Random DM nagging.

Started by Anastasia, August 06, 2011, 10:56:41 AM

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Kascha's question and answer session as follows. It might have been hard to tell at the time, but at points she changed gears when she felt a line of questions were exhausted. A blank line is used to indicate these. The Guardian is not a mortal creature and has a unique outlook and way of answering some questions.

Kascha would also like to state that she didn't really get to think through some of her questions for entirely obvious reasons.

1. Is there a way for Good to win: Yes there is.
2. Is it possible for any of us to do it: No it isn't.
3. Why: It is extremely difficult, if the questions were simple the conflicts would never have been between Good and Evil. It isn't about strength as much as ideas. The idea of Good has to utterly defeat the idea of Evil.
4. Does that mean we need to kill the Gods of Evil and the fiend lords: You could, and if you did, it would be a huge victory, but another would come as you've only slain a symptom of the underlying cause.
5. Which side do you think is right: I don't know - not even the Incarnations could answer that, and the Incarnation of Law long grappled with the answer to that question.

6. Um, how do you know what I'm asking before I ask it: I am not bound by linear thought or what you define as limits.
7. Well then...um...if you know all the answers, is there a soulmate out there for me: Yes, there is. Several.
8. Several?!: The concept of only one is a mortal conceit. What it describes is how well your spirits resonate with each other.
9. But, what if I meet more than one of them: Does it matter?
10. Who are my soulmates? Tell me who they are: No, I can't, I don't know.
11. How do I find them: Be yourself and pay attention. Connect to other people and you'll find it eventually.
12. What if its someone I don't expect or shouldn't fit: That? A mortal preoccupation.

13. Is Seira a true Goddess?: From your image of her, of course she is one.
14. She's wonderful, but she's so young and not like the other Gods! I don't meant to doubt her, but sometimes I wonder how she can be so nice and unlike most of the others: Age and origin are irrelevant once you have the divine spark.
15. How strong will Seira get? How strong will Donald get? How strong will I get: That I do not know, nor that or that.

16. Where did the Incarnations come from: That question has no meaning to Them, origins are for creatures with limitations.
17. Well, if they didn't come from here, does that mean they came from somewhere else? Another Creation: It may be so, I was created to deal with one part of this Creation.
18. Does that mean its possible: Yes, it is.
19. Are the Three why the number 3 recurs in meaningful ways: An echo of the simple fact of the Three.
20. What about the other numbers: All the others are closer to mortal concepts, but not quite.
21. But aren't they related to the Outer Planes: Ah, anything that is limited is a mortal in my thoughts. The definitions you assign between limited creatures are irrelevant.

22. Can you tell me if there are others besides the Three: Of course I can.
23. Are there: That is not a question I will answer.
24. Why not?!: Because the answer is both forbidden and meaningless to you.

25. Can you tell me more about 21, then: She already knows those answers, ask her.

26. <On reflection Kascha has blotted out this answer. She writes a note saying that this is a personal question.> It may be so, it is not an impossible task. However, I know nothing of it.

27. What do you think of the four competing ethos: They are not stronger than each other, only different.
28. Which one do you think will win: I care nothing for them. Law and Chaos are the concerns of the Incarnations, and Good and Evil are mortal creations.

29. Back to numbers, which ones are most effective against Baator: 6, 7 or 8 work best, particularly in conjunctions of 6 and 8 or 7 and 3.

30. Say, Ithea said the Abyss made dolls of her. Why: Don't even bother with the next question. The Abyss is what it is; those who gaze into it too long find themselves drawn in.

31. You know, you're starting to remind me of a bad date the way you dodge questions: I have never thought of that.
32. Really, you've never thought about having a date: It is irrelevant, for procreation is irrelevant to me.
33. But what if you want a wife or children: Should I desire another of myself, the enaction of will shall see to it.
34. Enaction of Will? You mean magic: No, it is not like veins of Mystra.
35. Wait wait wait. What are the veins of Mystra: The Weave.
36. So you can do magic without using magic?! Is that true: It is.
37. How: It needs nothing else to power or justify it. Sources are for limited creatures.
38. You sound like a God more than anything else. Could you even die: I suppose it could be done.
39. How: Besides the will of the Incarnations, the material that could dissolve my awareness is not native to Creation.
40. How would they do it: The Incarnations are not bound to Creation, of course.
41. Could you kill yourself: I suppose I could, but the concept of suicide is irrelevant to me. For that matter, choosing to return from nothingness is possible for me.
42. What, that makes no sense: Awareness as you define it is woefully unprepared to define the awareness of a limitless creature.
43. Wait, you can be both aware and unaware at the same time: Yes. I would be aware and oblivious at the same time.
44. So because you have no limits, you can also ignore the limits we know, including being a single state: Yes, that is why. I can be any number of states at any time.
45. You sound as if you are a non-linear creature: Yes, non-linear is close enough.
46. Then you ignore time as well: Including time, though I largely observe it due to my duties.
47. So could you make us a paradox: I suppose I could, but you would be the ones in danger once you left this place.  Those who cannot manipulate time have no chance against those that can.
48. Could the keepers of the Temporal Compact remove us from history? What about trying again if they lose? How about changing history so we never meet you: Yes, they could do that. Or that. Or that.
49. That makes it sound as if no one can defeat them: That is intentional, I would suppose. It is not a matter I concerned myself with, but my understanding of time would suggest thus.
50. Could you give me the same ability to control and manipulate time: I could, but your mind would shatter from it.
51. I've seen bad things, couldn't I take it: That is quite literal. Filling your mind with over 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times 3 of its maximum capacity would cause your brain to liquefy into plasma and burst.
52. Oh Seira...how do you...did you...: No, I have not, though I could simulate it on you if you desire.
53. You bastard, that's...are you making fun of me? Is that a joke: Yes, I suppose that was.

54. Why do you speak about death in such a cavalier manner: Why? Death is merely another state and a particularly weak one. Mortal creatures overcome it all the time, and sometimes even of their own will. It's not a true state as much as a transitory description. Death is a change. Even what you define as oblivion, such as a spirit dying on its home plane, is merely a transference of the spirit's matter to another form.
55. That reminds me. Is it...: Because it is almost impossible to escape that perfect resonation.
56. So it's what I thought: Yes. Mortal souls and ethos resonate.
57. So the lore of I know is correct: Yes, that's correct. The lore is essentially accurate.

58. Wait a moment, you implied you know more about the Temporal Compact: You were thinking of it. Yes, I suppose that did give you false hope.
59. Are you trying to get rid of me: Why would I? This is entertaining.
60. Sorry, it's like you're making fun of me and plucking half formed thoughts out of my head...wait, are you lonely: I am not lonely, but nor do I not appreciate visitors.
61. So does companionship mean nothing to you: Yes, that's correct.

62. Is there any relation between the nine circles of magic and the nine layers of Hell: No, in this case the numbers are coincidental. Nine circles of magic merely happen to share the same number as Baator.
63. Yes, I've read and see magic beyond the ninth circle. What is the ultimate circle of magic: Yes, that's correct as well. There is no limit, only what the caster can reach with his skill.
64: Well, what's the highest spell Mystra could cast: That is a meaningless question.
65: Why: Because she is magic and magic is she.
66: What is the limit of her power, then: That is an answer you are not prepared to understand.
67: So, assuming Mystra is beyond mortal ken as you define it, would she be closer to being a creature like you and a creature of this 'will': Yes, that's why, accepting your basic supposition about her status.
68: So could she change magic then, if it's a matter of her will:  She could, I suppose, again accepting another supposition.

69. Fine. Moving on, how do diseases spread? I've always wanted to study them: Tiny bits of matter, smaller than the eye can see.
70: So they're tiny bits of matter that...touch the body, or invade it: Yes, that's correct.
71: They travel through the air: Some are aireborn, some are liquid or solid borne, and a few use magic to propagate.
72. Are there limitless diseases out there: Of course, entities can create new ones if they care to or change the rules.
73. What are the worst ones: Irrelevant, that is a concern of bodies made of flesh and blood.
74. If these diseases are really tiny bits of matter, can they be cured without magic like how you'd brush off wetness from something, or repair a crack in a jar: Magic does not need to precisely follow material rules such as that.
75. But are there ways: Certainly so.
76. Is this a worthwhile path to follow for those who don't have access to magic: The amount of effort is many times greater than magic and ultimately blends back into magic.
77. So this is a waste of time: That is correct, yes
78. Well, how can I prevent diseases without magic then? I've been on Primes where the sick far outweigh the resources to heal them: Heat can help, as can purified air. Air is the hardest source to control, and distance is the best way to do so.
79: Could control of Air or Fire aid this: It could, though they are not intristically related beyond the medium of transport.
80. So between these 'entities' and Air and Fire, is this at least in part a matter of the Outer Planes: Yes, that's correct.
81. So if the sources of all this could be changed, could that cure disease on a great scale? If the source of these diseases was changed to something that aids life instead, could it turn disease into a blessing: Yes, that's correct. ...hah. Now that is an interesting idea, mortal. It would be best to slay the fiends controlling pestilence before attempting it, such as the Oinoloth and several demon princes.
82. I see, would the consequence of doing this be severe: Reprisals, it is an act directly in opposition to their ideals. Further, too much could lead to mutations.
83. Mutations: Unplanned changes to the host entity as a result of exposure to exotic forces.
84. Oh yes, too much positive energy can be fatal, including in a situation like this: Yes, that is correct.
85. What's the worst that could happen to living beings if this happened: Mmm, complete collapse into an entity of pure energy or death. There may not be a difference, depending on how you wish to define both states.

86. Speaking of divinities and archfiends, do you have to be another God or Power to kill one: Essentially, yes. Extreme might, magic and resources is traditionally best, as well as divinity.
87. 21 would help bypass some of that: Yes, 21 could help.
88. So could I kill an archfiend with 21 and enough force: Yes, that's correct.

89. This entire idea here with disease and the archfiends, would the likely results be within acceptable drawbacks: No. What you define as unacceptable drawbacks is well exceeded by this idea.

90. Sorry, my stupid questions wasted your time: You don't really believe that.
91. Is it really that obvious: Yes, it was that obvious.
92. I just want to find out more, even when the questions might be stupid. Is that wrong: You have a love of learning. Faint traces of guilt from your childhood linger.
93. <Kascha politely blotted out this question as well, as it deals entirely with her personal life> Yes. Yes, that's correct. Those things in those formative years matter greatly to mortal creatures. Imagine it as the first brushstrokes on a canvas, setting the tone for the entire painting.
94. <Again with some blotting> No, of course not. Yes, the entity you are thinking of would be ample proof.

95. You'd be an amazing counselor, wouldn't you: I suppose I would be, for mysteries that would plague mortals are obvious to me.
96. Is it because of what you've said and done: No, you are essentially happy.
97. <Kascha has blotted out these questions out of respect for Sylvie's privacy.> Yes, that's correct. She made her own mistakes and lives with them every day.  Pride comes before the fall and makes it all the more painful. Time and friendship. 21 is 21. It brings only the Truth. What that brings to the bearer is up to them.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Todo today.

1. Yuth PrC.
2. Log fragments to Cor.
3. Finalize army information above, barring more debate or alterations.
4. Worldmeet Glade info check and ruling for Yuth.
5. Ebony post + Sylica forces added to army.
6. Check wilding clasp+weapon, was discussion in chat that one doesn't work with a weapon. Will look into it.
7. Post unmatter info Yuth and company turned up.
8. Post information from the books the Guardian gave you.
9. Post Kascha's completed question and answer session with the Guardian.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Re: Worldmeet Glade. I have no problem with a non arcane version. The flavor trends just as much to the natural world, and if you showed me how the flavor was without information I'd guess it was druidic. That said, are you looking to create one in Aurora here?
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


I am! How much would it cost and what would I have to do?
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


The scroll holds the following information:

Evigmael's Gauntlets

1 ounce alchemical silver (100 gold)
1 ounce cold iron (50 gold)
1 ounce adamantine (300 gold)

1 3 karat blue diamond (25,000 gold)
1 3 karat red ruby (1,000 gold)
1 3 karat opal (500 gold)

1 feather from a solar
1 lock of hair from a tome archon
1 nail from a tulani eladrin
1 quart of blood from a varakhut
1 quart of spittle from a white slaad
1 fingerbone from a pit fiend
1 fang from an ultroloth
1 tear from a balor

500 gallons bleach
500 gallons lava
500 gallons melted snow runoff

1 drop unmatter

Combine bleach, lava and snow runoff in vat. Stir for 5 minutes, add in in blue diamond, red ruby and opal at 2, 3 and 4 minutes into the stirring. Each gem must be immediately followed by a casting of Black Blade of Disaster within the swirling center of the stirred mixture. Thereafter, allow to sit for 3 minutes and then add all eight outsider components at the same time, followed by the alchemical silver, cold iron and adamantine. Immediately follow by adding unmatter and a properly worded Wish (see below). Thereafter stir for 24 hours, mixture will reduce down during this time. Douse with common water and allow to sit for 1 hour, then remove. Ritual makes three gauntlets.

The Wish must be spoken in the Words of Creation, requiring a high degree of skill with them. The Wish is as follows: "Weave, I call on those who created all, let not it be undone this day! Shape the unshapable by my will!"
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Anastasia
[20:25] <04@Kotono> Am I the only one that thinks we need a booze domain for dwarf deities?
[20:26] <Yuthirin> That I can agree to.
[20:27] <Merc> Booze is a portfolio, not a domain!
[20:27] <04@Kotono> Okay. First level spell is bless water, since holy fuck you know they're using the holy water to make booze.
[20:27] <04@Kotono> Second level spell? Lesser Restoration all the way. FUCK hangovers.
[20:27] * Cidward reads link of Merc. That is pretty amusing.
[20:28] <Yuthirin> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Forgotten_Realms_deities
[20:28] <04@Kotono> Third level? Water breathing. A lifesaver if you pass out drunk face down in a pool or some shit, or if you risk choking to death on you rown vomit.
[20:29] <04@Kotono> 4th level is absofuckinglutely Confusion.
[20:30] <04@Kotono> Gonna have to go with Commune for 5th level. You know yo ucome up with some whacked out shit when you're drunk, but it sounds like it's a fucking heavensent idea at t he time.
[20:31] <04@Kotono> Sixth level is Heroes' Feast, since that shit summons like booze or whatever with it.
[20:32] <Yuthirin> 7-9?
[20:32] <04@Kotono> 7th level? Regeneration. I mean, who hasn't woken up with a serious injury after a night of catching up with Mr. Beam and Mr. Coors?
[20:32] <Yuthirin> 9 should be Wish, for wishing for more beer.
[20:33] * Yuthirin thinks this list should be houseruled.
[20:33] <04@Kotono> 8th level is Discern fucking Location. Lost carkeys or your car? What about that girl yo uremember being hot. BAM. Done.
[20:33] <04@Kotono> I'd actually go with Gate for 9th level. Instant trip to a fucking out of this world drunken adventure.
[20:33] * Yuthirin approves.
[20:34] <Yuthirin> HOUSERULE IT.
[20:34] <Yuthirin> Or put it in Custom material.
[20:35] <04@Kotono> Custom domani power: +4 bonus vs poison saves, since your liver is made of cast iron and spits that cirrosis shit out doublequick.

Because I still think it should happen.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Quote from: Corwin on March 28, 2012, 11:05:08 AM
Spoiler: ShowHide
My own thoughts on armies. I think that we don't really need an airforce. I also feel that rather than a single pillar we could have several, much like in our attack on Earthfall. So I think it might be neat to break our forces down into three main armies, and supplement them with taskforces roughly half their size that are purpose-built and will be diverted to address any issues. Naturally, said taskforces could also have their own thing, such as scouting should we need to rely on that first.

All the different troops will train with each other and learn the other's weaknesses and strengths, not to mention build camraderie and iron out any disagreements. The officers should work reasonably well together, and have a mix of might and magic to handle various situations they might find themselves in. Each army is largely self-sufficient, and has moderate scouting and healing abilities, and naturally a solid combat base.
3 main armies: 440 in each
150 Ysgardian regulars
60 elven warriors
40 catfolk warriors
40 air elementals (Chan)
30 Ysgardian warriors
30 Graceful Blow students
15 air elementals (Cauldron)
15 water elementals (Cauldron)
15 earth elementals (Cauldron)
15 fire elementals (Cauldron)
10 firre warriors/clerics
10 tortles
10 courre scouts
Officers: (1) Drena, Dana, The Master; (2) Mirima, Misalea, Sylvie; (3) Crystal, Lief, Canderella.
In command: PCs, ideally? If not, then the first/second choice listed for each army should do well.

The idea is to have a force that is largely light and swift, and can respond far more quickly to any situation or need for reinforcements. The situation at Earthfall where Afina and Willim fell back with the air elementals comes to mind here, but it could also double for scouting and for hit and run/harrassment tactics.
1 rapid response force: 254
65 air elementals (Chan)
66 dire wolves
43 catfolk
40 pixies from Lifasa
40 courre scouts
Officers: Annalise, Tannin, Arrel
In command: PCs, Annalise or Tannin, depending on the situation.

Magic is really what makes or breaks things in D&D3.5 and battles aren't any different. This mage-oriented force could either serve as artillery or provide aid (having lots and lots of clerics) or buff or debuff and basically be fairly multi-purpose. And since mages are usually squishier and not that suited for melee, they have some really strong defenders attached to them.
1 mage-heavy force: 199
47 firre warriors/clerics
50 Ysgardian regulars
45 Graceful Blow students
20 air elementals (Chan)
12 githyanki acolytes
12 earth elementals (Earth)
8 Ysgardian warriors
5 cloud giants
Officers: Hanna, Kascha, Sage Vul'lath
In command: PCs, Hanna or Kascha, depending on the situation.

I suppose this is really the same as a reserve, but I can entirely see it being sufficient to hold Aurora indefinitely for us, thus freeing our main force(s) for attacking/responding/counter-attacking.
Aurora defense: 147
51 elven warriors
31 refugee warrios from Lifasa
25 conflagration oozes
13 tortles
7 courre scouts
5 air elementals (Cauldron)
5 water elementals (Cauldron)
5 earth elementals (Cauldron)
5 fire elementals (Cauldron)
Officers: Adrian, Baleruk, The Jarl, Elder Magi Teppen
In command: Gisfal

Once we get more troops, we'll break them up three ways, and integrate them into the armies. The remainder will go into the Aurora defense/reserve, and integrate with the forces there. In the case of exceptional forces (i.e. forces very much suitable towards mageness, sneakiness, top speed or whichever else we might come across) we could just create more special forces. For example, the fast response taskforce is a bit large right now, and we can always create two different ones if it ever grew almost as large as an army.

Do you want to factor in the new troops from Sylica for this, guys? Otherwise I'll add it to the crusade topic.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Does anyone think that offering a reward for captured devils or information about the Lifasan traitors would be a good idea?
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Was just going to post about it, Dune. Each 'main' army gets 15 Sylican troops, and the 5 left are wrapped into the Aurora defense. The 50 spiders all go into the recon force for now. Once we get more swift/stealthy units, we can split those up better into two groups.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Post an updated version here and I'll add it.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Yuthirin on April 02, 2012, 02:15:51 PM
Does anyone think that offering a reward for captured devils or information about the Lifasan traitors would be a good idea?

I kinda think it's cooler if we fight devils before throwing them in jail instead of buying them on the market.

Re: traitors, I would rather not. Anything we make public leads to inferences about us. In this case, the inference that we don't know enough about the traitors and don't have the means to do it. Plus they'll just send you misinformation.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


Quote from: Corwin on April 02, 2012, 03:02:38 PM
I kinda think it's cooler if we fight devils before throwing them in jail instead of buying them on the market.

Re: traitors, I would rather not. Anything we make public leads to inferences about us. In this case, the inference that we don't know enough about the traitors and don't have the means to do it. Plus they'll just send you misinformation.

What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


My own thoughts on armies. I think that we don't really need an airforce. I also feel that rather than a single pillar we could have several, much like in our attack on Earthfall. So I think it might be neat to break our forces down into three main armies, and supplement them with taskforces roughly half their size that are purpose-built and will be diverted to address any issues. Naturally, said taskforces could also have their own thing, such as scouting should we need to rely on that first.

All the different troops will train with each other and learn the other's weaknesses and strengths, not to mention build camraderie and iron out any disagreements. The officers should work reasonably well together, and have a mix of might and magic to handle various situations they might find themselves in. Each army is largely self-sufficient, and has moderate scouting and healing abilities, and naturally a solid combat base.
3 main armies: 455 in each
150 Ysgardian regulars
60 elven warriors
40 catfolk warriors
40 air elementals (Chan)
30 Ysgardian warriors
30 Graceful Blow students
15 air elementals (Cauldron)
15 water elementals (Cauldron)
15 earth elementals (Cauldron)
15 fire elementals (Cauldron)
15 Sylican regulars
10 firre warriors/clerics
10 tortles
10 courre scouts
Officers: (1) Drena, Dana, The Master; (2) Mirima, Misalea, Sylvie; (3) Crystal, Lief, Canderella.
In command: PCs, ideally? If not, then the first/second choice listed for each army should do well.

The idea is to have a force that is largely light and swift, and can respond far more quickly to any situation or need for reinforcements. The situation at Earthfall where Afina and Willim fell back with the air elementals comes to mind here, but it could also double for scouting and for hit and run/harrassment tactics.
1 rapid response force: 304
65 air elementals (Chan)
66 dire wolves
50 phase spiders
43 catfolk
40 pixies from Lifasa
40 courre scouts
Officers: Annalise, Tannin, Arrel
In command: PCs, Annalise or Tannin, depending on the situation.

Magic is really what makes or breaks things in D&D3.5 and battles aren't any different. This mage-oriented force could either serve as artillery or provide aid (having lots and lots of clerics) or buff or debuff and basically be fairly multi-purpose. And since mages are usually squishier and not that suited for melee, they have some really strong defenders attached to them.
1 mage-heavy force: 199
50 Ysgardian regulars
47 firre warriors/clerics
45 Graceful Blow students
20 air elementals (Chan)
12 githyanki acolytes
12 earth elementals (Earth)
8 Ysgardian warriors
5 cloud giants
Officers: Hanna, Kascha, Sage Vul'lath
In command: PCs, Hanna or Kascha, depending on the situation.

I suppose this is really the same as a reserve, but I can entirely see it being sufficient to hold Aurora indefinitely for us, thus freeing our main force(s) for attacking/responding/counter-attacking.
Aurora defense: 152
51 elven warriors
31 refugee warrios from Lifasa
25 conflagration oozes
13 tortles
7 courre scouts
5 Sylica regulars
5 air elementals (Cauldron)
5 water elementals (Cauldron)
5 earth elementals (Cauldron)
5 fire elementals (Cauldron)
Officers: Adrian, Baleruk, The Jarl, Elder Magi Teppen, Ebony
In command: Gisfal

Once we get more troops, we'll break them up three ways, and integrate them into the armies. The remainder will go into the Aurora defense/reserve, and integrate with the forces there. In the case of exceptional forces (i.e. forces very much suitable towards mageness, sneakiness, top speed or whichever else we might come across) we could just create more special forces. For example, the fast response taskforce is a bit large right now, and we can always create two different ones if it ever grew almost as large as an army.
<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Todo today.

1. Yuth PrC.
2. Log fragments to Cor.
3. Finalize army information above, barring more debate or alterations.
4. Worldmeet Glade info check and ruling for Yuth.
5. Ebony post + Sylica forces added to army.
6. Check wilding clasp+weapon, was discussion in chat that one doesn't work with a weapon. Will look into it.
7. Post unmatter info Yuth and company turned up.
8. Post information from the books the Guardian gave you.
9. Post Kascha's completed question and answer session with the Guardian.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?