:51] <Kotono> roll 4#1d20+1
[21:51] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4#1d20+1 and gets 73." [4#1d20+1 = 17, 17, 21, 18]
[21:51] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Dodona
[21:51] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 Dodona and gets 12." [1d20=11]
[21:52] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(22)>Arachiel(21)>Janson(20)>Aaeru(8)>Orval(7)'
[21:53] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(22)>Arachiel=Monk 3(21)>Janson(20)>Monk 4(18)>Monk 1=Monk 2(17)>Dodona(12)>Aaeru(8)>Orval(7)'
[21:53] <Kotono> OOC: K:A checks now.
[21:53] <Orval> roll 1d20+13 Arcana
[21:53] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+13 Arcana and gets 31." [1d20=18]
[21:53] <Kotono> roll 1d20+19 Sylvie
[21:53] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+19 Sylvie and gets 30." [1d20=11]
[21:55] <Kotono> OOC: Bear in mind that the waist deep water constitutes difficult terrain, people. Sylvie is up to open.
[21:56] <Orval> "Thruxanavul? Thruxanavul is a yellow dragon, and a little-known one at that. Friends, are ye?" Orval says, propping himself up on one knee for stability.
[21:56] <Kotono> Sylvie pales at the same time as Orval speaks, drawing on inspiration to erect a shield of energy before her! OOC: Arcane Dilette, using shield. Arachiel is up.
[21:57] <Kotono> roll 1d20+19 Sylvie arcana yellow dragon
[21:57] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+19 Sylvie arcana yellow dragon and gets 24." [1d20=5]
[21:58] <Kotono> Dodona cackles at that, "A wise one, are ye?" Leering back at Orval as she flies on wings of the night, "He has given us all powers! Your treasures shall be more tribute to him!"
[21:59] <Aaeru> "Hah! We don't have any!" Aaeru calls back at that.
[21:59] <Orval> Arachiel bobs, her light pulsing. "Hey! Stay back!" Her light brightens for a moment before flashing out in a beam, two times!
[21:59] <Kotono> OOC: Who are you aiming at?
[22:00] <Orval> roll 1d20+2 touch on Dodona
[22:00] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 touch on Dodona and gets 22." [1d20=20]
[22:00] <Orval> roll 1d20+2 touch on Dodona
[22:00] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 touch on Dodona and gets 6." [1d20=4]
[22:00] <Kotono> OOC: One hit.
[22:00] <Orval> roll 1d20+2 to confirm?
[22:00] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 to confirm? and gets 22." [1d20=20]
[22:00] <Kotono> OOC: Criiiit.
[22:00] <Orval> roll 2d6
[22:00] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 2d6 and gets 10." [2d6=4, 6]
[22:02] <Kotono> With a beam of pure celestial light flying, Dodona holds her arms up! The beam pierces through it and out the other side, the beam dealing a clean, painful wound to the hag!  At this the third monk rushes forward, unhindered by the water, combining air and water movement in a dazzling dance! In an instant it's out, laying out a vicious kick at Janson!
[22:02] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 (+2 charge)
[22:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 (+2 charge) and gets 25." [1d20=18]
[22:02] <Janson> OOC: AC 18 unless hindered further by water
[22:02] <Kotono> roll 1d6+2
[22:02] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6+2 and gets 6." [1d6=4]
[22:02] <Kotono> OOC: Lethal damage this time.
[22:03] <Kotono> Janson takes the kick head on, mostly bouncing off his ensorcelled hide!  OOC: Go Janson.
[22:05] <Janson> "Oh, so that's how you want to play it?" Janson scowls at the monk, cartwheeling away and moving with uncanny speed through the water himself to get some space before...
[22:05] <Janson> roll 1d20+13 tumble vs CMD
[22:05] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+13 tumble vs CMD and gets 22." [1d20=9]
[22:06] <Kotono> OOC: Success.
[22:07] <Janson> Landing twenty feet away, Janson flexes his arms and growls, his body growing in bulk as green scales begin to grow out of his skin, coating him in a thick armour while wicked claws extend from his fingers, his face morphing into a fanged lizard-like maw with a yellow crest above, and a long tail snaking out from just above the waistband of his pants. "How do you like me now?" he challenges,
[22:07] <Janson> his voice having a hissing undertone.
[22:09] <Kotono> Janson transforms, turning into a lizardman! For a moment he gets more than his fair share of attention! Meanwhile the fourth monk is coming ahead, right at Aaeru with his own kick!
[22:09] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 (+2 charge)
[22:09] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 (+2 charge) and gets 21." [1d20=14]
[22:09] <Kotono> OOC: Flatfooted AC?
[22:09] <Aaeru> OOC: 21 flatfooted, 22 vs evil
[22:09] <Kotono> Sylvie doubletakes over at Janson, shaking her head grimly, "For that, she gets it," Sylvie mutters, glaring death at Dodona!
[22:10] <Kotono> It's a quick kick, but only by a flare of light is Aaeru able to evade, sparks flying as the kick is propelled away! Meanwhile, the first and second monk charge in, one on Orval and one on Sylvie!
[22:10] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 Orval
[22:10] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 Orval and gets 18." [1d20=11]
[22:10] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 Sylvie
[22:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 Sylvie and gets 11." [1d20=4]
[22:11] <Kotono> roll 1d6+2 Orval
[22:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6+2 Orval and gets 6." [1d6=4]
[22:13] <Kotono> Sylvie sidesteps, while Orval gets a flying claw kick in his face! It's enough to make him wobble terribly, body barely able to keep itself up! At this Dodona glares death at them, a spear of pure eldritch energy forming in hand! She squints as she eyes Orval, flinging the spear at him a split second after he takes that wound!
[22:14] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 touch AC?
[22:14] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 touch AC? and gets 13." [1d20=6]
[22:14] <Orval> OOC: 15
[22:15] <Kotono> But Orval caught flatfooted...but the ring on his finger glows blue, an aura of that color deflecting the malevolent spear away! It dissipates when it reaches the water, gone! OOC:  Aaeru.
[22:15] <Kotono> OOC: Strike yes, flatfooted. That knocks it into being a hit.
[22:15] <Kotono> roll 3d6+2d6
[22:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d6+2d6 and gets 15." [3d6=3, 6, 2][2d6=3, 1]
[22:16] <Kotono> But Orval is caught flatfooted! The spear passes right through him without leaving a wound...and a second later, blood sputters out of his mouth, eyes and nose! Orval staggers terribly, as if his innards were just chopped up! OOC: Aaeru.
[22:17] <Aaeru> Faced with such a calm betrayal and told of the fate of those who only wished to train themselves yet fell prey to these evil people makes Aaeru fly into a terrible rage! The sahuagin who had the misfortune of attacking her finds himself desperately on the defensive from her flurry of knife chops and elbow strikes!
[22:18] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14 strength reactivated, AS lvl2
[22:18] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14 strength reactivated, AS lvl2
[22:18] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 strength reactivated, AS lvl2 and gets 32." [1d20=18]
[22:18] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 strength reactivated, AS lvl2 and gets 21." [1d20=7]
[22:18] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+9 strength reactivated, AS lvl2
[22:18] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+9 strength reactivated, AS lvl2 and gets 17." [1d20=8]
[22:18] <Kotono> OOC: Two hits.
[22:19] <Aaeru> roll 2#1d8+9+2d4+1d6 normal+last is fire
[22:19] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2#1d8+9+2d4+1d6 normal+last is fire and gets 41." [2#1d8+9+2d4+1d6 = 18, 23]
[22:19] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(22)>Arachiel=Monk 3(21)>Janson(20)>Monk 1=Monk 2(17)>Dodona(12)>Aaeru(8)>Orval(7)'
[22:20] <Kotono> Under a truly fearsome flurry, the monk's body is broken and it falls into the waters, never to rise again! As thew ater around Aaeru turns red...OOC: Orval, go.
[22:21] * Orval quickly intones a prayer of healing, his right hand held to his chest. OOC: Cure Moderate
[22:21] <Orval> roll 2d8+7
[22:21] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 2d8+7 and gets 20." [2d8=7, 6]
[22:21] <Kotono> OOC: Okay, but monk on you will get an AoO, concentration check to avoid.
[22:22] <Orval> roll 1d20+11 concentration
[22:22] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+11 concentration and gets 24." [1d20=13]
[22:23] <Kotono> Orval concentrates his power in, wounds vanishign in an instant! Sylvie meanwhile nods and unleashes the flurry of pain onto the sahuagin attacking her!
[22:23] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[22:23] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[22:23] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 12." [1d20=2]
[22:23] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 27." [1d20=17]
[22:23] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[22:23] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 9." [1d20=4]
[22:24] <Kotono> roll 1d8+11
[22:24] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+11 and gets 16." [1d8=5]
[22:24] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(22)>Arachiel=Monk 3(21)>Janson(20)>Monk 2(17)>Dodona(12)>Aaeru(8)>Orval(7)'
[22:24] <Kotono> Sylvie's monk takes an uppercut in the chin, flopping up and splashing down, out like a light! OOC: Arachiel and Monk 3, go.
[22:25] <Kotono> The third monk pursues Janson, launching a huge flying kick right at him again!
[22:25] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 (+2 charge)
[22:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 (+2 charge) and gets 27." [1d20=20]
[22:25] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 (+2 charge) crit?
[22:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 (+2 charge) crit? and gets 19." [1d20=12]
[22:25] <Kotono> roll 1d6+2 ow
[22:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6+2 ow and gets 8." [1d6=6]
[22:26] <Kotono> Janson takes it right in the chest, stumbling back! The worst of the blow is absorbed, but pain still radiates out! OOC: Arachiel is up.
[22:26] <Orval> Arachiel glows, shedding light as she bumps up against Orval. OOC: Aid
[22:26] <Orval> roll 1d8+7
[22:26] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d8+7 and gets 13." [1d8=6]
[22:26] <Kotono> Aid flows into Orval, fortifying him against further pain! OOC: Janson, go.
[22:27] <Janson> "Okay, yeah, sure, I asked for that," Janson grumbles, ducking and weaving away from his assailant...
[22:27] <Janson> roll 1d20+13 tumble
[22:27] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+13 tumble and gets 21." [1d20=8]
[22:27] <Janson> "Just like you asked for this!" he crows landing upright twenty feet away and hurling a blast of orange magical energy at the shark-man from his newly clawed hand!
[22:27] <Janson> roll 1d20+8
[22:27] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+8 and gets 14." [1d20=6]
[22:29] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[22:29] <Janson> roll 4d6+2+4d6
[22:29] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 4d6+2+4d6 and gets 31." [4d6=4, 3, 6, 6][4d6=1, 4, 3, 2]
[22:29] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(22)>Arachiel21)>Janson(20)>Monk 2(17)>Dodona(12)>Aaeru(8)>Orval(7)'
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[19:56] <Kotono> With a blast of pure eldritch power, Janson nearly vaporizes his foe! What's left of him rains down into the water around you! OOC: Monk 2 is up.
[19:58] <Kotono> The last remaining sahuagin monk keeps his focus in the midsts of pure chaos! With inner zen he strikes out, trying to bring Sylvie low!
[19:59] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[19:59] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[19:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 22." [1d20=17]
[19:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 6." [1d20=1]
[19:59] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[19:59] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[19:59] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[19:59] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[19:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 25." [1d20=20]
[19:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 16." [1d20=11]
[19:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 9." [1d20=4]
[19:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 24." [1d20=19]
[19:59] <Kotono> OOC: Strike the last one.
[19:59] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5 crit confirm on rake
[19:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 crit confirm on rake and gets 18." [1d20=13]
[19:59] <Kotono> roll 1d6+1 Sylvie ow
[19:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6+1 Sylvie ow and gets 2." [1d6=1]
[20:01] <Kotono> Amid the flurry of blows a single rake grazes Sylvie's side, drawing a few droplets of blood! During this Dodona hovers up, 20ft above the surface of the water! In her hands the promise of eldritch suffering shines, as she leers at Janson, "You have a pact too?" Laughing, "The powers you draw on are nothing compared to my pact!" With that another spear is created, hurled right at Janson!
[20:01] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 touch AC?
[20:01] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 touch AC? and gets 26." [1d20=19]
[20:01] <Janson> OOC: 18
[20:01] <Kotono> roll 3d6+2d6 ow
[20:01] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d6+2d6 ow and gets 20." [3d6=4, 1, 5][2d6=4, 6]
[20:02] <Kotono> The spear rips right through Janson, blood bursting from his mouth a second later! His eyes tint red, body convulsing from the energies that ravage his body! OOC: Aaeru.
[20:04] * Aaeru staggers alongside her images in shock as their opponents are quite literally torn apart to shreds by them. The hideous thing her mind can't quite perceive is the real threat that snaps Aaeru back into focus, however, and she casts fly before launching herself out of the water and after the villain!
[20:04] <Aaeru> OOC: Fly on self, close in for melee
[20:05] <Kotono> OOC: Okay. Orval, go.
[20:12] * Orval mutters a prayer to Dumathoin, holy energy filling and revitalizing him. OOC: Restoration, all strength returned.
[20:12] <Kotono> Orval's body recovers in a flash of holy power, strength returned! His body can move easily once more! A second later Sylvie is countering, fighting back against the monk with a flurry of kicks!
[20:12] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[20:12] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[20:12] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 12." [1d20=2]
[20:12] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 28." [1d20=18]
[20:12] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[20:12] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 13." [1d20=8]
[20:12] <Kotono> roll 1d8+11
[20:12] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+11 and gets 16." [1d8=5]
[20:13] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(22; shield)>Arachiel21)>Janson(20)>Dodona(12)>Aaeru(8)>Orval(7)'
[20:13] <Kotono> With a snap kick to the fishman's head, i'ts eyes roll up and it keels right on over, out cold! OOC: Arachiel.
[20:16] <Orval> Arachiel fires another two beams at the floating ugly woman!
[20:16] <Orval> roll 1d20+2 touch
[20:16] <Orval> roll 1d20+2 touch
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 touch and gets 7." [1d20=5]
[20:16] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 touch and gets 19." [1d20=17]
[20:17] <Kotono> OOC: One hit.
[20:17] <Orval> roll 1d6
[20:17] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d6 and gets 4." [1d6=4]
[20:17] <Kotono> OOC: Does Arachiel have precise shot to negate the -4 for firing into melee? It doesn't matter here though, since it has crap touch AC.
[20:18] <Orval> OOC: No sir
[20:18] <Kotono> Twin beams of light come flying, the second leaving a scrape across Dodona's shoulder! If the vile thing notices it, it suppresses any howl of pain!OOC: Janson.
[20:21] <Janson> Ordinarily Janson would retort with something about how her powers are weak and how he's about to really hurt her with his own superior powers, but with Aaeru floating right in the hag's face he's rather worried he'll miss and then any quips he made before would just look sad. So with a silent crocodlilian glare at his tormentor he dashes through the water with barely any splashing as he angles
[20:21] <Janson> around her and hurls up an orange tinted blast from below!
[20:21] <Janson> roll 1d20+4
[20:21] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+4 and gets 8." [1d20=4]
[20:22] <Kotono> Janson angles just so, firing up the orange shot...and misaims even then, managing to slam the roof above instead of Dodona! Meanwhile the hag leers at Aaeru, all her ugliness focused dead on her! OOC: Will save, Aaeru.
[20:22] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+12
[20:22] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+12 and gets 23." [1d20=11]
[20:24] <Kotono> Aaeru feels her body weaken under the assault...but somehow she marshals herself, drawing away from a stupor of pure disgust! A moment later it appears - a pure yellow gemstone throbbing from the hag's throat, surfacing! A moment later her wounds begin to heal swiftly as she retreats back! OOC: The flyback triggers an AoO if you wanna go for it, Aaeru.
[20:25] * Aaeru strikes out at the hag to keep her closely within range!
[20:26] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+16 grapple
[20:26] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+16 grapple and gets 19." [1d20=3]
[20:27] <Kotono> Aaeru reaches out but can't quit emake contact as Dodona retreats 45 ft to the side, ending up in a corner and away from everyone else! OOC: Aaeru, go.
[20:28] * Aaeru pursues, turning her attack into a flying kick launched at Dodona's temple!
[20:28] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14 lethal
[20:28] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 lethal and gets 32." [1d20=18]
[20:28] <Kotono> OOC: That be a hit.
[20:28] <Aaeru> roll 1d8+8+1d6 lethal+fire
[20:28] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d8+8+1d6 lethal+fire and gets 21." [1d8=7][1d6=6]
[20:29] <Kotono> Cackling as she falls back, Dodona starts to Aaeru's foot shuts her up! Blood and teeth are knocked flying, the hag spinning in the air end over end! Her face smoulders with fire, screaming in pain and sputtering blood! OOC: Ow. Orval.
[20:38] * Orval moves forward and into the air, his hands quickly working, pulling some small root shavins from his pouch and speaking some arcane phrases. OOC: Moving forward 15 feet, hitting everyone I can with Haste. Aaeru is a must, dunno how far she is from Janson.
[20:39] <Kotono> OOC: What's the radius on haste?
[20:40] <Orval> OOC: 50 ft, no two creatures can be more than 30 ft apart
[20:41] <Kotono> OOC: Okay, you could get yourself and Sylvie with that, but not with Janson sicne he's way off to the side.
[20:41] <Orval> OOC: That's fine
[20:42] <Kotono> Rapid speed fills the party as they accelerate, boosted further into supersonic movements! As they surge ahead...OOC: Sylvie will hold in case an MM or something is required, since Aaeru seem sto have it in hand. Go Arachiel.
[20:46] <Orval> Arachiel flies forward, blasting at the hag once she is close enough!
[20:46] <Orval> roll 1d20+2 touch
[20:46] <Orval> roll 1d20+2 touch
[20:46] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 touch and gets 7." [1d20=5]
[20:46] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 touch and gets 22." [1d20=20]
[20:46] <Orval> OOC: -4 on each
[20:47] <Orval> OOC: Scratch last attack
[20:47] <Kotono> A single beam is hurtled out, whizzing past the combat! OOC: Janson, go.
[20:48] <Janson> Not wanting to embarrass himself further, especially when Aaeru has the fight entirely in hand, Janson retreats a bit farther so he's 65 feet from the hag, palming his wand as he goes and waving it over himself to mend his wounds.
[20:48] <Janson> OOC: taking 10 for 22 on UMD, DC 20
[20:48] <Janson> roll 1d8+1
[20:48] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d8+1 and gets 3." [1d8=2]
[20:49] <Kotono> Janson's wounds mildly heal under the wand's light! At this Dodona glares at Aaeru again!
[20:49] <Kotono> OOC: Will.
[20:49] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+12
[20:49] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+12 and gets 16." [1d20=4]
[20:51] <Kotono> Drawing in all her will, Aaeru somehow resists the horrible ugliness with her last gasps of will! Dodona glowers in pain, back against the wall! OOC: Go Aaeru.
[20:52] <Aaeru> "I'm stopping you now," Aaeru says sadly, no longer cringing at the unnatural ugliness she is facing. Her fists once more are sheathed in flame, and she strikes out against the cornered hag that was responsible for countless deaths of honorable martial arts practicioners.
[20:52] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+13
[20:53] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+13
[20:53] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+13
[20:53] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+13 and gets 32." [1d20=19]
[20:53] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+13 and gets 17." [1d20=4]
[20:53] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+13 and gets 15." [1d20=2]
[20:53] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+8
[20:53] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+8 and gets 17." [1d20=9]
[20:53] <Kotono> OOC: One hit.
[20:53] <Aaeru> roll 1d8+8+1d6
[20:53] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d8+8+1d6 and gets 19." [1d8=5][1d6=6]
[20:53] <Kotono> OOC: Wait, strike.
[20:54] <Kotono> OOC: All hit, though you were grappling. It's dead.
[20:54] <Aaeru> roll 1d8+8+1d6
[20:54] <Aaeru> roll 1d8+8+1d6
[20:54] <Aaeru> roll 1d8+8+1d6
[20:54] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d8+8+1d6 and gets 16." [1d8=4][1d6=4]
[20:54] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d8+8+1d6 and gets 13." [1d8=1][1d6=4]
[20:54] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d8+8+1d6 and gets 16." [1d8=5][1d6=3]
[20:55] <Kotono> Under a flurry of flaming fists and fast filps, Aaeru finally finishes Dodona! Fully flaming, Dodona falls face first, flopping down! OOC: Free act.
[20:56] * Aaeru floats back down, keeping just above the water, and stares at their dead would-be opponents.
[20:57] * Janson gives himself another dose with the wand and then goes to rejoin the others, reverting back to his natural form no doubt to Sylvie's great relief. "So. Dragon, huh?"
[20:57] <Janson> roll 1d8+1
[20:57] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d8+1 and gets 7." [1d8=6]
[20:57] <Kotono> Sylvie rubs her minor wound, "Hell." Shaking her head as she looks away, "So let me get this straight. We've stumbled into some sort of monk and martial arts thing that a dragon's running?"
[20:58] * Orval looks a bit unhappy about that, going to check over his companions to see if they are wounded.
[20:58] <Aaeru> "It's a trick," Aaeru gravely affirms, before blinking and diving below the waters. She comes out a few moments later, holding her breath and carrying the sahuagin that survived despite all odds.
[20:58] <Janson> "She called it a cage, too," Janson adds. "Think the way out's locked?"
[21:00] <Kotono> "Could be," Sylvie goes to check herself over, "Doesn't mean we may not be able to force a way out if we try, though. we call this quits and cut our losses, or do we go on? It's only a dragon, I'm sure they're not horribly lethal like all my books say. I'm sure it's not the size of Balmuria or anything, right?"
[21:00] <Kotono> The sahuagin Aaeru knocked out is still out. As one might expect.
[21:00] * Aaeru frowns, holding the monk's head above water. "What's a yellow dragon anyway?"
[21:00] * Orval reaches Janson, praying over him. OOC: Cure moderate
[21:00] <Orval> roll 2d8+7
[21:00] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 2d8+7 and gets 19." [2d8=4, 8]
[21:01] <Kotono> "A type of dragon, a chromatic one. They're usually evil, self centered and all that." Sylvie says, "I don't know a lot about yellow dragons, they're obscure. I do know they have an unusual breath weapon - it's flaying salt."
[21:02] <Janson> "Thanks, Orval," Janson gives the priest a nod before responding to Sylvie. "Look, we came here to mug someone out of their money, right? Well that person is evil, which is the sort of person we love to mug, and a dragon, which is a person who has LOTS of money. I call it win/win."
[21:02] * Orval sits down and takes a moment to rest, nodding at Janson.
[21:04] <Kotono> Sylvie shrugs, "It is jsut our lives," she says brightly, "At worst, I'm sure someone will find our bones in a few centuries."
[21:05] * Aaeru didn't really come to rob anyone, but stopping an evil dragon who traps people into coming and kills that has some merit. "What if we, like, took this guy back and went to camp somewhere?" Aaeru suggests. "Then we can teach him that it's wrong to trick and ambush people like that, and he can tell us stuff about the evil dragon!"
[21:05] <Janson> "Sure," Janson has no problem with that. "It's not like they can do much more to make things worse for us here if we give them an extra day."
[21:06] <Orval> "I'm all for coming at this for a full reportoire of spells and abilities." Orval says.
[21:06] <Aaeru> "Great! And if the doors are closed I'll break them!" Aaeru is quite confident about that, unless the doors are made of a solid block of adamant.
[21:07] <Kotono> "Alright then, let's fall back," Sylvie says. OOC: Going to beat a retreat how far?
[21:08] * Janson idly makes a detour back towards the fallen hag, checking if she had any magical items on her.
[21:08] <Kotono> The gem embedded in her throat radiates magic.
[21:08] <Janson> Not like Janson fancies digging that out, so he follows Aaeru back out.
[21:09] <Orval> "She have anything on her?" Orval asks as Janson walks past.
[21:10] <Janson> "Not... on her, no..." Janson replies at length.
[21:10] * Orval looks questioningly at Janson, then gets up to go look at the hag.
[21:10] * Aaeru leads the way back, hopeful that there won't be a need to fight anyone horrible on their way out!
[21:11] <Kotono> Orval goes over to the hag. He sees she's very dead, and also has a yellow gemstone embedded into her throat.
[21:11] <Kotono> Sylvie glances back, then at Janson, "What's that about?" she asks quietly.
[21:12] <Janson> "Orval can't take a hint," Janson mutters under his breath, not lingering.
[21:12] * Orval stares for a moment, looking affronted. "That's no good a place for a gem! I'll have that out of there in a jiff.
[21:12] <Orval> "
[21:12] <Kotono> Sylvie pauses and winces at that, and whispering back, "That bad, huh?...yep, that bad."
[21:14] <Kotono> After a moment, "Hold on, Aaeru," Sylvie calls.
[21:14] * Orval pulls his mattock off his belt, grips it near the head, and carefully uses it to cut out the gem.
[21:15] * Aaeru pauses, sahuagin in her arms, and peers back curiously. Upon seeing Orval, however, she turns right back very, very fast.
[21:16] <Kotono> WIth a bit of improptu surgery, the gemstone is cut out! It's a beautiful yellow gemstone, the clotting blood that clings to it passing into it like it's surface isn't solid and then vanishing into it's depths. OOC: Do you have appraise or anything thac an ID a gemstone like that?
[21:17] <Kotono> "Welll..." Sylvie watches without looking away, "...huh." She only turns away after it's done, a strange look on her face.
[21:17] <Orval> If it's magic, I have Spellcraft, but nothing besides the +2 to appraise for stone or metal items.
[21:17] <Orval> *OOC:
[21:18] * Janson doesn't even bother looking. "Just so long as he doesn't tell anyone where it came from..."
[21:18] <Kotono> OOC: You can attempt spellcraft to ID it.
[21:19] <Orval> roll 1d20+15 spellcraft goooo
[21:19] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+15 spellcraft goooo and gets 32." [1d20=17]
[21:22] * Orval nods, cleaning off the gem as well as he can with the hag's clothing, then stands and follows the others.
[21:23] <Kotono> "That hard up for money, huh?" Sylvie asks as Orval returns, starting to follow Aaeru out.
[21:28] * Orval looks sidelong at Sylvie. "No. Gems are a gift from Dumathoin to the world, his secrets beneath the mountain. I find it offensive that it was used for evil, so I removed it. It's designed for a warlock, but I doubt Janson will want it. I may simply remove its enchantments and return it to the earth, or make something pleasing to Dumanthoin out of it."
[21:30] <Janson> "Yeah, I'm sure not sticking that inside my body," Janson agrees, "But I understand why you did it!" he clasps the dwarf's shoulder. "I know what it's like to have a strict and uncompromising deity you can never live up to no matter how hard you try, but you keep trying anyway!"
[21:31] <Aaeru> That certainly gets Aaeru to stop again! "Oh! You can totally pick Ilmater, then!" she suggests to Janson. "He likes everyone!"
[21:31] * Orval nods. "I strive forever to be worthy of the path I have been set upon. Some duties are less than enjoyable, but all is for the good." Orval says confidently. "Now let's get out of here."
[21:31] <Janson> "I have enough suffering in my life, thanks," Janson beams at Aaeru.
[21:32] <Kotono> As you chat the party walks back, "Oh religious reasons," she says, "That's a relief." As you go along you reach the exit out. THe doors out are open and you step through...but 25ft ahead, knee deep in water? One is a sahuagin with a pale yellow coloring. He wears a loose robe and nothing else. He stares with a gaze of pure steel! Behind him is a horror, something too miserable to see and live!
[21:32] <Kotono> Another sea hag! It's body is greenish, muscles bugling all over! This one wears nothing, making it even worse! OOC: Fort saves. all.
[21:32] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+13 WHY
[21:32] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+13 WHY and gets 25." [1d20=12]
[21:33] <Janson> roll 1d20+6 hate
[21:33] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+6 hate and gets 11." [1d20=5]
[21:33] <Kotono> roll 1d20+16 Sylvie has a bad feeling this is worth spending an inspiration point on.
[21:33] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+16 Sylvie has a bad feeling this is worth spending an inspiration point on. and gets 32." [1d20=16]
[21:33] <Orval> roll 1d20+9 Orval
[21:33] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+9 Orval and gets 16." [1d20=7]
[21:34] <Kotono> roll 2d6 str damage Janson
[21:34] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 str damage Janson and gets 7." [2d6=1, 6]
[21:34] <Kotono> OOC: What's that put your str at, Janson?
[21:34] <Kotono> OOC: Oh, Arachiel needs to save too.
[21:34] <Orval> roll 1d20+5 Arachiel, not that it really matters with a STR of 1
[21:34] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+5 Arachiel, not that it really matters with a STR of 1 and gets 16." [1d20=11]
[21:38] <Kotono> Janson feels his body wither and weaken, growing paler! The image is too much for him, pure feminine ugliness! As he endures that, the yellow sahuagin bows. In Common he speaks, "It seems your misfortune is only eclipsed by your cowardice. It matters not, you shall be defeated here!"
[21:39] <Aaeru> "What's wrong with leaving when you know you got tricked into coming here?!" Aaeru exclaims.
[21:39] <Janson> "Aaaugh! It burns my eyes!" Janson howls, recoiling and clutching his face.
[21:40] <Kotono> "Well, we did kill a bunch of them," Sylvie winces at the ugly hag, "Besides, you're the one who said they're evil, so wh-JAnson!" Head whipping over to him, Sylvie growls, "Oh, you'll pay for that!" OOC: Let's do init here, unless any of you have anything to say?
[21:41] <Janson> roll 1d20+4
[21:41] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+4 and gets 15." [1d20=11]
[21:41] <Aaeru> "They are!" Aaeru insists. "So it's not cowardly at all!"
[21:41] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+3
[21:41] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+3 and gets 19." [1d20=16]
[21:41] <Orval> roll 1d20+3 Orval
[21:41] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+3 Orval and gets 10." [1d20=7]
[21:41] <Orval> roll 1d20+4 Arachiel
[21:41] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+4 Arachiel and gets 18." [1d20=14]
[21:41] <Kotono> roll 1d20+8 Sylvie
[21:41] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 Sylvie and gets 15." [1d20=7]
[21:42] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Hag
[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 Hag and gets 5." [1d20=4]
[21:42] <Kotono> roll 1d20+2 Yellow sahuagin
[21:42] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 Yellow sahuagin and gets 13." [1d20=11]
[21:43] * Kotono changes topic to 'Aaeru(19)>Arachiel(18)>Sylvie=Janson(15)>Yellow Sahuagin(13)>Orval(10)>Hag(5)'
[21:43] <Kotono> OOC: Open Aaeru.
[21:44] * Aaeru carefully puts down the unconscious monk and then takes a step forward, growing in both confidence and size. "We're leaving. Now."
[21:44] <Aaeru> OOC: Move action to put him down, enlarge person, strength devotion
[21:45] <Kotono> Aaeru swells with power, growing mightier! To that the hag simply grinds out in a feral scream, "Me Snow Wind! You DEAD!" OOC: Arachiel.
[21:47] <Orval> Seeing that her previous Aid has worn off, Arachiel bumps Orval again! OOC: Aid wooo
[21:47] <Orval> roll 1d8+10
[21:47] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d8+10 and gets 18." [1d8=8]
[21:47] <Kotono> OOV: Sylvie'n'Janson. Go Janson.
[21:48] <Kotono> Sylvie invokes her magic, calling on pure inspiration to split into several!
[21:48] <Kotono> roll 1d4+1 images
[21:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4+1 images and gets 2." [1d4=1]
[21:48] * Janson shrugs out of his backpack and morphs once more into a lizardman! Albeit a somewhat pale and spindly one, though his scales remain tough and flexible nonetheless!
[21:50] <Kotono> Sylvie and Janson gird themselves for war, as the Yellow Sahuagin steps forward slightly! It opens it's mouth up, and a torrent of stinking, acidic salt pours out, engulfing the party! OOC: Reflex saves all. Note if you have evasion in the save.
[21:50] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10 Sylvie evasion
[21:50] <Janson> roll 1d20+9 evasion
[21:50] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 Sylvie evasion and gets 12." [1d20=2]
[21:50] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+9 evasion and gets 29." [1d20=20]
[21:50] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+13 evasion
[21:50] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+13 evasion and gets 25." [1d20=12]
[21:52] <Orval> roll 1d20+5 Orval
[21:52] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+5 Orval and gets 24." [1d20=19]
[21:52] <Orval> roll 1d20+2 Arachiel
[21:52] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 Arachiel and gets 22." [1d20=20]
[21:53] <Orval> OOC: Arachiel has DR10/MAgic and evil
[21:53] <Kotono> roll 6d8 Sylvie full; Orval and Arachiel half; Aaeru, Janson none.
[21:53] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 6d8 Sylvie full; Orval and Arachiel half; Aaeru, Janson none. and gets 27." [6d8=8, 6, 3, 7, 1, 2]
[21:55] <Kotono> The blast of burning salt is easily evaded by Aaeru and Janson! The former leaps high, the latter rolling back out of range! Orval and Arachiel are able to shield themselves and stop the worst of it, Arachiel n ot even damaged at all, while Sylvie is flatfooted and takes it head on! Her skin hisses terribly, body hissing and steaming with acid-salt burns all over!
[21:55] <Orval> OOC: Arachiel at Improved Evasion, apologies
[21:55] <Kotono> OOC: Orval, go.
[21:57] <Orval> OOC: How far are we from these two?
[21:58] <Aaeru> OOC: 25ft
[21:59] <Kotono> OOC: 25ft, yes.
[21:59] <Kotono> The flencing salt and acid does even more damage! Aaeru's captive is turned to a skinless skeleton, all the defeated monks about suffering the same fate! No life is left in the wake of the breath, save for the party!
[22:00] <Aaeru> "No!" Aaeru screams, looking about wildly. "Stop! What are you doing?! They're you friends, aren't they?!"
[22:00] * Orval frowns, waving his hands in the air before pointing at the yellow Sahuagin! OOC: Empowered Scorching Ray, tired of his shit already.
[22:00] <Kotono> "They fell, they do not deser-" The yellow sahuagin begins, as beams fly at him! OOC: Go for it, Yuth.
[22:00] <Orval> roll 1d20+5+3+1+1 ranged touch
[22:00] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+5+3+1+1 ranged touch and gets 14." [1d20=4]
[22:00] <Orval> roll 1d20+5+3+1+1 ranged touch
[22:00] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+5+3+1+1 ranged touch and gets 17." [1d20=7]
[22:01] <Kotono> OOC: Two hits.
[22:01] <Orval> roll 4d6*1.5
[22:02] <Orval> roll 4d6*1.5
[22:02] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 4d6*1.5 and gets 24." [4d6=6, 5, 2, 3]
[22:02] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 4d6*1.5 and gets 24." [4d6=3, 6, 3, 4]
[22:02] * Kotono changes topic to 'Aaeru(19)>Arachiel(18)>Sylvie=Janson(15)>Orval(10)>Hag(5)'
[22:03] <Kotono> In pure fury Orval strikes back, twin beams of fire flung out! They pass through the sahuagin a moment, nothing happening...and then it's body turns red, fire erupting all over! It screams as burning power devours it's body, exploding out into a cloud of yellow steam! OOC: Hag is up.
[22:03] <Orval> "Aye, maybe ye'll keep yer trap shut next time." Orval grins grimly.
[22:04] <Kotono> The hag snarls, and like a shot, it off at Aaeru! It's claws come up, one looking to bisect the young sorceress! OOC: You both are large so no AoO.
[22:04] <Aaeru> OOC: AC22
[22:04] <Kotono> roll 1d20+17
[22:04] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+17 and gets 34." [1d20=17]
[22:04] <Aaeru> OOC: Image AC 11
[22:05] <Kotono> roll 1d6
[22:05] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d6 and gets 4." [1d6=4]
[22:05] <Kotono> Aaeru's head is shredded...and that image fades, teh hag looking about in confusion, seeing more of her! "What?!" OOC: Aaeru, go.
[22:06] <Aaeru> Overtaken by a fierce fury, Aaeru gains supreme focus as her eyes narrow at the hag. She no longer perceives her as hideous, or as anything but an opponent to destroy, striking back in earnest with all her might!
[22:07] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+17 fury, AS lvl3, blades of fire
[22:07] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+17 fury, AS lvl3, blades of fire
[22:07] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+17 fury, AS lvl3, blades of fire and gets 21." [1d20=4]
[22:07] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+17 fury, AS lvl3, blades of fire and gets 28." [1d20=11]
[22:07] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+12 fury, AS lvl3, blades of fire
[22:07] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+12 fury, AS lvl3, blades of fire and gets 28." [1d20=16]
[22:08] <Kotono> OOC: Three hits.
[22:08] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+11+3d4+1d6+1d8 lethal+fire
[22:08] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+11+3d4+1d6+1d8 lethal+fire
[22:08] <Aaeru> roll 2d6+11+3d4+1d6+1d8 lethal+fire
[22:08] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+11+3d4+1d6+1d8 lethal+fire and gets 38." [2d6=6, 2][3d4=4, 3, 2][1d6=2][1d8=8]
[22:08] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+11+3d4+1d6+1d8 lethal+fire and gets 36." [2d6=2, 6][3d4=2, 2, 4][1d6=4][1d8=5]
[22:08] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 2d6+11+3d4+1d6+1d8 lethal+fire and gets 27." [2d6=2, 3][3d4=1, 1, 2][1d6=1][1d8=6]
[22:09] <Kotono> In a savage fury Aaeru strikes viciously, blow after blow raining down! Under these the hag is beaten down horribly, body breaking apart with loud, wet squelshes and laid low, a burning pile of flesh when Aaeru's done! OOC: Free act.
[22:11] * Aaeru goes for a stomp of the hag's flaming corpse, only able to stop herself at the last moment and avoid defiling her remains. Afterwards, she remains standing still near her decimated enemy as her images flicker out one by one until none are left.
[22:11] <Janson> "Wow..." Janson reverts back to his normal form, his lizard-like scales having been untested. "You two can be damn scary... I thought we were in for a real fight, there."
[22:11] <Kotono> Sylvie exhales long, "No kidding," she says, "Then just like that," A snap of her fingers, "It's over."
[22:12] <Janson> Of course Sylvie is rather charred, so Janson quickly gets his wand out and starts healing her to ensure her pretty skin doesn't scar.
[22:12] * Orval eyes Aaeru for a moment. "Easy lass, the dead don't deserve your ire once they're down." Orval goes forward to check the hag's corpse for a gem.
[22:12] <Aaeru> "I don't like it when I'm angry," Aaeru states. "I'll go look ahead."
[22:12] <Janson> roll 3d8+3 UMDing 3 charges
[22:12] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 3d8+3 UMDing 3 charges and gets 16." [3d8=4, 5, 4]
[22:14] <Kotono> In the back of the hag's neck Orval finds a yellow gem.
[22:15] * Orval sighs, carefully hacking that gem free as well.
[22:16] <Kotono> Orval gets another gemstone with some work, as Sylvie heals. She exhales happily, "Thanks, Janson," she says with a smile. Looking about, "So how do we get back up?"
[22:16] <Janson> "Aaeru could carry you and Orval up? I might be a little slow but I can still climb up," Janson suggests.
[22:17] * Aaeru returns, feeling much calmer now. "Orval can still fly, right?" she asks. "I can fly you up myself," she offers to Sylvie.
[22:23] <Aaeru> roll 1d6 turning
[22:23] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d6 turning and gets 6." [1d6=6]
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


[22:27] <Kotono> The night passes. Sylvie takes first watch and then stirs Janson, heading to sleep. About an hour has passed, when...OOC: Make a spot check, Janson?
[22:27] <Janson> roll 1d20+11
[22:27] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+11 and gets 31." [1d20=20]
[22:29] <Kotono> Hm? What's that? Far away in the underbrush Janson can see them. They're only semi hiding, relying on the darkness for cover, darkness that gives no cover to Janson's eyes. Sahuagin. At least a dozen of them, all carrying what looks to be buckets of something in one hand and unlit torches in the other.
[22:33] <Janson> "Wake up! Sahuagin!" Janson hisses at his companions, going to open the door so he can go out and challenge them while the others get ready. He's not wearing armour or carrying any gear, so he's safely unburdened even with his current feeble muscles.
[22:34] <Aaeru> This time around, Aaeru wakes up much quicker and finds herself ready to face the attempted ambush. Like Janson, she has nothing to carry and no armor to wear, and her own preparation of casting Mirror Image is takes but a moment of concentration.
[22:34] <Aaeru> roll 1d4+2
[22:34] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d4+2 and gets 6." [1d4=4]
[22:35] <Kotono> "Zuh?" Sylvie sits up in bed and rubs her eyes, before rolling out! She doesn't use a spell right away, instead simply ready to follow! As these two prepare, Janson goes out! OOC: Go ahead Janson and do your thing first, since the others need to wake up and are prepping here.
[22:37] * Janson walks up to them boldly without hesitation or stealth. "You know we beat a larger group of you earlier today? Then we killed Dodona and the bunch that were with her. Then we killed those goons you had watching the door on our way out. Do you really think you guys are gonna do any better?" he challenges, hoping to shame them into skulking away with fins between their legs.
[22:38] <Kotono> OOC: Make an intimidation check, +2 circumstancial bonus.
[22:38] <Janson> roll 1d20+6
[22:38] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+6 and gets 9." [1d20=3]
[22:38] <Kotono> roll 1d20+4
[22:38] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 and gets 23." [1d20=19]
[22:40] * Orval climbs out of bed, strapping on a robe and goes to see what the hubbub is all about. "What's this?"
[22:41] <Kotono> As the others come out, the sahuagin give Janson a flat stare! One challenges back in Common, "Monks of the Ocean Fist never surrender, no matter how suicidal it is! Burn 'em alive, boys!" OOC: Init here. Janson is 40ft away and 10ft away from the sahuagin in the trees. There's not much light so those of you without darkvision can't see all that much but a few blurs.
[22:41] <Janson> roll 1d20+4
[22:41] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+4 and gets 17." [1d20=13]
[22:42] <Kotono> roll 1d20+8 Sylvie
[22:42] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 Sylvie and gets 27." [1d20=19]
[22:42] <Orval> roll 1d20+3 Orval
[22:42] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+3 Orval and gets 10." [1d20=7]
[22:42] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1 sahuagins
[22:42] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 sahuagins and gets 10." [1d20=9]
[22:42] <Orval> roll 1d20+4 Arachiel
[22:42] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+4 Arachiel and gets 7." [1d20=3]
[22:42] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+3
[22:42] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+3 and gets 9." [1d20=6]
[22:43] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(27)>Janson(17)>Sahuagin=Orval(10)>Aaeru(9)>Arachiel(7)'
[22:44] <Kotono> Sylvie holds a moment, visibility poor! OOC: Janson, go.
[22:45] <Janson> "Warned ya," Janson shrugs, holding up his hand and blasting the mouthy one in the face with a bolt of brightly glowing orange magic before he skirts off to the side forty feet away!
[22:45] <Janson> roll 1d20+8
[22:45] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+8 and gets 16." [1d20=8]
[22:45] <Janson> roll 4d6+4d6
[22:45] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 4d6+4d6 and gets 33." [4d6=6, 5, 5, 2][4d6=6, 4, 3, 2]
[22:46] <Kotono> WHAM! The mouthy one takes it right in the mouth, now lacking a mouth! This leads to the predictable result of death, his body hitting the ground hard! As that happens...OOC: Spot checks, everyone but Janson.
[22:46] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+9
[22:46] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+9 and gets 23." [1d20=14]
[22:47] <Orval> roll 1d20+6 Orval
[22:47] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+6 Orval and gets 19." [1d20=13]
[22:47] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1
[22:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 and gets 13." [1d20=12]
[22:47] <Orval> roll 1d20+6 Arachiel
[22:47] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+6 Arachiel and gets 16." [1d20=10]
[22:47] <Kotono> Aaeru can see it - it's coming out of the woods behind you, a blur of moving water! OOC: If you wanna shout or something go ahead, Aaeru.
[22:48] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(27)>Janson(17)>????(14)>Sahuagin=Orval(10)>Aaeru(9)>Arachiel(7)'
[22:49] <Kotono> It's coming out from the woods behind Sylvie, Aaeru, Orval and Arachiel, flanking them from behind.
[22:49] <Aaeru> "You won't trick us!" all seven Aaeru declare, pointing behind them. "Stop that sneaking!"
[22:50] <Kotono> The rushing water comes to a stop 20ft away from the party! It is a hag in the shape of pure water, features ugly and with a big, draconic head! As it rears it's head back...! OOC: Fort saves first of all, all.
[22:51] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+13
[22:51] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+13 and gets 21." [1d20=8]
[22:51] <Orval> roll 1d20+9 Orval
[22:51] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+9 Orval and gets 26." [1d20=17]
[22:51] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10 Sylvie
[22:51] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 Sylvie and gets 25." [1d20=15]
[22:51] <Janson> OOC: even me?
[22:52] <Orval> roll 1d20+5 Arachiel
[22:52] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+5 Arachiel and gets 20." [1d20=15]
[22:52] <Janson> roll 1d20+6 if so
[22:52] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+6 if so and gets 23." [1d20=17]
[22:52] <Kotono> Despite it's horrible visage, all resist! It chuckles deep in it's throat, before a great cone of crackling, acidic salt comes from it's mouth, whirling out at the foursome! OOC: Everyone but Janson needs to make reflex here.
[22:53] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14 evasion
[22:53] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 evasion and gets 24." [1d20=10]
[22:53] <Kotono> roll 1d20+16 (+6 inspiration) Sylvie evasion.
[22:53] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+16 (+6 inspiration) Sylvie evasion. and gets 25." [1d20=9]
[22:53] <Aaeru> "Eww, gross!" Aaeru and her clones cry out, diving out of the way.
[22:53] <Orval> roll 1d20+5 Orval
[22:53] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+5 Orval and gets 7." [1d20=2]
[22:54] <Orval> roll 1d20+2 Arachiel, Improved Evasion
[22:54] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 Arachiel, Improved Evasion and gets 14." [1d20=12]
[22:54] <Kotono> roll 6d8 Sylvie'n'Aaeru none, Arachiel half, Orval full.
[22:54] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 6d8 Sylvie'n'Aaeru none, Arachiel half, Orval full. and gets 30." [6d8=3, 5, 5, 8, 2, 7]
[22:54] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(27)>Janson(17)>????(14)>Sahuagin=Orval(10; clinging)>Aaeru(9)>Arachiel(7; clinging)'
[22:55] <Kotono> roll 1d4
[22:55] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[22:56] <Kotono> The acidic salt is terrible, catching Orval and Arachiel! It clings to them like a second skin, staying on and burning further! Agony fills them as it clings! OOC: Ow. Sylvie's gonna take that held action now.
[22:57] <Kotono> Sylvie ducks under the breath and rolls forward, starting to charge...but pauses! Instead she quickly whips out a holy symbol ot Oghma, "Aaeru, get it! I'll help the other two," she says, stepping back 15 feet! Golden light enaminates from her, healing wounds!
[22:58] <Kotono> roll 3d6 turning, spends 1 inspiration point.
[22:58] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d6 turning, spends 1 inspiration point. and gets 13." [3d6=6, 3, 4]
[22:58] <Kotono> Acid burns die down, partially mended by Sylvie's invocation! OOC: Sahuagin and Orval, go.
[23:01] <Kotono> The sahuagin give Janson a death glare! They follow, coming 10ft away from him! Half of them fling the liquid contents of the buckets out at him...
[23:01] <Orval> Crushing some vegetable leaves in his hand, Orval points at the sahuagin, shouting! OOC: Stinking Cloud Save DC 17 Fort, Nausea to all inside cloud. Cloud is 20 ft radius, centered in the largest bank of them.
[23:01] <Kotono> roll 1d20+4 touch AC, Janson?
[23:01] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 touch AC, Janson? and gets 24." [1d20=20]
[23:01] <Kotono> roll 1d20+4 touch AC, Janson? irrelevant crit, really.
[23:01] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 touch AC, Janson? irrelevant crit, really. and gets 20." [1d20=16]
[23:01] <Janson> OOC: 18
[23:02] <Kotono> OOC: I'll resolve it after I resolve the rest of this, since they happen at once.
[23:03] <Kotono> The other half light torches, as thick oil covers Janson from head to toe! He's utterly soaked in it, as torches are lit aflame...and as thick, disgusting vapors surround them!
[23:03] <Kotono> roll 1d20+4 fort
[23:03] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 fort and gets 18." [1d20=14]
[23:03] <Kotono> The sahuagin seem to resist the sickening vapors, cloaked in green gasses! OOC: Aaeru.
[23:04] <Janson> "Eww..." Janson wrinkles his nose and looks down at his expensive but now quite ruined clothes. Although the prospect of them being burnt right off of him is considerably worse to ponder.
[23:06] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(27)>Janson(17)>????(14)>Sahuagin(Stinking cloud)=Orval(10; clinging)>Aaeru(9)>Arachiel(7; clinging)'
[23:09] * Aaeru takes a few steps towards the disgusting hag to ensure that she wouldn't charge past her at her friends, but her magic goes out to help Janson! She focuses with all her might on the distant shape in their center carrying a bucket and a torch, forcing the former to violently explode!
[23:09] <Kotono> OOC: What's the save on it?
[23:11] <Aaeru> OOC: dc17 will unless I read it wrong
[23:11] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5 will
[23:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 will and gets 8." [1d20=3]
[23:12] <Kotono> The bucket of oil explodes out! For a moment droplets fly around torches...and then...WOOSH! Fire spreads about the sahuagin, torches and oil combining into an inferno of fishmen! They scream as they are all burst alight, burning terrifically! A few sparks come close to Janson as well, flying! OOC: Reflex save, Janson?
[23:13] <Janson> roll 1d20+9
[23:13] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+9 and gets 15." [1d20=6]
[23:13] <Kotono> Janson is able to sidestep the sparks, avoiding becoming a living human torch with a life expetency of seconds! OOC: Arachiel.
[23:14] <Orval> Arachiel once again grants aid to her master! OOC: Aid
[23:15] <Orval> roll 1d8+7
[23:15] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d8+7 and gets 11." [1d8=4]
[23:15] * Kotono changes topic to 'Janson(17)>????(14)>Sylvie>Sahuagin(Stinking cloud)=Orval(10; clinging)>Aaeru(9)>Arachiel(7; clinging)'
[23:15] <Kotono> With more aid Orval's life is extended, protecting him further! OOC: Janson, go.
[23:17] * Janson doesn't want to risk any flaming monks embracing him with their last seconds of life and so runs full tilt to get away from them, covering 160 feet to get well out of the battle!
[23:17] <Janson> He runs into the trees at that, where he is unimpeded but most people would be!
[23:20] <Kotono> As Janson flees, the acid salt on Orval and Arachiel burnsy et more! It sears into their flesh, dealing yet more damage before going out and losing potency! OOC: 15 more damage to Orval and Arachiel.
[23:20] * Kotono changes topic to 'Janson(17)>????(14)>Sylvie>Sahuagin(Stinking cloud)=Orval(10)>Aaeru(9)>Arachiel(7)'
[23:21] <Kotono> A second later the watery hag comes back slightly, head leering back as another wave of breathy acid sand is hurtled at the party! OOC: Reflex all, save for Janson.
[23:21] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10 Sylvie
[23:21] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 Sylvie and gets 20." [1d20=10]
[23:21] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14
[23:21] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 and gets 22." [1d20=8]
[23:21] <Orval> roll 1d20+5 Orval
[23:21] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+5 Orval and gets 24." [1d20=19]
[23:22] <Orval> roll 1d20+2 Arachiel, Improved Evasion
[23:22] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 Arachiel, Improved Evasion and gets 3." [1d20=1]
[23:22] <Kotono> roll 6d8 half Orval and Arachiel, none for everyone else.
[23:22] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 6d8 half Orval and Arachiel, none for everyone else. and gets 34." [6d8=4, 8, 6, 7, 3, 6]
[23:23] * Kotono changes topic to 'Janson(17)>????(14)>Sylvie>Sahuagin(Stinking cloud)=Orval(10; clinging)>Aaeru(9)>Arachiel(7; clinging)'
[23:23] <Kotono> roll 1d4
[23:23] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 and gets 2." [1d4=2]
[23:24] <Kotono> Again Sylvie and Aaeru dodge, as Orval and familiar get an acid salt facial! Orval burns horribly and Arachiel collapses, simmering terribly as it's light starts to flicker out! OOC: Sylvie.
[23:24] <Kotono> The hag also gracefully retreats back, around the side of the shelter and out of sight! OOC: Sylvie.
[23:25] <Kotono> Cursing beneath her breath, Sylvie presents her holy symbol once more! "Will someone kill her or something?!" Sylvie snaps, channeling holy power!
[23:25] <Kotono> roll 3d6 healing
[23:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d6 healing and gets 8." [3d6=2, 2, 4]
[23:26] <Kotono> Wounds heal, Arachiel's light growign stronger again! Orval's acid burns lessen someone, even as salt again clings to him to burn the life from his dwarven bones! OOC: Sahuagin'n'Orval.
[23:26] <Kotono> The sahuagin are quite ablaze, doing the logical thing - collapsing in the stinking cloud, becoming a pyre of fishy funerals!
[23:27] * Kotono changes topic to 'Janson(17)>????(14)>Sylvie>Orval(10; clinging)>Aaeru(9)>Arachiel(7; clinging)'
[23:29] * Orval quickly scoops up Arachiel, retreating as quickly as he can toward the relative saftey of the cottage. He works a spell over himself and the archol, water raining down! OOC: Create water, brief downpour of whatever it takes to wash off the acid, or 14 gallons, whichever is quicker.
[23:30] <Kotono> OOC: Grabbing him would be a standard, and it would be a move to get into the cottage. You wouldn't have the actions to grab it. However, as it's at zero HP now and healed, Arachiel is concious and can act on her turn.
[23:30] <Orval> OOC: That'll work.
[23:30] <Kotono> OOC: Going to just go in and douse yourself then?
[23:30] <Orval> OOC: I'll rain, then move.
[23:31] <Kotono> OOC: Make another reflex save.
[23:31] <Kotono> OOC: Both of you.
[23:31] <Orval> roll 1d20+5 Orv
[23:31] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+5 Orv and gets 21." [1d20=16]
[23:32] <Orval> roll 1d20+2 Arch IE
[23:32] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 Arch IE and gets 4." [1d20=2]
[23:32] * Kotono changes topic to 'Janson(17)>????(14)>Sylvie>Orval(10)>Aaeru(9)>Arachiel(7; clinging)'
[23:32] <Kotono> The water washes away Orval's acid-salt, but Arachiel is still covered! OOC: Aaeru, go.
[23:32] <Aaeru> With the threat to Janson gone, Aaeru tries her very best to follow Sylvie's request and gives chase to the slippery hag. It wouldn't do to grumble about how she can't just wave a hand and do something about the hag, so she does the next best thing.
[23:33] <Kotono> OOC: What's your move speed, 30ft?
[23:33] <Aaeru> OOC: Yes
[23:34] <Kotono> Aaeru hustles 'round the side, seeing the hag ahead! It's 15ft away, oozing and flowing like water in the form of a body! OOC: That was your move to get that close. Yous till have your standard.
[23:35] <Aaeru> "You are a bad, bad person!" Aaeru declares. She has to squint for a moment to see the flowing hag, before she makes it easier upon herself and covers all the disturbing bits with glitter!
[23:35] <Aaeru> OOC: Glitterdust, dc17
[23:35] <Aaeru> OOC: Will
[23:36] <Kotono> roll 1d20+3 will
[23:36] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+3 will and gets 16." [1d20=13]
[23:36] <Kotono> Golden dust covers the blob-woman, it's eyes full of golden flakes! "Aaah, my eyes!" she cries, as...OOC: Arachiel.
[23:37] <Aaeru> "Tricking people is wrong!" Aaeru lectures, finding herself getting angry. "And killing your friends is very wrong!"
[23:38] <Orval> Arachiel shimmers, a golden glow suffusing her! OOC: Aid on self for life protection
[23:38] <Orval> roll 1d8+7
[23:38] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d8+7 and gets 11." [1d8=4]
[23:38] <Kotono> OOC: Janson, go.
[23:39] <Orval> Having done so, Arachiel retreats to Orval's side.
[23:40] * Janson figures the monks will be all burnt out now so starts to hurry back towards the hut, seeing a glow of glitter through the trees to guide his way!
[23:40] <Janson> OOC: double move 80ft back
[23:41] <Kotono> Janson hurries back closer, making good times towards the golden glow! OOC: ???? is up.
[23:42] <Kotono> The watery hag doesn't answer Aaeru, collapsing into water! This water flows into the ground, sinking in and away! OOC: She's out of sight and presumably in the soil now. Also lingering breath resolves now; 17 damage to Arachiel.
[23:42] * Kotono changes topic to 'Janson(17)>????(14)>Sylvie>Orval(10)>Aaeru(9)>Arachiel(7)'
[23:43] <Aaeru> "She ran away!" Aaeru calls out at the top of her voice to alert the others. "Like, into the ground!"
[23:43] <Kotono> As the acid drips off Arachiel, the little archon hovers in the air, light sputtering terribly! OOC: Sylvie.
[23:44] <Kotono> Sylvie trots on over, "Well hell," she scowls, "Got any way to dig in the earth?" OOC: Go haead and free act for now, guys. If you guys manage to engage her or draw her out we'll go back into init.
[23:44] * Janson approaches over to where the others are gathered at the damp ground. "This might work?" he offers, causing the ground to form a giant earthen fist and drag her out!
[23:44] <Aaeru> "I dunno!"
[23:45] <Kotono> OOC: Make a CMB check, +3 bonus since you got some of her in the fist.
[23:46] <Janson> roll 1d20+14
[23:46] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+14 and gets 18." [1d20=4]
[23:46] * Orval heads right back out, seeing the danger lull, and invokes Dumathoin! OOC: Turning
[23:46] <Orval> roll 4d6
[23:46] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 4d6 and gets 12." [4d6=1, 6, 2, 3]
[23:46] * Aaeru grabs onto the fist of earth and pulls on it with all her strength!
[23:46] <Kotono> OOC: Make CMB as well, Aaeru.
[23:46] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14
[23:46] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 and gets 24." [1d20=10]
[23:47] <Kotono> With a fist coming up half watery and grappling at the rest, Aaeru is given the perfect chance! She's able to pull the semi-liquid water right out, the entire mass groaning and transforming back, held tight in Aaeru's arms! OOC: Nicely done. Init, all.
[23:48] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+3
[23:48] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+3 and gets 7." [1d20=4]
[23:48] <Kotono> roll 1d20+8 Sylvie
[23:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 Sylvie and gets 12." [1d20=4]
[23:48] <Janson> roll 1d20+4
[23:48] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+4 and gets 13." [1d20=9]
[23:48] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1 hag
[23:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 hag and gets 3." [1d20=2]
[23:48] <Orval> roll 1d20+3 Orv
[23:48] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+3 Orv and gets 20." [1d20=17]
[23:48] <Orval> roll 1d20+4 Arch
[23:48] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+4 Arch and gets 7." [1d20=3]
[23:49] * Kotono changes topic to 'Orval(20)>Janson(13)>Sylvie(12)>Arachiel=Aaeru(7)>Hag(3)'
[23:49] <Kotono> OOC: Orval, you and Arachiel are still in the hut. Aaeru, you're grappling the hag. Orval, you open.
[23:51] * Orval works a healing spell over himself. OOC: Cure Serious
[23:51] <Orval> roll 3d8+7
[23:51] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 3d8+7 and gets 24." [3d8=5, 5, 7]
[23:51] <Kotono> Orval's acid burns fade considerably, the agony dialing downt o mere pain! OOC: Janson.
[23:52] <Orval> After casting, Orval instructs his familiar to stay inside the hut as he looks outside.
[23:52] <Kotono> Orval can see that the battle isn't takig place out here - he can hear voices and sounds to the side of the hut, though.
[23:53] <Janson> Not wanting to risk shooting, Janson settles for kicking the hag in her draconic head after his earthen hand tries to pin her!
[23:53] <Janson> roll 1d20+11 CMB to pin
[23:53] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+11 CMB to pin and gets 31." [1d20=20]
[23:53] <Janson> roll 1d6+4 damage upon successful pin
[23:53] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d6+4 damage upon successful pin and gets 9." [1d6=5]
[23:53] <Janson> roll 1d20+3 unarmed strike, jumping back 20 feet afterwards
[23:53] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+3 unarmed strike, jumping back 20 feet afterwards and gets 5." [1d20=2]
[23:54] <Kotono> While Janson can't land a kick, the fist takes the solid hag and pins her down hard! She struggles in complete vainness! OOC: Ow. Sylvie's up.
[23:54] <Kotono> Sylvie marches right on over, raising her foot up to try and mimick Janson and break the hag's head open!
[23:54] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12
[23:54] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 and gets 18." [1d20=6]
[23:55] <Kotono> roll 1d8+11
[23:55] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+11 and gets 13." [1d8=2]
[23:56] <Kotono> Sylvie's stomp slams it's head down, making the entire thing leak water from it's ears! It's still together, no matter hwo shaken from that booting! OOC: Arachiel and Aaeru.
[23:57] * Aaeru pushes back against the earthen fist to get enough breathing room, and then pulls sharply on the hag's legs!
[23:58] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+6 normal attacks
[23:58] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+6 normal attacks
[23:58] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+6 normal attacks and gets 19." [1d20=13]
[23:58] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+6 normal attacks and gets 10." [1d20=4]
[23:58] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+1 normal attacks
[23:58] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+1 normal attacks and gets 14." [1d20=13]
[23:58] <Orval> Arachiel floats silently inside the hut. OOC: Holding
[23:58] <Kotono> OOC: One hit, it has a gob of natural armor that's going nowhere.
[23:59] <Aaeru> OOC: Even with the -4 from pin?
[23:59] <Aaeru> roll 1d8+4+1d6 lethal+fire
[23:59] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d8+4+1d6 lethal+fire and gets 10." [1d8=1][1d6=5]
[00:01] <Kotono> WHAM! Another slam hits the hag hard, slamming it down! It's still up and struggling! It's mouth opens wide, able to do one of the few things it can - opening up wide and sending a torrent of acid salt right at Aaeru! OOC: Reflex, Aaeru.
[00:02] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14
[00:02] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 and gets 27." [1d20=13]
[00:03] <Kotono> Aaeru rolls to the side while holding her, sending the acid salt into the air harmlessly! OOC: Orval.
[00:03] <Aaeru> "Eww! Stop throwing up on me!" Aaeru cries out in dismay, wiggling to dodge the acid.
[00:04] <Kotono> Meanwhile the fish fry continues to burn, the grass around it ablaze and the fire starting to spread!
[00:05] * Orval eyes the fire carefully, prepared tobeat it back should it come too close to the hut, but holds back for now, moving closer to Aaeru and the others.
[00:06] <Kotono> OOC: Okayo. Janson.
[00:06] <Janson> With the hut in the way Janson sadly can't see the crime against mother nature, and so settles for running forward and drop kicking the hag's head as his giant fist forces her down to meet his boot!
[00:06] <Janson> roll 1d20+11 CMB
[00:06] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+11 CMB and gets 22." [1d20=11]
[00:06] <Janson> roll 1d6+4 damage on pin
[00:06] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d6+4 damage on pin and gets 7." [1d6=3]
[00:06] <Janson> roll 1d20+5 charge
[00:06] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+5 charge and gets 11." [1d20=6]
[00:07] <Kotono> The hag is beaten up a little more by the first, as meanwhile Janson slides in...and comes up a foot short, hitting the ground instead! OOC: Sylvie.
[00:07] <Kotono> Sylvie slams her foot down thrice, trying to crush the last resistance!
[00:07] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[00:07] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[00:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10  and gets 24." [1d20=14]
[00:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10  and gets 19." [1d20=9]
[00:07] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5
[00:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 and gets 18." [1d20=13]
[00:07] <Kotono> roll 3d8+33
[00:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+33 and gets 50." [3d8=6, 7, 4]
[00:08] <Kotono> With a trio of stomps the hag's head is disintegrated! The entire body melts away into wet water, leaving behind a yellow gem in it's wake! OOC: Free act.

[00:08] <Kotono> Sylvie sighs long, checking herself over, "Whew. Everyone alright?" Looking about, "That the last of them?"
[00:08] * Aaeru sags in relief, dismissing her spell to leave the forest less crowded.
[00:09] <Orval> "The others are still on fire!" Orval calls.
[00:09] <Aaeru> "Like, what's up with those creeps?" she can't help but ask.
[00:09] <Aaeru> At Orval's words, she blinks. "Who is?"
[00:09] <Kotono> "The sahuagin?" Sylvie ventures, "I'm pretty sure there was enough fire to go on awhile."
[00:10] <Janson> "Phew, now that was a fight!" Janson sighs, walking around the hut to go look, and jerking in surprise as he sees the fire spreading. "Shit! Orval, can you put it out? I, uh... don't want to get close," he flicks some oil off his fingers to demonstrate why,
[00:10] <Orval> "The area around is starting to burn as well, we should probably put it out."
[00:11] * Orval grabs some loose brush and starts to smother the fire out.
[00:12] <Janson> "Huh..." Disappointed at the lack of conjured water, Janson decides now would be a good time to evacuate his belongings from the hut. Then he holds up his shovel and winces... "I'm still really weak from seeing that other hag, and there's only the one shovel. Think one of you two could build a firebreak?" he asks Aaeru and Sylvie.
[00:13] * Aaeru rushes after Janson to take a look at what's going on, before gaping. Janson's request quickly gets her moving, however, and she accepts it in a flash. "I'll dig all around it and stuff! Sylvie, can you magic up some water?"
[00:13] <Kotono> "On it," Sylvie says, getting the shovel and getting to work! "'fraid I didn't memorize that today," she says with a shake of her head, "What about you?"
[00:14] <Janson> "I'll go wash myself in the water down below then I can help more," Janson says, splitting off away from the group and going towards the cliffs on a wide path around the fire so he can climb down for a quick cleansing dunk.
[00:14] <Aaeru> "I don't know that one!" Aaeru protests. But there is perfectly wet ground right nearby, where Orval had summoned his downpour, so she digs that up with the shovel and uses that moist earth to hold off the flames.
[00:15] <Kotono> OOC: Okay. I'm going to loosely call this a profession check, something like firefighting or something since nothing else really applies. Orval, you took the lead so you can make the wis check, everyone else can roll wis to try and aid him, say?
[00:15] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Sylvie aids.
[00:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 Sylvie aids. and gets 16." [1d20=15]
[00:15] <Orval> roll 1d20+4
[00:15] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+4 and gets 17." [1d20=13]
[00:15] <Aaeru> roll 1d20
[00:15] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20 and gets 1." [1d20=1]
[00:15] <Kotono> OOC: Up to 19 with Sylvie's help, and ow for Aaeru. Janson?
[00:16] <Janson> roll 1d20+1 assuming I don't get ambushed in the water and come back in time to make a difference, sure
[00:16] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+1 assuming I don't get ambushed in the water and come back in time to make a difference, sure and gets 4." [1d20=3]
[00:17] <Kotono> It's over an hour of hot, smoky, sweaty work. The party is dirty, soaked and miserable...but the fire is ultimately contained. You watch it burn down, the night growing silent and dark once more.
[00:18] <Janson> "Urgh..." Janson moans, falling onto his rear afterwards. "I'm just gonna sleep right here, now..."
[00:18] * Aaeru doesn't stay dirty for long, at least, with the aid of Prestidigitation. And it is a simple matter to help her friends clean up as well.
[00:18] <Kotono> Sylvie takes care of herself, and helps Aaeru with the others. Once done, "We'll rest up and assault 'em tomorrow, say 'round noon so we can all sleep a bunch?"
[00:19] <Aaeru> "Sure?"
[00:20] <Janson> "Uh huh," Janson holds up his hand with thumb extended.
[00:20] <Orval> "Aye, sounds like a wonderful plan. This bunch is dangerous. We need to be well rested to come at them." Orval says, heading back inside.
[00:21] * Orval hits Arachiel with his last Cure Moderate(Swapped for LEsser REstoration), then hits the sack like a sick of stones.
[00:22] <Orval> roll 2d8+7
[00:22] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 2d8+7 and gets 12." [2d8=1, 4]
[00:33] <Orval> roll 1d4 temporary ability damage on Janson
[00:33] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d4 temporary ability damage on Janson and gets 2." [1d4=2]
[00:34] <Kotono> Thus the party returns the clifftop! No sign of resistance here, only the drop into the water below! OOC: Go ahead and describe how you're getting downa nd I'll move you along.
[00:35] * Janson climbs down like he did yesterday.
[00:36] * Aaeru decides to give herself the power of flight, this time around, and then ferries first Sylvie and later Orval below, next to the gong.
[00:37] <Kotono> The trip down is safe enough, the party proceeding in! They return in to no opposition - the way ahead is empty! They reach the room where they defeated Dodona, finding the way ahead open and awaiting!
[00:38] <Janson> Once past that door Janson slows down sufficiently to look for traps as they advance through the complex.
[00:38] <Janson> roll 1d20+12 searchan
[00:38] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+12 searchan and gets 31." [1d20=19]
[00:39] <Aaeru> "You're, like, checking that it's safe, right?" Aaeru asks Janson, trailing him in a slow hover to be close enough should he get ambushed.
[00:39] <Janson> "Yep," Janson nods. "Checking for traps, anyway. No telling what monsters there might be!"
[00:40] <Aaeru> "Ugly ones," Aaeru mutters with an air of defeat.
[00:40] <Kotono> The hall advances twenty feet, a turn, then fourty more! No traps in it, just the way ahead. It opens up into a large room with a sandy floor. Here circles are about, empty. Doors line the way ahead, darkened. To the north side however is a single door, a pair of torches besides it, giving it plenty of light.
[00:41] <Kotono> There are about five darkened doors.
[00:42] <Kotono> The empty circles are circles of metal pressed into the sandy floor, as if forming little arenas.
[00:43] <Janson> "Hmm. Lets open all the doors and see which way looks most promising?" Janson suggests, going to open the first Eastern one.
[00:43] * Aaeru continues hovering nearby!
[00:44] <Kotono> The first door looks to lead into a communal bunk. Lots of beds, with water bubbling up in a corner into a pool. You can glimpse a tunnel there, going down.
[00:44] * Orval prepares to aid Janson should he come under attack!
[00:45] <Kotono> Sylvie follows, "No resistance at all?" She peeks over his shoulder, "Wonder if they've given up the ghost, or at least challenging us with lesser opponents? That or we killed them all."
[00:45] <Aaeru> "The shiny door still has someone," Aaeru asserts. She is quite content to check the darkened ones first with Janson, however.
[00:46] <Janson> "We killed what, three dozen? That's a lot!" Janson nods quickly, working counter clockwise through all the doors until they've all been opened.
[00:46] <Aaeru> "That was lots more dozens and their own friends killed them!"
[00:47] <Kotono> One leads to a kitchen, two others to more bunk rooms with watery tunnels going down, and the last leads to a room with insence burners and cushions to sit on all about the floor.
[00:48] <Janson> "Huh. They're all dead ends," Janson furrows his brow. "Unless one of those water tunnels leads somewhere other than back to the sea, that is..."
[00:48] <Kotono> "You're forgetting the door with the torches, dear," Sylvie looks that way. OOC: That was just the darkened doors you were opening one at a time.
[00:48] * Aaeru patiently points at the door with the torches.
[00:50] <Janson> "Oh..." Janson shakes his head to clear the fog out. "I didn't mean to skip it over..." Nonetheless he goes to open that one as well.
[00:50] <Aaeru> "It's a tricky one," Aaeru solemnly agrees.
[00:51] <Kotono> This door leads to a hallway! It's carved from the stone, leading you deeper within! 75 feet ahead lies a stone door 30 feet tall, carved with images of the ocean.  As you approach, the doors crack open, enough to pass through!
[00:53] * Janson keeps going onwards, alert for traps, monsters, and secret passages as usual.
[00:57] <Kotono> Through this door the party passes! Ahead is a vast room, 40 feet high. It's 50ft square, carved perfectly out from the earth around you. Four great pillars, one in each corner, support the ceiling. 25ft ahead lies an elevated circular platform, 10ft wide and 20ft high. On it stands one creature - a humanoid the size of enlarged Aaeru, made utterly of water! Beyond it and another 25ft ahead,
[00:57] <Kotono> built into the back wall and 30ft high, is a second platform. Here sits a great throne of stone, human sized. What sits in it is about the size of a human, though much longer. It has a yellow body covered in scales, seeming incredibly lithe as it twists and watches the party! As they enter the doors slam shut behind them!
[00:58] <Janson> roll 1d20+14 arcana, is that a baby yellow dragon?
[00:58] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+14 arcana, is that a baby yellow dragon? and gets 15." [1d20=1]
[00:58] <Aaeru> roll 1d20 what Janson did
[00:58] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20 what Janson did and gets 3." [1d20=3]
[00:59] <Janson> "Hey," Janson waves lackadaisically at the dragon. "So, we came like the door voice said, to prove ourselves and learn martial arts. But you guys are just fucked up so we're gonna kill you instead and take all your stuff."
[01:00] <Orval> roll 1d20+15 arcana, what the hell are those
[01:00] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+15 arcana, what the hell are those and gets 25." [1d20=10]
[01:00] <Aaeru> "You are really horrible and-- and you have bad taste, too!" Aaeru adds her own thoughts. She can't help but shiver at the thought of the half-dragon hag.
[01:02] <Kotono> The dragon's laughter fills the chamber, as at the same time slits in the wall all over open! Water begins to gush in, up to your feet in instants! "Is it true that you made it this far, not out of a challenge, but by being adventurers who used magic to find this?" It sits up, twisting end over end in the air, always moving.
[01:04] <Janson> "Yes. Try and be more challening than your goons," Janson replies, not wasting further time and moving to attack. That water puts a clear ticking clock on winning the battle.
[01:04] <Kotono> OOC: In that case, init.

[01:04] <Janson> roll 1d20+4
[01:04] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+4 and gets 12." [1d20=8]
[01:04] <Kotono> roll 1d20+8 Sylvie
[01:04] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 Sylvie and gets 28." [1d20=20]
[01:04] <Kotono> roll 1d20+4 dragon
[01:04] <Aaeru> It will come down to Glitterdust, then. That is their best way of stopping the dragon quickly!
[01:04] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+4 dragon and gets 7." [1d20=3]
[01:04] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+3
[01:04] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+3 and gets 23." [1d20=20]
[01:04] <Kotono> roll 1d20+2 elemental
[01:04] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 elemental and gets 3." [1d20=1]
[01:05] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(28)>Aaeru(23)>Janson(8)>Dragon(7)>Elemental(3)'
[01:06] <Orval> roll 1d20+3 ORv
[01:06] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+3 ORv and gets 15." [1d20=12]
[01:06] <Orval> roll 1d20+4 Arch
[01:06] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+4 Arch and gets 18." [1d20=14]
[01:06] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(28)>Aaeru(23)>Arachiel(18)>Orval(15)>Janson(8)>Dragon(7)>Elemental(3)'
[01:08] <Kotono> The dragon laughs, "I am Thruxanavul, lord of this realm! I respect you coming this far, for might always makes right! Should you slay me, take my horde as your right. Fail, and I shall raise as spirits to serve me!" His voice echos about with the cascading of falling water, echoing about! OOC: Sylvie opens.
[01:09] <Kotono> Sylvie draws the endurance of a wild bear into herself, holding her position for the moment! "Aaeru, we're gonna need to fly!" OOC: Bear's Endurance on Sylvie, +12/+12 hp. Aaeru's up.
[01:11] * Aaeru flies thirty five feet straight up to present a better target for the dragon, and one that wouldn't be grouped with everyone else invitingly. Then, she gestures at the yellow dragon, seeking to turn him as blind as he truly must be deep down!
[01:11] <Aaeru> OOC: Glitterdust, will17, strength devotion
[01:11] <Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[01:11] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 and gets 25." [1d20=17]
[01:12] <Kotono> Golden dust flies around the dragon, but it successfully shields it's eyes! A sweep of it's wing sends the dust away, glittered but unblinded! OOC: Arachiel.
[01:13] <Orval> Arachiel uses holy power to aid Orval! OOC: Aid
[01:13] <Orval> roll 1d8+7
[01:13] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d8+7 and gets 12." [1d8=5]
[01:14] <Kotono> OOC: Righto! Janson.
[01:15] <Janson> Splitting off to the right to the very edge of the room, his movements unimpeded by a little water, Janson hurls an eldritch blast at the young dragon. He kicked a baby red dragon to death, he can surely handle this thing if he uses his magic!
[01:15] <Janson> roll 1d20+8
[01:15] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+8 and gets 18." [1d20=10]
[01:15] <Janson> roll 4d6+4d6
[01:15] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 4d6+4d6 and gets 26." [4d6=4, 4, 1, 5][4d6=1, 4, 5, 2]
[01:15] <Janson> OOC: +2
[01:16] <Kotono> Flinging his power forward, Janson manages to graze the dragon! It barely even blisteres it's scales, as if it tried to hit a wall of adamantine! OOC: Also Orval should've gone before you, my fault. Misread the init order. Go Orval.
[01:16] <Orval> OOC: How far's that elemental?
[01:17] <Kotono> OOC: 25ft ahead and 20ft high.
[01:17] <Orval> OOC: Is it dragony or does it just look like a plain elemental?
[01:18] <Kotono> OOC: Normal elemental look.
[01:20] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(28)>Aaeru(23)>Arachiel(18)>Orval(15)>Janson(8)>Dragon(7)>Elemental(3)>WAter level(-999)'
[01:20] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(28)>Aaeru(23)>Arachiel(18)>Orval(15)>Janson(8)>Dragon(7)>Elemental(3)>Water level(-999)'
[01:24] <Orval> Orval invokes a powerful exorcism, centered on the elemental! OOC: Dismissal, will DC 18+7-8=17!
[01:25] <Kotono> roll 1d20+2
[01:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+2 and gets 12." [1d20=10]
[01:25] <Kotono> roll 1d100 for self reference, doesn't matter for you guys.
[01:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 for self reference, doesn't matter for you guys. and gets 66." [1d100=66]
[01:25] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(28)>Aaeru(23)>Arachiel(18)>Orval(15)>Janson(8)>Dragon(7)>Water level(-999)'
[01:26] <Kotono> With a single prayer to his patron, Orval banishes the creature of pure water to whence it came! It fades with nary a sound save for a soft pop! OOC: Janson went, so Dragon is up.
[01:30] <Kotono> Waving it's wings to clear away the glitter, "Impressive, gone just like that...but how many times can you do it?" Yellow lightmanifests around it's body, "Power of Dodona, Snow Wind, Polydamna; come forth! By the power of your pact I refuse to let your spirits rest!" Yellow light roars around Orval, as three yellow gems race out from his pockets! "Serve me once more!" The gems glow bright as
[01:30] <Kotono> stars in nova, flying up to the now empty platform! Water rises up, surrounding the gems! Reborn in shaky water, transluence and glowing yellow, are the three sea hags! They flicker in and out of shape, the gems within vibrating! Meanwhile the water level continues to rise rapidly, up past knees now and past Orval's waist! OOC: Sylvie, go.
[01:30] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(28)>Aaeru(23)>Arachiel(18)>Orval(15)>Janson(8)>Dragon=Dodona=Snow Wind=Polydamna(7)>Water level(-999)'
[01:31] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+4
[01:31] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+4 and gets 20." [1d20=16]
[01:32] <Kotono> Sylvie glares up at the dragon, gesturing! Glitter bursts around it, following up Aaeru's attempt!
[01:33] <Kotono> roll 1d20+8
[01:33] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+8 and gets 25." [1d20=17]
[01:33] <Kotono> But again it wards of the glittering golden dust, sending it crashing into the rising waters below!  OOC: AAeru, go.
[01:37] * Aaeru glares at the dragon, but the rising water is a more pressing concern to her. She brings her fist back and then slams it against the door three times in succession, hoping that her efforts break the massive gate apart and create a makeshift drain for the water in the room.
[01:38] <Aaeru> roll 3#1d8+6+7 adamant
[01:38] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 3#1d8+6+7 adamant and gets 45." [3#1d8+6+7 = 14, 15, 16]
[01:40] <Kotono> WHAM! A series of three kicks rock the door! The first one doesn't do much, thes econd makes the door lightly buckle! The third one makes it rock more! Cracks run up and down from the impact for a few feet, a little bit of space open, but the door is mostly holding! It's enough to let a trickle of water out, but not enough yet to stop the flow entirely! OOC: Arachiel.
[01:43] <Orval> Arachiel swoops up to Aaeru, granting her the same holy power she granted Orval! OOC: S'more Aid, let's see if we can get everyone with rolling Aids.
[01:44] <Orval> roll 1d8+7
[01:44] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d8+7 and gets 12." [1d8=5]
[01:44] <Kotono> OOC: Okay! Orval, go.
[01:51] * Orval looks up unhappily at the newly-raised hags. "That's cheatin'! Ye're not supposed ta use undead monstrosities!" He grumbles, throwing a small bag of sulfur-smelling stuff in the air and pointing at the hags, a ball of flame quickly formaing and rocketing off toward them! OOC: Fireball, probly gonna regret this. Reflex DC 17
[01:51] <Orval> roll 7d6 exploding at a point, no need to roll to hit
[01:51] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 7d6 exploding at a point, no need to roll to hit and gets 31." [7d6=6, 3, 5, 4, 6, 1, 6]
[01:51] <Kotono> OOC: CL check.
[01:51] <Orval> roll 1d20+7
[01:52] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+7 and gets 15." [1d20=8]
[01:52] <Kotono> roll 1d20+11 Dodona
[01:52] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+11 Dodona and gets 26." [1d20=15]
[01:52] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5 Snow Wind
[01:52] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 Snow Wind and gets 9." [1d20=4]
[01:52] <Kotono> roll 1d20+5 Polydamna
[01:52] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+5 Polydamna and gets 23." [1d20=18]
[01:53] <Kotono> The eruption of fire devastates the watery hags, each one shaking terrifically from the blast! The gems in them look strained, burnt and cracking! OOC: Janson.
[01:54] <Janson> Trusting the others with more diversity in their attacks to handle the ghosts, Janson keeps pressuring the dragon, moving up to the side of the throne and hurling another blast up at him!
[01:54] <Janson> roll 1d20+8
[01:54] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+8 and gets 9." [1d20=1]
[01:55] <Kotono> This time Janson runs forward, firing off...but his aim is errant, hitting the platform and not the dragon! OOC: Dragon is up.
[01:55] <Kotono> "Get them, my servants!" He commands! At that Dodona acts first, raising her hand up at Aaeru, "" The voice warbles, firing a spear of eldritch energy!
[01:55] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 touch AC?
[01:55] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 touch AC? and gets 21." [1d20=14]
[01:55] <Aaeru> OOC: Not that
[01:56] <Kotono> roll 3d6+2d6
[01:56] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d6+2d6 and gets 19." [3d6=6, 3, 4][2d6=3, 3]
[01:56] <Kotono> The spear gets Aaeru dead on, blood trickling from her nose, ears and eyes! It's not a deep feeling of being drained, but a weak ache all over! A second later Snow Wind is moving, leaping down the platform! It advances 10ft, able to reach out and take a claw at Orval!
[01:57] <Kotono> roll 2d6 falling
[01:57] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 falling and gets 5." [2d6=1, 4]
[01:57] <Kotono> roll 1d20+17 AC, Orval?
[01:57] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+17 AC, Orval? and gets 33." [1d20=16]
[01:57] <Kotono> roll 1d8+12 AC ain't that.
[01:57] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d8+12 AC ain't that. and gets 17." [1d8=5]
[01:58] <Kotono> The claw savagely rips into Orval, most of the force fading away into light as only the end of a gash is made and little else! Then Polydamna is oozing forward to the edge of the platform, raising her head up! She fires a cone of acid salt up, right at the hovering Aaeru! OOC: REflex, Aaeru.
[01:59] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14 evasion
[01:59] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 evasion and gets 32." [1d20=18]
[01:59] <Kotono> OOC: Oh yeah, Arachiel would be in range too, so make a save too for her.
[01:59] <Orval> roll 1d20+2 IE
[01:59] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 IE and gets 6." [1d20=4]
[01:59] <Kotono> roll 6d8 Half for Arachiel
[01:59] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 6d8 Half for Arachiel and gets 37." [6d8=8, 5, 8, 7, 5, 4]
[02:00] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(28)>Aaeru(23)>Arachiel(18; clinging)>Orval(15)>Janson(8)>Dragon=Dodona=Snow Wind=Polydamna(7)>Water level(-999)'
[02:01] <Kotono> Arachiel is hit hard, plummeting to the ground! OOC: I'll knock off 1d6 for the water, but that's still 2d6 damage for falling from 30ft up.
[02:01] <Kotono> roll 2d6 fingers crossed
[02:01] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 2d6 fingers crossed and gets 9." [2d6=4, 5]
[02:02] <Aaeru> As the tiny ball of light drops down, Aaeru reflexively catches it on ethereal wings!
[02:03] <Kotono> Plummeting to the ground, Arachiel starts to hit...and no! Magic slows it's fall, causing it to land safely down! Meanwhile the water level rises yet more, up to your stomachs, and up to Orval's shoulders! OOC: Sylvie's up.
[02:06] <Kotono> With a look of grim determination, Sylvie steps in with one quick step, going to plummel the attacking, giant sea hag with all she has!
[02:07] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[02:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 20." [1d20=10]
[02:07] <Kotono> roll 1d20+10
[02:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+10 and gets 18." [1d20=8]
[02:07] <Kotono> roll 1d20+11 (+6 inspiration)
[02:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+11 (+6 inspiration) and gets 19." [1d20=8]
[02:07] <Kotono> roll 3d8+33
[02:07] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+33 and gets 40." [3d8=4, 2, 1]
[02:08] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(28)>Aaeru(23)>Arachiel(18; clinging)>Orval(15)>Janson(8)>Dragon=Dodona=Polydamna(7)>Water level(-999)'
[02:08] <Kotono> The watery body of Snow Wind does little to stop Sylvie's fists, each strike finding the gem within! Under the third blow the crystalline thing shatters apart, the water around it falling and splashing about, Snow Wind gone! OOC: Aaeru, go.
[02:08] <Aaeru> Her fists literally glowing with channeled arcane might, Aaeru slams them against the door repeatedly, calling out, "Fall! Fall down!" with each strike!
[02:09] <Aaeru> roll 3#1d8+6+7+2d4
[02:09] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 3#1d8+6+7+2d4 and gets 64." [3#1d8+6+7+2d4 = 25, 17, 22]
[02:13] <Kotono> Under that overwhelming assault, the doors groan! With a pop they are battered open, water rushing out now! The tide is heavy, bringing others along with it! OOC: Str check for all but Aaeru since she's in the air, lest you be dragged along with the water a bit.
[02:13] <Janson> roll 1d20-2 at least I'm right at the back?
[02:13] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20-2 at least I'm right at the back? and gets 3." [1d20=5]
[02:13] <Kotono> roll 1d20+1 Sylvie
[02:13] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+1 Sylvie and gets 12." [1d20=11]
[02:14] <Orval> roll 1d20
[02:14] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20 and gets 5." [1d20=5]
[02:15] <Kotono> Sylvie is ablet o keep her place, while Janson and Orval are pulled back! The former is taken back to the wall, a soft enough impact not to do damage! Meanwhile Orval is swept 20 ft out of the room, waterlogged but unharmed! His familiar follows, still out! OOC: Arachiel's waterlogged, go ahead and give her a second ref save to see if that gets the clinging breath off of her.
[02:15] <Orval> roll 1d20+2
[02:15] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+2 and gets 4." [1d20=2]
[02:16] <Kotono> But the clinging breath lingers, even as she's swept out! OOC: She's up, stabilization roll. Percentile roll, trying to match or get lower than her con score.
[02:16] <Orval> roll 1d100
[02:16] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d100 and gets 100." [1d100=100]
[02:17] <Kotono> OOC: -1 HP for her.
[02:18] <Kotono> Arachiel is bleeding still, terribly injured! OOC: Orval.
[02:21] <Orval> "Oy!" Orval cries, wading over to his familiar, intoning a prayer over her! OOC: Cure Moderate
[02:21] <Orval> roll 2d8+7
[02:21] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 2d8+7 and gets 16." [2d8=5, 4]
[02:22] <Kotono> Arachiel's wounds mend considerably, patching up some of the pain! OOC: Janson, go.
[02:22] <Janson> "Alright, lets try this again..." Janson mutters, once again darting around the side of the room and firing on the dragon!
[02:22] <Janson> roll 1d20+8
[02:22] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+8 and gets 26." [1d20=18]
[02:22] <Janson> roll 4d6+4d6
[02:23] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 4d6+4d6 and gets 33." [4d6=2, 5, 6, 3][4d6=3, 3, 6, 5]
[02:24] <Kotono> Janson rushes back in the draining water, reaching out and firing! This eldritch blast catches the draogn right in the wing, going straight through! Oh, that gets it's full attention, flapping in the air! As this happens...OOC: Clinging on Arachiel. That's another 18 damage.
[02:24] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(28)>Aaeru(23)>Arachiel(18)>Orval(15)>Janson(8)>Dragon=Dodona=Polydamna(7)>Water level(-999)'
[02:25] <Kotono> The acid salt fades, leaving the familiar burnt but clinging to life yet again! A familiar sight lately, indeed! A moment later Dodona raises her hand again, going again for Aaeru!
[02:25] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 AC?
[02:25] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 AC? and gets 12." [1d20=5]
[02:25] <Kotono> OOC: ER, touch AC.
[02:26] <Aaeru> OOC: Haha! 18!
[02:26] <Kotono> roll 1d4 forgot to roll this
[02:26] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 forgot to roll this and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[02:26] <Kotono> This time the spear flies errant, Aaeru dodging swiftly! A moment later Polydamna turns her head down, emptying out her mouthful of acid salt at Janson! OOC: Reflex.
[02:27] <Janson> roll 1d20+9 evasion
[02:27] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+9 evasion and gets 22." [1d20=13]
[02:27] <Kotono> But Janson is too fast, leaping aside of the torrent! As it sizzles on the ground, Thruxanavul
[02:28] <Kotono> OOC Gah.
[02:28] <Kotono> But Janson is too fast, leaping aside of the torrent! As it sizzles on the ground, Thruxanavul snaps, "Stronger than you look, even now!" OOC: Sylvie's up.
[02:29] <Janson> "Don't need muscles when you've got skill!" Janson calls back.
[02:29] <Kotono> Sylvie takes a light step back, drawing Simmer's old bow and letting an arrow fly!
[02:29] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12 On Dodona, dur.
[02:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 On Dodona, dur. and gets 32." [1d20=20]
[02:29] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12 On Dodona, dur ow
[02:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 On Dodona, dur ow and gets 21." [1d20=9]
[02:29] <Aaeru> "We're very strong!" Aaeru insists, shaking a fist at the dragon. "Can you break those doors? I don't think so!"
[02:29] <Kotono> roll 3d8+12 ow
[02:29] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 3d8+12 ow and gets 27." [3d8=7, 2, 6]
[02:29] * Kotono changes topic to 'Sylvie(28)>Aaeru(23)>Arachiel(18)>Orval(15)>Janson(8)>Dragon=Polydamna(7)>Water level(-999)'
[02:30] <Kotono> With a perfect shot, Sylvie sends the arrow through Dodona's gem! It shatters, Sylvie looking up with a moment's relieved smile, "Two down!" OOC: Aaeru.
[02:31] * Aaeru stops herself from bringing out the holy mercy of Ilmater. If there is only one, then-- she charges at the remaining watery hag!
[02:31] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+12 not actually charging, blades of fire
[02:31] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+12 not actually charging, blades of fire and gets 26." [1d20=14]
[02:31] <Kotono> OOC: Hit.
[02:32] <Aaeru> roll 1d8+6+1d6+1d8 lethal+fire
[02:32] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d8+6+1d6+1d8 lethal+fire and gets 22." [1d8=6][1d6=4][1d8=6]
[02:32] <Kotono> Aaeru charges in, a flying kick knocking it back and causing it's gem to crack more! It doesn't quite break, despite a dozen damages to it! OOC: Arachiel, d100.
[02:33] <Orval> roll 1d100
[02:33] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d100 and gets 55." [1d100=55]
[02:33] <Kotono> But Arachiel continuest o bleed! OOC: -1 HP. Orval.
[02:35] <Kotono> roll 1d4 Polydamna, keep forgetting this.
[02:35] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 Polydamna, keep forgetting this. and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[02:36] * Orval invokes Dumathoin, spraying positive energy everywhere!
[02:36] <Orval> roll 4d6
[02:36] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 4d6 and gets 16." [4d6=4, 6, 1, 5]
[02:37] <Kotono> The energy revitalizes Arachiel, who rises back up and her light becomes steady once more! OOC: Janson.
[02:37] <Orval> Once he finishes, Orval heads back inside the room!
[02:37] <Kotono> Orval returns in, able to see the combat raging! OOC: Janson, go.
[02:37] * Janson keeps moving now up to the back wall and harries the dragon with further eldritch fire!
[02:37] <Janson> roll 1d20+8
[02:37] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+8 and gets 13." [1d20=5]
[02:39] <Kotono> Yet the dragon is too fast, able to just twist out of the way of the fire! At this Polydamna looks to Aaeru, opening her mouth wide to burn her in hellish salt! OOC: Reflex.
[02:39] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14
[02:39] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 and gets 22." [1d20=8]
[02:40] <Aaeru> "Stop that! Stop that! Stop that!" Aaeru exclaims, weaving through the air. "It's disgusting and stuff! I'll punch you again!"
[02:41] <Kotono> But again Aaeru is too fast to be tagged, as...abruptly Polydamna falls to her knees, going limp! The dragon's full fury now focuses on the party, "You want a real battle? So be it!" AT this Thruxanavul takes to the air, soaring to 20ft away from Aaeru! A horrific torrent of white salt erupts out, going for her! OOC: Reflex.
[02:41] <Aaeru> roll 1d20+14
[02:41] * Hatbot --> "Aaeru rolls 1d20+14 and gets 16." [1d20=2]
[02:42] <Kotono> roll 8d6 full, plus -2 attacks, ac, reflex saves, and any strength, dex, or con based skill checks due to being covered in salt, more on this in a second.
[02:42] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 8d6 full, plus -2 attacks, ac, reflex saves, and any strength, dex, or con based skill checks due to being covered in salt, more on this in a second. and gets 28." [8d6=1, 3, 3, 1, 5, 5, 5, 5]
[02:43] <Kotono> Caught dead on, Aaeru can do nothing but take the dragon's blast right in the chest and face! Salt crusts all over her body, slowing her limps and dragging down her body! OOC: Also -10 to all modes of movement, forgot to read the rest of it's breath weapon statblock.  Sylvie's up.
[02:43] <Kotono> roll 1d4
[02:43] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4 and gets 1." [1d4=1]
[02:46] <Kotono> Sylvie readies her bow, but frowns at Aaeru beign close! GEsturing, she sends a single magic missle it's way!
[02:46] <Kotono> roll 1d4+1
[02:46] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d4+1 and gets 4." [1d4=3]
[02:47] <Kotono> OOC: Strike, airhead moment. Sorry, been DMing 8 hours.
[02:47] <Kotono> Sylvie readies her bow, firing off a pair of arrows!
[02:47] <Kotono> roll 1d20+12
[02:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+12 and gets 21." [1d20=9]
[02:47] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7
[02:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 and gets 27." [1d20=20]
[02:47] <Kotono> roll 1d20+7 crit?
[02:47] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d20+7 crit? and gets 21." [1d20=14]
[02:48] <Kotono> roll 4d8+16 geez
[02:48] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 4d8+16 geez and gets 35." [4d8=4, 6, 6, 3]
[02:48] <Kotono> Twin arrows fly, both of them going right into the belly of the yellow dragon! IT wobbles a bit in the air, but stays afloat! OOC: AAeru.
[02:50] * Aaeru seals her wounds as much as she can with the mercy of Ilmater, already in flight for one of the streams of water that still make a futile attempt at flooding the room. She might be slower than normally, but the Fly spell ridiculously increases her range!
[02:51] <Kotono> Aaeru reaches one as her wounds heal, the salt gently washed away and gone, freeing her body up! OOC: Arachiel.
[02:52] <Orval> Arachiel, having been caught more than once in a salty spray of death, approaches the doors cautiously, blessing itself. OOC: Aid
[02:52] <Orval> roll 1d8+7
[02:52] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d8+7 and gets 12." [1d8=5]
[02:52] <Kotono> OOC: Okay. Orval.
[02:55] <Kotono> OOC: The dragon is about 45ft away from Orval and 30ft up.
[02:57] * Orval moves further into the room, looking mighty angry. "Ye know, I could have respected ye, for all your beastiness. Dragons are great and powerful beasts...but then ye had to go and defile the spirits of the dead!" OOC: 20-ft move action, casting Empowered Scorching Ray when in range.
[02:57] <Kotono> OOC: Go for it.
[02:58] <Orval> roll 1d20+1+1+5+3 touch
[02:58] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+1+1+5+3 touch  and gets 19." [1d20=9]
[02:58] <Kotono> OOC: Hit, fire the other ray?
[02:59] <Orval> roll 1d20+1+1+5+3 touch
[02:59] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 1d20+1+1+5+3 touch  and gets 27." [1d20=17]
[02:59] <Orval> roll 2#4d6*1.5
[02:59] * Hatbot --> "Orval rolls 2#4d6*1.5 and gets 36." [2#4d6*1.5 = 13.5, 22.5]
[03:00] <Kotono> Twin scorching rays burst through the dragon's body, making it rock in the air! It burns on it's belly and wings, staying aloft even as it blazes away! OOC: Janson.
[03:00] <Janson> Strafing past the base of the throne, Janson forgoes commentary and tries to shoot the damn thing out of the air!
[03:00] <Janson> roll 1d20+8
[03:00] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 1d20+8 and gets 24." [1d20=16]
[03:01] <Janson> roll 4d6+2+4d6
[03:01] * Hatbot --> "Janson rolls 4d6+2+4d6 and gets 29." [4d6=1, 6, 4, 1][4d6=1, 5, 5, 4]
[03:02] <Kotono> With a massive gathering of energy, Janson fires! The dragon takes it hard, crashing down terrifically! It lands with a titanic thump, twitching twice before it is still! OOC: Congratulations! Free act!

[03:02] <Kotono> "Got it!" Sylvie calls, putting away her bow.
[03:03] * Aaeru steps out from beneath the water and gains altitude anew, observing the room.
[03:03] <Kotono> With a good perspective and time to look, Aaeru is ablet o notice something else - a passage behind the throne.
[03:03] <Janson> "Hah..." Janson exhales loudly and then smiles, going over towards Sylvie and giving the yellow-scaled beast a kick in passing. "Hope his hoard is as impressive as his bluster."
[03:03] <Aaeru> "Hey, guys!" Aaeru calls down, crossing the room briskly. "There's something here! Like, a door or something!"
[03:04] <Janson> "Must be the treasure room!" Janson cheers, taking Sylvie's hand before he goes to investigate.
[03:04] <Kotono> "Lift us up," Sylvie calls, "I'd hate to slip and break my neck climbing up after all of this."
[03:05] <Aaeru> "I'll catch you!" Aaeru promises, but flies down all the same and casts the Fly spell on Sylvie.
[03:06] * Janson is quite capable of climbing in any case.
[03:07] <Kotono> With this, the party advances on! It's a short tunnel past that, past an airtight stone door. Ahead....coins. A great help of gold, silver, copper and platinum coins! It's a wide open cavern, things about! The back is dominated by one thing in particular - a vast greatsword stuck in theg round, taller than enlarged Aaeru! It's made entirely of blue crystal, glittering with light! Around you see
[03:07] <Kotono> things...books, gems, trade bars, other strange things...a vast spread of them, as big as long as can be! Weapons hang on one wall, on another you can see silk opera gloves. A backpack stuffed full of precious crystal gemstones sits in one corner, while in another you see a batttered scrollcase holding scrolls. Yet more is about, as Sylvie whistles, "'s gigantic!"
[03:07] * Orval walkes over to his familiar, speaking softly to her for a moment. He reaches up and places his hand on her, and with a pop they vanish, reappearing on the platform above.
[03:08] * Janson lives up to his earlier promise and goes to roll around on the big pile of gold! "He wasn't boasting after all!" he cheers, savouring their newfound wealth. This more than makes up for that bad job with Filazan!
[03:09] <Kotono> Sylvie steps along, gawking! "All oft are we going to get it back?"
[03:10] <Aaeru> "So, like, what about that bag you got from that nice person?" Aaeru asks Janson. "It's really huge!"
[03:11] <Janson> "I didn't think we'd get this much," Janson admits. "But some of us could go back to get it while others guard the hoard?"
[03:11] <Kotono> After a moment she blinks, "Oh right!" Snapping her fingers, "You can teleport, Arachiel? It'll take awhile, but you can teleport things back and forth?"
[03:11] <Aaeru> "Or Archie can teleport back for it and stuff."
[03:12] <Janson> "So long as she doesn't lose it..." Janson sits up dubiously. The archon hasn't exactly been blessed by Tymora lately.
[03:12] <Orval> "She's just had a string of bad luck with dragon's breath, is all."
[03:13] <Kotono> "That works too," Sylvie says, nodding.
[03:13] <Janson> "Lets start getting everything organised while she does that, then?" Janson gets up, doing his part by cataloguing any magic items...
[03:14] <Janson> OOC: I'll take 10 for 24 on spellcraft for reference in the loot thread. 26 with scrolls
[03:15] * Orval starts going through the gems, making sure there are no loose gems to go into the sack.
[03:15] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[03:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 40." [1d100=40]
[03:15] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[03:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 3." [1d100=3]
[03:15] <Kotono> roll 1d100
[03:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 and gets 100." [1d100=100]
[03:15] <Kotono> roll 1d100 subtables
[03:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 subtables and gets 11." [1d100=11]
[03:15] <Kotono> roll 1d100 subtables vs 2
[03:15] * Hatbot --> "Kotono rolls 1d100 subtables vs 2 and gets 49." [1d100=49]
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake