
I have a dream that one day, men will be punched in the face not for the color of their skin, but for the awful content of their character.

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Started by Anastasia, August 06, 2011, 10:56:41 AM

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Posting custom material! As discussed with Dune, converting Frostrager to the Fire subtype! To be edited and finalized by Dune. (please change the name, it's terrible)


Barbarians are not exclusive to the Prime Material planes, and indeed can be foune all across the planes. While most barbarians are normal as far as they go, there are some that live on planes that border those of elemental power. Those who straddle the borders are sometimes changed, warped by the power that laps over. These men and women are forever changed, infused with a portion of elemental power that becomes apparent when they fly into a battle rage. The most common of these is the blazerager, who is gifted (or cursed, depending on who is asked) with the power of fire. Many barbarian thanes believe that this power is granted by Kossuth himself. Some believe that it is given as a reward for some service or sacrifice, while others believe that it is a mark of a chosen champion for Kossuth. Either way, blazeragers are fierce and passionate warriors, and they delight in causing destruction by fire. In battle, their bodies become imbued with the power of elemental fire, protecting them and enhancing their combat proficiency to levels far beyond what is otherwise possible.

A rare few blazeragers gain their power not from Kossuth, but from their own heritage. These unique individuals harness elemental, infernal, or demonic blood links to fire in order to enhance their combat abilities and master their inner rage.

All blazeragers are barbarians to some degree, although many are multiclass barbarian/fighters. Other barbarians pick up levels of ranger to further focus their combat prowess before becoming blazeragers, and a rare few barbarian/sorcerer blazeragers exist in some tribes that embrace arcane magic, but other combinations are virtually unknown.

Hit Die: d12.


To qualify to become a blazerager, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +6.

Skills: Intimidate 4 ranks, Survival 4 ranks.

Feats: Blazing Berserker, Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack.

Special: Rage as a class ability.

Special: The character must have either been granted these powers by Kossuth, or posess either the Fire Bloodline feat or the Fiendish Bloodline feat.

Class Skills

The blazerager's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Listen (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). See Chapter 4 of the Player's Handbook for skill descriptions.

Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier.

Table 3-6: The Blazerager

Class Level Base Attack Bonus            Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st             1                          2       0            0             Burning Rage, boiling blood
2nd             2                          3              0            0             One-two punch
3rd             3                          3          1            1             Absorb heat
4th             4                          4        1           1             Improved Burning Rage
5th             5                          4        1     1             Rend

Class Features

All the following are class features of the frostrager prestige class.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Blazeragers gain no proficiency with any weapon, armor, or shields.

Burning Rage (Su): While raging, the character grows larger and more massive, and his boiling sweat warping the air as it steams out of his pores, shrouding his body wavering distortions. The blazerager's actual size category does not change (nor does his space/reach), but he does gain 25% concealment from the superheated air around his body. In addition, a frostrager's unarmed attacks deal 1d6 points of damage plus 1d4 points of fire damage on a successful hit. If the blazerager is Small, his unarmed attack deals 1d4 points of damage, if the blazerager is Large, his unarmed attack deals 1d8 points of damage.

Boiling Blood (Su): At 1st level, a blazerager's blood becomes boiling hot. His wounds instantly cauterize and stop bleeding; he is immune to attacks that cause wounding effects. If reduced to negative hit points, he automatically stabilizes. He still takes 1 point of damage if he takes any actions while at 0 or negative hit points, however.

One-Two Punch (Ex): At 2nd level, while making an unarmed attack, the blazerager may make one extra attack in a round at his highest base attack bonus, but each attack made in that round (the extra one and the normal ones) take a -2 penalty.

Absorb Heat (Su): At 3rd level, while raging, the blazerager not only gains immunity to fire, but it heals him. For every 2 points of fire damage that would have otherwise have been dealt by an attack, the blazerager heals 1 point of damage.

Improved Burning Rage (Su): At 4th level while raging, the blazerager's natural concealment bonus rises to 50%. His unarmed attacks deal 1d8 points of damage plus 1d6 points of fire damage on a successful hit. If the blazerager is Small, his unarmed attack deals 1d6 points of damage, and if the blazerager is Large, his unarmed attack deals 2d6 points of damage.

Rend (Ex): At 5th level, a blazerager gains the ability to rend a target. In any round that the blazerager hits the same foe with two or more unarmed attacks, he immediately deals an additional 2d8 points of damage (plus 1-1/2 times his Strength bonus), plus an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. If he is Small, his rend deals 2d6 points of damage; if he is Large, his rend deals 3d8 points of damage.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


I accidentally gave Afina 2 more wisdom than she should have (I got carried away with the +6 to int and cha, wis is only meant to be +4 for pixies). Corrected now, and also swapped out Defending for Holy Surge on her pixiestick. Defending isn't very good on a +1 weapon.


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


It's a synergy boost for holy. Upon striking an enemy you can do an additional 3d6 holy damage (wasted if the enemy isn't evil). This can be done 1 + charisma mod times per day.


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


This shouldn't impact any of you, but in case it does, heads up. I'm planning on reworking Healer this weekend. It doesn't need many changes - though more complete revisions exist - but the spell list does need to be updated for the spell compendium and other sources. I may take a couple of the homebrewed versions I've seen online and work with them or something else.  A healer is dedicated to healing and strictly inferior to a 3.5 cleric at it. This can't entirely be helped, as it's an old book and it's behind the times. Fair enough.

It's gonna get revised. - If I use a premade revision as a base, it will probably be this one. I'm not sure if I'm going to make them spontaneous casters, but expanding the spell list and adding some class powers helps. What I'm mainly here for is to expand the spell list. If you guys have any particular opinions about this revision, let me know.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Making healers into spontaneous casters along the lines of Warmages/Beguilers/Dread Necromancers would be an excellent change. I was going to play a healer with Veserya until I actually looked at the class and realised that as a favoured soul I could take  nearly every spell on the healer list with extra to spare, and none of that idiocy of memorising particular types of heals every morning.


[01:12] <Yuthirin>
[01:12] <Yuthirin> The change to Diamond Soul there might be useful
[01:13] <Yuthirin> Some of the stuff in there is pretty cool.
[01:13] <Yuthirin> Most of it is hopelessly broken.
[01:14] <Yuthirin> The Ki Power thing makes me want to die.
[01:14] <Yuthirin> The changes to Perfect Self are pretty good, though.
[01:15] <Yuthirin> Diamond Mind is good, but I think only Lawful monks should get access to it.
[01:16] <Yuthirin> Purity of Body makes sense, since it was stated in the novels that a monk can use her abilities to push Vampirism out of her body.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Quote from: Yuthirin on August 19, 2011, 03:57:35 PM
[01:12] <Yuthirin>
[01:12] <Yuthirin> The change to Diamond Soul there might be useful

I've been mulling that change to spell resistance as it is. Spell resistance should be an asset.  It shouldn't be a liability due to wanting to be healed or buffed. I tend to unofficially run things like that as it is anyway.

Quote[01:14] <Yuthirin> The changes to Perfect Self are pretty good, though.

The ability should be re-written to explicitly make you a native outsider. That's what Perfect Self is getting at, but is somewhat fuzzy about saying. That said, I agree it's a good change. Something besides damage reduction x/magic should be the reward for 20 levels in a class, even if it's just epic so it's competitive into epic and beyond. I'll houserule something like this.

Quote[01:15] <Yuthirin> Diamond Mind is good, but I think only Lawful monks should get access to it.

Diamond mind is nice. Why doesn't want protection from mind-affecting abilities?

Quote[01:16] <Yuthirin> Purity of Body makes sense, since it was stated in the novels that a monk can use her abilities to push Vampirism out of her body

I don't quite see how that correlates. Vampirism isn't a poison or a disease, it's a template added by the death of a creature via the vampire's energy drain.

Okay, being obtuse and rule-headed aside, I grasp what you're getting at. Purity of Body RAW is kind of weak. Paladins get a boosted version of this two levels earlier.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Diamond Mind IS nice, but at the same time, I think it should only be available to lawful monks. It's an ordered-mind thing, and a neutral monk would not be prone to it I wouldn't think. I dunno. Alignment is so tricky. Does alignment stand in stone, or is it merely a set of guidelines that a character adheres to most of the time?
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Pixies get Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat! I'd taken that as one of my regular feats so it frees up an extra one for me. Will report back after finding one.


Quote from: Yuthirin on August 20, 2011, 01:37:44 PM
Diamond Mind IS nice, but at the same time, I think it should only be available to lawful monks. It's an ordered-mind thing, and a neutral monk would not be prone to it I wouldn't think. I dunno.
Actually, keep in mind that D&D tends to go both ways with the mind-altering immunity, where you're immune because your mind is too organized, like you state, or because it's too chaotic to make a meaningful change to it. There are actually aberrant feats that grant mind resistance on the basis of your mind being too chaotic because of your aberration blood, for example.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Added two new monk houserules from discussion here.

I'd view diamond mind not as a lawful discipline, but simply the mental rigors of the monk class fine-tuning the monk's mind to razor-keenness.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Took close quarters combat, also changed craft (woodwork) to craft (weapon).