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Random DM nagging.

Started by Anastasia, August 06, 2011, 10:56:41 AM

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Quote from: Yuthirin on November 19, 2012, 12:12:52 AM
Kill the Father, woo Vivantha, annoy Jaela, tout dragonity in front of Baleruk, and see Lifasa reclaimed.

I'll settle for whatever though.

<Steph> I might have made a terrible mistake


To be honest, I usually don't stat out redeemable items until it happens or is close to happening. I usually do have some ideas in my head, which may or may be followed. Ferrum Incendia would become a ring of peace and defense, gaining a +5 deflection bonus to armor class and possibly give hellfire resistance 10. While not a lot, hellfire resistance is generally unheard of, so I feel that's a good prize. I'd probably write it so that it applies to goldenfire or searing fire too.

As for the hammer, it would depend how you satisfied the conditions. I had it marked as 'something powerful/worthwhile', so it would've been epic and/or a minor artifact. The quest to redeem it was quite challenging, even with some outside the box thinking.

Edit: This isn't 4chan, don't post image macros like it is. Seriously here, all big global mod voice and all.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Are they all lesbians?! or Why are there so many girls that like girls in Balmuria?


In all seriousness, it's a side effect of male players playing female characters plus having a lot of female NPCs. There's the occasional bit of IC speculation/justification about it, but that's really just nodding to the reality of it. I try to play it down on occasion (and I sort of regret Cor ended up in another pair of 'em in B3, since it wasn't planned. Variety would have been nice) as well, but I mostly treat it like it's not much of a big deal.

On an incidental note, I keep casual track of NPC preferences. This is purely for the sake of roleplaying, so you can put down your pitchforms and accusations of being creepy. I can manage being creepy without that anyway, thank you very much. Anyway, I view sexuality as a facet of a character as much as their personality or hair color. It's a part of the greater whole and should be duly considered. It shouldn't be the defining trait unless they're a person would make it thus. The one person who I felt came close to that was Mirima, and I made sure to add several dollops of excitement seeker and fiery passion to her composition.

Anyway, a lot of the realistic problems involving lesbians, such as discrimination, possible religious persecution and even children, are generally bypassed. While the latter can be justifiably handwaved by magic, I prefer to avoid genuine social/political issues in D&D. Like it or not, gay rights are a social issue. Therefore I avoid the issue. The last thing I want to do is haul hot button issues into gaming. That's a great way to derail things, cause dumbass arguments and sow discord.

For what it's worth, deities and religions in Balmuria tend to take a neutral stance on homosexuality unless there's make-sense reasons otherwise. For example, Sharess is the Goddess of Pleasure and Sex. That's an all inclusive sex, so she doesn't stop at heterosexual sex. On the other hand, part of Lathander's portfolio is newborn life. His clergy has a reasonable cause to oppose and discourage the practice, as barring magic it doesn't produce more newborn lives. With D&D if one deity doesn't fit, you can just go to another one anyway, so one particular deity's stance isn't that big a deal.

So any case, it tends not to be a big deal. But it's worth exploring, or at least I think so.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Corwin on November 19, 2012, 12:18:09 AM
Quote from: Yuthirin on November 19, 2012, 12:12:52 AM
Kill the Father, woo Vivantha, annoy Jaela, tout dragonity in front of Baleruk, and see Lifasa reclaimed.

I'll settle for whatever though.


Cause it's fun! I wasn't being serious.
What if they're not stars at all? What if the night sky is full of titanic far-off lidless eyes, staring in all directions across eternity?


Added Mirajane to the Tablet of Destiny. Her spells aren't done, but fuck it. I at least want her up since I finished her otherwise.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Anastasia on November 19, 2012, 12:34:03 AMAre they all lesbians?! or Why are there so many girls that like girls in Balmuria?

I didn't really think we had that many lesbians? Yes, there were definitely a lot of female characters, PC and NPC, but there wasn't exactly that many lesbians either. Actually, outside of Jaela and Mirima, were any characters strictly lesbian? Even if you were to count the bisexual ones, I don't think there were that many more to add to the list.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Unseen Needle
Conjuration (Creation)/Illusion (Glamer)
Level: Sor/Wiz 10, Asn 7
Components: M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25ft + 5ft 2/levels)
Effect: One invisible needle
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

This spell conjures up a small, invisible needle that flies towards a chosen target. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target. If you strike, you deal 1d6 points of damage per caster level  (maximum 25d6). As this spell lacks verbal and somatic components, this spell is nearly undetectable. Any creature that cannot see invisibility does not notice this spell being cast. They are treated as being flatfooted against it, including allowing the caster to inflict sneak attack damage, if they possess any. A creature that does not notice this spell cannot use spellcraft to analyze the spell, as they were not aware a spell was even cast. Creatures that can see invisibility defend as normal from the spell, but they cannot tell from where the spell came from.

Material Component

A tiny silver needle. This needle does not need to be handled by the caster and need only be on his person. It vanishes silently when the spell is cast.

Simmer's Contagious Fireburst
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Sor/Wiz 10
Range: Burst of fire extending 15ft from you

This spell functions as fireburst, except that it affects all creatures within 15ft of you and deals 20d10 fire damage. A creature killed or destroyed by this spell instantly detonates in an identical secondary fireburst, affecting all creatures within range. Each fireburst is considered a separate instance of the spell, though it uses the same saving throws, damage rolls, caster level checks to overcome spell resistance and so forth as the initial burst. Any metamagic that affects this spell affects any other firebursts created by this spell.

The caster is immune to any secondary firebursts creatued by her casting of this spell.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Quote from: Merc on November 19, 2012, 12:59:03 AM
Quote from: Anastasia on November 19, 2012, 12:34:03 AMAre they all lesbians?! or Why are there so many girls that like girls in Balmuria?

I didn't really think we had that many lesbians? Yes, there were definitely a lot of female characters, PC and NPC, but there wasn't exactly that many lesbians either. Actually, outside of Jaela and Mirima, were any characters strictly lesbian? Even if you were to count the bisexual ones, I don't think there were that many more to add to the list.


Crystal may have had a few leanings that way. Nothing with Afina, but with Queen Ilsenine instead. Back when I designed the fey realm trip, it was with Afina in mind. If you recall, Ilsenine had vivid nightmares during this time. Crystal slept in the same bed to comfort her and hold her through the Hell-inspired terrors, a role Afina would have taken had she not fell into Magmaheart. In such a situation, I had allowed for the chance something romantic may have happened. A sort of needy relief that could inspire all sorts of dramatic feelings (or be swept under the rug as an event of necessity and nothing more). In Crystal's case I decided it was best left ambiguous. Maybe it happened, maybe it didn't, either way it has no impact on Crystal or Ilsenine. So it's possible she did something with Ilsenine. I don't think it's a question that's important to answer.

Hanna mentioned a few romantic encounters with women in the past, but she's wholly straight. When you live for eternity and have pure Chaos in your blood, sometimes an overwhelming need for change and variety leads to unexpected things. Plus in the Court of Stars those relationships are far more common, to the point where Queen Morwel has a male and a female consort. She wouldn't identify as lesbian at all, but she knows her way around those hills.

Canderella goes both ways. This should be no surprise, as succubi are succubi, even if no longer wholly evil. To be honest, the sex isn't what Canderella gets out of a relationship anyway. What she does get isn't gender specific.

I have it in my head that Ebony prefers girls, but she's not the type to mention it or mix it with her official business. She wasn't the type to admit to it or hint to it, so it's purely academic. She probably got the same bug that infected Alicia and Antenora.

I had a faint notion Rosa had her first relationship with a female instructor. Didn't go much past that, just a vague idea to play with for future depth.

So that's six before counting Mirima or Annalise. Elrisa, despite being a horrible stereotype of all the Graceful Blow hubris, was firmly straight. Tannin might've been gay or bi, but I confess zero interest in exploring that so it went nowhere. Just felt he might be.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


You actually posted straight for Tannin in the character archive thingie.

I was figuring Crystal/Ilsenine/Canderella/Annalise in the bi department. Ebony was a question mark for me, though I suspected straight or bi. Hanna I figured was straight for the most part. Most of the other characters I also considered straight. So yeah, I didn't really think Aurora as a whole had lesbian leanings.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Quote from: Merc on November 19, 2012, 01:16:15 AM
You actually posted straight for Tannin in the character archive thingie.

Yeah, I know. I did that since it wasn't worth dredging up, as I had zero interest in exploring that.

QuoteI was figuring Crystal/Ilsenine/Canderella/Annalise in the bi department. Ebony was a question mark for me, though I suspected straight or bi. Hanna I figured was straight for the most part. Most of the other characters I also considered straight. So yeah, I didn't really think Aurora as a whole had lesbian leanings.

What pinged you towards Ilsenine? I can reckon why with the others, but that one eludes me. Edit: Maybe it's just me or projecting from other games, but when about half of the female NPC cast swing/have swung that way, I consider that enough to say lesbian leanings on the whole. Actually, how many female NPCs are there? 15 not counting Mirajane (too new). That's about close to half.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Nothing in particular, but at the very least after what she went through, she probably wouldn't have very strong leanings towards males for a while, I figured. Bi just seemed a good bet in any case.

The characters I probably wouldn't have been able to comment on are the ones that joined after Simmer, since I never really interacted with any of them except for briefly Rosa.
<Cidward> God willing, we'll all meet in Buttquest 2: The Quest for More Butts.


Quote from: Merc on November 19, 2012, 01:24:23 AM
Nothing in particular, but at the very least after what she went through, she probably wouldn't have very strong leanings towards males for a while, I figured. Bi just seemed a good bet in any case.

The characters I probably wouldn't have been able to comment on are the ones that joined after Simmer, since I never really interacted with any of them except for briefly Rosa.

Yeah. There was a bit of character overload by that point and none of them tied into Ithea much.

To be honest, I have an image of Ilsenine not caring that much about gender as much as someone to order around as she plays Queen in the bedroom. I dunno, the image of a tiny fairy wearing the stereotypical dominatrix leather outfit and whip amuses me to no end.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


An idea I didn't continue. It's not strictly Balmuria 3 but I'm posting it here. I may do something like this in the future.

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Arcane Trickster

Used: Seira.

Rating: 7/10

This is a decent PrC. It's a rogue/wizard fusion class and achieves that well enough. With full casting progression, some sneak attack progression and custom features, it delivers. In particular I always felt Arcane Trickster stood out in Seira's build. She uses its abilities and it didn't feel like there were dead levels with it. In particular ranged legenwhatever and improptu sneak attack both saw use.


Used: Celebrimbor Drake

Rating: 6/10

Crappy requirements but it's powers aren't bad. He only had a level or two of it so my opinion of it is minimal, but I have no complaints. Josa would've taken this between Candymancer 10 and epic, probably, had Balmuria 2 gone on that long. Giving up spell slots for class features stings.


Used: Jessica before rebuild (variant), a few baddies here and there.

Rating: 7.5/10

Ignoring the problems with death attack in Balmuria, it's a solid PrC that always pulls its weight. You get poison use, spells, sneak attack and hide in plain sight. It doesn't ever dominate a build, but it's competent and gets the job done. I respect the hell out of that for it.


Rating: 0/10

The class is functional, it's just obsolete with paladin of tyranny/slaughter. I suppose it helps if you're NE and want to evil it up, but I infinitely prefer using those as a base instead. I routinely look at it and decide to use those instead. Ah well. I don't allow dark blessing+divine grace to stack anyway, so that niche use of it goes out the window.

Dragon Disciple

Used: Donald

Rating: 5/10

It's okay, not great. It has the problem of being a casting class without spell progression. It's not really meant for serious casters anyway, so what the fuck ever. It does the job, though these days I prefer using the half dragon template instead. It is distinctive and it is felt in builds and RP, which I do appreciate.

Dwarven Defender

Used: Oberuth, Dana

Rating: 3/10.

This is a victim of the particular type of game I tend to run. Flying and mobility matter too much. It gives decent abilities anyway and good damage reduction progression. Besides defensive stance, none of it really feels like a huge gamechanger to me. Mediocre, is most likely better in different campaigns. Ah well.

Horizon Walker

Used: That fire giant you got Tinia's Regret from, a few other odds and ends cases.

Rating: 5/10.

4 points for the flavor and how well it stands out. It does have some nice niche abilities, like immunity to blasphemy and the like, dimension door and immunity to fatigue.  Most of it feels underwhelming as hell until you get to the planar masteries. I also dislike how it combos with ranger, despite being the obvious flavor choice to take it.

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Champion of Gwynharwyf

Used: Kamvakua in Planar

Rating: 9/10

Awesomely potent class, albeit an exalted one. It's a weird barbarian/paladin hybrid with most of the best points of both. Rage spellcasting stands out in particular. Great class, especially if you have the stats to pull it off well.

Emissary of Barachiel

Used: Nemiel (Reversed version, admittedly)

Rating: 6/10

Good flavor and I like it. DC=Diplo check is hideous broken, though it is effective at what it does. It's not a dominating class if you ignore that, but it pulls its weight and feels useful. I like the class if you houserule the DC issues.


Used: Naliel

Rating: 5/10.

It's okay. It's not superb but it brings well flavored abilities to the table. It could probably use a mechanical tweak of some sort, as what it gives isn't all that overwhelmingly good. Sorta blends in with a nature theme, since the abilities it gives are largely things a druid or ranger can do anyway.

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Mortal Hunter

Used by: Spark Hunters

Rating: 6/10

Odd one. Some strange design choices, like charisma based spellcasting and a wisdom based smite. Should be tweaked and updated for 3.5. I like it a lot though it could dove-tail with fiend abilities better. I almost made a Spark Hunter PrC based on this but ended up not.

Warrior of Darkness

Used by: Random bad guys.

Rating: 3/10.

My filler PrC, when I want a PrC for a bad guy but nothing else appeals. Gives a lot of vaguely useful abilities without a whole lot of overall coordination. Sorta like when I use fighter on a random monster, it's useful filler without changing its role much.

Champions of Valor:
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Triadic Knight

Used by: Eudard.

Rating: 6/10

Fun PrC, does what it sets out to do. I like the idea of pantheon/divine group PrCs like this. A possible ally from the House of the Triad was going to use this PrC, but the souring of relations over the scotched that idea.

Complete Adventurer:
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Used by: Sylvie (Abandoned)

Rating 3/10

Decent idea for a PrC, needs more oomph to compete. Skills are nice but they shouldn't be focused on to that degree. There are some nice abilities, though. It might be good in a gestalt where one side is factotum and the other is wizard or something? I dunno.


Used by: Tannin

Rating: Incomplete

Tannin hasn't gotten battle time. From using the class in design, I think it's a quirky beast of a PrC that could use a rewrite. Smite Guilty is oddly done, suggesting a city tie that the rest of the PrC doesn't really sell. The casting isn't bad but it's a bit odd, and quick search/hide isn't that useful.

<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


For those times wild magic is needed. I didn't do a wild magic dungeon in Balmuria 3, despite wanting to several times. This is a conversion of an old 2nd edition chart. 3rd edition wild magic is so boring.

1: Wall of Force appears 5ft in front of the caster.
2: Caster smells like a skunk for 1 hour, causing a -10 penalty to diplomacy checks to any creature that can smell the caster.
3: Caster shoots forth 8 non-poisonous snakes from her fingers, they are not hostile unless provoked.
4: Caster's clothes itch, resulting in a -2 penalty to all rolls.
5: Caster glows as per a light spell.
6: Spell effect has a radius of 60ft, centered on the caster.
7: Next phrase spoken by the caster comes true, with a duration of 1 minute. For the sake of what this can and cannot do, treat this as a wish spell.
8: Caster's hair grows one foot in length.
9: Caster instantly pivots 180 degrees.
10: Caster's face is blackened by a small explosion. This deals 1 point of fire damage.
11: Caster develops an allergy to her magical items, cannot control sneezing until all of them are removed. This allergy lasts for 1d6*10 minutes. Treat a sneezing caster as dazed, though she may remove a single magical item per round.
12: Caster's head triples in size for 1d3*10 minutes.
13: Caster is affected as if by a reduce person spell for 1d3*10 minutes.
14: Caster madly falls in love with the target until a remove curse spell is cast.
15: Spell cannot be dismissed by the caster.
16: Caster changes shape randomly each round for 10 minutes, as if by an alter self spell.
17: Colorful bubbles come out of caster's mouth instead of words (words are released when bubbles pop); spells with verbal components cannot be cast for 1 minute.
18: All people within 60ft of the caster, including the caster, cannot communicate with verbal languages for 10 minutes. A DC 25 will save negates this effect. This is a mind-affecting ability.
19: Wall of Fire encircles the caster.
20: Caster's feet enlarge, reducing movement to half and adding a -4 penalty to initiative rolls for 10 minutes.
21: Caster suffers same effect as target.
22: Caster levitates 20ft off ground for 1d4*10 minutes.
23: Fear effect in a 60ft radius around caster, treat as a fear spell with a DC of 25. The caster is not subject to this, but all other creatures in the radius are.
24: Caster speaks in a squeaky voice for 1d6 days.
25: Caster gains x-ray vision for 1d6 minutes.
26: Caster ages 10 years.
27: Silence effect in a 20ft radius around caster.
28: 50ft pit appears in the ground beneath the caster. A DC 25 reflex save allows the caster to avoid falling in, as well as anyone else in his square.
29: Caster is subject to a reverse gravity effect for 1 round.
30: Colored streamers pour from caster's fingertips.
31: Spell effects rebounds onto the caster.
32: Caster becomes invisible for 1d6*10 minutes. Treat this as greater invisibility.
33: Color spray comes out from the caster's hands.
34: Stream of butterflies pours from the caster's mouth.
35: Caster leaves large monster footprints instead of her until she receives a remove curse.
36: 3d10 gems shoot from the caster's fingertips, each one is worth 1d6*10 gp.
37: Music fills the air around the caster for 1 round.
38: The spell is instead create food and water in front of the caster.
39: All normal fires within 60ft of the caster are extinguished.
40: One magical item within 30ft of the caster is permanently rendered non-magical.
41: One normal item within 30ft of the caster becomes a magical item.
42: All magical weapons within 30ft of the caster gain an additional +2 enhancement bonus for 10 minutes.
43: Smoke trickles from the ears of all creatures within 60 feet of the caster for 10 minutes.
44: Dancing lights of all colors surround the caster for 1d6*10 minutes.
45: All creatures within 30 feet of the caster begin to hiccup (-1 penalty to attack rolls and initiative checks).
46: All normal doors, secret doors, portcullises, etc. (including those locked or barred) within 60 feet of the caster swing open.
47: Caster and target exchange places.
48: Spell affects random target within 60 feet of caster.
49: Spell fails but is not used up.
50: The spell summons a monster, as if by a summon monster 2 spell. The creature serves the caster as normal.
51: Sudden change in weather (temperature rise, snow, rain, etc.) lasting 1 hour.
52: Deafening bang affects everyone within 60 feet; those who can hear must make a DC 25 fortitude save or be stunned and deafened for 1d3 rounds.
53: Caster and target exchange voices until a remove curse is cast.
54: Gate opens to a randomly chosen Outer Plane; 50% chance for extraplanar creature to appear. Gate lasts for 1 round and may be passed through.
55: Spell functions, but shrieks like a shrieker.
56: Spell effectiveness (range, duration, area of effect, damage, etc.) decreases by 50%.
57: Spell effect is reversed if possible. A healing spell deals damage instead, a haste spell slows and so on and so forth. If not possible, the spell fails.
58: Spell takes form as a living spell for the duration of its effect. It is hostile to everyone.
59: All weapons within 60 feet of the caster glow for 1d4 rounds.
60: Spell functions; any applicable saving throw has a -10 penalty.
61: Spell appears to fail when cast, but occurs 1d4 rounds later.
62: All magical items within 60 feet of caster glow for 2d8 days.
63: Caster and target switch personalities for 2d10 minutes.
64: Slow spell centered on the target.
65: Target confused as if the spell was a confuse spell. He is allowed a saving throw for confuse as normal.
66: Lightning bolt spell shoots towards target.
67: Target is affected as if by an enlarge person spell.
68: Darkness centered on target.
69: Caster is lustful and amorous for 1d6*10 minutes, seeking sex indiscriminately.
70: 1,000 lbs. of nonliving matter within 10 feet of target is disintegrated.
71: Fireball centered on the target.
72: Target is effected by a flesh to stone spell.
73: Spell is cast; material components and memory of spell are retained.
74: Everyone within 10 feet of caster receives the benefit of a heal spell.
75: Target becomes dizzy for 2d4 rounds (–4 attack rolls and armor class, cannot cast spells)
76: Wall of Ice encircles target.
77: Target is effected by a fly spell.
78: Target is effected by a blindness/deafness spell.
79: Target and caster are charmed to each other.
80: Target forgets the last 10 minutes.
81: 5d20 flies pour out from the caster's mouth.
82: Rust monster appears in front of the target. It is hostile to everyone.
83: Target changes race as if reincarnated; no other effects such as memory loss are incurred.
84: Target falls madly in love with caster until a remove curse is cast
85: Target changes sex.
86: Small, black raincloud forms over target.
87: Stinking cloud centers on target.
88: Heavy object (boulder, anvil, safe, etc.) appears over target and falls for 10d6 points of damage. A DC 25 reflex save halves this damage.
89: Target and caster change sex.
90: Spell has a 60ft radius centered on the caster, all within radius are affected.
91: Target is affected by an antimagic field that affects only him and any equipment on his person for 1d6*10 minutes.
92: Caster gains fast healing 10 for 1d10 minutes.
93: Target turns ethereal of 2d4 rounds.
94: Target is hastened for 1d10 rounds.
95: All cloth on target crumbles to dust. Magical equipment is allowed a DC 25 fortitude save to negate.
96: Target sprouts leaves (no damage caused, can be pruned without harm).
97: A dragon is summoned, as if by a greater draconic ally spell. The dragon is neutral towards everyone.
98: Target changes color.
99: Spell effects (Duration, damage, ect) are doubled.
100: Roll twice more, applying both effects. Multiple rolls of 100 stack.
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?


Adrian's opening story. I'm pretty sure it was cut off IC. The last bit about Tepen's escape was changed up anyway, I believe.

Come and listen 'round the fire. Sit down and put aside the weight of years that you carry, it's a heavy burden. Close your eyes and smell the scent of the crackling fire. I remember when my Dad gave me bread and milk after playing all day, sat me down before the fire and told me stories. When I close my eyes, I can remember the scent of smoke. Aaaah...

It all started a long time ago. All the good stories are like that, aren't they? The past is always sweeter than the boring present and the uncertain future. As you know now, Creation is vast. The gem of Creation is the Prime Material Plane. It is an infinite prism, each reflection of light another full world. Infinity is something we can't really understand...but if you close your eyes and imagine it...just like that, I think you can see it. Do you? Look closer. Look deeper into that prism. Look at the world I speak of, see it's reflection in your mind's eye.

A long, long time ago a powerful sorcerer known as Medi rose to greatness. Do you remember the stories of Fol, King of the Ascended Throne of Heaven? What of Cleric-King Darral, or a dozen other heroes of Lifasa? Medi was all of them and more. In his reality he was burn near the End Times, when all would be rent asunder by ruin and the Triad would bring judgment to the wicked and salvation to the faithful. A dreadful time, a wondrous time! A time for heroes! Medi was truly the greatest...the legends say that he found where the avatar of ruin was held before his destined release. So great were his arts and hubris that he went to this place to challenge the avatar. In a battle like none other he destroyed the seed of destruction that had slept in his world since it's creation. See in your mind's eye as a hero changes the destiny of an entire world...! Such was his sorcery that he vanquished the inevitable destiny!

With the world's fate changed and his victory making him a hero in all the world, Medi took rule of the world. He ordered all the world's resources mustered to build a great fortress. A castle that could move on it's own, a mobile throne. Imagine as decades and centuries pass, magic unimaginable wrought to create it! On it's completion he dubbed it Medicant and declared that the battle was not over. In his studies he had gained the wisdom of the Gods themselves, and knew that there were more battles to be waged. His grand castle would leave this world and at last take the battle to the sources of ruination themselves! A great gate was opened and Medicant's crusade began. Lo, did he got to the heart of evil where he waged a great war. But at last, his hubris had gone too far.

The battle is only spoken of in the softest whispers. It is said that he went to lay siege to the various Hells, his castle striking fear into fiends high and wide! Yet, in his folly he believed he could defeat all the infinity of Evil in it's home. Perhaps he had the might to do so. But the fiends whisper into the hearts of mortals. Poisonous whispers filled the ears of his trusted advisers and allies, turning them against him. Under fierce assault from the fiends, Medi had no chance when his own commanders turned against him. Struck with a mortal wound and cursed by the breath of vast hordes of fiends, Medi fell. A cheer went up amid the fiends, for victory was theirs! Boldly did they stride forward, seeking to claim Medicant for themselves!

Imagine your life's work lost. Imagine yourself on the brink of death, just like Lifasa. Imagine as dying eyes shed final tears of regret, as all his will mustered for one last spell. A terrible curse, one that took away Medicant from where it is, forever lost! Great did the fiends howl in frustration, the prize lost to them! Countless aeons have passed since then...

Open your eyes now. It's a sad story, a tragedy. A great man's unceasing ambition lead him to the heights of power, but ultimately to a foe he could not overcome. Lifasa's fate is a similar tale of woe and despair, isn't it? But where ever did Medicant go? Through the times many have searched for it but none have succeeded! Listen to me once more, for I turn to a story of hope. Close your eyes again and imagine that last day of Lifasa, when Abigor, may all the Heavens strike him down, set foot on our world.

I was to evacuate all I could within the Castle of the White Swan. We knew the battle was lost once Abigor came. Hell had struck so decisively that we were hopelessly doomed. I opened all the portals I could, evacuating any who wished to flee. The royal family chose to stay, to confront Abigor with the same bravery that lead Fol against The Adversary. I begged all that would come, casting spell after spell! Yet so many stayed...

I'm sorry. Ahem. I cast until I could cast no more, and drew on my life force to cast more. I don't remember it very well. It was a haze of nightmares. One memory stays. One of the giant red tyrants stood over me. A Pit Fiend, if you've since learned what they call themselves. It raised a huge sword over me, ready to plunge it down! Somehow I cast one last spell, fading away as the blade would have cleaved my skull. I don't need to remind you, do I?

I was lost in dreams. I was lost in a sea of dreams for months. Nightmares and dreamscapes, my friends. But one dream stays amid them. A dream of a tome tucked away. A tome tucked away in a lost place, one that was seared into my dreams. A tome...a tome that I know that holds hope! A tome that I know in my soul that holds where Medicant lies! I know that if we are to ever fight back against Baator and save Lifasa, we need Medicant!
<Afina> Imagine a tiny pixie boot stamping on a devil's face.
<Afina> Forever.

<Yuthirin> Afina, giant parasitic rainbow space whale.
<IronDragoon> I mean, why not?