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Aurora and the Crusade

Started by Anastasia, March 16, 2012, 12:19:05 AM

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Note: Aurora was originally known as Medicant. The players chose to rename it, but in some internal works, Medicant is still used.


Aurora Information:
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General traits of Medicant

- Ample light in all places, usually from softly glowing walls or from the thin air.
- Comfortable temperatures, breathable air and other conditions for typical air breathing humanoids despite whatever planar conditions exist outside of Medicant. This does not apply to the open air courtyard.
- Medicant walls vary in thickness by location, but are never less than a foot thick.
- Medicant is composed of a peculiar white stone. This stone is treated as adamantine. Any damage done to Medicant fully repairs itself in one round, making breaches difficult to maintain. The stained glass windows that decorate Medicant share the same traits as the stone.
- Medicant doors are made of a sleek metal, often engraved with various runes. All doors in Medicant can be locked and have amazing locks built into them. These doors are treated as adamantine as well, despite appearing closer to steel or occasionally mithral.
- The entire grounds of Medicant  is under the effect of a permanent dimensional lock(Caster level 40 in the event it matters).  Even if dispelled - something that requires reaching the core of Medicant and the Celestial Key - the dimensional lock regenerates in 2 rounds. This effect ignores antimagic field and other mortal disruptions to the Weave.
- Transportation in Medicant is achieved through portals. These portals transport approved users to the location they think of, assuming they are allowed to go to that area. This provides a considerable amount of security should a force penetrate into Medicant.
- Medicant is mildly mutable. At the control center cosmetic changes to areas may be achieved, assuming the area isn't overly damaged.


Medicant can fly at a speed of 15ft with clumsy maneuverability. It cannot double-move, run, hustle or any other means to increase this speed of movement. This speed of movement is constant, able to move through air, water, loose earth and other similar effects without slowing down. It can likewise maintain this speed of movement in the Astral Plane, despite not having an Intelligence score.

When Medicant reaches a portal, it can emit a special energy that causes the portal to enlarge momentarily and allow Medicant to pass through. This takes 10 minutes to prepare and Medicant cannot move while doing so.

Areas of Medicant

Medicant towers before you, taking up the entire horizon. Ahead a vast circular wall, reaching thirty feet high. The outer wall of Medicant rises up before you. Sturdy white stone unmarked by the countless eons it has stood loom tall! Beyond it a great fortress, a mass of towers and a grand keep. Ahead gates part, as if to dare you to enter.

Outer Wall

The outer defensive perimeter of Medicant. These walls are tall enough to stop most assaults cold. A single gate allows entry into the fortress. Creatures that pass through the gateway without being approved are assailed by a storm of magic missiles, dealing 30d4+30 damage per trip through the gates. (Caster level 20th.)

The true purpose of the outer wall is to serve as an anchor for a vast sphere of force that rises up and domes in Medicant. This protects the courtyard from environmental conditions as well as stopping fliers from attacking Medicant directly. This is treated as a wall of force effect with a caster level of 40th. The wall can be defeated by dispellation or any other effect that defeats a wall of force. However, the wall regenerates in one round.

People found here: Drena (Flying around Aurora when local conditions permit), Baleruk (Flying around when local conditions permit, lording over Aurora), Canderella (When she feels like throwing some lightning around)


The courtyard is 1000ft from the outer wall to Medicant from any point of the outer wall. There is only one direct entrance to Medicant, though there are open windows and balconies, as well as stained glass windows.  The courtyard is open space, designed to shifted from a death filled trap field to a mustering point for armies to march through. The courtyard now possesses a tower in the western quadrant.

Galariel or Elena can set various conditions within the courtyard.

- Neutral conditions.

- Scalding heat. Deals 3d6 points of fire damage per round. It activates once a creature is in the courtyard; a 2 round warmup begins immediately as temperatures rise. This heat persists until no creatures are within the courtyard or it is shut off. This is complimented by an optional second trap at the entrance to Medicant. Intense cold magic is stored within the doors, triggered if the doors are touched. The explosive results of the temperature difference deals 20d6+120 points of damage to all creatures within the courtyard. Unfortunately this has a real risk of destroying enough of the outer wall to destabilize the sphere of force, so it is rarely used.

- Freezing cold. As above, but with cold damage. There is no corresponding fire magic trap to cause an explosion.

Elrisa's Tower

This tower is home to Elrisa's School of the Graceful Blow. It has gardens, training halls, residences and a small cellar.

Galuh Board

A section of the courtyard is set aside for Galuh, a giant boulder tossing and rolling game. The giants accept wagers for competitions. Further, some warriors have taken to betting and watching the games.


A small, simple shack of a temple has been set up just inside the gate and outer wall. It is consecrated to Tempus.

Triune Temple

A small building surrounded by greenery, within lies a temple to Angharradh. It is hallowed ground with death ward attached.

People often found here: Misalea (Within Elrisa's tower), Arrel (Nesting), Adrian (Talking to Arrel), Jarl Bigansdir (With the other giants playing Galuh), The Master (Practicing or at Warhome), Mirima (Within Elrisa's tower).

Dragon's Ego

This small demiplane resides above Aurora's highest spires and is the home of the Prismatic Dragon, Baleruk as well as his hoard.

Entrance Hall

This broad and long, red carpeted hall is watched by a few dozen of the surviving Medicant Golems. (See Table of Destiny post) There are no special magics in place in this hall, though it is the main entryway to the portal network.

People often found here: Lief (Practicing aerial maneuvers around the golems), Kascha (Studying the golems), Sylvie (Studying the portals).

Soldier's Barracks

Imagine hundreds and thousands of beds in vast halls. Impersonal, like a giant barrack. This is where the common soldier rests. Various non perishable supplies are intact here, things such as weapons, rope, training dummies and all the little things a soldier needs.

People often found here: Dana (Talking, fighting and practicing), Hanna (Keeping up on her eladrin charges).

Officer's Barracks

Floor after floor of personal apartments, for officers and other people who need better living conditions. The rooms are well kept if slightly spartan. Many find it preferable to decorate their room for the sake of homesickness.

People often found here: Most named NPCs, usually asleep or within their room.


Here are the opulent, spacious quarters for generals, VIPs and close allies. However, they were badly damaged by Medicant's final journey. Considerable repairs will be needed to make them the luxury they once were before. Nonetheless, once repaired, each suite has almost anything you could want.

People often found here: Morniel (In his suite), Ilsenine (In her suite, holding court).

Medi's Quarters

These quarters were sealed by Medi in Medicant's last journey. Galariel and Elena lack the ability to undo the seal Medi placed on them. What lies in those quarters could perhaps change worlds, but the magic guarding them is beyond Galariel to undo. What information survives suggests that Medi's quarters were fantastic, housing works of magic to rival the Gods.

People often found here: Elena (Being nostalgic)


Need a weapon? Vast racks of equipment and armor are neatly sorted. Of course most of the magical equipment is gone, but some mundane gear is left. There's also mild damage to a few spots.

People often found here: Crystal (Inspecting weapons and armor).

Training Halls

These halls are various areas full of regenerating dummies, training systems and the like. In theory, all of it was trashed. There's also special rooms that can generate quasi-real illusions to train against, but that system is broken as well.

People often found here: Adrian (Practicing), The Master (Practicing), Hanna (Beating the living hell out of dummies)


This semi-ruined laboratory can make magic item, potion and alchemical creation much easier. Arcane diagrams fill the floors and walls, while pulses of energy are channeled about. The light is dim, giving show to flares of colored energies whenever magic is worked.  Right now, the ambient energies reduce the cost of making scrolls or potions by five percent, but with work it can be more - and help you commission cheaper magical items.

People often found here: Elder Magi Tepen (Researching and working), Kascha (Working and studying), Sylvie (Experimenting).


You've been here and are familiar with it. As of now, you can gain a +5 bonus to any knowledge check, presuming you spent 10 hours studying in the library first and have the capacity to read several languages.

People often found here: Elder Magi Tepen (Reading), Dana (Sleeping), Sylvie (Reading).


You're familiar with here, too. Walls of Force keep them in, specialized teleports put them in. More advanced holding measures can be invoked as well once developed.

People often found here: Misalea (Staring at devil prisoners.), Morniel (Lost in thought).


You've been here as well. Roughly 60% of foodmaking capacity has survived, the other 40% must be repaired.

People often found here: Everyone who needs to eat, plus Tannin (Eating or listening to other people talk).


This area is completely intact. It is a growing field tucked deep into Medicant. Lights from above provide nourishment to plants and allow them to grow fast and true. Crops grown here grow in 1/10th of the normal time and are treated as being affected by a plant growth spell. There are also pens for livestock and feeding systems for them, ones that are broken. As of recently, Muirfinn is using these to grow natural food.

People often found here: Lief (Silent meditation?), Crystal (Prayer).

Healer's Ward

While lacking any healers now, there are several intact methods of healing now.

Blessed Rest beds: Twenty four of these beds survive. Resting in this bed for 24 hours counts as a week's worth of natural healing. In addition the target sleeps peacefully and without disruption. Not only does this stop mundane problems such as sleep apnea, but magical effects such as nightmare are blocked.

Restoration Pod: Three of these glass pods survive. A medium or smaller nude creature may enter. The pod fills with blue water over the course of a round. This water does not inhibit breathing, but instead puts the target into a light sleep. They are treated as having fast healing 5 while in the pod. In addition, once all hit points are recovered, ability score damage (but not drain) is restored at a rate of one per round. Finally, the following conditions are remedied in this order, one per round after all hit point and ability score damage is healed: poisoned, exhausted, fatigued, nauseated, sickened, blindness, deafened. Note that if the condition is unusually difficult to cure or the result of external, still functioning magic such as a curse, it cannot be remedied in this way.

Once all of this is done the water recedes, the creature awakes and it may leave the pod at its leisure. As a mild side effect of the sedative effect of the waters, anyone who uses one of these pods suffers a -2 penalty to saves versus sleep for 24 hours.

People often found here: 27 (Whatever the hell he does), Drena (Healing the wounded), Hanna (Healing the wounded).

Memorial Hall

A solemn place with a wall listing all those who have died on this Crusade. Touching a name on the wall projects an image of the fallen.

People often found here: Misalea (Watching the image of Elrisa), 27 (Whatever the hell he does), Canderella (Meditating).

Baleruk's Quarters

Baleruk's empty lair/throne room/whatever else. Still in development.

People often found here: Baleruk (Obviously), Kascha (Studying Baleruk).

Hot Springs

A large bath area, full of opportunities make yourself something besides a walking pile of greasy stink.

People often found here: Drena (Using wind on water to create various effects), Elder Magi Tepen (Resting and soaking his not so old bones.), Mirima (Bathing).

Aurora Upgrades:
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Repairs require a fair deal of money to do, as various magical reagents, supplies and so forth costs money. This also requires a market to buy these things in, but with greater planeshift and greater teleport at your disposal this is no great obstacle. The price is listed, along with the number of checks needed and the amount of time required.  Each day of work requires 8 hours of undivided attention. For the sake of buffs and other things to raise skill checks, they must apply for the entire eight hours. Barring a few hour/level spells this means that permanent stat boosters are fine and most other spells lack the duration to be helpful here. For every 3 points that you pass a check, the price of the upgrades is reduced by 1%. Likewise, for every 3 points that you fail a check, the price of the upgrades increases by 1%. For each person making a check, you can have two people aiding another. They must work for 8 hours as well and fulfill all other conditions.

The maximum discount of any upgrade is 80%.

Costs, time and check difficulty is roughly linear, though there is no guarantee of everything being equal. Some tasks are hard and time consuming, some are hard and quick, others are easy and quick, and yet others are easy and tine consuming. It all varies. Upgrades purchased are bolded.

Repairing the sphere of force and outer wall: 150,000 gold; 4 DC 30 K:A checks, 3 days. This protects Aurora properly and allows you to take Aurora into planes like Water without difficulty.

Improve Medicant's speed to 25ft: 30,000 gold; 2 DC 25 K:A checks and 1 DC 22 C:A check; 5 days. ---> Improve Medicant's speed to 40ft: 50,000 gold; 2 DC 28 K:A checks and 2 DC 25 C:A checks; 7 days. ---> Improve Medicant's speed to 70ft ---> 100,000 gold; 2 DC 35 K:A checks and 2 DC 31 C:A checks; 12 days.

Improve Medicant's maneuverability to poor: 15,000 gold; 1 DC 30 K:A check and 1 DC 30 spellcraft check; 3 days. ---> Improve Medicant's maneuverability to average: 40,000 gold; 1 DC 35 K:A check and 1 DC 35 spellcraft check; 4 days. ---> Improve Medicant's maneuverability to good ---> 75,000 gold; 2 DC 45 K:A checks and 2 DC 45 spellcraft checks; 6 days.

Speed up portal enlargement to 1 minute: 20,000 gold; 1 DC 21 spellcraft check; 3 DC 30 K:P checks; 2 days. ---> Speed up portal enlargement to 1 full round action: 50,000 gold; 1 DC 23 spellcraft check; 3 DC 40 K:A checks; 5 days. ---> Speed up portal enlargement to 1 swift action: 150,000 gold; 1 DC 25 spellcraft check; 3 DC 50 K:P checks.

Improve magic missile trap to CL 30 and 30d4+30: 10,000 gold; 3 DC 20 spellcraft checks; 6 days.

Prepare new conditions or traps for the open air courtyard: Various, inquire about any ideas you have. The price range varies, but ranges from 10,000 to 20,000 depending on what you have in mind.

Improve courtyard cold damage to 6d6: 10,000 gold; 3 DC 20 spellcraft checks; 5 days. ---> Improve courtyard cold damage to 10d6: 30,000 gold; 3 DC 30 spellcraft checks; 6 days. ---> Improve courtyard cold damage to 20d6 (Caina style): 75,000 gold; 3 DC 40 spellcraft checks; 7 days.

Set up electricity styled trap in the courtyard, 3d6 damage: 15,000 gold; 5 DC 25 spellcraft checks; 7 days. ---> Improve courtyard electricity damage to 6d6: 10,000 gold; 3 DC 20 spellcraft checks; 5 days. ---> Improve courtyard electricity damage to 10d6: 30,000 gold; 3 DC 30 spellcraft checks; 6 days. ---> Improve courtyard electricity damage to 20d6: 75,000 gold; 3 DC 40 spellcraft checks; 7 days.

Set up holy power styled trap in the courtyard, 3d6 damage: 45,000 gold; 5 DC 30 spellcraft checks; 2 DC 30 K:R checks; 7 days. Improve courtyard holy damage to 6d6: 30,000 gold; 3 DC 35 spellcraft checks; 2 DC 35 K:R checks; 5 days. ---> Improve courtyard holy damage to 10d6: 90,000 gold; 3 DC 45 spellcraft checks; 2 DC 45 K:R checks; 6 days. ---> Improve courtyard holy damage to 20d6: 225,000 gold; 3 DC 50 spellcraft checks; 2 DC 50 K:R checks; 7 days.

Set up outer walls to project holy power: 50,000 gold, 5 DC 32 spellcraft checks; 2 DC 45 K:A&E checks; 3 days. ---> Set up holy power aura in a 30ft radius around Aurora, 3d6 damage: 100,000 gold; 4 DC 40 spellcraft checks; 2 DC 40 K:R checks; 7 days. ---> Improve holy damage to 6d6: 160,000 gold; 3 DC 45 spellcraft checks; 2 DC 45 K:R checks; 5 days. ---> Improve holy damage to 10d6: 222,000 gold; 3 DC 55 spellcraft checks; 2 DC 55 K:R checks; 6 days. ---> Improve holy damage to 20d6: 580,000 gold; 3 DC 70 spellcraft checks; 2 DC 70 K:R checks; 7 days.

Improve soldier's barracks (Happier soldiers and better morale): 25,000 gold; 1 DC 23 K:A check; 1 DC 23 K:P check; 1 DC 23 K:N check; 10 days. ---> Improve soldier's barracks more (Even happier soldiers and even better morale): 40,000 gold; 1 DC 26 K:A check; 1 DC 26 K:P check; 1 DC 26 K:N check; 13 days.

Improve officer's barracks (As above, but for officer-types): 30,000 gold; 1 DC 25 K:A check; 1 DC 25 K:P check; 1 DC 25 K:N check; 12 days. ---> Improve officer's barracks more (As above again): 50,000 gold; 1 DC 27 K:A check, 1 DC 27 K:P check, 1 DC 27; K:N check; 15 days.

Repair suites to basic livability: 20,000 gold; 2 DC 25 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 25 K:A&E check; 10 days. ---> Improve suites (You and anyone else who gets one lives in high magical luxury) ---> 50,000 gold; 1 DC 30 spellcraft check; 1 DC 30 K:A&E check; 12 days. Improve suites (You and anyone else who gets one lives in supreme luxury) ---> 100,000 gold; 1 DC 30 spellcraft check; 1 DC 40 K:A&E check; 1 DC 35 K:A check.

Repair and restock laboratories(10% discount on magical items you commission, once you have people who can make them): 30,000 gold; 2 DC 30 K:A checks; 2 DC 30 spellcraft checks; 4 days. ---> Improve laboratories(15% discount on magical items, 5% discount on any further Medicant repairs/improvements): 65,000 gold; 2 DC 40 K:A checks; 2 DC 40 spellcraft checks, 1 DC 40 C:A check; 4 days. ---> Improve laboratories(25% discount on magical items; 10% discount on repairs/improvements): 125,000 gold; 2 DC 50 K:A checks; 2 DC 50 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 50 C:A check; 3 days. ---> Improve laboratories (50% discount on magical items; 25% discount on repairs/improvements): 250,000 gold; 1 DC 65 K:A check; 1 DC 65 spellcraft check; 1 DC 60 C:A check; 2 days.

Repair library sorting and translation system(Takes 1 hour to consult with the library on a check): 10,000 gold; 1 DC 20 spellcraft check; 2 days. ---> Improve library sorting system(Takes 10 minutes to consult): 30,000 gold; 1 DC 26 spellcraft check; 1 DC 26 K:A check; 3 days. ---> Improve library sorting system(Takes 1 minute to consult): 50,000 gold; 1 DC 29 K:A check; 1 DC 31 spellcraft check; 2 days.

Improve library's selection(+10 to knowledge checks): 50,000 gold; 1 DC 27 K:P check; 1 DC 30 Appraise check; 7 days. ---> Improve library's selection(+15 to knowledge checks, aka Sylvie special): 100,000 gold; 1 DC 33 K:P check; 1 DC 36 Appraise check; 7 days. (Special: As this one involves purely stocking up on useful books, it's essentially a shopping mission. Thus appraise to do the shopping and K:P to find useful planar places to go shopping.)

Expand dungeon(Double capacity): 50,000 gold; 1 DC 20 K:A&E check; 1 DC 25 spellcraft check; 5 days. ---> Expand dungeon (Triple capacity): 100,000 gold; 1 DC 25 K:A&E check; 1 DC 30 spellcraft check; 5 days.

Repair cafeteria(Restores full capacity): 15,000 gold; 2 DC 22 K:A checks and 1 DC 22 spellcraft check; 2 days. ---> Improve cafeteria(Just like the real thing! Keeps everyone happier): 35,000 gold; 2 DC 25 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 25 K:N check; 4 days. ---> Improve cafeteria(Better than the real thing. Possibly addictive!): 50,000 gold; 1 DC 30 spellcraft check; 2 DC 30 K:N checks; 4 days. ---> Improve cafeteria(Everything is a heroes' feast; soldiers who eat before battle will have the benefits of this): 200,000 gold; 3 DC 50 K:A checks; 2 DC 50 K:R checks; 2 DC 50 spellcraft checks; 3 days.

Improve growing farms(Things grow in 1/20th of the normal time): 10,000 gold; 2 DC 23 K:N checks, 1 DC 24 spellcraft check; 5 days. ---> Improve growing farms (Things grow overnight): 25,000 gold; 2 DC 28 K:N checks, 1 DC 25 spellcraft check; 5 days.

Healer's Ward repairs(Better healing facilities; 5% discount on expensive healing spells such as restoration): 30,000 gold; 1 DC 25 spellcraft check; 1 DC 25 C:A check; 6 days. ---> Healer's Wards improvements(Even better healing facilities, 15% discount on expensive healing spells): 55,000 gold; 1 DC 31 spellcraft check; 1 DC 31 C:A check; 10 days.

New improvements from suggestions

Create hot springs and baths(Self explanatory, makes everyone cleaner and a little more bearable to live with): 1,000 gold; 1 DC 20 K:A&E check; 3 days.

Portal Compass(Points towards the nearest portal and shows direction and distance): 10,000 gold; 2 DC 23 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 23 K:P check; 5 days ---> Add long range Analyze Portal capacity(Allows Analyze Portal results from the nearest portal when detected): 55,000 gold; 2 DC 30 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 30 K:P check; 7 days ---> Add scrying capacity (Shows location of nearest portal): 80,000 gold; 2 DC 32 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 32 K:A check; 7 days*.

Sending Orbs(Planar sending, allows sendings at will from various points in Aurora): 100,000 gold; 1 DC 35 spellcraft check; 1 DC 35 K:A check, 1 DC 35 K:P check; 5 days.

Make a War/Conference room (Self explanatory.) 0 gold, just talk to Galariel since Medicant has some limited morphic abilities. ---> Illusionary battlefield capacity(Allows illusions to create battlefields and other things at will): 20,000 gold; 1 DC 25 spellcraft check; 3 days ---> Add scrying capacity (Shows battles as they progress, makes strategy and adjustments much faster): 80,000 gold; 2 DC 32 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 32 K:A check; 7 days*. ---> Add long range spell capacity (Allows casting spells through Medicant and through the illusionary battlefield) 400,000 gold; 5 DC 50 spellcraft checks; 4 DC 50 K:A check; 10 days.

Install fireball cannons in the outer wall (5d6, DC 20, CL 5): 80,000 gold; 2 DC 23 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 23 K:A check; 4 days. ---> Improved fireball cannons (10d6, DC 25, CL 10): 125,000 gold; 2 DC 30 spellcraft checks, 1 DC 28 K:A check; 5 days. ----> Superior fireball cannons (15d6, DC 30, CL 15): 175,000 gold; 2 DC 35 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 31 K:A check; 6 days. ----> Extreme fireball cannons (20d6, DC 35, CL 20): 240,000 gold; 2 DC 45 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 41 K:A check; 7 days.

Long distance systems for fireball cannons (Doubles range of fireballs): 25,000 gold; 1 DC 25 spellcraft check; 1 DC 25 K:A check; 2 days. ----> Improved long distance systems for fireball cannons (Triples range of fireballs) 51,000 gold; 2 DC 30 spellcraft checks, 1 DC 30 K:A check; 4 days.

Turn fireball cannons into lightningball cannons**: 40,000 gold; 3 DC 30 Spellcraft checks; 1 DC 25 K:A check; 3 days.

Turn fireball cannons into orb of lightning cannons**: 92,000 gold; 2 DC 25 Spellcraft checks; 1 DC 25 K:A check; 3 days.

Turn fireball cannons into holy smite cannons**: 100,000 gold; 2 DC 25 Spellcraft checks; 1 DC 25 K:A check; 3 days.

Add ability to change between different cannon types at will: 40,000 gold, 3 DC 30 Spellcraft checks; 4 days.

Memorial Hall (Keeps a wall list of the fallen, on touching a name an image of that fallen will appear):  20,000 gold; 3 DC 24 spellcraft checks; 4 days.

Disjunction trap for the gates, fires before the magic missiles (CL 20): 100,000 gold; 2 DC 35 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 35 K:A check; 6 days.

Unicorn arrow trap for the gates, fires after the magic missiles (5 unicorns; CL 17): 75,000 gold; 2 DC 32 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 33 K:A check; 3 days.

Upgrade the dimensional lock of Aurora to cover the courtyard: 127,500 gold; 3 DC 40 spellcraft checks; 1 DC 38 K:A check, 1 DC 41 K:Architecture check; 7 days.

Aquarium (For the tortles and other aquatic or amphibious races): 5,000 gold; 2 DC 25 K:A&E checks; 4 days.

Create bulletin boards (Connected to generals and colonel's rooms and allow updates from there, allow illusionary images to enlarge for viewers): 20,000 gold; 3 DC 25 spellcraft checks; 4 days.

Create Worldmeet Glade: 75,000 gold; 3 DC 40 K:N checks; 1 DC 35 K:A&E check; 5 days.

Lava pools (For the pyrofey and other fiery races): 10,000 gold; 2 DC 30 K:A&E checks; 1 DC 32 K:A check; 4 days.

Create Mission Readiness Arch (creatures that walk through gain mind blank (CL17), fortunate fate (CL15), planar tolerance (CL7) and greater mage armor(CL5)): Handled in loot.

Allow Elena to maintain 2 bodies at once: 40,000 gold; 5 DC 40 K:A checks; 3 days. ---> Allow Elena to maintain 3 bodies at once: 90,000 gold; 5 DC 45 K:A checks; 3 days. ---> Allow Elena to maintain 4 bodies at once: 160,000 gold; 5 DC 55 K:A checks; 3 days.

Repair training rooms: 30,000 gold; 2 DC 30 K:A checks; 1 DC 32 K:A&E check; 4 days.

Set up for a magical gate at Aurora's exit: 100,000 gold; 4 DC 40 K:A checks, 4 DC 40 Spellcraft checks, 2 DC 42 K:P checks; 7 days. ---> Add a magical gate facing outward that allows people from Aurora to travel via a gate spell: 300,000 gold; 2 DC 45 K:A checks, 2 DC 45 Spellcraft checks, 1 DC 47 K:P check; 3 days. ---> Add a magical gate facing inward that teleports unwanted people to a location set by Aurora: 300,000 gold; 2 DC 45 K:A checks, 2 DC 45 Spellcraft checks, 1 DC 47 K:P check; 3 days. ---> Change the inward facing gate to send the victim's gear to a different location than they go to: 100,000 gold, 2 DC 45 K:A checks, 2 DC 45 Spellcraft checks, 1 DC 47 K:P check; 3 days.

Create a prismatic wall over the sphere of force around Aurora: 252,000 gold; 4 DC 35 K:A checks; 4 days. ---> Adapt wall to not blind creatures with less than 8 hit dice:  25,000 gold; 4 DC 40 Spellcraft checks; 5 days. ----> Add the ability to turn the prismatic wall on and off: 50,000 gold; 2 DC 40 Spellcraft checks, 3 days.

Add Living Spell Laboratory: 50,000 gold; 2 DC 45 K:A checks, 2 DC 45 Appraise checks; 3 days.

Decrease analyze portal time to 1 round: 50,000 gold; 2 DC 46 Spellcraft checks; 1 DC 46 K:P check; 7 days

Automatic nearest portal detection every 4 rounds: 60,000 gold, 2 DC 40 Spellcraft checks, 2 DC 41 K:P checks; 4 days. ---> Improved portal detection to happen once every round: 80,000 gold, DC 47 Spellcraft checks, 2 DC 48 K:P checks; 6 days.

*This is essentially the same thing with a different target. Buying one will purchase the other. There's no need to double-pay for the same basic scrying capacity.

**These upgrades all require installing the fireball cannons as a prerequisite to choosing them. Any upgrades to the fireball cannons also affect them, as applicable. Ask me as needed.

Costs of linked things are paid in full for each improvement.

Aurora Shops:
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Aurora Shops

These shops are available to you guys and are updated every so often. All prices are as listed.

General Shop 'Filbrez's Emporium'

This shop is ran by Filbrez, a Mercane trader who sells a little bit of everything. These are the unique items he is currently offering.

Master Swordsman's Tonic: Grants a permanent +1 bonus to attack rolls with swords and a -1 penalty to attacks with other weapons. 50,000 gold.
Toothy: Dagger+1. Gives the wielder a bite attack that deals 1d8 + Strength modifier damage. Allows wielder to spit teeth as a ranged attack with a range increment of 20ft. Teeth deal 1d4 points of damage + Strength modifier. Teeth used in this way regrow by your next turn.  10,000 gold.
DragoViga: A mysterious potion that grants the imbiber the dragonblooded feat. 30,000 gold.
AngelBoosta: A mysterious potion that grants the imbiber the celestial bloodline feat. Evil creatures are not advised to drink this. 30,000 gold.
PixiePowa: A mysterious potion that grants the imbiber the fey heritage feat. 30,000 gold.
EarthShaka: A mysterious potion that grants the imbiber the earth bloodline feat. 30,000 gold.
Crown of Dreams: Grants the wearer the Oneiromancy feat as a bonus feat. Works only once. Also grants a +2 bonus to saves against sleep spells and effects. 40,000 gold.
Crown of Joy: Grants the wearer the Eladrin Joy feat as a bonus feat. Works only once. 40,000 gold.
FireBurna: A mysterious potion that grants the imbiber the fire bloodline feat. 30,000 gold.
Healing Potion: This potion restores full hit points when consumed but leaves you stunned for 1 minute after. The stun can't be negated. 15,000 gold.
Rabbit's Foot: This lucky charm gives you a +2 luck bonus to initiative checks as well as a +2 luck bonus to armor class. This is a slotless item. 100,000 gold.
27's Prophecy: A strange book of 27's writings Filbrez got his hands on. Useful if you want clues in 27's unique style. 2700 gold.

Alchemy Shop 'Grenalous Presents'

Any alchemical item can be ordered here. Order 3 of an item for a 10% discount and 6 of an item for a 25% discount. In addition Grenalous has various custom alchemical concoctions. Right now he only has one, but more can be developed in time. Extra funding or a patron can aid these developments along.

Fey-Nip: This item has mildly intoxicating effects on fey, bringing feelings of contentment and happiness. Fey who are exposed to this often fall into revel and stay in the area they were exposed in for some time. There is no saving throw against this effect, though there is no compulsion to do anything but feel happy on being exposed to it. This has no effect on non-fey. 50 gold.
Improved Alchemist's Fire: As Alchemist's Fire, except that it deals 3d6 damage on a successful hit. 100 gold.
Fey-Unison: This sludgy green fluid smells like aloe. When swallowed by a fey, they enter a serene, reflective trance. In this state they are content and completely detached from concerns, worries and discord. This state lasts for one hour. During it, the fey is unresponsive and will generally not communicate, fascinated more by blades of grass or the blowing breeze. When the duration of Fey-Unison expires, the fey gains the benefit of a commune with nature spell (caster level 12th). 300 gold.
Improved Sunrod: As Sunrod, but with a 120ft radius of illumination and the light lasts up to 24 hours. 10 gold.
Fey-Vitalize Small: This tiny decanter of purified natural compounds stimulates a fey's body, causing rapid healing. This grants a fey fast healing 2 for one minute. 200 gold.
Improved Tanglefoot Bag: As Tanglefoot Bag, but the reflex save to avoid entanglement is 25. 200 gold.
Fey-Vitalize Medium: As Fey-Vitalize Small, except that it grants fast healing 5. 500 gold.
Fey-Vitalize Large: As Fey-Vitalize Small, except that it grants fast healing 10. 1,000 gold.
Fey-Nip II: This is identical to fey nip, except fey must make a DC 22 Will save or be unable to do anything but stay in the area they were exposed and revel. Please use responsibly. 500 gold.
Fey-Unison II: This is identical to fey unison, except that the caster level of commune with nature is 18th and the fey also heals 3d8+5 hit points after the commune with nature resolves. 650 gold.
Fey-Bane: Used too much fey nip? We understand. This concoction immediately negates the effects of fey nip. All fey exposed to it must make a DC 23 Will save or flee the area. 250 gold.
Fey Ironblood: This bitter potion turns a fey's innate damage reduction of cold iron to impenetrable damage reduction. Doesn't work if the fey doesn't have racial damage reduction that requires cold iron to defeat. Works for 10 minutes. 3,000 gold.
Fey-Bane II: As fey bane, except the Will save DC is 28. 750 gold.
Ultra Alchemist's Fire: As Alchemist's Fire, except that it deals 5d6 damage on a successful hit. 500 gold.
Ultra Sunrod: As Sunrod, but with a 300ft radius of illumination and the light lasts for up to 24 hours. 300 gold.
Fey-Conversion: Go native with this powerful brew. May or may not help get close to nymphs. Changes your type to fey. 35,000 gold.
Fey-Be-Gone: Regrets about your fey conversion? That's okay. This will revert you as long as it's used within 1 week's time. 40,000 gold.

Lore Shop 'Lost Stories'

Vel is a middle aged, stocky half dwarf/half mercane with pale blue skin and a perpetual frown. He sells books and scrolls of lost lore, which will contain useful or interesting information. No browsing, please. If you're interested in a book buy it so he can maintain a healthy bottom line.

Greatsword Mastery: 5,000 gold.
Dart Mastery: 5,000 gold.
Net Mastery: 5,000 gold.
Khopesh Mastery: 5,000 gold.
Club Mastery: 5,000 gold.
Iceaxe Mastery: 5,000 gold.
Fullhammer Mastery: 5,000 gold.
Falchion Mastery: 5,000 gold.
Unarmed Strike Mastery: 5,000 gold.
Rogue Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Cleric Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Wizard Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Paladin Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Barbarian Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Druid Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Psion Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Psychic Warrior Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Favored Soul Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Scout Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Factotum Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Monk Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Knight Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Duskblade Mastery: 10,000 gold.
Hope: 77,777 gold.

Eatery 'Winddance'.

Creasea is a chef from the employ of Princess Chan of Air. He is a master of creating rich food from thin air. On occasion he creates one of a kind works of food that transcend mere taste and offer genuine benefits to the imbiber.

Windroast: Grants a +5 bonus to move speed for one hour after consuming. 500 gold.
Pepperbread: Grants a +2 alchemical bonus to Strength for ten minutes after consuming. 600 gold.
Minty Dog: This particular drink is so cold it causes 5d6 points of cold damage on consuming. However, this burst of cold supercools the body, granting resistance to fire 10 for one hour. 100 gold.
Willim Special: Restores 5d10 points of damage after consuming. 750 gold.
Angel's Food Cake: Heals 2d10 points of damage, 1d4 points of ability score damage to one ability and grants a +1 alchemical bonus to saving throws for 10 minutes. 500 gold.
Chocolate Angel's Food Cake: Heals 2d10 points of damage, 1d4 points of ability score damage to one ability and grants a +1 alchemical bonus to armor class for 10 minutes. 500 gold.
Vanilla Angel's Food Cake: Heals 2d10 points of damage, 1d4 points of ability score damage to one ability and grants a +1 alchemical bonus to caster level checks for 10 minutes. 500 gold.
Fireball Ale: This ale really puts fire into your blood! Grants a +2 alchemical bonus to Strength for 10 minutes. 2,000 gold.
Nimble Beer: This beer really puts wings on your feet! Grants a +2 alchemical bonus to Dexterity for 10 minutes. 2,000 gold.
Dwarf Whiskey: This whiskey really puts toughness into your belly! Grants a +2 alchemical bonus to Constitution for 10 minutes. 2,000 gold.
Princess Croissant: This snack really makes you feel and act like a princess! Grants a +2 alchemical bonus to Charisma for 10 minutes. 2,000 gold.
Lief Special: Everything sweet in one bowl. Charges you right up with a sharpshooter's spirit. Heals 4d10 points of damage and grants a +2 alchemical bonus to Dexterity for 10 minutes, as well as a +1 alchemical bonus to ranged attack rolls. 4,000 gold.
Muirfinn Special: Lots of fresh greens and seafood. Feeds your mind with a sage's wisdom. Heals 4d10 points of damage and grants a +2 alchemical bonus to Wisdom for 10 minutes, as well as a +1 alchemical bonus to caster level checks. 4,000 gold.
Nectar: Everything good magically blended into one super drink. Grants a +2 alchemical bonus to all ability scores for 10 minutes. 10,000 gold.
Nectar II: Everything good given some extra kick. Grants a +4 alchemical bonus to all ability scores for 10 minutes. 20,000 gold.
27 Flavors: A soup with 27 unique flavors that will give you a new taste every spoonful. Grants a +1 alchemical bonus to all saving throws for 10 minutes. 300 gold.
Nectar III: Everything good given lots of extra kick. Grants a +6 alchemical bonus to all ability scores for 10 minutes. 50,000 gold.
Moore Pudding: Sweet and yet packs a big punch. Grants a +1 bonus to bard level to determine bardic music effects for 10 minutes. 500 gold.

Clothing boutique 'Blazing Fashions'

Azuril is an azer from the Cauldron. He can create clothes that do not burn, making them useful for fire creatures who wish to clothe themselves. He can make any SRD standard clothing at triple the normal price. These clothes can be worn safely and without burning, even by creatures composed of flame. Other sources of fire, such as a fire spell, can burn the clothes, though they are treated as having fire resistance 10. In addition he offers the following specialty items.

Explorer's Cloak: This cloak allows safe travel on fire dominant planes, protecting the wearer and his equipment from damage. Exceptionally hot areas that deal more than the default 3d10 damage deal damage as normal. 1,000 gold.
Uniform of the Blazing Saint: This uniform is the latest in fashions in Fire, appealing to the sensibilities of fire based creatures. When worn, this uniform grants a +10 circumstantial bonus to bluff and diplomacy checks against them. 8,000 gold.
Jacket of Burning Passion: This jacket is a sharp accessory for any fire minded individual this season, especially those familiar with the flames of rage! It grants a +2 bonus to the Strength, Constitution and Will save bonuses rage grants. 56,000 gold.
Burning Brasserie: This set of lacy red undergarments is perfect for the adventuring woman! It punishes touchy opponents, dealing 2d6 points of fire damage per round to any creature that grapples you. If you have the fire subtype, this damage rises to 4d6. 25,000 gold.
Waterproof Boots: These boots protect the on the go creature of Fire from the horrible things water does. Nonmagical sources of water cannot harm the wearer and they gain a +4 bonus to saves against magical waters (such as spells with the water descriptor). 20,000 gold.
Efreet's Turban: This white turban makes a great accent to any efreet style outfit. It grants you a +2 circumstance bonus to disguise checks to disguise yourself as an efreet, a +2 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks against efreet and a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells with the fire descriptor. 15,000 gold.
Flaming Cape: A flaming cape finishes any outfit with style, not to mention helps you set people on fire. Your natural attacks deal an extra 1d6 points of fire damage. 35,000 gold.
Azer's Vest: The perfect black vest to set off any azer's eyes, now available in any size. For one hour a day, you can tap into this vest to gain the fire subtype. 50,000 gold.
Red Hot Loincloth: A great choice for the adventurer who likes to dress down. Grants a +2 dodge bonus to armor class and a +4 bonus to saving throws against spells with the fire descriptor. 25,000 gold.
King's Cloak: A cloak worthy to be worn by a King of Fire. Grants a +6 circumstance bonus to Diplomacy checks against creatures native to Fire. 10,000 gold.

Rarities 'Earth's Bounty'

Emerelda is a nymph from Lifasa, one who is no great hand at combat. However, she has a rare talent to create and find rare metals, minerals and materials. She also sometimes offers known materials at a discount price. Finally, she sometimes creates new spells, which she sells here first. NEW: She's now working with Moonlight to provide ravages and poisons as well. Get them now!

Note: Poisons and ravages are temporarily unavailable. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Nymph's Wood: Wood from a nymph who fell in love with a dryad and slowly turned to wood when her love was rejected. Any weapon made of nymph's wood has a +1 enhancement bonus and grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. 5,000 gold, 1 available.
Greater Truesteel: This solarian truesteel has been alchemically purified for greater potency. The bonus to critical hit confirmations increases to +4 and it has hardness 15. 4,500 gold, 2 available.
Slaad Slime: If used to quench a metal weapon during forging, this slime increases the hardness of the weapon by 1d6. If the weapon is to be axiomatic, it has no effect. 3,100 gold, 4 available.
Resonant Crystal: Resonant crystal has all the traits of deep crystal. Additionally, if you focus psionic power with it and strike an opponent with a power point reserve, you steal 2d6 power points from them and recover them. You can't exceed your maximum power points through this. 6,000 gold, 2 left.
Earthbone Steel: This is a fist sized hunk of Earthbone Steel, enough to make a dagger, short sword or perhaps the head of a mace. 200,000 gold, 1 left.
Rainbow Iron: Special iron that grants a weapon forged of it the ability to invoke rainbow pattern once per day at caster level 10th. 30,000 gold, 2 left.
Scroll of Wind's Dance: 700 gold.
Scroll of From the Clear Sky: 1125 gold.
Scroll of Charm Fey: 700 gold.
Scroll of From the Cloudy Sky: 1125 gold.
Scroll of Woodland Burst: 1125 gold.

Body and Mind Healing 'Laughter'

Laura is a Lliiran healer who specializes in mending the body and the soul. All treatments come with full hit point healing as well as healing ability damage and most conditions. Conditions that require expensive spells cost extra if you want them healed here, bring it up at purchase.

Good Cheer: Grants immunity to crushing despair and other spells that cause negative emotions. Lasts for 24 hours. 1,000 gold.
Get Up And Move: Grants a +5ft morale bonus to movement speed. Lasts for 24 hours. 1,200 gold.
Go Go Go: Grants a +10ft morale bonus to movement speed. Lasts for 24 hours. 2,500 gold.
You Can Do It: Grants a +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and weapon damage rolls. Lasts for 24 hours. 2,500 gold.
You Did It: Grants a +2 morale bonus to attack rolls and weapon damage orlls. Lasts for 24 hours. 5,000 gold.
Come Back: If you die during the duration of this treatment, you gain a +10% bonus to your resurrection chance roll. Only works if you're resurrected, obviously. Lasts for 24 hours or until you die, in which case it lasts until you are resurrected. 7,000 gold. It won't help Sylvie.

Numerology 'Number Flow'

Glitterosm is a numerologist who offers his services to Aurora.  He can see the future and discern facts, though it's taxing and hard work. Bear this in mind with the prices, please.

Number Discernment: Discerns the numbers around you for a vague fortune. Simple but also easy and inexpensive. 100 gold.
Heavenly Adjustment: Adjusts the numbers around you to more favorable ones through the power of the Heavens. You may take 7 on a single attack roll, check or saving throw within the next 24 hours. 2,500 gold.
Number Analysis: Analyzes the numbers deeply to create an accurate fortune for you. Much more powerful than Number Discernment, but also much more difficult. 1,000 gold.
Fourbane: The next time you would be reduced to negative hit points sufficient to kill you, you are instead reduced to to negative hit points sufficient to kill you plus two. For example, if you would die at -20 hit points, you would be reduced to -18 hit points instead. Lasts until used or 24 hours, whichever comes first.  5,000 gold.
Sixbane: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls vs demons. Lasts for 24 hours. 5,000 gold.
Ninebane: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls vs devils. Lasts for 24 hours. 5,000 gold.
Greater Heavenly Adjustment: As Heavenly Adjustment, but you may take 7 on one attack roll, check or saving throw per minute. Lasts for 7 hours. 21,000 gold.


Aurora's Army:
Spoiler: ShowHide

Known morale ranges
30-49 (Poor)
50-65 (Fair)
66-80 (Good)
81-99 (Fanatic)
100 (Devoted - Soldiers of this morale are immune to fear and emotion based effects while in battle. Other good things come of reaching this morale, too.)

Static boosts in place

+5 for barracks.
+7 for greater barracks.
+1 for actual bathing facilities.
+5 for cafeteria for creatures that eat.
+7 for cafeteria 2 for creatures that eat.
+5 for aquarium, for aquatic or amphibious creatures.
-5 bonus against morale loss for losing leaders/related people to a group. (Example: Elrisa and her students.)
+5 for lava pools, for fiery creatures.

Morale regulates several things. Soldiers with high morale gain bonuses in battle, while ones with low morale suffer penalties. High morale generally means a happy, loyal army while low morale means the opposite. Considering how Medi was taken down, keeping morale high couldn't hurt. Plus, happy soldiers may just do certain things for you or open up opportunities.

94 Ysgardian warriors. They range from 2 to 5 hd, having levels in fighter and barbarian. Several have lycanthropy, blessed by Selune to be able to control it. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Morale: 100/100 (Devoted)
124 female students of the Graceful Blow. They range from 4 to 10 hd, having levels in sorcerer, fighter and swashbuckler. Alignment: Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Neutral and Chaotic Neutral. Morale: 100/100 (Devoted)
31 refugee-warriors from Lifasa. They range from 3 to 7 hd, having levels in many various classes. Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral. Morale: 100/100 (Devoted)
55 cloud giant warriors from Elysium. They range from 17 to 17 hd, having levels in fighter. Alignment: Neutral Good and Chaotic Good. Morale: 100/100 (Devoted)
40 pixies from Lifasa. They range from 3 to 6 hd, having levels in rogue, sorcerer, ranger and scout. Alignment: Neutral Good. Morale: 100/100 (Devoted)
205 air elementals of small, medium and large size. They range from 3 to 10 hd, having levels in fighter and aerial avenger. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 92/100 (Fanatic)
63 dire wolves. They range from 6 to 8 hit dice, having levels in fighter, spell-less ranger and scout. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 100/100 (Fanatic)
77 courre scouts. They range from 3 to 5 hd, having levels in rogue and scout. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Morale: 98/100 (Fanatic)
219 elven warriors. They range from 4 to 8 hd, having levels in various classes. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Morale: 93/100 (Fanatic)
77 firre warrior/clerics. They range from 8 to 12 hd, having levels in cleric, paladin of freedom, barbarian and champion of Gwynharwyf. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Morale: 98/100 (Fanatic)
50 earth elementals of medium size. They range from 6 to 7 hd, having levels in fighter and ranger. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 94/100 (Fanatic)
50 fire elementals of medium size. They range from 6 to 7 hd, having levels in fighter, scout and hexblade. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 99/100 (Fanatic)
50 water elementals of medium size. They range from 6 to 7 hd, having levels in fighter, rogue and monk. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 99/100 (Fanatic)
50 air elementals of medium size. They range from 6 to 7 hd, having levels in fighter, rogue and ninja. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 94/100 (Fanatic)
12 earth elementals of large size. They range from 8 to 10 hd, having levels in fighter and dwarven defender. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 94/100 (Fanatic)
163 catfolk warriors of medium size. They range from 3 to 8 hd, having levels in many various classes. Alignment: Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral. Morale: 100/100 (Devoted)
22 conflagration oozes of large size. They range from 7 to 7 hd, having levels in fighter. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 79/100 (Good)
143 tortles of medium size. They range from 3 to 7 hd, having levels in many various classes. Alignment: Neutral, Neutral Good. Morale: 100/100 (Devoted)
12 githyanki acolytes of medium size. They range from 2 to 10 hd, having levels in sorcerer, wizard and savant. Alignment: Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil. Morale: 77/100 (Good)
500 Ysgardian Regulars of medium size. They range from 3 to 12 hd, having levels in fighter, paladin of freedom, ranger and barbarian. Alignment: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral. Morale: 100/100 (Devoted)
42 Sylican regulars of medium size. They range from 3 to 12 hd, having levels in many different classes. Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good. Morale: 80/100 (Good)
50 phase spiders of large size. They range from 5 to 10 hd, having levels in scout. Alignment: Neutral, Neutral Good. Morale: 65/100 (Fair)
80 healers of medium size. They range from 4 to 10 hd, having levels in healer and cleric. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Morale 90/100 (Fanatic)
20 elite healers of medium size. They range from 11 to 12 hd, having levels in healer and cleric. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Morale: 90/100 (Fanatic)
20 knights of the wise convent. They range from 6 to 12 hd, having levels in fighter, rogue and knight of the wise convent. Alignment: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good. Morale: 87/100 (Fanatic)
28 air elementals of shinear. They range from 3 to 10 hd, having levels in dragon shaman. Alignment: Neutral, Neutral Good. Morale: 90/100 (Fanatic)
50 elven detachment of the confederation of liberators. They range from 5 to 12 hd, having levels in many different classes. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Morale: 87/100 (Fanatic)
100 triune courre. They range from 3 to 5 hd, having levels in cleric, healer and favored soul.  Alignment: Chaotic Good. Morale: 97/100 (Fanatic)
100 triune movanic devas. They range from 6 to 9 hd, having levels in cleric, fighter and bard. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Morale: 97/100 (Fanatic)
992 refugees from the burning aeropolis. They range from 4 to 12 hd, having levels in monk, fighter, swashbuckler and various monk PrCs. Alignment: Neutral, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good. Morale: 97/100 (Fanatic)
83 pixies of the purple pixie brigade. They range from 5 to 10 hd, having levels in rogue, fighter and scout Alignment: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral. Morale: 85/100 (Fanatic)
100 satyrs of the sunrise. They range from 5 to 8 hd, having levels in bard, jester and battle dancer. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Morale: 87/100 (Fanatic)
120 fey-blooded centaurs of halas. They range from 4 to 9 hd, having levels in fighter and deepwoods sniper. Alignment: Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral. Morale: 83/100 (Fanatic)
30 ladies of the butterfly kinship. They range from 7 to 10 hd, having levels in druid. Alignment: Neutral Good, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral. Morale: 84/100 (Fanatic)
50 freed eidolons of rimefire. They range from 12 to 13 hd, having levels in sorcerer and frost mage. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Morale: 70/100 (Good)
100 lantern archons. They range from 3 to 4 hd, having levels in scout. Alignment: Lawful Good. Morale: 70/100 (Good)
200 hound archons. They range from 6 to 8 hd, having levels in paladin, fighter, ranger, cleric and favored soul. Alignment: Lawful Good. Morale: 70/100 (Good)
200 justice archons. They range from 6 to 8 hd, having levels in paladin, cleric and fist of raziel. Alignment: Lawful Good. Morale: 70/100 (Good)
50 dire lions. They range from 8 to 12 hd and do not gestalt. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 60/100 (Fair)
50 griffons. They range from 7 to 12 hd and do not gestalt. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 60/100 (Fair)
210 lillend. They range from 8 to 14 hd and have levels in bard. Alignment: Chaotic Good. Morale: 80/100 (Fanatic)
46 mineral quasi-elementals. They range from 3 to 10 hd, having levels in fighter. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 70/100 (Fair)
25 awakened cryohydras. They range from 7 to 14 hd and have not yet gestalted. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 55/100 (Fair)
30 brownfeather knights. They range from 3 to 7 hd, having levels in knight and fighter. Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral. Morale 60/100 (Fair)
30 brownfeather squires. They range from 1 to 2 hd, having levels in knight and fighter. Alignment: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral. Morale 60/100 (Fair)
15 war hounds. They range from 4 to 8 hd and do not gestalt. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 55/100 (Fair)
15 griffons. They range from 7 to 10 hd and have levels in scout. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 55/100 (Fair)
100 djinn warrior.s They range from 7 to 15 hd and have levels in various classes. Alignment Chaotic Good. Morale: 70/100 (Fair)
50 assorted djinn animals. They range from 5 to 20 hd and do not gestalt. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 50/100 (Fair)
20 nimblewrights. They range from 10 to 10 hd and have levels in ninja and hellbreaker. Alignment: Neutral. Morale: 50/100 (Fair)
36 assorted celestials and mortal heroes. They range from 8 to 18 hit dice and have levels in various classes. Alignment: Neutral Good. Morale: 65/100 (Fair)
25 assorted war animals. They range from 2 to 15 hd and do not gestalt. Alignment: Neutral Morale: 50/100 (Fair)

Total army strength: 5,098 + elite warriors (PCs, named NPCs in the NPC topic, ect)

3 main armies: 455 in each
150 Ysgardian regulars
60 elven warriors
40 catfolk warriors
40 air elementals (Chan)
30 Ysgardian warriors
30 Graceful Blow students
15 air elementals (Cauldron)
15 water elementals (Cauldron)
15 earth elementals (Cauldron)
15 fire elementals (Cauldron)
15 Sylican regulars
10 firre warriors/clerics
10 tortles
10 courre scouts
Officers: (1) Drena, Dana, The Master; (2) Mirima, Misalea, Sylvie; (3) Crystal, Lief, Canderella.
In command: PCs, ideally? If not, then the first/second choice listed for each army should do well.

The idea is to have a force that is largely light and swift, and can respond far more quickly to any situation or need for reinforcements. The situation at Earthfall where Afina and Willim fell back with the air elementals comes to mind here, but it could also double for scouting and for hit and run/harrassment tactics.
1 rapid response force: 304
65 air elementals (Chan)
66 dire wolves
50 phase spiders
43 catfolk
40 pixies from Lifasa
40 courre scouts
Officers: Tannin, Arrel
In command: PCs, Tannin

Magic is really what makes or breaks things in D&D3.5 and battles aren't any different. This mage-oriented force could either serve as artillery or provide aid (having lots and lots of clerics) or buff or debuff and basically be fairly multi-purpose. And since mages are usually squishier and not that suited for melee, they have some really strong defenders attached to them.
1 mage-heavy force: 199
50 Ysgardian regulars
47 firre warriors/clerics
45 Graceful Blow students
20 air elementals (Chan)
12 githyanki acolytes
12 earth elementals (Earth)
8 Ysgardian warriors
5 cloud giants
Officers: Hanna, Kascha, Sage Vul'lath
In command: PCs, Hanna or Kascha, depending on the situation.

I suppose this is really the same as a reserve, but I can entirely see it being sufficient to hold Aurora indefinitely for us, thus freeing our main force(s) for attacking/responding/counter-attacking.
Aurora defense: 152
51 elven warriors
31 refugee warrios from Lifasa
25 conflagration oozes
13 tortles
7 courre scouts
5 Sylica regulars
5 air elementals (Cauldron)
5 water elementals (Cauldron)
5 earth elementals (Cauldron)
5 fire elementals (Cauldron)
Officers: Adrian, Baleruk, The Jarl, Elder Magi Teppen, Ebony
In command: Gisfal

Aurora's Organization:
Spoiler: ShowHide

The army is structured as follows.

10 soldiers = 1 unit
10 units = 1 company (100 soldiers)
10 companies = 1 division (1,000 soldiers)
10 divisions = 1 army (10,000 soldiers)

This provides an easy to customize and flexible unit structure. You can mix and match at whatever level of precision you desire and can have your troops set up to taste. It also allows combining units that complement each other well and segregating less compatible units. Further, specialized units can be made as well.

Non Commissioned Ranks: Private, Master Private, Corporal, Lance Corporal, Sergeant, Master Sergeant, Command Sergeant.
Commissioned Ranks: Major, Colonel, General.

Majors: Misalea, Dana, Tannin, Arrel, The Jarl, Lief, The Master, Baleruk, Sylvie, Canderella, Sage Vul'lath.
Colonels: Elder Magi Tepen, Crystal, Drena, Kascha, Hanna, Mirima, Muirfinn.
Generals: Afina, Jaela, Ithea, Adrian, Gisfal.

Aurora's Medals: [spoiler]

Award of the Ascended Throne: Medal bestowed on those who fall in the service of Aurora committing acts of valor. (Standard died in service award)
Order of the Radiant Throne: Medal bestowed on those who fall in the service of Aurora committing acts of the highest heroism and valor. (Honored death in service - to recognize the ultimate sacrifices of particular poignancy or selflessness for the Crusade.)

Medal of Darral - Exceptional Valor in the service of Aurora. (Bravery, heroism, that manner of thing.)
Medal of Fol - Exceptional Leadership in the service of Aurora. (Command, leadership and so forth.)
Medal of the Sequoiadendron - Exceptional Recruiting in the service of Aurora. (Gathering allies and diplomacy.)
Medal of Triumph - Exceptional Might in the service of Aurora. (Defeating powerful foes - the exact grade of this can be adjusted to taste or be case by case.)

Honorable Order of Aurora - For those not affliated with Aurora who deserve recognition. Largely a political and diplomatic tool.
Honorable Knights of the Crusade - As above, but more prestigious. It's what you give rarely and to great effect.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Open for posts. Post about anything relevant or suggested here. No changelog, as I need a place to talk all these over anyway. Edits will get posts to explain what's up.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Regarding the cannon system, how much would it cost to make its elemental damage be variable? Ie, letting us do lightning, cold, etc damage instead of fire depending on situation?

Also, how much would a lightning bolt array cost, since it's also a level 3 spell? Similar cost, or different due to changed effects in range and area?

Lightning bolt array would be better for blasting devil invaders that get close in since they pop in on waves giving nice lines for that spell to blast more of them than fireball and doesn't have immunity problems either, though it lacks the range of the fireball cannons. Could be useful to have both systems in place, especially if elemental damage can be varied for situations.

Not necessarily sure those two spells are best options, but I'd like to have more defense options that handle things before they even get past the gate and into the courtyard (besides Baleruk flying out of his new toy and chomping them, anyway).
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


The following updates have been added.

- Notes on Muirfinn's farming efforts added. More on that later.
- Removed some old information.
- Filbrez's shop updated.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


He makes great fertilizer now.

Typo fixed.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Filbrez's shop updated again.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Added Gisfal's troop commitment.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Army updated with Sylica's contribution.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Added army disposition. Will fine tune the post later today.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Added a Worldmeet Glade add-on.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?