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Started by Anastasia, November 12, 2010, 07:19:41 PM

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Lord of the Bright Fires

Hit Die




Knowledge(Nature) 8 ranks.


Toughness, any one of fiery spell, searing spell or energy substitution(fire).


Must be immune to fire.


Must be a living creature. For the purposes of this, a living creature is considered one that has a constitution score.


Must be able to cast at least two arcane spells with the fire descriptor.

Class Skills

The Lord of the Bright Fire's class skills(and the key ability for each skill) are: Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal(Wis), Knowledge(arcana) (Int), Knowledge(nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points per Level

2 + intelligence modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save Special Spells
1 +0 +2 +0 +0 Essence of Fire, Living Fire +1 arcane
2 +1 +3 +0 +0 Pyrosynthesis +1 arcane
3 +1 +3 +1 +1 Energy Vulnerability +1 arcane
4 +2 +4 +1 +1 Elemental Fury +1 arcane
5 +2 +4 +1 +1 Greater Essence of Fire -
6 +3 +5 +2 +2 - +1 arcane
7 +3 +5 +2 +2 Elemental Wrath +1 arcane
8 +4 +6 +2 +2 Burn the Heretic! +1 arcane
9 +4 +6 +3 +3 Shield of Fire +1 arcane
10 +5 +7 +3 +3 Fiery Life +1 arcane

Essence of Fire (Su)

By channeling your own elemental nature, you strengthen your fire magic. You cast spells with the fire descriptor at +1 caster level.

Living Fire (Ex)

You represent fire and life entwined, always vital and always sustaining even as it burns away old life to make way for new life. You lose access to any spell that causes energy drain or inflicts negative energy damage, these spells are removed from your spell lists.

Pyrosynthesis (Su)

The purifying and vital power of positive energy laced fire suffuses your being. Whenever you cast a spell with the fire descriptor, you heal hit points equal to it's spell level. For example, casting fireball heals you three hit points. You cannot go above your maximum hit points with this ability.

Energy Vulnerability (Sp)

You can use Energy Vulnerability (PHB2 p113) as the spell once per day. You can only make your target vulnerable to fire.

Elemental Fury (Su)

Through the living fury of fire, you can cause your foes to burn even after your spell concludes, imbued with a tiny fragment of life. Any time you deal damage to a target with a spell with the fire descriptor, they catch ablaze. This deals 1d6 damage per round(no save) until the flames are extinguished. Unlike a normal fire, these flames do not cease until put out directly. This may be done by mundane means such as water or rolling on the ground, as well as by dispel magic. Treat this ability as a spell effect equal to the caster level of the Lord of the Bright Fires for the sake of dispel magic.

Greater Essence of Fire (Su)

Your mastery of the flames increases. Your bonus to your caster level when casting spells with the fire descriptor rises by 1, to a total of +2. In addition, the DC of any spells you cast with the fire descriptor rises by 1.

Elemental Wrath (Su)

Through the overwhelming energy of positive fire, you are able to overwhelm your foes. A number of times a day equal to your main casting stat(Intelligence for wizards, charisma for sorcerers, for example), you may designate a spell with the fire descriptor, that deals damage and allows a saving throw for partial/no effect as overwhelming. An overwhelming spell leaves the victim dazed for one round if the saving throw is failed, due to being overwhelmed with the raw elemental vitality of fire.

Burn the Heretic! (Su)

At 8th level your touch can cause some of the creature's lifeforce to explode into fire. Once per day you may make a melee touch attack against a creature. If successful you deal 10d10 points of fire damage, as lifeforce is transformed into white flames that explode out of the victim's body in all directions. If you fail to hit, this ability is not expended. Non-living creatures such as undead and constructs are immune to this ability.

Shield of Fire (Su)

At 9th level the Lord of the Bright Fires is constantly surrounded by vibrant white flames. This raw life force shields her own vitality, rendering her immune to energy drain and negative energy damage.

Fiery Life (Ex)

At 10th level your constant conduit to fire has further bolstered you. Your constitution rises by 2 points.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?



Hit Die




Bluff 6 ranks, Perform(Song) 8 ranks


Must possess an innate sonic, mind affecting ability.

Class Skills

The siren's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Listen (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), and Sense Motive (Wis).

Skills Points per Level

4 + intelligence modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save Special Spells
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Reverbation -
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Song of Hope -
3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Charisma Bonus+2 -
4 +3 +1 +1 +4 Song of Peace -
5 +3 +1 +1 +4 Song of Delusion -
6 +4 +2 +2 +5 Charisma Bonus+4 -
7 +5 +2 +2 +5 Song of Idiocy -
8 +6 +2 +2 +6 Charisma Bonus+6 -
9 +6 +3 +3 +6 Song of Nature -
10 +7 +3 +3 +7 Song of Rapture -

Reverberation (Su)

At 1st level, the siren gains Reverberation as a bonus feat.

Song of Hope (Su)

At 2nd level, a siren begins to enhance her already formidable sonic abilities with additional effects. Once per day, she can sing a song of hope  identical to that of an good hope spell. This functions in all ways like the spell good hope, except the duration is 1 minute per siren level. This is a sonic, mind effecting ability.

Charisma Bonus (Ex)

At 3rd level, a siren gains a +2 bonus to her Charisma score. This bonus rises to +4 at 6th level and to +6 at 8th level.

Song of Peace (Su)

At 4th level, the siren calms all who hear it. Once per day per level in this class, she may sing a song of peace, those that hear it must make a will save (DC 10+charisma modifier+1/2 class level) or be affected as by a calm emotions spell. This functions in all ways like the spell calm emotions, except that the duration is 1 round per siren level. This is a sonic, mind effecting ability.

Song of Delusion (Su)

At 5th level, a siren gains another new sonic ability.  Once per day per level in this prestige class, she can overlay a confusion effect on her sonic attack. This is identical to the effects of a confusion spell, affects all creatures within range of the siren's sonic attack, and lasts for 1 round per siren level. The will save to resist this effect has a DC of 10 + the siren's level + the siren's Cha modifier. This is a sonic, mind affecting ability.

Song of Idiocy (Su)

At 7th level, a siren gains a new sonic ability. Once per day per level in this prestige class, she can overlay an Intelligence-damaging effect on her sonic attack. This is identical to the effect of a feeblemind spell, affects all creatures within range of the siren's sonic attack, and has instantaneous duration. The will save to resist this effect has a DC of 10 + the siren's level + the siren's Cha modifier, and arcane spellcasters and creatures that use arcane spell-like abilities take a –4 penalty on their saves. This is a sonic, mind affecing ability.

Song of Nature (Su)

At 9th level, a siren gains yet another sonic ability. Once per day as a standard action, she may bestow the natural world's breath of life to all her allies within a 30 foot radius around her. This spell bestows the benefits of an Aura of Vitality spell. This is identical to the effect of an Aura of Vitality spell, with a duration of one round per siren level. This is a sonic ability.

Song of Rapture (Su)

At 10th level, a siren gains her final song. Once per day as a standard action, she may sing to a single creature within 30 feet. This functions as a Dominate Monster spell, with a save DC of 10 + charisma modifier + 1/2 siren level. This is a sonic, mind affecting ability.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


A custom epic PrC?! What madness is this, Dune?!

This is from Balmuria 1; I'm posting this here as a curiosity. Amaryl was originally going to take a version of this in epic levels. When I was looking over her sheet today I found I liked the concept, but it could use work. I have a lot more experience designing PrCs now, so I gave it a whirl. I trimmed away casting progression. While interesting, it's obscuring the true purpose of the class. Besides, she can take some sorc levels or something since it's gestalt.  It's intended for scouts, though an archery rogue could  qualify if they care to. You may also want to review this feat since it's critical to the entire PrC:

I'm not sure if it's quite strong enough. Epic PrCs are supposed to be a step above normal PrCs, though I figure this does a decent job at pure fiery beatdowns. One could design variants for other elementals if you were so inclined.

Dragonbreath Archer

Hit Die




Dragonfire Strike, Weapon Focus(Any bow)

Epic Feats

Energy Resistance (Fire)


Must have the dragon type or have the dragonblooded subtype.


The energy damage you deal with Dragonfire Strike must be fire damage.

Class Skills

Craft(Int), Hide(Dex), Knowledge(Dungeoneering)(Int), Knowledge(Nature)(Int), Listen(Wis), Move Silently(Dex), Ride(Dex), Search(Wis), Sense Motive(Wis), Spot(Wis), Survival(Wis)

Skill Points per Level

6 + intelligence modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1 +1 Dragonfire Strike+2d6
2 +2 Dragon's Heat
3 +3 Bonus Feat
4 +4 Dragonfire Strike+3d6
5 +5 Searing Dragonfire Strike
6 +6 Bonus Feat
7 +7 Dragonfire Strike+4d6
8 +8 Explosive Flames
9 +9 Bonus Feat
10 +10 Dragonfire Strike+5d6, Lingering Flames

Dragonfire Strike (Su)

At 1st level and every three levels thereafter, your dragonfire strike bonus damage rises by 1d6.

Dragon's Heat (Su)

At 2nd level, any creature stricken by a dragonfire strike risks his possessions turning hot as an inferno. When a creature is successfully damaged by the dragonbreath archer's dragonfire strike, any metal possessions are afflicted as if by a intensified heat metal spell. Multiple metal items on the same person do not stack. As little as a metal ring or earring is sufficient to cause damage. There is no saving throw to this effect.

Bonus Feat

At 3rd level and every three levels thereafter, the dragonbreath archer gains an epic bonus feat. This feat is selected from the list below.

Searing Dragonfire Strike (Su)

By 5th level, the flames of the dragonbreath archer's flames are so hot as to rival the sun. They are treated as searing flames, as the metamagic. This means that the fire damage from dragonfire strike ignores fire resistance and deals half damage to creatures normally immune to fire.

Explosive Flames (Su)

The dragonbreath archer may shoot a special exploding arrow at 8th level as a normal standard action. This attack must be able to trigger dragonfire strike. If so and it successfully strikes, it deals normal damage to the target and then explodes out in a 30ft radius. This deals fire damage equal to the damage of the attack to all creatures within the radius, including the victim of the arrow attack. A reflex save (10 + charisma modifier + 1/2 character level) halves this damage.

Lingering Flames (Su)

At 10th level, the flames of the dragonbreath archer burn on after the initial strike. After a successful dragonfire strike on a target, they catch ablaze. Unless this fire is put out before your next turn, they take extra damage equal to your dragonfire strike bonus damage. After that turn ends the flames fade away. A target can only take damage from Lingering Flames once a round, no matter how many times the dragonbreath archer struck them the previous round.

Dragonbreath Archer bonus feat list

Armor Skin, Bane of Enemies, Blinding Speed, Combat Archery, Distant Shot, Energy Resistance(Fire only), Epic Endurance, Epic Prowess, Epic Speed, Epic Toughness, Fast Healing, Improved Favored Enemy, Improved Manyshot, Legendary Tracker, Perfect Health, Uncanny Accuracy.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Epic scout progression?

Yeah, I was bored. Besides, if this game goes on long enough to reach epic levels, I'd like you guys to know what you can expect from them earlier rather than later. Anyway, epic scout's okay without being dreadfully interesting. Not a lot to say here, making up a few more feats for it would help.  Alas, I'm drawing blanks so that's a task of another day.

Epic Scout

Hit Die


Skill Points at Each Level

8+intelligence modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Special
21 +15 Skirmish+6d6/+5 AC
22 +16 -
23 +17 Bonus feat, skirmish+6d6/+6 AC
24 +18 -
25 +18 Skirmish+7d6/+6 AC
26 +19 Bonus feat
27 +20 Fast Movement+40ft, skirmish+7d6/+7 AC
28 +21 -
29 +21 Battle Fortitude+4, bonus feat, skirmish+8d6/+7 AC
30 +22 -

Skirmish (Ex)

The epic scout's skirmish ability increases to +6d6 at level 21, +6 AC at level 23, and alternates between the two every 2 levels thereafter. (+7d6 at level 25, +7 AC at level 27, ect.)

Fast Movement (Ex)

The epic scout's fast movement increases by 10ft at level 27 and by +10 ft every 8 levels thereafter. (35, 43, 51, ect.)

Battle Fortitude (Ex)

The epic scout's battle fortitude ability increases by +1 at level 29 and by +1 every 9 levels thereafter. (38, 47, 56, ect.)

Bonus Feats

An epic scout gains an epic bonus feat at level 23 and every 3 levels thereafter.

Epic Scout Bonus Feat List

Armor Skin, Blinding Speed, Combat Archery, Dire Charge, Distant Shot, Emergency Skirmish, Epic Blindsight, Epic Dodge, Epic Endurance, Epic Prowess, Epic Reputation, Epic Skill Focus, Epic Skirmish, Epic Speed, Epic Trapfinding, Improved Combat Reflexes, Legendary Acrobat, Legendary Climber, Legendary Leaper, Legendary Tracker, Spellcasting Harrier, Superior Initiative, Swarm of Arrows, Trap Sense, Uncanny Accuracy.

Emergency Skirmish [Epic]
Prerequisite: Skirmish+4d6/+4 AC, dex 25
Benefit: Once per day you may make an emergency skirmish. On your turn you may declare an emergency skirmish and make a 5ft step as normal. This counts as moving 10ft and activates skirmish.
Special: This feat may be taken more than once. Each time you take it, you may use emergency skirmish another time per day.

Epic Blindsight [Epic]
Prerequisite: Blindsight 30ft
Benefit: Your blindsight doubles in range.
Special: This feat may be taken more than once. It's effects stack. Remember that two doubling equal a tripling, and so forth.

Epic Skirmish [Epic]
Prerequisite: Skirmish+3d6/+3 AC
Benefit: If the bonus to AC granted when you use your skirmish ability is equal to or higher than the number of dice of extra damage granted by your skirmish ability, your extra damage on skirmish attacks increases by 1d6. If the bonus to AC granted by your skirmish ability is less than the number of dice of extra damage granted by your skirmish ability, the bonus to AC when skirmishing increases by 1 instead.
Special: This feat may be taken more than once. It's effects stack.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Epic Silverstar. This obsoletes the half done snippet in Silverstar's writeup. This one was easy, it's a good class with excellent flavor and abilities.

Epic Silverstar

Hit Die


Skill Points per Level

2+intelligence modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Special Spells
11 +8 Prophet's Sight 3/day +1 divine
12 +9 Moon Hand+4, shocking burst +1 divine
13 +9 - +1 divine
14 +10 Bonus feat, greater moon's shield, prophet's sight 4/day +1 divine
15 +11 Moon Hand+6, lightning blast, moonfire 2/day +1 divine
16 +12 - +1 divine
17 +12 Prophet's Sight 5/day +1 divine
18 +13 Bonus feat, moon hand+7, lightning blast +1 divine
19 +14 - +1 divine
20 +15 Moonfire 3/day, prophet's Sight 6/day +1 divine

Prophet's Sight (Sp)

At 11th level and every three levels thereafter, the epic silverstar may use Prophet's Sight an additional time per day.

Moon Hand (Su)

At 12th level the Moon Hand ability improves to +4 shocking burst. At 15th level it improves to +6 lightning blast. At level 18 and every three levels thereafter, the enhancement bonus of Moon Hand increases by 1.

Greater Moon Shield (Su)

At 14th level the Silverstar's Moon Shield bonuses increases by +2, and increases another +2 every 7 levels. (21, 28, 35, ect.)

Moonfire (Sp)

At 15th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the epic silverstar may use moonfire an extra time per day.

Bonus Feats

An epic silverstar gains an epic bonus feat at level 24 and every 4 levels thereafter.

Epic Silverstar Bonus Feat List

Armor Skin, Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Bonus Domain, Enhance Spell, Epic Spell Capacity, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Ignore Material Components, Improved Alignment-Based Casting, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Metamagic, Intensify Spell, Planar Turning, Positive Energy Aura, Rapture of the Prophet, Sacred Moonfire, Spectral Strike, Spell Stowaway, Spell Opportunity, Spontaneous Domain Access, Spontaneous Spell, Tenacious Magic, Unbound Prophet's Sight.

Rapture of the Prophet [Epic]
Prerequisite: Prophet's Sight 3/day, wis 19
Benefit: You are attuned to Selune's will, granting you visions and knowledge beyond mortal ken. Once per day as a standard action, you may ask a single question to Selune. It is answered as if by a commune spell.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Each time you do, you gain another use of Rapture of the Prophet per day.

Sacred Moonfire [Epic]
Prerequisite: Moonfire 2/day, consecrate spell.
Benefit: Your moonfire ability is treated as being consecrated. In addition, the damage it causes raises by 10d8; living creatures take 20d8 damage and undead and shapechangers take 30d8 damage.

Unbound Prophet's Sight [Epic]
Prerequisite: Prophet's Sight 4/day, wis 25
Benefit: You are treated as always being under the effect of prophet's sight. This gives you true seeing at all times.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


It's time for the epic divine crusader! There's nothing world-shaking here, I mostly play it by the numbers. You may note that I avoided using new feats to advance them, instead relying on class features. I normally prefer not to do this in epic, but the sort of things that make sense for the divine crusader are things that don't make particularly good feats. Ah well, so it goes.

On finishing this, it strikes me how very much the epic scout needs more unique feats/work to it. It looks awfully barren, doesn't it?

Epic Divine Crusader

Hit Die


Skill Points per Level:

2+intelligence modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Special
11 +8 Spells
12 +9 Resistance to acid and electricity 20
13 +9 Damage reduction 10/epic
14 +10 Bonus feat
15 +11 Resistance to acid and electricity 30
16 +12 Damage Reduction 15/epic
17 +12 -
18 +13 Bonus feat, resistance to acid and electricity 40
19 +14 Damage reduction 15/epic and material
20 +15 Divine Apotheosis

Energy Resistance (Ex)

The epic divine crusader's resistance to acid and cold rises by 10 points at level 12, and rises by an additional 10 points at level 15 and 18.

Damage Reduction (Ex)

The epic divine crusader's damage reduction gains the epic qualifier at level 13. At level 16 it rises to 15/epic, and at level 19 she gains a material component to her damage reduction. Lawful divine crusaders gain silver, chaotic ones gain cold iron. Neutral divine crusaders may choose between the two; once this choice is made, it cannot be undone.

Divine Apotheosis (Ex)

At 20th level, the epic divine crusader utterly transcends everything she was before. Her type changes to outsider; she gains any alignment subtypes that match her alignment.  She gains immunity to acid and electricity and is now considered a native of her deity's plane.

Bonus Feats

An epic divine crusader gains an epic bonus feat at level 24 and every 4 levels thereafter.

Epic Divine Crusader Bonus Feat List

Armor Skin, Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Bonus Domain, Enhance Spell, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spell Capacity, Epic Weapon Focus, Epic Weapon Specialization, Greater Weapon Focus*,  Greater Weapon Specialization*, Ignore Material Components, Improved Alignment-Based Casting, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Heighten Spell, Intensify Spell, Spell Stowaway, Spell Opportunity, Tenacious Magic.

*The epic divine crusader may ignore the fighter level prerequisite for this feat.


At 11th level and every level thereafter, the epic divine crusader's spellcasting improves. Her caster level increases by one per level, the advanced caster level gain of previous levels does not continue. Further, once the epic divine crusader obtains the Epic Spell Capacity feat, she gains spells of 10th level and higher. See the table below for her progression. (The table theoretically continues past this, if I ever have need of a table going farther I'll worry about it then. The pattern's obvious anyway.)

---Spells Per Day---

Level 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th
11 3 2 2 0 - - - -
12 3 3 2 1 - - - -
13 3 3 3 2 0 - - -
14 3 3 3 2 1 - - -
15 3 3 3 3 2 0 - -
16 3 3 3 3 2 1 - -
17 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 -
18 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 -
19 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 0
20 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Forest Giant substitution levels for ranger. The forest giant you met had these.

Vakrel Ranger

Many forest giants find little use for two weapon fighting or archery; the former feel weak compared to the titanic blows a double handed weapon can deal, while the latter is best kept to those who study pure martial skill, such as fighters. Instead of a combat style, they focus on using their size to the utmost to control the battlefield.


To take a Vakrel Ranger substitution level, a character must be a forest giant and about to take his 2nd, 6th or 11th level of ranger. Alternately, a character trained by the forest giants may also qualify for these substitution levels.

Hit Die


Class Skills

The class skills of the Vakrel Ranger are the same as ranger.

2nd level: Lose combat style. Gain Combat Reflexes as a bonus feat.
6th level:Lose improved combat style. Gain Expert Tactician as a bonus feat.
11th level: Lose combat style mastery. Gain Supernatural Instincts as a bonus feat.

Combat Reflexes

Forest Giants focus on controlling the hordes of little people they face. As a result, they gain combat reflexes as a bonus feat.

Expert Tactician

Through your intense training, your opportunistic strikes allow others to deal even more damage. You gain Expert Tactician as a bonus feat.

Supernatural Instincts

At 11th level, your reflexes are so finely honed that the split-second of concentration to invoke the supernatural is an opening to strike. You gain Supernatural Instincts as a bonus feat.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Epic Favored Soul. Not a lot to see here besides a few resemblances to Divine Crusader.

As for the epic feats for it, I used this as inspiration: I didn't care for parts of their epic favored soul progression, but I did use it's sacred gift ability to create a couple of epic feats. Problem is that a few of them just aren't that good. Sacred skill's outdone by epic skill focus, sacred ability is just a renamed great strength/con/ect, and the as written flight speed boost just isn't that good. So I worked with it and hacked something out.

Epic Favored Soul

Hit Die


Skill Points per Level:

2+intelligence modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Special
21 +15 Spells
22 +16 Energy resistance
23 +17 Bonus feat, superior flight+30ft
24 +18 -
25 +18 Damage reduction, energy resistance
26 +19 Bonus feat
27 +20 -
28 +21 Energy resistance, superior flight+60ft
29 +21 Bonus feat
30 +22 -


At 21st level and every level thereafter, the epic favored soul's spellcasting improves. Her caster level increases by one per level, as normal. Further, once the epic favored soul obtains the Epic Spell Capacity feat, she gains spells of 10th level and higher. She uses the sorcerer progression. (Ko note - this will be converted to a table and done later. No hurry. Go check the old Balmuria 1 house rules topic if you're curious.)

Energy Resistance (Ex)

The epic favored soul gains greater energy resistance at 22nd level, and every 3 levels thereafter.(25, 28, 31, ect.) She may gain resistance 10 to an element she does not resist, or improve an existing resistance by 10.

Superior Flight (Ex)

The epic favored soul gains 30ft to her fly speed at 23rd level, and every 5 levels thereafter.(28, 33, 38, ect.)  This stacks with other permanent boosts to her flying speed.

Damage Reduction (Su)

The epic favored soul's damage reduction rises by 5 points at level 25, and every six levels thereafter.(31, 37, 43, ect.) In essence, her damage reduction improves to 15/material at level 25, 20/material at level 31, and so on.

Bonus Feats

An epic favored soul gains an epic bonus feat at level 23 and every 3 levels thereafter.

Epic Favored Soul Bonus Feat List

Aligned Damage Reduction, Armor of Faith, Armor Skin, Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Bonus Domain, Enhance Spell, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Epic Spell Capacity, Ignore Material Components, Improved Alignment-Based Casting, Improved Combat Casting, Improved Heighten Spell, Intensify Spell, Sacred Spell, Spell Stowaway, Spell Opportunity, Tenacious Magic.


Aligned Damage Reduction [Epic]
Prerequisite: Favored Soul level 21st, must worship a deity with a lawful, chaotic, good or evil component to his alignment.
Benefit: Choose a non neutral alignment component you possess. You gain the opposite as a qualifier to bypass your favored soul damage reduction. For example, a lawful good favored soul may choose to add the chaotic or evil qualifier to her favored soul damage reduction.

Armor of Faith [Epic]
Prerequisite: Armor Skin, Favored Soul level 23rd.
Benefit: The protection of your deity surrounds you at all times. You gain a +2 sacred bonus to armor class if good or neutral. If you are evil, you gain a +2 profane bonus to armor class instead.

Sacred Spell [Epic]
Prerequisite: Favored Soul level 25th, cha 21.
Benefit: Select one spell you know from your favored soul spell list; it's spell level must not be greater than your favored soul level divided by 5. You gain a +2 bonus to caster level and DCs for this spell; further, you may once per day cast it without expending a spell slot.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Each time you do, you must choose a different spell.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


This one's a work in progress. I've changed up epic warlock more than a little bit, including adding epic invocation advancement, a new tier of invocations, and a whole lot of fiddling. Let me know what you think, I'm looking for feedback on this one. If so, go post it over in Odds and Ends. Thanks!

The original epic progression for warlock is here: Yes, most of the epic invocations are from the invocation advancing feats there. In this case I chose to have them mimic epic spellcasting and continue the system on, as I feel the flexibility does an epic warlock better than the previous setup. This also makes sure there's lots of room for original epic invocations if we get that far.

Final note: Some of the language and terms aren't final, my grasp of warlock mechanics are still slightly shaky. It's possible I've made a mistake or two, speak up if I have. Most of the time I feel the intent of the abilities is obvious, but it's easy to make mistakes.

Epic Warlock

Hit Die


Skill Points per Level:

2+intelligence modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Special Invocations Known
21 +15 Eldritch Blast+10d6 12
22 +16 - 13
23 +17 Bonus feat, damage reduction 6/cold iron, eldritch vlast+11d6, fiendish resilience 10 13
24 +18 - 14
25 +18 Eldritch blast+12d6 14
26 +19 Bonus feat 15
27 +20 Damage reduction 7/cold iron, eldritch blast+13d6 15
28 +21 Fiendish Resilience 15 16
29 +21 Bonus feat, eldritch blast+14d6 16
30 +22 - 17


The epic warlock gains a new invocation at level 22 and at every two levels thereafter. In addition, a warlock may now select Epic Invocations.

Eldritch Blast (Sp)

The epic warlock's eldritch blast improves by +1d6 at level 21 and every two levels thereafter. (23, 25, 27, ect.)

Damage Reduction (Su)

The epic warlock's damage reduction improves by 1 point at level 23 and by 1 point every four levels thereafter. (27, 31, 35, ect.)

Fiendish Resilience (Su)

The epic warlock's fiendish resilience continesu to improve. At level 23 it improves to fast healing 10, and increases by 5 more every 5 levels. (Fast healing 15 at level 28, fast healing 20 at level 33, ect.)

Bonus Feats

The epic warlock gains an epic bonus feat at level 23 and every 3 levels thereafter.

Epic Warlock Bonus Feat List

Additional Magic Item Space, Augmented Alchemy, Energy Resistance, Epic Eldritch Blast, Epic Extra Invocation, Epic Fiendish Resilience, Epic Spell Penetration, Extended Lifespan, Fast Healing, Fiendish Immortality,  Improved Combat Casting, Spellcasting Harrier, Superior Initiative.

Epic Eldritch Blast [Epic]
Prerequisite: Eldritch Blast+5d6
Benefit: Your eldritch blast damage rises by 1d6.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. It's effects stack.

Epic Extra Invocation [Epic]
Prerequisite: Warlock level 21st, spellcraft 12 ranks.
Benefit: You gain another invocation of any level, including epic. You must still meet all the requirements for the invocation as normal.

Epic Fiendish Resilience [Epic]
Prerequisite Fiendish Resilience 5
Benefit: Your fiendish resilience improves. Your fast healing rate rises by 5, the duration rises by one minute, and you may use it an additional time per day.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. It's benefits stack.
Special: If you possess fast healing naturally, or through a feat such as Fast Healing, it stacks with the benefit of Fiendish Resilience when you use it. A warlock with fast healing 3 and fiendish resilience 10 would have fast healing 13 while fiendish resilience is in effect.

Fiendish Immortality [Epic]
Prerequisite: Epic Fiendish Resilience, con 23
Benefit:  When you invoke your fiendish resilience ability, you gain regeneration instead of fast healing. Your regeneration is bypassed by cold iron. Damage converted to non-lethal damage due to your regeneration does not become lethal damage once the duration of fiendish resilience expires.


Epic Invocations

Epic Invocations work as normal invocations; they are essentially equivalent to epic level spells. Unlike normal invocations, epic invocations sometimes have prerequisites. These mighty invocations often build on lesser ones, making this essential.

Dark Transient
Epic; 10th.
Requirements: Flee the Scene.

You have achieved mastery over the powers of transdimensional travel. You can transport great distances with a single thought, allowing you to use greater teleport or greater plane shift at will. Activating this ability requires a standard action. Note that local conditions can affect these abilities as normal, as can various wards against interdimensional travel or teleportation.

Eldritch Sculptor
Epic; 11th.

You may fire two eldritch blasts instead of one as a standard action. Each may have it's own blast essence. they need not be the same. If you possess the Lord of All Essences invocation, you can imbue each blast with two eldritch essences.

Epic Voidsense
Epic; 10th
Requirements: Voidsense.

When you use the voidsense invocation, you gain blindsight 60 feet.

Lord of All Essences
Epic; 10th.
Requirements: Any four eldritch essences, two of which are greater or dark invocations.

When you use the eldritch blast ability, you can apply two eldritch essence invocations simultaneously. You could choose to fire an eldritch blast with both the repelling blast and noxious blast eldritch essences. This also allows you to apply the same effect twice, though this is not beneficial in the case of all eldritch essences. The effects of each essence are resolved separately. If you imbue your eldritch blast with two different types of damage, half of the damage (rounded down) is dealt by each source. You must choose which essences you will use in conjunction with your eldritch blast before you start your action. If you possess the Eldritch Sculptor feat, you can apply two eldritch essence invocations to both your eldritch blasts in a single round. Activating this ability is part of the action to use an eldritch blast.

Master of Elements
Epic; 11th.
Requirements: The breath of the night, chilling tentacles, stony grasp and wall of perilous flame invocations.

As a full-round action, you can summon a single creature from the summon monster I-IX list that is an elemental or has the air, earth, fire, or water subtype. The monster serves you for a number of rounds equal to your caster level.

You can use dominate monster on elementals and creatures with the air, earth, fire, or water subtype. This effect lasts for a number of days equal to your caster level. Activating this ability requires a standard action.

You gain energy resistance 10 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic. If you have energy resistance from the warlock class, your resistance to those two elements increases by 10.

Morpheme Savant
Epic; 11th.
Requirements: Beguiling influence, warlock's call.

When you use your warlock's call ability, you no longer suffer the chance of taking 1d10 points of damage from the recipient. In addition, you can imbue your sending with a suggestion (as demand). The casting time of warlock's call is 1 minute. Using this ability is part of the casting of the warlock's call invocation.

You can communicate as if under the effects of a constant tongues spell. This is a supernatural ability.

When you use your beguiling influence invocation, the bonus granted on your Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks is equal to double your Charisma bonus or +6, whichever is greater. Using this ability is part of the casting of the beguiling influence invocation. It is an extraordinary ability.

Paragon Visionary
Epic; 11th.
Requirements: Dark foresight, devil's sight, see the unseen.

You can see through illusions, magical darkness, shapechangers, and other effects (as true seeing). This is a supernatural ability.

You are automatically aware of all spells or magical effects you see. Simply by looking at a creature, you can determine if it is a divine or arcane caster, whether it has any spell-like abilities, and the highest spell or spell-like abilities it knows. This is a supernatural ability.

You receive a bonus on all Listen, Sense Motive, and Spot checks equal to double your Wisdom modifier or +6, whichever is greater. This is an extraordinary ability.

Wings of Night
Epic; 10th
Requirements: Fell Flight.

Your fly speed with fell flight triples and your maneuverability improves to perfect. In addition, your caster level is counted as five higher against attempts to dispel Fell Flight/Wings of the Night.

Words of Ruin
Epic; 10th
Requirements: Baleful utterance.

You can use power word blind, power word kill, or power word stun. Activating this ability requires a standard action.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I've been messing around with the concept of weapon masters lately. It started when I saw the martial arts schools from Oriental Adventures and picked up more steam when I reread the BoNS*. This is exploring the concept a little further, using fighter as a chassis. It's like a fighter with preselected feats, who gains greater powers in exchange for less versatility. It goes so far as to forsake other weapons, so I tried to make the powers formidable to compensate. It's a good stable of tricks, but you're a complete one note character with it.

I chose scythes, and by extension Yuria, simply because I was looking for PrCs at the same time as fiddling with these concepts. By all means feedback is appreciated, toss it in odds and ends. I'm debating if I want to use it, as I haven't had it preread or analyzed yet. It's probably stronger than straight fighter levels. The pre-requisites are a little light.

*I still don't like it.

Scythe Master

Hit Die



Base Attack Bonus



Weapon Focus(Scythe)

Class Skills

The scythe master's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points per Level

2 + intelligence modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +0 Focused, weapon specialization
2 +2 +3 +0 +0 Scytheblock+2
3 +3 +3 +1 +1 Improved critical
4 +4 +4 +1 +1 Circle cut
5 +5 +4 +1 +1 Greater focus, reaper's reach, scytheblock+3
6 +6 +5 +2 +2 Greater weapon focus
7 +7 +5 +2 +2 Horrific wound
8 +8 +6 +2 +2 Greater weapon specialization, scytheblock+4
9 +9 +6 +3 +3 Scythe mastery
10 +10 +7 +3 +3 Finishing strike, ultimate focus

Focused (Ex)

Such is your devout dedication to learning the art of the scythe that other weapons are neglected. Whenever you wield a weapon that isn't a scythe, you suffer a -2 penalty to attack and damage rolls.

Weapon Specialization

At 1st level, your mastery with a scythe allows you to deal great harm. You gain weapon specialization(Scythe) as a bonus feat. If you already possess this feat, you may select another feat that you qualify for.

Scytheblock (Ex)

As you continue to master the scythe, you figure out how to use it's long handle to parry blows. You gain a +2 shield bonus to armor class when wielding a scythe.  At level 5 this bonus rises to +3 and at level 8 it rises to +4.

Improved Critical

At 3rd level you gain improved critical(scythe) as a bonus feat. If you already possess this feat, you may select another feat that you qualify for.

Circle Cut (Ex)

With one great swipe of your scythe, you may strike any within reach. As a full round action you make one attack, this attack applies to all squares within your reach. Make one attack roll and apply that roll as an attack against each defender. Due to the nature of this attack, the miss chance from concealment and invisibility does not apply. Miss chances from cover, blink and other non-concealment sources are not affected.

You cannot use special combat actions with circle cut, such as trip, sunder or disarm.

Greater Focus (Ex)

Due to your relentless training with the scythe, other weapons become irrelevant to you. You may no longer possess any feat that specializes in a weapon, such as weapon focus, for any weapon but a scythe. If you currently possess a feat like this, you must immediately choose another feat to replace it. In addition, any feat that grants broad benefits to a category, such as melee weapon mastery, are modified. You may instead take them as normal, but they only affect scythes. If a feat would not normally work with a scythe, you may not take the feat.

Reaper's Reach (Ex)

With the long handle of the scythe, you can strike down foes at a distance. When you wield a scythe, your reach is considered 5ft longer than it usually is. Your scythe is not treated as a reach weapon, you may attack in close as normal.

Greater Weapon Focus

At 6th level you gain greater weapon focus(scythe) as a bonus feat. If you already possess this feat, you may select another feat that you qualify for.

Horrific Wound (Ex)

By 7th level, every time you land a critical hit shakes the entire battlefield. Whenever you strike a critical hit on an enemy while wielding a scythe, all enemies within 30ft take a -2 morale penalty to attack rolls, weapon damage rolls,  armor class and saving throws. A will save (DC 12 + charisma modifier + 1/2 hit dice) negates this effect. This includes the target your struck, assuming he survives the critical hit. This is a mind effecting ability.

In addition, if your target survives the critical hit, he loses a limb determined at random. Determine what limb is lost by rolling 1d4 and consulting the table below; non standard creatures may require a different table. A creature cannot be decapitated by this ability.


1: Left leg.
2: Right leg.
3: Left arm.
4: Right arm.

Greater Weapon Specialization

At 8th level you gain greater weapon specialization(scythe) as a bonus feat. If you already possess this feat, you may select another feat that you qualify for.

Scythe Mastery (Ex)

With a scythe in your hand, you are a sublime warrior of little compare. For any feat that applies to a scythe, you may ignore any class requirements such as fighter levels. For example, you may select weapon supremacy(scythe) without being an 18th level fighter. Any other requirements for a feat must still be met as normal.

Finishing Strike (Ex)

You can fell even dragons with a single stroke of your scythe, such is your grand mastery. Your critical hit range with a scythe rises by 1, as does your critical hit multiplier.

Ultimate Focus (Ex)

Other weapons have become foreign to you at your supreme level of focus on the scythe. You lose proficiency with all martial and exotic weapons besides the scythe. If you take a level in a class that grants these back, you do not regain them. If you possess exotic weapon proficiency as a feat, you must immediately retrain it.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Dark Justicar is a paladin variant PrC. It gives up typical paladin spellcasting and some abilities, but gets other Shar themed abilities to compensate.

Dark Justicar

Hit Die




Evil Brand.


Knowledge(religion) 3 ranks.


Must have slain a servant of a good aligned god opposed to Shar (Selune, Mystra, Alicia, ect) and committed profane rites on the corpse.

Class Skills

The dark justicar's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Ride (Dex).

Skill Points at Each Level

2 + Int modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Detect good, strike of oblivion+1d4
2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Eyes of Shar, dark blessing
3 +3 +3 +1 +3 Aura of entropy
4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Turn living
5 +5 +4 +1 +4 Shar's sign, strike of oblivion+2d4
6 +6 +5 +2 +5 Shadow servant
7 +7 +5 +2 +5 Shar's embrace
8 +8 +6 +2 +6 Shadow walk
9 +9 +6 +3 +6 Strike of oblivion+3d4
10 +10 +7 +3 +7 Shadow servant, greater shadow.

Detect Good (Sp)

At will, a dark justicar can use detect good as a spell-like ability.

Strike of Oblivion (Su)

A dark justicar's weapons are surrounded with pulsing aura of oblivion, rending apart any it wounds. At 1st level the dark justicar deals an extra 1d4 points of damage with her melee attacks. This rises to 2d4 at level 5 and 3d4 at level 9. The damage inflicted by Strike of Oblivion is non-typed damage.

Eyes of Shar (Ex)

At second level, a dark justicar's eyes turn black. This is a sign of Shar's favor and grants them superior vision. They gain the ability to see perfectly in any darkness, even that created by magic such as deeper darkness.

Dark Blessing (Su)

A dark justicar gains her charisma modifier (if positive) as a bonus to all saving throws.

Aura of Entropy (Su)

At third level, the presence of the dark justicar draws all those close it further to eternal nothingness. This manifests as a -1 penalty to saving throws and armor class to all creatures within 10 feet of the dark justicar. The dark justicar is immune to this ability, as are clerics and paladins of Shar.

Turn Living (Su)

The dark justicar may channel negative energy at fourth level, much how a good cleric channels positive energy. This functions as turn undead except that it deals negative energy damage, hurting living creatures and healing undead ones. A dark justicar may turn level 3 + charisma modifier times per day. This ability may be used to fuel divine feats and devotions as normal.

Shar's Sign (Su)

By 5th level, the foul acts that the dark justicar has committed stain it's body and soul, lending more power to it's Evil Brand. Once per day as a standard action, the dark justicar may have her evil brand erupt in malignant light. This functions as a crushing despair spell, with a radius of 30ft. The save DC is 10+charisma modifier+1/2 hit dice.

Shadow Servant (Su)

At 6th level, the dark justicar may summon a shadow to aid it. Once per day as a full round action, the dark justicar may summon a shadow to do it's bidding. The shadow automatically understands the dark justicar and will obey it to the death. The shadow summoned stays for a number of minutes equal to the dark justicar's hit dice. At 10th level, the dark justicar may instead summon 1d4+1 shadows or 1 greater shadow.

Shar's Embrace (Su)

Such is the darkness around a dark justicar that it is said that Shar herself holds them. At 7th level, the dark justicar is treated as having concealment at all times, giving any attacks on her a 20% miss chance. Normal darkvision is ineffective against this ability, though see in darkness and true seeing overcome it.

Shadow Walk (Sp)

At 8th level, the dark justicar may travel in the realm of shadows. This allows her to use shadow walk as a spell like ability, twice per day.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Divine Agent

Hit Die



Base Attack Bonus



Knowledge(Religion) 7 ranks.


The divine agent must have made peaceful contact with her deity or its direct agents (sometimes other divine agents acting on the deity's behalf). Furthermore, a potential divine agent must have completed a specific task assigned by her deity in order to become a divine agent. Once the task is completed, the character can become a divine agent at any point thereafter. After a character has embarked on this path (as a 1st level divine agent), a divine agent cannot become the divine agent of another deity.

Class Skills

The divine agent's class skills (and the key ability for each) are: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Spot (Wis), and Use Magic Device (Cha).

Skill Points at Each Level

4 + Int modifier.

Class Level Base Attack Bonus Fortitude Save Reflex Save Will Save Special Spells
1 +0 +0 +0 +2 Granted Domain -
2 +1 +0 +0 +3 Contact +1 divine
3 +2 +1 +1 +3 Menacing Aura, Godly Gift -
4 +3 +1 +1 +4 Altered Appearance +1 divine
5 +3 +1 +1 +4 Commune, Plane Shift to deity's plane -
6 +4 +2 +2 +5 Godly Gift +1 divine
7 +5 +2 +2 +5 Plane Shift to any plane -
8 +6 +3 +3 +6 Audience, alignment shift +1 divine
9 +6 +3 +3 +6 Mystic Union, Godly Gift -
10 +7 +3 +3 +7 Gate +1 divine

Granted Domain:

A divine agent gains access to one domain chosen from among those her deity offers, and with it the granted power of that domain. Divine agents who were once clerics essentially gain a third domain this way and can prepare their domain spells at each level from the new domain's list if they wish.

No matter what their prior class was, divine agents gain the granted power of the domain they choose. In cases where the granted ability relies on cleric levels or allows turning or rebuking, use the sum of a character's cleric and divine agent levels to determine the ability's effect.

Contact (Su)

A divine agent of 2nd level or higher may be contacted mentally by her deity or its agents, usually to impart particular knowledge and orders to the divine agent. This contact only functions one way; the divine agent cannot initiate the contact, question the orders, or ask for clarifications. The nature of the contact depends on the deity: Dreams, ghostly visions, and illuminations from above are all possibilities. Contact from the deity rarely interrupts the divine agent's normal actions.

Menacing Aura (Ex)

At 3rd level, a divine agent gains the ability to generate an intangible, invisible aura of menace that weakens hostile creatures within a 20-foot radius. Anyone about to attack the divine agent must attempt a Will save (DC = the divine agent's character level). Those who
fail the saving throw suffer a –2 morale penalty on attacks, checks, and saves for one full day or until they successfully damage the divine
agent generating the aura. A creature that made its initial save or damaged the divine agentis immune to that divine agent's aura for one day.

Godly Gift: At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, the deity bestows on the divine agent a gift. Each deity's gift varies, but it is usually the ability to use a spell from one of the divine agent's domains as a spell-like ability. The deity offers a spell of the divine agent's level or lower. In other words, a 3rd-level divine agent would gain one of her 1st-level, 2nd-level, or 3rd-level domain spells as a spell-like ability. The divine agent may use this ability once per day. The spell-like ability functions as a spell cast by a cleric of a level equal to the divine agent's character level.

Altered Appearance (Ex)

At 4th level, a divine agent begins to show prominent physical modification to match the desires of her deity. For good-aligned deities, this often takes the form of golden skin, hair, or eyes. Divine agents of evil-aligned deities might gain horns, antlers, or a pointed tail. Neutral deities may provide a copper or silver tone to the skin, while nature deities may cause a greenish pallor and barklike hair. Elemental powers may alter their divine agents' appearance by giving a texture to the skin reflecting the element involved. All such alterations are permanent, though disguise or spells may hide them.

Commune (Sp)

A divine agent of 5th level or higher can activate this spell-like ability (as the spell of the same name) once per week. This spell-like ability functions as a spell cast by a cleric of a level equal to the divine agent's character level.

Plane Shift to Deity's Plane (Sp)

A divine agent of 5th level or higher may plane shift to her deity's home plane once per day, and from that plane to the divine agent's native plane. This spell-like ability functions as the spell cast by a cleric of a level equal to the divine agent's character level.

Plane Shift to Any Plane (Sp)

Upon reaching 7th level, a divine agent may plane shift to any plane of existence, as per the spell, once per day. This spell-like ability functions as the spell cast by a cleric of a level equal to the divine agent's character level.

Audience (Sp)

Up to twice per year a divine agent of 8th level or higher may request an audience with her deity, which functions as a double-duration commune spell allowing a number of questions equal to double the divine agent's character level.

Alignment Shift:

If a divine agent is not the same alignment as her deity, then her alignment shifts to match it as soon as the divine agent reaches 8th level.

Mystic Union:

At 9th level, a divine agent becomes a magical creature. She is treated as an outsider of the deity's home plane rather than as a humanoid. For instance, charm person does not affect her. Additionally, the divine agent gains damage reduction 10. This damage reduction is bypassed by the opposite alignment of the deity's; a servant of Asmodeus would gain damage reduction 10/chaos or good. A neutral deity grants damage reduction 15/magic instead. In any case, this damage reduction does not stack with other forms of damage reduction.

Despite this outsider status, a divine agent may still be brought back from the dead if slain.

Gate (Sp)

A 10th-level divine agent can activate this spell-like ability (as the spell of the same name, except it only reaches the home plane of the divine agent's deity) once per day. This spell-like ability functions as the spell cast by a cleric of a level equal to the divine agent's character level.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The epic duskblade. I needed this done for another project so I went ahead and knocked it out. The spell list is a little scanty, but that's the peril of a class only using two sources. If this comes into play I'd expand the spell list a little more, especially 7th level. The bonus feats could use a few more entries as well, though I see this as minor.

Epic Duskblade

Hit Die


Skill Points at Each Level

2 + ability modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Special
21 +21 Spell power+6, spells.
22 +22 -
23 +23 -
24 +24 Bonus feat
25 +25 Quick cast 5/day
26 +26 Spell power+7
27 +27 -
28 +28 Bonus feat
29 +29 -
30 +30 Quick cast 6/day


At 21st level and every level thereafter, the epic duskblade's spellcasting improves. His caster level increases as normal. Further, once the epic duskblade obtains the Epic Spell Capacity feat, he gains spells of 6th level and higher. See the table below for his progression. (The table theoretically continues past this, if I ever have need of a table going farther I'll worry about it then. The pattern's obvious anyway.)

Level 6th 7th 8th
21 2 - -
22 3 - -
23 5 - -
24 6 - -
25 6 2 -
26 6 3 -
27 6 5 -
28 6 6 -
29 6 6 2
30 6 6 3

Spell list

6th: Chasing Perfection, Greater Dispel Magic, Mass Animalistic Power, Mass Bear's Endurance, Mass Bull's Strength, Mass Cat's Grace, Swift Etherealness, Waves of Exhaustion.
7th: Crushing Hand, Greater Shout, Horrid Wilting, Meteor Swarm, Prismatic Spray.
8th: Chain Dispel, Energy Drain, Hellball, Magic Disjunction, Mass Hold Monster, Mephistopheles' Cold Hand, Wrath of the Heavens.

Spell Power (Ex)

The epic duskblade's spell power ability rises by +1 at level 21 and every 5 levels thereafter. (26, 31, 36, ect.)

Quick Cast (Ex)

The epic duskblade's quick cast ability can be 5 times per day at level 25 and another time per day at level 30 and every 5 levels thereafter. (35, 40, 45, ect.)

Bonus Feats

An epic duskblade gains an epic bonus feat at level 24 and every 4 levels thereafter.

Epic Duskblade Bonus Feat List

Armor Skin, Automatic Quick Cast, Blinding Speed, Dire Charge, Epic Prowess, Epic Reputation, Epic Spell Capacity, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Greater Spell Power, Improved Automatic Quick Cast, Improved Combat Casting, Multiaction, Spell Opportunity, Spellcasting Harrier, Superior Initiative.

Automatic Quick Cast [Epic]
Prerequisite: Quick Cast 3/day
Benefit: Your 1st and 2nd level duskblade spells are automatically quickened. You need not use a daily use of Quick Cast to cast them as a swift action.

Improved Automatic Quick Cast [Epic]
Prerequisite: Quick Cast 4/day, Automatic Quick Cast.
Benefit: Your 3rd and 4th level duskblade spells are automatically quickened. You need not use a daily use of Quick Cast to cast them as a swift action.

Greater Spell Power [Epic]
Prerequisite: Spell Power+3
Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus to your spell power ability.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. It's benefits stack.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Interesting story, Order of the Bow Initiate had an epic class back in 3.0. It ran in Dragon 297 and sorta does it's own thing. This crosses over with another project I'm doing, so I figure why not convert it? Notes as follows:

- I trimmed down the prerequisites. I prefer epic PrCs to be accessible by level 24 at the latest. You've done a lot to get this far, there's no need for more level bloat to get into a new class.

- I added combat reflexes as a prerequisite. With how the capstone ability works, it makes sense.

- Ranged sneak attack was converted to ranged precision.

- I added a few more feats to the bonus feat list and made up a quickie epic feat for this class.

You could convert most of this to epic feats and add them to the list of an epic progression for Order of the Bow Initiate. I'm trying it this way for the sake of variety. A version this as an epic Order of the Bow Initiate will be posted shortly.

Master of the Order of the Bow

Hit Die




Craft(Bowmaking) 15 ranks, Knowledge(Religion) 12 ranks.


Combat Reflexes

Epic Feats

Combat Archery


Ranged Precision+5d8


Must possess the extended precision class ability.

Class Skills

The Master of the Order of the Bow's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are: Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Knowledge(Religion) (Int), Ride (Dex), Spot (Wis) and Swim (Str)

Skills Points At Each Level

2 + intelligence modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Special
1 +1 Opportunistic shot
2 +2 Ranged precision+1d8
3 +3 Combat insight
4 +4 Ranged precision+2d8
5 +5 Bonus feat
6 +6 Ranged precision+3d8
7 +7 True strike
8 +8 Ranged precision+4d8
9 +9 Improved opportunistic shot
10 +10 Bonus feat, ranged precision+5d8

Opportunistic Shot (Ex)

At 1st level, a Master of the Order of the Bow effectively threatens adjacent enemies with his bow. He can make attacks of opportunity using a ranged weapon.

Ranged Precision (Ex)

This ability functions as the ability of the same name from Order of the Bow Initiate. This stacks with the pre-existing ranged precision the Master of the Order of the Bow has.

Combat Insight (Ex)

Beginning at 3rd-level, whenever the Master of the Order of the Bow makes a successful attack with a bow, he may add his Wisdom bonus to the damage dealt.

True Strike (Su)

At 7th level, the Master of the Order of the Bow becomes highly aware of his surroundings and gains an intuitive insight into the future. Once per day as a free action, the bow master may use this ability to gain a +20 insight bonus to a single attack roll as per the spell true strike. The insight bonus may only be applied to a ranged attack with a bow. Every 5 levels past 7 (12, 17, 22, ect), this ability may be used an additional time per day.

Improved Opportunistic Shot (Ex)

At 9th level, the Master of the Order of the Bow effectively threatens an area 30 feet around him in all directions with his bow. He may make attacks of opportunity against opponents within 60 feet using a ranged weapon.

Bonus Feats

An Master of the Order of the Bow gains an epic bonus feat at level 25 and every 5 levels thereafter.

Master of the Order of the Bow Bonus Feat List

Armor Skin, Blinding Speed, Distant Shot, Epic Dodge, Epic Prowess, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Improved Manyshot, Improved Ranged Precision, Improved Sneak Attack, Storm of Arrows and Uncanny Accuracy.

Improved Ranged Precision [Epic]
Prerequisite: Ranged Precision+3d8
Benefit: Your ranged precision damage rises by 1d8.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. It's benefits stack.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The other side of the coin. I think I prefer it this way as it's consistent, and what Master of the Order of the Bow brings to the table doesn't really require an epic PrC for. I find it interesting that the abilities involved start skewing towards wisdom, though.

Epic Order of the Bow Initiate

Hit Die


Skills Points At Each Level

2 + intelligence modifier.

Level Base Attack Bonus Special
11 +11 Ranged precision+6d8
12 +12 -
13 +13 Bonus feat, ranged precision+7d8
14 +14 -
15 +15 Ranged precision+8d8
16 +16 Bonus feat
17 +17 Ranged Precision+9d8
18 +18 -
19 +19 Bonus feat, ranged precision+10d8
20 +20 -

Bonus Feats

An Master of the Order of the Bow gains an epic bonus feat at level 25 and every 5 levels thereafter.

Master of the Order of the Bow Bonus Feat List

Armor Skin, Blinding Speed, Combat Insight, Distant Shot, Epic Dodge, Epic Prowess, Epic Toughness, Epic Weapon Focus, Improved Manyshot, Improved Opportunistic Shot, Improved Ranged Precision, Improved Sneak Attack, Opportunistic Shot, Storm of Arrows, True Strike, and Uncanny Accuracy.

Improved Ranged Precision [Epic]
Prerequisite: Ranged Precision+3d8
Benefit: Your ranged precision damage rises by 1d8.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. It's benefits stack.

Opportunistic Shot [Epic]
Prerequisite: Close Combat Shot, Ranged Precision+3d8
Benefit: You effectively threaten adjacent enemies with your bow. You can make attacks of opportunity using a ranged weapon.

Combat Insight [Epic]
Prerequisite: Sharp-Shooting, Ranged Precision+4d8, wis 19
Benefit: You may add your wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with successful ranged attacks with your bow.

True Strike [Epic]
Prerequisite: Combat Insight, Ranged Precision+6d8, wis 21
Benefit: You become highly aware of your surroundings, gaining a intuitive insight into the future. Once per day as a free action, you may gain a +20 insight bonus to a single ranged attack roll with your bow, as per the spell true strike.
Special: You may select this feat more than once. Each time you select this feat, you may use this ability an additional time per day.

Improved Opportunistic Shot [Epic]
Prerequisite: Opportunistic Shot, Combat Reflexes, Extended Precision
Benefit: You threaten a range of 60 feet around you with your bow. You may make ranged attacks of opportunity with your bow in this range, by any action that would normally provoke an AoO.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?